No. Title Date
1 M. S. Roberti Morrison, D. D. viri acerrimo ad magnos labores subeundos ingenio praediti, qui linguae sinicae thesaurum ingens opus, decem post annos complevit, moriensque reliquit, patronis honorem, patriae decus, genti humanae lucrum. Versionem necnon sanctorum scriptorum, adjuvante Guliermo Milne, D.D. in usum sinensium perpecit. Annos circiter LII vixit. -- Mortem obiit die primo mensis Augusti, A.D.MDCCCXXXIV. Hae tibi erunt laudes, Sinae patefacta Britannis linguaque, mensque simul. -- Vita sacrata Deo,
2 [Letter cover, posted in 1834, to 'The Sanctuary of the London Missionary Society, Austin Friars'
3 Pang'ono, pang'ono, ku werenga tshinyanja
4 Robert Morrison of China : centenary of a great missionary
5 Missing Title
6 Three manuscript volumes showing records kept by Dr. Lockhart
7 ‏معانی الاخبار
8 الاربعون الودعانییة في المواعظ والخطب والاحاديث
9 Notebooks on the Malay Peninsula
10 Notebooks on the Malay Peninsula
11 Notebooks on the Malay Peninsula
12 Notebooks on the Malay Peninsula
13 Notebooks on the Malay Peninsula
14 Notebooks on the Malay Peninsula
15 Real Robert Morrison
16 Notebooks on the Malay Peninsula
17 عقيدة اهل التوحيد الصغرى
18 القرآن
19 عقيدة اهل التوحيد الصغرى
20 ANS0000776_00001