No. Title Date
1 Raised water pipe on bamboos crossing a path
2 Water pipe bringing water into Chentang village
3 Head and hands hanging from poles
4 Head and hands hanging from poles
5 Chentang village
6 Chentang village
7 Chentang village
8 Major Williams sitting smoking a pipe
9 Thorn and bamboo palisade with a door made of hundreds of bamboo spikes
10 Grave platform for the corpse of a hunting dog
11 Group of men sitting round laughing
12 Crouching man huddled in a cloth
13 Crouching man huddled in a cloth
14 Putting up camp
15 Goat tethered to post
16 J.P. Mills sitting with little freed slave
17 J.P. Mills sitting with little freed slave
18 Tethered mithun demanded by J.P. Mills as a fine
19 Tethered mithun demanded by J.P. Mills as a fine
20 Tethered mithun demanded by J.P. Mills as a fine