No. Title Date
581 Gopīśvar Mahādev - a marble image of Śiva disguised as a gopī (having come to watch the mahārāsa) at Baṃśī Baṭ
582 Gore Dāūjī Mandir (parikramā mārg) : the deity
583 Gore Dāūjī Āśram : some Rāmānandīs singing the name of Rāma before the shrine
584 Gore Dāūjī Āśram : sādhus taking lunch in the garden at the back of the Āśram
585 Gore Dāūjī Āśram : Śri Rām Vilas Charan
586 Gore Dāūjī Āśram : Śri Rām Vilas Charan reciting Rāmacaritamānasa
587 Gosvāmī feeding monkeys
588 Gosvāmī instructing the Queen, Jaipur school, late 18th century (Acquisition number 90)
589 Gosvāmī Śyāmasundara in Govind Dev temple (Acquisition Number 130)
590 Govardhan
591 Govardhan, Barsana, etc.
592 Govardhan Das (pujārī) and Achintya Chandra Goswami standing by the deities of Rādhākānt temple
593 Govardhan Hill photographed from Candra Sarovar
594 Govardhan Pūjā : a figure of Govardhana being made from cow dung for pūjā which involves the offering of various foods (khīl, pūṛī and sweets), āratī and parikramā
595 Govardhanadhāraṇa, Rajasthani school, 18th Century (Acqusition Number 92)
596 Govind Dev Mandir : front of the temple
597 Govind Dev Mandir : front of the temple
598 Govind Dev Mandir : bookcases containing manuscripts
599 Govind Dev Mandir : bookcases containing manuscripts
600 Govind Dev Mandir : bookcases containing manuscripts