No. Title Date
1 Aperçu historique et analytique du droit Hindou suivi d'une notice sur le régime judiciaire et administratif des établissements français dans l'Inde
2 Administrative Code of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu : containing a compilation of the acts of the former Legislative Council, together with department executive orders organizing and delimiting municipal districts, and circulars issued by the department governor
3 Government of India act, 1919
4 Handbook for magistrates
5 Bengal act XIII of 1934 : the Bengal Wakf act 1934
6 Educational rules for Anglo-Vernacular and English schools
7 The constitution, rules & regulations of His Highness the Agakhan Ismailia Councils of Africa
8 The constitution, rules & regulations of His Highness the Agakhan Ismailia Councils of Africa
9 The constitution, rules & regulations of His Highness the Agakhan Ismailia Councils of Africa
10 Kitab Dalis : Arabic manuscript transcriptions of Darfur legal texts