No. Title Date
1 Les 3 Graces [The 3 Graces]
2 Aya knows why cats paint! "Parceque les chiens ne savent pas peindre!" [Aya knows why cats paint because dogs don't know how to paint!]
3 Aya Musas picture
4 Beaucoup didées mais pas de Petrole [A lot of ideas but no oil]
5 Les Bons Negociateurs [The Good Negociaters [sic]]
6 Cena Musa [Musas Last Supper 3]
7 Skip Navigation Links.
8 Cena with Little Red Riding Hood
9 Crucifixion with African labour
10 Skip Navigation Links.
11 La Disparition de la Vierge Marie du Vol Charter Paris-Bamako [The disappearance of the Virgin Mary on the flight from Paris to Bamako]
12 Skip Navigation Links.
13 Skip Navigation Links.
14 Skip Navigation Links.
15 L'Union fait la force ou commend, en eliminant St. George, les dragons de Jurassic Park ont garder la Vache qui Rit [Unity makes strength or commend, by eliminating St. George, Jurassic Parks dragons have keep the cow laughing]
16 The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian Par Avion By Air Mail Art
17 Masques Africains
18 Notice d'Utilisation des Baguettes et des Carottes [Instructions for use with bagettes/bread and carrots]
19 Notre Ami le Roi [Our Friend the King]
20 Self Portrait in black mood while everybody is having fun!