No. Title Date
1 Caravan drivers camping next to their unloaded transport goods
2 Caravan drivers camping next to their unloaded transport goods
3 Carrying baskets in front of a house
4 Carrying baskets in front of a house
5 Carrying yaks walking on a path on a hillside
6 Carved figure of a man riding a horse
7 Carved figure of a man riding a horse
8 Carved figure of a man riding a horse
9 Carved figure of a man riding a horse
10 Carved supports of a small house
11 Carved supports of a small house
12 Carved wooden figures
13 Carved wooden figures
14 Carved wooden figures
15 Carved wooden figures
16 Crops
17 Crops
18 Decorated wooden window frame
19 Decorated wooden window frame
20 Double chorten