No. Title Date
841 The L.M.S. in China : a plan of study for missionary circles
842 Loading processed cotton onto a barge
843 Lun nyu, book of Conversation
844 Man smoking opium on a couch : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
845 Mandarin Braille : union system. Primer
846 Skip Navigation Links.
847 Skip Navigation Links.
848 Skip Navigation Links.
849 Map and history of Peiping : with explanatory booklet
850 Map of China and the adjacent countries : drawn from the latest surveys and other authentic documents …
851 Martyrs' memorial
852 The matriculation course in classical Tibetan
853 May you live long, your years be plenteous, and your seasons felicitous!
854 A mechanical device for raising water to paddy fields, Shanghai
855 A mechanical device for raising water to paddy fields, Shanghai
856 A mechanical device for raising water to paddy fields, Shanghai
857 Memorandum of agreement, 1 August 1882, between Anna Fergusson, wife of Thomas Tierney Fergusson, and Anna Marie Madeleine Fergusson, their daughter, regarding property in Chefoo
858 Memorandum of agreement, 1 August 1882, between Anna Fergusson, wife of Thomas Tierney Fergusson, and Anna Marie Madeleine Fergusson, their daughter, regarding property in Chefoo
859 Memorandum of agreement, [no date] 1900, between Anna Fergusson and John Pender Wake, concerning Fergusson & Co. in the wake of the death of Thomas Tierney Fergusson
860 Skip Navigation Links.