No. Title Date
181 Correspondence with the United States' Government Respecting Foreign Trade in China
182 Councillor Richard Cotton and other guests listening to the speeches
183 Councillor Richard Cotton, Mayor of Camden
184 Councillor Richard Cotton, Mayor of Camden giving an opening speech
185 Couple eating and drinking : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
186 Couples dancing : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
187 Cricket, 1934 : parents school
188 Crowded crossroads : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
189 Crowded street scene : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
190 Cumshaw [?] Mastah
191 Custom House, Harbin
192 Skip Navigation Links.
193 Dancing woman : La vie quotidienne au Yunnan
194 De l'usage de fumer l'opium
195 Declaration by James Kirkwood acknowledging payment by Teobaldi Sendri for lease of a tract of land in Yentai, 4 August 1870
196 Declaration by Thomas Tierney Fergusson concerning his health and evacuatgion to Europe, 7 February 1889
197 Decorative flowers on the wishing tree
198 Degrees of flooding and location of economic studies in the 1931 flooded areas in the Yangtze and Hwai River Valleys, China : form surveys made during November, 1931
199 Delta of the Canton River and West T... [with an inset map of] Wuchow-fu Harbor by Captain W.E. Clarke, S.S. Heungshan, January 1896
200 Despatches from Sir A. Hosie forwarding reports respecting the opium question in China