1 |
“...being reckoned at 99 per cent, of the
total, the progress shown here may be taken as indicative of the very
great development of the oil industry in that province.
As regards the development of the several oil districts it will be seen
from the following table that the Niitsu district has increased in
much greater proportion than the others. This district is very pro-
ductive, but, as will be seen from Tables 6 and 7 at the end, the actual
position of the field is not truly indicated unless the value of the output
is considered side by side with the volume.
Annual Production from Principal Oil Districts in Percentage of
Year. Higashi i Nishi I Niitsu. Kubiki. Ojiya. Others.
yama. yama. 1
Per cent. ; Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent.
1903 ... 31-4 28-7 29-3 8-6 1-7 0-3
1904 ... ! 26-4 ! 23-7 42-6 5-5 15 03
1905 ... 20-8 21-3 48-6 7-5 11 0 2
1906 ... 20-2 20-0 53-6 5-1 0-7 0-3
1907 ... 19-5 21-3 54-8 3-6 0-4 0-4
This table, of course, does not imply an actual decrease...”
2 |
“...157-67 4,371-91 1 245-40 143,773-56
October. 24,560-06 50,865-87 69,290-15 4,204-65 i 270-50 149,191-23
November . 23,889-56 47,391-87 71,516-91 4,243-48 i 293-40 147,335-22
December 23,680-10 44,524-87 63,735-83 4,498-22 j 305-40 136,744-42
Total ...... 270,856-85 585,910-25 813,052-61 49,640-55 j 3,408-40 i 1,722,868-66
Note.From this table it will be seen that Niitsu provides nearly half the total amount of crude oil produced in Echigo, but that the
6ame ratio is not maintained in regard to value of production will be seen from Tables 2 and 7....”
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“...Table 7.Comparison of Production and Value of Oil in the various Fields for the Five Years 1905-09.
Year. Higashiyama. Nishiyama. Niitsu. Kubiki. Ojiya. Total.
Koku. Yen. Koku. Yen. Koku. Yen. Koku. Yen. Koku. I Yen. Koku. Yen.
1905...... 273,347 1,276,531 278,327 1,069,384 648,557 1,221,451 98,064 554,616 14,160 1 78,699 1,312,455 4,200,681
1906...... 305,810 1,362,669 302,180 1,213,373 807,679 1,130,750 79,079 518,779 14,815 96,298 1,509,563 4,321,869
1907...... 343,177 1,904,632 365,833 1,799,898 968,750 3,119,575 73,159 501,154 6,443 49,105 1,757,362 7,374,364
1908...... 330,487 1,969,704 580,477 3,079,029 838,304 2,766,403 64,044 448,062 6,642 49,815 1,819,954 8,313,013
1909...... 276,111 1,809,582 585,714 2,776,284 823,053 2,082,324 50,468 309,416 3,408 24,026 1,738,754 7,001,632
Note.This table shows clearly the decline of Kubiki and Ojiya, which is coincident with the increasing prosperity of Nishiyama and
Niitsu, Higashiyama maintaining a fairly consistent output.