No. Title Date
1 Album regarding Wesleyan Methodist Missionary centenary in 1913
2 Archaeology and the prehistoric origins of the empire of Ghana
3 Biblia alō ṅoṅ̲lo ̲kok̲oe̲ la, le Ewegbe me
4 Contribution à l'étude des relations historique entre le Mandé et l'actuel Ghana
5 Gold Coast papers
6 Handwritten History book of the Ewe people of West Africa
7 Katekismu e no Kplon dô Dan-Ḥô-Mê gbe mê die
8 Masquerades among the urban Dyula of the Voltaic basin
9 Mfantsi grammar revised and enlarged
10 Narrative of the travels, &c of John Ishmael August James : an African of the Mandingo tribe, who was captured, sold into slavery, and subsequently liberated by a benevolent English Gentleman
11 Nyanyuie la, abe alesi Marko n̳lo̳e ene
12 Winneba swimming pool, July 1962
13 Winneba swimming pool, June 1962
14 Winneba swimming pool, June 1962