No. Title Date
1 Histoire du Kachmir
2 Mémoire sur le traité fait entre Philippe-le-Hardi et le Roi de Tunis, en 1270, pour l'évacuation du territoire du Tunis par les Croisés
3 Letter from J. M. Philippe, 22 July 1830, Spanish Town
4 Letter from David Jones to Caroline Darby, dated 15 May 1839, Mauritius
5 Holloway Helmore (1815-1860)
6 Statement of claims of the British subjects interest in opium : surrendered to Captain Elliot at Canton for the Public Service
7 Letter from David Griffiths to L. Powell, dated 27 June 1840, Antananarivo
8 Letter from David Griffiths to L. Powell, dated 4 July 1840, Antananarivo
9 Letter from David Johnes to Rev. William Ellis, dated 20th July 1840, Antananarivo
10 Letter from L. Powell, dated 9 July 1840 , Tamatave [Toamasina]
11 Letter from David Jones to Rev. Arundale, dated 20 August 1840, onboard the Wellington
12 Letter from L. Powell, Tamatave [Toamasina] to Edward Baker, Mauritius, dated 8 May 1840
13 Malagasy hymn
14 Some pros and cons of the opium question : with a few suggestions regarding British claims on China : "Ratione non ira."
15 Correct report of the speech of Sir George Staunton, on Sir James Graham's motion on the China trade, in the House of Commons, April 7, 1840 : with an appendix, containing resolutions on the China trade, moved in the House of Commons, June 13, 1833
16 Letter from George Felix Gottlieb, 24 June 1841, Penang
17 Letter from George Felix Gottlieb, 12 November 1842, Penang
18 Letter from George Felix Gottlieb, 11 February 1846, Penang
19 Letter from Alexander Chisholm dated 1850 March 30, to A. Lidman [sic. Arthur Tidman]
20 Letter from John Barff dated 1850 August 10