No. Title Date
2801 Twilight in the forbidden city
2802 Two 'hare's fur' bowls
2803 Two men smoking opium on a couch : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
2804 Two views of the alter, in the Temple of Heaven
2805 Two views of the alter, in the Temple of Heaven
2806 Skip Navigation Links.
2807 Skip Navigation Links.
2808 Urn, Lama temple, Peking
2809 Vase with slender ovoid body, fluted on the upper part, small neck and spreading lip
2810 Verzeichniss der chinesischen und mandshu-tungusischen Bücher und Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin : eine Fortsetzung des im Jahre 1822 erschienen Klaproth'schen Verzeichnisses
2811 View from Trans-Siberian Railway train : homestead in Matsiochie Forest
2812 View from Trans-Siberian Railway train : river, a tributary of the Sungari
2813 Views showing some of the ornamental roofs in native city, Shanghai
2814 Views showing some of the ornamental roofs in native city, Shanghai
2815 Views showing some of the ornamental roofs in native city, Shanghai
2816 Skip Navigation Links.
2817 'Voyage au Japon, par le colonel d'état-major Du Pin, chef du service topographique en Chine'
2818 War messages and other selections
2819 Washing down the Drosky : pool on main thoroughfare, Harbin, 7th April 1913
2820 Wenchow : a wonderful story of missionary progress and opportunity.