No. Title Date
1 Han-i araha gucu hoki-i leolen
2 Launch of a hot-air balloon in St Petersburg and portraits of the Tsar and Tsarina of Russia, Alexander I and Elizabeth : exemplars
3 Letter from Leang A Fa and Ching Keu Teen, 03 February 1828, Canton
4 Rise and progress of British opium smuggling, and its effects upon India, China, and the commerce of Great Britain : four letters addressed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftsbury
5 Inquiry into the commercial liabilities and assets of China in international trade, etc.
6 An inquiry into the commercial liabilities and assets of China in international trade
7 Degrees of flooding and location of economic studies in the 1931 flooded areas in the Yangtze and Hwai River Valleys, China : form surveys made during November, 1931
8 立命館文學
9 立命館文學
10 立命館文學
11 立命館文學
12 立命館文學
13 立命館文學
14 事故命革志同章玉吳
15 上海音拼音識字課本
16 皖南事変
17 伏虎 : 独幕滑稽戏
18 社会主义新愚公 : 卫海铁工厂
19 前田本枕草子解說
20 前田本枕草子解說