D.N. Mackenzie, M.A.,Ph.D.
Published by
and the
commonwealthRelations office
LONDON, 1965
The Trustees of the British Museum
HE present catalogue describes all Pashto manuscripts known to exist
in the libraries of the British Isles. As the first union catalogue of the
manuscripts in a single Asian language in the libraries of the British
Isles, it represents a new departure in library co-operation. An undertaking of
this sort would hardly be practicable for languages like Arabic, Persian, and
Sanskrit, in which very large numbers of manuscripts are preserved in many
libraries. Pashto manuscript collections are, however, so small, and confined
to so few libraries, that a complete catalogue has proved an entirely practical
Of the 170 manuscript works described in the catalogue, sixty-nine are in
the British Museum, sixty in the India Office Library, sixteen in the John
Rylands Library, ten in the School of Oriental and African Studies, eight in
the University Library, Cambridge, five in the Bodleian Library, and two in
the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. One hundred and twenty-six of the
manuscripts have previously been catalogued or recorded, for the most part
by James Fuller Blumhardt, who described sixty-two in the Catalogue of the
Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Pushtu and Sindhi manuscripts in
the Library of the British Museum (London, 1905), and fifty-four in his cata-
logue of the Pashto manuscripts in the India Office Library (MSS. Eur.
D. 499), which has remained unpublished. Hermann Ethe (who had des-
cribed fourteen of the same India Office Library manuscripts for their Persian
content. in tk Catalogue oj the Persian manuscripts in the Library oj the India
Office, volume I [Oxford, 1903]), printed descriptions of four Pashto manu-
scripts in k Catalogue oj the Persian, Turkish, Hindustani and PushtU manii-
scripts in the Bodleian Library: Part II (Oxford, 1930); and E. G. Browne
briefly noted five Pashto manuscripts in A Hand-list the Muhammadan
manuscripts, including all those written in the Arabic character, presCTned in
the Library the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, 1900) and one further
manuscript in A Supplementary Hand-hst oj the Muhammadan manuscripts,
including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the Libraries
oj the University and Colleges oj Cambridge (Cambridyc, Tksc ri
existing descriptions have been edited, revised, and in some instances largely
rewritten by Dr. D. N. MacKenzie in the light of the modern critical litera-
ture on Pashto studies. Wholly the work of Dr. MacKenzie are the remaining
forty-four descriptionsthose, namely, of seven additional manuscripts in
the British Museum, six in the India Office Library, two in the University
Library, Cambridge, and one in the Bodleian Library, as well as the collec-
tions of sixteen manuscripts in the John Rylands Library, ten in the School of
Oriental and African Studies, and two in the Library of Trinity College,
Our thanks are due to the Librarians and governing bodies of the School of
Oriental and African Studies, the University Library, Cambridge, the Bod-
leian Library, Oxford, the John Rylands Library, Manchester, and Trinity
College, Dublin, for their ready collaboration in this union cataloguing project
and for the facilities which they gave to Dr. MacKenzie.
We hope that the publication of the catalogue may stimulate other CO-
operative undertakings by which the manuscript resources of many libraries
in specialized branches of orientalist scholarship are surveyed within the
compass of a single publication.
Keener. Department of Oriental
Printed Books and Manuscripts
British Museum
s. c. SUTTON
India Offioe Library
25 January 1965
Maxzan ul-Islam 1-21 I
Kitab-i Babu Jan 22-23 28
Fawa'id ul-SarFat 24-28 3
Kulliyat-i Fath Sah, I, II 29 32
RaSld ul-bayan 3.-39 33
Jannat ul-firdaus 40-41 38
Nafi' ul-muslimJn 42 39
Kiyamat-nama 43 40
Hifz ui-adab 44 41
New Testament, 'Ahd-ijadid, I, II 45 42
TarJx-i murassa' 46-50 44
Sahnama 51 48
Tawarlx-i Hafiz-Rahmat-Xani 52-53 49
Amadnama-i afyani 54 51
Persian-Pashto glossary 55 52
Kitab-i xayalat-i zamanl 56 52
Riya? ul-mahabbat 57-6. 53
'Aja'ib ul-luyat 61-62 55
TunCa-i Roh 62A 56
Linguistic notes 63 57
English-Pashto Dictionary 64 58
Dlwan-i Arzanl 65 59
DJwan-i Muxli? 66 60
Dlwan-i Mlrza 67-73 60
Dlwan-i Karimdad 74 65
Dlwan-i Xushal Xan 75-78 66
Dlwan-i Hijrl 79-80 69
Diwan-i 'Abd ul-Kadir 81-83 71
Dlwan-i Najib 84 2
Dlwan-i Rahman 85-93 73
Dlwan-i Hamid 94-95 78
Dlwan-i Ahmad gah 96-97 79
Dlwan-i Saida 98-102 80
Dlwan-i Kamgar 103-1.5 83
Dlwan-i Mahabbat 106 85
Dlwan-i Afrldl 107-108 86
Dlwan-i Akbar 109 88
Dlwan-i Amir Xan IIO 89
Dlwan-i Mu'izz Ullah III 90
Dlwan-i Abu 'l-Kasim 112 91
Dlwan-i GulCIn 113 92
Caman-i be-nazlr (B) OTHER VERSE 114 93
Fa?l-nama 115-116 94
YUsuf Zulaixa 117-126 95
Adam Xan o Durxansi 127 IOO
Ki??a da Dill au da gahsi 128 IOI
Nairang-i 'isk 129-131 102
Ki??a-i gah () Gada 129-130 102
Mi'rajnama 132-135 104
Ki??a-i Saif ul-MulUk 136137 106
K$?a-i Jumjuma, Tawallud-nama 138 107
Tawallud-nama 139-140 109
Jang-nama-i Imamain 139,141 109
Mu'jizat 142 III
Mu'jizat 143 III
Ka?Ida Burda 144 112
NUrnama 145 113
K??a-i BahrSm o Gulandam 146-149 113
Dastan-i Amir Hamza 150-151 115
'AZra Wamik 152 117
al ka?I 153 118
Ki??a-i Fath xan 154 119
Munajat, Wafat-nama, K??a-i Jumjuma 155 119
Anthology of short religious poems TALES, ETC. 156 120
'Ilm-xana da danis 157-158 122
Guldasta 159-161 123
Gulistan 162 126
Adam Xan 0 Durxanoi 163-165 126
Kitab-i Zakkhm 166 128
Anecdotes 167-168 129
Rau?at ul-amgal NUMERICAL INDEX 169 130
I. British Museum 131
II. India Office Library 133
III. School of Oriental and AfricanStudies 134
IV. Cambridge, University Library 135
V. Dublin, Trinity College 135
VI. Manchester, John Rylands Libraty 135
VII. Oxford, Bodleian Libraty 136
2\I -
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Sub- and superscript dots mark distinctions of the Arabic script
having no significance in Pashto) while lines mark significant
B.M. Cat. ..Itfkr&t, Catalogrie of the Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali Assamese,
0i^a Pushtu, and Sindhi Manuscripts in the Library of the British
Museum, London, 1905.
Bodl. Cat. Cataiogne of tLe Persian, Turkish, Hindftstdni and Pushtk
Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Vol. II, Oxford, 1930.
Chrestomathy 0 A Ghrestomathy of the Pushtu or Afghan Language,
burg, 1847.
c.u .L. Handlist I 0. A Hand-List of the Muhammadan manuscripts, including
all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the Library of the
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 1900 also A Supplementary
Hand-List . University and Colleges of Cambridge, 2
Grammar YL GlavtTt, A Grammar of the Pu0, Pu^to, or Language of the
Afghans, Calcutta, 1855.
Gulshan H. G. Raverty, Gulshan-i-roh, London, 1860 (translations in Selec-
tionS) q.v.).
. Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the India
Office, Vol. I, Oxford, 1903.
. V. The Kalid-i-Afghani, 2 ^Translation
T. c. Plowden, Lahore, 1875).
H. G. Raverty, Selectionsfrom the Poetry of the Afghans, London, 1862.
Sadik Ulteh Riitin, and cAbd ul-Haiy Habibi, Paxtam suara (Pathan
poets)) 2 parts, Kabul, 1941-2.
\ Yin Vikm., Da paXo da adab tarix A history of Pashto litera-
ture), Kabul, 1954.
1.0. Pers. Cat.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 8Foil. 156; size 23x15 cm.; 15 lines in a page;
Nasxi worm-eaten; dated A.H. 1179 (A.D. 1765-6). [Sir Charles Wilkins)
Maxzan ul-IslAm
A compendium of the Muslim faith and religious observances, by AxUnd
Darweza, son of Gada ibn gaix Sa'di, was born in the YUsufzai country
but, his ancestors having come from Nangrahar, he also called himself Nan-
grahari'. He became a disciple of Mir Saiyid 'Ali rawwa? TirmiZi ('Pir
Baba') and gained considerable renown among the Pathans, to whom he is
known as AxUn Baba. He died, at a great age, in A.H. 1048 (A.D. 1638-9)
and is buried at Peshawar.2 Of his sons the most famous was Mulla 'Abd
ul-Karim, better known as AxUnd Karimdad.J He died in A.H. 1072 (A.D.
1661-2) and was buried in Swat. He is also known as (gahid Baba, and there
appears to be a reference to his martyrdom in the final chapter of the present
The Maxzan ul-Islam was written with the special object of refuting the
heretical teaching of Bayazid An?ari, an Ormur of KapigUram in Waziristan.
Bayazid later took up his abode in Nangrahar, where he became the founder
of the RoSaniya sect, so-called from his styling himself Pir RoXan'.4
al-Karim, another son of D., and Ethe, 1.0.
Pers. Cat.) no. 2450, makes the same distinc-
4 See further Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) p. 2.
A manuscript of Bayazlds main work, the Xair
ul-bayan) is now preseiwed, as MS. Or. fol.
4093, in the Depot of the fonner Preussische
Staatsbibliothek at the University Library of
1 This and certain other manuscripts of the
same work in the India Office Library (Nos. 9,
12, 17, 18, 20, and 21) have been described
previously by Ethe, 1.0. Pers. Cat.) pp. 1422 ff.
2 See further RiXtln, TariX) pp. 39 f., and
RiXln and Hablbi, Suard) pt. i, pp. 18, 136
also Blumhardt, B.M. ., nos. 2-6.
3 So Rahman 'All, Tazkira-i *ulama-i Hind)
S.V. Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) p. 2b) writes of
.Karimdad, the son of Dartveza, and of Abd
c 2.28
As originally composed by Darweza the work was divided into eight
sections, called BaySns, with Persian prefaces. The Pashto text is almost
entirely in rhymed prose. A considerable amount of additional matter has
been added to Daroeza's work, by his son Karimdad, and his grandson
Muhammad ('Abd ul-) Halim ibn 'Abd Ullah.i The arrangement of the
work in its present popular form was made by 'Abd ul-Karim (Karlmdad)
during the lifetime of his father.2 But, in the words of Dr. Leyden, 'the texture
of the work is of a very loose and unconnected nature so that the different
chapters, of which it consists, admit of easy transposition; a circumstance
which has given rise to great diversity of arrangement and variety of readings.
The Makhzan Afghani has long been popular among the Afghans, and chiefly
among those classes, who are by no means curious with respect to style and
arrangement. Hence, though the practice of writing is by no means common
or general among the Afghans, not even among those persons who are well
versed in the Arabic language, and skilled in the doctrines of Islam, yet such
diversity of readings has arisen in this work, that almost every copy differs
widely from another, and the omission, or transposition of the chapters,
seems to depend entirely on the pleasure of the transcriber.^ The standard
contents of the work are detailed below.
Bayan I. A paraphrase of the Bad ul-amali, an Arabic kasidah, containing
a compendium of the Muslim faith, by Siraj ul-Dln 'All ibn 'USman, al-U§I
The Persian preface begins with an Arabic preamble:
The Pashto paraphrase begins:
In his Mulhaqat, Add. E, both fomis of c. 12, fol. 18b (No. 13 below),
the name occur, e.g. B.M. Or. 396, fol. 157b, 3 Asiatic Researches, vol. II of 1812, 366.
Halim; Or. 4234, fol. I29, 'Abd ul-Hallm The extent of the transposition of chapters,
(Nos. 10 and 15). &Cj in the manuscripts described here strongly
1 The date of this arrangement is stated to supports this conclusion, and makes Ethe's
have been Friday, 21 Muharram A.H. 1024 analysis, 1.0. Pers. c., pp. 1422-30, appear
(20 February A.D. 1615), in 1.0. MSS. Pashto altogether too facile.
Bayan II. A paraphrase of the Kasldat Iil-Burdah) an Arabic poem in
praise of Muhammad, by Muhammad Abu 'Abd Illah ibn Said, al-B?IrI
(V. No. 144).
The Persian preface begins:
. . . .
The Pashto paraphrase begins:
. ' :
Bayan III. An account of 72 unorthodox sects, with particulars of their
heretical tenets.
The Persian preface begins:
The Pashto text begins:
Bayan IV. An epitomized version of the Xulasah of Lutf Ullah KaidanI,
an Arabic manual of instruction on ceremonial ablutions and prayer, in eight
chapters (bab), with the following Persian heading:
:The Pashto text begins
The following are the headings of the chapters:
Bab I.
1 This chapter has been printed in Raverty.s Gulshan, pp. 141-50.
.3 Bab
Bayan V, divided into three chapters (fasl).
Fa?l I, a translation of four articles of belief Caklda) from the Arabic of
Ziya ul-Dln Imam Muhammad gaml, begins:
^ '
Fa?l 2. A translation of an Arabic treatise by Najm ul-Dln (Umar ibn
Muhammad al-Nasafl on heretical sects, in 12 sections (firka).
The Persian preface begins:
The Pashto translation begins:!
Fa?l 3. A treatise on the correct method of reading the Koran.
The Persian preface begins:
The Pashto text begins:
1 This chapter has been printed in Ravertys Gulshan, pp. 135-40, and in Dorns Chresto-
mathy, pp. 24-33.
Bayan VI. An explanation of the correct interpretation of religious terms,
which are arranged according to the Arabic alphabet.
The Persian preface begins:
:The Pashto text begins
Bayan VII. An exposition of the Sunni belief, and religious observances,
in 23 points (:nukta).1
The Persian preface begins:
The Pashto text begins:
The remaining headings are as follows:
Nukta 2.
4 .
1 Nuktas I, 2, 20, 21, and 23 have been Fatawd-i (Tuhfat ul-XdriC, Miijizat-i afyanty
published, under shorter titles, in various Hazarmasail.
I9th-centuty compilations, viz. Rasid id-bayan,
Nukta 12.
^ . 7
9 .
BaySn VIII. An account of Bayazld An?arl and his sons, up to the death
of Jlal ul-Dln and the accession of Ahdad as head of the RoSSniya sect. This
sec'tion Was written in Persian and in Pashto.
The Persian begins:
The Pashto begins:
The section ends:
' f
Darwezas original work ends with an epilogue containing some verses by
Mulla A?ar razl, his brother.
Darwezas text is in Persian, beginning:
The Pashto verse begins:
In addition there is the following matter.
Add. A. A lengthy Pashto commentary by KarJmdad on the confession of
faith beginning:
Add. B. A short alphabet of religious terms, by Halim, with another and
considerably longer one by Karimdad, written after the model of Bayan VI.
The section is headed:
:Halim's alphabet begins
. f .
* . >!
Karlmdad's alphabet begins:
. !
. .
Add. c. Koranic texts, including verses from SUrah 25, verse 28 onwards,
with a Pashto paraplirase by Karlmdad.
The preface begins:
. <
Add. D. Articles on ceremonial observances, &c.) by Karlmdad. The
articles are not numbered, and no one manuscript contains all the articles.
The full list (numbered here for convenience) is as follows:
This article contains paraphrases of SUrah I, al-Fatihah, and SUrah 112,
al-Ixlas, and other Arabic prayers.!
I It appears, under the title Tarjuma-i namaz, in various 19th-century editions of the Rand
ul-bayan (see previous footnote).
5 ifjLj
6 A muxammas with the refrain
Add. E. A supplement containing miscellaneous passages, some with
alphabetical headings, bearing the name of Muhammad ('Abd ul-) Halim.
.The text is frequently split into sections, which begin as follows:
Add. F. A note on certain letters of the Pashto alphabet, followed by a
statement to the effect that the compiler of the whole work was 'Abd ul-
Karim, or Karlmdad, son of Darweza, thus:
< *
The work as a whole has been lithographed at Delhi in 1877 and
In the present copy the first eight folios originally formed part of another
manuscript. They contain approximately the first half of Bayan I. There then
occurs a lacuna, of the conclusion of Bayan I and the commencement of
Bayan II. Fol. 9 begins at about the second page of the Pashto text of Bayan
II. There follow:
Fol. 25b. Bayan III.
Fol. 36.. Bayan IV.
Fol. 45. Bayan V, Fa?l I; fol. 4, Fa?l 2 fol. 55a, Fa?l 3.
Fol. 6. Bayan VI.
Fol. 77. Bayan VII, the Nuktas numbered correctly from I to 23.
Fol. IOO.. Bayan VIII. Of the Persian text only the first and last sentences
are included.
Fol. io8. Darwezas epilogue.
Fol. 9. Add. A, Karimdad's commentary on the credo.
Fol. 9. Add. B, the two alphabets.
Fol. 136^. Add. E, section (ii).
Fol. 37. Add. c, the Koranic texts. The introduction is omitted.
Fol. 4. Add. D. Karimdad's articles, with the exception of nos. 4, 9, 13,
and 16.
Fol. 53. Add. E, section (iii).
The manuscript concludes with a chapter concerning martyrs', fol. 55
< :' -"' ;.:*,
V !
! > *
C 2028
Bodleian. Caps. Or. B. IOFoil. 159 size 25X 14 cm.16 lines in a page;
Nasxi, 18th century.
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy, the contents arranged as follows:
Fol. lb. Add. D, article I.
Fol. 6a. Bayan I.
Fol. 13a. Bayan II.
Fol. 33. Bayan III.
Fol. 43a. Bayan IV.
Fol. 52b. Bayan V, Fa?l I fol. 55b, Fa?l 2; fol. 6) Fa?l 3.
Fol. 67^. Bayan VI.
Fol. 82. Add. c.
Fol. 83^. Add. D, articles 4, 5, 14, 9.
Fol. 88 The article concerning martyrs.
Fol. 89^. Add. A.
Fol. 99. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 16.
Fol. 104a. Bayan VII, all the Nuktas correctly numbered.
FoJ. 126 .dd. B, yallms alphabet and Karlmdad's to , ,.
FoL 39: Add. E, (1), (iii)
Fol. 144a. Bayan VIII. The Persian text, to fol. 150a, is written in Nastallk.
Fol. 158a. The epilogue.
Fol. 58) last line. Add. F and the note by Karlmdad.
C.U.L. Or. 606Foil. 195; size 20.5X 14 cm.12 to 14 lines in a page
Nasxi 18 th century. [Professor A. A. Bevan]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy, from which most of the Persian sections and the titles of the
various parts have been omitted.
I Described previously in Bodl. Cat.) no. 2350.
On fol. I. there is a prayer for the dead. The contents are arranged as
Fol. . Add. D, article I.
Fol. 9b. Bayan I, beginning directly with the Pashto text.
Fol. 7. Bayan II.
Fol. 30b. Bayan III.
Fol. 47a. Bayan IV, the Babs properly titled.
Fol. 56b. Bayan V (called Bab), Fa?l I; fol. 60., Fa?l 2 fol. 66a, Fa?l 3.
Fol. 73. Bayan VI.
Fol. 93. Bayan VII, with the Persian introduction.
Fol. 120.. Add. A.
Fol. 136.. Add. D, including articles 2, 3, 5, 8-12, 14.
Fol. 44. Add. B, Halim's alphabet followed by Karlmdads, complete, and
further unidentified articles by Karlmdad.
Fol. 169A Add. E, parts (iii), (iv), (ii), and other long articles ending:
Fol. 79. Bayan VIII, followed by the Pashto text of the epilogue (fol. 8).
Fol. 90 contains unidentified text, beginning:
Copyist: Nur Muhammad, son of Hayat Xan.
The colophon is a slightly augmented version of that of the previous copy,
[ic] 0 7
B.M. Or. 9235-Foll. 160 size 20-5x14 cm.13 lines in a page; Nasxt;
18th century. [Sir M. Aurel Stein)
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy.
Fol. 3. Bayan I, with the original introduction, but with the Kasida attributed
(as in the previous copy) to Muhammad wsy. There is a lacuna of ap-
proximately five folios after fol. 10.
Fol. Iia, the middle of Bayan II.
Fol. 25b. Bayan III.
Fol. 36.. Bayan IV.
Fol. 45a. Bayan V, Fa?l I; fol. 48., Fagl 2; fol. 54 Fa?l 3.
Fol. 60b. Bayan VI, untitled.
Fol. 76b. Bayan VII, incomplete. Nuktas 16-19 are in a different order and
Nukta 19 (proper), the beginning of which appears as 17, is repeated in
full as 20, the last in this place.
Fol. 99a. A Koranic text (SUrah 5, verse 39) from Add. c, repeated on fol.
Fol. iooa. Add. D, article 3, &c., followed on fol. 04 by 16.
Fol. 5. Add. F and the original colophon.
Fol. 06. Add. A.
Fol. 117.. Add. D, first article.
Fol. 8. Bayan VII, continued: Nuktas 20 (unnumbered), 21-23.
Fol. I2I. Bayan VIII.
Fol. 130. (last words), the epilogue.
Fol. 30. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 2, and 5.
Fol. 39. Add. c.
Fol. 4. Add. B. Only Karlmdad's alphabet, as far as the letter , fol-
lowed by
Fol. 53. Further, unidentified, articles in Persian and Pashto.
Foil. I, 2, 160 59, and the endpapers contain fragments of other
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 9Foil. 150 size 20-5 X 13.5 cm.; 13 lines in a page;
clear Nastalik; dated 25 Jumada II in the third year of the reign of gah
'Alam, i.e. A.H. 1175 (a... 1762). [Bibliotheca Leydeniana)
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy. The Bayans are not all separately, or correctly, numbered in
this copy and the Persian prefeces to some of them, which had been omitted,
have been added in the margins in a different, coarser hand. The contents
are arranged as follows:
Fol. lb. Bayn I. The Kasida-i Amall is wrongly attributed to an Imam
Muhammad 'wysy.
Fol. 9b. Bayan II. The Kasidat ul-Burdah is also attributed to Imam
Muhammad *Uwaisi.
Fol. 27 Bayan III.
Fol. 38.. Bayan IV. The heading is in the margin.
Fol. 47 Bayan V, here mistakenly numbered IX, by the addition of the
word in the margin fol.0 Fa?l 2 fol. 56b, Fa?l 3.
Fol. 63.. Bayan VI, here called Bab X in the margin.
Fol. 78^. Aliscellaneous pieces by Karimdad, including the Koranic texts.
Add. c. The end has been omitted, and likewise the beginning of the
first of the articles. Add. D, fol. 826. There follow the articles 4, 9, 7,
6, 3, 5, and 13, in that order.
Fol. 92.. Add. A, the commentary on the credo.
Fol. 102.. Bayan VII, called Bab I in the margin. The Nuktas are only
numbered up to 14. They appear in the following order (according to
the correct numbering given above): I, 2, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 14, 15, 16,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, and 17. 18 is not included.
Fol. 22 Add. B, the two alphabets. Karimdads is incomplete, extending
only to letter followed by and t
Fol. 3. Bayan VIII. The Persian texFis omitted.
Fol. 44. The verses of Alulla Asyar, Danvezas note in Persian being
Fol. 45. Add. E, the supplement by Halim.
Copyist: gaix Tnayat Ullah, son of gaix Hafiz Ullah, resident of Lahore.
{ ,
B.M. Or. 6274Foil. 173; size 20x14 cm.; 13 lines in a page; Nasxi;
18th century. Major H. G. Ravertyj
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy. See Blumhardt, 51 Cat., no. 2. The first and last folios are
incomplete. The main part of the work is correctly ordered and titled, but the
additional material which follows is in some disorder. The contents are:
Fol. zb. Add. c, the Pashto introduction only.
Fol. 3a. Add. D, article I.
Fol. 8a. Bayan I, with the ascription to 'Imam Uwaisi'. One folio is missing
after fol. 9.
Fol. 15a. Bayan II.
Fol. 37. Bayan III.
Fol. 48.. Bayan IV.
Fol. 58b. BaySn V, Fa§l I; fol. 6 Fa?l 2; fol. 69., Fa?l 3.
Fol. 76.. Bayan VI.
Fol. 92. Bayan VII.
Fol. 7. Bayan VIII.
Fol. 33 Epilogue.
Fol. 34. Add. F, with the original colophon.
Fol. 35. Add. B. Karlmdad's alphabet is abridged, extending only as far
as the letter followed by and .
Fol. 0. Add. E, section (iv).
Fol. 53 Add. A.
Fol. 4. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, and 16the muxammas
(written ). There is a lacuna after fol. 169.
Fol. 170.. Further, unidentified, articles by Karlmdad.
Fol. 172.. Add. E, the beginning.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 29Foil. 173; size 22x15 cm.14 lines in a page
Nasxi and Nasta'lik 18 th century. fParis Exhibition]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy. In this neatly written manuscript the Persian prefaces to the
BaySns are written in Nasta'lik and the Pashto in Nasxi. The main part of the
work is preceded by much of Karlmdads additional material, in some dis-
order. The contents are:
Fol. lb. Add. c, the Pashto introduction only, in which the name of Dar-
weza is substituted for that of Karlmdad.
Fol. 3a. Add. D, articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, and 9.
Fol. 6b. Add. c, the Koranic texts.
Fol. 8b. A section concerning martyrs, as in B. 8 (no. I), fol. 55.
Fol. 10a. Add. A, the credo.
Fol. 2I. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, 16, and I, the title and first
paragraph of which is lacking.
Fol. 3. Bayan I. The Kasida-i Amali is ascribed to 'Uwaisl.
Fol. 39. Bayan II.
Fol. 60b. Bayan III.
Fol. 7. Bayan IV.
Fol. 8i. Bayan V, Fa?l I; fol. 84^, Fa?l 2; fol. 91a, Fa?l 3.
Fol. 98.. Bayan VI.
Fol. 4. Bayan VII, followed by a passage bearing the name of Karlmdad.
Fol. 138A Add. B, the alphabet of Karlmdad extending only to the letter ,
^10 by and .
Fol. 152.. Add. E, section (iv), followed by section (ii) containing parts
attributed to Karlmdad.
Fol. 158.. Bayan VIII.
Fol. 7 Epilogue.
Fol. 72. Add. F.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 32-Foll. 163; size 24X 13-5 cm.; 15 lines in a page;
Nasxl; 18th century. [Delhi collection]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy, imperfect at the beginning and end. The first eight folios
originally formed part of another manuscript. They contain:
Fol. lb. Add. D, the first article, bearing the name of Darweza instead of
that of Karlmdad.
Fol. 8a. BaySn V, Fa?l 2, the beginning.
The manuscript proper begins at fol. 9, with the same article by Karlmdad.
Fol. 9a. Add. D, article I, of which the first two lines are missing.
Fol. 13a. Bayan I, with the Kaslda-i Amall attributed to Uwaisl.
Fol. 20. Bayan II.
Fol. 4 last words. Bayan III.
Fol. 52a. Bayan IV.
Fol. 62a. Bayan V, Fa?l I; fol. 65a, Fa?l 2; fol. 72a, Fal 3.
Fol. 78^. Bayan VI.
Foil. 947-. Karimdad's additional material in the same order as in the
preceding copy (B. 29), foil. 2- only.
Fol. 7 Bayan VII.
Fol. 141a. Add. B, and
Fol. 155.. Add. E. In both of these sections the text follows that in B. 29,
foil. 138^-158#.
There follows a lacuna.
Foil. 160.-163^ contain the end of the Persian part of Bayan VIII, in Nastalik,
and the first dozen lines of the Pashto.
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. 14-Foll. 178; size 27x19 cm.14 lines in a page
Nasxv, dated I Muharram in the 14th year of the reign of Ahmad Sah Durrani,
i.e. A.H. 1174 (A.D. 1760). [j. Cotton]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy. See Ethe, 1.0. Pers. Cat., no. 2634. The original portion of
the work is mainly in the correct order. It is preceded by much of Karlmdad's
additional material. The contents are as follows:
Fol. . Add. D, article I.
Fol. 5. Bayan V, Fa?l 2 fol. 2) Fal 3.
Fol. 9. Add. D, articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 9, with some headings incomplete.
Fol. 26.. Add. A, the credo.
Fol. 37. Add. c, the beginning only.
Fol. 38^. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, and 16.
Fol. 44. Bayan I, with the usual ascription to 'Uwaisi'.
Fol. 52.. Bayan II. The Kasidat ul-Burdah is wrongly called Kaslda-i
Fol. 74. Bayan III.
Fol. 85b. Bayan IV.
Fol. 96.. Bayan V, Fa?l I (the remainder at fol. 5b).
Fol. 99. Bayan VI.
Fol. Ii6. Bayan VII.
Fol. 43. Add. B. The two alphabets complete.
Fol. 6. Add. E, from section (ii).
Fol. 167.. Bayan VIII. The Persian portion is omitted after the first
Fol. 7. The epilogue, with Mulla A?ar's verses.
Fol. 77. Add. F.
Copyist: Saiyid Muhammad A'zam.
B.M. Or. 396Foil. 176; size 27x18 cm.; 14 lines in a page; clear, bold
Nasxi; 18th century. [Colonel G. w. Hamilton]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 4. Foil. 5 and 6 have been
repaired and completed in a coarse hand. The contents are as follows:
Fol. 2. Add. D, first article.
Fol. la. Bayan V, Fa?l 2; fol. 3, Fa?l 3.
Fol. 20. Add. D, articles 4, 5, 6, 7 (all untitled), 14 and 9.
Fol. 26b. Add. A.
Fol. 36b. Add. c, the beginning, followed by one folio containing the text
Sfirah 5, verse 39, but bearing the name of Daroeza.
Fol. 38.. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, and 16.
Fol. 42. Bayan I.
Fol. 50.. Bayan II.
Fol. 7. Bayan III.
Fol. 8i. Bayan IV.
Fol. 91a. Bayan V, Fa?l I.
Fol. 94. Bayan VI.
Fol. II0. Bayan VII.
Fol. 34. Add. B, untitled.
Fol. 57. Add. E, as in the previous copy.
Fol. 66 Bayan VIII. The Persian section is omitted.
Fol. 74 Epilogue.
Fol. 176.. Add. F.
B.M. Add. 27,312Foil. 290; size 21.3 X 13.5 cm.; 10 to 12 lines in a page;
Nasxi; 18th century. [D. Forbes]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Anotlier copy. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 5. Several folios, mainly at the
beginning and end, have been inserted by a later hand to complete the volume.
Fol. lb. Add. c, first verses only. Then Bayan V, Fa?l 2, untitled fol. 2
Fa?l 3.
Fol. 24.. Add. D, articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, .
Fol. 35b. Add. A.
Fol. 53. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, and 16.
Fol. 63.. Add. D, article I.
Fol. 7. Bayan I.
Fol. 84.. Bayan II.
Fol. 8. Bayan III, called Fa?l.
Fol. 136.. Bayan IV. Foil. 151-8 have been bound in the wrong 01'der.
Bayan V (called Bab), Fa?l I, therefore begins on fol. 53, followed by
foil. 154-1-2-7-8-5-6.
Fol. 8. Bayan VI, called Bab VIII.
Fol. 183.. Bayan VII.
Fol. 221.. Add. B. Untitled.
Fol. 259.. Add. E. There is a lacuna after fol. 262.
Fol. 272.. Bayan VIII. The Persian text is omitted.
Fol. 2860. Epilogue.
Fol. 287^. Add. F.
Colophon, see No. 13.
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. 5Foil. 184 size 24.5 X 16-5 cm.13 lines in a page
Nasxl, slightly worm-eaten; 18th century.
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy. See Ethe, 7.0. Pers. Cat., no. 2635. The contents of this
manuscript are in almost the same order as in the last three copies. Darwezas
epilogue, with Mulla Asyar's verses, is omitted. The arrangement is as
Fol. lb. Add. D, first article.
Fol. 7. Bayan V, Fa?l 2 fol. 7 Fa?l 3.
Fol. 26.. Add. F, bearing the name of Karlmdad.
Fol. 27.. Add. c, part of the introduction only.
Fol. 27. Add. D, articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 9.
Fol. 31a. Add. c, the Koranic texts.
Fol. 33. Add. A, the credo.
Fol. 45a. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, and 16.
Fol. 50b. Bayan I.
Fol. 59b. Bayan II, called simply Fa?l. The beginning of the Pashto text is
Fol. 80b. BaySn III.
Fol. 92.. Bayan IV, called Fa?l.
Fol. 102.. Bayan V, Fa?l I (the remainder at fol. lb).
Fol. 0. Bayan VI.
Fol. 24. Bayan VII, called Bab VII.
Fol. 153a. Add. B; Karlmdad's alphabet extends only as far as .
Fol. 66 Bayan VIII.
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. 12Foil. 204; size 23-5 X 13.5 cm. 13 lines in a page
Nasxl, slightly worm-eaten; 18th century. [Delhi collection]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy, imperfect at the beginning and end. The arrangement, so far
as it is observable, is identical with that of the preceding copy (C. 5). The
contents are:
Fol. Ia. Bayan V, Fa?l 2, commencing in the middle of Firka 3 fol. 8a,
Fal 3, the heading omitted.
Fol. 7. Add. F. The name of the compiler, in the final statement, has been
reduced to Darweza.
At this point the colophon of an earlier manuscript is included, practically
identical with that of B.M. Add. 27,312 (No. II). It gives the date of the
compilation as Friday, 21 Muharram A.H. 1024.
* , [] '
[] '
Fol. 8. Add. c, a part.
Fol. 9. Add. D, articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 9.
Fol. 23A Add. c, another part, beginning with Sfirah 25, verse 28.
Fol. 26b. Add. A, bearing the name Darweza in place of that of Karlmdad.
Fol. 41.. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, and 16.
Fol. 48.. Bayan I.
Fol. 58b. Bayan II, the beginning of the Pashto text omitted.
Fol. 83^, last words. Bayan III.
There is a lacuna of one folio after fol. 94.
Fol. 97. Bayan IV.
Fol. III.. Bayan V (here called Fa?l V), first Fa?l only.
Fol. 5. Bayan VI, here called Bab.
Fol. 138^. Bayan VII, here called Bab.
Fol. 172A Add. B, the alphabets, Karlmdads incomplete.
Fol. 88. Bayan VIII. The manuscript breaks off in the middle of the
Pashto text.
B.M. Or. 9234-Foil. 195; size 25 X 16 cm.; 13 lines in a page; bold Nasxi;
dated A.H. 1208 (a... 1793-4). [Sir M. Aurel Stein]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy, incomplete at the end.
Fol. . Add D, article I.
Fol. lb. Bayan V, Fa?l 2, here called I; fol. 4, Fa?l 3, called 2.
Foil. 18-24 are bound in the wrong place, and should follow fol. 124.
Fol. 3. Add. D, articles 5, 14, 9.
Fol. 4. Add. c, beginning directly with the Koranic texts.
Fol. 42. (last words). Add. A.
Fol. 53a. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 3, 2, and 16.
Fol. 57. Bayan I.
Fol. 66a. Bayan II.
Fol. 87.. Bayan III, called Fa?l.
Fol. 98.. Bayan IV, called Fa?l, Babs 1-4. One folio is missing after fol. 103.
Fol. 107.. Bayan V, Fa?l I.
Fol. II0. Bayan VI. There is a lacuna of one folio after 124, then the text
continues on fol. 18.
Fol. 8. Bayan VII, called Bab, Nuktas 1-4. There is then a gap of c. five
folios,, the text resuming on
Fol. 125., in the middle of Nukta 10. A further folio is missing after 135.
Fol. 138.. Add. B, the title appearing after Halim's alphabet.
Fol. 57 Add E, the beginning only, to which is added a note in Persian
stating that, forasmuch as an exposition of the letters ,> A, and
by Imam al-Dln Baba 'Abd al-Karlm was not known, the redactor,
Mustafa Muhammad, bin Miyan Nur Muhammad, bin Imam al-Dln
'Abd al-Karlm, bin Makhdum Darwezah, had supplied the same to the
best of his understanding, and had also written an exposition of the
Ayat al-kursl, or "Throne-verse" (SUrah ii, V. 256 of the Koran).
The date and place of redaction are stated to be Islampur, A.H. 1112
(A.D. 1700). This interpolation by the grandson of 'Abd al-Karlm, the
son of Darwezah, appears, however, to have been omitted by the scribe'.
Fol. 158a (last words), Bayan VIII, unnumbered.
Fol. 176.. Epilogue.
Fol. 77. Add. F, with a different ending, followed by a colophon, thus:
* 1 ^
* '
. .
* [£]
Copyist: Mulla Akra(m), son of Mulla Muhammad MasUd, known as
Mufti. He has added (foil. 95-78) a number of articles on religious
subjects, none of them identified.
The endpapers contain leaves from two different manuscripts of the Koran.
B.M. Or. 4234Foil. 150 size 28X 1,9 cm.14 lines in a page Nasxi,
badly worm-eaten18 th century. [j. Darmesteterj
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 3. The sequence and nature
of the contents are almost identical with those of the previous copy.
Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., p. 5b.
Fol. lb. Add. D, article I.
Fol. 6. Bayan V, Fagl 2, here called I; fol. I2, Fagl 3, called 2.
Fol. 19a. Add. D, articles 4 (untitled), 5, 6, 7, 9, and (?) elaborations of 8.
Fol. 29a. Add. A.
Fol. 37. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 3, 2, and 16.
Fol. 42a. Bayan I. At fol. 43a, a passage from the beginning of Add c. is
Fol. 48^. Bayan II, unnumbered.
Fol. 65a. Bayan III, here called Fagl.
Fol. 73. Bayan IV, called Fagl.
Fol. 8. Bayan V, called Bab, and containing only part of the first Fagl.
Fol. 83a. Bayan VI, called Bab.
Fol. 96a. Bayan VII, called Bab.
Fol. 115a. Add. B, the title appearing on fol. Ii6a
Fol. 29. Add. E, the beginning only, and the note described in the pre-
ceding copy.
Fol. 130a. Bayan VIII, unnumbered.
Fol. 143a. Epilogue.
Fol. 144a. Add. F, as in the preceding copy.
The scribe has added to the work a collection of instructive verses from
the poems of 'Abd al-Rahman and Sher Muhammad (foil. 145-150).'
B.M. Or. 2831-Foil. 151; size 28-5 X 19 cm.; 15 lines in a page; careful
Nasxl dated 5 November A... 1874. The Revd. T. p. Hughes]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy, from which all the Persian portions of the text have been
omitted and the headings translated. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 6.
Fol. lb. Bayan I, beginning immediately with the Pashto paraphrase.
Fol. lb. The preface to Add. c, followed by the first article of Add. D.
Fol. . Bayan V, Fagl 3; fol. 9 Fagl 2, unnumbered.
Fol. 24. Add. c, the text Sfirah 5, verse 39.
Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) p. 6.
Fol. 25b. Add. D, articles 5, 14, 9 (?), with Pashto headings.
Fol. 28b. Add. c, the texts beginning with Shrah 25, verse 28.
Fol. 3 Add. A.
Fol. 40. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, and 16.
Fol. 4. Bayan II.
Fol. 62b. Bayan III, called Bab.
Fol. 7 BaySn IV, called Bab. The 5th Bab (proper) is numbered wrongly 6.
Fol. 81.. Bayan V (called Bab), Fa?l I.
Fol. 83^. Bayan VI.
Fol. 99a. Bayan VII.
Fol. 2 Add. B, the title following Halim's alphabet.
Fol. 143.. Bayan VIII, titled _ .
Copyist: riam-i JllanI, PeXawari.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 6-Foll. 122 size 24x17 cm.15 lines in a page
Nasxl dated 27 RabI' II A.H. 1180 (a.d. 1766).
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy. See Ethe, AO. Pers. Cat., no. 2636. In this the first five
BaySns are under a different arrangement and numbering, with the additional
articles by Karlmdad and others appended to them. The contents are as
Fol. lb. Bayan I, with the attribution to UwaisI.
Fol. 6b. Bayan III, here called II.
Fol. 3 end. Add. A, the commentary on the credo.
Fol. 9 Bayan V, Fa?l I, here called 'Bayan III.
Fol. 21a. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, and 4.
Fol. 23 Bayan II, here called IV.
Fol. 37a. Bayan IV, here called V.
Fol. 43a. Add. D, article I, followed by Add. c, both without headings or
Fol. 48.. Bayan V, Fagl 2 fol. 52b) Fagl 3.
Fol. 56b. Bayan VI, called (Bab VI.
Fol. 67.. Add. B. The alphabets of Karlmdad (incomplete) and Halim, in
that order.
Fol. 76b. Bayan VII.
Fol. 9. Bayan VIII.
Fol. IOO.. Darweza's epilogue.
Fol. iooA Add. F, the note on Pashto letters.
Fol. IOI.. Add. D, article 9.
Fol. 0. Add. E, from section (ii), containing sections attributed to Karim-
There are appended, from fol. 104. onwards, a series of fourteen articles,
some of them bearing the name of Karlmdad, containing advice on prayer,
the reading of the Koran, &c.) and a note in Persian introducing an Arabic
prayer. The last article is a Wafat-ndma. None of these articles appears to be
included in any other copy of this work.1
Copyist: Mulla Malang Xan Xaak of Rampur.
lC;; j>fc] *I
1.0. MSS. Pashto C. 7Foil. 207 size 24.5x15 cm.; II lines in a page;
Nasxl and Nastalik; early 19th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy, imperfect at the end. See Ethe, 1.0. Pers. Cat., no. 2637.
The arrangement and numbering agree in the main with those of the preced-
ing copy (B. 6). The contents are as follows:
Fol. I. Bayan I. The name of the original author is plainly written AusI.
A lacuna of approximately 32 leaves occurs after fol. 9, embracing the
latter portion of Bayan I, the whole of the second Bayan (i.e. properly Bayan
III), and the beginning of Karlmdad's commentary on the credo.
I Ethe is mistaken in stating, 1.0. Pers. Cat., p. 143., that the manuscript ends with the
chapter on ma^rs found in B. 8 (No. I).
c 2628
Fol. ioa. The latter part of Add. A.
Fol. 4. Bayan V, Fagl I. The Persian heading is omitted.
Fol. 18a. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2.
Fol. 23 Bayan II, here called IV.
Fol. 53a. Bayan IV, here called V.
Fol. 67a. Add. D, article I, and Add. c.
Fol. 79 Bayan V, Fa§l 2, and, fol. 90.) Fa§l 3.
Fol. iooA Bayan VI.
Fol. 125.. Add. B. Karlmdad's alphabet (incomplete) followed by Halim's.
Fol. 4. Bayan VII.
Fol. 183.. Add. D, article 4 is appended to Bayan VII, numbered as Nukta
Fol. 183A Bayan VIII, the heading corrupted to .
Fol. 26. The epilogue, breaking off in the middle of Mulla A?ars verses.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 7Foil. 203; size 24x16 cm.; 13 lines in a page;
Nasxl; 18th century. Paris Exhibition]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Anotlier copy, imperfect at the beginning and end. The contents are in a
different order from elsewhere. The arrangement is:
Fol. Ia. Add. D, the end of the first article, of which approximately five
folios are missing.
Fol. 3a. Add. c, without a heading.
Fol. 8a. Bayan V, Fa?l 2; fol. 7, Fa?l 3.
Fol. 26a. Bayan II, with the omission of the latter part of the Persian preface
and of the commencement of the Pashto paraphrase.
Fol. sob. Bayan III. One folio is missing after fol. 50, and with it the end of
the Persian preface and the beginning of the Pashto text.
Fol. 62 Bayan IV.
Fol. 75b. Bayan V, Fa?l I.
Fol. 79. Add. A, the credo.
Fol. 93. Bayan I.
Fol. 3. Bayan VI.
Fol. 125a. Add. B. The alphabets of Karlmdad and Halim, in that order.
Karimdads is here complete.
Fol. 150.. Bayan VII, here called Bab.
Fol. 8. Add. D, articles 10, II, 12, 8, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14.
Fol. 0, bottom. Bayan VIII. The Persian text is omitted after the first
Fol. 202. The epilogue.
Fol. 203.. Add. F, incomplete.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 5-Foll. 120; size 21.5X 14-5 cm.; 13 lines in a page;
Nasxl; 18th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
Another copy. See Ethe, 1.0. Pers. Cat. no. 2633. The first leaf has been
added, written in a crude hand. The copy is deficient of a number of sections,
notably the majority of Karimdads additional material. The contents are
arranged as follows:
Fol. lb. Bayan I, beginning with the Pashto text.
Fol. 8a. Bayan II. The Persian preface is abbreviated. Its concluding portion,
and the beginning of the Pashto text, are omitted.
Fol. 26b. Bayan III, called Fa?l.
Fol. 36b. Bayan IV, called Fa?l
Fol. 46.. Bayan V, called Fa?l> and containing only the first of the three
sections of which it should consist.
Fol. 49. Bayan VI, called Bab VI.
Fol.4. Bayan VII, called Bab.
Fol. 89.. Add. B, the alphabets. That of Karlmdad extends only as far as the
letter .
Fol. ioi. Bayan VIII.
Fol. Ii8. Epilogue.
Fol. 9. Add. F.
On the last side a certain Mulla Taj Beg is mentioned as being owner of the
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 2Foil. 12 size 21-5x13 cm.13 lines in a page
Nasxl19 th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
Maxzan ul-IslAm
A fragment of twelve folios, of which the first is half torn away. There is a
lacuna of two folios after fol. 3. The contents are:
Foil. xaib. Bayan II, corresponding to foil. 4 line 7-, line 10, and
Foil. 4- foil. 9> line 927b, line 3, in No. 5 above.
Foil. 2-. Bayan III, the Persian preface and seventeen lines of the
See Ethe, 1.0. Pers. Cat., no. 2638.
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. 3Foil. 166 size 30-5 X 19 cm.; 14 lines in a page
Nasxl', dated 22 Zu '1-ka'da in the 14th year of the reign of Ahmad Sah Dur-
rani, i.e. A.H. 1174 (A.D. 1761). [j. Cotton]
KitAb-i BAb. Jan .
A compendium of religious instruction, in verse, but not arranged as such.
By BabG Jan.
The book begins with a religious alphabet:
There follows praise of God, of Muhammad, the Caliphs, and (fol. 6b)
Sah Aurangzeb, with whom the author was evidently contemporary. The
remainder of the work contains paraphrases of many Koranic and other
Arabic quotations, articles on religious observances, and legends of 'Prophets
and Kings and others, including Adam, Noah, Alexander, Solomon, Joseph,
Jesus, Muhammad, et al.
Included is a metrical translation of the Du'a Suryanl, with the Arabic
text (foil. 860), which has been printed, with alterations, in Dorns
Chrestomathy, pp. 374-86. Another extract from the text, corresponding to
foil. 43, line 5, to 59b) line I, is printed in the Gulshan, pp. 117-32.
According to RavertyZ Bab. Jan was a converted S!-ah-p0^1 Kafir, who,
having acquired a great name amongst the Muhammadans for his learning,
again relapsed. KazI Mir Ahmad gah Ri?wanl quotes verses from this work
(evidently from the Gulshan) in his Sakaristan-i afyani,1 2 3 under the title 'From
the Dlwan of Bab. Jan Lccvmdni. Ri?wanl is also quoted by RiXtln* as saying
that Bab. Jan was brought from that place as loot by a mullah, and that he
is buried among the Yhsufzais, who honour his grave.
' ^
B.M. Or. 397Foil. 92., size 22X 13 cm.; II lines in a page; Nasxl; 18th
century. [Colonel G. w. Hamilton]
KitAb-i BAb. JAn
Another copy, much abbreviated. It ends, at a point corresponding to fol. 5
in the previous copy:
' .
Department, Lahore, 19.5, p. 44.
4 Tdrix, p. 43. The quotation, not from
Ri?wan!s Sakaristan, is presumably from his
Baharistan-i afyant, Lahore, 1931, mentioned
by RiXtln in Suara, i. 220.
1 See the British Museum Catalogue of Perm
Stan Printed Books, col. 44, .Abd Allah ibn
2 Grammar, Introduction, p. 33.
3 Readings in Pushto, Punjab Education
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. 6Foil. 243; size 28X 17.5 cm.; 15 lines in a page;
Nasxl; 18th century. ). Cotton]
FawAid ul-SarFat
A manual of Muslim religious observances. By AxUnd Muhammad Kasim.
;.) 1 >: f|Cn
The work thus begins with praise of gaix 'Ali TirmiZi, and of his disciple
AxUn (i.e. Darweza). Although, as Dorn remarks, (it appears for the most
part to be a free translation of some Persian work, it may also be said to be
modelled on Daiweza's Maxzan ul-Islam. In this and the following three
copies the work is in 80 chapters (bab); the editions published at Delhi and
Peshawar contain two extra chapters, inserted after ch. 66. Selections are
printed in the Gulshan and in Dorns Chrestomathy.
Ravertyz states that the Fawald ul-sarfat is a very valuable work, written
in the year A.H. 1125, A.D. 1713, by Akhund Kasim, who was the chief pre-
late and the head of all the Muhammadan ecclesiastics of Hahtnagar and
Peghawer, which places, in those days, rivalled Bo.ra itself in learning'.
Little is known of the author beyond his name.3 According to Rixtin4 he
was a Papinxel ginwArl. He evidently became a disciple of Darweza, and is
frequently called AxUnd of Swat.
On the first page of the present copy is an impression of the seal of one
Karim Xan, bearing the date A.H. 1215 (A.D. 1800-1).
Copyist: Saiyid lulam .Ali, disciple of Muhammad Akbar.
Chrestomathy, p. vi. is to the Prophet Muhammad, and not to the
2 Grammar, Introduction, p. 33. author.
2 The reference to Abu l-Kasim ibn 'Abd Tartx, p. 42.
Ullah, quoted by Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 7,
I... MSS. Pashto c. 10-Foll. 227; size 25X 16-5 cm.15 lines in a page
Nasxi18 th century. [Paris Exhibition]
FawAid ul-SarFat
Another copy of the preceding.
Later, over repairs to the paper, a long note has been scribbled by the 'son
of the owner, including the words:
and finally:
Rylands. Afghan 2Foil. 228 size 23 X 16 cm.14 lines in a page Nasxi
18th century. [N. BlandBibliotheca Lindesiana]
FawA'id ul-SarFat
Another copy. The first few folios are bound in the wrong order and should
follow the sequence I, 3, 2, 4, 5, 8, 6, 7, 9.
' (";.
Rylands. Afghan 3Foil. 321 size 23 X 16 cm.14 lines in a page Nasxi
18th century. [Colonel G. w. HamiltonBibliotheca Lindesiana]
FawAid ul-SarFat
Another copy in 80 chapters.
Fol. I. bears a note in misspelt Persian on the efficacy of the name of
'Abd ul-Kadir JilanI as a spell.
B.M. Or. 4489-Foil. 200 size 28x18 cm.; 17 lines in a page; Nasxl;
18th century. Major H. G. Ravertyj
FawAid ul-SarI'at
Another copy, divided into 78 chapters only (though the last is numbered 81
in the list of contents on foil. 3-5), and these slightly disordered.
Copyist: Haidar gah.
See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 7.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 22 and 23. Two uniform volumes, foil. 209 and 127;
size 21.5X 15 cm.; 15 lines in a page; Nastallk, 18th century.
[Paris Exhibition]
KullJyAt-i Fath Sah
The collected writings of Fath gah. This title is found on the fly-leaf of the
first volume and in the deed of sale at the end of the second, while on fol. Ia,
and in the margin beside the deed, it is called Bahr ul-masail. The writings,
the greater part of which are in verse, form a comprehensive manual of
instruction on all matters relating to the doctrines of Sufism.
The first volume commences with a poem in musammat form. Its metre, as
with much of the remaining verse, is a mixture of octo- and dodecasyllabic.
It begins:
As may be seen in the words pa jay di (at the end of line 6),' is written
the letter being reserved for c. Another peculiarity of the script is that g
is written indistinguishable from z. The script thus conforms in part with
that of the oldest known Pashto manuscripts.!
The work, which is divided into sections (fasl), continues with paraphrases
of the SUrahs Fatiha and Ixla?. These are followed (foil. 35-113) by an account
of fourteen gufi families, viz. the Zaidi, TyazI, Adhami, Hubairl, CiStI,
Habibi, afuri Karxi, Sakati, JunaidI, KaZarUnl, TusI, Firdausi, and
Suhrawardi families (see Ethe, 1.0. Cat., p. 322). At fol. 200 the scribe has
inserted a long passage in Persian.
The second volume begins:
From fol. 48 onwards the volume is in prose interspersed with verse.
At the end of the volume there is written, in Persian, a deed of sale of the
manuscript for Rs. 3, executed by ulam Ri?a> son of Mir Hasan Ri?a in
favour of Allahdad Xan, son of Mirza Xan. The contract is dated 25 Jumada
I, A.H. 1198 (a... 1784).
Rylands. Afghan 13a, foil. 1-52; size 20-5 X 13 cm.; 13 lines in a page;
Nasxl; dated A.H. 1171 (a... 1757-8).
[Colonel G. w. HamiltonBibliotheca Lindesiana]
RaSId ul-bayAn
A manual of religious instruction, in verse. By 'Abd ul-RaSid.
f .
See MacKenzie, A Standard Pasht., BSOAS, xxii. 233, and N. 67, bel.w.
c 2.28
Abd ul-RaSld, who is commonly called Mulla or AxUnd RaSid, states in the
epilogue that his ancestors came from Multan, that he was the son of Sultan
Husain, a Fauk of the KuraiS tribe by origin, and lived at Langarkot.
The work is written in simple language, suitable for the comprehension
of women and children. It was completed on 5 Muharram, A.H. 1129 (Decern-
ber A.D. 1716),I and has been frequently published. In most copies there are
64 chapters, but the present copy has an extra final chapter on the wiles of
Satan. It also has 25 extra baits after the last line
of all the other copies. They state that the author was childless and considered
this work as his only offspring.
Copyist: (Tlam) Mu?tafa.2
* []
The fly-leaf bears the note:
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 21Foil. 60 size 21 X 13.5 cm.; II lines in ;.a page;
good Nasxl; 18th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
RaSId ul-bayAn
Another copy, in 64 chapters.
Not A.H. 1169, as stated by Blumhardt, B.M. G.. no. 8, and RiXtln, Tarix, p. 73.
2 See No. 4.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 11Foil. 52; size 21.5x15 cm. ;12 to 15 lines in a page;
Nasxl; 18th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
RaSId ul-bayAn
Another copy of the preceding.
Rylands. Afghan 10Foil. 49; size 22X 13 cm.; 12 and 13 lines in a page;
Nasxi; 18th century. [Colonel G. w. HamiltonBibliotheca Lindesiana)
RaSId ul-bayAn
Another copy, much annotated in English.
B.M. Or. 5888Foil. 61; size 23 X 15 cm.; II lines in a page; Nasxi; early
19th century. [H. Beveridge]
RaSJd ul-bayAn
Another copy. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 8.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 14Foil. 66; size 21x15 cm.; 9 lines in a page; elegant
Nasxi; dated 23 RabI' II A.H. 1219 (A.D. 1804). [j. Cotton]
Rasid ul-bayAn
Another copy, written by 'Abd ul-Sattar, who was evidently also called
Zafar 'All, for the Sahibzada MuhtaSam Xan.
. . []
The words have been added after the scribes name in
a different hand.
S. O.A.S. MS. 41379Foil. 53 size 17X 11.5 cm.; -10 to 13 lines in a page;
Nasxi; 19th century.
RaSJd ul-bayAn
Another copy.
T. C.D. MS. M. 5. 24Foil. 32; size 20X 10 cm.; 8 to 25 lines in a page;
crude Nasxi; 19th century. Colonel H. F. Smyth]
RaSId ul-bayAn
Another copy.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 27Foil. 40; size 23 X 13-5 cm.; 13 lines in a page;
crude Nasxi; 19th century. [Paris Exhibition]
RaSJd ul-bayAn
Another copy, written by Mulla Sirin.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 26Foil. 51; size 24x15 cm.; 14 lines in a page;
Nasta'llk; 19th century. Paris Exhibition]
RaSId ul-bayAn
Another copy, to which are appended the following poems:
I. Fol. 43a. A Munajat in praise of 'Abd ul-Kadir Jlanl by Muhammad
II. Fol. 4. Two poems by Hafiz 'Abd ul-Kablr (see No. 40). The first,
in praise of God, begins:
The second is an Alif-namd) containing an explanation of certain religious
terms arranged in alphabetical order.
III. Fol. sob. An ode in praise of the AxUnd of Swat, by (?) Xair ul-dln.
Colophon, at the end of the RaSld ul-bayan:
C.U.L. Or. 1352Foil. 131 size 23 X 14 cm.; 17 lines in a page; Nasta'lik;
18th century; bound in stamped leather. [Professor D. s. Robertson]
Jannat ul-firdaus
A metrical treatise on the virtues of various religious exercises. By Hafiz
Abd ul-Kabir.
'Abd ul-Kabir was also the author of a work entitled Mujizat (see No. 142),
a number of Munajats, various other religious poems, and a story about the
sage Lukman, all of which have been published.
The present work is divided into 38 chapters, although only 37 are listed
at the beginning (fol. 2) and, the 36th having been titled twice (foil.9 and
123.), the last two are numbered 38 and 39 in this copy. This title of the work
is not to be found in the manuscript, but it has frequently been published
under it.
Or some such words. The space is left blank in the manuscript.
4 '
followed by the las kufl, six efficacious phrases in Arabic.
B.M. Or. 12,218Foil. 175; size 21 X 11.5 cm.; 13 lines in a page; Nasxi;
dated 6 Rama?an A.H. 1224 (A... 1809). [R. B. Couchman]
Jannat ul-firdaus
Another copy. Although it is more neatly written, chapters 8 and 9 have been
combined under one heading, so that the numbering of the remaining chapters
is one short of the proper figure. The title of chapter 30 has been omitted
from the list of contents.
The copyist may have been the Dost Muhammad Fakir whose name is
written in red ink in the margin of fol. .
followed by the note:
The fly-leaves carry the stamp ofMohd. Halim (Sallemi) Personal Libera^
B.M. Or. 4236Foil. 174; size 25 X 17 cm.; 17 to 21 lines in a page; Nasxi;
dated Muharram A.H. 1294 (January A.D. 1877). tJ. Darmesteter]
NAfi' ul-muslimIn
A s.fl treatise, in masnawi form, containing injunctions relating to asceticism,
religious observances, and moral conduct. By AxUnd Gada.
Fromyz^z/s in the last chapter, on The conditions of the age (fol. 156.,
£), it appears that Aurangzeb was already dead when it was written, and that
Gada was alive in A.H. 1173 (A.D. 1759-60), i.e. during the reign of Ahmad
gah Durrani. He was a disciple of the NakSbandi Miyangul gaix Sa'adat, and
considered himself the poetical successor of 'Abd ul-Rahman Baba.1
(The work, in 54 chapters (Bab), has been published at Lahore in 1896.
This copy agrees with the printed edition, except that it has several additional
verses at the end, and the division of the chapters is not the same.'2
Copyist: Mulla A'zam Din, of Babi.
Appended to the work is a Persian poem in praise of God, at the back of
which is written 2'.
A manuscript of a work of the same name, belonging to the Press Depart-
ment in Kabul, is ascribed to Karim Dad' (v. s. de Beaurecueil, MIDEO,
iii. 122, no. 49).
Bodleian. Caps. Or. c. 18Foil. 272 size 20X 12.5 cm. II lines in a page
Nasxi18 th century.
An anonymous miawl poem on the Day of Resurrection and the portents
heralding it.
Suara, i. 351-3. The chronogram quoted that he was the Gada, father of Axund Dar-
there (fol. 158 in this copy) gives we_z, is tliereore nenable.
the above-mentioned date, not ii'72 asj,rinted. 2 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. I.
Blumhardts assumption (B.M. c.., no. I)
There is a long introduction divided into sixteen dastans. The Kiydmat-
noma proper begins on fol. 55a and is divided into twelve dastans.
This poem seems to be adapted from the same Persian original of Shah
Rafp-aldin of Dihli, which has frequently been translated into Hindustani
(for instance, by Abdallah ibn Bahadur 'Ali in prose, Calcutta, A.H. 1241,
and Bombay, 1877, and by an anonymous author in verse, entitled ,
Lucknow, 1876), see also Garcin de Tassy, Histoire etc., i. p. 89.'I
S.O.A.S. MS. 149964Foil. 187; size 23x15 cm.; 15 lines in a page;
Nasxl; dated 28 Rabi' II A.H. 1186 (a.d. 1772). [Colonel j. Appleby]
HiF? ul-AdAb
An apparently anonymous treatise, in verse, on the proper recitation of the
Koran. The author declares himself to be a disciple of Hafiz Munir.
Eth, Bodl. Cat., no. 2351.
c 2028
Copyist: Namdar, son of Xair Muhammad, son of Sahbaz.
. !<
' ! '
B.M. Or. 9729-Two uniform volumes, foil. 293 and 361; size 28-5 X 18 cm.;
13 lines in a page; neat Nasxi; dated A.D. 1860. Major G. H. Raverty]
New Testament _
A Pashto translation of the New Testament made under the supervision of
Major (then Captain) Raverty.
The title-page reads:
The list of contents (i, fol. 2) extends only as far as II Thessalonians, but
the translation is complete, vol. i comprising the four Gospels and vol. ii the
Fol. 2b bears this tarix by the unnamed translator:
Under the last line the numerical value of each letter has been written.
They yield a total of 1865, but the figure 5 under the of has been deleted.
(The whole line, nreaning in effect The Gospels were revealed to Christ by
the Lord', suggests a Muslim misapprehension.)
The text begins (fol. 3a) with the Apostles Creed:
Attached to the volumes are a few chits containing notes in Persian about
the translation of various phrases, presumably exchanges between Raverty
and the translator.
S.O.A.S. MS. 1395Foil. 574 size 25x16 cm.; 17 lines in a page; fine
Nasxi; dated Peshawar, 19 April A.D. 1872. [Dr. w. Bellew]
TArIx-i MURAggA'
A history of the Afghans. By Af?al Xan, Xaak.
Af?al Xan, grandson of XuShal Xan, was the author or translator of various
other works. See No. 157 below.
The Tarikh i muragga' contains a Pushtu translation of the Mahan i
Afghani, otheiwise called Tarikh i Kanjahani, a Persian history of the
Afghans, written by Ni'mat Allah in A.H. 1020 (A... 1611), described in the
Persian Catalogue, p. 210. et seq. Af?al Khan has added to his translation of
this work a special account of the Ydsufzais, and an extensive history of the
Katak family, more particularly of his renowned grandfather Khushfial
After a long preface, in which are introduced several poems in Persian
and Pashto, the author divides the work into three Babs and seven Daftars,
and a Xatima. The contents are as follows:
Bab I. History of Mihtar Ya'k.b Isra'il Allah (Jacob), from whom the
Afghans trace their descent.
Bab II. History of king Talut (Saul), and an account of the migration of
the Afghans to the mountains of Ghor, and thereafter to the Sulaiman range.
Bab III. History of Xalid ibn Walld, to the end of the Calipliate of
1 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) n. 9.
Daftar I. History of Sultan Bahlol Lodi, Sultan Sikandar Lodi, and
Sultan Ibrahim.
Daftar II. History of the reigns of ger gah Shr, Islam Sah, and Adil Sah,
called 'Adll.
Thus far the Tarlx-i murassa' is only a translation of the first part of
Ni'mat Ullahs Maxzan-i afyanl. See Dorns translation. History of the
Afghans, London, 1836, pt. i, pp. 1-184.
Daftar III. An account of distinguished Afghan chiefs. This chapter also is
translated from Ni'mat Ullahs history, but does not appear in Dorns trans-
lation. It contains an account of Xanjahan Lodi, Diler Xan, Bahadur Xan,
Purdil Xan, and Darya Xan.
Daftar IV. A chapter, described in the preface as an account of events which
occurred in Kabul province, but not found in this or following copies of the
Daftar V. An account of the migration of the or!a Xel and XaXai tribes
from Kandahar to Kabul.
The historical events described in this and the following chapter were
compiled by Af?al Xan from the TaZkirat ul-abrar of AxUnd Darweza, the
Tabaka-i Akbarl, Jahanglr-nama, and other Persian sources. Extracts from
these two chapters will be found in the Gulshan and the Kalid.
Daftar VI. The genealogy and history of the Xafaks, with a detailed account
of the principal events in the life of the authors grandfather, XuShal Xan. His
imprisonment in the fortress of Gwalior, and the accession of the emperor
Aurangzeb are described in a TarJI'band poem. There are several other poems,
including chronograms, in Persian and Pashto.
Daftar VII. An account of famous Afghan dervishes and their miraculous
The first part ofthe chapter is a translation of the third Fa?l ofthe Maxzan-i
Afyanl. See Dorns translation, pt. ii, pp. 1-39. It contains short memoirs of
28 SarbanI, 18 BitanI, and 17 ruryusti gaixs.
The latter part contains supplementary notices of other famous gaixs,
mostly of the Xatak tribe.
Xatima. Genealogy ofthe Afghans in three Fa?ls> viz. the Sarbanls, Bitanls,
and TuryuStls. This also is translated from the Maxzan-i Afyanl See Dorn's
translation, pt. ii, pp. 40-57.
In the present copy the contents are disposed as follows:
Babs I, fol. 13; II, fol. 18b; III, fol. 35.;
Daftars I, fol. 53; II, fol. 95; III, fol. 218. (fol. 220 is left blank); V,
fol. 221.; VI, fol. 252^; VII, fol. 509.; Xatima, fol. 558^.
;";*** '
Copyist: Muhammad Hasan, of Peshawar.
' <" ...
B.M. Or. 2893-Foll. 74. size 34x21 cm.; 13 lines in a page; Nasxi; dated
Peshawar, 28 April A.D. 1885. [The Revd. T. p. Hughes]
TArIx-i MURAggA.
Another fine copy. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 9. The contents are as
Babs I, fol. 16.; II, fol. 23.; Ill, fol. 42.
Daftars I, fol. 65^; II, fol. 119.; Ill, fol. 237.; V, fol. 271.; VI, fol. 300.;
VII, fol. 60.
Xatima, fol. 77.
Copyist: Maulawl Muhammad Hasan, presumably the same as of the
previous copy.
' .
B.M. Or. 4487Foil. 765; size 33 X 20 cm.; 15 lines in a page Nasxl dated
A.H. 1272 (A.D. 1855-6); bound in stamped leather. [Major H. G. Raverty]
TArIx-i MURAggA'
Another copy, incomplete at the end. The whole Xatima is wanting, the
manuscript ending at a point corresponding to fol. 715 of the preceding
The copy was made at Multan for Major Raverty, then Assistant Com-
missioner, and was completed in A.H. 1272, as stated in a pencilled note at
the end.
Copyist: Nur Muhammad, of Kandahar.
The binder's name, Muhammad Said, Peshawarl, is stamped on the
middle of each cover, with the date A.H. 1274.
B.M. Add. 26,336Foil. 247; 27-5 X 17 cm.; 17 lines in a page; Nasta'lik,
in various hands; late 18th century-. [Wm. Erskinej
Another copy, containing incomplete portions only of Daftars I, II, VI, and
VII, and the Xatima.2
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. 13Foil. 174 (recto sides left blank, except foil. 131-
70); size 25-5x20 cm.; 19 lines in a page; Nasxi; 19th century.
TArIx-i MURAggA'
Another copy, containing only part of Daftar VI. It begins with the account
of the, principal events in the life of XuSfial Xan. Towards the end many
I - B.M. Cat.) n. II. 2 Detailed by Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) no. 1,0.
passages have been omitted, intentionally, by the scribe. Foil. 171-4 have
been displaced from the beginning of the manuscript. They contain passages
from the section on Malik Akorai, grandfather of XuShal Xan, and his
B.M. Or. 4231Foil. 124 size 23 X 14 cm.; 15 lines in a page; Nasxt;
A.H. 1172 (A.D. 1758-9). [j. Darmesteter)
A history of Ahmad Sah Durrani,! in masnawl form. By Hafiz.
The contents cover the period from Ahmad Sahs rise to power in the
service of Nadir gah to the year A.H. 1172 (fol. 124.), and was therefore
apparently written during the wars with the Marathas, who were finally
defeated at Panipat in January 1761.
The manuscript has many corrections and additional verses in the margins
and appears to be the author's autograph. Nothing is known of Hafiz but,
to judge from certain spellings (e.g. place, earth), he was perhaps
an Afridi.
Listed in detail by Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 12.
See No.6 below.
1.0. MSS. p. 2479Foil. 100; size 25-5X 16 cm.19 lines in a page; clear
Nasta'lik; 19th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana)
TawArIx-i HAfi?-rahmat-xAnJ
A history of the Yhsufzai Afghans. By Pir (or Plrzada) Mu'azzam Sah. See
Ethe, 1.0. Pers. Cat., no. 581.
Begins fol.1^:
1 1 ' ;
Pir Mu'azzam gah, son of Pir Muhammad Fa?il, of the village of Pir
Sahbak in the Peshawar district, was in the service of the Rohilla chief Hafiz
Rahmat Xan (who died in A.H. ii88/a.d. 1774), for whom he offered to make
this abridgement of a draft Tarix- or TawArfx-i AfAyina written in Pashto
mixed with Persian'.! According to the PlrzAda's Persian preface, this draft
came from the library of a Xan Bahadur Xan, Daudzai, Torfa Xel, at Shah-
jahanpur. In another, all Persian abridgement, bearing the same title, by
Hafiz Muhammad gadlk (see Ethe, AO. Pers. Cat., no. 582), the original is
attributed to Xwaju.
The translation was completed on I Aluljarram A.H. 1181 (a.d. 1767), as
stated in the Pashto verses at the end. It was not approved, however, for a
number of reasons, one being that it was composed in the Xatak dialect and
not that of Peshawar. This we learn from IlAhyAr Xan, son of Hafiz Rahmat
Xan (see No. 61), who in A.H. 1229/A.D. 1814, after a fruitless search for the
original (which he attributes to gaix MlrdAd, hfutizai, Xahl), translated this
work into Persian under the title Xulasat ul-a'jdb (see Storey, Persian Litera-
ture, i. 396, and 1.0. Pers. Cat., vol. iii).
The work is divided into seven chapters (makmn), tile contents of which
are listed on fol. Ia. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 13 also Pertsch, Die
Handschrrfteti-Verseidmisse der Koniglvchen Bibliothek su Berlin, VT kvYu\
1888, no. 476, 2.
Copyist: ulAm Muslim giddlkl.
1 A work of this name, by a Husain Xan Afyn, is quoted as a source of the Xulasat
ulitatvarix, Rieu, Pets. Cat.) p. 3
B.M. Or. 4488Foil. 152; size 3 X 19.5 cm.15 lines in a page; clear Nasxi;
dated 26 July A... 1864. [Major H. G. Ravertyj
TawArIx-i HAfiz-RAHMAT-xAnI
Another copy. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 13.
'The work is stated in the colophon to have been composed by Miyan
Mu'azzam Shah during the rule of Muhammad 'Azlm Allah Kan, the son of
Dilawar al-mulk 'Izzat al-daulah DUndi Kan Bahadur Bahram i jang.
Copyist: Mlrza Muhammad Isma'il, of Kandahar.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 16Foil. 108; size 21-5 X 12-5 cm.6 lines in a page;
large Nasxi; dated Rampur, early 19th century. [j. Cotton)
AmadnAma-i aftAnI '
Paradigms of Pashto verbs, and vocabulary of Pashto words. See Ethe, 1.0.
Pers. Cat., wo. 2
1 1 '
The verbs are arranged in sections in alphabetical order. At the end of each
section a number of other words with the same initial letter are listed under
the heading . The infinitive (), preterite (( future (),
active participle (), passive participle (), imperative (), and pro-
hibitive () of each verb is given, with interlinear Persian equivalents in
red ini iri'the first five folios, and intermittently thereafter.
The paradigms end on fol. 87b, and are followed by Pashto names of rela-
tions, cardinal numbers, animals, birds, &c., members of the body, dress,
ornaments, &c., ending with the names of the solai' months. Persian equiva-
lents are given from fol. 92..
Appended (fol. 99) are a few Pashto yazals by Man?Ur and Gulmfr.
1.0. MSS. s. 285Foil. 6 size 23-5X 16 cm.16 to 20 lines in a page
19th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
A Persian-Pashto glossary
Short paradigms of Persian verbs, with their Pashto equivalents.
,****,I .
The verbs selected are those in most frequent use, arranged alphabetically
under their initial letters, beginning with and ending with .
1.0. MSS. p. 2439Foil. 272 size 33 X 24 cm.; usually two columns, greatly
differing in number of lines; Nastalik; 19th century.
[Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
KitAb-i xayAlAt-i zamAnI
A Pasht.Persian dictionary. See Ethe, 1.0. Pm. Cat., no. 2450.
According to the short preface on fol. 2 the dictionary forms the 3rd
makala 0 tk Kitsb-i xayalat-i zamanl dar luyat-i saban-t afyani.
The dirtionary begins with the word = . From the many pages
left either partially or totally blank it is apparent that the manuscript is a
first draft. T'he words are ordered alphabetically according to the first two
On foil. 269^272. is the beginning of the ist makala of the same work,
in two jask, viz.
The author observes that he has seen the letter (for ) only in the Dlwan
of Mirza (see Nos. 67 ff.). On fol. 27 the article by Karlmdad, son of
AxUnd Darweza, on the alphabet (v. p. 8 above) is quoted entire.
The first II folios, of different paper and format, and interleaved with
blank sheets, contain a series of questions and answers in Arabic, evidently
intended as exercises. In a note on the fly-leaf they are entitled Arabic phrases
by Sheikh Ahmed.
1.0. MSS. p. 2670Foil. 702 size 32x20-5 cm.; 13 lines in a page; bold
Nasta'lik; 19th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
RiyA? ul-mahabbat
A Pashto grammar and dictionary, written in Persian. By Nawwab Mahabbat
Xan. See Ethe, 1.0. Pers. Cat., no. 2452.
Mahabbat Xan was the eldest son of Hafiz Rahmat Xan, the famous Rohilla
chief. He compiled this work for Sir George Hilaro Barlow, Bt.,1 the acting
Governor-General, in A.H. I22I/A.D. 1806-7, according to a Persian chrono-
gram ( ) at the end of the work, whilst living in retirement at
Lucknow as a pensioner of tlie British Government. His younger brother
Ilahyar Xan, in a similar work entitled 'Ajaib ul-luyat (see No. 61), states
tliat Mahabbat Xan died in A.H. 1223 (a.d. 1808). He was also the autlior of
three Dlwans, in Persian, Hindustani, and Pashto respectively, and of a
MaSnawI in Hindustani entitled Asrar-i mahabbat (see Bodl Cat., nos. 1196,
2332, and 2353 No. 106 below).
This work comprises an introductory section (fatda) on tlie alphabet (fol.
3) and two main divisions {baits). Tlie first (fol. 5) is concerned with
mustakkdt, paradigms of verbs arranged alphabetically, and tlie second (fol.
5606) with mutafarrikdl, i.e. a vocabulary.
The manuscript lias been collated and has several annotations.
Not Sir Charles Barlow, as stated every available description.
. .
1.0. MSS. p. 2868-Foil. 462: size 31x21 cm.17 lines in a page, II cm.
long; large Nastallk] dated 23 Jumada II A.H. 1226 (A.D. 1811).
[j. Cotton)
RiyA? ul-mahabbat
Another copy of the preceding. See Ethe, 1.0. Pers. Cat., no. 2453.
The Persian chronogram, giving the date of composition, is not given in
this, or in the following, copy. A note at the end of the work, written in red
ink, states that the copy was made and completed on the 23 Jumada II, A.H.
1226 (A... 1811) at the request of Nawwab 'All Akbar Xan, the eldest son of
the author, who, as stated in an English note on the fly-leaf, presented it to
the Britisli Government.
1.0. MSS. P^ 2865Foil. 447 size 31-5x21 cm.17 lines in a page, 11 cm.
long; large Nastalik; 19th century.
RiyA? ul-mahabbat
Another copy. See Ethe, AO. Pers. Cat., no. 2454.
This copy likewise lacks the Persian chronogram giving the date of com-
position. It was also copied at the request of Nawwab 'All Akbar Xan, as
stated in a slightly differently worded colophon, but no date is given.
Received from Calcutta, 3 April 1811.
B.M. Or. 4490Foil. 724 size 32x21 cm.17 lines in a page; Nastdllk)
19th century. [Major H. G. Raverty]
RiyA? ul-mahabbat
Another copy. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 14.
B.M. Or. 399-Foll. 274 size 27x16 cm.17 lines in a page; Nasta'lik',
dated 23 Rajab A.H. 1234 (A... 1819). [G. w. Hamilton]
'AjA'iB ul-luAt
A Hindustani-Pashto-Persian-Arabic dictionary. By Ilahyar Xan, son of
Hafiz Rahmat Xan. See Rieu, B.M. Pers. Cat., p. 517a.
* ..
The work is preceded by a Mukaddima containing notes on Pashto gram-
mar (fol. 4). 'The dictionary is divided into 28 Babs, beginning at fol.
The Hindustani words appear first, followed by the Pushtu, with their
Persian and Arabic equivalents. The different languages are indicated by the
letters _ ( ,, an written in red ink over the word.'i
At the end are five chronograms, giving the date of composition as A.H.
1228 (A.D. 1813). They are, respectively, in Hindustani, by Muhammad
Ibrahim Xan, Farhat in Pashto, with a Persian translation, by the author
in Persian, also by Farhat and in Persian and Arabic, both by Maulawl Gul
Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) no. 15.
Ilahyar was also the author of a Persian translation of the Tawarlx-i
Hafiz-Rahmat-XanJ (No. 52).
Copyist: ulam Husain.
B.M. Or. 4491-Foll. 223; size 31 X 19 cm.; 17 lines in a page; Nasta'llk;
dated 15 gafar A.H. 1271 (A.D. 1854). [Major H. G. Ravertyj
Another copy.
Copyist: garaf ul-Din, of Multan.
1.0. MSS. p. 4511-Foil. 166; size 20X 13 cm.; II lines in a page; Nasxl
and Nasta'lik dated 25 gafar A.H. 1280 (a.d. 1863).
TunCa-i Roh
A Pashto grammar, written in Persian. By Maulawi NUr Muhammad Afyan,
of Kandahar.
NUr Muhammad compiled the work at the request of his brother ()
NUr Ahmad. The date of composition) A.H. 1280, is given by the following
chronogram (fol. 5a): . There is also a eulogy of the
newly acceded Amir of Kabul, ger 'All. The author also wrote a history of
Afghanistan, of which the India Office Library possesses an incomplete draft
(1.0. P4512), in Persian.!
The grammar comprises a short introduction, two maksad and a xatima.
Phonology is dealt with in the introduction. The first maksad (fol. 2) has
three chapters, on the morphology of nouns, verbs, and particles respectively,
and includes a large number of paradigms. The second maksad (fol. 126.), in
two chapters, deals with the rules of syntax and word-formation. The xatima
(fol. 45) contains five riddles, 29 anecdotes, and yazak by the author and
by 'Abd ul-Hamid, XuShal Xan and Kazim Xan, as examples of Pashto, and
closes with a notice on common mistakes made by writers of Pashto.
cl 74
B.M. Add. 26,582Foil. 146; 34x21 cm. written on European paper with
various watermarks, from 1803 to 1805. [Wm. Erskine]
A collection of linguistic notes, of which the following relate to Pashto:
I. Foil. 1-10. Notes on Pashto grammar, including a summary of the con-
tents of the Rasld ul-bayan [see No. 30] under 63 headings (fol. 5).
1 In this history the author gives his name library of the Queen of England Victoria be-
as Hafi? NUr Muhammad Nauri Kandahar fore composing his own history. The final
Hotaki and describes his travels in India, section of the manuscript, on Kandahar, may
thence to E^rpt, Malta, and Gibraltar, and his be the Tuhfa-i Kandahar mentioned in the
stay in England, where he read a number of colophon of the present work.
Arabic and Persian historical works in the
c 2.28
2. Foil. 11-19. Specimens of Pashto literature, being transcriptions of the
following texts and of a Pashto version of the Hindi Story-teller into Roman
3 Foil. 20-22. Extracts from various parts of Bayan VII of the Maxzan
ul-Islam by AxUnd Darweza, including the Panjgauhar, andyazals from the
Diwan of 'Abd ul-RahmSn, in Pashto script.
4. Foil. 23-26. Pashto vocabulary, with transcriptions and occasional
5. Foil. 27-28. A list of a few Pashto verbs, a paradigm of the verb to
speak', and the Pashto alphabet.i
S.O.A.S. MS. 13019Foil. 355; size 29x23 cm. European paper with
various watermarks, from 1861 and 1863. [Major H. G. Ravertyj
An English-Pashto dictionary. By Major (then Captain) Raverty.
Two copies of a simple English dictionary have been cut into single columns
and pasted on the left-hand side of each page. The Pashto equivalents of a
number of words have then been added in ink. Multiple entries are in alpha-
betical order from the left and it is therefore evident that the dictionary is
an mdex. to \ Dictionary of the Puhhto, Pushto, or Language
of the Afghans, published in London in 1860.
1 Blumhardt, BMi Cat., no. 17.
B.M. Or. 4496-Foil. 25; size 34-5x19 cm.; 15 lines in a page; Nasxi;
19th century. [Major H. G. Ravertyj
DJwAn-i ArzAnI
The poems of Mulla ArzAnJ.
'The manuscript comprises 49 odes, arranged in alphabetical order. Major
Raverty states in a note attached to this volume: This Mulla was the literary
assistant of the notorious BSyazid AngArl. . The Akhund Darwezah says
[in the TaZkirat ul-abrAr]i respecting him: ArzAni, the poet, was one of three
brothers of the Af^an tribe of KheshkI [i.e. XweSgl]; ArzAnl, 'Umar and
All. They came into these parts from Hind, and there they had already
become tainted with heresy; and when in this part they met with Bayazid
Angar they became perfect infidels like himself. Arzani was an eloquent poet,
and a man of quick intellect; and he turned all the tenets of the new faith
into poetry, and the poems were inserted in Bayazld's book. '2
1 B.M. Or. 222, fol. I24.J printed edition, Delhi, 1892, p. 149.
2 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) no. 18.
B.M. Or. 6756Foil. 210; size 19.5X 10 cm.; 15 lines in a page; Nasta'lik;
18th century.
DIwAn-i Muxli?
The poetical works of (All Muhammad Muxli?. The manuscript is imperfect
at the beginning and end. It begins, near the end of an alphabetic poem:
L ;
Muxli? is said, by the poet Daulat, to have been the follower, companion,
and successor of Bayazld Ansarl, Pir RoXan. HabJbi identifies him with the
Mulla 'All, brother of Arzani, mentioned by AxUnd Darweza (see No. 65).I
After a series of poems introduced by the letters of the Arabic alphabet,
a Dwan of yazals and some munajats begins, on fol. 21.:
Most of the poems have headings or introductions in Persian, written in red
ink. Foil. 202-9 contain rubais, in no order.
In the alphabetical section of the Dwan is written both and (fol. 81),
' both and . (fol. 85), as (foil. 101-2), and n as (fol. 153). Cf. No. 67.
Foil. 203-10 are from a different manuscript. They contain the Koranic
texts SUrah 67, 1-24 (foil. 203-6) and 73, 12-20 (foil. 207-9.), followed by
Arabic prayers, including one for the dead.
B.M. Or. 4228Foil. 118; size 22x15 cm.; 15 lines in a page; Nasta'lik;
dated A.H. IIOI (a.d. 1689-90). [j. Darmesteter]
DJwAn-i MIrza
The poetical works of Mlrza Xan Ansari. See Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 19.
1 Suara, i. 24.
There follows a series of poems, each of II baits, introduced by the letters
of the Arabic alphabet, and other poems. A Dlwan in alphabetical order begins
on fol. 32b.
Mirza was, most probably,! the son of NUr ul-Dln, the second son of Baya-
zfd An?ari.2 His poetry strongly reflects the gufl doctrines of his grandfather
and spiritual guide, commonly known as Pir RoXan, the founder of the
RoSanlya sect. The date of Mlrzas birth is not known, but he was killed in
the Deccan during one of Shahjahans campaigns there. One of his poems
(fol. 55) bears the date A.H. 1040 (a... 1630-1) and his disciple the poet
Daulat also gives this as the date of his death.3 In the Dabistan-i mazahib he
is said to have been killed at Daulatabad, but also to have lived in the reign
of Aurangzeb.4
In the alphabetical section of the Dlwan the letters . for (fol. 46.), for
' (fol. 4), both and for ^(fol. 61), and for n (fol. 96b) are found.
A selection from Mlrzas poems .has been printed in the Gulshan, pp. 119-32
(evidently from the following copy), and in Dorns Chrestomathy, pp. 285-
Copyist: Muhammad Muhsin, son of Mulla Ahmad KuraiSI.
] ic] *
'''-IpQj .
Hablbl, Suara, 8.81 ., declares that he p. 36, wh. quotes the poet Daulat.
was a YUsufzal, though living in the Khyber, 5 See Suara, i. 81.
or Tlrah, and that his proper name was Fath Capnired by Shahjahan in 1633: Aurang-
xan (see No. 72). zeb only usurped the throne in 1658.
2 -'' mazahib, Lucknow edition, 5 See MacKenzie, BSOAS, xxii. 233.
A.H. 1294 (A.D. 1877), p. 311: Rixtin, Tarix,
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 24Foil. 120; size 23x14 cm.; 15 lines in a 'page;
Nasta'lik; dated 21 RabI II in the 26th year of the reign of Muhammad Sah,
i.e. A.H. 1157 (A... 1744). Paris Exhibition]
DIwAn-i MIrzA
Another copy, in a similar arrangement to the preceding, and with the same
use of the letters , ,, and g.
Copyist: Mahtab Xan, Mohmand, of Dholpur.
Foil. 119-20 contain a strange cosmogony and cosmography in Persian,
attributed to 'Abd Ullali ibn 'Abbas Mawari, in which it is stated that the city
of Multan has existed since the beginning of the creation.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 19F0II. 112; size 22x15 cm.; 15 lines in a page;
Nasxl; c. A.D. 1700. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
DIwAn-i MJrzA
Another copy of the preceding. The odes are not entirely in alphabetical
order. Lacunae occur after foil. 54, 58, and 64. The manuscript has the same
peculiarities of the script as the preceding.
Copyist: Muhammad Muhsin, of Badabfr.i
B.M. Or. 4497Foil. 139 size 24x14 cm.; 13 lines in a page; Nasxi;
. A.D. 1700. [Major H. G. Rave]
DIwAn-i MIrzA
Another copy, written for Muhammad Na?ir Ullah Xan.
The alphabetic DlwSn begins on fol. 37 There is a lacuna after fol. 48.
followed by some slight disarrangement of the alphabetical order.
The letter is here (fol. 59) used fory.
Copyist: Mulla Kamal
Some Arabic verses are scribbled on the last folio by another hand, and
a note of the birth of a son of anbar 'All ^an in the beginning of Rabr I,
A.H. 1126 (a.d. '.(47
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 3Foil. 126; size 22 X 14 cm.13 to 19 lines in a page;
Nasxi, dated 25 Zu 1-ka'da A.H. 1184 (A.D. 1771).
DIwAn-i MJrzA
Another copy, with all the odes alphabetically arranged^ The alphal^tic
poem of tlte preceding two manuscripts begins here on fol. Ilk
Probably the same pein as Muhammad Including the letters id The
Muhsin, son of Mulla Ahmad Qura&h the last -has been modified (fol 35) fey a kfccr y
scribe of No. 6?> dated A.H. not (An ¥)\ to approximate to the Jfoij;
Plumhardt, JJ\M\ no. 0
. (Jpjl
as in the alphabetical section of the preceding manuscripts.
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. I. , foil. 199-307 (see No. 104); fine Nasxl; dated
16 June A.D. 1876.
DJwAn-i MIrzA
Another copy, made for the Revd. T. p. Hughes, with a title page in English
and Pashto. The odes are not in strictly alphabetical order.
(corresponding to fol. IOO. of No. 67.)
The Dlwan ends, in effert, at fol. 286b, and is followed by a series of com-
positions in near-verse or rhymed prose by various persons. These appear
to be the devout outpourings of followers of Bayazld, Pir RoXan. Only those
of one Fath Xan (foil. 3403-) show any poetic feeling. Foil. 312.-316.
contain fiirther verse by Mlrza.
Copyist: ulam Jilani, of Peshawar.
B.M. Or. 2803Foil. 118; size 29.5x19 cm.; 15 lines in a page; Nasxl;
dated 2 August A.D. 1881. [The Revd. T. p. Hughes]
DJwAn-i MIrzA
Another copy, similar to the preceding.
Mr. Hughes has appended the following note: Mirza Khan Ansari. One
of the earliest of Afghan Poets. He is supposed to have lived in Tirah, a valley
in the Peshawar Frontier.!
The compositions by various other persons occur between foil. 90 and 112.
Copyist: (Fol. I.) Muhammad Rafik da kal'e da Zardad Xan.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 15Foil. 60; size 22x12-5 cm.; 9 and II lines in a
page; Nasta'lik; 18th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]
DIwan-i KarImdAd _|
The poems of Karimdad, the son of AxUnd Darweza. (See No. I).
The poems are arranged in two parts. In tlie first tlie odes are not in
alphabetical order, as they are in the second, which begins (fol. 18):
.21 .B.M. Cat., no 11
The first two leaves are torn, and the copy is imperfect at the end. Some addi-
tional verses are written in the margins, which have been cut through in
Karlmdad assisted his father in the composition of the Maxzan ul-Isky
and has also translated into Pashto a treatise against heresy under the title
Fatawa-i Tuhfat ul-Xani. This was published at Delhi in 1885, with the first
Nukta of Bayan VII of the Maxzan (see p. 5, n. I). Another copy of his
Dlwan is listed among the manuscripts of the Press Department, Kabul
(v. s. de Beaurecueil, MJDEO, iii. 119, no. 27).
C.U.L. Or. 1866Foil. 577; size 26-5x16-5 cm.15 lines in a page.
Nastalik) dated 29 Rajab A.H. 1131 (a.d. .(97 professor E. G. Browne)
DJwAn-i Xushal XAn
The Dlwan, or Kulliyat, of Xushal Xan Xaak.
XuShal xan, chieftain of the Xaak tribe and national poet of the Afghans,
was born at Sray (Akora) in A.H. 1022 (A.D. 1613). He appears to have begun
writing poetry in his youth and to have continued until his death. He sue-
ceeded to the chieftaincy in A.H. 1050 (a.d. 1640-1) when his father, gahbaz.
Xan, succumbed to an arrow wound received in a battle with the Yusufeais.
XuShal served the Mogul emperor Shahjahan faithfully for many years,
but after the accession of Aurangzeb he fell into disfavour. In A.H. 1074.
(a.d. 1663-4) he was arrested and sent to Delhi. After two and a half years
of imprisonment in Delhi and Rantambhor Fort in Jaipur he was confined
in Agra, until his release in A.H. 1079 (a.d. 1668-9). The embittered poet
remained in Mogul service out of gratitude to those who had obtained
his release, but after a major Mogul defeat in the Khyber in A.H. 1083
(a.d. 1672-3) he resigned the chieftaincy to his eldest son, ASraf Xan. Later,
following the jealous intrigues of his third son, Bahrain, he was forced into
open warfare against the Mogul forces, in alliance with the Afridis. Finally,
driven from his home by Bahram, he took refuge among the Hasan Xel
Or possibly, A.H. 1121 (A.D. 1709).
Afridis in the hills above MUsa Darra (south ofCherat), where he died, accord-
ing to ASraf (see No. 79), on the evening of Friday 28 Rabl' II A.H. IIOO
.(18 February A.D. 1689).
Beside the Diwan, XuShal is credited with the authorship of scores of
works, of which only a few have survived. Among these there are a number of
translations of religious and didactic works and various masnam compositions
with the titles BaznSma, Fa?lnama (see No. 115), Swat-nama, Dastarnama,
Farruxnama, Firaknama. He was also the inventor of a system of shorthand
called zanjlrai chain-script.
The Diwan has been published at Peshawar in 1869, under the super-
vision of Dr. w. Bellew, at Kandahar in 1938, by 'Abd ul-Haiy Hablbl, and at
Peshawar again in 1952, edited by Dost Muhammad Xan Kamil, from whose
Introduction the above account of the poets life is abridged. A selection of
XuShalS poems, with English translations, was published by c. E. Biddulph,!
and another, with Urdu translations, by Dr. Saiyid Anwar ul-Hkk.2 Further
short selections may also be found in the Gulshan and the Kalid.
In the present copy the poems are divided into four parts, as in Dr. Bellews
MiuitCLxnbdt-i XuShal Xan Xatak} Pashto
Academy, Peshawar [1957].
I. Fol. 10. Kasldas
II. Fol. 71 b. razak
III. Fol. 34. Kifas
' Afghan Poetry of the Seventeenth Century,
London, 08
IV. Fol. 45. Rubais
From fol. 54 there are a number of tarjiband, murabba', muxammas, &c..
As in some other early Pashto manuscripts, the letters c,j are distinguished
from j in this copy by replacing one of the subscript dots with hamza,
thus . Hamza is also used as the diacritic for the cerebral d, r, ! The
letters s, $ and z, g are not distinguished.
There are seal impressions on fol. Ia, one dated 1230, and on foil, lb and
2a (Pakdad pUsar (!) da Rahimdad, 1161).
Copyist: gaix Muhammad A'zam.
dig.; '
Beneath this there is a long note recording the acquisition of the manuscript
by the library of Ahmad Sah, Durr-i Durran, date'd 10 Jumada I A.H. 116.8,
with the seal of a Gul Muhammad bearing the same date.
B.M. Or. 4229-Foil. 511; size 27-5x15 cm.; 17 lines in a page; Nasta'lik;
18th century; bound in stamped leather. [j. Darmesteter]
DIwAn-i XuSrAl XAn
Another full copy, .see Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 22. The spelling is very
similar to that of the previous copy, but there are mistakes in the copying even
of the first lines of the various parts. These begin, I on fol. 3b, II on fol. 63^,
III on fol. 307, and IV on fol. 382.
Copyist: Muhammad 'Alim, of Kashmir.
1.0. MSS. Pashto D. IFoil. 310: size 31.5 X 18-5 cm.16 lines in a page
Nasxi19 th century. Paris Exhibition)
DJwAn-i XushAl XAn
Another copy, apparently written by a copyist with no knowledge of Pashto.
The copy begins with the kasidas. The yazals (foil. 37-) are arranged
in two alphabetical sequences. There follow rubais, kifas, muxammas
poems, &c.
B.M. Or. 4492Foil. 262 size 34x20 cm.; 15-16 lines in a page Nasxi %
written on paper stamped Rolland Feres, Bordeaux, 1855'.
Major H. G. Raverty]
DJwAn-i XuShAl XAn
Another copy, containing the yazals, in a different order, followed (fol. 251.)
by a few murabba', muxammas, musaddas, tarkib-band, and other short poems.
There are numerous pencilled corrections throughout, apparently made by
Major Raverty.i
' '
B.M. Or. 2800Foil. 119 size 28-5 X 19.5 cm.5 lines in a page fine Nasxi
and Nasta'lik; dated Peshawar, 6 January A.D. 1873.
The Revd. T. p. Hughes)
DIwAn-i HiJrJ
The .poems of ASraf Xan Xafak, Hijrl.
Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) no. 23.
ASraf xan, the eldest son of XuShal Xan Xatak, was born in Rama?an
A.H. 1044 (A.D. 1635). He succeeded his father in the chieftaincy of the Xafak
tribe in A.H. 1083 (A.D. 1672-3). In A.H. 1092 (A.D. 1681) his brother Bahram
betrayed him into the hands of the Mogul emperor Aurangzeb, who im-
prisoned him at Gwalior and Bijapur, in the Deccan. There he died in A.H.
1105 (A.D. 1693-4). Most of his poems were written during his imprisonment
and from this separation (hijrari) from his homeland he took his taxallus.
'Mr. Hughes states in a note appended to this volume that this copy of
Ashraf Ran's poems was made, under his superintendence, from an original
manuscript in possession of Afzal Khan of Jamalghari in the Peshawar
district, a direct descendant of the author.'!
The poems, including a few in Persian, are arranged alphabetically, fol-
lowed by a few muxammas, rubais, and five tarix poems on the death of
XuShal Xan, four of them in Persian. A selection from the Dlwan has been
published in the Gulshan.
Copyist: ulam JllanI, of Peshawar.
Avr *
C.U.L. Add. 321Foil. 20 size 26x17.5 cm.; 13 to 15 lines in a page;
Nasta'lik; 19th century. [Major H. G. Raverty]
DJwAn-i Hijr!
Another copy, containing a selection of soyazals only.
1 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) n. 24.
B.M. Or. 2802Foil. 108 size 24x15 cm.15 lines in a page Nasxi
. A.D. 1875. The Revd. T. p. Hughes]
DJwAn-i 'Abd ul-Kadir
The poems of 'Abd ul-Kadir Xan, Xatak.
. /
'Abd ul-Kadir, younger brother of ASraf Xan Hijri, was born in A.H. 1061-2
(see No. 117). On the imprisonment ofASrafhe aspired to the chieftaincy of
the Xatak tribe, but was passed over in favour of ASrafs son, Af?al, and
thereafter doubtless lived in straitened circumstances. However, Raverty's
assertion that he was done to death by his nephew on his accession does not
bear examination (see No. 159).
His poems are full of Sufi mysticism. He is also the author of translations
of Jamls YUsuf ZulaixS (Nos. 117-26) and Sa'dis Gulistan (Nos. 159-61).
'Mr. Hughes has appended a note to the present copy, dated Nov. 21,1884,
in which he states that it was made under his superintendence from a manu-
script in the possession of Af?al Ran ofjamalgarhi in the Peshawar District.
'The odes in the Diwan are arranged in alphabetical order, and are followed
by a number of Ruba'is and Mu!hammas.'2
Copyistcertainly Tulam Jilani (see Nos. 79, 89, 99, &c.).
B.M. Or. 4232Foil. 77 size 26-5x16-5 cm.13 lines in a page; Nasxi;
late 18th century. [j. Darmesteter]
Diwan-i 'Abd ul-KAdir
Another copy, imperfect at the beginning and end. Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.)
no. 26.
1 Selections, p. 269. 2 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 25.
The yazals begin on fol. 72, following the rubais and muxammas poems.
Foil. 62-77 contain the following poems by other poets: yazals by Fai?
Muhammad (fol. 62.), ASraf (fol. 62( Fakir Af?al (fol. 62( Nawwab 'All
Muhammad Xan (fol. 68a), and Miskin (fol. 69.); muxammas by Sadr
Xan Xatak (fol. 63.), XuShal Xan (fol. 65.) in two parts-the first part is
wrongly headed ) for it is found in No. 73 at fol. 379),
Saiyid 'Abd ul-Samad Pirzada (fol. 72), and Hafiz Rahmat Xan (fol. 75);
an '] ] on the death of Nawwab 'Ali Muhammad Xan in A.H. 1162
(a.d. 1749), by Kazim Xan Xafak (fol. 70.) and a kit'a by Hafiz (fol. 73).
C.U.L. Add. 319Foil. 16 size 30-5x22 cm.; 15 to 19 lines in a page;
crude Nasta'lik; 19th century. (Major H. G. Ravertyj
DJwAn-i 'Abd ul-KAdir
Another copy, containing only a selection of 48 yazals.
B.M. Or. 4498Foil. 188; size 20X 13-5 cm.; 13 lines in a page; Nasta'lik;
dated 29 Safar A.H. 1108 (a.d. 1696). [Major H. G. Raverty]
DJwAn-i NaJJb
The poems of Najib.
. 1
Nothing is known concerning this poet. According to a note by Major
Raverty he appears to have been a YUsufzai Afghan. The odes comprising
the Diwan are followed by a collection of Rubais (foil. 174-188).'I The poems
are mainly of a romantic nature.
On fol. 35 the letter appears for 7', but elsewhere this is written 2.
Copyist: Gul Muhammad, of Peshawar.
; '1
B.M. Or. 393Foil. 134 size 26x17 cm.; 14 lines in a page; Nasxi;
18th century. (Colonel G. w. Hamilton]
DIwAn-i RahmAn '
The poetical works of 'Abd ul-RahmAn, Mohmand.
Mulla 'Abd ul-RahmAn, commonly known as Rahman Baba, a Sufi and
poet, flourished in the 17th century, during the reign of the emperor Aurang-
zeb. The Rev. T. p. Hughes has supplied some notes on the poet in his
copy of the Diwan [No. 89], in which he says that 'Abd al-Rahman belonged
to the Ibrahim Reyl of the Momunds. He was a native of the village of
Bahadur Kilai, [situated about four miles from Peshawar on the Kohat
road] but resided for some time at Hazarkhani, and is buried there.'3
Rahman's dates are uncertain, but in one poem (foil. 98-101), apparently
written when he was over 55 years old, he refers to the death of Aurangzeb
(a.h. iii8/a.d. 1707) and the accession of his son Sah 'Alam, later Bahadur
Sah (a.h. 1119). Rahman was therefore probably born c. A.H. 1060 (a... 1650)
1 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 32.
2 See MacKenzie, BSOAS, xxii. 233.
3 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 27.
c 2628
and would 'have been a young man when .ushhal Khan was an aged
In an excellent edition collated by Maulawl Ahmad ofTangJ in Hashtnagar
and edited by Mr. Hughes (Lahore, 1877), and in various Delhi editions, the
poems are arranged in two separate Dlwans, while in the Bombay edition of
1883 they are all collected together into one. In this copy the first Dlwan is
the second of the printed editions, with some variation in the sequence of the
poems. It ends (fol. 72.) with two tnuxatnmas poems. At fol. 74, two yazals
and a kasida by XuShal Xan Xatak have been introduced.
Selections from the Dlwan appear in Dorns Chrestomathy, the Gulshan,
and the Kalid.
Copyist: Saiyid ulam 'All.
CjTL '
Rylands. Afghan 14Foil. 133; size 23x13.5 cm.; 15 lines in a page;
Nasxl; 18th century; bound in stamped leather. fBibliotheca Lindesiana]
DIwAn-i RahmAn
Another copy. The yazak are arranged in two Dlwans, but in the opposite
order to the last copy, as in the Lahore edition.
. .
The second Dlwan begins (fol. 56b):
1 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 27.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 18Foil. 152; size 24 X 16 cm.; 13 lines in a page; good
Nasxl; dated Rama?an, A.H. 1270 (A.D. 1854).
DIwAn-i RahmAn
Another copy. The yazals are arranged in two Diwans, as in the edition of
Lahore, 1877.
Copyist: Miyan Sadr ul-Din.
15 '
B.M. Or. 2829Foil. 164; size 29X 19 cm.; 13 lines in a page; Nasxl; dated
17 June A.D. 1861. [The Revd. T. p. Hughes)
DJwAn-i RahmAn
Another copy, made for the Revd. T. Tuting. The yazals are arranged in two
DiwSns as in the previous copy. Rlumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 28.
Copyist: Mirza (Muhammad) Ismail.
B.M. Or. 2830Foil. 139 size 28X 19 cm.; 15 lines in a page; fine Nasxl;
dated 4 May A.D. 1872. [The Revd. T. p. Hughes)
DJwAn-i RahmAn
Another copy.
'Mr. Hughes says in a note appended to the volume dated Dec. 18th. 1884:
This manuscript is a very careflil collation from a number of manuscripts
by the poet Ahmad of Hashtnaggar, carried on under the careful super-
intendence of the Rev. T. p. Hughes, and is supposed to be the only carefully
collated manuscript in existence. It was evidently from this copy that the
Lahore edition of 1877 was printed.
Copyist: Tulam Jilam, of Peshawar.
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. 4-Foll. 157 size 25-5 X 19 cm.; 12 lines in a page;
Nasxt; 18th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana)
Dlwan. Appended (fol. 54) is an
entitled Jawami-i kallm, containing
mfi works.
Another copy.
The yazak are all arranged in one
extract from the Bab-i suluk of a work
quotations from Pashto translations of
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 17-Foll. 1 + 93; size 24 X 16-5 cm.; 13 lines in a page;
good Nasxl; dated Multan, A.H. 1187 (A.D. 1773-4). [R. Johnson]
DIwAn-i RahmAn
Another copy, beginning with the same lines as the preceding copy. The
yazak are again arranged in one Dlwan, but in a different sequence.
Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 29.
Foil. 34/39 are bound in the wrong order. On the fly-leaf is added a marsiya
poem by a Nawwab Mun'im ul-daula.
Copyist: Fa?il Muhammad, son of Mulla 'Abd ul-Tani, of Multan.
B.M. Or. 4493-F.ll III size 33.5x21 cm.; 18 lines in a page; Nasxi;
dated 8 gafar A.H. 1271 (A.D. 1854). [Major H. G. Raverty]
DJwAn-i RahmAn
Another copy, also arranged in a single Dlwan. Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 30.
Copyist: Siraj ul-Din, of Multan.
Bodleian. MS. Ind. Inst. Misc. 8-Foll. 85; size 32x20 cm.; 17 lines in a
page; fine Nasxl; c. 1900, paper watermarked Monckton 1886'.
A selection of 37 poems from the Dlwan of Rahman, in no alphabetical order,
written on the reverse of alternate folios only (5 3 ,, &c.). Foil. 68 onwards
are left blank except for a list of first lines added by a European hand on
fol. 85.
B.M. Or. 45.1Foil. 93; size 21x15 cm.; 15 lines in a page; Nasxl;
18th century. [Major H. G. Raverty]
DJwAn-i HamId
The Diwan of'Abd ul-Hamid, Mohmand, which is also called Durr 0 marjan.
Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 31.
'Abd ul-Hamid, known as Hamid) was a native of MaSo Xel, a Mohmand
village about ten miles from Peshawar on the Kohat road. He flourished
during the reigns of the emperor Aurangzeb and his successors, down to
Muhammad Shah. He is supposed to have died about the year A.D. 1732.
See Ravertys Selections, p. 85.
The yazals are arranged alphabetically and are followed by a few muxammas
poems. The Diwan has been lithographed at Bombay, A.H. 1295 (A.D. 1878).
Selections are printed in the Gulshan, pp. 73-102.
Hamid is also the author of two romances translated from the Persian, viz.
Nairang-i 'iSk and Sah 0 Gada (No. 129).
Foil. 223 and 9293 contain notes of various debts, and some Pashto
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. IIFoil. 82; size 26-5 X 14 cm.; 16 lines in a page;
Nasta'lik, 19th century. [Paris Exhibition]
Diwan-i Hamid
Another copy.
Copyist: Fa?l-i Hakk.
B.M. Or. 4495Foil. 120; size 24.5x16 cm.; 12 lines in a page; Nasxl;
19th century. Major H. G. Raverty]
DIwAn-i Ahmad Sah
The poems of Ahmad Sah Abdali, Durr-i DurrAn. See Blumhardt, B.M.
Cat., no. 33, and No. 51 above.
The poems consist of yz2/s, with a few muxammas poems and rubais.
The Dlwan has been published, edited by 'Abd ul-Haiy Hablbl, by the PaXto
Tolsna of Kabul, in 1940.
On fol. 26 is written with the letter .
Copyist: 'Ali Muhammad, Caharyarl.
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 20Foil. 170; size 19.5 X 13.5 cm.; 11 lines in a page;
Nasxi; 19th century.
DIwAn-i Ahmad Sah
Another copy, incomplete at the beginning and end.
corresponding to fol. la of the previous copy.
On foil. 31-32 j is written as .
B.M. Or. 4494Foil. 147; size 31.5x19.5 cm.; II lines in a page; bold
Nasta'lik; dated 13 Muharram A.H. 1187 (A.D. 1773).
[Major H. G. Ravertyj
DJwAn-i SaidA
The poetical works of Muhammad Kazim Xan, Saida.
. ]
Kazim Xan was the son of Af?al Xan (see No. 157) and great-grandson of
XuShal Xan Xatak, a HanafI by sect, and of the NakSbandl order. According
to Raverty, he was born sometime during the five years subsequent to A.H.
1135 (A.D. 1722)'. On the death of Af?al his eldest son, Asad Ullah Xan,
succeeded him in the chieftaincy. Kazim Xan, being mistrustful of his
brothers intentions, and fearing a design on his life, fled from his home, 'and
spent several years in Kashmir, where he acquired considerable learning. He
subsequently lived a long time at Sirhind, in upper India, but aftewards
proceeded to the Afghan principality of RampUr in that country, where he
took up his residence; and there he passed the greater part of his life.'2
The poems are preceded by the author's preface, in which he states
that they were revised and arranged in their present form in A.H. 1181
(A.D. 1767).
1 Selectionsy pp. 305 f.
This comprises:
I (fol. ). Masnawi poems, beginning:
These include eulogies of Muhammad, the four Caliphs Abu Bakr Siddik
.Umar, 'Usman, and All, of Baha' ul-Dln NakSbandl, gaix Ahmad Sirhindi,
and ulam Ma.s.m, the poets religious preceptor, and finally a dissertation
on Pashto poetry.
II (fol. 3). A Diwan of yazals, in alphabetical arrangement, beginning:
and followed (fol. 95b) by a few kasidas.
III (fol. 6). Kit'as, miixammas, rubai, and musaddas poems.
This manuscript is, no doubt, the copy of Shaidas poems which Major
Raverty had procured at Lahore, and which, he informs US, had been sent
by the poet to Mian MuhammadI, son of Mian lEabd-ullah of Sirhind, who
belonged to the family of Shaidas spiritual guide", and was the only copy
then extant.'!
A large number of additional yazals and corrections are written in the
margins. On fol. 2a there is a note, in Persian, instructing any fliture copyist
to take account of these marginalia. This then appears to be the original
manuscript of A.H. 1181 with the modifications made by the poet down to
1187, the date of the note.
The Divan has been published, edited by 'Abd ul-Ra.f Benawa, by the
Poxto Tolona of Kabul, in 1951.
1 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat.) no. 35.
c 2628
B.M. Or. 2801., foil. 1-146 size 27-5x18 cm.15 lines in a page fine
Nasxl; dated 16 July A.D. 1872. [The Revd. T. p. Hughes]
DIwAn-i Saida
Another copy. Mr. Hughes states in a note attached to this copy that it was
made "from the original", referring no doubt to the Raverty manuscript
[No. 98].I The corrections and additions in the margins there have been taken
into the text.
Copyist: riam JllanI, of Peshawar.
' ;
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. I. b, foil. 53-198 (see No. 104); fine Nasxl dated
10 Au^ist A.D. 1876.
Another copy, also made for the Revd. T. p. Hughes, by the same scribe.
B.M. Add. 21,471Foil. 158 size 25.5 X 17 cm.11 lines in a page Nasta'lik
early 19th century. [L. Bowring]
DIwAn-i SaidA
Anoth^ copy, without the author's preface and introductory masnazvis.
A number oiyazah have been added in the margins by another hand.
Copyist: Faiz 'AlJ.
T Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 37.
A note has been added, in Persian, referring to the fair copy belonging to
MiySn Muhammad! (see No. 98).
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. 2.Foil. 142; size 27-5 X 17 cm.; 13 lines in a page;
well written Nastalik; dated at Ambala, 23 March A.D. 1852.
DIwAn-i SaidA
Another copy, similar to the preceding. Foil. 2 and 3 (6 and 7) are bound in
the wrong order.
Copyist: Pandit Karta KiSan.
On the fly-leaf is written:
B.M. Or. 28oi, foil. 147-98 (see No. 99); dated 5 August A... 1872.
[The Revd. T. p. Hughes]
DIwAn-i KAmgAr Xan \
The poems of Kamgar Xan, son of Namdar Xan, Xaak
The poems consist of a Diwan of yazals in alphabetical arrangement,
including a few in Persian written in Nasta'lik, followed by muxammas poems
and rubais.
Namdar Xan appears to have been a younger contemporary of Af?al Xan
and presumably another grandson of XuShal Xan (see No. 104). From the
last verse in this copy it appears that his son Kamgar died at a comparatively
e'arly age, in A.H. 1165 (a.d. 1751-2), as he predeceased his father by three
Mr. Hughes has appended the following note, dated 21 November, 1884:
This work was copied from the original of Kamgar now in the possession of
Afzal Khan Khatak of Jamalghari in the Peshawar District, under the super-
intendence of the Rev. T. p. Hughes of Peshawar. The existence of this poem
was unknown until Mr. Hughes discovered it among some old volumes in
Afzal Khan's possession.
\ .)lT
Copyist: ulam Jlanl, of Peshawar.
1.0. MSS. Pashto c. I. a, foil. 1-52 size 27X 18 cm.; 15 lines in a page;
fine Nasxl and Nasta'lik, dated 31 August A.D. 1876.
DJwAn-i KAmgAr Xan
Another copy, also made for the Revd. T. p. Hughes, by the same scribe.
Mr. Hughes has written the following note at the foot of the title-page:
This MS. is a copy of the original which bears date A.H. 1189. Kamgar was
a descendant of the celebrated Khatak Chief and Poet Khushhal Khan.'
1.0. MSS. Pashto B. 31Foil. 24; size 23 X 15 cm.; 13 lines in a page;
fragmentary leaves, torn and damaged; 19th century.
DJwAn-i KAmgAr
Another copy, consisting of fragmentary leaves from several parts of the
Dlwan. The first leaf begins at the end of the first kasida:
In the margins are a number of munajats and other poems in Persian and
Bodleian. Ouseley Add. 111Foll. 381; size 27-5 X 18 cm.; 12 lines in a page;
large and clear Nasta'lik; . A... 1800.
DJwAn-i Mahabbat 0
The Pashto poems of Nawwab Mahabbat Xan (see No. 57).I
The manuscript is the author's autograph and was presented to Sir Gore
.Ouseley at Lucknow, I October A.D. 1801.
The yazak are followed, on fol. 378., by two carbaits.
Ethe, Bodl. G., no. 2353.
B.M. Or. 394-Foll. 146; size 23 X 15 cm.; 8 lines in a page; crude Nasxi;
dated 21 Rabl I A.H. 12.9 (A.D. 1794). [Colonel G. w. Hamilton]
DJwAn-i AfrIdI
The poems of Kasim 'Ali Xan, Afrldl.
The Dlwan is preceded by a gajara-i Kadiriya, a list in verse of the sue-
cessive XalJfas of the Kadiri sect. It begins:
^ '
The Dlwan begins, on fol. 6b:
Kasim 'All Xan was the son of Burhan Xan, an Adam Xel AfrldJ living in
Farrukhabad, where the poet was born. His father died in A.H. 1192 when he
was nine years old. He was therefore born in A.H. 1182-3 (A.D. 1768-70).
Saiyid Kalam al-DJn, one of his immediate followers, the scribe of the
following cop}, [No. 108] of this Dlwan, has stated in his colophon that Kasim
'All Kan has also written several Dlwans in Persian and Hindi (i.e. Hindu-
stani), and had some acquaintance with English, Kashmiri, and Turki. The
author states in the Katimah (fol. 33) that his verses were collected and
arranged with the help of Hafiz .dam Muhammad, in the year A.H. 1206
(A.D. 1792).'2
Suara, i. 367. Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 38.
:(33 .Colophon (fol
'This manuscript appears to be in the author's own handwriting. There
are many corrections and additions throughout written by the same hand, and
the volume has the impress of the author's seal. The Diwan is headed as being
the first rough copy . The lines of each ode are
separated by careflilly ruled red ink lines, some of the words being written
with black, others with red ink.'
Following the DiwSn there is a poem by the same author entitled Xobnama,
on the interpretation of dreams. It begins:
' '
Colophon (fol. (43
Islamia College (now Pashto Academy, Peshawar University) Library
possesses a copy of Kasim 'All's Kulliyat dated A.H. 1230 (a.d. 1815), con-
taining the following books: an account of his family in Persian, this Diwan,
a Diwan in Urdu, a collection of his kasidas, including the Xwabnama, and
Farhang-i Afridi, a dictionary of Persian words explained in Pashto, Urdu,
Kashmiri, and Eng!ish.2
2 TariX) p. 84.
1 Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., n. 38.
B.M. Or. 395Foil. 149; size 15-5x10-5 cm.; II to 15 lines in a page;
Nasta'lik; dated 29 ga'ban A.H. 1231 (A.D. 1816).
[Colonel G. w. Hamilton)
DJwAn-i AfrIdI
Another copy of the Dlwan and the treatise here called Xwabnama, without
the gajara-i Kadiriya.
This is a carefully revised copy, containing the corrected text of the pre-
ceding manuscript, with sundry other alterations and additions.'!
Copyist: Saiyid Kalam ul-Din KadirT, dubbed Plr-i 'asik by Kasim 'All
Xan, his spiritual guide.
Colophon to the Dlwan (fol. :(42
* *
Colophon to the Xwabnama:
.1.r. 4231.1 .£; size 21-5x14 cm.; approx. 18 lines in a page;
crude Nasta'lik; late 18th century; originally bound with a cover of woven
DIwAn-i Akbar
B.M. Or. 4230Foil.
The poems of Akbar. Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 40.
I Blumhardt, B.M. Cat., no. 39.
1965TheTrusteesofthe Britisb MuseumPRINTEDINGREATBRITAIN
PREFACETHEpresent catalogue describes all Pashto manuscripts known toexist inthe libraries of the British Isles.As the first union catalogue ofthemanuscripts inasingleAsian language in the libraries of the British Isles,it represents anew departure in library co-operation. An undertaking of this sort would hardly be practicable for languages likeArabic, Persian, and Sanskrit, in which verylarge numbers of manuscripts are preserved in many libraries. Pashto manuscript collections are,however,sosmall,and confined tosofew libraries,thata complete catalogue has proved an entirely practical project. Of the170manuscript works described inthecatalogue, sixty-nine areintheBritish Museum, sixtyintheIndia Office Library, sixteen intheJohnRylands Library,tenintheSchoolof Oriental and AfricanStudies, eight in the University Library, Cambridge, fiveintheBodleian Library, and twointheLibrary ofTrinityCollege, Dublin. Onehundredand twenty-six ofthemanuscripts have previously been catalogued or recorded, forthemostpartby James Fuller Blumhardt, who described sixty-two intheCatalogueofthe Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali,Assamese,Oriya, Pushtu and Sindhi manuscriptsin the Libraryofthe British Museum(London,1905),and fifty-four inhiscata logueof the Pashto manuscripts in theIndiaOffice Library (MSS.Eur.D.499),which has remained unpublished.HermannEthe(who had des cribed fourteen of the same India Office Library manuscripts for their Persian content in theCatalogueofthePersianmanuscriptsin,the Libraryofthe India Office,volume I[Oxford,1903]),printed descriptions offour Pashtomanuscripts in theCatalogueofthePersian,Turkish, Hindtistdni andPushiilmanu scriptsintheBodleian Library: Part 11(Oxford,1930);and E.G. Browne briefly noted five Pashto manuscripts inA Hand-listofthe Muhammadan manuscripts,includingallthosewrittenin,the Arabic character,preservedin the LibraryoftheUniversityofCambridge(Cambridge,19)and one further manuscript inA Supplementary Hand-listofthe Muhammadan manuscripts, includingallthosewrittenintheArabiccharacter,preservedintheLibrariesoftheUniversityand CollegesofCambridge(Cambridge,1922).These126existing descriptions have been edited, revised, and insome instances largely
viPREFACErewritten byDr.D.N. MacKenzie inthelightofthe modern critical litera ture on Pashto studies. Wholly theworkof Dr. MacKenzie are the remaining forty-fourdescriptions-those,namely,ofseven additional manuscripts in the British Museum, sixin the India Office Library, twoin the University Library, Cambridge, andoneintheBodleian Library, aswellasthecollec tions of sixteen manuscripts inthe John Rylands Library, ten intheSchoolof Oriental andAfrican Studies, andtwointhe Library of Trinity College, Dublin.Ourthanks areduetothe Librarians and governing bodiesoftheSchoolof Oriental andAfrican Studies, the University Library, Cambridge, theBod leian Library, Oxford,the John Rylands Library, Manchester, andTrinityCollege, Dublin, for their ready collaboration inthis union cataloguing project andfor the facilitieswhichtheygavetoDr.MacKenzie. Wehope that the publication ofthecataloguemay stimulate other co operative undertakings bywhichthe manuscript ofmany libraries inspecialized branches of orientalist scholarship are surveyed withinthecompass ofasingle publication.K.B.GARDNERKeeper, DepartmentofOriental Printed Booksand Manuscripts British MuseumS.C.SUTTONLibrarian India Office LibraryLondon25JanuaryI96 5
CONTENTSNOS.PAGEI.RELIGIONMaxzan ul-Islam1-21IKitab-i BabiiJan 22-2328Fawa'idul-sari'at2428 30Kulliyat-i Fat!)' Sah, I,1129 3 2 Rasid ul-bayan30-3933Jannatul-firdaus40-41 3 8 Nafi( ul-muslimin4 2 39Kiyamat-nama4340 ul-adab44 4 1NewTestament,'Ahd-ijadid, I,II45 4 211.HISTORYTarix-imurassae46-5044 Sahnama 514 8Tawarix-i 52-5349Ill.PHILOLOGYAmadnama-i afyani 5451Persian-Pashto glossary5552Kitab-i xayalat-i zamani56 52Riyazul-mahabbat57-6053 fAja'ib ul-luyat61-6255Funca-iRoh62A56Linguistic notes6357English-Pashto Dictionary64S8
viiiCONTENTSNOS.PAGEIV.POETRY(A) niWANS Diwan-iArzani65 59Diwan-iMuxlis6660Diwan-iMirza67-73 60Diwan-iKarimdad7465Diwan-i Xusl)alXan 75-7 8 66Diwan-iHijrI7980 69Diwan-i(Abd 81-837 1Diwan-iNajlb84 7 2Diwan-iRahman85-9373Diwan-i J:lamld 94-95 7 8Diwan-i Ahmad Sah 9 6-97 79Diwan-i Saida 9 8-102 80Diwan-iKamgar10 3-105 83Diwan-i Mahabbat10685Diwan-iAfrldI107-108 86Diwan-iAkbar10 9 88Diwan-iAmirXan11089Diwan-iMu(izz Ullah III9 0Diwan-iAbu"l-Kasim1129 1Diwan-iGulcin11392Caman-ibe-nazir11493(B)OTHERVERSEFazl-nama115-116 94Yiisuf Zulaixa117126 95AdamXan0Durxanoi12 7100Kissa daDillauda Sahdi 128101Nairang-i 12 9131102 Sah (0) Gada 129-13102Mi'rajnama13213510 4 Saiful-Muliik136-137 106
CONTENTS Kissa-iJumjuma,Tawallud-namaTawallud-namaJang-nama-iImamainMu'[izat Mu'[izatKasidaBurdaNiirnamaKissa-iBahram0GulandamDastan-iAmirHamza fAzra Wamikral Fat!)Xan Munajat,Wafat-nama, Kissa-iJumjumaAnthology ofshortreligious poemsV.TALES,ETC.'Jlm-xanada danis GuldastaGulistan .A.dam Xan0DurxanoiKitab-iZakkum Anecdotes Rauzat ul-amsalNUMERICALINDEXI. BritishMuseum11.IndiaOfficeLibraryIll.School of OrientalandAfricanStudiesIV. Cambridge, UniversityLibraryV.Dublin,TrinityCollegeVI.Manchester,JohnRylandsLibraryVII.Oxford, BodleianLibraryixNOS.PAGB138 1 13914 1139,14 1 1 14 2III143III14411214511314 6-14911315-15 1115152117153118154119155119156120157-158122159161 12 316212616 3165126166128167-16812916913 .131133134135 135135136
SYSTEMOFTRANSCRIPTIONasclt dQt y ,. u Zu f-1r J UaJ r Skb.z J g y J ":;J P .t.Z J1Jt v m g \9tu-u s 0 n 6S....s}'JD-l)'"c::. J v w,il,0x -'v h[. c if0 ,.. y,i,e LL. J ifc.? .. -1t"L c.sal L1).1;Zdlt.,; rXSub-andsuperscriptdotsmark distinctions oftheArabic script having no significance in Pashto, whilelinesmark significant differences.
WORKSCITED Tarix KalidGulshan GrammarB.M.Cat. Selections 8u(ara Bodl. Cat. ChrestomathyJ.F. Blumhardt,Catalogueofthe Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali,Assamese, Oriya, Pushtu, andSindhiManuscripts inthe Libraryofthe British Museum,London,1905.H. Ethe, CatalogueofthePersian, Turkish, Hindzlstani andPushtilManuscripts inthe Bodleian Library,Vol.11,Oxford,1930.B.Dorn,AChrestomathyofthePush tu orAfghanLanguage,St. Peters burg,1847.C.U.L.HandlistE.G. Browne,AHand-ListoftheMuhammadanmanuscripts, includingallthose written inthe Arabic character, preserved inthe Libraryofthe UniversityofCambridge,Cambridge,19;alsoA SupplementaryHand-List. .. UniversityandCollegesofCambridge,1922.H.G. Raverty,A Grammarofthe Puk'hto, Pus'hto, or Languageofthe AfgEans, Calcutta,1855.H.G. Raverty,Gulshan-i-roh,London,1860;(translations inSelec tions,q.v.).1.0.Pers. Cat.H.Ethe,CatalogueofPersian Manuscripts inthe Libraryofthe India Office,Vo!.I,Oxford,1903.T.P.I-Iughes,The Kalid-i-Afghdni,Peshawar,1872;(TranslationbyT.C. Plowden, Lahore,1875).H.G. Raverty,Selectionsfrom the Poetryofthe Afghans,London,1862.Sadik UIHih Rixtin,and'Abdul-Haiy Habibi,Paxtiins su(ara (Pathan poets),2parts, Kabul,1941-2.Sadik UIHih Rixtin,Da paxto daadab tiirix(AhistoryofPashto litera ture),Kabul,1954.
IRELIGION11.0.MSS.PashtoB.8-Foll.156;size23XIScm.;15linesina page;Nasxt;worm-eaten;datedA.H.1179(A.D.1765-6). [Sir Charles Wilkins]MAXZANUL-IsLAM ,)tA compendium oftheMuslimfaithandreligious observances, by Axiind Darweza.' Darweza, sonofGadaibn Saix Sa'di, wasbornintheYiisufzai countrybut,his ancestors having come from Nangrahar, healso called himself'Nangrahari'.Hebecame a disciple ofMirSaiyid fAli FawwasTirmizi('PirBaba')andgained considerable renown amongthePathans, towhomheis known as 'Axiin Baba'.Hedied, ata great age,inA.H.1(A.D.1638-9)andisburiedatPeshawar.>Ofhissonsthemost famous wasMulla'Abdul-Karim,betterknown as Axiind Karimdad.>Hedied inA.H.1(A.D.1661-2)andwasburiedin Swat.Heisalso known as'Sahid Baba', andthereappears tobea reference tohismartyrdominthefinal chapter ofthepresent manuscript.TheMaxzanul-Islamwas writtenwiththespecial object of refutingtheheretical teaching ofBayazid anOrmurof Kag.igiiram in Waziristan.Bayazidlater took uphis abode in Nangrahar, where he becamethefounder oftheRosaniya sect, so-called from his styling himself'Pir Roxan'.4 IThisandcertainothermanuscriptsofthesameworkintheIndiaOfficeLibrary(Nos.9, 12,17,18,20,and21)havebeendescribedpreviouslybyEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,pp.1422if. 2. SeefurtherRixtin, Tarix, pp.39f.,andRixttnandHabibi, 8utara, pt.i,pp.18,136;alsoBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,nos.2-6.3SoRahman'Air,Taskira-i'ulama-iHind,s.v.Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,p.zb,writesof'Karimdad,thesonofDarweza',andof''Abdc2628 Bal-Karirn,anothersonofD.',andEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2450,makesthesamedistinction. 4 SeefurtherBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,p.2.AmanuscriptofBayazld'smainwork,theXairul-bayiin,isnowpreserved,asMS.Or.fo1.4093,intheDepotoftheformerPreussischeStaatsbibliothekattheUniversityLibraryof'Ttibingen.
2RELIGION "li.T ..s ir J ',' As originally composed by Darwezathework was divided intoeightsections, called Bayans,withPersian prefaces.ThePashtotextis almost entirely inrhymedprose. A considerableamountof additionalmatterhasbeenaddedto Darweza's work, byhisson Karirndad,andhis grandsonMuhammad (fAbd ul-)Haltmibn'AbdUllah.IThearrangement ofthework inits present popular form was made by'Abdul-Karirn(Karimdadjduringthelifetime ofhisfather.> But, inthewords ofDr.Leyden,'thetexture ofthework isofa very looseandunconnectednature;sothatthedifferent chapters, ofwhichit consists,admitofeasy transposition; a circumstancewhichhas given riseto great diversity of arrangementandvariety of readings.TheMakhzan Afghanihas long beenpopularamongtheAfghans,andchiefly among those classes, who arebyno means curiouswithrespect tostyleandarrangement. Hence,thoughthepractice of writing isbyno meanscommonor general amongtheAfghans,noteven among those persons who are well versed intheArabiclanguage,andskilled inthedoctrines ofIslam,yetsuchdiversity of readings11asarisen in this work, that almost every copy differs widely from another,andtheomission, or transposition ofthechapters, seems todependentirely onthepleasure ofthetranscriber.vThestandardcontents ofthework are detailed below, Bayan I.A paraphrase oftheBad'ul-amdli,an Arabickasidah,containing a compendium oftheMuslimfaith, bySira]ul-Din fAli ibn'Usman, al-Osi al-Faryani.ThePersian preface beginswithan Arabic preamble: Lr JI pilSlJle'1JL,W. JI ThePashto paraphrase begins: ,J4 IInhisMulhaqat,Add.E,bothformsofthenameoccur,e.g.B.M.Or.396,fol.IS7b,Halim;Or.4234,fol.129b,'Abdul-Halim(Nos.10andIS).2ThedateofthisarrangementisstatedtohavebeenFriday,21MuharramA.H.1024(20 February A.D.1615),in1.0.MSS.Pashtoc.12,fol.18b(No.13below).3Asiatic Researches,vol.IIof1812,366.Theextentofthetranspositionofchapters,&c.,inthemanuscriptsdescribedherestronglysupportsthisconclusion,andmakesEthe'sanalysis,1.0.Pers. Cat.,pp.1422-30,appearaltogethertoofacile. .
ThePashto text begins:I '$IJ.=:..04*0LS s J'jL,'-:?.),-:?'J.=:..iU01 JyG.-'-'cry s <$j.JJ Thefollowingaretheheadings ofthechapters: Bab I. jW 2. jW RELIGION3Bayan 11.A paraphrase oftheKasidat ul-Burdah,an Arabic poem in praise of Muhammad, byMuhammad Abii 'Abd Illah ibn Sa'Id, (v.No.144).ThePersian preface begins: i'.JJJ'iL,lCM)')JUJ iWWOjlJ..:-.101 .;;.J1J().)l:91 ul.;d:(J-'r ThePashto paraphrase begins: JY").)':fJi*..:;,.).r.l.)('":!IJ.)l;.)",uJ.JLYe'-'l;.)0J.Y"J s BayanIll.An account of72unorthodox sects, with particulars of their heretical tenets.ThePersian preface begins: il./0JoJ./J') J.u1415ly.:i....o;:;TEl<\::9)J...:;,.J'JOJ..::;.:;.;;.4Jjl.)lUl ThePashto text begins: '$#JiY'$.)J.J lJ BayanIV.An epitomized version oftheXuldsahofLutfUllahKaidani,an Arabic manual of instruction on ceremonial ablutions and prayer, in eight chapters(bab),withthefollowing Persian heading: J0W0UWIjl(j"l:J1i1yWOJlif0.))JT).).Jjl IJ .JJt-wl IThischapterhasbeenprintedinRaverty'sGulshan,pp.141-5.
4RELIGION Bab 3.456.78. W,l"l.01.J J ...J jWjWjWjWjW Bayan V,divided into three chapters FaslI,a translation of four articles of belief fromtheArabicofZiya'ul-DinImamMuhammad Sami, begins:j' J.J'J..,a.!"-wG0Ul.ii I WOJwl-JL$"WiLlCr.!..ul;J s J.J'.c)0T j' .r: Fasl2.A translation ofan Arabic treatise byNaJmul-Din'UmaribnMuhammadal-Nasafi on heretical sects,in12sections ThePersian preface begins: llJ\U'>1.J-4-Jcr.L1iU'>1\i L'>1\ur=--.u:JTJ.J.j1..:;.... 1 ,tlL,J-0>-4ii1.rS-Cr.!..ul-J ThePashto translation begins ;' c)Jj s .rSThePashto text begins: <$0T.Ju0'Y i Yt.:s. s 0"";rJ"-AJ Fasl 3.A treatise onthecorrect method of readingtheKoran.ThePersian preface begins: -JJr.::-
RELIGION5BayanVI.An explanation ofthecorrect interpretation of religious terms, which are arranged according totheArabic alphabet.ThePersian preface begins:.J jl JJJIrJJIJL.-,0-::N.J0-::N0-:NtAJ ThePashto text begins: '-;?:JIy-:-''-;?:J'-;?:JUJI JI10. 11. J...p 3 0LJ sC -J. J4 I J JL,u.151J..::..tAJ4 'J crY.l/b 5 'J 0T jl tAJJL,u.151J.;..tJ:J 6. l.:--J 7 Lf.J! 8. J. w'-'.G.J:JSl-'I0 ,-,l;.):JtAJ0LJ s J-J J9 jW/0)JJI BayanVII.An exposition oftheSunnibelief, and religious observances, in23points(nukta).IThePersian preface begins: libtAJttJ .. 0LJ:J0LJ .J. J y::::;-..T u.. ,J; J I'" eJlJ...ZJwl1W4Jf jl tAJ..GI ThePashto text begins: 05)1JJ.JI01)bAjLf)JYTheremaining headings areasfollows:Nukta2.INuktasI,2,20,21,and23havebeenFatduia-i "Tuhfat ul-Xdni", MUJizat-i afyani, published,undershortertitles, in variousHazdrmasii'il.19th -cen tury compilations, viz.Raiidul-bayiin,
6Nukta12.13141516. account ofBayazid andhissons,uptothedeath of ]alal ul-Dinandtheaccessionof Ahdad as head oftheRosaniya sect.Thissection was written in Persian and in Pashto.ThePersian begins: 1 ..J1 s 0w .r"J... v....r' .. \",;?..r J '" ...e" Jl.bJ.:.iiU.vJ1..Gj}ISl(":!Id ThePashto begins: -40l.b1yS'"'J.iLjy=:.TJJ*S401J4I$.JJ1J Thesection ends: ';-J..G4 i JJ*oJli.IJ.;1$.';-c=:i r niy=:.T.;Darweza's original work ends with an epilogue containing someversesby Mulla Asyar razi, his brother. Darweza's text isin Persian, beginning: E'jW0yL.J
RELIGION7ThePashto verse begins: ,.J0'J<$-'J'J,. .. ,.J<$'Ji'J Jj;.r::::Inaddition there isthefollowing matter. Add. A.A lengthy Pashto commentary byKarimdadontheconfession of faith beginning: E'J J J Add. B.A short alphabet of religious terms, by Halim,withanotherandconsiderably longer oneby Karimdad, written afterthemodel ofBayanVI.Thesection is headed:Halim'salphabet begins: E'.;-yJl:J J li;J.;-6<$u Karimdad'salphabet begins: **UJIyJl1c.?1J' Add. C. Koranic texts, including versesfrom Siirah25,verse28onwards, with a Pashto paraphrase byKarimdad.Thepreface begins: .r.0.;c.? s ...\:JL.J::...c.? s *c.?LP-6..." ) l.ej liTJ'cS,) Add. D. Articles on ceremonial observances, &c.,by Karirndad.Thearticles arenotnumbered,and110one manuscript contains allthearticles.Thefulllist (numbered here for convenience) isasfollows:I. Jli91J')jWJ') Thisarticle contains paraphrases of SiirahI, andSiirah112,al-Ixlds,andotherArabic prayers.'2.3 jWJ')W0G sJ ...JIItappears,underthetitleTarJuma-i namdz,invarious19th-centuryeditionsoftheRalidul-bayiin(seepreviousfootnote).
RELIGION AjyP.Jua9'y s s l?J..:.-1 tr: yP.Jua9'ylA.; w o" .JU ... Jwlt..rlii.Jy4 jl d..WI ... 0w\..:.....Hr ... J ... LI,\w .. i '-' ... JS..,.L Amuxammaswiththerefrain Add. E.A supplement containing miscellaneous passages,somewithalphabetical headings, bearingthename ofMuhammad (tAbd ul-) Halim,Thetext is frequently split into sections, which begin asfollows:(i) AJJIulcLGC-,)t.!)ijL:...:;;U.Y. llb.d--'C-')'-' (ii) Ely. LJ'.r9' (iii) El'$; t JU (iv) El'$)l:;-t. Add. F.A note on certain letters ofthePashto alphabet, followedbya statement totheeffectthatthecompiler ofthewhole work was'Abdul Karim, or Karimdad, sonof Darweza,thus: 0l...:!1 I) Lt.:--' I) 0.J"H0:!'jli)\...J1JA>I.l.9Dcr.1y;# U:)l.i.0:!1Lt.:-.-Y.4 s 8456.78.910.II.12. 13 14IS16.Thework asa whole has been lithographed at Delhi in1877and(?)1885.
RELIGION9Inthepresent copythefirst eight folios originally formedpartof another manuscript.Theycontain approximatelythefirsthalfofBayanI.Therethenoccurs a lacuna, oftheconclusion ofBayanIandthecommencement ofBayan11.Fol.9begins ataboutthesecond page ofthePashto text ofBayan11.Therefollow: Fol.2Sb.BayanIll.Fol.36a.BayanIV. Fol.4Sb.BayanV, FaslI;fol.48b,Fasl2;fol.55 a,Fasl3.Fol.61b.BayanVI.Fol.77a.BayanVII,theNuktasnumberedcorrectly fromIto23.Fol. rooc,BayanVIII.OfthePersian text onlythefirstandlast sentences are included. Fol.lo8a.Darweza's epilogue. Fol.soeb,Add. A,Karimdad'scommentary onthecredo. Fol.11gb.Add.B,thetwo alphabets. Fol.136a.Add.E,section (ii). Fol.137a.Add.C,theKoranic texts.Theintroduction isomitted,Fol,14ob.Add. D.Karimdad'sarticles,withtheexception ofnos.4,9,13,and16.Fol.153b.Add. E, section (iii).Themanuscript concludeswitha chapter 'concerning martyrs', fol.155a.., ww ... Colophon: .;-JJJ'.J.x,:?'.A.::.. s DJ}JW.,.s-J"";':?y)b,:?j.J)D .r: ).JL, C2628c
PAGE 22;size25x14cm.;16linesina page;Nasxi;rSth century.MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnother copy,Ithecontents arranged asfollows: Fol,lb.Add.D, article I. Fol. 6a.Bayan I.Fol.13a.Bayan 11.Fa!.33b.BayanIll.Fol.43a.Bayan IV.Fol.52b.BayanV, I;fol.55b, 2;fol.61b, 3. Fol.67b.Bayan VI.Fol.82b.Add. C. Fa!.83b .Add.D, articles 4,5,14,9 Fol.88b.Thearticle 'concerning martyrs'. Fa!.8gb.Add. A. Fol,9gb.Add. D, articles 10,11,12,8,3,16. Fol.104a.BayanVII,alltheNuktas correctly numbered. Fol.126b.Add. B, l:Ialim's alphabet and Karimdad's to tf' i't:Fol.139b.Add. E,(ii),(iii). Fol.144a.BayanVIII.ThePersian text, tofol,15oa,is written in Nasta'lik. Fa!.158a.Theepilogue. Fol,158b,lastline.Add.Fandthenoteby Karirndad.3C.U.L.Or.606-Fol!.Ig5;size20x14cm.;12to14linesina page; Nasxi;rSthcentury. [Professor A.A.Bevan]MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnother copy,from which most ofthePersian sections andthetitles ofthevarious parts have been omitted.IDescribedpreviously inBodl.Cat.,no.2350.
RELIGION11Onfol.lathere isa prayer forthedead.Thecontents are arranged as follows:, article I., beginning directly withthePashto text. Fol.I7b.Bayan 11.Fol.30b.BayanIll.Fol.47a.BayanIV,the Babs properly titled. Fol.S6b.BayanV(called Bab), I;fol.60a, fol.66a, Fol.73b.BayanVI.Fol.93a.BayanVII,with the Persian introduction. Fol.I20a.Add.A. Fol.I36a.Add.D, including articles2,3,S, 8-12, 14. Fol.I44b.Add.B,Halim'salphabet followedbyKarimdad's,complete, and further unidentified articles by Karirndad. Fol.16gb.Add.E, parts (iii),(iv),(ii),and other longarticles ending: J AL:.. s s yj"[!]"::"+.7-).x.J'?I,)0G'?.JJ\.J Fol.I7ga.BayanVIII,followedby the Pashto text of the epilogue(fol.I89b).Fol.Igobif.contains unidentified text, beginning:c" s 04jli.T Copyist: Niir Muhammad, sonofHayat Xan. Thecolophon isa slightly augmented version ofthatof the previous copy, ending:[sic] JJJlYiilli;erlD' JJJAJJ' .. k;...JrU 4B.M.Or.923S-Foll.160;size20SX14 cm.; 13linesina page;Nasxi;rSth century. [SirM. Aurel Stein]MAXZ ..\N ULISLAM Another copy. Fol. 3a.BayanI,withtheoriginal introduction,butwith theKasidaattributed (asintheprevious copy)to Muhammad Thereisa lacuna ofap proximately fivefolios after fol.10.
12RELIGIONFol,Ila,themiddle ofBayan11.Fo!2Sb.BayanIll.Fa!.36a.BayanIV.Fol,4Sa.BayanV, I;fol,48a, 2;fol,S4 b,Fasl3.Fol,60b.BayanVI,untitled.Fol,76b.BayanVII,incomplete. Nuktas 16-19 areinadifferent orderandNukta19 (proper),thebeginning of which appears as17,is repeated in fullas20,thelastin this place.Fol,99a.A Koranic text(SiirahS'verse39) from Add.C,repeated onfol. 14 1a.Fol,roozz.Add. D, article 3,&c.,followedonfa!.104bby16.Fol,10Sb.Add. Fandtheoriginal colophon.Fol.106b. Add. A. Fol,117a. Add. D,first article.Fol,118b.BayanVII,continued: Nuktas 20 (unnumbered), 21-23. Fa!.121a.BayanVIII.Fol,130a(last words),theepilogue.Fol,130b. Add. D, articles 10,II,12,2,andS. Fa!.139a.Add.C.Fol,141b. Add. B. OnlyKarimdad'salphabet, asfarastheletter 1, fol lowedby .J. Fol.IS3b.Further,unidentified, articles in PersianandPashto. Fall.I,2, tS9b, 160,andtheendpapers contain fragments ofothermanuscripts.51.0.MSS.Pashto B.9-Foll.ISO;size20Sx13Scm.;13linesina page; clearN.asta' lilJ,; dated 2SJumada11inthethirdyear ofthereign of Sahf.Alam, i.e.A.H.1175(A.D.1762). [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]MAXZAN uL-IsLAM Anothercopy.TheBayansarenotall separately, or correctly,numberedinthiscopyandthePersian prefaces tosomeof them, whichhadbeen omitted, have been added inthemargins ina different, coarser hand.Thecontents are arranged asfollows:
RELIGION13Fol,lb.Bayan I.TheKastda-iAmal:is wronglyattributedtoanIrnamMuhammad '\ysy. Fol,gb.Bayan 11.TheKastdatul-BurdahisalsoattributedtoImamMuhammad *U\vaisi. Fo!.27b.BayanIll.Fol,38a.Bayan IV.Theheading isinthemargin. Fol,47b.Bayan V,heremistakenlynumberedIX,bytheaddition oftheword inthemargin;fol,50b ,Fasl2;fol.56b ,Fasl 3. Fol,63a.BayanVI,here called 'Bab X'inthemargin. Fol,78b.Miscellaneous pieces by Karimdad, includingtheKoranic texts, Add. C.Theendhasbeenomitted,andlikewisethebeginningofthefirstofthearticles, Add. D,fol.82b.Therefollowthearticles 4,9,7, 6,3,5,and13,inthatorder. Fol.92a.Add.A,thecommentary onthecredo. Fol,102a.BayanVII,called 'BabI'inthemargin.TheNuktasare onlynumberedupto14. They" appear inthefollowingorder(accordingtothecorrectnumberinggiven above):I,2,8,9,10,II,12,14,15,16, 19,20,21,22,23,3,4,5,6,7,13,and17-18isnotincluded. Fol, 122b. Add. B,thetwo alphabets.Karimdad'sis incomplete, extending only to letter .J;, followed byiandt:FoI.136b. BayanVIII.ThePersiantextis omitted. FoI.144b.Theverses ofMullaAsyar,Darweza'snote in Persianbeingomitted. FoI.I4Sb.Add. E,thesupplementby Halim. Copyist: SaL-x "Inayatunsn,sonof Sai.x J:IafizVIIii}l, resident ofLahore.Colophon:;rt...;L-'-J-'-J-JJ-'JJJ I lSjli.o\..:;.4:>:...r'.c....Jl=J1oL..Je=)l;j.JJ.nJ;4U'ASJ....;.JIJW-LL:;.. .cl; -'L'J-JJ--'J(d L-J
RELIGION6B.M. Or. 6274-Fo11. 173;SIze20x14cm.;13linesina page;Nasa,rSthcentury. [Major H.G. Raverty]MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnothercopy.See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat., no.2.Thefirstandlastfoliosare incomplete.Themainpartofthework is correctly ordered and titled,buttheadditional materialwhichfollowsisinsome disorder.Thecontents are: Fol.zb.Add. C,thePashto introduction only. Fol. 3a. Add. D, article I. Fol.8a.BayanI,withtheascription to'IrnamUwaisi', One foliois missing after fol.9. Fol.Isa.Bayan11.Fol. 37a.BayanIll.Fol.48a.BayanIV.Fol.S8b.BayanV, FaslI;fol.6Ib,Fasl 2;fol.6ga,Fasl3.FoI.76a.BayanVI.Fol.92b.BayanVII.Fol.II7b.BayanVIII.Fol.I33b.Epilogue. Fol.I34b.Add. F,withtheoriginal colophon. Fol.I3Sb.Add. B.Karimdad'salphabet is abridged, extending onlyasfar astheletter 1;, followedby \ and J .Fol.Isob.Add. E, section (iv). Fol.IS3b.Add. A. Fol.I64b.Add. D, articles 10,11,12,8,3,2,andI6-themuxammas (written Thereisa lacunaafter fol.169. FoI. I7oa.Further,unidentified, articles byKarimdad,Fol.I72a.Add. E,thebeginning.
RELIGION7IS1.0. MSS.PashtoB.2g-Fol1.173;size22xIScm.;14linesina page;NasxiandN.asta' rSth century. [Paris Exhibition]MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnother copy.Inthis neatly written manuscriptthePersian prefaces totheBayansare written inN.asta' andthePashto inNasa.Themainpartoftheworkis preceded bymuchofKarimdad'sadditional material, insomedis order.Thecontents,thePashto introduction only,in whichthename ofDar-wezais substituted forthatofKarimdad.Fol.3a .Add. D, articles 4,5,6,7,14, and 9 Fo!.6b.Add. C,theKoranic texts. Fol.8b.A section concerning martyrs, asinB.8(no.I),fo1.ISSb.Fol.loa.Add.A,thecredo.Fo1.21b.Add. D, articles 10,II,12,8,3,2,16, andI,thetitle and first paragraph of which islacking.Fo1.31b.BayanI.TheKastda-iAmauis ascribed to'Uwaisi'.Fol.3gb.Bayan 11.Fol.60b.BayanIll.Fol.71b.BayanIV. Fo1.81b.BayanV, I;fol.84b, 2;fo1.gla, 3.Fo1.98a.BayanVI. Fol.114a.BayanVII,followedbyapassage bearing the nameof Karimdad. Fol.138b.Add.B,thealphabet of Karimdad extending onlytotheletter 1;, followedby i andj,Fa1.152a.Add. E, section (iv),followedby section (ii) containing parts attributed to Karimdad,Fo1.158a.BayanVIII.Fol.171b. Epilogue. Fo!.172b.Add.F.
16RELIGION81.0.MSS.PashtoB.32-Foll.163;size24x13cm.;15linesina page; Nasxi;rSth century. [Delhi collection]MAXZANUL-IsLAM Another copy, imperfect atthebeginningandend.Thefirst eight folios originally formedpartof another manuscript.Theycontain: Add. D,thefirst article, bearingthename of Darweza instead ofthatof Karimdad. Fol.8a. BayanV, Fasl 2,thebeginning.Themanuscript proper begins atfol.9, withthesame article by Karimdad.Thus:Fol. 9a. Add. D, articleI,of whichthefirsttwolinesare missing. Fol.13a. BayanI, withtheKasuia-iAmaliattributed to'Uwaisi'.Fol. zob.Bayan11.Fol.41a,last words.BayanIll.Fol.S2a. BayanIV. Fol.62a. BayanV, FaslI;fol.6sa,Fasl 2;fol.72a ,Fasl 3. Fol.78b. BayanVI. Fall. 94b-117b. Karlrndad's additional material inthesame order asinthepreceding copy(B.29),fall.Ib-26bonly. Fol.117b.BayanVII.Fa!.141a. Add. B, and Fol.Issa.Add. E.Inbothof these sectionsthetext followsthatinB.29, fall.138b-ls8a.Therefollowsa lacuna. Fall.16oa-163bcontaintheendofthePersianpartofBayanVIII,uiNasta'lik,andthefirst dozen linesofthePashto,
RELIGION9171.0.MSS. Pashto C. 14-Fo11. 178;size27x19 cm.; 14linesina page;Nasxi;datedIMuharram inthe14thyearofthereignof Ahmad Sah Durrani, i.e.A.H.1174(A.D.17 60).[J.Cotton]MAXZANUL-IsLAMAnother copy.SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2634.Theoriginal portion of theworkismainlyinthecorrect order.Itis preceded by much of Karimdad's additional material.Thecontents areasfollows:, articleI.Fol.Sb.BayanV,Fasl2;fol.12b,Fasl3. Fol.19b.Add.D,articles4,S,6,7,14,g,withsome headings incomplete. Fol.26a.Add.A, the credo. Fol.37a.Add.C, the beginning only. Fol.38b.Add.D,articles10,II,12,8,3,2,and16. Fol.44a.BayanI, with the usual ascription to 'Uwaisi'. Fol.S2a.Bayan11.The ul-Burdah iswronglycalled Amali.Fo1.74b.BayanIll.Fo1.8Sb.BayanIV. Fol.g6a.BayanV,FaslI(the remainder atfo1.Sb).Fol.ggb.BayanVI. Fol.116b.BayanVII.Fol.143b.Add.B.Thetwo alphabets complete.Fo1.I6Sb.Add.E,fromsection(ii).Fo1.167a.BayanVIII.ThePersian portion is omitted afterthefirst sentence.Fo1.176b.Theepilogue, with Mulla verses. Fol.177b.Add.F. Copyist: Saiyid Muhammad A'zam. Colophon: oL::;J.-IIt.\..:-jlyd-Ioyi. [sic] yl;:)J..::;jkJJd.JftJIJ -, C2628 D
18RELIGION10B.M.Or.396-Foll.176;size27x18 cm.; 14linesina page; clear,boldNasxi;rSth century. [ColonelG.W. Hamilton]MAXZAN uL-IsLAl\1: Another copy.See Blumhardt,B.M. Cat.,no.4. Fall.5and6havebeen repaired and completed illacoarse hand.Thecontents areasfollows: Fol.zb,Add.D,firstarticle. Fol.7a.BayanV,Fasl2;fol.13 b, Fasl3. Fol. 20b. Add.D,articles4, 5, 6,7(all untitled), 14and9. Fol. 26b. Add.A. Fol. 36b. Add.C, the beginning, followedbyonefolio containing the text Siirah5,verse39,butbearing the nameofDarweza,Fol.38a.Add.D,articles10,II,12,8,3,2,and16. Fol. 42b.Bayan I.Fol.soa.Bayan 11.Fol. 70b. BayanIll.Fol.8Ia.BayanIV.Fol.9Ia.BayanV, I. Fol.94a.BayanVI.Fol.I loa.BayanVII.Fol.134b.Add.B, untitled. Fol. IS7b. Add.E,asin the previous copy. Fol.166b.BayanVIII.ThePersian sectionis omitted. Fol.174b.Epilogue. Fo!.176a.Add.F.11B.M. Add.27,312-Foll.290;size 21SX 13cm.; 10to12linesina page;Nasxi;rSth century. [D. Forbes]MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnother copy.See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.5.Severalfolios, mainly atthebeginning andend,havebeen inserted bya later hand to complete the volume.
RELIGIONContents: Add. C,firstversesonly.ThenBayanV, Fasl 2, untitled; fol.12b, 3. Fol.24 a.Add.D, articles 4,5,6,7,14,9 Fol.35b.Add.A. Fol.53b.Add. D, articles 10,11,12,8,3,2,and 16. Fol.63a.Add.D, articleI.Fol.71a.BayanI. Fol.84a. Bayan 11.Fol.118b.BayanIll,called Fol.136a.BayanIV.Foll. 151-8 havebeen bound inthewrong order.BayanV(calledBab), FaslI,therefore beginsonfol.153b,followedby fall.154-1-2-7-8-5-6.Fol.158b.BayanVI,called Bab VIII.Fol.183a.BayanVII.Fol.221a.Add.B. Untitled. Fol.259a.Add. E.Thereisa lacuna after fol.262. Fol.272a.BayanVIII.ThePersian text is omitted. Fol.286a.Epilogue. Fa!.287b.Add.F.Colophon, seeNo.13.121.0.MSS.Pashto C.5-Foll.184;size24x16 cm.; 13linesinapage;Nasxi,slightly worm-eaten;rSthcentury.MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnother copy.See Ethe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2635.Thecontents of this manuscript arein almostthesame order asinthelast three copies. Darweza's epilogue, withMullaAsyar'sverses,is omitted.Thearrangement isas follows: Fol,lb. Add. D,first article. Fol.7b.BayanV, Fasl 2;fol.17 b, Fasl 3. Fol.26a.Add. F, bearingthenameofKarimdad.Fol.27a.Add. C,partoftheintroduction only. Fol.27b .Add. D, articles4,5,6,7,14,9
20RELIGIONFol.3 la. Add. C,theKoranic texts. Fol.33a.Add. A,thecredo. Fol.4Sa.Add. D, articles 10,II,12,8,3,2,and16. Fol.sob.BayanI. Fol.Sgb.Bayan 11,called simply Fasl,Thebeginning ofthePashto text is omitted. Fol.8.ob.BayanIll.Fol.g2a.BayanIV,called Fol.102a.BayanV, Fasl I (the remainder atfol.7b).Fol.IoSb.BayanVI. FoI.I24b.BayanVII,called Bab VII.Fol.IS3a.Add. B;Karimdad'salphabet extends onlyasfaras 1;. Fol.166a.BayanVIII.131.0.MSS.Pashto C.I2-Fo11.204;size23Sx13Scm.;13linesina page;Nasxi,slightlyworm-eaten;rSth century. [Delhi collection]MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnother copy, imperfect atthebeginningandend.Thearrangement, sofar asitis observable, is identical withthatofthepreceding copy(C.S).Thecontents are: Fol. la.BayanV, Fasl 2, commencing inthemiddle of Firka 3;fol. 8a,Fasl3,theheading omitted. Fol.17b. Add. F.Thename ofthecompiler, inthefinal statement, has been reduced to 'Darweza'. At this pointthecolophon ofan earlier manuscript is included, practically identical withthatof B.M. Add. 27,312(No.11).Itgivesthedate ofthecompilation as Friday, 21MuharramA.H.1024. .JlS.A>.1J [sic] Lrtl.;J1c!.JJ.i0.J?.J.J,'.rL' [sic] i.rL1Lr0.J? Fol.18b. Add. C,a part. Fol.19b. Add. D, articles 4,S'6,7,14,9 Fol.23b.Add. C, another part, beginningwithSiirah2S,verse28. Fol.26b.Add.A, bearingthename Darweza inplaceofthatof Karimdad.
21RELIGIONFol.41a.Add.D,articles 10,II,12,8,3,2,and16.F01.48a.BayanI. Fo1.58b.Bayan 11,thebeginning ofthePashto text omitted. Fo1.83b,last words.BayanIll.Thereisa lacuna ofonefolio after fol.94. Fol.97a.BayanIV. Fol.IIla.Bayan V(here called FaslV),first Fasl only. Fol.115b.BayanVI,here called Bab, Fol.138b.BayanVII,here called Bab. Fol.172b.Add. B,thealphabets, Karirndad's incomplete. Fol.188b.BayanVIII.Themanuscript breaks offinthemiddle ofthePashto text.14B.M.Or.9234-Foll.195; size25x16cm.;13linesina page; boldNasxi;datedA.H.1208(A.D.1793-4). [SirM.Aurel Stein]MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnother copy, incomplete attheend.,articleI.Fol.7b.Bayan V,Fasl 2, here calledI;fol.14b,Fasl 3, called 2. Fall. 18-24 areboundinthewrong place,andshould followfol.124. Fa!.30b .Add.D,articles 5,14,9 Fol,40b.Add.C,beginning directlywiththeKoranic texts. Fol.42a(last words), Add. A. Fol,53a.Add.D,articles 10,II,12,3,2,and16. Fa!.57b.BayanI. Fa!.66a.Bayan 11.Fa!.87a.BayanIll,called Fol,g8a.BayanIV, called Fasl, Babs 1-4. One foliois missing after fol.103. Fa!.I07a.BayanV, I.Fol,Ilob.BayanVI.Thereisa lacuna ofonefolio after 124,thenthetext continues onfol.18. Fol.18b.BayanVII,called Bab, Nuktas 1-4.Thereisthenagapofc.five folios,thetextresuming on Fol.125a,inthemiddle ofNukta10.Afurtherfoliois missing after 135.
22RELIGIONFol.I38a.Add.B,thetitle appearing after I:Ialim's alphabet. Fol.IS7a.AddE,thebeginning only,'towhich is added a note in Persian stating that, forasmuch asan exposition oftheletters LJ' J, ":1 and cS byImamaI-Din Baba 'Abdal-Karirn wasnotknown,theredactor, Muhammad,binMiyan Niir Muhammad, binImamaI-Din'Abdal-Karim, binMakhdiimDarwezah,hadsuppliedthesametothebest ofhis understanding, andhadalso written an exposition oftheAyat al-kursi, or"Throne-verse"(Siirah ii,v.256oftheKoran).Thedateandplaceof redaction are stated tobe Islampur,A.tI.II12(A.D.1700).Thisinterpolation bythegrandson of'Abdal-Karim,thesonof Darwezah, appears, however,tohave been omitted bythescribe';'Fol.Is8a(last words),BayanVIII,unnumbered. Fol.I76a.Epilogue. Fol.I77b.Add. F, with a different ending, followedbya colophon,thus: AJJ'.J..,uJT 'J A!l:(4w'1lo1b.::.-SytS'C;:!,L4--'.r..:r-J1OrLYE6!WI Colophon:[sic] .;-'-:f-,,r AyL::)AJJ'Wf: JJ.J Copyist: Mulla Akra(m), sonof MullaMuhammad Mas(iid, known as Mufti.Hehas added (foIl.I78b-I9Sb)anumberof articles on religious subjects, none ofthemidentified.Theendpapers contain leavesfromtwo different manuscripts oftheKoran.15H.M. Or. 4234-Fo11.ISO;size28xI.9cm.;14linesina page;Nasa,badly worm-eaten;rSthcentury.[J.Darmesteter]MAXZANUL-IsLAMAnother copy.See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.3.Thesequenceandnature ofthecontents are almost identical with those oftheprevious copy.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,p.Sb.
RELIGION23Fol,lb. Add. D, article I. Fol,6b.BayanV, Fasl 2, here calledI;fol.12b, Fasl 3, called 2.Fal.19a .Add. D, articles 4 (untitled), S,6,7,9,and(?)elaborations of8. Fal.2ga.Add. A. Fol.37 b.Add. D, articles 10,II,12,3,2,and16. Fol.42a.Bayan I.Atfol.43a,apassage fromthebeginning introduced. Fal.48b.Bayan 11,unnumbered. Fol.6sa.BayanIll,here called Fasl. Fa!.73b.Bayan IV,called Fol.81b.BayanV,calledBab,andcontaining onlypartofthefirstFasl, Fol.83a.BayanVI,called Bab. Fa!.96a.BayanVII,called Bab. Fol,IIsa.Add. B,thetitle appearing onfol.116a. Fol,s.zcb,Add. E,thebeginning only, andthenote described inthepreceding copy. Fol,130a.BayanVIII,unnumbered. Fa!.143a.Epilogue. Fol,144a.Add. F,asinthepreceding copy.'Thescribe has added tothework a collection of instructive verses fromthepoems of'Abdal-RahmanandSherMuhammad(fall.14S-ISO).'116B.M. Or.2831-Foll.ISI;size28Sx19cm.;ISlinesina page; carefulNasxi;dated S NovemberA.D.1874.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes]MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnother copy, from which allthePersian portions ofthetext have been omitted andtheheadings translated. See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.6. Fol,lb. Bayan I, beginning immediatelywiththePashto paraphrase. Fol,7b.Thepreface to Add. C,followedbythefirst article of Add. D. FoI.Ilb.BayanV, 3;fo1.I9a, 2,unnumbered. Fol,24b.Add. C,thetext Siirah S,verse39.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,p.6a.
24RELIGIONFoI.2Sb.Add.D,articles5,14,9(?),withPashto headings. FoI.28b.Add.C,thetexts beginningwithSiirah2S,verse 28. FoI.3lb.Add.A. FoI.40b.Add.D,articles 10,II,12,8,3,2,and16. FoI.46b.Bayan 11.FoI.62b.BayanIll,called Bab. FoI.7Ib.BayanIV, calledBab,TheSth Bab (proper) isnumberedwrongly 6. FoI.8Ia.BayanV (called Bab), I. FoI.83b.BayanVI.FoI.gga.BayanVII.FoI.121b.Add.B,thetitle followingHalim'salphabet. FoI.143a.BayanVIII,titled lj. Copyist:Fulam-i JIlanI, Pexawari.Colophon: .b;..,I\r s ilo.j 171.0.MSS.Pashto B.6-FolI.122; size24X17cm.;IS lines inapage;Nasxi;dated27Rabi'11A.H.1180(A.D.1766).MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnothercopy.SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2636.Inthisthefirstfive Bayans areundera differentarrangementandnumbering,withtheadditional articles by Karirndadandothersappendedtothem.Thecontents areas follows:,withtheattributionto 'Uwaisi', FoI.6b.BayanIll,here called11.Fol,I3a,end.Add.A,thecommentary onthecredo. FoI.Iga.BayanV, I, here called'BayanIll'.Fol.2Ia.Add.D,articles 10,11,12,8,3,2,and4. FoI.23b.Bayan 11,here called IV. FoI.37a.BayanIV,herecalled V. FoI.43a.Add.D,article I, followed by Add. C,bothwithoutheadingsorprefaces.
RELIGION25Fol,48a.Bayan V, Fasl2;fol,S2b,Fasl 3.Fol.S6b.BayanVI,called 'Bab VI'.Fol,67a.Add. B.Thealphabets ofKarimdad(incomplete)and I:IaIIm, inthatorder. Fo!.76b.BayanVII.Fo!.9Ia.BayanVIII.Fol, rooc, Darweza's epilogue.Fol,soob,Add.F,thenoteon Pashto letters. Fol. IOIa. Add. D, article 9. Fol, IOIb. Add. E, from section(ii),containing sectionsattributedtoKarim dad. Thereare appended, from fol.I04aonwards, a series of fourteen articles, some ofthembearingthenameofKarimdad,containing advice on prayer,thereading oftheKoran, &c.,anda note in Persian introducing an Arabic prayer.Thelast article isaWafdt-tuima.Noneof these articles appears tobe included inanyothercopy ofthiswork.' Copyist: Mulla Malang XanXatak ofRampur.Colophon: 0l:;..,-(;,L [sic] yl:)jl..j".\:-lSjli.oL:;; v .\:-Jljlt!J .JJL.., ,A 181.0.MSS.Pashto C.7-Foll.207; size24SXIScm.;11linesinapage; NaSXl andNasta'Iik;earlyrqthcentury. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnothercopy, imperfect attheend. SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2637.Thearrangementandnumberingagree inthemainwiththose ofthepreced ing copy (B.6).Thecontents areas follows:Fol,lb.BayanI.Thenameoftheoriginalauthoris plainlywritten'Ausi'.A lacuna of approximately 32leaves occurs afterfol,9, embracingthelatterportionofBayan I,thewhole ofthesecondBayan(i.e. properlyBayanIll),andthebeginning ofKarimdad'scommentary onthecredo.IEtheismistakeninstating,1.0.Pers.Cat.,p.1430,thatthemanuscriptendswiththechapteronmartyrsfoundinB.8(No.I).C2628E
RELIGIONFol.loa.Thelatter part ofAdd.A. Fol.I4a.Bayan V,FaslI.ThePersian heading is omitted. Fol.18a.Add.D,articles 10,II,12,8,3,2. Fol.23b.Bayan11,herecalledIV.Fo!.53a. BayanIV,herecalledV.Fol.67a.Add.D,articleI,andAdd.C.Fol.7gb.Bayan V, 2,and,fol.goa, 3. Fol.toob.BayanVI.Fol.125a.Add.B. Karimdad'salphabet (incomplete) followedbyHalim's.Fol.146b.BayanVII.Fol.183a.Add.D,article4is appended toBayanVII,numbered as Nukta 24 Fol.183b.BayanVIII,theheading corrupted to Fol.206b.Theepilogue, breaking offin the middle of Mulla verses.191.0.MSS. Pashto B. 7-Fo11. 2; size24x16 cm.; 13linesina page;Nasxi;rSthcentury. [Paris Exhibition]MAXZANUL-IsLAMAnother copy, imperfect atthebeginning andend.Thecontents areina different order fromelsewhere.Thearrangement is:,theendof the firstarticle,of which approximately five foliosaremissing. Fol.3a.Add.C, without a heading. Fol.8a. BayanV, 2;fol.17 b,Fasl3. Fol.26a.Bayan11,with the omissionofthelatter part of the Persian preface andofthecommencement ofthePashto paraphrase. Fol.sob.BayanIll.Onefolioismissingafterfol.50,and with it the endofthePersian prefaceand the beginning of the Pashto text. Fol.62b.BayanIV.Fol.75b.BayanV, I.Fol.7gb.Add.A,thecredo.Fol,93b.BayanI.FoI.103b.BayanVI.
RELIGION27Fol.12sa.Add. B.Thealphabets of Karimdad and Halim, inthatorder. Karirndad's is here complete. Fol.Isoa.BayanVII,here called Bab. Fol.181b. Add. D, articles 10,II,12,8,3,2,4,S,6,7,14. Fol.Igob, bottom.BayanVIII.ThePersian text is omitted afterthefirst sentence. Fol.202b.Theepilogue. Fol.203a.Add. F, incomplete.201.0.MSS.Pashto B.S-Foll.120;size21SX14S cm.; 13linesina page;Nasa;rSth century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]MAXZANuL-IsLAMAnother copy.SeeEthe, been added, written ina crude hand.Thecopyis deficient ofanumberofsections, notablythemajority ofKarimdad'sadditional material.Thecontents are arranged asfollows:, beginning withthePashto text. Fol.8a.Bayan11.ThePersian preface is abbreviated.Itsconcluding portion, andthebeginning ofthePashto text,are omitted. Fol.26b.BayanIll,calledFasl,Fol.36b.BayanIV,called Fol.46a.BayanV,calledFasl, and containing onlythefirstof the three sections of which it should consist. Fol.4ga.BayanVI,called Bab VI. Fol.64b.BayanVII,called Bab. Fol,8ga.Add.D,thealphabets.Thatof Karimdad extends onlyasfarastheletter J;. Fol.iotb.BayanVIII.Fol.118a. Epilogue. Fol.11gb. Add. F.Onthelastsidea certain Mulla Taj Begis mentioned as being owner ofthe.manuscript.
RELIGION211.0.MSS.Pashto B.2-Foll.12;size21x13cm.;13linesina page; Nasxt;Igthcentury. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]MAXZANuL-IsLAMA fragment oftwelvefolios,of whichthefirstis halftornaway.Thereisa lacuna oftwofolios after fol.3.Thecontents are:,corresponding tofall.14b,line11-17b,line10,andFall.4a-1lb.fall.19b,line9-27b line3,inNo.5above. Fall.stb-i-t.zb,BayanIll,thePersian preface and seventeen linesofthePashto. SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2638.221.0.MSS.Pashto C.3-Foll.166;size30xIgcm.;14linesina page;Nasa;dated 22 Zu 'l-ka'da inthe14thyearofthereign of Ahmad Siih Durrani,i.e.A.H.1174(A.D.17 61).[J.Cotton]KITAB-I BABUjAN A compendium of religious instruction, inverse,butnotarranged as such. By Babii Jan. Thebook begins with a religious alphabet: 'J...:.J'-'r .. \L:> 00 \u\ 0"Jt 6Lr 00i0 ..T Therefollows praise of God, of Muhammad,theCaliphs, and (fol. 6b) Siih Aurangzeb, withwhomtheauthor was evidently contemporary.Theremainder ofthework contains paraphrases of many Koranic andotherArabic quotations, articles on religious observances, and legends of 'Prophets
RELIGION29andKings' and others, including Adam, Noah, Alexander, Solomon, Joseph, Jesus,Muhammad,etal.Included isa metrical translation oftheDu' a Surydni,IwiththeArabic text (foIl.86b-9ob),which has been printed, with alterations, inDorn'sChrestomathy,pp. 374-86. Another extract fromthetext, corresponding to foIl.43b,line5,to59 b,lineI,is printed intheGulshan,pp. 117-32. According toRaverty.> BabiiJan was'a converted Si-ah-posh Kafir,who, having acquired a great name amongsttheMuhammadans forhis learning, again relapsed'. MirAhmad Sah Rizwani quotes versesfrom this work (evidently fromtheGulshan)inhisSaharistdn-i a!yanz,3 underthe title'FromtheDiwan of BabiiJan Lavmdni',Rizwani isalso quoted by Rixtin! assayingthatBabii Jan was'broughtfromthatplaceaslootbya mullah', andthathe is buried amongtheYiisufzais,who honour hisgrave. Colophon: fHyl)jW 23B.M. Or.397-Foll.92;size22XI3 IIlinesina page;Nasxi;rSthcentury. [ColonelG. '"V. Hamilton]KITAB-I BABU JAN Another copy,muchabbreviated.Itends,ata point corresponding tofol.15Ih intheprevious copy: JA-.Jj.)"':J0WU;JljAJc)JJYJ.J'.1.::L."J ... c).J ... ..r-ISeetheBritishMuseumCatalogueofPer sian Printed Books,col.44,'Abd Allah ibn'Abbas. 2 Grammar,Introduction,p.33.3ReadingsinPushto,PunjabEducationDepartment,Lahore,1905,p.44.4Tdrix,p.43.Thequotation,notfromRizwani's8akaristiin,ispresumablyfromhisBahiiristiin-i afyiini,Lahore,1931,mentionedbyRixtinin 8u(arii, i.220.
3RELIGION241.0.MSS.PashtoC.6-Fo11.243;size28x17cm.;15linesina page;Nasxi ;rSthcentury.[J.Cotton]FAWX'ID UL-SARifAT .. .r=J\ A manual ofMuslimreligious observances. By Axund MuhammadKasim. Begins: y;0D0wlJl$JY,.....,.JlYJl:::."6y..J.JY1Y Theworkthusbeginswithpraise of Saix fAli Tirmizi,andofhis disciple Axun (i.e. Darweza). Although, asDornremarks,''itappears forthemostparttobeafree translation ofsome Persian work', itmayalsobesaidtobe modelled on Darweza's Maxzan ul-Islam,Inthisandthefollowingthreecopiesthework isin80chapters(bab);theeditions published at DelhiandPeshawar contain two extra chapters, inserted after eh.66. Selections areprintedintheGulshanandinDorn'sChrestomathy. RavertystatesthattheFawa'idul-sari'atis'avery valuable work, written intheyearA.H.1125,A.D.1713,by Akhund Kasim, who wasthechiefprelateandthehead ofalltheMuhammadanecclesiastics of HashtnagarandPeshawer,whichplaces,in those days, rivalled Bokhara itself in learning'. Little is known oftheauthorbeyond his name.! According to Rixtinhe wasa Papinxel Sinwari. Heevidently became a disciple of Darweza,andis frequently called Axiind of Swat. Onthefirstpageofthepresent copyisan impression ofthesealofone Karirn Xan, bearingthedateA.H.1215(A.D.1800-1).Copyist: SaiyidFulam fAli, disciple ofMuhammadAkbar. Colophon:JChrestomathy Z Grammar,Introduction,p.33. J ThereferencetoAbu'l-Kasimibn'Abd UIHih, quotedbyBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.7, istotheProphetMuhammad,andnottotheauthor. 4 Tdrix,p.42.
RELIGION2531andfinally:1.0.MSS.Pashto C.10-Foll.227;size2SX16cm.;15linesina page;Nasxt;rSth century. [Paris Exhibition]FAWX'ID UL-SARi(AT Another copyofthepreceding. Colophon: jW' Later, over repairs tothepaper, alongnotehasbeen scribbled bythe'son oftheowner', includingthewords: " -..Tv---.,.. j tr: y::AJ" . A...JCl -.(',,,-,l;.:,) I ..... .JJ ..26Rylands. Afghan2-Foll.228;size23x16 cm.; 14linesina page;Nasxi ;rSth century. [N.Bland-BibliothecaLindesiana]FAWX'ID U'L-SARi(AT Another copy.Thefirstfewfoliosare bound in the wrong order and should followthesequenceI,3,2,4,5,8,6,7,9. Colophon:[sic] Jl yl;.:,)jW 27Rylands. Afghan3-Foll.321;size23x16 cm.; 14linesina page;Nasxi;rSth century. [ColonelG.W.Hamilton-BibliothecaLindesiana]FAWX'ID UL-SARi(AT Another copyin80 chapters. Fol.labears anotein misspelt Persian on the efficacyofthenameof'Abdul-Kadir JiIaniasaspell.
32RELIGION28B.M. Or.4489-Foll.200;SIze28xI8cm.;17linesina page;Nasxi;rSthcentury. [Major H.G. Raverty] Another copy, divided into 78 chapters only (thoughthelastis numbered 81 inthelistof contents onfoIl. 3-5), and these slightly disordered. Copyist: l:Iaidar Sah. See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.7.291.0.MSS.Pashto B.22and23.Twouniform volumes, foIl.209 and 127; size2I5x15cm.;15linesina page;N.asta' rSth century. [Paris Exhibition]KULLIYAT-I FATI;ISAH Thecollected writings ofFath Sah. Thistitle is found onthefly-leafofthefirst volume and inthedeed ofsaleattheendofthesecond,,andinthemargin besidethedeed,itiscalledBahr ul-masd'il.Thewritings,thegreaterpartof which areinverse, form a comprehensive manual of instruction onall matters relating tothedoctrines ofSufism.Thefirst volume commences with a poem inmusammatform.Itsmetre, as withmuchoftheremaining verse,isa mixture of octoand dodecasyllabic.Itbegins: <.?,)c..,)u4j;..<.?,)uJ..A9 I. \AJ....', .cs AJL:...J..---... ','\.:? v ':? )... -4J,)O)jJ..,b,)yJI .....* ':1JI.J.b':foU-,oj'J
RELIGION33Asmaybe seen inthewordspajay di (attheendofline6), j iswritten -?, theletter t being reserved forc.Anotherpeculiarity ofthescript isthat i iswritten indistinguishable from z. Thescriptthusconforms inpartwiththatoftheoldestknownPashto manuscripts.IThework,whichis divided into sections continueswithparaphrasesoftheSiirahs andIxlas,Theseare followed (foll.35-113)byanaccountoffourteen families, viz.theZaidi,"Iyazi,Adhami, Hubairi, Cisti, l:Iabibi, Taifuri, Karxi, Sakati, J unaidi, Kazaruni, Tusi,Firdausi,andSuhrawardifamilies (seeEthe,1.0.Cat.,p.322).Atfol.200thescribe has inserted a long passage in Persian.Thesecond volumebegins: ,:?IJ..::..i';JJI,uJ1Jlyw ..'.. I.$.JJs..::...c11If"}..;.4 Fromfol.48bonwardsthevolume isin prose interspersedwithverse.Attheendofthevolumethereis written, in Persian, a deed ofsaleofthemanuscriptforRs.3, executed by Fulam Ri?a, son ofMirHasanRiza,in favour of AllahdadXan,son ofMirzaXan,Thecontract is dated25 J umadaI,A.H.1198(A.D.1784).30Rylands. AfghanI3a,fall.I-52;size20x13cm.;13lines inapage;Nasxi;datedA.H.117 1(A.D.1757-8).[Colonel G.W.Hamilton-BibliothecaLindesiana] RASiD UL-BAYAN A manual of religious instruction, in verse. By'Abdul-Rasid. Begins: uWJr-=IJJ;).;0L..1':?0J4L:.... ISee MacKenzie,'AStandardPashto',BSOAS,xxii.233,andNo.67, below.C2628 F
34RELIGION'Abdul-Rasid, whois commonly called Mulla or Axiind Rasid, states intheepiloguethathis ancestors camefrom Multan,thathewasthesonof Sultan Husain, a oftheKurais tribe by origin,andlivedat Langarkot.Thework is written in simple language, suitable forthecomprehension of womenandchildren.Itwas completed on5 Muharram,A.H.1129 (DecemberA.D.1716),1andhas been frequently published.Inmost copies there are 64 chapters,butthepresent copyhasan extra final chapter onthewilesofSatan.Italsohas25 extrabaitsafterthelastline JJ l 0 .... ofalltheothercopies.Theystatethattheauthor was childless and considered this workashis only offspring.Ends: tASJJYJW.L;"-'"-' Copyist:(Tulam)Mustafa.> Colophon:[sic] ..b;..,W Thefly-leaf bearsthenote: "V, 311.0.MSS.Pashto B. 21-Fo11. 60; size21X13cm.;11linesinapage;goodNasxi;rSth century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]RxslnUL-BA YAN Another copy,in64 chapters.Ends: A..::;SJ-'Jot.;.,:)':?V-UJ' INotA.H.1169,asstatedbyBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no. 8, and Rixtln, Tart,p.73.2SeeNo.140.
RELIGION32351.0.MSS.Pashto B.II-FoIl.S2;size21x15cm.;12toISlinesina page;Nasxi;rSth century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana] RASiD UL-BA YAN Another copyofthepreceding. Colophon: c::-,:?j.JJoLo1b 33Rylands. Afghan ro-s-Foll. 49; size22x13cm.;12and13linesina page;Nassi,rSth century. [Colonel G.W.Hamilton-BibliothecaLindesiana] RASiD UL-BA YAN Another copy,muchannotated in English.34B.M. Or.5888-Foll.61;size23x15cm.;IIlinesina page;Nasxi;earlyrqthcentury. [H.Beveridge] RASiD UL-BAYANAnother copy.See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.8.351.0.MSS.Pashto B. 14-Fo11. 66;size21xIS cm.;9linesina page; elegantNasxi ;dated 23 11A.H.1219(A.D.180 4).[J.Cotton] RASiD UL-BAYANAnother copy, written by'Abdul-Sattar, whowas evidently alsocalled Zafar fAll, forthe $aIJibzada Muhtasam Xan,
RELIGIONColophon: [sic] LrJ0k:..A:..wJ1;mj-'JJJl:..J'JLSk:..-'\r \'1 Thewords J'-yAl; have been added afterthescribe's name inadifferent hand.36S.O.A.S. MS. 41379-Fo11. 53;size17x11 cm.;to13linesina page;Nassi;19th century. RASio UL-BAYANAnother copy.37T.C.D.MS. M.5.24-Fo11.32;size20X10 cm.;8to25linesina page; crudeNasxi;rqthcentury. [ColonelH.F. Smyth] RASio UL-BAYANAnother copy.381.0.MSS. Pashto B. 27-Fo11. 40;size23x13 cm.; 13linesina page; crudeNasxi;rqthcentury. [Paris Exhibition] RASiD UL-BA YAN Another copy, written by Mulla Sirin. Colophon: [sic] wyl;:.)JYA;
RELIGION39371.0.MSS.Pashto B.26-Foll.51;size24x15cm.;14linesina page;N.asta IzlJ,; 19th century. [Paris Exhibition] RASiD UL-BA YAN Another copy,to which are appended thefollowing poems: I.Fol.43a.A MZlniijiit inpraiseof'Abdul-Kadir Jilani,by Muhammad Xan. Begins: ,:?)A.i' s 1...liJ s,j 11.Fol,46b.TwopoemsbyHafiz'Abd ul-Kabir (seeNo.40).Thefirst, in praise ofGod, begins: GJjjli.AJ..u,:?.J4'"'"""'J ThesecondisanAlif-niima,containing an explanation of certain religious terms arranged in alphabetical order. Begins: .r: "J'.JJ'lYJ4y .cs uL.:...K"SA.:.-"i? .. (.]J.r ...
38RELIGIONIll.Fol,sob.Anodein praise oftheAxiind of Swat, by(?)Xair ul-din. Begins: 0y:..1 s Colophon, attheendoftheRasid ul-bayari: .u4ii1p.0y:..1yl:S'..w;..:-:; 40C.U.L.Or.1352-Foll.13I;size23x14cm.;17linesina page;Nasta'lik;rSth century;boundin stamped leather. [Professor D.S. Robertson] J ANNATUL-FIRDAUS A metrical treatise onthevirtues of various religious exercises.By 'Abdul-Kabir. Begins: ..w-.uY")j)LJl..,4W1..,y).lJl..\J..Iu UO.J1-,Q eo Q......u..u.Aj4.xc$-'.AjE(c$rJ4yl:S'J.j4L-,' 'Abdul-Kabirwasalsotheauthorofa work entitled Mu'[izat (see No. 142), anumberof Munajats, various other religious poems,anda story aboutthesage Lukman, allof which have been published.Thepresent work is divided into 38 chapters, although only37are listed atthebeginning (fol.zc) and,the36th having been titled twice(foll.11gband123a),thelasttwoarenumbered38and39in this copy.Thistitle ofthework isnottobe found inthemanuscript,butithas frequently been publishedunderit.IOrsomesuchwords.Thespace is leftblankinthemanuscript.
RELIGIONEnds: SJ.ii0J..H s I.)""'.G.J:,l:f-'I.)""'./".l.,J<$ s r..JS<$6.. I <$ I 01-,1-,J.iic.r::followedbythe sas"f!,ujl, sixefficacious phrases in Arabic. Colophon:39[ sic] LLJAJJw w ... ..i41B.M. Or.I2,2I8-Fol1.175;size21x11cm.;13linesina page;Nosa;dated 6 RamazanA.H.1224(A.D.1809). [R.B. Couchman] J ANNATUL-FIRDAUSAnother copy. Although itismore neatly written, chapters 8and9havebeen combinedunderone heading, sothatthenumbering oftheremaining chapters isone short oftheproper figure.Thetitle of chapter 30has been omitted fromthelistof contents.Thecopyist mayhave beentheDostMuhammad whosenameis written in red inkinthemargin Colophon: followedbythenote: w:JJ1j"j.,i.yl;:) Thefly-leaves carrythestamp of Mohd. Halim (Sallemi) Personal Liberary[sic].42B.M. Or.4236-Fol1.174;size25x17cm.;17to21linesina page;Nasxi;datedMuharramA.H.1294 (JanuaryA.D.18 77). [J. Darmesteter] NAFI< UL-MUSLIMiN r:!..y A Sufi treatise, inmasnasoiform, containing injunctions relating toasceticism, religious observances, and moral conduct. By Aximd Gada,
RELIGIONBegins: Copyist:MullsA'zam Din, of Babi. Colophon: j.J:! " If0y..1J..ZjW.::-j" j' r'1.,L,t'1JL..0:!,).JJ.J0:!,) 'Appended tothework isa Persian poem in praise of God, atthebackof which is written JL..0:!JJIJi91>..JJ.Jo,)lj.Aiy..1 s ..\.0.::...'2 Amanuscript ofaworkofthesamename, belonging tothePressDepartmentin Kabul, is ascribed to'Karirn Dad' ( Beaurecueil,MIDEO,iii.122,no.49).43Bodleian. Caps.Or.C.18-Foll.272;size20x12cm.;IIlinesina page;Nasxi;rSth century.KIYAMAT-NAMA M An anonymousmasnasotpoem ontheDayof Resurrection andtheportents heralding it.I Sutarii, i.351-3.Thechronogramquotedthere(fo1.15 8binthiscopy) t givestheabove-mentioneddate,not1172asprinted.Blumhardt'sassumption(B.M.Cat.,no.I)thathewastheGada,fatherof Axund Darweza, is thereforeuntenable. 2 Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.I.
RELIGIONBegins: "Jj i-s ':IY.J'? i "Jj
42RELIGIONCopyist: Namdar, sonof Xair Muhammad, sonof Sahbaz. Colophon: er0T.;:QJ1J:\1;#141J JJAJj4y4 sJeo qb.}yL:S,wJ:1 s JYAJLs-J--u Jj .w-GI s *yl:S'-,y::;I.) 45B.M. Or.9729-Twouniform volumes,foll,293arid361;size28x18cm.;13linesina page; neatNasa,datedA.D.1860. [Major G.H. Raverty]NEWTESTAMENT A Pashto translation oftheNewTestamentmadeunderthesupervision of Major (then Captain) Raverty.Thetitle-page reads: Of,-,I0).)" I) -,IJ..i-,'.J.:,:...) s A+AJOr JJYAJJI.)r:j.u.)J:4("'!).).)0l;J!5"J)-,I)0l:Thelistof contents (i,fol.2a)extends onlyasfaras11Thessalonians,butthetranslation is complete, vol.i comprisingthefour Gospels and vol.iitheremainder. Fol.zbbears thistdrixbytheunnamed translator: J.Jr}Jlj',WI.;;y)if'J Underthelastlinethenumerical valueofeach letter has been written.Theyyielda total of1865,butthefigure5underthe 0 of has been deleted.(Thewholeline, meaning ineffect'TheGospels wererevealedto Christ bytheLord',suggests a Muslim misapprehension.)
RELIGION43Thetextbegins(fo1.3a)withtheApostles'Creed: ..,1,)..,1..:...:.:s JJl.::..L)L.u.uJ1)"jy,01...:1 oj ;.AJu-u.-WIC!)AJJ,:?J;. al la .o' Tf JrJ:J:J....Fo'')J')V ..... El ..:...:.:-.J.JI.J.JrAJC.J) Attachedtothevolumes areafew chits containing notes in Persianaboutthetranslation of various phrases, presumably exchanges between Ravertyandthetranslator.
11HISTORY46S.O.A.S.MS.1395-Fo11. 574;size25x16cm.;17linesina page; fineNasxi ;dated Peshawar, 19 AprilA.D.1872. [Dr. W.Bellew] TXRix-It!'ft.)l;' A history oftheAfghans. ByAfzalXan, Xatak, Begins: cS"jJt.,u.(.$IJ.:::..S4.JJJJI s J'..A:91JWI s "rALD'oJw\9J'..A:9' s -,' JJ JLc Afzal Xan, grandson of Xushal Xan,wastheauthor or translator of variousotherworks.SeeNo.157below. 'TIleTarikh.imurassa' contains aPushtutranslation oftheMakhzan i Afghani, otherwise called Tarikh i Khanjahani, a Persian history oftheAfghans, written byNi'mat Allah inA.H.1020(A.D.1611), described inthePersian Catalogue, p.210aetseq.Afzal Khan has added tohis translation of this workaspecial account oftheYiisufzais,andan extensive history ofthe Khatak family, more particularly ofhis renowned grandfather Khushhal Khan.'I After along preface, in which are introduced several poems in Persian and Pashto,theauthor dividestheworkinto three Babs and seven Daftars, and a Xatima.Thecontents areasfollows: Bab I. History ofMihtar Isra'il Allah (Jacob), from whomtheAfghans trace their descent. Bab 11.History ofking Taliit (Saul), and an account ofthemigration oftheAfghans tothemountains of Ghor, and thereafter totheSulaiman range. BabIll.History of XalidibnWalid, totheend oftheCaliphate of (Umar. IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.9.
HISTORY45DaftarI.Historyof Sultan BahlolLodi, Sultan SikandarLodi,andSultanIbrahim.DaftarH.History ofthereignsof Ser Sah Sur, Islam Sah, and 'Adil Sah, called tAdli. ThusfartheTarix-imurassa'is only a translationofthefirstpartofNi'rnatUllah'sMaxzan-iafyani, SeeDorn'stranslation,Historyofthe Afghans,London,1836,pt.i,pp.1-184.DaftarIll.Anaccountof distinguishedAfghanchiefs.ThischapteralsoistranslatedfromNi'matUllah'shistory,butdoesnotappearinDorn'stranslation.Itcontains anaccountofXanjahanLodi,DilerXan,BahadurXan,Purdil Xan, andDarya Xan. DaftarIV.Achapter,described inthepreface asanaccountof eventswhichoccurredillKabulprovince,butnotfoundinthisor following copiesofthework.DaftarV.Anaccountofthemigration oftheFeriaXelandXaxaitribesfromKandahartoKabul.Thehistorical events described inthisandthefollowingchapterwerecompiledby AfzalXanfromtheTazkiratul-abrarofAxiind Darweza,theTabakat-iAkbari, J ahangir-nama,andotherPersian sources.Extractsfromthesetwochapterswill befoundintheGulshanandtheKalid.DaftarVI.Thegenealogyandhistory oftheXataks,witha detailedaccountoftheprincipal events inthelifeoftheauthor'sgrandfather,Xushal Xan. Hisimprisonmentinthefortress of Gwalior,andtheaccessionoftheemperorAurangzebare described inaTarjitbandpoem.Thereare severalotherpoems,includingchronograms, in PersianandPashto.DaftarVII.Anaccountof famousAfghandervishesandtheirmiraculous po,vers.Thefirstpartofthechapterisa translation ofthethirdFasloftheMaxzan-iAfyani. SeeDorn'stranslation,pt.ii,pp.1-39.Itcontainsshortmemoirsof28Sarbani,18 BitanI, and17FuryustiSaixs.Thelatterpartcontainssupplementarynotices ofotherfamous Saixs,mostlyoftheXataktribe.Xatima,Genealogy oftheAfghans inthreeFasls, viz.theSarbanis, Bitanis, arid Furyustis,Thisalsois translated fromtheMaxzan-iAfyani. SeeDorn'stranslation,pt.ii,pp.40-57.
46HISTORYInthepresent copythecontents are disposed asfollows: BabsI,fo1.I3a;11,fo1.I8b;Ill,fo1.3Sa;Daftars I,fo1.S3a;11,fo1.9Sb;Ill,fo1.2I8a(fo1.220bisleft blank); V,fo1.22Ia;VI,fo1.2S2b;VII,fo1.soga;Xatima,fo1.SS8b.Ends: .u....LJI-,iJlh; -s iJG...sf';;1-,",""-,I0lh;..,1.JJL:=.. s ci..,0WI s[sic] s -,IJi-IJ s:. l>-...:.S .cs\..l...s U44I Copyist:MuhammadHasan, of Peshawar. Colophon: t1/\/\"' I I'1C;!JJwl er> C;!Jlj"yt::.)Lr-I.A..::;tkj 47B.M. Or.2893-Fol1.740;size34x21cm.;13linesina page;Nasxi;dated Peshawar, 28 AprilA.D.1885.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes]T ARixI eAnother finecopy.See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.9.Thecontents areas follows: Babs I,fo1.I6a;11,fo1.23a;Ill,fo1.42b.Daftars I,fo1.6Sb;11,fo1.II9a;Ill,fo1.237a;V,fo1.27Ia;VI,fo1.300a;VII,fo1.6IOb.Xatima,fo1.7I7b.Copyist: MaulawiMuhammadHasan, presumablythesameasofthepreVIOUScopy. Colophon: t!"rC;!Jljoyt::.) ,,)t;?1...-,'}2;...c.sYyrJi 0k:..J..-,aJ' 'AAoC;!Jljo
HISTORY4847B.M. Or.4487-Foll.765;size33x20 cm.; 15linesina page;Nasa,datedA.H.1272(A.D.1855-6);boundin stamped leather. [Major H.G.Raverty] TARixI eAnother copy, incomplete attheend.Thewhole Xatima is wanting,themanuscript ending ata point corresponding tofol.7I5bofthepreceding copy.'Thecopywas made atMultanfor Major Raverty,thenAssistant Com missioner, and was completed inA.H.1272,as stated ina pencilled noteattheend.' Copyist: Niir Muhammad, of Kandahar.'Thebinder's name,Muhammad Sat'id, Peshawari,ISstamped onthemiddle ofeachcover, withthedateA.H.1274.'149B.M. Add.26,336-Foll.247;27x17cm.;17linesina page;Nasta'lik,in various hands; laterSthcentury,[Wm. Erskine]T ARixI eAnother copy, containing incomplete portions onlyof Daftars I,11,VI, andVII,andtheXatima.2501.0.MSS.Pashto C.I3-Foll.174(rectosidesleftblank, except foIl. 131 70); size25x20cm.;19linesina page;Nasxi;19th century. TARixI eAnother copy, containing onlypartof Daftar VI.Itbegins withtheaccount ofthe. principal events inthelifeof Xushal Xan. Towardstheend manyIBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.II. 2 DetailedbyBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,
48HISTORYpassageshave been omitted, intentionally, bythescribe.Foll, 171-4have been displaced fromthebeginning ofthemanuscript.Theycontain passages fromthesection on MalikAkorai,grandfather ofXushal Xan, and his chieftaincy.51B.M. Or.423I-FoIl.124;size23x14cm.;15linesina page;Nasxi; c.A.H.1172(A.D.1758 -9).[J. Darmesteter] A history of Ahmad Sah Durrani,Iinmasnasoiform.ByHafiz,Begins: J.J'o.u-r-.9'Y 0':?jIj-lb.ub0;1-,.u-L.u
HISTORY52491.0.MSS.P.2479-Foll.100; size25x16cm.;19 lines inapage;clearN.asta' rqthcentury. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]TAWARix-I Jl>..:-t.)!J," A history oftheYilsufzai Afghans. ByPir(or Pirzada)Mu'azzam Sah. SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.581. Begins fol.ib: ..A:...S" ss: ..:,.....jl jl ;.c!J:..,s::s ss: $WI1.Yl; c" -u'y','.J.'..J PirMu'azzam Siih, sonofPirMuhammadFazil,ofthevillageofPirSahbak inthePeshawar district, wasintheservice oftheRohilla chief RahmatXan(who died inA.H.II88/A.D.1774),forwhomhe offered to makethisabridgement ofa draft TarixorTawarix-i Mayina writtenin 'Pashto mixedwithPersian'.'According tothePirzada'sPersian preface, this draft came fromthelibraryofaXanBahadur Xan, Daiidzai,FeriaXel,atShahjahanpur.Inanother, all Persian abridgement, bearingthesame title, by" MuhammadSadik (seeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.582),theoriginal isattributedto Xwajii.Thetranslationwascompleted onIMuharrarnA.H.1181 (.:\.D. 1767),asstated inthePashto verses attheend.Itwasnotapproved, however, foranumberof reasons, one beingthatitwas composed intheXatak dialectandnotthatof Peshawar.Thiswe learn from Ilahyar Xan, sonof RahmatXan(seeNo.61),who inA.H.1229/A.D.1814,aftera fruitless searchfortheoriginal (which he attributes to Saix Mlrdiid, Miitlzai,Xalil),translatedthiswork into PersianunderthetitleXuldsatul-a'[db(seeStorey,PersianLiteralure,i.396,and1.0.Pers.Cat.,vol.iii).Thework is divided into sevell chapters thecontentsofwhich are listed Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.13;also Pertsch, Die HandscliriftenVerzeichnisse del" KOlliglic/zellBibliotllekzuBerlill,iv, Berlin,1888,no.476,2.Copyist:FulamMuslim IA 'York ofthis name, by a Husain Xanis quoted as asource of the Xuldsat ul-tascdrix, n.u.Pe,'s.Cat.,p. 2300.(J2028 H
5HISTORY53B.M. Or.44BB-Foll.152;size30x19cm.;ISlinesina page; clearNasxi:dated26JulyA.D.1864.[Major H.G. Raverty]TAW ARixI Anothercopy.See Blumhardt,B.M. Cat.,no.13.'Thework is stated inthecolophon tohave been composed byMiyanMu'azzam Shah duringtherule ofMuhammad fA;?ImAllah Khan, thesonof Dilawaral-mulk'Izzatal-daulahDiindi Khan Bahadur Bahram ijang.'Copyist: Mlrza Muhammad IsmafII, of Kandahar. oLr
IIIPHILOLOGY541.0.MSS.PashtoB.16-Fo11.108;size21-5x12-5cm.;6linesinapage; largeNasxi;datedRampur,early 19th century.[J.Cotton]AMADNAMA-I AFrANIjt;.;\ Paradigms of Pashto verbs,andvocabulary of Pashto words. SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2451.Begins: ..}Mlljlj. y4tJl.,.UL Theverbs are arranged in sections in alphabetical order. Attheendof each section anumberofotherwordswiththesame initial letter are listedundertheheading l......I. Theinfinitive preterite future (tJL,a...,), active participle (J.':-l!), passive participle imperative (rl), andpro hibitive of each verb is given,withinterlinear Persian equivalents inredinl{in'thefirstfivefolios,andintermittently thereafter.Theparadigmsendonfol.87b,andare followed by Pashto names of rela tions, cardinal numbers, animals, birds, &c., members ofthebody, dress, ornaments, &c.,endingwiththenames ofthesolar months. Persian equiva Ients are given fromfo1.92a.Appended(fo1.99b)areafew Pashtoyazalsby MansiirandGulmir. Colophon: JHU.lo-CJwlA-JUj.J)
52PHILOLOGY551.0.MSS.S. 2895b-Fo11.6;size23x16cm.;16to20linesina page;rqthcentury. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]APERSIAN-PASHTOGLOSSARYShortparadigms of Persian verbs,withtheirPashto equivalents, Begins: .1Jl;-?LclJAij.'J Theverbs selected are those in most frequent use, arranged alphabeticallyundertheirinitial letters, beginningwith and. endingwith ,yJ4 .561.0.1\188. P.2439-Fo11. 272; size33x24cm.;usually two columns, greatly differing innumberof lines;N.asta' lilJ,; 19th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]KITAB-I XAYALAT-I ZAMANi Jl.j APashto-Persian dictionary. SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2450. According totheshort preface onfol.I2bthedictionary formsthe3rdmakalaoftheKittib-i xaydldt-izamdnidar luytit-i zabdn-i afyani. Begins: j'J0JW1JLjyU-j1 JUj'.Jy4J-,'"fhe dictionary beginswiththeword "j = 6'>,'. Fromthemany pages left either partially or totally blank itis apparentthatthemanuscript isa first draft..Thewordsare ordered alphabetically according tothefirsttwo letters.. Onfoll .. 269b-z7zaisthebeginningoftherstmakdlaofthesamework,intwo[asls,viz.. (j:,f
PHILOLOGY53Theauthorobservesthathehas seentheletter (forj)only intheDiwanof Mirza (see Nos. 67ff.).Onfo1.270bthearticlebyKarimdad, son of Axiind Darweza, onthealphabet (v. p.8above)isquotedentire.Thefirst11folios,of differentpaperandformat,andinterleavedwithblank sheets, contain a series of questionsandanswers in Arabic, evidentlyintendedas exercises.Ina note onthefly-leaftheyare entitled 'Arabic phrases by SheikhAhmed'.571.0.MSS.P. 267o-Fo11. 702; size32X20Scm.;13 lines inapage;boldN.asta' lilJ,; 19th century. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana] A Pashtogrammaranddictionary,writtenin Persian. By NawwabMahabbatXan. SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2452.Begins: ,u 'J 0'J1..IJ.JtJlJ0Y-li__SJ0yJ;0lr:MahabbatXanwastheeldest sol) of Rahmat Xan, thefamous Rohilla chief.Hecompiled thisworkforSirGeorge HilaroBarlow,Bt.,Itheacting Governor-General, inA.H.1221/A.D. 1806-7, according toa Persian chronogram y) attheendofthework, whilst living in retirement atLucknowasa pensioner oftile BritishGovernment.His brotherIlahyar Xan, ina similar work entitled fAjii'ib ul-luviit(seeNo.61),statesthatMahabbatXandied inA.H.1223( ... \.D.1808).HewasalsotheauthorofthreeDiwans, in Persian, Hindustani,andPashto respectively,andofa MasnawiillHindustanientitledAsrdr-i mahabbat(seeBodl.Cat.,Il0S.1196, 2332 ,and2353 No. 106below),'I'his work comprisesallintroductory section (fiillla) onthealphabet (tot. 3b)andtwo main divisions (baJ.1S).1'11C first(fol.Sb)is concernedwith paradigms of verbs arrangedalphabetically,andthesecond (fol,S6ob)withmutafarriluu,Le.a vocabulary.Themanuscript 113Sbeen collatedandhas several annotations..1 Not Sir Chnflf'$ Barlow,asstated in everv available description ..
54PHILOLOGYEnds:e we.JJwp jl wliJJLr jl .y:-yyujlAIt}JlJ j IJ 0\JL.jkjl, r r 581.0.MSS.P. 2868-Fo11. 462;size31X2Icm.;17linesinapage,11cm. long; largeNasta'lik ;dated231umada11A.H.1226(A.D.1811).[J.Cotton]RIY A? Another copyofthepreceding. SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2453.ThePersian chronogram, givingthedateof composition, isnotgivenin this, orinthefollowing,copy.Anoteattheend ofthework, written in red ink, statesthatthecopywas made and completed onthe23 Jumada 11,A.H.1226(A.D.1811)attherequest of Nawwab 'Ali Akbar Xan, theeldest sonoftheauthor, who,as stated inan English note onthefly-leaf, presented ittotheBritish Government.591.0.MSS.P. 2869-Fo11. 447; size31.5X21cm.;17linesinapage,IIcm. long; largeN.asta' lilJ,; rqthcentury.RIY A? Another copy.SeeEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.2454.ThiscopylikewiselacksthePersian chronogram givingthedateofcom position.Itwasalso copied attherequest of Nawwab fAli Akbar Xan,as stated ina slightly differently worded colophon,butnodateisgiven. Received from Calcutta, 3 April 181I.
PHILOLOGY60ssB.M. Or.449o-Fol1.724;size32x21 cm.; 17linesina page;Nasta'lik ;rqthcentury. [Major H.G.Raverty] UL-MAl:IABBAT Another copy.See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.14.61B.M. Or.399-Fol1.274;size27x16 cm.; 17linesina page; Nasta'ltk; dated 23RajabA.H.1234(A.D.1819).[G.W.Hamilton]'A] X' IBUL-LurAT wl:.lJ\ ...A Hindustani-Pashto-Persian-Arabic dictionary. By Ilahyar Xan,sonofHafizRahmat Xan. SeeRieu,B.M.Pers.Cat.,p.5I7a.Begins: l:.....u1.J.uY"J.JYJ.uJ..\.J.I.JLr'.r.').JJ').J.JJ:.y4Jl,W..JE'0l;J' Theworkis preceded bya Mukaddima containing notes on Pashto gram mar(fo1.4b).'Thedictionary is divided into28Babs, beginning atfo1.Ilb.TheHindustani words appear first,followedby the Pushtu, with their Persian and Arabic equivalents.Thedifferent languages are indicated by theletters 11:>,\:-', and t written inredinkoverthewords."Attheendarefive chronograms, givingthedateof composition asA.H.1228(A.D.1813).Theyare, respectively, in Hindustani, byMuhammadIbrahim Xan, Farhat;in Pashto, with a Persian translation, bytheauthor; in Persian, alsobyFarhat; and in Persian and Arabic, both by MaulawiGulMuhammad,IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.IS.
56PHILOLOGYIlahyarwasalsotheauthor ofa Persian translation oftheTawarix-iHafiz-Rahmat-Xani (No.52). Copyist:Fulam Husain, -'JJ..Jtpi s ...L...J1ol.....\A..,":?.A.,..-,,)J1.:rA! 'r r'f 62B.M. Or.4491-Foll.223;size3Ix19cm.;17linesina page;Nasta'lik ;dated ISSafarA.H.1271(A.D.1854). [MajorH.G.Raverty] Another copy. Copyist:Saraf ul-Din,of Multan.62A1.0.MSS.P.451I-FoIl.166;size20x13cm.;IIlinesina page; Nasxl andNasta'lik;dated 25SafarA.H.1280(A.D.1863).rUNCA-IROH 0-,) A Pashto grammar, written in Persian.ByMaulawi NiirMuhammadAfyan, of Kandahar. Begins: J s yT j' 0li,rl:J" s I0W s JyZJ').::..-...J' NiirMuhammadcompiledtheworkattherequest ofhisbrother NiirAhmad,Thedate of composition,A.H.1280,isgivenbythe following chronogram (fol.5a ): 04jcf. Thereisalsoa eulogy ofthenewly acceded Arnirof Kabul,Ser fAli: Theauthor also wrote a history of
PHILOLOGY57Afghanistan, of whichtheIndia Office Library possessesan incomplete draft(1.0.P4S12),inPersian.'Thegrammar comprises a short introduction, twomaksadandaxdtima.Phonology is dealt with intheintroduction.Thefirstmaksad(fol.I2b)has three chapters, onthemorphology of nouns, verbs, and particles respectively,andincludes alargenumberof paradigms.Thesecondmaksad(fol.126a),in two chapters, deals withtherules of syntax and word-formation.Thexdtima(fol.14Sa)contains five riddles, 29 anecdotes, andyazalsbytheauthor andby'Abdul-Hamid, XushalXanand Kazim Xan,as examples of Pashto, and closes with a notice on common mistakes made by writers of Pashto.Ends:IJ lifLj'1.uJ,lk:..J.r.;1lJJ.J j' ;,.JL}.).J4 IJ .)y::-.-\S.) j.J.r9 s U 'J J:S"WJ... or> Colophon: j' J.JLi'.rL'J')4j.,)l..LyA1W1OJ...::;.uL,JLJ;!1t!r..::.J4il::::.,..10-""El.h;L1 63H.M. Add.26,S82-Foll.146;34x21 cm.; written on European paper with various watermarks, from1803to1805. [Wm. Erskine] A collection of linguistic notes,of whichthefollowingrelateto Pashto:I.Foll,1-10. Notes on Pashto grammar, including a summary ofthecon tents oftheRasidul-baydn[seeNo.30]under63 headings (fol.5).IInthishistorytheauthorgives hisnameas NurMuhammadNauriKandahariHotakianddescribeshistravelsinIndia,thencetoEgypt,Malta,andGibraltar,andhisstayinEngland,wherehereadanumberofArabicandPersianhistoricalworks'intheC2628IlibraryoftheQueenofEnglandVictoria'beforecomposinghisownhistory.Thefinalsectionofthemanuscript,onKandahar,maybetheTuhfa-iKandahiirmentionedinthecolophonofthepresentwork.
58PHILOLOGY2.FoIl. 11-19. Specimens of Pashto literature, being transcriptions ofthefollowing textsandofaPashtoversion oftheHindiStory-teller intoRomancharacters. 3. FoIl. 20-22.Extractsfrom variouspartsofBayanVIIoftheMaxzanut-Islamby Axiind Darweza, includingthePan}gauhar,andyazalsfromtheDiwanof'Abdul-Rahman,in Pashto script. 4.FoIl.23-26. Pashto vocabulary,withtranscriptionsandoccasional translations. 5.FoIl.27-28. A list ofafew Pashto verbs, aparadigmoftheverb 'tospeak',andthePashto alphabet.I64S.G.A.S.MS.13019-Foll.355;size29x23cm.;Europeanpaperwithvarious watermarks, from 1861and1863. [MajorH.G.Raverty]AnEnglish-Pashtodictionary. ByMajor(thenCaptain) Raverty.Twocopies ofa simple English dictionary havebeencutinto singlecolumnsandpasted ontheleft-hand side of each page.ThePashto equivalents ofanumberof words havethenbeenaddedinink.Multipleentries arein alpha beticalorderfromtheleftanditis therefore evidentthatthedictionary is basically an index to Raverty'sDictionaryofthe Pukhto, Pushto,orLanguageofthe Afghans,published inLondonin1860.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.17.
IVPOETRY(A) DIWANS 65B.M. Or. 4496-Fo11.25;size34x19cm.;ISlinesina page; Nasxt;rqthcentury. [Major H.G. Raverty]DiwAN-IARZANi Thepoems of Mulla Arzani, Begins: rOJ.JIJ.)-.. Q9 s A-J1.JYA-5:J':PLJ \'[10] .. J.J-1J.J1i;.r!JlJ .. AJ .. '/"-"'-c:r:'Themanuscript comprises 49odes, arranged in alphabetical order. Major Raverty states ina note attached to this volume:"ThisMulla wastheliterary assistant ofthenotoriousBayazid ...TheAkhiind Darwezah says [intheTazkirat ul-abrar]Irespectinghim: ArzanI, thepoet, wasoneof three brothers ofthe Afghan tribe ofKheshki[i.e.Xwesgi] ; Arzani,'Umarand 'All.Theycame into these parts fromHind,and theretheyhadalready become taintedwithheresy; and when inthisparttheymetwithBayazid they became perfect infidelslike himself. Arzani wasan eloquent poet,andamanof quick intellect; and heturnedallthetenets ofthene,v faith into poetry,andthepoems were inserted in Bayazid's book."'2IB.M.Or.222,fo1.124a;printededition, Delhi,1892,p.149.2Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no. 18.
60POETRY66B.M.Or.67S6-Foll.210; size 19x10cm.;IS lines inapage;Nasta'Iik ;rSthcentury. DiwAN-I Thepoetical works of 'All MuhammadMuxlis,Themanuscriptis imperfect atthebeginningandend.Itbegins, neartheendofan alphabeticpoem:] .J..1..-1ybll;l}A..::;,:?.)llbt .r-: Muxlis issaid,bythepoetDaulat, tohavebeenthefollower, companion,andsuccessor of BayazidAnsari,PirRoxan,HabibiidentifieshimwiththeMulla (All, brotherof Arzani,mentionedby .A.xiind Darweza (seeNo.65).1After a series of poemsintroducedbytheletters oftheArabic alphabet, aDiwanofyazalsandsome muniiJiits begins, onfol. 21a: l-=-JJ-::-.9i';j li.TAJJ I '":;' s s Mostofthepoems have headings or introductions in Persian,writteninredink.Foll,191b-202b contain ruba'ts, inno order.Inthealphabetical section ofthe Dlwang iswrittenboth and (fol.81),jboth -? and (fol.85),zas (foll,101-2),and rJ as (fol.153).Cf. No. 67.Foll,203-10 are from a different manuscript.TheycontaintheKoranictextsSiirah67,1-24(foll,203-6)and73, 12-20(foll,2-9a), followed by Arabic prayers, including oneforthedead.67B.M.Or.4228-Foll.118; size22xIScm.;IS lines inapage;Nasta'lik ;datedA.H.1101(A.D.1689-90).[J.Darmesteter] DiwAN-IMiRZA'J.r .. ;) ThepoeticalworksofMirzaXanAnsari,SeeBlumhardt,B.M.Cat., no.19.I 8uf arii,i.24.
POETRY61Begins: G':1.-'-'"..:..-..01$...L.iL::. """"" ".".r '.' i.f.JYU0T}J.J)Jj:y Therefollows a series of poems, each of11baits,introducedbytheletters oftheArabicalphabet,andotherpoems. ADiwanin alphabeticalorderbeginsonfol,32b.Mirzawas,mostprobably,'thesonofNiirul-DIn,thesecondsonofBayazidAnsari.>Hispoetrystrongly reflectsthe doctrines ofhisgrandfatherandspiritual guide,commonlyknownasPIrRoxan,thefounderoftheRosaniya sect.ThedateofMirza'sbirthisnotknown,buthewas killed intheDeccanduringoneofShahjahan'scampaignsthere.Oneofhispoems(fol,55b)bearsthedateA.H.1040(A.D.1630-1)andhis disciplethepoetDaulatalso givesthisasthedateofhisdeath.!IntheDabistiin-i masdhibhe is said to havebeenkilled atDaulatabad,butalsoto have lived inthereignofAurangzeb.sInthealphabetical sectionoftheDiwantheletters for g (fol.46a), -? forJ.(fol.4 6b),both J and for Z (fol.61),and for 'l!(fol.96b)arefound.sA selectionfromMirza'spoemshasbeenprintedintheGulshan,pp.119-32(evidentlyfromthefollowing copy),andinDorn'sChrestomathy,pp.285-3Copyist:MuhammadMuhsin,sonofMullaAhmadKuraisi,Colophon: JJ.J [sic] yl:), ,.,j.JJtW '-, IHabibi, Sutarii, i.80-81,declaresthathe wasaYusufzai,thoughlivingintheKhyber,or Tirah, andthathispropernamewasFath xan (seeNo.72).2Dabistiin-i maiuihib,Lucknowedition,A.H.1294(A.D.1877),p.3II;Rixtin,Tdrix,p.36,whoquotesthepoetDaulat.3See 8utarii, i.81. 4 CapturedbyShahjahanin1633;Aurangzebonlyusurpedthethronein1658.5SeeMackensie,BSOAS,xxii.233.
62POETRY681.0.MSS.PashtoB.24-Foll.120;size23 x 14 cm.; 15linesinapage;N.asta' lilJ,; dated 2IRabi' 11inthe26thyearofthereignof Muhammad Sah, i.e.A.H.1157(A.D.1744). [Paris Exhibition]DiwAN-I MiRZA Another copy,ina similar arrangement tothepreceding, and with thesame useof the letters -?, and Copyist: Mahtabxan,Mohmand, of Dholpur. Colophon: j..9.r.jki Ijp4L.........11b..::..i-}J.i V"yLr,.JJLu FoIl. 119-20 contain a strange cosmogony and cosmography in Persian, attributed to'AbdUllah ibn 'Abbas Mawari, in which itis statedthatthe cityofMultanhasexisted sincethebeginning ofthecreation.691.0. 1\1188. Pashto B.I <)-Foll. I12;size22x15 cm.; 15linesina page;Nasxi ;c.A.D.1700.[Bibliotheca Leydeniana] DiwAN-IMiRZA Another COP)1' ofthepreceding.Theodesarcnot entirely in alphabetical order. Lacunae occur after foll.54,58,and64.Themanuscripthasthesame peculiarities ofthescript asthepreceding. Begins: I 0' '" ..a.,J' s J"
POETRYCopyist:MuhammadMuhsin, of Badabir.' Colophon: -J.A3 .. -b.'-It:)wJo" er v----.r-:: Jo;-.\ 70B.M. Or.4497-FoI1.139;SIZe24x14 cm.; 13linesina page;Nasxi;c.A.D.1700.[Major H.G.Raverty]DiwAN-I l\1iRZA Another copy, written for Muhammad Nasir Ullah Xan.ThealphabeticDiwanbeginsonfol.37b.Thereisa lacuna afterfo1.48,followedbysome slight disarrangement ofthealphabetical order.Theletter is here (fol.59)usedforJ.Copyist: Mulla Kamal Colophon: ,Ui.,J1<$',;: .. r"y\;:)-.JJW-)\... J-j 'Some Arabic versesare scribbled on the lastfoliobyanother hand,andanoteof the birth ofasonof Kanbar (Ali Khan inthebeginning of RabrI, A.H.1126(A.D.IjI4).'2711.0.MSS.Pashto B. 3-Fo11. 126;size22x 14 cm.;13to19linesilla page; Nasxt; dated25 Zu 'l-ka'daA.H. 1184 (A.D.1'771 ).DiwAN-I MiRZA Another copy, with alltheodesalphabetically arranged .. s Tile alphabetic poemofthe preceding two manuscriptsbegins hereonfol.. 11&1.. tProbably theSl\n1CpersonQS MubnmmadMuhsin, son ofl\tlulHi Ahmad Qurnisi,thescribe of No. 67,A,H,t101 (x.n, 1(90),:a Blumhardt, lJdll,Cat"no,Including theletters ..;and last hQSbeen modified (ful...3S)bylaltc1ttoID the form J ..
POETRY64Begins: L:-J.l:-jJI-, sasinthealphabetical section ofthepreceding manuscripts . Colophon: oL r 0)Dhi lllijDiWeA"At _._ ...7. j.Jj 721.0.MSS.Pashto C.I.C,foIl. 199-307 (see No. 104); fineNasxi;dated16JuneA.D.1876.DiwAN-I MiRZA Anothercopy,madefortheRevd.T.P. Hughes,witha title page in EnglishandPashto.Theodes arenotin strictly alphabetical order. Begins: )lpj.uJ<>4':i'4$.J.j "-:':i'Y-4$l..i (corresponding tofol.roesofNo.67.)TheDiwanends, ineffect,atfo1.286b,andis followedbya series of com positions in near-verseorrhymedprose by various persons.Theseappeartobethedevout outpourings of followers ofBayazid,PirRoxan, Only thoseofone Fath Xan(fall. 3oZ-310b) show any poetic feeling. FoIl.31za-3I6acontainfurtherversebyMirza.Copyist:Fulam Jilani, ofPeshawar.Colophon: -J. .:NN.A.'AV'/,LJ.A'W4}J:, t \'iJ.J4i
POETRY736SB.M.Or.2803-Foll.118; size29x19cm.;ISlinesinapage;Nasxt;dated2AugustA.D.1881.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes] DiwAN-IMiRZA Anothercopy, similar tothepreceding.'Mr.Hugheshasappendedthefollowingnote:"MirzaKhanAnsari.Oneoftheearliest of Afghan Poets.Heis supposed tohave lived inTirah,avalley inthePeshawarFrontier".'IThecompositions by variousotherpersons occur betweenfoll,90and112. Copyist: ( Rafikdakal'edaZardad Xan,Colophon: 0.Y"t:i-)ljo,W t 0-,1 s741.0.MSS.PashtoB.IS-FoIl.6o;size22x12cm.;9andIIlines inapage;N.asta' IIIJ,; rSthcentury. [BibliothecaLeydeniana]DiwAN-IKARiMDAD Thepoems of Karimdad,theSOIlof Axiind Darweza, (SeeNo. I). Begins: L;JjlJyyL;.rl-'-'J-L.. s UJ-'J'iJL;. s -=?J.,J Thepoell1Sare arranged in t\VO parts.IIIthefirsttheodesarenotinalphabetical order, astheyareillthesecond, which begins (fol.18): I.L;... \' J.H J .s.; ':? ..; o 20281 Blumhardt, B.1.),I. Cat.,no. 21. K
66POETRYThefirsttwoleavesaretorn,andthecopyis imperfect attheend.Someadditional verses arewritteninthemargins,whichhavebeencutthroughinbinding.Karimdadassisted his father inthecomposition oftheMaxzan ul-Isldm,andhas also translated into Pashto a treatise against heresyunderthetitleFatduid-i'Tuhfat ul-Xani'. Thiswas published atDelhiin1885,withthefirstNuktaofBayanVIIoftheMaxzan(seep.5,n.I).Anothercopy of hisDiwanis listed amongthemanuscripts ofthePressDepartment,Kabul( Beaurecueil,MIDEO,iii.119,no.27).75C.U.L.Or. 1866-Fo11. 577; size26x16cm.;15 lines inapage;. Nasta'lik;dated29 RajabA.H.1131(A.D.1719).1 [professor E.G. Browne]DiwAN-I XAN TheDiwan,or Kulliyat, ofXushalXanXatak, Xus1)al Xan, chieftain oftheXataktribeandnationalpoetoftheAfghans,wasbornatSray(Akora) inA.H.1022(A.D.1613).Heappears tohavebegunwritingpoetryinhisyouthandtohave continueduntilhis death.Hesuc ceeded tothechieftaincy inA.H.1050(A.D.1640-1)whenhis father, SahbazXan, succumbedtoan arrowwoundreceived ina battlewiththeYusufzais. Xushal servedtheMogulemperorShahjahanfaithfully formanyyearsbutaftertheaccession of Aurangzeb hefell into disfavour.InA.H.1074(A.D.1663-4) hewas arrestedandsent to Delhi. After twoanda half years ofimprisonmentinDelhiandRantambhorFortinJaipurhewas confined in Agra,untilhis release inA.H.1079(A.D.1668-9).Theembitteredpoetremained inMogulserviceoutof gratitude to thosewhohadobtained hisrelease,butafter a majorMoguldefeat intheKhyberinA.H.1083(A.D.1672-3) he resignedthechieftaincy tohis eldest son, Asraf Xan,Later,followingthejealous intrigues ofhisthirdson, Bahram, hewas forced into open warfare againsttheMogulforces,in alliancewiththeAfridis. Finally, driven from his home by Bahram, he took refuge amongtheHasanXelIOrpossibly,A"H.1121(A.D.1709).
POETRY67Afridis inthehills above Milsa Darra(southofCherat),wherehe died, accordingto Asraf (seeNo.79),ontheevening ofFriday28 11A.H.1100 (18FebruaryA.D.1689).BesidetheDiwan,Xushaliscreditedwiththeauthorshipofscoresofworks, ofwhichonly afew have survived.Amongthesethereare anumberoftranslations of religiousanddidactic worksandvariousmasnazoicompositionswiththetitles Baznama,Fazlnama(seeNo.115),Swat-nama,Dastarnama,Farruxnama,Firaknama,Hewasalsotheinventorofa system ofshorthandcalledzanjirsi'chain-script'.TheDiwanhasbeenpublishedatPeshawarin1869,underthesupervision ofDr.W. Bellew, atKandaharin1938,by'Abdul-Haiy I:Iabibi, andatPeshawaragain in1952,editedbyDostMuhammadXanKamil,fromwhoseIntroductiontheaboveaccountofthepoet'slifeis abridged. A selection of's poems,withEnglishtranslations, waspublishedbyC.E.Biddulph,'andanother,withUrdutranslations,byDr.SaiyidAnwarul-Hakk.>FurthershortselectionsmayalsobefoundintheGulshanandtheKalid.Inthepresentcopythepoemsare divided intofourparts, asinDr.Bellew's edition.I.Fo!.la. Begins: u-'':P1;.Ht:( Jj 11.Fo!.71b.TazalsBegins: b j1j,AJ Ill.Fo!.34ob. Begins:o I .GO a u-'J \' '-'""-' JAfghan Poetry of the Seoenteenth Century,London,1890. ;.s-Dojj2 Muntaxabiit-i XuIlliil xsXalak,PashtoAcademy,Peshawar[1957],
68POETRYIV.Fol.4ISb. Rubiifis Begins: I)',:?lJb ,:?lJb1,).Ju..lS,).Y.J:1AtlYI)',:?I..I---->.,)4j1.JI)'L;.J"':?A-:S
POETRY771.0. MSS.PashtoD.I-FoIl.310; size31.5x18 cm.; 16linesina page; Nasxi;rothcentury. [Paris Exhibition] DiwAN-!XUSl:IALXAN Another copy, apparently written bya copyist with no knowledge of Pashto.Thecopy begins withthekasidas.Theyazals(foIl.3Ib-27Ib)are arranged intwo alphabetical sequences.Therefollowrubti'is, IJ,itfas, muxammaspoems, &c.78B.M. Or.4492-Foll.262;size34x20cm.;15-16linesina page; Nasxi;written on paper stamped 'Rolland Freres, Bordeaux, 1855'. [Major H.G.Raverty] DiwAN-IXUSl:IALXAN Another copy, containingtheyazals,ina different order, followed(fol.25Ia )byafewmurabba'; muxammas, musaddas, tarhib-band,and other short poems.Thereare numerous pencilled corrections throughout, apparently madeby MajorRaverty.'Colophon: i'.rL'J-,'AdbiW E' 79B.M.Or.2800-Foll.119;size28x19 cm.; 15linesina page; fineNasxiandNasta'lik;dated Peshawar, 6 JanuaryA.D.1873.[TheRevd.T.P.I-Iughes]DiwAN-IHrjnf ThepoemsofAsraf XanXatak, HiJri.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.23.
7POETRYBegins: bJ-' t, bbC-$)'J J 4-'AJ s C-$ J 4 AsrafXan,theeldest sonof XushalXanXatak, wasbornin RamazanA.H.1044(A.D.1635).Hesucceeded his father inthechieftaincy oftheXataktribe inA.H.1083(A.D.1672-3).InA.H.1(A.D.1681)his brother Bahram betrayedhimintothehands oftheMogul emperor Aurangzeb, whoim prisonedhimat Gwalior and Bijapur, intheDeccan.Therehe died inA.H.1105(A.D.1693-4).Mostofhis poems were written during his imprisonmentandfrom this separation(hijran)fromhis homeland he took histaxallus.'Mr.Hughes states ina note appended to this volumethatthis copyof Ashraf Khan's poems wasmade,underhis superintendence,"froman original manuscript in possession ofAfzalKhanofJamalghari inthePeshawar district, a direct descendant oftheauthor".'1Thepoems, including afewin Persian, are arranged alphabetically, fol lowedbyafew muxammas,rubd'is, and fivetdrixpoems onthedeath ofXushal Xan, fourofthemin Persian. A selection fromtheDiwan has been published intheGulshan. Copyist:Fulam Jilani, of Peshawar. 'AVr'A.:....uc)L s iW 1 .. C-$J.J :.o' ':? .. :i y::A>80C.U.L.Add.321-Foll.20;size26x17cm.;13toISlinesina page; Nasta'lik; 19th century. [Major H.G. Raverty] DiwAN-I HljRiAnother copy, containing a selection of50yazalsonly.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.24.
POETRY8171B.M. Or. 2802-Fo11. 108;size24x15cm.;15linesina page;Nasxi;c.A.D.1875.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes]DiwAN-I (ABD Thepoems of'Abd Xan, Xatak. Begins: !),G .JD..L::-!.ri4tJ.?.G..4b<:'." ..e.. .. Y'-!.<:?c.5'eW .. .. D.uJtJ)1S:+e-)4.u-t-:.uJJ.J.,..1L::..0) s'Abdul-Kadir,younger brother ofAsrafXanHijri, was born inA.H.1061-2 (seeNo.117).Ontheimprisonment of Asraf he aspired tothechieftaincy oftheXataktribe,butwaspassed overinfavourof Asraf's son,Afzal,and thereafter doubtless livedin straitened circumstances. However, Raverty's assertionthathewasdoneto death byhis nephew onhisaccessionIdoes not bear examination (seeNo.159). His poems arefullof $iifi mysticism. Heisalso the author of translations of Jami's Yiisuf Zulaixa (Nos.117-26) andSa'di'sGulistan (Nos. 159-61).'Mr.Hughes has appended anotetothepresent copy, dated Nov. 21,1884, in which he statesthatitwasmade under his superintendence froma manu script inthepossession ofAfzal Khan ofJamalgarhi inthePeshawar District.''TheodesintheDiwanare arranged in alphabetical order, andarefollowed byanumberofRuba'IsandMukhammas.'>Copyist-certainlyFulamJilani (seeNos.79,89,99,&c.).82B.M.Or. 4232-Fo11. 77;size26x16 cm.; 13linesina page;Nasxi ;laterSthcentury.[J.Darmesteter]DiwAN-I (ABD Another copy, imperfect atthebeginning and end. Blumhardt,B.M. Cat.,no.26.ISelections,p.269.2Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.25.
POETRYTheyazalsbeginonfol.7a,followingtherubd'iandmuxammaspoems.Foll,62-77containthefollowingpoemsbyotherpoets:yazalsbyFaizMuhammad(fol.62a),Asraf(fol.62b),FakirAfzal (fol.62b),Nawwab tAli Muhammad Xan (fol.68a),andMiskin(fol.69a);muxammasbySadrXanXatak(fol.63a), Xusl)alXan (fol.6sa,intwoparts-thefirstpartis wronglyheaded J.A.p foritisfoundinNo.73atfol.379a),Saiyid'Abdul-Samad Pirzada(fol.72a),and I:Iafi!! RahmatXan(fol.7Sa);an i-IFI [sic]onthedeathofNawwab'AliMuhammadXaninA.H.1162(A.D.1749),byKazim Xan Xatak(fol.7oa);anda by Hafiz (fol.73a).83C.U.L.Add.319-Foll.16;size30SX22cm.;ISto19 lines inapage;crudeNasta'Iik ;19thcentury. [MajorH.G.Raverty]DiwAN-I t:ABD Anothercopy, containing only a selection of48yazals.Ends: c.?rJ...::;uL-Jrojw ojwJ4s.;.;.. 0)84B.M.Or.4498-Foll.188; size20X13Scm.;13 linesinapage;Nasta'lik ;dated29 SafarA.H.1108(A.D.1696). [MajorH.G. Raverty]DiwAN-INAjiB Thepoemsof Najib. Begins: U.,':?'" s U.,oJU .rwJJb s:... c;-t..::'"..}J... ., 0L.J4
il.L.Ji;-.J,)\J,)rI POETRY73'Nothingis known concerning this poet. According toa note by Major Raverty he appears tohave been a Yiisufzai Afghan.Theodes comprisingtheDiwan arefollowedbya collection of Ruba(is (foIl.174-188).'1Thepoems are mainly ofa romantic nature.Onfol.35btheletter -? appears forj,butelsewhere this is writtent.2Copyist:GulMuhammad,of Peshawar. Colophon: Cl w:uI,)rI.r s L:::J 1 01.Jo:!')...w;il..j..::-:;JSy; jl AJJI I' ,./\c)lJ 85B.M. Or.393-Foll.134;size26xI7cm.;14linesina page;Nasxi ;rSth century. [Colonel G.W. Hamilton]DiwAN-I .. Thepoetical works of'Abdul-Rahman, Mohmand. Begins: i J s IJJ I '-:?,)J.-... Mulla'Abdul-Rahman, commonly known as Rahman Baba, aSilfi and poet, flourished inthe17th century, duringthereign oftheemperor Aurang zeb.'TheRev.T.P. Hughes has supplied some notes onthepoet inhis copyoftheDiwan[No.89],in which hesaysthat'Abdal-Rahman "belonged totheIbrahimKheyloftheMomunds,Hewasa native oft11evillageof Bahadur Kilai,'[situated about fourmilesfrom Peshawar ontheKohat road]butresided forsome time at Hazarkhani, and is buried there.'! Rahman's dates are uncertain,butinone poem (foIl. 98-101), apparently writtenwhenhewasover55yearsold,he refers tothedeath of Aurangzeb(A.H.II18/A.D.1707) andtheaccessionofhisson Sah (Alam, later Bahadur SaIl (A.H.II19). Rahman was therefore probablybornc.A.H.1060(A.D.1650)C2628IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.32 .2SeeMacKenzie,BSOAS,xxii.233.3Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.27.L
()1.J ..... .'. l..i.;...c .'. ..:;..9Q.:it.b J e JO'-.J .r: -.,:..r-YJc.?,) J U,)ySOJ..,5'-'0lJ,).u POETRYandwould 'have been a youngmanwhen Khush1).alKhan wasanaged chieftain' .IInan excellent edition collated byMaulawiAhmadofTangIin Hashtnagarandedited byMr.Hughes (Lahore, 1877),andin various Delhi editions,thepoems are arranged intwo separateDiwans,while intheBombay edition of 1883 they areall collected together into one.Inthis copythefirst Diwan isthesecond oftheprinted editions, with some variation inthesequence ofthepoems.Itends (fol.7za)withtwomuxammaspoems. Atfol.74b,twoyazalsand akasidabyXushal Xan Xatak have been introduced. Selections fromtheDiwan appear inDorn'sChrestomathy,theGulshan,andtheKalid.Copyist: SaiyidFulam'Ali,Colophon: O-'JJlwJ-ejL,;...b:. ;,.nJ;..:;..9>1Lr-)I..l-.J...::;jW..:-:;[<;J 86Rylands. Afghan14-Foll.133;size23x13Scm.;ISlinesina page;Nasxi;rSthcentury;boundin stamped leather. [Bibliotheca Lindesiana] DiwAN-!RAI:IMAN Another copy.Theyazalsare arranged intwo Diwans,butintheopposite order tothelastcopy,asintheLahore edition. Begins: YJYJc$ sJ YJc.?,)0:.iJ Thesecond Diwan begins (fol.S6b): .s: .;-UJ,) .s: c.?,)..:;..9-,,),:)c$J...i Colophon: w..:-:; (* IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.27.
POETRY87751.0.MSS.PashtoB.18-Foll.152;size24x16 cm.; 13linesina page; goodNasxi;dated Ramazan,A.H.1270(A.D.1854). DiwAN-IRAI:IMAN Another copy.Theyazalsare arranged intwoDiwans,asin the edition of Lahore, 1877. Copyist:MiyanSadr ul-Din, Colophon:irv; ..iW k 88B.M.Or.2829-Foll.164;size29x19 cm.; 13linesina page;Nasxi;dated 17JuneA.D.1861.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes] DiwAN-IRAI!MAN AnotherCOP)',made fortheRevd.T.Tuting.Theyazalsare arranged intwo Diwans asintheprevious copy. Blumhardt,B.M. Cat.,no.28. Copyist: Mirza (Muhammad) Isma'Il, Colophon:[sic] 04fiiW ',""0'y:"" irvv 89B.M. Or.2830-Foll.139;size28x19cm.; 15linesilla page; fineNasxi ;dated 4 MayA.D.1872.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes] DiwAN-IRAI:IMAN Another copy.'Mr.Hughes saysina note appended tothevolume dated Dec.rSth,1884:"Thismanuscript isavery careful collation fromanumberof manuscripts
76POETRYbythepoet Ahmad of Hashtnaggar, carried onunderthecareful super intendence oftheRev.T.P. Hughes, and is supposed tobetheonly carefully collated manuscript in existence."'IItwas evidently from this copythattheLahore edition of1877was printed. Copyist:Fulam}iHini, of Peshawar. Colophon: j;A.6y:;b-,AvroLiW 901.0.MSS.Pashto C.4-Fol1.157;size25x19cm.;12linesina page;Nasxi;rSthcentury. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana1DiwAN-I Another copy. Begins: y)y)YJ'$.:JJI..",SJ..J-!.;..jSy) s Jj4coli Theyazalsareall arranged inoneDiwan,Appended(fo1.154b)isan extract fromtheBiib-i suliil:ofawork entitled Jawiimif -ikalim,containing quotations from Pashto translations of works.911.0.MSS.Pashto B.17-Fol1.1+93;size24x16cm.;13linesina page; goodNasxi;dated Multan,A.H.1187(A.D.1773-4). [R. Johnson]DiwAN-I Another copy, beginning withthesamelinesasthepreceding copy.Theyazalsareagain arranged inone Diwan,butina different sequence.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.29.
POETRY77Foll, 34/39 areboundinthewrong order. Onthefly-leaf isaddeda marsiyapoembya NawwabMun'irnul-daula. Copyist: FazilMuhammad,son of Mulla 'Abdul-Tani,ofMultan.Colophon: I I AVoL:....':tr0b).)y-::,0 b)10 1.J;!')yl;:)iW)1.)Jo.ll!JL../ it 0WlJ....-::A-."uJJ.,.:>U 92B.M.Or. 4493-Fo11.Ill;size33x21cm.;18linesina page;Nasxi ;dated 8 SafarA.H.1271(A.D.1854). [MajorH.G. Raverty] DiwAN-I Anothercopy,also arranged ina singleDiwan,Blumhardt,B.M. Cat.,no.30. Copyist: Sira]ul-Din,ofMultan.Colophon: \ sv \oL,yl;:)C 1rjlJ 93Bodleian.MS.Ind.Inst. Mise,8-Foll.85;size32x20cm.;17linesina page; fineNasa,c.1900,paperwatermarked'Monckton1886'. A selection of37 poems fromtheDiwanof Rahman, inno alphabetical order,writtenonthereverse of alternate folios only(Ib, 3b,5b,&c.). Foll, 68 onwards areleft blank except foralistoffirstlinesaddedbyaEuropeanhandon fol.85.
POETRY94B.M. Or.4sol-Foll.93;SIze21XIScm.;ISlinesina page;Nasxt;rSthcentury. [Major H.G.Raverty]DiwAN-I I:IAMiD .. TheDiwan of'Abdul-Hamid,Mohmand,which isalsocalledDurr0marjan. Blumhardt,B.M.Cat., no.31. Begins:IJ JJ' 'J s 'J J-'Y".;-J s C;O 'Jj s 1s .r sJ 4..,; J L:.E( ju cS 'Abdul-Hamid, known as Hamid, wasa native of Maso Xel,aMohmandvillage abouttenmiles from Peshawar ontheKohatroad.Heflourishedduringthereigns oftheemperor Aurangzebandhis successors, down toMuhammadShah.Heis supposed tohave died abouttheyearA.D.1732. See Raverty's Selections, p.8S.Theyazalsare arranged alphabeticallyandarefollowedbyafew muxammas poems.TheDiwan has been lithographed at Bombay,A.H.129S(A.D.1878). Selections areprintedintheGulshan, pp. 73-102.Hamidisalsotheauthoroftwo romances translated fromthePersian, viz. Nairang-i and Sah 0Gada(No. 129).Foll,2a-3b and 92-93 contain notes of various debts, and some Pashto verses.951.0.MSS.Pashto C.1I-FoIl.82;size26Sx14cm.;16linesina page;N.asta' lzlJ,; 19th century. [Paris Exhibition]DiwAN-I I:IAMiD Anothercopy. Copyist: Fazl-i Hakk.
POETRY79Colophon: J')l3"".h;...:.....01.J-:!') I I .lJ,......jLT-! I iW c" j.Jjci.J 96B.M. Or.449S-Fol1.120;size24x16CIU.;12linesina page;Nasxi ;19 th century. [Major H.G.Raverty] DiwAN-IAI:IMADSAH Thepoems ofAhmad Sah Abdali,Durr-iDurran,See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.33, and No.SIabove. Begins: Q 6a Q la ,a l$ Q 6 ay Q la ja c)JjYJ s DiwAN-IAI:IMADSAH Thepoems consist ofvazale;with afewmuxammaspoems andrubti'ts.TheDiwan has been published, edited by'Abdul-Haiy I:Iabibi, bythePaxtoTolona of Kabul, in1940.Onfo1.26jis written withtheletter Copyist: tAli Muhammad,Caharyari,Colophon: cSL t. -It-c)...l:J .. 0 .. r.r. 971.0.MSS.Pashto B.zo-c-Foll.170;size19x13 cm.; 11linesina page;Nasxi;19th century. Another copy, incomplete atthebeginning and end.
80POETRYBegins: <$ corresponding tofol.7aoftheprevious copy. Onfoll,3 1-32jis written as 98B.M. Or.4494-Foll.147;size31xI9cm.; 11linesina page; boldNasta'lik;dated 13MuharramA.H.118 7(A.D.1773). [Major H.G. Raverty]DiwAN-I SAIDA .. Thepoetical worksofMuhammadKazim Xan, Saida. Begins: e. ...._I;E( e , <$. .. r-<$.rJ s J:'rJW'4.Jr:!J KazimXanwasthesonofAfzal Xan (seeNo.157) and great-grandson of XushalXanXatak, a Hanafi bysect, and oftheNaksbandi order. According to Raverty, hewas born 'sometime duringthefiveyears subsequent toA.H.1135(A.D.1722)'.1Onthedeath ofAfzalhis eldest son,Asad Ullah Xan, succeeded him inthechieftaincy. Kazim Xan, being mistrustful ofhis brother's intentions, and fearing a design onhislife,fledfromhishome,'andspent severalyearsin Kashmir, where he acquired considerable learning. He subsequently livedalong time at Sirhind, inUpperIndia,butafterwards proceeded tothe Afghan principality of Rampiir inthatcountry, where he tookuphis residence; and there he passedthegreaterpartofhislife.'>Thepoems are preceded bytheauthor's preface,in which he statesthatthey were revised and arranged in their present forminA.H.I181(A.D.1767).ISelections,pp.305f. 2 Ibid.
POETRYThiscomprises: I(fo1.lob).Masnasotpoems, beginning:81 0L..J.)l:?1ljO tr: s '-$'lj" s UJJ.9 Theseinclude eulogies ofMuhammad,thefour Caliphs AbilBakr Siddik, fUmar, fUsman, and'All,of Baha' ul-DlnNaksbandi, Saix AhmadSirhindi, and Fulam Ma'siim,thepoet's religious preceptor, and finallya dissertation on Pashto poetry. 11(fo1.30b).A Diwan ofyazals,in alphabetical arrangement, beginning:I) .J.;i..))\.;.)A,) I) 0L;..J.J .)).).) I) ul.,r
POETRY99B.lVI.Or.2801a,foll,1-146;size27x18cm.;ISlinesinapage;fineNasxt;dated16JulyA.D.1872.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes]DiwAN-I SAIDA Anothercopy".'Mr.Hughesstates ina note attached tothiscopythatitwas made"fromtheoriginal", referring nodoubttotheRaverty manuscript' [No.9 8].1Thecorrectionsandadditions inthemarginstherehave been taken intothetext. Copyist:Fulam Jilani, of Peshawar. Colophon: r)\.i.t I VAr0\.:,..., s t=Jw.......::rW 1001.0.MSS.PashtoC.I.b,foil.53-198(see No.104);fineNasxi;dated10AugustA.D.1876.Another COP}-, alsomadefortheRevd.T.P. Hughes, bythesame scribe.Colophon: ,.j.i.. t:I AV"'0\.:,...,oLt=Jli "rW<:?J.J :., ...101B.. J.\!I. Add.21 47 I-Foil.1S8;size255x17cm.;IIlinesinapage;Nasta' lilJ,;early 19th century.[L.Bowring] DiwAN-ISAIDAAnother copy,withouttheauthor'sprefaceandintroductorymasnasots.A number ofyazaIshavebeenaddedinthemarginsbyanother hand. Copyist: F t Ali.JBlumhardt, B,M,Cat"no, 37,
Onthefly-leafiswritten: l..:-J -, :. """L:.J6"U)JA-P4"':.u POETRYColophon: JWclUl,W A note has been added, in Persian, referring tothefaircopy belonging toMiyanMuhamrnadi (seeNo.98).1021.0.MSS.Pashto C.2.-Foll.142;size27x17cm.;13linesina page; well writtenNasta'lik;dated atArnbala,23MarchA.D.1852. DiwAN-ISAIDA Another copy, similar tothepreceding. FoIl.2and3(6and7)are bound inthewrong order. Copyist:Pandit Karta Kisan. Colophon: LrSw",,).L: t: lI\orJ..:....oL. rr' i.J=""..::......:t=J\.jA.dl-,J'::""-'Y..:illl:::;..1 .. J-:('J..t:.).JJL;I :. J._.. i103B.M.Or.28olb,foIl. 147-<)8 (seeNo.99);dated5 AugustA.D.1872 .[TheRevd,T.P.Hughes]DiwAN-I KAMGAR XAN)tClS" ThepoelllSof Kamgar Xan, sonofNamdar Xan, Xatak. Begins: 4-:-i'-,IJ.;lli.GuSt(l;S,.:.c\.)nJv.Jr..Jr \'
c).J eo...._ /-J-w Jj Lr'JUA-iW POETRYThepoems consist ofaDiwanofyazalsin alphabetical arrangement, including afewin PersianwritteninNasta'Iikfollowed bymuxammaspoemsandruba'ts.Namdar Xan appears to havebeena younger contemporary ofAfzal Xan andpresumablyanothergrandson ofXushal Xan (see No.104).Fromthelast verse inthiscopy it appearsthathissonKamgardied ata comparativelyearlyage,inA.H.1165(A.D.1751-2),ashe predeceased his father bythreeyears.Mr.Hugheshasappendedthefollowing note,dated21November,1884:'Thiswork was copied fromtheoriginal ofKamgarnowinthepossession of AfzalKhanKhatakof Jamalghari inthePeshawar District,underthesuperintendence oftheRev.T.P.Hughesof Peshawar.Theexistence ofthispoemwasunknownuntilMr.Hughesdiscovered it among some old volumes in AfzalKhan'spossession.'Ends:J U-.Jjliu..,.9 Copyist: rulam Jilani, of Peshawar.Colophon: -b.. s AJt'Avr ... r..J .. Jw AJ,.,,W\ .r-:: Jo;--. ..'I...o' \-lwJ'$J.J :.o' ':? .-.1041.0.MSS.Pashto C.I.a,foll,I-52;size27x18cm.;15linesinapage;fine Nasxz andNasta'lik;dated31AugustA.D.1876.. DiwAN-IKAMGAR XAN Anothercopy,also made fortheRevd.T.P. Hughes, bythesame scribe.Mr.Hugheshaswrittenthefollowing note atthefootofthetitle-page:'ThisMS.isacopyoftheoriginalwhichbears dateA.H.1189.Kamgarwas a descendant ofthecelebratedKhatakChiefandPoet KhushhalKhan.'Colophon: t:IAV' J...:..w s .J: s J...:.iW'..::-slwJl.:?J.J :'." ':? --,
POETRY105851.0.MSS.PashtoB.31-Foll.24;size23xI5cm.;13linesina page; fragmentary leaves,tornand damaged;rqthcentury.DiWAN-! KAMGAR Another copy, consisting of fragmentary leavesfromseveral parts oftheDiwan.Thefirstleaf begins attheend ofthefirstkastda: s cS.JSeJ'J I eala CJU \ .:..... -.. :.JJ-7 ... J0;S-.4:>c....AS0:';;0-'0)1)::.,5"y.,sss> .),:?jly:.J,j Inthemargins areanumberof munafats and other poems in Persian and Pashto.106Bodleian. Ouseley Add. III-Foll.381;size275x18 cm.; 12linesina page; large and clearNasta'lik;c.A.D.1800.DiwAN-! MAI:IABBAT ThePashto poems of Nawwab Mahabbat Xan (seeNo.57).1Begins:I) s .LJ5"n.))-,1 I) .).LJLi -'J I) .).LJ':1.ucJ0J:Mtl.)0;':?.)J'JJ ... s ..... e..H':? Themanuscript istheauthor's autograph and was presented to Sir GoreOuseleyat Lucknow,IOctoberA.D.1801.Theyazalsarefollowed,onfol.378a,bytwo carbaits. IEthe,Bodl. Cat.,no.2353.
86POETRY107B.M. Or.394-Foll.146;size23x15cm.;8linesina page; crudeNasxi;dated 21 Rabi f IA.H.1209(A.D.1794). [Colonel G.W.Hamilton]DiwAN-IAFRini Thepoems of Kasim fAli xs,Afridi.TheDiwan is preceded bya Sajara-i Kadiriya, alistinverseofthesuc cessive Xalifas oftheKadiri sect.Itbegins: "-; L, j \.... :v, .w\ G\:-, ... J',. i.rU ... <.Sy:'JEnds: 'J W Colophon: ,y.;:.SLry;;JiW ,W' TheDiwan begins, onfol.6b: YJYl0yYJ'-'JL.-Gb.JAS* Kasim 'Al!XanwasthesonofBurhanXan, an Adam Xel Afridi livingin Farrukhabad, wherethepoet was born.Hisfather died inA.H.1"192whenhe was nine years old.Hewas thereforeborninA.H.1182-3(A.D.1768-70).1 'Saiyid Kalam aI-Din, oneofhis immediate followers,thescribe ofthefollowing CoP)' [No.108]of this Diwan, has stated inhis colophonthatKasim fAli Khan hasalso written several Diwans in PersianandHindi(i.e.Hindustani),andhadsome acquaintancewithEnglish, Kashmiri,andTurki.Theauthorstates intheKhatimah (fol.133a)thathisverseswere collectedandarrangedwiththehelpof GhulamMuhammad,intheyearA.H.1206(A.D.1792).'22Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.38.
POETRYColophon (fol.I33b): J'L-19 [sic] .. 'u-b..JI'-:? ...r tr .. .r-: J.:- '-:? ...r: '-J..7"-AJ.JJ\r J.J:JIW,r-'-tA.:..w.,-\ 'Thismanuscriptappears tobeintheauthor'sown handwriting.Therearemanycorrectionsandadditionsthroughoutwritten bythesame hand,andthevolume hastheimpress oftheauthor'sseal.TheDiwanis headed as beingthefirstroughcopy yl:.)J.JI. Thelinesof each odeare separated by carefullyruledredink lines, some ofthewords beingwrittenwithblack, otherswithredink."FollowingtheDiwanthereisapoembythesameauthorentitled Xobnama, ontheinterpretation of dreams.Itbegins: o eo Q eo Q U 'J Ends: 11 W ... ...' 0;-AJ4 -s I '$''$).J1J-jJ-jW-C)lAitf .s: c; ... 19 .) Colophon (fol.I43a): w,,l"wUjl t\j '..'. ., u ... fit"':?.ftr./0.-J.:i ,,..'16uwol)J...yi-..:.i.Jj.J.r.; Islamia College (now Pashto Academy, Peshawar University)Librarypossesses a copy ofKasim 'All'sKulliyat datedA.H.1230(A.D.I8IS),con tainingthefollowing books: an account ofhis family in Persian,thisDiwan, aDiwaninUrdu,a collection ofhis kastdas, includingtheXwabnama,andFarhang-iAfridi, a dictionary of Persian words explained in Pashto,Urdu,Kashmiri,andEnglish."IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.38. 2 Tiirix,p.84.
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88POETRY108Colophon totheXwabnama:B.M. Or.39S-Foll.149;size ISSXIOScm.;IItoISlinesina page;Nasta'lik ;dated 29 Safban A.H.1231(A.D.1816). [Colonel G.W. Hamilton]DiwAN-IAFRiDiAnother COP)T oftheDiwan andthetreatise here called Xwabnama, withouttheSajara-i Kadiriya,'Thisisa carefully revised copy, containingthecorrected text ofthepre ceding manuscript,withsundryotheralterationsandadditions."Copyist: Saiyid Kalam ul-Din dubbedPir-i by fAliXan,his spiritual guide. Colophon totheDiwan(fo1.142b): ,rr"-L;-1I..;..L",7c.JblSw\Jjlwr-c..J .. .. j' ,u-,)'D',L::..J-'.J s 19-' .. .'/o..J" ...J 0.0.,..0"J \,...1 . ','0..Oo\' J P .s er: -'JPJlW'-,' 109B.M. Or.423o-Foil.101;size21Sx14cm.;approx. 18linesina page; crudeNasta'lik;laterSth century; originallyboundwithacoverof woven cane. DiwAN-I AKBAR .fi Thepoems of Akbar. Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.40.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.39.
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POETRYBegins: Ji-I))Y-.uiJs. -s JJi-G)JjJS'Ji-GA+y.OJ .(;..'?'?J'? I)I Ji-GJYo s AJyl:91 Thepoems, mostlyyazals,areinno alphabetical arrangement and, withtheexception offoIl. 53-76, are writtenbothdiagonally and lengthwise onthepage. Although many poems (includingthefirst)are headed AJl,a.J' themanuscript appears tobethepoet's autograph. Nothing to identify him can be gathered fromit, however, exceptthebroken line(fol.IOIa) J s-,.,j 'Iam Akbar of...' Onfol.60aisa poem praising a Husain Xan Mu'izzul-Din raziBadsah (whocan scarcely have beenthedissipated Mogul Mu'izzul-Din ]ahandar, reg.1712only). Amuxammaspoem begins onfol.93b.Fol.rooecontains an appeal to Saix 'Abdul-Kadir, Overleaf there isa Persian note onthemeaning of earth movements on various daysoftheweek.1101.0.MSS.Pashto B.3o-Foll.1+260;size24x14cm.;15linesina page;N.asta' 19th century. [Paris Exhibition]DiwAN-IAMiR XANJ:A \ Thepoems of Amir Xan,called Amir,thesonofSahnawazXan, Mahmiidzai. Begins:C2628N S4 J-,' ':?.rJ
PAGE 102
9POETRY[ !J '--''--'l:,) .. .J' u ifi Onfoll,248-59thereisa collection oftheshortpopularverselets known aslandei,ormisroi,Ihereundertheheading Lb Theyappear tobe mostly by Amir,manybearing his name,butonfoll,258-9thereareanumber'sentfrom Jalalabad',andattributedtoone FulamHasanXan,Thepoems consist ofa Diwan ofyazals,followed bytarji'band,musaddas,rubii'i,muxammas,andotherminorpoems.Therearenumerouscorrections,andthemarginsthroughoutarefullof additional poems. A Persianmemorandumwrittenontherecto ofthefirstfoliogivesthedates ofthedeathandburial ofthewriter'smother,24 Sawwal A.H.1247(A.D.1832),ofhisbrotherAminXan, in Sawwal A.H.1261(A.D.1845),andofothermembersofhisfamily.Thisnote,andtheentire manuscript,appears tobetheauthor'sautograph.Thespelling, particularly of Arabic words, is uniformly poor. A Colophon appears onfol.247b: 0k:..JJ-,0k:.. 111B.M.Or.2827a,foll,1-80;size27x18cm.;15lines inapage;fine NaSXl andNasta'lik;dated 5FebruaryA.D.1872.[TheRevd.T.P.Hughes] DiwAN-I Murzz ULLAH .. Thepoems ofMu'izz Ullah Xan,Afyan,Blumhardt,B.M. Cat.,no.43.Begins: .uJ.Yj trr: />tL,.,.JoI,j s JJY:"PoI,j.JcLJ s ':?r Mr.Hugheshas suppliedthenote:'Pushtoodes byMa'zullahKhan,a native of Kotah, a village two miles from Peshawar in British Afghanistan.Thedate oftheauthoris uncertain.Thismanuscriptwas carefully copiedbyISeeMacKenzie,'PashtoVerse',BSOAS,xxi.322.
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POETRY91thePoetAhmadof Hashtnaggarunderthesuperintendence oftheRev.T.P.Hughesof Peshawar.' Included intheDiwan there arealargenumberofyazalsin Persian, written in Nasta'lik and havingthetaxallus Afyan inplaceof Ma'zullah, asinthePashto.Themanuscript endswithafew muxammas, &c. poems. Copyist:Fulam JIlanI, of Peshawar. Colophon: t:I AV'<\;,...,'2).J).,L.,)J.r,0L:.:..vJ1y...-.,)01.Jo:!')A..;;;il....j 112B.M. Or. 2826-Fo11.79;size285x19cm.;15linesina page; neatNasxi;dated 21 AprilA.D.1882.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes] DiwAN-I ABU rLa.l\;) Thepoems ofAbu"l-Kasim,Begins: J b .)">::-9AS"'-'L.,..;. ) U.J'2.J..HT'2,)ol..iJr.r,y..Go.;S 'Nothingappears tobe known of this poet. Heis not mentioned by Major Raverty, andtheonly information givenbyMr.Hughes isthathewasa nativeofPeshawar, of uncertain date.'! Copyist:MuhammadHasan, of Peshawar. Colophon: s 0)<5.)l:J0-,'rJiA; ... Wo,t=)Wo s IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no. 44.
PAGE 104
92POETRY113T.e.D.MS.M.5.8-Foll.136; size20x16CIU.;13to16 lines inapage;Nasxi;writtenonEuropeanpaper,watermarked1874.[GeneralSirBindonBlood]DiwAN-I GULciN ThepoemsofGulcin.Begins:IJ JjLAJ L A-JJWL,o-' I L:.J.l:.uL_e;.. c.?.H ...Nothingisknownofthispoet.Fromthespelling, however,whichconforms tothe'hard'pronunciationofPsxto (0' for g,t for x,j forj),andthefactthatthemanuscriptwasbroughtfromBuner,itappearsthathewasa Yusufzai.Theyazalsarein alphabeticalorderonly asfarasfol.56.Thereisalacunaafter fol.71,whichcanbefilledbyfol.105 reversed.Atfol.72bthereisa munajat addressed to Saix AhmadKabulai,Atfol.82athereisa munajat byone followed bya series ofpoemsbythatpoetandGulcinalternately,thoseofGulcinbeingmodelledonthoseof Foll,122bonwardscontainpoemsbyoneBaniiri,beginningwithayazaladdressed tothecelebratedandsaintlySahibof Swat, whodiedat Saidiiat f.lS!reat ageinA.D.1877.FoIl.1-3acontainotherpoems, some byGulcin,Onfol.136thereisan abusivesongagainst aMulla Alii. Thereistheimpression ofthesealofaRahmat UIHih,andofthatofaFulamMuhyi'I-DInonfoIl.3aand12a.
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POETRY11493R.M.Or. 2874-Fo11.Ilg;size24xI9cm.;13linesina page;Nasxi ;rqthcentury.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes]CAMAN-I Anunequal selection ofyazals,alphabetically arranged, by twenty-nine poets,bothknown and otherwise unknown. Begins, with a poem by'Abdul-Rahman : '-'JYs .u.Jj'JS I .,.., .. wwc$.rrJ .. .r Thepoets represented, withthenumberof poems byeach, are: (fAbdul-)Fafiir,4(foil.22a,52b,63a,118b);fAbd ul-l:Iamid, 34(seeNo. 94);'Abdul-Kadir, 25(seeNo.81); 'Abdulilah), 12;'Abdul-Rahman,22(seeNo. 85); (fAbdul-) Samad, 6(see No. 82); Afzal,2(foil.98a ,99b);'Allm, 4(foil.23 b, 28a,60b,70b);Asraf,20(a poet of this name, brother ofSa'adatXan,a descendant of Xushal Xan livingintherqth century, is mentioned intheTdrix,p.log); Asraf Xan, Hijri,2(foil.S3a,97a)(seeNo. 79); Daulat, 7(seeNo.66);DostMuhammad, 3(foil.2ga,8Sb,88b)(perhaps the writer noted inthe Tiirix, p.100,asstilllivinginA.H.1290, afterthepublication of these poems); Fa?il, 24; Fa?il, I(fol.84b);Husain, 2(foil.64b,I02b);(Ijbrahim, 3(foil.66a,8Sb,86b)(the Tiirzx, p.75, names an Ibrahim Xan Kakar, a contemporary of Ahmad Sah); 'Isam(also spelt 5(foil.14 a, Sla,s6a,86b,IISb);
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94POETRYKalandar, S(foll, 33 a,S3b, 7S a, 82a,I06b)(an Afridi, contemporary of'Abdul-Hamid, Kalandar is famous forhis lifelong devotion tohis friend Mlra, v. Stlarii, i. 245);Kamgar Xan, Xajak, 31(seeNo. 103); 3(foIl.I6a,I7 b,95 b);lVlahln,3(foIl.5 6b, 59 b, 84 a);MirzaXan, Ansari,2(foll, 25a,soa)(seeNo. 67);Mu'izzUllah, 3(foll,2Ib,7Ia,II8a)(seeNo.III);SadrXan, Xatak, 12(seeNo. 127); Siddik, 17 (perhapsthe Axunzada of this name mentioned intheTdrix,p.99,aHotakliving inKandaharinthefirst half ofthe19thcentury);Sikandar Xan, Xatak,4(fall.16b,58b,6Ib, I08b)(a younger sonofX us1)alXan) ; (Usman, 5(foIl.79 b, 87 b, 99 a,II2b,II7 b); Xushal Xan, 4(fall.3 6b, 96b,sotb,II6a);Yiinus, 37(MuhammadYiinus issaidintheTdrix,p.59,tohave been a disciple ofRahman Baba; nothingelse certain is known of him).'Thevolume is lettered outside"Chamanibenazir",butthistitle doesnotappear inthework itself."Thepoems intheanthologywiththissame title, which formspartoftheKalid,have plainly been selected forthemostpartfromthismanuscript,(B)OTHERVERSE1151.0.MSS.PashtoB.I-FoIl.142; size24x17cm.;15and16 lines in apage;Nasxi ;dated Sa(ban A.H.1209(A.D.1795). [Paris Exhibition]F Amanual of useful instruction, inverse.By Xus1)al Xan, Xatak. Begins: SJ-S'","L--;----",41;'-,","4S;;.JS'jY-S;;'JS'"'-,')"uJ>J.;-:; IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.45.
PAGE 107
POETRY .;S':?GI:?SJ..Si)L.,1 9S Xus!:lalXan designed thisworkfortheguidance of members ofhisfamily intheperformance oftheduties of everyday life.Itis divided intofifteen chapters, treating oftheprinciples oftheIslamic faith, rules fortheobserv anceof religious obligations, directions onsocialandmoral ethics, domestic duties, andthemedical treatment of common ailments.Onfol. 4a there isthefollowingtdrix: .b.......;'Yyl:S' s JE>" givingthedateof compositionA.H.1089, whenthepoet was nearly 70years old(seeNo.75).Ends: SL 00 ../-.-.,JJ-j'$-'d-iJStUtU Colophon: ,r'1 L. \ ..H J -'.,J..JJJoi 116B.M. Or.12,101-Foll.141;size21x15 cm.; 13linesina page; crude Nasta'lik : 19th century.F ..\?L-NAMA Another copy, incomplete atbothends.Itlacksthefirstfolio andthewhole ofthelasttwo chapters.1171.0.MSS.Pashto A.I-FoIl.160;size19x12-5cm.;12linesina page; Nasxz; rSthcentury.[J.Cotton] YUSUF ZULAIXA ..A metrical version of ]ami's Persian poem onthestory ofJoseph and Zuleikha. By f:Abdul-I$.adir xs-, Xa!ak.
PAGE 108
POETRYBegins: 0;'-,YJ..::-.:!L:J.t40;L0';Xm, sonof xse, Xatak, andbrotherof Asraf xse. was evidentlyborninA.H.1061or'62(A.D.1651-2),1forhe completedthis translation of famI's poemattheageof50 .;rUb0inA.H.1112(A.D.1700-1).Thisdate is expressedina concluding eulogy oftheemperorAurangzeb by lettersoftheabjad,viz. t + + S -8.HewasalsotheauthorofaDiwan(see No.81)anda translation ofSa'di's Gulistan (seeNo.159). Extracts fromthispoemareprintedinDorn'sChrestomathyandinthe Gulshan. ThefulltexthasbeenpublishedatPeshawar often, since1870, and atKandaharin1922.Ends: FJ0-'.).;J.JJJs...)J::iy0-'..)0'-IL::...f'l.,j i7 118 Ry1Jamlds..Mgban I-Foil.118;size25"5X 14 cm..;I7linesina page; Nonat'liJJ; Delhi,18thcentury.[N.Bland-BibliothecaLindesiana] YUSUF ZULAIXA copy,lacking the last section andtheXatima. Slllbiman,of Rampur, p;.:(; er> 'i'flJJr'Jftb-;;i
PAGE 109
POETRY119971.0.MSS.Pashto A.2-Foll.150;size19x11cm.;12linesina page;Nasta'lik;18th century.YOSUFZULAIXAAnother copyofthepreceding.Onfol.zathereistheimpression ofaseal bearingthedateA.H.I181(A.D. 17(7). Appended areafew Persian prescriptions forthepreparation oftonicmedicines.Copyist: IVlirza (?)Muhammad.Colophon:120R.M.Or.4503-Foll.202;size20SXI4cm.;11linesina page;Nasxi ;dated Kashmir, 4 SaWl'iaI A.H.1217(A.D.1803).[MajorH.G.Raverty] YUSUFZULAIXA Anothercopy,finelywritten for MaulaDadXin. See Blumhardt,B.M.ea;no.48.Copyist: Mulla \Vali Muhammad, Colophon: la:;..J')tJL:;..)1.)yl:)rW.c....J.J..;Jiio.l:d.-'.J.,p s121Rylands.AfghanIS-FoIl. 216) with33half-pageand5full-page miniatures;size20X13cm.;11linesina page;Nasst;datedKashmir,11 Zu "l-ka'da A.H. 1230(A.D..1815). YOSUFZULAIXA Anothercopy,finelywritten for Rustam Xan ACakzai. 0
PAGE 110
98POETRYBesidethehalf-page miniatures illustratingthestory,foIl. 212-16 contain three full-page paintings oftheMogul pleasure gardens near Srinagar, Salamar, Bayca-i Nasim, and. Nisat Bay, andtwoof dancing-girls. Copyist:MullaWali[Muhammad],thesameasofthepreceding copy. Colophon: u.....J:!4..;-Jl;:)J...::;iWG.,l.:-.)J I) .,..\;.jIy..illi.,J1 [blank] JJ.J' .JoJ...:9 [sic] <:t"3 s>Fol.58abearstheimpression ofthesealofaMuhammadA'zam, probablythesaid Afghan governor of Kashmir.1221.0.MSS.Pashto;size205x12cm.;13linesinapage;.N.asta' rothcentury. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana1 Y-oSUF ZULAIXAAnother copy.(See Ethe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.1356.)1231.0.MSS.Pashto C.8-Foll.200;size28X16cm.;IIlinesina page; largeN.asta' rqthcentury. Y-oSUF ZULAIXAAnother copy. Colophon: ,r r 1\i1yd-1 sL j.JJ,Wl::.::..Iu .., TheHijri and Christian datesdonotcorrespond(MuharramA.H.1228==January 1813).Thedate October 1852ismorelikelytobe correct, whenthe
PAGE 111
POETRY9917th, corresponding to3MuharramA.H.1269,fellona Sunday.Thefigure can justpossibly be read \ r,A,in which casethescribe had understandably forgotten toaddaunitforthenewyear.1241.0.MSS.PashtoC.9-Fo11.150;size 24SX16 cm.; 13linesina page; goodNasxi ;rqthcentury. [Paris Exhibition] Y-oSUF ZULAIXAAnother copy.Theintroductory versesin praise ofGod, Muhammad,theCaliphs Abii Bakr,'Umar,'Usmanand 'Ali, andtheMunajat, are omitted. I t begins withthetext inthemiddle of the preface,followingnine preliminary couplets, beginning:.. tot!. .. J..,'UJY:::::;..r..r ..... \-.1l-"Ju \.ca ,J'JL ..,u-::--'(JJ"'J .::.. r;,,1 -l;:..i-.J J w '-:? ... ..1-:-0-.. ... ..Thefirsttwopagesare illuminated ingoldonthemargins and betweenthelines.125R.M. Or. 4239-Fo11. 151;size21x13 cm.; 13linesina page;Nasxi;earlyrqthcentury.[J.Darmesteter] Y-oSUF ZULAIXAAnother copy.Itlacksthefirstfolio, which has been replaced byan Arabic prayer.Thelast section, containing the poet's advicetohisson,isalso omitted. See Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.49. En.ds: ['$..,JI,)JL,,:..J':P\L.....ic$.u\ s .J--;!
PAGE 112
100POETRY126C.U.L.Add. 323-Fo11. 42; size26Sx18 cm.; 10toISlinesinapage;Nasxi;earlyrqth century. [Major H.G. Raverty] YUSUF ZULAIXAAnother copy, beginning withthe yl:.),-:?.J;J'-:?'-:?,-:?.J-'JjE!)oJj0.;--h-9 [sic] s?...Li and containing onlythefirst sections, dealing withthemarriage of Zuleikha and Joseph's first dream.Onanumberofpagestheinkhas become stuck and even transferred completely tothesheet facing.127B.M. Or.4s02-Fo11.70;size2IXISScm.;17linesina page;Nasxi ;rqthcentury;boundin stamped leather. [Major H.G. Raverty]ADAM XAN 0 DURXANHIJl.)J0l>,;\ Thetragic romance of Adam Xan and Durxanoi, inverse.By Sadr Xan, Xatak,Begins: -';w-'.;S-'JjYl0;)yl s ).J1J.,)0.;SI:?0.;S I I:?.r:-s-L:..0.;SL.-'-:l).J I SadrXanwasa younger sonof Xushal Xan, Xatak,borninA.H.1064or1069(seebelow).Thestory, supposedly based onfact,isvery popular, especially amongtheYiisufzai tribes andtheinhabitants ofSwat, where itisset.'Raverty, probably bymistake, notices a poem ofthesame name by'Abdul-KadirXan(seeISeeElphinstone'sAccountofthe KingdomofCaubul,London,1839,i,p.244.
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POETRY101No.117).1Anothermetrical version, by Akbar Sah of Peshawar, waswrittenandpublishedin1883.Forotherversions seeNo.163below.Thepresentwork hasbeenpublished bythePashto Academy, University of Peshawar, in1960.SadrXanalso versifiedtheromance ofDiliand (No. 128). According to RavertyhewastheauthorofaDiwan(afewofhisyazalsare included intheanthology No.114)andofa translation of'thewell-known Persianpoemof KhusrauandShirin of Nizami'.'Attheconclusion ofthepoemtheauthorexpressesthedate of composition bytheword thenumerical value oftheletters ofwhichaddedtogetheramountstoA.H.II17.Healso statesthathisagewasthen i.e.3+10+40 == 53 years, sothathewasborninA.H.1064orA.D.1654.'3ThePeshawar edition, however, hasthereading == 48 years (discussed onp.r 1\), givingtheauthor'sbirthdate asA.H.1069(A.D.1658-9).Ends: S;;..0-'LJ-i.'l-Jt'j'::1...,...L 1 yL=--SA.JA.J i- ,,. , ':f .s 0)0-'JL,4 128B.M.Or. 2825-Fo11.44;size24x15cm.;15linesina page; neatNasxi ;dated8AugustA.D.1871.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes]Theromance ofDiliand thedaughterof HayatXantheAfghan, in verse.! BySadr Xan, Xatak,SeeNo.127. Begins: .(jL.0';-W0-' ......IGrammar,Introduction,p.29.2Ibid.3Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.50. 4 Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.5I.
PAGE 114
102POETRY ':I-tj-&)yl;:) s J.....::; Ends: oL."L..-.s0-'Lllj.;-JoJj Copyist:Fulam JIlanI, of Peshawar. Colophon: (N..t AV'
PAGE 115
,:?I.L::.. e:j Lel'1oGJ,.r-y-iJJJI 1 ,,;-,,;-..J+':? s ,:?IJ-::.. POETRY11.FoIl. 62b-I22. Sah (0)Gada, IJt 'Thestory oftheKingandtheDarwesh, translated fromthePersian romance of Hilali. SeethePersian Catalogue, p.65 6a.'IBegins: s (j';...... iY ""J .:'L.:;.. .. uu-'(J-' ... ,:?j'...H s oL..WI:Iamid states (fol.75a)thathewas urged tomakethetranslation by AxiindzadaFulamMuhammad,probablytheauthorofthefollowingthreeworks (Nos. 132-13811).Thedate of completion is given (fol.75b)asA.H.1137(A.D.1724-5).2Ends: ,,;s ':?(j;-0-:. ...lyJl0--" Colophon: "j-'J"Lyl:.)jW Both romances have been published at Peshawar in1882.130B.M. Or.2804-Foll.119;size28x18cm.;15linesina page; fineNasxi;datedA.D.1871and1872.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes]Anothercopy, containingboththeNairang-i ciI!J, (foIl. 1-61)andKissada sah gada(foll,62-117). Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.53.Theparts are dated 11 September 1871andlaJanuary 1872 respectively.Theending ofthelatterpartdiffers fromthatintheprevious copyandtheprintededition.Inappended notes tobothtexts, dated 1884,Mr.Hughes states:'Thepresent copywas made bythepoetAhmadofTangi[v.No.163]andthenwrittenoutbya calligraphist namedAbdulQadir of Peshawar.' Copyist,betterknown asFulamJilani.IAslastfootnote.
PAGE 116
1POETRY131 ':1")LQ.;03
PAGE 117
POETRY1Onfoll,laand7gbtherearetheimpressions ofaseal,withan illegible inscriptionbeneatha coat of arms.This,representing a crown above afish, between two scimitars,thewholesurmountedbyan umbrella, pertains to somememberoftheruling family ofOudh.Thesealis datedA.H.1206. Fol.laalsohasanumberofwrittennotes,theearliest datedA.H.1197(A.D.1783). Besidethepresentwork,thestory of Saiful-Muluk(No. 136)andtheTawallud-nama(No. 13811),FulamMuhammadhasalsowrittenaTafsir-i'Wa (a metrical commentary onthe93rd Siirah oftheKoran,published in1880)andprobablyotherreligious poems, including aNurndmada sarwar-i kii'iniit. 133Rylands. Afghan8-Foll.71;size18x11cm.;13linesina page; crudeNasxi;dated4 Rabic 11A.H.1177(A.D.17 63). [Colonel G.:Hamilton-s-Bibliotheca Lindesiana] MICRA]NAMA Anothercopy. Foll, 4,5, 8-12,and15-19 have beenaddedata later date to completethemanuscript. Copyist:MuhammadMir-tahrir,Colophon: J.l:::.l1t}Jj .w-.... ..I..::;\ \ VV Foll,1-3,writtenby another scribe, Nab! NiirXan, contain amuxammaspoemby'Abdul-Kadir,withtherefrain: (in No. 81atfol.104a).Fol.4abearsthenameMuhammadHayat XanTar! Xanscrawled inredink.Thishas been misread bya previous cataloguer, who has written onthefly-leaf'Majmu'a-iXanTari Xan'. .C2628p
PAGE 118
106POETRY134Bodleian. Caps.Or.C.8-Foll.56;size20x13cm.;12linesina page; Nasxi;rSth century. MIfRAjNAMA Another copy, not arranged asverse. Ethe,Bodl.Cat.,ii,no.2352. Fol.56bbears afinal note in Pashto, after a fruitless attempt to. expressthesamein Arabic, totheeffectthat:'Ifanybody seekstoknowmyname,my name is MullaFayatand this ismybook and my home isinthevillageofRozi Xan Akozai and this ismybook and I wrote it myself.'1351.0.MSS.Pashto B.25-Foll.30; size22x13cm.;15linesina page; Nastci ;rqthcentury. [Paris Exhibition] MIfRAjNAMA Another copy, with many spelling mistakes.Thedateof completion isgiven here asA.H.II18. Colophon:136B.M. Or.398-Foll.Ill;size25x16cm.;14linesina page;Nasxi;rSth century. [Colonel G.W. Hamilton] SAIFuL-MuLUK Theromance ofSaif ul-Muliik and Badi' ul-jamal (here called Badri lamal), inverse. Translated fromthePersian byFulamMuhammad,
PAGE 119
Begins:POETRY1 s J..Lc s -,I.J-'J'i.JJ-'0"j....jUUJ-i-iJlc0lkLu .... TI .l 'Thetranslation is made fromthePersian romance, a manuscript copyof which is described inthePersian Catalogue, p.764b.Itdoes not appear to have been published. AnotherPushtuversion oftheromance, written by Ahmad, has been frequently lithographed." Onfol.87bFulamMuhammadnames his(Kadifi)spiritual guide,Muhyi'I-DIn.Ends: 0-' i -N-tA.j0-' iJI J.G..uU.J'-I 137B.M. Or.44990,foIl.1-86;size33X20 cm.;18linesina page;Nasxi ;dated 16 11A.H.1271(A.D.1855). [Major H.G.Raverty] SAIFUL-MuLUKAnother copyofthepreceding, from which it appears tohavebeenmadefor Major Raverty. Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.56. Colophon: \ r v \ I \' i w csCopyist:Sira]ul-Din, ofMultan(seeNo.149).138Rylands. Afghan4-Foll.61;size20X12 cm.; 15linesina page;Nasxi;earlyrqthcentury. [ColonelG.W.Hamilton-BibliothecaLindesiana] Two religious poems.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.55.
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POETRYI.FoIl.1-14.Kissa-i}umjuma. Thestory, in verse, oftheskeleton ofa kingwhichspoke to Jesus ofitspunishmentin hellandwas resurrected foreightyears asa pious Muslim. Begins: .u0lL"-HA;CJ-'"..H Thisversion ofthestory is anonymous.Anotherversion, byGulAhmadofPajagI,hasbeenfrequently published. Fol.IIofthemanuscriptisleft blank. FoIl.lza-13a,line9,areashortenedrepeat offoIl.9and10.Ends: ;i)1S"I,)':? Jj "JA.,j.'J.;S;':?.l,jU"'-:) s 11.FoIl.16-60.Tawallud-nama, Thestory ofthebirthandlivesofHasanandHusain,putinto Pashto verse byFulamMuhammadGigyanai, onthebasis oftheaccount inthePersian Durr-i majdlis by Saif ul-ZafarNaubahari,Begins: ..:;...cL.."'-:)I..\.:::)iLl,;-'
PAGE 121
POETRY1391Rylands. Afghan II-Foil.66; size22XI3Scm.;ISlinesinapage;Nasxi ;rSth century. [ColonelG.W.Hamilton-BibliothecaLindesiana]Tworeligious poems, by SaiyidHusain,I.FoIl.I-3Ib.Tawallud-nama,' Anaccount ofthemiracles connectedwiththebirthandchildhood ofMuhammad,Begins: S4 s l;JJ.Jtr-HJ';.:;JJ:;wL..3JJ'.JAJ Nothingis known ofthepoetbeyond his statement attheendof this poem,thathe translated it from a Persian original intheyear(I+ S + tl + tJ) A.H.1121(A.D.1709-10).Ends: .l:"J...HUy-::a-wl9 [sic] H..rl .r-:. LW.J.:wl{ 11.Foll,3Ib-63.]ang-nama-iImamain. s Anaccount ofthetragedy of Karbala,themartyrdomofHasanand I:Iusain. Begins: .JJ'A...:;-.J \-lSJ....jJ.J I 4. .J:;:;:;h.::.. .rr" .J s -dS'SJ..rl,,:;S)\j' Thispoemalsowas translated, fromtheversion contained inthePersianIriddul-tdlibinby Axiind Darweza.Ithas been published atDelhiin1877andlater.IBoththisandthenextmanuscript(No.140)takingthisas1191gives animpossibleresult,haveC'whichwouldgive atotalof191.Evenasthenextmanuscriptisdated1171
PAGE 122
110POETRYEnds: .Jj .... -JA-JJJ FoIl.64-66arefromtwo differentmanuscriptsoftheMaxzanul-Islam,byAxundDarweza(see No.I).FoIl. 64-65 contain articles 2and16ofAdd. 0, andfol.66, articleIIandthebeginning of12.Thelast side is unfinished,140Rylands. Afghan 13b,foll.53-96(seeNo.30);datedA.H.117 1(A.D.1757-8 ).TAWALLUD-NAMAAnothercopy ofNo.139I.Begins: l;J..H J-,'Copyist: FulamMustafaColophon: s JJy [sic] "V" [sic] l.o.j [sic] ,:?"j..i. [sic]Fol.96acontainsthreekalimas[sic]in Arabic.141Rylands. Afghan12-Foll.24;size17x12cm.;13to17 lines inapage;Nasta'Iik;earlyrqthcentury. [ColonelG.W.Hamilton-s-Bibliotheca Lindesiana]JANG-NAMA-IIMAMAINAnothercopy ofNo.13911.Afew lines are missing after fol.23aandthemanuscriptis unfinished,endinginthemiddleoffol.24a.
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POETRY142IIIB.M.Or.4237-Foll.14-127;size22x16cm.;13to18linesinapage;Nasxi;earlyrqthcentury.[J.Darmesteter] MU(jlzAT Themiracles ofMuhammad,related in verse. ByHafiz'Abdul-Kabir.Begins: .;3 s \ .\ .. ..r::--.n=--.r:>-JJj.;lr1.r:>-"Jr:-i.."JJ..A....u.r:-i.. 'Theauthorstates inthepreamblethathe compiledthiswork fromtheArabicduringthereign ofAhmad Shah (A.D.1748-54), intheyearA.H.1166(A.D.1753).'Abdal-Kabirisalsotheauthorofa metrical version ofthePersianDurri majalis of Saif al-Zafar, Naubahari, alsoDaf" al-fakr,"theJannatul-firdaus (No. 40),andotherreligious poems.Thepresent work has been frequently published.Itends (fol.I17a): W.JJ-'J"j1-,-,tLj-,Lj. .s UJJ-iu FoIl. 117b-27 contain aMundjdtandotherpoems bythesame author.Theremainderofthemanuscriptconsists of: FoIl. 1-8.AnArabic text. FoIl. 9-13. Various fragments inacrudehand, being mostly poems byRahmanandHamid,FoIl. 128-30. AMuniiJiitby Mutl( unu,copied byMuhammad (All. 143B.M.Or.8197a-Foll.1-47;size20x14cm.;aboutISlinesina page;Nasxi ;rSthcentury. MU(jIZAT Another, anonymous, version ofthemiracles ofMuhammad,inverse.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.34.
PAGE 124
112Begins:POETRY i';.)-rS'-:?w...L=..'",J Thetext ends abruptly onfol. 47b.Foll,48a-63b containpartofa Persian taiikira inavery fragmentary state.144B.M. Or.4233-Foll.43-5;size21x14 cm.; 13to25linesina page; Nasxz; rSthcentury.[J.Darmesteter] A poem in praise of Muhammad, translated by 'Abd ul-Kadir fromtheArabic ofMuhammadibn Sa'Id, Begins: '-:? s 'J 4.;4J')oJj i J'),.) OrJ-'-'sro-,JJ.) ,.)J-' 'J o.lJJ')J-'L::.. s ,-:?y-.) J 4 s 'JJ.H-'.) J 4 s Thepoem,asintheoriginal, rhymes in i. Another translation, by MiyanSaraf,was published at Delhi in1883.A paraphrase ofthepoem by Axiind Darweza formsBayan 11ofhis Maxzan ul-Islam (No.1).1Ends: .JJL...U0.uJ1J......;O.loW'-:?J'J.) s c.:S..r-:J.)ylsb.J4ylsb}1iW IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.41.
PAGE 125
POETRY145113Rylands. Afghan7-Fo11.30;sizeI8x12cm.;10linesina page;Nasxi;rSthcentury. [ColonelG.W.Hamilton-BibliothecaLindesiana] NURNAMA Apoemaboutthemiraculous radiance oftheProphet, translated into Pashto by Jan Muhammad.Begins: Jj s J'YJ s S4 s .JtJJ'J<$ JT Nothingcertain seems tobe known ofthetranslator. A poemwiththesametaxallusisfoundinamanuscriptoftheMaxzan ul-Islam datedMultan,A.H.1167(A.D.1753-4),1andthepoetHananofKandahar(fi.c.A.H.1270/A.D.1850) mentions aHafiz Jan Muhammad Kakar, who maybethesameperson.>Ends:. LJJ.'A.:.S: <$.JJ.J .... 'Y ... ..J>"JYAli. s -J; J yS15"LfYG..J'y-iJJ.,JS;'" 1461.0.MSS.Pashto B.28-Fo11.27; size24X14cm.;17and19linesinapage;Nasxi;rothcentury. [Paris Exhibition] I>-I$$A-I BAHRAM0GULANDAM JJ4.,..:2.9 Theromance of Prince Bahram-andGulandam, Princess of China, inverse. ByFaiyazI Sutara, i.35 8.2Tiirix,p.75.byRaverty,inanoteattachedtotheendpapers;3ErroneouslyidentifiedwithBahramGor v. No.149,colophon. Q
PAGE 126
114POETRY ,.JLL.uWI.JJ Begins: ,oL.-.L, .s '--->'0'J-J .. J. ... .JJtr""';"".Jr.JJ Theclosest version ofthestory to this isthatintheGorani languageofnorth-western Persia.'Thispoem has been frequently published, at Pesha warandBombay.Itisalso printed intheKalid.Nothing is known oftheauthor.Ends: .,;j s c.UJW v:' 147Rylands.Mghan6-Fo11.24;size25x15cm.;16to22linesinapage;Nasta'ltk;rSthcentury. [Colonel G.W.Hamilton-BibliothecaLindesiana] BAHRAM0GULANDAMAnother copy,lackingthefirstfolio.1481.0.MSS.Pashto D.2-Fo11.3I;size30x195cm.;15linesinapage;Nasta'ltk;dated 9 RamazanA.H.12 70(A.D.1854). BAHRAM0GULANDAMAnother copyofthepreceding,muchshortened. Copyist:DostMuhammad, Colophon: rl...i"-j.J)rl.;Hyl.::,)J...;;;rl...iyl.:S',W,.J (I), r v JSee Rieu,Catalogueofthe PersianMSS.inthe British Museum,ii.734a,onAdd.23554;Ethe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,nos.799(22),and1697.
PAGE 127
POETRYlIS 0'J01.Jq ",W I.JJ -'.Ji-'J s Appended (fol.27a)areafewyazalsfromthe Diwan of 'Abd ul-Hamid (seeNo.94).149R.M.Or.4499b,foIl.87-112 (seeNo.137); dated endof Rabi'I,A.H.1271(A.D.1854). [MajorH.G.Raverty] BAHRAM0GULANDAMAnother copy,in whichthetext differs considerably, beinggenerally inferior toNo.146. Begins: 0w s Ends: .l...::;J..ib1J.,jtFy-1L:;..JS'JLrt'-'y.yl;jSY-J.J j JS'JS' 'JCopyist: SiraJ ul-Dln, of Multan, Colophon: xvI j)L,l.T-y::..1 [I] Jyrol.,aiil..,j0l:LJL.l.T-JJ1( 150S.O.A.S. MS.10978-Foll.176;size30x16 cm.; 22linesina page;Nasxi;rqthcentury; bound in stamped red leather. DASTAN-I AMiR I:IAMZA Thestoryof the marvellousexploitsof Amir Hamza,uncleofthe Prophet Muhammad, inverse. Translated fromthePersian,byAhmad.
PAGE 128
116POETRYBegins: Jjl ,:?I..,l:;..u ... T "-.J Cl v v "-7[or]uJ Thetextcomprises 57ddstdns,unnumbered,andis evidently basedonanoriginal version similar tothatdescribed byEthe,1.0.Pers.Cat.,no.784.Thepresent'Yorkhasbeenprintedfrequently, sometimeswiththeaddition ofthestories ofthebattles ofBadrandUhud,Ofthemanyversifiersofthesame name,thetranslator ofthisstory is identified byRixtin'withAhmad Axiin XeIoftheneighbourhood of Pesha war, said tobealsotheauthorofaKiydmat-ndma.Fromthecolophon it appearsthatthepresentcopy wasmadeatthedictation oftheauthor,thenresident in Akbarpiira, a village eastofPeshawarneartheconfluence oftheBaraandKabulrivers. Colophon: .1iiJ j' jli.TrSiW jJL s 04[4]# I 04jL:,j '-' 151S.O.A.S.MS. I0979-FoII. 194; size28x20cm.;20lines inapage;Nasst;19thcentury. DASTAN-I AMiR I:IAMZA Anothercopyofthesame text.Copyist: Mulla FulamMuhammad,Colophon: iU-J-.kjlp-IIjWJS.uJ1..,kL::..U"'4.uJ1 I Su'arii, ii.630 ;Tiirix,p,112.
PAGE 129
POETRY152117B.M.Or.45oo-Fo11.93;size23 x 16cm.;13linesinapage;Nasta'Iik ;dated Zu "l-ka'da,A.H.1256(A.D.1841);boundinstampedleather. [MajorH.G.RAVERTY] fAzRA Theromance of fAZra andWamik, translated byMu'Inul-Din'fromthePersian Masnavi by I:Iaji MuhammadHusain, Shirazi. SeethePersian Catalogue, p.771b'.1 Begins: '.JlS 00 ':? 0: U -: 0: J ,:?..u t, ,:?..u'.1':?J'.1.J.r--:},:?..ul.:;-.l-.J 1 '-'-'rlJL.#'t-u'.uif-G"'-;JU)J.3 Mu'Inul-Dinstatesthatheis resident at Charsadda, in Hashtnagar,andcompletedthework attheneighbouring villageofUtmanzai.Hewasalsotheauthorofa Diwan, extracts fromwhichhavebeenprinted.>Themanuscriptappears tobeinthetranslator's own handwritingandhasseveral corrections.Thelast lines givetheyear of completion asA.H.1256andthecolophonthemonth, Zu 'l-ka'da,Ends: wiLo-,jy.J.J.:G.."...l)'O.J-' Jj Colophon: u=wUt,:?yL:;. j' y\:.)jl..;l:-:;1 .s 4y\:.) I( er)er.r-; .sj cJlo,j I '-:-'\:.)0:! I ..:;..i4 i lo,j.J-=-1o..l-)l..",...=:.y\:.)0='4:\JJ1oLV-;:-f Thebindingbearsthelegend:IBlumhardt, B.lll. Cat.,no.57. .2 Inthe publishedbyHasibGulMiya,c.1885; seeTdrix,pp.87,115.
PAGE 130
JI8POETRY153H.M. Or.2827b,foll, 81-113 (seeNo.Ill);fineNasxi;dated 23DecemberA.D.1871.Thestory ofthethiefandthejudge, inverse.'ByMaulawi Ahmad, ofTangiin Hashtnagar. Begins: LyL::S"clQ MaulawiAhmadwastheauthoroftheGanj-i Paxto andoftheTdrixdaSultanMahmud-irasnasoi(bothincluded intheKalid,whichhe helped to compile), beside a version ofAdamXdn0Durxdnsi(see No. 163)andvariousotherworks.sTheauthorstatesthathe versifiedthiswork from an existing Pashto version, 'tastelessandfullof ArabicandPersian'.Thedate of completion isgivenas19.RamazanA.H.1283(A.D.1867).Ithas been lithographed at PeshawarandDelhi.Ends: cf..-"-:)\.:,.-'-1 ,G.-'J '-'w-k-'.reo: .. cb,.:0L, ("'"'" u-::--.;!,..,.J-,' Copyist: Fulam Jilani, of Peshawar. Colophon: "it'AV I s (::l.JLi"-:)..:;...J'2J-' :... ...ISeeBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.58.Jan,andpossibly alsoMaulawiSaiyidAhmad 2 IntheTdrix,pp.109, 113,hehasbeencon-ofKota(seeNo.169).fusedwithMunshi(KhanBahadur)Ahmed
PAGE 131
POETRY154JI9 oJj s J--:-.i-l\ol?u-b.-, R.M. Or. 423S-Fo11.48;size205x16 cm.; 10 andIIlinesina page;Nasxi;c.1885.[J.Darmesteter] F ATI;IXXNt! Thestory ofFathXanof Kandahar, inverse.By MullaNi'matUllah, of Nowshera. Begins: L:J.J-.o...:ao. J-'J .r" \ s '-:?.r ... \ err:'...crr-: L:....J .y0L.jjJ:>-L!j".J I) &,y Ni'rnat UIHih wastheauthor ofalargenumberof romances, religious treatises,andother poetical compositions, many of which were published inthe1880'S.1Thisstory appeared in1886.Thepublisherhadpaidtheauthortenrupees forthemanuscript, which he later soldto Professor Darmesteter.'Fath Khan, theherooftheromance,thesonofAslam Khan of Kandahar, fellinlove with Rabi'ah and married her.Incourse of time heset out withtheAfghan army in battle againsttheMogal forcesoftheemperor Akbar.Fath Khan wasslain, and his devoted wife perished athisgrave.'2Ends: JY s ,-:?J.S 155S.O.A.S.MS.41378-Fo11. 36; size22x14-Scm.;IIlinesina page;Nasxi;rqthcentury.Threeshort religious texts.IRixtin(Tiirix,p.112)dubshim'theFirdausiofPashto'. 2 Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.59.
PAGE 132 Munajat. A poem of supplication to God. ByMuhyi'I-Din. Begins: 11.Fol.Ilb. Wafat-nama, u19.J Thestory,in rhymed prose, ofthedeath oftheProphet. By Begins: fJ eUyu)1$.'I$.JJ IJ .;;}>L:.:. if-IJ J Thetext has been published inthemargins ofone edition oftheJ annat ul-firdaus (No. 40, Peshawar, 19 01).Ill.FoIl.24a Jumjuma. [IJ J Another copyofNo.138I.156S.O.A.S.MS.149963-Foll.120;size10x8cm.; 5linesinapage, alternately black andred;crudeNasxi;dated (fol.72b)9Zu 'l-ka'daA.H.1308(A.D.1891). [ColonelJ.Appleby] An anthology of short religious poems.Thecontents areasfollows: FoI. 7a, title-page. Fol.7b,Nur-ndma-ikaldn,by Jan Muhammad; another copyofNo.145. Fol.71b, Sas kalima, a short creed in Arabic. FoI. 73a, abbreviated versions oftheNtirndma,Samd'il-nama(fol.74b),Sifat-iimdn(fol. 78a) and Pan]gauhar (fol.82b)by Axiind Darweza, being excerpts fromhis Maxzan ul-Islam(v.p.5, with n.I).
PAGE 133
POETRY121Fol.8sa,Mundjdt-ipir-idastgir,a poem inpraiseofthe Saix 'Abdul-Kadir }ilani, byMuhyi'I-Din. Fol.103a,Sad(u) si mas'ala,alsofromtheMaxzan ul-Islam, Copyist: Gulak Banniici. Foll,1-6and110-20are ruled,butotherwise blank.o 262.8 R
PAGE 134
vTALES, ETC.1571.0.MSS.Pashto B.4-Fol1.336; size24x16cm.;15linesina page; elegantNasta'lik;dated 14MuharramA.H.1183(A.D.1769).
PAGE 135
TALES123Thefirst eight stories of ChapterIIIare printed intheGulshan.Thereis alsoa selection fromthework inDorn'sChrestomathy,thetranslation being erroneously attributed inhis preface to 'Malik Khiishhal'. Afzal Xan wasalsotheauthor oftheTarix-imurassa' (No.46). According to Raverty,Ihealso 'wrote afewotherworks, and made anumberof trans lations from Arabic and Persian, chiefly historical, viz.: Asesam-i-Kiifi, con tainingtheprincipal incidents ofthelifeofMuhammad; Si'ar-i-Mulla Marein; and[a] Tafsir-i-I}.ur'an'. Ends: ':?J.J1.JJuU .. :".J s .J--:!J0""'::;.l.,J..\ilj.JS'j"';'-:?oI.."L; s ,:?I.;-w04-::-Thechronogram s ':?J.JS.JJ inthisspellinggivesthedateA.H.1128. Copyist: SaiyidMuhammad fAli. Colophon:, il..rL 1 [sic] J.c 158B.M. Or. 4506-Fo11. 90; size3 1x17cm.;19linesina page;Nasss;rqth century;boundin stamped leather. [Major H.G. Raverty] f!LM-XANA DA DANIS Another copy.'Themanuscript extends onlyasfarasthemiddle of the fourth chapter.'>159B.M. Or. 4504-Fo11. 129;size235x135cm.;14linesina page;Nasta'uk;dated 25 RamazanA.H.1271(A.D.1855). [Major H.G. Raverty]GULDASTA 4.:-.i( A translation ofthePersian Gulistan of Sa'di, in prose and verse.By'Abd ul-I}.adir Xan, Xatak.IGrammar,Introduction,p.29. 2 Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.52.
PAGE 136
124TALESBegins: -,IJ-,'cS."J-,IyJlir0) ......... .... rjyk>L)I.Ju4j s .J2:.J-k>"'-:)I$..JuI,)r)..:;..:..}rjl) <: yil>.JII$..J'-:? s .J2:...rH -,''-:? s Y:-y 'Aftertranslatingthepreamble oftheGulistan'Abd al-I}.adir hassubstitutedhisownpreface, in proseandverse, forthatofSa'di( he statesthat,throughthevicissitudes offate,hewas living inA.H.I124(A.D.1712)at Naushahra, inahutof sorrow,withouta friend or sympathiser, likean animal ofthedesert initscave.Inorder, therefore, tobringsolaceto his afflicted heart,andtocease repining over hisunhappylot,hewasinducedto makethistranslation oftheGulistan, to which hegavethename ofGuldastah.Thework was completedthatsame year, according toachronogramattheendofhis preamble....Thetranslation ofthetextis resumed onfo1.IShwithSa'di'senumeration ofthe8 Babsandtheircontents."'Abd wasalsotheauthorofaDiwan(No.81)andofa translation of Jami'sYlisuf Zulaixa (No.117).Whenthiswork waswrittenhewas over60years ofage,andhisnephewAfzalXanhadheldthechieftainship ofthetribefor morethan20years (seeNo.157).Thisfact castsdoubton Raverty's accountof'Abdul-Kadir'smurderbyAfzal,ThefirstBabisprintedintheGulshan.Nootherpartofthework appears to havebeenpublished. Copyist: Saiyid Colophon: ,-:?-,jyl:)0)l:J.0""Or41r s jk:.. : "'-:)!Jk:..,l:::.;..'-,I,W,,-",,-,'4-,'-'"= W&.Jjy ... ':? IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.4 6. 1, Selections,p.269.
PAGE 137
TALES160I2SS.O.A.S.MS.I30I7-Foll.113;size23x17cm.;13linesina page;Nasa;dated Karachi, 22MarchA.D.1868. [Major H.G.Raverty]GULDASTAAnother, faircopy, made for Major Raverty. Copyist: Maulawi NiirMuhammad,of Kandahar. Colophon: <.JL:;.. cS.J<.JL:;.. s '-....It:)l.j0 o 00 J \'JJ-,I Jr.j':"(;t!1.)o.)..,....;JIJYl$}..,....) s A; A;.J' s "'" s Jjly s ftlrrU1c.L.J-;:J1 s oy..,.:.J1 161B'.M.Or.2828-Foll.118;size 29 x19cm.;ISlinesina page; fineNasxi;dated 8 NovemberA.D.1872.[TheRevd.T.P. Hughes]GULDASTA A-nother, faircopy, made forMr.Hughes.Thetext ofthefirsttwofoliosoftheIntroduction andthatoftheXatima differsfromthepreceding copies. Blumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.47. Begins: ftA;.JIJ0)cS}.JI .. .. tJI0.).)oJ.:.S'.)..l..I:['-'J.)oLOf"l$.) s Copyist:Fulam J1lan1, of Peshawar. Colophon: l$J-'i"j..i. .)t'IW r J.M..r.-'Y.).)ol.::; i l.,j
PAGE 138
J26TALES162B.M.Or.4soS-Fol1.129; size32x20cm.;IS lines inapage;Nasta'lik ;datedCalcutta,A.H.1227(A.D.1812). [Major H.G.Raverty]GULISTAN Anothertranslation oftheGulistan of Sa'di, in proseandverse. ByAmirMuhammadAnsari.' Begins: JJ'.JIJt;.:;.A:101....J:!Jl:jft s JI0G..J\ft"';.J' s Nothingappears tobe known oftheauthorbeyondthefactthathe bore almostthesamenameashis father. Raverty's note tothismanuscript-'Thisisa rare work.Iknow ofbutoneothercopy inexistence.'-doesnotgreatly distinguish it. from anyothermanuscript, of whatever work,thatpassedthroughhis hands. Colophon: tW'4c$JL,..J1p"LJ.p"\0l::.....1.5""0:!'J.j,rr v ..1631.0.MSS.Pashto B.12-Fo11.27; size23XIScm.;19linesinapage;Nasta'lik;datedA.H.1238(A.D.1822-3). [Paris Exhibition]ADAM XAN 0 DURXAN3IJl:>J,.J Thetragic love story ofAdam Xan andDurxanoi, in proseandverse.ThisversionISanonymous.IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.54.
PAGE 139
TALES 127 Begins: &J 0-' 0-'0L;.JU),1-'y.;-4.uJAiJ.jGY".J".J".JJ.jGy".JJ.."J"-' Theearliest known version of this story isbySadrXan, Xatak (No. 127). Raverty mentions a prose version byFaxrul-DinSahibzada'which,thoughthereisno indication ofthefact,maybethepresent work. Apopularprose version ofthestory, by MaulawiAhmadofTangiin Hashtnagar, lithographed at Peshawar in1872,hastheappearance of being a paraphrase of this text.Aprecis ofthestory is included inKhanBahadurAhmedjan'sPashto readerDaKissaKhaneGap.2Ends: ''IIJ..)11'"ss-JIII" \d..J L, W...7J...r..-oiJ '.' '-r"r.. .......),r t(AA.:..wtW' 1641.0.MSS.PashtoD.3-Foll.11-;size34X21cm.;about20linesina page;Nasa,A.D.1859? A.DAMXAN 0 DURXANHI Afair copy ofpartsofthepreceding, made fortheprinter,butapparentlynotpublished.165C.U.L.Add.320-Foll.26; size24x17cm.;16to18linesina page;crudeNasta'lik;earlyrqthcentury. [Major H.G. Raverty] A.DAMXAN 0 DURXANHI Anothercopy, practically identicalwithNo.163.IGrammar,Introduction,p.33.2Peshawar,1930.
PAGE 140
128TALES166Rylands. Afghang-Foll.30; size20x13cm.;7to9linesina page; crude lVasxz; late18th [ColonelG.W.Hamilton-BibliothecaLindesiana]KITAB-I rjj TheStory of King Zakkiim,in rhymed prose. Byone Ibrahim, Begins: *J'.)<.S.JJif-IJI.r,::-JrJ..;:)"":l [sic] J..:..".)t.JJ.J:!J')w.J.) .)t"j.:;".J:!J4 J4j;J:!.Jj"j...., JI.)<$p.b4J.J Thetext is apparently based ona Persian original(v.fo1.23a).Ittellsofthebattles oftheearly Muslims, ledbytheProphet, against a legendary King Zakkilm of"Irak,hissons and champions, and of their final overthrow and conversion to Islam.Ends: Jj;s JL,J(1) s yl:.)Jj s li Copyist: MullaMuhammadSafi Sah. Colophon: ,-_.__,j"v .... ,--,l:) w .. D i.J-9Ji TherefollowthefirstfewlinesoftheJang-nama-i Imamain, by Saiyid I:Iusain (seeNo.13911).Theimpressions of three sealsaretobe found onfoll,laand30b.Twoof these bear coatsofarms,one being identical withthatofOudhonNo.132 Theyare datedA.H.1206,1233, and 1244.Thereisalsoa written note on,datedA.H.1262(A.D.1846).
PAGE 141
TALES167129A collection of56 short anecdotes. Begins: J :.. .cs I ..... .J ... .3 .r-.... leAb.aa,t''',le":? .. ..jI-J 1.0.MSS.Pashto B.13-Foll. 132 (formerly 267-398); size205x13 cm.; 9linesina page; N.asta' IllJ,; rothcentury. [Bibliotheca Leydeniana]ACOLLECTIONOFANECDOTESFirst anecdote: -'i'.uZJ..r.j-,.uDL:;;u4.J:! JA.i,)JljL.,)-,IJ..,,u,u-,.(;J-'
PAGE 142
130TALES169B.M. Or.2832-Foll.27, interleaved with blank paper; size28-5X18 cm.; 15linesina page; fineNasxi;dated 17 FebruaryA.D.18 75. [The Revd.T.P. Hughes] UL-AMSALJl:,.)f\ A collection of Pashto proverbs. Compiled bySaiyid Ahmad, of Kota in Swabi. Begins: '-?;;..J.,b-J'J.,b-J.J -s '$:?J' A4"-;Ct'.J-W'\;JJ''\;J.J-WJI 'Mr.Hughes has suppliedthefollowingnote:-"Sixhundred and seventy-nine Afghan Proverbs. Collected and alpha betically arranged by Maulavie Sayyid Ahmad abeneficedImaminthevillageof Kotah Yusafzaiandasonofthecelebrated Mulla of Kotah,thegreat opponent of the renowned Akhund ofSwat[seeNo.24].Thiscollection of proverbs is entirely original."'ICopyist:FulamJilani,of Peshawar. Colophon: tU\AYO,W IBlumhardt,B.M.Cat.,no.60.
PAGE 143
NUMERICALINDEXI.BRITISHMUSEUMBlumhardt,,471 3 610126,336 10 4926,582 17 6327,312 5IIOriental39327 85 394 3 8 10 7 395 39 108 39 6 4 10 397 4 2 23 39 8 55 13 6 399 15 61280024 79280la37 99 280lb 37 10 3280225 81 280 3 21 73 280 4 53 13 0 282 5 51 1282826 44 1122827a43III2827b58153282847161282 9 28 88 28 3 0 29 89 28 3 1616 28 3 2 60 16 9 28 74 45 114 28 939474228 19 67422 9 22 7 642 3 0 4 0 10 942 3 1 12 51
PAGE 144
132NUMERICALINDEXBlumhardt, catalogueOriental4232 26 82 42334 1 144 4 234 3 15 423559 154 4236I4 2 423734 14 2 423949 12 5 44 87II4 8 44 881353 44 89 7 28 449 14 60 449 1 16 62 449 2 23 7 844933 9 2 4494 35 9 8449533 9 64496 18 65449720 744983 2 844499 a561374499b5614945 57 15 2453 1 94 45 5 12 7 45 4 8 120 45 4 615945 5416245 52 15 8 5 888 8 34 62 74 266756668197143923414 92354 97 29 4512,10111612,2184 1
PAGE 145
NUMERICALINDEX13311.INDIAOFFICELIBRARY Ethe, cataloguePashto A.I P 117A.2P207 119 B.I 115B.2P.2599 a26 3 8 21BP 7 1BP.258I 157BP.2467 26 33 20B.6P.245 6 26 3 6 17BIgB.8P.2393 26 3 2 IB.gP.2792 5 B.IOP.28I8135 6 122B.IIP.2466 3 2B.12163B.13P.2484g16 7B.14P 35B.15P.2816 74B.16P .2779 245 1 54B.17P.295 191B.18 P23? 87B.19P.2742 69B.2097 B.21 3 1 B.22and23 29B.2468 B.25 135B.2639B.273 8B.2814 6B.297B110B1 1B2 D.1658C.I.a P 8a1 C.I.b P 8b100 C.I.CP 8c7 2C.2P 102CP. 2883 22CP.2765 9CP.2599 26 35
PAGE 146
24 18 123124259513591687714816456 52 57 58 5962A55Present catalogue245581245224532454D.169P249P.2439 P.2479P.26 7 P.2868 P. 2869 P 11S.2895bP.2882 P.2881 P.247 6 P 6NUMERICALINDEX Ethe, Press l1Z C.13 C.14 catalogue139546 1 8 IS115 1131601364 4137712 9 41378155413793 614996315 6149964 44
PAGE 147
NUMERICALINDEXIV.CAMBRIDGE,UNIVERSITYLIBRARYBroume,C.U.L.Present JYS. no.Handlist,no. catalogueAdditional3 18 120 3 13 1 3 19 4 20 83 3 20 844 16 5 3 21 377 80 3 23 12 35 126Oriental Suppl.Handlist60611733135240186675v.DUBLIN, 8 M24Present catalogue11337VI.MANCHESTER, catalogueAfghanI118 2 26 3 27 4 13 8 5 13 26147714581339166 10 33II139 12 14 1 13a3 0 13b14 14 86IS121
PAGE 148
NUMERICALINDEXVII.OXFORD, Caps.Or.C.18Ind.Inst. Mise.8 Ouseley AdditionalIIIPresent catalogue2134 43 93106
PAGE 149
INDEXOFTITLESThereferences aretothenumbersunderwhichthemanuscriptsare described. Adam Xan0Durxanoi,anon.163-5.-SadrXiin,127. I"Aja'ib ul-luyat,61-62.Alif-nama,39. Amadnama-i afyani,54.Anecdotes,167-8.Anthologyofshortreligiouspoems,156.Anwar-iSuhaili(Pers.),I57. I"AZra Wamik,152.Bad'ul-amali(Ar.),I-2I,B.I.Baharistan-iafyani,22,n.4.Bahrul-masa'il,29.Caman-ibe-nazir,114.Dabistan-imazahib(Pers.),67,n.2.Dastan-iAmirHamza,ISO-I.Diwan-i I" Abdul-Kadir,81-83.-Abu"l-Kasim,112.Afridi,107-8.-Ahmad Sah, 96-97.-Akbar,109.-AmirXan,110.-Arzani,65. -Gulcin,113. -Hamid,94-95.-Hijri,79-80.-Kamgar,103-5.-Karimdad,74.-Mahabbat,106. -Mirza,67-73. -Mul"izz Ullah,Ill.-Muxlis,66.-Najib,84.-Rahrnan,85-93.Saida, 98-102.Xus1)al xs,75-78 .Du'aSuryani(Ar.),22-23.Durr-imajalis (Pers.),I38.Durr0marjan,94-95.English-PashtoDictionary,64.Farhang-iAfridi,I07.Fatawa-i 'Tu}:lfat ul-Xani',74.C2628Fawa'idul-sari'at,24-28.Fazl-nama,I15-16.Guldasta,159-6I.Gulistan,162.Fal 153.runca-iRoh,62A.Hifzul-adab,44."Ilm-xanada danis,157-8.Irsadul-talibin(Pers.),I39."Iyar-idanis(Pers.),I57.Jahangir-nama(Pers.), 46.Jang-nama-iImamain,Yuldm Muhammad,I38.-SaiyidHusain,I39,I4I,166.Jannatul-firdaus,40-41. J awami'-i kalirn,90.Kasida-iBurda,144.Kasidatul-Burdah(Ar.),I-2I,B.11.Kissada Dili auda 128.Kissa-iBahram0Gulandam,146-9.-FathXan,154.-JumJuma,138 ,155.Sah (0)Gada,129-30.-Saiful-Muluk,136-7.Kirab-i BabuJan, 22-23.-xayalat-izamani,56.-Zakkum,166.Kiyamat-nama,43.Kulliyat-iFath Sah, 29.Linguisticnotes,63.Maxzan-iafyani(Pers.), 4 6.Maxzanul-Islam,I-2I,63,156.Mi'rajnama,132-5.Mu'jizat,anon.,143.-SaiyidHusain,142.Munajat, lJiifiFft" Abdul-Kabtr,142.-MuhammadXiin,39.-Muhyi'l-Din,155, 156.-Muti'Ulliih,142.Nafi'ul-muslimin,42 Nairang-i 129-3I.NewTestament,45.T
PAGE 150
Nurnama,145,156.Persian-Pashtoglossary, 55.Rasidul-bayan,30-39,63.Rauzatul-amsal,169.Riyazul-mahabbat,57-60. Sahnama, 5I.Sakaristan-iafyani,22,n.3. Akbari(Pers.), 4 6.Tarlx-iafayina, 52. Tarix-i murassa",46-50.'Tarix-iXanjahani(Pers.), 4 6.INDEXOFTITLESTawallud-nama,Yuldm Muhammad,138.-SaiyidHusain,139-40.Tawarix-iHafiz-Rahmat-Xanl,52-53.'Tazkira-i'ulama-iHind(Pers.),I,n.3.Tazkiratul-abrar(Pers.), 46.Tuhfa-iKandahar(Pers.),62A.Wafat-nama,155.Xairul-bayan,I,n.4.Xobnama,Xwabnama,1, 108.Xulasah(Ar.),I-2I,B.IV.YusufZulaixa,117-26.
PAGE 151
INDEXOFPERSONSThereferencesaretothenumbersunderwhichthemanuscriptsaredescribed."Abdul-Fafur;poet,114."Abdul-Harnid,Mohmand;poet,62A,94-95,114, 129-31, 142,148."Abdul-Kabir, author,3911,40-41,142.'Abdul-Kadir;author,144.'Abdul-Kadir rilani, 27,39I,156."Abdul-KadirXan,Xajak;poet,81-83,114,117-26,133, 159-61. 'Abdul-Karim,Mulld,v.Karimdad."Abdtrl(Iah) ;poet,114. t"Abd uun,ibn'AbbasMawari,68.'Abdul-Rahman,Mohmand,Mullti;poet,15,63,85-93,114,14 2. t" Abdul-Rasid,Mullii,sonofSultanIfusain; author,30-39."Abdul-SamadPirzada,Saiyid;poet,82,114.'Abdul-Sattar 'Alr):copyist,35.Abu"l-Fazl ;author(Pers.), 157.Abu'l-Kasim;poet,112.Abu'l-Kasimibn'AbdUllah,24,n.3.Afyan,v.Muizz Ullah Xan, Myan. Afridi,v.Kasim t"Ali Xan,Afridi.AfzalXan,Xatak;author,46-50,8I,114,157-8.Ahdad,grandsonofBiiyazidAnsiiri,I,B.VIII.Ahmad (Axllnd Xel?);author,150-I.Ahmad,Maulauii,ofTangi;author,85,130,153,163.Ahmad,Saiyid,ofKota;author, 169.Ahmad ran, XiinBahiidur,153,n.2,163,168.Ahmad Sah,AbdalI Durrani;poet,5I,75,96-97.Akbar;poet,109.Akram,Mullii,sonofMulldMuhammadM al iid; copyist,14.'Anibn"Usman,a.oal-Faryiini; author(Ar.),Iff.,B.I. t"Ali Akbar Xan, Nawwiib, sonofMahabbat Xiin, 58-59.'AnFawwas,Tirmist, Mir Saiyid,I,24. t"Ali Muhammad, Caharyari; copyist,96. t"Ali Muhammad,calledMuxlis;poet,66.'AlrMuhammad Xan, Naunoab;poet,82."Alim ;poet,114.AmirMuhammad,Ansdri;author,162.AmirXan,sonofSahnawiizXiin, Mahmiidzai;poet,110.Arzani,Mulld;poet,65.Asyar fazI, Mullii, brother ofAxund Darweza,1-21,epilogue.Asraf;poet,114.AsrafXan,Xajak,calledHijri;poet,75, 79-80, 82,114.A'zamDin,Mullii,of copyist,42. Saiyid;copyist,159.Babu ran; author,22-23.Banuri;poet,I13. Barlow,SirGeorgeHilaro,Bt.,57. Bayazid,Ansdri,1-21,B.VIII,65-67,72. Dad xs-,Maulii; owner,120.Darweza, Axund; author,1-21,24,46,63,139, 15 6.Daulat;poet,66,67,n.2,114.DostMuhammad;poet,114.DostMuhammad;copyist(1854), 148.DostMuhammadFakir;copyist(1809), 41.Faiyaz;author,146-9.Faiz tAll; copyist,101.FaizMuhammad;poet,82.Fakir;poet,155.FakrrAfzal ;poet,82.FathSah;author,29.FathXan;poet,67,n.I,72. Fat!). xs-,ofKandahar,154.Faxrul-DinSahibzada; author, 163. poet,114.Fazil;poet,114. Fa?il Muhammad,sonofMullii"Abd ul-fani;copyist,9I. copyist,95.Gada, Axilnd; author,42.Gadaibn Saix Satdi,fatherofAxiindDarweza,I.T2
PAGE 152
INDEXOFPERSONSGulMuhammad,ofPeshauiar; copyist, 84.GulMuhammad,Maulauii,61.Gulak,Bannuci;copyist,156.Gulcin;poet,113.Gulmir;poet, 54.Fayat, Mullii; copyist,134.Fulam'An,Saiyid;copyist,24,85.Fulam :tlasan xs-,ofJalalabad,110.rulam I:I usain;copyist,6I.Fulam liHinI(Abd ul-Kadir),ofPeshazcar ;copyist,16,72,79,81,89,99,100, 10 3, 10 4,III,128,153,161,169.FulamMa'sum, Ba ix,98.FulamMuhammad, (179 2), 107.FulamMuhammad,sonof Ber Xiin,Gigytinai; author(1703), 129, I32-'], I3811.FulamMuhammad,Mullii;copyist,151.FulamMuslim,Siddiki;copyist,52.FulamMustafa;copyist,30,140.Hafiz;(differentauthors?,v.'Abdul-Kabir, lan Muhammad),51,82,113. Rahmat Xan, Naunodb,52-53,82. I:IaidarSah; copyist, 28.Hamid,v.'Abdul-HarnidMohmand.Hanan;poet,145.Hijri,v.Asraf Xan Xa!ak. HiHili; author(Pers.),129-30.Hisam,v."Isam,Hughes,Revd.T.P.;owner,72,73,79,SI,89, 99,100, 10 3, 104, III,133, 169.Husain;poet,114.Husain,Saiyid;author,I39-4I,166.Husain Kasifi; author(Pers.),157.HusainXanAfyan;historian(Pers.),52,n.I.Ibrahim;author,166.Ibrahim:poet,114.Ilahyar Xan, sonof RahmatXiin,52,61."InayatUllah, 8aix, sonof Ulldh ; copyist,5"Isarn ;poet,114. lalal ul-Dtn, son ofBiiyazid,Ansiiri,I,B.VIII. lami, Nurul-Din'Abdul-Rahman;poet(Pers.),117. lan Muhammad, Kakar?);poet,145,15 6.Kalamul-Din,Kadiri,Saiyid;copyist,107,108.Kalandar;poet,114.Kamal,Mullii;copyist, 70.Kamgarxs-,Xa!ak;poet,I03-5,114.Karim Xan; owner,24.Karimdad, Axund, sonofDarweza;poet,I-2I,42,56,74KartaKisan,Pandit;copyist,102.Kasim'An Xan, Afridi;poet, 107-8. !(a?;im xs-,Xa!ak,called Saida; poet,62A,82,98-I02,114,157,n.I.Leyden,Dr.J.,I,p.2.LutfUllahKaidani;author(Ar.),1-21,B.IV.MahabbatXan,Naunodb, sonof lfiifie RahmatXdn;poet,57-60,106.Mahin;poet,114.Mahtab Xan, Mohmand,ofDholpur; copyist,68.Malangxs-,Xa!ak, lVlullii, ofRampur; copyist,17.Mansur;poet,54.MtrAhmad Sah Rizwani, anthologer, 22.Mirdad,Saix,Miitizai;author(Pers.),52.MirzaXan,Ansari;poet,67-73,114.Miskin;poet,82.Miyangul Saix Sa'adat,Naksbandi,42 .Mu'azzam Sah,Pir, sonofMuhammadFiizil;author,52-53.Muhammad (Mirzii?); copyist,I19.MuhammadibnSa'Id,al-Biisiri; poet(Ar.),1-21,B.11,144.Muhammad CAbd ul-) I:Ialim ibn'Abd Ullah ibnDarweza;author,1-2I.MuhammadAkbar, 8aix, 24.MuhammadAkramFanimat;author(Pers.),129-3I.Muhammad t"Ali; copyist,142 .Muhammad t"Ali, Saiyid;copyist,157.Muhammad t"Alim, ofKashmir;copyist, 76.Muhammad At"?;am, Saix;copyist(1719),75.MuhammadA'zam,Saiyid;copyist(1760), 9.MuhammadA'zamXan,Durrani;owner,121.MuhammadHasan,ofPeshawar; copyist,46,47,112.Muhammad :tlayatXanTari xs-,133.MuhammadHusain, lfiiji, author(Pers.),152.MuhammadIbrahim Xan, Farhat,61.MuhammadIsma'Il,Mirzii,ofKandahar;copyist,53,88.MuhammadKasim, Axund; author,24-28.MuhammadKagimxs,v.Kagim Xan Xa!ak.MuhammadMir-tahrir;copyist,133.MuhammadMuhsin,sonofAhmadKuraiii;copyist,67,69.MuhammadNasirUllahXan;owner,70.MuhammadRafik;copyist, 73.MuhammadSadik, author(Pers.),52.
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INDEXOFPERSONSMuhammadSafi Sah, Mulld;copyist,166.Muhammad Xan; poet,39.MuhtasamXanSahibzada;oumer,35.Muhyi'I-Din;poet,155I.Muhyi'l-Din,Kadiri, Saix, 136.Mu'Inul-Din,ofCharsadda; author,152.Mu'izzUllahXan,Afyan;poet,Ill,114.Mun'irnul-daula,Naunoiib;poet,91.Munir, Saix, 44.MustafaMuhammadibn Nur Muhammadibn'Abdul-Karim,14. Mutt Ullah;poet,142.Muxlis,v. C'All Muhammad,NabI NurXan; copyist,133.NaJib;poet,84.Namdar,sonofXairMuhammad;copyist,44.NiC'matUllah;historian(Pers.),46. Ntmat Ullah, Alullii, ofNowshera; author,154. Nur Muhammad,sonof lfayatXan; copyist,3.NurMuhammadAfyan,Maulauii,ofKanda-har;authorandcopyist,48,62A,160.Nurul-Din,sonofBdyazid,Ansiiri,67.Ouseley,SirGore,106.Pakdad,sonofRahimddd;owner,75.Plr Baba, v. C'AII Fawwas'Tirmizl.PirRoxan, v. BayazidAnsari.Rahman C'AII; biographer,I,n.3.RahmanBaba, v. "Abdul-RahmanMohmand.Raverty,MajorH.G.,24,45,64,65,7 8, 9 8,127,162.Rustam Xan, Acakzai ;owner,121.Sa'di,Musarriful-DinMuslihibn"Abd Ullah, Siriizi; author(Pers.),159-62.Sadrul-Din,Miydn;copyist,87.SadrXan,Xajak;poet,82,114,I27,128. SahRaft ul-Din,ofDelhi; author(Pers.),43 SahldBaba, v.Karimdad. Saida, v.KagimXanXatak.Saiful-ZafarNaubaharf;author(Pers.),138. Saraf ul-Din,ofMultan;copyist,62. Ser Muhammad;poet,15.Siddik;poet,114.SikandarXan,Xatak;poet,114. Sira]ul-Din,ofMultan;copyist,92 ,137,149. Sirln,Mlllla; copyist,38.Sulaiman,ofRampur;copyist,118. TaJ Beg,Mulla;owner,20."UmaribnMuhammad,al-Nasafi;author(Ar.),1-21,B.V."Usman;poet,114.WallMuhammad,Mulld;copyist,120,121.Xairul-Dln;poet,39Ill. Xus1).alXan,Xa!ak; poet,46,62A,75-78,82, 85,114,115-16.Xwaju,52.Yunus;poet,114. Ziya' ul-DinImamMuhammad San1I; author(Ar.),1-21,B.V. Ziya' unu.,Mullii;owner,15I.
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108,107 151 -150 67 I38 j.) 95-94 .Jj.) 23-22 (L9r)J4rLe.) 156 112 97-96 65 JljJI 108-107 110 95-94 78-75 93-85 102-98 83-81 J.)lill -10 510 3 74 113 III s.--. -165-163,127 JL::..J .).Ji.)l I39 39 uJI 54 JwlJwT IS7 J'yl 2I-I 22 JW' 52 4 6 t!-Jw 50-46 w 62A 4 6 :;;j,j. I (l>'J19) 53-52 Jb:.l29b. 140 -139 JJy 138 i -j..i,) 41-40 166,141,139 Lu I38 i-j..i,) -9 LI.Y: 4 6 (l>'Ju)A-.JU 44 y'.)J2.b..f 2I-I (L9r)"4-:A;..
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168-167 r 2I-I 144 43 A-.J\j 23-22 4yl;:,) 56 JLj166i';j29 utJ( 161-159 A-.J\j 55 (.$"'J194 6 (.$"'J19)Jw' 156,63, 21:-:[ 143,142 135-132 142 1i96..) 39 156,155 142 ('"'--lJI 42 156, 145 A-.J\jJY 131 -129 155 A-.J\ju19.J 126-117 1\ I SJl.,a.;I 151-150 ('1 JYs 16 3,153,13, (Syy)J....=.' 14373-67 80-79 39-30 169 4-'J 60-57 51 22 Jwl 4 6 19)ul4:1 62-61 uli.U' 152 158 -157 I57 153 Ji 62A o.JJ 74 JL;l'S-,U 116-115 A-.J\jJ+3 28-24 149-14 6 .Ji4i 155, 138 128 .J' 137-136 S.."kJ14i 130-129 1.J -154 166 157 112
PAGE 156
144 114 168,163,153 0l:;..) 166,141-139 97-96,75, 51 52 (L5'Jl9) i:: 0L;;' 65 J'jJ' 157 19) l:( 114 Wr oJf.J 82,80-79,75 0L::..wr'\ oJf.J 114 145 0L:.:... 21-1 J.JJ-'0fi-'J s J.j.r=-T s <.Sjli28 42 oWJJ.J52.Y:'"'.r=-Js. 82,78-75,62A,46 S-;;.:;..0L::.. 114,81,5 0-46 116-115,114,85 39III 01.JJ 120 '-;-JCS(':1..,....,) 15 6, 139,63,46,24,21-1 (J.j0fi-'J 114 148 (#;) r V.) 41 (#;) r r 114,67,66 162,127,9 8, 78, "65, 64,45,24 JJ.J'J OJ-IS.J 440bJ I (L5'Jl9)UJy Js.0bJ 121 yCS0k;.. 149,137,92 Jl:L01.JJ 'c'rAJJ'F0=JJ' 159 (L5'J19) 118 JL0Lo.J138 UJy .;Ja.J' 43 UJy
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145 38 87 0=JJIJJwp 128,127,114,82 r L 0L:;..JJ..,o 114 rL iLl o I151 yl:) 114,95-94,62A rL Iw o U ... Ai.r'Y 82 y-CL (y'y)0L:;..J>.66y-CL J>. 114 y-CL 21-1 Lr. JJ.J 5 134 128,III,104,103,100,99,89,81,79,72,16 169,161,153 110 0L:;.. 61 85,24 J>. 107 ,r.,)(.b96..) 15 1 ,'0)JJ.J 13811,137-132, 129 52 140,30 98 114 .;-CL J,019 91 JJ.JJ,019 72,67 .;-CL 0L:;.. 154 <5)0L:;.. 29 oL 163 0=JJI# 95 114.;-CL 155 y-CL::i 149-146 Y uOy 148 ,142,131 -12993-85,63,15 rL 142, 114-0l1LJJ.J 35 J>.P 114,82 rL 114 144 156,39I,27 114,83-81 rL 0L:;.. 161-159,133,126-117142,41-40,3911 (J296..) o)f.J 68 <5)Lr. I 114 y-CL 114 r L 114y-CL 159 Lr.J>., I59,58 0L:;.,JJ.J(y'''';)J>. 24,I J>. 96 c.SJ4J>.
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101 108-107 0l::.. I14 jJ..:1i I02-98,82,62A 0l::.. 157,114114,I03 Y"L:; 0l::.. 102 crsW"; 24 0L::.. 42,2I-I JJy:..TJJ.J 74,56108,107 iYb 70 JLS 42 UJy (JJy:..T)1 I 1 61 Jf 84
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147 91 (y'Y) 44 ( ..'. ,J29k..) 68 0L::.. ,'. \5JL, 42 \.;7 c..r ..22 J'-"""J 52 114,73-67 15Jl.,a..i10L::.. 44 J'J..,U 133 0l;..JY 169,130,1II,104,103,100,99,89 46 i::154 UJ.r'
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