No. Title Date
1481 Photograph, 'Bunch & Gipsey'
1482 Photograph, 'Bunch & John'
1483 Photograph, 'Bunch on the deck of the "Malwa"'
1484 Photograph, 'Bund Foochow'
1485 Photograph, bungalow
1486 Photograph, 'Bungalow - Kuliang' [Guling, China]
1487 Photograph, bungalow with a path marked with white painted stones
1488 Photograph, 'Burlesque "Lady of Lyons"'
1489 Photograph, 'Burlesque 1888'
1490 Photograph, 'Burlesque 1888. Babes in the Wood'
1491 Photograph, 'Burlesque of Alladin [sic]'
1492 Photograph, C. Thorne on board a Japanese mail ship
1493 Photograph, 'Cangue'd Prisoners'
1494 Photograph, 'Cannes'
1495 Photograph, 'Cannes'
1496 Photograph captioned '"At Home" given at "Cambridge Villa", Nanking by Rev. & Mrs Malone'
1497 Photograph captioned '"My Boy", Tientsin'
1498 Photograph captioned '"Myrtlebank", Peak, Hong Kong'
1499 Photograph captioned '"Prince Henry", Nanking / 1900'
1500 Photograph captioned '"Prince Henry", Nanking / 1900'