No. Title Date
1 Borneo : report for the year 1888 on the Territory of the British North Borneo Company
2 Memorandum on the administrative system of the State of North Borneo
3 Handbook of the State of British North Borneo : compiled from reports of the Governor and staff of North Borneo, with an appendix showing the progress and development of the State to the end of ...
4 Brief daily record by W.C. Cowie, (managing director of the British North Borneo Company), of matters in connection with his recent mission to Borneo
5 Handbook of the State of British North Borneo : compiled from reports of the Governor and staff of North Borneo, with an appendix showing the progress and development of the State to the end of ...
6 Handbook of the State of British North Borneo : compiled from reports of the Governor and staff of North Borneo, with an appendix showing the progress and development of the State to the end of ...