No. Title Date
1981 Report by Charles Cousins, Poklo [Boluo], 7 February 1924
1982 Report by Alexander Baxter, Canton [Guangzhou], 15 December 1924
1983 Report by William Clayson, Canton [Guangzhou], 1924
1984 Letter from Dora Wedlock, describing daily life.
1985 Letter from Dora Wedlock including discussion of routine, move to own house, gossip, friends, clothes
1986 最初拓靈飛經
1987 信仰自由
1988 Le poète tibétain Milarépa : ses crimes, ses épreuves, son Nirvāna
1989 Photograph captioned 'Aigun Customs Headquarters staff, Taheiho, Heilungkiang, North Manchuria, October, 1925'
1990 Photograph captioned 'Colonel Wu Shih-Chih [Wu Shichi], Garrison Commander at Aigun on the Amur, Heilungkiang, North Manchuria, 1925'
1991 Photograph captioned 'General Pa Ying-O, Defence Commissioner for the Province of Keilungkiang and Garrison Commander at Taheiho on the Amur, North Manchuria, 1925'
1992 Report by Alexander Baxter, Canton [Guangzhou], 10 February 1925
1993 Report by Ellen Clayson, Canton [Guangzhou], 6 February 1925
1994 Report by William Clayson, Canton [Guangzhou], 1925
1995 Report by Dorothy Hutchinson, Canton [Guangzhou], 1925
1996 Report of the Canton Theological College, Canton [Guangzhou], 1925
1997 Report by Maud Ward, Canton [Guangzhou], 1925
1998 滿洲に於ける日本及日本人
1999 Letter to Dora Wedlock from her Chinese dentist Dr. Y. C. Ku, of Wei-hai-wei
2000 Photograph captioned 'International Club, Taheiho, October, 1925'