No. Title Date
1341 Lessons in the Shanghai dialect
1342 Catalogue of coins in the Phayre Provincial Museum
1343 Photograph captioned 'Aigun Customs Headquarters staff, Taheiho, 1st January 1924'
1344 Photograph captioned 'Opening of Russian Consulate at Taheiho, North Manchuria, 1924'
1345 Photograph captioned 'Opening of Russian Consulate at Taheiho, North Manchuria, 1924'
1346 Photograph captioned 'Opening of Russian Consulate at Taheiho, North Manchuria, 1924 : R.F.C.H[edgeland] shaking hands with Russian Vice-consul'
1347 Photograph captioned 'Opening of Russian Consulate at Taheiho, North Manchuria, 1924 : Hoisting the Flag'
1348 Director, Sir Denison Ross, with staff of School of Oriental Studies, Finsbury Circus
1349 最初拓靈飛經
1350 Le poète tibétain Milarépa : ses crimes, ses épreuves, son Nirvāna
1351 Photograph captioned 'Aigun Customs Headquarters staff, Taheiho, Heilungkiang, North Manchuria, October, 1925'
1352 Photograph captioned 'Colonel Wu Shih-Chih [Wu Shichi], Garrison Commander at Aigun on the Amur, Heilungkiang, North Manchuria, 1925'
1353 Photograph captioned 'General Pa Ying-O, Defence Commissioner for the Province of Keilungkiang and Garrison Commander at Taheiho on the Amur, North Manchuria, 1925'
1354 Report by Annie Sydenham, Hong Kong, 1 September 1925
1355 Letter to Dora Wedlock from her Chinese dentist Dr. Y. C. Ku, of Wei-hai-wei
1356 Photograph captioned 'International Club, Taheiho, October, 1925'
1357 Photograph captioned 'International Club, Taheiho, October, 1925'
1358 Photograph captioned 'International Club, Taheiho, October, 1925'
1359 Photograph captioned 'International Club, Taheiho, October, 1925'
1360 Photograph captioned 'International Club, Taheiho, October, 1925'