No. Title Date
261 Letter from J. Humphries and David Collie, March 1824, Malacca
262 Letter from Robert Morrison, 07 April 1824, London
263 Letter from Sir G. Stanton, 05 April 1824, London
264 Letter dated 05 April 1824
265 Letter from Robert Morrison, 15 September 1824, London
266 Letter from Joseph Kam, 10 August 1824, Amboyna
267 Letter from E. F. Grenier (secretary of the Amboyna mission), 1824, Amboyna
268 Letter from David Collie, 02 February 1824, Malacca
269 Letter from James Humphreys, 12 April 1824, Malacca
270 Letter from Robert Morrison to the Chairman of the London Missionary Society, 1825 September 24
271 Letter from Robert Morrison to the Rev. Mr. Arundel, 1825 September 27
272 Letter from Robert Morrison [to the Rev. John Arundel], 1825 October 19
273 Letter from Robert Morrison to the Directors of the London Missionary Society, 1825 December 8
274 Letter from Robert Morrison to Mr. Arundel, 1825 February 16
275 Letter from William Farquhar to Mr Alexs. Hankey, Treasurer, 1825
276 To the British public, interested in the promotion of Christianity, morals, and useful knowledge among heathen nations, this account of the Anglo-Chinese College is respectfully addressed, London, January 20, 1825
277 Outline of a proposed academy for the purpose of instructing missionaries destined to the East in the languages of their respective stations; and of communicating to them other important oriental knowledge previous to their embarkations
278 Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia, 6 January - 31 May 1825
279 Journal of Walter Medhurst, Batavia, 8 June 1825 - 20 September 1825
280 Letter from Robert Morrison, 08 January 1825, London