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- Permanent Link:
- http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAC000074/00001
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- Title:
- Manual of instructions for execution of Pyidawtha plans
- Creator:
- Burma
- Place of Publication:
- Rangoon
- Publisher:
- Supdt., Govt. Print. and Stationery, Burma
- Publication Date:
- 1952
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- ii, 83 p. : ; 25 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Local government -- Burma ( lcsh )
Politics and government -- Burma -- 1948- ( lcsh )
- Genre:
- federal government publication ( marcgt )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- SOAS, University of London
- Rights Management:
- All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
- Resource Identifier:
- 767698 ( ALEPH )
OCM25717860 ( OCLC ) 25717860 ( OCLC )
- Classification:
- GB351 ( ddc )
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Execution of Pyidawtha Plans
Chapter I.—Introduction 1—3
„ II.—Pyidawtha Committers—
Constitution 4-5
Meetings ... 6-7
Duties and Functions. 7—9
„ III.—Planning 10—12
„ IV.—Budgeting 12-13
,, V.—Execution—
Preparatory :
Discretionary Giant ... 13-14
Repairs and Maintenance 14-15
Ori ginal Works ... 15-16
Bazaars under Local Bodies 16
Aid to Industries and Relief 16-17
Co-operative Loans 17
Execution :
General Principles ... 17—19
Discretionary Grant ... 19-20
Repairs and Maintenance 20
Original Works ... 20-21
Bazaars under Local Bodies 22
Aid to Industries and Relief ... 22
Agricultural and Co-operative Loans 22
„ VI.—Organizations at the Centre—
General Supervisory Committee 23
Procurement and Advisory Committee ... 23-24
Senior Minister for each Division 24
Appendix A.—Detailed Instructions for Execution of
Public Works Projects ... ... 25—37
„ B.—Projects of the Nationil Housing and Town
and Country Development Board ... 37—42
,, C.—Detailed Instructions for Execution of
Irrigation Projects ... ... 43—51
„ D.—Detailed Instructions for Execution of
Railway Projects .,. ... 5l—59
table of contents
Appendix E—Detailed Instructions for Administration of
Loans for Bazaars to Local Bodies ... 59-60
P.— Detailed Instructions for Administration of
Aid to Industries ... ... 60—62
„ G.—Detailed Instructions for Administration of
Relief ... ... ... 62—70
,, H. — Detailed Instructions for Administration of
Agricultural Loans ... ... 71—81
,, I.— Detailed Instructions for Administration of
Co-operative Loans ... ... 82-83
The Union Conference convened during August 1952
marks an extremely important stage in the evolution of
Burma as a democratic socialist State. During the pre-
independence period, the main function of Government was
to maintain law and order, and to ensure the conditions in
the country were favourable to the orderly conduct of
private business and commercial activity. The promotion
of the welfare of the people and the development of die
country's resources occupied a secondary place. Adminis-
trative officers throughout the country were thus mainly
responsible for collection of revenue and maintenance of
law and order : they had no functions and exercistd no
responsibility in regard to. promoting welfare or fostering
economic development. Their success was measured by
their ability to collect revenue in time, maintain peace and
security within their charge and ensure the stability of
Government, rather than any contribution they may make
towards promoting welfare and fostering economic
development. As a result, they lived in a world quite apart
from the people.
2. At the centre also, while many subjects were controlled
by Parliament and a Council of Ministers, all major policies
and activities had to fit into this general frame work.
Planning of welfare and economic development was non-
existent. Budgeting—the controlling instrument for
carrying out Government's policies—was prepared in the
greatest secrecy in every detail, and financial policy was
generally directed towards the same objective: maintaining
law and order and ensuring business stability.
3. With the achievement of independence, however, the
emphasis shifted to promoting welfare and, development.
The important function of maintaining law and order must
of course remain, and both Government at the centre and
administrative officers throughout the districts must continue
to devote adequate attention to maintaining peace and
security. But welfare and development now demand an
equal measure of attention, and administrative officers
throughout the country must, henceforth, devote as much
of their time to promoting welfare and development as they
( 2 )
do to maintaining peace and security. The insurrections
made it impossible to achieve full success in this direction,
particularly in regard to administration in the districts.
The Union Conference marks the first big step towards the
achievement of this objective, particularly in respect of its
manifestation in districts and villages throughout Burma.
4. The most important changes effected at the centre by
the Union Conference are in respect of two fields :
(a) planning, and (b) budgeting.
5. In the sphere of planning, many admirable and well
thought out projects for the welfare of the people and the
economic development of the country had been formulated
in the past, and some have been put into effect. But they
emanated from the centre, and very little was done either
at the suggestion of or in consultation with officials in the
districts and representatives of 'the people in each locality.
Many of the Union Conference projects for 1952-53 have
however originated from the people themselves through
their representatives in the townships, districts and
divisions ; and many more have been thoroughly discussed
with them before incorporation in the Government's
programme of work. Though this process has necessarily
been sketchy during the first year of this great experiment,
the principle of basing Government's programme of work
for the coming year on ideas originating from the districts
and townships and in close consultation with the represen-
tatives of the people has been firmly established.
6. In the sphere of budgeting, the preliminary Union
Conference held during June 1952 was the first occasion in
the history of Burma when Divisional officials have been
taken into confidence in regard to the provisions Govern-
ment proposes to make during the forth-coming financial
year. In fact, many of the provisions are based on these
discussions, and though the Centre remains primarily
responsible for the Budget as a whole, it can truly be said
that the 1952-53 Budget Estimate is based substantially on
the wishes of the people. In this sense, this is the first
People's Budget produced in this country.
7. The sharing of emphasis between maintaining law
and order and promoting welfare and development implies
two important changes in regard to the role of the district
officer. Firstly, the district official—no matter whether he
( 3 )
is the Township Officer or the Public Works Subdivision >1
Officer or the District Superintendent of Police—is no
longer merely the instrument of the Central Government
for the collection of revenue, care of Government buildings
and maintenance of law and order. The welfare of the
people and promotion of economic development must
henceforth be of equal concern to him and his time and
energies must from now be devoted equally to this task.
Every official in the district is henceforth also a welfare
officer. Secondly, with the assumption of his role as a
welfare officer, the district official becomes a representative
of the people and an advocate of their cause in much the
same way as a political representative. His loyalty must
of course be still to the Government which employs him,
but as a member of the township, district or divisional Pyi-
dawtha Committee he is also the vehicle which conveys
the people's wishes and criticisms to the Central Govern-
ment. The role of the district official having thus
undergone a revolutionary change, his mental attitude and
official conduct must henceforth be adapted to this role.
Only thus will the people themselves accept him as their
direct representative and spokesman.
8. The main instrument created by the Union Confer-
ence for promoting welfare and economic development is the
Township, District and Divisional Pyidawtha Committee,
of which the district officials concerned are the key-pins.
To be fully effective as instruments for promotion of welfare
and economic development, the Committees must be
invested with wide powers to act within their discretion.
But safeguards must also exist against irresponsible action.
This is ensured by transferring responsibility not to an
individual but to a group. The Pyidawtha Committees
will henceforth exercise wide discretion in regard to incur-
ring expenditure and carrying out projects, but no one
individual or official will have the authority to award any
single contract. The authority to award contracts vests in
the committee, or a sub-committee thereof.
9. The Centre retains responsibility for over-all planning
and development. All plans evolved at the Township,
District or Divisional level must fit into the general plan,
and devolution of powers to the Pyidawtha Committees
does not mean they can take any action which will be
against the wider national interest.
( 4 )
10. In every Division, there shall be established three
different levels of Pyidawtha Committees, viz., Divisional,
District and Township Pyidawtha Committees. The number
of Divisional Pyidavvlha Committees shall be one in every
Division and that of the District Pyidawtha Committees
and Township Pyidawtha Committees shall be one for each
district and township respectively in each Division. The
Township Pyidawtha Committees shall be subordinate
to their respective District Pyidawtha Committee and the
District Pyidawtha Committees shall be subordinate to their
respective Divisional Pyidawtha Committee.
11. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall be
composed of the following :—
{a) Commissioner of the Division,—President.
(b) Deputy Inspector-General of Police.
(c) Divisional Engineer (Buildings and Roads).
(d) Divisional Engineer (Irrigation).
( e) Deputy Director of Agriculture.
(/) Co-operative Range Officer.
(,g) Inspector of Schools.
(h) Deputy Commissioners.
(/) Divisional Officer (Fire Fighting Service).
( /) Deputy Director of Veterinary Services.
(k) Deputy Director of Medical and Public Health.
(/) A representative from each District AFPFL
The Commissioner of the Division shall be the President
of the Committee and the Personal Assistant to the Com-
missioner shall be the Secretary.
12. The District Pyidawtha Committee shall be composed
of the following :—
(a) Deputy Commissioner of the District,—President.
(b) District Superintendent of Police.
(c) Executive Engineer.
(d) Senior Agricultural Assistant.
(e) Co-operative Range Officer.
(/) Divisional Forest Officer.
(g) Civil Surgeon.
( 5 )
(h) District Health Officer.
(i) Assistant Inspector or Deputy Inspector of Schools.
(j) Superintendent of Land Records.
(k) Subdivisional Officer.
(/) S^bdivisional Police Officer,
(m) Township Officer.
{n) District Karen Affairs Officer,
(o) District Relief Officer.
(p) District Supplies Officer.
(q) Superintendent of Veterinary Services.
(r) A representative of each Township AFPFL.
The Deputy Commissioner concerned shall be the
President of the Committee and the Headquarters Assistant
shall be the Secretary.
13. The Township Pyidawtha Committee shall be
composed of the following :—
(a) Township Officer of the Township.
(b) Subdivisional Officer, if any.
(c) Subdivisional Police Officer or Police Station
(d) Sub-Assistant Engineer (PWD).
(c) Sub-Assistant Engineer, Irrigation.
(/) Co-operative Myook.
(£) Senior Agricultural Assistant.
(h) Inspector of Land Records,
(t) Deputy Inspector of Schools.
(/) Sub-Assistant Surgeon.
(k) Township Fire Fighting Officer.
(/) Veterinary Assistant,
(m) Four representatives nominated by the Central
A representative of Departments and Boards operating
in each area shall also be included in the above Committee
or Committees.
If any Subdivisional Officer is stationed in the Town-
ship, he shall be the President of the Committee ; otherwise
the Township Officer concerned shall be the President and
the Head Clerk of the Township Officer shall be the
14. The term of office of the non-official members of
the Committees shall be one year but the members shall
continue in office until a new committee has been
( 6 )
15. The President of a Committee shall be the Chairman
in all meetings of the Committee and if the President is
unable to attend the members shall choose one of them-
selves to act as Chairman.
16. All members of the Committee, except the Secretary,
shall have powers to vote.
17. Each Pyidawtha Committee1 should convene
meetings at least once a month.
18. Extraordinary meetings may be called by the Presi-
dent on his own motion or on the requisition of five
members in writing.
19. The Secretary shall draw up the agenda of all the
meetings, and issue the invitations to members, under
orders of the President.
20. The letters of invitation for a meeting should contain
the agenda, time and place.
21. One-third of the members of each Committee or
Sub-committee as the case may be shall form a quorum.
The President shall postpone a meeting, if the number of
members does not form a quorum. " An adjourned
meeting shall not require a quorum, but the President of
the Committee shall preside at an adjourned meeting."
22. A member shall give three days' notice to the
President of any question or resolution to be moved in the
meeting by him, together with a copy of such question or
resolution. -This shall be discussed at the meeting only if
the Chairman grants permission.
23. The Chairman may disallow any question or resolu-
tion to be discussed at the meeting for one or more of the
following reasons:—
(a) If they are matters not within the jurisdiction of
the Committee ;
(&) if they are not in accordance with the prescribed
procedure of the Committee ; and
(c) if they tend to interfere with the business of the
24. The President shall conduct all meetings in accord-
ance with the procedure prescribed for the committee.
25. The minutes of the meetings shall be distributed
to all members and they shall be examined and confirmed
at the next subsequent meeting.
26. Any question asked at a meeting may be disallowed
for one or more of the following reasons ;—
(а) The question is irrelevent to the business of the
(б) The question is defamatory to an individual
member ; N
(c) The question constitutes delivery of a speech
instead of asking a question ;
(d) The question is too long ; and
(e) It is a supplementary question.
27. Resolutions confirmed at the meetings shall not be
modified within three months from the date of the resolution.
However, if three-fourths of the members attending a
meeting desire a discussion on that resolution, this will
be allowed.
28. When matters of a financial or personal nature
connected directly or indirectly with an individual member
are intended to be discussed at a meeting, the member
concerned shall not be present at the meeting. If the
member persists in attending the meeting, the Chairman
shall ask him to leave the meeting.
29. All decisions at meetings shall as far as possible be
taken unanimously, and every effort must be made to arrive
at agreed decisions through frank and full discussions. In
the event of a tie the Chairman may exercise a casting vote.
Duties and Functions
30. The Township, District and Divisional Committees
shall exercise duties and functions in two broad fields:—
(a) Planning ; and
(b) Execution.
31. In the sphere of planning, it shall be the initial duty
of the Township Committee to evolve by discussion with
representatives and inhabitants of all towns and villages
within their jurisdiction an initial list of works and other
requirements which the people themselves and members of
(• 8
the Committee consider should be undertaken for the
welfare and economic development of the area during the
following financial year. The Township Committee at this stage will thus become the principal fourm for the discussion
of the welfare and development needs of each area and
formulation of these needs for the consideration of the Cen-
tral Authorities. The interest shown in these discussions,
and the care devoted to the evolution of desirable projects
and plans, will determine the extent to which the plans
formulated by the Central Government reflect the wishes of
the people themselves, and such discussions must therefore
be encouraged and held as fully and widely as possible.
32. District Pyidawtha Committees will exercise a dual
function in this regard. They will first formulate such
plans and projects as they themselves consider desirable and
necessary for the welfare and development of their districts,
and secondly co-ordinate the various proposals formulated
by the Township Committees and those evolved by
themselves into a co-ordinated district plan.
33. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committees will exercise
a three-fold function in this regard. They will firstly
formulate such plans as they consider will promote welfare
and development within their divisions in addition to those
evolved by the Township and District Committees; secondly,
co-ordinate all Township and District plans and the plans
they themselves evolve into a Divisional Plan ; and thirdly,
prepare an estimate of the material and man-power
resources available within their own Divisions.
34. Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall in addition
exercise the following two major functions :—{a) They shall
act as the representatives of the Township and District
Pyidawtha Committees within their jurisdiction for the pur-
pose of discussing their plans and requirements with the
Central authorities and getting them accepted in full
co-ordination with the over-all national Plan ; and (&) they
shall discuss the Budget provisions necessary for carrying
out the plans.
35. In the sphere of execution, each Committee shall
exercise a two-fold responsibility ;—(a) The actual execution
of each project for which it is made responsible, either by
letting it out on contract or undertaking the work directly
itself; and (b) supervision of the execution of each work,
( 9 )
whether undertaken on contract or directly. The District
and Divisional Committees will also have the function of
supervising the execution of the works by the respective
Township and District Pyidawtha Committees within their
36. In regard to execution, the Pyidawtha Committees
shall be vested with authority in two different ways :—
(a) To undertake entirely at their discretion, and in
respect of which no specific Budget provision
is made, certain works which they consider
necessary for the welfare of the people, free
from Departmental control and the restriction of
rules and regulations. The sole criterion shall
be whetherthe Divisional Pyidawtha Committee
considers that such work shall promote the
welfare of the people, and so long as this
criterion is satisfied it will not be necessary for
such works to be covered by sanction or to be in
accordance with any rules or procedure. The
Committees must however be responsible for
ensuring that such money is not wasted or
misused, To enable them to exercise this
function, a Discretionary Grant for each division
shall be created ; and
(b) Execution of works provided in the Budget Esti-
mates and in the Works Programme of each
Department concerned.
37. In addition to above, the Pyidawtha Committees
shall exercise functions in regard to :—
{a) granting of Industrials loans ;
(6) administration of relief funds ;
â– (c) supervision of loans granted to local bodies for
capital works ; and
(d) administration of Agricultural and Co-operative
District Pyidawtha Committees will also through their
relevant Sub-committees, exercise functions in regard to
disposal of tenancy.
38. The manner in which the above functions shall be
exercised are explained in greater detail in the following
( 10 )
39. Every year, during the month of February, each
Township Committee shall organize meetings of villagers
and residents throughout the township for'the purpose of
discussing and suggesting welfare and development projects
which they consider should be carried out within their
areas. This is the most crucial stage in planning, as these
meetings will determine to what extent the plans finally
drawn up by Government represent the needs and wishes
of the people themselves. The fuller the discussions are
the greater will be the contribution to national planning,
and the District and Divisional Pyidawtha Committees
should therefore take a personal interest and ensure that the
meetings are organized and conducted in such a manner as
1o elicit the fullest reactions from all concerned, and their
wishes and needs in regard to welfare and development
plans for each area. The decisions of each meeting shall be
forwarded to the Township Pyidawtha Committee, who will
itself at the same time consider and evolve plans and
projects which will promote welfare and development
within the township. All works and projects so formulated
will then be considered by the Township Committee during
the first half of March, and then co-ordinated into a Town-
ship Plan. In this plan all works and projects must be
arranged in an order of priority, both individually and in
categories. In the case of plans and projects whose
execution would extend over a period of years the stages
that will be completed during the first year and during each
subsequent year until completion should also be indicated
as clearly as possible. The Township Plan will then be
submitted to the District Pyidawtha Committee before the
end of March each year.
40. Each District Pyidawtha Committee will also
consider during the months of February and March plans
and projects which will promote welfare and development
within their districts. Representatives of District Pyidawtha
Committees should whenever possible attend meetings
organized by the Township Committees, and assists in the
formulation of ideas. The plans formulated by the District
Committee, together with those submitted by the Town-
ship Pyidawtha Committees, shall then be co-ordinated into
a District Plan and submitted to the Divisional Pyidawtha
Committee during the first week of April. Each District
( 11 )
Plan should arrange all the projects and works included
therein in an order of priority. In respect of projects
whose completion will extend over a period of years, the
stages for each year should be shown clearly.
41. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee will also
similarly consider plans and works which will promote
welfare and development within its jurisdiction. It shall
then consolidate them together with the District and Town-
ship Plans into a Divisional Plan, and will arrange all works
and projects in an order of priority, both individually and in
categories. In respect of projects whose completion will
take more than one year, each stage of completion should
be shown year by year.
42. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall also make
an estimate of the man-power and material resources
available within the division for carrying out all the projects
and works included in the Divisional Plan.
43. The Divisional Plan together with an estimate of the
man-power and material resources shall then be sent to the
Ministry of National Planning before the end of April, and
the Ministry of National Planning shall forward them to the
administrative Ministries concerned for co-ordination into
over-all plans evolved by each Ministry. It will also
co-ordinate the Divisional Plans into such over-all plans for
the whole country as are under consideration by it.
44. Each Plan whether it originates from the Township
Pyidawtha Committee, District Pyidawtha Committee or
Divisional Pyiclawtha Committee, shall include—
(a) a plinth area estimate and other necessary plans
for each proposed work or project ; and
(b) the location and site proposed for the work.
Plans must be evolved strictly on the basis of what can
practically be carried out during the ensuing financial year.
45. Each Divisional Plan shall be prepared in sections
relating to each subject, so that they can be separated and
sent to the Ministry concerned. Twelve copies of each
Divisional Plan shall be forwarded to the Ministry of
National Planning.
45-a. The requirements of each District in regard to
Agricultural and co-operative Loans shall be formulated and
( 12 )
forwarded to Rangoon in accordance with the detailed
instructions contained in Appendices H and I. Two copies
shall also be forwarded direct to the Ministry of National
Planning according to the procedure prescribed in paragraph
8 (c) of Appendix 8.
The total funds required will be determined in the
Ministry of Agriculture and Forests in consultation with the
Ministry of National Planning. The provision of funds in
the Budget will be determined in the Ministry of Finance
and Revenue in consultation with the Ministry of National
46. On receipt of the Divisional Plan or the relevant
sections thereof in each administrative Ministry, a copy
shall be forwarded to the Head of Department concerned
who will scrutinize the plans from a technical point of
•view, co-ordinate them firstly with plans evolved at the
Centre for each division and secondly with such over-all
country-wide plan as may exist. The co-ordinated plan for
each Department will then be forwarded to the Ministry of
Finance and Revenue for inclusion in the Preliminary
Budget Estimates. Each administrative Ministry shall be
responsible for ensuring that each plan or project proposed
for inclusion in the Budget Estimates has received the
necessary administrative and financial approval and satisfies
other budgetary requirements. The Ministry of Finance
and Revenue will then, in consultation with the Ministry of
National Planning, consider their inclusion in the Budget
Estimates for the following year and enter into such further
discussions as may be necessary with the administrative
Ministries and Heads of Departments concerned. Such
consultations at the Centre shall be completed by the end
of May.
47. A Preliminary Conference will then be convened
during the first half of June in Rangoon which would be
attended by all Commissioners of Divisions, two official
representatives to be selected by the Divisional Pyidawtha
Committee, one non-official representative for each District.
Heads of Departments, Hon'bie Ministers and Secretaries
and representative of each Ministry.
( 13 )
48. The Divisional Commissioners shall be informed of
the plans that have been approved and proposed for
inclusion in the Budget Estimates, which plans have not
been included and the reasons therefor. The discussions
at the Preliminary Conference on this subject shall be as free
and full as possible. These deliberations shall be concluded
by the middle of June, so that the final Budget Estimates
framed in the Ministry of Finance and Revenue may include
provisions for all the plans and proposals for other expen-
diture agreed to at the Preliminary Conference.
49. The final Budget Estimates will ordinarily be
approved by the Cabinet before the end of July, so that they
shall be ready for presentation to Parliament in August.
Immediately after the final Budget Estimates are approved
by Cabinet, the annual Union Conference shall be convened
in Rangoon during the first week of August every year and
attended by representatives from every township, district
and division. The object of this Conference shall be to
explain the various plans that have been approved and
incorporated in the Budget Estimates, and to adopt them
formally in the from of Resolutions. The actual provisions
made in respect of each plan or group of plans will not,
however, be disclosed during this Conference as they will
be subject to approval by Parliament.
50. Immediately after the conclusion of the Union
Conference, each Divisional Pyidawtha Committee and the
respective authority at the centre shall take the following
preliminary action.
Discretionary Grant
51. Each Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall
determine and allocate the amount to be placed at the disposal
of each District and Township Pyidawtha Committee, and
issue such general instructions as regards the use of funds as
th e Divisional Pyidawtha Committee may desire to issue,
consistently with the general principle that the Discretion-
tary Grant allocated to the District and Pyidawtha
( 14 )
Committees should be used at their discretion in such
manner as they consider will best promote the welfare of
the people.
Repairs and Maintenance
52. In Principle, all works relating to Repairs and
Maintenance shall be executed by the District Pyidawtha
Committee. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall
however have the right to supervise any work carried out by
the District Pyidawtha Committee.
53. The Executive Engineer, P.W.D., shall prepare
immcditely a list of repair and maintenance works to be
carried out within his District and submit this list to the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee. This list will then be,
discussed by the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee, which
will firstly authorize the work in broad categories for each
District, and secondly determine how much of the funds
allotted for Repairs and Maintenance under the Head :
41 .Civil Works in the Budget shall be allotted to each
District. For this purpose, the Chief Engineer, P.W.D.,
shall supply each Divisional Pyidawtha Committee with the
allocation under this Head for the Division immediately
after the Estimates are presented in Parliament. The
Chief Engineer shall also inform the Divisional Pyidawtha
Committees of any changes that may be made in the Budget
as finally approved by Parliament.
54. The financial allocation having been made, each
District Pyidawtha Committee shall determine what
specific works of repairs and maintenance shall be carried
out with the funds placed at its disposal. The Committee
shall however specify only the work to be carried out ; the
technical specification for each work shall be determined
by the Executive or District Engineer concerned. The
Committee shall also decide whether cacli work shall be
carried out by calling for tenders, letting out on contract
without a tender or by departmental labour.
55. The Superintending Engineer, P.W.D., will also
prepare a list of materials necessary for carrying out the
repairs and maintenace, and the Divisional Pyidawtha
Committee shall determine the extent to which the
necessary materials will require to be procured from
central sources,
( 15 )
56. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall also issue
such other instructions as they consider necessary in regard
to preliminary arrangements for carrying out repairs and
Original Works, Major and Minor
57. Immediately after the Budget has been presented to
Parliament, the Chief Engineer, P.W.D., shall inform each
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee [a) what the total alloca-
tion for the Division is ; (6) which specific works will be
carried out directly by the Centre ; (c) which specific works
shall be carried out by the Pyidawtha Committees ; and
[d) the requirements of material for carrying out all
categories of work as estimated by the Centre. The above
information shall cover all works provided for in the
Budget under the Head. 82 Civil Works : Capital Outlay.
Similarly also the Chief Engineer, Irrigation, and the
General Manager, Burma Railways, shall provide informa-
tion as above to each Divisional Committee. The informa-
tion should reach each Divisional Committee before the end
of August. A copy each of this intimation shall also be
forwarded to the General Supervisory Committee and to the
Central Procurement and Advisory Committee at Rangoon.
58. Immediately on receipt of the above intimation, each
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall convene a meeting
and take the following action :—
(i) Decide and allocate which specific works shall be
carried out by itself, by the District Pyidawtha
Committees and by the Township Pyidawtha
Committees and intimate to them the allocation ;
(ii) Compare the list of materials prepared by itself as
necessary for carrying out all the work with the
list supplied by the Centre, determine how much
can be procured locally and how much will
require to be procured either from Rangoon or
from abroad through the Central Procurement
and Advisory Committee in Rangoon ;
(iii) Whether the skilled and unskilled labour available
in each locality within the Division is sufficient
for carrying out the works in that locality, what
labour will require to be recruited from other
localities inside the Division, what use should be
made of Labour Co-operatives and Rehabilitation
( 16 )
Brigades operating inside the Division and what
labour force both skilled and unskilled will
require to be obtained from Rangoon through
the Rehabilitation Brigades ; and
(iv) Whether plans and estimates are available for
each of the projects and works to be carried out
by the Pyidawtha Committees in such form and
detail as to enable the works to be carried out
and what technical assistance either in respect
of preparing further detailed plans and estimates
or of personnel are required from Rangoon.
Bazaars under Local Bodies
59. As soon as the Budget is presented in Parliament,
the Ministry of Social Services shall intimate to each Divi-
sional Pyidawtha Committee how much has been provided
in the Budget as loans for construction of Bazaars by each
local authority within the Division.
60. The Divisional Committee will then enter into dis-
cussions with the Local Body concerned and arrive at
tentative decisions (a) whether the work of construction
shall be carried out by the Local Body its .'If or by the
Divisional, District or Township Pyidawtha Committee;
(b) what assistance in regard to material and labour will be
required either from the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee or
from Rangoon ; and (c) what arrangements in regard to
supervision require to be made.
61. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall then
intimate to the Central Procurement and Advisory
Committee, Rangoon, the total requirements of materials
and labour from outside the Division necessary for carrying
out all the projects within the Division, and of technical
assistance from Rangoon.
Aid to Industries and Relief
62. The Ministry of Industry and Mines and the
Ministry of Welfare and Relief shall as soon as the
Budget is presented in Parliament intimate to each
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee the total amount provided
in the Budget for loans to industries and for relief
respectively. '
( 17 )
63. Each Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall then
decide how the funds so provided shall be allocated to the
District and Township Pyiclawtha Committees under ils
control, intimate the allocation proposed to be made to each
Districtand Township Pyidawtha Cemmittee andissuesuch
other general instructions as it may consider necessary in
preparation for the work.
Co-operative Loans
64. Detailed instructions in regard to the preparatory
work to be carried out in regard lo Co-operative loans are
given in Appendix I.
65. It is vitally important that all the preliminary work
enumerated above are completed before the end of
September every year, so that the actual work of execution
may start with the beginning of the new financial year
without any loss of time. It must.also be remembered
however that all provisions made in the Budget and
intimated to Divisional Pyidawtha Committees by the
central authorities as above are provisional, and cannot be
taken as authorized or firm until the Budget is passed by
Parliament and the annual Appropriation Act is passed.
While therefore the Budget provisions as intimated to
Divisional Pyidawtha Committees should be used for
completing all preparatory work, they must not be
considered as firm until the Appropriation Act is passed by
Parliament and no Township, District or Divisional
Pyidawtha Committee and no Local Body should enter into
any firm commitments or sign contracts for execution of
works until the beginning of the new financial year.
General Principles
66. The following general principles govern the
devolution of powers to Pyiclawtha Commitees, and the
assumption of responsibility for execution of works jointly
by Pyidawtha Committees and Departmental officials in
the Districts :—
(a) The powers devolved are wide, and large sums of
public money will be placed at the disposal of
Pyidawtha Committees to be spent entirely at
( 18 )
their discretion and free from ordinary Depart-
mental control and the existing rules and
regulations. It is therefore the duty of every
Pyidawtha Committee to ensure that the funds
placed at its disposal are used entirely for
public Welfare, and is not diverted in any
way to personal gain. Each Pyidwatna
Committee must also maintain proper accounts
of all sums spent out of the Discretionary
Fund, and shall account for the expenditure
so incurred annually to Government. The
accounts shall also be open to audit;
(6) Every official in cach Department in the District
must' understand that the assignment of
responsibility to Pyidawtha Committees for
letting out contracts and for general supervision
does not in any way absolve them of their
responsibility in regard to making all necessary
preparations for ensuring that the works and
projects provided for in the Budget and for
which they are departmentally responsible
are carried out successfully and with due
economy and expedition. They will thus
remain primarily responsible for (i) preparation
of preliminary designs and estimates at the
planning stage; (ii) estimating the labour
and material requirements at the preliminary
stage and advising the Divisional Pyidawtha
Committee how much can be procured locally,
what materials and labour should be requested
for from the centre and what technical assistance
from outside the Division will be necessary for
carrying out the works efficiently and in time ;
(iii) preparing the tender forms and other
documents necessary for letting out contracts
or undertaking work by dircct labour; (iv)
checking the progress of work and passing
running bills ; and (v) detailed supervision until
each work is completed and the final bill is paid.
The manner in which these functions will
be discharged and the separate and joint
responsibility of the Departmental official
concerned and of the Pyidawtha Committee
resppnsible for carrying out the work ft
explained in detail in the Appendices ; and
( 19 )
(c) The district officials responsible for the mainte-
nance of essential services such as roads, bridges,
railway-tracks, etc., shall have powers to act in an
emergency. The extent of powers to be
exercised in such cases is indicated in detail in
the Appendices.
Discretionary Grant
67. Each Divisional, District and Township Pyidawtha
Committee shall have authority to utilize the funds placed
at its disposal under this head for such purposes and in
such manner as will, in the judgment of each Committee,
promote welfare and reconstruction within its jurisdiction.
It will not be necessary to comply with any Departmental
instructions applying to any other kind of expenditure, or
to follow any rules and regulations that exist for other
expenditures. The only conditions that will govern
expenditure from the Discretionary Grant are as follows :—
{a) In allocating funds to the District and Township
Pyidawtha Committees, the Divisional Pyi-
dawtha Committee shall do so separately for
capital expenditure and for current expenditure,
as provided in the Budget ;
[b) No Committee shall incur expenditure in excess
of the total amount allocated to it by the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee. Funds
alloted for capital expenditure must on no
account be used for any current expenditure ;
(c) The expenditure on anyone projector work under
this head shall not exceed K 10,000, whether
the work is undertaken by a Divisional,
District or Township Pyidawtha Committee.
68. In order that the limited funds made available as
Discretionary Grant may benefit the largest number of
people, works and projects which do not cost an excessive
sum, such as digging of wells, construction of minor roads
and bridges, etc., should be given priority under this head.
69. The inhabitants of the locality for whose welfare a
particular work under this head is authorized should be
asked to make a contribution towards the work in labour
and wherever possible also in material. If for example a
( 20 )
primary school building is to be constructed with funds
from the Discretionary Grant. The local inhabitants should
contribute the necessary labour and such materials as can
be obtained without purchase, and funds from the
Discretionary Grant should be used for engagement of
skilled labour not available locally and for such materials as
require to be purchased. Such an arrangement will ensure
that the benefits accruing to the people is far more than
that represented by the sum of money allotted, and will also
create a healthy community spirit and foster self-help and
Repairs and Maintenance
70. Funds for repairs and maintenance having been,
allocated to each Pyidawtha Committee, and the works to be
carried out having been specified, in the preparatory stage,
the actual execution of the work shall follow the detailed
instructions contained in Appendix A.
Original Works
71. Each Divisional and District Pyidawtha Committee
and also each Township Pyidawtha Committee if the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee so decides, shall appoint
Sub-committees of itself for carrying out each broad category
of major works and repairs and maintenance in respect of
which it is given responsibility. Each Sub-committee shall
consist of the Deputy Commissioner or the Divisional,
District or other Officer directly responsible for the works
allocated to the Sub-committee as Chairman, and such
other members as the Committee may determine but not
exceeding five including the Chairman. The Divisional
Pyidawtha Committee shall prescribe the rules and
procedures which each Sub-committee shall follow, and
also its powers with specific reference to the subjects in
respect of which the Sub-committee shall be required to
obtain the approval of the main Committee.
72. Each Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall convene
a meeting during the first week of October for the specific
purpose of discussing and deciding on the following
matters :—
(a) Review and discuss the major works that have
been allocated to it for execution during the
financial year ;
I 21 )
(b) Determine which of these works shall be carried
out by the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee,
the District Pyidawtha Committee and the
Township Pyidawtha Committee. In discussing
this matter the Committee shall bear in mind
the principle that works up to a value of
K 2 lakhs shall be carried out by the District
Pyidawtha Committee ;
(c) Determine which of the works allocated to each
Committee shall be carried out and supervised
by the Committee itself, and which of the
works shall be carried out by Sub-committees
thereof ;
(d) Discuss and determine a programme of work so
that all the projects provided for in the Budget
may be carried out successfully during the
financial year ;
(e) Discuss the availability of men and materials for
carrying out the work, their allocation within
the division so as to avoid undue competition,
and what requests for assistance should be
forwarded to the procurement and Advisory
Committee at Rangoon ;
(/) Consider which of the works should be carried
out by calling for tenders, which should be
let out on contract without calling for tenders
and which should be carried out by Depart-
mental labour. In coming to a decision on
this subject, the Committee shall follow the
provision in the P.W.D. Code, and the
detailed instructions contained in Appendix A.
The Committee shall also consider specifically
the extent to which Rehabilitation Brigades
and Labour Co-operatives shall be employed
for each specific work ; and
(£) Make detailed arrangements for calling of tenders,
letting out contracts and carrying out works
with Departmental labour.
73. Detailed instructions in regard to execution,
supervision, payment of working bills and other matters
relating to the completion of each ivork are contained in
Appendix A.
( 22 )
Bazaars under Local Bodies
74. Instructions governing the grant of loans to local
bodies for construction of bazaars, recovery of instalments,
etc., are included in Appendix D. Under these
instructions, it will be the duty of each Divisional
Pyidawtha Committee to—
{a) Determine whether any particular bazaar shall be
constructed by the local body itself or by one of
the Pyidawtha Committees or a Sub-committee
thereof, or by some other agency ;
(b) Recover the instalments towards the payment of
loans by the local body concerned in accordance
with instructions contained in Appendix D, and
credit them to Government ; and
(c) Ensure generally that the loans are utilized for
the purpose for which they were granted and
that the construction of bazaars undertaken by
local bodies proceeds with due economy and
75. It shall also be the duty of the Divisional
Pyidawtha Committee to ensure that the bazaar fits into
such general town or development plans as may be
authorized by Government tor the town or locality in which
the bazaar is situated.
Aid to Industries and Relief
76. Detailed instructions in regard to the granting of
Industrial Loans out of funds placed at the disposal of
Divisional Pyidawtha Committees, security for the loans,
and recovery of loans are included in Appendix E.
77. Detailed instructions in regard to the administration
of funds allocated to the Pyidawtha Committees for relief
with their areas are included in Appendix F.
Agricultural and Co-operative Loans and Tenancy Disposal
78. Detailed instructions in regard to the administration
of Agricultural loans and tenancy disposal are included in
Appendix G.
79. Detailed instructions in regard to the administration
of Co-operative loans are included in Appendix H,
I 23 )
General Supervisory Committee
80. There shall be constituted at Rangoon a General
Supervisory Committee for the control and supervision of
all activities under the Pyidawtha Plan. The Committee
shall consist of the Hon'ble Prime Minister as Chairman,
and such other members as may be decided by
81. All matters relating to the Pyidawtha Plan in
rcspcct of which there is any doubt or disagreement, and
all policy matters relating thereto, shall be determined
by this Committee.
Procurement and Advisory Committee
82. There shall also be constituted in Rangoon a Pro-
curement and Advisory Committee consisting of the
(1) Hon'ble Minister for Public Works and Rehabili-
tation, —Chai rm a n.
(2) Hon'ble Minister for Housing and Labour.
(3) Secretary, Ministry of Public Works and Rehabi-
. litati'on.
(4) Secretary, Ministry of Planning.
(5) Secretary, Ministry of Commerce.
(6) A representative of the Ministry of Finance and
(7) Chief Engineer, Public Works Department.
(8) Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department.
(9) Superintendent, Government Central Stores.
83. The functions of this Committee shall be two-
fold :—
(a) Consideration of the over-all availability of
materials and labour, both skilled and unskilled,
estimated as necessary for carrying out all the
Pyidawtha plans throughout the country, and
making arrangements for procurement of mate-
rials from abroad and assignment of skilled and
unskilled labour to cach Division for carrying
out the plans ; and
( 24 j
(b) Giving advice and assistance to Divisional Pyidaw-
tha Committees in such technical matters as
may be referred to them by the Committees, or
which may come to their attention as a result of
inspection by officers from the Central Depart-
ments or otherwise. The Committee shall, in
particular, keep a roster of technical and other
personnel available for assistance in the
execution and supervision of plans in the
districts. If will also assist Pyidawtha Commit-
tees in the preparation or finalization of detailed
plans should any -Committee experience
difficulty in doing so and calls for assistance
from the Procurement and Advisory Committee.
Senior Minister for each Division
84. Finally, each Division in the Union of Burma shall
be placed in the immediate charge of a Senior Minister for
purposes of facilitating the execution of all Pyidawtha plans
and ensuring generally the success of the Pyidawtha Plan.
The Hon'ble Minister shall not, however, act as a control-
ling authority in respect of the Division within his charge.
H is functions shall be purely advisory, and he shall render
such advice and assistance as may be considered desirable
for the success of the Plan. In particular, he shall have
authority to take up with the General Supervisory Commit-
tee any specific matter relating to the working of the
Pyidawtha Plan within the division in his charge. No
Divisional, District or Township Pyidawtha Committee
should attempt to obtain formal orders from the Hon'ble
Minister in respect of any matter which is within their
competence or in respect of which orders of some other
administrative Ministry are necessary.
( 25 )
Pyidawtha Directive Relating to thic Functions of the Buildings
and Roads Department, Government of the Union of Burma.
Section 1.
Classification of the functions of the Buildings and Roads
Department.—The functions of the Buildings and Roads Department
are classified as follows :—
(A) Original Works—
(1) Major Works—
(a) Communications.
(b) Buildings.
fc) Miscellaneous.
(d) Furniture.
(2) Minor Works —
(a) Communications.
(b) Buildings.
(c) Miscellaneous.
(d) Furniture.
(B) Repairs—
(1) Buildings—
(а) Requisitioned buildings.
(б) Government buildings,
(c) Furniture.
(a) Essential Services.
(e) Rehabilitation of buildings damaged during the war
and the insurrection.
(2). Communications—
(а) Ordinary repairs.
(б) Rehabilitation of Communications damaged during the
war and the insurrection.
(3) Miscellaneous.
(C) Tools and Plant—
(1) New Supplies.
(2) Repairs and Carriage—
(a) Motor Transport.
(b) Miscellaneous.
(6) Recoveries for services rendered.
(c) Recoveries of expenditure.
(d) Ferry Receipts.
( 26 )
(c) Cost of stores received from Army and CAS(B) without
cash adjustment.
(f) Miscellaneous.
(g) Receipts in England.
Section 2.
Definitions of the functional classifications —
(A) The term " Original Work " indicates new construction,
whether of entirely new works (such as buildings, roads,
etc.) or of additions, alterations and improvements to
existing works.
A work costing up to K 10,000 is a Minor Work and
a work costing more than K 10,000 is a Major Work,
The term " Repairs" means operations undertaken to
maintain the existing works in proper condition.
(B) (i) " Communications-" means the roads notified by the
Government as Main Roads or Union Highways,
(ii) " Government buildings" means the buildings borne on
the books of the Buildings and Roads Department.
(iii) " Miscellaneous Works " means works which are required
in the interest of general public but are neither buildings
nor communications nor for a particular department.
Example— Jetties.
(iv) " Furniture" means only the furniture installed in the
Government residential buildings and the Inspection and
District Bungalows of the Buildings and Roads Depart-
(v) The following types of expenditure constitute " Essential
Services ":— •
(a) Wages of the Durw'ans employed to look after the
buildings belonging to the Buildings and Roads Depart-
ment and of the Sweepers employed by the depart-
ment for such buildings where it is so responsible.
(b) Municipal Taxes payable by the Buildings and Roads
Department for Government buildings.
(c) Expenditure incurred in connection with the supply of
electricity, water and steam in buildings where the
Buildings and Roads Department is so responsible.
(vi) " Rehabilitation of damages during the war and the
insurrection " means reconstruction of works to the original
specification and size.
Example.—If by reconstruction a building will become larger
than the original size or when it constitutes an improvement
to the original specification, the work is not " Rehabilitation "
but " Original Work."
( 27 )
Of the various classes of
Department given at Section
Pyidawtha Committees : —
(^4) Original Works—
(1) Major Works—
(a) Buildings.
(b) Miscellaneous.
(c) Furniture.
(2) Minor Works—
(a) Communication.
(b) Buildings.
(c) Miscellaneous.
(d) Furniture.
(B) Repairs—
(1) Buildings—
(a) Government buildings.
(,b) Furniture.
(c) Rehabilitation of-buildings damaged during the war and
the insurrection.
(2) Communications—
(а) Ordinary repairs.
(б) Rehabilitation of communications damaged during the
war and the insurrection.
(3) Miscellaneous.
In the case of Specialist Works namely the Sanitary and Electrical
Works pertaining to the above works, the Buildings and Roads Depart-
ment shall continue to remiin responsible for them as works not trans-
ferred to Pyidawtha Committees and shall continue to undertake them
directly according to the existing rules of the department.
Section 4.
T.ie Pyidawtha Committees are to undertake the following func-
tions in respjet of works transferred to them : —
(A) In respect of the " Original Works "—
To accord (i) Administrative Approval as defined below,
(ii) Financial Sanction as defined below,
(iii) Technical Sanction as defined below.
Morn.—The above approval and sanctions relate only to Original Works
When an Original Work is to be undertaken, the Pyidawtha
Committee should arrange to accord the abovementioned approval
and sanctions for it in the order as stated and it should be considered
as qualified for execution only after all the above approval and sanctions
have been given. However, the actual execution can only be done to
the cxteut of funds allotted to the work according to the distribution
Section 3.
functions of the Buildings and Roads
1, the following are transferred to the
( 28 )
under the Budget Estimate. Of the abovcmentioned approval and
sanctions, any approval or sanction existing for a work at the time a
Pyidawtha Committee begins to function shall remain to hold good for
that work.
When a Head of Department requires for his department a work in
the nature of an Original Work transferred by the Buildings and Roads
Department to the Pyidawtha Committees, he should apply to the
Pvidawtha Committee concerned to arrange for it. When a Head of
Department so applies, the Pyidawtha Committee should arrange to
give the necessary approval and sanctions as explained above.
(B) In respect of " Repairs "—
(i) To arrange all works in the order of priority in which they
are desired to be completed.
(ii) To fix a monetary limit known as the Lump Sum Limit, for
every repair work up to which expenditure can be incurred
Definitions of the Approvals and Sanctions—
Administrative Approval means the decision given by the
Pyidavvtha Committee with the concurrence of the
representative of the department concerned on the said
Committee as to whether a work is necessary or not.
Financial Sanction means the fixation by the Pyidawtha
Committee of a limit of cost for a work.
Plinth Area Estimates and functional drawings and plans are
necessary for Financial Sanction.
Notk.—The Financial Sanction is not tlie authority to incur
expenditure. Expenditure can be incurred only when allotment of funds
exists according to the distribution under the Budget Estimate and
only to the extent of such allotment.
Technical Sanction means the sanction accorded for a work
by the Pyidawtha Committee after obtaining the
technical recommendation of the officer concerned
after his examination of the detailed estimates, detailed
drawings and specifications.
The above approval and sanctions should be given by the
Pyidawtha Committees as follows according to the
cost of the work : —
(i) When the cost of a work does not exceed K 2,00,000
the approval and sanctions should be given by the
District Pyidawtha Committee.
(ii) When the cost of a work exceeds K 2,00,000 the
approval and sanction should be given by the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee.
Section 5.
Funds.—The Government will allot funds to the Chief Engineer
for all works pertaining to the Buildings and Roads Department
according to the Budget Estimate sanctioned by the Parliament,
( 29 )
The Chief Engineer will then distribute the funds lie receives to the
Executive Engineers according to the existing rules and in the manner,
as done hitherto but he should lurnish the Divisional Pyidawtha Com-
mittees with the relevant extracts of his statement of distribution of
funds relating to works transferred to the Pyidawtha Committees.
While the distribution of funds by the Chief Engineer to the
Executive Engineers will be in the manner as hitherto done, there will
be a slight difference with the existing practice in the case of funds
for Minor Original Works.
Under the existing practice, the Chief Engineer allots the funds for
specilied Minor Original Works to the Commissioners aucl Heads of
Departments according Lo their demands and they in turn call for the
detailed estimates and plans from the Executive Engineer, accord the
financial sanction if the detailed estimates and plans are approved and
reallot the funds to the Executive Engineers. However, according to
this directive, the arrangement for Minor Original Works will be
as follows :—
(a) 'I lie Chief Engineer will, as soon as he receives the allotments
according to the Budget approved by the Parliament, give Block Grants
lo the Executive Engineers from the appropriate heads of funds for
expenditure on Minor Original Works. However, the Executive
Engineers should utilize the funds only for works financially sanctioned
as follows by the Pyidawtha ConimitLees.
{b) File Departments requiring Minor Original Works should
apply to Divisional Pyidawtha Committee.
(c) If the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee agrees with the neces-
sity for the work, it should proceed as follows :—
(i) The Executive Engineer should be called upon to submit
the detailed estimate and plans to the District Pyidawtha
Committee and report the estimated cost of the work to
the Divisional Pyidavvtha Committee,
(iij The District Pyidawtha Committee should be asked to take
up the work.
{d) The Executive Engineer should, on receipt of the instruction
from the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee, prepare the detailed esti-
mate and plans and submit them to the District Pyidawtha Committee.
However, the work should be of the type the Buildings and Roads
Department usually undertakes and if it is a new structure, the site
plan showing its location should be submitted to the District Pyidavvtha
Committee and its approval obtained before proceeding with the
preparation of the detailed estimate. In submitting the detailed estimate
to the District Pyidawtha Committee, the Executive Engineer should
also report whether he has the necessary funds or not to undertake the
work. A similar report should also be made to the Divisional Pyidaw-
tha Committee giving the cost of the work.
(e) On receipt of the detailed estimate and plans submitted by
the Executive Engineer, the District Pyidawtha Committee should
examine and if approved, accord the Financial Sanction and return
them to the Executive Engineer.
.(f) The Executive Engineer, on receipt of the detailed estimate
and plans financially sanctioned as mentioned in the foregoing para-
graph (e), should accord Technical Sanction if there are sufficient funds
30 )
and proceed to put the work in hand according to the existing rules.
(See also section 11 J.
The Executive Engineer should not put a work in hand for
which funds are insufficient.
(g) When a work cannot be put in hand due either to the
Executive Engineer having no funds allotted by the Chief Engineer
for the purpose or to the insufficiency of funds, the Divisional Pyidaw-
tha Committee can demand for necessary funds for the work from
the Chief Engineer. However the Chief Engineer will allot funds to
the Executive Engineer against such demands only when there are funds
with him as allotted by the Government under the appropriate head.
Note.—The term " existing rules " means the relevant rules "under which the
Buildings and Roads Department,functions at the time the Pyidawtha Committees are
Section 6.
(A) The Executive Engineer should comply with the following
instructions on receipt of the statement of the Chief Engineer's dis-
tribution of funds :—
(I) Original Works.—Lists of original works showing the following
classifications separately should be submitted to the Divisional Pyidaw-
tha Committee.
(а) Major Original Works.
(б) Minor Original Works.
Each list should contain the following details :—
(1) Classification of work.
(2) Name of work.
(3) Whether Financial Sanction exists.
(4) Allotment for the new Financial year.
(5) Whether Technical Sanction exists. If so the amount.
(6) If there is no Technical Sanction yet, a report as to what
action is being taken to obtain it.
(7) If the work is a carry-over work from the previous financial
(i) Expenditure incurred prior to the new financial year.
(ii) How the work is being continued,
(iii) If the work is a contract work,
(а) Name of the contractor.
(б) Cost of the contract.
(c) Payments already made to the contractor according to
the contract.
Id) Progress made by the contractor in terms of work and
the estimated value of the remaining work.
(8) If the work is a new work to be commenced in the new
financial year, the Executive Engineer's recommendation
as to how it should be undertaken.
{II) Repairs.— As repairs involve works which have to be under-
taken by preparing the Work Authorities gradually throughout the
year, it will not be possible for an Executive Engineer to give at the
commencement of a financial year any accurate forecast as to what
the cost will be for a particular repair work.
However, he should prepare and submit a statement to the Divi-
sional Pyidawtha Committee showing, for each individual building,
road, etc.,
(a) What repairs are necessary, and
(b) their approximate cost giving also the proposed break-
down of the repairs funds allotted by the Chief En-
gineer against the individual works.
(B) The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee should proceed as
follows on receipt of the abovementioned reports from the Executive
Engineer : —
Original Works.—If the value does not exceed K 2,00,000
the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee should transfer the work to the
District Pyidawtha Committee to take up according to the responsibili-
ties assigned to it by this directive.
If the value exceeds K 2,00,000 the Divisional Pyidawtha
Committee itself should take up the work similarly.
Repairs.—As repair works are by nature such that they are
gradually undertaken throughout the year as already explained, the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee should transfer to the District
Pyidawtha Committee the undertaking of all repair works according
to the responsibilities assigned to it by this directive. However, the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee may, if it so desires, instruct the
District Pyidawtha Committee as to what priority is to be given for
any particular repair work.
Section 7.
Instructions relating to Original Works.—The following instructions
indicate action to be taken for Original Works by the Pyidawtha
Committee concerned :—
(A) Works for which Technical Sanction exists :—
There will be two types of such works namely : —
(a) Woi'ks commenced in the previous years. Such works
may be continued by [the Executive Engineer in the
manner in which they are in progress.
(b) Works to commence in the new financial year. If
tenders are to be called for according to the rules of
the Buildings and Roads Department, the Executive
Engineer should for both types of works call for and
open the tenders according to those rules. He should
then prepare the Comparative Statement and submit it
along with the tenders to the Pyidawtha Committee
{a) If the tenders are for a work costing not more than
K 2,00,000 the Comparative Statement and tenders
should be submitted to the District Pyidawtha
( 32 )
(b) If the lenders are for a work costing more than
K 2,00.000 they should be submitted to the Divi-
sion al Pyidawtha Committee.
On the receipt of the Comparative Statement and lenders,
the Pyidawtha Committee should select the tender to
be accepted subject to the following conditions :—•
(i) .Normally, the lowest tender should be selected for
acceptance, but if there are spccial reasons, any
other tender may be selected instead.
(ii) If a tender which is not the lowest is selected for
acceptance, the Pyidawtha Committee should record
the reason for its action in writing on the connected
(tii) Even the lowest tender should not be accepted, if
the cost of the work will thereby exceed the
Financial Sanction.
In such circumstances, the Pyidawtha Committee may
arrange Lo obtain a revised Financial Sanction
sufficient to cover the increased cost and the saicl
lowest tender may then be selected for acceptance.
(iv) If the cost will exceed the financial sanction even
with the selection of the lowest tender, the Pyidaw-
tha Committee may offer the work at estimated
rates to any suitable contractor by negotiation
without calling for fresh tenders.
(v) No Pyidawtha Committee is authorized to modify or
correct the printed conditions on the Government
Contract or agreement forms.
After selecting the suitable lender under the above condi-
tions, the Pyidawtha Committee should intimate its
selection to the Executive Engineer.
The Executive Engineer, should on receipt of the above
intimation, prepare the contract or agreement for the
selected tender in the prescribed form according to
the rules of the Buildings and Roads Department and
arrange its acceptance according to the following
authorization :—
(i) If the cost does not exceed K 2,00,000 the Executive
Engineer himself should accept the contract or
(ii) If the cost exceeds K 2,00,000 the Executive
Engineer should submit the prepared forms to the
Superintending Engineer for acceptance.
The Superintending Engineer should accept the contract or
agreement so submitted by the Executive Engineer
after necessary scrutiny and Correction.
The Executive Engineer should keep all the accepted con-
tracts and agreements in his custody according to the
rules of the Buildings and Roads Department and
their copies should likewise be submitted to the
Accountant-General and the Superintending Engineer
where necessary. The Executive Engineer may
( 33 )
proceed with the execution of works according to the
rules of the Buildings and Roads Department where
no tenders need be called for under those rules. (See
also sections 10 and 11.)
(B) Works for which no Technical Sanction exists :—
(a) The Executive Engineer should urgently prepare the
detailed estimate and drawings for the work and submit
them to the Pyidawtha Committee concerned to accord
Technical Sanction. (See also sections IS and 16.)
(b) The detailed estimate and drawings submitted by the
Executive Engineer for Technical Sanction should be
dealt with by the Pyidawtha Committees as follows :—
(i) For works costing not more than K 2,00,000, the
Technical Sanciion should be accorded by the District
Pyidawtha Committee.
(ii) For works costing more than K 2,00,0C0, it should be
accorded by the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee.
A Pyidawtha Committee may however withhold the Technical
Sanction if it disagrees with the general features of the
estimate but its technical features such as the detailed
specifications should be as proposed by the Executive
For example, the roofing of a building may either be with
Corrugated Iron Sheets or Dhani as decided by the
Pyidawtha Committee but the actual design of the roof
utilizing the material as decided by the Pyidawtha Com-
mittee should be at the discretion of the Executive
(c) The Executive Engineer will be responsible for the custody
of the technically sanctioned detailed estimates and
drawings according to the rules of the Buildings and
Roads Department.
(d) On receipt ol the technical sanction, the Executive
Engineer should proceed with the work according to
his duties and responsibilities prescribed in the rules of
the Buildings and Roads Department.
However, when it is necessary to call for tenders under those
rules, the selection of tenders should be done by the
Pyidawtha Committee as nlreuly stated above. (See also
section 11.)
Section 8.
Instructions relating to Repairs.—(a) The Executive Engineer should
undertake the repair works according to their priority allotted by the
District Pyidawtha Committee under section 4 and should also keep
the expenditure within the lump sum limits prescribed thereby.
The District Pyidawtha Committee, however, has the authority
to revise its lump sum limits as necessary within the funds available
pnder the relevant primary unit of allotment.
( 34 )
(b) The Executive Engineer may prepare the work authorities for
repair works according to his judgment and sanction them himself
within the conditions prescribed in the above sub-section (a).
(c) If tenders are to be called for according to the rules of the
Buildings and Roads Department, the selection of tenders should be
done by the Pyidawtha Committee as prescribed for Original Works.
(See also sections 10 and 11.)
Section 9.
Accounts for Disbursements and Receipts of Cash.—The Executive
Engineer will maintain the accounts for all disbursements and receipts
of cash according to the rules of the Buildings and Roads Department.
When the Executive Engineer submits the usual " Monthly Returns
of Allotments, Progressive Expenditure and Revenue " to the Chief
Engineer, he should submit the relevant extracts from it to the
Divisional and District Pyidawtha Committees.
Section 10.
Acceptance of contracts and agreements without calling tenders for
works transferred to Pyidawtha Committees.—(i) When the Divisional
Pyidawtha Committee so prescribes, the Executive Engineer should
submit to that Committee, lists of contracts or agreements accepted
without callingtenders for works transferred to Pyidawtha Committees.
(ii) When the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee so prescribes, the
Executive Engineer should accept contracts or agreements without
calling tenders for works transferred to Pyidawtha Committees only
after'taking the prior approval of the District Pyidawtha Committee.
Section 11.
Powers of the Pyidawtha Committee to select and prescribe the agency
for undertaking works.—A Pyidawtha Committee, in discharging the
responsibility assigned to it under section 6 (B), may at its option select
and prescribe any one of the following methods for undertaking works
transferred to it :—
(i) By direct employment of labour.
(ii) Through the agency of the Rehabilitation Brigade.
(iii) Through the agency of Labour Co-operative Societies.
(iv) .Through the agency of contractors.
If the Pyidawtha Committee exercises the option under this section,
the Executive Engineer should comply with its instructions subject to
other relevant rules.
Examples.—If the Pyidawtha Committee selects the method of
employing direct labour, the Executive Engineer should undertake the
work accordingly :in the manner as he would do when he himself
decides to'Eutilize" such method. Similarly, when the Pyidawtha
Committee selects^any other agency, the Executive Engineer, should see
that there.are agreements for all works, costing more than !K 2Q0,
( 35 )
accepted according to the rules of the Buildings and Roads Depart-
ment irrespective of whether a work is undertaken through the
Rehabilitation Brigade, Labour Co-operative Socielies or Contractors.
Such agreements, where tenders are to be called for according to
the rules of the Buildings and Roads Department, should be those
accepted as prescribed in section 7. No tenders need however be
called for when works are done through the agency of the Rehabili
tation Brigade. '
When the Pyidawtha Committee does not exercise the above option
vested in it, the Executive Engineer or the Superintending Engineer
may himself select the agency for undertaking a work.
Where the Pyidawtha Committee selects and prescribes the method
of executing a work, it should also see that there are preconceived
arrangements to enable the Executive Engineer to deal urgently with
unavoidable emergencies.
Section 12.
Although ths Buildings and Roads Department will undertake works
which are not transferred to Pyidawtha Committees according to its '
rules in force, the Department lias the option to seek the assistance and
co-operation of the Pyidawtha Committees in the selection of tenders
for such works.
Section 13.
The Executive.Engineer may apply to the Pyidawtha Committee for
assistance and co-operation to overcome a difficulty or hindrance in
undertaking any work.
Section 14.
Inspection of Works by Pyidawtha Committees.—A Pyidawtha
Committee may inspect any work which the Executive Engineer is
undertaking under its instructions but complaints if any should be made
in writing only to the Executive Engineer or his superior departmental
The Pyidawtha Committee should not give any Executive instructions
on the basis of such complaints to the staff of the Executive Engineer.
Section 15.
Liaison between the Pyidawtha Committee and Offices of the Buildings
and Roads Department.—(i) Only the written records will hold good in
all cases of disputes between the Pyidawtha Committee and the
offices of the Buildings and Roads Department.
(ii) When the Pyidawtha Committee so desires, the Executive
Engineer or the Superintending Engineer as the case may be should
prepare and submit to it the Plinth Area Estimate and functional
drawings and plans.
However, it should only be for works the Buildings and Roads
Department is usually responsible and for which the Administrative
Approval also exists.
36 )
(iii) If the Pyidawtlia Committees call for submission of the detailed
estimate and detailed drawings. the Executive .Engineer or the
Superintending Engineer as the case may be, should prepare and submit
them as early as possible provided.—
(a) the work is of the type which the Buildings and Roads
Department is usually responsible;
(ft) there is for it a Plinth Area Estimate accepted by the Pyi-
dawtha Committee, and
(c) the work has been financially sanctioned and the Engineer
concerned can also reasonably expcct that the necessary
funds will be sanctioned for it by the Government.
(iv) All new buildings required by the Pyidawtha Committee, when
they are of the type the Byildings and Roads Department is normally
responsible, should be according to the type plans prescribed by ilie
Department. The type and specifications should be as prescribed by
the Pyidawtha Committee only in cases where no such type plans exist.
Section 16.
The duties of the Executive Engineer and the Superintending Engineer
regarding estimates for works of the 1'yidawlha Committees.—The
Executive Engineer and the Superintending Engineer are responsible
for the preparation of the Plinth Area Estimates and functional drawings
and plans and the Detailed Estimates and detailed drawings to the
value of work as follows : —
The Executive Engineer is responsible for all estimates costing
not more than K ] ,00,000.
The Superintending Engineer is responsible for all estimates
costing more than K 1,00,000 but he has the option to ask the Execu-
tive Engineer to prepare and submit any estimate.
Section 17.
Supersession of the Standing District Buildings Committee.—The
District Pyidawtha Committees shou'd lake over all the functions of the
Standing District Buildings Committees from the date of their formation.
Although this means the supersession of the Standing District
Buildings Committees all rules pertaining to the duLies and responsibili-
ties of the Standing District Buildings Committees should continue to
prevail for the District Pyidawtha Committees to function.
Section 18.
The Pyidawtha Committees and the Officers of the Buildings and
Roads Department should respect all the existing rules and regulations
of the Buildings and Roads Department which are not in conflict with
the-foregoing rules of this directive.
( 37 )
Example.—When three are Deposit and Agency Works for the
Buildings and Roads Department to undertake on behalf of Local
Bodies and other Government Depar'ments respectively, they should
be done by relevant application of the rules both of this directive and
of the Buildings and Roads Department.
Section 1 .
Preparation of Budget Estimate for Parliamentary Sanction.—To
enable the Chief Engineer I > include the requirements of funds for
works transferred to the Pyidawtha Committees in his Departmental
Budget Estimate for Parliamentary Sanction, the Divisional Pyidawtha
Committees should furnish the Chief Engineer with statements of
funds required for Pyidawtha Works for the financial year concerned
in the forms prescribed by the Chief Engineer. Such statements should
be submitted to reach the Chief Engineer on the date prescribed
by him.
Detailed Instructions for Works Entrusted by the National
Housing Boa bp under the Fyidawtha Plan.
The Board has organize*! School Committees to supervise
construction of Schools in the districts. The fundamental difference
between the Pyidawtha Committees and the School Building
Committees is in that the latter lias powers to utilize the Board's funds
in the name of the Committee's Chairman and Secretary, on the
recommendation of the local Resident Engineering Assistant
appointed by the Board, subject, of course, to Administrative
Approval, Financial Sanction and Technical Sanction of the Board.
This vesting of powers simplifies the procedure.
It may however be mentioned that for the school buildings that are
now under construction the School Building Committee concerned
has as its functions the acceptance of tenders, directing the local
Resident Engineering Assistant (who is appointed by the Board and
who is a member of the Committee) in the execution of the
construction work. Arrangements are being made to entrust the
School Building Committees with at least 70 per cent of the estimated
cost of the works under their disposal. Provision will be made for the
School Building Committees to draw the expenditure incurred in the
natrie of their respective Resident Engineering Assistants.
It is presumed that the proposed Pyidawtha Committees will absord
the Standing School Building Committees. But so far it needs to be
clarified as to how the Board's works are to be carried on since there
is no representative of the Board in the list of members of the
Pyidawtha Committees. It is suggested that all Pyidawtha
Committees (i.e., whether District or Township) should have power
of co-option. By such power an officer of the Board can be co-opted
sis a member of the Pyidawtha Committee, as and when any work by
the Board is contemplated upon. It will be seen that this suggestion
is made because there is no necessity for a representative of the Board
bn each and every Pyidawtha Committee, since the Board has its
works only in some districts selected from time to time.
( 38 )
1- Classification of Works should be on the line of the Public Works
Department Instructions.
_ 2. The Works entrusted to be executed by the Pyidawtha Com-
mittee may be classified under one of the following heads :—
A. Original Works —
(1) Major Works—
(a) Major Building Construction.
(b) Major constructions other than Roads and Buildings.
(2) Minor Works—
(a) Minor Road Construction.
(b) Minor Building Construction.
(c) Minor constructions other than Roads and Buildings.
B. Repairs and Maintenance —
(1) Buildings—
(а) Board's Buildings.
(б) Furniture.
(2) Roads—
(a) Ordinary Repairs.
(3) Miscellaneous Works other than Roads and Buildings.
Note.—The National Housing and Town aud Country Development Board wilt
retain under its possession and control certain properties, particularly residential
bouses. Ths maintenance and repairs of such buildings should remain with the
3. Allocation of Funds.—The Government will place the public
funds to the credit of National Housing and Town and Country
Development Board, for the purpose either of works devolving
upon the Pyidawtha Committee or of works to remain under the
direct control of the Board. The funds are to be provided for the
various works mentioned in Paragraph 1, in accordance with the
procedure now in force.
The funds in respect of works devolving on the' Pyidawtha Com-
mittee shall be placed at the disposal of the Pyidawtha Committee.
N.B.—" The procedure now in force " means such procedure as has been in force
prior to the advent of the Pyidawtha Committee.
4. Utilization of Allocated Funds.—In utilizing the funds entrusted
with them, the Pyidawtha Committees shall adopt the following
(1) For works not completed by the close of the 1951-52
Finaneial year, the Board Engineer shall submit a report in the
39 )
following manner to the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee on the
position of works at the beginning of the 1952-53 financial year :—
(a) Class of work and name of work ;
(b) If it is for an original work, the Financial Sanction
therefor ;
(c) Total amount of expenditure incurred by the end of
(d) Amount of work completed during 1951-52 financial year,
and amount of work to be continued for the following
year (t.e., 1952-53). •
(e) If it is a contractual work,—
(i) Name of Contractor ;
(ii) Value of consideration ;
(iii) Total amount of money paid by the close of the 1951-52
financial year to the Contractor, in accordance with the
(/) Board Engineer's recommendation in respect of work to be
Repairs and Maintenance.—In view of the fact that repairs and
maintenance works, unlike original works, have to be estimated for
from time to time in the course of the year in accordance with the
volume of work and the strength of funds, they should reasonably be
handed over to the District Pyidawtha Committee.
For repairs and maintenance works the Board Engineer shall
submit to the Pyidawtha Committee concerned estimates in accordance
with the procedure now in force. The Pyidawtha Committee on
receiving such estimates, may sanction the estimated amounts if it
deems that they are reasonable in principle and nature. Otherwise,
the Pyidawtha Committee may return them to the Board Engineer
together with its remarks.
In considering estimates for Repairs and Maintenance, the Pyidaw-
tha Committee should examine the principle and nature of the works
and give their decision, rather than scrutinize the details of the works
which being technical in nature should only be left to the discretion of
the Board Engineers.
E.g.—Although it should be proper for the Pyidavvtha Committee
to decide on whether a certain house should be white-painted or not,
the choice of white paint to be used should only be left to the
discretion of the Board Engineers.
5. Execution of Works.—When the Pyidawtha Committee has
decided on the means of executing the work, such decision should be
intimated to the Board Engineer accordingly.
On receiving such intimation the Board Engineer shall carry out his
duties in accordance with the Directives of the Pyidawtha Committee.
Although no agreement needs be executed in respect of works
executed by direct employment, all other works to be executed by
either through the Rehabililation Corps or through the Workers
Co-operatives or by other contractual means, the estimated cost of
which exceeds K 200, shall be done by executing an agreement by the
Such agreement may be one of the following type?:—
(1) That does not prescribe the limit either in period or in
number of works, but which contains only rates of works to be paid for
work done (N.H.B. Forms).
(2) That lays down the number of works and the rates and the
period within which a work is to be completed (N.H.B. Agreement
The Pyidawtha Committee shall in its directions to the Board
Engineer mention which of the above two types of Agreements Ins
been adopted in respect of a contractu ll work.
If the second type of the above two agreements is adopted, the
Pyidawtha Committee shall specify the periods within which the work
is to lie completed and w hether such period is one as suggested by the
Committee or by the other party (i.e., The Contractor).
The materials required for the works shall be issued according to
the procedure now in force.
If work is to be executed through the Rehabilitation Corps no
tenders are necessary. But the rates ot work shall not exceed ordinary
estimates. If work is to be executed by other contractual means and if
the estimated cost of a work exceeds K 5,000, a tenders hall be called
for unless there are reasons of exigency.
If no fenders are called for, the Pyidawtha Committee shall decide
on the choice of the contractor.
On receiving the decisions of the Pyidawtha Committee
containing tenders to be called for, the Board Engineer shall submit to
the Pyidawtha Committee, necessary papers for the purpose On
receiving such papers, th^ Chairman of the Pyidawtha Committee shall
fix the time, the date and the place for acceptance o£ tenders.
6. Tenders.—In opening the sealed tenders, the following rules shall
be observed :—
(1) The Pyidawtha Committee shall make suitable arrangements
for opening of the tenders on the appointed dates, at the appointed
time and place.
(2) Tenderers shall be allowed to be present at the time of
opening of tenders.
(3) If there are any signs of tampering with the tenders or of
any alterations in their contents, the person opening the tender shall
immediately put iiis signature at every such sign.
(4) After the tenders have been opened they should be listed and
forwarded to the Board Engineer for preparing a Comparative
Statement. On receiving them the Board Engineer shall as early as
practicable make out a Comparative Statement and submit the same
together willi his recommendations.
(5) The Pyidawtha Committee shall, on the strength of the Board
Engineer's recommendation, decide which tender has been accepted
and forward its decision along with its remarks, to the Board
(6) The Board Engineer shall accordingly draw up an agreement
in the prescribed form now in use, secure the signature of the
tenderer in accordance with the procedure now in force and re-submit
the same to the Pyidawtha Committee. The Chairman of the
( 41 )
Pyidawtha Committee shall then sign it on behalf of the President of
the Union of Burma and re-forw\rd it to tin; Board Engineer.
For other contractual work where no tenders are necessary, the
same rules shall apply with the exception of those relating to tenders.
(7) Ordinarily, that tender should be accepted which gives the
lowest quotations that compare favourably with the estimated rates in
contractual works without tenders. However, the Pyidawtha
Committee may accept any other lender for some special reasons which
are to be recorded on the relevant papers.
If the lowest quoted tender itself exceeds in value the financial
Sanction, the same shall not be accepted. In sucli a case the Pyiclawtha
Committee shall seek a fresh Financial Sanction. In the event of
tenders received exceeding the sanctioned estimate, if theie be any
contractor who is willing to undertake the work at the estimated rates,
the Pyidawtha Committee can, without calling for fresh tenders, engage
such contractor.
(8) When agreement has been duly executed in the manner
prescribed above, the Board Engineer shall keep all the documents in
safe custody in accordance with his present duties. Triplicate copies
of the tender shall be submitted to the Accounts Section in accordance
with the procedure now in force.
(9) From the point of acceptance of tenders by the Pyidawlha
Committee or its decision to execute the wcrk by sonic other means, the
Board Engineer shall carry on with the work in accordance with the
procedure now in force-
(10) The acceptance of security deposits fc contractual agreements
shall be in accordance with the rales now in force.
(11) In contracts where period is prescribed the Pyidawtha Com-
mittee may decide, on the strength of the Board Engineer's recommen-
dation, whether or not the prescribed period should be extended.
(12) It shall be the Board Engineer's duty to see that the
security deposits from contractors are duly credited in the Treasury.
However, in returning the security deposits to the contractors, the
Board Engineer must first obtain the Pyidawtha Committee's approval.
In keeping in custody or returning the security deposits the
Board Engineer shall adopt the procedure now in force.
(13) If any fines are liable to be imposed on the contractors in
accordance with the clauses of the contractual agreement, the Board
Engineer shall act on the decision of the Pyidawtha Committee.
(14) All those contractual agreements arrived at before the
advent of the Pyidawtha Committee shall remain valid and the Board
Engineer shall carry out the receiving and returning of security
deposits for such agreements, in accordance with the rules now in
7. Execution of works and maintenance of accounts by the Board
(1) The Board Engineer in executing the works shall strictly
observe the rules and procedure now in force.
(2) The Pyidawtha Committee shall issue directions to the Board
Engineer mentioning whether the Committee's approval is necessary
or not betore any payment is to be made by the Board Engineer in
respect of works related to the Committee. In mentioning so, the
( 42 )
Pyidawtha Committee may either specify each of the works separately
or all of the works.
(3) The Board Engineer shall make payments in accordance with
such directions.
(4) Where no approval of the Pyidawtha Committee is necessary
for the payment of monies in respect of the works, the Board Engineer
shall make the payments in accordance with the procedure now in
(5) Where the Pyidawtha Committee's approval is necessary, the
Board Engineer shall make a survey of the works and prepare bills for
the payment in accordance with the procedure now in force, and
submit the same to the District Pyidawtha Committee. It shall be the
sole responsibility of the Board Engineer to see that all such bills are
correctly prepared. The bills may be paid by the Pyidawtha Committee
either by the Committee itself or by deputing the power of such
payment to a Sub-Committee or to its Chairman.
(6) The Pyidawtha Committee in making such payments shall be
deemed to be doing so by virtue of the work being completed and
accordingly, from layman's point of view, those payments are due. As
such, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Board Engineer who
prepares the bills, and not of the Pyidawtha Committee, to see that
the work has been properly executed or the required dimensions have
been fulfilled or the ordinary duties of the Board Engineer have been
duly discharged.
(7) The Board Engineer shall submit to the National Housing
Board, Accounts Sections, in accordance with the procedure now in
force, a monthly statement of accounts of payments made by him either
with or without the Pyidawtha Committee's approval.
(8) The Board Engineer shall, in accordance with the rules now
in force, submit to the National Housing Board, Accounts Section, the
monthly Abstract Accounts of receipts and payments. He shall also
make out another abstract, out of the monthly abstract accounts,
showing the receipts and payments in respect of Pyidawtha Committee's
works and submit a copy of the same each to the Divisional and
District Pyidawtha Committee.
(9) The Pyidawtha Committee has the right to empower the
Board Engineer to enable him to carry out as early as possible, those
emergency repair and maintenance works that might arise in the
course of work.
(10) The Board Engineer in earring out the work under direct
control of the Board, shall act in accordance with the rules now in
However, if in accordance with the rules now in force, any
tenders are to be called for, the Board has the right to seek the
assistance of the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee.
(11) The Board Engineer has the right to seek the assistance of
the Pyidawtha Committee if and when he comes across any disturbances
in the discharge of his duties.
8. Rights o) supervision of works by the Pyidawtha Committee.—The
Pyidawtha Committee has the right to supervise the works under its
control iu the course of its execution by the Board Engineer, who,
it must be noted, is directly responsible to the National Housing and
Town and Country Development Board.
( 43 )
Pyidawtha Directives in connection with Works of the
Irrigation Department
1. Definilions.—(a) Maintenance and Repairs.—There are two
kinds. One is Ordinary Repairs and other Special Repairs. The
former cover all regularly recurring annual charges which can be
foreseen at the commencement of the year and the sanction for which
will lapse at the end of the year. The latter provide for works which
are not necessarily recurrent each year but which are nevertheless
properly chargeable to the head of maintenance. Estimate for special
repairs remain current till the completion of the repairs in the same
manner as estimates for original works,
(f>) Works under Irrigation Capital Outlay are meant for Original
Works. The term Original Works indicates new construction whether
of entirely new works or of additions and alterations to existing works
where they constitute addition to the value of a work as.aji asset.
(c) A Canal or Embankment means all canals, channels, reservoirs
and embankments constructed, maintained by Government or to which
the provisions of the Burma Canal and Burma Embankment Act
(d) Grants-in-.Aid.—There are works carried out by the Irrigation
Department or by the villagers themselves on repairs and construction
of village Irrigation and Embankments, Works not maintained or
controlled by Government. They are funded by Government under
the head of Accounts " Grants-in-Aid " of the Irrigation Departmental
Budget Head 13A and 13B. These works are usually initiated by the
villagers and Civil Authorities and expenditure may be incurred by the
Deputy Commissioners concerned.
2. Of the above mentioned classification of works the following are
the works handed over to Pyidawtha Committee :—
Expenditure Heads.—
12. Irrigation, Navigation, Embankment and Drainage
Works—Revenue Expenditure on Works with Capital
(A) Irrigation Works.—
(6) Maintenance and Repairs.
(B) Navigation, Embankment and Drainage Works.—â–
B. Maintenance and Repairs,
13. Irrigation, Navigation, Embankment and Drainage
Works—Other Revenue Expenditure.
(A) Irrigation Works.—
D. Maintenance and Repairs,
G. Grants-in-Aid.
(B) Navigation, Embankment and Drainage Works.—
B. Maintenance and Repairs.
D, Grants-in-Aid.
( 44 )
72. Irrigation Capital Outlay.
A. Works.
3. The Pyidawtha Committee have to carry out following procedures
for execution of works which are handed over to them :—
(A) Works (Original)
Special Repair Works.
The Pyidawtha Committees will accord the following sanctions :—
(1) Administrative Approval.
(2) Financial Sanction
(3) Technical Sanction.
(a) For the execution of Original Works and Special Repair Works,
the Pyidawtha Committee will accord the abovemenLioned sanctions
in the order enumerated above. No work should be commenced
unless these conditions are fulfilled. However, it is also necessary that
there is budget provision to meet the expenditure for the work and it
should also be noted that expenditure for the work should not exceed
the funds allotted for the year. Any sanction accorded prior to the
handing over of works to the Pyidawtha Committee will remain valid
until such time these works are completed.
(b) In the case, of Ordinary Repairs, Lump Sum Limits svill be lixc l.
by the Pyidnvtha Committee for each Embankment, Navigation or
Drainage Project and Canal System.
Definitions of Sanctions.—
Administrative Approval means the formal acceptance by the
Pyidawtha'Committee of the proposals for incurring any
expenditure on a work approved by a member of the
Pyidawtha Committee who is a representative of the
Irrigation Department.
Financial Sanction.—Financial Sanction means the fixation by the
Pyidawtha Committee of a limit of cost for a work.
Note.—The Financial Sanction is not the authority to incur expenditure.
Expenditure can be incurred only when allotment of funds exists according
to the distribution under the Budget Estimate and only to the extent of
Sucli allotment'.
Technical Sanction.—Technical sanction means the order of the
Pyidawtha CommiLtee sanctioning a properly detailed
estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair as
approved by the competent authority of the Irrigation
Department.. The Pyidawtha Committee will follow Lhe
following procedure while according-the above sanctions.
(1) District Pyidawtha Committees will accord sanctions to
works up to a maximum of two lakhs.
(2) Divisional Pyidawtha Committees will accord sanctions to
works above two lakhs.
4. Aj>t>robnations.— In accordance with the provision made in the
Budget Estimate and approved by Parliament, Lhe Union Government
will allot grants for all works of Irrigation Department to the Chie*
( 45 )
Engineer. The Chief Engineer will then distribute funds to all
Engineers. He will also furnish to Divisional Pyidawtha Committees
a statement showing funds allotted against works handed over to them.
5. (A) An Executive Engineer will follow the following procedures
when allotment of funds is received from the Chief Engineer, Irrigation
Department :—
1. Original Works.—As regards Origiml Worhi, works i rogramtne
showing the following details will be submitted to Divisional Pyidawtha
Committee :—
(1) Classification of Work.
(2) Name of Work.
(3) The amount of the financial sanction.
(4) Funds allotted during the financial year.
(5) Whether there is Technical Sanction, and if so, the amount
of the Technical Sanction.
(6) If there is no Technical Sanction how ac-icn is to be
taken to obtain the same.
(7) If work has been carried out during last linanci >1 yea-.—
(a) Amount of expenditure already incurred.
(b) The progress of the work.
(c) If the work is carried out by contract.—
(1) Name of contractor.
(2) Amount of contract.
(3) The total amount paid to the contractor in connection
with this contract.
(4) The extent of the work completed and the estimated
amount of the remaining work to be done.
(8) For works to be carried out during this financial year the
remarks of the Executive Engineer as to how these
should be proceeded with should be given.
2. Special Repair Works.—{a) If there is any incomplete special
repair works of last financial year to be carried out this.year, the
Executive Engineer will submit programme of works to Divisional
Pyidawtha Committee in the same manner as provided in para. VI (a),
1 (7) above.
(b) As regards special repair works to be carried out during this
financial year, the Executive Engineer will not be in a position to give
actual expenditure to be incurred on a certain special repair work at
the commencement of the year. He will, therefore, submit programme
of special repair works as shown below to Divisional Pyidawtha
(1) Name of special repair works to be carried out during the
...financial year.
(2) Estimated probable expenditure for these works. These are
to be shown against the amount of funds allotted by the
" Chief Engineer.
( 46 )
3. Ordinary Repair Works.—As Ordinary Repair Works are to be
carried out by sanctioning work authorities, as need arises, Executive
Engineer will not 'be in a position to give actual expenditure to be
incurred on each work at the commencement of the year. However,
he will submit programme of ordinary repair works for each Embank-
ment, Navigation or Drainage Project and Canal System with the
following details to Divisional Pyidawtha Committee :■—
(1) Name of ordinary Repair works to be carried out.
(2) Estimated probable expenditure for these works. These
are to be shown against the Lump Sum Limits allotted
by the Chief Engineer.
(B) Divisional. Pyidawtha Committee will follow the following
procedures when reports of programme of works are received from
Executive Engineer. Original works and Special Repair Works.—If the
amount of work does not exceed two lakhs Divisional Pyidawtha
Committee will hand over such work to District Pyidawtna Committee
to be carried out by them in accordance with the procedure laid down
in this directive.
If the amount of work excecds two lakhs Divisional Pyidawtha
Committee will take on such wo/k in accordance with the procedure
laid down in this directive.
Ordinary Repair Works.—As already explained above Ordinary
Repair Works are to be carried out by sanctioning work authorities
as need arises, all such ordinary repair works will be handed over to
District Pyidawthi Committee to be carried out by them in accordance
with the procedure laid down in this directive. When, in the opinion
of Divisional Pyidawtha Committee, instructions for priority of works
are required, such instructions should be issued to District Pyidawtha
6. Procedure for execution of Original and Special Repair Works.
—Original and Special Repair Wcrks will be carried out by the
Pyidawtha Committee concerned as follows :—
(1) Works for which technical sanction has already been approved
will be of two kinds as below :—
(a) Works started since previous years.—
Such works will be carried out by the Executive Engineer as
per existing rules and regulations.
(b) Works to be started during current financial year.—
Tenders should be called by the Executive Engineer for both
kinds of works (a) and (b) above, if calling for tenders
is necessary under the existing rules and regulations, A
comparative statement of tenders received should be
prepared by the Executive Engineer in accordance with
existing rules, and the comparative statement, together
with the tenders should be submitted to the • Pyidawtha
Committee concerned.
( 47 )
The powers of acceptance of tenders by the Pyidawtha Com-
mittees are defined as below :—
(i) Tenders for works not exceeding K 2,00,000 should
be accepted by the District Pyidawtha Committee.
(ii) Tenders for works in excess of K 2,00,000 should be
accepted by the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee.
Upon receipt of the tenders and the comparative statement,
the Pyidawtha Committee should select the tenders for
For selection of tenders, the Pyidawtha Committee will
observe the following rules :—
(1) Ordinarily, the lowest tender should be accepted. But
if there is a special reason, another tender may be
(2) If a tender other than the lowest is accepted, the
Pyidawtha Committee should record in writing full
reasons as to why such tender is accepted.
(3) A tender may be the lowest, but if the financial sanction
will be exceeded by acceptance of that tender, the
same tender should not be accepted although it may
be the lowest.
For such a case, the Pyidavvtha Committee should apply
for a fresh financial sanction to cover the excess. Only
on receipt of the fresh financial sanction should the
tender be accepted.
(4) If the lowest tender exceeds the financial sanction the
Pyidawtha Committee is empowered to negotiate with
a suitable contractor and execute a contract at rates
not exceeding those sanctioned in the estimate, without
further calling for tenders.
(5) No Pyidavvtha Committee is empowered to alter or
amend the contract agreement forms printed by Govern-
After acceptance of tenders in accordance with above rules
the Pyidawtha Committee should inform the Execu-
tive Engineer which tender has been accepted.
On receipt of such intimation, the Executive Engineer
should prepare contract agreements as per existing
rules and accepted as below :—
(i) Contract agreements for works not exceeding
K 2,00,000 should be accepted by the Executive
Engineer on behalf of the Pyidawtha Committee.
(ii) Contract agreements for works exceeding K 2,00,000
should be submitted to the Superintending Engineer
for acceptance. The Superintending Engineer will
examine the contract agreements and, if necessary,
make alterations before acceptance.
As per existing rules, the Executive Engineer should keep
in safe custody all contract documents. Also a copy
each of contract agreements should be submitted to
the Superintending Engineer and the Accountant-
( 48 )
Works which do not require the calling of tenders under
the P.W.D. Code, may be executed in accordance with
existing rules,
(Please See also paragraphs 10 and 11.)
(2) Works for which' technical sanction has not yet been approved.
—(a) In order thai technical sanction may be accorded for such works,
the Executive Engineer should prepare as early as possible detailed
estimates and plans and submit them to the Pyidawtha Committee
Note.—(i) Works uudcr accounts head 72 are cither original works or extensions
and improvements of existing works. In order that the Chief Engineer (Irrigation)
may he able to prepare a co-nrdin:ilcd plan in the execution of such works, the
Executive Engineer should submit the detailed estimates and drawings to the Chief
Engineer (Irrigation) and ob'.ain his approval, before they are put up to the
Pyi claw tha Comm it tec.
(ii) As regards works under other accounts heads, it is also necessary that the
design and estimates should be properly scrutinized by experienced officers.
Irrigation works are so variable and so susceptible of changing • conditions, that it
is no; possible to follow type plans or drawings, Each case has to be considered on
its own merits. Owiim to the specialised nature of irrigation works, Executive
Engineers should, whenever (hey consider if nccessary, consult the Superintending
Engineers and obtain their prior approval of detailed estimates and drawings before
thesfl are submitted to the District Pyidawtha Committees, although such works may
be of small monetary value.
(See also paragraphs 15 and 10.)
(b) Technical sanction should be accorded, by the Pyidawtha
Committees as below :—
(i) Technical sanction for works not exceeding K 2,00,000
should bo accorded by the District Pyidawtha Committee,
(ii) Technical sanction for works exceeding K 2,00,000 should
be accorded by the Divisionq.1 PyidawtUa Committee.
The Pyidawtha Committee need not accord technical sanc-
tion to a work if they do not approve of the nature of the
work. However, the technical details of the work should
be approved as prepared by the Executive Engineer.
(c) After technical sanction is accorded to a work by the
Pyidawtha Committee, the Executive Engineer should keep in safe
custody the estimate and the drawings in accordance with
existing rules.
(d) Also, the Executive Engineer should make necessary prepara-
tions for commencement of work as per existing rules and responsibi-
If, under the existing rules tenders are to be called for any work,
the selection of tenders will be clone by the Pyidawtha Committees as
described before.
(See also paragraph 11.)
7. Procedure for carrying out ordinary maintenance and repair
works.—(i) As staled in paragraph 5, the Executive Engineer should
not incur expenditure in excess of the Lump Sum Limit sanctioned by
the Pyidawtha Committee.
f 49 )
The District Pyidawtha Committee may carry out necessary
maintenance and repairs within the funds allotted under the various
budget heads.
(ii) The Executive Engineer will accord technical sanction Io Work
Authorities for ordinary maintenance works for which Lump Sum
Limits have already been sanctioned by the Pyidawtha Committee as
mentioned in sub-paragraph (7) above, in accordance with existing
Public Works Department Rules.
(iii) If calling of tenders is necessary for such works, the selection of
tenders will be made by the Pyidawtha Committee as described before.
(See also paragraphs 10 and 11.)
8. Emergency Works.—Irrigation engineers often have Lo deal with
emergency works. For instance, if an embankment or a canal bank is
breached, immediate closure is necessary. Such emergency works
will be dealt with in accordance with existing rules and regulations.
In the event of an emergency work being undertaken, the engineer
concerned will inform the District Pyidawtha Committee in the same
way as such intimation is sent to the Accountant-Generat.
9. Receipts, Payments and Maintenance of Accounts.-—Existing
Public Works Department rules will be followed in matters relating to
receipts, payments and maintenance of accounts.
From the monthly receipts and expenditure statements submitted by
the Executive Engineer to the Chief Engineer, extracts should be
made relating to works handed over to the Pyidawtha Committee and
a copy each should be forwarded to the Divisional and District
Pyidawtha Committees.
10. Acceptance of contracts without calling for tenders in respect of
works handed over to Pyidawtha Committees. — (i) If desired by the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee, the Executive Engineer should
submit a list of contracts accepted without calling for tenders in respect
of works handed over to the Pyidawtha Committees.
'(ii) If desired by the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee, the
Executive Engineer should obtain prior approval of the District
PyidawLha Committee before accepting contracts without calling for
tenders in respect of works handed over to the Pyidawtha Committees.
11. As explained in paragraph 5, sub-paragraph (ft), for works to be
transferred to the Pyidawtha Committee, this committee is empowered
to adopt one of the following procedure which the Committee considers
most suitable : —
(1) Carrying out a work by direct recruited labour.
(2) By Rehabilitation Brigade.
(3) By Labour Union of Co-operative Agencies.
(4) By giving the work through contracts.
The Executive Engineer's duty is to carry out the work as directed
by the Pyidawlha Committee in accordance with the rules which are
in force-
For example.—In the case of workmen recruited direct by the
Pyidawtha Committee, the Executive Engineer should see to the work
done by such labour as if it were his own selection.
( 50 )
In like manner, whether the work is given out to be executed by
the Rehabilitation Brigade or Labour Union or Co-operatives or by
any other labour agency, or by contract, the duty of the Executive
Engineer for all works amounting to K 200 and above, will be to draw
up piece-work agreement in accordance with the rules approved by the
Pyidawtha Committee. Such piece-work agreement should be drawn
according to existing procedure as laid down in Tenders for Work
under paragraph (6). In the case of works to be done by Rehabilita-
tion Brigade no tenders are necessary but work can be executed in
accordance with the rules in force. If the Pyidawtha Committee
refrains from exercising the aforementioned powers with regard to
labour agency, the Executive Engineer or the Superintending Engineer
can use his discretionary powers for the execution of work.
For important irrigation works which are to be completed on time,
if there are certain delays in the collection of material or in the
procurement of the requisite number of labourers, the Executive
Engineer should obtain further instructions from the Committee as to
how the work is to be proceeded with to avoid loss of time.
12. In respect of works which are not to be handed over to the
Pyidawtha Committee, they should be carried out according to the
existing rules, but when such works are to be put in hand, the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee can be consulted in the awarding of
the contract if and when necessary by the Irrigation Department.
13. In the execution of nil works, the Executive Engineer has the power
to seek the assistance of the Pyidawtha Committee about works when
difficulties are encountered.
14. Powers of the Pyidawtha Committee in the inspection of works.—The
Pyidawtha Committee has the power to inspect any works in progress
but any complaints for unsatisfactory work can be made in writing
either to the Executive Engineer or to his superior officer.
The Pyidavvtha Committee should not make any direct complaint or
deal with any officer below the rank of the Executive Engineer in
respect of any work.
15. Relation between the Pyidawtha Committee and the Irrigation
(1) Whenever there are disagreements or disputes between the
two offices, all such complaints should be in writing only, when they
will be considered.
(2) Whenever estimates, plans, drawings, and designs are
required by the Pyidawtha Committee, their requirements should be
met by the engineer concerned or the Superintending Engineer,
provided such works are the responsibility of the Irrigation Department
and are covered by administrative approval.
(3) When detailed estimates, drawings, and specifications are
required by the Pyidawtha Committee, the Executive Engineer or the
Superintending Engineer should comply with the request with the least
possible delay, provided :—
(а) Such works are those of the Irrigation Department.
(б) Such works are those which have prior approval of the
Pyidawtha Committee in connection with rough estimates
and designs.
( 51 )
(c) That there is provision in the Budget Estimate for such
works and on the recommendation of the Executive
Engineer that allotment of such funds will be available.
16. Duties of the Executive Engineer and Superintending Engineer in
the framing of the estimates in rested of work to be carried out by the
Pyidawtha Committee.—The Superintending Engineer and Executive
Engineer are responsible for the preparation and submission of detailed
estimates and detailed drawings according to the magnitude of the
work in the following :—
For works not exceeding one lakh, the Executive Engineer is
responsible for getting out estimates and drawings,
For works exceeding one lakh the Superintending Engineer is
responsible for the preparation and submission of estimates and
drawings but he has the option of instructing his Executive Engineer
to do the same if he so desires.
[For reference please see paragraph 6(2) (A) and Notes 1 aiv.l 2.]
17. The existing rules and procedure which are not contrary to the
aforementioned directives should remain in force and are to be
followed by both the Pyiclawtha Committee and the Irrigation Depart-
ment. For instance, in the carrying out of Deposit Work or Agency
Work, either for the other Department or for Local Bodies, such
woi ks are to be carried out in accordance with the relevant existing
rules and regulations of the Irrigation Department and the directives to
be followed by the Pyidawtha Committee.
18. Framing of Budget Estimates for submission to the Parlia-
ment.—The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee should prepare a list of
works as required by them for that particular financial year showing
all these works in the proforma issued by the Chief Engineer, Irrigation
Department, in respect of all those Irrigation Works which are handed
over to the Pyidawtha Committees. The proforma issued by the
Chief Engineer should be returned to him within the specified date by
the Pyiclawtha Committee so ;is to enable him to submit the same for
approval and sanction by the Parliament.
• " Pyidawtha " Directives relating to the working of the
Burma Railways Administration
1. As it is considered necessary that the present system of Railway
Administration be explained, before the directives are mentioned, the
Union of Burma Railway Board Act of 1951 is briefly reproduced
2. In accordance with of the said Act, the Railway Administration
shall consist of a Board, known as the " Union of Burma Railway
Board." The Board shall consist of (1) a whole-time Chairman and
other members not exceeding ten to be appointed by the President,
and (2) of the ten other members of the Board, two shall be
(a) a representative of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue and
(b) a representative of the Ministry of Transport and Communications
( 52 )
3. All monies required by the Railway Board are being met from
the Fund allotted by the Union Government known as the " The
Railway Board Fund " and maintained by the Board.
4. In accordance with the Union of Burma Railway Board Act
mentioned above, vide its paragraphs 31 (I) and (II), the President may
on recommendation of the Board, shall constitute subsidiary Boards
subordinate to it and such subsidiary Beards shall, subject to the
control ol the Board, discharge and exercise such of the duties and
powers of the Eoard as may be delegated to them by the Board. The
Chairman and members of the subsidiary Boards shall be appointed
by the President in consultation with the Board.
5. A diagram showing the present organization of the Railway
Administration is given on the following page (page 53).
6. In order to implement the Union Conference proposals, it will
be necessary to mention all works pertaining to the workings of the
7. Workings of the Engineering Districts.— The Civil Engineering
Department is divided into live Major Districts and one Sub-district
as given below : —
Engineering Districts.—
(1) Rangoon District.
(2) Pegu District.
(3) Toungoo District.
(4) Mandalay District.
(5) Shwebo District.
(1) Henzada Subdivision.
Note.—It has been proposed to shift the headquarters of Shwebo District to
Mandalay, on completion of the rehabilitation of the Ava Bridge.
The Headquarters of Rangoon and Pegu Districts are at Rangoon whilst the
olher District Headquarters are at the stations mentioned against them.
8. In order to facilitate the implementation of the Union Conference
proposals in conformity with the existing act, it is suggested th?t
Subsidiary Boards in accordance with clause 31 of the Act be formed a
the abovemefitioned District and Sub-district Headquarters such as
Rangoon, Toungoo, Mandalay, Shwebo and Henzada. It will thus be
necessary to treat these Subsidiary Boards as the Sub-committees of
the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee. These Sub-committees shall be
appointed by the Railway Board on the recommendation of the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee and shall comprise of not less than
seven members.
9. Categories of Works.—The works generally undertaken by the
Railway Administration are divided into the following categories :—
(1J New Works.
(2) Rehabilitation of structural works such as buildings, track, etc.,
damaged during the war.
RN Lower
Dist. Dist.
Sub- Sub-
dvn. dvn.
Railway Board
Chairman, Railway Board
General Manager
Chief Engineer
Traffic Manager
Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist Sub-
Chief Mechanical
Chief Medical Olficer
Controller of
Railwav Accounts
Controller of
Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dirt. Dist.
( 54 )
(3) Renewals and replacement of existing assets such as
buildings, equipment, etc.
(4) Repairs and maintenance.
(5) Special replacement and maintenance due to damage on
account of Insurgent activities.
10. Definition of Works—(1) New works shall mean construction/
provision of new assets which never existed before.
(2) Restoration of war-damaged buildings, track, etc., to their
original/pre-war condition is termed as rehabilitation work.
(3) Renewals and Replacements relates to such works as are
undertaken to replace buildings, equipments, etc., when they are found
to have served out their normal life and are beyond economical
(4) Repairs and maintenance shall include all works necessary for
the general upkeep of assets in running or good working order for
carrying on the Railway business.
(5) Reconstruction of and/or repairs to buildings» track, etc., in
order to restore them to their status-quo after damages caused by
insurgents is called Special Replacement and Maintenance.
The details of works involved in the abovementioned categories of
works are as follows :—
(i) Track Works.—
(a) Procurement of Sleepers.
(b) Procurement of Ballast.
(r) Earthwork.
(d) Procurement of Rails and Fastenings.
(ii) Bridges.—
{a) Minor Bridges (Bridges up to 40 ft. span).
(b) Major Bridges (Bridges with spans over 40 ft.).
(iii) Buildings.
(iv) Equipment and Workshop Machinery.
(v) Miscellaneous work other than those mentioned above.
Of the abovementioned works, those mentioned against 1 (d), 2 (b)
and 4 shall be under the direct control of the Central Railway Board
while the rest will be handed over to the Subsidiary Board.
11. Works Programme for Financial Year and Allotment of
Funds.—Although the Chief Engineer will allot funds and convey to
the District Engineers sinctions to the works under the existing
procedure, the latter shall incur expenditure only in accordance with
the following procedure The subsidiary Board shall also observe
these instructions:—
(1) Throw-forward Works.—District Engineers shall submit to the
Subsidiary Board a list of all works thrown forward from 1951-52
giving the following information :—
(a) Estimate No.
(b) Name of Work.
(c) Estimated amount.
( 55 )
(d) Expenditure up to end of 1951-52.
(e) Details of work remaining to be done.
A copy of this should also be submitted to the Chief Engineer.
(2) New Works.—As the tentative Works Programme for 1952-53
has already been examined by the Central Railway Board, the Chief
Engineer will forward copies of suae to District Engineers, and at the
same time allot funds to such work as are given technical sanctions.
In respect of works which are not technically sanctioned, District
Engineers must submit detailed estimates and plans to the Chief
Engineer for necessary sanction.
When District Engineers receive the Works Programme they
shall prepare a separate list of works which are already transferred to
the Subsidiary Boards and submit same to them. In preparing the list,
the District Engineers should clearly mention the works which have
already received technical sanction and those which have not and also
whether funds have been allotted or not.
12. Instructions for Execution of Works.—The Subsidiary Board on
receipt of the aforesaid list of work shall decide as to how best the
works, which have already received the technical sanction and at the
same time the cost of each of which does not exceed K 2 lakhs, are
to be executed by the employment of the following Agencies :—
(1) Direct labour employed by the Administration.
(2) Rehabilitation Brigade.
(3) Worker's Co-operative Societies.
(4) Contractors.
The Subsidiary Board shall infimate the District Engineers of
their decision as to the Agency selected for the execution of the work
and the same shall be strictly followed by the latter.
While execution of Contract Agreements will not be necessary
for works to be carried out by the Departmental labour, Agreements
are necessary in respect of work done by other Agencies. All
Agreements shall be executed according to the rules and procedure in
force at present.
13. Type of Agreements—
(i) Work Orders (Form C. 0502-A).—Agreement for execution of
works costing not more than K 1,000. This will* specify
items of works with standard rates and date of completion.
(ii) Contract Agreements (Form C. 0501).—Agreement for execution
of works costing above K 1,000. This will specify items
of works with rates and date of completion.
Stores required for works will be supplied by the Railway
Administration under the present arrangements.
No tenders are to be called for the works that are to be carried out
by the Rehabilitation Brigade. In such cases the rates allowed for
individual item of works shall not ordinarily exceed the rates allowed
for in the estimate unless sufficient reasons exist. Tenders shall be
called for all works other than those to be carried out by the
Rehabilitation Brigade where the cost of such works exceeds K 5.000
gach. The Subsidiary Board may decide whether or not tenders are
( 56 )
to be called for. If it is decided not to call for tenders, the Subsidiary
Board shall indicate the Agency by which the work is to be executed.
The District Engineer on receipt of the Board's decision shall
arrange to call for tenders, if so decided, in accordance with the
existing rules and regulations. On receipt of the tenders the District
Engineer shall submit the same to the Subsidiary Hoard to be dealt
with as indicated below :—
(1) Tenders shall be opened by the Board at the time, date and
place as notified in the tender notice.
(2) Tenderers who care to attend should be allowed to be present
at the time of opening the tender.
(3) Each and every correction/alteration in the tenders shall be
attested by the person who opens the tender in recognition of such
correction/alteration as originally submitted.
(4) Opened tenders are to be sent to the District Engineer
concerned together with a list of tenders for check and preparation of
Comparative Statement District Engineer shall then check and
prepare the statement without delay and submit again to the Board
with his recommendations.
(5) The Board after scrutinising the comparative statement shall
pass orders as to which tender is to be accepted and mike over the
papers to the District Engineer.
(6) In case the lowest tendered rates are found to be higher than
those allowed for in the estimate, all tenders are to be rejected.
Having taken that course of action, the Board shall have powers to
allot the work to any one of the registered contractors at the rates
allowed for in the estimates. Preference must, however, be given to
the lowest tenderers to undertake the work. In the event of the
lowest tenderer refusing to accept the offer, allotment of the work to
other tenderers may be considered.
(7) On receipt of the Board's decision as to whom the contract
is to be awarded, the District Engineer shall execute necessary Contract
Agreements on behalf of the Railway Board, in accordance with the
existing rules and procedure.
(8) When contracts are awarded without calling for tenders, the
rates should ordinarily be the same as those allowed for in the
estimate. Normally lowest tender is accepted but in case the lowest
tender is rejected, reasons for same should invariably be recorded in
the tender documents.
(9) District Engineer shall on receipt of the accepted tender
from the Botrd, take all necessary action, such as preparation of
Contract Agreement and other office routine works connected there-
with under the existing Railway rules and procedure.
(10) When it becomes apparent that a work will not be completed
within the time specified or the Contract value of work is likely to
exceed the amount specified therein, the District Engineer shall report
to the Board sufficiently early and obtain its approval.
The Board shall have the following powers in this connection :—
(i) Extension of time limit up to 6 months over and above the
original time limit specified in the contract.
(11) Excess or saving up to 25 per cent of the original amount
of the contract or K 20,000 whichever is less.
( 57 )
Example :—
(A) During the course of a work, certain extra items of work may
be found necessary or due to a clerical error in the original
detailed estimate more expenditure is to be incurred than
stipulated in the original contract. In such cases, the
District Engineer shall represent the matter to the Board
giving full reasons and particulars with his recommendations.
If the reasons given are acceptable, the Board shall sanction
Lhc increase of the value of contract subject to the limit of
25 per cent of the amount stipulated therein or K 20,000
whichever is less.
(B) To be more clear, let us take another example. On a
contract costing K 1,00,000 if it is subsequently found
that due to more quantity of works being necessary, the
expenditure is likely Lo go up to K 1,20,000 the District
Engineer shall submit to the Board a detailed statement
giving reasons for the extra expenditure involved. The
latter on being satisfied shall sanction the excess as the
amount involved, i.e., 20,000 being only 20 per cent of the
contract value and also does not exceed the 20,000 limit.
In respect of savings also the same procedure is to be followed.
Note.—The Powers of Sanction mentioned in (ii) apply only to Agreements
Value of which exceed IC 1,000. In rcspect of Agreement, value of which does not
exceed K 1,000, sanction may by accorded to excess or saving up to 50 per cent
of the original amount ol such Agreement.
The Board shall have no powers to sanction excess or saving
consequent cn deviation from the original plan. In respect of excess
clue to the above cause, District Engineer shall prepare a detailed
estimate, draw Supplementary Sheet to contract and obtain approval
of the Board.
Sanction to deviation from original plan can only be accorded by
the Central Railway Board.
The Powers of Sanction hereinbefore mentioned are to be
exercised in respect of contracts not exceeding K 2,00,000 as the
works costing more than this amount are lo be dealt with by the
Central Railway Board.
14. Payment, Deposits and Bills.—In connection with preparation
of Bills, receiving/refunding Earnest Monies, District Engineers shall
deal with them as per existing procedure.
15. Execution of Contract Agreements without calling for Tenders.—
(1) District Engineers shall execute Contract Agreements for works
which are to be carried without calling, for tenders, only after
obtaining prior approval of the Board.
(2) District Engineers . shall submit a Monthly Statement of
Contract Agreements executed without calling for tenders to the
Board, sending a copy to the Chief Engineer.
16. Repairs and Maintenance Works in respect of Buildings.—
Repairs and maintenance of buildings are usually carried out throughout
the year by preparing Abstracts of -Cost as and when necessary.
( 58 )
District Engineers may not be in a position to give the estimated cost
of each and individual work at the beginning of the financial year.
But District Engineers will roughly prepare a list of all repairs and
maintenance works, building by building or for each approach
road within the allotment of funds made by the Chief Engineer and
submit to the Board giving briefly :—
(a) Nature of repairs and maintenance works to be carried out.
(b) Approximate cost to be incurred in each case.
The Board will examine and verify the lists submitted by the
District Engineers and will issue instructions as to how the works are
to be executed. In case the Board considers that certain works have
to be given priority it shall issue instructions to the District Engineer
to give priority in carrying out such works
Note.—District Engineers shall deal with contracts, etc., in execution of works
in this respect in accordance with the existing rules and regulations.
The District Engineers will be responsible for recording of the
Minutes of the Meetings of the Board and submission of copies of the
Minutes to the Central Railway Board, Chief Engineer, Controller of
Railway Accounts and Accounts Officers concerned.
17. Points regarding Budget.—(1) District Engineers in
consultation with the District Traffic Superintendents and the Dis-
trict Mechanical Engineers shall prepare lists of works as and when
they crop up in their respective Districts and submit to the Board or to
the Chief Engineer as the case may be.
(2) The Board after scrutiny shall then submit the list of works to
the Central Railway Board, Chief Engineer will also do likewise for
the list submitted to him.
(3i The Central Board after examining all the lists will accord
sanction and allot funds as far as available. Works for which funds
are not available will be included in the next year's Budget Estimate
by the Chief Engineer.
(4) All works for which funds are made available will be sanctioned
by the Chief Engineer and forwarded to the District Engineers
together with the technical sanction.
(5) District Engineers will submit the list of such sanctioned
works to the Subsidiary Board concerned—
(i) In order to overcome any difficulty that may be encountered
during the course of any work the District Engineers
shall seek the Board's help,
(ii) Right of inspection of works by the members of the Subsidiary
Board.—The Subsidiary Board has the right to inspect
works carried out by District Engineers under its
control. But in case any defects are noticed or complaints
are to be made in respect of works, all such reports should
be made to the District Engineer concerned or his
higher authority giving full particulars of such defects, etc.
No direct instructions or orders should be given by the members
of the Board to any subordinate staff. All such communi-
cations should be addressed to the District Engineer
( 59 )
(iii) Relation bctweenthe Board and Railway Offices.—All communi-
cations between the Board and Railway Offices must be in
writing. In cases of any dispute only written communi-
cation will be recognized.
Limits of Engineering Districts
District Headquarters From To
District Engineer, Rangoon. Rangoon Prome ... 1 Pegu (Exclusive). Letpadan ... 1 Tharravvaw.
District Engineer, Pegu Rangoon Pegu (Inclusive) Nyaunglebin Pegu Moulmein Toungoo (Exclu- sive). Madauk. Martaban. Ye.
District Engineer, Toungoo. Toungoo Toungoo (Inclu- sive). Pyinmana Thazi Thazi (Exclusive). Kyaukpadaung. Shwenyaung.
District Engineer, Mandalay. Mandalay Thazi (Inclusive) Thazi Paleik Myohaung Myohaung Mandalay Mandalay. Myingyan. Tada-U. Lashio. Amarapura Shore, Madaya.
District Engineer, Shwebo Shwebo Sagaing Shore ... Ywatliaung Naba. Myitkyina. \ Alon. Katha.
Assistant Engineer, Henzada. Henzada Tharrawaw Shore Henzada Bassein. Kyangin.
Detailed Instructions for Administration of Loans for
Bazaars under Local Bodies
The following procedure shall be followed in granting loans to
Local Authorities in the Union of Burma for the construction of
bazaars. This procedure takes effect from 1st October 1952, and will
remain in force until further orders : —
(i) Application for the grant of Loan.—A Local Authority desirous
of obtaining a loan from Government for the construction of bazaars
within its territorial jurisdiction should submit its application to the
Divisional Welfare Committee concerned with an estimate of the cost
of the entire work or such part of it as it proposes to carry out from
( 60 )
the loan applied for during a given financial year. The D.P.C.
concerned shall examine each work carefully and after such examina-
tion if it considers the work to be suitable, it will forward the proposal
to the Government in the Ministry of Social Services with its specific
i'ii) Issue of sanction.—The Ministry of Social Services will
examine proposals for the grant of loan 10 Local Authorities for the
construction of bazaars received from the D.P.Cs., and if after such
examination, it decides to grant any loan, it should issue the necessary
sanction for the grant of the loan.
(iii) Control and Inspection of Works carried out oj the Loan.—The
D.P.Cs. shall be responsible for controlling and inspecting works to be
carried out of the loan with a view to ascertaining and securing that
the money borrowed by Local Authorities is duly spent to the purpose
for which it has been borrowed and that the unexpended balance of
the loan is not employed for any other purpose.
liv) Audit of Loan Accounts.—Audit of the accounts to be
maintained by the Local Authorities in respect of the loan granted to
them by Government for the construction of bazaars, should be
conducted periodically by the Local Fund Audit Department. The
Examiner of the Local Fund Accounts should submit his report soon
after the completion of the Audit of the Accounts to Government in
the Ministry of Social Services through the D P.Cs. He will also
submit a copy of his report also to the Auditor-General.
(v) Interest on Loan.—The loan to be granted to the Local
Authorities shall bear interest at 3 per cent per annum.
(vi)-Repayment of the Principal and- the Interest.—The maximum
term of a loan shall not ordinarily exceed 30 years, and shall be as
short as possible. The first annual instalment towards the repayment
of the loan should commence from the date one year after the
completion of the construction of bazaars.
Interest due on the loan for any year shall not become payable
until the end of the year during which it accrues, ie., interest accrued
on the loan in any financial year should be paid regularly annually on
the first day or immediately thereafter, of the succeeding financial year.
(vii) Responsibility for the recovery of the Loan and Interest
thereon.—The D.P.Cs. will be responsible to ensure the prompt and
regular payment towards the repayment of the loan and the payment
of interest thereon by the Local Authorities concerned.
Instructions on Issue of Industrial Loans
Under section 43 of the State Aid to Industries Act, the President
is pleased to issue the following Instructions relating to the grant of
loans under the said Act and the Rules made thereunder.
In these Instructions " Act" means the State Aid to Industries
Act :—
(1) The Commissioner or the Collector to whom the Commis-
sioner had delegated his powers under section 15A (2) of the Act
( 61 )
may grant loans if he is satisfied, after making necessary verification
and enquiries, that the application for State aid is in order and the
security offered sufficiently covers the amount of loan applied for.
In granting such loans the Commissioner or the Collector to whom
the Commissioner has delegated his powers shall act in consultation
with Divisional and District Pyidawtha Committees to be formed from
time to time.
(2) The Collector on receipt of an application for State aid
exceeding K 4,000 shall make necessary enquiries and after consult-
ing the District Pyidawtha Committee submit the application to the
Commissioner who shall likewise consult the Divisional Pyidawtha
Committee and submit the same with his recommendations to the
President of the Union through the Director.
(3) The Director on receipt of application for State aid exceeding
K 4,000 from the Commissioner shall make necessary enquiries
and submit the application with his recommendations to the President
of the Union.
(4) If an application for State aid exceeding K. 4,000 is made
direct to the Director, he shall forward the same to the Commissioner
of the Division in which the industry for which State aid is applied
for is situate, for his recommendation. The Commissioner shall
dispose of such application in the manner as laid down in Instruction (2).
(5) Value of security shall be times the loan applied for.
(6) Any applicant for a loan may apply through the Director to
the President of the Union for revision under section 44 of the Act if
his application is rejected.
(7) The Director, after calling for connected case records from
the Commissioner or the Collector, as the case may be, shall submit
them to the President of the Union with his recommendations.
(8) The Collector to whom the Commissioner has delegated his
powers under section 15A (2) of the Act after consultation with the
District Pyidawtha Committee, may, on application, extend the period
for payment of instalment up to a total limit of three months. Any
order extending the period for payment of instalment shall be
immediately reported to the Commissioner.
(9) The Commissioner after consultation with the Divisional
Pyidawtha Committee may, on application, extend the period for pay-
ment of instalment up to a total limit of one year. Any order
extending the period for payment of instalment shall be immediately
reported to the President of the Union through the Director.
(10) An application for extension of the period of payment of
instalment exceeding one year shall be made to the President of the
Union through the Commissioner and the Director.
(11) Recovery proceeding in respect of loans not exceeding
K 4,000 shall be taken by the Commissioner or the Collector to
whom the Commissioner has, under section 15A(2) of the Act delegated
his powers.
(12) Power to write oft" any sum or sums rests with theiPresident
of the Union and not with the Collector or the Commissioner who
may only recommend in that behalf to the President of the Union after
consultation with the respective Pyidawtha Committees.
(13) The annual estimates of the loans to be granted shall be
prepared by the" Collector after consultation with the District
( 62 )
Pyidawtha Committees and submit them to the Director through the
Commissioner. The Commissioner shall consult the Divisional
Pyidawtha Committees and forward them to the Director with his
Detailed Instructions for Administration of Relief.
We are required to furnish detailed instructions for administration
of Relief. These instructions are to appear as Appendix G in-the
" Manual of Instructions for the Execution of Pyidawtha (Welfare State)
In paragraphs 8 and 9 of the draft Manual Introduction, the following
passage occur :—
" To be fully effective as instruments for promotion of welfare
and economic development, the Committees (i.e., Township, District,
and Divisional Welfare Committees) must be invested with wide powers
to act within their discretion. But safeguards must also exist against
irresponsible action. This is ensured by transferring responsibility not
to an individual but to a group.
1 he Centre {i.e., Ministries concerned.) retains responsibility for
over-all planning ani development, and devolution of powers to the Wetjare
Committees does not mean ihey can take any action which will be against
the wider national interest."
In view of the above principles it is necessary as far as Relief funds
are concerned to have certain safeguards without at the same time
restricting the powers of the Welfare Committees.
Having the above principles in mind, it is suggested that the
following be added as Appendix F :—
1. All the directives in the Green booklet, but with these
(a) In accordance with the Welfare State plans relief work will
be undertaken by the Divisional, District and Township
Welfare Committees. Therefore on the formation of
such committees there would no longer be any need to
have District and Township Relief Committees as such.
But, if considered necessary, the Divisional, District and
Township Welfare Committees may form sub-committee
to look after relief matters.
(b) These rules should be deleted:—
Page 1.—1 and 2.
Page 2.-3 and 4.
Page 3.-8. Regarding monthly reports, it is provided for
elsewhere in the draft instructions.
Page 5.—11 and 13.
Page 9.-9.
2. Relief Funds.— (a) As soon as the Budget is presented -to
Parliament, the Relief Ministry will intimate- to each Divisional
( 63 )
Welfare Committee the total-amounttprovided in the Budget for relief
and the total amount earmarked for each Divisional Welfare Committee
for the financial year. These amounts are provisional and shall be
confirmed or cut down as may be deemed necessary as soon as the
Budget is passed by Parliament and the annual Appropriation Act
(b) Each Divisional Welfare Committee will decide on the
allocations to be made to each District Welfare Committee within its
jurisdiction and the District Welfare Committee will in turn decide on
the allocations to be made to each of the Town Welfare Committee
(c) Intimation of the allocations made by the Divisional Welfare
Committee to the District Welfare Committees and those made by the
District Welfare Committee to the Township Welfare Committees
shall be sent to the Relief Ministry by the Divisional and District
Welfare Committees respectively, the latter Welfare Committee
sending a copy to the Divisional Welfare Committee.
(.d) The allocations shall be made under each of the Primary
Units as per prescribed form and it shall be accompanied by the
necessary instructions as shown in the specimen.
(e) Divisional Welfare Committees are advised not to make the
allocations to District Welfare Committee for the entire financial year,
the first allocations should be for the first 3 months and additional
allotments may be made as and when necessary on application by the
District Welfare Committee.
This piecemeal allocation to the Township Welfare Committee
should also be adopted by the District Welfare Committee.
3. Monthly Expenditure Statements.—(ai The monthly expenditure
statement as per pro forma shall be submitted to the Divisional Welfare
Committee by the District Welfare Committee and similarly by the
Township Welfare Committee to the District Welfare Committee.
(b) A copy of each of the monthly expenditure statement sent by
the District and Township Welfare Committee to the Divisional
District Welfare Committee respectively shall also be sent to the Relief
4. Monthly Revenue Returns.—(a) Revenue collections can be
obtained by sale of empty gunny rice bags and also from sale of rice
on credit. Such collections shall be shown as per prescribed form ( )
and shall be submitted in the same way as indicated above for monthly
expenditure statements.
(b) The above revenue collections shall be credited into the
treasury under the appropriate accounts head. Such collections shall
not be used for relief or any other^ purpose.
5. Monthly Reports.—The Monthly Report in the prescribed form
shall continue to be submitted to the Relief Ministry by the District
Welfare Committee (vice District Relief Committee). In it shall also
be included the Township Welfare Committee's work (vice Township
Relief Committee).
6. Donations.—Donations received from the public shall be kept
apart from Government funds and statements of receipts and expendi-
( 64 )
ture shall be submitted monthly by the Township and District Welfare
Committees to the District Welfare Committees and Divisional
Welfare Committees respectively.
7. Unauthorized Expenditure.—(a) Except with the prior approval
of the Relief Ministry no expenditure shall be incurred on relief goods
or services not expressly provided for in the Emergency Relief
Scheme ( Green Booklet).
(b) Application for sanction to the payment of old bills for the
year 1946 to 1950 shall be made to the Relief Ministry. In doing soi
a full and complete report together with the relevant bills and vouchers
shall be sent. If for some reason or other these are not available every
effort shall be made to get the testimony and certificate of person or
persons (official or non-officials) who hnve knowledge of the distribution
of rice and other commodities.
8. Construction of huts or barracks.—(a) For the accommodation
of refugee/destitutes, huts or barracks may be constructed provided—
(i) accommodation for them is not available in phongyi-kyaungs,
zayals and other public building ;
(ii; the expenditure does not exceed K 5,000.
(6) For the construction of structures costing over K 5,000 the
matter shall be referred to the Public Works Department by the
Divisional Welfare Committee concerned.
9. Relief Works.—(a) Prior approval of the Relief Ministry shall
be obtained for the opening of the relief works (falling short of relief
works under the Famine Code) stating -the full particulars of the
works, number of refugee/destitute to be employed and the period of
(6) No rations shall be given in addition to wages.
10. Medical Aid.—(a) Such aid shall be obtained from the nearest
Civil hospital and the Divisional, District or Township Welfare
Committees shall seek the help of the local doctors for necessary
treatment of refugee patients in camps.
(b) On no account should charges for medical aid or medicines
be charged to relief funds.
11. Maintenance of Surrendered Personnel.—(a) Civilian surren-
dered personnel may be kept separately in camps and feeding charges
on them'at the prescribed rates and their fare to their home villages
may be debited to relief funds under the accounts head " (9) Relief
Supplies" and " (10) Internal Resettlement" respectively.
(b) A certificate of cash payments made during the month stating
the actual number of days, the number of persons, and the rate per day
shall be sent together with the monthly expenditure statements.
12. Resettlements.— (a) Resettlement may be carried out provided
the following conditions are fulfilled : —
(ij The areas to be resettled in have been declared safe by the
authorities concerned and reasonable security can be
assured to the people when they are resettled.
( 65 )
(ii) The period within which resettlement can be effected and
for how many households after thorough screening.
(iii) The quantity of each of the relief gifts required after
making deductions of the gifts previously issued, if any,
to the households now to be resettled.
(iv) The estimated expenditure required under accounts head:—
" (9) Relief Supplies " for two weeks rations.
"(10) Internal Resettlement" for travelling allowance and
subsistence allowance.
" (14) Free Grants of Forest Produce " for issuing building
materials at the prescribed quota and at a cost not
exceeding 50 per household and for transport of such
Note.—The building materials are to be given only to those households
whose homes have been destroyed and are really unable to rebuild
them without Government aid.
(6) Only the cost of the relief gifts referred to at (iii) above will
be met by the Relief Ministry out of the Relief funds reserved for this
(c) The expenditure at (iv) above shall be met from the allotments
made to the District or Township Welfare Committee concerned under
the appropriate accounts heads. Additional funds under these heads
shall be applied for to the Divisional or District Welfare Committee
concerned with copy to the Relief Ministry.
13. Distribution of Relief Gifts.—(a) Acknowledgment of receipt
of the relief gifts shall be made at once to the Relief Ministry with
copy to the Divisional or District Welfare Committee concerned.
(b) The relief gifts shall be stored in a safe place and necessary
precautions taken against theft or pilferage.
(c) The relief gifts shall be distributed at once or within 15 days
of receipt. The distribution list duly signed by at least two responsible
persons present at the time of distribution and countersigned by I he
President of the District or Township Welfare Committee as the case
may be shall be sent to the Relief Ministry with copy to the Divisional
or District Welfare Committee concerned.
14. State Agricultural Marketing Board lice bills and other bills
shall be promptly settled. The SAMB has already been instructed not
to supply rice unless previous bills have been settled. The SAMB has
also been requested to forward rice credit bills promptly.
15. Relief shall also be afforded to victims of floods, fire, drought
and other calamities after careful and thorough screening and intimation
of such disasters should be sent promptly to the Relief Ministry stating
the number of families effected and nature of relief afforded.
16. The Relief Ministry would stress that relief should be prompt
and timely if it is to be appreciated by the'people. Towards that end
everything should be done_to_avoid delays.
( 66 )
Detailed Instructions for Rehabilitation Works.
Subject.—Monthly Reports.
The following instructions relating to the compilation and
submission of monthly reports on relief measures undertaken in the
districts are issued in supersession of all previous instructions on the
All Officers concerned are required to furnish information under the
headings given below. Each report should cover the period from the
20th of one month to the 19th of the succeeding month. It should be
complete and should cover the whole district, and must reach the
Ministry before the last day of each month.
Staff.—Strength under each class or post, including menial staff
should be furnished.
Transport.—Number of vehicles held for Relief Work, with
particulars of registration numbers, description, etc., should be given.
Destitutes—Under this heading destitutes should be classified into
two distinct classes, viz., (l) ordinary destitutes and (2) those rendered
destitute as a result of the activities of the insurgents. Reasons for
classifying them as destitutes should be given when they are included
for the first time. Information concerning the number of destitutes
already listed, to whom issue of relief was discontinued during the
period of the report should also be furnished. Details should be given
separately (a) in respect of destitutes in camps and (&) destitutes outside
camps under the following heads :—
(a) Destitutes in Camps.—
(i) Name of place.
(ii) Number at the beginning of the month.
(iii) Number of arrivals during the month.
(iv) Number of departures during the month.
(v) Number at the end of the month.
(vi) Remarks—under this column should be mentioned the
reasons for classifying them as destitutes when they
are included in the list for the first time, and also the
reasons for discontinuing relief, where destitutes had
left the camps and had become self-supporting.
(ft Destitutes outside Camps.—
(i) Name of. place.
(ii) Number in receipt of relief at the beginning of the
(iii) Number registered during the month.
(iv) Number for whom relief was discontinued during the
(v) Number of people in receipt of relief at the end of the
( 67 )
(vi) Remarks—under this column should be mentioned the
reasons for classifying them as destitutes when they
are included in the list for the first time, and also a
brief note explaining the reasons for discontinuing
relief as shown under (ivj.
The above details should be furnished separately (l) in respect of
ordinary destitutes and (2) in respect of those rendered destitute as a
result of the activities of the insurgents.
Relief.—Details are required under this head, in respect of each
article of relief supplies issued, of—
(a) quantity issued at reduced prices ;
(b) quantity issued on credit ;
(c) quantity issued free.
The above details are required separately in respect of (i) ordinary
destitutes and (ii) destitutes as a result of the activities of the insurgents.
Note.— (i> All Officers concerned are reminded that ordinarily there should
be no need to draw cash from the Treasury to purchase supplies. Articles required
for relief purposes may be obtained from the various Civil Supplies Depots and
payment made on receipt of the relative bills in due course.
(ii) For making purchases of relief supplies, the fund from which the amount
was drawn should be stated, viz., the amount earmarked for expenditure on relief on
account of the insurrection or the amount avai'able for expenditure on normal relief
measures. The reports should also state how the purchases of rfelief supplies are
made and the manner in which they are paid for.
(iii) All monies recovered on account of supplies issued at reduced prices or on
credit as a relief measure should be credited into the Treasury in accordance with the
instructions on the subject and on no account used for making further purchases of
Resettlement.—Details should be furnished under this head
showing the number of persons displaced and the number of such
persons assisted in their resettlement. The above particulars should be
given separately (a) for persons who got displaced on account of the
activities of the insurgents and (b) for others. The manner in which
these persons were assisted should also briefly be stated and a brief
note explaining the position of those who have not been assisted should
also be furnished.
Rehoiitiiig.—Detailssimilar to those required under " RESETTLE-
MENT " should be furnished under this head.
General.—The above heads are not meant to be exhaustive. The
object of these instructions is to ensitre that this Ministry is fully
informed of the activities in the districts in so far as relief measures are
concerned and the above heads are given in order that the reports
received are all prepared in a uniform manner to facilitate prepara-
tion of a consolidated report in respect of the whole of Burma. General
remarks which cannot be included under any of the above heads may
be made under this head.
Any special occurrences calling for relief measures, such as fires,
floods, cyclones, drought, etc., may be dealt with under this head. A
( 68 )
general note on the position as regards destitution and need for relief
in the district and the steps taken or proposed to be taken to deal with
the problem, and on the general economic conditions which have a
bearing on the problem of relief in the district should be furnished.
This note, without being in the nature of an unnecessarily alarming one,
should contain information on difficulties anticipated, if any, and
suggestions to meet them in time.
All Officers concerned should remember that the Monthly Report
is the only document which gives a complete picture of the activities of
the Department during the month. The importince of these Reports
cannot therefore be over-emphasised. All Officers are also again
enjoined to pay their personal attention to the careful preparation of
these Reports and also to ensure that they are sent so as to reach this
Ministry before the last day of eaeh month. This is absolutely necessary
as the consolidated Monthly Report is due to be submitted before the 4th of
each month.
Return of Expenditure for the Month of
" 38. Miscellaneous Departments—M. Evacuee Welfare and
Relief—b. In Burma."
Major Head--- Minor Head— Sub-He?,d—
Detailed Head Primary Unit of Expenditure a\ Budget allot- ment as modified to- date (2; Spent during tile month (3) Spent from 1st October 1951 (4) Remarks (5)
(lb) Pay -of Officers- Temporary. (26! Pay of Establish- ment—Tempor- ary. (за) Allowances, Hono- raria, etc. (зб) Travelling Allow- ance. (4) Contingencies... (46) Motor Transport (9) Relief Supplies (i) Normal Relief (ii) Insurrection Relief, (iii) Maintenance of surrendered personnel. (10) Internal Resettle- ment. (11) Repatriation ... (12) Expatriation ... (13) Extraction and Haulage of Forest Produce. (14) Free Grant of Forest Produce. Total
Details of the expenditure K incurred on Nor mall Insurrection Relief/Maintenance during 1950 of surrenderers
Date (1) Commodity purchased (2) From where purchased S.A.M.B. or C.S.D. (3) Quantity o( rice purchased (4) Rate at which purchased (Si With or without bag/tin (61 Cost of Commodity (7) 1 No. of person to whom issued 1 Quota issued to each Period for which issued (12)
Adult (8) Minor (91 Adult (10) Miner «1)
â– <1
. (1) Total expenditure incurred on purchase of rice
(2) Total expenditure incurred on purchase of cooking oil
(3) Total expenditure incurred on purchase of textiles
|4) Coolie hire or transport charges
(5) Constructions of Camps
(6) Miscellaneous Expenditure
Grand Total
II. If commodities are purchased locally, reasons may be given why purchase was not made from S.A.M.B. or C.S.D. C«mp,irativj rate should
be shown—
(i) Issue of Relief food supplies may bq issued as per quota shown below :—
Rice 14 condensed milk tin, cooking oil J viss, >
SaV 4 ounces, Dhall i viss or vgapi in lieu there- f per week for adults % the quota may be issued to each child under 12 years of age.
of not exceeding the cost of dhall. J
(ii) Clothing, i.e., one longyi and one cotton vest may be issued to each refugee/destitute only if found to be absolutely necessary.
(iii)iDetails as per proforma may also be sent on account of expenditure incurred under the Primary Units |14) Free Grant of Forest Produce
Quota of issue of building materials is contained in this Ministry's Memorandum No. 777 RW-I1I-50, dated the 20th May 1950.
( 71 )
Pyidawtha Committees and Regulations under the Agricultural
and Rural Development Scheme.
In the interests of cultivators, Government has enacted the
Tenancy Disposal Act, the Tenancy Standard Rent Act, the Agricul-
turists' Debt Relief Act, thus revolutionising the Agrarian problem and
creating a new system instead. Accordingly, with effect from the
year 1950, the old system of issue of agricultural loans to cultivators
was replaced by a new procedure. The new system was based on
democratic principles :
1. Beginning from the year 1952-53 it has become imperative
to fit in the activities of the Tenancy Standard Rent Act, Tenancy
Disposal Act, Agriculturists' Debt Relief Act, issue of Agricultural
loans, etc., with the Pyidawtha Committee. The - organizations
engaged in Agricultural and Rural Development are as follows :—
(i) State Land Committee,
(ii) District Tenancy Disposal Committees,
(iii) Township Land Committees, and
(iv) Village Tenancy Disposal Committees.
For the development of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, District
Pyidawtha Committees and Township Pyidawtha Committees shall
act in concert with the District Tenancy Disposal Committees and
Township Land Committees, and shall be constituted as follows :—
2. Constitution.—
(a) District.— (1) The District Agricultural Development Sub-
Committee shall be formed from the District Pyidawtha
Committee and the same shall be constituted as
(i) the Deputy Commissioner ;
(ii) the Assistant Director of Agriculture ;
(iii) the Deputy Registrar, Co-operative Societies ;
(iv) the Superintendent of Land Records ;
(v) a representative of AFPFL.
(2) In addition to the above, the Sub-Committee shall also
co-opt members of the District Tenancy Disposal
(3) The President may by regulation empower the Sub-Com-
mittee to carry out the functions cf tenancy disposal and
agricultural development.
(b) Township.—(l) The Township Agricultural Development
Sub committee shall be formed from the Township
Pyidawtha Committee and the same shall be constituted
as follows :—
(i) the Township Officer ;
(ii) the Co-operative Myook ;
(iii) the Senior Agricultural Assistant ;
(iv) the Inspector of Land Records ;
(v) one representative of AFPFL,
( 72 )
(2) In addition to the above, the Sub committee shall co-opt
the members of the Township Land Committee.
(3) The President shall by regulation, empower the Sub-
Committee'to carry out the duties and functions of the
present Township Land Committee.
(c) Village.— Owing to the absence of Village Pyidawtha
Committees the present Village Tenancy Disposal
Committees or Village Agriculturists' Co-operative
Committees will continue to carry out the duties and
functions assigned to them and shall act in concert with
the above Township and District Pyidawtha Agricultural
Development Sub-Committees.
3, The Township and District Pyidawtha Agricultural Develop-
ment referred to above shall carry out the works assigned to them for
the improvement of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as follows:—
(Constitution of the Sub-CommitteeS is shown in Annexure "A ")
(a) Tenancy Disposal.
(b) Disposal of cases relating to Tenancy.
(c) Loans for Agricultural development (e.g. Land Improvement,
cultivation expenses, expenses for purchase of cattle,
loans to Co-operative Societies, and other emergency
loans, etc.).
Note.—As the proceedings relating to tenancy disposal are carried oat in
accordance with rules and regulations, only those Committees so empowered shall
act accordingly.
4. The following procedure shall be adopted for the allotment of
loans and disbursement of the same to Agriculturists :—
fa) The Village Tenancy Disposal Committee shall prepare
estimates of annual requirements of agricultural loans in
the village-tracts, acre by acre, and submit the estimates
to the Township Pyidawtha Agricultural Development
Sub-Committee. (If not yet constituted, the present
Township Land Committee.).
(When preparing estimates, the. Village Tenancy Disposal
Committee, shall compute the acreage tenanted for the
year with the fallow acreage that could be cultivated in
the next season).
(b) The Township Pyidawtha Agricultural Development Sub-
committee (if not yet constituted, the Township Land
Committee) shall, on receipt of estimates from the
Village Tenancy Disposal Committees, scrutinize and
submit a copy each to the Township Pyidawtha
Committee and the District Pyidawtha Agricultural
Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the
District Tenancy Disposal Committee).
(c) The Township Pyidawtha Committee or the District
Pyidawtha Agricultural Development Sub-Committee
(if not yet constituted, the District Tenancy Disposal
Committee) shall as defined in paragraph (b) above
submit copies of estimates already examined and
prepared by the Township Pyidawtha Agricultural
Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the
Township Land Committee) to the District Pyidawtha
The District Pyidawtha Committee shall submit copies of the
estimates through the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee
and Financial Commissioner (Lands and Rural Develop-
ment) to the Government in the Ministry of Agriculture
and Forests.
» The District Pyidiwtha Agricultural Development Sub-Com-
mittee (if not yet constituted, the District Tenancy
Disposal Committee) shall submit copies of the estimates
to the Government in the Ministry of Agriculture and
Forests i.e., the State Agricultural and Rural Development
In cases of destruction of crops owing to scarcity of rains or
flood or any other emergent causes, adherence to the
above procedure will entail delay and timely relief cannot
possibly be afforded. Therefore emergency loans shall
be disbursed from the fund provided in the Township
Pyidawtha Committee. In the event, that funds as
provided for the Township Pyidawtha Committee are
found to be insufficient, these can be obtained from the
funds allotted for the District Pyidawtha Committee or the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee. After issue of such
emergency loans, the matter should be referred to the
Committees concerned.
{d) The Financial Commissioner shall carefully examine the
claims submitted as shown in paragraph 2 (a), (b), (c), and
paragraph 3 (a), (b), (c) of the Directive, and with the
approval of Government, shall communicate to the
Divisional Pyidawtha Committees the distinct break
(e) The District Pyidawtha Agricultural Development Sub-
Committee (if not yet constituted, the District Tenancy
Disposal Committee) shall, immediately on receipt of the
information of the amount allotted, make allotments
among townships. The Township Pyidawtha Agricul-
tural Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted,
the Township Land Committee) shall make allotments
among village-tracts. The allotments thus made shall
be intimated to the District Pyidawtha and Township
Committees concerned.
5. Though it has to be admitted that the present system for the
issue of loans to cultivators in form " A " and " B " is far better than
the old procedure, there still remains certain defects and difficulties in
carrying out the new procedure. In practice according to the new
procedure the Village Tenancy Disposal Committees which are
entrusted with the task of presenting claims in form " A " and the
disbursement of loans to cultivators in form " B", have to incur
certain expenses. As such, instances of misappropriation of loans by
certain members of Village Tenancy Disposal Committees have been
( 74 )
brought to the notice of Government from time to time. Moreover
some committee members, instead of distributing the loans among the
bona fide cultivators, use the same for their own personal ends. With
a view to prevent such malpractices, it is clearly desirable to remunerate
these Committees by some allowances to cover expenses for the
performance of their respective duties. It is also necessary to pay
monthly remuneration to these Wundanhmus whose duty it is to see
that loans are issued to bona fide cultivators. Hence the procedure of
issue of loans by Pyidawtha Committees, shall be as follows :—
(а) As soon as the Village Tenancy Disposal Committees have
completed the work in connection with disposal of
tenancies, they shall prepare estimates of loans required,
based on the acreage of cultivated areas, and present
claims in form "A" to Township Pyidawtha Agricultural
Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the
Township Land Committee).
(б) The Township Pyidawtha Agricultural Development Sub-
Committee (if not yet constituted, the Township Land
Committee) shall as stated above allot among village-tracts,
the amount assigned to townships by the District Pyi-
dawtha Agricultural Development Sub-Committee (if not
yet constituted, the District Land Tenancy Disposal
[The manner of presenting claims to authorities and the allot-
ment by the authorities are shown in Annexure "B"]
(c) Immediately on receipt of the intimation of the amount
allotted to the village-tracts, the Village Tenancy Dispo-
sal Committee shall take the responsibility to issue loans
to cultivators in form " B" . After disbursement, the
said form "B" together with the signatures of the
borrowers should be returned to the Township Officer
NoTtt.—Form " A " and Form " B " are shown in Annexures " C "
The Forms in Annexures C are more or less similar to the prescribed forms " A "
and " B " except that insertions made are underlined in the new forms.
(d) Similarly the Village Co-operative Committee shall
perform the duty of issuing loans to Village Agriculturists'
Primary Co-operative Societies.
(e) Either before or after the disbursement of loans, the
'Wundanhmus appointed for the purpose of seeing that
loans are issued to bona fide cultivators, shall enquire and
take action for any irregularities in connection with the
issue of loans.
6. It now becomes necessary to prescribe the grant of allowances
to cover expenses of the Village Land Tenancy Disposal Committee to'
enable them to perform the duties imposed on them, and the
remuneration of Wundanhmus who shall be entrusted with the work of
seeing that loans are issued to bona-fide cultivators and that they are
recovered in time. For providing such expenditure, timely action will
be taken by Government to prescribe the detailed procedure of
utilizing the interest accrued on the loans issued.
( 75 )
7. Apart from seeing that loans are issued to bona fide cultivators,
the Wundanhmus shall urge for the punctual repayment of loans by
borrowers. The Wundanhinus shall maintain a diary, in Form "D"
annexed. They shall ncte the amount of loans di sbt rsed, the amount
recovered, and the amount outstanding in each village-tract as shown
in the said form. They shall then submit reports of village-tracts
where large sums are outstanding to the Batalasa concerned every
15 days. It should also be made clear that if one of the cultivators
fails to repay the loans in full, not only the rest of the borrowers but
also the members of the Village Tenancy Committees shall be respon-
sible to repay the loans.
The diaries for the Township Wundanhmus will be printed and
supplied. Application forms for issue of loans in form " A " and " B "
shall be printed and distributed.
Thus it is that in conjunction with Pyidawtha Committee all
works, having their objective as agricultural development and rural
uplilt, have to be performed.
District Pyidawtha Committee
Five members ol District Pyidawliia
CommitLee—(1) Deputy Commissioner.
(2) Senior Agricultural Assistant.
(3) Assistant Registrar, Co-operative.
(4) Superintendent of Land Records.
(5| One representative of AFPFL.
District Pyidawtlia Agricultural
Improvement Sub-Committee
District Tenancy
Disposal Committee
( 77 )
Government of the Union of Burma,
Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.
(Agricultural and Rural Development
(Financial Commissioner,
Agricultural Improvement)
Divisional Pyidawtha Committee
(Union Government)
78 )
Form of Appi.ication and Distribution of Agricultural Loans
State Laud Committee
Financial Commissioner
Pyidawtha Committee
District Tenancy
Disposal Committee
District pyidawtha
Agricultural Improvement
Township Land Committee
Township Pyidawtha
Agricultural Improvement
Village Co-
Copies of allotments lo
Copies of claims to
Copies of allotments to
Copies of claims by
District Pyidawtha
Pyidawtlia Committee
Note.—1. Bine arrows indicate the submission of estimates of Agricultural
Loans from Village Tenancy Disposal Committees to tire State Land Committee
through Financial Commissioner.
2. Red arrows indicate the distribution of Agricultural Loans from State
Land Committee to the Village Tenancy Disposal Committee through Financial
Form (B) ANNEXURE " C "
Receipt of Agricultural loans on Joint Security
..............................District ...........................Township ..............................vilhlge
Thi cultivators listed below with their signatures against their name3 do hereby declare that they have received the
amount of agricultural loans sh;nvn agiinst thiir respective names. We do hereby declare that we will repay the agricul-
tural loans issued by Government collectively or individually, before the date ....................specified with due interest
thereon. We also agree that if one or more of thsm fail to repay the loans remaining borrowers are responsible for the
repayment of the loans.
Village , (1) Name (2) Age (3) Name of father (4) Area of land worked (5) Agricultural loans outstanding (6) Amount applied for (7) Amount received (8)
We the undersigned members of the land, committee do hereby certify that we have already disbursed the loans to culti-
vators shown above against their respective names of the village-tract......................... Certified also that we are
responsible to collect and repay the loans before the elate.....................specified collectively or individually. We do here-
by declare also that if one or more of the borrowers fail to repay the loans in full with interest, we all shall be bound to repay
the loans on their behalf.
j Chairman.
Signature of Village Land _) 2..............................................
Tenancy Disposal Committee, i
Date..................................................................• 3.............................................
L Committees,
Form (A)
Application for Agricultural loans
__Vi 1J age- tracts.
Serial No. (1) Name of Applicant (2) Father's Name (3) Name of Kwin and No. (4) Holding No. (5) Area (6) Amount re- quired (7) Signature (8)
Certified that the above mentioned applicants are the bona fide Agriculturists who p ropose to work the lands shown
against their names. We the undersigned recommend that the above agricultural loans shown against their names may be issued
to than.
Village Tenancy
Disposal Committee.
Up to
Up to
Up to
Up to
Up to
Up to
Up to
c s
o I
S a
< >
-M ^
c C
s <«
< "to
J «
< >
»-. so
c c
G 5
< "S
O u
3 v
< >
^ M
c c
£ 3
— T3
2 «
^ Hi
p c
B «
< "Zo
1 is
< >
c p
a ;=
2 c
C rt
p "
s «
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c c
P rt
3 T3
2 «
1 53
( 82 )
Delegation of Powers pertaining to Co-operative matters to the
Divisional, District and Township Welfare Boards.
1. The powers at present exercised by Government in relation to
Co-operative Societies and their work are as follows :—
(i) Registration and Liquidation of Societies.
(ii) Supervision of Societies and Auditing of their accounts.
(iii) Issue of Loans and Advances to Societies and recovery of the
2. Of the three functions specified above it is proposed to delegate
item (iii), i.e., the power to issue and recover loans to the Welfare
3. Generally loans and advances issued to Co-operative Societies
are of two categories. They are—
(а) loans and advances to Agricultural Credit Societies, and
(б) loans and advances to Co-operative Societies other than
Agricultural Credit Societies.
4. The budgetary provisions for the year 1952-53 for the issue of
loans to Societies in category (b) above is not much.
As the estimates and the budgetary allotments for this purpose have
already been made based on the actual requirements of the societies
there is no necessity to delegate powers in respect of item (Z))*above to the
Welfare Boards for the year 1952-53. It only remains for the Officers
concerned of the Co-operative Societies Department to proceed to
issue these loans during the financial year 1952-53 without reference to
the Welfare Boards. The Welfare Boards will however, commence
to exercise the delegated powers in this respect from the year 1953-54
onwards. This will be affected through the submission of the loan
requirements of each Township through the Welfare Boards for
ultimate inclusion in the budget estimates.
5. Provision has already been made for Agricultural loans to be
issued during the year 1952-53 and this demand is being submitted to
Parliamentary vote during the current session. On being voted by
the Parliament, the money provided will be distributed to the
respective Divisions. These allotments will in turn be redistributed by
the Divisional Welfare Boards through the District Welfare Boards to
the Township Welfare Boards. Township Co-operative Officers will
then proceed to issue loans based on the r»commendations of the
Welfare Boards concerned.
6. The Township Co-operative Officers' will prepare the budget
estimates based on the requirements of the respective Township for the
year 1953-54 and submit the same to reach the Township Welfare
Board before the 10th February 1953. After Scrutiny the Township
Welfare Board will forward these estimates to the District Welfare
Boards for onward transmission to the Divisional Welfare Boards
which will compile them on a Divisional basis and transmit to the
Ministry of Co-operation and Commodity Distribution so as to reach
83 )
the latter before the 10th April 1953. This procedure applies to both
Agricultural and Non-Agricultural loans and is to be followed for sub-
sequent years also.
7. The Channels for submission of budget estimates and distribution
of allotments are as in the following diagram :—
Co-operative Societies
Township Co-operative Officers
District Co-operative Officer
- I, ^ "
nU r ■•
Divisional Co-operative Officer
- I, ^
â– -> I
Registrar, Co-operative Societies
Township Welfare Board
I 1s
sU I
District Welfare Board
I ^
vj/ I
Divisional Welfare Board
I ^
nU I
Ministry of Co-operation
and Commodity ^r-
8. No dates have been fixed for the submission of budget estimates
and distribution of allotments by the Township and District Welfare
Boards but the intention is that these Boards and the Co-operative
Officers at their level will time their submission of estimates and
distribution of allotments to suit the dates fixed in paragraph 6 above
9. In conculsion, attention is invited to the Five-year National
Co-operative Plan as formulated and adopted by the National Conven-
tion on Co-operation held in January 1951. This plan is now in the
course of implementation as far as is practicable and the following
types of Co-operative bodies have come into existence for the
purpose of Co-operative organizational work :—
(i) District Co-operative Unions.
(ii) District Co-operative and Commodity Distribution Boards.
(iii) District Co-operative Fishery Councils.
(iv) Township Co-operative Unions.
(v) Township Co-operative and Commodity Distribution Boards
(vi) Township Co-operative Fishery Committees.
Though the actual organizational work of the Co-operative
movement in the Union falls within the province of the above
bodies, the various Welfare Boards are expected and invited to extend
utmost possible degree of support and encouragement to the cause of
Co-operation in Burma by means of advice and assistance to these
bodies and close co-ordination with the work of the same.
Full Text |
CHAPTER II ,, ,, " APPENDIX I! ,,_ II TABLE OF CONTENTS J ,-INTRODUCTION JI.-PYIDAWTHA COMMITTEESConstitution Meetings Duties and Functions. III.-PLANNING IV.-BUDGE'l'ING V.-EXECUTIO.N-Preparatory : Discretionary Grant Repairs and Maintenance Original Works Bazaars under Local Bodies Aid to Industries and Relief Co-operative Loans Execution: General Principles Discretionary Grant Repairs and Maintenance Original Works Bazams under Local Bodies Aid to Industries :1ncl Relief Agricultural and Co-operative Loans Vl.-0RGANIZATIONS AT THE CENTRE General Supervisory Committee Procurement and Advisory Committee Senior Minister for each Division A.-Detailecl Instructions for Execution Public Works Projects of B.-Projects of the Natioml Housing ,rncl Town 1-3 4-5 6-7 7-9 10-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16 16-17 17 17-19 19-20 20 20-21 22 22 22 23 23-24 24 25-37 and Country Development Board 37-42 C.-Detailecl Instructions for Execution of Irrigation Projects 43-51 D.-Detailecl Instructions for Execution of Railway Projects ... . .. 51-59
ii APPENDIX ,, ,, " TADT,E OF CONTENTS PAGE E-D,~hiled Instructions for Administralion of Loans for Bazaars to Locnl Bodies 59-60 F.Detailed Instructions for Administration of Aid to I nclustries 60-62 ('..-Detailed Instructions for Administration of Relief 62-70 H.-Det:tilecl lnstructions for Agricnltmal Lonns 1.DdaileJ ! nst.ructions for Co-operative Loans Administration of Administration of 71-81 82-83
CHAPTER !.-INTRODUCTION The Union Conference convened during August 1952 marks an extremely important stage in the evolution of Burma as a democratic socialist State. During the preindependence period, the main function of Gqvernment wc1s to maintain law and order, and to ensure tile conditions in the country were favourable to the orderly conduct of private business and commercial activity. The promotion of the welfare of the people and the development of the country's resources occupied a secondary place. Adminis trative officers throughout the country were thus mainly responsible for collection of revenue and maintenance of law and order : they had no functions and exercise. d no responsibility in regard to. promoting welfare or fostering economic development. Their success was measured by their ability to collect revenue in time, maintain peace and security within their charge and ensure tl1e stability of Government, rather than any contribution they may make towards promoting welfare and fostering economic development. J\,s a result, they lived in a world quite apart from the people. 2. At the centre also, while many subjects were controlled by Parliament and a Council of Ministers, all major policies and activities had to fit into this general frame work. Planning of welfare and economic development was nonexistent. Budgeting-the controlling instrument for carrying out Government's policies-was prepared in the greatest secrecy in every detail, and financial policy was generally directed towards the same objective : maintaining law and order and ensuring business stability. 3. With the achievement of independence, however, the emphasis shifted to promoting welfare and_ development. The important function of maintaining law and order must of course remain, and both Government at the centre and administrative officers throughout the districts must continue to devote adequate attention to maintaining peace and security. But welfare and development now demand an equal measure of attention, and administrative officers throughout the country must, henceforth, devote as much of their time to promoting welfare and development as they
( 2 ) do to maintaining peace and security. The insurrections made it impossible to achieve full success in ibis clirection, particularly in regard to administration in the districts. The Union Conference marks the first big step towards the achievement of this objective, particularly in respect of its manifestation in districts and villages throughout Burma. 4. The most important changes effected at the centre by the Union Conference are in respect of two fields : (a) planning, and (b) budgeting. 5. In the sphere of planning, many admirable and well thought out projects for the welfare of the people and the economic development of the country bad been formulated in the past, and some have been put into effect. But they emanated from the centre, and very little was done either at the suggestion of or in consultation with officials in the districts and representatives of 'the people in each locality. Many of the Union Conference projects for 1952-53 have however origillated from the people themselves through their representatives in the townships, districts and divisions ; and many more have been thoroughly discussed with them before incorporation in the Government's programme of work. Though H1is process has necessarily been sketchy during tlic first year of this great experiment, the principle of basing Government's programme of work for the coming year on ideas originating from the districts and townsliips and in close consultation with the representatives of ihe people has been firmly established. 6. In the sphere of budgeting, the preliminary Union Conference held during June 1952 was the first occasion in the history of Burma when Divisional officials have been taken into confidence in regard io the provisions Government propos~s to make during the forth-coming financial year. In fact, many of the provisions are based on these discussions, and though the Centre remains primarily responsible for the Budget as a whole, it can truly be said that the 1952-53 Budget Estimate is based substantially on the wishes of the people. In this sense, this is the first People's Budget produced in this country. 7. The sharing of emphasis between maintaining law and order and promoting welfare and development implies two important changes in regard to the role of the district officer. Firstly1 the district official-no matter whether he
( 3 ) is the Township Officer or the Public Works Subdivision 11 Officer or the District Superintendent of Police-is no longer merely the instrument of the Central Government for the collection of revenue, care of Government buildings and maintenance of law and order. The welfare of the people and promotion of economic development must henceforth be of equal concern to him and his time and energies must from now be devoted equally to this task. Every official in the district is henceforth also a welfare officer. Secondly, with the assumption of his role as a welfare officer, the district official becomes a representative of the people and an advocate of their cause in much the same way as a political representative. His loyalty must of course be still to the Government which employs him, but as a member of the township, district or divisional Pyidawtha Committee he is also the vehicle which conveys the people's wishes and criticisms to the Central Government. The role of the district official having thus qndergone a revolutionary change, his mental attitude and official conduct must henceforth be adapted to this role. Only thus will the people themselves accept him as their direct representative and spokesman. 8. The main instrument created by the Union Con(er ence for promoting welfare and economic development is the Township, District and Divisional Pyidawtha Committee, of which the district officials concerned are the key-pins. To be fully effective as instruments for promotion of welfare and economic development, the Committees must be invested with wide powers to act within their di,scretion. But safeguards must also exist against irresponsible action. This is ensured by transferring responsibility riot to an individual but to a group. The Pyidawtha Committees will henceforth exercise wide discretion in regard to incurring expenditure and carryir.g out projects, but no one individual or official will have the authority to award any single contract. The authority to award contracts vests in the cgmmittee, or a sub-committee thereof. 9. The Centre retains. responsibility for over-all planning and developme:nt. All plans evolved at the Township, District or Divisional level must fit into the general plan, and devolution of powers to the Pyidawtha Committees does not mean they can take any action which will be agc1inst the wider naiional interest.
( 4 ) CHAPTER II.-PYIDAWTHA COMMITTEES 10. In every Division, there shall be established three different levels of Pyidawiha Committees, viz., Divisional, District and Township Pyidawtha Committees. The number of Divisional Pyidawlha Committees shall be one in every Division and that of the District Pyidawtha Committees and Township Pyidawtha Committees shall be one for each district and township respectively in each Division. The Township Pyidawtha Committees shall be subordinate to their respective District Pyidawtha Committee and the District Pyidawtha Committees shall be subordinate to their respective Divisional Pyidawtha Committee. CONSTITUTION 11. The Divisional Pyidawdrn Committee shall be composed of the following:-(a) Commissioner of the Division,-President. (b) Deputy Inspector-General of Police. (c) Divisional Engineer tBuildings and Roads}. (d) Divisional Engineer (Irrigation). le) Deputy Director of Agriculture. (/) Co-operative Range Officer. (g) Inspector of Schools. (h) Deputy Commissioners. (i) Divisional Officer (Fire Fighting Service). (j) Deputy Director of Veterinary Services. (k) Deputy Director of Medical and Public Health. (l) A representative from each District AFPFL Organization. The Commissioner of the Division shall be the President of the Committte and the Personal Assistant to the Com missioner shall be the Secretary. 12. The District Pyidawtha Committee shall be composed of the following :-(a) Deputy Commissioner of the District,-President. (b) District Superintendent of Police. (c) Executive Engineer. (d) Senior Agricultural Assistant. (e) Co-operative Range Officer. (j) Divisional Forest Officer. Ct:) Civil Surgeon.
( 5 ) (h) District Health Officer. l i) Assistant Inspector or Deputy Inspector of Schools. (j) Superintendent of Land Records. (k) Subdivisional Officer. U) SJ1bdivisio11al Police Officer. (m) Township Officer. ln) District Karen Affairs Officer. (o) District Relief Officer. (p, District Supplies Officer. ( q) Superintendent of Veterinary Services. (r) A representative of each Township AFPFL. The Deputy Commissioner concerned shall be the President of the Committee and the Headqm.rters Assistant shall be the Secretary. 13. The Township Pyidawtha Committee shall be composed of the following :ta) Township Officer of the Township. (b) Subdivisional Officer, if any. (c) Subdivisional Police Officer or Police Station Officer. (d) Sub-Assistant Engineer (PWD). (c) Sub-Assistant Engineer, Irrigation. (/) Co-operative Myook. (g) Senior Agricultural Assistant. (h) Inspector of Land Records. (i) Deputy Inspector of Schools. (j) Sub-Assistant Surgeon. (kl Township Fire Fighting Officer. (l) Veterinary Assistant. (m) Four representatives nominated by the Central AFPFL. A representative of Departments and Boards operating in each area shall also be included in the above Committee or Committees. If any Subdivisional Officer is stationed in the Township, he shall be the President of the Committee ; otherwise the Township Officer concerned shall be the President and the Head Clerk of the Township Officer shall be the Secretary. 14. The term of office of the non-official members of the Committees shall be one year but the members shall continue in office until a new committee has been constituted.
( 6 ) \ MEETINGS 15. The President of a Committee shall be the Chairman in all meetings of the Committee and if the President is unable to attend the members shall choose one of them selves to act as Chairman. 16. All members of the Committee, except the Secretary, shall have powers to vote. 17. Each Pyidawtha Committee' should convene meetings at least once a month. 18. Extraordinary meetings may be called by the President on his own motion or on the requisition of five members in writing. 19. The Secretary shall draw up the agenda of all the meetings, and issue the invitations to members, under orders of the President. 20. The letters of invitation for a meeting should contain the agenda, time and place. 21. One-third of the members of each Committee or Sub-committee as the case may be shall form a quorum. The President shall postpone a meeting, if the number of members does not form a quorum. '' An adjourned meeting shall not require a quorum, but the President of the Committee shall preside at an adjourned meeting." 22. A member shall give three days' notice to the President of any question or resolution to be moved in the meeting by him, together with a copy of such question or resolution. This shall be discussed at the meeting only if the Chairman grants permission. 23. The Chairman may disallow any question or resolu tion to be discussed at the meeting for one or more of the following reasons :-(a) If they are matters not within the jurisdiction of the Committee ; ( b) if they are not in accordance with the prescribed procedure of the Committee ; and (c) if they lend to interfere with the business of the Committee.
( 7 ) 24. The President shall conduct all meetings in accordance with the procedure prescribed for the committee. 25. The minutes of th~ meetings shall be distributed , to all members and they shall be examined and confirmed at the next subsequent meeting. 26. Any question asked at a meeting may be disallowed for one or more of the following reasons ;(a) The question is irrelevent to the business of the Committee; (b) The question is defamatory to an individual memb~; , (c) The question constitutes delivery of a spc;ech instead of asking a question ; (d) The question is too long ; and (e) It is a supplementary question. 27. Resolutions confirmed at the meetings shall not be modified within three months from the date of the resolution. However, if three-fourths of the members attending a meeting desire a discussion on that resolution, this will be allowed. 28. When matters of a financial or personal n;,ture connected directly or indirectly with an individual member are intended to be discussed at a meeting, the member concerned shall not be present at the meeting. If the member persists in attending the meeting, the Chairman shall ask him to leave the meeting. 29. All decisions at meetings shall as far as possible be taken unanimously, and every effort must be made to arrive at agreed decisions through frank and full discussions. In the event of a tie tl1e Chairman m~ty e:'ercise a casting vote. DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS 30. The Township, District and Divisional Committees shall exercise duties and functions in two broad fields;--(a) Planning ; and (b) Execution. 31. In the sphere of planning, it shall be the initial duty of the Township Committee to evolve by discussion with representatives and inhabitants of all towns and villages within their jurisdiction an initial list of works and other requirements which the people themselves and members of
(" 8 ) the Committee consider should be undertaken for the welfare and economic development of the area during the following financial year. The Township Committee at this stage will thus become the principal forum for the discussion of the welfare and development needs of each area and formulation of these needs for the consideration of the Cen tral Authorities. The interest shown in these discussions, and the care devoted to the evolution of desirable projects and plans, will determine the extent to which the plans formulated by the Central Government reflect the wishes of the people themselves, and such discussions must therefore be encouraged and held as fully and widely as possible. 32. District Pyidawtha Committees will exercise a dual function in this regard. They will first formulate such plans and projects as they themselves consider desirable and necessary for the welfare and development of their districts, and secondly co-ordinate the various proposals formulated by the Township Committees and those evolved by themselves into a co-ordinated district plan. 33. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committees will exercise a three-fold function in this regard. They will firstly formulate such plans as they consider will promote welfare and development within their divisions in addition to those evolved by the Township and District Committees; secondly, co-ordinate all Township and District plans and the plans they themselves evolve into a Divisional Plan; and thirdly, prepare an estimate of the material and man-power resources available within their own Divisions. 34. Divisional Pyidawtba Committee shall in addition exercise the following two major functions :-(a) They shall act as the representatives of the Township and District Pyidawtha Committees within their jurisdiction for the pur pose of discussing their plans and requirements with the Central authorities and getting them accepted in full co-ordination with the over-all national Plan ; and (b) they shall discuss the Budget provisions necessary for carrying out the plans. 35. In the sphere of execution, each Committee shall exercise a two-fold responsibility :-(a) The actual execution of each project for which it is made responsible, either by letting it out on contract or undertaking the work directly itself; and ( b) supervision of the execution of each work,
9 ) whether undertaken on contract or directly. The District and Divisional Committees will also have the function of supervising the execution of the works by the respective Township and District Pyidawtha Committees within their jurisdiction. 36. In regard to execution, the Pyidawtha Committees shall be vested with authority in two different ways :(a) To undertake entirely at their discretion, and in respect of which no specific Budget provision is made, certain works which they consider necessary for the welfare of the people, free from Departmental control and the restriction of rules and regulations. The sole criterion shall be whether the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee considers that such work shall promote the welfare of the people, and so long as this criterion is satisfied it will not be necessary for such works to be covered by sanction or to be in accordance with any rules or procedure. The Committees must however be responsible for ensuring that such money is not wasted or misused. To enable tl1em to exercise this function, a Discretionary Grant for each division shall be created ; and ( b) Execution of works provided in the Budget Estimates and in the Works Programme of each Department concerned. 37. In addition to above, the Pyidawtha Committees shall exercise functions in regard to :-(a) granting of Industrials loans ; (b) administration of relief funds; (c) supervision of loans granted to local bo:lies for capital works ; and ld) administration of Agricultural and Co-operative Loans. District Pyidawtha Committees witl also through their relevant Sub-committees, exercise functions in regard to disposal of tenancy. 38. The manner in which the above functions shall be exercised are explained in greater detail in the following chapters,
( 10 ) CHAPTER III.-PLANNING 39. Every year, during the month of February, each Township Committee shall organize meetings of villagers and residnts throughout the township forthe purpose of discussing and suggesting welfare and development projects which they consider should be carried out within their areas. This is the mo~t crucial stage in planning, as these meetings will determine to what extent the plans finally drawn up by Government represent the needs and wishes of the people themselves. The fuller the discussions are the greater will be the contribution to national planning, and the District and Divisional Pyidawtha Committees should therefore take a personal interest and ensure that the meetings are organized and conducted in such a manner as to elicit the fullest reactions from all concerned, and their wishes and nePds in regard to welfare and development plans for each area. The decisions of each meeting shall be forwarded to the Township Pyidawtha Committee, who will itself at the same time consider and evolve plans and projects which will promote welfare and development within the township. All works and projects so formulated will then be considered by the Township Committee during the first half of March, and then co-ordinated into a Township Plan. In this plan all works and projects must be arranged in an order of priority, both individually and in categories, In the case of plans and projects whose execution would extend over a period of years the stages that will be completed during the first year and during each subsequent year until completion should also be indicated as clearly as possible. The Township Plan will then be submitted t0 the District Pyidawtha Committee before the end of March each year. 40. Each District Pyidawtha Committee will also consider during the months of February and March plans and projects which will prornote welfare and development within their districts. Representatives of District Pyidawtha Committees should whenever possible attend meetings organized by the Township Committees, and assists in the formulation of ideas. The plans formulah:d by the District Committee, together with those submitted by the Township Pyidawtha Committees, shall then be co-ordinated into a District Plan and submitted to the Divisional Pyidawtha Committ~e during the first week of April. Each District
( 11 ) Plan should arrange all the projects and works included therein in an order of priority. In respect of projects whose completion will extend over a period of years, the stages for each year should be shown clearly. 41. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee will also similarly consider plans and works which will promote welfare and development within its jurisdiction. It shall then consolidate them together with the District and Town ship Plans into a Divisional Plan, and will arrange all works and projects in an order of priority, both individually and in categories. In respect of projects whose completion will take more than one year, each stage of completion should be shown year by year. 42. The Divisional Pyi-dawtha Committee shall also make an estimate of the man-power and material resources available within the division for carrying out all the projects and works included in the Divisional Plan. 43. The Divisional Plan together with an estimate of the man-power and material resources shall then be sent to the Ministry of National Planning b,efore the end of April, and the Ministry of National Planning shall forward them to the administrative Ministries concerned for co-ordination into over-all plans evolved by each Ministry. It will also co-ord(nate the Divisional Plans into such over-all plans for the whole country as are under consideration by it. 44. Each Plan whether it originates from the Township Pyidawtha Committee, District Pyidawtha Committee or Divisional Pyiclawtha Committee, shall include-(a) a plinth area estimate and other necessary plans for each proposed work or project ; and ( b) the location and site proposed for the work. Plans must be evolved strictly on the basis of what can practically be carried out during the ensuing financial year. 45. Each Divisional Plan shall be prepared in sections relating to each subject, so that they can be separated and sent to the Ministry con.cerned. fwelve copies of each Divisional Plan shall be forwarded to the Ministry of National Planning. 45-A. The requirements of each District in regard to Agricuitural and co-operative Loans shall be formulated and
12 ) forwarded to Rangoon in accordance with the detailed instructions contained in Appendices H and I. Two copies shall also be forwarded direct to the Ministry of National Planning according to the procedure prescribed in paragraph 8 (c) of Appendix 8. The total funds required will be determined in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests in consultation with the Ministry of National Planning. The provision of funds in the Budget will be determined in the Ministry of Finance and Revenue in consultation with the Ministry of National Planning. CHAPTER IV.-BUDGETING. 46. On receipt of the Divisional Plan or the relevant sections thereof in each administrative Ministry, a copy shall be forwarded to the Head of Department concerned who will scrutinize the plans from a technical point of .view, co-ordinate them firstly with plans evolved at the Centre for each division and secondly with such over-all country-wide plan as may exist. The co-ordinated plan for each Department will then be forwarded to the Ministry of Finance and Revenue for inclusion in the Preliminary Budget Estimates. Each administrative Ministry shall be responsible for ensuring that each plan or project proposed for inclusion in the Budget Estimates has received the necessary administrative and financial approval and satisfies other budgetary requirements. The Ministry of Finance and Revenue will then, in consultation with the Ministry of National Planning, consider their inclusion in the Budget Estimates for the following year and enter into such further discmsions as may be necessary with the administrative Ministries and Heads of Departments conctrned. Such consultations at the Centre shall be completed by the end of May. 47. A Preliminary Conference will then be convened during the first half of June in Rangoon which would be attended by all Commissioners of Divisions, two official representatives to be select e d by the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee, one non-official representative f o r each District Heads of Departments, Hon'bic . Ministers and Secretaries i:l.n.d repres~ntativ~ of cacb Ministry.
( 13 ) 48. The Divisional Commissioners shall be informed of the plans that have been approve::cl and propose::d for inclusion in tltc Budget Estimates, wliich plans have not been included and the reasons theref or. The discussions at the Preliminary Conference on this subject shall be as free and full as possible. These deliberations shall be concluded by the middle of June, so that the final Budget Estimates framed in the Ministry of Finance and Revenue may include provisions for all the plans and proposals for other expenditure agreed to at the Preliminary Conference. 49. The final Budget Estimates will ordinarily be approved by the Cabinet before the end of July, so that they shall be ready for presentation to Parliament in August. Imrnedia.tcly after the final Budget Estimates are approved by Cabinet, the annual Union Conference shall be convened in Rangoon during the first week of August every year and attended by representatives from every township, district and division. The object of this Conference shall be to explain the various plans that have been approved and incorporated in the Budget Estimates, and to adopt tl1em formally in the from oi Resolutions. The actual provisions made in respect of each plan or group of plans will not, however, be disclosed dming this Conference as they will be subject to approval by Parliament. CHAPTER V.-EXECUTION p REPARATORY 50. Immediately after the conclusion of tile Union Conference, each Divisional Pyidawll1a Committee and the respective authority at the centre shall take the following preliminary action. Discrdionary Grant 51. Each Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall determine and allocate the amount to be placed at the disposal of each District and Township Pyiclawtha Committee, and issue such general instructions as regards the use of funds as the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee may desire to issue, consistently with the general principle that the Discretiontary Grant allocated to the District and Pyidawtha 2
14 Committees should be 11secl at their discretion in such manner as they consider will best promote the welfare of the people. Repairs and Mai 11 tenance 52. In Principle, all works relating to Repairs and Maintenance shall be executed by the District Pyidawtha Committee. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall ho\vever have the right to supervise any work carried out by the District Pyidawtha Committee. 53. The Executive Engineer, P.W. D., shall prepare immeclitely a list of repair and maintenance works to be carried out within his District and submit this list to the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee. This 11st will then be discussed by the Divisional Pyiclawtha Committee, which/ will firstly authorize the work in broad categories for each District, and secondly determine how much of the funds allotted for Repairs and Maintenance under the Head : 41 .Civil Works in the Budget shall be allotted to each District. For this purpose, the Chief Engineer, P.W.D., shall supply each Divisional Pyidawtba Committee with the allocation under this Head for the Division immediately after the Estimates are presented in Parliament. The Chief Engineer shall also inform the Divisional Pyidawtha Committees of any changes that may be made in the Budget as finally approved by Parliament. 54. The financial allocation having been made, each District Pyidawtha Committee shall determine what specific works of repairs and maintenance shall be carried out with the funds placed at its disposal. The Committee shall however specify only the work to be carried out ; the technical specification for each work silall be determined by the Executive or District Engineer concerned. The Committee shall also decide whether each work shall be carried out by calling for tenders, ieiting out on contract without a tender or by departmental labour. SS. The Superintending Engineer, P.vV.D_, will also prepare a list of materials necessary for carrying out the repairs and maintenace, and tl1e Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall determine ihe extent to which the necessary materials will require to be procured from central sources,
15 ) 56. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall also issue such other instructions as they consider necessary in regard to preliminary arrangements for carrying out repairs and maintenance. Original liVorlis, Major and Minor 57. Immediately after the Budget has been presented to Parliament, the Chief Engineer, P.W.D., shall inform each Divisional Pyichwlha Committee ta) what the total alloca tion for the Division is ; (b) which specific works will be carried out directly by the Centre ; (c) which specific works shall be carried out by the Pyidawtha Committees ; and (d) the requirements of material for carrying out all categories of work as estimated by the Centre. The above information shall cover all works provided for in, the Budget under the Head. 82 Civil Works : Capital Outlay. Similarly also the Chief Engineer, lrrigation, and the General Manager, Burma Railways, shall provide informa tion as above to each Divisional Committee. The informa tion should reach ertch Divisional Committee before the end of August. A copy each of this intimation shall also be forwarded to the General Supervisory Committee and to the Central Procurement and Advisory Committee at Rangoon. 58. Immediately on receipt of the above intimafron, each Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall convene a meeting and take the following action :-(i) Decide and allocate which specific works shall be carried out by itself, by the District Pyidawtha Committees and by the Township Pyidawtha Committees and intimate to them the allocation ; (ii) Compare the list of materials prepared by itself as necessary for carrying out all the work with the list supplied by the Centre, determine how much can be procured locally and how much will require to be procured either from Rangoon or from abroad through the Central Procurement and Advisory Committee in Rangoon ; (iii) Whethr the skilled and i.mskilled labour available in each locality within the Division is sufficient for carrying out the works in that locality, what labom will require to be recruited from other localities insid.e the Division, what use should be made of Labour Co-operatives and Rehabilitation
( 16 Brigades operating inside the Division and what labour force both skilled ancl unskilled will require to be obtained from Rangoon through the Hehabilitation Brigades ; ancl (iv) \i\Thether plans and estimates are available for each of the projects and works to be carried out by the Pyidawlha Committees in such form and detail as to enable the works to be carricd out and what technical assistance either in respect of preparing further detailed plans and estimates or of personnel are required from Rangoon. Bazaars under Lornl Bodies 59. As soon as the Budget is presented in Parliament, the Ministry of Social Services shall intimate to each Divi sional Pyidawtha Committee how much has been provided in the Budget as loans for construction of Baza.qrs by each local authority within the Division. 60. The Divisional Committee will then enter into discussions with the Local Body concerned and arrive at tentative decisions (a) whether the work of construction shall be carried out by the Local Body its :If or by the Divisional, District or Township Pyida\\'tha Committee ; (b) what assistance in regard to material and labour will be required either from the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee or from Rangoon ; and (c) what arrangements in regard to supervision require to be made. 61. The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall then intimate to the Central Procurement and Advisory Committee, Rangoon, the total requirements of materials and labour from outside the Division necessary for carrying out all the prnjects within the Division, and of technical assistance from Rangoon. Aid to Industries and Relief 62. The Ministry of Industry and Mines and the Ministry of \Velfare and Relief shall as soon a~ the Budget is presented in Parliament intimate to each Divisional Pyidawtha Committee the total amount provided in the BuJgd for loans to industries and for relief respectively.
17 63. Each Divisional Pyidawtba Committee shall then decide how the funds so provided shall be allocated to the District and Township Pyidawtha Committees under ifs control, intimate the allocation proposed to he made to each District and Township Pyidawtha Clilmmittec and issue such other general instructiuns as it may consider necessary in prcpuation for the work. Co-operative Loans 64. Detailed instructions in regard to the preparatory work to be carried out in regard to Co-operative loans are given in Appendix I. 65. It is vitally important that all the preliminary work enumerated above are completed before the encl of September every year, so that the actual 1vvork of execution may start with the beginning of the new financial year without any loss of time. It must .aiso be remembered however Lhat all provisions made in ihc Budget and intimated to Divisional Pyidawtba Committees by the central authorities as above are provisional, and caunot be taken as authorized or firm until the Budget is passed by Parliament and the annual Appropriation Act is passed. vVhile therefore the Budget provisions as intimated to Divisional Pyidawtha Committees should be used for completing all preparatory work, they must not be considered as firm until the Appropriation Act is passed by Parliament and no Township, District or Divisional Pyidawtha Committee and no Local Body should enter into any firm commitments or sign contracts for execution of works until the beginning of the new financial year. EXECUTION General Principles 66. The following general principles govern the devolution of powers to Pyidawtha Commitces, and the assumption of responsibility for execution of works jointly by Pyidawtha Committees and Departmental officials in the Districts :-(a) The powers devolved are wide, and large sums of public money will be placed at the disposal of Pyidawtha Committt:es to be spent entirely at
(b) ( 18 ) their discretion and free from ordinary Departmental control and the existing rules and regulations. It is therefore the duty of every Pyidawtha Committee to ensure that the funds placed at its disposal are used entirely for public Welfare, and is not diverted in any way to personal gain. Each Pyidwatha Committee must also maintain proper accounts of all sums spent out of the Discretionary Fund, and shall account for the expenditure so incurred annually to Government. The accounts shall also be open to audit ; Every official in each Department in the District must understand that the assignment of responsibility to Pyidawtha Committees for letting out contracts and for general supervision does not in any way absolve them of their responsibility in regard to making all necessary preparations for ensuring that the works and projects provided for in the Budget and for which they are departmentally responsible are carried out successfully and with due economy and expedition. They will thus remain primarily responsible for (i) preparation of preliminary designs and estimates at the planning stage; (ii) estimating the labour and material requirements at the preliminary stage and advising the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee how much can be procured locally, what materials and labour should be requested for fro1h the centre and what technical assistance from outside the Division will be necessary for carrying out the works efficienUy and in time ; (iii) preparing the tender forms and other documents necessary for letting out contracts or undertaking work by direct labour ; (iv) checking the progress of work and passing running bills; and (v) detailed supervision until each work is completed and the final bill is paid. The manner in which these functions will be discharged and the separate and joint responsibility of the Departmental official concerned and of the Pyidawtha Committee respgnsible for carrying out the work explained in detail in the Appendices ; and
19 (c) The district officials responsible for the maintenance of essential services such as roads, bridges, railway-tracks, etc., shall have powers to act in an emergency. The extent of powers to be exercised in such cases is indicated in detail in the Appendices. Discretionary Grant 67. Each Divisional, District and Township Pyiclawtha Committee shztll have authority to utilize the funds placed at its disposal under this head for such purposes and in such m;mner as will, in the judgment of each Committee, promote welfare and reconstruction within its jurisdiction. It will not be necessary to comply with any Departmental instructions applying to any other kind of expenditure, or to follow any rules and regulations that exist for other expenditmes. The only conditions that will govern expenditure from the Discretionary Grant are as follows :-(a) In allocating funds to the District and Township Pyidawlha Committees, the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee shall do so separately for capital expenditure and for current expenditure, as provided in the Budget; (b) No Committee shall incur expenditure in excess of the total amount allocated to it by the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee. Funds alloted for capital expenditure . must on no account be used for any current expenditure ; and (c) The expenditure on any one project or work under this head shall not exceed K 10,000, whetber the work is undertaken by a Divisional, District or Township Pyidawtha Committee. 68. In order that the limited funds made available as Discretionary Grant may benefit the largest number of people, works and projects wbich do not cost an exces~jve sum, such as digging of wells, construction of minor roads and bridges, etc., should be given priority under this head. 69. The inhabitants of the locality for whose welfare a particular work under this head is authorized should be asked to make a contribution towardi; the work in labour and wherever possible also in material. If for example a
( 20 ) primary school building is to be constructed with funds from the Discretionary Grant. The local inhabitants should contribute the necessary labour and such materials as can be obtained without purchase, and funds from the Discretionary Grant should be llsed for engagement of skilled labour not available locally and for such materials as require io be purchased. Such an arrangement will ensure that the benefits accruing to the people is far more than that represented by the sum of money allotted, and will also create a healthy community spirit and foster self-help and self-reliance. Repairs and Maintenance 70. Funds for repairs and maintenance having been, allocated to each Pyidawtha Committee, and the works to be carried out having been specified, in the preparatory stage, the actual execution of the work shall follow the detailed instr.uctions contained in Appendix A. Original TVorl?s 71. Each Divisional and District Pyidawtha Committee and also each Township Pyidawtha Committee if the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee so decides, shall appoint Sub-committees of itself for carrying out each broad category of major works and repairs and maintenance in respect of which it is given responsibility. Each Sub-committee shall consist of the Deputy Commissioner or the Divisional, District or other Officer directly responsible for the works allocated to the Sub-committee as Chairman, and such other members as the Committee may determine but not exceeding five including the Chairman. The Divisional Pyidawtba Committee shall prescribe the rules and procedures which each Sub-committee shall follow, and also its po\vers wiih specific reference to the subjects in respect of which the Sub-committee shall be required to obtain the approval of the main Committee. 72. Each Divisional Pyidawtba Committee shall convene a meeting during the first week of October for the specific purpose of discussing and deciding on the following matters:(a) Review and discuss the major works that have been allocated to it for execution during the financial year ;
{ 21 ) (b) Determine which of these works shall be carried out by the Divisional Pyiclawtha Committee, the District Pyidawtha Committee and the Township Pyidawtha Committee. In discussing this matter the Committee shall bear in mind the principle that works up to a value of K 2 lakhs shall be carried out by the District Pyidawtha Committee ; (c) Determine which of the works allocated_ to each Committee shall be carried out and supervised by the Committee itself, and which of the works shall be carried out by Sub-committees thereof ; (d) Discuss and determine a programme of ,vork so that all the projecis provided for in the Budget may be carried out successfully during the financial year ; ( e) Discuss the availability of men and materials for carrying out the work, their allocation within the division so as to avoid undue competition, and what requests for assistance should be fon:varded to the procurement and Advisory Committee at Rangoon ; (/) Consider which of tbe works should be carried out by calling for tenders, which should be let out on contract without calling for tenders and which should be carried out by Departmental labour. In coming to a decision on this subject, the Committee shall follow the provision in the P.W.D. Code, and the detailed instructions contained in Appendix A. The Cornmiltee shall also consider specifically the extent to which Rehabilitation Brigades and Labour Co-operatives shall be employed for each specific work ; and (g) Make detailed arrangements for calling of tenders, letting out contracts and carrying out works with Departmental labour. 73. Detailed instructions in regard to execution, supervision, payment of working bills and other matters relating to the completion of each ivork are contained in Appendix A.
( 22 ) Bazaars under Local Bodies 74. Instructions governing the grant of loans to local bodies for construction of bazaars, recovery of instalments, etc., are included in Appendix D. Under these instructions, it will be the duty of each Divisional Pyidawtha Committee to-(a) Determine whether any particular bazaar shall be constructed by the local body itself or by one of the Pyidawtha Committees or a Sub-committee thereof, or by some other agency ; (b) Recover the instalments towards the payment of loans by the local body concerned in accordance with instructions contained in Appendix D! and credit them to Government ; and (c) Ensure generally that the loans are utilized for the purpose for which they were granted and that the construction of bazaars undertaken by local bodies proceeds with due economy and expedition. 75. It shall also be the duty of the. Divisional Pyidawtha Committee to ensure that the bazaar fits into such general town or development plans as may be authorized by Government tor the town or locality in which the bazaar is situated. Aid to Industries and Relief 76. Detailed instructions in regard to the granting of Industrial Loans out of funds placed at the disposal of Divisional Pyidawtha Committees, security for the loans, and recovery of loans are included in Appendix E. 77. Detailed instructions in regard to the administration of funds allocated to the Pyidawtha Committees for relief with their areas are included in Appendix F. A.gricultural and Co-operative Loans and Tenancy Disposal 78. Detailed instructions in regard to the administration of Agricultural loans and tenancy disposal are included in Appendix G. 79. Detailed instructions in regard to the administra.tion of Co-operative loans are included in Appendix H.
l 23 ) CHAPTER VI.-ORGANIZATION AT THE CENTRE GENERAL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE 80. There shall be constituted at. Rangoon a General Supervisory Committee for the control and supervision of all activities under the Pyidawtha Plan. The Committee shall consist of the Hon'ble Prime Minister as Chairman, and such other members as may be decided by Government. 81. All matters relating to the Pyidawtha Plan in respect of which there is any doubt or disagreement, and all policy matters relating thereto, shall be determined by_ this Committee. PROCUREMENT AND ADVISORY COMMITTEE 82. There shall also be constituted in Rangoon a Procurement and Advisory Committee consisting of the following :-( 1) Hon'ble Minister for Public Works and Rehabilitation,-Chair1nan. (2) Hon'ble Minister for Housing and Labour. l3) Secretary, Ministry of Public Works and Rehabi. litation. (4) Secretary, Ministry of Planning. (5) Secretary, Ministry of Commerce. (6) A representative of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue. (7) Chief Engineer, Public Works Department. (8) Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department. (9) Superintendent, Government Central Stores. 83. The functions of this Committee shall be twofold:(a) Consideration of the over-all availability of materials and labour, both skilled and unskilled, estimated as necessary for carrying out all the Pyidawtha plans throughout the country, and making arrangements for procurement of mate rials from abroad and assignment of skilled and unskilled labour to each Division for carrying out the plans ; and
24 ) (b) Giving advice and assistance to Divisional Pyidriwtha Committees in such technical matters as may be referred to them by the Committees, or which may come to their attention as a result of inspection by officers from the Central Departments or otherwise. The Committee shall, in particular, keep a roster of technical an~l other personnel available for assistance m the execution and supervision of plans in t~e districts. Itwill also assist Pyidawtha Com1:111ttecs in the prep;iration or finalization of det_a1lcd plans should any Committee cxp~ncnce difficulty in doing so and calls for ass1st_ance .from the Procurement and Advi~ory Committee. SENIOR MINISTER FOR EACH DIVISION 84. Finally, each Division in the Union of Burma shall be placed in the immediate charge of a Senior Minister for purposes of facilitating the execution of all Pyidawtha plans and ensuring generally the success of the Pyidawtha Plan. The Hon'ble Minister shall not, however, act as a controlling authority in respect of the Division within his charge. His functions shall be purely advisory, and he shall render such advice and assistance as may be considered desirable for the success of the Plan. In particular, he shall have authority to take up with the General Supervisory Commit:.. tee any specific matter relating to the working of the Pyidawtha Plan within the division in his charge. No Divisional, District or Township Pyidawtha Committee should attempt to obtain formal orders from the Hon'blc Minister in respect of any matter which is within their competence or in respect of which orders of some other administrative Ministry are necessary.
25 ) APPENDIX A. PYillAW'l'BA D11rnc1vE RELATIN(: TO T!IE FUNCTIONS OF THE BuII,DINGS -------A!\D ROADS DEPARTME:--'T, GOVERNMEXT OF THE UNION OF BURMA. Section I. Classlficntivn of. the functions of tlte Oef>ar/111ent.-Tbe functions of the Bi.1ildings are classiliecl as follows :-1:Jendiiure(A) Original Works(!) Major Works-(a) Communications. (b) Bi1ildi11gs. (c) Miscelbneo11s. (d) Furniture. (2) i\'linor Works -(a) Communications. (b) Buildings. (c) Miscellaneous. (d) Fllrniture. (B) Repairs-( 1) Buildings(a) Requisitioned buildings. (~) Government buildings. (c) Furniture. (ti) Essential Services. Bitildinf.!.s and Roads and Roads Department ( e) Rehabilitation of buildings damaged during the war and the insurrection. (2). Commu.1ications(o) Ordinary repairs. (b) Rchabilitatio1i of Communications dam;iged during the war and the insurrection. (3) Miscellaneous. (C) Tools and Plant-(]) New Supplies. (2) Repairs and Carriage-Ca) Motor Transport. ( b) Miscellaneous. Rez•e1111e(a) Rents. (b) Recoveries for services rendered. (c) Recc,veries of expenditure. (d) Ferry Receipts.
{ 26 ) (c) Cost of stores received from Army and CAS(B) without cash adjustment. (f) Miscellaneous. (g) Receipts in England. Section 2. Dc/inilions of the functional classifications-(A) The term " Original Ttllork" inctcatcs new construction, whether c,f entirely new works (such as buildings, roads, etc.) or of additions, alterations and improvements to existing works. A work costing UJJ to K 10,000 is a Minor Work and a work costing more than K 10,000 is a Major Work, The term " Repairs " means operations undertaken to maintain the existing works in proper condition. (B) (i) ''Communications" means the roads notified by the Government as Main Roads or Union Highways. (ii) " Govcr11111cnt buildings" means the buildings borne on the books of the L'h1ilclings and Roads Department. /iii) "Miscellaneous TVorks" mcan5 works which arc required in the i;1terest of general public but a~e neither buildings nor communications nor for a particular department. Example.~ Jetties. (iv) ''Furniture" means only the furniture installed in the Government residential buildings and the Inspection and District Bungalows of the Builcli ngs and Hoads Department. (v) The following types of expenditure constitute '' Esse11hal Services '' :-• (a) Wages of the Dunvans employed to look after the buildings belonging to the Buildings and Roads Department and of the Sweepers employed by the depart ment for such buildings where it is so responsible. (b) Muni
27 ) Section 3. Of the various classes of functions of the Buildings and Roads Department given at Section 1, the following are transferred to the Pyidawtha Committees : (A) Oril!,inal Works-(1) Major Works(a) Buildings. (b) Miscellaneous. (c) Furniture. (2) Minor Works(a) Communication. (b) Buildings. (d Miscellaneous. (d) Furnjture. (B) Rcj)airs(1) Buildings-(a) Government buildings. 1}) Furniture. (c) Rehabilitation ofbuildings chmaged during the war and the insurrection. (2) Communications-(a) Ordinary repairs. (b) Rehabilitation of communications damaged during the war and the insurrection. (3) Miscellaneous. In the case of Specidist Works namely the Sanitary and Electrical Works pertaining to the above works, the Buildings and Roads Department shall continue to ren11in responsible for them as works not transferred to Pyidawtha Commiltees and shall continue to undertake them directly according to the existfog rules of the department. Section 4. T,1e Pyiclawtha Com111ittees are to undertake the following func lio1u in resp.!Ct of works tr msferred to them : (A) In respect of the " Original Works "-To accord (i) Administrative Approval as defined below. (ii) Financial Sanction as defined below. (iii) Technical Sanction as defined below. N"orn.-The above approval and sanctions relate only to Original Works When an Original Work is to be undertaken, the Pyiclawtha Ccmmittee !'.hould arrange to accord the abovementioned apprqval and sanctions for it in the order as stated and it should be considered as q11alifiecl for execution only after all the above app1oval ,mcl sanctions have been given. However, the actual execution can only be clone to the C4leqt of funds allotted to the work according to the distribution
( 28 ) nncler the Budget Estimate. Of the abo\cmentionecl approval and sanctions, any approval or sanction existing for a \\'Ork at the time a Pyicl:nrtha Committee begins to funclion shall remain to bold good for that work. \i\Then ;:i Heacl of Department reqnil'es for his department a work in the nalL1re ot an Original \i\Tork transferred br the Buildings and Roads Department to the Pyicla\\'tha Committees, he should apply to the Pyid:n\'tha Committee concerned to arrange for it. \Vhen a Head of Department so applies, the Pyiclawtha Commitiee should arrange to gi v e the necessary approval ancl sanctions as explained abm1c. (B) In respect of" Repairs "(i) To ar,angc all works in the order of priority in which they arc desired to be complelecl. (ii) To fix a monetary limit known as the Lump Su1n Limit, for eve1y repair work up to which expenditure can be incurred De_~ililiom nf !he ApProvals and Sanctions-Acl1111nistr11/iv e A,Ppl"ova! means the decision gi\'en by the Pyiclawtha Committee with the concurrence of the representative of the department concerned on the said Committee as to whether a \\,:tk is necessary or not. Fi11a11cial Sa11clior1 means the fixation by the Pyidawtha Committee of a limit of cost for a work. Plinth Area Estimates ancl functional dra\\'ings and plans are necessary for Financial Sanction. NoTl!.-The Financ ial Sancti o n is not the authority to incur expenditure. Expenditure can be incurred only when allotment of funds exists according to the di s trib,1tion under the Budget E~timate and only to the extent of such allotment. T e chnical Sa11ctio11 means the sanction accorded for a work --bj, the Pyidawlha Committee after obtaining the technical recommendation of the officer concerned after his examination of the detailed estimates, detailed drawings and specifications. The above approval and sanctions shonld be given by the Pyiclawtha Committees as follo\\'s according to the cost of the \\'Ork : (i) When the cost of a work does not exceed K 2,00,000 the approval and sa11ctions should be given by the District Pyidawtha Committee. (ii) When the cost of a work exceeds K 2,00,000 the approval and sanction should be given by the Divisional Pyiclawtha Committee. Section 5. Fttnds .-The Government will allot funds to the Chief Engineer for all works pertaining to the Buildings and Roads Department according to the Budget Estimate sanctioned by the Parliament.
( 29 '!'he Chief E11gineer will then distribute the funds be receives to the Executiv(; E11gineers according to the exisliug rules and in the manner as cloue hitherto but he should lurnish ll1e Divisional Pyiclawtha Com mittees with the relev;1nt extracts of his statement of distribution of funds rdali11g lo works transferred lo the l'yiclawtl1a Committees. While the clislribulio11 of funds by the Chief Engiueer lo the Executive Engineers will be in tl1e manner as hitherto done, there will be a slight differe11ce with the existing pracl!ce in the case of funds for l\ilinor Original Works. Under the existiug practice, the Citid l~11gineer allots the fuuds for specilied iVIinor Origiml \,V orks to -the Commissioners and Heads of Depart111en ls accordiug lo their dcmaucls and they in turn call for the ddaikd estimates and plans from t'.1e Executive Engineer, accord the linanci;d sanction if the detailed e::,lirnales and plans are approved and rcallot the funds lo the Executive E11gi11L:ers. However, according to tl1i~ clireclivc, the arrangement for Miuor Original Works will be as follow<; :(a) '[ he Chief Engineer will, a:; soon ;is he receives the allotments according lo the Bud).',el :1 pprnvcd by the Parliament, give Block Grants to llte Excculivc E11gi1,ecrs from lhe appropriate hc;ic\s of funds for cxpcmlilure 011 Minor Original Works. However, the Ex~cutive Engineers should utilize Lhe itmcls ouly for works financially sanctioned as follows by tlte Pyiclawtha Committees. (/J) l'he Dcparl111c11ts n:qniring Mioor Original Works should apply to Divisional l'yidawtl1a Cmnmitlee. (c) If the Divisio1nl Pyicbwtha committee agrees with the necessity for the work, it should proceed as follows:-(i) The Ex,:cnttve Engineer should be called upon to submit l11c deLailccl estimate and plans lo the District Pyidawtha Co111111illcc and report the estimated ccst of the .work to the Divisional l'yidawlha Committee. (ii) The District Pyiclawlha Committee should be asked to take up the work. (,t) The Executive Engineer should, on receipt of the instruction from tl1e Divisional Pyidawtha Committee, prepare the detailed esti mate and plaus itml submit them to t!te District Pyiclawtha Committee. However, the work should be of the type the Builclings and Roads Department usually undertakes and if it is a new strncture, the site plan showing its kcation should be submitted to the District Pyiclawtha Committee and ils approval obtained before proceeding wilh Lhc preparation of the clelailecl estimate. In submitting the ciet~Hcu estimate to the District Pyiclawtha Committee, the Executive Engineer should also rt:porl whether he has the necessary funds or not to undertake the work. A simil:lr report should also be made to the Divisional Pyidaw tha Committee giving the cost of the work. (e) On receiptof the detailed estimate and plans submitted by the Executive Engineer, the District Pyidawtha Committee should examine and if approved, accord the Financial Sanction and relnrn them to the Executive Engineer. . (f) The Exect1tive Engineer, on receipt of the cletailt":d estimate and plans li1n1icially sanctioned as mentioned in the foregoing paragraph (c), should accord Technical Sanclion if there are sufficient funds 3
( 30 ) and proceed to put the work in hand according to the existing rules, (See also section l lJ. The Executive Engineer should not put a work in hand for which funds are insufficient. (g) When a work cannot be put in hand due either to the Executive Engineer having no funds allotted by the Chief Engineer for the purpose or to the insufficiency of funds, the Divisional Pyidaw tln Committee can demand for necessary funds for the work from the Chief Engineer. However the Chief Engineer will allot funds to the Executive Engineer against such demands only when there are funds with him as allotted by the Government under the appropriate head. NoTr-:.-The term" existing rules '' meani the relevant rules\mder which the Buildings and Roads Department.functions at the time the Pyidawtha Committees arc fo nncd. Section 6, (A) The Executive En~ineer should comply with the following instructions on receipt of the statement of the Chief Engineer's dis tribution of funds :--(I) Original Works.-Lists of original works showing the following classifications separately should be submiltecl to the Divisional Pyidawtha Committe~. (a) Major Original Works. (b) :i\linor Original Works. Each list should contain the following details :(1) Classification of work. (2) Name of work. (3) Whether Financial Sanction exists. (4) Allotment for the new Financial year. (5) Whether Technical Sancti::>11 exists. If so the amount. (6) If there is no Technical Sanction yet, a report as to what action is being taken to obtain it. (7) If the work is a carry-over work from the previous financial year, (i) Expenditure incurred prior to the new financial year. (iil How the work is being continued. (iii) If the work is a contract work, (a) Name of the contractor. (b) Cost of the contract. (c) Payments already m1de to the contractor according to the contract. id) Progress made by the contractor in terms of work and the estimated value of the remaining work. (8) If the work is a new work to be commenced in the new financial year, the Executive Engineer's recommendation as to how it should be undertaken. (/1) Repairs.-As repairs involve works which have to be undertaken by preparing the Work Authorities gradually throughout the year, it will not be possible for an Executive Engineer to give at the
( 31 ) coirirrtencement of a financial year any accurate forecast as to what the cost will be for a particular repair work. However, he should prepare and submit a statement to the Divi sional Pyidawtha Committee showing, for each individual building, road, etc., (a) What repairs are necessary, and (b) their approximate cost giving also the proposed break down of the repairs funds allotted by the Chief Engineer against the individual works. (B) The Divisional Pyidawtha Committee should proceed as follows on receipt of the abovementionecl reports from the Executive Engineer: Oriti11al Works.-If the value does not exceed K 2,00,000 the Divisional Pyiclawtha Committee should transfer the work to the District Pyidawtha Committee to take up according to the responsibili ties assi2ned to it by this directive. If the value exceeds K 2,00,000 the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee itself should take up the work similarly. Repairs.-As repair works are by nature such that they are gradually undertaken throughout the year as already explained, the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee should transfer to the District Pyidawtha Committee the undertaking of all repair works according 1.o the responsibilities assigned to it by this directive. However, the Divisional Pyiclawtha Committee may, if it so desires, instruct the District Pyidawtha Committee as to what priority is to be given for any particular repair work. Section 7. Instructions relating to Ori{!.inal Worhs._-The following instructions indicate action to be taken for Original Works by the Pyidawtha Committee concerned :-(A) Works for which Technical Sanction exists : There will be two types of such works namely : (a) Works commenced in the previous years. Snch works may be continued by ;the Executive Engineer in the manner in which they are in progress. (b) Wor.ks to commence in the new :financial year. If tenders are to be called for according to the rules of the Buildings and Roads Department, the Executive Engineer should for both types of works call for and open the tenders according to those rules. He should then prepare the Comparative Statement and submit it along with the tenders to the Pyidawtha Committee concerned. ' (a) If the tenders are for a work costing not more than K 2,00,000 the Comparative Statement and tenders should be submitted to the District Pyiclawtha Committee.
32 ) (b) If the tenders are for a work costing more than K 2,00.000 ihey should be submitted to the Divi sion al Pyidawtha Cummitlee. On Lhe receipt 0 lhe Comparative Statement and lenders, the Pyiclawtha Committee should select the tender to be accepted subject lo lhe following co1Hlilious :(i) .N orm,illy, the 1.-iwcsl, tender should be selected for acceptance, but if there are special reasons, any other lender may be selected instead. (ii) If a temlcr which is not the lowest is selected for acceptance, the Pyidawtha Comnuttee should record the rcasc,n for its action iu writing 011 the con11~cted papers. (iii) Even the lowest tender should not be accepted, if the cusl of the work will thereby exceed tlte Financial Sanction. 111 such circumstances, the Pyidawtha Committee may arrange lo obtain a revised Financial Sanction sufficient to cover the increased cost and the said lowesl lender may then be selected for acceptance. (iv) If the cost will exceed the fi1nncial sanction even with the selection uf the lowest lender, the Pyidawtha Committee may offer the work at estimated rates to any suitz,ble contractor by negotiation without tailing for fresh tenders. (v) No Pyidawlha Committee i:; authori:ted to modify or correct the printed conditions on the Government Contract or agreement forms. After selecting the suitable Lender under tl1e above concli tions, the Pyiclawtha Commitlee should intimate its selection to the Executive Engineer. The Executive Engineer. should on receipt of the above intimation, prepare the contract or agreement for the selected tender in the prescribed form according to the rules of the Buildings and Hoads Department and arrange its acceptance according to the following authorization :Ii) If the cost does not exceed K 2,00,000 the Executive Engineer himseif should accept the contract or agreement. (ii) If the cost exceeds K 2,00,000 the Executive Engineer should submit the prepared forms to the Superintending Engi11eer for acceptance. The Superintending Engineer should accept the contract or agreement so submitted by the Executive Engineer after necessary scrutiny and Correction. The Executive Engineer should keep all the accepted contracts and agreements in his custody according to the rnles of the Builcli11gs and Roads Department and their copies should likewise be submitted to. the Accountant-General and the Superintending Engineer where necessary. The Executive Engineer may
( 33 ) proceed with the execution of works according to the rules of the Buildings and Roacls Department where no tenders need be called for under those rules. (See also sections 10 and 11.) (B) Works for which no Technical Sanction exists :-(a) The Executive Engineer should urgently prepare the detailed estimate and drawings for the work and submit them to the Pyidawtha Committee concerned to accord Technical Sanclion. (See also sections J 5 and 16.) (b) The detailed estimate and drawings submitted by the Executive Engi11cer for Technical Sanction should be dealt with by the Pyida\\'tha Committees as follows :(i) For works costing not more tlnn K 2,00,000, the Technical Sanction should be accorded l>y the District Pyidawtha Committee. (ii) For works costing more than K 2 ,00,0CO, it should be accorded by the Divisional Pyiclawtha Committee. A Pyidawtha Committee may however withhold the Technical Sanction if it disagrees with the general features of the estimate but i!s technical features such as the detailed specifications should be as proposed by the Executive Engineer. For example, the roofing d a building may either be with Corrngatc-rl Iron Shccls or Dhani as decided by the Pyidawtha Committee but the actual de-sign of the roof utilizing the material as decided by the Pyidawtha Committee should be at the discretion of the Executive Engineer. (c) The Executive Engineer will be responsible for the custody of the technically sanctioned cletailecl estimates and drawings according t() 1 he rules of the Buildings and Roads Ocparlment. (d) On receipt ol the technical sanction, the Executive Engineer should proceed with the work according to his duties and responsibilities prescribed in the rules of the Buildings and Hoads Department. However, when it is neccss:try to call for tenders under those rules, the selcclion of tenders should be clone by the Pyiclawtha Committee as alrc 1dy stated above. (See also section J 1 . l Section 8. Instructions relating tv Repairs -(a) Tl1e Executive Engineer should undertake the repair worke according to their priority allotted by the District Pyidawtha Committee under section 4 and should also keep the expenditure within the lump sum limits prescribed thereby. The District Pyidawtha Committee, however, has the authority to revise its lump sum limits as necessary within the func1', :wailable ncler the relevant primary unit of allotment.
34 ) (b) The Executive Engineer may prepare the work authorities for repair works according to his judgment and sanction them himself within the conditions prescribed in the above sub-section (a). (c) If tenders are to be called for according to the rules of the Buildings and Roads Department, the selection of tenders should be done by the Pyiclawtha Committee as prescribed for Original Works. (See also sections 10 and 11.) Section 9. Accounts for Disburse111c11/s a11d Receipts of Cash.-The Executive Engineer will maintain the accounts for all disbursements and receipts of cash according to the rules of the Buildings and Roads Department. When the Executive Engineer submits the usual" Monthly Returns of Allotments, Progressive Expenditure and Revenue " to the Chief Engineer, he should submit the relevant extracts from it to the Divisional anrl District Pyidawtha Committees. Section 10. A.ccej!ta11ce of contracts and agreements without calling tenders for work, transferred to Pytdawtha Commillccs.-(i) When the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee so prescribes. the Executive Engineer should submit to that Committee, lists of ccntracts or agreements accepted without cal!ingl:enders for works transferred to Pyiclawtha Committees. (ii) When the Divisional Pyiclawtha Committee so prescribes, the Executive Engineer should accept contracts or agreements without calling tenders for works transferred to Pyiclawtba Committees only after 'taking the prior approval of the District Pyiclawtha Committee. Section 11. Powers of the Pyidawtlzn Com111itlee to select and Prescribe the agency for undertaki11g works.-A Pyiclawtha Committee, in discharging the responsibility assigned to it under section 6 (B), may at its option select and prescribe any one of the following methods for undertaking works transferred to it :-(i) By direct employmrn t of labour. (ii) Through the agency of the Rehabilitation Brigade. (iii) Through the agency of Labour Co-operative Societies. (iv) _Through the agency of contractors. If the Pyidawtha Committee exercises the option under this section, the Executive Engineer should comply with its instructions subject to other relevant rules. E~aml>le5.-I the Pyidawtha Committee selects the method of employing direct labour, the Executive Engineer should undertake the work accordingly :in the manner as he would do when he himself decides to' Ii utilize' such method. Similarly, when the Pyidawtha Committee select(any other agency, the Executive Engineer, should see that there)re agreements for ,1.ll works. costing more than!K 200,
( 35 ) accepted according to the rules of the Buildings and Roads Department irrespective of whether a work is undertaken through the Rehabilitation Brigade, Labour Co-operative Socielies or Contractors. Such agreements, where tenders are to be called for according to the rules of the Buildings and Roads Department, should be those accepted as prescribed in section 7. No tenders need however be called for when works are done through the agency of the RehaLili tation Brigade. 1 ' When the Pyidawtha Committee does not exercise the above option vested in it, the Executive Engineer or the Superintending Engineer may himself select the agency for undertaking a work. Where the Pyidawtha Committee selects and prescribes the method of executing a work, it should also see that there are preconceived arrangements to enable the Executive Engineer to deal urgently with unavoidable emergencies. Section 12. Although ths Buildings and R.oads Department will undertake works which are not transferred to Pyidawtha Committees according to its rules in force, the Department lias the option to seek the assistance and co•operation of the Pyiclawtha Committees in the selection of tenders for such works. Section 13. The Executive.Engineer may apply to the Pyiclawtha Committee for assistance and co-operation to overcome a difficulty or hinclranoe in undertaking any work. Section 14. lnslection of Works bv Pvidawtha Commitlees.-A Pyiclawtha Committee may inspect any work which the Executive Engineer is undertaking under its instructions but complaints if any should be made in writing only to the Executive Engineer or his superior departmental officers. The Pyidawtha Committee should not give any Executive instructions on the basis of such complaints to the staff of tbe Executive Engineer. Se-ctlon 15. Liaison between Jhe Pyidawtha Committee and Offices of the Build111gs and Roads De,Partment.-(i) Only the written records will hold good in. all cases of disputes between the Pyidawtha Committee and the offices of the Buildings and Roads Department. (ii) When the Pyidawtha Committee so desires, the Executive Engineer or the Superintending Engineer as the case may be should prepare and submit to it the Plinth Area Estimate and functional drawings and plans. However, it should only be for works the Buildings and Roads Department is nsually responsible and for which the Administrative Approval also exists,
(iii) If the Pyidawtlia Committees call for snhmission o[ the detailed estimate and cletailecl clra,1 i:igs, the Executive . Engineer or the Superintending Engineer as the case may be, should prepare ancl submit them as early as possible proviclet!-(a) the work is of the type which the Buildings and Roads Depar.tment is usually responsible; (b) there is for it a Plinth Arf'a Estimate accepted by the Pyiclawtha Committee. and (c:) the work has been financially sanctioned and the Engineer concerned can also reasonably expect that the necessary [unds will be sanc1io11Ccl for it by the Government. (iv) All new hnildings required by the Pyidawtha Committee, when they are of the type the Bpilc!ings and Roads Dcpan,nen t is normally responsible, should be according lo tl1e type plans prescribed hy :he Department. The type and specifications should he as prescribed by the Pyidawtha Committee only in cases where nosuch type plans exist. Section 16. The duties of l!,e Executive E11gincer and the S11P1T1~11lc11di11.~ Engineer regardi11J! es1i111ates for worl1s of I he / 'yit!awlha Co111111il!~~s.-The Executivo. Engineer ;md the Superintending Engineer are responsible for the prermration of the Plinth Arca Estimates :rncl hrnctional drawings and plans and the Delailttl Estimates and debil.ecl drawings to the . . value of work as follows :-The 8xeculive Engineer i,; 1esp:rnsib!c for all estimates costing not more than K 1 ,00,000. The Superintending Engineer is responsible for all estimates costing more than K 1,00,000 bnl he has the option to ask the Executive Engineer to prepare and submit any estimate. Section 17. Su#rsession of the Standing District Buildin.f!s Committee. -The District Pyiclawtha Committees should take over all the fnnctions of the Standing District Buildings Commillees from the dale of their formation. Although this means the supcrsessio11 of the Standing District Buildings Committees all rules pertaining to the rlulies and responsibilities of the Standing District Buildings Committees -shonld continue to prevail for the Dislrict Pyidawtha Commitlecs to function. Section 18. The Pyidawtha Committees and the Officers of the Builcli1.1gs and Roads Department should respect all the existing rules and regulations of the Buildings and Roads Department which are not in conOict with tbe~foregoing rules of this directive.
37 Exr1111ple.-When three are Deposit and A~ency Works for the Buildings and Roads Department to unclerhkc on behalf of Local Bodies and other Government Depar1ments respectively, !hey should be done by relevant application of the rules both of this directive and of the BuiklinRs and Roads Department. Section I 9. l'rcPa,:.ati1!!!_qf Jfod[!.el Esti111ale for" l'arlia1J1e11tary Sanction .-To enable the Chief E11~ineer l l incluclc the requirements of funds for \\orb tr;insferred to the Pyidaw01:1 Committees in his Departmental Budget Estimate for l';uliame111ar\ ~:anclio11, the Divisional Pyiclaw!ha Committees should furnish ihc Chief En~!inccr ,,ilh statements of fnnds required for Pyichwtha Wo,k,; for the financial year concerned in the forms prescribed by the l'.hid Engineer. Such st~tcments should be submitted to reach the Chid Engineer on the elate prescribed by him. APPENDIX B. DETAILED INSTIWCTIONS FOR WoRKS ENTRUSTED DY THE NATIONAL HOUSING BoAl!D UNDER THE FYIDAWTHA PLAN. The Board has org:u,izdl School Committees to supervise construction of Schools in the clistricls. The f:mdamental difference between the l'yic!awtha Commiltees and the School Building Committees is in lhal the latte1 has powers lo utilize the Board's funds in the name of the Committee's Chairman and Secretary, on the recommendation of the local r~esiclent Engineering Assistant appointed by the Board, subject, of course, to Administrative Approval, Financial Sanction and Technical Sanction of the Board. This vesting of powers simplifies the procedure. It mily however be mentioned that for the school buildings that are now under construclion the School Building Committee concerned has as its functions the acceptance of tenders, directing the local Resident Engineering Assistant (who is appointed by the Board and who is a member of the Committee) in the execution of the . con.strnction work. Arrangements arc being made to entrust the School Building Committees with at least 70 per cent of the estimated cost of the works under their disposal. Provision will be m;ide for the School Building Committees to draw the expenditure incurred in the name cif their respective Resident Eugineering Assistants. It is presumed that the proposetrPyidawtha Committees willabsord the Standing school Building Committees. But so far it needs to be clarified as to how the Board's works are to be carried on since there is no representative of the Board in the list of members of the Pyiclawtha Committees. It is suggested that all Pyidawtha Committees lie., whether District or Township) should have power of co-option. By such power an officer of the Board can be co-opted
{ 38 1. Classification '.if Works should be on the line of the Public \\'orks Department Instructions. 2. The Works entrusted to be executed by the Pyidawtha Committee may be classified under one of the following heads:E~PENDITUREA. ORIGINAL Womcs (1) Major Works(a) Major Building Construction. (b) Major constructions other than Roads and Buildings. (2) Minor Works-(a) Minor Road Consb11ction. (b) Minor Building Con!?trnction. (c) Minor constructions other than Roads and Buildings. B. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE( 1) Buildints(a) Board's Buildings. (b) Furniture. (2) Roads-(a) Ordinary Repairs. (3) Miscellaneous \Vorks other than Roads and Buildings. NoTJl:.-The National Housing and Town aud Country De't'elopment Board wiU retain uader its possession and control certain properties, particularly residential honsea. Th6 mainten:mce and repairs of such buildings should remain with the Board. 3. Allocation of Funds.-The Government will place the public funds to the credit of National Housing and Town and Country Development Board, for the purpose either of works devolving upon the Pyidawtha Committee or of works to remain under the direct control of the Board. The funds are to be provided for the various works mentioned in Parabtraph 1, in accordance with the procedure now in force. The funds in respect of works devolving on the Pyidawtha Committee shall be placed at the disposal of the Pyiclawtha Committee. N.B.-" The procedure now in force" means such procedure as has been in force prior to the advent of the Pyidawtha Committee. 4. Utilization of Allocated Funds.-In utilizing the funds entrusted with them, the Pyidawtha Committees shall adopt the following procedure :-(1) For works not completed by the close of the 1951-52 Finaneial year, the Board Engineer shall submit a report in the
( 39 ) following manner to the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee on the position of works at tlie beginning of the 1952-53 financial year:-(a) Class of work and name of work ; (b) If it is for anoriginal work, the Financial Sanction therefor; (c) Total amount of expenditure incurred by the end of 1951-52; (d) Amount of work completed during 1951-52 financial year, and amount of work to be continued for the following year ( t.e., 1952-53). (e) If it is a contractual work,-(i) Name of Contractor ; (ii) Value of consideration ; (iii) Total amount of money p1id by the close of the 1951-52 financial year to the Contractor, in accordance with t.he contract; (/) Board Engineer's recommendation in respect of work to be continued. Re-pairs and Mainlenance.-In view of the fact that repairs and maintenance works, unlike original works, have to be estimated for from time to time in the course of the year in accordance with the volume of work and the strength of funds, they should reasonably be handed over to the District Pyidawtha Committee. For repairs and maintenance works the Board Engineer shall submit to the Pyidawtha Committee concerned estimates in accordance with the procedure now in force. The P,idawtha Committee on receiving such estimates, may sanction the estimated amounts if it deems that they are reasonable in principle and nature. Otherwise, the Pyidawtha Committee may return them to the Board Engineer together with its remarks. In considering estimates for Repairs and Maintenance, the Pyidawtha Committee should examine the principle and nature of the works and gi,e their decision, rather than scrutinize the details of the works which being technical in nature should only be left to the discretion of the Board Engineers. E.g.-Although it should be proper for the Pyidawtha Committee to decide on whether a certain house should be white-painted or not, the choice of white paint to be used should only be left to the discretion of the Board Engineers. 5. Execution of Works.-When the Pyiclawlha Committee has decided on the means of executing the work, such decision should be intimated to the Board Engineer accordingly. On receiving such intimation the Board Engineer shall carry out his duties in accordance with the Directives of the Pyida,vtha Committee. Although no agreement needs be executed in respect of wf>rks executed by direct employment, all other works to be executed by either through the Rehabililation Corps or throuf:h the Workers Co-operatives or by other contractual means, the estimated cost of which exceeds K 200, shall be done by executing an agreement by the Board.
40 Such agreement may be one of the following type,:(l) That does not prescribe lhe limit either in period or in number of works, but which contains only rates of works to be paid for work done (N.H.B. Forms). (2) That lays clown the numbt:r of works and the rates and the period within which a work is to be completed (N.H.B. Agreement Forms). The Pyicbwlha Cornmitter: shall in its c\irections to the Board E11giueer mention which of the ahove two types of Agreements 111s been ad.,ptecl i 11 respect of a contractn ii work. If the second type of the above two agreements is acloptec\1 the Pyidawtha C.-,mmittee sl;ail specify the periods within which the work is to lie completed a11cl whether such period is one as suggested by the Committee or hy the other party (i.e., The Contractor). The materials required for the works shall be issued according to the procedure now in Iorce. If work is to be executed through the Rehabilitation Corps no tender:, are necessary. But the rates ot work shall not exceed ordinary estimates. If work is to be execntecl by other contractual means and if the estimated cost of a work exceeds K 5,000, a tenders hall be c::illed for unless t l 1ere ;i.re reasons of exigency. If no tenders are called for, the Pyichwtha Committee shall decide on the choice of the contractor. On receiYing the decisions of the Pyidawtha Committee contai11ing tenders to be called for, the Board Engineer shall submit to the ['yicbwtha Committee, ncce;;sary papers for the purpose On receiving sucil papers, th-:: Chairman of the Pyiclawtha Committee 8hall fix the time, the chte and the phce for acceptance of tenders. 6. Tenders. -In opening the sealed tenders, the followini~ rules shall be observed :-(1) The Pyiclawtl1a Committee shall make suitable arrangements for opening o[ the tenders on the appointed elates, at the appointed time and place. (2) Tenclerers shall l:e allowed to be present at the lime of opening of tenders. (31 If there are any signs of tampering with the tenders or of any alterations in their contents, the person opening the tender shall immediately put his signature at every such sign. (4) After the tenders have been opened they should be listed and forwarded to tl1e Board Engineer for preparing a Comparative Statement. On receiving them the Bo1rd Engineer shall as early as practicable make out a Comparative Statement and submit the same together with his recommendations. (5) The Pyidawlha Committee shall, on the strength of the Board Engineer's recommendation, decide which tender has been accepted and forward its decision along with its remarks, to the Board Engineer. (6) Tl1e Board Engineer shall accordingly draw up an agreement in the prescribed form now in use, secure the signature of the tenderer in accordance with the procednre now in force and re-submit the sa1ne to the Pyidawtha Committee. The Chairrqan of the
41 Pyidawtha Committee shall then sign it on behalf of the President of the Union of Burma :im\ r e forw-ird it t o tl11: B oard Engineer . For other contractual work where no tenders are necess arv, the same rules shall apply witl1 th e ex ception o[ those relating to t c nclers. (7) Ordinarily, that tender should be acceplcd ,rhic h gives the Jow e~t quotations that c ompare favourably with the e stimate d rates in contradual works without lenders. However, the Pviclawtha Committee may accept any othe r tender for some !'pecial rea~cins which are to be recorded on th e rclev :int papers. lf the lowest quote d tender it s elf exaeds i11 value the 1'ina11cial Sa111;/io11, lhc sal!le shall 11ot be accepted . I II such ; 1 _ c a se the Pyiclawtha Committee shall seek a fre s h Financial S a nction . In t l , e evei,t of tenders received exceeding the sanclicned e s tim a te, if the1 e be a11y contraclor who is willing to undertake the work at the c ~tinntecl rates , the Pyidawtha Committee can, without calling ior fresh tencltrs , en~(a/(e such contractor. (8) \Vhen agreement h a s heen duly execute d in !lie mauucr prescribe d ctbove, the Board Engineer shall keep all the clocu1m : uts in safe custodJr in accordance with his present duties. Triplicale copies of the tender shall be submitted to the Accounts Secti o n in accordance with the procedure now in force . (9) From the point of acceptance of tender~ by the Pyiclawtba Committee or its decis i o n to execute the wrrk by ~ ome othe r means, the Board E11gi11eer shall carry on u ir h the work i 11 ; :cco rclanct: with the procedure now in force. (10) The acceptance of security deposits fo contractual af:(reements shall be in accordance with the mles now in force. (11) In contracts where period is prescribed the Pyidawtha Com mittee may clecirie, on the strength of the BPard Engineer's recommendation, whether or not the prescriued period should b e extended. (12) It shall be the Board Engineer's duty lo see that the security deposits from contractors are c1uly creclitecl in the Treasury. Ho\\iever, in returning the security deposits to the contractors, the Board Engineer must first obtain the Pyida\\'tha Committee's approval. In keeping in cu stody or returning the security deposit s the Board Engineer shall adopt the procedure now in for c e . (13) Jf any fines are liable to be imposed on the contractors iu accordance with the clauses of the contractual agreement, the Eoard Engineer sha!I :ict on the clccision of the Pyidawtha Committee. (14) All those coutractual agreements arrived at before the advent of the Pyiclawtha Committee shall rem1in valid ancl the Board Engineer shall carry out the receiving and returning of security depos its for such agreeme nts, in accorchnce with the rule s now in force. 7 . Execution of wor/1s antl mai11tc11ancc of acco1111ts. by the Board Engi neer . ( 1) The Board Engineer in executing the works slnll strictly observe the rnles and procedure now in force. (2) The Pyiclawtha C ommittee shall issue directions to the Board Engineer mentioning whether the C ommittee's approv,il is necessary or not before any payment is to be made by the Boa1 ;(1 Engineer in respect of works reb.tecl to the Committee. In mentioning so: the
( 4i ) Pyidawtha Committee may either specify each of the works separateiy or all of the works. (3) The Board Engineer shall make payments in accordance with such directions. (4) Where no approval of the Pyidawtha Committee is necessary for the payment of monies in respect of the works, the Board Engineer shall make the payments in accordance with the procedure now in force. (5) Where the Pyidawtha Committee's approval is necessary, the Board Engineer shall make a survey of the works and prepare bills for the payment in accordance with the procedure now in force, and submit the same to the District Pyidawtha Committee. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Board Engineer to see that all such bills are correctly prepared. The bills may be paid by the Pyidawtha Committee either by the CommitLee itself or by deputing the power of such payment to a Sub-Committee or to its Chairman. (6) The Pyidawtha Committee in making such payments shall be deemed to be doing so by virtue of the work being completed and accordingly, from layman's point of view, those payments are due. As such, it shall be the 3ole responsibility of the Board Engineer who prepares the bills, and not of the Pyiclawtha Committee, to see that the work has been properly executed or the required dimensions have been fulfilled or the ordinary duties of the Board Engineer have been duly discharged. (7) The Board Engineer shall submit to the National Housing Board, Accounts Sections, in accordance with the procedure now in force, a monthly statement of accounts of payments madt1 by him either with or without the Pyidawtha Committee's approval. (8) The Board Engineer shall, in accordance with the rules now in force, submit to the National Housing Board, Accounts Section, the monthly Abstract Accounts of receipts and payments. He shall also make out another abstract, out of the monthly abstract accounts, showing the receipts and payments in respect of Pyidawthn Committee's works and submit a copy of the same each to the Divisional and District Pyidawtha Committee. (9) The Pyidawtha Committee has the right to empower the Board Engineer to enable him to carry out as early as possible, those emergency repair and maintenance works that might arise in the course of work. (10) The Board Engineer in earring out the work under direct control of the Board, shall act in accordance with the rules now in force. However, if in accordance with the rules now in force, any tenders are to be called for, the Board has the right to seek the assistance of the Divisional l'yidawtha Committee. (11) The Board Engineer has the right to seek the assistance of the Pyidawtha Committee if and when he comes across any disturbances in the dischar~e of his duties. 8. Rights OJ supervision of works by the Pyidawlha Committee.-The Pyidawtha Committee has the right to supervise the works under its control in the course of its execution by the Board Engineer, who, it must be noted, is directly responsible to the National Housing and Town and Country Development Board.
( 43 ) APPENDIX C PYIDAWTHA DIRECTIVES IN CONNECTION WITH WORKS OF THE IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT 1. Definitions.-(a) Maintenance and Repairs.-There are two kinds. One is Ordinary Repairs and other Special Repairs. The former cover all regularly recurring annual charges which can be foreseen at the commencement of the year and the sanction for which will lapse at the end of the year, The latter provide for works which arc not necessarily recurrent each year but which are nevertheless properly charg~able to the head of maintenance. Estimate for special repairs remain current till the completion of the repairs in the same manner as estimates for original works, (b) Works under Irrigation Capital Outlay are meant for Original Works. The term Original Works indicates new construction whether of entirely new works or of additions and alterations to existing works where they constitute addition to the value of a work as a.n asset. (c) A Canal or Embankment means all canals, channels, reservoirs and embankments constructed, maintained by Government or to which the provisions of the Burma Canal and Burma Embankment Act apply. (d) Grants-in-.Aid.-There are works carried out by the Irrigation Department or by the villagers themselves on repairs and construction of village Irrigation and Embankments, Works not maintained or controlled by Government. They are funded by Government under the head of Accounts "Grants-in-Aid" of the Irrigation Departmental Budget Head 13A and 13B. These works are usually initiated by the villagers and Civil Authorities and expenditure ma;, be incurred by the Deputy Commissioners concerned. 2, 0 the above mentioned classification of works the following are the works handed over to Pyidawtha Committee :-E~pcndilure Heads.-12. Irrigation, Navigation, Embankment and Drainage Works-Revenue Expenditure on Works with Capital Accounts. (A) lrri1tation Works.-(b) Maintenance and Repairs. (B) Navigation, Embankment and Drainal[e Works. B. Maintenance and Repairs. 13. Irrigation, Navigation, Embankment Works-Other Revenue Expenditure. (A) Irrigation Works.-D. Maintenance and Repairs. G. Grants-in-Aid. and Drainage (B) Navitativn, Embanknient and Draitiagc Works.B. Maintenance and Repairs. D. Grants-in-Aid.
( 44 72. Irrigation Capital Outlay. A. Works. 3. The Pyiclawlha Committee have to c:irry oul following procedures for execution of works which arc ha11clecl over to l11cm :-(A) Works (Original) aud Special Repair Works. Tile Pyidawtha Commitkcs will accor.J Ll1e following sanctions ( 1) Administrative Approval. (2) Financial Sanction (3) Technical Sanction. (a) For the execution of Original Works and Special Repair Works, the Pyiclawtha Committee will accord the ahovemcnliu.ned sanctions in the order enumerated above. No work should be commenced unless these conditions are fullillt:cl. However, it is abo necessary that there is budget provision to meet the expe11dilure for the work and it should also be nolt!d that expenditure for the work sholilcl no_t exc;eed the funds allotlccl for the year. A11y sandion acconl<:,1 pdor l.o the handing over of works to the Pyidawlha Cummitlee will remain v:tlii} until such time thes<..: works are cumpldcd. ' (b) In the CLSe of Ordinary neair:;, Lrnnp Sum Li111it:... will he lixc l. by the Pyidnvtha Comn1ittee for each Embank1ncnl1 Navigation or Drainage Project and Canal System. D(fi.nilions of Sm1cl1011s .-Administrative Approv;tl means tl1e formal acc<..:plance by the Pyiclawtl1a"Commitlee of the proposals for incmri11g any expenditure on a work approv.::c'1 by a u1embcr of the Pyidawtha Committee who is a representative of the Irrig,tion Department. Fit1a11cial Sanction.-Financial Sanction means the lixaJion by the P_viclawtha Committee of a limit of cost for a work. NoTE.-Thc Financial Sanction is 11ot the authority to incur expenditure. Expenditure can be in.:urrccl only when allotment of fu11ds exists according to the distribution under the Budget Estimate and only to the extent of such allotment: Technical Sanction.-Technical sanction means the order of the Pyidawtha Committee sanctioning a properly clelaikc\ estimate of the cost of a work of construction or repair as approved by the competent anlhority of the Irrigation Department_. The Pyiclawtha Committee will follow Lhe following procedure while according-the above sanctions. (1) District Pyiclawtha Committees will accord sanctions to works up to a maximum of two \akhs. (2) Divisional Pyidawtha Committees will accord sanctions to works above t\\'O lakhs. ' 4. A,Pprofiriations.In accordance with the provision made in the Budget Estimate ancl approved by Parliament, lhe Union Government will allot grants for all works of Irrigation Department to the Chief
45 Engineer. The Chief Engineer will then dislribulc funds to all Engineers. He will also furnish to Divisional Pyida\\'tl0a Committees a statement showing funds allotted against works i1anded o•:cr lo them. 5. {A) An Executive Engineer will follow the foll,;\i"ing r.i cccclures when allotment of funds is received from l l1e Ch icf En1:ince1, ! rrig:i ticn Department :-1. Ortf!illal Works.-As rega1ds Origi1nl \\'0rh, \rnrks i r,1gram111c showing the following delails will be submitted lo Divisional ['yicl;mtha Committee :-(1) Classification of Work. (2) Name of Work. (3) The amount of lhe tii1ancial sanclion. (4) Funds alloltecl during the linancial ye;,r. (5) Whether there is Technical Sanction, a11d if '.oCl, t!i-: :1111ount of the Teclmkal Sanction. (6) If there is no Technical SanctioII liow acirn 1s to b~ taken to obtain the same. (7) If work has been carried out during last Etwr.ci.il ~ca.-(a) Amount of expenditure already incurred. (b) The progress of the work. (c) If the work is carried out by contract.-(1) Name of contractor. (2) Amount of contract. (3) The total amount paid to the contractor in co11ncdi,,11 with this contract. (4) The extent of the work completed and ihe estimated amount of the remaining work to be clone. (8) For works to be carried out during tl,is Ji.nancial year the remarks of the Executive Engineer as lo how these should be proceeded wi lh should be given. 2. Special RePair Works.-(a) If there is any incomplcle special repair works of hst financial year to be carried out this.year, the Executive Engineer will submit programme of works to Divisional Pyidawtha Committee in tlie same manner as provided in pnra. VI (a), 1 (7) above. (b) As regards special repair works to be cartied out during this financial year, the Executive Engineer will not be in a position to give actual expenditure to be incurred on a certain special repair \\ork at the commencement of the year. He will. therefore, submit programme of .special repair works as shown bdow to Divisional Pyiclawtba Committee.-4 (1) Name of special repair works Lo be carried our during the , financial year. (2) Estimated probable expenditure for these works. These are to be shown against the amount of funds allotted by lhe Chief Engineer.
46 3. Ordi1111ry Repair vf7orks.--As 01cli11ary Rep,--..ir Works are to be carried out by sanctioning work authorities, as need arises, Executive Engioeer will not 'be in a position to give actual expenditure to be incurred on each work at the commencement of lhe year. However, he will submit programme of ordinary repair works for each Embank ment, Navigation or Drainage Project and Canal System with the following details to Divisional .Pyidawlha Commitke :( 1) Name of ordinary Repair ,rnrks to be carried out. (2) Estimated probable expenditure for these works. These are to he shown against the Lump Sum Limits allotted by the Chief Engineer. W) Divisional Pyidawllza Co111111~ttee will follow the fol/owi11g procedurts when reports of Programme of works arc received from Executive Ei1!{ineer. Orif!,inal works and SPcaal Repair Works.-If the amount of work does not exceed two l::lkhs Divisional Pyidawtha Committee will hand over such work to District Pyiclawt11a Committee to be carried out by them in accordance with the procedure laid clown in this directive. If the amount of work exceeds two lakhs Divisional Pyidawtha Committee will take on snch wo:k in accordance with the procedure laid clown in this directive. Ordrnary Repair TVorks .-As already explained above Ordinary Repair Works are to be carried out by s1nctioning work authorities as need arises, all such ordin1ry repair works will be handed over to District Pyidawtln Committee to be carried out by them in 'lCCordance with the proccdme laid dO\vn in this directive. When, in the opinion of Divisional Pyicbwtha Committee, instructions for priority of works are req:1irecl, such instructions should be issued to District Pyidawtha Committee. 6. JJroce lur,~ for cxecu!ion of Ori.(!rnal a11d special Repair Works. -Original and Special Repair Wcrks will be carried out by the Pyidawtha Committee concerned as follows :-(1) Works for which tcclwical sanction has already been approved will be of two kinds as below :-(a) works started since Previous years.-Such works will be carried out by the Executive Eng'ineer as per existing rules and regulations. (b) Works to be started during current financial year.-Tenders should be called by the ExecntiYe Engineer for both kinds of works (a) and (b) above, if calling for tenders is necessary under the existing rules and regulations. A comparative sta!ernenl of tenders received should be prepared by the Executive Engineer in accordance with existing rules, and the comparative statement, together with the tenders should be submitted to the Pyidawtha Committee concerned.
47 The powers of acceptance of tenders by tlie Pyidawtha Committees are defined as below :(i) Tenders for works not exceeding K 2,00,000 should be accepted by the District Pyidawtha Committee. (ii) Tenders for works in excess of K 2,00,000 should be accepted by the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee. Upon receipt of the tenders and the comparative statement, the Pyidawtha Committee should select the tenders for acceptance. For selection of tenders, the Pyidawtha Committee will observe the following rules:-(1) Ordinarily, the lowest tender should be accepted. But if there is a special reason, another tender may be accepted. (2) If a tender other than the lowest is accepted, the Pyidawtha Committee should record in writing foll .reasons as to why such tender is accepted. (3) A tender may be the lowest, but if the financial sanction will be exceeded by acceptance of that tender, the same tender should not be accepted although it may be the lowest. For such a case, the Pyidnvtha Committee should apply for a fresh financial sanction to cover the excess. Only on receipt of the fresh financial sanction should the tender be accepted. (4) If the lowest tender exceeds the financial sanction the Pyidawtha Committee is empowered to negotiate with a suitable contractor and execute a contract at rates not exceeding those sanctioned in the estimate, without fl.!fther calling for tenders. (5) No Pyidawtha Committee is empowered to alter or amend the contract agreement forms printed by Government. After acceptance of tenders in accordance with above rules the Pyidawtha Committee should inform the Executive Enginee1 which tender has been accepted. On receipt of such intimation, the Executive Engineer should prepare contract agreements as per existing rules and accepted as below :-(i) Contract agreements for works not exceeding K 2,00,000 should be accepted by the Executive Engineer on behalf of the Pyidawtha Committee. (ii) Contract agreements for works exceeding K 2,00,000 should be submitted to the Superintending Engineer for acceptance. The Superintending Engineer will examine the contract agreements and, if necessary, make alterations before acceptance. As per existing rules, the Executive Engineer should keep in safe custody all contract documents. A !so a copy each of contract agreements should be submitted to the Snperintendi,ng Engineer and the AccountantGeneral.
48 ) Works which clo not require the calling of tenders under the P.\V.D. Code, may be executed in accordance with exisling rules. (Please S.:c also paragraphs 10 and 11.) (2) l1Vorhs for w,11tdi leclwicnl sa11clto11 has not yet been approved. -(11) In order thaL lecl111ical sanclioa may ue accorded for such works, the Excculivc Engineer ~hould prepare as early as possible detailed estimates a11cl plans and submit them to the Pyidawtha Committee concerned. -J\'oTE.-(i) \Vor:,s under accounts head 72 are either original works or extensions and i~~emenb; of existing works. In order that lhe Chief Engineer (Irrigation) nuy he: able lo pre:,a,e a co-t>rdin:1lcJ plan in the execution of such works, the Executive E11ginecr shrnld submit tlte detailed cstimates and drawings to the Chief Engineer f[rrigalion) and ob:ain his approval, before they are put up to the Pyidawtha Committee. (ii) As r'*arcls works under otllcr accou11ts heads, it is also necessary that the design and estimates should be properly scrutinized by experienced officers. Irrigation works are so vari:tble and so susceptible of changing conditions, that it i$ not possible lo follow type plans or d,awings, Each case has lo be considered on its own merits. Owinc: lo lit<.! sp,:ci alisccl 11alunof irrigation works, Executive Engineers slwuld, \\'hc11e1c'I' I.hey considcr it nccessan, consull the Superintending Engineers aud obtain lhdr prior approval of ddailecl estimates and drawings before thcs<: are submitted to the District Pyitlawtha Committees, although such works may be of small monetary value. (See also paragraphs 15 and 16.) (b) Technical sanction should be accorded by the Pyidawtha Committees as below :(i) Technical sanction for works not exceeding K 2,00,000 shoulcl b2 accorded by the District Pyiclawtha Committee . . (ii) Technical s;inction for works exceeding K 2,00,000 should be accorded by the Division<).! Pyiclawttia Committee. The Pviclawtha CommiLtee need not accord technical sanc tion to a work if they do not approve of the nature of the ,vork. Ho\\'evcr, the technical details of the work should be approved as prepared by the Executive Engineer. (c) After technic;il sanction is accorded to a work by the Pyidawtha Committee, the Executive Engineer should keep in safe custody the estimate and the drawings in accordance with existing rules. (d) Also, the Executive Engineer ~houlcl make necessary preparatioi1s for commencement of work as per existing rules and responsibilities. If, under the existing rules tenders are to be called for any work, the selection of tenders will ue clone by the Pyidawtha Committees as described before. (See also paragraph 11.) 7. Procedure for carry111I!. out ordinary mai11tt11ance and repair ~vorks.-(i) As slated in paragraph 3, the Executive Engineer should not incur expenditure irr excess of the Lump Sum Limit sanctioned by the Pyiclawtha Committee.
( 49 Tl;e District 1.?yiclawtha Committee may carry out necessary maintenance and repairs within the funcls :illottccl under the various budget heads. (ii) The Executive E11gineer \\ ill accord lccl11iic;1l ~ancl i o n lo \Vork Authorities for ordinary mainll:nance works for \d1icli Lump Sum Limits have already been sanctioned by the Pyiclawth;i. Committee as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) al.Jove, in accordance with existing Public Works Department Rules. (iii) If calling of te11clers is necessary for such \\'Ork s , the selection of tenders will be made by the Pyiclawtha Committee as clescribecl before. (See also paragraphs 10 ai1d 11.) 8. Emerf!enq• Works.-Irrigation engineers often have lo deal with emergency works. For instance, if an emb;1nkment or a canal bank is breached, immediate closure i s necessary. Such emergency \"i!orks will be dealt with in accordance with existing rnlcs anrl regulations. In the event of an emergency work beinf~ unclcrtaken, the engineer concerned will inform the Disfrict Pyicl:rnth~L Co1111n1ttec in lhe same way as such intimation is sent lo Lhe Acco1111l:aut-Gene .. ral. 9. _ Receipts, Paym.:nts and Mni-ntenance of Accoitnl.< .-Existing Public Works Department rules will be foflowed in matle,s relating to receipts, payments and maintenance of accounts. From the monthly receipts and expenditme :;talements submitted by the Executive En~inccr lo the Chief Enl,!ineer, extracts should be made relatinl{ to works handc
so In like manner, whether the work is given out to be executed by the Rehabilitation Brigade or Labour Union or Co-operatives or by any other labour agency, or by contract, the duty of the Executive Engineer for all works amounting to K 200 ;-,ncl above, will be to draw up piece-work agreement in accofrlance with the rules approved by the Pyidawtha Committee. Such piece-work agreement should be drawn according to existing procedure as laicl dO\\n in Tenders for Work under paragraph (6). In the case of works to be clone by Rehabilitation Brigade no tenc'ers are necessary but work can be executed in accordance with Lhc rules in force. 1 the Pyic1a wt.ha Committee refrains from exercisfr:g the aforementioned powers with regard to labour agency, tlie Executive Engineer or the Superintending Engineer can use his discretionary powers for the execution of work. For important irrigation works which are to be completed on time, if there are cert~in delays in the collection of material or in the pn'curement of the requisite number of labourers, the Executive Engineer should obtain forther instruct.ions from the Committee as to how the work is to be proceeded with to avoid loss of time. 12. In respect of works which are not to be h:mded over to the Pyicb.wtha Com;nitlec, they should be carried out according to the existing rules, but wLen such works are to be put in hand, the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee can be consulted i11 the awarding of the contr;i.ct if and when necessary by the In-ig1tion Department. 13. !!!__!!1.: execution of flll works, the Executive Engineer has the power to seek the assist1nce of the Pyiclawtha Committee about works when difficulties are encountered. 14. Powas of the Pyidawlha C01n111ilfre in the inspcclion of works.-The Pyidawtha Committee has the power to inspect any works in progress but any comphints for nnsatisfactory work can be made in writing either to the Executive Engineer or to his superior officer. Ti1e l'yidawtln Committee should not make any direct complaint or deal with any officer below the rank of the Executive Engineer in respect of any work. 15. t{ehtion between the Pyidawtha Committee and the lrrigation Department:-(1) Whenever there are disagreements or disputes between the two offices, all such complaints should be in writing only, when they will be consiclerecl. (2/ V/htnever estitnates, pla11s, drawings, ancl designs are reqnirecl by !he Pyiclawtha Committee, their requirements shonld be met by the engineer concerned or the Superintending Engineer, provided such works are the responsibility of the Irrig1tion Depar:.ment and are covered by administrative approval. (3) \.Vhen detailed estimates, drawings, ancl specifications aiie required by the Pyiclawtha Committee, the Executive Engineer or the Superintending Enginee.: should comply with the request with the least possible delay, provided :(a) Such works are those of the Irrigation Department. (b) Such works are those which have prior approval of the Pyidawtba Committee in connectiop with rou~h estimat~s arid designs:
51 ) (c) That there is provision in the Budget Estimate for such works and on the recommendation of the Executive Engineer that allotment of such funds ,vill be available. 16. Dntics of the E.reculive E11}!.i11eev a11rl SwPerinleudi11P. E11~ineer i11 the {rnmin.!J. of tl,e estimates in resf,c:cl of uork to be carr'ied out by the Pyidawlha Comm1tt.:e.--The Superintending Ei:gineer and Executive Engineer are responsible fo.the preparation and submission of detailed estimates and detailed drawings according to the magnitude of the work in the following :-For works not exceeding one lakb, the: Executive Engineer is responsible for getting out estimates anrl drawings, For works exceeding one lakh the Su perintencling Enr~ineer is responsible for the pteparation and sul~mission of estimates and drawings but he has the option of instructing his Executive Engineer to do the s1me if he so desires. [For reference please see paragraph (,(2) (A) and Notes 1 an:1 2.) 17. The existing rules and p;-ocedure which are not contrary to the: aforementioned directives sho:1ld remain in force and are to be followed by bo_th the Pyidawtha Committee and the Irrigation Depart~ ment. For instance, in the carrying out of Deposit Work or Agency Work, either for the other Department or for Local Bodies, such wo1 ks :,re to be carried out in accordance with the relevant existing rules and regulations of the Irrig1tion Department and the directives to be followed by the Pyidawtha Committee. 18. Fra111ing of BudRet Estimates for submission to the Parlia ment.-The Divisional Pyid1wtha Committee should prepare a list of works as required by them for that particular financial year sho\\ing aU these works in the Proforma issued by the Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department, in respect of all those Irrigation Works which are handed over to the Pyidawtha Committees. The Profor111a issued by the Chief Engineer should be returned to him within the specified elate by the Pyidawtln Committee so ,\s to euable him to submit the same for approval and sanction by the Parliament. APPENDIX D 11 PYIDAWTHA " DIRECTIVES RELATI:S:G TO THE WORKING OF THE BURJIIA R.\ILWAYS ADMINISTRATION 1. As it is considered necessary that the present system of Railway Adminisfration be explained, before the directiws are mentioned, the Union of Burma Railway Board Act of 1951 is briefly reproduced below. 2. In accordance with of the said Act, the Ibilway Administration shall consist of a Board, known as the '' Union of Burma Railway Board." The Board shall consist of (1) a whole-time Chairman and other members not exceeding teil to be appointed by the President, and (2) of the ten othet members of the Board, two shall be (a) a representativP. of the l\Tinistqr of Finance and Revenue and (b) a repre,?.nhtive of t!ic :\lini:,lty of Tr;msport awl Co1i1munica\ions
( 52 ) 3. All monies required by the Railway Board are being met from the Fund allotled by the Union Government known as lhe '' The R:iil\\'ay Boarcl Fund _ ; , and m:1inlainecl by the Bo.arcl. 4. In a ccordance \\'ilh the Union of Burma Railway Board Act mellli onccl abme, vidc its paragra phs 31 (I) and (II), the President may on r ecommendation of the Board, shall constitute subsidiary Boards snhorclillale t0 it and s11ch subsidiary Br-ards shall, subject to th e co1itr o l ol the Bo:1rd, cliscliarge and exercise 5Uch of the duties and powers of the Board as may be clclegatecl to them by the Board. The Chairman and members of the subsidiary Boards shall be appointed by the President in co11sul!ation with the Board. 5 . A diagr:1m sh o wing the present organization of the Railway Aclmi11islr:1tic11 is giv en on the following page (page 53), 6. In order to implem ent the Union Conference proposals, itwill he necessary to mention all works pertaining to the workings of the Raih\ays. 7 . Wor!a 'n.f~ S of f!,c E11.t!,i11ceri-ng Dislricls.-Thc Civil Engineering Department is divided into five l\fajor Districts and one Sub-district as ghen below : -E11,!!,iuccri11g Districts . ( I) Ran~oon District. (2) Pegu Dis trict. (3) Tonngoo District. (4) Mandalay District. (5) Shwebo District. Su b-dislrict.--, ( 1) Henzacla Snbclivision. No'i'R.-It has been proposed to shift the headquarters of Shwebo District to Mandalay, on complet i on of the rehabilitation of the Ava Bridge . 'l'l1e Headquarters of Rangoon and Pegu Districts are at Rangoon whilst the other District Headquarters are at the stations 11, entioncd against them. 8 . In order to facilitate the implement:1tion of the Union Conference proposals in conformity with the exi s ting act, it is suggested th~t Subsidiary Boards in accordance with clause 31 of the Act be formed a the abovcmel'ltioned District and Sub-distri c t Headquarters such as Rangoon, Toungoo, Mandalay, Sbwcbo ancl Henzacla. It will thus be nece s sary to treat these Subsidiary Boards a:; the Sub-committees of the Divisional Pyiclawtba Committee. These Suu-commitlees shall be appointed by the Railway Board on the recommendation of the Divisional Pyidawtha Conimittee and shall comprise of not less than seven members. 9. Categories oF Works.-The works generally unclert3ken by the Railway Administration are cliviclecl into the following categories :--(lJ New Works. (2) Rehabilitation of s tructurnl works such :is buildings, track, etc., cl,unagcd during the war.
I Chic{ Engineer I \ Rl\ PEGU TGO MOY Dist . Oist. Dist. Oist. \ I I HN Lower Dist . Oist. \ SBO Oist I TGO Oist. I ORGANIZATION. I Railway Board . I Chairman, Railway Board I General Manager I I Traffic Manager Chief Mechanical Engineer Chief Medical Olf1cer HZA Sub VII, I MlJY Di st. I I I YUG Oist. I RN TGO MOY Dist. Oist. Dist. I I I [ MMO TTN HZA Sub-SubSubdvn. dvn. dvn. I ISN TGO MOY YUG Dist. Dist. Oist. Oist. I Controller of Railwav Accoun ts I I RN Oi~t. I TGO DH. :.\rDY Dist. I Controller of Stores. ( .. /1. l:.N -
( 54 ) (3) Renewals and replacement of existing assets such as buildings, equipment, etc. (4) Repairs and maintenance. (5) Special replacement and maintenance due to damage on account of Insurgent activities . 10. Defi111tion c,f Worlls-(1) New works shall mean construction/ provision of new assets which never existed before. (2) Restoration of war-damaged buildings, track, etc., to their origin al/pre-war ~condition is termed as rehabilitation work. (3) Renewals and Replacements relates to such works as are undertaken to replace buildings, equipments, etc., when they are found to have served out their normal life and are beyond economical repairs. (4) Repairs and maintenance shall include all works necessary for the general upkeep of assets i11 running or good working order for carrying on the Railway business. (5) Reconstruction of and/or repairs to buildings, track, etc., in order to restore them to their statzts-qieo after damages caused by insurgents is called Special Replacement and Maintenance. The details of works involved i11 the abovementionecl categories of works are as follows:-(i) Track Works.-(a) Procurement of Sleepers. (b) Procurement of Ballast. (c) Earthwork. (d) Procurement of Rails and Fastenings. (ii) Bridges.(,i) Minor Bridges (Bridges up to 40 ft. span). (b) Major Bridges (Bridge s with spans over 40 ft.) . (iii) Buildings. (iv) Equipment and Workshop Machinery. (v) Miscellaneous work other than those mentioned above. Of the abovementionecl works, those mentioned against 1 (d), 2 (b) and 4 shall be under the direct control of the Central Railway Board while the rest \Vill be hande d over to the Subsidiary Board. 11. Works Pro~ramme fo, Financial Year and Allotmmt of Funds.-Aithough ~he Chief Engineer will allot funds and convey to the District Engineers s1nctions to the works under the existing procedure, the latter shall incur expenditure only in accorda:t:ice with the following procedure The subsidiary Board shall also observe these instructions :-(1) Throw-forward Works.-District Engineers shall submit to the Subsidiary B:nd a li:,t of all work, thrown forward from 1951-52 giving the following information:-(a) Estimate No. (b) Name of Work. (c) Estimated amount.
55 (d) Expenditure up to encl of 1951-52. (e) Details of work remaining to be clone. A copy of this should also be submitted to the Chief Engineer. (2) _New Worhs.-As the tentative Works Programme for 1952-53 has already been examined by the Central Railway Board, the Chief Engineer will forward copies of s une to District Engineers,and at the same , time allot funds to such work as are given technical sanctions. In respect of works which are not technically sanctioned, District Engineers must submit detailed estimates and plans to the Chief Engineer for necessary sanction. \Vhen District Engineers receive the \Vorks Programme,, they shall prepare a separate list of works which are already transferred to the Subsidiary Boards and submit same to them. In preparing the list, the District Engineers should clearly mention the works which have already received technical sanction and those which have not and al;o whether funds have been allotted or not. 12. !nstmctions for Execution of Works.-The Subsidiary Board on receipt of the aforesaid list of work shall decide as to how best the works, which have alre1dy received the technical sanction and at the same time the cost of each of which does not exceed K 2 lakhs, are to be executed by the employment of the following Agencies :(1) Direct labour employed by the Administration. (2) Rehabilitation Brigade. (3) Worker's Co-operative Societies. (4) Contractors. The Subsidiary Board shall infimate the District Engineers of their decision as to the Agency selected for the execution of the work and the same shall be strictly followed by the latter. While execution of Contract Agreements will not be necessary for works to be carried ont by the Departmental labour, Agreements are necessary in respect of work clone by other Agencies. All Agreements shall be executed according to the rules and procedure in force at present. 13. Type of Ai!,reements(i) Work Orders (Form C. 0502-A).-Agrecment for execution of works costing nol more than K 1,000. This will• specify items of works with stan'clarcl rates and elate of completion. (ii) Contract Agreements (Form C. 0501).-A.~rcement for execution of works costing above K 1,000. This will specify items of works with rates and elate of completion. Stores required for works will be supplied by the Railway Administration under the present arrangements. No tenders are to be called for the works that are to be carried out by the Rehabilitation Brigade. In such cases the rates allowed for individual item of works shall not ordinarily exceed the rate~ allowed for in the estimate unless sufficient reasons exist. Tenders shall be called for all works other than those to be ,carried out by the Rehabilitation Brigade where 1.he cost of such works exceeds K 5.000 each, The Subsidiary Board may cleciclc whether or not tenders are
( 56 to be called for. If it is decided not to c : dl for tenders, the Subsidiary Board shall indicate the A~ency by which the work is to be executed. The Di:;trict Engineer on rcct:i pl of the Board's decision shall arrange to call for tenders, if so tlcciclec\, in accordance with the existing rules and reguhlious. 011 receipt of the tenders the District En~ineer shall submit tl1e same to tlw Subsidiary Board to. be dealt with as indicated below :-(1) Tenders shall lie open eel by l he Boan\ at the time, date and place as notiliecl in the tender notice. (2) Tenclerers who care to attend should be allowed to be present at the time of opening the tender. (3) Each and every corrcction/alter:ttin11 in the lenders shall be attested by the person who opens the tender in recognition of such correction/alteration as origimlly submitted. (4J Opened tenders are to be sent to tlie District Engineer concerned together with a list of tenders for check and preparation of Comparative Statement District Engineer shall then check and prep:ue the statement without delay and submit a1~ain lo lhe Board with his recommendations. (5) The Bo:i.rd after scrulinising the comparative statement shall pass orders as to which tender is to be accepted and m ~ ke over the papers to the District Engineer. (6) Jn case the lowest tendered rates are found to be higher than those allowed for in the estimate, all tenders are to be rejected. Having taken that course of action, the Board shall have powers to allot the work to any one of the registered contractors at the rates allowed for in the estimates. Preference must, however, be given to the lowest tenderers to und ertake. the work. In the event of the lowest tenderer refusing to accept lhe offer, allotmr.nl of the work lo other tenclerers may be considered. (7) On receipt of the Bo<1.rcl's decision as lo whom the contract is to be awarded, the District Engineer sh:tll execute necessary Contract Agreements on behalf of the Railway Board, in accordance with the existing rules and procedure. (S) When contracts are awarded without calling for tenders, the rates should ordinarily he the same as these a1lo\\ecl for in the estimate . Normally lowest tender is accepted but i11 case the lowest tender is rejected, reasons for same should invariably be recorded in the tender documents. (9) District Engineer shall on receipt of the accepted tender from the Bo 1rd, take all necessary action, such as preparation of Contract Agreement and other oi"ti.ce routine wn:ks connected therewith under the existi11g RaihYay rulc:s and procedure. (HJ) \,Vhe:11 it becomes apparent that a work will not be completed within the hme specified or the Contract value of work is likely to exceed the amount specified therein. the District Engineer shall report to the Board sufficiently early and obtain its approval. The Board shall have the rollowing powers in thi~ connection : (i) Extension of time limit up to 6 months over and above the original time limit specified in the contract. (ii) Excess 01 swing np to 25 per cent of the original amount of ! !1e contract or K 20 ,OOO whichever is less. '
( 57 ) E:ramjJJ! :-(A) During the course of a work, certain extra items of work may be found necess,u-y or due to a clcric:ll error in the original detailed estimate more expenditure is to be incurred than stipulated in the origiml contract. In such case~, the District Engi11c.:er shall represent the matter lo the Board giving full reasous and 1)arliculars with his recommendations. H the reaso11s :~ivcn arc acceplablc, the Boar cl shall sanction lhc increase of lhe v:dne of contract subject to the limit of 25 per cent of the amount stipulated th ercin or K 20,000 whichever is less. (B) To be more clear, let ns take another example. On a contract costing K J ,00,000 if it is subsequently found that clue to more quantity of works being necessary, the expenditure is likely lo go up to K 1,20,000 the District Engi11eer shall submit to the Board a detailed st:-itement giving reasons for tile extra expendit11re involved. The latter on being satisliecl shall sanction the excess as the amount involved, i.e., 20,000 being only 20 per cent of the con tract v:ll uc ::ind also does not exceed the 20,000 limit. In respect of savings also ihe sa1i1e procedure is lo be followed. NoTE.-The Powers of Sanction mentioned in (ii) ;ipply only to Agreements 'value of which exceed K 1,000. In respect of Agn:emcnt, value of which does not exceed K 1,000, sancliou may Li., accorded lo excess or saving up to 50 per cent of the original arnounl ol such Agreement. The Board shall have no powers to sanction excess or saving consequent on deviation from the original plan. In respect of excess clue to the above cause, District Engineer shall prepare a detailed estimate, draw Supplementary Sheet to contract and obtain approval of the Board. Sanction to deviation from original plan can only be accorded by the Central Railw,ty Board. The Powers of Sanction hereinbefore mentioned are to be exercised in respect of cont1acls not exceediug K 2,00,000 as the works costing more than this amount are to be dealt with by the Central Railway Board. 14. Payment, Deposits and Bills.-In connection with preparation of Bills, receiving/refunding Earnest Monies, District Engineers shall deal with them as per exfsting procedure. I 5. Execution of Conlracl Agreement, witl101tl ,;allillg for Tenders.(!) District Engineers shall execute Contract Agreements for works which are to be carried without calling, for tenders, only after obtaining prior approval of the Board. (2) District Enginetrs . shall submit a Monthly Statement of Contract Agreeme11ts executed without calling for tenders to the Board, sending a copy to the Chief Engineer. 16. Repairs and lllainte11ance Worlis in respect of Buildings. Repairs and maintenance qf buildings are usually carried out throughout -~be year by preparing Abstracts of -Cost as and when necessary.
58 District Enginee1s may not be in a position to give the estimated cost of each and individual work at the beginning of the financial year. But District Engineers will roughly prepare a list of all repairs and maintenance works, building by building or for each approach road within the allotment of funds made by the Chief Engineer and submit to the Board giving briefly :-(a) Nature of repairs and maintenance works to be carried out. (b) Approximate cost to be incurred in each case. The Board will examine and verify the lists submitted by tke District Engineers and vvill issue instructions as to how the works are to be executed. In case the Board considers that certain works have to be given priority it sli:tll issue instructions to the District Engineer to give priority in carrying out snch works NoTE.-District Engineers shall deal with contracts, etc., in execution of works in this respect in accordance with the existing rules and regulations. The District Engineers will be responsible for recording of the Minutes of the Meetings of the Board and submission of copies of the Minutes to the Central Railway Board, Chief Engineer, Controller of R1ilway Accounts and Accounts Officers concerned. 17. Points regarding Budget.-(1) District Engineers in consultation with the District Traffic Superintendents and the Dis-" trict Mechanical Engineers shall prepare lists of works as and when they crop up in their respective Districts and submit to the Boa_rd or to the Chief Engineer as the case may be. (2) The Board <1fter scrutiny shall then submit the list of works to the Central Railway Board. Chief Engineer will also do likewise for the list submitted to him. (3 i The Central Board after examining all the lists will accord sanction and allot funds as far as available. Works for which funds are not available will be inclucled in the next year's Budget Estimate by the Chief Engineer. (4) All works for which funds are made av:iilable will be sanctioned by the Chief Engineer and forwarded to the District Engineers together with the technical sanction. (5) District Engineers will submit the list of such sanctioned works to the Subsidiary Board concerned-(i) In order to overcome any difficulty that may be encountered during the course of any work the District Engin_eers shall seek the Board 's help. (ii) Right of inspection of works by /he members of the Subsidiary Board.-Tbe Subsidiary Board has the right to inspect works carried out by District Engineers under its control. But in case any defects are noticed or complaints are to be made in respect of works, all such reports should be made to the District Engineer concerned or his higher authority giving full particulars of such defects, etc. No direct instructions or orders should be given by the members of the Board to any subordinate staff. All such communi cations should be addressed to the District Engineer concerned.
59 (iji) Relatio11 between tlic Board anci Railway Officcs.-AII communi cations between the Board and R:;ih\ ay Offices must be in writing. In cases of any dispute only writ ten communication will be recognized. Limits of Engineering Districts District I Headquarters From To District Rangoon. Eogio~,. \ "'"goo, \ Prome Letpadan \ ' Pegu (Exclusive). Tharrawaw. District Engineer, Pegu Rangoon I D istrict En~ineer, 'Toungoo Toungoo. District Engineer, J\Iandalay Mandala)' District Engineer, Shwebo Shwebo Assistant Henzada. Engineer, I H enzada ... ... ... Pcgu (Inclusive) Nyaungltbin Pegu Moulmein Toungoo (Inclusive). Pyinmana ... Thazi ... Thazi (inclusive) Thazi ... Paleik ... Myohaung ... Myohaung ... Mandalay ... Sagaing Shore ... Ywathaung ... Naba. ... / Toungoo (Exclusive). Madauk. Martaban. Ye. Thazi (Exclusive). Kyaukpadaung . Shwenya1;mg • Mandalay. Myingyan . Tada-U . Lashio . Amarapura Shore, Madaya . Myitkyina. \ Alon . Kath a . I Tharrawaw Shore I Bassein. Henzada .. . Kyangin. APPENDIX E DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION OF LOANS FOR BAZAARS UNDER LOCAL BODIES The following procedure shall be followed in granting loans to Local Authorities in the Union of Burma for the construction of bazaars. This procedure takes effect from 1st October 1952, and will remain in force until furth~r orders :-(i) Application for the grant of Loan.-A Local Authority desirous of obtaining a loan from Government for the construction of bazaars within its territorial jurisdiction should submit its application to the Divisional Welfare Com1pittee concerned with an estimate of the cost of the entire work or such part of it as it proposes to carry out from
60 the loan applied for during a given tinanciil year. The D.P.C. concerned sh~,11 examine each work carefu!Lv ancl after such exa mi na tion if it considers the work to be suilahle, it will forward the proposal to the Government in the :Ministry of Soci,11 Services with its specific recommen_dations. • /ii) Issue of sanction.-The lVIinistry of Social Services will examine proposals for the want 6 loan to Loc;Ll Authorities for the construction of ba,.aars receiRcl from the D. P.Cs., and if after :mch examination, it decides to grant any loan, it should issue the necessary sanction for the grant of the loan. (iii) Control and fosPection of Worlis carrfrd out o 1 the Loan~-The D.P.Cs. shall be responsible for controlling and inspecting works to be carried out of the loan with a view to ascertaining and securing that the money borrr,wed by Local Allthorities is duly spent lo the purpose for which it has been borrowed and that the unexpended balance of the loan is not employed for any other purpose. !iv) Audit of Loan Accounts.-Audit of the accounts to be maintained by the Local Anthoiities in respect of the Joan granted Lo them by Government for the construction of bazaars, should be conducted periodically by the Local Fund Audit Department. The Examiuer of the Local Fund Accounts should submit his report soon after the completion of the Auclit of the Accounts to Government in the Ministry of Social Services through the D P.Cs. He will also submit a copy of his report also to the Auditor-General. (v) Interest 011 Loan.--The loan to be granted to the Local Authorities shall bear it1terest at 3 per ceut per annum. (viLRepayment of the Prwclf,al a11d. the lnteresl.-:-The maximum term of a lo:m shall not ordinarily exceed 30 years, and shall be as short as possible. The first annu1.l instalment towards the repayment of the loan should commence from the elate one year after the completion of the construction of bazaars. Interest due on the loan for any year shall not become payable until the encl of the year clu;ing which 1t accrues, i e., interest accrued on the loan in any financial year should be p.1icl regularly annually on the first clay or immediately thereafter, of the succeeding financial year. (vii) Resj,onsbility for the recovery of the Loan and Interest thereon.-The D.P.Cs. will be responsible to ensure the prompt and regular payment towards the repayment of the loan and the payment of interest thereon by the Local Authorities concerned. APPENDIX F INSTRUCTIONS ON ISSUE OF lNDUS'l'RIAL LOANS Under section 43 of the State Aid to Industries Act, the President is pleased to issue the following Instructions relating to the grant of loans under the said Act and the Rules made thereunder. In these Instructions ''Act" means the State Aid to Industries Act:-(1) The Commissioner or the Collector to whom the Commissioner had delegated his powers under section ISA (2) of the Act
61 may grant loans if he is satisfied, after making necessary verification and enquiries, that the application for State aid is in order and the security offerncl sufficiently covers the amount of loan applied for. In granting such loans the Commissioner or the Collector to whom the Commissioner has delegated his powers shall act in consultation with Divisional and District Pyidawtha Committees to be formed from time to time. (2) The Collector on receipt of an application for Slate airj exceeding K 4,000 shall make necessary enquiries and after consult ing the District Pyiclawtha Committee submit the application to the Commissioner who shall likewise consult the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee ancl submit the same with his recommendations to the President of the Union through the Director. (3) The Director on receipt of application for State aid exceeding K 4,000 from the Commissioner shall make necessary enquiries ancl submit the application with his recommendations to the President of the Union. (4) If an application for State aid exceeding K. 4,000 is made direct to the Director, he shall forward the same to the Commissioner of the Division in which the industry for which State aid is applied for is situate, for his recommendation. The Commissioner shall dispose of such application in the manner as laid clown in Instructiorn (2). (5) Value of seclll'ity shall be It times the loan applied for. (6) Any applicant for a loan may apply through tbe Director to the President of the Union for revision under section 44 of the Act if his application is rejected. (7) The Dinctor, after calling for connected case records from the Commissioner or the Collector, as the case may be, shall submit them to the President of the Union with his recommendations. (8) The Collector to whom the Commissioner has delegated his powers under section I SA (2) of the Act after consultation with the District Pyidawtha Committee, may, on application, extend the period for payment of instalment up to a total limit of three months. Any order extending the period for payment of instalment shall be immediately reported to the Commissioner. (9) The Commissioner after consuftation with the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee may, on application, extend the period for p.w ment of instalment up to a total limit of one year. Any order extending the period for payment of instalment shall be immediately reported to the President of the Union through the Director. (10) An application for extension of the period of payment of instalment exceeding one year shall be made to the President of the Union through the Commissioner and the Director. (11) Recovery proceeding in respect of loans not exceeding K 4,000 shall be taken by the Commissioner or the Collector to whom the Commissioner has, under section 1SA(2) of the Act delegated his powers. ( 1 :2) Power to write off any sum or sums rests with the I President of the Union and not with the Collector or the Commissioner who may only recommend in that behalf to the President of the Union after consultation with the respective Pyidawtha Committees. (13) The annual estimates of the loans to be granted shall be prepared by the Collector after consultation with the District 5
62 ) Pyic-lawtha Committees and submit them to the Director through the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall consult the Divisional Pyidawtha Committees and fon,,ard them to tile Director with his recommendations. APPENDIX G. DETAILED IKSTRUCTIONS FOR Am,n~ISTRATION OF RELIEF. We are required to furnish detailed instructions for administration of Relief. These instructions are to a;,pear as Appendix G in. the "l\fanual of Instructions for the Execution cif Pyidawth1 (Welfare State) Plans." ' In paragraphs 8 and 9 of thedraft Manual Introcluction, the following passage occur :-" To be folly effective as instruments for promotion of welfare and economic development, the Committees (i.e., Township, District. and Divisional Welfare C0mmittees) mnst be invested wilh wide powers to act within their discretion. But safeguards must also exist aJ!,ninst irres,Po11sible acfio11. This is ensured by transferring responsibility not to an individual but to a group. 1 he Centre (i.e., Ministries concerned.) retains rcspo11sibilily for over-nll pianninf!. anl development, and dwolrttion of Powers to the Wei/ are Committees dues 11ot 111ea11 tltey can take any action which will be ngain~t thr. wider national interest.'' In view of the above principles it is necessary as far as Relief funds are concerned to have certain safejfuard~ without at the same time restricting the powers of the \Velfare Committees. Having the above principles in mind, it is suggested that the following be added as Appendix F :-1. All the directives in the Green booklet, but with these moclifications-(a) In accordance with the Welfare State plans relief work will be undertaken by the Divisioml, District and Township Welfare Committees. Therefore on the formation of such committees there would no longer be any need to have District and Township Relief Committees as such. But, if considered necessary, the Divisional, District and Township Welfare Committees may form sub-committee to look after relief matters. (b) These rules should be deleted:-Page 1.-1 and 2. Pai:i:e 2.-3 and 4. Page 3.-8. Regarding monthly reports, it is provided for elsewhere in the draft instructions. Page 5.-11 and 13. Page 9.-9. 2. Relief Funds.-(a) As soon as the Budget is presentecl .to Parliament, the Relief Ministry will intimate to each Divisional
63 Welfare Committee the total amountjprovided in ~the Budget for relief and the total amount earmarked for each Divisional Welfare Committee for the financial year. These amounts are provisional and shall be confirmed or cut clown as may be deemed necessary as soon as the Budget is passed by Parliament and tlie annual Appropriation Act passed. (b) Each Divisional Welfare Committee will decide on the allocations to be made to each District Welfare Committee within its jurisdiction and the District Welfare Committee will in turn decide on the allocations to be macle to each of the Town Welfare Committee concerned. (c) Intimation of the allocations made by the Divisional Welfare Committee to the District Welfare Committees and those made by the District Welfare Committee to the Township Welfare Committees shall be sent to the Relief Ministry by the Divisional and District Welfare Committees respectively, the latter Welfare. Committee sending a copy to the Divisional Welfare Committee. (d) The allocations shall be made under each of the Primary Units as per prescribed form and it shall be accompanied by the necessary instructions as shown in the specimen. (e) Divisional Welfare Committees are advised not to make the allocations to District Welfare Committee for the entire financial year, the first allocations should be for the first 3 months and additional allotments m'ly be made as and when necessary on application by the District Welfare Committee. This piecemeal allocation to the Township Welfare Committee should also be adopted by the District Welfare Committee. 3. Monthly Expenditurp Statements.-(a, The monthly expenditure statement as per proforma shall be submitted to the Divisional \Velfare Committee by the District Welfare Committee and similarly by the Township Welfare Committee to the District Welfare Committee. (b) A copy of each of the monthly expenditure statement sent by the District and Township Welfare Committee to the Divisional District Welfare Committee respectively shall also be sent to the Relief Ministry. 4. Monthly Revenue Returns.-(a) Revenue collections can be obtained by sale of empty gunny rice bags and also from sale of rice on credit. Such collections shall be shown as per prescribed form ( ) and shall be submitted in the same way as indicated above for monthly expenditure statements. (b) The above revenue collections shall be credited into the treasury under the appropriate accounts head. Such collections shall not be used for relief or any other, purpose. 5. Monthly Reports.-The Monthly Report in foe prescribed form shall continue to be submitted to the Relief Ministry by the District Welfare Committee (i•ice District Relief Committee). In it shall also be included the Township Welfare Committee's work (vice Township Relief Committee). 6. Donations:-Donatious received from the public shall be kept apart from Government funds and statements of receipts and expendi..
64 ) ture shall be snbmitted monthly by the Township and District Welfare Committees to the District \};lelfare Committees and Divisional \Velfare Committees respectively. 7. Unauthorized ExPenditurc.-(a} Except with the prior approval of the Relief .Ministry no expenditure shall be incur1ed on relief goods or services not expressly provided for in the Emergency Relief Scheme ( Green Booklet). (b) Application for sanction to the payment of old bills for the year 1946 to 1950 shall be made to the Relief Ministry. In doing so, a full and complete report together with the relevant bills and vouchers shall be sent. If for some reason or other these are not available every effort shall be made to get the testimony and certificate of person or persons ( official or non-officials) who h:ive knowledge of the distribution of rice and other commodities. 8. Conslrnctio,; of huts or barracks.-(a) For the accommodation of refugee/destitutes, huts or barracks may be constructed provided(i) accommodation for them is not available in PhonJ!yi-k:iaungs, zayals and other public building ; (iij the expenditure does not exceed K 5,000. (b) For the construction of structures costing over K 5,000 the matter shall be referred to the Public Works Department by the Divisional Welfare Committee concerned. 9. Relief Worhs.-(a} Prior approval of the Relief Ministry shall be obtained for the opening of the relief worlrn ( falling short of relief works under the Famine Code) stating •the full particulars of the works, number of refugee/destitute to be employed and the perioct of employment. (b) No rations shall be given in addition to wages. 10. Medical Aid.-(a) Such aid shall be obtained from the nearest Civil hospital and the Divisional, District or Township Welfare Committees shall seek the help of the local doctors for necessary treatment of refugee patients in camps. (b) On no account should charges for medical aid or medicines be charged to relief funds. 11. Maintenance of Surrendered Personnel.-(a) Civilian surrendered personnel may be kept separately in camps and feeding charges on themat the prescribed rates and their fare to their home villages may be debited to relief funds under the accounts head '' (9) Relief Supplies" and '' (10) Internal Resettlement" respectively. (h) A certificate of cash payments made during the month stating the actual number of days, the number of persons, and the rate per day shall be sent together with the monthly expenditure statements. 12. Resettlements. (a) Resettlement may be carried out provided the following conditions are fulfilled:-(iJ The areas to be resettlecl in have been declared safe by the authorities concerned and reasonable security can be assured to the people when they are resettled.
65 (ii) The period within which resettlement can be effected and for how many households after thorough screening. (iii) The quantity of each of the relief gifts required after making cleduclions of the gifts previously issued, if any, to the households now to be resettled. (iv) The estimated expenditure req11ired under accounts head: " (9) Relief Supplies " for two weeks rations. "(10) Internal Resettlement" for travelling allowance and subsistence allowance. " (14) Free Grants of Forest Produce " for issuing building materials at the prescribed quota and at a cost not exceeding 50 per household and for transport of such materials. NoTE.-The building materials are to be given only to those householcls ~hose homes have been destroyed and are really unable to rebuild them without Government aid. (b) Only the cost of the relief gifts referred to at (iii) abOve will be met by the Relief Ministry out of the Relief funds reserved for this purpose. (c) The expenclitnre at (iv) above shall be met from the allolments made to the District or Township \Velfare Committee concerned under the appropriate accounts heads. Additional funds under these heads ~hall be applied for to the Divisional or District welfare Committee concerned with copy to the Relief Ministry. 13. Distribution of Relief Gifts.-(a) Acknowledgment of receipt of the relief gifts shall be made at once to the Relief Ministry with copy to the Divisional or District Welfare Committee concerned. (b) The relief gifts shall be stored in a safe place and nt>cessary precautions taken against theft or pilferage. (c) The relief gifts shall be distributed .at once or within 15 clays of receipt. The distribution list duly signed by at least two responsible perso11s present at the time of distribution and countersigned by the President of the District er Township Welfare Committee as the case may be shall be sent to the Relief Ministry with copy to the Divisional or District Welfare Committee concerned. 14. State Agricnltural Marketing Board rice bills and other bills shall be promptly settled. The SAMB has already been instructed not to supply rice unless previous bills have been settled. The SAMB has also been requested to forward rice creclit bills promptly, 15. Relief shall also be afforded to victims 0 floods, fire, drought and other calamities after careful and thorough screening and intimation of such disasters should be sent promptly to the Relief Ministry stating the nu.nber of families effected and nature of relief afforded. 16. The Relief Ministry would stress that relief should be prompt and timely if it is to be appreciated by the'people. Towards that end everything should be done_to_avoid delays,
66 ) DETAILED lNS1'RUC1'I0NS FOR REHABILITATION WORKS, SUBJECT,-Monthly Reports. The follO\,,ing instructions relating to the compilation and submission of monthly reports on reiief measures undertaken in the districts are iss11ed in supersession of all previous instructions on the subject. All Ot'ficers concerned are required to furnish information under the headings given below. Each report should cover the period from the 20th of one month to the 19th of the succeeding month. It should be complete and should cover the whole district, and must reach the Ministry before the last day of each mo11th. Slaff.-Strength under each class or post, including menial staff should be furnished. Tran;port.-Nnmber of vehicles held for Relief Work, with particulars of registration numbers, description, etc., should be given. Destilttles.-Under ti1is heading destitntes should be classified into two distinct classes, viz., (1) ordinary destitutes and (2) those rendered destitute as a result of the activities of the insnrgents. Reasons for classifying them as clestitutes should be given when they are included for the first time. Infor11ation concerning the number of clestitutes already listed, to whom issue of relief was discontinued during the period of the report should also be furnished. Details should be given separately (a) in re3pect of destitutes in camps and {bi clestitutes outside camps under the following heads :-(a) Destitutes in Camf>s. (i) Name of place. (ii) Number at the beginning of the month. (iii) Number of arrivals during the month. (iv) Number of departures during the month. (v) Number at the encl of the month. (vi) Remarks-under this column should be mentioned the reasons for classifying them as destitutes when they are included in the list for the first time, and also the reasons for discontinuing relief, where destitutes had left the camps and hacl become self-supporting. (b) Deslilul,s 011/side Ca11,ps.li) :-Jame of.place. (ii! Number in receipt of relief at the beginning of the month. (iiD Num'.:Jer regisler.:-rl durfng the month. (iv) Number for whom relief \Yas discontinued during the month. (v) Number of people in receipt of relief at the encl of the month.
67 ) (vi) Remarks-under this column should be mentioned the reasons for classifying them as clestitutes when they are included in the list for the first time, and also a brief note explaining the reasons for discontinuing relief as ~hown under (ivJ. Tbe above details should be furnished separately (1) in respect of ordinary destitnte3 and (2) in respect of those rendered destitute as a result of the activities of the insurgents. Re/icf.-Details are required under this head, in respect of each articl~lief supplies issued, of-(a) quantity issued at reduced prices ; (b) quantity issued on credit ; (c) quantity issued free. The above details are required separately in respect of (i) ordinary destitutes and (ii! destitutes as a result of the activities of the insu1gents. 1T IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE IN THIS CONNECTION THAT ONLY BARE NECESSITIES OF LIFE SHOULD BE 1S3UED AS A RELIEF MEASURE. NoTE.-U1 All Officers concerned arc reminded that ordinarily there should be n~ to draw cash from the Treasury to purchase supplies. Articles required for reliel purposes mav be obtained from the various Civil Supplies Depots and payment made on receipt of the rr:lative hills in due course. (ii) For making purchases of relief supplies, the funcl from which lhe amount was drawn should be stated, vii., the amount earmarked for expenditure on relief on account of tile insnrreclion or the amount available for expenditure on normal relief measures. The reports should also state how the purchases of relief supplies are made and the manner in which they are paid for. (iii) All monies recovered on account or supplies issued at rerluced prices or on credit as a relief measure should be credited into the Treasury in accordance with the instructions on the subject and on no account used for making further purchases of s,1_pplies. Reset! lemmt.-Details should be furnished under this head showing the number of persons displaced and the number of such persons assisted in their resettlement. The above particulars should be given sepaiately (a) for persons who got displaced on account of the activities of the insurgenb and (b) for others. The manner in which these persons were assisted should also briefly be stated and a brief note explaining the position of those who have not been assisted should also be furnished. Reho11,i,,g .-Detailssimilar to those required under" RESETTLE-MENT" should be furnished under this head. r.e11eral.-The above heads are not meant to be exhaustive. The object of these instructions is to enstlre that this Ministry is fully informed of the aclivitie3 in the districts in so far as relief measures are concerned and the above heads are given in order that the reports received are all prepared in a uniform manner to facilitate preparation of a consolidated report in respect of the whole of Burma. General remarks which cannot be included under any of the above heads may be made under this head. Any special occurrences calling for relief measures, such as fires, floods, cyclones, drought, etc., may be dealt with under this head. A
68 ) general note on the position as regards destitntion and need for relief in the district ancl the steps taken or proposed to be taken to deal with the problem, and on the general economic conditions which have a be:i.ring on the problem of relief in 1.he district should be furnished. This note, without being in the nature of an unnecessarily alarming one, should contain information on difficulties anticipated, if any, and suggestions to meet them in time. All Officer;; concerned should remember that the Monthly Report is the only document ,vhich gives a complete picture of the activities of the Department during the month. The importince of these Reports cannot therefore be over-emphasised. All Officers are also again enjoined to pay th c.:ir personal attention to the careful preparation of these Reports and also to ensure that they arc senl so as lo reach this Mi11istry before the last day of eaeh 111011th. _Tl,is is absolutely neassary as the consolidated Mo1ithly Report is due to be wbm,tlcd before the 4th of each 111011th.
r \ 69 ) Re/urn of Expe11ditun fo r the Mo n th of "38. Miscel la n eo us Departments-M. Evac ue e Welfare a ncl l~eli ef-b. In Burm;1," Major Head--Minor HeaclSub-He:id_.:._ Budget a llotSp ent from D e tailed He;id Primary ment ;is Spent durine: 1st October Remar k s Unit o f Expenditure modified to-the monih 1951 d;ite (1 \ (" (3) (~) __ (SJ __ _, (lb) Pay -of Officers -Temporarr. (2/Jl Pay of Establish-ment-Tempor-ary. (3n:) Allowance3, Hono-raria, etc. !3bl Travelling Allow-ance. (4i Contingencies ••. (4b) Motor Transport (9) Relief Supplies 1 (i) Normal Relief I (ii) Insurrection }Relief. I (iii) Maintenance of I surrendered personnel. J (10) Internal Resettlem e nl. ( 11) Repatriation ... . (12) Expatriation ... (13) Extraction and Haulage of Forest Produce. (14) Free Grant of Forest Procluce. ---------------Total ...
Proforma Details of lhe e."!:pcnditure K incurred 011 N onnal/ lusurrectio11 Relief/Maintenance durin_..: 1950 of surrenderers I From where 1 Quantity Rate at Com mouil y Date purchased purchased S.A.M.B. or of rice which C . S.D . pur chased purchased (1) (2) 13) (4) (SI I I I J. (1) Total expenditure incurred on purchase of rice (2) Total expenditure incurred un purchase of cooking oil ... (3) Total expenditure incurred on purchase of textiles 14) Coolie hire or transport charl(es (5) Constructions of Camps (6) Misc"llaneous Expenditure j with or without bag/tin (6) GRAND ToTAT. No. of person to whom issued Quota issued to each Cost of Period for Commodity I whkh Adult Minor Adult Min•r issued (7) (8) (91 (10) Ul) (121 -K II. If commodities are purchased locally , reasons may be given why purchase was not made from S.A.M.B. or C.S.D. Cumparativ~ rate should be shown-(i) Issue of Relief food supplies may b~ issued as per quota shown below :Rice 14 condensed milk tin, cooking oil ! vi,s,' Salt 4 ounces, Dhall t viss or ugapi in lieu there-~ per wetk for adults il: the quota may be issued to each child under 12 Y"ars of age. of not ex ceeding the cost of dhall . J (ii) Clothing, i.e., one lou~yi and one cotton vest may be issued lo each refugee/destitute only if founcl to be absolutely necessary. (iiil.I:>etails as per proforma may also be sent on account of expenditnre incurred under the Prim.>ry Units 114) Free Grant of Forest Prodnce Quota of issue of building materials is cuntainecl in this Ministr y' s hJcmorandum No. i77 RW-111-50, dated the 20th May 1950. ...... , 0 -
71 ) APPENDIX H f>YIDAWTHA COMMITTEES AND REGULATIONS UNDER THE AGRICULTURAL AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME. In the interests of cultivators, Government has enacted the Tenancy Disposal Act, the Tenz,ncy Standard Rent Act, the Agriculturists' Debt Relief Act, thus revolutionising the Agrarian problem and creating a new system instead. Accordingly, with effect from the year 1950, the old system of issue of agricultural loans to cultivators was replaced by a new procedure. The new system was based on democratic principles : 1. Beginning from the year 1952-53 it has become imperative to fit in the activities of the Tenancy Standard Rent Act, Tenancy Disposal Act, Agriculturists' Debt Relief Act, is1>ue of Agricultural loans, etc., with the Pyida wth1 Committee. The organizations engaged in Agricultural and Rural Development are as follows :-(i) State Land Committee, (ii) District Tenancy Disposal Committees, /iii) Township Land Commiltees, and (iv) Vilfage Tenancy Disposal Committees. For the development of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, District Pyidawtha Committe~s and Township Pyidawtha Committees shall act in concert with the District Tenancy Disposal Committees and Township L'lncl Committees, and shall be constituted as follows :-2. Conslitutio11.(a) District.-(1) The District Agricultural Development SubCommittee shall be formed from the District Pyidawtha Committee and the same shall be constituted as follows:-(i) the Deputy Commissioner ; (ii) the Assistant Director of Agriculture ; (iii) the Deputy Registrar, Co-operative Societies ; (iv) the Superintendent of Land Records ; (v) a representative of AFPFL. (2) In addition to the above, the Sub-Committee shall also co-opt members of the District Tenancy Disposal Committee. (3) The President may by regulation empower the Sub-Committee to carry out the functions cf tenancy disposal and agricultural development. (b) Township.-(}) The Township Agricultural Develorment Sub-Committee shall be formed from the Township Pyicla\vtba Committee :ind the same shall be constituted as follows :-(i) the Township Officer ; (ii) the Co-operative Myook; (iii) the Senior Agricultural Assi3tant ; (iv) the Inspector of Land Records ; (v) one representative of AFPFL.
72 ) (2) In addition to the above, the Sub-Committee shall co-opt the members of the Township Lancl Committee. (3) Th President shall by rel-(ulation, empower the Sub Committeeto carry out the duties and functions of the present Township Lani:1 Committee. (c) f!illage.--Owing to the absence of Village Pyidawtha Committees the present Village Tenancy Disposal Committees or Village Agricultnrists' Co-operative Committees will continue to carry out the duties and functions assigned to them and shall act in concert with the above Township and District Pyicla wtba Agricultural Development Sub-Committees. 3. The Township ancl District Pyiclawtha Agricultural Development referred to above shall carry out the works assigned to them for the irnproyement of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as follows:-(Constitutiou of the Sub-Committees is shown in Annexure "A") (a) Tenancy Disposal. (b) Disposal of cases relating to Tenancy. (c) Loans for Agricultural development (e.g. Land Improvement, cultivation expenses, expenses for purchase of cattle, loans to Co-operative Societies, and other emergency loans, etc.). NoTE.-As the proceedings relating to tenancy disposal are carried oat in accordance with rules and regulations, only those Commiltees so empowered shall act accordingly. 4. The fol!O\ving procedure shall be adopted for the allotment of loans and disbursement of the same to Agriculturists :-ra) The Village Tenancy Disposal Committee shall prepare estimates of annual requirements of agricultural loans in the village-tracts, acre by acre, and submit the estimates to the Township Pyiclawtha A~ricultnral Development Sub-Committee. (If not yet constituted. the present Township L'lnd Committee.L (Vvhen preparing estimates, the, Village Tenancy Disposal Committee, shall compute the acreage tenanted for the year with the fallow acreage that conic! be cultivated in the next season). (b) The Township Pyiclawtha Agricultural Development Sub Committee (if not yet constituted, the Township Land Committee) shall, on receipt of estimates from the Village Tenancy Disposal Committees, scrutinize and submit a copy each to the Township Pyidawtha Committee and the District Pyiclawtba Agricultural Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the District Tenancy Disposal Committee). (c) The Township Pyidawtha Committee or the District Pyida wtha Agricultural Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the District Tenancy Disposal Committee) shall as defined in paragraph (b) above
submit copies of estimates already examined and prepared by the Township Pyiclawtha Agricultural Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the Township Land Commitlee) to the District Pyidawtha Committee. The Districl PyidawtLa Committee shall submit copies of the estimates through the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee and Finaucial Ccmmissioner (Lands and Rural Develop ment! to the Government in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. • The District Pyicl nvth:i Agricultural Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the District Tenancy Disposal Committee) sLali submit copies of the estimates to the Government in the Ministry of Agriculture ancl Forests i.e., the State Agricullural and Rural Development Committee. In cases of destruction of crops owing to scarcity of rains or flood or any other emergent causes, adherence to the above procedure will entail delay and timely relief cannot possibly be afforded. Therefore emergency loans shall be disbursed from the fund provided in the Township Pyidawtha Committee. In the event, that funds as provided for the Township Pyidawtha Committee are found to be insufficient, these can be obtained from the funds allotted for the District Pyidawtha Committee or the Divisional Pyidawtha Committee. After issue of such emergency loans, the matter should be referred to the Committees concerned. (d) The Financial Commissioner shall carefully examine the claims submitted as shown in paragraph 2 (a), (b), (c), and paragraph 3 (a), (b), (c) of the Directive, and with the approval of Government, shall communicate to the Divisional Pyidawtha Committees the distinct break downs. , (e) The District Pyidawtha Agricultural Development SubCommittee (if not yet constituted, the District Tenancy Disposal Committee) shall, immediately on receipt of the information of the amount allotted, make allotments among townships. The Township Pyidawtha Agricultural Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the Township Land Committee) shall make allotments among village-tracts. The allotments thus made shall be intimated to the District Pyidawtha and Township Committees concerned. 5. Though it has to be admitted that the present system for the issue of loans to cultivators in form " A" and '' B ". is far better than the old procedure, there still remains certain defects and difficulties in carrying out the new procedure. In practice according to the new procedure the Village Tenancy Disposal Committees which are entrusted with the task of presenting claims in form ''A" and the disbursement of loans to cultivators in form '' B ", have to incur certain expenses. As such, instances of misappropriation of loans by certain members of Village Tenancy Disposal Committees have been
74 brought to the notice of Government from time to time. Moreover some committee members, instead of distributing the loans among lhe bona fide cultivators, use the same for their own personal ends. With a view to prevent such malpl'actices, it is clearly desirable to remunerate these Committees by some allowances to cover expenses for the performance of their respective duties. It is also necessary to pay monthly remuneration to these Wunda11h111us whose duty it is to see that loans are issued to bona fide cultivators. Hence the procedure of issue of loans by Pyidawtha Committees, shall be as follows:-(a) As soou as the Village Tenancy Disposal Committees have completed the work in connection with disposal of tenancies, they shall prepare estimates of loans required, based on the acreage of cultivated areas, and pre1aent claims in form ''A" to Township Pyidawtha Agrkultural Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the Township Land Committee). (b) The Township Pyidawtha Agricultural Development SubCommittee (if not yet constituted, the Township Land Committee) shall as stated above allot among village-tracts, the amount assigned to townships by the District Pyidawtha Agricultural Development Sub-Committee (if not yet constituted, the District Land Tenancy Disposal Committee). [The manner of presenting claims to authorities and the allotment by the authorities are sh9wn in Annexure ''13".] (c) Immediately on receipt of the intimation of the amount allotted to the village-tracts, the Village Tenancy Dispo sal Committee shall take the responsibility to issue loans to cultivators in form " B" . After disbursement, the said form '' B" together with the signatures of the borrowers should be returned to the Township Officer concerned. NoT1t.-Form "A" and Form "B" are shown in Annexures "C " The Forms in Annexures C are mor~ or less similar to the prescribed forms " A " and" B " except that insertions made are underlined in the new forms. (d) Similarly the Village Co-operative Committee shall perform the duty of issuing loans to Village Agriculturists' Primary Co-operative Societies. (e) Either before or after the disbursement of loans, the Wundanhmus appointed for the purpose of seeing that loans are issued to bona ft.de cultivators, shall enquire and take action for any irregularities in connection with the issue of loans; 6. It now becomes necessary to prescribe the grant of allowances to cover expenses of the Village Land Tenancy Disposal Committee to enable them to perform the duties imposer! on them, and the remuneration of Wundanhmus who shall be entrusted with the work of seeing that loans are issued to bona-fide cultivators and that they are recovered in time. For providing such expenditure, timely action will be taken by GJvernment to prescribe the de tailed procedure of utilizing the intetest accrued on the loans issued.
75 7. Apart from seeing that loans are issued to bona fide cultivators, the T,F1111dn11h11111s shall urge for the punctual repayment of loans by borro\\'ers. The Wu11da11h11111s shall mainh1in a diary, in Form " D" annexed. They shall ncte the amount of loans disbbrsed, the amount recovered, and the amount outstanding in each village-tract as shown in the said form. They shall then submit reports of village-tracts where large sums are outstanding lo the Batalasa concerned every l 5 clays. It should also be made clear tint if one of the cultivators fails to repay the loans in full, not only the rest of the borrowers but also the members of the Village Tenancy Committees shall be respon sible to repay the loans. The diaries for the Township W,mdanhmtts will be printed and supplied. Application forms for issue of loans in form " A" and "B " shall be printed and distributed. Thus it is that in conjunction with Pyidawtha Committee all works, having their objective as agricultural development and rural uplift, have to be performed.
HEADQUARTER (Union Government) ( 77 ) ANNEXURE "A" CONSTITUTION G.JYernmcnt of the Union of Burma, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. (Agricultural and Rural Development Committee) (Financial Commissioner, Agricultural Improvement) I DIVISION ... , Divisirmal Pyidawtha Commiltee DISTRICT TOWNSHIP 6 1' I w I District Pyidawtha Committee Five members of District Pyidawlita Commitlec-(1) Deputy Commissioner. (2) Senior AgriCL1ltural Assistant. (3) Assistant Registrar, Co-0pcrali,c. (4) Superintendent of Lane! Records. (5) One representative of AFPFL. District Pyidawtha Agricultural District Te11ancy Improvement Sub-Committee ~Disposal Committee I Township Pyiclawtha Committee 1' Five members of Town-ship Pyidawlha Com-miltce-(1) Township Oflicer. (2) Co-operative !llyo6k. (3) Agricultural Assistant. (4) Inspector of Land Records. (5) One representative of AFPFL. Township Agricultural ImproveL_ Township Land ment Sub-Committee ' Committee 1 Village Tenancy Disposal Committee (Primary Agricultural Co-operative Committee)
( 78 ) ANNEXURE '' B " Fo1rn 01' APPLICATION AND DIS'l'R!BUTION 01' AGHICUL'l'URAL LOANS State Land Committee Financial Commissioner District Ten:mcy Copies of allotments lo Disposal Committee townships Divisional Pyidawtha Committee District Pyidawtha Sub-Commiltce or 1----------"7 ----------District Pyidawtha Copies of claims to Agricultural Improvement towmhi-ps Sub-Committee 1----------"7 Township Land Commilt(e or Township Pyidawtha Agricultural Improvement Sub-Committee Village Tenancy Disposal Committee Village Cooperative Copies of a!Jolments t0 village --------"7 Copies of claims by village Township Pyiclawtlia Committee N oTE.-1. Blue arrows indicate the submission of estimates of Agricultural Loans from Village Tenancy Disposal Committees to the State Land Committee through Financial Commiss!on:r. . . . . 2. Red arrows rnd1catc the chstnhuhon of Agncnltural Loans from.Slate Land Committee to the Village Tenancy Disposal Committee through Financial Commissioner.
FoRM (B) ANNEXURE II C ,, Reed# of Agricultural loans on Joint Security ............................... District ..................•........ Township Town . ••••••••• •••••• ••• •••••• •••Village The cultivators listed below with their sign tures against their name3 do hereby declare that th er have received the amount o[ agricultural loans sin ,vn ag tin,t th ~: r re3pechve names. \Ve do hereby declare that we will repay the a.~ricultural loans issued by Gc>vernm::nt collectively or inclivicln:tlly, before the date ....•..•..•.••••••.• specified with due interest there:m. We also agree tbat if one or more of them fail to repay the loans rcmaimng borrowers are responsible for the repayment of the loa{zs. I Area of Agricultural Amount Amount Rate Village , Name Age Name of faU1er land loans applied received of Signature lworkecl outstanding for interest (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 19) (10) I I I . I I I : I I I I I We the undersigned members of the land co111111it/ee do hereby certify that we have already disbursed the loans to culti:vators shown above against their respective names of the vlllage-tr.1ct..................... ... . Certified also that we are resinonsible to collect and repay the loans before the elate ..............•....•• specified collectively or incliviclnally. \\Te do hereby declare also that if one or more of the borrmver;; fail to repay the loans in full with interest, we all shall be bound to repay the loans on their behalf. Date.--............................. . Signature of Village Land Tenancy Disposal Committee. r i ............................ " j Chairman. -{ 2 ...••••••..•..... ,. ••.•.•...•••..••••......••.• I ~.3 •.•••••••••••..•••••••••• ~"' .. l Com 111ittees. " ' -
FORM (A) ANNEXURE "C" App!icalio1i for A . f!.ricultural loalls -------Village-tracts. Serial I Name of Applicant Father's Name Name of /(win and N o . Holding Area Amount re-Signature No. No. quircd _Q)_ 12) (3) (4) [5) /6) /7) (8) Certified that the above mentioned applicants are the bona fide Agriculturists who propose to work the lands shown against their names. We the undersigned recommend that tl,e above a , i!,ricullural loans shown against their names may be issued to them. ----------Headtnafl, } Village Tenaticy ------Disposal Committee. 00 0 ,_
.... ~o t..:a ';'Od t..:,'O ' V, .... ..,o ... (JI C: ' -,.,, ~o I ,.,, z:~ &, .... NO ... '.!:~ .... t..:,O ~d ~'O ~o ... V, C: t'.n'O ~s( l8 ) .... s .., _ .. -s:l.~ ? 2::,. ~3 i: 0 ... i: ~::, o.Amount vered Amount standing Amount vered Amount standing Amount vered Amount standing Amount vered Amount standing Amount vered Amount standing Amount vered Amount standing Amount vered Amount standing ::,j (1) a II) .. reco outrecooutrecooutrecoout-re cos ,outI recooutrecoout0 ::, en :,-.; > z z trl C ';:lj trl :: t:, ::
( 82 ) APPENDIX I DELEGATION OF POWERS PERTAINING TO CO-OPERATIVE MATTERS TO THE DIVISIONAL, DIS'l'RICT AND TOWNSHIP WELFAim BOARDS, 1. The powers at pl'esent exercised by Government in relation to Co-operative Societies and their work are as follows :-(i) Registration and Liquidation of Societies. (ii) Supervision of Societies and Auditing of their accounts. (iii) Issue of Loans and Advances to Societies and recovery of the same. 2. Of the three functions specified above it is proposed to delegate item (iii), i.e., the power to issue and recover loans to the Welfare Boards. 3. Genetally loans and advances issued to Co-operative Societies are of two categories. They are-(a) loans and advances to Agricultural Credit Societies, and (b) loans and advances to Co-operative Societies other than Agricultural Credit Societies. 4. The budgetary provisions for the yeal' 1952-53 for the issue of loans to Societies in category (b) above is not much. As the estimates ancl the budgetary allotments for this purpose have already been made based on the actual requirements of the societies there is no necessity to delegate powers in respect of item ( b)'above to the Welfare Boards for the year 1952-53. It only remains for the Officers concerned of the Co-operative Societies Department to proceed to issue these loans during the financial year 1952-53 without reference to the Welfare Boards. The Welfare Boards \\'ill however, commence to exercise the delegated powers in this respect from the year 1953-54 onwards. This will be affected through the submission of the loan requirements of each Township through the \Velfare Boards for ultimate inclusion in the budget estimates. 5. Provision has already been made for Agriculturnl loans to be issued during the year 1952-53 and this demand is being submitted to Parliamentary vote during the current session. On being voted by the Parliament, the money provided will be distributed to the respective Divisions. These allotments will in turn be redistributed by the Divisional Welfare Boards throngh the District Welfare Boards to the Township Welfare Boards. Township Co-operative Officers will then proceed to issue loans based on the rr.commendations of the Welfare Boards concerned. 6. The Township Co-operative Officers will prepare the budget estimates based on the requirements of the respective Township for the year 1953-54 and snbmit the same to reach the Township Welfare Board before the 10th Febrnary 1953. After Scrutiny the Township Welfare Board will forward these estimates to the District \Velfare Boards for onward transmission to the Divisional Welfare Boards which will compile them on a Divisional basis and transmit to the Ministry of Co-operation and Commodity Distribution so as to reach
( 83 ) the latter before Lhe 10th April 1953. This pro~eclure applies to b~th Agricultural and N 011-Agricultural loans and is to be followed for subsequent years also. 7. The Channels for submission of budget estimiltes and distribntion of allotments are as in the following diagram :-Co-operative Societies 1' --7 Township Co-operative Officers ~I 1' -7 ,I Township W cl fare Board i ) District Co-operative Office1~_ ~I ---7 1 District Welfare Board I 1' I Divisional Co-opcrati ve Officer ~I 1' -7 I Divisional Welfare Board i ) Registrar, Co-operative Societies ~Ministry of Co-operation and Commodity Distribution. 8. No elate, have been fixed for the submission of budget estimates and distribution of allotments by the Township and District \Velfare Boards but the intention is that these Boards and the Co-operative Officers at their level will time their submission of estimates and distribution of allotments to suit the dates fixed in paragraph 6 above 9. In conculsion, attention is in\'itecl to the Five-year National Co-operative Plan as formulated and adopted by the National Conven tion on Co-operation held in January 1951. This plan is now in the course of implementation as far as is practicable and the following types of Co-operative bodies have come into existence for the purpose of Co-operative organizational work :-(i) District Co-operative Unions. (ii) District Co-operative and Commodity Distribution Boards. (iii) District Co-operative Fishery Councils. (iv) Township Co-operative Unions. (v) Township Co-operative and Commodity Dislribut ion Boards (vi) Township Co-operative Fishery Committees. Thongh the actual organizational work of the Co-operative movement in the Union falls within the province of the above bodies, the various Welfare Boards are expected and invited to extend utmost possible degree of support and encouragement to the cause of Co-operation in Burma by means of advice and assistance to these bodies and close co-ordination with the work of the same.