No. Title Date
221 Landscape with mountains and fog
222 Langues sango, banda, baya, mandjia : notes grammaticales, notes groupés d'après le sens, phrases usuelles, vocabulaire
223 Large group of Angami dancers in ceremonial dress (Image number T.067, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
224 Large group of Angami dancers in ceremonial dress (Image number T.068, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
225 Late insurrection in Demarara and Riot in Barbados
226 Launch of a hot-air balloon in St Petersburg and portraits of the Tsar and Tsarina of Russia, Alexander I and Elizabeth : exemplars
227 Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by some points in the history of Indian Buddhism
228 Letter from Alexander Stronach, 19 April 1844, Penang
229 Letter from C. T. Latrobe, 27 August 1807, Nevil’s Court, London
230 Letter from D. Brown, 09 May 1825, Penang
231 Letter from George Burder, L.M.S. Secretary, 18 February 1812, London
232 Letter from J. T. Fisher to the Directors of the Missionary Society, 1826 July 24
233 Letter from Matthew Hodge, 26 March 1835, Morant Bay
234 Letter from Reverend T. H. Hughes to William Nelson Bitton, regarding Eric Liddell, 5 February 1930, Edinburgh
235 Letter from Richard Elliot, 12 April 1810, Tobago
236 Letter from Silas T. Molema of the Koranta ea Becoana
237 Letter from Sultanna at Sooloo
238 Letter from T. H. Moore, 04 January 1826, Malacca
239 Letter from T. H. Moore, 20 September 1825, Malacca
240 Letter from T. Thomson, 13 May 1839, Morant Bay