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“...visited Tsering at the NHEDF rehabilitation center,13 14 she was all smiles, having taken her fist tentative steps on her newly healed leg. This moment represented the collective first steps of all earthquake-affected people in Nepal: tentative, hopeful, forward looking, and with a strong sense of determination. Robert E. Beazley (M.S. Natural Resources, Cornell University, 2013) is a PhD candidate in the Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, USA. His M.S. research focused on the impacts of expanding rural road networks in the Annapurna Conservation Area. His current research involves an investigation of gendered mobility and borderland infrastructure in Rasuwa district, Nepal. His most recent book is Himalayan Mobilities: An Exploration of the Impact of Expanding Rural Road Networks on Social and Ecological Systems in the Nepalese Himalaya (Springer, 2017). The author would like to thank Austin Lord and Sienna Craig for their review of the article and their many insightful comments...”