No. Title Date
141 Dedication of the Lee Periodical Reading Area
142 Skip Navigation Links.
143 Devani, S. C.: SOAS Library, Inter-Library Loans
144 Development news
145 Director, Sir Denison Ross, with staff of School of Oriental Studies, Finsbury Circus
146 Director, Sir Ralph Turner, with administrative staff
147 Director, Sir Ralph Turner, with Library staff
148 Director, Sir Ralph Turner, with Library staff
149 Disruptive innovation : SOAS Library, the Kuali Foundation and open source software systems
150 Dodwell, H. H.: Professor of Oriental History, Head of Department of History, 1922 - 1946
151 Dogra, Ramesh C.: SOAS Library, South Asia
152 Donation to SOAS Library of 'Records of the Hajj: A Documentary History of the Pilgrimage to Mecca' by J. M. Denning
153 Dr. Jieyu Liu giving an overview about the exhibition and giving thanks to those involved
154 Dr. Kratz visits the SOAS Library in 1997
155 Skip Navigation Links.
156 Drawing of a country church in the UK, cut out from a magazine
157 Driver, G. R.: Reader in Semitic Philology
158 Dulwich Play
159 Skip Navigation Links.
160 Early morning panorama of the space between the Brunei Gallery and Senate House