Six works of Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī

Material Information

Six works of Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī
طغرای مشهدی
Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century ( contributor )
Tughra-yi Mashhadi, active 17th century ( contributor )
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Jammu and Kashmir (India) -- History ( LCSH )
Asia -- Badakhshan -- Balkh
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Badakhshan -- Jammu and Kashmir -- Balkh -- Kashmir
34.5 x 76


Scope and Content:
Contents: (1) تعداد النوادر (5) جوش بلبل (5) مرآت الفتوح (4) الالهامیه (3) تاج المدایح (2) فردوسیه
Scope and Content:
فهرست مطالب : فردوسیه -- تاج المدایح -- الالهامیه -- مرآت الفتوح -- جوش بلبل -- تعداد النوادر
General Note:
Nasta'liq in black ink
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century : URI
General Note:
LCNAF (name authority) : Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century : URI

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
MS 44568 ( SOAS manuscript number )


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ms. 44568


6 works by Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century on the subjects of Jammu and Kashmir, Persian
poetry 1500-1796, Sufism, Afghanistan, and Persian poetry.

Author: Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century طغرای مشهدی
Title: Firdawsīyah (folio leaves 1-25)
Title: فردوسیه
Abstract: A description of Kashmir
Incipit: فردوسیه طغرا غبارتیست از بوستان معنی پروری
Language: Persian

Author: Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century طغرای مشهدی
Title: Tāj al-madāyiḥ (folio leaves 25-41)
Title: تاج المدایح
Abstract: In praise of Prince Muradbakhsh
Incipit: سرخ روی قلم بنگار ثنائی شهنشاهیست
Language: Persian

Author: Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century طغرای مشهدی
Title: al-Ilhāmīyah (folio leaves 42-59)
Title: الالهامیه
Abstract: A Sufi tract
Incipit: در نرد محبت همه جا خصل حکست
Language: Persian

Author: Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century طغرای مشهدی
Title: Mirʼāt al-futūḥ (folio leaves 59-72)
Title: مرآت الفتوح
Abstract: On the conquest of Balkh and Badakhshan
Incipit: یکه تازان میدان تقریر از دولت ستایش ناصری
Language: Persian

Author: Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century طغرای مشهدی
Title: JÅ«sh-i bulbul (folio leaves 72-77)
Title: جوش بلبل
Abstract: In praise of the divan of Hafiz
Incipit: پشرو ساز سخن ترانه حمد صانعیست که گلشن ادبیات رنگین
Language: Persian

Author: Ṭughrā-yi Mashhadī, active 17th century طغرای مشهدی
Title: Taʻdād al-nawādir (folio leaves 77-78)
Title: تعداد النوادر
Abstract: A description of eight stages on the road to Kashmir
Incipit: اول چوکهتی
Language: Persian

Full Text


ms. 44568 Contents 6 works by ughr yi Mashhad , active 17th century on the subjects of Jammu and Kashmir, Persian poetry 1500 1796, Sufism, Afghanistan, and Persian poetry . 1 Author: ....... ughr yi Mashhad , active 17th century Title: ........... (folio leaves 1 25) Title: ........... Abstract: ..... A description of Kashmir Incipit: ........ Language: .. Persian 2 Author: ....... ughr yi Mashhad , active 17th century Title: ........... al (folio leaves 25 41 ) Title: ........... Abstract: ..... In praise of Prince Muradbakhsh Incipit: ........ Language: .. Persian 3 Author: ....... ughr yi Mashhad , active 17th century Title: ........... al (folio leaves 42 59 ) Title: ........... Abstract: ..... A Sufi tract Incipit: ........ Language: .. Persian 4 Author: ....... ughr yi Mashhad , active 17th century Title: ........... al (folio leaves 5 9 72 ) Title: ........... Abstract: ..... On the conquest of Balkh and Badakhshan Incipit: ........ Language: .. Persian 5 Author: ........ ughr yi Mashhad , active 17th century Title: ........... i bulbul (folio leaves 72 77 ) Title: ........... Abstract: ..... In praise of the divan of Hafiz Incipit: ......... Language: .. Persian 6 Author: ........ ughr yi Mashhad , active 17th century Title: ........... al (folio leaves 77 78 ) Title: ........... Abstract: ..... A description of eight stages on the road to Kashmir Incipit: ......... Language: .. Persian