No. Title Date
21 Young men in ceremonial dress accompanying the head into Kongan
22 Group of men dancing in ceremonial dress
23 Head-hornbills dance outside Kongan
24 Head-takers' dance
25 Head-takers' dance
26 Head-takers' dance
27 Head-takers' dance
28 Head-takers' dance
29 Men beating the log drum, the head hanging in a basket at the end
30 Men beating the log drum, the head hanging in a basket at the end
31 Man pouring water over himself from a large bamboo (chunga)
32 Women sewing together the panels of a cloth
33 Women hemming the edge of a cloth
34 Man clearing undergrowth for jhuming
35 Man climbing into a tree to cut the branches for juhming
36 Man clearing undergrowth for jhuming
37 Man with a headgear made of a bird with wings outstretched
38 Elderly man wearing a striped cloth with tassels and a hat with horns decorated with bunches of hair and a hornbill feather
39 Man dancing with a headgear made of a bird with wings outstretched
40 Man with a headgear made of a bird with wings outstretched