No. |
Title |
Date |
61 |
Bloomsbury Building, entrance hall |
62 |
Bloomsbury Building, entrance hall |
63 |
Bloomsbury Building, entrance hall and cloak room |
64 |
Bloomsbury Building, General Office |
65 |
Bloomsbury Building, Junior Common Room |
66 |
Bloomsbury Building, Library: Brian Scott behind the issue desk |
67 |
Bloomsbury Building, Library: catalogues and stacks |
68 |
Bloomsbury Building, Library: staff at the old issue desk |
69 |
Bloomsbury Building, Senior Common Room |
70 |
Bloomsbury Building, Senior Common Room |
71 |
Bloomsbury Building, SOAS Library: issue desk 'books borrowed' |
72 |
Bloomsbury Building, SOAS Library: issue desk 'books returned' |
73 |
Bloomsbury Building, SOAS Library: readers and catalogues |
74 |
75 |
Bloomsbury Building, SOAS Library: stacks |
76 |
Bloomsbury Building: lecture halls prepared for examinations |
77 |
Bloomsbury Building: lobby |
78 |
Bloomsbury Building: various views and ground plans as published in 'The Builder' |
79 |
Bloomsbury Building: view from outside the front gates. |
80 |
Bloomsbury Building: with a horse drawn vehicle in front |