No. Title Date
1 Betty von Fürer-Haimendorf distributing medicine to a group of Khampas
2 Betty von Fürer-Haimendorf distributing medicine to a group of Khampas
3 Betty von Fürer-Haimendorf distributing medicine to a group of Khampas
4 Betty von Fürer-Haimendorf distributing medicine to a group of Khampas
5 Group of people sitting on the ground
6 At the pass crossing into the Kali Gandaki valley
7 At the pass crossing into the Kali Gandaki valley
8 Yaks grazing at the pass crossing into the Kali Gandaki valley
9 Khampa camp
10 Group of people sitting on the ground
11 Khampa camp
12 Betty von Fürer-Haimendorf distributing medicine to a group of Khampas
13 Yaks grazing at the pass crossing into the Kali Gandaki valley
14 Yaks grazing at the pass crossing into the Kali Gandaki valley
15 Yaks grazing at the pass crossing into the Kali Gandaki valley
16 Yaks grazing at the pass crossing into the Kali Gandaki valley
17 Pass crossing into the Kali Gandaki valley
18 At the pass crossing into the Kali Gandaki valley