No. Title Date
1061 China : Report for the year 1901 on the trade of Foochow
1062 China : Report for the year 1901 on the trade of Wuchow
1063 China : Report for the year 1901 on the trade of Kiungchow
1064 China : Report for the year 1901 on the trade of Wenchow
1065 China : Report for the year 1901 on the trade of Ichang
1066 China : Report for the year 1901 on the trade of China
1067 Group photograph of Imperial Chinese Customs staff, Naval College staff, and Chinese and British officials
1068 Photograph, interior of the British Episcopal Church Foochow with fans [Fuzhou, China]
1069 Photograph captioned 'Customs Hulk "Kwattsing" Senior Mess 1902'
1070 Photograph captioned 'Christmas Dinner 1902 at Commissioner’s House'
1071 Report by William Clayson, Canton [Guangzhou], 31 December 1902
1072 Report by Harry Stevens, Canton [Guangzhou], 8 January 1902
1073 Report by Charles Cousins, Poklo [Boluo], 1902
1074 Report by Ethel Wells, Canton [Guangzhou], 16 January 1902
1075 Report by Herbert Wells, Canton [Guangzhou], 1901
1076 Programme for a musical event at the Imperial Maritime Customs College
1077 China : Report for the year 1902 on the trade of Chefoo
1078 China : Report for the year 1902 on the trade of Pakhoi
1079 China : Report for the year 1902 on the trade of Ningpo
1080 China : Report for the year 1902 on the trade of Wenchow