No. Title Date
161 Conical bowl with wide mouth and small foot
162 Convention between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French, relative to joint captures in China : signed at Paris, February 22 1860
163 Copy engraving of Li Shigong, Chen Laoyi, and Rev Dr Morrison translating the Bible into the Chinese language
164 Copy of a torn to T. L. Bullock from Fergusson & Co., 21 May 1896
165 Copy of a torn to T. L. Bullock from [Fergusson & Co.], 23 May 1896
166 Copy of an agreement between Mr. John Pender Wake and Mr. Thomas T. Fergussun, Chefoo, 16th January 1889
167 Copy of extract from letter from Florence Liddell to Mr Northcott [London Missionary Society], 27 December 1945, Toronto, Canada,
168 Copy of letter from E. C. Huebener, American Presbyterian Mission to Florence Liddell, 8 November 1945, Shanghai, China
169 Copy of letter from Thomas Cocker Brown to Florence Liddell, 1 May 1945
170 Copy of letter from Thomas Cocker Brown to Florence Liddell, 29 June 1945
171 Copy of resolution passed at annual meeting of the North China District Committee held at Tsangchow, 13-16 February 1929
172 Correct report of the speech of Sir George Staunton, on Sir James Graham's motion on the China trade, in the House of Commons, April 7, 1840 : with an appendix, containing resolutions on the China trade, moved in the House of Commons, June 13, 1833
173 Corrected report of the speech of Sir George Staunton, on Lord Ashley's motion on the opium trade, in the House of Commons, April 4, 1843 : with introductory remarks, and an appendix
174 Correspondence relative to the actual value of the opium delivered up to the Chinese authorities in 1839
175 Correspondence relative to the difference between the number of chests of opium undertaken to be surrendered by Heerjeebhoy Rustumjee, and the number of chests actually surrendered by Heerjeebhoy Rustumjee
176 Correspondence relative to the International Opium Commission at Shanghae, 1909
177 Correspondence relative to the operations in the Canton river, April 1847
178 Correspondence respecting Christianity in China
179 Correspondence respecting emigration from Canton
180 Correspondence respecting the opium question in China