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“...standards, if needed, have to be customized to the context of intervention for an effective implementation and even more, so that they are not counterproductive.
?J. Need for scientific results
Following 2015 Nepali earthquakes, there is a high need for starting reconstruction works, which would be safe for upcoming similar events making proper decisions based on social, cultural, political, and environmental factors. To achieve this goal, the GoN published a design catalogue detailing earthquake resistance guidelines [7]. It includes different types of buildings, most of them with shear bands from various materials, for example timber, bamboo, or concrete. However, people started modifying these technical recommendations during reconstruction works without having proper knowledge on the shear bands sensitivity to these modifications. For example, during field surveys by CRAterre and 3SR in 2016 and 2017, several technical issues were observed such as the use of unseasoned timber, reinforcement...”
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“...These values of stiffness and energy dissipated can be used in development and validation of numerical
simulation code for carrying out the parametric analysis for shear band using different material.
4.4. Cost aspect
In order to conduct a financial analysis of construction works of similar types of building in different affected districts of Nepal, a model with two and a half storey houses - which includes an attic that is used as a storage place - was chosen with mud mortar as guided in the Nepal National Building Code 203 and the dimension of the building was taken from the design catalogue developed by DUDBC. The detailed quantity of work and a bill of quantities were calculated to get the total cost of construction. The cost of construction ranges from € 17,000 up to € 22,000 (to compare with the state subsidies of € T1T1\ From the field construction work carried out by CRAterre in Dhading district, the cost for reconstruction was approximately € 15,000 with timber shear bands which c...”
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“...numerical approaches for the design and safety assessment of masonry buildings retrofitted with steel bands in developing countries: the case of India, Constr. Build. Mater. 85 (2015)227-246, https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.02.082.
[7] DUDBC, Design Catalogue for Reconstruction of Earthquake Resistant Houses, Kathmandu, vol. 1, 2015.
[8] F. Ferrigni, B. Helly, L. Mendes Victor, P. Pierotti, A. Rideaud, P. Teves Costa, The Local seismic culture approach: principles, methods, potentialities, Ancient Buildings and Earthquake, Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali, Edipuglia srl, Ravello, 2005.
[9] P. Gamier, 0. Moles, A. Caimi, D. Gandreau, M. Hofmann, Natural Hazards, Disasters and Local Development, CRAterre, 2013. Retrieved from: https://hal. archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00952809/document.
[10] M. Hofmann, Le facteur seisme dans [’architecture vernaculaire. Un decryptage entre determinants culturels, types de structures et ressources cognitives parasismiques, 2015.