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1 digital image 1

“...ATLAS OF CHINA IN PROVINCES Showing Missionary Occupation...”
2 digital image 3

“...ATLAS OF CHINA IN PROVINCES Prepared by THOMAS COCHRANE, M.B., C.M A companion work to A Survey of the Missionary Occupation of China CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SOCIETY FOR CHINA SHANGHAI 1913...”
3 digital image 4

“...In the preparation of this Atlas the maps of the Commercial Press, in Chinese, were used as a basis but much detail considered unnecessary for this Atlas was omitted. Places occupied by missionaries are numbered in agree- ment with the figures in A Survey of the Missionary Occupation of China and underlined in red ink. In many places it was impossible to get the Prefectural Boundaries and in others there was considerable doubt about their accuracy, and in consequence some have been omitted whilst others have been completed according to the best available information. Dr. Cochrane will appreciate any information which will help to correct and obviate mistakes in future issues. CONTENTS Map I. Kwangsi Map II. Kwangtung Map III. Fukien Map IV. Chekiang Map V. Kiangsu Map VI. Anhwei Map VII. Kiangsi Map VIII. Hupeh Map IX. Hunan Map X. Szechuen Map XI. Kweichow Map XII. Yunnan Map XIII. Kansu Map XIV. Shensi Map XV. Shansi Map XVI. Honan Map XVII. Shantung Map XVIII. Chihli Map XIX. Heilungkiang...”