No. Title Date
281 Language Lab [?]
282 Language, religion and political identity : the South Asian experience
283 Language Revival, two-day international conference to mark the centenary of the revival of Hebrew, in the Lecture Theatre
284 Launch of African Dictionary
285 Launch of SOAS 'Guide to Archive and Manuscript Collections in the Library'
286 Law conference
287 Learn to communicate in Korean : the Language Centre, SOAS, University of London
288 Skip Navigation Links.
289 Letter dictated by William Wilberforce, 6 December 1821, near London
290 Letter from Joseph Hardcastle and George Burder, 17 October 1808, London
291 Letter from the directors of the London Missionary Society, 15 January 1810, London
292 Letter from the directors of the London Missionary Society, 3 March 1812, London
293 Letter from the directors of the London Missionary Society, 9 October 1815, London
294 Letter from A. Forbes to Rev. J. Arundel, Secretary to the L.M.S., 1825 March 15
295 Letter from ambassador of Netherlands, 15 July 1816, London
296 Letter from an actuary at the Manufacturers Life Insurance Co of Canada to the secretary of the London Missionary Society, London, 12 July 1945
297 Letter from Arthur Tideman, 10 September 1848, Homerton
298 Letter from Brown Francis, 4 July 1822, London
299 Letter from Byron [to Rev. John Arundel], 1826 May
300 Letter from C. T. Latrobe, 27 August 1807, Nevil’s Court, London