No. Title Date
1 Corpse platform in the forest
2 Field huts and living houses in slash and burn fields
3 Field huts and living houses in slash and burn fields
4 Girl sitting on the ground weaving
5 Girl sitting on the ground weaving
6 Girl sitting on the ground weaving
7 Girl sitting on the ground weaving
8 Girl sitting on the ground weaving
9 Girl wearing brass armlets, loincloth and necklace
10 Girl wearing brass armlets, loincloth and necklace
11 Girl wearing brass armlets, loincloth and necklace
12 Girl wearing loincloth
13 Girl wearing loincloth
14 Grave in the forest
15 Group of children and man standing in front of a group of houses
16 Group of children and teachers posing
17 Group of children and teachers posing
18 Group of children and teachers posing
19 Group of men squatting around a fireplace
20 Inside of a house with fireplace