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“...CONTENTS. Page Value of trade................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Imports and exports........................................................................................................................................................................................3 Shipping ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Cotton mill ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Openings for trade......................................................................”

“...that whatever import- ance from a commercial point of view the port possesses is due to its position as a place of transhipment for goods from and to Ssuch'uan, and that the local trade presents no features of interest to the British manufacturer or merchant. The limited observa- tions a short residence of a few months has enabled me to make lead me to concur in this view; there being thus practically no material for a trade report of any value I shall content myself with a very few remarks. The net value of the trade for the year was 780,413Z. as Value or against 490,910?. in 1905. The foreign imports were valued attl,adc- 177,700Z., an increase of nearly 6,000L, and the exports at 539,0002., which was more than double the figure for the previous year. The increase in exports appears to be mainly accounted for by a diversion of the trade in native opium from the land to the water route, which has been brought about by the collection of a uniform duty under the inter-provincial arrangement...”

“...ichang. 5 Gross and Net Values in Sterling of the Trade of Ichang during the Years 1905-06. Value. 1906. 1905. Foheign G-oods. £ £ Imported from foreign countries and Hong-Kong. .. Imported from Chinese ports 14,909 828,629 52,533 1,906,485 Total foreign imports .... Re-exported to Chinese ports, chiefly to Chungking ........ 843,638 665,763 1,969,018 1,787,142 Net total foreign imports 177,775 171,876 Native Pboduce. Imported, chiefly from Chung- king, Hankow and Shanghai ... Ee-exported to Chinese ports 1,329,3k3 1,265,756 3,07'j,846 3,017,834 Net total native imports 63,607 62,012 Native produce of local origin exported to Chinese ports 539,031 257,022 Gross value of t rade of port 2,711,932 5,295,886 Net value of trade of port 780,413 490,910 Return of Shipping at the Port of Ichang during the Year 1906. Entered. * Chartered junks. Sailing. Steam. Total. Flag. Number of Vessels. Tons. Number of Vessels. Tons. Number of Vessels. Tons. British .... Japanese... Norwegian...”