No. Title Date
1021 Dancing woman : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
1022 Street crowd : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
1023 Pig slaughter and butchery : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
1024 As the Chinese see us
1025 Photograph captioned 'Codrington, Nanking, 17 April 1901'
1026 Letter to H. C. Brushfield, Shanghai, from Fergusson & Co., Chefoo & Weihaiwei, 18 March 1902
1027 Group photograph of Imperial Chinese Customs staff, Naval College staff, and Chinese and British officials
1028 Photograph, interior of the British Episcopal Church Foochow with fans [Fuzhou, China]
1029 Photograph captioned 'Customs Hulk "Kwattsing" Senior Mess 1902'
1030 Photograph captioned 'Christmas Dinner 1902 at Commissioner’s House'
1031 山海經
1032 Programme for a musical event at the Imperial Maritime Customs College
1033 Photograph, Arthur Hedgeland wearing dress uniform
1034 Photograph, R.F.C. Hedgeland's pony and trap
1035 Photograph, R.F.C. Hedgeland's pony and trap
1036 Group photograph of men at the Peking Club
1037 Photograph, R.F.C. Hedgeland and others on the steps of a building
1038 Photograph, R.F.C. Hedgeland and others on the steps of a building
1039 Group photograph including R.F.C. Hedgeland, his colleagues and his horse
1040 Photograph captioned 'Tientsin Railway Station 1903'