No. Title Date
1 Boy and a girl selling beads and pieces of Rādhākuṇḍ clay used for tilakas
2 Boy making tea
3 Causeway separating the two lakes (Rādhā Kuṇḍ and Śyām Kuṇḍ)
4 Man in a bazaar shop preparing sev (a kind of savoury)
5 Man sat in the street ironing kurtās
6 Pān seller
7 Rickshaw
8 Roadside dentist at work (photographed during Brahmotsava)
9 Shop selling brass, copper and aluminium pots and pans
10 Stall in the bazaar selling samosās and other savouries
11 Tonga in a narrow street
12 View across the lake
13 View across the lake
14 Wall in Bābā Kuñj Bihārī Das's room hung with paintings
15 Young man selling soft drinks