No. Title Date
1 Actor Ichikawa Yaozō as Tachibanaya Hachirōbei and Segawa Kikunojō as Hamoya Otsuma in the play is "Awase Kosode Chishio no Some iro" performed in 1799 at Ichimura theatre
2 清眞齋拜日期表
3 Actor Ichikawa Omezō as a woodsman, carrying a bundle of faggots on his back and holding a pipe in his right hand
4 Actor Bandō Mitsugorō III as Isokai Tomohei on one knee gripping an umbrella under a crescent moon
5 Commemorative portrait of the actor Sawamura Sōjūro III on his death
6 Chinese conversations
7 早く 開かせたい
8 ちょっと 見て 貰いたい
9 早く 決めたい
10 良い日 お 拝みたい
11 三人の女性
12 ちょっと 会いたい
13 Kyokun Zenaku Kozō Zoroe
14 Kyokun Zenaku Kozō Zoroe
15 Inquiry into the commercial liabilities and assets of China in international trade, etc.
16 An inquiry into the commercial liabilities and assets of China in international trade
17 写真帖
18 新春对联
19 Degrees of flooding and location of economic studies in the 1931 flooded areas in the Yangtze and Hwai River Valleys, China : form surveys made during November, 1931
20 Work of the National Flood Relief Commission of the national government of China, August, 1931-June, 1932