Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Material Information

Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies. Library
Gacek, Adam ( Editor )
Place of Publication:
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Multiple languages
Physical Description:
[14], 306, [12]p : ill ;


Subjects / Keywords:
Manuscripts, Arabic -- Catalogs -- England -- London ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Middle East


Statement of Responsibility:
by Adam Gacek

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
x191787 ( notis )
0-7286-0088-9 ( isbn )
336070 ( aleph )
P017.421 ( ddc )


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© Adam Gacek, 1981
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
University of London, School of Oriental and
African Studies
Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in the library
of the School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London.
1. University of London. School of Oriental
and African Studies. Library - Catalogues
2. Manuscripts, Arabic - Catalogues
I. Title II. Gacek, Adam
011'. 31 Z6621. L/
ISBN 0-7286-0088-9
First published 1981
Reprinted with corrections 1985
Printed in Great Britain by Ashford Press

Transliteration table
Title sequence, no. 1-394
Subject index, p. 242-258
Index of persons' names, p. 259-296
Index of verses, p. 297-298
Chronological index, p. 299-301
Numerical index, p. 302-306
Plates, fig. 1-12

The idea of publishing some kind of catalogue
of Arabic manuscripts in S.O.A.S. Library is not new.
It was first conceived in 1939 when Prof. R.L.
Turner was Director and Librarian, and Dr. A.J.
Arberry (then Assistant Librarian at the India Office)
prepared a handlist of both Arabic and Persian
manuscripts, and went some way in correcting copy
for the press. However, a number of difficulties
seem to have arisen, not least because of the outbreak
of war and the actual printing of the text being
assigned to Beirut. The project was abandoned
in 1950. It is, therefore, particularly pleasing for
me that I was able to revive the idea and to make
arrangements for a complete catalogue of the Arabic
manuscripts with full bibliographical details and
appropriate indexes. Although the number of manuscripts
has doubled since the earlier attempt, the work has
come to fruition in little more than six months.
Credit for this accomplishment must go, of couse,
to the compiler of the catalogue, Adam Gacek, who
first came to the Library in January 1978 to prepare
a catalogue of the rich collection of Arabic
manuscripts belonging to the King Faisal Philanthropic
Foundation. This task, which took some two and three-
quarter years and to which he brought considerable
expertise and devotion, was completed in Autumn 1980.
He then accepted a further commission to undertake
the cataloguing for publication of the School's own
Arabic manuscripts, and the results of his labours
are contained in this volume. The manuscripts embrace
a whole range of subject matter, as can be seen from
the subect index, and some of them are rare or unique.
The illustrations have been carefully chosen to reveal
noteworthy examples of calligraphy, embellishment,
and binding. It is hoped that the catalogue will be
of value to scholars not only within the University
of London, but throughout the world.

Acknowledgement must be made to Mr. P.J. Honey,
Chairman of the Library Committee, and to the Director,
Prof. C.D. Cowan, for supporting the proposal; to the
Publications Committee for approving publication and
meeting the costs of production from School funds;
and to Mr. M. J. Daly, Publications Officer, for
arrangements with the printer and for technical advice.
V.T.H. Parry,

The present catalogue describes the collection of
Arabic manuscripts held at the Library of the School
of Oriental and African Studies, University of
The collection consists of over 400 items grouped
in 394 entries, and embraces, in addition to such
traditional Islamic disciplines as Tafsīr, Ḥadīth,
Fiqh, etc., works on Mathematics, Astronomy, Medicine,
Falconry, Archery, and Military Equitation.
A sizeable proportion of the collection constitutes
Shī’ah literature, with its 17 Ismā’īlī manuscripts
of Indian provenance. The Shaikhī sect is represented
by 37 tracts and responsa of Kāẓim al-Rashtī (no.277).
Among the manuscripts described in the following
pages the reader will find some with parallel or
interlinear translation into a number of languages
such as: Coptic (nos 46, 187), French (no.376),
Italian (no.29), Malay (nos 35, 77, 230, 231, 287, 312,
378), Persian (nos 25, 64, 102, 248, 251, 287, 341),
and Swahili (nos 201, 246, 255).
The entries are arranged alphabetically by title,
with references (see, =) grouped together and directly
preceding the letter sequence. The alphabetical order
has been adjusted in order to accommodate the system
of transliteration, the additional letters being
placed as follows: d, dh, ḍ: g, gh: h, ḥ: k, kh: s, sh,
á¹£s: t, th, á¹­. * The definite article (al) has been
replaced by a hyphen (-) at the beginning of an entry,
in the reference section and index of persons' names,
and it has been disregarded as far as alphabetization
is concerned. Abbreviated names such as ‘Al., Ḥ., M.,
etc., have been alphabetized as ‘Abd Allāh, Ḥasan,
Muḥammad, etc.
* This does not apply to the sequence of letters
within a word.

Duplicate copies, as well as second, third, and
any subsequent volumes of the same work have been
arranged chronologically.
All entries are provided with two numbers:
a) catalogue (sequence) number, placed above the
title, and
b) accession (shelf) number, given in round brackets
and immediately following the title.
The manuscripts have been described according to
the following rules:
1) The title and author's name have been given in
the form in which they appear in the manuscripts.
Any other relevant information, taken from other
sources than the manuscript itself, has been put
in square brackets. The same brackets have also
been used for those descriptive titles provided
by the cataloguer.
2) The author's name is usually followed by the
opening (incip.) or closing (expl.) lines of the
manuscript, with the preservation of the original
Arabic orthography.
3) The collation statement begins with the foliation
(ff., fol.), which is then followed by the
measurements in centimetres, first of the page,
and then, of the written area (the length precedes
the width), and ends with the number of lines per
4) Further information includes: type of paper, hand,
ink, decorations (if any), and a note on binding.
5) This is followed by a short description of the
manuscript's content, its date of composition
(if known), and date of transcription together with
the copyist's name.
6) Other features usually noted are: the state of
preservation and provenance (prov.). Those manu-
scripts which originally formed part of the
collection of William Marsden are marked with
Marsden Ms.

7) The entries are, as far as possible, accompanied
by references to such major works as GAL, GAS,
ḤKh., IM, Kaḥḥ., etc. (see list of abbreviations).
The cataloguer acknowledges previous efforts in
identifying part of the collection by the late Prof.
A.J. Arberry, as well as former librarians in the
Islamic Middle East Section of the Library. Thanks
are also due to Salah Jarrar who kindly proof-read
the Arabic text.
The collection has been catalogued in the Library
of the School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London, under the guidance of the
Librarian Mr. V.T.H. Parry, whose interest and
assistance are greatly appreciated in this project.
A. Gacek
May, 1981.

ا a
ب b
ت t
Ø« th
ج j
ح ḥ
Ø® kh
د d
Ø° dh
ر r
ز z
س s
Ø´ sh
ص ṣ
ض ḍ
Ø· á¹­
ظ b ẓ
ع c
غ gh
ف f
Ù‚ q
Ùƒ k
Ù„ l
Ù… m
Ù† n
Ù‡ h
Ùˆ w (Å«)
ÙŠ y (Ä«)
ء ‘

N.B. The abbreviations for catalogues listed in
GAL I, 4-6 : SI, 5-11 are excluded.
a. - abū (ī)
A. - Aḥmad
‘A. -’Alī
‘Al. - ‘Abd Allāh
‘Aq. - ‘Abd al-Qādir
‘Ar. - ‘Abd al-Raḥmān
B. - Bāb
b. - ibn
Badger - Salīl b. Ruzaiq: History of the Imāms
and Sayyids of ‘Omān ... translated by
G.P. Badger. London, 1871.
Bouyges - Bouyges, M.: Essai de chronologie des
oeuvres de al-Ghazali (Algazel).
Beyrouth, 1959.
Ch. Beatty - The Chester Beatty Library. A handlist
of Arabic manuscripts, by Arthur J.
Arberry. Dublin, 1955-66. 8 vols.
cmt. - commentary
D. - Dā’ūd
Dharī’ah - Āghā Burzug al-Ṭihrānī: al-Dharī’ah ila
taṣānīf al-Shī’ah. Najaf and Tehrān,
1355-98 A.H.. 25 vols.
Ef. - Efendī
Fahd - Fahd, T.: La divination arabe. Leiden, 1966.
GAL - Brockelmann, C.: Geschichte der arabischen
Litteratur. 2nd ed., Leiden, 1943-49. 2 vols.
Supplement (to the first edition) Leiden,
1937-42. 3 vols.
GAS - Sezgin, F.: Geschichte des arabischen
Schrifttums. Leiden, 1967-

GCAL - Graf, G.: Geschichte der christlichen
arabischen Literatur. Roma, 1944-53.
5 vols.
Ḥ. - Ḥasan
ḤKh. - Ḥājjī Khalīfah: Kashf al-ẓunūn ‘an asāmī
al-kutub wa’l-funūn, ed. Yaltkaya. Istanbul,
1941-43. 2 vols.
Ḥu. - Ḥusain.
Ibr. - Ibrāhīm
IM - Isma’īl Pasha al-Baghdādī: Iḍāḥ al-maknūn
fī’l-dhail ‘alā Kashf al-ẓunūn. Istanbul,
1945-47. 2 vols.
India Off. - Catalogue of two collections of Persian
and Arabic manuscripts preserved in
the India Office Library, by E. Denison
Ross and Edward G. Browne. London, 1902.
Ism. - Ismā’īl
K. - Kitāb
Kaḥḥ. - ‘Umar Riḍā Kaḥḥālah: Mu’jam al-mu’allifīn.
Damascus, 1957-61. 15 vols.
Kantūrī - I’jāz Ḥusain al-Kantūrī: Kashf al-ḥujub
wa’l-astār ‘an asmā’ al-kutub wa’l-asfar.
Calcutta, 1935.
M. - Muḥammad
Ma. - Maḥmūd
Makt. al-auqāf - Fihris al-makhṭūṭāt al-’arabīyah
fī Maktabt al-Auqāf al-’Āmmah fī
Baghdād, by ‘Abd Allāh al-Jubūrī.
Baghdad, 1973-4. 4 vols.
Poonawala - Ismail K. Poonawala: Biobibliography of
Ismā’īlī literature (Studies in Near
Eastern culture and society). Malibu
(California), 1977.
Princeton - Mach, Rudolf: Catalogue of Arabic manu-
scripts (Yahuda Section) in the Garrett
collection. Princeton University Library.
Princeton, 1977.

Q. - Qāsim
R. - Risālah
Rabat II - Catalogue des manuscrits arabes de
Rabat. Deuxième série (1921-53), par
I.S. Allouche et A. Regragoui. Paris,
1954-58. 2 vols.
Rogers - Rogers, P.G.: A history of Anglo-Moroccan
relations to 1900. London, [1977].
s. - sūrah
S. - Sulaimān
‘U. - ‘Umar
Ullmann - Ullmann, M.: Die Natur- und Geheimwissen-
schaften im Islam (Handbuch der Orient-
alistik). Leiden, 1972.
‘Uth. - /’Uthmān
Ya. - Yaḥyā
YÅ«'. - YÅ«suf
Ẓāh. (ḥadīth) - Fihris makhṭūṭāt Dār al-Kutub
al-Ẓāhirīyah: al-muntakhab min
al-ḥadīth, by M. Nāṣir al-Dīn
al-Albānī. Damascus, 1970.
ẓāh. (ta’rīkh) I - Fihris makhṭūṭāt Dār al-Kutub
al-Ẓāhirīyah: al-ta’rīkh wa-
mulḥaqātuhu, by Yūsuf ‘Ashsh.
Damascus, 1947.
Zirk. - Khair al-Dīn al-Ziriklī: al-A’lām, qāmūs
tarājim ... 3rd print.. Beirut, 1969.
10 vols.

Abyāt al-faraḥ see no. 344(3)
-Abyāt fī’l-Ism al-A’ẓam see no. 344(2)
-Abraksīs = Akhbār al-Rusul
Ajwibat masā’il al-Saiyid ‘A. al-Bahbahānī
see no. 277(23)
-Akhtarī = Lughat Akhtarī al-Kabīr
-A’lām al-’Alīyah = Manāqib Shaikh al-Islām
Ibn Taimīyah
Alfīyat al-naẓm al-mufīd al-aḥad = Naẓm al-mufradāt
Amthāl (anon.) see no. 29
‘Aqīdah (anon.) see no. 212(2)
‘Aqīdat Ibn Ḥamdān see Fatḥ al-Raḥmān ...
‘Aqīdat al-Sanūsī = Umm al-barāhīn
‘Aqīdat al-Shaikh Aḥmad see nos 212 & 378
[Ad’iyah] - (40306)
Author: anon.
Incip.: ‎‏لا اله الله محمد رسول الله...اشهد ان
...لا اله الا الله وحده
ff. 6, 25 x 17/ 22 x 12 cm., 16 lin..- Oriental
paper.- Vocalized naskhī hand.- Black ink.- Unbound.
Ceremonial prayers in Arabic and Urdu.- No date
(13/19th cent.).
al-’Aḍudīyah - (47589)
Author: [‘Aḍud al-Dīn ‘Ar. b. A. al-Ijī
(d. 756/1355)]

Incip.: الحمد لله الذى برء الانام وعمهم بالاكرام
والدعوة الى دار السلام ... وبعد فان من عناية الله تع
... ان شرع الاحكام بين الحلال والحرام
ff. 251, 24.5 x 12/15 x 7 cm., 25-26 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Nasta ‘līq hand.- Words qāla
and aqūlu, as well as overlinings in red.- Later
quarter-leather binding (without flap).
Cmt. on Ibn al-Ḥājib's (‘Uth. b. ‘U., d. 646/1249)
Mukhtaṣar al-Muntahā fī’l-uṣūl.- Composed (taswīd)
in Sha’b. 734/1333.- Copied. (taḥrīr) in Sha’b.
770/1369.- fol. 1-4, 7-26, 29-31, 34-35, and 167
supplied in Jum. II 1244/1828, by Muḥsin Ṭuraiḥ.-
Marginal glosses and corrections.- Edges repaired.
Ref. GAL I, 372 (no. VIII, cmt.3): SI, 537.
Adwār al-wujūd - (41154)
Author: Ma. al-Ḥasanī al-Bukhārī al-Qādirī
Incip.: الحمد لله الذى خلق الانسان في احسن تقويم
وبعد فلما ... ‎وعلمه خفايا السراير بفضله العميم
مسئولا ... ‎فخر الدين ابن جلال الدين ...‎كان الفقير
بتعريب الرسالة الفارسية المسمات بادوار الوجود في علم
... الحقايق والمعارف
fol. 2b-45a, 21 x 15.5 / 16.5 x 10 cm., 21-24
lin..- Laid paper (deckle edge). - Persian naskhī
hand.- Dark-brown, red, and blue ink; diagrams.-
Modern quarter-leather binding (without flap).

Translation from the Persian of a Ṣūfī treatise
on the degrees of existence. Rendered into Arabic
(ta’rīb) in Sha’b. 1088/1677 (see versified colophon),
by Fakhr al-Dīn b. Jalāl al-Dīn Ma. al-Ḥasanī
al-Bukhārī al-Naqshabandī.- No date (12/18th cent.).-
Badly water-stained.- Not in GAL, for the Persian
original see India Off. ccxxxvi (Ṣaḥīfah-i maḥāmid-i
dawā’ir al-wujūd).
al-Aḥkām al-Mulakhkhaṣah fī ḥukm mā’ al-ḥimmiṣah
- (54445)
Author: Abū’l-Ikhlāṣ Ḥ. al-Shurunbulālī
al-Ḥanafī (d. 1069/1658)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي شرع لنا دينا قيما غير ذي
... عوج وكلفنا بما لم يجعل علينا فيه من حرج
وبعد فيقول ... ابو الاخلاص حسن ... هذه نبذة يسيرة
... جواب حادثة شهيرة سميتها الاحكام الملخصة
fol. 20b-24a, 21 x 15/ 15 x 9 cm., 21 lin..-
Laid glossy paper.- Clear naskhī hand.- Black
and red ink.- Modern quarter-cloth binding
(without flap).
The 4th risālah from his al-Taḥqīqāt al-Qudsīyah
(Berlin 5002) on a problem of ritual purity.-
Composed (ta’līf) in Dhū’l-q. 1059/1649.- Copied
in Ṣaf. 1178/1764, by M. Ef. al-Shādhilī.
Ref. GAL II, 407 (no.8): SII, 431.

‘Ajā’ ib al-malakūt - (43258)
Author: Abū Ja’far M. b. ‘Al. al-kisā’ī
(5/11th cent.)
Expl.: فبطل قولهم ان هذا يقتضى التناقص والله ...
اعلم والهادي الى ما فيه الاجر والثواب وهذا اخر الكتاب
... اعترضت فيه على كل اعتراض من الاعتراضات الملاحدة
ff. 55, 29 x 10/ 27 x 7.5 cm., 29 lin..- Laid
paper.- clear Persian naskhī hand (written
diagonally).- Black and red ink.- Half - leather
binding (without flap).
History of creation.- Copied (taḥrīr) in Jum. II
1041/1631 by Ibr. b. Muṣṭafā.- Incompl. at
beginning (fol. la: B. fī dhikr al-lauḥ wa’l-qalam),
lacuna after fol. 50.- Some leaves water-stained,
fol. 49 and 50 damaged.
Ref. GAL I, 429 (no. 2): SI, 592.
al-Ajwibah al-Jalīyah li-daḥḍ al-da’awāt
al-Naṣrānīyah - (45814)
Author: al-Shaikh Ziyādah (12/18th cent.)
Incip.: ...سالة ثانية وتسمى الاجوبه الجليه‎ /ر/
وتشتمل على هدم كل بيان يستند عليه النصارى بوجه
... الاختصار من دون اطناب على طريق السوا والجواب
سوال ا قد يقول ابن العسال والكندي مع باقى علماء
... النصارى

ff.45, 24 x 18 / 19.5 x 10 cm., 21 lin.. -
Wove buff paper.- Clear naskhī hand.- Text
rubricated.- Quarter-leather binding (without
Treatise containing 74 questions and answers
relating to the falsity of the Christian faith:
preceded by a letter from Abū Ibr. b. al-Ḥadīdī
known as al-Manī’ to the author, and followed by
a letter of thanks by the same in which he says
that the arguments put forward in this book, as
well as in his al-Baḥth al-Ṣarīḥ (see fol. 1b)
have converted him to Islam.- No date (late 13/19th
cent.).- Some marginal glosses.
Ref. GAL SII, 459: SNII, 459 - where the author's
name is given as Ziyādah b. Ya. al-Naṣb al-Ra’sī.
See also IM I, 26 - ascribed to M. b. ‘A. al-Ṭībī
al-Dimashqī. Author's name also appears as Ziyādat
Allāh al-Muhtadī in IM I, 163.
Akhbār al-Rusul - (14086)
Author: Lūqā Kātib al-Injīl
Incip.: كتاب الابركسيس الذي هو اخبار الرسل ... قد
كتبت كتابا اولا يا تاوفيلا في جميع الامور التي بدي
... ربنا يسوع المسيح بفعلها وتعليمها
fol. 145a-197a, 30.5 x 21.5 / 18 x 12.5 cm., 17
lin..- Laid glossy paper.- Bold naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Brown leather binding (without
Acts of the Apostles.- No date (late 11/17th
cent.).- Ink off set.- Presented to the Library
by Mr. Stephen Gazelee in Dec. 1921.

[Akhbār ‘Ubaid (‘Abīd) b. Sharyah] - (19320)
Author: ‘Ubaid (‘Abīd) b. Sharyah (Shariyah)
al-Jurhumī (1/7th cent.)
Incip. (as extant): وكانت اليمن وملكت ولم /.../
... تكن مصر ولا معد ولا عدنان ولا اسمعيل
fol. 128a-183a, 27 x 19.5/ 22 x 15 cm., 27
lin..- Laid paper.- Clear naskhī hand.- Double
line border in red, text rubricated.- Blind-
stamped red leather binding (without flap).
Legends of the kings of Yemen and Yemenite
poetry.- Copied in Sha’b. 997/1589 by ‘A. b. M.
b. Sa’īd al-Qamlānī, for Fakhr al-Dīn ‘Al. b. M.
al-Rammāḥ.- First folio missing.- fol. 183-188:
several pieces of poetry and an extract from
al-Bahā’ī's (‘A. b. ‘Al., d.815/1412) Maṭāli’
al-Budūr (see GAL ii, 68: SII, 55).- Presented
to the Library by Dr. A. H. Gardiner.
Ref. GAL I, 63: SI, 100.- GAS I, 260.
Alfīyat Ibn Mālik- (7153)
Author: Abū ‘Al. M.b. ‘Al. b. Mālik al-Ṭā’ī
al-Jaiyānī (d. 672/1273)
Incip.: * قال محمد هو ابن مالك
احمد ربي الله خير مالك

ff. 46, 22 x 13.5 / 14 x 9 cm., 12 lin..-
Laid paper.- Neat vocalized maghribī hand.-
Double line border in red, text in black, red,
green, yellow, and blue ink.- Black cloth binding
(without flap).
Arabic grammar in 1000 rajaz-verses, also known
as al-Khulāṣah al-Alfīyah.- No date (12/18th cent.).
Marsden Ms.
Ref. GAL I, 356 (no. II): SI, 522.
Alfīyat al-’Irāqī- (191492)
Author: ‘Abd al-Raḥīm b. al-Ḥu. al-’Irāqī
(d. 806/1404)
Incip.: * يقول راجي ربه المقتدر
عبد الرحيم بن الحسين الاثري
* من بعد حمد الله ذي الالاء
على امتنان جل عن احصاء
ff. 47, 31 x 21/ 17.5 x 12 cm., 12 lin..-
Wove paper.- Clear vocalized naskhī hand.-
Mainly black ink.- Quarter-leather binding
(without flap).
Versification of Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ's (‘Uth. b. ‘Ar.)
K. ‘ulūm al-ḥadīth, also known as Tabṣirat
al-mubtadi’ or al-Maqāṣid al-Muhmalah.- Copied
and read to M. al-Shanqīṭī in Rab. II 1328/1910.-
Former owner: M. b. M. al-’Assāfī (fol. 1a).-
Ref. GAL I, 442 (vers. b): SI, 612.

Alphabet - (47282)
fol. 1, 22.5 x 24 cm.- Laid paper.- European
hand.- Black ink.- No date (early 19th cent.).
"Alphabet used by the Inhabitants of the Island
Johanna": being a list of 29 Arabic characters
(including lām-alif), the main characteristics of
which are that (1) the diacritical points of
the letters bā’, tā’, thā’ are placed at the right
extremity of the letter, (2) the letter ṭā’ has
a diacritical point placed beneath.
fol. 2, 16 x 9 cm..- "Superscription of a Letter
from the Island of Sada, on the coast of Madagascar,
dated 23 May 1617". Arabic characters are not
joined together.- Marsden Ms.
Alphabetum Maurorum, sive Arabicum occidentalium-
from Dombay's Grammar - (11593)
fol. 1. 23 x 18.5 cm..- Laid paper.- European
hand.- Dark-brown ink.- No. date (early 19th cent.).
Ref. Franz L. von Dombay: Grammatica Linguae
Mauro-Arabicae ... Vindobonae, 1800.- Marsden Ms.
A’māl al-qulūb- (191667)
Author: [A. b. ‘Abd al-Ḥalīm] b. Taimīyah
(d. 728/1328)

Incip.: الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونعوذ بالله من
شرور انفسنا ومن سيئات اعمالنا ... اما بعد فهذه
كلمات مختصره في اعمال القلوب التي تسمى المقامات
والاحوال وهى في اصول الايمان وقواعد الدين مثل محبة
... الله ورسوله والتوكل على الله
fol. 14b-39a, 21.5 x 15/ 15.5 x 9 cm., 24 lin..-
Laid paper.- Irregular naskhī hand.- Mainly black
ink.- Disbound.
Theological tract, better known as al-Tuḥfah
al-’Irāqīyah fī’l-a’māl al-qalbīyah.- No date
ca. 1232/1816).
Ref. GAL SII, 122 (no. 43).- Makt. al-auqāf II,
Amthāl Luqmān al-Ḥakīm- (46352)
Incip.: المثل الاول قال اسد مرة خرج على ثورين
فاجتمعا جميعا وكانا ينطحان بقرونهما ولا يمكناه
... من الدخول بينهما
fol. 25b-35a, 27 x 20.5 / 19 x 13 cm., 19 lin..-
Laid paper.- Cursive naskhī hand.- Text rubricated.-
Half-leather binding (without flap).
Fables of Luqmān (mathal 1-41).- Copied in Paris,
Shubāṭ 1820, by Mīkhā’īl Shām (?), for Caussin de
Perceval (Armand Pierre).
Ref. GAL II, 74: SII, 65.

Another copy - (46352)
fol. 39b-50b.- Other details as in preceding
Mathal 1-36.- Transcribed from a copy produced
by Mīkhā’īl b. Nīqūlā Ṣabbāgh (d. 1816, see GAL II,
630: SII, 728), for Marcel (J. J.), Director of the
Imprimerie Nationale who published the Cairo 1799
edition of the Fables.- No date (ca. 1820 A.D. -
same hand as in no. 14).
[al-Amthilah al-Mukhtalīfah] - (12095)
Author: anon.
Incip.: نصر ينصر نصرا ناصر وذاك منصور لك تنصر
... لكا تنصر ما ينصر لا ينصر
fol. 60b-69b, 18. 5 x 11/14 x 5.5 cm., 6 lin..-
Laid glossy paper.- Ottoman naskhī hand.- Gilt
border, black and red ink.- Half-leather binding
(without flap).
Paradigms of verb conjugation, with interlinear
Turkish glosses.- No date (12/18th cent.).
Marsden Ms.
Ref. Berlin 6817.

Anwār al-tanzīl wa-asrār al-ta’wīl - (26759a)
Author: [‘Al. b. ‘U. al-Baiḍāwī (d. 716/1316)]
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي نزل الفرقان على عبده ليكون
للعالمين نذيرا ... فان اعظم العلوم مقدارا وارفعها
...شرفا ومنارا علم التفسير
ff. 284, 18.5 x 13/ 13.5 x 9 cm., 29 lin..-
Oriental glazed paper.- Small cursive Persian
naskhī hand.- Plain illuminated headpiece.
Borders, vocalization, and sūrah headings in gold.
Text in black ink.- Later blind-stamped red leather
binding (with flap and slip-case).
Cmt. on the Qur’ān.- Vol. 1 (as far as s. 18).-
No date (ca. 807/1404).- fol. 1-3 and 10-11 supplied
in late 13/19th cent..- Marginal glosses and
Ref. GAL I, 530: SI, 738.
Another copy - (26759b)
ff. 236.- Other details as in preceding entry.
Vol. 2 (second half of the foregoing cmt.).-
Copied in Rab. I 807/1404.- Last few folios
torn and patched.

[al-’Aqā’id al-Nasafīyah] - (43265)
Author: Najm al-Dīn a. Ḥafṣ ‘U. b. M. b. A.
al-Nasafī (d. 537/1142)
Incip.: الحمد لله ربا العالمين والعاقبة للمتقين والصلوة
والسلام ... قال الشيخ الامام ... نحم الملة والدين
النسفي ... قال اهل الحق اعزهم الله ابدا حقايق ...
... الاشياء ثابتة والعلم بها متحقق
fol. 20b-32a, 27 x 18/16.5 x 11 cm., 7 lin..-
Javanese paper.- Clear vocalized naskhī hand.-
Black ink.- Modern quarter-cloth binding
(without flap).
Muslim creed, with a Sundanese interlinear
translation.- No date (12/18th cent.).- Some
folios water-stained.- Marsden Ms.
Ref. GAL I, 548: SI, 758.
[‘Aqīdah] - (43265)
Author: anon.
Incip.: الحمد لله والصلوة على محمد وآله و اصحابه
اجمعين اما بعد فاعلم ارشدك الله ان كل مكلف مامور
بمعرفة الله تعالى والدليل عليه قوله تعالى فاعلم
انه لا اله الا الله وان اول الواجبات معرفة الله تعالى
... لقوله النبي

fol. 1b-20b.- Other details as in preceding
Anon. creed, with a Sundanese translation.-
No date (12/18th cent.).
‘Aqīdat Abī Madyan - (26408)
Author: Abū Madyan Shu’aib b. al-Ḥu. al-Anṣārī
al-Ishbīlī al-Quṭnaiyānī min ‘ubbād
Tilimsān (d. 598/1193)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي تقدست عن سمات الحدث ذاته
... وتنزهت عن التشبيه بصفة الحدث صفاته
fol. 20b-22a, 20 x 14.5/14 x 9.5 cm., 14 lin..-
Laid paper.- Maghribī hand.- Brown and red ink.-
Dark-brown leather binding (with onlaid medallions
and flap).
Short Muslim creed.- No date (12/18th cent.).-
Edges water-stained.
Ref. GAL I, 566 (no. 1): SI, 784.
Aqrāṭ al-dhahab fī’l-mufākharah baina al-Rauḍah
wa-Bi’r al-’Azab- (40911)
Author: Fakhr al-Dīn ‘Al. b. ‘A. al-Wazīr
[al-Ṣan’ānī] (d. 1147/1735)

Incip.: الحمد لله الذي انشا جنات معروشات وغير
معروشات بحسب مشتهى عباده ... وبعد فقد انبانا
سلطان الجراكسه الامير فرج قال نباتني بسندها الحره
... مدرج قالت حدثنا الشريف احمد ابن عنبه
fol. 242b-271a, 28 x 15.5/17.5 x 9.5 cm.,
15 lin..- Laid paper.- Elegant vocalized naskhī
hand.- Black, red, and yellow ink: margins
ruled.- Brown leather binding (with flap).
Literary composition on the rival merits of
two places in the neighbourhood of Ṣan’ā’.-
Composed for Ḥusām al-Dīn Muḥsin b. al-Ḥu. b.
Amīr al-Mu’minīn.- Copied in Ṣaf. 1123/1711 for
Abū M. A. b. al-Ḥu. b. al-Ḥ. b. Amīr al-Mu’minīn,
by Ism. b. Ḥu. b. Ya. al-Ḥamzī al-Kaukabānī.
Prov.: George C. Williams.
Ref. GAL II, 525: SII, 544.- Kaḥḥ. VI, 86.
[Arabic - English Lexicon] - (216773)
Author: Carlile Henry Hayes Macartney
Continuation (letter "q") of E.W. Lane's
"An Arabic - English lexicon", in 62 notebooks.
Presented to the Library by his son C.A. Macartney
in June 1933.
al-’Arā’is fī’l-majālis wa-yawāqīt al-tījān
fī qiṣaṣ al-Qur’ān - (26581)
Author: Abū Isḥāq A. b. M. b. Ibr. al-Tha’labī

Incip.: الحمد لله حق حمده واصلي على محمد واله
قال الاستاذ ابو اسحاق ... الثعلبي ... هذا كتاب
يشتمل على ذكر قصص القران بالشرح والبيان والله المستعان
... وعليه التكلان
ff. 216, 25 x 17 / 18 x 11.5 cm., 19 lin..-
Oriental glazed paper.- Bold naskhī hand.- Black
ink.- Half-leather binding (flap missing).
History of the Prophets.- Vol.1 (ending with
the account of Moses and al-Khiḍr).- Dated (in
later hand but apparently correct) Dhū’l-ḥ.
728/1328.- fol. 190-199 misbound (should precede
fol. 180).- Last leaf supplied later.
Ref. GAL I, 429: SI, 592.
Arba’ūn ḥadīthan - (35343)
Author: [‘Ar. b. A. al-Jāmī (d. 898/1492)]
Incip.: ..... صحيحترين حديثي كه راويان محالس
... لا يومن احدكم حتى لاخيه ما يحب لنفسه
ff.9, 23.5 x 15 / 14 x 8 cm., 3 lin..- Oriental
paper.- Calligraphic nasta’līq hand.- Profusely
illuminated and decorated throughout, with each
page divided into 7 panels.- Exquisite lacquer
binding depicting flowers (without flap).
Forty traditions, with a paraphrase in Persian.-
Composed in 886/1481.- No date (late 10/16th
cent.).- Scribe's name erased.- Prov.: R. S.
Ref. GAL II, 267 (no.8): SII, 286 (al-Tiryāq
li-ahl al-istiḥqāq).

al-Arba’ūn [al-Wad’ānīyah] fī’l-mawā’iẓ
wa’l-khuṭab wa’l-aḥādīth - (19074)
Author: [M. b. ‘A. b. Wad’ān al-Mauṣilī
(d. 404/1101)]
Incip.: كتاب الاربعين في المواعظ والخطب والاحاديث
المرويه عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من مجموعات
الشيخ ابي الحسين زيد بن عبد الله بن مسعود الهاشمي
الحديث الاول روى عن انس رضي الله عنه قال خطبنا ...
رسول الله ... ايها الناس كان الموت فيها على غيرنا
... كتب وكان الحق فيها على غيرنا وجب
fol. 294a-296a, 23.5 x 16 / 18 x 12.5 cm., 29-30
lin..- Oriental paper.- Vocalized naskhī hand.-
Brown ink.- Later red leather binding (with onlaid
medallions, and flap).
Forty Traditions. - No date (8/14th cent.).-
Incompl. at end (text breaks off after the
29th ḥadīth).- Water-stained.
Ref. GAL I, 435: SI, 602.
Asās al-ta’wīl al-bāṭin - (25734)
Author: [al-Nu’mān b. M. b. Manṣūr b. Ḥaiyūn
al-Tamīmī (d. 363/974)]
Incip.: الحمد لله مفيد النعمة وصلى الله على محمد
نبى الرحمة ... اما بعد فانا بتاييد الله وامتنانه
.... وعونه وفضله واحسانه كنا قد بسطنا للمستجيبين

ff. 151, 24 x 13 / 19.5 x 9 cm., 18-19 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Bold inelegant but legible
naskhī hand.- Headings in red.- Modern half-
leather binding (without flap).
Ismā’īlī treatise (in 17 ajzā’) on the
interpretation of Qur’ānic mythology.- Copied by
Mūsā b. Mullā Luqmānjī b. ‘A. Pā’ī Wākānrī
in the time of dā’ī Zakī al-Dīn Ṭaiyib b. Isma’īljī
b. Rāj. Date given as 93 (?) and crossed out,
perhaps 1093/1682.
Ref. GAL SI, 953.- Poonawala 63-64.
Ash’ār al-Hudhalīyīn - (46352)
Compiler: Abū Sa’īd al-Ḥ. b. al-Ḥu. al-Sukkārī
(d. 275/888), in the recension (riwāyah)
of Abū’l-Ḥ. ‘A. b. ‘Isā b. ‘A.
al-Naḥwī [al-Rummānī] (d. 384/994), via
Abū Bakr A. b. a. Sahl al-Ḥulwānī.
Incip.: يوم طهر الحرة شعر العجلان بن خليل
حدثنا احمد بن محمد الحلواني قال حدثنا ابو سعيد
قال الجمحي كان من شان بني ماهلة بن كاهل بن الحرث
بن تميم بن سعد بن هذيل انهم كانوا حربا لبني سليم
fol. 1b-8b, 27 x 20.5 cm., 21 lin..- Brownish
ink.- Other details as in no 14.
Poems of the Hudhalī bards.- Incompl. at
end.- No date (13/19th cent.).
Ref. GAL SI, 42.- GAS II, 39.

[Ash’ār Miṣrīyah] - (47284)
Author: anon.
Incip.: * خذ حرف اثنين يا من قد تريد وسمى
ميتين واثنين فوق الحرف واستسمى
ff. 90 (pp. 180), 21.5 x 16 / 13.5 x 11.5 cm.,
16 lin..- Wove paper.- Neat naskhī hand.- Black
and red ink.- Quarter-leather binding (without
Collection of Egyptian dialect poems (218
stanzas), accompanied by an Italian translation
as far as stanza 128.- No date (late 13/19th
cent.).- Followed by a collection of proverbs
(amthāl) incip. (p. 173): سنة الخرا اربعة وعشرين شهر
... تروح سنين الخرا وتبقى معايرها
Prov.: Major C. Murrey.
Ash’ār Yazīd - (100449)
Author: Yazīd b. Mu’āwiyah (reg.60-4/680-3)
fol. 211b-212b, 32 x 20 / 22 x 13.5 cm., 12-16
lin..- Ruled paper.- European naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Half-cloth binding (without
Caliph Yazīd's three poems:
1. (18 verses, rhyme - dāl) incip.:
* نالت على يدها ما لم تنله يدى
نقشا على معصم اوهت به جلدى

2. (16 verses, rhyme - mīm) incip.:
* خذوا بدمى ذات الوشاح فاننى
رايت بعينى فى اناملها دمى
3. (42 verses, rhyme - mīm) incip.:
* اراك طروبا ذا شجى وترنم
تطوف باكناف السحاب المخيم
Copied in Oct. 1929 by F. Krenkow, from the
exemplar in the possession of his friend Kāẓim
Ref. GAL SI, 96.- GAS II, 316-7.
al-Ashbāh wa’l-naẓā’ir al-fiqhīyah - (44484)
Author: [Zain al-Dīn ‘U. b. Ibr. b. Nujaim
Incip. (fol.5a): الحمد لله على ما انعم وصلى الله على
سيدنا محمد وسلم وبعد فان الفقه اشرف العلوم قدرا
... واعظمها اجرا
ff. 198, 20 x 14.5 / 14.5 x 10 cm., 21 lin..-
Laid paper.- Small naskhī hand.- Text rubricated.-
Brown leather binding (without flap, covered
with embroidered cloth).
Work on ḥanafī law (in seven funūn).- Composed
in Jum. II 969/1562.- No date (late 11/17th cent.).-
Preceded by fihrist.- Prov.: R. C. Reid (Dickson
Ref. GAL II, 401: SII, 425.

al-Aá¹­wal - (47268)
Author: ‘Iṣām al-Dīn Ibr. b. M. b. ‘Arabshāh
al-Isfarā’inī (d.944/1537)
Incip.: الحمد لله على كل حال كما يستوعب مزايا
الافضال ... وبعد فيقول المفتقر الى الله العني المتين
ابراهيم ... الاسفر ايني المشتهر بعصام الدين ان افضل
ما يتمسك به فى تحصيل الكمال وامثل ما يتوسل به الى
... نيل خير الامال
ff. 339, 26 x 19.5 / 20.5 x 12.5 cm., 29 lin..-
Laid glossy paper.- Neat naskhī hand.- Matn in
red.- Blind-stamped brown leather binding
(with flap, front cover detached).
Cmt. on al-Qazwīnī's (M. b. ‘Ar., d. 739/1338)
Talkhīs al-Miftāḥ, i. e. abridgement of the third
part of al-Sakkākī's Miftāḥ al-’ulūm, dealing
with rhetoric.- Copied by ‘A. b. ‘A. b. Ibr.
b. D. al-Kūkhī al-Mālikī, in Ṣaf. 1001/1592.-
Water-stained towards end.
Ref. GAL I, 355 (cmt.5): SI, 517.
Audaḥ al-masālik wa-ashal al-marāqī ilā sabk
ibrīz al-Shaikh ‘Abd al-Bāqī - (47837)
Author: M. b. A. b. M. b. Yū. al-Rahūnī

Incip.: ... يقول العبد الفقير... محمد ... الرهوني
الحمد لله الذى اقام على وجوب وجوده ووحد انيته في كل
شيء دليلا ... وبعد فان من افضل ما انفقت فيه نفايس
... الاعمار... علم الفقه المتعلق بالعبادات والاحكام
ff. 219, 22 x 16.5 / 16 x 11 cm., 25-26 lin..-
Wove paper.- Neat maghribī hand.- Black, red,
blue, and green ink.- Blind-tooled red leather
binding (with onlaid medallions and flap).
Gloss on the cmt. of ‘Abd al-Bāqī al-Zurqānī
(no.236) on khalīl al-Jundī's Mukhtaṣar (no.225)
No date (late 13/19th cent.).- Prov.: Sir Hubert
W. Young.- Ref. GAL II, 103 (cmt. m. gl.): SII, 98.
[al-’Awāmil al-mi’ah] - (47270)
Author:’Abd al-Qāhir b. ‘Ar. al-Jurjānī
Incip.: الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلوة على محمد و آله
اجمعين وبعد فان العوامل في النحو على ما الفه الشيخ
الامام عبد القاهر... الجرجانى ... مائة عامل وهي
... تنقسم الى قسمين لفظية ومعنوية
fol.73b-81a, 19.5 x 12 / 12 x 5.5 cm., 13 lin..-
Laid paper.- Clear nasta’līq hand.- Single line
border in red, text rubricated.- Half-leather
binding (with flap).
Arabic grammar, also known as Mi’at ‘āmil.-
Copied in Dhū’l-ḥ. 987/1579.- Marginal (arranged
in the form of trees) and interlinear glosses.
Ref. GAL I, 341: SI, 503.

Another copy - (174235)
fol. 1b-10a (pp. 1-18), 19.5 x 16 / 16 x 12 cm.,
14 lin..- Laid paper.- Neat vocalized naskhī
hand.- Black and red ink.- Paper wrapper.
Accompanied by a Malay commentary.- No date
(13/19th cent.).- Prov.: Bristol Baptist College.
Āyāt al-aḥkām - (380282)
ff.90, 27 x 19 / 19 x 10.5 cm., 20 lin..-
Laid paper.- Clear modern naskhī hand.- Sūrah
and chapter headings in red.- Half-leather
binding (without flap).
Anon. collection of extracts from the Qur’ān,
relating to various aspects of religious and
social life.- Divided into two parts, the second
of which follows the usual arrangement in law
books.- No date (early 14/20th cent.).

Baḥr al-fawā’id = Ma’ānī al-akhbār
Barakāt see no. 187
Bidāyat al-mubtadī see al-Hidāyah fī sharḥ
Bāb ma’rifat manāzil al-qamar - (48059)
Author: anon.
Incip.: باب معرفة منازل القمر المحمودة منها
ومذمومتها ويصلح البيع والشراء وغير ذلك النطح اذا
... بات فيه القمر فانه سعيد
Two copies: 1) ff.2, 16.5 x 10.5 / 14 x 9 cm.,
17 lin..- Ruled paper.- Neat maghribī hand.-
Text rubricated.- Half-cloth binding (without flap).
2) ff.4, 26.5 x 17 / 19 x 12 cm., 17 lin..- Wove
paper.- Clear vocalized maghribī hand (writted on
one side of the folio only).- Black ink.
Short astrological tract dealing with lunar
phases.- No date (early 14/20th cent.).
Badhl al-mā’ūn fī fawā’id al-ṭā’ūn - (13998)
Author: Shihāb al-Dīn a. ‘l-Faḍl A. b. Nūr al-Dīn
‘A. b. Ḥajar al-’Asqalānī (d.852/1449)

Incip.: الحمد لله على كل حال ونعوذ بالله من حال
اهل النار ... اما بعد فقد تكرر سوال الاخوان نفع
الله بهم في جميع الاخبار الواردة في الطاعون مع شرح
... غريبها وتيسير معانيها
ff. 100, 20 x 14.5 / 15.5 x 9.5 cm., 23 lin..-
Laid paper.- Irregular naskhī hand.- Text
rubricated.- Modern quarter-cloth binding
(without flap).
Elucidation of traditions relating to the
plague.- Composed in 833/1429.- Transcribed from,
and collated with, the autograph in Rab. II 1067/
1657.- Somewhat wormed and water-stained.
Ref. GAL II, 82 (no. 20): SII, 74.
Bahjat al-āfāq wa-īḍāh al-labs wa’l-ighlāq fī
‘ilm al-ḥurūf wa’l-aufāq - (65496)
Author: M. b. M. al-Fullānī al-Kishnāwī
(d. 1154/1741)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي خلق الانسان وعلمه البيان
والكتابة بالبنان ... وبعد فقد اطبق جميع من يعتد به
... من العقلاء بل حتى الجم الغفير من الاغبيا
ff.119, 22.5 x 15.5 / 17 x 11 cm., 25 lin..-
Laid paper.- Naskhī hand.- Black and red ink,
diagrams.- Modern half-leather binding (without
Treatise on the magical use of the letters of
the alphabet.- Divided into muqaddimah, maqá¹£ad
(5 abwāb), and khātimah.- Composed (tabyīḍ) in
Sha’b. 1145/1733.- No date (12/18th cent.).- fol.
101-130, 141-170 missing.- Prov.: F. F. Mitchell.
Ref. GAL II, 481.

Bahjat al-nāẓirīn ilā tarājim al-muta’akhkhirīn
min al-Shāfi’īyah al-bāri’īn - (47975)
Author: Raḍī al-Dīn a. ‘l-Barakāt M. b. A. b.
‘Al. al-’Āmirī al-Ghazzī al-Dimashqī
(d. 864/1460)
Incip.: قال العبد الفقير ... رضي الدين ... العامرى
الغزى الشافعي ... الحمد لله مدبر الامور مميت الاحياء
وباعث من فى القبور ... وبعد فهذا مختصر لطيف قصدت
... به ترجمة الايمة من اصحابنا الشافعية المتاخرين
ff. 156, 24 x 17.5 / 17.5 x 10.5 cm., 19 lin..-
Wove buff paper.- Neat modern naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Half-leather binding (without
Biographical dictionary of Shāfi’ī theologians,
who lived at the end of 8/14th cent..- Composed
between 839-842/1435-1438.- Copied from the
manuscript in the Public Library in Damascus -
see Ẓāh. (ta’rīkh) I, 256 - in Ram. 1325/1907 by M.
Ṣādiq b. Amīn al-Māliḥ.
Ref. GAL SII, 31.
al-Bandīkūstārī - (47836)
Incip.: بسم الاب والابن والروح القدس الاله الواحد
لنبتدى نكتب كتاب مختصر المسما باللغت اليونانية
بنديكوستاري اي الخمسين المستعمله قراته من احد الفصح
... الى احد جميع القديسين

ff. 69, 21 x 16/ 16.5 x 10 cm., 17 lin. . -
Laid paper. - Clear naskhī hand. - Text rubricated.-
Blind-stamped brown leather binding (without
Pentekostarion (al-Khamsīnī): liturgical book,
which contains the variable prayers and lections
for use between Easter and the Sunday after
Pentecost. - No date (12/18th cent.).- Prov.:
Francis Storrs.
al-Barīqah al-Maḥmūdīyah fī sharḥ al-Ṭarīqah
al-Muḥammadīyah - (45803)
Author: [Abū Sa’īd M. b. Muṣṭafā al-khādimī
(d. 1176/1762)]
Incip.: الحمد لله الدى جعلنا خير امم امة مرحومة
مغفورى مثابة غاية كرم ... فمن اجلى البديهيات
... شرعا و اوضع اليقينيات عظما
ff. 335, 26 x 15.5 / 18.5 x 8.5 cm., 29 lin.. -
Laid glossy paper.- Small nasta’līq hand. - Single
line border in red, math overlined in red.-
Blind-stamped dark-brown leather binding (with
Cmt. on al-Birkawī's (M. b. Pīr ‘A., d. 981/1573)
al-Ṭarīqah al-Muḥammadīyah (paraenetic work).-
Vol. 1.- No date (ca. 1168/1755). - Marginal glosses
signed minhu.
Ref. GAL SII, 655 (no. 15, cmt. f.).

Another copy - (45804)
Incip.: الخامس والثلثون الفظاظة وغلظة القلب يقال رجل
... فظ شديد غليظ القلب يقال منه فظ بفظ من تعب فظاظة
ff. 239, 27. 5 x 16 / 18.5 x 8.5 cm., 29 lin.. -
Other details as in preceding entry.
Vol. 2.- Copied in Ram. 1168/1755.
Bidāyat al-hidāyah - (19114)
Author: [Abū Ḥāmid M. b. M.] al-Ghazzālī
(d. 505/1111)
Incip.: الحمد لله حق حمده والصلوة على محمد رسوله
وعبده وعلى اله واصحابه اما بعد فاعلم ايها الحريص
... على اقتباس العلم
fol. 1b-74b, 17 x 10.5 / 11.5 x 6.5 cm., 12 lin.. -
Oriental paper.- Elegant naskhī hand.- Title,
border, and some words in gold.- Red leather
binding (with onlaid centre- and corner-pieces,
without flap).
Ṣūfī guide to the holy life.- No date (11/17th
cent.).- Wormed and water-stained.- Presented
to the Library by R. S. Greenshields.
Ref. GAL I, 540 (no. 26): SI, 749.- Bouyges 35.

[Binā’ al-af’āl] - (12095)
Author: anon.
Incip.: اعلم ان ابواب التصريف خمسة وثلثون بابا
... ستة منها للثلاثى المجرد الباب الاول منه فعل يفعل
fol. 53b.-59b, 18.5 x 11 / 14.5 x 5.5 cm., 17
lin.. - Other details as in no 16.
Treatise on the conjugation of the Arabic
verb.- No date (12/18th cent.).- Same as Berlin
Bishārat Mattā al-Qiddīs - (15568)
ff. 197, 21.5 x 14.5 / 17.5 x 11 cm., 18 lin.. -
Laid paper.- Naskhī hand.- Black and red ink.-
Quarter-cloth binding (without flap).
Gospel according to St. Matthew, in Coptic and
Arabic.- Copied in 1520 (Coptic)/1804 A.D.. -
Fol. 19 missing and fol. 1 supplied later.-
Soiled through heavy use.- Prov.: Stephen Gazelee.
al-Budūr al-Sāfirah fī umūr al-ākhirah - (41880)
Author: Jalāl al-Dīn [‘ Ar] b. Kamāl al-Dīn a. Bakr
al-Suyūṭī al-Shāfi’ī (d. 911/1505)

Incip.: قال الشيخ الامام ... جلال الدين ... السيوطي
الحمد لله الذى خلق السموات والارض وجعل الظلمات ...
والنور ... وبعد فهذا ما تقدم الوعد به فى خطبة كتاب
... البرزخ من كتاب شاف فى علوم الاخرة
ff. 775 (pp. 8+1535), 20.5 x 16 / 12.5 x 8.5 cm.,
9 lin..- Laid paper.- Neat naskhī hand.- Black
and red ink.- Gold-stamped brown leather binding
(without flap).
Treatise on eschatology.- Copied in Ram. 1291/
1874, by ‘Abd al-Ḥaiy b. ‘Ar. al-Baidī al-Hauqalī.-
Main text preceded by fihrist (p. 1-8).- Prov.:
J. O'Kinealy.- Seal of M. ‘Abd al-Ra’ūf.
Ref. GAL II, 184 (no. 31): SII, 182.

Daḥḍ al-aḍālīl al-Bāṭishtā’īyah = Khalā’ al-rāhibāt
-Da’wah al-Sulaihīyah see no. 307 (3)
Dīwān Salāṭīn Barnū see no. 362 (2)
Du’ā’ khatm al-Qur’ān see no. 263
Durar al-ḥukkām see Ta’līqāt ‘alā Durar al-ḥukkām
-Durr al-Munaẓẓam fī’ l-Ism al-A’ẓam = Miftāḥ
al-jafr al-jāmi’ ...
Da’ā’im al-Islām - (25735)
Author: [al-Nu’mān b. M. b. Ḥaiyūn d. 363/974
(no. 27)]
Incip.: الحمد لله استفتاحا بحمده وصلى الله على محمد
رسوله وعبده ... اما بعد فانه لما كثرت الدعاوى
... والاراء واختلفت المذاهب والاهواء
ff. 251, 22 x 13/16 x 9 cm., 18 lin..- Wove
paper.- Naskhī hand.- Text rubricated.- Half-
cloth binding (with flap).
Manual of Ismā’īlī fiqh and kalām.- Vol. 1 (as
far as K. al-jihād).- Copied in Rab. I 1309/1891,
by M. Burhān al-Dīn najl ‘Aq. Najm al-Dīn D. b.
Māmūnjī.- Marginal corrections.
Ref. GAL SI, 325.- Poonawala 56-57.
Dalā’il al-khairāt wa-shawāriq al-anwār - (13251)
Author: [M. b. S. al-Jazūlī (d. 877/1472)]

Incip.: الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال الله
... عز وجل ان الله وملايكته يصلون على النبي
ff. 98, 18.5 x 12.5 / 12.5 x 8.5 cm., 11 lin..-
Laid paper.- Bold vocalized maghribī hand.- Brown,
red, blue, green, and yellow ink.- Modern cloth
binding (without flap).
Collection of prayers for the Prophet Muḥammad.-
Introduction missing.- Dated 1083/1672.- Presented
to the Library by E.J. Portal, Esq..
Ref. GAL II, 327: SII, 359.
Another copy - (45807)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي هدانا للايمان والاسلام والصلوة
على محمد نبيه ... وبعد هذا فالغرض في هذا الكتاب
... ذكر الصلوة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
ff. 104, 16.5 x 11.5 / 9.5 x 6 cm., 11 lin..-
Laid glossy paper.- Vocalized Ottoman naskhī
hand.- Illuminated headpiece and borders, text
rubricated.- Gold-stamped dark-brown leather
binding (with flap and embroidered slip-case).
Copied in Ṣaf. 1174/1761 by M. b. ‘Uth..
Presented to the Library by Lt. Col. C. F. Call
in 1931.

Another copy - (19620)
Incip.: اسماء سيدنا ومولانا محمد ... وهي هذه محمد
... احمد حامد محمود احيد وحيد ماح
ff. 110, 16.5 x 10 / 12.5 x 7 cm., 11 lin..-
Laid paper.- Thick vocalized maghribī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Folios loose within brown
leather case (with flap and slip-case).
Without introduction.- No date (late 13/19th
cent.).- Presented to the Library by Sir Frederick
Dalīl al-ṭālib li-nail al-maṭālib - (191787)
Author: Mar’ī b. Yū. [al-Karmī] al-Maqdisī
al-Ḥanbalī (d. 1033/1624)
Incip.: الحمد لله رب العالمين واشهد ان لا اله الا
الله ... وبعد فهذا مختصر في الفقه على المذهب الاحمد
مذهب الامام احمد ... كتاب الطهارة وهي رفع الحدث
... وزوال الخبث واقسام المياه ثلاثة
ff. 106 (pp. 213), 21.5 x 15.5 / 19 x 11 cm., 18
lin..- Laid paper.- Irregular naskhī hand.-
Chapter (kitāb, bāb, faṣl) headings in red.- Badly
damaged brown leather binding (with flap).
Ḥanbalī compendium of law.- Composed at al-Azhar
in Raj. 1017/1608.- Copied in Sha’b. 1213/1798 by
M. b. Khalaf b. al-Furaij.- Followed by six

panegyrics on the work by 1) Ya. b. Mūsā al-Ḥujjāwī
2) Abū’l-Mawāhib al-Bakrī al-Ṣiddīqī 3) ‘Al.
al-Danūshrī (al-Danshūrī ?) 4) A. b. Amīn al-Dīn
al-Ḥanafī 5) A. b. ‘Abd al-Mawārith al-Bakrī
al-Siddīqī 6) A. al-Ghunaimī al-Anṣārī (d. 1044/
1634, see kaḥḥ. II, 132).
Ref. GAL SII, 497 (no. 23).
Dīwān al-adab - (47971)
Author: Abū Ibr. Isḥāq b. Ibr. al-Fārābī
(d. 350/961)
Incip.: قال ابو ابراهيم اسحق بن ابراهيم رضي الله
... عنه الحمد لله حمدا يبلغ رضاه ويمترى المريد منه
اما بعد فان الله تعالى قدر الاشياء بقدرته ودبرها
... بحكمته وفضل بعضها على بعض
ff. (7) 266, 20 x 13 / 15.5 x 10 cm., 15 lin..-
Oriental paper. - Bold vocalized naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Blind- and gold-stamped dark-
brown leather binding (flap missing).
Arabic dictionary.- First part (as far as Abwāb
al-asmā’ al-ṣaḥīḥah of k. al-sālim).- No date
(7/13th cent.).- Preceded by fihrist.- fol. (1-7),
1-2, 120, and 129 supplied later.
Ref. GAL I, 133: SI. 195.

Another copy - (47972)
Incip.: باب الفتعال وهو مما زيدت بين الفاء منه
... والعين تاء ب يقال جذبه واختذبع بمعنى
ff. (8) 189, 23.5 x 16.5 / 19 x 12 cm., 21 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Partly vocalized naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Binding as in preceding entry.
Final volume (al-niṣf al-thānī).- Copied in
Rab. I 621/1224.- Preceded by fihrist.- Original
foliation 191 (misnumbered).
Dīwān ash’ār - (54443)
ff. 116, 20.5 x 13 / 16.5 x 9.5 cm., 25-27 lin..-
Laid paper.- Cursive naskhī hand.- Black, red,
blue, and green ink.- Half-leather binding
(with flap).
Anon. collection of Arabic poetry, covering
the period between 2/8th and 11/17th centuries;
Ḥu. [b. A.] b. al-Jazarī (d. 1034/1625, see GAL SII,
385) being one of the latest names mentioned.
Among the longer poems are:
1. (fol. 14a, 41 verses) ‘Alā’ al-Dīn [‘A. b. M.]
b. Mulaik al-Ḥamawī (d. 917/1512, see GAL II, 23
: SII, 13), incip.: * يا رب عفوا فانى خايف وجل
وليس لا صالح يرجى ولا عمل

2. (fol. 32a, 16 verses) A. al-Bakrī (perhaps
A. b. Zain al-’Ābidīn, d. 1048/1638 - see
GAL SII, 385), incip.: * بالهوى قلبى تعلق
وجفنا جفنى المنام
3. (fol. 45a, 18 verses) Zain al-’Ābidīn [b. M.]
al-Bakrī, d. 1013/1604 - see Kaḥḥ. IV, 197),
incip.: * ما ارسل الرحمن او يرسل
من رحمة تصعد او تنزل
4. (fol. 66a-67b) Takhmīs of the above poem
by M. al-’Alamī, incip.:
* ايا من غدا عن حبه يسال
ودمعه في الخد مسترسل
5. (68a-69b, 18 stanzas) al-Imām al-Shāfi’ī
[M. b. Idrīs, d. 204/819 - see Kaḥḥ. IX, 32],
incip.: * بدات بذكر الله مدحا مقدما
واثنى بحمد الله شكرا معظما
6. (88b & 89a) Abū Bakr al-Qaṭṭān (two poems):
a. (4 stanzas) incip.: * يا رب العباد ارحم غربتي
فى يوم الحساب سامح زلتى
b. (18 verses) incip.: * يا من يروم المعالى
ان رمت للعز ترقا
7. (102a-103b, 39 verses) [‘A.] b. Zuraiq, fl. ca.
420/1029 - see GAL I, 82: SI, 133 (al-Qaṣīdah
al-’Ainīyah) incip.: * لا تعذليه فان العذل يولعه
قد قلت حقا ولكن ليس يسمعه
8. (104a-107a, 87 verses) Abū’l-Su’ūd [M. b. M.]
al-’Imādī, d. 982/1574 - see GAL II, 580 (no. 10)
: SII, 651] incip.: * ابعد سليما مطلب ومرام
وغير هو اها لوعة وغرام
9. (107b-108b) [al-Ḥ. b. ‘A.] al-Ṭughrā’ī, d. 515/
1121 - see GAL I, 286: SI, 439 (called Lāmīyat
al-’ajam), incip.: * اصالة الراى صانتنى عن الخطل
وحلية الفضل زانتنى عن العطل

10. (109a-111b) [‘ U. b. al-Muẓaffar] b. al-Wardī,
d. 749/1349- see GAL II, 176 (no. 3): SII, 174
(Lāmīyah Ibn al-Wardī), incip.:
* اعتزل ذكر الاغانى والغزل
وقل الفصل وجانب من هزل
Dīwān Ibn al-Fāriḍ- (46352)
Author: ‘U. b. al-Fāriḍ (d. 632/1235)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي اختص حبيبه الاسني بمقام
او ادنى ... قال الفقير المعترف ... علي سبط الشيخ
ابن الفارض ... نظرت فى نسخ من ديوان شيخنا قدس
... الله سره ... فرايت النساخ جهلوا بغض كلامه
fol. 9b-23a, 27 x 20.5 cm., 21 lin..- Text
rubricated.- Other details as in no. 14.
Collection of verses gathered by Ibn al-Fāriḍ's
grandson ‘Alī, which according to him were missed
out in various copies of his grandfather's Dīwān.-
Transcribed from a manuscript dated Raj. 993/1585,
present date not given (13/19th cent.).
Ref. GAL I, 305: SI, 462.
Dīwān Ibn al-Ḥajjāj - (14570)
Author: Abū ‘Al. al-Ḥu. b. A. b. al-Ḥajjāj
(d. 391/1001)

Incip.: قال ابو عبد الله ... بن الححاج يطلب مشروبا
بالخبز والملح يا غلامي * بادر الى سيدي السلامي
ff. 298, 21.5 x 15.5 / 17.5 x 10 cm., 19 lin..-
Laid paper (deckle edge).- Neat naskhī hand
(written on one side of the folio only).- Single
line border in red.- Half-leather binding
(without flap).
Poetical works of Ibn al-Hajjāj (vol. 10).-
Copied at Baghdād, Ṣaf. 1320/1902 by Muḥyī al-Dīn
b. ‘Abd al-Ḥamīd al-Shaikhalī.
Ref. GAL I, 81: SI, 130.- GAS II, 592-4.
Dīwān Ibn Maṭrūḥ. - (13248)
Author: Jamāl al-Dīn Ya. b. ‘Isā b. Ibr. b. al-Ḥ.
b. Ḥamzah b. Maṭrūḥ (d. 649/1251)
Incip.: قال الصاحب الوزير جمال الدين ... بن مطروح
يمدح الامام امير المومنين المستنصر بالله رضي الله عنه
الله اكبر اي طرف يطمح * ام اي ذي لسن يقول فيفصح
fol. 65b-92b, 24 x 16.5 / 17 x 10.5 cm., 13 lin..-
Oriental glazed paper.- Elegant partly vocalized
naskhī hand.- Black and red ink.- Modern cloth
binding (without flap).
Ibn Maṭrūḥ's poetry.- No date (ca. 848/1444).-
Transcribed by ‘Alā’ al-Dīn Ibn Shams al-Ḥalabī,
scribe in the Madrasah al-Jamālīyah, who died
in á¹¢af. 856/1452 (see note on fol. 92b).
Presented to the Library by E. J. Portal, Esq.
Ref. GAL I. 307: SI, 465.

Dīwān Ibn al-Nabīh - (13248)
Author: Kamāl al-Dīn a. ‘l-Ḥ. ‘A. [b. M.]
b. al-Nabīh al-Miṣrī al-Shā’ir al-Kātib
al-Malikī al-Ashrafī al-Aiyūbī
(d. 619/1287)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي بث ارواح العقول في اجساد الصور
وعم البسيطة باجناس الحيوان ... الخليفتيات قال
يمدح الامام الناصر لدين الله قدس الله روحه
بغداد مكتنا واحمد احمد * حجوا الى تلك المناسك واسحدوا
fol. 2b-64a, 25 x 16.5 / 18 x 11 cm., 15 lin..-
Excellent vocalized naskhī hand.- Other details
as in preceding entry.
Ibn al-Nabīh's poetical works.- Copied by al-Ḥ.
b. M. b. ‘A. known as Ibn Jūdī al-Shāfi’ī
al-Māridānī, in Jum. I. 848/1444.- Several reading-
and former ownership notes on fol. 2a.
Ref. GAL I, 304: SI, 462.
Dīwān Ibn Nubātah - (40911)
Author: Jamāl al-Dīn M. b. M. b. Nubātah
al-Miṣrī (d. 768/1366)
Incip.: اما بعد حمد الله المتفرد بالكمال والصلوة
والسلام ... فيقول ... محمد بن ابراهيم بن محمد
البشتكي ... انني كنت في سنة اثنين وسبعين وسبعمائة
جمت شعر شيخنا القاضي ... جمال الدين محمد بن محمد

بن محمد بن حسن بن ابى الحسن بن صالح بن على بن يحيى
بن طاهر بن عبد الرحيم بن نباتة ... قافية الهمزة
قال يمدح بها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
شجون نحوها العشاق فاوا * وصب ما له فى الصبر راوا
fol. 1b-241b, 28 x 15.5 / 20.5 x 11 cm., 21 lin..-
Oriental paper (yellowish and pale blue).- Naskhī
hand.- Double line border in red, text rubricated.-
Binding as in no 22.
Ibn Nubātah's poems, collected by M. b. Ibr. b.
M. al-Bashtakī (d. 830/1427).- Copied in Ram.
1072/1662.- fol. 4 blank.- Prov.: George C. Williams.
Ref. GAL II, 11: SII, 4.
Dīwān al-Mu’aiyad fī’l-Dīn - (25739)
Author: al-Mu’aiyad fī’l-Dīn a. Naṣr Hibat Allāh
[b. a. ‘Imrān] b. Salmānī [al-Shīrāzī]
(d. 470/1077)
Incip.: قال سيدنا الاجل داعى الدعاة المويد فى الدين
حمدا لرب قاهر السلطان * فرد مليك باهر البرهان
ff. 70, 22 x 14 / 16 x 8.5 cm., 16 lin..- Wove
pale brown paper.- Naskhī hand.- Black and red
ink.- Quarter-leather binding (without flap).
Collected poems of the Ismā’īlī dā’ī al-Mu’aiyad
fī’l-Dīn.- Copied in Sha’b. 1309/1892 by ‘Abd
al-Ḥu. b. Mullā Hibat Allāh Rāmpūrī.
Ref. GAL SI, 326, 714, 953.- Poonawala 107.

Dīwān Qais - (13237)
Author: Qais b. Mu’ād b. al-Mulauwaḥ, Majnūn Banī
‘Āmir (d. 68/688)
Incip.: حدث ابو بكر الو البي قال حدثنا ابو جعفونه
الذهلي عن ابي العاليه عن رجل من بني عجل والحديث رجع
الى ابي بكر ابو البي لانه هو الذي جمع شعره وحديثه في
ايامه قال كان من حديث مجنون بني عامر واسمه مهدي
بن ملوح بن مزاحم بن قيس ... وكان مجنون يسمى قيس
... بن معاد بن الملوح العقيلي وقال بعضهم هو الجعدي
ff. 51, 23.5 x 15/ 16.5 x 10.5 cm., 15 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Naskhī hand.- Treble line
border in red and blue, text rubricated.-
Later cloth and leather binding (without flap).
Poems of al-Majnūn, in the recension of Abū
Bakr al-Wālibī.- Title on the spine reads:
Qiṣṣat al-Majnūn wa-Lailah.- Copied in Shaw. 1200/
1786 by ‘Abd al-Hādī b. Barakat Allāh Uwaisī
... Wāsiṭī Birgrāmī al-Mārīrwī. -Prov.: E. J. Portal.
Ref. GAL I, 43: SI, 81.- GAS II, 389-93.-
Kaḥḥ. VIII, 135.
Du’ā’ al-masjūn - (41332)
Author: anon.
Incip.: * معيث ايوب والكاقى الذا النون
اغث اغث فرجا بالكاف والنون

fol.8a, 20 x 12.5 cm., 7 verses in all.-
Laid paper.- Neat naskhī hand.- Black ink.- Blind-
stamped dark-brown leather binding (flap lacking).
Prayer of the prisoner.- No date (12/18th cent.).
[Du’ā’ Suryānī] - (47277)
Author: [‘Al. b. al-’Abbās (d.68/668)]
Incip.: * انا الموجود فاطلبني تجدني
فان تطلب سو اي لم تجدنى
fol. 32b-39b, 26 x 17 / 19.5 x 11.5 cm., 9 lin..-
Wove paper (pink and green).- Calligraphic naskhī
and nasta’līq (Persian text) hands.- Illuminated
headpiece and border.- Gold-stamped brown leather
binding (without flap).
Arabic prayer, with Persian paraphrase.- No
date (ca. 1263/1847).
Ref. GAL SI, 331.- Rabat II, 1303.
Dumyat al-qaṣr wa-uṣrat ahl al-’aṣr - (18898)
Author: Abū’ l-Ḥ. ‘A. b. al-Ḥ. b. ‘A.
al-Bākharzī (d. 467/1075)
Incip.: احمد لله على ما اسبغ من اذيال افضاله
... واشكره على ما افرغ من سجال نواله

ff. 333 (pp. 665), 20.5 x 13.5 / 15.5 x 8.5 cm.,
19 lin..- Wove paper.- Small naskhī hand.- Black
and red ink.- Half-leather binding (without
Anthology of Arabic poetry (continuation of
al-Tha’ālabī's Yatīmat al-dahr).- Transcribed
from a copy dated 1064/1654, by M. Sa’īd b. Māl
Allāh al-Nāṣirī al-Ḥasanī al-Bakrī, in Shaw.
Ref. GAL I. 292: SI, 446.
al-Durar al-Sanīyah fī’ l-hadīyah al-fīlīyah
al-wāfidah min fakhīm al-Ḥaḍrah
al-Najlīzīyah - (380279)
Author: al-Ṭāhir b. A. al-Balghīthī al-’Alawī
Incip.: الحمد لله وحده ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله لما
كان بين الدولتين الفخيمتين دولة المغرب ودولة اكريت
بريطن من الوداد ما قدم وتاكد في ساير الازمنة وطال
... بميمنته النجاد
ff. 11, 21.5 x 17 / 17.5 x 11.5 cm., 10 lin..-
Wove paper.- Calligraphic maghribī hand.-
Illuminated throughout.- Gold-stamped red-leather
binding (with the seal of King Ḥasan I as a centre-
piece, without flap).
Literary/ historical composition, describing
the presentation of an Indian elephant called Stoke,
from Queen Victoria to King Ḥasan of Morocco.
The presentation was made by Captain Inglefield,
and took place on the 2nd of Sept. 1891/á¹¢af. 1309.
Composed (min inshā’) by al-Ṭāhir al-Balghīthī

King Hasan's secretary, at the order of the vizier
M. b. A. al-Ṣanhājī.- Holograph, no date given
in the colophon.- For other details concerning
the event see Rogers 218-219.
Durr al-tatwīj bi-ta’rīb muwāmīrāt al-zīj - (46350)
Author: Ulūghbeg b. Shāhrukh b. Tīmūr
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي خلق السموات والارض وجعل الظلمات
والنور ... اما بعد فيقول العبد الفقير... حسن ابن
محمد الشهير بقاضى حسن ... لما من الله تعالى على في
... عام اربع عشرة بعد الالف الهجرة بملازمة العلامتين
ff. 275, 30 x 19.5 / 23 x 15 cm., 19 lin..-
Laid glossy paper.- Clear naskhī hand.- Single
line border in red, text rubricated.- Gold-
stamped dark-red leather binding (with flap).
Arabic translation, made in 1014/1605 by Ḥ b. M.
called Qāḍī Ḥasan, of Zīj Ulūghbeg (i. e. astro-
nomical tables compiled in Persian by Ulūghbeg,
see GAL II, 275: SII, 298).- This version was
made at the request of Muḥyī al-Dīn ‘Abd al-Qādir
b. M. al-Ḥusainī al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī and Shihāb
al-Dīn A. b. al-Faḍl a. Kathīr al-Makkī al-Shāfi’ī.
Copied in 1194/1780.

English - Arabic Dictionary of words and phrases
used by the Sudanese in Uganda - (53704)
Author: J. A. Meldon, late King's African Rifles.
ff. (19) 233 + Appendix, 25.5 x 19.5 cm..-
Wove paper.- Black ink.- Cloth ring binder.
Dated, March 1913.- Prov.: Sir E. Denison Ross.
English, Maritanian (i. e. Moorish Arabic), and
Shilha Vocabulary - (11593)
Author: anon.
ff. 27, 23.5 x 18.5 cm., 14 words per page.-
Laid paper.- Black and red ink.- Other details
as in no. 12.
No date (ca. 1800 A. D.).- Attached to the fly-
leaf is another short English, Arabick, and
Shellah (?) vocabulary (41 words in all).

-Farā’iḍ al-Sirājīyah see al-Farā’iḍ
Fatāwā al-Kardarī = al-Jāmi’ al-Wajīz
-Fatāwā al-Saifīyah see no. 194(2)
-Fawā’id al-Fanārīyah see Ta’līq ‘alā baḥth
jihat al-waḥdah
al-Farā’iḍ al-Ḥusāmīyah - (47269)
Author: Ḥusām al-Dīn a. Ḥafṣ ‘u. b. ‘Abd al-’Azīz
b. Māzah al-Bukhārī [al-Ṣadr al-Shahīd]
(d. 536/1141*)
Incip.: الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على خير
خلقه سيد المرسلين ... وبعد حمد الله تعالى قال الشيخ
الامام الاجل الاستاذ الشهيد حسام الدين ... اعلموا
... وفقكم الله وايانا ان انواع العلوم كثيره
fol. 146a-159a, 24.5 x 15.5 / 19 x 11.5 cm., 21-
23 lin..- Oriental paper.- Clear round naskhī
hand.- Dark-brown ink.- Blind-stamped brown leather
binding (with flap).
Treatise on the Muslim law of inheritance.-
Copied in Dhū’l-q. 585/1189.- * - see GAL I, 461.
[al-Farā’iḍ al-Sharīfīyah] - (47838)
Author: [‘A. b. M. al-Jurjānī al-Saiyid
al-Sharīf (d. 816/1413)]

Incip.: قال المولى الامام سراج الملة والدين محمد بن
محمد بن عبد الرشيد السجاونديى ... الحمد لله رب العالمين
حمد الشاكرين ... هكذا رواية الفقهاء فالفرايض جمع
... فريضة وهي ما قدر من السهام
ff. 96, 22 x 16.5 / 16.5 x 9 cm., 15 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Naskhī/nasta’līq hand.- Matn
overlined in red and black.- Cloth binding
(without flap).
Cmt. on al-Farā’iḍ al-Sirājīyah (Ḥanafī law
of inheritance) of Sirāj al-Dīn M. b. M.
al-Sajāwandī (fl. 6/12th cent.).- No date (11/17th
cent.). Ref. GAL I, 470 (cmt. 5): SI, 650.
Another copy - (47853)
ff. 146, 19 x 12/ 10.5 x 5.5 cm., 13 lin..-
Oriental and European (laid) paper.- Small
nasta’līq hand.- Matn overlined in red.- Blind-
stamped dark-brown leather binding (with flap).
No date (late 11/17th cent.).- Numerous
marginal glosses.
[Fatāwā] - (48135)
Author: anon.
Incip.: كتاب النفقه الولد اذا بلغ مبلغ الرجال وكتب
... كانت نفقته في كسبه لا على الوالدين

ff. 156, 21.5 x 13.5 / 15 x 9 cm., 14 lin..-
Wove and laid paper.- Neat naskhī hand.- Chapter
headings and sources in red.- Half-leather
binding (without flap).
Part of a compendium of opinions on points of
Ḥanafī law. Apparently composed in 12/18th cent.
(latest authors quoted are Khair al-DÄ«n b. A.
al-Aiyūbī al-Fārūqī, d. 1081/1671 - see GAL II, 408,
and M. b. Ḥu. al-Anqirāwī, d. 1098/1687 - see GAL
II, 575).- No date (13/19th cent.).
Fatāwā Qāḍīkhān - (47839)
Author: Fakhr al-Dīn al-Ḥ. b. Manṣūr b. Ma.
al-Uzjandī Qāḍīkhān (d. 592/1196).
Incip.: الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلوة على رسوله محمد
واله اجمعين حمدا يقربنا الى مرضات الله تعالى
وكرامته ... قال القاضي الامام ... فخر الملة والدين
... الاوزجندى ...
ff. 418, 23 x 14 / 17 x 8 cm., 27 lin..- Oriental
glazed paper.- Small neat vocalized naskhī hand.-
Text rubricated.- Blind-stamped dark-red leather
binding (flap missing).
Compendium of legal decisions (Ḥanafī law).-
First vol. (as far as K. al-Ijārāt).- Copied
by Nūr al-Dīn b. Mūsā al-Salmūnī, no date given
(early 10/16th cent.).
Ref. GAL I, 465: SI, 644.

Fatāwā wa-masā’il - (41879)
Author: [A. b. M.] b. Ḥajar [al-Haithamī]
(d. 973/1565*)
ff. 97, 22 x 12.5 / 17.5 x 8 cm., ca 18 lin..-
Laid paper.- Ottoman naskhī hand.- Black ink.-
Damaged dark-red leather binding (flap missing).
Collection of legal decisions and extensive
extracts, drawn mainly from the works of Ibn Ḥajar.
No date 12/18th cent.).- * - see GAL II, 508.
Fatḥ al-Jalīl al-Ṣamad fī sharḥ al-Takmīl
wa’l-mu’tamad - (48134)
Author: M. b. a.’l-Qāsim [al-Filālī al-Sijilmāsī]
(12/18th cent.).
Incip. (as extant): على ذلك مرة مريرة حتى جمعته /../
مسائل عديدة وكانت الرغبة منى فى جمعها شديدة ثم
صارت الحاجة الى نظمها ... وها انا شارح بعون الله
تعلى فر شرح لجميع المنظومة ... اسميه بفتح الجليل
... الصمد فى شرح التكميل والمعتمد
ff. 280, 20.5 x 15 / 14 x 8 cm., 21 lin..-
Laid paper.- Neat maghribī hand.- Matn in red.-
Blind- and gold-stamped dark-brown leather
binding (covers loose, flap missing).
Cmt. on his al-Takmīl wa’l-mu’tamad (rajaz-
poem on Mālikī law).- Incopml. at beginning
and end.- No date (12/18th cent.).
Ref. GAL SII, 696.- Rabat II, 1529.

Fatḥ al-Qarīb al-Mujīb fī sharḥ alfāẓ
al-Taqrīb - (174234)
Author: Shams al-Dīn a. ‘Al. M. b. Qāsim
[al-Ghazzī] (d. 918/1512)
Incip.: ... قال شيخنا الامام العالم ... شمس الدين
الشافعي ... الحمد لله تبركا بفاتحة الكتاب لانها ابتداء
كل امر ذي بال ... هذا كتاب في غاية الاختصار
... والتهذيب وضعته على الكتاب المسمى بالتقريب
ff. 264, 20 x 14.5 / 16 x 9 cm., 9 lin..- Laid
paper.- Vocalized naskhī hand.- Matn in red.-
Quires sewn, unbound.
Cmt. on Abū Shujā’'s (A. b. al-Ḥu. al-Iṣfahānī,
d. 593/1196) al-Taqrīb, also known as Ghāyat
al-ikhtiṣār (compendium of Shāfi’ī law).-
Accompanied by an interlinear translation in Malay.
No date (13/19th cent.).- Prov.: Bristol Baptist
College.- Ref. GAL I, 492 (cmt. 3): SI, 677.
al-Fatḥ al-Rabbānī fīmā dhahala ‘anhu al-Zurqānī
- (47858)
Author: M. b. al-Ḥ. al-Bannānī
(d. 1163/1749)
Incip.: ان احسن ما نطق به اللسان وخطه القلم حمد
من خلق الانسان ... اما بعد فيقول ... محمد بن
الحسن بنانى ... مما كان شرع الشيخ الاكمل ... سيدي
عبد الباقي بن يوسف الزرقاني على مختصر الشيخ الجليل
... ابي المودة خليل

ff. 118, 22 x 15.5 / 15.5 x 10 cm., 23 lin..-
Wove paper.- Neat maghribī hand.- Black and red
ink.- Blind-stamped red leather binding
(flap missing).
Gloss on no. 236.- First vol..- No date (late
13/19th cent.).- Prov.: Major Sir Hubert W. Young.
Ref. GAL II, 103 (cmt. m., gl.): SII, 98.
Fatḥ al-Raḥmān bi’khtiṣār ‘Aqīdat Ibn Ḥamdān
- (191655)
Author: M. b. [Badr al-Dīn] b. Balbān al-Anṣārī
al-Khazrajī (d. 1083/1663)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي يستدل على وجوب وجوده ببديع
مصنوعاته ... وبعد فلما رايت عقيدة الامام العالم
عبيد الله بن محمد بن محمد بن حمد ان رضي الله ...
... عنه وارضاه ... فاحببت اختصارها الى نحو ثلثها
ff. 8, 22 x 16 / 18 x 11 cm., 27 lin..- Laid
paper.- Clear naskhī hand.- Chapter (bāb, faṣl)
headings in red.- Disbound.
Abridgement of Ibn Ḥamdān's (‘Ubaid Allāh b. M.)
creed.- Copied at Baṣrah, in Raj. 1212/1797, by Nāṣir
b. S. b. M. b. Suḥaim.- Collated by reading to M.
b. ‘Al. b. Fairūz.- Last leaf repaired.
Ref. Princeton 2284 and Berlin 2051.
[al-Fawā’id al-Ḍiyā’īyah] - (47272)
Author: ‘Ar. [b. A.] al-Jāmī (d. 898/1493)

Incip.: الحمد لوليه والصلوة على نبيه وعلى آله
واصحابه المتادبين بادابه اما بعد فهذه فوايد وافية
بحل مشكلات الكافية للعلامة المشتهر في المشارق والمغارب
... الشيخ ابن الحاجب
ff. 250, 20.5 x 12.5 / 14 x 5.5 cm., 17 lin..-
Laid glossy paper.- Single line border and
overlinings in red.- Blind-stamped dark-brown
leather binding (with flap).
Cmt. on Ibn al-Ḥājib's Kāfiyah (no. 148).-
Composed (tabyīḍ) in Ram. 897/1492.- Copied in
Muḥ. 1002/1593.- Numerous marginal and inter-
linear glosses.
Ref. GAL I, 369 (cmt.13): SI, 533.
al-Fawā’id al-Shāfīyah ‘alāi’rāb al-Kāfiyah -
Author: Ḥu. b. A. Zainī-zādah (d.1168/1755)
Incip.: الكافية ومنة‎ الحمد لله على نعمة الكافية
الشافية الصافية والصلوة والسلام على المبعوث ... فيقول
حسين بن احمد ... لما كان كتاب الكافية للشيخ ...
... ابن الحاجب ... من احسن ما صنف فى علم الاعراب
fol. 1b-95a, 20.5 x 14.5 / 17 x 10 cm., 33 lin..-
Laid white and pink paper.- Minute neat nasta’līq
hand.- Overlinings in black and red.- Blind-tooled
black leather binding (without flap).
Cmt. on Ibn al-Ḥājib's al-Kāfiyah (no. 148).-
Composed in Ram. 1168/1755.- Dated 1226/1811.
Ref. Kaḥḥ. III, 311.- IM II, 207.

al-Fawā’id al-Shinshaurīyah fī sharḥ al-Manẓūmah
al-Raḥbīyah - (191490)
Author: ‘Al. b. A*. al-Shinshaurī al-Shāfi’ī
(d. 999/1590)
Incip.: الحمد لله رب العالمين واشهد ان لا اله الا الله
وبعد فيقول ... الشنشوري الشافعي الفرضي الخطيب ...
قد سئلنى ولدي عبد الوهاب ... ان اشرح المنظومة
... الرحبية ... فاجبت لذلك
ff. 40, 25 x 17.5 / 18.5 x 10.5 cm., 25 lin..-
Laid paper (deckle edge).- Naskhī hand.- Matn
in red.- Disbound.
Cmt. on al-Manẓūmah al-Raḥbīyah (rajaz-poem
on law of inheritance) of M. b. ‘A. al-Raḥbī
(d. 579/1183).- Copied in á¹¢af. 1263/1847 by Ibr.
b. M. b. ‘Abd al-Jabbār ... al-Ḥanbalī al-Najdī.
Ref. GAL I, 491 (cmt. 4) : SI, 676 (* ‘Al.
b. M. al-Shinshaurī).
[al-Fiqh al-nāfi’] - (47269)
Author: Abū’l-Qāsim M. b. Yū. al-Ḥusainī
al-Madīnī [al-Samarqandī]
(d. 556/1161)
Incip.: الحمد لله رب العالمين حمدا امده الابد وعدده
ان لا يحصيه العدد ... وبعد قال الشيخ الامام الاجل
الزاهد ابو القاسم ... الحسيني المديني سالتمونى ان
... اصوغ لكم فى الفقه كتابا نافعا

fol. 1b-146a, 24.5 x 15.5 /19 x 11.5 cm., 23
lin..- For other details see no 70.
Handbook of Ḥanafī law.- Copied in Dhū’l-q.
585/1189.- Ref. GAL I, 475: SI, 655.- Kaḥḥ.
XII, 137.
Fuṣūl min al-Anājīl - (13996)
ff. 82, 27 x 21 / 19.5 x 13 cm., 17-18 lin..-
Vellum.- Greek minuscule and semi-naskhī hands.-
Black and red ink.- Modern half-leather binding
(without flap).
Gospels for Good Friday, Saturday and Easter
Sunday etc., to the end of the month Tishrīn I.-
Incompl. at beginnig and end.- No date (3/9th
cent.?).- Some folios damaged, with many Greek
initials cut out.
[Fuṣūl min al-Anājīl] - (34803)
ff. 174, 24.5 x 13 / 20 x 9 cm., 17 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Bold vocalized naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Blind-stamped dark-brown
leather binding (without flap).
Lessons from the Gospels for Fridays, Sundays,
and other special days, according to the East
Syrian calendar.- No date (8/14th cent.?).-
Incompl. at beginning and end.- Presented to the
Library by Dr. L.D. Barnett.

Ghaith al-mawāhib al-’alīyah = Sharḥ Ḥikam
Ibn ‘Aṭā’ Allāh
Ghāyat al-ikhtiṣār see Fatḥ al-Qarīb al-Mujīb
Ghurar al-aḥkām see Ta’līqāt ‘alā Durar al-ḥukkām
al-Ghunyah [li-ṭālibī ṭarīq al-ḥaqq] - (191654)
Author: [‘Aq. b. a. Ṣāliḥ al-Jīlī (d. 561/1167)]
Expl.: وقيل اذا طلبت الله بالصدق اعطاك مراة ...
تبصر فيها كل شي من عجايب الدنيا والاخرة تم كتاب
... الغنية والله اعلم
ff. 242, 29 x 20.5 / 22 x 14 cm., 23 lin..-
Laid paper.- Naskhī hand.- Chapter headings in
red.- Quires and folios loose, one board surviving.
Ṣūfī work on religious duties and piety.- Incompl.
at beginning (begins with K. al-zakāh), folios
out of order (possible lacunae).- No date (late
12/18th cent.).
Ref. GAL I. 561: SI, 778.

-Hibāt al-Sanīyah = Kitāb al-mauḍū’āt
Hidāyat al-ḥikmah see Sharḥ Hidāyat al-ḥikmah
al-Hidāyah [fī sharḥ al-Bidāyah] - (48140)
Author: [‘A. b. a. Bakr al-Marghīnānī
(d. 593/1197)]
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي اعلى معالم العلم واعلامه واظهر
شعائر الشرع واحكامه ... وقد جري على الوعد في مبدا
بداية المبتدي ان اشرحها بتوفيق الله تعالى شرحا ارسمه
... بكفاية المنتهي فشرعت فيه والوعد يسوغ بعض المساغ
ff. 88, 33 x 21.5 / 22-23.5 x 10.5-11 cm.,
30 lin..- Oriental brownish paper.- Angular ta’līq
hand.- Chapter headings and word qāla in red.-
Cloth covered boards (without flap).
Cmt. on his Bidāyat al-mubtadī (Ḥanafī law).-
Incompl. at end.- No date (late 10/16th cent.?).-
Numerous marginal and interlinear glosses.
Ref. GAL I, 466: SI, 644.
Another copy - (48139)
Expl.: ومع ذلك يباح التناول اعتمادا على الغالب ...
وهذا لان القليل لا يمكن الاحتراز عنه ... تمت هذه
... النسخة الهداية بخط فقير

ff. 156, 32.5 x 21.5 / 23.5 x 10.5 cm., 26 lin..-
Other details as in preceding entry.
Vol. 2.- Incompl. at beginning.- Copied by Mullā
Ism. b. Mullā Naṣr Allāh, date not given (late
10/16th cent.).- Marginal and interlinear glosses.
Another copy - (44493)
ff. (3) 312, 26 x 17.5 / 18.5 x 10.5 cm., 18 lin..-
Oriental brownish paper.- Clear naskhī hand.-
Chapter headings and word qāla in red.- Blind-
stamped brown leather binding (without flap,
rebacked with cloth).
Vol. 1. (as far as K. al-waqf).- No date (11/17th
cent.).- Preceded by fihrist.- Marginal glosses.-
Prov.: R. C. Reid (Dickson Bequest).

Ḥadīth ahwāl al-qiyāmah see no. 372 (4)
Ḥadīth Iram dhāt al-’imād see no. 372 (3)
Ḥāshiyah ‘alā Ḥāshiyat al-Khayālī = Ḥāshiyat
Qara Kamāl
Ḥāshiyah ‘alā Ḥāshiyat al-Saiyid al-Sharīf =
Ḥāshiyat ‘Imād
Ḥāshiyah ‘alā sharḥ al-’Aqā’id al-Nasāfīyah see
Ḥāshiyat Qara Kamāl
Ḥāshiyah ‘alā al-Sharḥ al-Mukhtaṣar = al-Risālah
Ḥāshiyah ‘alā sharḥ Taḥrīr al-qawā’id al-manṭiqīyah
see Ḥāshiyat ‘Imād
Ḥāshiyah ‘alā sharḥ Tajrīd al-’aqā’id = al-Ḥāshiyah
Ḥizb al-barr see no. 124 (1)
Ḥizb al-luṭf see no. 307 (3)
Ḥizb al-naṣr see no. 124 (2)
Ḥadīqat al-zahr fī ‘add āy al-suwar - (191669)
Author: Burhān al-Dīn a. M. Ibr. b. ‘U. al-Raba’Ī
al-Ja’barī (d. 732/1333)
Incip.: * بدات بحمد الله اول مقصد
وصليت بعده على الطهر احمد
fol. 42b-43b, 21.5 x 15.5 / 14.5 x 9.5 cm.,
60 verses in all.- Laid glossy paper.- Naskhī
hand.- Black and red ink.- Disbound.
Abridged version of his ‘Iqd al-durar (270
verses (poem on verse-count of surahs in the
Qur’ān).- Copied by Muṣṭafā b. Mūsā b. Mauṣilī
b. Mūsā, in Muḥ. 1153/1740.
Ref. GAL SII, 134 (no. 2).

Ḥall asrār al-akhyār ‘alā i’rāb al-Iẓhār - (47273)
Author: Ḥ. b. A. Zainī-zādah (see no. 81)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذى رفع راى الجهل عنا بانزل القران
... عربي مبين ... اما بعد فيقول ... حسن بن احمد
... لما كانت كتاب اظهار الاسرار الشيخ محمد البركوي
fol. 96b-208, 20.5 x 14.5/ 16 x 10 cm., 21-27
lin..- Laid white and yellowish paper.- Nasta’līq
and Ottoman naskhī hands.- Single line border
and overlinings in red.- Binding as in no. 81.
Cmt. on al-Birkawī's (M. b. Pīr ‘A., d. 981/1573)
Iẓhār al-asrār (Arabic grammar).- No date (ca.
Ref. GAL II, 585 (no. 20, cmt. c): SII, 656-7.
Ḥāshiyah ‘alā khuṭbat sharḥ al-Shamsīyah - (204479)
Author: ‘Abd al-Raḥīm b. ‘A. b. ‘U. al-Mizjājī
al-Zabīdī al-Ḥanafī (?)
Incip.: الحمد لله العلى الفياض المنزه افعاله عن الغلل
والاغراض ... وبعد فهذه تحفة مزجات الى طلاب كل زمان
... كتحفة النحل الى حضرة سليمان
fol. 13b-21a, 20.5 x 14.5/ 15.5 x 9 cm., 19
lin..- Laid paper.- Neat nasta’līq hand.- Black
ink.- Later quarter-leather binding (without
Gloss on the preface to al-Taftāzānī's (Sa’d
al-Dīn Mas’ūd b. ‘U., d. 792/1390) cmt. on

al-Risālah al-Shmasīyah (treatise on logic) of
‘A. al-Kātibī (d. 675/1276).- No date (11/17th
cent.).- Usually ascribed to Walī al-Dīn al-Qaramānī
(9/15th cent.).- Part of outer margin cut out.-
Water-stained.- Prov.: Prof. A.S. Tritton.
Ref. GAL I, 613 (cmt. 3, gl.): SI, 846.-
Princeton 3217.
Ḥāshiyah ‘alā Mir’āt al-uṣūl - (43261)
Author: [M. b. A. al-Ṭarasūsī (d. 117/1705)]
Incip.: الحمد لله دل بلامى الجنس والملك على اختصاص
... المحامد كلها
fol. 227b-257b, 22 x 15.5/ 16 x 9.5 cm., 25
lin..- Laid glossy paper.- Neat ta’līq hand.-
Word qauluhu and overlinings in red only at
beginning, otherwise omitted.- Blind-tooled dark-
brown leather binding (with flap).
Gloss on Mir’āt al-uṣūl (no. 215).- Incompl. at
end.- No date (ca. 1150/1737).
Ref. GAL II, 293 (no. 2. gl.b.): SII, 317.-
Princeton 951.
Ḥāshiyah ‘alā sharḥ al-Ghāyah - (101641)
Author: Burhān al-Dīn Ibr. [b. M.] al-Birmāwī
al-Shāfi’ī (d.1106/1694)

Incip.: الحمد لله الذى جعل التفقه فى الدين من اهم
المقصودات ... اما بعد فلما كان ولدى احمد ممن
... وفقهم الله تعالى للاشتغال بالعلم
ff. 296, 23 x 15.5/ 17.5 x 10.5 cm., 27 lin..-
Laid paper.- Naskhī hand.- Black ink (word qauluhu
omitted).- Quires (numbered) loose within red
leather case (with flap).
Gloss on al-Ghazzī's Ghāyat al-ikhtiṣār (no. 77).-
Copied in Sha’b. 1286/1869, by Khalīl al-’Ajūz.-
Presented to the Library by Prof. A. S. Tritton.
Ref. GAL SI, 677 (cmt. 3, gl. c).
[al-Ḥāshiyah al-Jadīdah] - (43260)
Author: Jalāl [al-Dīn M. b. As’ad al-Dauwānī
(d. 907/1501)]
Incip.: اللهم اهدنا الصراط المستقيم واعدنا من الشيطان
الرجيم ... وبعد فانا قد كتبنا فى سالف الزمان
... حواش على الشرح الجديد للتجريد
fol. 1b-74b, 17.5 x 13/ 14 x 7.5 cm., 21 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Irregular Ottoman nasta’līq
hand.- Words qāla, aqūlu, and qauluhu in red.-
Modern half-cloth binding (without flap).
Second of three sets of glosses on the cmt.
(al-Sharḥ al-Jadīd) of ‘A. b. M. al-Qūshjī
(d. 879/1474) on Tajrīd al-’aqā’id (work on Shī’ite
theology) by Naṣīr al-Dīn M. al-Ṭūsī (d.672/1274).-
Dated 934/1527.- Waqf-note (fol. 1a).
Ref. GAL I, 671 (cmt. 3, gl.): SI, 926.

Ḥāshiyat ‘Imād - (45809)
Author: ‘Imād b. Ya. al-Fārisī
(9/15th cent.)
Incip.:... نحمدك يا من انطق لسان عبده بايات جلاله
وبعد فان ... عماد بن يحيى الفارسي ... يقول لا يخفى
على الطبايع السليمة المستقيمة ان كتاب شرح
... الشمسية للمولى الامام ... قطب الحق والدين
ff. 103, 22 x 12.5 / 13.5 x 6 cm., 17 lin..-
Oriental brownish paper.- Clear nasta’līq hand.-
Margins ruled, words qāla al-shāriḥ and qauluhu
in red.- Brown leather binding (without flap).
Supergloss on the Ḥāshiyat al-Saiyid al-Sharīf
al-Jurjānī (d.816/1413) on Taḥrīr al-qawā’id
al-manṭiqīyah (no. 346), called Qara ḥāshiyah.
Copied (taswīd) at Siyālkūt, by ‘Abd al-Ḥakīm b.
Ḥāfiẓ M. Ḥu. Ibrāhīmābādī, date not given (12/18th
cent.?).- Some marginal glosses.- Prov.: Lt. Col.
D. C. Phillott (see his book-plate).
Ref. GAL I, 612 (gl. a, supergl.): SI, 846.-
Princeton 3200.
Ḥāshiyat Qara Kamāl - (43262)
Author: Qara Kamāl [Ism. al-Qaramānī

Incip.: الحمد لله لذى المن والاحسان والصلوة على سيد
الانسان ... قال المولى الخيالى عفى عنه رب العالى قال
... الش النحرير عامله الله بلطفه الخطير
ff. 201, 16 x 11 / 11 x 6 cm., 15 lin..- Laid
paper.- Neat nasta’līq hand.- Word qauluhu in red.-
Gold-satmped green leather binding (with flap).
Supergloss on the Ḥāshiyah of A. b. M. al-Khayālī
(d.870/1465) on Sa’d al-Dīn al-Taftāzānī's (d.791/
1389) cmt. on al-’Aqā’id al-Nasafīyah (no. 19).-
Copied in Dhū’l-ḥ. 947/1541.- fol. 1-7 supplied
later.- Seals on fol. 1a and 201a.
Ref. GAL I, 549: SI, 759.- Kaḥḥ. II, 287.
[Ḥayāt al-ḥayawān] - (54442)
Author: [M. b. Mūsā al-Damīrī (d. 808/1405)]
Incip. (as extant): قال الاكثرون هذا التصدق مستحب / .. /
... وقيل واجب /لما/ فيه من ازالة الاذى عن الراس
ff. 112, 17.5 x 13 / 12.5 x 8.5 cm., 17 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Clear cursive naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Later half-leather binding
(with flap).
Fragment of al-Damīrī's zoological dictionary
(letters qāf - ‘ain).- No date (9/15th cent.).
Incompl. at beginning and end.- Badly damaged
by acidic ink.
Ref. GAL II, 172: SII, 171.

Ḥāshiyat ‘Imād - (45809)
Author: ‘Imād b. Ya. al-Fārisī
(9/15th cent.)
Incip.: ... نحمدك يا من انطق لسان عبده بايات جلاله
وبعد فان ... عماد بن يحيى الفارسي ... يقول لا يخفى
على الطبايع السليمة والعقول المستقيمة ان كتاب شرح
... الشمسية للمولى الامام ... قطب الحق والدين
ff. 103, 22 x 12.5 / 13.5 x 6 cm., 17 lin..-
Oriental brownish paper.- Clear nasta’līq hand.-
Margins ruled, words qāla al-shāriḥ and qauluhu
in red.- Brown leather binding (without flap).
Supergloss on the Ḥāshiyat al-Saiyid al-Sharīf
al-Jurjānī (d.816/1413) on Taḥrīr al-qawā’id
al-manṭiqīyah (no. 346), called Qara ḥāshiyah.
Copied (taswīd) at Siyālkūt, by ‘Abd al-Ḥakīm b.
Ḥāfiẓ M. Ḥu. Ibrāhīmābādī, date not given (12/18th
cent.?).- Some marginal glosses.- Prov.: Lt. Col.
D. C. Phillott (see his book-plate).
Ref. GAL I, 612 (gl. a, supergl.): SI, 846.-
Princeton 3200.
Ḥāshiyat Qara Kamāl - (43262)
Author: Qara Kamāl [Ism. al-Qaramānī

Incip.: الحمد لله لذى المن والاحسان والصلوة على سيد
الانسان ... قال المولى الخيالى عفى عنه رب العالى قال
... الش النحرير عامله الله بلطفه الخطير
ff. 201, 16 x 11 / 11 x 6 cm., 15 lin..- Laid
paper.- Neat nasta’līq hand.- Word qauluhu in red.-
Gold-satmped green leather binding (with flap).
Supergloss on the Ḥāshiyah of A. b. M. al-Khayālī
(d.870/1465) on Sa’d al-Dīn al-Taftāzānī's (d.791/
1389) cmt. on al-’Aqā’id al-Nasafīyah (no. 19).-
Copied in Dhū’l-ḥ. 947/1541.- fol. 1-7 supplied
later.- Seals on fol. 1a and 201a.
Ref. GAL I, 549: SI, 759.- Kaḥḥ. II, 287.
[Ḥayāt al-ḥayawān] - (54442)
Author: [M. b. Mūsā al-Damīrī (d. 808/1405)]
Incip. (as extant): قال الكثرون هذا التصدق مستحب /../
... وقيل واجب /لما/ فيه من ازالة الاذى عن الراس
ff. 112, 17.5 x 13 / 12.5 x 8.5 cm., 17 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Clear cursive naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Later half-leather binding
(with flap).
Fragment of al-Damīrī's zoological dictionary
(letters qāf - ‘ain). - No date (9/15th cent.).
Incompl. at beginning and end.- Badly damaged
by acidic ink.
Ref. GAL II, 172: SII, 171.

[al-Ḥikam al-’Aṭā’īyah] - (26408)
Author: [A. b. M. b. ‘Aṭā’ Allāh al-Iskandarī
(d. 709/1309)]
Incip.: من علامة الاعتماد على العمل نقصان الرجا عند
وجود الزلل ارادتك التجريد مع اقامة الله اياك فى
... الاسباب من الشهوة الخفية
fol. 54b-81b, 20 x 14 / 16.5 x 11 cm., 13 lin..-
Laid paper.- Clear vocalized maghribī hand.-
Pale brown ink.- Dark-brown leather binding
(with flap and onlays).
Collection of mystical sayings.- Copied in
Muḥ. 1210/1795.
Ref. GAL II, 143 (no. 11): SII, 146.
[Ḥikāyāt] - (380280)
Author: M. Husseinī (?)
Incip.: درس ولد فرعون ولد تكد تكد ولد كاسم كاسم
ولد واكيل فى زمان البرن سلطان دنم كال له دريس
... تعال اعطينى من نسوانك
ff. 96, 31.5 x 20.5 / 20-23 x 10-13 cm., 8-14
lin..- Ruled paper.- Bold angular naskhī hand.-
Pale blue ink.- Quarter-leather binding
(without flap).
Collection of six stories from Bornū, related
in an Arabic dialect. No date (early 20th cent.).

Ḥirz al-aqsām - (41332)
Author: Abū Madyan [Shu’aib al-Tilimsānī,
see no. 21)]
Incip.: * ‏ ١‏- ‏ بدات ببسم الله فى اول السطر
فاسماوه حصن منيع من الضر
* تعوذت بالرحمن فى السر والجهر‏‎ -٣
من الشرك والشيطان ما دمت فى عمرى
fol. 3a-8a, 20 x 12.5 / 9 x 16 cm., 17 lin..-
For other details see no.63.
Prayer in verse.- No date (12/18th cent.).
Ref. GAL SI, 785 (no. 16).
al-Ḥiṣn al-Ḥaṣīn min kalām Saiyid al-Mursalīn -
Author: M. b. M. b. M. al-Jazarī (d.833/1429)
Incip.: لا اله الا الله عدة للقائه ... قال الفقير
الضعيف ... محمد ... الجزري ... اما بعد حمد الله الذي
جعل الدعاء لرد القضاء والصلوة والسلام ... فان هذا
... الحصن الحصين من كلام سيد المرسلين
ff. 351, 18 x 11 / 13 x 6 cm., 7 lin..- Oriental
paper.- Elegant vocalized naskhī hand.- Illuminated
headpiece, gilt borders, black and red ink.- Black
gold-stamped leather (without flap).
Prayer-book, accompanied with an interlinear
Persian translation in red nasta’līq.- Restored

by Abū’l-Islām M. Isḥāq in 1275/1858.- Date of
transcription not given (late 10/16th cent.).-
Presented to the Library by Mrs. M. Watson-Forbes.
Ref. GAL II, 260 (no. 19): SII, 277.
Ḥizb al-baḥr - (41879)
Author: [Abū’l-Ḥ. ‘A. b. ‘Al. al-Shādhilī
(d. 656/1258)]
Incip.: اللهم انت ربى وعلمك حسين فنعم الرب ربى
... ونعم الحسب حسبى تنصر من تشاء وانت العزيز الرحيم
fol. 36b-38a, 22 x 12.5 / 17.5 x 8 cm., 17 lin..-
Clear vocalized naskhī hand.- Other details as
in no. 75.
"Prayer of the sea".- No date (late 12/18th
Ref. GAL I, 584 (no. 4): SI, 805 (no. 5).
Ḥizb al-fatḥ wa’l-nūr wa’l-dukhūl fī ḥaḍrat
Maulānā al-Ḥalīm al-Ghaffūr - (26408)
Author: Abū ‘Al. M. al-Mu’ṭī b. M. al-Ṣāliḥ
al-Sharqawī (al-Sharqī*, d.1180/1766)
Incip.: اعوذ بالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرحيم
.... بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد
بسم الله نور الفتح المبين بسم الله سر الكتاب المستبين

fol. 29b-42a, 20 x 14 / 16.5 x 10 cm., 17 lin..-
Double line border in red, text rubricated.- Other
details as in no.99.
Prayer.- No date (12/18th cent.).- * see Kaḥḥ.
XII, 309.
[al-Ḥizb al-Kabīr] - (26408)
Author: Abū’l-Ḥ. al-Shādhilī (see no. 103)
Incip.: واذا جاءك الدين يومنون باياتنا فقل سلام
... عليكم كتب ربكم
fol. 7b-11a, 22 x 12.5 / 14 x 9 cm., 18 lin..-
Laid paper.- Neat maghribī hand.- Black and red
ink.- Binding as in no. 99.
Another of al-Shādhilī's prayers.- No date (12/
18th cent.).- Badly water-stained.
Ref. GAL I, 584 (no. 5): SI, 805 (no. 6).
Ḥizb al-lajā’wa’l-ibtihāl wa’l-iltijā’ - (26408)
Author: Muḥyī al-Dīn a. M. ‘Aq. b. a. Ṣāliḥ
Mūsā b. ‘Al. [al-Jīlī] (d. 561/1167)
Incip.: سبحان الله العظيم وبحمده تسيحا يليق بجلال
من له السبحات والحمد لله رب العالمين حمدا يوافى نعمه
... ويكافى مزيده على جميع الحالات

fol. 16a-20a, 22 x 12.5 / 15 x 9.5 cm., 15 lin..-
For other details see preceding entry.
One of al-Jīlī's prayers, recorded in various
sources as Ḥizb al-rajā’ or Ḥizb al-najāh.-
No date (12/18th cent.).- Water-stained.
Ref. GAL SI, 779 (no. 38).- Ḥkh. I, 662.
[Ḥizb li’l-Shādhilī] - (26408)
Author: Abū’l-Ḥ. al-Shādhilī (see no. 103)
Incip.: اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن
الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين الرحمن الرحيم مالك يوم
الدين ... الله لا اله الا هو الحى القيوم لا تاخذه سنة
... ولا نوم
fol. 4a-6b. Other details as in no. 105.
Prayer, beginning with al-Fātiḥah and Āyat
al-Kursī.- No date (12/18th cent.).- Water-stained.
[Ḥizb li’l-Sharqawī] - (26408)
Author: Abū ‘Al. M. al-Mu’ṭī b. M. Ṣāliḥ
al-Sharqawī (see no. 104)
Incip.: اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن
الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين الرحمن الرحيم مالك يوم
الدين ... ثلاث مرات والهكم اله واحد لا اله الا هو
الرحمن الرحيم شهد الله انه لا اله الا هو

fol. 42b-49b.- For other details see no. 104.
Prayer.- No date (12/18th cent.).- fol. 49b-52a:
another prayer (perhaps by the same al-Sharqawī),
incip.: اللهم صى على سيدنا محمد وعلى ال سيدنا محمد
كما صليت على سيدنا ابراهيم ... سبحانك انت الله
... الرحمن الرحيم سبحانك انت رب العالمين
Ḥizb al-najāh - (26408)
Author: Abū’l-Ḥ. al-Shādhilī (see no. 103)
Incip.: الحمد لله القادر الفرد الفاطر الصمد الكريم
... الباعث نبيه بجوامع الكلم ونوابغ الحكم
fol. 2b-4a.- For other details see no. 105.
No date (12/18th cent.).- Water-stained.
Ḥizb al-Nawāwī - (26408)
Author: Abū Zakarīyā’ Ya. [b. Sharaf] al-Nawāwī
(d. 676/1278)
Incip.: بسم الله الله اكبر الله اكبر اقول على نفسى
... وعلى دينى وعلى اهلى وعلى اولادى وعلى مالى
fol. 1b-2a, For other details see no. 105.
Prayer of al-Nawāwī.- No date (12/18th cent.).-
Ref. GAL I, 501 (no. XXII): SI, 685.

Ḥizb al-wasīlah - (26408)
Author: Abū’ l-Ḥ. al-Shādhilī (see no. 103)
Incip.: اللهم انى اتويل بك اليك اللهم انى اقسم بك
... عليك اللهم /.../ كنت دليلى عليك فكن شفيعى اليك
fol. 7a-7b.- Other details as in no. 105.
Short prayer.- No date (12/18th cent.).- Badly
al-Ḥudūd fī’l-naḥw - (100449)
Author: Abū’l-Ḥ. ‘A. b. ‘Isā al-Rummānī
(d. 384/994)
Incip.: لله الامر من قبل ومن بعد باب الحد لمعانى
الاسماء التى يحتاج اليها في النحو وهى القياس والبرهان
... والبيان والحكم والعلة والاسم والفعل والحرف
fol. 199a-203b, 32 x 20 / 25 x 13.5 cm., 29 lin..-
For other details see no. 30.
Treatise on grammar.- Copied in May 1929 by F.
Krenkow (cmp. no. 352).
Ref. GAL SI, 175.

-Injīl see Bishārat Mattā al-Qiddīs
‘Iqd al-durar see Ḥadīqat al-zahr fī ‘add āy
-Iqnā’ li-ṭālib al-intifā’ = Zād al-mustaqni’
-Isāghūjī see Ta’līq ‘alā baḥth jihat al-waḥdah
Iẓhār al-asrār see Ḥall asrār al-akhyār ...
al-Iḍāḥ fī ‘ilm al-nikāḥ - (46342)
Author: [Jalāl al-Dīn ‘Ar. b. a. Bakr
al-Suyūṭī (d. 911/1505)]
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي زين الابكار بالنهود فى الصدور
... وجعل سيقان النسا مساطبا لاعيار الذكور
ff. 23, 22 x 14 / 14 x 8 cm., 15 lin..- Oriental
paper.- Elegant Persian naskhī hand.- Black, red,
green, and blue ink.- Brown leather binding
(without flap).
Treatise on the amenities of matrimony.- No date
(13/19th cent.).- Prov.: Lt. Col. D. C. Phillott.
Ref. GAL II, 196 (no. 210): SII, 192.
Iḥyā’ ‘ulūm al-dīn - (26574)
Author: Ḥujjat al-Islām a. Ḥāmid M. b. M.
al-Ghazzālī (d. 505/1111)

Incip.: قال الشيخ الامام الاجل زين الدين شرف الايمة
حجة الاسلام ابو حامد ... الغزالى ... احمد الله اولا
حمدا كثيرا متواليا وان كان يتضاك دون حق جلاله حمد
... الحامدين واصلى على رسله ثانيا
ff. 297, 25.5 x 19.5 / 20 x 13.5 cm., 19 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Clear vocalized naskhī hand.-
Dark-brown ink.- Later half-leather binding
(without flap).
Hand-book of Muslim theology and ethics.- First
part (rub’ al-’ibādāt).- Copied in Muḥ. 610/1213.-
Lacunae after fol. 293.
Ref. GAL I, 539 (no. 25): SI, 748.- Bouyges no. 2.
Another copy - (26575)
ff. 277, 27 x 18.5 / 20.5 x 13 cm., 25 lin..-
Oriental glazed paper.- Excellent partly vocalized
naskhī hand.- Black and red ink.- Later blind-
stamped brown leather binding (with flap).
Second part, containing rub’ al-’ādāt.- Copied
by ‘U. b. M. b. ‘U. al-Ḥalabī al-Shāfi’ī, date
not given (8/14th cent.).
Another copy - (26576)
ff. 299.- Blind-tooled dark-brown leather binding
(with flap).- Other details as in preceding entry.
Third part, containing rub’ al-muhlikāt.-
Copied by ‘U. al-Ḥalabī (see no. 115)

Another copy - (45818)
ff. 545, 30.5 x 16 / 20.5 x 11 cm., 25 lin..-
Laid glossy paper.- Elegant naskhī hand.- Illum-
inated headpieces and border, black and red ink.-
Blind-stamped dark-brown leather binding (flap
First half (rub’ al-’ibādāt and rub’ al-’ādāt).-
Dated 1160/1747.
Another copy - (19116)
ff. 645, 20.5 x 11.5 / 15 x 6.5 cm., 29 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Small neat naskhī hand.- Two
illuminated headpieces (fol. 1b, 279b), gilt border,
black and red ink.- Dark-brown gold-stamped
leather binding (with flap).
Second half (rub’ al-muhlikāt and rub’ al-mun-
jiyāt).- Copied in Ram. 1174/1761 by M. Sa’īd b.
Ḥ., for ‘Uth. Miṣrī-zādah.- Prov.: R. S. Greenshields.
[al-Ikmāl fī dhikr man lahu riwāyah fī Musnad
al-Imām A. b. Ḥanbal] - (191487)
Author: [M. b. ‘A. al-Ḥusainī al-Dimashqī
(d. 765/1364)]

Expl.: عجوز من بني نمير انها سمعت النبي عليه ...
السلام وهو يصلي بالناس ووجهه الى البيت الحديث رواه
عنها ابو السليل والله اعلم
ff. 89, 20.5 x 15 / 16 x 10 cm., 23 lin..- Laid
paper.- Clear round naskhī hand.- Black and red
ink.- Quires loose in badly damaged leather binding
(flap missing).
Supplement to Tahdhīb al-Kamāl (dictionary of
traditionists) of Yū. b. ‘Ar. al-Mizzī (d. 742/
1341).- Copied in Shaw. 1135/1723 by Yū. Ḥasab
Allāh al-Nabrāwī.- One or two folios lacking
at beginning.- Text collated (balagha muqābalatan).
Soiled towards end.
Ref. GAL II, 77 and SI, 606.- IM I, 117.
al-I’lām bi-muṣṭalaḥ al-shuhūd wa’l-ḥukkām - (96696)
Author: Najm al-Dīn a. Isḥāq Ibr. b. ‘Imād al-Dīn
a.’l-Ḥ. ‘A. b. A. al-Ṭarasūsī (d. 758/1356)
Incip.: الحمد لله على ما الهم حمدا استزيد من انعامه
فوق ما انعم ... وبعد فان معرفة الشروط فضيله لا
يستغني عنها ورتبة جليلة لا للقاضي المنصوب لفصل
... القضاء منها ورايت همم الناس في زماننا
ff. 112, 21 x 15 / 14.5 x 10 cm., 17 lin..-
Laid glossy paper.- Neat cursive naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Later half-leather binding
(without flap).
Hand-book for the notary.- Copied in Muḥ. 972/
1564 by M. b. M. b. ‘Abd al-Laṭīf al-Majdalāwī.
Presented to the Library by Prof. A. Guillaume.
Ref. GAL SII, 87 (no. 5).- ḤKh. I, 127.

al-Imtā’ bi’l-arba’īn al-mutabāyinah bi-sharṭ
al-samā’ - (191666)
Author: Abū’l-Faḍl A. b. ‘A. b. Ḥajar al-’Asqalānī
al-Shāfi’ī (d. 852/1449)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي علا بصفاته علمباينة لصفات
المخلوقات ... اما بعد فهذه اربعون حديثا من مروياتي
العاليات اقتصرت فيها على اعلا انواع التحمل وهو
... السماع دون الاجازات والمناولات والوجادات
ff. 32 (pp. 64), 21 x 17 / 17 x 11 cm., 19 lin..-
Wove pale brown paper.- Cursive naskhī hand.-
Black and red ink.- Green cloth binding (without
Collection of 40 (45 in this copy) traditions.-
Copied in Ram. 1334/1915, by ‘Al. b. M. al-Ṣaq’abī,
from a Ms. dated 830/1426.- Text collated (balagha
muqābaltan).- Former owner: M. b. Amīn al-Ḥusainī
al-Shanqīṭī (fol. 1a).
Ref. GAL II, 82 (no. 25): SN II, 75.
al-Insān al-Kāmil fī ma’rifat al-awākhir
wa’l-awā’il - (45817)
Author: ‘Abd al-Karīm b. Ibr. b. ‘Abd al-Karīm
b. Khalifah b. A. b. Ma. al-Kīlānī
(al-Jīlānī) *al-Baghdādī al-Rabī’ī al-Ṣūfī
(d. 832/1428)

Incip.: الحمد لمن قام بحمده اسم الله فتجلي في كل
كمال استحقه واقتضاه ... اما بعد فانه لما كان
... كمال الانسان في العلم بالله
ff. 194, 30 x 19.5 / 22 x 13 cm., 23 lin..-
Wove paper.- Clear naskhī hand.- Mainly black
ink.- Half-leather binding (without flap).
"The Perfect Man" (Ṣūfī treatise).- No date
(13/19th cent.).- * (or al-Jīlī).
Ref. GAL II, 264: SII, 283.
al-’Iqd al-Ḥusainī - (13236)
Author: Ḥu. b. ‘Abd al-Ṣamad al-Jabbā’
al-Ḥārithī (d. 984/1576)
Incip.: ... الحمد لله الذى انزل من السماء ماء طهورا
... وبعد فيقول ... حسين بن عبد الصمد الجباء الحارثى
لما وردت الاوامر العالية المشددة المويدة ... ان اكتب
... شيئا يتعلق بالوسواس وبالطهارة واحكامها
fol. 75b-86a, 21.5 x 12.5 / 17 x 8.5 cm., 20
lin..- Oriental thin paper.- Small nasta’līq
hand.- Double line border in green and red, text
in black and red.- Gold-stamped brown leather
binding (without flap).
Shī’ite treatise on ritual purity.- Copied in
Jum. II 1084/1673, by Ibn M. Ṭāhir M. b. Yūnus
M. Ṣādiq.- Borders partly oxidized.- Prov.: E. J.
Ref. Kantūrī 2125.

al-Ishārāt al-Juzwīyah wa’l-maqālāt al-’imādīyah
al-dāllah ‘alā ḥayāt al-nafs
al-rūḥānīyah - (46349)
Author: Abū’l-Qāsim A. b. M. al-’Irāqī al-Sīmāwī
(7/13th cent.)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذي فتح اقفال الصدور بمفاتيع السرور
والافراح ... وبعد فقد سالني بعض المريدين ان اجمع
لهم كتابا واسميه بعيون الحقايق من كل ما يعمل من
... علم الطرايق من السيميا والكيميا
fol. 88b-119b, 16 x 10.5 / 14.5 x 9 cm., 19-22
lin..- Laid paper.- Cursive somewhat inelegant
naskhī hand.- Black ink.- Half-leather binding
(with flap).
Manual of magic, divided into 10 maqālāt.- Incom-
plete at end (maqālah 1-5 only).- No date (ca. 1100/
1688.- Followed by (fol. 121-128) charms and prayers,
among which there are:
1. (fol. 126a-b) anon. prayer in verse entitled Ḥizb
al-barr (incompl. at end), incip.:
* بدات ببسم الله روحى به اهتدت
الى كشف اسرار بباطنه انطوت
2. (fol. 127a-128a) Ḥizb al-naṣr, usually attributed
to Abū’l-Ḥ. al-Shādhilī (see no.103), incip.:
هذا حزب النصر ... اللهم انى اسالك بسطوة جبروت
... قهرك وبسرعة اغاثة نصرك
Ref. Ullmann 391.- For Ḥizb al-naṣr see GAL I,
584 (no.7): SI, 805.- Princeton 1921.

Ishkāl al-’asharah fī funūn al-’asharah - (43260)
Author: Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dauwānī (see no. 95)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذى جعل السلطان غياثا للمستغيثين
... وبعد فيقول محمد بن اسعد الدوانى الصديقى
انى كنت برهة من الزمان ومدة من الاوان مشغوفا بان
... اسلك فى سلك خدام حضرة من فاق سلاطين الايام
fol. 75b-88b, 17.5 x 13/ 14 x 8 cm., 17 lin..-
Laid paper.- Neat Ottoman nasta’līq hand.- Black
and red ink.- Binding as in no. 95.
Discussions of various points taken from ten
disciplines, referred to (fol. 76b, lin.5) as R. fī
masā’il min al-funūn.- Dated 940/1533.
Ref. GAL II, 282 (no. 4): SII, 306.
al-Istibṣār fīmā ‘khtulifa fīhi min al-akhbār
- (47278)
Author: [M. b. al-Ḥ. al-Ṭūsī Shaikh al-Ṭā’ifah
(d. 459/1067)]
Incip.: كتاب الجهاد باب من يستحق ان تقسم الغنايم
فيهم اخبرنى الشيخ رحمه الله عن احمد بن محمد عن
... ابيه عن الصفار عن على بن محمد عن القاسم بن محمد
ff. 185, 29 x 17.5 / 21.5 x 10.5 cm., 23 lin..-
Oriental paper.- Clear naskhī hand.- Black and
red ink.- Dark-red leather binding with inlaid
medallions (without flap).

Second half of al-Ṭūsī's abridgement of his
Tahdhīb al-aḥkām (compendium of Shī’ite law).-
Copied by ‘Alībeg Burūjirdī, date shaved (12/18th
cent.).- Some marginal glosses and corrections.-
Margins water-stained.
Ref. GAL I, 512 (no.2): SI, 708.- Kantūrī, 189.-
Dharī’ah II, 43.
[al-Istighāthah] - (41332)
Author: [‘Ar. b. ‘Al. al-Suhailī (d. 581/1285)]
Incip.: * يا من يري ما فى الضمير ويسمع
انت المعد لكل ما يتواقع
fol. 2b-3a, 20 x 12.5 cm., 17 lin. in all.-
For other details see no.63.
Prayer in verse, also known as al-Qaṣīdah
al-’ainīyah.- No date (12/18th cent.).
Ref. GAL I, 526 (no. 3): SI, 734.
[Istighāthah] - (41154)
Author: anon.
Incip.: يا ارحم الراحمين يا ارحم الراحمين فرج على
المسلمين * يا الله يا حليم يا ربنا يا كريم يا
.... مولانا يا رحيم اجب دعوة الداعين * انت يا رب

fol. 1a-2b, 21 x 15.5 cm., 34 lin. in all.-
Naskhī hand.- Dark-brown ink.- Other details as
in no. 3.
Prayer in zajal.- No date (12/18th cent.).
[al-Istighfārah] - (41332)
Author: [Abū Madyan Shu’aib al-Tilimsānī
(d. 598/1193)]
Incip.: * استغفر الله مجري الفلك فى الظلم
على عباب من التيار ملتطم
fol. 1b-2a, 20 x 12.5 cm., 31 verses in all.-
Other details as in no.63.
Prayer in verse.- No date (12/18th cent.).
Ref. GAL I, 566 (no.4): SI, 785.
Itḥāf al-murīd li-Jauharat al-tauḥīd - (44093)
Author: ‘Abd al-Salām b. Ibr. al-Laqānī al-Mālikī
(d. 1078/1668)
Incip.: الحمد لله الذى رفع لاهل السنة المحمدية فى
... الخافقين اعلاما ... وبعد فيقول الفقير الحقير
عبد السلام ... اللقانى قد كنت لخصت ما علقه استاذنا
من عمدة المريد على عقيدته المسماة بجوهرة التوحيد فى
* الحمد لله على صلاته (‎متن) ... ‎اوراق قليلة
... ثم سلام الله مع صلاته

fol. 44b-95a, 21.5 x 15.5 / 17 x 10.5 cm., 25-30
lin..- Laid paper.- Naskhī hand.- Matn in red.-
Later half-leather binding (without flap).
Cmt. on his father's (Ibr. b. Ibr., d. 1041/1631)
Jauharat al-tauḥīd (theological treatise in
verse).- Composed in Ram. 1047/1638.- Copied in
Jum. I 1184/1770, ‘Al. b. ‘Ar. al-Shāfi’ī.- Text
collated (balāgh-note on fol. 95a shaved).
Ref. GAL II, 412 (cmt. b): SII, 436.
[I’tiqādāt al-Imāmīyah] - (26074)
Author: Abū Ja’far M. b. ‘A. b. al-Ḥu. b. Mūsā
b. Bābūyah (Bābawaih*) al-Qummī
[al-Ṣadūq] (d. 381/991)
Incip.: الحمد لله رب العالمين ... باب فى صفات
اعتقادات الامامية قال الشيخ ابو جعفر محمد ... اعلم
... ان اعتقادنا فى التوحيد ان الله تعالى واحد احد
ff. 32, 16.5 x 11/11 x 6 cm., 17 lin..- Oriental
paper.- Clear nasta’ līq hand.- Black and red ink.-
Blind-stamped black leather binding (flap missing).
Doctrines of the Shī’ah.- Copied in Dhū’ l-ḥ.
978/1571.- First folio supplied later.- Some
folios water-stained and soiled.
Ref. GAL I, 201 (no. 7): SI, 322.- Kantūrī,
239.- Dharī’ ah II, 887.- *Kaḥḥ. XI, 3.

Jam’ al-jawāmi’ see Lubb al-uṣūl
Jauharat al-tauḥīd see Itḥāf al-murīd ...
Jawāb su’āl Muftī Baghdād see no. 277 (9)
al-Jāi’ al-Ṣaḥīḥ - (26628)
Author: Abū ‘ Al. M. b. Ism. al-Bukhārī
(d. 256/870)
Incip.: اخبرنا الشيخ الامام ... جمال الدين ابو محمد
يونس بن يحيى بن ابي الحسن بن ابي البركات الهاشمي
العباسي ... قراة عليه وانا اسمع فاقرا فيه وذلك
في مجالس اخرها يوم السبت ثاني ربيع الاول سنة ثلاث
وستماية قال اخبرنا الشيخ الامام ... كيف كان بدو
... الوحي الى رسول الله صلى الله عليه عليه وسلم
ff. 320, 27.5 x 18.5/19.5 x 13 cm., 19 lin..-
Oriental glazed paper.- Elegant bold naskhī hand.-
Illuminated title page, black and red ink.- Green
cloth covered leather binding (with flap).
Collection of Traditions.- First part (as far
as K. ṣalāt al-tarāwīḥ).- Copied by M. b. A. b.
Khālid al-Basrāṭī, in Rab. II 822/1419.
Ref. GAL I, 164: SI, 261.
Another copy - (26629)
ff. 313.- Other details as in preceding entry.
Second part (K. al-buyū’ - K. al-manāqib).-
Copied in Raj. 822/1419, by al-Basrāṭī (no. 132).

Another copy - (26630)
ff. 380.- Other details as in no 132.
Third part (K. al-maghāzī - K. al-marḍā).- No
date (ca. 822/1419).- fol. 3-22, 203-372, and 380
in various hands, mainly of later supply.
Another copy - (26631)
ff. 289.- For other details see no 132.
Fourth part (K. al-á¹­ibb - end).- Copied in Rab. I
823/1420 by al-Basrāṭī (no. 132).
Another copy - (43255)
ff. 240, 27.5 x 17.5/21.5 x 13.5 cm., 25 lin..-
Oriental glazed paper.- Clear vocalized naskhī
hand.- Chapter headings in red.- Half-leather
binding (with flap).
First part (as far as K. al-i’tikāf).- Copied
in Shaw. 849/1446.- Two collation notes on fol.
240a.- Some folios torn and water-stained.
Another copy - (191788)
ff. 243, 26.5 x 18.5/19.5 x 12.5 cm., 15 lin..-

Full Text






Adam Gacek, 1981 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. 1. University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies. Library -Catalogues 2. Manuscripts, Arabic -Catalogues I. Title II. Gacek, Adam 011' .31 Z662l.L/ ISBN 0-7286-0088-9 Printed in Great Britain by Ashford Press, Shedfield


TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Introduction Transliteration table Abbreviations Title sequence, no.l-394 Subject index, p.242-258 Index of persons' names, p.259-296 Index of verses, p.297-298 Chronological index, p.299-301 Numerical index, p.302-306 Plates, fig.l-12


FOREWORD The idea of publishing some kind of catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in S.O.A.S. Library is not new. It was first conceived in 1939 when Prof. R.L. Turner was Director and Librarian, and Dr. A.J. Arberry (then Assistant Librarian at the India Office) prepared a handlist of both Arabic and Persian manuscripts, and went some way in correcting copy for the press. However, a number of difficulties seem to have arisen, not least because of the outbreak of war and the actual printing of the text being being assigned to Beirut. The project was abandoned in 1950. It is, therefore, particularly pleasing for me that I was able to revive the idea and to make arrangements for a complete catalogue of the Arabic manu?cripts with full bibliographical details and appropriate indexes. Although the number of manuscripts has doubled since the earlier attempt, the work has come to fruition in little more than six months. Credit for this accomplishment must go, of couse, to the compiler of the catalogue, Adam Gacek, who first came to the Library in January 1978 to prepare a catalogue of the rich collection of Arabic manuscripts belonging to the King Faisal Philanthropic Foundation. This task,which took some two and threequarter years and to which he brought considerable expertise and devotion, was completed in Autumn 1980. He then accepted a further commission to undertake the cataloguing for publication of the School's own Arabic manuscripts, and the results of his labours are contained in this volume. Tne manuscripts embrace a whole range of subject matter, as can be seen from the subect index, and some of them are rare or unique. The illustrations have been carefully chosen to reveal noteworthy examples of calligraphy, embellishment, and binding. It is hoped that the catalogue will be of to scholars not only within the University of London, but throughout the world.


Acknowledgement must be made to Mr. P.J. Honey, Chairman of the Library Committee, and to the Director, Prof. C.D. Cowan, for supporting the proposal; to the Publications Committee for approving publication and meeting the costs of production from School funds; and to Mr. M.J. Daly, Publications Officer, for arrangements with the printer and for technical advice. V.T.H. Parry, Librarian. ,


INTRODUCTION The present catalogue describes the collection of Arabic manuscripts held at the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. The collection consists of over 400 items grouped in 394 entries, and embraces, in addition to such traditional Islamic disciplines as Tafsir, Fiqh, etc., works on Mathematics, Astronomy, Medicine, Falconry, Arcbery, and Military Equitation. A sizeable proportion of the collection constitutes Shi'ah literature, with its 17 Isma'Il! manuscripts of Indian provenance. The Shaikhi sect is represented by 37 tracts and responsa of al-Rashti (no.277). Among the manuscripts described in the following pages the reader will find some with parallel or interlinear translation into a number of languages such as: Coptic (nos 46, 187), French (no.376), Italian (no.29), Malay (nos 35, 77, 230, 231, 287, 312, 378), Persian (nos 25, 64, 102, 248, 251, 287, 341), and Swahili (nos 201, 246, 255). The entries are arranged alphabetically by title, with references (see, =) grouped together and directly preceding the letter sequence. The alphabetical order has been adjusted in order to accommodate the system of transliteration, the additional letters being placed as follows: d, dh, d: g, gh: h, h: k, kh: s, sh, s: t, th, t.* The definite article (al) has been ..&.. replaced by a hyphen (-) at the beginning of an entry, in the reference section and index of persons' names, and it has been disregarded as far as alphabetization is concerned. Abbreviated names such as 'Al., H., M., etc. , have been alphabetized as 'Abd AlUih, an, MulJ.ammad, etc. * This does not apply to the sequence of letters within a word.


INTRODUCTION Duplicate copies, as well as second, third, and any subsequent volumes of the same work have been arranged chronologically. All entries are provided with two numbers: a) catalogue (sequence) number, placed above the title, and b) accession (shelf) number, given in round brackets and immediately following the title. The manuscripts have been described according to the following rules: 1) The title and author's name have been given in the form in which they appear in the manuscript. Any other relevant information, taken from other sources than the manuscript itself, has been put in square brackets. The same brackets have also been used for those descriptive titles provided by the cataloguer. 2) The author's name is usually followed by the opening (incip.) or closing (expl.) lines of the manuscript, with the preservation of the original Arabic orthography. 3) The collation statement begins with the foliation (ff., fol.), which is then followed by the measurements in centimetres, first of the page, and then, of the written area (the length precedes the width), and ends with the number of lines per page. 4) Further information includes: type of paper, hand, ink, decorations (if any), and a note on binding. 5) This is followed by a short description of the manuscript's content, its date of composition (if known), and date of transcription together with the copyist's name. 6) Other features usually noted are: the state of preservation and provenance (prov.). Those manuscripts which originally formed part of the collection of William Marsden are marked with Marsden Ms.


INTRODUCTION 7) The entries are, as far as possible, accompanied by references to such major works as GAL, GAS, IM, etc. (see list of abbreviations). The cataloguer acknowledges previous efforts in identifying part of the collection by the late Prof. A.J. Arberry, as well as former librarians in the Islamic Middle East Section of the Library. Thanks are also due to Salah Jarrar who kindly proof-read the Arabic text. The collection has been catalogued in the Library of the School of and African Studies, University of London, under the guidance of the Librarian Mr. V.T.H. Parry, whose interest and assistance are greatly appreciated in this project. A. Gacek May, 1981. ,,


TRANSLITERATION TABLE a .b t: ....... b ..b c. t t c !.!. th t gh t j 1..3 f t l} Jj q t kh 1.!.1 k ..l d J 1 ..) dh r m ..) r 0 n .) z c) h 1.)" s ..J w (u) A sh !.,? y (I) 1.)" d' s. :> d' 9


ABBREVIATIONS N.B. The abbreviations for catalogues listed in GAL I, 4-6 SI, 5-11 are excluded. a. abu(I) A. Ahmad -. 'A. 'Ali 'Al. 'Abd Allah cAq. 'Abd al-Qadir 'Ar. 'Abd al-Rahman . B. Bab b. -ibn Badger Salil b. Ruzaiq: History of the Imams and Sayyids of 'Oman ••. translated by G.P. Badger. London,1871. Bouyges -Bouyges, M.: Essai de chronologie des oeuvres de al-Ghazali (Algazel) • Beyrouth, 1959. Ch. Beatty -The Chester Beatty Library. A handlist of Arabic manuscripts, by Arthur J. Arberry. Dublin, 1955-66. 8 vols. cmt. -commentary D. Da'ud Dhari'ah Burzug al-Tihrani: al-Dhari'ah ila al-Shi'ah. Najaf and Tehran, 1355-98 A.H .. 25 vols. Ef. Efendi Fahd-Fahd, T.: La divination arabe. Leiden, 1966. GAL-Brockelmann, c.: Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. 2nd ed., Leiden, 1943-49. 2 vols. Supplement (to the first edition) Leiden, 1937-42. 3 vols. GAS Sezgin, F.: Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. Leiden, 1967-


ABBREVIATIONS GCAL-Graf, G.: Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur. Roma, 1944-53. 5 vols. l}asan HKh. l}ajji Khalifah: Kashf 'an asami al-kutub wa'l-funun, ed. Yaltkaya. Istanbul, 1941-43. 2 vols. Hu. -Husain ......___ . Ibr. Ibrahim IM -Isma'Il Pasha al-Baghdadi: al-maknun fi'l-dhail 'ala Kashf Istanbul, 1945-47. 2 vols. India Off. -Catalogue of two collections of Persian and Arabic manuscripts preserved in the India Office Library, by E. Denison Ross and Edward G. Browne. London, 1902. Ism. Isma'Il ---K. Kitab Kahh. -'umar Riga Mu'jam al-mu'allifin. Damascus, 1957-61. 15 vols. Kanturi I'jaz l}usain al-Kanturi: Kashf wa'l-astar 'an asma' al-kutub wa'l-asfar. Calcutta, 1935. M. Ma. Makt. al-auqaf -Fihris al-makhtutat al-'arabiyah fi Maktabt al-Auqaf fi Baghdad, by 'Abd Allah al-Juburi. Baghdad, 1973-4. 4 vols. Poonawala -Ismail K. Poonawala: Biobibliography of Isma'Ili literature (Studies in Near Eastern culture and society) . t-1alibu (California), 1977. Princeton -Mach, Rudolf: Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts (Yahuda Section) in the Garrett collection. Princeton University Library. Princeton, 1977.


ABBREVIATIONS Q. Qasim R. -Risalah Rabat II -Catalogue des manuscrits arabes de Rabat. Deuxieme serie (1921-53) I par I.S. Allouche et A. Regragoui. Paris, 1954-58. 2 vols. Rogers-Rogers, P.G.: A history of Anglo-Moroccan relations to 1900. London, [1977]. s. stirah s. Sulaiman 'u. 'umar. Ullmann-Ullmann, M.: Die Natur-und Geheimwissenschaften im Islam (Handbuch der Orientalistik). Leiden, 1972. c uth • -c uthman Ya. Yal].ya Yu. Yusuf Zah. (hadith) -Fihris makhtutat oar al-Kutub . . al-muntakhab min al-l].adith, by M. al-Din al-Albani. Damascus, 1970. Zah.(ta)rikh)IFihris makhtutat oar al-Kutub al-ta)rikh wa mull].aqatuhu, by Yusuf 'Ashsh. Damascus, 1947. Zirk. -Khair al-Din al-Zirkili: al-A'lam, qamus tarajim ... 3rd print .• Beirut, 1969. 10 vols.


11 A 11 Abyat see no. 344(3) -Abyat fi'l-Ism al-A'zam see no. 344(2) 0 --Abraksis = Akhba r al-Rusul Ajwibat masa'il al-Saiyid 'A. al-Bahbahanr see no. 277(23) -Akhtarr = Lughat Akhtarr al-Kabir -A'lam al-'Aliyah = Manaqib Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyah 1 Alfiyat ai-mufid = al-mufradat Amthal (anon.) see no. 29 'Aqidah (anon.) no. 212(2) 'Aqidat Ibn see 'Aqidat al-Sanusr = Umm al-barahin 'Aqidat al-Shaikh see nos 212 & 378 1 [Adciyah} (40306) o Author: anon. Incip.: 0 1 • • • .LlJI J_,...,..J .LlJI .LlJI ff.6, 25 x 17/ 22 x 12 cm., 16 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Vocalized naskhi hand.-Black ink.-Unbound. Ceremonial prayers in Arabic and Urdu.No date (13/19th cent.). 2 al-cAdudiy a h (4? 5 89) Author: ['Adud al-Din cAr. b. A. al-Iji (d. 756/1355)]


Incip.: r? cU.ll " A " ff.251, 24.5 x 12 I 15 x 7 cm., 25-26 lin •. -Oriental paper.Nastacliq hand.Words qala 2 and aqulu, as well as overlinings in red.-Later quarter-leather binding (without flap) • Crnt. on Ibn al-Hajib's (cuth. b. cu.,d.646l1249) Mukhtasar al-Muntaha fiJl-usul.Composed (taswid) in Shacb. 73411333.-Copied (taQrir) in Shacb. 77011369.fol.1-4, 7-26, 29-31, 34-35, and 167 supplied in Jum.II 124411828, by MliQsin TuraiQ. Marginal glosses and corrections.-Edges repaired. Ref. GAL I, 372 (no.VIII,cmt.3) : SI, 537. 3 Adwar al-wujud -(41154) Author: Ma. al-Bukhari al-Qadiri al-Shattari Incip.: c..;r9 All Lo....l..9 .J • • • r . : o .JI 11 I ;; 9 : .j"::' I _,.-JI L.,. L..i> A...o ..1& .J • • • 0-::-..UI 0-:-' \)-:,'..01 _J>...S • •. 0LS c..,:r9 ..l_y.-_,JI ..;I.J..lL,. c-l o ... oll 6..,-._;UJI CUL..._,JI • • • L.ib.JI fol.2b-45a, 21 x 15.5 I 16.5 x 10 cm., 21-24 lin .. -Laid paper (deckle edge).naskhi hand.-Dark-brown, red, and blue ink; diagrams.Modern quarter-leather binding (without flap).


11 A 11 3 Translation from the Persian of a treatise on the degrees of existence. Rendered into Arabic (ta'rib) in Sha'b. 1088/1677(see versified colophon), by Fakhr al-Din b. Jalal al-Din Ma. al-Bukhari al-Naqshabandi.-No date (12/18th cent.).Badly water-stained.-Not in GAL, for the Persian original see India Off. CCXXXVI (Sahifah-i mahamid-i al-wujud). 4 al-AJikiim al-Mulakhkhaijah fi J;ukm mZP al-J;imm i 'iah (54445) Author: al-Shurunbulali (d.1069/1658) Incip.: Lo...,.-9 L:...J e,r. All tr 0--0 y L .:le ,_J L..a..,. t .; IS.J tY t..i_,...:, ••• (.)--> c...P.Jl>.Jil _,_.,.I • • • ••• L,"" .:o ... fol.20b-24a, 21 x 15 I 15 x 9 cm., 21 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern binding (without flap) . The 4th risalah from his al-Tahqiqat al-Qudsiyah (Berlin 5002) on a problem of ritual purity.Composed (ta)lif) in Dhu)l-q. 1059/1649.-Copied in 1178/1764, by M. Ef. al-Shadhili. Ref. GAL II, 407 (no.S) : SII, 431.


" A " 5 cAja)ib al-malakut (43258) Author: Abu Jacfar M. b. cAl. ( 5 I 11 th cent • ) 4 Expl. : I .lJl, (,1 _,.:9 Jh...,..j • • • '-:' L:.SJI _,>I I .lJl, _, '-:'I _,.:.JJ_, ft )11 ct.,.-3 Lo u-Jl 9. ..l 4-JI..J ,......U I ••• J.S ff.SS, 29 x 10 I 27 x 7.5 cm., 29 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear Persian naskhi hand. (written diagonally).-Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap). History of creation.-Copied (taQrir) in Jum.II 104111631 by Ibr. b. Incompl. at beginning (fol.1a: B. fi dhikr al-lauh wa'l-qalam), lacuna after fol.SO.Some leaves water-stained, fol.49 and 50 damaged. Ref. GAL I, 429 (no.2) : SI, 592. 6 al-Ajwibah al-Jaliyah al-dacawat -(45814) Author: al-Shaikh Ziyadah (12l18th cent.) Incip.: • • • A...:-y.)ll A..JL-f..;/ ' .... , ... : 0L..,....,. J.S J.....;...:..::_, • • • '-:'I J I __,_.11 0..J..l 0-0 J I L..o...h L,. 9. .. :..S .. JJ_, J L-a..ll ..:,.., I ..>...9 ' J I y-t , • • • •


11 A 11 ff.45, 24 x 18 I 19.5 x 10 cm., 21 lin .. Wove buff paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.-Quarter-leather binding (without flap) . 5 Treatise containing 74 questions and answers relating to the falsity of the Christian faith: preceded by a letter from Abu Ibr. b. al-Hadidi known as al-Mani' to the author, and followed by a letter of thanks by the same in which he says that the arguments put forward in this book, as well as in his al-Bahth al-Sarih (see fol.1b) have converted him to Islam.-No date (late 13l19th cent.).-Some marginal glosses. Ref. GAL SII, 459 : SNII,459 -where the author's name is given as Ziyadah b. Ya. al-Nasb al-Ra'si. See also IM I, 26 -ascribed to M. b. 'A. al-Tibi al-Dimashqi. Author's name also appears as Ziyadat Allah al-Muhtadi in IM I, 163. 7 Akhbar al-Rusul (14086) Author: Luqa Katib al-Injil Incip.: ...U • • • J..._rll _;LP-I _y. .;..J-'OJII )l,....9_,L:. L., Jl_,l .. • .. .. I R •• J I R ; .' t ...... 0 11 L:...:;..) fol.145a-197a, 30.5 x 21.5 I 18 x 12.5 cm., 17 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Bold naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Brown leather binding (without flap) . Acts of the Apostles.-No date (late 11l17th cent.).-Ink off set.-Presented to the Library by Mr. Stephen Gazelee in Dec. 1921.


11 A 11 8 [Akhbar cubaid (cAbid) b. Sharyah} (19320) Author: cubaid ('Abid) b. Sharyah (Shariyah) al-Jurhumi (1/7th cent.) 6 Incip. (as extant): ,._J_, c..S..J..o_, 1 •• • 1 ••• ))_, wL..u ))_, .l-sL.o ))_, fol.128a-183a, 27 x 19.5 I 22 x 15 cm., 27 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Double line border inred, text rubricated.-Blindstamped red leather binding (without flap). Legends of the kings of Yemen and Yemenite poetry.-Copied in Sha'b.997/1589 by 'A. b. M. b. Sa'Id al-Qamlani, for Fakhr al-Din 'Al. b. M. al-Rammah.First folio missing.-fol.183-188: several pieces of poetry and an extract from al-Baha'!'s ('A. b. 'Al., d.815/1412) Matali' al-Budur (see GAL II, 68 : SII, 55).-Presented to the Library by Dr. A. H. Gardiner. Ref. GAL I, 63 : SI, 100.-GAS I, 260. 9 Ibn MaZik (7153) Author: Abu 'Al. M. b. 'Al. b. Malik al-Ta'I al-Jaiyanr (d.672/1273) Incip.: * illL> 0-:-l yJb JU illL, .LiJI


" A " 7 ff.46, 22 x 13.5 I 14 x 9 cm., 12 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat vocalized maghribi hand.Double line border in red, text in black, red, green, yellow, and blue ink.-Black cloth binding (without flap) . Arabic grammar in 1000 rajaz-verses, also known as al-Alfiyah.-No date (12l18th cent.). Marsden Ms. Ref. GAL I, 356 (no. II) : SI, 522. 10 Alj!yat aZ-'Iraqi (191492) Author: 'Abd al-Raoim b. al-'Iraqi (d.806l1404) Incip.: liE ..) , .. , iioll 0-:-f"':P' liE 'SJ'SJ I 9. .L1J I ...l...o.> ..l..a....,-IJ-0 \.Y 0 L....::....o I v-l.J: ff.47, 31 x 21 I 17.5 x 12 cm., 12 lin .. Wove paper.-Clear vocalized naskhi hand.Mainly black ink.-Quarter-leather binding (without flap) . Versification of Ibn al-Salah's ('Uth. b. 'Ar.) K. 'ullim al-hadith, also known as Tabsirat al-mubtadi' or al-Maqaid al-Muhmalah.-Copied and read to M. al-Shanqiti in Rab.II 132811910.Former owner: M. b. M. al-cAssafi (fol.1a) .Ref. GAL I, 442 (vers.b) : SI, 612.


" A " 8 11 Alphabet (4?282) fol.1, 22.5 x 24 cm.1 Laid paper.-European hand.-Black ink.-No date (early 19th cent.). "Alphabet used by the 'Inhabitants of the Island Johanna" : being a list of 29 Arabic characters (including lam-alif) , the main characteristics of which are that (1} the diacritical points of the letters ba', ta', tha' are placed at the right extremity of the lette;;-(2) the letter ta' has ..._ a diacritical point placed beneath. fol.2, 16 x 9 cm .. -"Superscription of a Letter from the Island of Sada, on the coast of Madagascar, dated 23 May 1617". Arabic characters are not joined together.-Marsden Ms. 12 AZphabetum sive APabicum occidentaZium fPom Dombay's GPammaP(11593) fol.1. 23 x 18.5 cm .. -Laid paper.-European hand.-Dark-brown ink.-No date (early 19th cent.). Ref. Franz L. von Dombay: Grammatica Linguae Mauro-Arabicae ... Vindobonae, 1800.Marsden Ms. 13 ' A'maZ aZ-quZUb (19166?) Author: [A. b. 'Abd al-ijalim] b. Taimiyah (d 0 72 8/1328) l '


11 A 11 9 Incip. : 0-0 4.....l.IL,. J " ... a ..... .J cUI ...l...o..:>..JI L..ol ... 0-0J I .,;.1 ..;Jr L..o Ui.o..JI ":-' _,..l.i.JI J r..;r3 6 Lo.....l5 ..ul y-SJ l.:lb..J Jl J • • • 4.....l.ll J$ u _,...., ..;J 4.....l.ll fol.14b-39a, 21.5 x 15 I 15.5 x 9 cm., 24 lin •• -Laid paper.-Irregular naskhi hand.-Mainly black ink.-Disbound. Theological tract, better known as al-Tuhfah al-'Iraqiyah fi'l-a'mal al-qalbiyah.-No date ca.1232l1816). Ref. GAL SII, 122 (no.43) .-Makt. al-auqaf II, 2759. 14 AmthaZ Luqman aZ-ijakim (46352) Incip.: ?:_;> 6..,ro ..l.-1 JU 61 .S0 ... 01 ,b . . .' l...:.l..SJ I a .. I a • • • I o' . , ; . 0-0 fol.25b-35a, 27 x 20.5 I 19 x 13 cm., 19 lin .. -Laid paper.-Cursive naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.Half-leather binding (without flap). Fables of Luqman (mathal 1-41) .-Copied in Paris, Shubat 1820, by Mikha'Il Sham(?), for caussin de Perceval (Armand Pierre) . Ref. GAL II, 74 : SII, 65.


11 A 11 15 Another copy -(46352) fol.39b-50b.Other details as in preceding entry. 10 Mathal 1-36.-Transcribed from a copy produced by b. Niqula Sabbagh (d. 1816, see GAL II, 630: SII, 728), for Marcel (J.J.), Director of the Imprimerie Nationale who published the Cairo 1799 edition of the Fables.-No date (ca.1820 A.D. -same hand as in no. 14). 16 [al-Amthilah al-MUkhtali[ah] (12095) Author: anon. Incip.: ,.._J 1!11 ..l_, ..r'L...:. ••• fol.60b-69b, 18.5 x 11 I 14 x 5.5 cm., 6 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.Ottoman naskhi hand.-Gilt border, black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap) • Paradigms of verb conjugation, with Turkish glosses.-No date (12/18th cent.). Marsden Ms. Ref. Berlin 6817. , ,


11 A 11 11 17 Anwar aZ-tanziZ wa-asrar (26759a) Author: ['Al. b. 'u. al-Baidawi (d.716/1316)] Incip.: 6.l...,.oS 0 U__ri-JI Jr 15.:UI 4lJ 1_;1-l-i..o ry-la.JI 0 u ••• ••• _;.:"' ..... 11 1 _;L....o__, u__r. ff.284, 18.5 x 13 I 13.5 x 9 cm., 29 lin .. -Oriental glazed paper.Small cursive Persian naskhi hand.Plain illuminated headpiece. Borders, vocalization, and surah headings in gold. Text in black ink.-Later blind-stamped red leather binding (with flap and slip-case). Cmt. on the QurJan.Vol.1 (as far as s.18) .-No date (ca.807/1404) .-fol.1-3 and 10-11 supplied in late 13/19th cent .. -Marginal glosses and corrections. Ref. GAL I, 530 : SI, 738. 18 Another copy -(26759b) ff.236.Other details as in preceding entry. Vol.2 (second half of the foregoing cmt.) .Copied in Rab.I 807/1404.Last few folios torn and patched.


11 A 11 19 [a.l-cAqa>id al-Nasafiyah} (43265) Author: Najm al-Din a. cu. b. M. b. A. al-Nasafi (d.537/1142) 12 fol.20b-32a, 27 x 18 I 16.5 x 11 cm., 7 lin .. -Javanese paper.-Clear vocalized naskhi hand.Black ink.-Modern quarter-cloth binding (without flap) . Muslim creed, with a Sundanese interlinear translation.-No date (12/18th cent.).Some folios water-stained.-Marsden Ms. Ref. GAL I, 548 : SI, 758. 20 Author: anon. Incip.: A.JI__, JJ J_,...., Lo I 9 "rs 0 J5 (,1 cLul Jl u .u....,. Lo I 0-:t p o=:--1 4..,-L: .Lul .Lu1 cu_;a-o ,YI Jjl 01__, .Lu1 Sit A.Jt )I A.J._,JLJ \ ;


11 A 11 fol.1b-20b.Other details as in preceding entry. Anon. creed, with a Sundanese translation.No date (12/18th cent.). 21 Madyan -(26408) 13 Author: Abu Madyan Shu'aib b. al-Ishbili al-Qutnaiyani min 'ubbad Tilimsan (d.598/1193) Incip.: b...J I c,..l.>JI ....::.. L-(>-& ..lJi..::. 1..5 All • • • b...J Li,Q \.!...l.>JI A .. ." ...... IJ (>-& C.Jb .r:-..J fol.20b-22a, 20 x 14.5 I 14 x 9.5 cm., 14 lin .. -Laid paper.-Maghribi hand.-Brown and red ink.Dark-brown leather binding (with onlaid medallions and flap). Short Muslim creed.-No date (12/18th cent.).Edges water-stained. Ref. GAL I, 566 (no.l) : SI, 784. 22 Aqrat al-dhahab [i':J l-mu[akharah baina al-Rawjah wa-Bi)r al-cAzab -(40911) Author: Fakhr al-Din 'Al. b. 'A. al-Wazir ( al-San'ani] (d.1147 /1735)


" A " 14 Incip.: l?,.l.JI oJ.I .l...o..:>-11 ..lJi..j • • • 6..lL..,..& l7i .. -:. 0 6_:rJI JU t..r3 o.-SJ_.r.JI 0Lh..l-•.. A....._......:. 0-:--J ..l...o>l U..,._r.JI c....JU fol.242b-271a, 28 x 15.5 I 17.5 x 9.5 cm., 15 lin .. -Laid paper.-Elegant vocalized naskhi hand.-Black, red, and yellow ink: margins ruled.-Brown leather binding (with flap). Literary composition on the rival merits of two places in the neighbourhood of Composed . for Husam al-Din Muhsin b. al-Hu. b. Amir al-Mu'minin.Copied in for Abu M. A. b. al-Hu. b. al-H. b. Amir al-Mu'minin, by Ism. b. b. Ya. al-Hamzi al-Kaukabani. Prov.: George C. Williams. Ref. GAL II, 525 : SII, 544.KaQQ VI, 86. 23 [Arabic -English Lexicon] (216??3) Author: Carlile Henry Hayes Macartney Continuation (letter "q") of E.W. Lane's "An Arabic-English lexicon", in 62 notebooks. Presented to the Library by his son C.A. Macartney in June 1933. 24 al-Qur5an , (26581) Author: Abu IsQaq A. b. M. b. Ibr. al-Thaclabi (d.427/1035)


" A " 15 Incip.: A ... JI_, d.> All '-:-' t.....::.S I • • • Y.. I R ... 11 • • • '"'L...:o......, I . _,_,.I I J u 0 • • , .. o 11 UJI_, 0 t....,....,...l_,,. 0 1 _ri-ll J..o..:;..:..., ••• ff.216, 25 x 17 I 18 x 11.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Oriental glazed paper.-Bold naskhi hand.-Black ink.-Half-leather binding (flap missing). History of the Prophets.-Vol.1 (ending with the account of Moses and al-Khigr) .-Dated (in later hand but apparently correct) 72811328.-fol.190-199 misbound (should precede fol.180) .-Last leaf supplied later. Ref. GAL I, 429 : SI, 592. 25 Arba'un (35343) Author: ['Ar. b. A. al-Jami (d.898l1492)] Incip.: . . . ff.9, 23.5 x 15 I 14 x 8 cm., 3 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Calligraphic nasta'liq hand.-Profusely illuminated and decorated throughout, with each page divided into 7 panels.-Exquisite lacquer binding depicting flowers (without flap). Forty traditions, with a paraphrase in Persian.Composed in 88611481.-No date (late 10I16th cent.).-Scribe's name erased.-Prov.: R.S. Greenshields. Ref. GAL II, 267 (no.8) : SII, 286 (al-Tiryaq li-ahl al-istihqaq) .


11 A 11 26 aZ-A:rabacu.n [aZ-.Wadcaniyah] wa5L-khuyab (19074) Author: [M. b. eA. b. Wadcan al-Mausili (d.404/1101)] 16 Incip.: '-7 •. b ... ll_, J:u: I '-:-'l..:.S 0-0 r-1-_, . oWJI oWJI J.r..; u-s: ..l..,....-0-:-oWJI 0-:' I . .-h> JU A-ill u-:-1 (.)-& f.SJ..; J_,JII •• • L.:.. 4-,.-9 c. 0 L.S U"' • • • oWJI J.r J • • • L.:.. 4-,.-9 Jj>JI 0 L.S.., fol.294a-296a, 23.5 x 16 I 18 x 12.5 cm., 29-30 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Vocalized naskhi hand.Brown ink.-Later red leather binding (with onlaid medallions, and flap). Forty Traditions.-No date (8/14th cent.).Incompl. at end (text breaks off after the 29th hadith) .-Water-stained. Ref. GAL I, 435 : SI, 602. 27 Author:[al-Nucma.n b. M. b. b. al-Tamimi (d.363/974)] Incip.: All A-:. L...:...:...o I A-ill .l......... L L.:.. u ..)..a..... Lo I • • • C\..o.::.. 11 . .., .. .. . . ..r c..r."""' •• •• ()-.::.:?-" 011 I .b .. ,: ..l-9 &..$ A..:.L.....:..I_, A..:.y_,


11 A 11 17 ff.151, 24 x 13 I 19.5 x 9 cm., 18-19 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Bold inelegant but legible naskhi hand.-Headings in red.-Modern halfleather binding (without flap). Isma'Ili treatise (in 17 ajza))on the interpretation of Qur)anic mythology.-Copied by Musa b. Mulla Luqmanjr b. 'A. Pa)r Wakanri in the time of da'r Zaki al-Din Taiyib b. Isma'Ilji b.Raj. Date given as 93 (?) and crossed out, perhaps 1093/1682. Ref. GAL SI, 953.-Poonawala 63-64. 28 Ash'ar al-Hudhaliyin (46352) Compiler: Abu sa'Id al-H. b. al-Hu. al-Sukkarr . . (d.275/888), in the recention (riwayah) of Abu)l-l}. 'A. b. 'Isa b. 'A. al-Naowi [al-Rummani] (d.384/994), via Abu Bakr A. b. a. Sahl al-Hulwani. Incip.: J-,....6. Lr:' ...,n--b .>-:'I J U ...r-1 _,...h..JI Lr:' _r-JI Lr:' Jtb L.S Lr:' Lo 0t...z 0-0 0 L.S J U . L,. _r I y-:.. L.S Lr:' ..l..R.... Lr:' Lr:' . . . fol.1b-8b, 27 x 20.5 cm., 21 lin .. -Brownish ink.Other details as in no 14. Poems of the Hudhaili bards.-Incompl. at end.-No date (13/19th cent.). Ref. GAL SI, 42.-GAS II, 39.


11 A 11 18 29 [Ash'ar (47284) Author: anon. Incip.: * I.JA-.:J ..l...i 0-0 L::-1..3 _r .l.> uo ... ".,.I.:J J.,r-11 d_,.3 ff.90 (pp.180), 21.5 x 16 I 13.5 x 11.5 cm., 16 lin .. -Wove paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Quarter-leather binding (without flap) • Collection of Egyptian dialect poems (218 stanzas), accompanied by an Italian translation as far as stanza 128.-No date (late 13l19th cent.).-Followed by a collection of proverbs (arathal) incip.(p.173) 0-:-!r.:J A.a-,.JI t_;;JI A..:..... • • • La...o .:J I _;;JI t.:Jr Prov.: Major C. Murrey. 30 Ash'ar (100449) Author: Yazid b. Mu'awiyah (reg.60-4l680-3) fol.211b-212b, 32 x 20 I 22 x 13.5 cm., 12-16 lin .. -Ruled European naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Half-cloth binding flap) . Caliph Yazid's three poems: 1. (18 verses, rhyme-dal)incip.: .c..1...., 4....l..:...:. a I Lo LA..1..... llv . . ' r .. L...:.JL


" A " 19 2. (16 verses, rhymemim) incip.: liE tU_,JI 4-loL:.I u ' . . 3. (42 verses, rhymemim) incip.: liE _,::. ..J I L,. _,_;, J I '-:-'G.......ll Copied in Oct. 1929 by F. Krenkow, from the exemplar in the possession of his friend al-Dujaili. Ref. GAL SI, 96.GAS II, 316-7. 31 al-Ashbah -(44484) Author: [Zain al-Din 'u. b. Ibr. b. Nujaim (d.970/1563)] Incip. (fol.5a): A.JJI r-L-1 Lo cUI I J.l...i r_,..l.a.JI J_r.l u.i.JI 0u ... l...r.l ff.198, 20 x 14.5 I 14.5 x 10 cm., 21 lin .. -Laid paper.Small naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.Brown leather binding (without flap, covered with embroidered cloth). Work on 9anafi law (in seven funun) .-Composed in Jum.II 969/1562.-No date (late 11/17th cent.).Preceded by fihrist.-Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest) . Ref. GAL II, 401 : SII, 425.


11 A 11 32 aZ-AtwaZ (4?268) Author: cisam al-Din Ibr. b. M. b. cArabshah (d.944/1537} 20 Incip.: L,.l._ro LoS JL> J5 JJ 6....1.JI ...Js ... iaoll • • • J,.D..;I 0 1 ..J1 .,. o 11 • • • A..,-Jl..o J,:....o I .!J J J .. o> ... A..,-•! o ... • : l..o • . • J l..o )11 J_,...:. ff.339, 26 x 19.5 I 20.5 x 12.5 cm., 29 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Matn in red.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (with flap, front cover detached}. Cmt. on al-Qazwini's (M. b. cAr., d.739/1338} Talkhis al-Miftah, i.e abridgement of the third part of al-Sakkaki's Miftah al-culrrm, dealing with rhetoric.-Copied by eA. b. eA. b. Ibr. b. D. al-KUkhi al-Maliki, in 1001/1592.Water-stained towards end. Ref. GAL I, 355 (cmt.5} : SI, 517. 33 Audaf] aZ-masaZik wa-ashaZ aZ-ma.PaCJ.?; iZa sabk ibriz aZ-Shaikh cAbd (4?83?) Author: M. b. A. b. M. b. Yu. al-RahGni (d.1230/1814}


" A " 21 Incip.: ••• ••• ••• JS '-:-'Y..J rUI t5..l..JI cUI ..l...o.::>...JI . ......... , Lo J,A.91 u..o 0u ... • • • r l..S>JII _, c. I L,wL.Jl,. J Is .. o 11 u.i.JI • • • J L.o..&JII ff.219, 22 x 16.5 I 16 x 11 cm., 25-26 lin .. Wove paper.-Neat maghribi hand.-Black, red, blue, and green ink.-Blind-tooled red leather binding (with onlaid medallions and flap) . Gloss on the cmt. of 'Abd al-Baqi al-Zurqani (no.236) on Khalil al-Jundi's Mukhtasar (no.225) No date (late 13/19th cent.).-Prov.: Sir Hubert W. Young.-Ref. GAL II, 103 ( : SII, 98. 34 Author: 'Abd al-Qahir b. 'Ar. al-Jurjani (d.471/1078) fol.73b-81a, 19.5 x 12 I 12 x 5.5 cm., 13 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear nasta'liq hand.-Single line border in red, text rubricated.-Half-leather binding (with flap). Arabic grammar, also known as Mi'at 'amil. Copied in Dhu'l-t. 987/1579.-Marginal (arranged in the form of trees) and interlinear glosses. Ref. GAL I, 341 : SI, 503.


" A " 22 35 Another copy -(174235) fol.1b-10a (pp.1-18), x 16 I 16 x 12 cm., 14 lin •. -Laid paper.-Neat vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Paper wrapper. Accompanied by a Malay commentary.-No date (13l19th cent.).Prov.: Bristol Baptist College. 36 Ayat aZ-ahkam (380282) ff.90, 27 x 19 I 19 x 10.5 cm., 20 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear modern naskhi hand.Surah and chapter headings in red.-Half-leather binding (without flap). Anon. collection of extracts from the Qur'an, relating to various aspects of religious and social life.-Divided into two parts, the second of which follows the usual arrangement jn law books.-No date (early 14l20th cent.).


" B " 23 Bahr = Ma'anr al-akhbar ., Barakat see no. 187 Bidayat al-mubtadi see al-Hidayah fi sharQ al-Bidayah 37 Bab ma'ri[at manazil al-qamar -(48059) Author: anon. Incip.: _,.-o-iJI J.)L..:.....o u...r--o s.l__r.JI..J • • • .,.,;. U _,.-o-iJI y L,. Two copies: 1) ff.2, 16.5 x 10.5 I 14 x 9 cm., 17 lin •. -Ruled paper.-Neat maghribi hand.-Text rubricated.-Half-cloth binding (without flap). 2) ff.4, 26.5 x 17 I 19 x 12 cm., 17 lin .. Wove paper.-Clear vocalized maghribi hand (writted on one side of the folio only).-Black ink. Short astrological tract dealing with lunar phases.-No date (early 14l20th cent.). 38 Author: Shihab al-Din A. b. Nur al-Din 'A. b. Hajar al-'Asqalanr (d.852l1449)


" B " 24 Incip.: JL> 0-0 A..J..JL:-JL> J.S u-h cUI 0 1 Jl .:>-..;.J5.::-..u....; Lol ••• ..;L..:.JI JJbl tr u_J-'= LbJI il.l J I _,JI J l.....,.> r-t-:' A..J..JI • • • • L...o ..) ..... : ... _, ff.100, 20 x 14.5 I 15.5 x 9.5 cm., 23 lin .. -Laid paper.-Irregular naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.-Modern quarter-cloth binding (without flap) . Elucidation of traditions relating to the plague.-Composed in 83311429.-Transcribed from, and collated with, the autograph in Rab.II 10671 1657.-Somewhat wormed and water-stained. Ref. GAL II, 82 (no.20) : SII, 74. 39 Author: M. b. M. al-Fullani al-Kishnawi (d.1154l1741). Incip.: ut_.,.....JI cUJ 0-0 ..u....; .J • • • u A.,. L=.S..JI_, ••• 0-0 J..,. "'JL,i..a.JI 0-0 ff.119, 22.5 x 15.5 I 17 x 11 cm., 25 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink, diagrams.-Modern half-leather binding (without flap) . Treatise on the magical use of the letters of the alphabet.-Divided into muqaddimah, maqsad (5 abwab), and khatimah.-Composed (tabyig) in Sha'b. 114511733.-No date (12l18th cent.).-fol. 101-130, 141-170 missing.Prov.: F.F. Mitchell. Ref. GAL II, 481.


" B " 25 40 Bahjat ila tarQjim al-muta)akhkhirin min al-Sha[iciyah al-baricin -(47975) Author: RaQI al-Din a.'l-Barakat M. b. A. b. cAl. al-cAmiri al-Ghazzi al-Dimashqi (d.864/1460) Incip. : ..s,r La..ll • • • ..J • • • J U ..r..l...o cUI ••• ..sj1JI • •• (.r<> • • • (r.:-/ 4.,...sU L...:JI L...,.l.:l....D I (.r<> A.....,. )I I 4 _r c)..,. ff.156, 24 x 17.5 I 17.5 x 10.5 cm., 19 lin .. Wove buff paper.-Neat modern naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap) . Biographical dictionary of Shafici theologians, who lived at the end of 8/14th cent .. -Composed between 839-842/1435-1438.-Copied from the manuscript in the Public Library in Damascus -see (ta'rikh)I, 256 -in Ram.1325/1907 by M. b. Amin al-Malih. Ref. GAL SII, 31. 41 al-Bandikustari -(47836) Incip.: __,..11 u)ll U"...l..i..ll 0-:-JII ,.._..., l...o..w...oJI 1.5 , .... I (.r<> A.::. I _,.9 " I oa ...... o 11 0 ...... o.;..JI 1.5 I ••• u-JI


11 B 11 26 ff.69, 21 x 16 I 16.5 x 10 cm., 17 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.Blind-stamped brown leather binding (without flap) . Pentekostarion (al-Khamsini) : liturgical book, which contains the variable prayers and lections for use between Easter and the Sunday after Pentecost.-No date (12l18th cent.).-Prov.: Francis Storrs. 42 al-Bari ah al-MahmUdi ah shdrh al-Tari ah al-MUhamma (45803) Author: [Abu sa'Id M. b. al-Khadimi (d.1176l1762)] Incip.: 4.-oy ..r 4.-ol r--ol I '•"?" lS.:UI cUJ ••• r..? • • • L..o1u I .: . • : 9 .: 11 ..J L& r ff.335, 26 x 15.5 I 18.5 x 8.5 cm., 29 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Small nasta'liq hand.-Single line border in red, matn overlined in red.Blind-stamped dark-brown leather binding (with flap) . Cmt. on al-Birkawi's (M. b. Pir 'A., d.981l1573) al-Tariqah al-Muhammadiyah (paraenetic .Vol.1.-No date (ca.1168/1755).-Marginal glosses signed minhu. Ref. GAL SII, 655 (no.15,cmt.f.).


11 B 11 27 43 Another copy -(45804) I . 1J I :: I " 11 CU:l...1i ;u:, U::UJI .. , -"' I" IJ Q • ......., ncl.p. : t....,P.> .J J 'J..:r---J v-••• ;u:. UU 0-0 1u...,. L A...:....o J u...,. .Ji.,....lS L ff.239, 27.5 x 16 I 18.5 x 8.5 cm., 29 lin .. Other details as in preceding entry. Vol.2.-Copied in Ram.1168l1755. 44 Bidayat aZ-hidayah (19114) Author: [Abu M. b. M.] al-Ghazzali (d.505l1111) Incip.: .W_,-.J 4..,...WIJ JJ 4--.,.1 r-h U .u...,. Lo I A..,-G...p I J .W I J 4 J • • • ,....WIU" fol.1b-74b, 17 x 10.5 I 11.5 x 6.5 cm., 12 lin •. -Oriental paper.-Elegant naskhi hand.-Title, border, and some words in gold.-Red leather binding (with onlaid centre-and corner-pieces, without flap) . guide to the holy life.-No date (11l17th cent.).-Wormed and water-stained.-Presented to the Library by R.S. Greenshields. Ref. GAL I, 540 (no.26) : SI, 749.-Bouyges 35.


11 B 11 28 45 [Bina> al-a[caz} (12095) Author: anon. Incip.: L:-L:-wl r---h' • • • J.sU..,. J.sU 4-:...o J_j.)ll ..l'1 l;..:...o A.::..... fol.53b-59b, 18.5 x 11 I 14.5 x 5.5 cm., 17 lin .• other details as in no 16. Treatise on the. conjugation of the Arabic verb.-No date (12l18th cent.).Same as Berlin 6825. 46 Bisharat Matta (15568) ff.197, 21.5 x 14.5 I 17.5 x 11 cm., 18 lin .• -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Quarter-cloth binding (without flap). Gospel according to St. Matthew, in Coptic and Arabic.-Copied in 1520 (Coptic)l1804 A.D .. -Fol.19 missing and fol.1 supplied later.Soiled through heavy use.-Prov.: Stephen Gazelee. 47 al-Budur al-Sa[irah jr umur al-akhirah (41880) Author: Jalal al-Din ['Ar] b. Kamal al-Din a.Bakr al-Suyutr al-Shafi'I (d.911lt505)


" B " 29 Incip.: • • • • • • rLo.)ll JL.i '--lhJI J.a:!. _, ..:P J.)ll _, _,.-JI l5 .:01 b.ll ••• '-' L:.S 4._,.h:;. A..,-..lS yl r Lo I _, • • • J_,..:.JI_, • • • r._,..h Jt....:. '-:-'L:.S 0-0 t.)rl ff.775 (pp.8+1535), 20.5 x 16 I 12.5 x 8.5 cm., 9 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Gold-stamped brown leather binding (without flap) . Treatise on eschatology.-Copied in Ram.1291/ 1874, by cAbd b. cAr. al-Baidi al-Hauqali. Main text preceded by fihrist (p.1-8) .-Prov.: J. O'Kinealy.-Seal of M. cAbd al-Ra'uf. Ref. GAL II, 184 (no.31) : SII, 182.


11 D 11 30 Bat9 al-a9a1Il al-BatishtaJiyah = KhalaJ al-rahibat -Da'wah al-Sulaihiyah see no. 307(3) Diwan Salatin Barnu see no. 362(2) Du'aJ al-QurJan--;ee no. 263 Durar al-tukkam see Ta'liqat Durar al-tukkam -Durr fiJl-Ism = Miftat al-jafr al-jami' ..• 48 Author: [al-Nu'man b. M. b. d.363/974 (no. 27) ] Incip.: cW..JI 1..>1 . 9 " , .. 1 cUI c.-_r:-5 Lo..J Lol ••• cLJ_,...,J • • • to I .WI .... ; h>l_, to ff.251, 22 x 13 I 16 x 9 cm., 18 lin .• Wove paper.Naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.-Halfcloth binding (with flap). Manual of Isma'Ili fiqh and kalam.Vol.1 (as far as K. al-jihad) .-Copied in Rab.I 1309/1891, by M. Burhan al-Din najl 'Aq. Najm al-Din D. b. Mamunji.Marginal corrections. Ref. GAL I, 325.-Poonawala 56-57. 49 ' DaZa'iZ aZ-khairat wa-shawariq aZ-anwar (13251) Author: [M. b. s. al-Jazuli (d.877/1472)]


" D " 31 Incip.: cU.JI JU r--!-.:1 cU.JI 6.)l.pjl ••• cU.JI 0 1 y ff.98, 18.5 x 12.5 I 12.5 x 8.5 cm., 11 lin •. -Laid paper.-Bold vocalized maghribi hand.-Brown, red, blue, green, and yellow ink.-Modern cloth binding (without flap). Collection of prayers for the Prophet Muoammad. Introduction missing.-Dated 108311672.-Presented to the Library by E.J. Portal, Esq .. Ref. GAL II, 327 : SII, 359. 50 Another copy -(45807) Incip. : 6 rJL..Jll _, 0 Lo...,..)l.J L.:.l 9..:01 All .l...o.>JI 1.:-'L::.S.JI • •• • • • r--!-.:1 cU.JI ff.104, 16.5 x 11.5 I 9.5 x 6 cm., 11 lin .• -Laid glossy paper.-Vocalized Ottoman naskhi hand.-Illuminated headpiece and borders, text rubricated.-Gold-stamped dark-brown leather binding (with flap and e1nbroidered slip-case) . Copied in 1174/1761 by M. b. 'uth .. Presented to the Library by Lt. Col. C. F. Call in 1931.


11 D 11 32 51 Another copy -(19620) Incip.: c../b:J ••• L:..)J_,...,:J "Lo.....l • • • cLo .l..o>l ff.llO, 16.5 10 I 12.5 x 7 cm., 11 lin .. -Laid paper.-Thick vocalized maghribi hand.Black and red ink.-Folios loose within brown leather case (with flap and slip-case). Without introduction.-No date (late 13l19th cent.).-Presented to the Library by Sir Frederick Kenyon. 52 al-talib li-nail al-matalib (191787) Author: Marcr b. Yu. [al-Karmi] al-Maqdisi al-I}anbali (d.1033l1624)' Incip.: .)11 .WI .)1 0 1 :J AlJ 4.1i..i.ll ..Jp ... > o I • • • cWJI ..J c..fb :J 6..J 4-hJI • • • .l..o>l rLo.)JI • • • 6l...,;..oJI r 1....-91 :J c...,..:>JI J I :J.):J -ff.106 (pp.213), 21.5 x 15.5 I 19 x 11 cm., 18 lin .. -Laid paper.-Irregular naskhi hand.Chapter (kitab, bab, headings' in red.-Badly damaged brown leather binding (with flap) . I}anbali compendium of law.-Composed at al-Azhar in Raj. 101711608.Copied in Shacb. 121311798 by M. b. Khalaf b. al-Furaij.-Followed by. six


" D " 33 panegyrics on the work by 1) Ya. b. Musa 2) al-Bakri 3) 'Al. al-Danushri (al-Danshuri ?) 4) A. b. Amin al-Din al-Hanafi 5) A. b. 'Abd al-Mawarith al-Bakri al-Siddiqi 6) A. al-Ghunaimi (d.1044/ 1634, see Katt.II, 132). Ref. GAL SII, 497 (no.23). 53 aZ-adab -(47971) Author: Abu Ibr. Istaq b. Ibr. al-Farabi (d.350/961) Incip.: A-l.JI 0-:-y-:-1 JU • • • 4l..C..; 4.11 4...:...J: L.cb ..r'...) _, A.:...; ..l..i.,. " L_,.,...:, I ..; ..l.Ji La.::. A-l.JI 0 U ..l...a....,-Lo I Lt.P•: J.,p...s_, A ... oS>: ff. (7) 266, 20 x 13 I 15.5 x 10 cm., 15 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Bold naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Blind-and gold-stamped darkbrown leather binding (flap missing). Arabic dictionary.-First part (as far as Abwab al-sahihah of K. al-salim) .-No date (7/13th cent.).-Preceded by fihrist.-fol. (1-7), 1-2, 120, and 129 supplied later. Ref. GAL I, 133 : SI. 195.


11 D 11 34 54 Another copy -(47972) Incip.: cL.....o L.i.JI JL..a...::...j)ll 0 • • Ll . R 0: I ..J J '-:' L:. . u-::-JI..J ff.(8) 189, 23.5 x 16.5 I 19 x 12 cm., 21 lin •. -Oriental paper.-Partly vocalized naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Binding as in preceding entry. Final volume (al-nisf al-thani) .-Copied in Rab.I 62111224.-Preceded by fihrist.-Original foliation 191 (misnumbered) . 55 ff.116, 20.5 x 13 I 16.5 x 9.5 cm., 25-27 lin .. -Laid paper.-Cursive naskhi hand.-Black, red, blue, and green ink.-Half-leather binding (with flap) . Anon. collection of Arabic poetry, covering the period between 2l8th and 11l17th centuries; [b. A.] b. al-Jazari (d.1034l1625, see GAL SII, 385) being one of the latest names mentioned. Among the longer poems are: 1. (fol.14a, 41 verses) al-Din ['A. b. M.] b. Mulaik (d.917l1512, see GAL II, 23 : SII, 13) , incip. : * ..J d.,;. L> U 1 _, '-:'...; L:,. J..o.s )I..J !..:?.-._r! c-J l.,p ..J


11 D 11 2.(fol.32a, 16 verses) A. al-Bakri (perhaps A. b. Zain d.1048/1638-see 35 GAL SII, 385), incip.: * L.:....o..ll . . L.h r -' 3. (fol.45a, 18 verses) Zain [b. M.] al-Bakri, d.1013/1604see KaQQ IV, 197), incip. : * J..., ....)"':':' _,I ()-4> _}I J..., .;I Lo J_p _,1 0-0 4.(fol.66a-67b) Takhmis of the above poem by M. al-'Alami, incip.: * J L....,. .y I 0-0 L.,.l J-_r:..--o ..WI ..J 5. (68a-69b, 18 stanzas) al-Imam al-Shafi'I [M. b. Idris, d.204/819-see KaQQ IX,32], incip. : * Lo..l..i.o l>..l.o A....l.JI c. I ...).....,. I 1p A....l.JI 6.(88b & 89a) Abu Bakr al-Qattan (two poems): a. (4 s.tanzas) incip.: * r> ..JI '-:'..J L.,. j c::-o L.. '-:' L...,..:,.JI r c..r9 b. ( 18 verses) incip. : * La...o.JI r ..J...)"':':' 0-0 L.,. u _,.::. _)-alJ c...o ..J 0 1 7.(102a-103b, 39 verses) ['A.] b. Zuraiq, 420/1029 -see GAL I, 82 : SI, 133 (al-Qasidah al-' Ainiyah) incip.: * J.:u...JI 0u -'ao ... . w5-J..J ..l...9 8. (104a-107a, 87 verses) [ M. b. M.] al-'Imadi, d.982/1574-see GAL II, 580 (no.lO) : SII, 651) incip.: * rlr..J I o .. !, r I / ..J CU: _,.J lJb I _JJb ..J 9. (107b-108b) b. 'A.] al-TughraJr, d.515/ 1121 -see GAL I, 286 : SI, 439 (called Lamiyat al-'ajam), incip.: * .y lT.: ... :: ... A..oD 1..51 _}I 4_Jl . ...QI I L -11 .• .... ••• • I • I !.. ;. 11 6......-1> . . ..J


" D " 36 10. (109a-111b) ['u. b. b. al-Wardi, d.749/1349-see C'.J\L II, 176. (no.3) : SII, 174 (Lamiyah Ibn al-Wardi), incip.: * Jy.JI_, J._r.:.s I Jjlb ()-0 4 _, JJi _, 56 Dtwan Ibn aZ-Farid (46352) Author: 'u. b. al-Farid (d.632/1235) Incip. : r,. A.'.. ..... 9..:01 .,jJ .h.,...., ••• u_r:..a.-11 JU ••• _,1 l)".l..i 0 1 ()-0 c.p . . . ..i'JUJI v-.-1 • • • 4-o)L$ I t L.......:-ll ._rS • • • b r A....l.JI fol.9b-23a, 27 x 20.5 cm., 21 lin .. -Text rubricated.Other details as in no.14. Collection of verses gathered by Ibn al-Farid's grandson 'Ali, which according to him were missed out in various copies of his grandfather's Diwan. Transcribed from a manuscript dated Raj.993/1585, present date not given (13/19th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 305 : SI, 462. 57 Dtwan Ibn aZ-Hajjaj (14570) , , Author: Abu 'Al. b. A. b. (d.391/1001)


11 D 11 37 Incip.: . 16.: 0-:' • • • cL.UI .,.,...,., JLi t,rll • f.298, 21.5 x 15.5 I 17.5 x 10 cm., 19 lin •. -Laid paper (deckle edge).-Neat naskhi hand (written on one side of the folio only).-Single line border in red.-Half-leather binding (without flap) . Poetical works of Ibn al-Hajjaj (vol.10).copied at Baghdad, by Muoyi al-Din b. 'Abd al-Shaikhali. Ref. GAL I, 81 : SI, 130.GAS II, 592-4. 58 Ibn MatrU? (13248) Author: Jamal al-Din Ya. b. 'Isa b. Ibr. b. b. b. Matruh (d.649l1251) Incip.: L...s: .Lul t"'; l; .. 0-:' • • • J4 ..r:'..JYI JLi .Ll.JL:. J"' ...... oil t'Lo)JI 9.1 r' lE J_;, 9.1 cL!JI fol.65b-92b, 24 x 16.5 I 17 x 10.5 cm., 13 lin .. -Oriental glazed paper.-Elegant partly vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern cloth binding (without flap). Ibn Matruh's poetry.-No date (ca.848l1444) .Transcribed by 'Ala' al-Din Ibn Shams al-Halabi, scribe in the Madrasah al-Jamaliyah, who died in (see note on fol.92b). Presented to the Library by E.J. Portal,Esq. Ref. GAL I. 307 : SI, 465.


" D " 38 59 !Yiwa:n Ibn al-Nabth (13248) Author: Kamal al-Drn a.'l-H. 'A. [b. M.] b. al-Nabih al-Misri al-Sha'ir al-Katib al-Malikr al-Ashrafr al-AiyUbr (d.619/1287) Incip.: J_,;JI -l41 tl JJI 6..,.. 9..:JI JJ J Ui . . . 9.. !.;.. 11 • • • (J I U" 4 L_,. i\h . : . : 11 "f.s _, A>JJ cWJI A...l.JI 0-::-..W t..l...o....,-1 _, I _, cl.... L.:.....o.JI cl.J..::, I Y.-> liE ..l..o.> I ..l..o.> I _, I ...

11 D 11 39 fol.1b-241b, 28 x 15.5 I 20.5 x 11 cm., 21 lin •. -Oriental paper (yellowish and pale blue).Naskhi hand.-Double line border in red, text rubricated.Binding as in no 22. Ibn Nubatah's poems, collected by M. b. Ibr. b. M. al-Bashtaki (d.830I1427) .-Copied in Ram. 107211662.fol.4 blank.Prov.: George c. Williams. Ref. GAL II, 11 : SII, 4. 61 Author: al-Mu'aiyad fi'l-Din a. Hibat Allah [b. a. 'Imran] b. Salmani [al-Shirazi] (d.470I1077) Incip.: u.i ..l J:!.)ll JU wl.Jb_r.-11 _;'bL..,. ..l..rS * w' b I 11 _;'bU '-:-'_;J ••• ff. 70, 22 x 14 I 16 x 8. 5 cm. , 16 lin .. -Wove pale brown paper.Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Quarter-leather binding (without flap). Collected poems of the Isma'Ili da'I al-Mu'aiyad fi'l-Din.Copied in Sha'b. 130911892 by 'Abd b. Mulla Hibat Allah Rampuri. Ref. GAL SI, 326, 714, 953.-Poonawala 107.


11 D 11 40 62 Qais (13237) Author: Qais b. Mu'ad b. al-Mulauwah, Majnun Bani 'lmlir (d.68/688) f.51, 23.5 x 15 I 16.5 x 10.5 cm., 15 lin .• Oriental paper.Naskhi hand.-Treble line border in red and blue, text rubricated.-Later cloth and leather binding (without flap). Poems of al-MajnUn, in the recension of Abu Bakr al-Walibi.Title on the spine reads: al-Majnun wa-Lailah.-Copied in Shaw.1200/ 1786 by 'Abd al-Hadi b. Barakat Allah uwaisi ... Wasiti Birgrami al-Marirwi.-Prov.: E.J. Portal. Ref. GAL I, 43 : SI, 81.-GAS II, 389-93.Kahh.VIII, 135. . . 63 Du'a) al-masjRn (41332) Author : anon . Incip.: * 0_,..:...JJ '-:-'_,..:;.1 0 _,:JI_, J L5JL,. 4 _rS I I


" D " 41 fol.Ba, 20 x 12.5 cm., 7 verses in all.-Laid paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Black ink.-Blindstamped dark-brown leather binding (flap lacking) . Prayer of the prisoner.-No date (12/18th cent.). 64 [Duca) Suryanil -(47277) Author: [cAl. b. al-cAbbas (d.68/668)] Incip.: lT' . fol.32b-39b, 26 x 17 I 19.5 x 11.5 cm., 9 lin .. -Wove paper (pink and green).-Calligraphic naskhi and nastac liq (Persian text) hands.-Illuminated headpiece and border.-Gold-stamped brown leather binding (without flap). Arabic prayer.with Persian paraphrase.-No date (ca.1263/1847). Ref. GAL SI, 331.-Rabat II, 1303. 65 Author: eA. b. b. eA. al-Bakharzi (d.467/1075) Incip.: .W LQ..j I J L.,. I 0--0 L.., 4lJ .l..o.> I • • • ul J4-0--0 L..,


" D " 42 ff.333(pp.665), 20.5 x 13.5 I 15.5 x 8.5 cm., 19 lin •. -Wove paper.-Small.naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap) • Anthology of Arabic poetry (continuation of al-Tha'alabi's Yatimat al-dahr) .-Transcribed from a copy dated 106411654, by M. sa'Id b. Mal Allah al-Najiri al-Bakri, in Shaw. 134011922. Ref. GAL I. 292 : SI, 446. 66 aZ-Durar aZ-sanryah f!)Z-hidayah aZ-j}Zryah aZ-wa[idah min [akhrm aZ-Qaqrah aZ-NajZrzryah (380279) Author: al-Tahir b. A. al-Balghithi al-'Alawi Incip.: t-.J 6....L.JL,. )11 6__,..9 )1_, Jy )1_, .uJ A..J_,..)_, A..J_,..) u.: .. o,;UII ul...S J Lb _, 4-:...o j)ll ,j::' L-L:. _, r ..l..i Lo ...) I ...) _,.11 0-0 _,.... • • • ...) A .... 0 ,; 0 ,' ff.11, 21.5 x 17 I 17.5 x 11.5 cm., 10 lin •. -Wove paper.-Calligraphic maghribi hand.Illuminated throughout.-Gold-stamped red-leather binding (with the seal of Kinq ijasan I as a centrepiece, without flap). Literary I historical composition, describLng the presentation of an Indian elephant called Stoke, from Queen Victoria to King of Morocco. The presentation was made by Captain Inglefield, and took place on the 2nd of Sept. Composed (min insha') by al-Tahir al-Balghithi


11 D 11 43 King Hasan's secretary, at the order of the M. b. A. Autograph, no date given in the col0phon .-For other details concerning the event see Rogers 218-219. 67 Durr (46350) Author: Ulughbeg b. Shahrukh b. Timur (d.853/1449) Incip. : o 11:,11 _, J)ll _, _,_....11 &J> A..L1 .l...o.>JI ..:r.--1 0-> ••• Lol ••• 4...l.JI u-o Lo.J • • • 0-> Ui..,. ••• d..J)II 6_r t-:'JI ru ff.275, 30 x 19.5 I 23 x 15 cm., 19 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Clear naskhi hand.Single line border in red, text rubricated.-Goldstamped dark-red leather binding (with flap). Arabic translation, made in 1014/1605 by b. M. called Qadi Hasan, of Zij Ulughbeg (i.e. astronomical tables compiled in Persian QY Ulughbeg, see GAL II, 275 : SII, 298) .-This version was made at the request of MtiQyi al-Din 'Abd al-Qadir b. M. al-Tabari al-Makki and Shihab al-Din A. b. al-Fa91 a. Kathir al-Makki al-Shafi'I. Copied in 1194/1780.


11 E 11 44 68 Author: J.A. Meldon, late King's African Rifles. ff. (19)233 +Appendix, 25.5 x 19.5 cm •• -Wove paper.-Black ink.-Cloth ring binder. Dated, March 1913.Prov.: Sir E. Denison Ross. 69 Maritanian (i.e Moorish and Shilha Vocabulary (11593) Author: anon. ff.27, 23.5 x 18.5 cm., 14 words per page.Laid paper.-Black and red ink.Other details as in no.12. No date (ca.1800 A.D.) .-Attached to the flyleaf is another short English, Arabick, and Shellah (?) vocabulary (41 words in all).


" F " 45 -Fara'i9 al-Sirajiyah see al-Fara'i9 al-Sharifiyah Fatawa al-Kardari = al-Jami' al-Wajiz -Fatawa al-Saifiyah see no. 194(2) -Fawa'id al-Fanariyah see Ta'liq 'ala baQth jihat al-waQdah 70 aZ-Fara'i4 -(4?269) Author: Husam al-Din a. Hafs 'u. b. 'Abd al-'Aziz 0 • • b. Mazah al-Bukhari [al-adr al-Shahid] (d.536/1141*) Incip. : r Wl__, 6 .. JJ__, La..JI '-:-' ..J All JU .w..JI ..)...a...,.J ••• cU....1:.. I __,....,...lJ: I • • • 0-::-..l-.JI r L-> ' . : t .::, I I r I • • • r_,...LUI tl 0 1 L.L,.I J .w..JI ,...s...u__, fol.146a-159a, 24.5 x 15.5 I 19 x 11.5 cm., 21-23 lin •. -Oriental oaper.-Clear round naskhi hand.-Dark-brown ink.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (with flap). Treatise on the Muslim law of inheritance.Copied in Dhu'l-q. 585/1189.-* -see GAL I, 461. 71 [aZ-Fara'i4 -(4?838) Author: ['A. b. M. al-Jurjani al-Saiyid al-Sharif (d.816/1413)]


11 F 11 46 Incip.: 0-:' A..WI r rLo)ll JU '-:' J cUJ • • • _, 4--JI .;11 0-:' ._ri.Ju 4.,.1 -'J • • • (r.:'_;SL...:.JI .l..o.> • • • r 4--11 w-o J...u Lo _, ff.96, 22 x 16.5 I 16.5 x 9 is lin .. -Oriental paper.Naskhiinasta'liq hand.-Matn overlined in red and black.-Cloth binding (without flap). Cmt. on al-Sirajiyah law of inheritance) of Siraj al-Din M. b. M. al-Sajawandi (fl.6l12th cent.).-No date (11l17th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 470 (cmt.S) : SI, 650. 72 Another copy (47853) ff.146, 19 x 12 I 10.5 x 5.5 cm., 13 lin .. -Oriental and European (.laid) paper.Small nasta'liq hand.-Matn overlined in red.-Blindstamped dark-brown leather binding (with flap). No date (late 11l17th cent.).-Numerous marginal glosses. 73 [Fatawa] (48135) Author: anon. Incip. : _, J 4 .;11 t-l-:-I ..l-.1 '-' L.::.5 ••• (r.:-..UI _,..11 )I 4'', 9 9 .


11 F 11 47 ff.156, 21.5 x 13.5 I 15 x 9 cm., 14 lin .. -Wove and laid paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Chapter headings and sources in red.-Half-leather binding (without flap). Part of a compendium of opinions on points of law. Apparently composed in 12l18th cent. (latest authors quoted are Khair al-Oin b. A. al-AiyUbi al-Faruqi,d.1081l1671 -see GAL II, 408, and M. b. al-Anqirawr, d.1098l1687see GAL II, 575) .-No date (13l19th cent.). 74 Fatawa (47839) Author: Fakhr al-Din al-H. b. Mansur b. Ma. . . al-Ozjandi Qadikhan (d.592l1196) Incip. : A...J Y"..; c; _,.J.c.JI.J La.JI '-:'..; All cWJI t,)l r 0 .:• o..,.r A...Jr.., CLl..o..ll _,>-.3 • •. r Lo)ll JU • • • .J • • • j.J)ll ••• ff.418, 23 x 14 I 17 x 8 cm., 27 lin .. -Oriental glazed paper.Small neat vocalized naskhi hand.Text rubricated.-Blind-stamped dark-red leather binding (flap missing) . Compendium of legal decisions law).First vol. (as far as K. al-Ijarat) .-Copied by Nur al-Din b. Musa al-Salmunr, no date given (early 10I16th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 465 : SI, 644.


11 F 11 75 Fatawa (418?9) Author: [A. b. M.] ijajar [al-Haithami] (d.973l1565*) 48 ff.97, 22 x 12.5 I 17.5 x 8 cm., ea 18 lin .. -Laid paper.-Ottoman naskhi hand.-Black ink.Damaged dark-red leather binding (flap missing) . Collection of legal decisions and extensive extracts, drawn mainly from the works of Ibn ijajar. No date 12l18th cent.).-* -see GAL II, 508. 76 Author: M. b. a.'l-Qasim [al-Filali al-Sijilmasr] (12l18th cent.). Incip. (as 4...)"":'!,.ro 4,.ro •/ L;•o"?" 4..l..,-.l.S J.!,L.......o UJI t..J L..:. L.:, I l.Jb _, • • • l; o GJI Le ••• I tr • • • \0 ••• R 0 11_, J..,. o< .11 tr ff.280, 20.5 x 15 I 14 x 8 cm., 21 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat maghribi hand.-Matn in red.Blind-and gold-stamped dark-brown leather binding (covers loose, flap missing) . Cmt. on his al-Takmil wa'l-mu'tamad (rajazpoem on Maliki law).-Incopml. at beginning and' end.-No date (12l18th cent.). Ref. GAL SII, 696.-Rabat II, 1529.


" F " 77 Fat7J al-Qarib al-Mujib fi sharlJ al[ai al-Taqrib (1?4234) Author: Shams al-Oin a. 'Al. M. b. Qasim [al-Ghazzi] (d.918/1512) 49 Incip. : .. • • • ..... ,.._J LA..JI r t-)11 I .:.. .... ,to::. J U I '-:"' L.::..5JI U....,. L.S .JJ • • • L.:.JI ..; )11 4..,-Li '-:"' L:.S I .l.Jb • • • J L:,. 9, .,ro I J.$ • • • '-"---.. . IL ':. -11 L.::..5JI '-"---\ . '!'. 11 . . . ..;-. . .J . .. '"'"t-'"" .J ff.264, 20 x 14.5 I 16 x 9 cm., 9 lin .. -Laid paper.-Vocalized naskhi hand.-Matn in red.Quires sewn, unbound. cmt. on Abu Shuja''s (A. b. al-Isfahani, d.593/1196) al-Taqrib, also known as Ghayat al-ikhtisar ( compendium of Shafi'I law).Accompanied by an interlinear translation in Malay. No date (13/19th cent.).-Prov.: Bristol Baptist College.-Ref. GAL I, 492 (cmt.3) : SI, 677. 78 al-FatlJ al-Rabbani J!ma dhahala 'anhu (4?858) Author: M. b. al-Bannani (d.1163/1749) Incip.: ..l..o> o.b.:....J 0L-l.ll .,_,. t-01 0-:' • • • L-1 • • • 0 I.....-:. )I I J)--6. (.)-0 9. .l...::- • • • J...o.$)11 U 0 L.S t-..o • • • L.:.-,. J-::...-.4.JI U ..;_;11 ....3-. :J-:! 0-:' L,.JI • • • J.,-b 6 ..l _,.-oJI I


11 F 11 50 ff.118, 22 x 15.5 I 15.5 x 10 cm., 23 lin •• -Wove paper.-Neat maghribi hand.-Black and red ink.-Blind-stamped red leather binding (flap missing) . Gloss on no. 236.-First vol •. -No date (late 13l19th cent.).-Prov.: Major Sir Hubert W. Young. Ref. GAL II, 103(cmt.m.,gl.) : SII, 98. 79 Ibn Qamdan (191655) Author: M. b. [Badr al-Oin] b. Balban al-Khazraji (d.1083/1663) Incip.: Ul ..l...o.:>JI ,._J r ..J Lo...J..3 .l..JL..,. ..J • • • A.::. u UJI 0 1 0-:-0-:-0-:-UJI ••• • • • JA ...... ,<>-U • • • fll..Q..)I..J Lu: ff.8, 22 x 16 I 18 x 11 cm., 27 lin •• -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Chapter (bab, fasl) headings in red.-Disbound. Abridgement of Ibn ijamdan's (cUbaid Allah b. M.) creed.-Copied at in Raj.1212l1797, by b. s. b. M. b. SuQaim.Collated by reading to M. b. 'Al. b. Fairuz.-Last leaf repaired. Ref. Princeton 2284 and Berlin 2051. 80 (4?2?2) Author: cAr. [b. A.] al-Jami (d.898l1493)


" F " 51 Incip. : .Ui _, 6 __,...l.cJI_, y _,.J .l...o>JI W.i ..J Lol L,-1 ..lL,. L,-G..DI_, '-:' J LWI_, d..J J1 ... " o 11 LW L.5JI J>..... ••• u-,-1 ff.250, 20.5 x 12.5 I 14 x 5.5 cm., 17 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Single line border and overlinings in red.-Blind-stamped dark-brown leather binding (with flap). cmt. on Ibn Kafiyah (no. 148) .Composed (tabyi9) in Ram. 100211593.-Numerous marginal and interlinear glosses. Ref. GAL I, 369 (cmt.13) : SI, 533. 81 aZ-Fawa'id aZ-Sha[iyah caza icrab aZ-Ka[iyah -(4?2?3) Author: b. A. Zaini-zadah (d.1168l1755), 20.5 x 14.5 I 17 x 10 cm., 33 lin .. -Laid white and pink paper.-Minute neat nastacliq hand.-Overlinings in black and red.-Blind-tooled black leather binding (without flap). cmt. on Ibn al-Kafiyah (no. 148) .Composed in Ram. 116811755.-Dated 122611811. Ref. III, 311.-IM II, 207.


11 F 11 52 82 al-Fawa'id f% al-ManjUmah (191490) * Author: cAl. b. A. al-Shinshaurr (d.999/1590) Incip. : cUJI A.JI ul J cUI ..l...o.:>JI . , .. h.:.. 11 ....,U t.....:.JI • • • J.,._li.,:.-9 _, ••• 4...o __,.b.:-JI tr I u I : • • LJb ,.,_JI ..l...,oS _, u , I '.. . _u • • • cl.J.:U L.i • • • ff.40, 25 x 17.5 I 18.5 x 10.5 cm., 25 lin .• -Laid paper (deckle edge).-Naskhi hand.-Matn in red.-Disbound. Cmt. on al-ManzGmah al-Rahbiyah (rajaz-poem on law of inheritance) of M. b. eA. al-Rahbi (d.579/1183) .-Copied in 1263/1847 by Ibr. b. M. b. cAbd al-Jabbar ... al-Najdi. Ref. GAL I, 491 (cmt.4) : SI, 676 (* cAl. b. M. al-Shinshauri). 83 [al-Fiqh al-na[ic](4?269) Author: Abu'l-Qasim M. b. Yu. al-Madin! (al-Samarqandi] (d. 556/1161) Incip. : o..l...u _, 1 o..l..o 1 1 ..l..4> La.JI J cUI ..l...o.:>JI JU ••• ..l..l..sLJI 4 .. 1:0 ..... : ul 0 1 Y. ......... n ••• r-Ui.JI __,..,., •• , LsU L. L,. l..::..S u..;JI v-i rS-J t..>-D I


11 F 11 53 fol.1b-146a, 24.5 x 15.5 I 19 x 11.5 cm., 23 lin .. -For other details see no 70. Handbook of law.-Copied in Dhu)l-q. 58511189.-Ref. GAL I, 475 : SI, 655.XII I 137. 84 Fusul (13996) ff.82, 27 x 21 I 19.5 x 13 cm., 17-18 lin .. -Vellum.-Greek minuscule and semi-naskhi hands.Black and red ink.-Modern half-leather binding (without flap) . Gospels for Good Friday, Saturday and Easter Sunday etc., to the end of the month Tishrin I.Incompl. at beginnig and end.-No date (3l9th cent.?).Some folios damaged, with many Greek initials cut out. 85 [Fuyul (34803) ff.174, 24.5 x 13 I 20 x 9 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Bold vocalizeq naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Blind-stamped dark-brown leather binding (without flap). Lessons from the Gospels for Fridays, Sundays, and other special days, according to the East Syrian calendar.-No date (8l14th cent.?).Incompl. at beginning and end.-Presented to the Library by Dr. L.D. Barnett.


11 Gh 11 Ghaith al-mawahib al-'aliyah = ijikam Ibn <;At-a:> Allah 54 Ghayat see Fath al-Qarib al-Mujib Ghurar al•aQkam 'ala Durar al-Qukkam 86 al-Ghunyah [Zi-taZibi tariq aZ-baqq] (191654) Author: [ 'Aq. b. al-Jili (d.561/1167)] Expl.: c1...l.JI ...... Ib J..::.,.i_, ••• _, (rei JS • • • r--L: I c1...l.JI_, ff.242, 29 x 20.5 I 22 x 14 cm., 23 lin •. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Chapter headings in red.-Quires and folios loose, one board surviving. work on religious duties and piety.-Incompl. at beginning (begins with K. al-zakah), folios out of order (possible lacunae).-No date (late 12/18th cent.). Ref. GAL I. 561 : SI, 778.


" H " 55 Kitab al-maudu'at . -Hibat al-Saniyah = Hidayat al-tikmah see Shart Hidayat al-tikmah 87 al-Hidayah !f! shar1 al-Bidayah]-(48140) [ c Author: A. b. a. Bakr al-Marghinani (d.593/1197)] Incip.: A..o)is I..J r-J-a-JI r-JL.a...o Al.l I ..l...:t-o vr-9 _,JI u-1& .lJi ..J • • • 4...o I ..J t_r...ll _r.. Wt..:. cLo.wJI G r cUJI 4-> _r.1 wl • • • t_ L-..o.JI _,JI..J 4.,....i c..s ..r-s Y.i o 11 U5...,ff.88, 33 x 21.5 I 22-23.5 x 10.5-11 cm., 30 lin .. -Oriental brownish paper.-Angular ta'liq hand.-Chapter headings and word qala in red.Cloth covered boards (without flap). cmt. on his Bidayat al-mubtadi, (l}anafi law).Incompl. at end.-No date (late 10/16th cent.?).Numerous marginal and interlinear glosses. Ref. GAL I, 466 : SI, 644. 88 Another copy -(48139) Expl. : L.i&JI u-1& I .l L..o...::..& I J..J L.:...::...ll t: ..J • • • c....o..:.:. • • • .) I _r.> J.,....lJi...JI I ..J • •. . .. ..h>...... Ll • 11 . .. '"""t-'


" H " 56 ff.156, 32.5 x 21.5 I 23.5 x 10.5 cm., 26 lin •. Other details as in preceding entry. Vol.2.-Incompl. at beginning.-Copied by Mulla Ism. b. Mulla Nasr Allah, date not given (late 10/16th cent.).-Marginal and interlinear glosses. 89 Another copy. -(44493) ff. (3)312, 26 x 17.5 I 18.5 x 10.5 cm., 18 lin .. -Oriental brownish paper.-Clear naskhi hand.Chapter headings and word qala in red.-Blindstamped brown leather binding (without flap, rebacked with cloth). Vol.1 (as far asK. al-waqf) .-No date (11/17th cent.).-Preceded by fihrist.-Marginal glosses. Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest). , ,


11 IJ 11 57 Hadith ahwal al-qiyamah see no. 372(4) Iram dhat al-cimad---see no. 372(3) IJashiyah cala IJashiyat al-Khayali = IJashiyat Qara Kamal IJashiyah cala IJashiyat al-Saiyid al-Sharif = IJashiyat crmad IJashiyah cala sharQ al-cAqa'id al-Nasafiyah see IJashiyat Qara Kamal IJashiyah cala al-SharQ = al-Risalah al-Khita'Iyah IJashiyah cala sharQ TaQrir al-qawacid al-mantiqiyah see IJashiyat crmad IJashiyah cala sharQ Tajrid al-caqa)id = al-IJashiyah al-Jadidah IJizb al-barr IJizb al-lutf IJizb see no. 124 ( 1) see no. 307(3) see no . 12 4 ( 2) 90 al-zahr j% cadd ay al-suwaP (191669) Author: Burhan al-Din a. M. Ibr. b. 'u. al-Raba'I al-Jacbari (d.732/1333) Incip.: * J__,l A.JJI , .... : l.o.J fol.42b-43b, 21.5 x 15.5 I 14.5 x 9.5 cm., 60 verses in all.-Laid glossy paper.-Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Disbound. Abridged version of his ciqd al-durar (270 verses (poem on verse-count of surahs in the Qur)an) .-Copied by b. Musa b. b. Musa, in Muh. 1153/1740 . • Ref. GAL SII, 134(no.2).


11 IJ 11 58 91 ijall asrar al-akhyar caza icrab (4?2?3) Author: IJ. b. A. Zaini-zadah (see no.81) Incip.: wl.,r1UI All • • • ..l..4> I ...:r.-()-> • • • ..l..JL.,. Lo I • • • '-r-' .._r • • • J I _,....)11 _ . , 4-Jb I '-:-' L:.S LS Lo.J fol.96b-208, 20.5 x 14.5 I 16 x 10 cm., 21-27 lin .. -Laid white and yellowish paper.Nastacliq and Ottoman naskhi hands.Single line border and overlinings in red.-Binding as in no.81. Cmt. on al-Birkawr•s (M. b. Pir eA., d.981l1573) Izhar al-asrar (Arabic grammar).-No date (ea. 122611811). Ref. GAL II, 585 (no. 20, cmt. c) : SII, 656-7. 92 qashiyah 'ala khutbat al-Shamsiyah (2044?9) Author: 'Abd al-RaQim b. 'A. b. 'u. al-Mizjaji al-Zabidi al-IJanafi (?) I ne i p . : 0-& A ... Jl ... u 1 6 u" L.,....iJI All 0Lo,) J5 t,)l ..l..JL.,._, ••• u"l _, ••• 0 • o •• 1 t,)l fol.13b-21a, 20.5 x 14.5 I 15.5 x 9 cm., 19 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat nasta'liq hand.-Black ink.-Later quarter-leather binding (without flap) . Gloss on the preface to al-Taftazanr•s (Sa'd al-Din Mas'ud b. 'u., d.792l1390) cmt. on


11 IJ 11 59 al-Risalah al-Shmasiyah (treatise on logic) of 'A. al-Katibi (d.675/1276) .-No date (11/17th cent.).Usually ascribed to Wali al-Din al-Qaramani (9/15th cent.).-Part of outer margin cut out.-Water-stained.-Prov.: Prof. A.S. Tritton. Ref. GAL I, 613 (cmt.3,gl.) :SI, 846.Princeton 3217. 93 qashiyah 'ala Mir)at -(43261) Author: [M. b. A. al-Tarasusi (d.117/1705)] Incip.: cl.WI_, J.,) All . • • 4-15 .l..o t...:>...-11 fol.227b-257b, 22 x 15.5 I 16 x 9.5 cm., 25 lin .• -Laid glossy paper.-Neat ta'liq hand.Word qauluhu and overlinings in red only at beginning, otherwise omitted.-Blind-tooled darkbrown leather binding (with flap). Gloss on Mir'at al-usul (no. 215) .-Incompl. at end.-No date (ca.1150/1737). Ref. GAL II, 293 (no.2,gl.b.) SII, 317.Princeton 951. 94 qashiyah 'ala shar? al-Ghayah -(101641) Author: Burhan al-Din Ibr. [b. M.] al-Birmawi al-Shafi'I (d.1106/1694)


'I H " 60 . Incip.: 0-0 u.i..::.JI cUI 1.)-0-0 ..l-l _, 0 L5 Lo...l..i .l..JL.,. Lo I • • • ..l • • • J La..::....:. )l.J c_rJ LP-::. 6....l.JI r-t-li-' f.296, 23 x 15.5 I 17.5 x 10.5 cm., 27 . lin •. -Laid paper.-Naskhi hand.-Black ink (word qauluhu omitted).-Quires (numbered) loose within red leather case (with flap). Gloss on al-Ghazzi's Ghayat (no.77) .Copied in Sha'b . 128611869, by Khalil al-'Ajuz. Presented to the Library by Prof. A.S. Tritton. Ref. GAL SI, 677(cmt.3,gl.c). 95 {aZ-gashiyah (43260) Author: Jalal [al-Din M. b. As'ad al-Dauwani (d.907l1501)] Incip. :01 h .... 11 0-0 I_, r .. s .. , .. 11 ..b I l......:...lAI I 0Lo_;.lii...LJL.. I .. " .S .1-i L.....:.U .l..JL.,.-' ••• • • • ..l..:,o_r.-:Jl t..r-'1 U:.l y> fol.1b-74b, 17.5 x 13 I 14 x 7.5 cm., 21 lin •. -Oriental paper.-Irregular Ottoman nasta'liq hand.-Words qala, aqulu, and qauluhu in red.Modern half-cloth binding (without flap). Second of three sets of glosses on the cmt. (al-Sharh al-Jadid) of 'A. b. M. al-Qushji (d.879l1474) on Tajrid al-'aqa)id (work on Shi'ite theology) by Najir al-Din M. al-Tusr (d.672l1274) .L , Dated 93411527.-Waqf-note (fol.1a). Ref. GAL I, 671 (cmt.3,gl.) : SI, 926.


., I} 11 96 qashiyat 'Imad (45809) Author: 'Imad b. Ya. al-Farisi (9 /15th cent.) 61 Incip.:... .,..)...,...S 01...-J w-o L.,. J ,.,_i.,. • • • '."" J L.i.JI 0-:-..l t-.& • • • 0 U J tr '-:-' L..::..S wl 6 o . : s ... o 11 6 o .. I. 11 L.,.h.ll • • • 0-::-..l.JIJ ••• 4.: ... ff.103, 22 x 12.5 I 13.5 x 6 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental brownish paper.-Clear nasta'liq hand.Margins ruled, words qala al-sharih and qauluhu in red.-Brown leather binding (without flap). Supergloss on the al-Saiyid al-Sharif al-Jurj.ani (d.816/1413) on Tal].rir al-qawa'id al-mantiqiyah (no. 346), called Qara l].ashiyah. Copied (taswid) at Siyalkut, by 'Abd al-l}akirn b. M. l}u. Ibrahimabadi, date not given (12/lBth cent.?).Some marginal glosses.-Prov.: Lt. Col. D.C. Phillott (see his book-plate). Ref. GAL I, 612 (gl.a, supergl.) : SI, 846.Princeton 3200. 97 qashiyat Qara Ramal (43262) Author: Qara Kamal [Ism. al-Qaramani (d.920/1514)]


11 I} 11 62 Incip.: u-h 0 L->JJI _, 15.)J 4.1.1 .l..o>-11 JU '-:'..J L..J: u-is JU • • • 0L.......:.JJI ••• A.ib I: A....l.ll 6...l.ou ..r.'_r-:.-11 ff.201, 16 x 11 I 11 x 6 cm., 15 lin .• -Laid paper.-Neat nastacliq hand.-Word qauluhu in red.Gold-satmped green leather binding (with flap). Supergloss on the I}ashiyah of A. b. M. al-Khayali (d.870I1465) on sacd al-Din al-Taftazani's (d.791l 1389) cmt. on al-cAqa)id al-Nasafiyah (no. 19) .Copied in DhU)l-9. 94711541.-fol.1-7 supplied later.Seals on fol.1a and 201a. Ref. GAL I, 549 : SI, 759.-Kahh. II, 287 . . . 98 [ijayat al-?ayawan} -(54442) Author: [M. b. Musa al-Damiri (d.808l1405)] Incip. (as extant) : .... .. o 0_,pJJ1 J u 1 1 • • • U"l_rll (Y CUI _;I 0-0 Lo...JI ff.112, 17.5 x 13 I 12.5 x 8.5 cm., 17 lin .• -Oriental paper.-Clear cursive naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Later half-leather binding (with flap) . Fragment of al-Damiri's zoological dictionary (letters qaf Cain).No date (9l15th cent.). Incompl. at beginning and end.-Badly damaged by acidic ink. Ref. GAL II, 172 : SII, 171.


,, I} 11 96 qashiyat 'Imad (45809) Author: 'Imad b. Ya. al-Farisi (9/15th cent.) 61 Incip. : • • • .UJl:?. L,.'L,. 0 L...J u-o L,. . . '' J . . L....i..JI t-& U Jl ••• 0-:' ...) ••• () ..l..a...,.-J tr L.::..5 u I 4 o •• 9 .... o 11 4 o .. I 11 L.,..b..JI • • • ••• rLoJII u-J__,-lJ ff.103, 22 x 12.5 I 13.5 x 6 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental brownish paper.-Clear nasta'liq hand.Margins ruled, words qala al-sharih and qauluhu in red.-Brown leather binding (without flap). Supergloss on the I}ashiyat al-Saiyid al-Sharif al-Jurjani (d.816/1413) on Tal].rir al-qawa'id al-mantiqiyah (no. 346) , called Qara l].ashiyah. Copied (taswid) at Siyalkut, by 'Abd al-I}akim b. M. I}u. Ibrahimabadi, date not given (12/18th cent.?).Some marginal glosses.-Prov.: Lt. Col. D.C. Phillott (see his book-plate). Ref. GAL I, 612 (gl.a, supergl.) : SI, 846.Princeton 3200. 97 qashiyat Qara KamaZ (43262) Author: Qara Kamal [Ism. al-Qaramani (d.920/1514)]


11 Jj. 11 62 Incip.: 0L->)ll _, w--JI 4ll JUi '-:-...; L.s c..; JUi • • • 0t........:.)ll • • • " ;b I : 6.....LJI 6...l.o u ff.201, 16 x 11 I 11 x 6 cm., 15 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat nasta'liq hand.-Word qauluhu in red.Gold-satmped green leather binding (with flap). Supergloss on the Jj.ashiyah of A. b. M. al-Khayali (d.870I1465) on sa'd al-Oin al-Taftazani's (d.791l 1389) cmt. on al-'Aqa'id al-Nasafiyah (no. 19) .Copied in Dhu'l-1). 94711541.-fol.1-7 supplied later.-Seals on fol.1a and 201a. Ref. GAL I, 549 : SI, 759.-Kahh. II, 287. . . 98 [ijayat al-?ayawan] -(54442) Author: [M. b. Musa al-Damiri (d.808l1405)] Incip. (as extant): .... .... o 0_,p)l1 JL.ij • • 1 • • • '-"'I CUI jl v-o Lo...Jj J.:,J_, ff.112, 17.5 x 13 I 12.5 x 8.5 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear cursive naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Later half-leather binding (with flap) . Fragment of al-Damiri's zoological dictionary (letters qaf'ain) .-No date (9l15th cent.). Incompl. at beginning and end.-Badly damaged by acidic ink. Ref. GAL II, 172 : SII, 171.


11 Ij 11 99 Author: (A. b. M. b. Allah al-Iskandari (d.709l1309)] 63 In ci p . : 4 ,;11 0 LA..lL. J.,o..a.JI u-Js ...\ ii..o )!.& 1.)-0 u--i 1.!.1 L..t I cUJI ii..o U I cl::...\ I..; I J.J _;JI ...\ y. J • • • 1.)-0 fol.54b-81b, 20 x 14 I 16.5 x 11 cm., 13 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear vocalized maghribi hand.-Pale brown ink.-Dark-brown leather binding (with flap and onlays). Collection of mystical sayings.-Copied in Mul). 1210 I 179 5. Ref. GAL II, 143 (no.11) : SII, 146. 100 !qikayatJ (380280J Author: M. Husseini (?) Incip.: r-L5 r-L5 ..w__, ..w__, uy..;-3 ..w__, IY'..;...\ cW JL5 uLb...L.. url 0Loj u--S J ..w.., • • • cl..:.l 1.)-0 ff.96, 31.5 x 20.5 I 20-23 x 10-13 cm., 8-14 lin .. -Ruled paper.-Bold angular naskhi hand.Pale blue ink.-Quarter-leather binding (without flap) . Collection of six stories from Bornu, related in an Arabic dialect. No date (early 20th cent.).


' ' H " . 101 ijirz al-aqsam (41332) Author: Abu Madyan [ Shucaib al-Tilimsani , see no.21)] 64 Incip.: * J_jl v-.9 4..lJI r-:-:' -) yDJI (r-0 0oD> c)._; Lo.... U * _,...JI v-.9 .. H . .,. -i v-S..::.....o.l L... w'hJ.II..J (r-0 fol.3a-8a, 20 x 12.5 I 9 x 16 cm., 17 lin •• -For other details see no.63. Prayer in verse.-No date (12l18th cent.). Ref. GAL SI; 785 (no.16). 102 al-iji?n al-ija?in min kalam Saiyid al-MUrsalin (118273) Author: M. b. M. b. M. al-Jazari (d.833l1429) Incip.: JLi • . • A!.UW cLUI )JJ ul. Jl 9..:01 cLUI ..>..a....,. L..:,J ••• ••• •••. 9 .. a.DII I (; U • • • r)CJI..J 6 s: L.DJLII ,::) _,.J s: u .1JI • • • rJI.,S (r-0 ff.351, 18 x 11 I 13 x 6 cm., 7 lin •. -Oriental paper.-Elegant vocalized naskhi hand.-Illuminated headpiece, gilt borders, black and red ink.-Black • L , gold-stamped leather flap). Prayer-book, accompanied with an interlinear Persian translation in red nastacliq.-Restored


" H " 65 . by Abu'l-Islam M. IsQaq in 1275/1858.-Date of transcription not given (late 10/16th cent.). Presented to the Library by Mrs. M. Watson-Forbes. Ref. GAL II, 260 (no. 19) : SII, 277. 103 ijizb al-ba?r (41879) Author: [Abu'l-H. 'A. b. 'Al. al-Shadhili (d.656/i258)] Incip.: C.:.,J • • • _:,JI j-::-_ra.JI _, s: L...:-::. 0-0 _, fol.36b-38a, 22 x 12.5 I 17.5 x 8 cm., 17 lin .. -Clear vocalized naskhi hand.Other details as in no. 75. "Prayer of the sea".-No date (late 12/18th cent.) . Ref. GAL I, 584 (no. 4) : SI, 805 (no. 5). 104 ijizb al-[at? f! Maulana al-ijalim al-Ghaf!Ur (26408) Author: Abu 'Al. M. al-Mu'ti b. M. al-Salih al-Sharqawi (al-Sharqi*, d.1180/1766)


11 I} 11 66 fol.29b-42a, 20 x 14 I 16.5 x 10 cm., 17 lin .• -Double line border in red, text rubricated.Other details as in no.99. Prayer.-No date (12l18th cent.).-* see KaQQ XII, 309. 105 [al-Hizb (26408) Author: al-Shadhili (see no. 103) " Incip.: jJi..j L...:..:.L..,.L.,. 0-::-.:UI ... ,.s-..J ,.S. .. le: fol.7b-11a, 22 x 12.5 I 14 x 9 cm., 18 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat maghribi hand.-Black and red ink.-Binding as in no.99. Another of al-Shadhili's prayers.-No date (121 18th cent.).-Badly water-stained. Ref. GAL I, 584 (no. 5) : SI, 805 (no.6). 106 Hizb (26408) Author: MUQYI al-Din a. M. 'Aq. b. a. Musa b. 'Al. [al-Jili] (d.561l1167) Incip.: I>.: . .... . t .. J,:,• 11 cW..JI .:,;L..;.....,..... I ...l.4> '-:-'J cU.I > ."' 11 , 4-.J (.)-0 • • • G....! I u-1-c: LS..,.....!J


" I} " 67 fol.16a-20a, 22 x 12.5 I 15 x 9.5 cm., 15 lin .. -For other details see preceding entry. One of al-Jili's prayers, recorded in various sources as Hizb or Hizb al-najah.No date (12/18th cent.).-Water-stained. Ref. GAL SI, 779(no.38) .l}Kh. I, 662. 107 [qizb (26408) Author: al-Shadhili (see no.103) Incip.: w-o->..)1 A...ill 01 h_ ... 0-0 A...ill,. r ill Lo 0-0-> ._)I La.JI '-:' J .uJ .l..o.>JI 4...:.-6 L:.i )I r )11 4...J I )I A...ill • • • 0-::' ..01 r y-:.. )1_, fol.4a-6b, Other details as in no. 105. Prayer, beginning with al-Fatihah and al-Kursi.-No date (12/18th cent.).-Water-stained. 108 [Hizb (26408) Author: Abu cAl. M. al-Muctr b. M. al-Sharqawi (see no. 104) Incip.: w-o->..)1 A..l.ll 01 b .... 0-0 A...ill,. d.JL? ..)1 0-4> ._)1 '-:'J .uJ .l...ct.:>Jl ._)1 )11 ul )I ..PI_, ul _, .r • • • 0-::-..01 • • • )11 4...J I )I A.:. I A...ill 0-4> ._)I


'I I} " 68 fol.42b-49b.-For other details see no. 104. Prayer.-No date (12/18th cent.).-fol.49b-52a: another prayer (perhaps by the same al-Sharqawi) , incip.: jl j.p UJI I.!LL...>...,...... ••• t.: lo Lo.5 • • • I.!LL...>...,...... 109 qizb al-najah (26408) Author: Abu'l-l}. al-Shadhili (see no. 103) Incip. : f'"':':'_,5JI _;b UJI ...)...\ UJI cUJ • • • _, r--KJI Y'-:' L.,..JI fol.2b-4a.-For other details see no. 105. No date (12/18th cent.).-Water-stained. 110 ijizb al-Nawawi (26408) Author: Abu Zakariya' Ya. [b. Shara] al-Nawawr (d.676/1278) Incip.: J_,...91 UJI UJI UJI • • • lS...\JI_,I fol.1b-2a, Fo! other details see no. Prayer of al-Nawawr.-No date (12/18th cent.).Ref. GAL I, 501 (no.XXII) : SI, 685.


' ' I} " 69 111 Hizb al-wasilah (26408) Author: al-Shadhili (see no. 103) Incip.: d.,. ,_.:s1 c_T..I d.,. c_T..I • • • cl.,....h Lr4J.l I ... I cl.,....h fo1.7a-7b.Other details as in no. 105. Short prayer.-No date (12/18th cent.).-Badly water-stained. 112 al-ijudUd [i>l-na?w (100449) Author: eA. b. cisa al-Rummani (d. 384/994) • Incip. : c_T.. WLo.J L,. 0-0 ..J J-,.....9 0-0 ..roJII cUJ 0 lJb '-"' L,.Ji...ll uJb ..J u-9 t " Lo......JII • • • ...rJI..J J.a..i-li..J ,..-JII ..J A..h.JI..J 0 fol.199a-203b, 32 x 20 I 25 x 13.5 cm., 29 lin .. -For other details see no.30. Treatise on grammar.-Copied in May 1929 by F. Krenkow (cmp. no. 352). Ref. GAL SI, 175.


11 I 11 70 -Injil see Bisharat Matta al-Qiddis 'Iqd al-durar al-zahr fi 'add ay al-suwar -Iqna' li-talib al-intifa' = Zad al-mustaqni' -Isaghuji see Ta'liq 'ala hahth jihatal-wahdah --. . al-asrar see asrar al-akhyar ..• 113 Author: [Jalal al-Din 'Ar. b. a. Bakr al-Suyuti (d.911/1505}] Incip.: u-9 -l_,.._:.Jl,. ..JLS...,.)lt AlJ • • • J_,5 .:01 J y )I L....,.b L.-.o L....:.JI 0 L..i.,..... _, ff.23, 22 x I 14 x 8 cm., 15 lin •. -Oriental paper.-Elegant Persian naskhi hand.-Black, red, green, and blue ink.-Brown leather binding (without flap} . Treatise on the amenities of matrimony.-No date (13/19th cent.}.-Prov.: Lt. Col. D.C. Phillott. Ref. GAL II, 196 (no.210} : SII, 192. 114 Ihya) 'ulUm -(26574) Author: al-Islam M. b. M. ( , al-Ghazzali (d.SOS/1111}


11 I 11 71 Incip.: J_r rLoJII JU J1 j I 4-l.J I ..l..o.> I • • • I ,).LJI • • • .l..o L> .J-:' I r J1-Jll ..l..o.> 2;> ()J..l 0 LS 0 1 _, L.,-11 I I ..l..o.> • • • L.:. 4....1......) _, L>JI ff.297, 25.5 x 19.5 I 20 x 13.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear vocalized naskhi hand.Dark-brown ink.-Later half-leather binding (without flap) . Hand-book of Muslim theology and ethics.-First part (rub' al-'ibadat) .-Copied in 610/1213.Lacunae after fol.293. Ref. GAL I, 539 (no.25) : SI, 748.-Bouyges no.2. 115 Another copy -(26575) ff.277, 27 x 18.5 I 20.5 x 13 cm., 25 lin .• -Oriental glazed paper.-Excellent partly vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Later blindstamped brown leather binding (with flap). Second part, containing rub' al-'adat.Copied by 'u. b. M. b. 'u. al-Halabi al-Shafi'I, date not given (8/14th cent.). 116 Another copy -(26576) ff.299.-Blind-tooled dark-brown leather binding (with flap).Other details as in preceding entry. Third part, containing rub' al-muhlikat.Copied by 'u. al-Halabi (see no.115)


" I " 72 117 Another copy -(45818) ff.545, 30.5 x 16 I 20.5 x 11 cm., 25 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Elegant naskhi hand.-Illuminated headpieces and border, black and red ink.Blind-stamped dark-brown leather binding (flap missing) . First half (rub' al-'ibadat and rub' al-'adat) .Dated 116011747. 118 Another copy -(19116) ff.645, 20.5 x 11.5 I 15 x 6.5 cm., 29 lin •. -Oriental paper.Small neat naskhi hand.-Two illuminated headpieces (fol.1b,279b), gilt border, black and red ink.-Dark-brown gold-stamped leather binding (with flap) . Second half (rub' al-muhlikat and rub' al-munjiyat) .-Copied in Ram. 117411761 by M. Sa'Id b. for 'uth. Misri-zadah.-Prov.: R.S. Greenshields. 119 [al-Ikmal Author: [M. b. 'A. al-Dimashqi (d.765l1364)]


11 I 11 73 ff.89, 20.5 x 15 I 16 x 10 cm., 23 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear round naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Quires loose in badly damaged leather binding (flap missing) . Supplement to Tahdhib al-Kamal (dictionary of traditionists) of Yu. b. 'Ar. al-Mizzr (d.742l 1341) .-Copied in Shaw. 113511723 by Yu. ijasab Allah al-Nabrawi.-One or two folios lacking at beginning.-Text collated (balagha muqabalatan). Soiled towards end. Ref. GAL II, 77 and SI, 606.IM I, 117. 120 az-Iczam bi-muortaZaf} aZ-shuhud wa:>Z-l;ukkam (96696) Author: Najm al-Din a. Ibr. b. 'Imad al-Din a.)l-ij. 'A. b. A. al-Tarasusi (d.758l1356) f f . 112 , 2 1 x 15 I 14 . 5 x 1 0 cm . , 1 7 1 in .. -Laid glossy paper.-Neat cursive naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Later half-leather binding (without flap) . Hand-book for the notary.-Copied in 9721 1564 by M. b. M. b. cAbd al-Latrf al-Majdalawr. Presented to the Library by Prof. A. Guillaume. Ref. GAL SII, 87 (no.5) ijKh.I, 127.


11 I 11 121 aZ-Imta' aZ-mutabayinah bi-shart aZ-samac (191666) 74 Author: Abu'l-Fa91 A. b. 'A. b• Hajar al-'Asqalani al-Shafi'I (d.852/1449) Incip.: A..::.L..i.c..,-)Is All L.,:-_,_,.-o 0-0 0_,.....,. J I Lo I • • • L9 __,....b...o.JI _, t I _,.:..I )Is I . L.,-J L.a..JI • • • ..l 4 ,_,.11_, L..: •. .o...H_, .) 4JII wJ..l t '--..JI ff.32 (pp.64), 21 x 17 I 17 x 11 cm., 19 lin .. -Wove pale brown paper.-Cursive naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Green cloth binding (without flap). Collection of 40 (45 in this copy) traditions.Copied in Ram. 1334/1915, by 'Al. b. M. from a Ms. dated 830/1426.-Text collated (balagha muqabaltan) .-Former owner: M. b. Amin al-Shanqiti (fol.1a). Ref. GAL II, 82 (no. 25) : SN II, 75. 122 aZ-Insan aZ-KamiZ fi ma'ri[at aZ-awakhir wa5Z-awa5iZ (45817) Author: 'Abd al-Karim b. Ibr. b. 'Abd al-Karim b. Khalifah b. A. b. Ma. al-Kilani (al-Jilani)*al-Baghdadi al-Rabi'I (d.832/1428)


" I " 75 Incip. : JS l?. !'?' .. J A..J.JI r-1 r L.9 v-o-J 0L..S 1-.J A..:.U ...u..,. Lol •. • AJb ....... l • • • ,_w1 f.194, 30 x 19.5 I 22 x 13 cm., 23 lin .. -Wove paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Mainly black ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap). "The Perfect Man" (Sufi treatise) . -No date • (13l19th cent.).-* (or al-Jili). Ref. GAL II, 264 : SII, 283. 123 al-'Iqd al-ijusaini (13236) Author: Hu. b. 'Abd al-Samad al-Jabba' . . al-Harithi (d.984l1576) Incip.: • • • s. Lo s. La.....JI 0-0 J__r:,l 1.5.:UI All ••• s. 0-:-••• ...u..,...J 0 1 • • • 4..l..,-:,_.,.JI W,La.JI 1-.J • • • 4-o ..J 6..; ..J U" I __,.... 0 Is .... : fol.75b-86a, 21.5 x 12.5 I 17 x 8.5 cm., 20 lin .. -Oriental thin paper.Small nasta'liq hand.-Double line border in green and red, text in black and red.-Gold-stamped brown leather binding (without flap). Shi'ite treatise on ritual purity.-Copied in Jum.II 1084/1673, by Ibn M• Tahir M. b. Ytinus M• Borders partly oxidized.Prov.: E.J. Portal. Ref. Kanturi 2125.


11 I 11 76 124 aZ-Isharat aZ-daZZah caza al-na[s -(46349) Author: AbuJl-Qasim A. b. M. al-'Iraqi al-Simawi (7 /13th cent.} fol.88b-119b, 16 x 10.5 I 14.5 x 9 cm., 19-22 lin .. -Laid paper.-Cursive somewhat inelegant naskhi hand.-Black ink.-Half-leather binding (with flap} . Manual of magic, divided into 10 maqalat.Incomplete a t end (maqalah 1-5 only}.-No date (ca.1100/ 1688.-Followed by (fol.121-128} charms and prayers, among which there are: 1. (fol.126a-b} anon. prayer in verse entitled Hizb al-barr (incompl. at end}, incip.: 4_,.. cLLJI A..:..bL...,.....,. ..;1..;-1 2. (fol.127a-128a) Hizb al-nasr, usually attributed to al-Shadhili (see no.103}, incip.: cl..JL....I ••• • •. ii:.UI 'U..r-:-:J Ref. Ullmann 391.-For Hizb al-nasr see GAL I, 584 (no.7} :SI, 805.Princeton 1921.


11 I 11 77 125 IshkaZ az-casharah f! [unun az-casharah (43260) Author: Jalal al-Din al-Dauwani (see no.95) Incip. : 0.: '" . . . .;, , .. o 11 L.:. y 01 b !.. If J....::. 15.:UI .uJ • • • (.r.-..l..o.:>....o • • • J 0L,. 0 1 0-0 ;;...\...oJ 0Loyl 0-0 4k. r-o..:.:....:...S • • • r 1 JJ-'-' u 0-0 ;; r 1 \!.L1.. \!.Ll....l fol.75b-88b, 17.5 x 13 I 14 x 8 cm., 17 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat Ottoman nastacliq hand.-Black and red ink.-Binding as in no. 95. Discussions of various points taken from ten disciplines,referred to (fol.76b,lin.5) as R. fi masa'il min al-funun.-Dated 940/1533. Ref. GAL II, 282 (no. 4) : SII, 306. 126 aZ-Istibyar fima ")khtuZ .i[a fihi mt-n al-akhbar (47278) Author: [M. b. al-Tusi Shaikh al-Ta'ifah (d.459/1067)] Incip.: r-::-L....i..11 0 1 '-'" .... ... 0-0 ..l..o.:>....o (.r.-4...l.JI A.o>..; ••• ..l..o.:>....o (.r.-r-Ui.JI ..l..o.:>....o (.r.-..; I ff.185, 29 x 17.5 I 21.5 x 10.5 cm., 23 lin .. Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Dark-red leather binding with inlaid medallions (without flap).


11 I 11 78 Second half of al-Tusi's abridgement of his Tahdhib al-ahkam (compendium of shr'ite law).Copied by c Alibeg Buruj irdi, date shaved ( 12 I 18th cent.).Some marginal glosses and corrections.Margins water-stained. Ref. GAL I, 512 (no.2) : SI, 708.-Kanturi,189. Dhari'ah II, 43. 127 [al-Istighathah} (41332) Author: ['Ar. b. 'Al. al-Suhaili (d.581/1285)] Incip.: fol.2b-3a, 20 x 12.5 cm., 17 lin. in all.For other details see no.63. Prayer in verse, also known as al-Qasidah al-'ainiyah.-No date (12/18th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 526 (no. 3) : SI, 734. 128 [Istighathah} (41154) Author: anon. Incip.: t_r9 r> Jl L..,. r> Jl L..,. L..,. L..,. L...,. J L..,. L..,. 4-111 L..,. * ()-. : 0 1... 0 lJ •••• '-;'J L..,. * ..01 6y..) J l...JI L:.)l..J-0


11 I 11 79 fol.1a-2b, 21 x 15.5 cm., 34 all. Naskhi hand.-Dark-brown ink.Other details as in no.3. Prayer in zajal.-No date (12/18th cent.). 129 [al-Istighjarah] (41332) Author: [Abu Madyan Shu'aib al-Tilimsani (d. 598/1193)] Incip.: * ,_JhJI d.UJI 9,.,r.-cLul _;3 i. .. ..1 rh. lo w-o fol.1b-2a, 20 x 12.5 cm., 31 verses in all. Other details as in no.63. Prayer in verse.-No date (12/18th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 566 (no.4) : SI, 785. 130 al-murid Zi-Jauharat al-tau?id (44093) Author: cAbd al-Salam b. Ibr. al-Laqani al-Maliki (d. 1078/ 1668) Incip. : d.,. 'o., o 11 A..:......JI ..J LS..i.JI A..1.l ..l...o.:>.JI •••,-..J ••• Lo)lsl u..l.s: Lo Q.;., I ..::......:..S ...),jj ••• r.WI .l....,.t-J= ..l..::->rl 6_/Jy.-,-w-o * c1..::.Jk, A..1.1 ..l...o.:>.JI ( • • • 4 1 _ _. I 9 I • • • 6..::. Jk, t-" A....LJI r JJ-


11 I 11 80 fol.44b-95a, 21.5 x 15.5 I 17 x 10.5 cm., 25-30 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Matn in red.Later half-leather binding (without flap). Cmt. on his father's (Ibr. b. Ibr.,d.1041l1631) Jauharat al-tauhid (theological treatise in verse).-Composed in Ram. 104711638.-Copied in Jum.I 118411770, 'Al. b. 'Ar. al-Shafi'I.Text collated (balagh-note on fol.95a shaved). Ref. GAL II, 412 (cmt.b) : SII, 436. 131 [I'tiqadat aZ-Imamiyah] (26074) Author: Abu Ja'far M. b. 'A. b. b. Musa b. Babuyah (Babawaih*)al-Qummi [al-Saduq] (d.381l991) Incip.: ,._u I • • • • • • c. L,i.p • • • LL.II J 4.1.1 :>-:'I J Ui LoJII c. I ..) L.i..::...: I I J Lr-' La..:. cW..JI 0 1 _,.:.JI L..,) L.i..::...: I 0 1 ff.32, 16.5 x 11 I 11 x 6 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear nasta'liq hand.-Black and red ink.Blind-stamped black leather binding (flap missing). Doctrines of the Shi'ah.Copied in Dhu'l-Q. 97811571.-First folio supplied later.Some folios water-stained and soiled. Ref. GAL I, 201 (no.7) : SI, 322.Kanturi, 239.Dhari'ah II, 887.*KaQQ.XI, 3.


11 J " Jamc al-jawamic Lubb Jauharat al-tauhid see Ithaf al-murid Jawab suJal Mufti Baghdad no. 277(9) 132 Author: Abu cAl. M. b. Ism. al-Bukharr (d.256/870) 81 f.320, 27.5 x 18.5 I 19.5 x 13 cm., 19 lin .. -Oriental glazed paper.-Elegant bold naskhi hand.Illuminated title page, black and red ink.-Green cloth covered leather binding (with flap). Collection of Traditions.-First part (as far as K. salat al-tarawih) .-Copied by M. b. A. b. Khalid al-Basratr, in Rab.II 822/1419. Ref. GAL I, 164 : SI, 261. 133 Another copy -(26629) ff.313.Other details as in preceding entry. Second part (K. al-buyuc K. al-manaqib) .Copied in Raj. 822/1419, by al-Basratr (no. 132).

PAGE 100

11 J 11 82 134 Another copy -(26630) ff.380.Other details as in no 132. Third part (K. al-maghazi -K. al-marda)".No date (ca.822l1419) .-fol.3-22, 203-372, and 380 in various hands, mainly of later supply. 135 Another copy -(26631) ff.289.-For other details see no 132. Fourth part(K. al-tibb -end).-Copied in Rab.I 82311420 by al-Basrati (no.132). 136 Another copy -(43255) 27.5 x 17.5 I 21.5 x 13.5 cm., 25 lin •• -Oriental glazed paper.-Clear vocalized naskhi hand.-Chapter headings in red.-Half-leather binding (with flap). First part (as far as K. al-i'tikaf) .-Copied in Shaw. 8491 1446.-Two collation notes on fol. 240a.-Some folios torn and water-stained. 137 Another copy-(191788) ff.243, 26.5 x 18.5 I 19.5 x 12.5 cm., 15 lin .. -

PAGE 101

" J " 83. Oriental glazed paper.-Elegant vocalized naskhi hand.-Words kitab, bab, and haddathana in red.Later dark-red leather binding (without flap). First part (as far as K. .-No date (9l15th cent.).-fol.1-9, 18-23, 32-77, 95-100, 121, 129, 158, and 243 supplied in 12l18th cent.). 138 Another copy -(1915b0), 26.5 x 15.5 I 18 x 8.5 cm., 9 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Persian naskhi (nasta'liq, vol. 14) hand.-Black and red ink.-Brown blind-stamped leather binding (without flap). Complete in 30 vols.-Dated -Ram. 1093.-Slightly wormed. 139 Another copy -(43264) ff.(9)540, 32.5 x 20.5 I 23.5 x 11.5 cm., 33 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.Small vocalized Ottoman naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Blind-stamped dark-red leather binding (without flap). Complete in one vol •. -Transcribed from a copy dated 74911348, by 'Abd al-Mu'ti al-Khalili al-Maqdisi al-Shafi'I al-Rifa'I, in Rab.I 11521 1739.-Preceded by fihrist.

PAGE 102

11 J 11 140 [al-Jarni' (47852) Author: al-Din M. b. M. al-Kardari (al-Bazzazi] (d.827l1424) 84 Incip.: )..,.,.o: .;I..) 1 ..).a..,..,., r)l....)ll r l...S> 1 t..; L.:. • • • r l...S> )!I ,., 0 l_i.:j )!I r l...S> )!I u.,. ._ra-::. u L..,....,. ff.334, 28 x 22 I 20.5 x 17 cm., 23 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Overlinings in red.-Damaged brown leather binding (flap missing) . Collection of legal decisions according to ijanafi principles, also known as Fatawa al-Kardari.Copied by ijamd Allah b. Allah b. Shu'aib al-Sarawi, in Rab.II 88311478.-Marginal glosses. Ref. GAL II, 291 : SII, 316. 141 [Jawab (54445) Author: M. Ef. al-Qanburi al-ijanafi fol.27a-28a, 21 x 15 I 15 x 9 cm., 21 lin .• -For other details see no.4. Responsum, dealing with a question of ritual purity in connection with the use of chick-peas for medicinal purposes (cmp. no.4) .-Dated 11811 1767.

PAGE 103

" J " 142 al-Jawahir 1all al-cAshmawryah (44093) 85 Author: A. b. Turki b. A. Imam al-Bashariyah al-Maliki [al-Manshalili] (d.999/1591) Incip.: A.JI 0 1 o_r:-1 ,_,.:.:....oJI cLo...a....:. cU.l ..l...o.:>-ll (M' (M' ••• ••• o....UI ••• 'ci_,.r-,.JI rLol 9..i.JI trl o...J ul 6_r-11 6_r-11 ul ••• (M' (M' ••• fol.1b-43, 21.5 x 15.5 I 15 x 9 cm., 13 lin .. -For other details see no.130. Abridgement of the cmt. of M. b. M. al-Faishi on al-Muqaddimah al-'Ashmawiyah (Maliki law)of 'Abd al-Bari al-'Ashmawi (fl.10/16th cent.).Copied in 1245/1829. Ref. GAL SII, 435 (cmt.a) .-Princeton 1379. 143 al-qulub} -(54446) Author: [M. b. Pir 'A. al-Birkawi (Birgili, (d.981/1573)] Incip. : ..l I J I v..o-J 4...iJ.:>. J j..,JJI J..a.:.. 1.5.:UI JJ ..l...o.:>-ll lS..JJ Col ••• 1Jr-..liJI ..JI 01 O.::UI 0 1 • •. lSJI (Y ib. . o'\11 ib .... o"=.ll A_..,_:n-:.11 JU ,._:.L..J • • • A..:-L:..$_j ..J o...J ,_,..., _r-1..J LL:. JJ J U . .LIJI J,_,..., J t..., v..o-J

PAGE 104

11 J 11 86 fol.1b-26a, 20.5 x 14 I 14 x 7 cm., 19 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat nasta'liq hand.-Black and red ink.-Later quarter-cloth binding (without flap) . paraenetic treatise.-No date (early 11l17th cent.).-Marginal glosses. Ref. GAL II, 584 (no. 5) : SII, 654. 144 al-'uqul wa-zubdat al-ma1sul (25733) Author: 'A. b. M.[b.] al-Walid (d.612l1215) Incip.: Lo.J U L..o I • • • r _,.J..a.JI J I J"" L,. f"i .. I c: _, • • • .,_,..:...JI 9.J 4-o 0-0 Y. . " !.:.. _,5-:.JI fol.1b-36b, 22.5 x 14 I 17.5 x 9.5 cm., 17 lin .. -Wove paper.Naskhi hand.-Black ink (rubrics omitted) .-Half-cloth binding (without flap). Isma'Ili theological treatise.-Copied at Islampur, Jum.I 131311895, by 'Abd b. Mulla Hibat Allah b. Mulla Jiwajr , in the time of da'r Abu al-Taiyib M. Burhan al-Din najl 'Aq. Najm al-Din (d.1323l1906, see Poonawala,368). Ref. GAL SI, 715 (no.4) .-Poonawala 158.

PAGE 105

11 K 11 87 Kanz al-durar = -Kaukab al-Durrr see Sharh al-Kaukab al-Durrr . -Kawakib al-Durriyah = al-Burdah Kitab al-shicr wa'l-shucara' = Tabaqat al-shucara' Kitab al-nuzah = Kitab al-bazyarah 145 cilm al-Din (41184) Author: [M. b. YacqUb b. al-Kulini (d.328/939)] Incip. : t Lh...oJI 4...::. ..;...l.Ji..J ...) r.---JI o .os I ...) cUI ..).jij Lo I • • • J...o.JI .WJl:?.-1 yJb ..;-o-JI L l...b...1... L:..fb..) JJbl 0-0 Lo • • • 4J..;b ("'i .;Poo•..J ff.398, 29.5 x 24.5 I 28 x 15 cm., 31 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Chapter headings and overlinings in red.-Modern brown cloth binding (without flap). Collection of Shicah traditions.-Vol.1 (as far asK. al-Qajj) .-Dated 1028-30/1619-21.-Marginal glosses and corrections. Ref. GAL I, 199 : SI, 230.-Kanturi, 2301. 146 Another copy -(43256) Incip.: 0-:' s. Lo.JI 4..;4-hJI • • • cW.JI JY"..; JU JU • •. (Y 0-:' • • • Jl..J s. Lo.JI

PAGE 106

11 K 11 88 ff.328, 25.5 x 16.5 I 19 x 11.5 cm., 25 lin .• -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Chapter headings and overlinings in red.-Gold-stamped brown leather binding (flap missing, rebacked). Second part (K. al-taharah K. al-Qajj) .Copied b. M. al-Shirazi, in 105111641. Some marginal glosses and corrections. 147 Author: [A. b. 'Abbad b. Shu'aib al-Qina'I (d.858l1454)] Incip.: r4-JJII 4...J _?..:JI.J ri._L.JII JJ .l....o.>JI >.li.JI.J ub .J..ra-JI l..S..JI I ..l.a....,-.J ••• • • • JS A..,-L: .J .w .. JI.J fol.1b-4a, 21.5 x 12.5 I 20 x 11 cm., 19 lin .. -Oriental paper (sprinkled with silver and dyed in pink, yellow, and blue).-Clear nasta'liq hand.Black and red ink.-Brown leather binding embroidered in silver thread (without flap). Treatise on prosody.-Chapters 1 and 2, without the khatimah.-No date (11l17th cent.). Ref. GAL II, 34 : SII, 22. 148 al-Ka[iyah (4?2?0) l t Author:. ['uth. b. 'u. b. al-Hajib (d.646l1249)]

PAGE 107

" K " 89 Inc i p . : J..a.j _, r-1 1.fb _, ..l _,...i.o u a o I _, .h..iJ A...o..J.SJI ••• _,1 "'; . y-9 J..)...:;. 1,)1 L':.l J_r_, fol.1b-41b, 19.5 x 12.5 I 12 x 6 cm., 11 lin .. -Laid paper (blue and yellowish).-For other details see no.34. Arabic grammar.-Dated 99011582.-Marginal and interlinear glosses. Ref. GAL I, 367 : SI, 531. 149 Another copy -(12142) ff.85, 20 x 14 I 15.5 x 11 cm., 5 lin .• -Laid glossy paper.-Bold partly vocalized naskhi hand.Treble line border, text in black and red.-Modern cloth binding (without flap). Copied in 103511626.-Marsden Ms. 150 aZ-ijusna (26408) Author: Abu 'Al. M. b. Ibr. b. 'Abbad al-Nafzi al-Maliki al-Shadhili (d.792/1390) Incip.: 0u 1.5.i.JI ..l_,...g.JI ..l.>l _,..11 .ill L..o I • • • ..l.> I I .U _, ..l-1 _,..,.,. _, • • • W:..UI fol.22b-25b, 20 x 13.5 I 14 x 10 cm., 14 lin .. -Other details as in no 21. Prayer, with the use of Allah's 99 epithets.No date (12l18th cent.).-Incompl. at end. Ref. GAL SI, 358 (no.6) .-Rabat II, 1291.

PAGE 108

11 K 11 151 [Kanz (4813?) Author: al-Din 'Al. b. A. (d.710/1310)] 90 In ci p • : _r:JL,. J Lo..JL,. J Lo..JI CU ..l L..,...o (.__,.,.....JI 1....::.5 • • • .b La..::....,._, J __,..,...s _, 4-::-L,. r _, ff.77, 23.5 x 17.5 / 13 x 9 cm., 11 lin .. -Oriental paper.Nasta'liq hand.-Black and red ink.-Cloth covered boards (without flap). Compendium of law.Second half.-No date (10/16th cent.).-Numerous marginal and interlinear glosses.-Badly water-stained. Ref. GAL I I , 2 51 (no. I I I) : SI I , 2 6 5 • 152 Rash[ al-asrar 'an al-tuyar (309291) Author: 'Izz al-Din 'Abd al-Salam b. A. b. Ghanim al-Maqdisi (d.678/1280) Incip. : • • • 4..)..a..,. '-:-'-::'_,Ji-11 4....,-_r9 ' .. • : 11 .uJ d.:h.u ... fol.4b-30a, 14.5 x 10 I 11.5 x 6.5 cm., 19 lin •. -Laid paper.Small naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (with flapk. Paraenetic work on the wisdom of birds and flowers.-No date (ca.1134/1722).-Preceded by

PAGE 109

11 K 11 91 another short composition by the same author, incip. : r)L...JI 0-:-y • • • r J u I L.:-r--.L: I • • • ..l:u:: I ._,.11 c..t"' ..u...o.JI U 0-:' ..>..o> I 0-:' (,1 o.!.IL:-:-1_, cU..JI 0 _, o.!.l-l..::.J 4>..; I y. _, 4> J..;J .l-11 • • • 6 d.L.Jl.S Ref. GAL I, 587 : SI, 808. 153 Kashf al-shubuhat (38028 7 ) Author: M. b. cAbd al-Wahhab (d.1206/1791) In c i p . : cU..J I .,) I __,..s I _y. 0 1 cU..JI cl...,;....; r--.L: I A..,. cU..JI 9..:01 J... _}I _y. _, 6..) L.,-JL,. L-••• r)L...JI 4-h 6-.)l.,....& fol.11b-17b, 24 x 16.5 I 18.5 x 12 cm., 25 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Unbound. Ibn cAbd al-Wahhab's tract on theology.No date (13/19th cent.).-Incompl. at end. Ref. GAL II, 512 (no. 2) : SII, 531. 154 . al-Kashshaf [can haqa)iq al-tanzil} (43254) Author: [Abu=>l-Qasim Ma. b. cu. al-Zamakhshari (d. 538/1144) ] Incip.: _,1 lfl>J 6..;.>,y-S _, s. "4-JI R . : rS I :,_JI 1.)-4> :,_JI A..JJI ,...........,. L.:-1 ••• l Oi :, !.) 6_)-4> s.W.I

PAGE 110

" K " 92 ff.352, 32 x 24 I 25 x 17 cm., 29 lin .• -Oriental paper.-Clear cursive naskhi hand.Dark-brown and red ink.-Damaged brown leather binding (with flap, rebacked). Cmt. on the QurJan.-Second Completed in Rab.II 52811134.-Copied in 7141 1314 (fol.187a) .-Last folio supplied in 13l19th cent.).Some folios badly water-stained, margins crudely Ref. GAL I, 345 : SI, 507. 155 al-Kawakib al-sa)irah bi-manaqib acyan al-mi)ah az-cashirah -(47979) Author: Najm al-Din M. b. M. b. M. al-Ghazzi al-Qurashi al-Shafici (d.1061l1651) Incip.: rt-:' s. I o I a 11 l?..l.JI .ill ..l-o.:>-11 J s. Lo........ll r Lo.S ._r-., .. JI_, ,.r--ll L..o.....U; l?. _r La.JI l?...rLJI • • • .l...o.>....o .u....,. Lo I • •• uyS JS 6.....LJI 0 1 • • • Lt.JI _riJI • • • 6..r:' .lJI J Ci..oJII v.o ff.703 (pp.781+601), 24.5 x 17.5 I 17 x 10.5 cm., 19 lin .. Other details as in no.40. Biographies of learned men of the 10I16th and beginning of 11l17th centuries.-First two parts (tabaqat 1-2) .-Copied from a Ms in the Public Library in Damascus (ta'rikh)I, 187-188), in ::}af.-Rab.II 132711909, by M. ::}adiq ,(see no.40). Ref. GAL II, 376 : SII, 402.

PAGE 111

11 K 11 156 Another copy -(47979) ff.537 (pp.496+563) .-For other details see preceding entry. 93 Third part, (tabaqah 3) and supplement (fol.250-537) entitled Lutf al-samar wa-qatf al-thamar • . • I<' . LJi.JI u.b. L....9 '.. L.JI cUI . 11 l.n Cl. p • . o..J-J I..P-:' ...-..,. ...r . • • • Uj...;.J " . ..,I ..l..sL..:-.,..ll_,..s 0-0 6 .f-Wl l;r"' L...::.5 I ..l..sL...,-Lo I • • • 1-.i.J ..l..sL..:-.J L-r L..o..::..J A..::....9..J I • • • Copied in Jum.II 1327/1909.-At the end of the volume are two postcards and a letter, in French, from L. Cheikho to A.G. Ellis. 157 Kijayat al-talib al-rabbani li-Risalah Ibn a. Zaid al-Qairawani (191777) Author: eA. b. al-Din [al-Manufi] al-Misri al-Shadhili (d.939/1532) Incip.: •• y.l ••• J__,..i.,:.-9 ..l..sL..:-Lol er c\".p.:.. 1. 9 .. 6 1 1 • • • l...:.......> I ,p . . .:, 1--. • • • I l;r"' I ()-:-I A.J L.......; ff.278, 22 x 16 I 18.5 x 11 cm., 21 & 23 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Blind-tooled dark-brown leather binding (with flap) • One of a set of four commentaries on al-Risalah (no.280) of Ibn a. Zaid al-Qairawani (d.386/996) .Copied in Rab.II 1152/1739. Ref. GAL I, 187 (cmt. 8) : SI, 302.

PAGE 112

11 K 11 158 Kitab Aqdas Attah (24256) Author: 'A. Nuri] Allah (d.1309l1892) 94 Incip.: Lo Jjl 01 0LS Lo u-L: 1.5.:01 6 _,-o I .J .J J,.r...o 0 U _r: ..l L.,...a.ll u-L: ..l-9 4..,.. ,) U (rei J;-b..JI.J _,-oJII r-J t-.11 A......i..:. r Li...o 0 LS • • • (rei p 1.5.:U'I.J ,) U ff.67, 15.5 x 10 I 10.5 x 6 cm., 9 lin •• Wove paper.-Elegant naskhi hand.-Black ink.-Blindstamped red leather binding (without flap). 'The Most Holy Book' of Baha'ism.-No date (13l19th cent.). Ref. GAL SII, 848. 159 Kitab at-azhar wa-majma' at-anwar min at-asrar majamic at-[awakih (25849) Author: b. NUQ b. Yu. b. A. b. al-Hindi [al-Bharuchi] (d.939l1533) Incip. : r-J Lo 0 r-h r--Li.Jl;. r-h 9..:UI AlJ C..,_:. 0-:' 0-> • • • Lo I • • • _,JI J..,J (rei ..J.J ..W __,...,JJ .J Lo..J • • • • • • • A...l.JI J__,.....; u-L: L '? "'"?' 11 I , 21 x 12.5 I 16 x 9 cm., 16 & 18 lin .. Wove buff paper.-Coarse naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Half-cloth binding (without flap).

PAGE 113

" K " 95 Chrestomathy of Ismacili literature.-Parts 1-3.-Copied (part 1&3) by cAbd b. Mulla Hibat b. Mulla Cno.144) Rampuri, in Rab.I & Ram. 1309/1892, and (part 2) by cAl from Sidpur, in Raj. 1307/ 1890 (in the time of daci cAbd al-Hu. Husam al-Din • 0 b. Taiyib Zain al-Din) .-fol.165-184 blank. Ref. GAL SII, 563 & 608.Poonawala 178-183. 160 Kitab al-baikarah (46341) Author: anon. Incip. (as extant) : * 1 _r; t.....b 1.,;,: J..::.:>.-11 _, 1 1 • • 1 L,..AJI u-o fol.37-72, 33 x 20 I 22.5 x 14 cm., 24-26 lin .. Wove paper.Naskhi hand.Naskhi hand.-Black ink.-Dark-green cloth binding (without flap). Compendium of veterinary medicine.-Transcribed from a copy in the Ducal Library of Gotha, in June 1906.Incomplete (lacunae in the original Ms) .Interleaved Arabic -English vocabulary.Similar in contents to Kitab al-furusiyah waJl-baitarah of M. b. Yacqub b. Akhi Hizam al-Khaili (fl.3/9th cent., see SI, 433.GAS III, 375) .-Prov.: Lt. Col. D.C. Phillott.

PAGE 114

11 K 11 161 Kitab al-bazyarah -(46341) Author: Ma. b. Kushajim (d.350I961 or 3601971) 96 Incip. : r I 1!.1 _,..w1 0-0 J.l..a..ll • • • cLul 0 1 c.L...L.,.-..11 rU:uWI ri._PJII_, 4>t--JI ••• c. I .lLa..ll 0-0 d'-:. s. n_, o" n fol.26-36, 33 x 20 I 23 x 14 cm., 24 lin .• -Black and red ink.Other details as in no.160. Tract on the art of falconry, also known as Kitab al-nuzah.-No date given (see preceding entry).-Interleaved Arabic -English vocabulary. Ref. GAL I, 85 : SI, 137.GAS III, 378.Ullmann 46-47. 162 !Kitab -(4B136J Author: anon. Incip. ( wL5 I 211 J..::..i..ll ••• _rJII r:3.l..,.t 6..3 U 6....l.::....9 IY U J.,.:U J:?. :,.U • • • J_::.Ji..Jl,. 6 ,.r W, L.i.JI ff.158, 24.5 x 16.5 I 16 x 9 cm., 17 lin .• Oriental brown paper.Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Damaged leather binding (without flap). Final part of an unidentified work on Hanafi ' . law.-. Last seven chapters are as follows: I 0..J 21 Wl L..::.5 I L..::.5 I 6 I _r; Jll L.::.5 I 0..,. ._r.JII L.::.5 • I _,_i-ll L.::.5 I c. lP l.,p.jijl L.::.5 I L..::-JI L.::.5

PAGE 115

" K " Copied by Kuhar Husam al-Din Muhammad, no date given (10I16th cent.).at beginning. 163 [Kitab (380286J Author: anon. 97 Incip. : 4..:.....C 0 l..a...o.J s. A..i....l.JI 6 ..J 4hJI '-:-' L:.:..5 4..lll J U L...o.S J1 L:.JI.J • • • J U..,. L...o.S L.cb • • • :,..o_u c.-:, L5 6 ..,..WI 0 1 ff.99, 29.5 x 16 I 20 x 9.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Oriental brown paper.Naskhi I nasta'liq hand.Black and red ink.-Badly damaged cloth binding (without flap) . Anon. cmt. on a book of law (as far as K. al-nikah) .-Copied in 1227/1812.-Marginal glosses.-Water-stained. 164 Kitab [! macrifat al-kurah biha (45806) Author: [A . b. 'Al. al-Marwazi] ( 3l9th cent.) Inc i p . : 0-0 4-,-J.o..a-JI.J 6 _,5.-JI U '-:-' L.::..S.JI I .iJb I A..J L.i..o.JI 0 L:.-.1 Ui.o .J G.JI ...;...,.:> JyJi I '-:-' L.,..JI '-:-'I .J-:' I A.::.-0_A 6 _,5.-JI U • • • L; .. I c: CLo_,.... .b _,b.JI Lo.J 6_,5.-JI J5..:. Lo

PAGE 116

11 K 11 98 fol.21b-26a, 20 x 13 I 15.5 x 8.5 cm., 19 lin •. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Chapters overlined in red.-Half-leather binding (with flap). Short tract on the use of the sphere.-No date (12l18th cent.) . Ref. GAL SI, 393 (no.2) .-GAS VI, 174 (no.3). 165 Kitab aZ-[urusryah . (46341) Author: anon. Incip. : ul....o...:t)l L...,. _, A .. :: ... db y I 9..l...ll AlJ till • • • .) rs" .r i., 01 _,JUL.,. :r,., A....l.ll l.!.lJi.j _, I • • • d-o ._;5 J .l I _r:. _, A...o..a...j _r:. I .:;::. 4-:,.--9 0 I a"?' :., 11 "' I _} _, 0 L.... _,...iJI J I _,...s I L:. _, L:. I La.;:, ••• L....:...,._,..J Lo 1.)-4 4a ... c;r c;r o ..... L...,.L...,. 0-:tr ' ••• _;JL,. L:.i fol.1-25, 33 x 20 I 23 x 14 cm., 21-25 lin .. -For other details see no.160. Treatise on military equitation.-Apparently same as Paris 2825, ascribed to Najm al-Din al-Rammah al-Ahdab (d.694l1295, see GAL SI,905) .Transcribed from Gotha 2091.-No date given (see no. 160) . 166 Kitab (140498) l t Author: eA. b. Sultan M. al-Qari [al-Harawi] (d.1014l1605)

PAGE 117

" K " 99 Incip.: r .. 1:.s 11 wl J._r-1 .tiJ Lol ••• (Y cb..DJIJ wLh..l.... 0-:' • • • r)I.SJI r.lL> • • • (Y A..o_?., " lp; .. c1..l.JI rj.S 0 1 ••• ff.298, 21 x 15.5 I 12.5 x 6.5 cm., 18 lin .• -Laid paper.-Cursive naskhi I nasta'liq hand.Black and red ink.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (with flap). Collection of apocryphal traditions, arranged in alphabetical order.-Also known as al-Hibat al-Saniyat fi tabyin al-aQadith al-maugu'at. No date (12l18th cent.).-Water-stained. Ref. GAL II, 518 (no.10) : SII, 540. 167 Kitab al-shama'il (46344) Author: [Abu 'Isa M. b. 'Isa al-Tirmidhi (d.279l892)] Incip.: ,._:1...., .illl 4 Lo '-:-'L..,. u-J I 0-:' clJ Lo (Y 0-:' 4 : . : ... 9 4..; _,_...I L.:.. __,..,..> I 4....a...o...u A...:. I clJ Lo 0-:' u-J I (Y (.rG> _,.JI 0-:' (Y • • • .Ll.JI J .>-..; 0 L.S J __,Ji..,. ff.160, 14.5 x 9 cm., 11 x 5 cm., 11 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear vocalized naskhi hand.-Double line border, chapter headings, and word haddathana in red.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (with flap) . Collection of traditions, relating to the person and character of the Prophet MuQammad.No date (12l18th cent.).-Marginal corrections.-Last folio supplied later. Ref. GAL I, 169 (no.II) :SI, 268.

PAGE 118

11 K 11 100 168 Kitab aZ-shamiZ aZ-kamiZ f% usuZ aZ-taczim wa-qawacid aZ-tanjim (46347) Author: Siraj al-Din a. YacqUb Yu. [b. a. Bakr] (d. 626/1229) Incip.: )l...J Js4 cUJ cL!.JI wl s. L.:...,. Lo u-9 t L.,.J_, tl..r JU Lol •••• JS ...r-t I ..r y '-:-' L::..S I 0 ' 1 LS-JI 1..3-.>:t '-:-' _,_,.I 0-::-..UI ••• U"L.:..JI (JJ... S .. I s. I o la 11 f.227, 23 x 15 I 17 x 9 cm., 19 lin .. -Oriental brownish paper.-Two naskhi hands.-Black and red ink, diagrams.-Half-leather binding (without flap, with title on spine). Encyclopaedia of magic and divination, in five maqalat.-Same as Manch. 372, entitled Mushaf al-zuhrah.-No date (12/18th cent.).-Composed in 652(sic.), more likely 602/1205.Badly wormed. Ref. GAL SI, 519 (no.III).

PAGE 119

" Kh " 101 -Khamsini ; al-Bandikustari al-Alfiyah ; Alfiyah Ibn Malik 169 al-Khair al-Baqi f! jawaz al-wu4u) min al-[asaqi (54445) Author: Zain [al-Din cu. b. Ibr.] b. Nujaim (d.970/1563) Incip. : " I;. 9: I Lo Lo..-..ll 0-'0 Jr I 9.-i.JI cUJ p L-J 0-:-l ••• JU ..lJU ••• • • • ..; L..i..DJI l-3..11 0-'0 _,.o _,JI 4 1.: ... o fol.1b-9a, 21 x 15 I 15 x 9 cm., 21 lin .. -For other details see no.4. The first risalah from his al-Rasa'il al-Zai niyah (Berlin 4831), on performing ritual ablution from small wells.-Composed in Rab.I 951/1544.Copied in Rab.II 1177/1763. Ref. GAL II, 402 (no. 7) : SII, 426. 170 Khala) al-rahibat -(27471) Author: Paulus Hatim (d.1885) Incip.: 0-'0 LL.i 4...o.l-WI LJi..:. t_,....,..1-ll v ... s I.J s; Lr"l _rJ ••• 4 .. _.S ... 0-'0 J..,.

PAGE 120

11 Kh 11 102 ff.155 (pp.310), 20.5 x 15 I 17 x 10.5 cm., 22 lin •• -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Quarter-leather binding (without flap) . Refutation of the errors of the Maronite nun Margharita Batishta, who followed the teaching of Hindiyah 'Ajimi, foundress of the Order of the Sacred Heart in the latter half of the 18th cent •. -Title given in pencil.-Divided into 42 chapters .-Apparently same as Dahd al-adalil al-Ba al-atiyah min Qalalat ta'lim Hindiyah.Composed in 1839.-Copied from, and collated with, the autograph by FatQ Allah b. 'Abd Allah, in 1845 A.D .. Ref. GCAL III, 278-279. 171 Author: ('u. b. b. al-Wardi (d. 74911348) Incip. (as extant): 0""' Lo •• 1 r--h I ...; LhJi Jll _, 0 1 .l.-l..,..JI _,5 j.p...9 • • • dJ .:W C\ • • o.;. . o 11 w.l...o l.r.-_, 0 1 \!1 L.:-1 _, UJI _, U..JI Jll Jl 6,? Jl f'"'OI J .l)I.....J . . . u () Lo w-5-J _, LL.:. _, ff.144, 20 x 12.5 I 15.5 x 7.5 cm., 21 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Elegant naskhi hand.-Black, red, and green ink.-Blind-stamped brown leather binqing (with flap) . ' , Encyclopaedia of geography and natural science.Ending with al-Dirini's ('Abd al-'Aziz b. A., d. 69411294) poem, entitled QiUidat al-durr al-manthtir \

PAGE 121

" Kh " 103 fi dhikr al-ba'th wa'l-nushur, incip.: . < c. IJ J G Lo..o -1:."" I 6.....l.Jl * ..r--...r . r-J..l...::...i..o r' A.oS.> J Copied by 'Abd b. A. b. M. b. al-'Imad (d.1089/1679, see GAL SII, 403), in Jum.II 1069/1659.-Incompl. at beginning.Some marginal corrections. Ref. GAL 163 : SII, 163.701.VIII, 3. 172 Author: anon. Incip.: 0-0 IS..,r:' r_,..--Jl 0.....:.....0 l..ll • • • ., I ...r:' I J L...JI d_r .,__, u-lb I SI r..ll 0-:-I .b G..o r-Jl fol.129a-180b, 16 x 10.5 I 14 x 9 cm., 20 lin .. -For other details see no.124. Catalogue of beneficial properties (manafi') of the parts of animals.-Extracted from of al-Damiri (no.98) .-No date (ca.1100/ 1688) .-Followed by (fol.181-191) a collection of prayers, magical prescriptions, etc., without title or name of author. 173 KhuZa9at aZ-?isab (44487) Author: Baha' al-Din M. b. al-'Amili (d.1030/1621)

PAGE 122

11 Kh 11 104 ff.104, 28.5 x 17 I 15.5 x 9 cm., 7 lin .. -Oriental glossy paper.-Elegant naskhi hand.Margins ruled, black and red ink.-Dark-brown blind-tooled leather binding (without flap). Compendium of arithmetic, dedicated to Ghalib Sultan al-Hu. Bahadurkhan, a safawi . . . prince.-No date (12l18th cent.).-Neat marginal glosses.-Ink off set in some folios.Prov. R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest). Ref. GAL II, 546 (no.8) : SII, 595. 174 Khulayat al-ijaz (13236) Author: Abu 'Al. M. b. M. b. al-Nu'man [al-Mufid] (d. 41311022) fol.87b-93a, 21.5 x 12.5 I 17 x 8.5 cm., 20 lin .. -For other details see no.123. Short Shi'ite treatise on usufruct marriage.Copied iri Raj. 108411673 (fol.95a) .-Followed by (fol.93b-95a) a passage from K. al-asrar 'an al-thiqat al-akhyar. 1 ' Ref. GAL SI, 323 (no.7) .-GAS I, 550 (no.6).

PAGE 123

11 Kh 11 105 175 Khufbat al-[itr (4??80) Author: anon. Incip.: cUJ ••• .,r-51 UJI .,r-51 UJI .,r-51 UJI tl.r-:-'":-'_,.J..i J:;:.. 0-0 • • • 0 U J .. a.JI_, fol.1a-2b, 25 x 17 I 22 x 15 cm., 62 lin. in all.-Laid paper.-Large vocalized naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Modern quarter-cloth binding (without flap) • Sermon for the Feast of Breaking the Ramadan Fast.-Followed by (fol.3a-3b) its abridgement.No date (late 13/19th cent.).-Prov .. : w. Hichens. 176 Khutbat (4??80) Author: M. b. Khamis ( ... ?) al-Ta'ifi Incip.: cUJ ••• .,r-51 UJI .,r-51 UJI .,r-51 UJI • • • U" L.:JJ _, J_, I 0 1 4L,-L:..S J L.9 9. .:UI fol.Sa-6b, 25 x 17 I 23 x 14 cm., 54 lin. in all.Other details as in preceding entry. Sermon for the Feast of Immolation.-Followed by (fol.6a-8b) its abridgement.-No date (late 13/19th cent.).

PAGE 124

" Kh " 106 177 Khuxbat 'id -(16451) Author: anon. Incip.: c.lyo y J)ll :1..o l5 .l.JI .ill • • • A-LJI I A-LJI J_,.i.,.: • • • J)l yl 0--0 LJ:, L.U.... ,. Lo......JI J.a::. _, J 1..7"" Jl _, fol.274b-281a, 18.5 x 12.5 I 16.5 x 11 cm., 22 lin .. -Wove paper.-Maghribi hand.-Black and red ink.-Brown leather binding (with flap). Sermon for the Feast of Immolation.-No date (late 13/19th cent.).-Incompl. at end.-Prov.: Dr. L.D. Barnett.

PAGE 125

" L " Lamiyat al-'ajam see no. 55(9) Lamiyat Ibn al-Wardi see no. 55(10) 107 -Lum'ah al-Dimashqiyah see al-RauQ.ah al-Bahiyah Lutf al-samar wa-qatf al-thamar see no. 156 178 Lawamic Author: Abu sacid M. b. A. b. Salim al-Saffarini al-Athari (d.1188/1774) Incip. : .::...1b _:r..::. ..J A..::. I o I .:,y 1.5.:UI cU.I Lol •• • A..::.L,i.p 6_,-.WI .:,y iL.... 0L5 • •. .l...o>l cWI 0-:-l ••• L....,.Gw:>l 4..,.WI o.!..Jl:, • • • JRII I 0 1 I ..J '-:-' I * L,.JI cU.I ( ff.442, 22.5 x 17 I 16.5 x 11 cm., 21 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Matn in red.Red leather binding (without flap). Cmt. on his al-Durrah al-Mugiyah (metrical tract on the tenets of Islam).-Composed in Dhu'l-q. 1175/1762.-Copied in 1307/1889, by M. najl Mulla al-Baghdadi.Preceded by the author's biography (tarjamah) by his pupil M. Kamal al-Din known as Ibn al-Ghazzi (d.1214/1799, see KaQ9-XI, 222). Ref. GAL SII, 449 : SN II, 449.

PAGE 126

" L " 179 Lisan aZ-Mtzan (46354) Author: [A. b. 'A. b. Hajar al-'Asqalani (d.852/1449) 108 Incip.: 0L-I JS.J .ill Lol ••• A..o-L&__, ,.....WI 0u ,..._L.. .J A....Lll A....Lll J.>-.J U fL"O AS r. • • • ff.300, 31 x 20 I 22.5 x 12 cm., 15 lin .. -Wove paper.-Neat Ottoman naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap). Abridgement of al-Dhahabi's (M. b. A., d.748/ 1348) Mizan al-i'tidal (biographical dictionary of traditionists) .-First vol. (letter alif) .Incompl. at end.-No date (13/19th cent.).-Ex Libris Sir E. Denison Ross. Ref. GAL II, 59 (no.9) : SII, 46, 73. 180 Lubb (191501) Author: Abu Ya. ZakariyaJ [b. M.] al-Ansari (d.926/1520) Incip.: U_;-Lo JJ L.ot S!o Lo.J • • • ••• tL::...ll 4...oSl..sJJ

PAGE 127

11 L 11 109 ff.29, 27.5 x 19.5 I 19 x 11.5 cm., 16 lin •. -Laid brownish paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.-Modern blue cloth binding (without flap} . Abridgement of al-Subki's (Taj al-Oin 'Abd al-Wahhab b. 'A., d.771l1370} Jam' al-Jawami' (treatise on the principles of law}.-Composed in Ram. 90211497.Copied in Shaw.1327l1909, by M. al-Afghani al-Harawi, for M. b. Amin al-Shanqiti. Ref. GAL II, 109 : SII, 106. 181 Lughat (41361) Author: b. Shams al-Oin al-Qarahisari al-Kutahiyawi [al-Akhtari] (d.968l1560} Incip.: ff.329, 29.5 x 20 I 20.5 x 12 cm., 29 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Clear Ottoman naskhi I nas ta'liq hand.-Black and red ink.-Badly damaged brown leather binding (flap missing} . Arabic -Turkish dictionary.-No date (early 11l17th cent.}.-fol.324-329 supplied in 12751 1858 (wove paper}.-Marginal glosses. Ref. GAL SII, 630.-240.

PAGE 128

11 L 11 110 182 Another copy -(1091) Incip.: JUi • • • LJ_r. 9-.:UI cUI I ..W.Y' .,._r'i-11 0-:' Ltsbpo • •. • • • ff.281, 30.5 x 20 I 21.5 x 13.5 cm., 23 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Clear Ottoman naskhi I nas ta'liq hand.Black and red ink.-Modern dark-red cloth binding (without flap). No date (early 11l17th cent.).Some folios supplied later.-Water-stained towards end.

PAGE 129

" M " -Manzfimah al-Rahbiyah see . . ---al-Shinshauriyah al-Muhmalah = Alfiyat al-ciraqi Aminji see no. 194(4) allti khalafa fiha al-Rasul ahl al-jahiliyah see Salih b. A. se;--R. see no. 194(1) al-Zainiyah see no. 194(3) Matalic al-budur see no. 8 . 111 wa'l-ictibar see Qat al-azhar min al-Khitat wa'l-athar • -Mawaqif fi cilm al-kalam see al-Mawaqif camil = al-cAwamil MiftaQ al-culfim see fi Mirqat al-wusul see 1) al-usul 2) Hashiyah cala al-usul • • . Mizan al-ictidal see Lisan al-Mizan -Mucallaqat al-Sab_c __ see al-Mucallaqat al-Sabc al-Muntaha see al-cAgudiyah Muntaha'l-iradat see Sharh al-Muntaha -Muqaddimah al-cAshmawiyah see al-Jawahir al-Zakiyah ... -Muqaddimah al-cizziyah see al-Minah al-Wafiyah al-Muqaddimah al-zuhrah = Kitab al-shamil al-kamil fi al-taczrm wa-qawacid al-tanjim

PAGE 130

11 M 11 112 183 Macanr al-akhbar (190?4) Author: Abu Bakr M. b. a. M. b. Ibr. al-Kalabadhi al-Bukhari ( fol.1b-293a, 23.5 x 16 I 19 x 11 cm., 23 lin .• -Orental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Illuminated headpiece, black and red Binding as in no.26. cmt. on 210 selected traditions, also known as Bahr Copied in MtiQ. 716/1316.Text collated in 974/1566 (see fol.293a) .Some leaves water-stained. Ref. GAL I , 217 (no. 2) : SI, 360.-GAS I, 669. 184 Macarij caza akram wa-Rasul (26408) Author: anon. Incip. (as extant): I 9 .. 6 I 1 .:y 1 .. 1 0--0 . . . >11 tiJJJII vlrlJIIJ 49 JlJb.)JII . . _.,.11 • • • '. 1 .. n> 11 Jl J_}J

PAGE 131

11 M 11 113 fol.83a-146b, 20 x 13.5 I 16.5 x 10.5 cm., 17 lin •• Other details as in no 104. Collection of prayers for each day of the week.Divided into muqaddimah, 7 fusul, and khatimah.First folio missing.-Composed in Raj.1095l1684. No date (12l18th cent.).Same as Rabat II, 1297.fol.147b-148b: legal document from Rabat, dealing with a property claim, dated Rab.II 123311818. " 185 [aZ-Ma4nUn (43259) Author: al-Islam M. b. M. al-Ghazzali (d.50SI1111) Incip. : J.j L..J l.::-JI J.;UJI .J cUJ CLWI 0-:1..) Ju ... Lo J.!.L-o ()-& .... 1• .... ..l...iU ••• ••• I . I .:. 11 -.. • I .. I• I . I .... , . .. . . . .j '-.:10 l.r"'............::. o....J .>-3 ()-& • . . • • ••. • • • Lo_, Lo t.r.JJ 0-0 4..,....9 I I '-' 1-. ' I-;. ;. ... ". 11 .. I " .:. . 11 Lo • •. c..;r LJ...r .:J ff.27, 22 x 13 I 14.5 x 7 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Elegant naskh1 I nasta'liq hand.-Double line border, black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap) . Collection of responsa to theological questions, also known as R. al-nafkh Copied in 110611695.Margins wormed. Ref. GAL SI, 747 (no 16) .-Bouyges 40.

PAGE 132

11 M 11 114 186 Author: M. al-Kashani ( 1090/1679) Incip.: L.:..J (y..J A,{J ..l..o>JI l; c>J • • • J _,.:.JI cl...L.::. J rl _,.JIJ J.)b..JI J!.L......o J • • • J!.L....._,JI lS.l.:tl...ff.111, 21 x 14.5 I 16 x 9.5 cm., 23 lin •• -Laid glossy paper.-Elegant Ottoman naskhi hand.Text rubricated.-Blind-tooled dark-brown leather binding (without flap, front cover detached). Compendium of Shi'ite law.-First part (fann al-'ibadat and al-siyasat) .-copied in 1734. Ref. GAL SII, 584 (no.3) .Kanturi 3024. Dhari'ah 5188. 187 Maimar 'aZa 1uhur aZ-aZrb aZ-MUqaddas -(13997) Author: Anba Usquf madinat Yarushalim (St. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, d.386 A.D.) Incip.: J .WI U"'..lJi.JI J r-:' L,...:.l r__,s...o.JI .Wu r..'?sll <.!.L.L.JI .l.:! .. : 1011 .Wu ()-4 .r w..JI :I" l5 .:01 r _,...,..JI 1 0 .. b . b .. , cill • • • r I.!.LLo J:9 .fb .l.:! J 4-o ..r. l t

PAGE 133

11 M 11 115 fol.82a-45b, 21.5 x 15.5 I 17.5 x 11 cm., 15 lin .. -Laid (European) and Oriental paper.Old Coptic and Egyptian naskhi hands.-Black and red ink.-Modern black cloth binding (without flap) . Homily on the Invention of the Cross.-No date (17l18th cent.).-Ref. GCAL I, 336. fol.1a-13b: Benedictions (Barakat) to be recited on various occasions, Coptic and Arabic in parallel columns. fol.14a-44b: Discourses on the Cross, followed by passages from the Psalms and the New Testament, in Coptic and Arabic. 188 al-Majalis (25?3?) Author: al-Qadi al-Nu'man b. M. (see no.27) Incip.: ._rr-o-JI ..... o ... ...)...o.:>...o 0-:-01oall JUi ()S J L.... J "':-' _rs ...U J Lo .:J-:1 UJI 0-::-..W • • • ..} J Lo..s: 0-0 A..,. L.::..S " ....r.--o ff.145, 21.5 x 13 I 17 x 9 cm., 18-20 lin .. Wove paper.-Inelegant but legible naskhi hand.Black and red ink (some rubrics omitted).-Quarterleather binding (without flap). Sayings and speeches of the Fatimid caliph al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah (d.365l975) .Parts 12-28.Copied by Mulla Dawud b. A. (?) b. MamGnji from Jitpur, in 131511897-8. Ref. GAL SI, 325.-Poonawala 61.

PAGE 134

" M " 116 189 Author: [Abu eA. al-Fagl b. al-Tabarsi (d. 54811153)] Incip.: CJLb..o 0-" a c. .JI c.5.l.JI AlJ J.,.l..D...9-II 0 U .:J • • • r..::. y c-c' Lh.o 0-" .:J .-. ...l..i.::.JI . Q IJb-...... 1 . _g L 9 .... I Q -I; R ... IL • • • • .. . r .. . ff.600, 25.5 x 18 I 18 x 10.5 cm., 25 lin .• -Oriental paper.-Elegant naskhi text in red.-Dark red leather boards loose. Shicite cmt. on the First vol. (as far as s.8:73) .-No date (1ll17th cent.).-Incompl. at end.-Marginal corrections.-Prov.: E.J. Portal. Ref. GAL I, 513 : SI, 708.-Kanturi 2745. Dharicah XX, 1773. 190 Another copy -(13232) ff.256, 28.5 x 18 I 21.5 x 11.5 cm., 30 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear Naskhi hand.-Qor'anic text overlined in red.-Dark-red leather binding (with, onlaid medallions, without flap). Part six (s.9-s.19) .-No date (11l17th cent.).-Prov.: E.J. Portal.

PAGE 135

11 M 11 117 191 Another copy -(13229) ff.442, 30 x 17 I 20 x 8.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Neat nasta'liq hand.text overlined in red.-Dark-red leather binding (with gilding, boards detached, flap missing). Parts nine and ten (s.32-s.114) .Composed in Sha'b. 53611142.-No date (11l17th cent.).-Wormed at edges.-Prov.: E.J. Portal. 192 Another copy -(13231) ff.596, 34.5 x 21.5 I 21-23 x 11.5-12.5 cm., 27 & 29 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.text overlined in red.-Blindstamped dark-red leather binding (without flap). Second half (s.17-s.114) .-Copied in 113711725, by Mulla M. Kazim.-Margins skilfully repaired.-Prov.: E.J. Portal. 193 Majmac wa-manbac (19117) Author: Lutf Allah min rnamalik Walr Baghdad s. Pasha w -"' w Incip.: 0 Lo...,..)ll 1.5.:UI cUI ..La.:>JI ..u...,. Lo I • • • 01 _,JiJI A..:-*' L..5 L.:.....,. _,...Li 0 Lo.)ll J I uJ I J r y ..roJI Lc...o 0""' o...JJI l..9hJ G.JI J!. L-..o J 4 .' . :'?' c:: iU • • • L..:. L,. 0 Lo..,-J ....

PAGE 136

11 M 11 118 A.Ji.jjl ,.._.L: ()-0 c,l 9 o?O.J ()-0 Lt .6 9 ... 11 -l.!.l .,_s.11 0-0 Lcb J ... .. .. ... .l L> )I I t-'..r., J .. . 9 ... 11_, • • • L.....o.JI L i . . : o ... _, I_, 4; .. 6 I 11 ff.178, 14.5 x 10 I 10.5 x 5.5 cm., 11 lin •• -Laid glossy paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Double line border, text rubricated.-Embroidered cloth binding (without flap). Collection of extracts, drawn mainly from books of law, tafsir, and hadith.-Composed probably in 12l18th cent .. -No date (12l18th cent.).-Incompl. at end.Prov.: R. S. Greenshields. 194 MajmUc masa)iZ al-[iqh (25738) Collection of legal decisions (Isma)Ili law), dealing with marriage and divorce. 1. [al-Masa)il al-Shamcfrnryah] Author: Badr al-Oin b. Idris al-Badri al-Sharafi al-Qurashi al-Unfi (d.918l1512) Incip.: ••• 0.. s.oll 6_,.....iLa.JI_, '-:-'J cUJ 9.J__,.Ajl 0-:--0-::-.l..JI JL. 0-:--0-::-.l..JI J.l...:- • • • '-:-'4U I r _,...1.aJ I J t_,..::. u0 I L.,. 0__,.J Lo • • • U"-::' J .ll • • • d..l9)11 el J1 4.....,._rJI " 4 fol.6a-17a, 22.5 x 13.5 I 16.5 x 8.5 cm., 15 lin .. -Wove paper.Naskhi hand.-Words al-su)al and al-jawab in yellow.-Half-cloth bindingJ (without flap) . Copied in [131811900].Ref. Poonawala 176-7.

PAGE 137

11 M 11 119 2. al-Fatawa al-Saifiyah fi'l-masa)il al-fiqhiyah Author: eAbd eA. Saif al-Din b. Zaki al-Din (d.1232/1817) Incip. :. ..J 4...JJb I ..J r-WI r:;-3...) 9. .:01 All r-h 01 L..o..J..j Lo I • • • • 4-..1., I ..J .l U"' L....l 01 • • • r-WI c_l '-.9_rl u..i.JI ••• ...).l.A.::-Lo..o J!,L-o yl r:;-3...) 0 1 J_,..9U ••• ••• t'..Jyl..:.:.-.ll...)l A..i..JL.,. 61_,...,1 01 fol.17b-33a.Other details as above. Collected probably by Ibr. b. Shaikh Jiwabha'I al-Saifi (d.1236/1821, see Poonawala 214) .Copied by eAbd b. Mulla Hibat Allah b. fvlulla Jiwaji (no 144), in Jum.II 1318/1900. Ref. Poonawala 213. 3. [al-Masa'il al-Zainiyah] Author: eAbd eA. Saif al-Din (see above) Incip. : • • • .l J L.... J!, L.-.o..ll • • • • • • u-,.j L.:.Jl.:J-0 u-JI Jl _,....JI ••• 01 .,_j Jl4...) 01 ••• • • • Jl r' J5t...,. fol.33b-40b.Other details as in 194 (1) .No date [1318/1900].Ref. Poonawala 218. 4. Masa'il Aminji Author: Aminji [b. Jalal] (d.1010/1602)

PAGE 138

11 M 11 120 fol.41a-66a.-Oriental paper.-Written diagonally.Other details as above. Fragments.-fol.46-51 blank.-No date (12/18th cent.?).-Ref. Poonawala 185. 195 al-Majmu' al-MUdhahhab j! qawa'id al-madhhab (101808) Author: Salah al-Din Khalil b. Kaikaldi . . (d.761/1359) Incip.: JJLa...oJI '-:-'1.,...,.1 6.lJ J__r-1 r--L-JI 0u ..l..A..:-Lol • • • _;-1 JJI '-:-'L,..-1 • • • l.Jb L.....l _, U __rll & I _, l.Jb )l.s I _, L.h.cJI ff.180, 27.5 x 19 I 21.5 x 14 cm., 31 lin .• -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.-Disbound (quires disintegrating). Hand-book of Shafi'I jurisprudence.-Composed in Rab.I 757/1356.-Copied in 779/1378, by M. b. 'Ar. al-Matari al-Shafi'I. Text collated.-Badly wormed and water-stained. Ref. GAL II, 77 (no.4) : SII, 68. 196 MajmU' al-tarbiyah (25850) Author: [M. b. Tahir al-Harithi (d.584/1188)] Incip. : A....:....o $ Lo..JI ,._.:, cl..J Lo...:. ws $ L...:.)ll ...

PAGE 139

" M " 121 ff.183, 25.5 x 14.5 /19.5 x 11 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Coarse naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern half-leather binding (without flap) . Chrestomathy of Isma'Ili literature.-Vol. 1.Copied in 1122/1710 (?),by Tajkhan b. Dushanji b. b. Hispa'I b. Shammun from Sidpur.fol.1-20 badly damaged.-Marginal notes shaved. Ref. GAL SI, 715, 953.-Poonawala 144-8. 197 Man ya?4uruhu -(47279) Author: Abu Ja'far M. b. 'A. b. b. Musa b. Babawaih (Babuyah) -see no.131. Incip. : _, cl,. v-o _,I _, _,.s...z I _, 1 r-t-.l.JI 1 L.. W U Lo I • • • d,..JI :,..SI _, cl.,....L: • • • J! J L,. 4--,-J ..).jjjl v . I 4...,. __,.a.JI j_,. s: 1..Ali.JI ff.202, 24 x 18.5 I 18.5 x 10.5 cm., 23-28 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Blind-tooled black leather binding (with onlaid medallions, without flap). Compendium of Shi'ite law.-First volume (as far as B. furud 'ala al-jawarih) .-Copied in Du'l-h. . . 1081/1671, at al-Qazw1n (fol.86b), by 'A. Akbar b. Khalaf ( ••. ?) Kala'I al-Jilani al-Lahijani. Numerous marginal glosses.-Badly water-stained.Margins repaired. Ref. GAL I, 200 (no. 4) : SI, 321.Kanturi 3170. Dhari'ah XXII, 6841.

PAGE 140

11 M 11 122 198 Manaqib Shaikh al-IsLam Ibn Taimiyah -(19166?) Author: Siraj al-Din a. 'u. b. 'A. b. Musa al-Bazzar (d.749/1348) fol.2a-13b, 21.5 x 15 I 15.5 x 10 cm., 24-26 lin .. -Text rubricated.-For other details see no .13. Biography of Taqi al-Oin A. b. 'Abd al-ijalim b. Taimiyah (d.728/1328), better known as al-A'lam al-'Aliyah fi manaqib Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyah.Copied in Shaw. 1232/1817. Ref. GAL SII, 119.302. 199 Manazil al-1urU[ (100449) Author: 'A. b. 'Isa al-Rummani (d 0 384/994)

PAGE 141

" M " 123 fol.204a-211a, 32 x 20 I 25 x 13.5 cm., 29 lin •. -For other details see no. 30. Treatise on grammar.-Transcribed from a Ms in the hand of Yaqut (see no.352), by F. Krenkow, in May 1929. Ref. GAL SI, 175 (no.3?). 200 ManhaZ al-fia{a fi al-Mufit(a{a (191489) Author: Abu Bakr b. M. b. cu. al-Mulla al-Hanafi (d.1270I1854*) Incip.: ff.90, 21 x 16.5 I 15 x 9 cm., 16 lin .. -Laid paper.-Two coarse naskhi hands.-Black and red ink.-Unbound. Treatise (in 3 abwab) on the life of the Prophet MUQammad.Copied in 132811910.fol.63-63, 80-81, and 86-87 bank.-Lacuna after fol.87.Some leaves badly water-stained. *Ref. KaQQ.III, 75. 201 aZ-ManzUmah al-Mubarakah (47780) Author: Mansab b. cAr. al-Hasani al-Salim . (d.1340I1922*)

PAGE 142

11 M 11 124 Incip.: ••• 0-:; a .. , o cU.JI ()-0> _,JI cU.JI * .:J I ..)...9 l5 cUI 1.51 A..,. 0-0 fol.11a-26a, 22.5 x 16.5 I 20 x 9 cm., 18 lin •. -Ruled paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Binding as in no. 175. Religious poem (abridgement of a manzfrmah of M. al-'Arabi), with Swahili paraphrase.-Copied in 131111893, by.'Al b. Rashid b. M. b. Rashid al-MazrG'I.* -see fol.9h. 202 Asma' Allah al-gusna (309291) Author: 'Abd al-Ghani [b. Ism.] al-Nabulusi (d.1143l1731) Incip.: * l_,;.l I La.JI '-7' J r.1...o.... L.,. y I .:J _,s..:Jl:-.:J )I .:J fol.30a-32a, 14.5 x 10 I 11.5 x 6.5 cm., 77 verses in all.-For other details see no. 152. Poem I prayer, with the 99 names of Allah.No date (ea. 113411722). Ref. GAL II, 454 (no.4). 203 Maqal (45806) Author: AbG 'A. b. al-Sufi (6l12th cent.)

PAGE 143

" M " 125 fol.40b-57a, 20 x 13 I 15 x 8 cm., 19 lin .. -Chapter headings in red.For other details see no. 164. Astronomical treatise in the form of a rajazpoem, otherwise known as Urjuzah fi suwar al-kawakib al-thabitah.No date (12l18th cent.). Ref. GAL SI, 863.-Princeton 4873. 204 Maqamat al-zaman (4?280) Author: Badic al-zaman A. b. al-Hamadhani (d.398l1007) Inci p . : • • • C.JII J.,..-4 .J A.!. J,..,._r. u-Js JJ • • • J.D.j.JI _,_,.I rLoJII l.Jbj,..,l L-...o ..l..a..:-L:,1 LT:' I l,;j Lo Ui.o 0-0 r l.....:.Jb 0-:' VS Cl,. I .JJ c...l>.l J Li r l.....:.Jb 0-:' l...:...:...).> J L.i •• • L:....9 0-0 L.:.I.J ff.127, 32.5 x 25 I 24.5 x 12 cm., 7 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap). "Literary seances" of al-Hamadhani.No date (13l19th cent.).-Transcribed from a Ms dated Ram. 56211167. Ref. GAL I, 94 : SI, 152. 205 Author: [ Abu Hanifah al-Nucman (d.150I767)]

PAGE 144

11 M 11 126 Incip.: Lol ••• 1..:-'1 J,.,....,..... 1..:-'l.Jb_,.JI .uJ ..l.>IJ y__r...ll r__,...La.JI 0 u ••• fol.43b-53b, 18.5 x 11 I 14 x 5.5 cm., 17 lin •• -For other details see no. 16. Arabic grammar, incorrectly identified as Tasrif al-Zanjani (no. 366) .-No date (12l18th cent.). Ref. GAL SI, 287.-Berlin 6796. 206 Marah aZ-arwah (12095) Author: A. b. eA. b. Mas'ud (8l14th cent.) Incip. : 0-:" 0-:" ..) J..) _,..11 .w.JI J s . ; o 11 J U lJb .!r.' I r __,...La.JI r I 0 1 r-Js I • • • ..) ,y.-.-o • • • l.JbJJI..) fol.1b-33a, 18.5 x 11 I 13 x 5.5 cm., 15 lin •• -For other details see no. 16. Arabic grammar.-No date (12l18th cent.). Ref. GAL II, 24 : SII, 14. 207 Maratic aZ-ghizZan f! waqf aZ-?isan min aZ-ghiZman (13654) Author: Shams al-Din M. b. b. eA. al-Nawajt al-Shafiei (d.859l1455)

PAGE 145

, M " 127 ff.243, 25 x 15.5 I 16.5 x 8.5 cm., 13 lin •. -Wove paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern half-leather binding (without flap). Anthology of verses descriptive of handsome youths.-No date (late 13l19th cent.).-Former owner J. O'kinealy.-Presented to the Library by Prof. Thomas W. Arnold. Ref. GAL II, 70 (no.2) : SII, 56. 208 aZ-sunnah] (43257) Author: b. Mascud al-Baghawi (d.510I1117)] Incip. : 1 J UJI UJI J_,...-> J U .)1 0 1 r.)l......)ll 0 t-..,..)ll ••• • • • UJI J_,...-> I ..l...o>....o 0 1 J UJI .)11 u I ff.(4) 243, 22 x 16 I 16.5 x 9 ; 5 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Quires loose within paper covered boards (without flap). Collection of Traditions (omitting isnads) .Inaccurately described as Mishkat al-masabih. Preceded by fihrist.-No date (12l18th? cent.).Badly wormed and water-stained throughout. Ref. GAL I, 448 : SI, 620.

PAGE 146

" M " 128 209 Mi[ta1 al-1ussab -(44486) Author: Ghiyath al-Din Jamshid b. Mascud b. Ma. al-Kashi (fl.830I1427) Incip.: (.1 .uJ .u.JI I 0 U .l..L:L..o I • • • ..ll I ....3 t._:._,. c.. L..,..S&.JL,.. I • • 9 I oil l;r! L.SJI • • • \.: .':. O"?'-A..:. I ..rli • • • J L.o.s L,. ..::.--..; L..o L..o.J Jfo. • • • ff.157, 26.5 x 19.5 I 19 x 11 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.Clear nastacliq hand.-Black and red ink, diagrams.-Black blind-tooled leather binding (without flap). Treatise on arithmetic, composed for Ulughbeg (see no.67) .-Copied in Ram. 122211807.Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest). Ref. GAL II, 273 : SII, 295. 210 [Mi[ta1} al-ja[r al-jamic wa-miba1 al-nUr al-lamic -(46346) Author: cAr. b. M. b. A. al-Bistami (d.858l1454)* \ , ff. 102, 19.5 x 14 I 14 x 8 cm., 15 lin .. -Laid paper.Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink, diagrams.-Blind-tooled brown leather binding (without flap) .

PAGE 147

11 M 11 129 Treatise on divination, entitled (fol.1a) Kitab al-jafr al-jami' .•• , and incorrectly ascribed to *al-Bistami, who may have been its editor, or simply transcribed it, introducing some corrections.-The authorship properly belongs to Abu Salim M. b. TalQah(see incip.) al-'Adawi (d.652/1254), who styles his work (fol.3, lin.5) as al-Durr al-Munazzam al-A'zam (see Berlin 4147 and 4219) .-This same work is attributed, on fol.102b(later hand), to 'A. b. a. Talib.-Copied in Raj. 1102/1691, by Abu Bakr b. a. Bakr b. 'u. b. 'Imran.Ex libris John Fiott B.A .. Ref. GAL I, 607(no.4) 5140.Fahd 228-9. 211 SI, 839.-Princeton [r (48239) Author: [A. b. M.] bJ Hajar al-Haithami (d. 973/1565) Incip.: o...l.JI I .. cS.l.JI All L..o-.3 ..J • • • s: 1 > t' 9 11 1.)"' ._.P-1 '-:-' L..::..S..,. r-1-..J o...l.JI 1 • •••• • . c..JI LoS vi ) s .•. : vi JS • • • Jl r-1-..J ff. (4) 220, 21.5 X 16 / 15 X 10 cm. 1 21 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Double line border and matn in red.-Blind-stamped dark-brown leather binding (flap missing, rebacked). Cmt. on al-Hamziyah of al-Busiri (no. 245) .-Composed in Jum.I 966/1559.-Copied in Raj. 1178/1764, by Yu. b. 'Al •. -fol.98-127 missing.-Prov.: Rt. Hon. L.S. Amery. Ref. GAL I, 313 (cmt.3) : SI, 471.

PAGE 148

11 M 11 212 aZ-Minaf; aZ-Wafiyah Zi-sharf; aZ-Muqaddimah (191486) Author: M. b. M. b. MtiQibb al-Din al-Faishi al-Maliki 130 Incip.: A..a.o4 JU • • • ..l..o.:>...o r-J-_, 0-:-:' ..Ut I 0-:' 0-:-:' ...UI 0-:' ..l..o.:>...o 0-:' ..l..o.:>...o A...:....JI I .. le: 0-0 .ill ••• ... wl__,>.)ll ..).Ji..j ••• ••• 6...,..u..o.JJ 0 1 fol.1a-226a, 22.5 x 16 I 20 x 10.5 cm., 17 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Matn in red.-Rubbed red leather binding (without flap). emt. on al-Manufi's eA., d.939/1532) al-Muqaddimah al-'Izziyah (Maliki jurisprudence).Composed (tabyi9) in Rab.II 972/1564.-Copied in Jum.I 1285/1868, by al-Mulla Salman al-Sa'd.Ref. GAL SII, 435 (cmt.b). Followed by two creeds 1. (fol.227b-237a) attributed to al-Shaikh, Ahmad (for another copy see no.378) incip.: .ill _,..11 4--1_,1 0_,_r..s .uJ ,.._Le: 1 ••• L:..)I_,...,.J _, _,..11 0 1 , '. . 0 1 1 • • • : 1., bL.:...a..o_, • • • y_, 2. (fol.237a-239a) anon., dated Sha'b.1291/1874, incip.: 0_,_r..s .uJ ,.._Le: 1 • • • .uJ J$ Ja-9 U,..)l .U,I J_,... ....... , _ _._, • • • • 9 !So J$ t.S):: _,1

PAGE 149

11 M 11 213 Minhaj az-cabidrn (26?58) Author: Abu M. b. M. al-Ghazzali 131 Incip.: JU ••• Ul ' .. a . 11 r I I . .;, ... "'. I ... u-1-o I o....l.JI 0-:' d.l..oJI J"' ... .;, o 11 I ._raJ I • • • .1...o L> _,...,I I &-9 ,_.,JI 1o .. S,. 11 d.l..oJI Ul .U _,I _, • • • cU...:..oD L:..S yJb _, • • • I ('-::' _,5-JI .l I y.--11 ff.133, 22 x 14.5 I 16 x 9.5 cm., 19 lin •. -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.Some words overlined in red.-Half-leather binding (flap missing) . Guide to the pious life.-Copied in Jum.I 8411 1437, by Ma. b. b. Ma .. -Waqf-note (fol.1a). Water-stained. Ref. GAL I, 542 (no.38) : SI, 751.-Bouyges 64. 214 Minhaj al-mutacallim ( 54446) ... Author: anon . In cip. : U _ra-.oJI J..'r" _, rd-a-ll ,:ro cUI 0 1 U.JI ..l...::-JI ..)..a...,._, ••• • • • t I ... o 11_, f I a o 11_, I a .... : Lo...o J!. L-.o fol.39b-51b, 20.5 x 14 I 14 x 7 cm., 19 lin .. -For other details see no. 143. Tract on the acquisition of knowledge.-No date (early 11l17th cent.).Same as Berlin 135 and Princeton 37.

PAGE 150

11 M 11 215 Author: [M. b. Faramurz b. 'A. Mulla Khusrau (d.885/1480)] 132 In c i p . : • • • __,Ji.JI Jli..a-ll.,. f' .lT f' :.,S u .:UI 4.1.1 .l....a.:>JI t:JI __,Ji.JI Lo vU ..l...sL..:-Lol • • • J-""' )11 ,._1-& ,Yb-' fol.(4)1b-223b, 22 x 16 I 16 x 8 cm., 19-23 lin .• -Laid paper.-Clear ta'liq hand.-Matn overlined in red.-Blind-tooled brown leather binding (with flap). Cmt. on his Mirqat al-wusul (i.e. treatise on the 4 foundations of Islamic jurisprudence).Copied at Nakdah, in 1150/1737, by A. b. Ibr. b. Sha'ban.Numerous marginal and interlinear notes. Ref. GAL II, 293 (no.2) : SII, 317. 216 Author: b. 'Abd al-Saiyid al-Mutarrizi (d.610/1213)] Incip. : f'Wa...:.)ll 4-lJI .l..o.> ..l...sL..:J I _; )I y )11 ...U __,.11 (', U • • • f' LahJI f' )1.5JI (.L.Ji)ll l....o-J ••• f')l.S ()-0 vi -..::...lJI .. • t L..Ji.JI .d:. c.,.,. A..:...J: • • 4 ._r.-11 (r4> _}I 0-=-.fb UJI • • • f' Lo)ll

PAGE 151

11 M 11 133 fol.42b-70b, 19.5 x 12 I 11.5 x 5.5 cm., 13 lin .. -For other details see no.34. Arabic grammar.-Dated 98711579.-Marginal glosses arranged in the form of trees. Ref. GAL I, 351 : SI, 514. 217 Author: [eA. b. M. al-Jurjani al-Saiyid al-Sharif (d.814l1413}] Incip. : l.Ji..) 0-0 yl Lo r-r-111 J 4 l-.J L.b ..u..; ...\.JL..,-..J • • • 0 t...,...,.JI t-:t I ..l....:-:-WL.o..ll t L.::.....i.o 0-0 L:..JI ,_.JW ..J I 0 1 l5 ..l....b. ..J I ..) ..J l5 ..J • • • A..:-L..D G. ..r r __,.J.a.JI ff.190, 26.5 x 17.5 I 18 x 11 cm., 25 lin .• -Oriental paper.-Neat tacliq hand.-Words qala and qauluhu in red.-Rubbed blind-stamped darkred leather binding (with flap}. Cmt. on the third qism (rhetoric} of al-Sakkaki's (see no.168} Miftah al-culum.-Composed in Shaw. 80711405.Copied in 85211449, by M. b. Jamal b. M. b. Jamal al-Bazbabari(?) .-Copious marginal and interlinear glosses. Ref. GAL I, 353 (cmt.5} : SI, 515. 218 Mishkat al-anwar (19114) Author: [Abu M. al-Ghazzali d.505l1111}]

PAGE 152

11 M 11 134 fol.74b-124a, 17 x 10.5 I 11.5 x 6.5 cm., 12 lin .. -For other details see no.44. Treatise on the doctrine of the divine light.-No date (11/17th cent.).-Badly wormed. Ref. GAL I, 541 (no.34) : SI, 751.-Bouyges 52. 219 Moghrebbin vocabulary (41389) Author: Lord Edward Gleichen f.90, 16 x 9.5 Notebook (ruled paper).Dated Apr.1893 A.D •• -Presented to the Library by the author's widow. 220 Moghrebbin vocabulary (41388) Author: see above. f.133, 15.5 x 9.5 cm .• -Notebook (ruled paper, thumb index).-Dated March 1909 A.D .. -Includes the 1893 vocabulary.-Presented to the Library by the author's widow.

PAGE 153

11 M 11 135 221 Author: [M. b. Pir 'A. al-Birkawi (d.981l1573)] Incip.: 4...oUL.,. 4-lL,.s ...,rol 15.;01 JJ ••• rj....)ll 4_,..,r., (r.,o.l-11""''..; 1.'?"., fol.27b-38b, 20.5 x 14 I 14 x 7 cm., 19 lin .. -For other details see no.143. Tract on prayer.-No date (early 11l17th cent.). Some marginal glosses. Ref. GAL II, 584 (no.9) : SII, 655. 222 al-MUdkhal f! 'ilm al-asturlab (45806) Author: 'rzz al-Oin a.'l-Magasin Yu. al-Zanjani (lived before 79011388) Incip.: r.WI_, (r.,o_,$L:...ll JJ J.o..a.JI a .:;.:< (r.,of'_LhJI uT J_,.)l, 0_,r, ..l>l y_, 4--1 L..:, 6..JT G.)U:w:,.)ll ..J 1._r0 L.....)ll ••• 41...,ro 151 fol.1b-11b, 20 x 13 I 15.5 x 8.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Chapter headings in red.Other details as in no 164. Treatise, in 21 on .the astrolabe.-No date (12l18th cent.).-Transcribed from a Ms dated 79011388.-Followed by a note on the calculation of the zenith (fol.11b-12b), and astronomical tables for the year 112711715, with a prefatory note by 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Radi (fol. 13b-15a).

PAGE 154

11 M 11 136 223 [i'l-baitarah (46340) Author : anon . Incip. (as extant) : ,._::. • • 1 u-S ":-'L...:.S 61 .:o"'-' • • • ":-' L:.S...II ..;.l.D u-.i I.Jb L:....o..l..S _, ":-'I ..,...1 0-0 t-• • • LhJI 4-J _, L...::. ":-' u_,.......:.;. u/b-' I _, 4--41 _, 4-J L.i.D _, J.::.:;.JI u I _,.J I ._? u-.i J_,)ll • • • J.::.:;.JI l.-.1 u-.i c..rJ _, ff.91, 33.5 x 20.5 I 24.5 x 13.5 cm., 15 lin .. -Laid paper.-Elegant large naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.-Half-leather binding (without flap). Comprehensive work, in 90 abwab, on the ailments of animals and their treatment.-No date (late 13l19th cent.).-First folio missing.-Prov.: Col. D.C . Phillott.-Apparently same as Br. Mus.1366. 224 Author: Abu cUbaid Allah M. b. crmran al-Marzubani (d. 3841994) In c i p • : 0-:--A...o..w _, ,._.:.I.Jb ' A...o..w I 0-0 0-:--4...o..w I _, 0-:--6 A...o..w I _, J L:....o cLL.JI cLL.JI J _,......; yJb ,._.:. I.Jb 0-:--tS _,.J 0-:--6 ..,ro 0-:-' .-• • A...l.D...:. r-1--', 32 x 20 I 22 x 13.5 ern., 23-25 lin •. -For other details see no.30.

PAGE 155

11 M 11 137 Biographical dictionary of poets.Second vol .. -Copied in May 1929, by F. Krenkow.-Transcribed from a Ms dated 73811337. Ref. GAL SI, 191.GAS II, 96.KaQQ.XI, 97. 225 (17273) Author: Khalil b. IsQaq b. Musa [al-Jundi] al-Maliki (d.767l1365) Lo 4lJ .U.S t_; I • • • r fli.J j.Q...i..JI 0-0 L....:, )I.J I Lo A...J •• • 0-:-cl.JL.o ••• ff. 214, 22 x 15.5 I 16 x 11 cm., 15 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Elegant partly vocalized maghribi hand.-Double line border, black, red, and blue ink.-Blind-stamped red leather binding (with flap) . Compendium of Maliki jurisprudence, entitled (fol.1a) K. Kanz al-durar al-musamma bi'l-Mukhtasar.Copied in Dhu'l-Q. 103811629, by M. b. A. al-Sharif, at the Ribat of A. b. Margins repaired. Ref. GAL II, 102 : SII, 96. 226 Another copy -(16451) fol.1b-273b, 18 x 12 I 15 x 9 cm., 13-15 lin .. -For other details see no 175. Copied by al-Bashir b. a. Khalid b. al-Tahir al-Khalid, in Ram.1243l1828.

PAGE 156

11 M 11 138 227 MUkhtayar [t a1kam al-nun al-sakinah wa)l-madd wacl-qayr (204479) Author: [b. M.] al-Ansari (d.926l1520) Incip. : • • • 0 .. s ... o 11 4..,....i L.a.JI.J L.a.JI '-:-...; cUI CL.S Wl 0__,..:.JI r l.S> I L:. I .l..a., .J 9. \ ... ,' 0JJ A"", p O'?" fol.22b-24a, 20.5 x 14.5 I 14.5 x 8.5 cm., 23 lin .. -Laid paper.-Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Binding as in no.92. Short tract on tajwid, better known as Tuhfat fi aQkam al-nun al-sakinah madd Copied at al-Madinah, in Mu9. 104611636.-Ink off set. Ref. GAL II, 124 (no.21) : SII, 118. 228 Author: anon. Expl.: u_r-91 • • • * . : 19s: CL...,....;Ji ,.,1 u0G. ,.,1 r U: ,.,, Lot o....,. l:'?" _r. u-b 4..ll_,.j ..lUI .J yl> .JI * .:h;, I .JI 0-0 c)...; L,. A...l.JI ..;--:-t Lo I I .J ... )I • • • Y> ,J yl r-D Lo r::o ...)":':'_r-::..11 ff.20(pp.40), 21 x 15.5 I 17 x 9 cm., 21 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat Ottoman naskhi I nastacliq hand.-Black and red ink.-Disbound.

PAGE 157

11 M 11 139 Abridgement of Ibn al-Humam's (M. b. 'Abd al-WaQid, d.861/1457) al-Tahrir fi usul al-fiqh.End portion only.-Copied in Sha'b.1227/1812, by 'Ar. b. 'Abd al-'Aziz b. A. al-Hanbali al-shahir biIbn Ruhaim.-For al-Tahrir see GAL II, 99. 229 Munyat al-rrruri.d fi adiib al-mufid wa) l-rrrustafid (13236) Author: Zain al-Din b. 'A. b. A. al-Shami [al-Shahid al-Thani] (d.966/1558) Incip.: ,._J Lo r---UJL,. 1.5.:01 cJJ r--i--Jl..,. ..J1b 0 J LoS (; U ..u-,. L, I • • • • • • r. Lo.-..ll AS!.))...., LA.,. 1.5 .:UI fol.1b-74a, 21.5 x 12.5 I 17 x 8.5 cm., 20 lin .. -For other details see no.123. Treatise on the acquisition of knowledge.Divided into muqaddimah, 4 abwab, and khatimah.Composed in Rab.I 954/1547.-Copied and collated in Jum.II Sha'b. 1084/1673, by Ibn M. Tahir M. b. Ytinus M. Marginal glosses (some shaved).-Borders oxidized. Ref. GAL SII, 449(no.7) .Kanturi 3202.Dhari'ah XXIII, 8659. 230 [al-Muqaddimah -(174235) Author: [M. b. M. b. (d.723/1323)]

PAGE 158

11 M 11 140 Incip.: 4-o .:J _,JL.,. , .: 9 0 11 .,ro-11 J:U...l.JI y. rj5._11 • • • ,j .:Jr .:J J.a-9 .:J r-' c....J.:. fol.10b-55a(pp.19-108), 19.5 x 16 I 16 x 12 cm., 14 lin •. -For other details see no.35. Arabic grammar, with Malay No date (13l19th cent.). Ref. GAL II, 308 : SII, 332. 231 [al-MUqaddimah al-ijagramiyah} (12145) Author: ['Al. b. 'Ar. Bafagl al-Hadrami (d.918l1512)] ff.122, 20.5 x 16.5 I 13 x 9.5 cm., 7 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear vocalized naskhi hand.-Chapter (bab, headings in red.-Blind-tooled red leather binding (with flap) . of Shafi'I jurisprudence, with interlinear translation in the Palembang dialect of Malay (fol.1b-115a) .-No date (12l18th cent.). Marsden Ms. Ref. Berlin 4635.68.

PAGE 159

11 M 11 . 141 232 aZ-MUstatraf min kuZZ [ann musta1ra[ (13438) Author: M. [b. A.] al-Khat1b al-Ibsh1h1 ( Incip.: ... ... Jll ..:6..:..11 ...\...o..:>... ••• A...,-..; JU '.:o.,JI f .. bo 11 cl.l..o.JI All ••• 6..) I ..;Jll _, u...,...JI_, _:rsWL,. ..) • 9 .. 6 Ill IY" A-&4 ..)_i.j ••• • • • ..)Jll IY" I 6j ff.319, 30 x 20.5 I 21 x 12-13.5 cm., 25-26 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Clear naskh1 hand.Text rubricated.-Modern half-cloth binding (without flap) . Anthology of elegant prose and verse, arranged in 84 chapters.-Copied in Rab.I 108711676, by Ibr. b. Taj fol.1-2 repaired. Ref. GAL II, 69 : SII, 55-6. 233 aZ-MutauwaZ -(47275) Author: [sa'd al-D1n al-Taftazanr (d.791l1389)] Incip.: .. Uj..) l......a...oJI .. l....9.> I lj .c,:WI All 0-:-:' _, l;r-' 0-:-:' u 9: .. 1 _, ,._,...l.Ji.::..JL,. (',U • • • ••• jp-lj....sWI.CL..L!i>-. 1-11 a bv ... lll..JI-... .... ,1 ._9 I ..:r-'-"" . I .. . . .. \.;;rff.177, 28 x 18 I 19 x 11.5 cm., 25 lin .. -Laid paper.-Cursive naskh1 I nasta'l1q hand.-Matn overlined in red.-Half-leather binding (with flap). Crnt. on al-Qazw1n1's Talkh1s al-Miftah (see no. 32) .-Copied in 106011650, by Musa b. Sha'ban.-

PAGE 160

11 M 11 142 Copious marginal and interlinear glosses.-fol. 1-10 repaired. Re f . GAL I , 3 54 (cm t . 4A) : SI , 516 . 234 Another copy (26103) ff.279, 26 x 17 I 20 x 10 cm., 20-21 lin .. -Oriental Irregular naskhi and nastacliq hand.-Matn overlined in red.-Damaged half-leather binding (without flap).Prov.: J. O'kinealy. Copied in Ram.1239l1824.-Margins restored. 235 al-gharam wa-khulaat al-kalam [! [agl Saiyidina calaihi al-alah wa l-salam (46353) Author: Taj al-Din [b.Ibr.] al-Tadmuri (d.833l1429) ff.78, 29.5 x 19.5 I 22 x 13.5 cm., 33 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Text rub,+icated.Modern blue cloth binding (without flap).

PAGE 161

11 M 11 143 Histories of the Prophets, with an account of the duties connected with visiting the tomb of Abraham at Hebron.-Divided into 30 Copied in Dhu'l-q.997/1589, by Ghars al-Oin al-Ja'bari Shaikh Saiyidina al-Khalil.Preceded by fihrist.-Water-stained. Ref. GAL II, 162 : SII, 162.

PAGE 162

11 N 11 144 236 [Nata)ij aZ-[ikar jr kashf asrar aZ-MUkhtaar} (47856) Author: 'Abd al-Baqi (b. Yu.] al-Zurqani (d.1099l1688) Incip.: ... JI_, '-:-'..; oJJ CLo))...sWI tr 1 ••• L.:.Jlr_, . .;. ,':. tr 0-0 " ... p.;, I Jj G..w I ()-,-J_,....l:i.. Jj UJll . • . -.) w ..;Jll Lr.' 1 lS..;..JP.Jll • • • rJL...Jll ff.306, 22.5 x 16 I 16 x 11 cm., 25 & 27 lin .. Wove paper.-Neat small maghribi hand.-Matn in red.-Blind-tooled red leather binding (with flap). Abridgement of the cmt. of 'A. b. M. al-Ujhuri (d.1066l1655) on al-Mukhtasar of Khalil al-Jundi (see no.225) .-First part (al-rub' al-auwal) .Dated 126711851.-Slightly wormed.-Prov.: Major Hubert W. Young. Ref. GAL II, 103 (cmt.m) : SII, 98. 237 Another copy -(47857) ff.214, 22.5 x 17.5 I 15.5 x 11 cm., 25 lin .. Wove paper.-Neat maghribi hand.-Matn in red.Detached blind-tooled red leather binding (spine broken, flap severed) . Third part (al-suds al-thalith) .-First folio lacking.-Copied in Ram.1287l1870.Prov.: Major Hubert W. Young.

PAGE 163

" N " 145 238 [Nathr (47271) Author: 'A. b. a. Talib (d.40I661) Incip.: 0 1 _,.o_,JI_, 4-ol __,5-JI I..T:'I (.r.' JL3 ..;4Jbl * __rJI u_r • • • c. I _;h.:..JI ..::..l..k.JI (r<> ff.31, 20.5 x 14 I 16.5 x 10 cm., 4 lin .. -Laid paper.-Calligraphic naskhi and thulth hand (written horizontally).-Gilt borders and margins (fol.1b-2a), text in black.-Gold-stamped darkbrown leather binding (with flap). Sayings of the Caliph 'Ali arranged in alphabetical order.-Copied in 116711753-4, by Isma'Il called Wahibi. Ref. GAL SI, 75.-Berlin 8659. 239 Nawadir [fi ma'ri[at akhbar aZ-RasuZ} (21977) Author: Abu 'Al. M. b. 'A. b. al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi ( Incip.: (.r.' d_,WI_, .. :: ... JI_, (.r.' •... : ... oil I..T:'I J y-..; 0 I • • • j.Q...i.J I (.r.' o.!.IL....o..w (r& ..r-st...o (r& o.!.l..; L,....oJ I (.r.' 0 1..;-iJI lA 0 1 .,_t-"'1 r-.1...-' 6.....LJI 6.....LJI •.. 6...liY:.....,U ff.282, 25.5 x 17 I 19 x 11.5 cm., 23 lin .. Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Dark brown ink.-Half-leather binding (with flap).

PAGE 164

" N " 146 Collection of select traditions, arranged in 293 sections called usul.Second half 183-293) .-Copied and collated in DhuJl-q. 584/1188(?), by Ya. b. 'Al .. -Water-stained. Ref. GAL I, 216 (no.12) : SI, 356.GAS I, 655. 240 Na1m al-mujradat -(191665) Author: M. b . . , A. al-Maqdisi [ al-'umari] (d.820/1417) Incip.: cUI .. 1 . . I t._jy..; f f . 2 4 (pp . 4 8) , 2 3 . 5 x 16 I 15 . 5 x 1 0 cm . , 2 1 lin .. -Laid paper (deckle edge).Naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Unbound. Compendium of jurisprudence in 1000 rajaz-verses, otherwise known as Alfiyat al-na?m al-mufid al-ahmad fi mufradat al-Imam Ahmad.-No date (13/19th cent.). Ref. GAL SII, 130.22.

PAGE 165

11 p 11 147 Pentekostarion al-Bandikustari 241 Particularum exempla (13239) Author: anon. ff.22(pp.37), 17.5 x 10.5 cm .. Wove paper.European hand.-Black ink.Soft covers. Arabic -Latin phrase-book, illustrating the uses of prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, and interjections.-No date (12/18th cent.).Prov.: E.J. Portal.

PAGE 166

11 Q 11 148 -Qanun _s_ee_ 1) kulliyat al-Qanlin 2) al-TliQfah al-Sacdiyah al-cAiniyah = al-Istighathah al-cAiniyah see no. 55(7) al-Khafiriyah see Sharh al-Qasidah --. . al-Khafiriyah Qiladat al-durr al-manthur see no. 171 see 372(2} al-Majnun wa-Lailah = Diwan Qais 242 al-Qadirt (tacbtr) -(46348) Author: Abu sacd b. YacqUb al-Dinawari ( 400/1009) Incip.: ,y> Jll .UI Jl 9..:01 • • • _,...,. I J L9 • • • t' _,.;-Jl _, 'cL:..... o .:b. Jl L..,. _,_r11 ..u...,. 4..::....LII '-:-' L::..S I 9. _;y-:...,. ..UI r_,...LWI_, '-:-'' ..)Jll 0...:.1 ...)> 4--:-Lo..)G. .; .......... 11 c..;r-9 l,r-'1 L.Jlr '-:-'' _,JJ, l f.199, 31.5 x 21.5 I 23 x 15.5 cm., 17 lin .. Oriental glazed paper.-Elegant large naskhi hand.-Chapter headings in red.-Blind-tooled dark-red leather binding (with flap). Treatise, in 30 fusul, on oneiromancy.-Dedicated to the Caliph al-Qadir (reg. 381-422/9911031) .-Composed in Ram. 397/1006 (fol.3b) .-First part (as far as the 4th bab of the 13th fasl) .-----Incompl. at end.-No date (7/13th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 282 : SI, 433.-Fahd 336. t ,

PAGE 167

11 Q 11 243 Qanunchah f!)l-tibb -(44492) Author: [Ma. b. M. al-Jaghmrnr (d. after 618/1221)] 149 fol.1b-37b, 20 x 12 I 14 x 7.5 cm., 15 lin .. Oriental paper.-Neat nasta'lrq hand.-Text rubricated.-Blind-tooled dark-brown leather binding (without flap). Compendium of medicine, divided into 10 maqalat. Dated 125811843.-Marginal glosses.-Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest). Ref. GAL I, 598 (c) : SI, 826, 865. 244 mad1 -(4?2??) Author: Tahir b. M. fol.52b-73b, 25.5 x 17 I 18.5 x 11.5 cm., 5 lin .. Wove pink paper.-Calligraphic naskhi hand.-Illuminated headpiece and borders, text in black.-Gold-stamped brown leather binding (without flap).

PAGE 168

11 Q 11 150 Poem in praise of the Prophet MliQammad.No date (ca.1263/1847) .-Followed by two other anon. poems: 1. (fol.74b-76a) 16 verses, same as Princeton 4234, and Makt. al-auqaf III, 4809, incip.: * o....lll J.r..; 9,__,_ll )I J Lo <1.1 I y-Lo 2.(fol.76b-77b) 16 verses, incip.: 245 jr (40911) Author: [M. b. sa'Id al-Busiri (d.694/1294)] Incip.: fol.271b, 27.5 x 16 cm .. -Laid paper.-Careless naskhi hand.-Black ink.-Binding as in no. 22. Poem in praise of the Prophet otherwise known as Umm al-Qura fi madh Khair al-Wara.No date (12/18th cent.) .-Incomplete. Ref. GAL I, 313 : SI, 470. 246 Another copy -(53823) ff.34, 22 x 16.5 I 17 x 10 cm., 14 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear vocalized naskhi hand.-Text in black, with red dots between verses.-Modern cloth binding (without flap) .

PAGE 169

11 Q 11 151 Accompanied by an interlinear Swahili translation (rhymemim), b y Saiyid 'Aiuarus b. 'uth. Shaikh 'Ali, completed in 1162/1749.-Copied in DhiT'l-b. 1207/1793, . b y 'uth. b. b. 'uth. al-Fuqaimi Bound with the volume is an account of the Ms. by William Hichens(dated July 1 936), as well as his correspondence (four letters) with the British Museum, Royal Asiatic Society, and the School of-Oriental and African Studies, concerning an English translation of Umm 247 li-Abt MU?ammad} -(91889) Author: Abfi M. L 'Al. b. a. Zaid (d. 386/996) Incip. : * j...o )!I J J L...oJ l,. I S ...Li...z. U" L..:...ll J...o-v-113 ,__hJI ()S I J ff.2, 22 x 16 I 17 x 12.5 cm., 36 verses in all.Laid paper.-Careless 1 .aghribi hand.-Brown ink.Folios loose. Poem in praise of the Prophet Mubammad.No date (13/19th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 188 (no.IIb). 248 Author: Mubyi al-Din 'Aq . al-Jili (d.561/1167)

PAGE 170

11 Q 11 152 Incip.: fol.42b-45b, 30 verses in all.-For other details see no. 244. Religious poem, with Persian interlinear paraphrase in nastaclrq hand.-Copied in Ram.1263/ 1847.Same as Berlin 3406(4) .-Followed by another anon. poem (30 verses), incip.: "t..:..JII .. J... c; .1 "LA..i.ll w UJI J Q.w..; c--..J . o...P. ..J * l;r=' '"' J 249" -(2044??) Author: anon. ff.14, 23 x 17.5 I 16.5 x 11 cm., 13 lin .. Wove paper.-Clear angular maghribi hand.-Darkbrown and red ink.-Gold-stamped half-leather binding (without flap). Paraenetic poem made up of 29 five verse stanzas, each rhyming in a different letter of the alphabet.No date (13/19th cP.nt.) .-Covered with interlinear glosses.-Prov.: Prof. A. S. Tritton.

PAGE 171

" Q " 153 250 Banat Sucad] (47277) Author: [Kacb b. Zuhair (1/7th cent.)] Incip.: * J,.,..,.._::..o u .. I' .. ..lL.a.... J -.<-...l.L A I lJb , I w •• ..;r:-.. I ..r fol.24b-30b, 25.5 x 17 I 18.5 x 11.5 cm., 5 lin •• Wove pink glossy paper.-Calligraphic naskhi hand.-Illuminated headpiece and borders, text in black.-Gold-stamped brown leather binding (without flap) • Poem in praise of the Prophet Copied in Shacb. 1263/1847. Ref. GAL I, 33 : SI, 69. 251 al-Burdah] (47277) Author: [M. b. sacid al-Busiri (d.694/1294)] Incip.: * r-..1... 9. ul ...rP.' u-o 1 r ..l-,; 6...l9..o u-o lS ..r.-w....o..) .:r fol.1b-21b.Other details as in preceding entry. in praise of the Prophet with interlinear Persian translation "in nastacliq, otherwise known as al-Kawakib al-Durriyah fi madQ Khair al-Barriyah.-Copied in Raj. 1263/1847. Ref. GAL I, 308 : SI, 467.

PAGE 172

" Q " 154 252 Qatf al-azhar al-Khitat (19120) Author: Abu)l-Surur [M.] b. M. b. a.)l-Surur [al-Bakri] al-Siddiqi (d.1087l1676) Incip.: l..o.....JI 0-0 ..)J_,..JI 1.5-iJI o.l:J • • • ...4.:>...o 0-:-..)J_,..JI __,..,.I • • • J • • • '.\..,. \ o'">.. o 11 • • • (J .h..; G....J ..) L.:. SI I J .hbJI '7' L...$ L..b Lo.J • • • 9. • • • 0-:-.l..o> I ()-,:-..01 ff.168, 21 x 15.5 I 18 x 10.5 cm., 25 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.Half-leather binding (with flap). Epitome of al-Maqrizi's (A. b. 'A., d.845l1442) wa)l-i'tibar fi dhikr al-khitat wa)l-athar (i.e. work on Egyptian history and topography).Autograph (see colophon and fol.1a), dated Rab.I 105711647.Reading-note in the hand of the author's father H. h. a.)l-Surur.fol.50 misbound.-Water-stained.Prov.: R.S. Greenshields. Ref. GAL II, 48 : SII, 36.-Zirk.VII, 293. 253 al-Qaulah himmasah (54445) Author: 'A. b. M. b. 'A. al-'Aqdi Incip.: • • • r)L. ••. JI._, o.l..o> JP-cUJ 01 ..l...9 ••• 9...).]UJI ••• • • • Lo L...:::. . A...J l......i..o o.J . L) '-T fol.24b-26b.-For other details see no. 4. Tract on ritual purity (cmp. nos.4 & 141) .-1Dated 118 1 I 1 7 6 7 -'8 .

PAGE 173

11 Q " 155 254 Author: cAla) al-Din a.)l-H. eA. b. cAbbas • b. al-Lahham al-Baclr al-ijanbali ff.113, 32 x 19.5 I 27 x 15 cm., 28-31 lin •. -Laid paper.-Clear modern naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.-Half-leather binding (without flap). Treatise on ijanbali jurisprudence and furuc) .-No date (late 13/19th cent.).-Preceded by a detailed fihrist. (fol.1b-13a); which follows the usual arrangement of law books, incip.: ....i.z.5 0 L$ Lo.J A..:. U Lo I • • • LaJI '-:' ..J cUI • • • 0-::-..l.JI )Is • • • ..u I _,.i-ll '-:' L..::..S (J-0 J!. L...-oJI • • • . . L::...SJI . . . 000 00 ,, 0 " 'I . I I • • • -:"' JJ o.....s...s.J ""':"" y-t Ref. GAL SI, 687.-Ch.Beatty VII, 5125. 255 (4??81) Author: anon.

PAGE 174

" Q " 156 Incip.: A.J ,_,...9 I o t ."' A...l..JI J U" y 0-:-I .;,;.s • • • .,riSI 0 J L.i .ll 0 I J, .. " 11 J.:-5 ff.11, 33.5 x 20.5 I 29 x 18 cm., 23 Ruled paper.Naskhi hand.-Black ink.-Modern quarter-cloth binding (without flap) . Story of in two versions, the second prefaced by pseudo-philosophical reflections on the four divisions of men according to their moral nature. Followed by a Swahili translation.-No date (early 20th cent.).-Prov.: W. Hichens. 256 aZ-Qur>an -(199351) ff.27, 10.5 x 16 cm., 13-15 lin •. -Parchment.Kufic hand.-Dark-brown and red ink.-Folios loose, within modern cloth box. Fragments, containing s.6 and parts of s.5, 7, 20, 22, 23, and 24.-Skilfully repaired.-No date (2-3l8-9th cent.). 257 aZ-Qur>an -(425?9) ff.82, 23.5 x 15.5 I 17.5 x 9 cm., 12 lin •. -Oriental paper.-Elegant vocalized naskhi hand.Illuminated frontispiece, margins (fol.1b-2a), and borders; text in black and red.-Modern cloth binding (without flap). s.2-s.6(47) .-No date (10I16th.cent.) .rncompl. at beginning and end.-fol.5 damaged.-Repaires.

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11 Q 11 157 258 al-Qur'an (1493) ff.348, 28.5 x 21 I 20.5 x 15 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear vocalized Biharr hand (lines 1, 9, and 17 in larger characters). Illuminated panels on fol.89b-90a, 179b-180a,and 261b-262a; surah headings in red.-Blind-stamped red leather binding (with flap). s.1 -s.114.-No date (10I16th cent.).-fol.1-2 supplied later.Some folios damaged, margins restored. 259 al-Qur'an (44481) ff.457, 21 x 14 I 15 x 9 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear vocalized Biharr hand.Surah headings in white on gold background, text in black, red, and gold.-Exquisite lacquer binding with floral design (without flap). s.1 -s.114.-No date (10l16th cent.?).-fol. 1-8, 26, 379-380, and 451-457 supplied later (naskhi hand).Some folios damaged.-Margins restored.-Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest). 260 al-Qur'an (25139) ff.195, 12.5 x 7 I 9.5 x 4.5 cm., 22 lin .. -Oriental paper.Small calligraphic naskhi hand.Illuminated frontispj.ece, surah headings, and

PAGE 176

11 Q 11 158 borders.-Lacquer binding (without flap). s.1 -s.114.-No date (10l16th cent.).Some marginal glosses in Persian.-Wormed in parts.Ex libris D.C. Phillott. 261 -(12176) ff.275, 13.5 x 9 I 9.5 x 5.5 cm., 15 lin .. -Laid paper.-Vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Brown leather binding (without flap). s.1 -s.114.-Copied in Jum.I 99311585.-Badly wormed.-Marsden Ms. 262 (380290) ff.380, 18 x 12 I 13 x 7 cm., 13 lin .• -Oriental paper.-Vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Cloth covered leather binding (with flap). s.1 -s.114.-Dated 107011659-60.-Some folios lacking at beginning. 263 -(149414) ff.362, 24 x 15 I 16.5 x 9 cm., 12 lin .• -Oriental paper.-Vocalized naskhi hand.-Treble line border in red and blue, text rubricated.Badly damaged cloth covered leather binding Cwith flap) .

PAGE 177

11 Q 11 159 s.l-s.114.-Copied in Raj. [10?]491 1639.Badly damaged.-Followed by a prayer to be recited upon the completion of the Qur)an, same as Berlin 3866(4), called Duca) khatm al-Qur)an, incip.: :J f'":":'?' .u.,.,.......) :J r .. 1;, a 11 A.lJJ . A..l.JJ .):J4--J:J 01__riJI L...o w-o illl • • • 01 .: • 11 w-o A..:j:J.)L.:;. 0LS Lo G 264 al-Qur)an (30592) ff.391, 26 x 19.5 I 19.5 x 12 cm., 13 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear vocalized naskhi hand.Double line border and surah headings in red.Badly damaged red leather binding (without flap). s.1 -s.114.-No date (11l17th cent.).-Waterstained, last folio torn.-Former owner Capt. Dunlop Younghusband.-Presented to theLibrary by Lt.-Col. P.R.T. Gurdon.-Note on the back of front cover states that this copy comes from 14the neighbourhood of Chak Darrah in the Swat Valley". 265 al-Qur)an -(12217) ff.88, 19.5 x 13.5 I 15 x 9 cm., 13 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Written in a peculiar script, described by William Jones in a in "Minute on Mr. Malet's letter", enclosed in the volume.-Text rubricated.-Leather binding (without flap). Fragment (s.2(88) -s.6(89) .-No date (11l17th cent.?).-Lacunae after fol.34 and 82.-Recto and verso of fol.8 reversed.-fol.4, 17, and 27 should be between fol.1-2, 15-16, and 25-26 respectively.Marsden Ms.

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11 Q 11 160 266 -(19118) ff.182, 21 x 15 I 14.5 x 8.5 cm., 18 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat vocalized naskhi hand.Surah headings in red.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (without flap, rebacked) . s.2 -s.114.-Copied by M. walad cAlishaz Aga cAli from Kamanduhla, in Soiled through heavy use.-Prov. : R. S. Greenshi.elds. 267 ff.12, 16 x 10.5 I 14.5 x 7 cm., 23-25 lin •• -Laid paper (deckle edge).-European characters.Black and red ink.-Modern cloth binding (without flap) . 11Alcorani Suratae 76 ad 114 arabice, Literis Europeanis expressae11.No date (early 12l18th cent.).-Marsden Ms. 268 (16374) ff.134, 32 x 21 I 24 x 14.5 cm., 11 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Vocalized calligraphic naskhi hand.-Illuminated frontispiece and borders, surah headings in red.-Red leather binding (with flap,and onlaid centre-and corner-pieces). s.10-s.30.No date (early 12l18th cent.t. Preceded and followed by two short prayers.Prov.: Reginald Wilde.

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" Q " 161 269 al-Qur)an -(43252) ff.345, 32 x 19 I 26.5 x 15 cm., 14 lin .. -Laid paper (blue and creamy).-Large vocalized naskhi hand.Surah headings in red.-Blind-stamped black leather binding (with flap). s.1-s.109(2) .-No date (late 12l18th cent.).Incompl. at end.-First folio supplied later. Some leaves badly damaged.-Prov.: Prov.: Sir Oliver Wardrop. 270 ff.40, 16.5 x 10 I 12 x 6.5 cm., 11 lin .. -Laid paper.-Vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern cloth binding (without flap). s.25(23) -s.29(44) .-No date (early 13l19th cent.).-Marsden Ms. 271 ff.309, 17 x 10.5 I 12 x 6.5 cm., 15 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat vocalized naskhi hand.-Illuminated frontispiece and borders, surah headings in red.-Cloth binding (without flap, rebacked). s.1 -s.114.-No date (early 13l19th cent.).Note on fol. 31 Ob reads: " William Canning the gift of Claudius James Rich Esq., Jan.20.1812 Bagdad".Presented to the Library by Dr. Barnett.

PAGE 180

11 Q 11 162 272 al-Qur'an (380289) ff.75, 21 x 17 I 17.5 x 12.5 cm., 24 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat maghribi hand.Surah headings and vocalization in red.-Folios loose, s.19 -s.110(1) .-No date (late 19th cent.).Last folio torn.-Incompl. at end.-Note on fol. la reads: "Part of the Koran from Sierra Leone 1890. D.D. Lt.Col. P. Radcliffe C.M.G. July 17th 1920".Accompanied by a letter from Oscott College, Birmingham. 273 Qurrat al-cuyun al-Yaman al-maimUn -(4?9?6) Author: Wajih al-Din cAr. b. eA. al-Daibac (d.944l1537) ff.150, 25.5 x 18 I 17 x 9.5 cm., 29 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Brown leather binding (with flap and onlaid centre-and corner-pieces) . History of Yemen from the times of till 92311517.-Copied in by M. b. Ya. Amin Qashacah.-Collation note cancelled. Ref. GAL II, 527 (no.2) : SII, 549.

PAGE 181

11 R 11 163 -Rasa'il al-Zainiyah see nos 169 & 288 Risalah fi asrar al-basmalah wa'l-hamd see no.277(3) . --Risalah fi masa'il min al-funun = Iskal al-casharah fi funlin al-casharah Risalah fi'l-mizan al-haqq see no. 277(10) Risalah fi'l-radd li-qaul bac9 al-muqridin see no.277(12) . --Risalah fi sharQ wa-tafsir al-Ism see no. 277 (24) Risalah fi'l-suluk see no. 277(25) -Risalah 1) Tahrir al-qawacid al-mantiqiyah crmad 3) cala khutbat sharQ al-Shamsiyah -Risalah al-Wagciyah see al-Risalah al-Wagciyah Risalat al-nafkh wa'l-taswiyah = al-Ma9nlin al-Saghir 274 Raf;mat aZ-Al)ad Nabi al-$amad ( 380285) Author: M. cuth. [al-Mirghani (d.1268/1852)] Incip. (as extant): rJI,.....JI_, 6.)1.o.JI j..:UI ••• I L,. L:.:...S Ja::.l 0 I r I yo-JI_, 9. I _r u c....L.ii _, u _r).:U • • • .)11 6...l.,..J I ..; ,._:. • • • A-:-vu L.:..JI c.,. L.JI_, d.J.)ll ...u...,. ..,r-Lo...:::JI r LaJI 4-o-_, '-:-' L.::.5..J! d.J I J U _, • • • r I _rJI AS.., ff.142, 32 x 22 I 22.5 x 11.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear modern naskhi hand.-Text . . . .

PAGE 182

11 R 11 164 rubricated.-Quires loose within brown leather case (without flap) . Collection of Traditions.-Composed in 12381 1822-3.-No date (13l19th cent.).-First folio missing. Ref. IM I, 552. 275 (14086) fol.1b-144b, 30.5 x 21.5 I 18 x 12.5 cm., 17 lin .. -For other details see no.7. Epistles of St. Paul and Canonical Epistles.No date (late 11l17th cent.).-Ink off set. 276 Incip. : db J 0 1 _,>I J!.. L.....; 0-0 cu L... _;JI ,&-JI J rj..l.a.JI CU L.....; J 1.5 ..l> I 1.5.:01 cUI ..l..o>.-11 J)J I • • • '-:-'I I d.,. I J • • • l.Jbl 0L,. )11 ff.276, 29.5 x 20 I 21 x 11.5 cm., 33 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Neat small naskhi hand.0 Text rubricated.-Brown leather binding (without flap, with onlaid centre-and corner-pieces).

PAGE 183

11 R 11 165 51 treatises of the Brethren of Purity.-No date (11/17th cent.).-Diagrams omitted. Ref. GAL I, 237 : SI, 380.-Poonawala 374. 277 li)l-Rashti] (92308) Author: b. Qasim al-Rashti (d.1259/1843) ff.406, 29 x 20 I 22 x 12.5 cm., 27-31 lin •. -Laid glossy paper.-Two naskhi hands.-Black and red ink.-Black cloth binding (without flap). Collection of tracts and responsa by the second leader of the Shaikhi 1. ( composed in Raj.1258/1842, copied in 1259/1843 by Jawad b. Qasim al-Najjar, incip.: 0-:' r.bL.5 • • • Lol • •• '-7..; 4.1.1 _,..,I I • • • uJ _,...JI 0 1 Y. ...... ., 11 r-L9 L_y..::...j ...)'""-0 0J.l J..::, L.....o (:,JI ..U • • • • • • r.)b)ll .., ..; 1 J .:O c. ... 11__, 4 9 ... 9., 11 2. (fol.40a-62a) no title, date of composition and transcription as above, incip.: 1..5.:01 4.1.1 Lo I • • • J_,.....l-.01__, 0 Ub _,..,.JI CL.. L9 L...,. J..,.....JI J I 0-:' ••• 0 1 ••• r.bL.5 ••• .l..}l A I p">-0 cJ _,_wl '-7 L...,. L.::.5 ..u • • • 3.(fol.63a-69a) no title, composed in Rab.II 1256/ 1840, incip. : Lo I • • • Lsz...JI '-7..; 4.1.1 0-:' rGJI ••• r_,5)11 '-74 ul ••• l.T"I '-r-'L.ii..-11 A.J..JI tGJI JL...o.JI 4.(fol.69a-72a) no title, composed in 1256/1840, incip.: ••• • .• '-7..; 4.1.1 r-h Lo ••• ,.s.J_,...g • • • J.>C)II

PAGE 184

11 R 11 166 5. (fol. 72b-73b) no title,incip.: I....;JJ AlJ 0 1 • • • 1.-1 • • • • • • J L..JI .. .. .. J I .> p , .. L ...... L " .. < . . . . ..>--'..!) . ..,...-:--"""-' . 6.(fol.73b-75b) no title, composed in 1256/1840, incip.: ••• 0u 1.-1 ••• A.U J G..JI 4 , ... a-. er .:J J Li.oJI 1.)-0 J . . . 7. (fol. 75b-78b) no title, incip.: I....;JJ A.U 6....l.JI JU L .OL..-..j . I .. A . 11 J ..JL.....i • • • . -IL.a.JI f\.T . . . u L,j_ajl • • • • • • f.S.:J I .;. .: . . ll ..!)> u-.9 L.b.JI 1.-i L...:.5JI 8. (fol. 79b-167a) no title, incip.: AlJ JL.I.:J .: !..,..I (HI • • • • • • u-obu..JI 1.5..,_l.a..JI ,._...u L 1 . . < 6.)-:P.-.:J Lo....lS u I u-S-o-JI L> • ..... > 11 • • • I.Jb c.-. _r. .:J u-i,-1 9. (fol.169a-179b) Jawab Mufti Baghdad, copied in Mul}.1257/1841, incip.: AlJ • • • r L..::.JI u-.9 j...o L5JI j.:J..r .:J r t-.::.JI J_,....h.J "L-JI 1 .:J J I ,.._J-aJI s: Lo.... u I _,..JI • • • I.-I • • • rj_jl Jl .l...,. ••• Jl 4..a.bL.......ll J..;...i..JI 10. (fol.184a-188b) Risalah al-haqq, incip.: ••• Lol ••• AlJ _ru-J$ 0L5 A..:..l • • • yl I _,..-hi • • • • • • IJ-::'..l.> 4-JI 0-::-..l..:. La....o...ll 1.)-0 A..i!. L.b u I .:J I .:J 11.(fol.189a-191b) no title, incip.: JU '-i .. I s: r ..l-9.::...11 4.::-1.)-0 0-::' I yl (.H Jll 4..o Lo I • • • t-.:.1 6....l.JI ..ll J I 1.5 Lo J..,..S I 12.(fol.192a-197a) Risalah fi)l-radd wa)l-ibtal li-qaul ba'd al-muqridin, incip.: I....;JJ AlJ r)JS u ;, 1 • ..u...s 1.-1 ••• • • u-.9 '-i .• ;...!) 1.)-0 ..lL..,...a..ll 13.(fol.198b-203a) no title, incip.: I....;JJ u ...... ,.n ,._...u (.H ••• 1.-1 •••

PAGE 185

11 R 11 167 L.l.:; J!.L........o • • • u-,...>JI 0 1 0 1 • • • J I I J>..; LL::..:; J L,.JI I J t-5 14. (fol.203b-214b) no title, composed in Raj.1257/1841, incip.: ••• All .D • • • 0 1 • • • Lol • • • 15. (fol.215b-218a) no title, incip.: '-:'..; All 0 1 • • • Lol • • • A l•oooo I L,.ly. ()S t;:Py::-j • • • (J-::-9..;LsWI ••• 16.(fol.218b-227b) no title, composed in Jum.I 1257/1841, incip.: Lol ••• '-:'..; All L,-1 y. l; 0000 : lol ul ••• • • • u-,._rs 0-:" • • • r_j Ls.JI 0-0 I J!. L......o.1J 17.(fol.227b-238a) no title, incip.: '-:'..;All '-:-4 0 1 • • • Lol • • • .D u L..o..l... 0-:" 0-:" I 0-:" I ..l..o.>..o • • • ••• Jl '?" R '-:-1 _y.-JI J!.L........o 18. (fol.238a-250a) no title, incip.: '-:'..; All r-J Ls.JI 0 1 _,JI • • • Lo I • • • Ls.JI • • • J!. L-.o....,. c...::. I .D • • • ..l..o.>..o • • • J,.o Ls.JI 19.(fol.252a-257b) passages from several tions of Traditions. 20. (fol.259a-260b) no title, incip.: '-:'..; All t.r-.,rol .D ••• Lol ••• uJ,.ol 0 1 •• • ..l..o.>..o tWI '-:-4 .•• r _fbl..h.JI o !Sif • • • t"l;, R olf d.b ol...,.L.i> ..;YI.:; 21.(fol.261a-262b) lacking both title and author's name, incip.: uJb ul ,._l.J:I ..)L....a..JI :: 1 .. 0 0 .o. 0 • S If • L..0..::....91 0 """\"'"':"' u-.!) .!) oo 0 • • • cLl.JI 0-0 22.(fol.263b-266a) no title, composed in Raj.1233/ 1818, incip.: Lol • •• '-:'..; All ()S u 00 r• .... -D • •• 0 1 0 1 •••

PAGE 186

11 R 11 168 11 ' !! •• ''I • < I I • ' Is 1...7"' f. A.;'.. l;lb..J o o o A .. '?' Ao •• b!: 4 wo c., Lo L..i..o 1 11 ..l -ft.-11 • !! I11 . L1: l,r'-1...7"' ..:r-..J v--..J ._,..... I.)" • • • 0 0 Lo yl 4 (Y 0 U ._rWI 23.(fol.267a-270a) Ajwibat al-Saiyid 'A. al-Bahbahani, incip.: Lol ••• '-:'..J .u.J 0-:' •• • '-:' 4 0 I ._;JI •• .u...,. oJ.JI A.o...l.... J U • • • J!. .U • • • Lo ..J ... .;. . ..)":'! ' , o 11 L.SJL,.. ..ll _r-JI Lo • .. • • • ()-0 ..ll _r-JI 24.(fol.271a-274a) Risalah fi sharh wa-tafsir al-Ism al-A'zam, same as no.20. 25. (fol.275a-278b) Risalah same as no.22. 26.(fol.279b-300a) no title, copied in 1256/1840, incip. : • • • .u...,. Lo I • • • L..a.JI '-:' ..J .ill 0-:' 0-:' • • • r-J L..a.JI '-:' 4 0 I ._;JI L 1 : 1;,1 J!.L-.o J...,..JI .U uLo....l... 0-:' '-:'I y.-JI ..ll ..J I ..J 4Ji.... L-.JI J!. L-o..ll,.. I .U ••• JW....:.)II 4_r..5 l...:.I..JJI'?'a .. ,)ll 27. (fol.300b-303a) no title, composed in Ram. 1252/1836, incip.: .u...,. Lol ••• '-:'..J .u.J c... c.-1 c.-L-.15 I .. .. 11 ••• J ..JL...9 ..) u ...r .__.--;;--• • • ..J._;JI t)ll 6..a..,-A o 11 I',. o I L,..l ,y.-• • • I j.r-:-JI 28. (fol.303a-305b) no title, incip.: '-:'..) .ill c.-L-.15 0 I ._;JJ • • • .u...,. Lo I • • • L..a.JI A !<, .. a 11 ••• ul ,_,>)11 J!.L--.1 -L,..I,y...... lol • • • r t_....j...ll..,.. oJ.JI j..a..i..,. 4...o.!. U LWI 0 I ..J 29.(fol.306a-314b) lacking title and author's name, incip.: L...:...>..,.-Lo..J oJ.JI A.o...l.... JU 4..JL....,..s yJb J.,..SI • • • 4 ....... o 11 4.-o)i.& ..J • • • 4..,.s ._rJI rl..S.>)JI .bl .......... 1 (Y 30. (fol.315a-321b) Risalah fi asrar alrbasmalah wa 1 -hamd, incip. : .u...,. Lo 1 • • • L..a.JI '-:' ..J .ill ..JI.ri..J 4:.:?-"c.-L-.15 ul ... .. ... 611 ,.._.:...s. .. ll r..?....JI rbsoll .... <

PAGE 187

11 R 11 169 31. (fol.323b-333a) no title, composed in 1258/1842, incip.: Lol ••• '-:'..; cUJ .... : lol .l wl ••• ..l..lL.,-6....1 ,._J \.S.:u1 0 1 _,>.)11 w-o t....,.l y.• • • 0-::-:-,._J _, Jj>JI ..l..lL.,32. (fol. 333a-335a) no title, incip.: '-:'..; cUJ L..o.....1S 0 1 _;11 • • • ..l..lL.,Lo I • • • Lsa..JI • .. ,; .l-1.,. ()-0 0.:.:...::.1 L.,.l y... lol l.!.l.,r J: L.,-_;11 • • • u _,.3 Lo • • • ft-0 • • • 65. _r._, 33. (fol.335b-338a) no title, incip. c.JU..::.I ,; Lo.....)ll_, 0 1 0 1 w-o J...:, 4..,....,Lo)ll . . . 34 . . (fol.338a-341a) no title, incip.: 6-.L.JI A..o..l.., JU 0 Lo I .ll L...o..,..3 _, Lo _, Lsa_:j • • • 4LS_rJI 35. (fol.341a-356a) no title, composed in Raj. 1242/1827, incip. :..l..lL.,-Lol ••• '-:'..; cUJ o 1 . : 19 4j-:A-_, 0 1 ••• .b.!. I __r.J I w-o !....r.-J I a .. .: Lo _, 4..,...., _,.,.JI I _,...4JI 4JU ... :""..;.:J •• JUI • • • CLo..::. l.:).. _, '-:' I ..J-:' I 4i.::...b _, 36. (fol.356a-375a) no title, incip.: '-:'..; cUJ w-o 4 0 1 ••• ..l..lL.,-Lol ••• A...JL-..; wl I_, o"" 11 • • • • • • • . 6-.L.JI 6.-D y3 Lo _, r t....,..cJI dJU • • • CLo..::. l.:).. _, '-:'I __,..,. I _, CLo I _, 37. (fol.375b-397b) no title, same as Bank.X,639, incip. 6..l..Z.__,..::.....I w-o ..l...Z...;I \.S.:UI cUJ L;._,...... 6-.L.JI 0 1 _;11 • • • ..l..lL.,Lo I • • • • • • J......;-11 w-o 4_;:J ul _, 6-.L.JI 38.(fol.398a-406b) list (thabat) of al-Rashti's works.-Ref. GAL SII, 845.138.

PAGE 188

11 R 11 170 278 [Rasa)il al-Sanusi] (47283) Author: A. b. M. al-Sharif al-Sanusi al-Idrisi (d.1351/1933*) Collection of 11 letters (various sizes)addressed to General Sir John Maxwell, from A. al-Sanusi. The first 10 are dated during the year 1333/1915 and the other Ram. 1337/1919.-Presented to the Library by Sir John Maxwell. 279 Author: Zain al-Din b. 'A. b. A. al-Shami [al-Shahid al-Thani](d.966/1559) Incip. : 4. ; . (hll cl.l..o..::. ...l...i..&JI ..J 6 J 4)11 '-:-' L:..S LJ 0 ... • -: •• : u ...l...i..&Ju r _,..J.....o Jl..J-A-:-4..o _,..J.....o.JI ••• Cia;. ... lt..,. t\ 9 la" . ff.146, 29.5 x 21 I 22.5 x 13.5 cm., 29 lin .. -Laid paper.-Cursive naskhi hand.-Matn overlined in red.-Dark-brown leather binding (without flap). Cmt. on al-Lum'ah al-Dimashqiyah (Shi'ite law) of M. b. Makki al-Shahid al-Auwal (d.782/ 1390) .-Second half.-Incorrectly identified as Man la yaQguruhu al-faqih (no.197) .-Composed (taswid) in Jum.I 957/1550.-Copied at al-Mashhad, Dhujl-q. 982/1575, by 'fum'ah b. 'A. b.1 , 'fum'ah al-Husaini .-First folio supplied later. Ref. GAL II, 131 : SII, 131.Kanturi 1595. Dhari'ah XI, 1756.

PAGE 189

11 R 11 280 [al-Risalah] (91889) Author: Abu M. 'Al. b. a. Zaid al-Qairawani (d.386/996) 171 ff.192, 21 x 15.5 I 14 x 9.5 cm., 7 lin .. -Laid paper.-Maghribi (West African) hand.Black and red ink.-Folios loose, in damaged blind-tooled brown leather binding (with flap). Compendium of Maliki jurisprudence.-Incompl. at beginning and end.-No date (12/18th cent.).Numerous marginal and interlinear glosses.-Badly water-stained.-Followed by a fragment of a tract on prayer and fasting (21 folios in all).Prov.: Mrs. R. Smith. Ref. GAL I, 187 : SI, 301. 281 Another copy -(44136) Incip.: _,_,.I r-JLa..JI JU l5 .:01 All ..l...o.>JI A....l.JI t4..o>...; lT-1 lr:' I 0-:' A....l.JI ••• 11 ... o<>: A...;yDJ A .. os': • • • I _, 4..,. L.&...; 1.!1 L.,.,.l _, A....l.JI L....:. L.& I .l...P....,Lo I ff.361, 23.5 x 16.5 I 14 x 8.5 cm., 6 lin .. -Laid paper.-Stiff maghribi hand.-Text rubricated.Modern green cloth binding (without flap). No date (late 13/19th cent.).Prov.: Prof. A.S. Tritton.

PAGE 190

" R " 172 282 Risalat al-bayan li-ma wajab min macri[at al-ialah fi nii[ shahr Rajab (25740) Author: (Idris cimad al-Din b. cAl. (d.872l1468)] ff.124, 15.5 x 9 I 17 x 7 cm., 7-8 lin .. Wove brown paper.-Coarse naskhi hand.Some words and overlinings in yellow.-Rubbed quarter-leather binding (without flap). Ismacili treatise on the months Rajab, Sha'ban, and Ramagan.Copied in Rab.I 129911882, by al-Taiyib eA. Mulla Jiwabha'I. Ref. Poonawala 173-4. 283 al-Risalah al-Fat1iyah al-jaibiyah -( 45806) Author: Badr al-Din M. [b. M.] Sibt al-Maridini (d. after 89111486) Incip. : Lo.JI .h..,..... 0-::-..01 J L9 I. I ...... 0 11 _;JL,. J,..o..AJI A...l L.....) • • • Lsa.JI "-;-'..) Ul I . I I A .. .. .. I .. A 0 0 0 I ,,' 0 11'.) '-:' '-:' 0-::' 4.,.o ..l..3,.o 4 0 I ''I 0 fol.27b-33b, 20 x 13 I 15.5 x 8.5 cm1 ; , 19 lin .. Chapter headings in red.Other details as in no. 164.

PAGE 191

11 R 11 173 Tract on the use of the sinus-quadrant.-No date (12/18th cent.). Ref. GAL II, 217 (no.7) : SII, 216. 284 [Risalah f! abkam al-nujUm] (50690) Author: anon. Incip.: Lol ••• 0LS...o J.S All ..l..o.:>...JI s: L..Z Lo_,._r-..o LT:' I J r_,...LUI c...,.I..J (r.' J y G. (r.' J .b L.,.>JI Lr.' I J 4-LJI c_r.l J 0 I LZ J (r.' J J.t-... (r.' 0--•;)o ... JI_, 4 ,_r.JI :r' I (r.' .j..Jlh.J:J (r.' \.5 .l.JI '-'..J L..b (r.' '-:-' 1-..9 J/-'>-JI _ri-JI (r.' J : s .. o Jl U" I J o I" o r--L--JI I u--9 ..J Le..& I I ••• _,s.ll 0-0 l...o-,. ff.83, 19 x 12.5 I 14 x 7.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Neat nasta'liq hand.-Black and red ink.-Leather wrapper. Astrological treatise divided i .nto 12 sections (burj) .-No date (late 11/17th cent.).-First folio damaged.-Diagrams and some headings omitted.Marginal notes in Persian.-Prov.: S.H. Taqizadeh. 285 Risalah al-maqtu' al-marsUm (45806) Author: Abu'l-'Abbas A. [b. Rajab] al-Majdi (d.850/1446)

PAGE 192

11 R 11 174 20 x 13 I 15.5 x 8.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Black and red ink.-For other details see no.164. Treatise on the use of the truncated quadrant.No date (12l18th cent.). Ref. GAL II, 158 (no.4) : SII, 158. 286 RisaZah [i aZ-na[s [aZ-insaniyah] (19114) Author: al-Din [M. b. M. al-Tusi] (d.672l1274) Incip. :0-::-..l.JIJ Jj>JI I oS,.II 0L..h...J..... fJ;,aoll JL.i • • • 0-::-..l.JIJ 4...J-JI • • • r-J ••• L.i..,. 0 .. tholl l o<,.ll 6..lUI Lo..o l.....!..,.... ul • • • Jl _,..::. fol.124a-131a, 17 x 10.5 I 11.5 x 6.5 cm., 12 lin .. -For other details see no. 44. Tract on the immortality of the human soul.No date (11l17th cent.).-Wormed. Ref. GAL I, 6 72 (no. 1 7) : SI, 928. 287 [RisaZah (11660) Author: anon.

PAGE 193

11 R 11 175 fol.1b-24a, 21 x 16 I 14.5 x 9 cm., 5 lin .. -Laid paper.-Large vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern quarter-cloth binding (without flap) . tract on dhikr, with interlinear Malay translation.-No date (late 13l19th cent.).Followed by 1. (fol.42b-46a) quotations from the Qur'an; I}adith, etc., 2. (fol.46b-55a) .another anon. tract on dhikr, incip.:Y. . la?' .. 0 1 4-,.1 ..; I ... > oJI_, J.p..j I ul • • • 0-::' .f5 L..:..J I 1.)-4 1.!.1 L,. I _, La..:. cLl.ll • • • ..l..;l _,JI cLl.ll ul .)1 .f5.:U1 3. (fol.55b-57a) note on ritual prayer .Marsden Ms. \ 288 Author: [Zain al-Din 'u. b. Ibr. b. Nujaim (d.970I1563)] Incip.: • • • "-;J..; cU.I u--h 6Jl.Djl J.a,..i..J J wu.)l I u--h 6 I o .... o i\9 .:h J . . . . A..a..,. ..;.)I I .)1 r .J_rl.JI _, fol.9b-11a, 21 x 15 I 15 x 9 cm., 21 lin .. -For other details see no. 4. The second risalah from his al-Rasa'il al-Zai niyah (Berlin 4831) dealing with ritual prayer.-

PAGE 194

11 R 11 176 No date (ca.1177/1763). Ref. GAL II, 402 (no.6) SII, 426. 289 Author: al-Din M. b. M. al-Tusi (d.672/1274) Incip. (muqaddimah) : w-o L.:.)I,JI Lo cUJ I La..::. 6....:. G-....... A...l.JI U Lo I • • • . ;;__.._g -. 11 .,..Jb L....:....o l.:r"' ,J . u . .:r-l;. • • • ..l.,-,-u-o Lo.) 1 .. ,...'-Ji ,., r )11 w-o L..o...,....9 6..l L...a.... 0-:' 0-:' l..r:' I 0-::-..l...JI,J A..l.o..JI J Lo.5 0-::-..l...JI,J A..l.o..JI rJlS) • • • • • • • A...:...::...o cuJL,..JI fol.97b-108a, 21.5 x 12.5 I 17 x 8.5 cm., 20 lin .. -For other details see no.123. Cmt. on 24 questions of Abu Ja'far A. b. sa'Id b. sa'adah al-Bahrani (7/13th cent.,see Kaoo II,8) dealing with the essence of knowledge.Introduced by Maitham b. 'A. al-Bahrani (d.679/ 1280, see Br. Mus.980 (16), .-Copied in Sha'b.1084/1673.Borders oxidized. Ref. GAL I, 673 (no.22a) : SI, 837, 928. 290 [Risalah (45811) Author: anon. Incip.: 4...o...J5 J.$ 0u ..U....,.,J • •• '+'J cUJ w-o _?.i.-11 0 1 yl.Ji.::..:.l •.. L..., ,J I ..l_r-o .....3_r

PAGE 195

11 R 11 177 fol.17b-32b, 20 x 13 I 15.5 x 8.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.Damaged quarter-leather binding (without flap). Treatise on Arabic grammar in 7 chapters (bab) .No date (13l19th cent.).Same as Berlin 6842. 291 Risalah [i?l-Qur'an (380288) Author: Abu 'Al. [A. b. M. b. Hanbal (d.241l855)]* Incip. :01._.r9-11 6.....UI 6.....UI AJL...J 6.....UI I ot .c: 0-:-t:' .. Jl .. ..p 0-0 , .. , !9 . I..T:' I 0-:-6.....UI J L..i c-J LD L...:...l.:> L-..::. 0 1 0 1 6.....UI • • • 0 1 ._.r9-ll _r I (.)-& ill L...l I I fol.23a-24b, 22.5 x 16 I 15.5 x 9 cm., 22 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Black ink.Unbound. Tract on the Qur)an, taken from Masa)il Salih b. A. (son of Ibn ijanbal) .-No date (late 12l18th cent.).-*Ref. GAL I, 193. 292 [Risalah [i'l-rimayah] (46339) Author: anon. Incip. : 6.....UI _, ...l..!. J I_, ..l..,ljb _, -l..l.w.J &S _, All ..l...a.:>JI 0 1 JL... 0u ..l-a...:-Lol ••• JJ.oPI Lr'l._r11 Lo...o u • • • 6..:.:....9 ........, L..:...:. cL.. ..Ji A..::.....,. I . ' . J ._, I _, e! -r--J

PAGE 196

" R " 178 ff.97(pp.194), 20 x 16 I 16.5 x 12.5 cm., 10 lin .• -Ruled paper.-Vocalized naskhi hand (one side of the folio only).-Black and red ink.Half-cloth binding (without flap). Treatise on archery.-Copied from an exemplar in the Bankipore Library for "General" Phillott (see colophon).-No date (early 20th cent.). 293 Author: Incip. : r-h I A....LJI r-L.i..ll .>-:'I J U J-,:,)11 4-:!-J uJr J u L.:....:.l '-:-'_ra-Il c. L.i&....LII u I • • • J FJI J J.,:,_,JI J fol.149b-152a, 18.5 x 14.5 I 12.5 x 8.5 cm., 17 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern half-leather binding (without flap) . Tract on the functions of the letters of the alphabet.-No date (ca.1193l1779) .-Marsden Ms. 294 al-Risalah (50688) Author: l'uth. Mullazadah] (d.901l1495) Incip.: (TO I . " ... 6<=1 L., u)l _r.T o....J_p ••• r-SrJI t--'1.>-:'J • • • . j!.LQ...iJI

PAGE 197

" R " 179 fol.1b-119a, 20 x 10.5 I 12.5 x 4.5 cm., 12 lin •. -Laid glossy paper.-Neat nastacliq hand.Word qauluhu in red.-Rubbed blind-stamped black leather binding (without flap). Gloss (Qashiyah) on al-Mukhtasar, being sacd al-Din al-Taftazani's secomd cmt. on Talkhij al-Miftah (see nos 32 and 233) .-No date (11l17th cent.).-Prov.: S.H. Taqizadeh. Ref. GAL I, 355 (cmt.B,gl.a) :SI, 518. 295 al-RUznameh (171326) Author: Ghulam M. b. cAr. b. Mulla H. al-Balushi . Incip.: UfLO Lol '-:-'..; cUI 0-0 J_,JII 0 1 c\.o L...:. ,j_,__rll • • • ii..,....,.._ra-JI J_,JJI ii..,....,.._ra-JI J_,JII ff.84(pp.168), 24 x 16.5 I 17.5 x 13 cm., 18-21 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Silver-stamped red leather binding (without flap) . Almanac for the year 133311914, followed by chapters on topography of the Persian Gulf and other useful information for sailors.-Composed in 1333-411914-5 (see and 30) .-Autograph.Prov.: Mrs. Bertram Thomas.

PAGE 198

11 s 11 296 f! mawaci2 -(45808) Author: Abu M. b. cAr. al-Hamadani (d. before 89911493)* 180 Incip.: ••• ..;L:.......II ..)0 .:t ,_;,..,._rWI dl.o.JI .ill 0 1 • • • • • • _,..,.I • • • rLo)ll JU • • • 4 '', 0 IS c....L:., ..;..U 9...; Wl G-11 ff.131, 22 x 15.5 I 16 x 9.5 cm., 11 lin .. -Oriental brown paper.-Inelegant naskhi hand.Double line border and some words in red.-Cloth binding (without flap). Paraenetic work divided into 7 majalis, corresponding to the seven days of the week.Copied by cAbd al-Kabir b. cAbd al-Jalil Maltani, no date (12l18th cent.).-Crude marginal ornaments.Prov.: Lt. Col. D.C. Phillott. Ref. GAL II, 543 : SII, 583.-* -d.966l1558 ( Kal).l}. . X , 15 7) • 297 Another (44491) ff.82, 19.5 x 13 I 15.5 x 8 cm., 15 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Damaged brown leather binding (without flap) . Author's kunyah given as Abu Mansur.-No date (late 12l18th cent.?).-First folio injured. Some marginal glosses (shaved).-Prov.: 1R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest) .

PAGE 199

11 s 11 181 298 SijiZZat wa-tauqicat wa-kutub -(2?155) Author: Abu Tamim Macadd al-Mustansir bi'Llah (d.487l1094) Incip.: ...)..a..o y_,_, cUJI 0-0 cUI _,......11 cU...Jt_.. ..; n . -, o 11 r Lo)ll LT:' I r Lb..:. 0-::-..l..JI r Lo)ll d.,.-. CU _,..l..JI L::. )11 0u rJL... lp 11 ..l....o.:>..o ...:r.-y1b )11 ul )I l.S.:UI cUJI ff.175, 21 x 13.5 I 13.5 x 7 cm., 15 lin .. -Wove paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern brown cloth binding (without flap). Correspondence of the Caliph al-Mustansir with the of Yemen.-No date (late 13l19th cent.).-Ref. GAL SI, 325.-Poonawala 126-7. 299 Siraj aZ-muqaZZi wa-badr al-mubtadi wa)Z-muntahi -(54446) Author: anon. fol.52b-64a, 20.5 x 14 I 14 x 7 cm., 19 lin .. -For other details see no.143. Tract on ritual purity and prayer.-No date (early 11l17th cent.).Same as Berlin 3537 and Princeton 1812 (both anon.).

PAGE 200

11 s 11 300 [Sirat cAntar] (4?286) 182 ff.80, 15.5 x 10.5 I 13 x 8 cm., 17 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Black and ink.Damaged half-leather binding (flap missing). Fragment of the romance of cAntar b. Shaddad. No date (12l18th cent.). Ref. GAL I .I, 74: SII, 64. 301 Another copy -(47287) ff.90, 15.5 x 10.5 I 13.5 x 8 cm., 13 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Damaged quarter-leather binding (without flap). Fragment (incompl. at beginning and end).-No date (12l18th cent.). 302 Sirat al-mujahidin (3484?) Incip.: (r.:'/Jl.J 9..:UI oJJ • •. 4....l.JI J..:..> ..::...,.1 J Lo...J Lol 0 1 .,.,. .... 1 ff.112, 18.5 x 13 I 15.5 x 10.5 cm., 21 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Text rubricated.-Badly damaged leather binding (flap missing) . First part of the romance of Dhat al_;Himmah and other heroes, as related by eA. b. Musa al-Maqabani, al-Muhadhdhab b. Bakr al-Mazini, Najd b. Hisham

PAGE 201

11 s 11 183 al-Hashimi, Zaid b. 'umarah al-Madani, 'Al. b. Wahb al-Shaibani, 'Arf b. Fahd, Sa'd b Malik al-Tamimi, A. al-Shamshati, and al-Mar'ashi. Full title is given as JL.b_,..JI _:r,-1 J (.)-:,>-Ub4---o.JI wl.l__,_JIJ '-:-'Ubyl No date (11/17th cent.).-Badly water-stained. Prov.: Dr. w. Henning. Ref. GAL II, 74 (no.8) : SII, 65.-Berlin 9149-52. 303 Sirr al-layal wa)l-abdal -(46287) Author: [A. Faris b. Yu. al-Shidyaq (d.1305/1887)] ff.126, 25 x 18 I 19-20 x 10-11 cm., 23 lin .. -Laid paper (deckle edge).-Clear naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Quarter-cloth binding (without flap, covers detached) . Treatise on Arabic etymology.-Autograph (brouillon) .-No date (13/19th cent.).-Numerous correction and No colophon.-Marsden Ms. Ref. GAL SII, 868. 304 Su)az ziyarat al-qubUr -(191667) Author: Abu'l-'Abbas A. • 'Abd b. Taimiyah (d.728/1328)

PAGE 202

11 s 11 184 fol.39b-41b, 21.5 x 15 I 15.5 x 9 24 lin .. -For other details see no.13. Answer to the question concerning visiting of the tombs of the Prophets.-Copied by 'Al. b. b. in 123211816. Ref. GAL SII, 124 (no.102). 305 Author: M. b. [a.] M. b. Zafar [al-Saqalli] (d.565l1169) Expl.: ... fol.1b-53a, 34 x 20.5 I 20.5 x 13 cm., 19-20 lin .. -Laid paper.-Large naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Blind-stamped red leather binding (without flap) . Anthology of prose and poetry for the guidance of rulers.-Copied in HutL 131311896.-Incompl. at beginning. Ref. GAL I, 431 : SI, 595.

PAGE 203

" s " 306 al-Sunan al-KubPa (191656) Author: A. b. b. eA. al-Baihaqi (d.458l1066) 185 Incip.: cW.JI JU E__,.,...,.JI ufo ul r< .: .. rS-JI _,...,1 1 __,_15L:. • • • u0 I _,.:. ,;y 6 J 4--::ff.342, 30.5 x 21 I 24 x 14 cm., 35 lin •. -Laid glossy paper.-Cursive naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern cloth binding (without flap). Collection of Traditions (K. al-buyuc K. alnikah) .-No date (11l17th cent.).-Incompl. at end).-fol.1-5 damaged at edges. Ref. GAL I, 447 : SI, 618. 307 al-Suyuf al-MUcaddah (46345) Author: anon.* ff.177, 21 x 15.5 I 17 x 10 cm., 22 lin .. -Laid paper.Maghribi hand.-Black, red, and green ink.Modern cloth binding (without flap). Miscellany, containing: 1.(fol.1a-51a) astrological tratise in 24 chapters (bab), incompl. at beginning, 2. (fol.51a-66a) questions and answers (various subjects), as well as anecdotes, 3. (fol. 66a-92a) magical prescriptions, including al-Dacwah al-Sulaihiyah (of the same author) ,incip.: cW.JI _, J.9...a..JI d__ri-o • • • Lo.-..11 I _,-o-i-11

PAGE 204

11 s 11 186 and Hizb al-lutf of 'A. al-Shadhili (d. (d.656/1258, see GAL I, 584 no.8), incip.: JAjl c.LS.r--11 ,._:;.IJ JAjl • • • L,. r-1-J c. I _,..-JIJ ..;.)11 JJb I 4.(fol.92b-177b) on M. al-Burdah (no.246) ,incip.: 01 4..l.JI r-h I ••• 0-01 J_,Ji 0-0 • •• I L.sJL.b...o wl *Author's name does not appear in the Ms, however the name of his grandfather is given as Idris b. Ya'qUb al-Antaki (fol.43b sq.). N.B. Paris 3187 (cmt. on al-Burdah) ascribed to 'A. b. Ibr. b. Idris al-Antaki.Title of the present work is mentioned on fol.92, together with three of his other works: al-Jawahir al-Mukallalah, al-Yawaqit al-Nuraniyah, and al-Bahr al-Zakhir (none of which seems to have survived).-Incompl. at end.Some folios badly water-stained. l ;

PAGE 205

11 Sh 11 187 -Shajarah al-Nu'maniyah see al-Nu'maniyah SharQ al-Shajarah SharQ al-Nasafiyah see Hashiyat -. Qara Kamal -SharQ al-Jadid see al-Hashiyah al-Jadidah --. -Sharh al-Mutauwal = al-Mutauwal . . . SharQ al-Burdah see no. 307(4) SharQ see Risalah wa-sharQuha 308 al-Shamil f!)l-[iqh -(47855) Author: Taj al-Din Bahram [b. 'Al al-oamrrr (d.856/1452)] Incip.: .JI c\'.sl> s:WJ ••• ff.331, 32.5 x 21.5 I 21.5 x 12.5 cm., 15 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat maghribi hand.-Text rubricated.Folios loose within brown leather binding (with flap) . Compendium of Maliki jurisprudence.-Incompl. at end.-No date (late 13/19th cent.).-Egdes water-stained .-Copious marginal and interlinear glosses (fol.1-9). Ref. GAL SII, 100.

PAGE 206

" Sh " 188 309 al-akhbar al-a'immah al-abrar (25732) Author: al-Nucman b. M. b. [b. (d.363l974) Incip.: • • • er 0-0 _r.s .r.JI o-o A....UI J.::...j 0-0 A....UI _,_i.D Lb" I 0-:' 0-:' J.::...j • • • . 0-:' J.::...j r ..:J-:1 ff.80, 20 x 13.5 I 13.5 x 8.5 cm., 15 lin .. Laid paper (pale blue and buff).-Neat naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Red leather binding (without flap) . Ismacili history of the ShTcah.Parts 13-14 (out of 16) only.-No date (13l19th cent.). Ref. GAL SI, 325 (no.6) .-Poonawala 60-61. 310 [Sharh al-cAwamil al-Mi'ah] (47285) Author: anon. Incip. : J..J.,J-:t u-o-J ..J L..;. I ... I<: ..J 4.1.1 c...,.I..J Lo..J ••• I .:Is: 0-0 ... 0-o1 _,.....u L> _r. 0_, .. lb .. fol.1b-12b, 15 x 10.5 I 9.5 x 6 cm., 11 lin .. Laid paper.-Neat naskhi I nastacliq hand.-Matn in red.-Rubbed half-leather binding (with flap). cmt. on al-Jurjani's al-cAwamil al-Mi'ah (no. 34) .-Introduction (dibajah) only.Same as Berlin

PAGE 207

" Sh " 189 6480 and Princeton 3466, ascribed to Tujujr.No date (ca.1003l1594) .-See also GAL I, 341 (cmt. 4) : SI, 504. 311 [Sharh al-cAwamil al-Mi)ah] -(47285) Author: anon. Incip. : c.!.ll ...>..)I (Y "-:.. ,r.-s-9..i.JI 9._,Ji.ll .uJ I J.o I __,....JI _r I ..::... ...>...,:S U ..u....,. .J • • • .)IJi.a..JI • • • ' .... o 11 I ..)":':'..l.Ji..::. _r I ...)..& I .,.:S ..::... ...>_,5 .J ()-:e:' '.: c.... o 11 fol.13b-129a, 15 x 10.5 I 9.5 x 5 cm., 11 lin .. -For other details see preceding entry. Cmt. on al-cAwamil al-Mi'ah (no.34) .-Copied by cuth. b. Ibr., in 100311594.Marginal glosses. Some folios damaged.Same as Berlin 6488. 312 Author: anon. Incip.: r4J)ll rL.a....:.)ll ._r.l .uJI .l...o.> J.o I __,....JI ...> L.o...L ..u....,. Lo I • • • f')lSJI I 0-=-I .fb L..i.JI 0-=-I _?-:. .:r.' I • • • Lo • • • • o..b UJI J,::....,. G. _r 6-J o.:;.,j,j U •• • 4 _r.JI __,11 fol.55b-195a(pp.109-390), 19.5 x 16 I 16 x 12 cm., 14 lin .. -For other details see no.35. Cmt. on no.34, accompanied by Malay translation.No date (13l19th cent.).

PAGE 208

.. Sh 11 190 313 Shar? Diwan Ibn al-Fariq (41718) Author: [b. M.] al-Burini (d.1024l1615) ff.291, 19 x 11 I 14.5 x 6-7.5 cm., 23 lin .. -Laid paper.-Irregular but clear nasta'liq hand.Matn in red.-Modern cloth binding (without flap). Cmt. on the orwan of Ibn al-Fari9 (no.56) .Copied in DhuJl-q.1055l1645, b. Musa al 'utaifi Marginal glosses shaved. Ref. GAL I, 305 (cmt.2) : SI, 463. 314 [Shar? [iraq al-shr'ah] (50688) Author: anon. Incip.: Cl..:-Lo)JI (.1 ;; o 9..:UL.; Cl..:-Lo)J I Lo I 4.)LLJI_, t , ... s 11_, cW..JI cW..JI Jy-..; ..u..,. rL..o)JI 0 1 6.,....h 6_,>1 ••• 0-:-r-!-J _rs L,.JI A..:,_, I 0-:-4...:,_, I • • • rb l..S..JI l:r" _:ro A..:,_, I Jj..l 4...:,_, I fol.136b-140b, 20 x 10.5 I 16 x 6 cm., 21 lin .. -Neat ta'liq hand.-Black and red ink.Jor other details see no.294. Tract on the principal divisions within the Shi'ah.No date (11l17th cent.).

PAGE 209

11 Sh 11 191 315 Hidayat -(54444) Author: Maulana-zadah A. b. Ma. al-Harawr In c i p . : i.o.h.a.JI I L,._, L •. ... JI_, I L,. r-r-111 cl.o..... L,. .,_:y • • . \!J..l...o G...o-,. • • • . r..,.... _,-JI ... r" . .:... o 11 u-o ..s..,.... Lo t.r A 1 o ...... -. 0 • • • ••• J _, 1 .. .:.11_, f' LoJlJ ii.,-1 ff.71, 18.5 x 13.5 I 13 x 7.5 cm., 17 and 21 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Neat nasta'liq hand.Words qala and aqulu in red.-Half-leather binding (with flap) . Cmt. on Hidayat al-Qikmah (work on logic and metaphysics) of Athir al-Oin Mufag9a1 b. 'u. al-Abhari (d.663/1264) .-Copied in Rab.I 875/1470.Copious marginal and interlinear glosses. Ref. GAL I, 608 (cmt.4) : SI, 840.Princeton 3046.-Dhari'ah XIV, 2051. 316 Shar1 ijikam Ibn ALLah -(78564) Author: M. b. Ibr. b. 'Abbad al-Nafzi al-Rundi (d.792/1390) Incip.: 0-:' 0-:' ••• JU i.o.h.a.JL,. ..l cUJ • • • 1.5 ._.,JI ..l t...,.s Lo-J L. U Lo I • • • J Lo.SJI CJ 0j I 9-.. ..... L,. ..l,:). _,.=....o-JI ..l...o.> I t L.::. • • • u-JI L::.5 L.:...,.l J • • • ISJ I 4.....LJI Lb..s: 0-:' 0-:' 0-:' . . . f' _,....L: Lo J..D-91 ()-0

PAGE 210

11 Sh 11 192 ff.182, 18.5 x 13.5 I 13.5 x 9.5 cm., 21 lin .. -Laid paper.-Nasta'liq hand.-Double line border and matn in red.-Quires loose within badly damaged blind-stamped brown leather binding (with flap). Cmt. on the aphorisms of Ibn Allah (no.99) .No date (early 11l17th cent.).-Incompl. after fol. 127, fol.128-182 supplied later (naskhi hand, matn overlined in red).-Margins slightly water-stained and wormed. Ref. GAL II, 143 (no.11,cmt.a) : SII, 146 (Ghaith al-mawahib al-' aliyah) . . 317 Shar? al-Iqna' [li-talib al-intija'l (380284) Author: b. YUnus al-Bahuti (d.1052l1642) Expl.: t 1... a 11 )1_, 6? u-::-t_,., ••• _,1 'uJI 0 1 6..::...ol _,1 0-0 J_,)ll ._r.JI ,..:-t.; R • o ... 0 1 A.J_, A....,...,. ••• tLJ)II er ff.48, 29.5 x 19.5 I 23 x 14 cm., 35 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Matn in red.Disbound. Fragment of the first part of al-Bahuti's cmt. on al-Iqna' otherwise known as Zad al-mustaqni' (no.390) .-Composed 104411635, Rab.II 104911639.Copied in 117211758-9.-Some folios badly damaged. Ref. GAL I, 503 : SI, 688.

PAGE 211

11 Sh 11 193 318 Shar? aL-Ka[iyah (47267) Author: Jamal al-D1n a. 'Amr 'uth. b. 'u. [b. al-Hajib] (d.646l1249) Incip.: 4.lJ • • • J4 rL..oJII JU LJ 6-J __,.s ...\ _ri-o u 0 0 a o I ..'J .h..i.J 4..o...JSJI • • • LA.II L>o so I 6-J__,Ji ••• 4..o...JSJI • • • ...\_ri-o 6-J__,Ji u 00 a o I ,._J L-t-=-JI ff.99, 24 x 17.5 I 19 x 13 cm., 21 lin .. Oriental paper.-Clear cursive naskh1 hand.-Word qauluhu in red.-Damaged half-leather binding (flap missing) . cmt. on the author's al-Kafiyah (no.148) .Copied in Rab.II 72811328, by M. b. D. al-Hanna. Some marginal notes (shaved).-Waqf-note on fol. la.-Seals. Ref. GAL I, 367 : SI, 531. 319 S har1 aL-Ka[iyah (8232) Author: Najm al-D1n* [M. b. al-Astarabadhr] < d . 6 86 I 12 8 7 > Incip.: ...\ 01 4..'JJII 9..:01 4.lJ ...\.Ji.j ...\...JL....-.:J ••• J..o..:...::. 0 1 4 .:J L,..r.-S c..J L...::. .:J .J ...\.JLo 4...P.-.J Lo...,. u..-.1 ..'J 6-J G tj.p._,. I w-..o trl 9..ft'-:1 Lo o o I a .. 6-J Lo I G _r.Ji.o w-..o • • • l;-.::.1 • • • GJI 0-:' I 4...o ...\.JLo

PAGE 212

11 Sh 11 194 ff.272, 34 x 22.5 I 25 x 14.5 cm., 37 lin .. -Laid paper.Small neat vocalized naskhi hand.Double line border and matn in red, some words in gold.-Blind-stamped red leather binding (without flap) . Cmt. on Ibn al-ijajib's al-Kafiyah .*Author's laqab usually given as Ragi al-Din. Copied in by sacrd b. al-Hadi al-Fadli al-Jazuri, for al-H. b. A. b. Salih . . . . al-Jammali al-Busacr al-ijatmi.Presented to the Library by Sherriff Mansab bin Abubaker. Ref. GAL I, 367 (cmt.5) :SI, 532. 320 [Sharh al-Kaukab al-Durri} (47973) Author: [M. b. M. al-Asadi al-Qudsi (d.808l1405) ]* ff.148, 17.5 x 13 I 15 x 10.5 cm., 16-17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Large scholar's naskhi hand.Dark-brown ink.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (without flap). Cmt. on al-Isnawi's (cAbd b. al-ij., d.772l1370) al-Kaukab al-Durri (work on the usul of law).-Incompl. at beginning and end.-Perhaps autograph {brouillon) .-Date not given (8l14th cent.) .Some folios damaged by acidic ink.Note on the Ms by A.G. Ellis at beginning.-For the contents of al-Kaukab al-Durri see Berlin 4410, see also GAL II, 111 (no.2) : SII, 107, and* 191.

PAGE 213

11 Sh 11 195 321 al-Qanun (46343) Author: ['A. b. b. al-Nafis al-Qurashi (d. 687 /1288) ] Incip.: J.u J_,.)ll '-:-'t.....:..S...JI ()-0 u-SJI UJI A...o> J JU _,....JI 4 JJ..rD _, .. ro . . ll_, j.p...i...JI L-.,:j _, .h..i> r.)I.SJI J_, I _;-oJI_, _;S:::. Lo I L;--,. L..,......l .h..i> 0.)1 ill:::._, ()-0 • • • _;-oJI '-:-' L..,......l JJ fol.1b-91a, 31 x 21.5 / 24.5 x 13.5 cm., 27 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Treble line border in red and blue, matn overlined in red.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (without flap) . Cmt. on Ibn Sina's (Abu 'A. al-iju. b. 'Al., d.428/1037) Canon of medicine.-Fragment containing the first and part of the second ta'lim of the third fann.-No date (12/18th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 597 (no.82,cmt.b) : SI, 824. 322 Sharf; a l-Masa => i l a khii la fa fihii Rasu l Allah ahl -(191664) Author: Ma. Shukri [b. 'Al.] al-Baghdadi (d. 1342/1924) * Incip.: L.:..J JL:..I _, 0-::-...ill L:..l b..Ll • t" < .-;. ..l • • • J ..l..sL..... Lo I • • • o 9 .,. o Jl .b I . -11 v..;-I ...r-J,.o..::...:..: • • • 4 6.J L.... J c..ii _, ..U • • • • • • I-Ll L> u-:JI J!. L......oJI ()-0 4 I o 4.!. Lo _y--:..

PAGE 214

11 Sh 11 196 ff.47(pp.94), 21 x 17 I 16.5 x 9-10 cm., 21 lin .. Wove paper.-Clear cursive naskhi hand.Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap) . Cmt. on the MasaJil of M. b. 'Abd al-Wahhab (d.1206l1791), dealing with pre-islamic practices forbidden by Islam (see GAL II, 512 (no.6) : SII, 531) .-Composed in DhuJl-Q. 132511907.Copied at Baghdad, Sha'b. 134611927, by 'Abd al-Karim b. cAbbas al-Shaikhali. *Ref. KaQQ XII, 169. 323 [Sharh al-Mawaqi[} -(44483) Author: ['A. b. M. al-Saiyid al-Sharif al-Jurjani (d.816l1413) Incip.: c...o.-..:.,.s: A..J4 c........l....i.::. 0-0 wG......,...w t-i .JI _, JIL...o_, JIG. 0u • • • Jl _,_;JJ_, • • • u.JLA..o.JI yt> ••• JIL.c.5_, 4. ii .o '-:-'.JWI ff.144, 23.5 x 14.5 I 16 x 8.5 cm., 22 lin .. -Oriental brown paper.Ta'liq hand.-Matn overlined in red.-Half-leather binding (without flap). Cmt. on the Mawaqif of 'Adud al-Din 'Ar. b. A. al-Iji (d.756l1355), being an exposition of scholastic theology (kalam) .-First two mawaqif only.-No date (12l18th cent.).-Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest) . Ref. GAL II, 269 (no.IV,cmt.1) SII, 289.

PAGE 215

" Sh " 324 al-MUcallaqat al-Sabc (204478) Author: Abu cAl. al-iju. b. A. al-Zauzani (d. 486/ 1093-) 197 f f . 11 7 (pp. 2 3 3) , 2 2 • 5 x 15 I 16 • 5 x 9 • 5 cm. , 19 lin •. -Laid paper (yellowish and pink).-Elegant naskhi hand.-Illuminated headpiece, double line border and matn in red.-Blind-tooled red leather --binding (with flap). ant. on the seven "Golden Odes".Copied in 1274/ 1857-8, by Ism. b. eA. Orbaki.Presented to the Library by Prof. A.S. Tritton. Ref. GAL SI, 35 (cmt.4). 325 [Shar? [i'l-hai'ah] (45805) Author: [Musa b. M. b. al-Rumi Qadizadah (d.815/1412) Incip. :..6.......,._, 1 __r-i.ll_, s L.,..Q \5.:01 cUJ ..J-0-:' 1 JL9 J • • • I JJY J JlJ:, Ab 0 : 0 : 11 .h.,. L.....,. I .i.Cb L.:....:. Lo j 0J o I a 000 _,.J J r _y.-:.JI l...&.::.JI r-J l....a..o J A 0 : 9 00 'boil r __,....k.JII.J" J I ..l..o lJ" I ..l...9 • . • . l; 0 o 0 : : L,.._rll )I A 0 : 0 • 0 : 9 o! 11

PAGE 216

11 Sh 11 198 ff.67, 15.5 x 10 I 10 x 5.5-7 cm., 17 & 19 lin •. -Laid paper.-Two naskhi hands.-Matn in red at beginning, and overlined in red toward end.Damaged half-leather binding (flap missing) . Cmt. on al-Jaghmini's (Ma. b. M., d.after 6181 1221) handbook of astronomy fi'l-hai'ah.Incompl. at end.-No date (12I1Sth cent.).-Marginal glosses. Ref. GAL I, 624 : SI, 865. 326 Another copy (44490) ff.108, 22 x 12.5 I 17 x 8 cm., 16 lin .. -Oriental brown paper.-Cursive naskhi I nastacliq hand.-Matn overlined in red.-Half-leather binding (without flap) . Copied in Ram.1208l1794.fol.1 and 8-11 supplied later.-Wormed and water-stained.Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest) . 327 Sharh al-MUntaha (380 2 83) Author: b. Ylinus b. al-Din b. al-Bahuti (d.1052l1642) Incip.: tf-J J5-, .bL>I 9..:01 cUI Lo I • • • L..o.S> L..o.S> 4-o I ._r J J .,r.JI . . . I ... I L 4 I p 11 ...).>I J l.Ajjl l..7i ---0 11 '-:-' L:.5 0 u b....,-l...;. '-:-'L.:..S •• • !.,? I_.->11 A>rl wl •• • b....,-1 s _ _.--.. -IJ J:u.JJI I r-L....;. 9.1 • • • cUJI • • • L> _r. • • • -.;_a_j t.___,..-J I J Lo.S..,. 1-.3 ..J'P _,.-J I

PAGE 217

11 Sh 11 199 ff.209, 30.5 x 20.5 I 24 x 15.5 cm., 35 lin .. -Laid paper.-Two cursive naskhi hands.-Matn in red.-Damaged blind-tooled red leather binding (without flap) . Cmt. on al-FutuQI's (M. b. A., d.972l1564) compendium of law, entitled Muntaha '1-iradat.First vol. (as far as K. al-ghasb) .-No date (early 12l18th cent.).-First folio damaged, marginal glosses shaved. Ref. GAL SII, 447. 328 Another copy -(191651) ff.351(359), 29.5 x 20 I 25.5 x 14.5 cm., 37 lin .. -Laid paper.Small naskhi hand.-Matn in red.-Quires loose within blind-tooled dark-brown leather binding (without flap, rebacked). First vol. (as far as K. al-iqrar) .-Incompl. at end.-No date (early 12/18th cent.).Some folios mutilated and water-stained.-fol.123-130 missing. 329 Another copy -(380284) In ci p . : I.J-'0 J$ .i..o-.1 (. L.,.JI I.J-'0 y Lo '-:-' L.::.5 L,....oJI I.J-'0 .J I L.l:u I .J _r)-)LJ : ... o ll CU..l • • • 6 _r)-)LJ J$ h..i Lc...o-1 h..i l._.p...,JI )11 JU 4--0..l lSI 4..,-..L..o ••• 6.JL....:....::.Jii.J J$ .. 0L,. I 9 lbo C\,,;.0 • • • ..;1 ..l ._.r)-1 ().J..l

PAGE 218

.. Sh u 200 ff.120, 32 x 21 I 26 x 16 cm., 35 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Matn in red.-Quires loose within badly damaged leather boards. Second part (K. al-bai' K. al-fara'id) .Incompl. at end.-No date 12l18th cent.).-Edges frayed, water-stained. 330 al-Qaqidah al-Khaf!riyah (45813) Author: s. b. 'Amir b. Rashid b. 'u. b. a .'l-Khafir al-Riyami al-Nazwi al-'umani al-Iba9I (?) Incip.: 0-A..J * _,6.-JI L,. d.oL.. L,. 1 cl.o..... 0-A ,...-1 d.oL.. '-T-L..::...,..... L...J s. Lo.-.11 cl.o..... cJ 0 1 Ji.l J U ••• J_r.JI J_,bl_, ._r-1 fol.67a-326a, 34 x 20.5 I 20.5 x 13 cm., 18 lin .. -For other details see no. 305. Cmt. on al-Qajidah al-Khafiriyah in praise of Sultan Bin Saif al-Ya'arubi II (d.1131l1718, see Badger 100) , composed (most probably by the poet himself, see above)in 112611714 (fol.325a,lin.18). The work contains much biographical information about Imam-Sultans of Oman.Copied in 131311896. 331 Shar? al-Shajarah aZ-Nu'maniyah az-cuthmaniyah (210173) Author: al-Din M. b. al-Qunawi (d.672l1263)]

PAGE 219

" Sh " 201 Incip.: I.) J5 u--9 0u._rJI 0t....,.....JI 4lJ Lol • • • u--9 Lo...,. wl _,1 _, wLo,) • • • u LSJI u--9 __r J_,)l I u _,__rJI fol.14b-40b, 21 x 15 I 16.5 x 9 cm., 23 lin .. -Laid paper.-Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Half-leather binding (without flap, with gilding) . Cmt. on al-Shajarah al-Nucmaniyah (treatise on divination) of al-Din M. b. eA. b. al-cArabi (d.638l1240) .-No date (13l19th cent.).-Prov.: Prof. A.S. Tritton. Ref. GAL I, 580 (no.124,cmt.a) : SI, 799. 332 Shar? al-Shajarah al-Nucmaniyah -(2101?3) Author: al-Din Khalil b. Aibak al-Safadi (d.764l1363)] Incip. : 6...:.i __,_.l.D _, ...) I , : .. ,)I I Jib )I ...) I ._r)J I _Al.) u--9 ••• ..)I .;;.,.JI 4...o)l_-' o a .11 4_;.T ..l u--9 L; "> o h Jl.rl ••• ._r5)11 d .:h .ll fol.1b-14a, 21 x 15 I x 9 cm., 23 lin .. Other details as in preceding entry. Another cmt. on Ibn al-cArabi's al-Shajarah al-Nucmaniyah (see above).-No date (13l19th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 580 (no. 124, cmt.b) : SI, 799. 333 Sharh al-Risalah al-Waqciyah -(2044?9) Author: [eA. b. M. al-Samarqandi al-Qushji (d. 87911474)]

PAGE 220

11 Sh 11 202 Incip. : 6..l...,o U i\ . : o ... ••• 11 ..l...A...:-6-..lJI A..o:>..; ..o...cJI J Ui L:.5 ..ll ..; I .:01 ..; L...,...a.JI ct.,.JI ..; t.....:...-11 • • • I.P.;.:'. o 11 CU _,..:....o c....J_r. _r.l 0L...,.....,. _,I fol.1b-12a, 20.5 x 14.5 I 16.5 x, 23 lin .. -Laid paper.Naskhi hand.-Matn overlined in red.-Modern quarter-leather binding (without flap) . Cmt. on 'Agud al-Din al-Iji's (d. 75611375) al-Risalah al-Wag'Iyah, being a tract on collocation .(posture) as one of the ten categories.-Dated 11121 1700-1.-Part of outer margin cut out. Ref. GAL II, 268 (no.III,cmt.2) : SII, 288. 334 al-mantiq wa)l-kalam] -(44489) Author: ['Al. b. al-Yazdi (d.1015l1606)] ff.82, 21.5 x 12 I 14.5 x 6 cm., 12 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Clear naskhi I nasta'liq hand.Word qauluhu in red.-Blind-tooled dark-brown leather binding (without flap). Cmt. on sa'd al-Din al-Taftazani's (d.791l1389) compendium of logic entitled Tahdhib al-mantiq wa'l-kalam.Dated 111011698.Some marginal glosses.-Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest). Ref. GAL II, 279 (cmt.e) : SI!, 303. 1 ,

PAGE 221

" Sh " 335 SharQ (12240) Author: b. Mubarak al-Azhari al-Abyarr* 203 ff.91, 14.5 x 10 I 12 x 6.5 cm., 15 lin •. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Matn overlined in black.-Half-leather binding (flap missing). Cmt. on the Tasrif of al-Zanjani_ (no.366) .Composed in Shaw. 1086/1675.-Transcribed from the autograph, in 1116/1704, by A. al-Jizi. Marsden Ms.-*see 46 (d.1016/1607). 336 SharQ al-Wiqayah (26376) Author: cubaid Allah (.cAl.) p. Mascud b. Taj al-Shari'ah [al-MahbUbi] (d.747/1346) Incip.: cU...J:;. '-;JJ .uJ A....,. J .:U I _,.:s L,. L.L:. 4....1.JI ..) I J.... __,.::...oJ I J __,..i.,. I ••• A..a..,.y:JI tL:. 0-:' 0-:' 4....1.JI 4..iJ I J.,. L.....o ()-0 _,_;JI U ._, ()-0 4 9 I;. o 11 0-:' .>.o:>..o 1.)-:,.. l .. IIJ A....,. y:JI 0 l.Jb ...r • • • t.,? L...::..... I ._, t.,? ..l> I _,JI .h.i.l.,. ..:. 4 J 4-b-JI L..::..S • • • A....,. y:JI J Jl._, Jl 0 1 0JJ J4b-JI 4_r.$ • • • r-w I ._,5..-J

PAGE 222

11 Sh 11 204 f f • ( 2 ) 19 3 , 21 x 15 I 15 x 1 0 cm . , 1 7 1 in •• -Laid paper.Small neat naskhi hand-.-Plain headpiece; single line border, chapter headings and letters mim and shin in red.-Blind-tooled red ----leather binding (without flap) . Cmt. on Wiqayat al-riwayah (no.388) by the author's grandfather.-No date (11l17th cent.).fol.190-193 supplied later.-Preceded by fihrist. Ref. GAL I,. 468 (cmt.a) : SI, 646. 337 Another copy -(44488) ff.395, 25 x 14 I 16.5 x 17.5 cm., 12 lin .. -Oriental brown paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Treble line border in red and blue, chapter headings and letters mim and shin in red.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (without flap, rebacked). First part (as far as beginning of K. al-bai') .No date (12l18th cent.).-Incompl. at end.-Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest). 338 al-Shija' bi-ta'ri[ (46355) Author: Abu'l-Fa91 'Iya9 b. Musa al-Yahsubi (d. 54411149)

PAGE 223

" Sh " 205 ff.201, 32.5 x 23 I 24 x 14 cm., 21 lin •. -Laid paper.Maghribi hand.-Dark-brown red and yellow ink.-Modern brown leather binding {without flap). Work on the duties of Muslims towards the Prophet with an accout of his life.-No date {12l18th cent.).-fol.1-26 and 190-201 supplied in 13l19th cent .. -Marginal and interlinear glosses.Margins restored.-Bound left to right. Ref. GAL I, 455 : SI, 630. 339 Shier Abt Khirash al-Hudhalt (100449) Author: Abu Khirash Khuwailid b. Murrah al-Hudhali Incip.: 0-:-.l_;li 0-:-.U..,.y ..:J-:'1 yJb u--9 Lo..) J.:,. 0-:" ..)..a.... 0-:" 0-:" l...a..o 0-:" • • • '-:-' L.h;JI 0-:" _re-s: 0-0.) liE I.J .... lb 4...o...,...ol ...::....&1..) ..l..i.J Lo ..)..;..s ui..J fol.187b-193a, 32 x 20 I 26 x 13.5 cm., ca.30 lin .. -For other details see no. 30. Poetry {40 pieces) of Abu Khirash, a Hudhaili bard {see also no.28) .-Copied by F. Krenkow in Oct. 1929. Ref. GAL SI, 43.GAS SII, 257.

PAGE 224

11 f? 11 206 Sahifah-i mahamid-i dawa'ir al-wujud see no. 3 Sahih al-Bukhari = al-Jamic al-Sahih--. . . . . . fi'l-lughah see min 340 Author: Baha' al-Din M . . [b. al-cAmili (d.1030/1621) In c i p . : L.....o 4-31 Ab L..:..l ..;y: cl.::. 4..; ..l o..::....a....i..; I o ..r' G.....JI L.....o l.Jb J I U ..;y: cl.::. _,.5.-.Lo L9 ..l ..::........ ...>....9.:.:. J ;; _,.c l..JiJI •• (r.-:-..)..)1 ••• ..)...a...,.J ••• 0-0 ••• A..JL....; . . . 4--J..J'DI 0...)..,-.) fol.15b-20b, 20 x 13 I 15.5 x 8.5 cm., 19 lin .. -Black and red ink.Other details as in no. 164. Tract on the use of the astrolabe.-No date (12/18th cent.) . Ref. GAL II, 546 (no. 7) : SII, 595. 341 al-Kamilah (380281) Author: Zain eA. b. [al-Sajjad] (d. 92/710) Incip.: .,:r.-1 1.3__r..JI (r.-:-..)..)1 _ro-s. 0-:-' 0-:-' 0-:-' .l..o.> I 0-:-' 0-:-' L. ._r> I J L9 cUJI L> • ..... ,. 11 0-:-' • • • ..) L..,. 0-:-' .l..o.> I 0-:-' cUJI ..:r.-I \ .! SI ... 11

PAGE 225

11 11 207 ff.202, 19 x 12.5 I 14.5 x 8 cm., 9 lin •• -Oriental paper.-Calligraphic vocalized naskhi hand.-Elegant illuminated headpiece, borders and chapter headings in gold, black red and blue ink.Lacquer binding (without flap). Collection of prayers, with interlinear Persian translation in nastacliq.-Copied by A. al-Yazdi in Shacb. 121911804. Ref. GAL SI, 76.Kanturr 2058.-Dharrcah xv, 95. 342 al-awa'iq 'ala al-Shi'ah al-shani ah wa-ahl al-bidac wa5l-qalal wa5l-zandaqah -(191??6) Author: Shihab al-Din A. [b. M.] b. ijajar al-Haithami (d.973l1565) ff.(3)229, 20.5 x 14 I 15.5 x 10 cm., 17 lin .• -Laid glossy paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern quarter-leather binding (without flap) . Treatise in support of the legitimacy of the first four Caliphs.-Copied in Jum.I 121911804.Preceded by fihrist. Ref. GAL II, 508 (no.4) SII, 527. 343 min -(445?1) * Author: Abu'l-Fagl M. b. cu. b. Khalid al-Qurashi

PAGE 226

'I " 208 Incip.: (r.' JA.9-ll _,....1 • • • _,..,....u.JI JU ,Yb J cW.JI • • • lif' .,.rliJI J y ..W G. (r.' ._r& A..L..J..JI t G..D 0 U J • • • 4---4-J LiL.l.JI ..l • • • u....JI U...:. r L..i-J u....JI I J..l ff.514, 24.5 x 16 I 19.5 x 10 cm., 19 & 23 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Two nasta'liq hands.Black and red ink.-Blind-tooled brown leather binding (without flap). Abridgement of al-Sihah (Arabic lexicon) of Ism. b. al-Jauhari (d.393/1003), with Persian equivalents.-Copied in Dhu'l-q.700/1301 (?) .-Marginal glosses.-Badly water-stained, last folio injured.Prov.: R.C. Reid (Dickson Bequest) • Ref. GAL I, 134 (c) : SI, 196 (*fl. 7/ c.).

PAGE 227

" T " 209 al-mubtadi = Alfiyat al-'Iraqi Tahdhib al-ahkam see al-Istibsar fima 'khtulifa . ---. fihi min al-akhbar Tahdhib al-kamal see al-Ikmal fi dhikr man lahu riwayah fi Musnad al-Imam A. b. al-mantiq wa'l-kalam see Sharl) Tahdhib al-mantiq wa'l-kalam -Tahqiqat al-Qudsiyah see nos 4 & 393 Taj;Id al-'aqa'id see al-Hashiyah al-Jadidah -Takmil wa'l-mu'tamad see Fath al-Jalil al-Samad fi sharl) al-Takmil • al-Miftah see 1) al-Atwal 2) al-Mutauwal 3) al-Khita'Iyah -Taqrib fi'l-fiqh see 1) Fath al-Qarib al-Mujib fi sharl) al-Taqrib. 2) 'ala sharl) al-Ghayah Tarjamat al-Saffarini see no. 178 Ta'wil da'a'im al-Islam = Tarbiyat al-mu'rninin -Tiryaq li-ahl al-istihqaq = Arab'frn hadithan -Tul)fah al-'Iraqiyah A'mal al-qulub Tul)fat nujaba' see fi al)kam al-nfrn al-sakinah wa'l-tanwin ..• 344 al-Tadhkirah al-Fakhirah jr fiqh al-citrah al-tQhirah (18738) Author: Sharaf al-Din b. M. b. al-Nahwi (d.791/1389)

PAGE 228

" T " 210 ff.241, 28.5 x 21 I 18 x 12.5 cm., 17 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Rubbed blind-tooled brown leather binding (without flap, with slip-case). Compendium ' of Zaidi law.-Copied by M. b. M. al-Muhtadi b. b. al-Mutahhar b. A., descendant of 'A. b. a. Talib, in Rab.II 830/ 1465.-Covered with neat interlinear and marginal glosses in the same hand.-Followed by 1. (fol.238a-238b) prayer, incip.: _ ..::.. r • • • J ,-J U: J JJ L:rS. ... Jl . .:i.. J • • • ..::...;PL.ii.::.J ..::......JJL.b..::.J 2. (fol.238b) al-Abyat fi'l-Ism (9 verses in all), incip.: * r-:-G: .... ; 0 L...-JI J:...o 4-1 J 3. (fol.240a-241a) Abyat al-farah (15 stanzas), incip.: * Y..o 0-0 6...l.JI u-,.1_;> Y..o J.S 4--1:-J '-:' ..>"' 4.(fol.241b) letter written by al-Wathiq bi'Llah al-Mutahhar b. Amir al-Mu'minin (see GAL SII, 232). 345 Ta[lis al.-Iblis ( 309291) Author: ['Abd al-Salam b. Ghanim al-Maqdisi (d.678/1280)] 1 1 Expl.: J 6...l..9 c1..o..S.> ••• • • • UJ I '•w . : J J.a-i.::. J.!.....,.

PAGE 229

11 T 11 211 fol.33a-46b, 14.5 x 10 I 11.5 x 6.5 cm., 19 lin .. -For other details see no. 152. Polemic against Satan and his evil influences.Copied in Dhu'l-1). 113411722, by 'uth. b. Ya. b. 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Miri.Incompl. at beginning. Ref. GAL I, 587 (no.3) : SI, 809. 346 al-qawa'id [r shar? al-Risalah (45810) Author: [Qutb al-Din M. b. M. al-Razi al-Tahtani (d.766l1364) ff.79, 27.5 x 9 I 21 x 4.5 cm., 25 lin •• -Oriental glazed paper.-Clear ta'liq hand.-Words qala and aqulu in red.-Half-leather binding (without flap) • Cmt. on al-Risalah al-Shamsiyah (treatise on logic) of 'A. b. 'u. al-Katibi (d.675l1276) .-No date (8l14th cent.).-Incompl. at beginning and end.-fol.1-31, 40, and 73-79 supplied in 12l18th cent.(nasta'liq hand). Ref. GAL I, 612 (cmt.1) : SI, 845. 347 Another copy -(13253) Incip.: _;Jb.) _;}b.)l _, 0L,.....,. ul (...l..:-01.Jb.j)IJ 0 1 tl..>JI JLb • • • '-:-ft.J • • • ;; .: , o .-:-.JI U L.. __,.11 .U tr I ul u-JI 0-::'

PAGE 230

11 T 11 212 ff. 108, 17.5 x 9 I 11 . 5 x 4. 5 cm. , 11 lin .. -Oriental paper.Nastacliq hand.-Words bahth, qala, and aqulu in red.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (without flap). Copied in Dhu'l-q. glosses.Prov.: E.J. Portal. 348 Another copy -(47588) ff.99, 22.5 x 12.5 I 15.5 x 7.5 cm., 23 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Elegant naskhi hand.-Matn overlined in red.-Red leather binding (without flap). Copied in Rab.II 109911688, by Ibn Fa91 Allah M. al-Husaini.-Numerous marginal glosses. 349 U?UZ aZ-handasah Zi-VqZidis -(45815) Translator: al-Din M. b. M. (d.672l1273)] Incip. : yl..) I ...l.J....,.Jll A...:.....o 9..:Ui Al.J ...l.JL...,.o..) • • • t..._.,...:.Jjl J.J"> I '-:-' L:.S ..;..;> I 0 1 ..; yh "':;-o 11 j':1_r-::. cJS c..i: .;3 Lo....l..9 • •. ff.147, 22.5 x 19.5 I 17.5 x 12 cm., 15 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Excellent nastacliq hand.-Double I , line border in red, text in black and red, dia-grams.-Half-leather binding (without flap). Arabic version of Euclid's Elementa.-Copied at Lucknow, Dhu'l-t. 119911785.-Former owner: John Lee, Doctors Commons.-Ref. GAL I,673 : SI,929.

PAGE 231

" T " 213 350 [Tacziq 'ala ba1th jihat aZ-wa1dah] -(45811) Author: M. Amin [b. al-Din al-Shirwani] (d.1036l1626) Incip.: U.JI rJLSJI_, 4....:-Lo v->1 wl 4....i.,.r ...:Jl ' Q.,. o,:Y ••• lr. ..P-I_,JI Lo..,.,..-9 J_,l ••• • • • 6-.P-_,JI r 0.: lo,. o 11 fol.1a-16p, 20 x 13 I 15.5 x 9.5 cm., 19 lin .• Ta'liq hand.-Black ink.Other details as in no. 290. emt. on a statement in al-Fawa'id al-Fanariyah of M. b• al-Fanari (d.834l1531), being a cmt. on K. al-Isaghuji of Athir al-Din al-Abhari (d.663l1264) .-Dated Dhu'l-Q.1201I1787.Marginal and interlinear annotations. Ref. Princeton 3175, Berlin 2474. 351 Ta'Ziqat 'aZa Durar aZ-1ukkam -(19115) Author: [M. b. al-Wanquli (d.1000I1591) ff.219(220), 19.5 x 13.5 I 14.5 x 6.5 cm., 25 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Neat nasta'liq hand.Chapter headings and word qauluhu in red.-Quarterleather binding (without flap).

PAGE 232

" T " 214 Gloss on al-Durar al-hukkam fr sharh Ghurar al-ahkam of M. b. Faramurz b. 'A. Mulla Khusrau (d.885/1480), being a compendium of law.Composed in Muo.995/1587.No date (11/17th cent.).First folio missing.-Prov.: R.S. Greenshields. Re f . GAL I I , 2 9 2 ( g 1 . c) : SI I , 3 1 7 . 352 Tamam faxi? al-kalam (100449) Author: A. b. Faris b. [al-Qazwrnr] (fl. ea. 393/1003) fol.193b-198b, 32 x 20 I 25.5 x 13.5 cm., 29 lin .. -Vocalization in red.Other details as in no. 30. Treatise on grammar.-Composed in Ram.393/1003.Transcribed by F. Krenkow in May 1929, from a copy in the hand of Yaqut b. 'Al. al-RUmr (d.626/1229, see GAL I,630), (who in turn transcribed it from the holograph),and dated Rab.II 616/1219, at Marw. Ref. GAL SI, 198 (no.15). 353 al-Tamyiz li-ma auda'ahu al-Zamakhshari al-ictizalat j! ta[sir al-Kitab al-'Aziz (41360)

PAGE 233

11 T 11 215 Author: Abu eA. cu. b. M. b. Khalil al-SukiTni al-Maghribi (d.717/1317*) Incip.: 0u ..u..,. Lol • •. cUI 0-::'-0 , 9 ... o 11 r)J.S .. a h 9 ()-0 0-::' ..l.ll J>" I l;r'<' L.::.5..J L,..U..C, A ... I..... . . . 0-::'..}> L:....o..JI._, J,llll ()-0 • • • l5 _r.=-yl .u .l--' I Lo.J .) .: .: o ... ll..,. ff.520, 25 x 18 I 19.5 x 10.5 cm., 25 lin .. -Wove buff paper.-Neat naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Modern quarter-leather binding (without flap) . Criticism of the Muctazilite views in al-Zamkhshari's al-Kashshaf (no.154) .-Preceded by a lengthy introduction (muqaddimah,fol.1b-71a) dealing with various theological questions. The work proper starts on fol. 72a, incip.: 4....!JI cUJ JL,. .,rl J.S r..u..o L.::.5 0 L5 Lo.J U ..u..,. Lo I • • • _ra-J I l5 J I a ... o 11 • • • 6 ._,._raJ I yJb 4....!JI Copied in Rab.I 1326/1908, by M. cuth., at the Egyptian Library Ref. GAL I, 346 : SI, 509.*see fol.1a. 354 Tanbrh al-gha[ilrn (191488) Author: [Abu'l-Laith b. M.] al-Samarqandi ( d . ea • 3 7 5/9 8 5) Incip. (as extant) : JJ._, 0 1 1 •. 1 _rll._, Ap 9 .... ,._J c\ ... 9 ',: • • • u--'.l

PAGE 234

11 T 11 216 ff.139(137}, 20.5 x 14 I 18 x 10.5 cm., 27 lin •. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi I nasta'liq hand.-Black and red ink.-Damaged quarter-leather binding (without flap} . Book of ethics and paraenesis, based on the Tradition.-Incompl. at beginning and end.-No date(12l18th cent.}.-Margins restored. Ref. GAL I, 211 (no.9} : SI, 348. 355 'an 9awadith j! Misr Yana'ir 1881 Zi-ghayat shahr Uktubar 1882 (141394) Author: A. 'urabi [Pasha] (d.1329l1911} Incip.: 13'• ... : (rO W,.ro 0LS 0 1 '-:'..r--11 J.....3 • • • 'AA A..:.-r ff.62, 25.5 x 20 I 17.5 x 10-13 cm., 21 lin .. -Ruled paper.-Clear ruq'ah hand.-Black ink.Quarter-leather binding (without flap). Account of the Egyptian revolt of 1881-1882.Holograph, with the author's seal on fol.1a and 62b.-Dated at Kulumbu (Colombo, Ceylon}, Dhu'l-h. 1299IOct.1882.-Written on one side of . the folio only.-see Zirk.I, 161. 356 ), 'ala -(12188) Author: M. b. a.'l-Qasim b. al-Fajiji

PAGE 235

11 T 11 217 Incip. : j • • • .u..JI J.r J r)l....JI_, .. ll_, 4..lJ I .• ;._, 6.-JJ: .u..JI _,1 Jlll ill J-,...9 0u .u..JI '-:-'l...::...S...,. • • • J_,?l )I 0 1 '-:-'1 J_,?l fol.1b-144b, 18.5 x 14.5 I 12.5 x 8.5 cm., 17 lin •. -For other details see no. 293. Gloss on al-Sanusi's Umm al-barahin (no.378) .Composed in 104811638-9.-Copied in Jum.I 11931 1779, by 'Abd Fataniyah.-Followed by a story of a conversation between Abu and a materialist. 357 Tarassul al-Wazir al-Din (47281) Author: al-Din Allah M. b. M. al-Katib known as Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari (d.637l1239) In c i p . : J _,.c _, lS __,..,....:.JI ..)-::'__ra-J I 0 I _,.,. ...01 .,_,._::..$ '-:"' L..::..S J!JI 6L..:. f'..)JI y 0-:'1 r..r..,r cl.:....o JJ4. • • • .lj.._,....JI .l L.. .... i .. ll_, .l..p....9 d I _ra-J I ff.85, 25 X 17.5 I 17 X 10.5 cm., 17 lin .. Oriental paper.-Elegant partly vocalized naskhi hand.-Black ink.-Modern half-cloth binding (without flap) . Collection of private and public correspondence of Ibn al-Athir.-No date (8l14th cent.).Some folios water-stained. Ref. GAL SI, 521.

PAGE 236

" T " 358 Tarbiyat (25741) Author: [al-Nucman b. M. b. ijaiyGn al-Tamimi (d.363l974)] 218 Incip. : • • • A..l.JI ,..........,. {!:"" L....::...JI .. i.J.::-JI 0-0 t-:' Wl 0 .. !'?' o 11 • •• J.)l j J5 t-91 J5 All ff.115, 22.5 x 19 I 16.5 x 14.5 cm., 13 lin .• -Oriental paper.-Large naskhi I nastacliq hand.Black and red ink.-Half-cloth binding (without flap) . Cmt. on his al-Islam (no.48), otherwise known as al-Islam.Fragment (part 9, chapter 7 -end of part 11) .-Dated 12421 1826-7(?) .-Prov.: Sir Oliver Wardrop. Ref. GAL SI, 325.-Poonawala 64. 359 Another copy -(25736) ff.304, 21.5 x 13.5 I 16.5 x 8.5-9.5 cm., 17-18 lin •. -Wove paper.-Irregular naskhr/hand.Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap). Part 1 -7.-Copied at Jubbulpur, 134711928-9, by cAbd al-iju. b. Mulla Hibat Allah •.• , in the time of dacr Abu M. Tahir Saif al-Din.

PAGE 237

11 T 11 219 360 al-Bahnasah wa-FaiyUm (26386) Author: Abu 'Al. M. b. M. al-Muqri (al-Maqqari) al-Waqidi* fol.102b-148b, 27.5 x 16.5 I 20 x 10.5 cm., 26 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Blind-stamped dark-red leather binding (without flap, rebacked). History of the Muslim conquest of Bahnasa and Faiytim, usually ascribed to *M. b. 'u. al-Waqidi (d.207/823). The present copy ends with a poem by Khalid b. al-Walid (30 verses), incip.: * L....:....Z. J-:P.-f. I _,.2-JI ..J .• • . 11 • . L_. 0 ")1.:. • .....,.-...: • \,;J No date (ca.1026/1617) .-Ref. GAL I, 142 (no.d) : SI, 208.GAS I, 296 . . 361 Author: LAbu'l-Fida'] Ism. b. 'A. b. Ma. b. AiyUb (fol.43b) [al-Malik al-Mu'aiyad, (d.732/1331)]*

PAGE 238

11 T 11 220 Incip. (as extant): '-:-'1 1 • • • 1 '-:-' I ... I t..J.rJl • • • y-Lo J I .I 1.)-0 ..J '-:-' l..Jb yl cl..Lo..JI L. I ... I Expl. :..ll _,.... ••• • • • w .;y 0-0 L-1 J.:.:.-i ..J r L..:.JI ..l )I.... ..J. "1 _ra-J I A....UI..J . . 11 4...J J Li..... .b..:. 11 • • 1 . . -11 ..r:-.. ..;>--:' l.T" ()_,..., .:>---..r:--..J • • • '-:-' l..Jb __,JI A....UI 0-Y'-:' '-:-' L..::..S.JI I fol.1b-101a, 27.5 x 16.5 I 20 x 10.5 cm., 26-27 lin .. Other details as in_preceding entry. History of dynasties of the East and West, preceded by a short account of the life of the Prophet and followed with a section on the history of medicine and biographies of distinguished physicians.-Composed in Rab.I 727/1327.-Transcribed from the author's own copy at Cairo, 1026/1617, by 'Alikhan b. Yunus Ef. al-Mausili al-Malik al-Ashtari al-Najafi (original colophon erased).-First two folios torn and fragmentary.-*Ref. 282. 362 Mai (41384) Author: A. b. Furtuwa

PAGE 239

11 T 11 221 fol.1b-53a, 24 x 18 I 17 x 12 cm., 14 lin •• -Laid and wove paper.-West African maghribi hand.-Black and red ink.-Folios loose within brown leather binding (with flap). History of the first 12 years of the reign of Mai Idris of Bornu (1571-83) .-No date (ca.1269/ 1853) .-Followed by 1.(fol.54a-138a) history of the Kanem wars of Mai Idris, dated Jum.II 1269/ 1853, incip.: tJ_:r.::. J All 0-0 Lol • • • ()S ' .bl.. 4-::-JI JL.... t.J.Y . ..... s. 0 1 • • • 0-:-U""'::'J...)I ••• 2. (fol.140a-148b) Diwan Salatrn Barnu (with English translation in typescript), incip.: cl..4JI 0-:( .,_.,I J) 0..) l_,...) 0-:-01 b 1.. 11 J I • • • L-S J..:....j J \,:!"' L.5..., Y'> ...) I Presented to the Library by Sir Herbert Richmond Palmer(1877-1958) in Jul.1941. Ref. GAL SII, 717. 363 Raqqah wa-man nazalaha -(47974) Author: Abu 'A. M. b. sa'Id b. 'Ar. al-Qushairi (d.334/946) Incip.: 1 .u..JI J...)....,. ••• f.s 1 .. I .:.L 11 • 4.......Jb . '-.iw . 1 . 11 .. r \.)"":' . \.)"":' \.)"":' J" . L... 0-0 _r Jl JU .. I il,.Lo..::.-J Jl...) ..l..o>l w-.-1 0-:-I.!.IJL..,...o..ll 0-:I 0 I a .. !.. . L:...:. • • • u La..... J.D I 0-0 c. I ._r9 L...:.-i f .)L...JI,. p 0-:-..p y 0-0 ()S 1.)-1= U:u: • • • l.Jb .u.JI J L I _r.-JI 0-:I

PAGE 240

11 T 11 222 ff. 68, 24.5 x 17. 5 I 17. 5 x 11 cm. , 19 lin .. Wove buff paper.-Modern naskhi I ruqcah hand.Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap) . Biographical dictiqnary (in 3 parts) 6f the Prophet Mubammad's companions, traditionists and lawyers, who came from Raqqah.-Transcribed from the copy preserved in the Public Library in Damascus -see (ta'rikh)I, 131, in Shaw.1325l1907, by cAl. al-Hamawi.-Bound with the volume are letters and postcards from L. Cheikho to A.G. Ellis. Ref. GAL SI, 210.31. 364 [ Tashil al-mana[ic [i)l-tibb -(46338) Author: [Ibr. b. cAr. b. eA. b. a. Bakr al-Azraq] Incip.: U" 's.all ..ll s"o 11 t lholl ..lL,..)JI u--9L,.JI ..l.)J_,.)JI ..ll.l.D.)JI r--h 0 U Lo I • • • ..l I _,..i.JI _, ...r u..,r cl..;..lJ_, ff.342(pp.684), 23 x 16.5 I 17.5 x 10.5 cm., 18-19 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear modern maghribi hand.-Black and red ink.-Folios loose, unbound. Compendium of medicine (in 5 aqsam), based on 1. Shifa' al-ajsam of Jamal al-Din M. b. a.'l-Ghaith al-Kamarani (d.857l1453, see ijkh.II, 1049 and 113) and 2. K. al-Rahmah of M. al-Mahdawi b. eA. b. Ibr. al-Sanaubari (d.815l1412, see GAL SII, 252) .-No date (late 13l19th cent.). L, Ref. GAL SII, 252.ijKh.I, 407.

PAGE 241

11 T 11 365 aZ-1a[ar (45813) Author: (CA. b. M. b. al-Mawardi (d.450I1058)] fol.53a-66b, 34 x 20.5 I 20.5 x 13 cm., 19 lin •. -For other details see no. 305. 223 Ethical treatise on the art of ruling, divided into two chapters (bab) .-No date (ea. 13131 1896) .-Ref. GAL I, 483 (no.4) : SI, 973.I, 408. 366 -(12095) Author: (Cizz al-Din cAbd al-Wahhab b. Ibr. al-Zanjani ( 65511257)] Incip.: 0 1 r-Jsl ••• 4ll ..l>l _,..11 JD)ll u-3J ...; .. .. s "ll A..Ll.JI u-3 ••• 4--,-)11 )I 0L....o.J 4 a h.;. o fol.33b-43a, 18.5 x 11 I 14.5 x 5.5 cm., 17 lin •• -For other details see no. 16. Arabic grammar, otberwise known as Tasrif al-Zanjani.No date (12l18th cent.). Ref. GAL I, 336 : SI, 497.

PAGE 242

11 T 11 224 367 Tathir al-ictiqad can adran al-shirk wa'l-il1ad ( 380287) Author: M. b. Ism. al-Amir al-Sancani (d. 1182/1768) Incip.: I 0-:-• • • r-JL.a.JI JU J..,.Ji..,. AlJ t--::. A...JJI 4...o.>..) ..,r-I R of' 11 J5 6-.ll.._,....&JI 6 .J..l ..ll.._,....&JI ()A .:J-:'..; wl..;..ll ()-& 1 • • • 1 ......... 4"o lr::.J Lo..J ..ll ..ll.._,....&JI ()A • • • f' I ..; L,. ..l .J 4...o 4-J .J .J f' L..:JI.J ()A ..l.)L,...JI fol.1a-9b, 24 x 17 I 18 x 14 cm., 25 lin .. -For other details see no. 153. Zaidi theological tract.-No date (13/19th cent.).-Ref. IM I, 294.56. 368 al-Tibyan [I adab ?amalat al-Qur'an -(191669) Author: Abu Zakariya' Ya. [b. Sharaf al-Nawawi] (d.676/1278) j.A.i..JI.J J_,h.JI 0L....o.JI f'"::'fll AlJ A...JJI (,u Lol ••• L.l ..ljb U r t--::. lJb ..ll .) 4...o 6 (,..o t--::. .J 6....1......;1.; ()-:t..l 4l..D..::.:J I .,_, L.::..S..... I . :..
PAGE 243

11 T 11 fol.1b-41a, 21.5 x 15.5 I 14.5 x 9 cm., 23 lin •. -For other details see no.90. 225 Treatise on the merits attached to the recitation of the and its study.-Composed in Rab.II 66611267.-copied by b. Musa b. b. Musa, in 115211739. Ref. GAL I, 501 (no.XVII) : SI, 685. 369 [% muluk [ijimyar] (19320) Author: [Abu M. 'Abd al-Malik b. Hisham (d.218l834)] fol.1b-111b, 27 x 19.5 I 22 x 15 cm., 27 lin .• -For other details see no. 8. History of pagan Arabia.-Copied in Raj. 9971 1589.-Incompl. at beginning, lacUna after fol. 59.-Margins restored.-Water-stained. Ref. GAL I, 141 (no.2) :SI, 206. 370 (469?3) Incip. : '-:-' L.::..S ..l.> I .:J 4.)11 U" ...u..ll t.:J_,JI.:J 0-:'.)11 .:J '-:-'.)11 ,........,-'-:-' L::..S..,. ..:.>-> .:J t-..:. .w.JI 0_ya-,-l5 • • • J W...SW I.:J _ri-11 ..l.> I v-o J.;:. ..)"::' .:UI ._r.J I l5 .) ._r;JI

PAGE 244

11 T 11 226 ff.191, 31.5 x 21.5 I 22 x 13 cm., 21 lin •. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Blind-stamped dark-brown leather binding (without flap} . Triodion, i.e. lenten office book, followed by (fol.155a-191b) al-Thaluthiyat i.e. Triadika and Photagogika.-Copied in 1844.fol.153-154 blank.-Ex libris Edward Heron-Allen F . . R.S ... and Edith his wife, 1925. 371 aZ-Tu?fah aZ-Sa'dryah (46343) Author: Ma. b. Mas'ud al-Shirazi (d.710I1311} Incip. : Lo 1.5_ri..J '-:'t...h:;. 4....,-• • I c: Lo ..JI 0 1 4 r • o n 6....l.ll '-:' L.:.:.5 A...,-15 1 yl 6....l.ll 0u Lol ••• r4JII . '-:'.:U I 0 LS Lo.J • • • 1.5.) I .l 0-:' .l • • • r_,5-11 t-:'1 ,ro ,ro '-:'JL...:...o fol.93b-336a, 31 x 21.5 I 24 x 13 cm., 27 lin .. -Matn overlined in red and black.Other details as in no. 321. Cmt. on the Kulliyat of al-QanUn (see no.321} .-Fragment (as far as the first fasl of the fifth ta'lim} .-No date (11l17th cent.}. Ref. GAL I, 597 (no.82,cmt.c} : SI, 824. 372 aZ-'aja)ib aZ-ghara)ib -(46974) Author: 'Izz al-Din Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari*

PAGE 245

11 T 11 227 fol.1b-163a, 27 x 17.5 I 19.5 x 12.5 cm., 25 lin .• -Laid glossy paper.-Clear naskhi hand.Illuminated title page and fol.163a, 169a; text in black, red, and blue ink.-Blind-stamped brown leather binding (without flap, rebacked). Cosmographical work, divided into four parts (maqalah) .-Copied in Shaw. 969/1562, by cuth. b. A. al-Haurani al-Suwaidi al-Dimashqi al-Shafici al-Qadiri, for Taj al-Din b. al-Shamsi M. b. al Water-stained.-*Ref. GAL I, 439 : SI, 609 (ascribed to Majd al-Din al-Mubarak b. M. b. alAthir, d.606/1210) .-GAL SI, 581 (ascribed to c rmad al-Din Ism. b. A. b. al-Athir, d.699/1299) .Followed by (fol.163b-201b) a collection of tales, anecdotes, and narratives from various sources, beginning with 1. (fol.163b-165b) Muntakhab min 'uyGn al-tawarikh of Ibn al-Jauzi, 2. (fol.165b-168b) Dhi'l-Qarnain, 3. (fol.169b-174b)Hadith !ram dhat al-cimad, 4.(fol.174b-201b) Hadith ahwal al-qiyamah, and others.On the inside of the lower cover is a note on the Ms in the hand of J. S. King, Major Retired Indian Staff Corps, dated Sept. 1892.-Ex libris Edward Heron-Allen (no.370).

PAGE 246

11 T 11 228 . -rariqah al-Muhammadiyah see al-Bariqah " -fi al-'fariqah 373 Tabaqat (4?9??) Author: Jamal al-Din ['Abd b. al-Isnawr (d.772/1370) Incip.: r. cUJ ..l....o.>..JI ..J • • • U _}I r Ui.a..JI..J u r (rO Jh-)b.JI 4-.J ..U ••• cW..JI 0 u ,._J Jyol (rO . . . u.,. _r..JI L.......o.JI 0_,..., ..l..ii..o..ll ff.172(pp.343), 27 x 18.5 I 22.5 x 14 cm., 23 lin .• Wove buff paper.-Clear ruq'ah hand.-Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap). Biographies of Shafi'I theologians.-Composed in Shaw. 769/1368.-Transcribed from the copy in the Public Library of Damascus -see ?ah. (ta'rikh) I, 255, at Beirut Tammuz 1909, by Nu'man Yunan Shabir.Ref. GAL II, 111(no.7) : SII, 107. 374 Author: Abu M. 'Al. b. Muslim b. Qutaibah (d.270/884 or 276/889) Incip.: 1 ":. :. o ()-.' ..J r. I .,....WI (.)-& r. Lo.....l I .L.....,j ..J rr-""" . ..J ••• ,-1--o ()-.' cW..JI .:J-:' I J U I.,....WI '-:-'L:.:..S ..JI 0LS (r.o..J

PAGE 247

,, T " 229 ff.177(pp.344), 23.5 x 16 I 16 x 10.5 cm., 23 lin •• -Wove paper.-Clear partly vocalized naskhi hand.-Double line border in red, text in black, red, green, and yellow.-Half-leather binding (without flap, gilt spine). Anthology of Arabic poetry, otherwise known as Kitab al-shi'r waJl-shu'araJ.Copied in MliQ. 13151 1897, by 'A. b. M. al-Rifa'I.-Prov.: J. O'kinealy. Ref. GAL I, 126 (no.5) : SI, 185. 375 fabaqat aZ-shu'ara' mad1 aZ-khuZaja' wa z-wuzara' -(174084) Author: 'Al. b. al-Mu'tazz (d.296l908) Incip.: "I >P 9 If cUI ..l..o.:>JI J_,Ji.,.-9 J • • • 4..o J _r-:. " I ;, I : If Ui..:. U" J J5 _,.::...oJI 0-:-UJL,. 0-:-UJI UJI ..l _ri-91 • • • wJ.fb 0-:-UJL,. r p .... o " 0-:' UJI r 0-0 ..l JJ ..l J I r A.J.,..J u-9 .l...i.& u-9 0 1 u-9 _,.b.:;J ••• I J.)YJIJ "I 9 I;. If t..l..o u-9 0-0 I Lo • • • w-o J ff. (4) 101 (pp.210), 33.5 x 20 I 21 x 9.5 cm., 31 lin .. -Wove glossy paper.-Elegant small naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Quarter-cloth binding (without flap). Poetical anthology, entitled in the colophon Tabaqat al-shu'araJ al-mtiQdathin.Copied in Shaw. 128511869, by Mahdi b. 'A. Naqi al-Tibrizi. Preceded by fihrist.-Property of the Gibb Memorial Trustees. Ref. GAL I, 80 (no.4) : SI, 130.

PAGE 248

11 '!' 11 376 TabUr taczrm (40512) Author: anon. 230 Incip. : I L.,. ...r' I __,h.JI t.. I v . t.. I v ... ..J.:J-:' l.J:, t ;i ... J r .. 1.... ci..;JL...o J JJb-:.1 4 . : ; .:S . Lt-:-JJ)I I ,...-i-JI r L..Ji I ••• ;; s 1 ... .:.. o11 •• 1 t1 l.A.1i J ff.197, 20 x 15 I 15.5 x 11 cm., 8-14 lin .. -Wove paper.-Maghribr hand.-Single line border and text in dark-brown.-Quarter-leather binding (without flap) . Manual of military instruction, with a parallel French version entitled Ecole de Bataillon.First volume (in 5 parts).-No date (late 13/19th cent.) •

PAGE 249

11 u 11 231 umm al-qura = al-Hamziyah Urjuzah fi Uwar al-kawakib al-thabitah = Maqal fi'l-kawakib cuyfrn al-tawarikh see no. 372(1) 377 Author: Abu M. cAl. b. A. b. M. b. Qudamah al-Maqdisi (d.620I1223) Incip.: J5 ..l...o.> 4Jb ...... o-' .l....o..:lo...l cUI .l....o..:lo...l 4.Ji..i.JI '-:-' I • • • cU....1;. A...l.JI JA.iS ..\.A> _, J._,Ji 6...:.....o c.-•. .. :: • .JH _, 0 l..S..o)ll '-:-'-> c I Wl ., L,..o.JI r l.S> I '-:-' l....:-• • • L..i.J 6..l..o..J: • • • c.l ()..o ff.60, 23 . • 5 x 16.5 I 19.5 x 11 cm., 20-21 lin •. -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi I ruqc ah hand •. -Chapter headings in red.-Modern green cloth bihding (without flap) • Compendium of law.-Copied in Raj.1348l 1929, by cuth. b. cAl. b. Dakhil. Ref. GAL I, 503 (no.25) .1164. 378 [Umm al-barahin] -(12225) Author: Abu cAl. M. b. Yu. al-Sanusi (d. 89211486)

PAGE 250

11 u 11 232 fol.1b-27b, 20.5 x 16 I 13 x 7 cm., 5 lin .. -Laid paper.-Clear vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Blind-stamped dark-red leather binding (flap missing, covers detached). Muslim creed, otherwise known as 'Aqidat ahl al-tatiQid with interlinear Malay translation.-Dated 118811774-5.-Followed by (fol.28b-117a) another 'aqidah as no.212(1), copied by Taha b. Khatib 'Abd al-Mu'min, in MtiQ. 118911775.-Marsden Ms. Ref. GAL II, 323 (no.II) : SII, 353. 379 Another copy -(26408) fol.12a-15b, 20 x 13.5 I 16.5 x 10 cm., 17 lin .. Brown and red ink.-For other details see no. 99. No date (late 12l18th cent.).-Water-stained. 380 'Vnwan aZ-shara[ -(47980) Author: [M.] Amin [b. Khair Allah] al-'umari (d.1203l1789) .,

PAGE 251

11 u 11 233 Incip. : rj,..JI r.l1 I J _r CJ_,JI t-L J A..::.S.!..)Lo AJ J A....l.JI cU...J> ..; I 0-0 ()-.:' .. r:. ..... u__, 0-0 r .:7-:1 0-0 6s L.. t-L::. A....l.JI J..,-..; .:,y 0-:'' I I.SJ..;J ..;_,.:JI Lh.ll 0 LS J • • • 4-:.LS )l,__,b r.l1 0 LS r-1-J A....l.JI ff.257, 31 x 22 I 22.5 x 14 cm., 23 lin .• -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (without flap, gilt spine) • Biographical dictionary, arranged in tabaqat and extending down to the first quarter of 13l19th cent .. -No date (13l19th cent.).-Numerous lacunae. Without introduction or colophon. Ref. GAL SII, 502 (no.16). 381 rcunwan al-sharaf tr cilm al-[iqh tawarikh -(45816) Author: [Sharaf al-Din Ism. b. a. Bakr b. al-Muqri (d.837l1433)] Incip.: r_,.Ji.,. 0.:UI A .. h. .... 0.., Al.l • • • I 0 1 J cU....l> 0-0 .l.>l o ..l...o..:>.... . ff.57, 27 x 20 I 21 x 15.5 cm., 23 lin .• -Laid paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Damaged quarter-cloth binding (without flap). Combination of five different works dealing with 1) Shaficr law, 2) history of the Rasuli dynasty of Yemen, 3) grammar, 4) 'arug, and 5) rhyme.Arranged in seven columns; 1,3,5,7 (in red) to be read vertically,and 2,4,6 (in black) to be read

PAGE 252

11 u 11 234 horizontally.-Their beginnings are as follows: Jl lS.:UI 4 ... 9->.... 6.11 (') 4-o)ll 6..,-yh .... 111 C l...,...D..o ,.....WI 0 1 ,...._l& I • • • cU...b. 0"" r _,....La-JI 0"" t .. 1 9 ...... 1 Lo ....9 r I_, 4...l.JI 6..l...o.> .).jj 4...i..iJ I ,...._l& u__;, .. 2 • • • 6..l...o.> 6.11. ( \) rL:JI 0-<>YI 6-J_,..) G..,)__,..... ••• .,))11 _,....Lo J_,-_,JI L...,..Z.I r)lS.JI J_,Ji U _, • • • t .. 1 9 ...... 1 4...l.JI (T') ,. ._j,J Jll J_,>.i...,. J ,.-Jll _, J .r _, J-sU _, ,.-1 _, ••• 6ft-'-.,)L,..>Jll_, uLPJII_, • 1 I 11 I I b I 11 L:.'l <\...a...o.:>. I ..iJb ....9..-Jt.....:.:...... I (c) u ,))__,... I_, 1 11 I ..r <. '-:-' L...:.:...SJI I _, • • • U" l.....,..a.JI (r.' J.,, ... d ... -1 ....9 r Jll • • • ,ya-3 yJb _, J.,.._,h'l .,;>-:-6-J _,I _,_,..a.JI 6...:j,j,J I • • • ,._J Lo ,...._l& lS.:UI 6.11 ( o) ... o ... H_, 9 o 11 ....9 wl __,Ji-11 ,...._l& LJJ y i. 1 1 11 .. 9 • • • tJJ;;. .. H_, J.D _,JI_, u-w ,.._::. ....9..) rl ,.._::. No date (12/18th cent.).-Badly water-stained. Ref. GAL II, 243 : SII, 254. 382 Author: A. b. M. al-Simawi (7/13th cent.) fol.1b-86b, 16 x 10.5 I 14 x 9 cm., lin .. -For other details see no. 124. Manual of charms, magic formulae, etc.-Copied in Jum.I 1100/1688.fol.1-11 supplied later. Ref. GAL I, 655 (no.3) : SI, 909.

PAGE 253

11 w 11 235 Abi see Zubdat al-nasa'ih . . 383 al-Waqf caza kalla wa-bala (191669) Author: anon. Incip. : I . . : I, t;-:' L.::. .J 0-0 L...:...J y Lo cUJ )!..,. .J )15 ..J .: ... ; ... I ..U .J • • • 0-0 s L 0 I all J)l.::.>I.J A...l.ll I ot .: !, d.liyi.J •• • >-'1 0-0 Lo.J u-S fol.44b-52a, 21.5 x 15.5 I 14.5 x 9 cm., 23 lin •. -For other details see no. 90. Tract on tajwid.-No date (ea. 115311740). 384 al-Warac can al-Imam (380288) Author: Abu Bakr [A. b. M.] al-Marwazr (al-Marruwidhi* d.275l888) In c i p • : J..,....:..> 0-:' 0-:' ...\..o> I A...l.ll L,.l • a o ... 0 1 A...l.ll J L..l J Ui..9 ..;._,.11 J)b.l A...l.ll u-D..; .J A...l.ll L,.l • ,a o "'.J s )l.Yb 0-0 0-::' I I •. 9 o . : )I .b....WI . 1.. . I d.J I JUi.S .A...i..) JUi.S '--' .> . ...,.. ••••• ':. $ 'Q .. u uJ ...., . . .. ..... • .1...11 • • I L;. . • • • &:-t...r-u--9 .JJ-4-.J tJ u-o fol.1b-22a, 22.5 x 16 I 15.5 x 9 cm., 22 lin •• -For other details see no. 291. "Book of piety", based on Tradition, by Abu Bakr al-Marwazr, a contemporary of Ibn No date (late 12l18th cent.).-Ref. Zah.(hadith) 1479.-. . *Kahh. II, 89. . .

PAGE 254

11 w 11 236 385 WajO.)i[ aZ-yaum wa)Z-ZaiZah (44093) Author: [Jalal al-Oin 'Ar. b. a. Bakr al-Suyutr (d.911l1505)] Incip.: L.ih.DI (r.:-.:UI b..)y r:ll-_, t\l.l I ,.;,_ .. ,,a j.......: .._.,..9 I ; •• b I y I 0-0 A"" c> I J c.? I J...r....o J L.;.JII _, C.,...) L>JII 0--0 J:, l ii .. , ..,JII u_,.,J:, _, • • • ,._JSJI_, L-JI 4--=--o '-ir-' L.S • • • ()-0 0 L-.:..JII 1; ' .. . 1 I 0--0 fol.96b-120b, 21.5 x 15.5 I 17 x 11 cm., 26 lin .• -Black and red ink.Other details as in no. 130. Treatise on religious observances.-No date (ca.1184l1770) .-Incompl. at end. Ref. GAL II, 190 (no.112) : SII, 186. 386 Wiqayat aZ-riwayah [! masa)iZ aZ-Hidayah (47840) Author: [Burhan al-Shari'ah Ma. b. al-Shari'ah al-MahbUbi (7l13th cent., see no. 336)] ff.154, 17 x 12 I 12 x 7.5 cm., 13 &115 lin .. -Oriental paper.-Cursive naskhi hand.-Chapter headings in red.-Later red leather binding (without flap) .

PAGE 255

11 w 11 237 Abridgement of al-Marghinani's al-Hidayah fi sharQ al-Bidayah (no.87) .-Copied by Khi9r b. 'A. al-Nakbasari, in Rab.II 75811357.-Covered with marginal and interlinear glosses.-Water-stained. Ref. GAL I, 468 : SI, 646. 387 Another copy -(18755) ff.284, 21 x 15.5 I 10.5 x 8 cm., 9 lin •• -Laid paper.-Naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.Damaged blind-stamped dark-red leather binding (flap missing) . Dated 96411557.-Water-stained.Some marginal and interlinear notes. 388 Another copy -(47854) ff.88(104), 15 x 9 I 11 x 4.5 cm., 17 lin .• -Laid glossy paper.-Neat ta'liq hand.Single line border and chapter headings in red.-Dark-brown blind-stanped leather binding (flap missing). Copied by 'Al. b. Rajab, in Rab.II 100911600. Incompl. at beginning. 389 f! wa[ al-taiyibat (90913) Author:[Kamal al-Din 'u. b. A. b. al-'Adim (d.660I1262)]

PAGE 256

11 w 11 238 Incip. : J;.-""' ..... o 11 0; 1 L:J c.s ... 1 ._,JI All rh-wL.S Lo.J ••• .l..oL>...o.LI JSWI JJL:...::. J .:w.JI Lo...o .. : .. 6 ... 0L.SJ ','., ,'>11 A....!.D._,JI c\ .. 1 .. OwJ 1-l.Jb , .. lPO"?" 0 0 0 wl l..!...,...:. r-JJ ..,..611 • • • I J I J .l..o A..::..J J L:...::. ..J I J I .,.ro J ff.164, 35 x 22.5 I 30 x 14 cm., 17 lin .. -Ruled paper.-Clear naskhi hand.-Black ink.Modern blue cloth binding (without flap). Treatise on the preparation and use of perfumes, electuaries, spices, dyes, etc. for the purpose of remedy and beautification.-Written on one side of the folio.-No date (early 20th cent.).-Transcribed from a copy preserved in Dar al-Kutub Collated by Dr. D.S. Rice with a Ms in the Madrasah (Aleppo) .-Bound with the volume are two photographs of the Aleppo manuscript.-Ref. GAL I, 405 (no.4) : SI, 569.

PAGE 257

" z " Zij Ulughbeg see Durr al-tatwij bita'rif mawamirat al-zij 390 Author: Musa b. A. b. Salim al-ijujjawi (d.968/1560*) 239 Incip.: wl Y.;,: ... Lo J., )I 1 cUJ v..o AJi..i..JI Lot ••• r::-' _;11 ..>.>t ..J J,.,.s 6 ..1>JI t Li.::. J I t..;1b ..J 6 J 4-b-JI '":-' L::.5 • • • r Lo )I I .l...o • • • J I ..J..)..J 6 L...:...v...o Lo ..J ff.43, 22.5 x 16 I 18 x 11 cm., 27-28 lin .. -Laid paper.-Cursive vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Badly damaged leather binding (covers detached, flap missing) • Abridgement of Ibn Qudamah's ('Al. b. A., d.620/ 1223) al-Muqnic (compendium of law), otherwise known as al-Iqna' li-talib al-intifa'.Copied in Raj.1169/1756.-Marginal glosses and corrections.Followed by 6 panegyrics upon Dalil al-talib (same as in no. 52).-*d.961/1554 (fol.1a). Ref. GAL I, 503 : SI, 688. 391 Zahr badhr (25733) Author: al-Din b. Ibr.b. al-Hamidi (d.596/1199)

PAGE 258

11 z 11 240 fol.38b-50, 22.5 x 14 I 17.5 x 9.5 cm., 17 lin .. -Black and red ink.Other details as in no. 144. Isma'Ili tract, comprising discussions of various theological and philosophical questions.-Copied in Jum.I 131311895 (same hand as in no. 144). Ref. Poonawala 152.-392 Zahr aZ-kimam Yusuf 'aZaihi aZ-saZam -(18648?) Author: Siraj al-Oin a. 'u. [b. Ibr.] [al-Ausi] Incip. : 9.J 0-::-.l..ll t I .r .>-:'I (' I J I...Ji • • • I _,.,..:..5 I L..a.JI '-:-' J cUI ...\...o.>..JI • • • I ._.,5 .i.o..ll ..!J-0 rJI-JI f'i .. !., 0 1 4....1.11 ,.s-> J I ,.,...-hI • • • Li •o'?" k.3L..:. l; •o,.l ff.131, 30 x 21 I 23.5 x 16 cm., 14-16 lin .. -Laid glossy paper.-Large partly vocalized naskhi hand.-Black and red ink.-Half-leather binding (with flap) . Story of Joseph, arranged in 17 sections called majalis.-No date (11l17th cent.).Same as ijKh. II, 961 and Berlin 8953.-Ascribed to Abu IsQaq Ibr. b. M. al-Ausi (d.75ll1350) -see GAL II, 342 : SII, 378.-Prov.: The Arthur Strong Oriental l l Library.

PAGE 259

11 z 11 241 393 al-Zahr al-nadrr cala'l-haud al-mustadrr (54445) Author: [b. cAmmar] al-Shurunbulali (d. 106911658) r-::-fll '-:-'G....JI '-:-'L->...11 cUI • • • ••• eLIL.o lt .. :o ... 0 1 ••• • • • So ,_,.D_,JI 4-,-Lo \",woll fol.11b-19b, 21 x 15 I 15 x 9 cm., 21 lin .• -Diagrams.Other details as in no. 4. The 3rd risalah from his al-TaQqiqat al-Qudsiyah (Berlin 5002) on ritual ablution.-Composed in Shaw.1057l1647.Copied by M. in Raj. 11771 1764.-Ref. GAL SII, 431 (no.19). 394 Zubdat (43361) Author: 'uth. b. ( 115911746) Incip.: L....JI.:J '-:-'L:..S..JL,. .U_,....J J.-JI cUI 0-:-••• Lol ••• rJL-JI.:J c....) J I r--ISJI t"" I _y.-0-0 r LoJII 0 L.5 Lo.J • • • usho o • • • Lc-:.JI 6 ..l...:-..) " ..... o--.:J r--ISJL,. s .:J 4-> _r. fol.14b-23b, 20 x 13 I 16 x 7 cm., 25 lin .. -Laid paper.-Neat nasta'liq hand.-Black ink.-Halfleather binding (without flap). Cmt. on Wasiyat Abi-Hanifah (d.150I767) li-Ibnih (Berlin 3966) .-Dated 121711802-3.-Ref. GAL I, 177 (no.XVI) : SI, 287 (no.VII).

PAGE 260

Subject index 242 I. The Qur'an 1. Text al-aQkam), 256-272 2. Tafsir, tajwid, etc. Anwar al-tanzil wa-asrar al-ta'wil (al-Bai(iawi), 17-18 al-Kashshaf 'an Qaqa'iq al-tanzil (al-Zamakhshari), 154 fi aQkam al-ntin wa'l-tanwrn wa'l-madd 227 al-Waqf 'ala kalla wa-bala (anon.), 383 Risalah fi'l-Qur'an (Ibn 291 al-Tibyan fi adab Qamalat al-Qur'an (al-Nawawi) , 368 al-zahr fi 'add ay al-suwar (al-Ja'bari), 90 3. Qur'anic stories al-'Ara'is fi'l-majalis wa-yawaqrt al-tijan fi al-Qur'an (al-Tha'labi), 24 Muthir al-gharam al-kalam (al-Tadmuri) , 235 Zahr al-kimam fi Yusuf 'alaihi al-salam (al-Ausi) , 392 II. Hadith 1. Mustalah al-hadith Alfiyat al-'Iraqr, 10 2. Major collections al-Jami' (al-Bukhari), 132-L39 al-Sunan al-Kubra (al-Baihaqi) , 306

PAGE 261

Subject index Nawadir fi ma'rifat akhbar al-Rasul (al-Tirmidhi)1 239 al-Sunnah (al-Baghawr) 1 208 al-Wara' 'an al-Imam (al-Marwazr) 1 384 Ma'anr al-akhbar (al-Kalabadhi)I 183 Rahmat al-Ahad fi'qtifa' Nabr al-Samad . . . (al-Mirghani) 1 274 Kitab al-mau9ii'at (al-Qarr) I 166 3. Fort.y Traditions 'Arba'un hadithan (al-Jamr) 1 25 . al-'Arba'un al-Wad'anryah (Ibn Wad'an) I 26 243 al-Imta' bi'l-arba'rn al-mutabayinah bishart al-sama' (Ibn al-'Asqalanr) 1 121 III. Fiqh 1. al-fiqh al-'A9udryah (sharQ al-Muntaha) 1 2 SharQ al-Kaukab al-Durrr (al-Asadr) , 320 Mir'at fr sharQ Mirqat (Mulla Khusrau)1 215 'ala Mir'at (al-Tarasusr) I 93 Lubb (al-Anarr) 1 180 al-TaQrrr (anon.) 1 228 2. Furu' a. al-I}anafryah al-Fiqh al-Nafi' (al-Samarqandr) 1 83 al-Hidayah fr sharQ al-Bidayah (al-Marghrnanr) I 87-89 Wiqayat al-riwayah fr masa'il al-Hidayah (MaQmiid al-MaQbiibi) , 386-388 al-Wiqayah ('Ubaid Allah al-MaQbiibi), 336-337 Kanz al-daqa'iq (al-Nasafr), 151

PAGE 262

Subject index al-Jami' al-Wajiz (al-Kardari) 1 140 Fatawa Qa9Ikhanl 74 244 al-Ashbah al-fiqhiyah (Ibn Nujaim) I 31 Ta'liqat 'ala Durar al-Qukkam (al-Wanquli) I 351 al-I'lam bi-mustalah al-shuhud wa'l-hukkam . . . . (al-Tarasusi) 1 120 Fatawa (anon.) 1 73 Kitab fi'l-fiqh (anon.) I 1621 163 b. al-Shafi'Iyah al-Majmu' al-Mudhahhab fi qawa'id al-madhhab (al-' Ala'I> I 195 FatQ al-Qarib al-Mujib fi sharQ al-Taqrib (al-Ghazzi) 1 77 'ala sharQ al-Ghayah (al-Birmawi) I 94 al-Muqaddimah 231 Fatawa wa-masa'il (Ibn al-Haithami) I 75 c. al-Malikiyah al-Risalah (Ibn a. Zaid al-Qairawani) I 280-281 Kifayat al-talib al-rabbani li-Risalat Ibn a. Zaid al-Qairawani (al-Manufi) 1 157 (Khalil al-Jundi) 1 225-226 Nata'ij al-fikar fi kashf asrar (al-Zurqani) 1 236-237 AudaQ al-masalik wa-ashal al-maraqi ila sabk ibriz al-Shaikh 'Abd al-Baqi (al-RahGni) I 33 al-FatQ al-Rabbani fima dhahala 'anhu al-Zurqani (al-Bannani) I 78 al-Shamil fi'l-fiqh (al-Damiri) 1 308 al-Jawahir al-Zakiyah fi Qall al-'Ashmawiyah (Ibn Turki) 1 142 al-Minaq al-Wafiyah li-sharq al-Muqaddimah al-'Izziyah (al-Faishi) 1 212 Fath al-Jalil al-Samad fi sharh al-Takmil 0 • • wa'l-mu'tamad (al-Filali) 1 76

PAGE 263

Subject index 245 d. al-'Umdah (Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi) 1 377 Zad al-mustaqni' fi al-Muqni' 1 390 SharQ al-Iqna' li-talib al-intifa' (al-Bahuti} 1 317 SharQ al-Muntaha (al-Bahuti} 1 327-329 al-mufradat (M. al-Maqdisi) 1 240 al-Qawa'id (Ibn al-Ba'li) 1 254 Dalil al-talib li-nail al-matalib (Mar'I al-Maqdisi}, 52 e. Law of inheritance al-Shahid} 1 70 al-Sharifiyah (al-Jurjani) 1 71-72 al-Shinshauriyah fi sharQ al-Ral].biyahl 82 f. Prayer and ritual purity al-yaum (al-Suyuti} 1 385 al-Khair al-Baqi fi jawaz min al-fasaqi (Ibn Nujaim} 1 169 Risalah fi dhikr al-af'al allati tuf'al al-arba'ah (Ibn Nujaim} I 288 Mu'addil (al-Birkawi} 1 221 al-Zahr al-Nadir al-mustadir . . . (al-Shurunbulali) I 393 al-AQkam fi QUkm (al-Shurunbulali} 1 4 al-Qaulah (al-'Aqdi} 1 253 Jawab (al-Qanburi} I 141 Siraj wa-badr al-mubtadi (anon.) 1 299

PAGE 264

Subject index IV. Theology 1. General works 'ulum al-din (al-Ghazzali), 114-118 al-Magnun (al-Ghazzali) , 185 SharQ al-Mawaqif (al-Jurjani) , 323 A'mal al-qulUb (Ibn Taimiyah) I 13 246 fi ziyarat al-qubur (Ibn Taimiyah) , 304 al-Budur al-Safirah fi umur al-akhirah (al-Suyuti) ,47 2. al-Nasafiyah, 19 Qara Kamal, 97 'Aqidat Abi Madyan, 21 Umm al-barahin (al-Sanusi) , 378-379 al-Taqyid 'ala 'Aqidat al-Sanusi (al-Fajiji) I 356 FatQ al-RaQffian 'Aqidat Ibn (Ibn Balaban), 79 al-murid li-jauharat al-tauQid (al-Laqani) , 130 Lawami' al-anwar al-bahiyah wa-sawati' al-asrar al-athariyah al-Durrah al-Magiyah fi 'aqd al-Firqah al-MargTyah (al-Saffarini), 178 'Aqidat al-Shaikh AQffiad, 212(1), 378 'Aqidah (anon.), 20, 212(2) 3. Polemics and apology al-Tamyiz li-ma auda'ahu al-Zamakhshari min al-i'tizalat fi tafsir al-Kitab al-'Aziz (al-Sukuni) , 353 al-MUQriqah al-shani'ah wa-ahl al-bid'ah wa'l-zandaqah (Ibn 342 .al-Ajwibah al-Jaliyah al-da'awat (al-Shaikh Ziyadah), 6

PAGE 265

Subject index V. Sufism Bidayat al-hidayah (al-Ghazzali), 44 Minhaj al-cabidin (al-Ghazzali), 213 Mishkat al-anwar (al-Ghazzali) , 218 247 al-Ghunyah li-talibi tariq (cAq. al-JI1I),86 (Ibn Allah), 99 Sharh Hikam Ibn Allah (Ibn 'Abbad al-Nafzi) 1316 . . . al-Insan al-Kamil ('Abd al-Karim al-Jili), 122 Adwar al-wujud 3 Risalah (anon.), 287 VI. Paraenetic works Zubdat ('Uth. b. Mustafa), 394 . . .. Tanbih al-ghafilin (al-Samarqandi), 354 Tashil (al-Mawardi) , 365 Kashf al-asrar 'an Qikam al-tuyur (Ibn Ghanim al-Maodisi) I 152 Taflis al-Iblis (Ibn Ghanim al-Maqdisi) , 345 al-Sab'Iyat fi al-bariyat (al-Hamadhani), 296-297 al-Bariqah al-MaQffiudiyah fi sharQ al-Tariqah al-MuQammadiyah (al-Khadimi), 42-43 al-qulUb (al-Birkawi)1 143 wa'ziyah (anon.) I 249 Khutbat 'Id 176 Khutbat 'Id (anon.), 177 Khutbat 'Id al-fitr (anon.), 175 VII. Prayers suryani (Ibn al-'Abbas) I 64 al-aqsam (al-Tilimsani), 101 al-Istighfarah (al-Tilimsani) I 129

PAGE 266

Subject index al-Istighathah (al-Suhaili) , 127 Istighathah (anon.), 128 248 (al-Jili), 106 107 Hizb al-bahr (al-Shadhili) , 103 . . al-Kabir (al-Shadhili) , 105 al-lutf (al-Shadhili), 307(3) al-najah (al-Shadhili) , 109 (al-Shadhili), 124(2) al-wasilah (al-Shadhili), 111 al-Nawawi, 110 108 al-fatQ ... (al-Sharqawi), 104 Hizb al-barr (anon.), 124(1) . al-khairat wa-shawariq al-anwar (al-Jazuli), 49-51 min kalam al-Saiyid al-Mursalin (al-Jazari) , 102 Ma'arij 'ala akram Nabi wa-Rasul (anon.), 184 Kaifiyat (Ibn 'Abbad al-Nafzi), 150 Manzumat Asma' Allah al-Husna (al-Nabulusi) , 202 . . al-masjun (anon.), 63 khatm (anon.), 263 Ad'iyah (anon.), 1 VIII. Philosophy and logic Hidayat (al-Harawi), 315 Ta'liq 'ala jihat (al-Shirwani), 350 Risalah fi al-nafs al-insaniyah (al-tusi) , 286 Risalah (al-tusi), 289 al-qawa'id al-mantiqiyah fi al-Risalah al-Shamsiyah , 346-348 'Imad (al-Farisi), 96

PAGE 267

Subject index l}ashiyah cala khut:bat sharl) al-Shamsiyah (al-Mizjaji ?) , 92 249 SharQ Tahdhib al-mantiq (al-Yazdi), 334 SharQ al-Risalah al-Wa9ciyah (al-Qushji), 333 IX. Grammar (Abu I]anifah), 205 al-I]udud (al-Rummani), 112 Manazil al-Quruf (al-Rummani) , 199 Tamam al-kalam (Ibn Faris al-Qazwini) , 352 al-cAwamil (al-Jurjani), 34-35 Sharh al-cAwamil (anon.), 310,311,312 . Alfiyat Ibn Malik, 9 al-Kafiyah (Ibn al-I]ajib), 148-149 SharQ al-Kafiyah (Ibn al-I]ajib) , 318 SharQ al-Kafiyah (al-Astarabadhi), 319 (sharQ al-Kafiyah), 80 al-Shafiyah cala icra.b al-Kafiyah (Zaini-zadah) , 81 (al-Mutarrizi), 216 Marah al-arwah (Ibn Mascud), 206 . . al-cizzi (al-Zanjani), 366 SharQ al-cizzi (al-Abyari), 335 al-Muqaddimah (Ibn , 230 l}all asrar al-akhyar cala icra.b (Zaini-zadah), 91 Risalah fi Quruf al-Hakim) , 293 . al-afcal (anon.), 45 al-Amthilah al-Mukhtalifah (anon.), 16 Risalah (anon.), 290

PAGE 268

Subject index X. Lexicography Diwan al-adab (al-Farabi) , 53-54 min (al-Qurashi) , 343 Lughat Akhtari al-Kabir, 181-182 250 Sirr al-layal fi'l-qalb wa'l-abdal (al-Shidyaq), 303 Alphabetum Maurorum(from Dombay's Grammar), 12 Alphabet used by the inhabitants of the Island Johanna, 11 Arabic-English lexicon (Macartney) , 23 English-Arabic dictionary of words and phrases used by the Sudanese in Uganda (Meldon) , 68 English, Maritanian (i.e. Moorish Arabic), and Shilha vocabulary (anon.). Moghrebbin vocabulary (Gleichen), 219-220 Particularum exempla (anon.), 241 XI. Rhetoric and prosody fi sharQ al-MiftaQ (al-Jurjani) 1 217 al-Mutauwal (al-Taftazani) 1 233-234 . al-Risalah al-Khita'Iyah (gloss on al-SharQ of al-Taftazani) 1 294 al-Atwal al-Din al-Isfara'ini) 1 32 al-Qafi fi 'ilmai al-'aru? wa'l-qawafr (al-Qina'I) 1 147 XII. Poetry 1. Collections and anthologies SharQ al-Mu'allaqat al-sab' (al-Zauzani) I 324 Ash'ar al-Hudhaliyinl 28 tabaqat al-shu'ara' (Ibn Qutaibah), 374 Tabaqat al-shu'ara' fi madQ al-khulafa' wa'l-wuzara' (Ibn al-Mu'tazz) 1 375

PAGE 269

Subject index 251 Mu'jam (al-Marzubani), 224 Dumyat ahl (al-Bakharzi) ,65 Marati' al-ghizlan (al-Nawaji), 207 Diwan ash'ar (anon.), 55 2. Individual poets Banat su'ad (Ka'b b. Zuhair), 250 Shi'r Abi Khirash al-Hudhali, 339 Ash'ar Yazid (Ibn Mu'awiyah), 30 Diwan Qais (Ibn al-MulauwaQ) , 62 li-Abi M. (Ibn a. Zaid al-Qairawani) 1 247 248 al-Burdah 251 SharQ al-Burdah (al-Antaki ?) , 307(4) al-Hamziyah , 245-246 al-MinaQ al-Makkiyah fi sharQ al-Hamziyah (Ibn al-Haithami), 211 Diwan Ibn al-Fari9, 56 SharQ Diwan Ibn al-Fari9 (al-Burini), 313 Diwan Ibn 57 Diwan Ibn MatrGQ, 58 Diwan Ibn al-Nabih, 59 Diwan Ibn Nubatah, 60 fi madQ al-Nabi (Tahir b. M.), 244 al-Mubarakah , 201 Abyat al-faraQ (anon.) 1 344(3) (anon.), 244(1-2), 248 Ash'ar (anon.), 29 XIII. Prose lit. Nathr ('A. b. Talib) I 238 Maqamat Badi' al-zaman (al-Hamadhani) 1 204 Sulwan al-muta' fi 'udwan al-atba' (Ibn Zafar . . 1 305 al-Mustatraf min kull fann (al-Ibshihi) , 232

PAGE 270

Subject index 252 Aqrat al-dhahab baina al-Rau9ah al-'Azab (al-Wazir 22 al-Durar al-Saniyah al-filiyah (al-Balghithi) , 66 al-Sanusi, 278 Tarassul al-Wazir al-Din (Ibri al-Athir) , 357 Amthal Luqman al-ijakim, 14-15 Sirat 'Antar, 300-301 Sirat al-mujahidin, 302 Qissat Barsisa, 255 . . . . and other narratives, 372 Amthal (anon.), 29 ijikayat (Husseini ?) , 100 XIV. History 1. General 361 2. Arabia, Yemen, Oman Akhbar c Ubaid (cAb Id) b. Shary ah, 8 al-Tijan fi muluk ijimyar (Ibn Hisham) , 369 Qurrat al-'uyUn bi-akhbar al-Yaman al-MaimUn (al-Daiba') , 273 SharQ al-Khafiriyah (Ibn 330 3. Egypt fatQ al-Bahnasah wa-FaiyUffi (al-Waqidi), 360Qatf al-azhar min al-khitat (Ibn al-Bakri 252 Taqrir 'an Qawadith allati min ta'rikh Yana'ir 1881 li-ghayat shahr UktUbar 1882 ccurabi Pasha), 355

PAGE 271

Subject index 253 4. Bornu Mai Idris (Ibn Furtuwa) 1 362 . XV. Biography 1. Prophet Mul)ammad Kitab (al-Tirmidhi) 1 167 bi-tacrrf 9uquq I 338 Manhal fi (al-Mulla al-Ijanafi) 1 200 2. Traditionists Lisan al-Mizan (Ibn l'}ajar al-cAsqalani) 1 179 al-Ikmal fi dhikr man lahu riwayah fi Musnad al-Imam A. b • Ijanbal (al-Ijusaini) 1 119 3. Shaficites Tabaqat al-Shaficiyah (al-Isnawi) 1 373 Bahjat ila tarajim min al-Shaficiyah al-baricrn (al-Ghazzi) 1 40 4. Others al-Kawakib bi-manaqib acyan al-mi)ah al-cashirah (al-Ghazzi) 1 155-156 Ta)rikh Raqqah wa-man nazalaha (al-Qushairi) 1 363 Manaqib Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyah (al-Bazzar) 1198 Tarjamat al-Saffarini (Ibn al-Ghazzi) 1 178 XVI. Mathematics al-handasah li-Uqlidis (al-T\isi) I 349 Miftah al-hussab (al-Kashi) 1 209 . . 1 173

PAGE 272

Subject index 254 XVII. Astronomy and astrology SharQ (al-RGmi) 1 325 Maqal 1 203 al-Safihah (al-'Amili) 1 340 • 0 al-Mudkhal fi 'ilm al-asturlab (al-Zanjani) 1 222 Kitab fi ma'rifat al-kurah biha I 164 Risalah al-maqtu' al-marsGm (al-Majdi) 1 285 al-Risalah al-FatQiyah al-jaibiyah (Sibt al-Maridini) I 283 Durr al-tatwij bi-ta'rib muwamirat al-Zij (Ulughbeg) 1 67 al-Ruznamah (al-Balushi) 1 295 Bab ma'rifat manazil al-qamar (anon.) 1 37 Risalah fi aQkam al-nujGm (anon.) I 284 XVIII. Cosmology and cosmography al-malakut 1 5 TuQfat wa-turfat (Ibn al-Athir) 1 372 Kharidat wa-faridat (Ibn al-Wardi) 1 171 XIX. Medicine and pharmaceutics SharQ kulliyat al-QanGn (Ibn al-Nafis) 1 321 al-TuQfah al-Sa'diyah (al-Shirazi) 1 371 QanGnchah fi)l-tibb (al-Jaghmini) 1 243 Tashil al-manafi' (al-Azraq) 1 364 fi al-taiyibat (Ibn-al-'Adim 1 389 Badhl al-ma'un fi al-Ta'un (Ibn al-'Asqalani) I 38

PAGE 273

Subject index XX. Animals and veterinary science (al-Damiri) , 98 (anon.), 172 Kitab al-bazyarah (Kushajim), 161 Kitab al-baytarah (anon.), 223 al-Mughni fi'l-baitarah (anon.), 160 XXI. Military science Kitab al-furusiyah (anon.), 165 Risalah fi'l-rimayah (anon.), 292 Tabur ta'lim (anon.), 376 XXII. Magic, divination, etc. 255 al-Isharat al-Juzwiyah wa'l-maqalat al-'imadiyah al-dallah 'ala al-nafs (al-Simawi) , 124 'uyun al-tara'iq (al-Simawi), 382 al-Shajarah al-Nu'maniyah (al-Qunawi), 331 al-Shajarah al-Nu'maniyah (al-afadi) , 332 Kitab al-shamil wa-bahr al-kamil fi usul al-ta'zim . . wa-qawa'id al-tanjim (al-Sakkaki), 168 al-jafr al-jami' al-nur al-lami' (al-cAdawi), 210 al-Qadiri fi'l-ta'b1r 242 Bahjat al-afaq al-labs fi 'ilm wa'l-aufaq (al-Fullani), 39 al-Suyuf al-Mu'addah (al-Antaki ?), 307 al-Da'wah al-Sulaihiyru1 (al-Antaki ?) , 307(3) al-Abyat fi'l-Ism (anon.), 344(2)

PAGE 274

Subject index XXIII. Various fields cunwan al-sharaf al-wafi {Ibn al-Muqri) , 381 Ishkal al-casharah fi funun al-casharah {al-Dauwani), 125 wa-manbac {Lutf Allah), 193 Minhaj al-mutacallim {anon.), 214 fi cilm al-nikaQ {al-Suyuti), 113 XXIV. Shicah lit. 1. al-Imamiyah 256 Majmac al-bayan li-'ulGm {al-Tabarsi), 189-192 al-Kafi fi 'ulGm al-din {al-Kulili), 145-146 fima fihi min al-akhbar {al-Tffsi) , 126 Man la YaQ9uruhu al-faqih {Ibn Babawaih), 197 Mafatih {al-Kashani), 186 0 al-Rau9ah al-Bahiyah fi sharQ al-Lum'ah al-Dimashqiyah {al-'JUnili), 279 al-'Iqd 123 al-Ijaz {al-Mufid), 174 I'tiqadat al-Imamiyah {Ibn Babawaih), 131 al-Jadidah {al-Dauwani) , 95 al-Kamilah al-Sajjadiyah {Zain 341 Munyat al-murid fi adab al-mufid {al-'JUnili), 229 SharQ firaq al-Shi'ah {anon.), 314 2. al-Zaidiyah al-Tadhkirah al-Fakhirah fi fiqh al-'itrah al-tahirah {al-NaQWI) , 344 "' Tathir al-i'tiqad 'an adran al-shirk {al-Arnir 367 Kitab li-Wathiq 344{4)

PAGE 275

Subject index 3. al-Ismaciliyah Ikhwan 276 Asas al-batin (al-Nucman}, 27 al-Islam (al-Nucman}, 48 Tarbiyat (al-Nucman} , 358-359 al-Majalis (al-Nucman}, 188 257 Sharh al-akhbar al-abrar . . (al-Nucman} , 309 Diwan 61 al-cuqul wa-zubdat (Ibn al-Walid} , 144 Kitab al-azhar wa-majmac al-anwar (al-Hindi}, 159 al-ShamcGniyah (al-Sharafi}, 194(1} al-Fatawa al-Saifiyah al-fiqhiyah (Saif al-Din b. Zaki al-Din}, 194(2} al-Zainiyah (Saif al-Din}, 194(3} Aminji, 194(4} Majmuc al-tarbiyah (al-ijarithi}, 196 Risalat al-bayan lima wajab min macrifat fi shahr Rajab (Idris cimad al-Din}, 282 wa-tauqicat wa-kutub , 298 Zahr badhr (al-ijamidi} , 391 . XXV. Shaikhi lit. 277(1-38} XXVI. Wahhabi lit. ' Kashf al-shubuhat (Ibn cAbd al-Wahhab}, 153 SharQ allati khalafa fiha Rasul Allah ahl al-jahiliyah , 322 XXVII. lit. Kitab Aqdas Allah

PAGE 276

Subject index XXVIII. Christian lit. Bisharat Matta al-Qiddis, 46 Akhbar al-Rusul, 7 (Epistles) , 275 al-Triyudi (Triodion) , 370 al-Bandikustari (Pentekostarion) , 41 min al-Anajil, 84, 85 Maimar cala al-Muqaddas (St. Cyril) , 187 al-rahibat (Paulus 170 Barakat, 187 258

PAGE 277

Index of persons' names 259 N.B. Names of copyists and former owners are preceded by the signs * and + respectively. CAbd cAl. *cAl. *cAl. cAl. cAl. *cAl. cAl. cAl. cAl. cAl. cAl. cAl. *cAl. *cAl. cAl. cAl. *cAl. *cAl. *cAl. cAl. cAl. CAbd CAbd CAbd CAbd CAbd *CAbd cAli Saif al-Oin b. Zaki al-Oin, 194(2-3) al-Oanushri, 52(3), 390 363 from Sidpur, 159 b. al-cAbbas, 64 b. cAr. Bafa91 231 b. cAr. al-Shafici, 130 b. a. Zaid al-Qairawani, Abu M., 247, 280-1 b. A. b. Qudamah al-Maqdisi, Abu M., 377,390 b. A. al-Nasafi, al-Oin, 151 b. A. al-Shinshauri, 82 b. eA. al-Wazir Fakhr al-Oin, 22 b. al-Yazdi, 334 b. M. al-RammaQ, Fakhr al-Oin, 8 b. M. 121 b. Muslim b. Qutaibah, Abu M., 374 b. al-Muctazz, 375 b. b. 304 b. Rajah, 388 b. Rashid b. M. al-Mazrucr, 201 b. cu. al-Baidawi, 17-18 . b. Wahb al-Shaibani, 302 al-cAziz b. A. al-Oirini, 171 al-cAziz al-Radi, 222 . al-Baqi b. Yu al-Zurqani, 236-7 al-Bari al-cAshmawi, 142 . al-Ghani b. Ism. al-Nabulusi, 202 al-Hadi b. Barakat Allah uwaisi Wasiti Birgrami Marirwi, 62 *cAbd al-ijaiy b. cAr. al-Baidi al-Hauqali, 47 *cAbd b. A. b. M. b . al-cimad, *cAbd al-Hakim Hafiz M. Hu. Ibrahimabadi, 96 . . . . cAbd al-Oin b. !aiyib Zain al-Oin, 159 *cAbd b. Mulla Hibat Allah b. Mulla Jiwaji Rampuri, 61, 144, 159, 194(2), 359

PAGE 278

Index of persons' names *'Abd al-Kabir b. 'Abd al-Jalil Maltani, 296 . *'Abd al-Karim b. 'Abbas al-Shaikhali, 322 'Abd al-Karim b. Ibr. al-Jili al-Baghdadi al-Rabi'I, 122 'Abd al-Malik b. Hisham, Abu M., 369 260 *'Abd al-Mu'ti al-Khalili al-Maqdisi al-Rifa'I, 139 'Aq. b. a. al-Jili, MuQyi al-Din a. M., 86, 106, 248 'Aq. b. M. al-Tabari al-Makki, MUQYi al-Din, 67 'Abd al-Qahir b. 'Ar. al-Jurjani, 34-35 *'Abd al-RaQim Fataniyah, 356 'Abd al-RaQim b. 'A. al-Mizjaji al-Zabidi, 92 'Abd al-RaQim b. al-Isnawi, Jamal al-Din, 320, 373 'Abd al-RaQim b. al-'Iraqi, 10 'Abd al-RaQman b. 'Al. al-Suhaili, 127 *'Ar. b. 'Abd al-'Aziz b. A. b. RuQaim 228 'Ar. b. a. Bakr al-Suyuti, Jamal al-Din, 47, 113 'Ar. b. A. al-Iji, 'Agud al-Din, 2, 323, 333 'Ar. b. A. al-Jami, 25, 80 'Ar. b. 'A. al-Daiba' al-Shaibani, Wajih al-Din,273 'Ar. b. M. al-Bistami, 210 'Abd al-Salam b. A. b. Ghanim al-Maqdisi, 'Izz al-Din, 152, 345 'Abd al-Salam b. Ibr. al-Laqani, 130 'Abd al-Wahhab b. 'A. al-Subki, Taj al-Din, 180 'Abd al-Wahhab b. Ibr. al-Zanjani, 'rzz al-Din, 366 -Abhari, Athir al-Din al-Mufaggal b. 'u., 315, 350 'Abid ('Ubaid) b. Sharyah al-Jurhumi, 8 Abu)l-'Abbas A. b. 'Abd b. Taimiyah, 13, 198, 304 Abu)l-'Abbas A. b. Rajah al-Majdi, 285 Abu 'Al. A. b. M. b. 291 Abu 'Al. b. A. b. 571 ' Abu 'Al. b. A. al-Zauzani, 324 Abu 'Al. M. b. 'Al. b. Malik al-Ta)I al-Jaiyani, 9

PAGE 279

Index of persons' names 261 Abu eAl. M. b. eA. al-Tirmidhi, 239 Abu eAl. M. b. Ibr. b. eAbbad al-Nafzi al-Rundi, 150, 316 Abu eAl. M. b. Ism. al-Bukhari, 132-9 Abu eAl. M. b. Qasim al-Ghazzi, Shams al-oin, .77,94 Abu eAl. M. b. M. b. al-Nueman al-Mufid, 174 Abu eAl. M. b. M. al-Muqri(Maqqari) al-Waqidi, 360 Abu eAl. M. b. Yu. al-Sanusi, 378-9 Abu eAl. al-Mueti b. al-Sharqawi, 104,108 Abu eA. al-Fadl b. al-Hu. al-Tabarsi, 189-192 . . . Abu eA. b. eAl. b. Sina, 321 Abu eA. b. a. al-Sufi, 203 Abu eA. M. b. saeid al-Qushairi 363 Abu eA. eu. b. M. b. Khalil al-Sukuni, 353 Abu eAmr euth. b. eu. b• Jamal al-oin, 2, 148-9, 318 Abu Bakr A. b. a. Sahl 28 Abu Bakr A. b. M. al-Marwazi, 384 *Abu Bakr b. a. Bakr b. eu. b. eimran, 210 Abu Bakr b. M. b. eu. al-Mulla 200 Abu Bakr M. b. a. IsQaq M. al-Kalabadhi al-Bukhari, 183 Abu Bakr al-Qattan, 55(6) Abu Bakr al-Walibi, 62 M. b. A. al-Ghazzi al-Oiamshqi, Ra9I al-Oin, 40 A. b. eA. al-cAsqalani, Shihab 38, 179 A. b. al-Hamadhani, Badie al-zaman, 204 eiya9 b. Musa 338 M. b. eu. al-Qurashi, 343 eAbd b. A. b. M. b. al-eimad,171 Ma. b. Kushajim, 161 Ism. b. eA. b. AiyUb al-Malik 361 Sultan al-Hu. Bahadurkhan, 173 . .

PAGE 280

Index of persons' names 262 Abii Hafs . . Abii Hafs . . Abu eu. eu. eu. b. eAbd al-eAziz b. Mazah al-Bukhari al-Shahid; al-Din, 70 b. eA. al-Bazzar, Siraj al-Din, 198 b. Ibr. al-Ausi, Siraj al-Din, 392 Abu eu. b. M. al-Nasafi, Najm al-Din, 19 Abu M. b. M. al-Ghazzali; al-Islam 44, 114-8, 185, 213, 218 Abu Hanifah al-Nueman, 205, 394 . eA. b. eAbbas b. al-Lahham al-Baeli, 254 " .. eA. b. eAl. al-Shadhili, 103, 105, 107, 109,_ 111, 124(2) 1 307(3) eA. b. b. eA. al-Bakharzi, 65 eA. b. eisa al-Natwi al-Rummani, 28, 112, 199 eA. b. M. b. al-Nabih Kamal al-Din, 59 eA. b. al-Din al-Manufi 157, 212 Abu Ibr. b. al-Manre, 6 Abu Ibr. b. Ibr. al-Farabi, 53-4 b. eAmmar al-Shurunbulali, 4, 393 Abu eisa M. b. eisa al-Tirmidhi, 167 Abu A. b. M. b. Ibr. al-Thaelabi, 24 Abu Ibr. b. eA. al-Tarasusi, Najm al-Din, 120 Abu Ibr. b. M. al-Ausr, 392 +Abu'l-Islam M. 102 Abu Jaefar A. b. saeid b. saeadah 289 Abu Jaefar M. b. eAl. al-Kisa'r, 5 Abu Jaefar M. b. b. Babawaih al-Qummi 131, 197 Abu Khirash Khuwailid b. Murrah al-Hudhali, 339 Abu'l-Laith b. M. al-Samarqandi, 354 Abu Madyan Shueaib b. al-Tilimsani al-Ishbili, 21, 101, 129 Yu. al-Zanjanr, erzz 222 Abu'l-Mawahib al-Bakri 52(2), 390

PAGE 281

Index of persons' names 263 Abu M. 'Al. b. a. Zaid al-Qairawani, 247, 280-1 Abu M. 'Al. b. A. b. Qudamah al-Maqdisi, 377, 390 Abu M. 'Al. b. Muslim b. Qutaibah, 374 Abu M. 'Abd al-Malik b. Hi sham, 369 Abu M. 'Aq. b. Salih al-Jili, Mul)yi al-Din, . . 86, 106, 248 *Abu M. A. b. al-Hu. b. al-H. . . Abu M. Ibr. b. 'u. al-Raba'I al-Din, 90 Abu M• Tahir Saif al-Din, 359 h. Amir al-Ja'bari, Burhan Abu Nasr Hibat Allah b. a. 'Imran b. Salmani . 22 al-Shirazi, 61 Abu M. b. 'Ar. al-Hamadani, 296-7 A. b. M. al-'Iraqi 124, 382 293 Ma. b. 'u. al-Zamakhshari, 154 M. b. Yu. al-Samarqandi, 83 Abu sa'd b. Ya'qUb al-Dinawari, 242 Abu sa'Id b. al-Sukkari, 28 Abu sa'Id M. b. A. al-Saffarini al-Athari, 178 Abu sa'Id M. b. Mustafa al-Khadimi, 42-3 . . Abu Salim M. b. Talhah al-'Adawi, 210 . . Abu Shuja' A. b. 77 M. b. M. b. a. al-Surur al-Bakri 252 M. b M. al-'Imadi, 55(8) Abu Taiyib M. Burhan al-Din najl 'Aq. Najm al-Din, 144 Abu Tamim Ma'add 298 Abu 'Ubaid Allah M. b. ', 224 Abu Ya. b. M. 180, 227 Abu Ya'qub Yu. b. a. Bakr al-Sakkaki, Siraj al-Din, 168, 217 Abu Ya. b. Sharaf al-Nawawi, 110, 368 -Abyari, b. Mubarak al-Azhari, 335 -'Adawi, Abu Salim M. b• Talhah, 210 0 • al-Din 'Ar. b. A. al-Iji, 2, 323, 333

PAGE 282

Index of persons' names *-Afghani, M. al-Harawi, 180 -Atdab, Najm al-Din 165 AQffiad, al-Shaikh, 212(1) A. al-Bakri, 55(2) A. Faris b. Yu. al-Shidyaq, 303 264 A. al-Ghunaimi al-Ansari, 52(6), 390 A. b. 'Abbad b. al-Qina'I 147 A. b. 'Al. al-Marwazi Habash al-Hasib, 164 A. b. 'Abd b. Taimiyah, Abu'l-'Abbas, 13, 198, 304 A. b. 'Abd al-Mawarith al-Bakri 52(5), 390 A. b. a. Sahl Abu Bakr, 28 A. b. 'A. b. al-'Asqalani, Shihab al-Din a.'l-Fa91, 38, 121, 179 A. b. 'A. b. Mas'ud, 206 A. b. 'A. al-Maqrizi, 252 A. b. Amin al-Din al-Hanafi, 52(4), 390 0 A. b. al-Fadl a. Kathir al-Makki, Shihab al-Din, 67 . A. b. Faris b. Zakariya' al-Qazwini, 352 A. b. Furtuwa, 362 A. b. al-Baihaqi, 306 A. b. al-Hu. al-Hamadhani, Badi' al-zaman 0 a.'l-Fa91, 204 *A. b. b. b. Amir al-Mu'minin, Abu M.,22 A. b. Abu Shuja', 77 *A. b. Ibr. b. Sha'ban, 215 A. b. Ma. al-Harawi, Maulana-zadah, 315 A. b. M. b. Allah al-Iskandari, 99 A. b. M. b. al-Haithami, Shihab al-Din, 75, 211, 342 A. b. M. b. Abu 'Al., 291 A. b. M. b. Ibr. al-Tha'labi, Abu 24 A. b. M. al-'Iraqi al-Simawi, Abu'l-Qasim, 124, 382 A. b. M. al-Khayali, 97 A. b. M. al-Marwazi, Abu Bakr, 384 A. b. M. al-Sharif al-Sanusi, al-Khitabi al-Idrisi, 278

PAGE 283

Index of persons' names 265 A. b. Rajab al-Majdi, 285 A. b. sa'id b. sa'adah al-BaQrani, Abu Ja'far, 289 A. b. Turki al-Manshalili, 142 *A. al-Jizi, 335 A. al-Shamshati, 302 A. 'urabi Pasha 355 *A. al-Yazdi, 341 Abu Bakr b. M. b. 'u. al-Mulla al-Hanafi, 200 . 'Aidarus b. 'uth. Shaikh 'Ali, 246 -Aiyllbi, Khair al-Oin b. A. al-Faruqi, 73 *-'Ajuz, Khalil, 94 -Akhtari, b. Shams al-Oin al-Kutahiyawi, 181-2 al-Oin 'A. b. 'Abbas b. al-LaQQam al-Ba'li, 254 al-Oin 'A. b. l-1. b. Mulaik al-Hamawi, 55 (1) . al-Oin, Ibn Shams al-Halabi, 58 . Salah al-Oin Khalil b. Kaikaldi, 195 . . -'Alami, M., 55(4) -'Alawi, al-Tahir b. A. al-Balghithi 66 *'Ali Akbar b. Khalaf ( •.. ?) al-Jilani al-Lahijani, 197 *'Alibeg Burujirdi, 126 'A. b. 'Abbas b. al-Lahham al-Ba'li, al-Oin . . a. 254 . 'A. b. 'Al. 8 'A. b. 'Al. al-Shadhili, 103, 105, 107, . 'A. b. 'A. b. 'A. b. *'A. b. 'A. b. 'A. b. 'A. b. 'A. b. 109, 111, 124(2), 307(3) a. Bakr al-Marghinani, 87-9 b. al-Nafis al-Qurashi, 321 Talib, 210, 238 'A. b. Ibr. al-Kukhi al-Maliki, 32 al-H. b. 'A. al-Bakharzi, 65 . . al-Sajjad, Zain 341 Ibr. b. Idris al-Antakil 307 . 'Isa al-NaQwi al-Rummanil 281 1121 199

PAGE 284

Index of persons' names 266 eA. b. M. al-eAqdi, 253 eA. b. M. al-Mawardi, 365 eA. b. M. b. Mulaik al-Oin, 55(1) eA. b. M. b. al-Nabih Kamal al-Oin 59 *eA. b. M. b. saeid al-Qamlani, 8 eA. b. M. b. al-Walid, 144 eA. b. M. al-Jurjani, al-Saiyid al-Sharif, 71-2, 96, 217, 323 *eA. b. M. al-Rifa)I, 374 eA. b. M. al-Samarqandi al-Qushji, 95, 333 eA. b. M. al-Ujhuri, 236 eA. b. Musa al-Maqabani, 302 eA. b. al-Oin al-Manufi 157, 212 eA. b. Sultan M. al-Qari al-Harawi, 166 eA. b. eu. al-Katibi, 346 eA. b. Zuraiq, 55(7) *eAlikhan b. Yunus Ef. al-Mauili, 361 eA. Sibt b. al-FariQ, 56 Ma. Shukri b. eAl. al-Baghdadi, 322 +Amery, L.S., 211 Baha) al-Oin M. b. 173, 340 M. b. Makki al-Shahid al-Auwal, 279 Zain al-Oin b. eA. b. A. al-Shami al-Shahid al-Thani, 229, 279 Aminji b. Jalal, 194(4) -Amir, M. b. Ism. al-Saneani, 367 . Kamal al-Oin M. b. al-Ghazzi, 178 Najm al-Oin M. b. M. al-Ghazzi al-Qurashi, 155-6 Ra9I al-Oin a.)l-Barakat M. b. A. al-Ghazzi al-Oimashqi, 40 Anba usquf madinat Yarushalim, 187 -Anqirawi, M. b. 73 Abu Ya. Zakariya) b. M., 180, 227 A. al-Ghunaimi, 52(6), 390 L' M. b. Badr al-Oin b. Balban al-Khazraji,79 Siraj al-Oin a. eu. b. Ibr. al-Ausi, 392

PAGE 285

Index of persons' names -Antaki, 'A. b. Ibr. b. Idris, 307 . -Antaki, Idris b. Ya'qUb, 307 'Antar b. Shaddad, 300-1 -'Aqdi, 'A. b. M., 253 -'Arabi, M., 201 'Arf b. Fahd, 302 +Arnold, Sir Thomas w., 207 -Asadi, M. b. M. al-Qudsi, 320 -'Ashmawi, 'Abd al-Bari, 142 267 -'Asqalani, Shihab al-Oin a.Jl-Fa91 A. b. 'A. bJ 38, 121, 179 +-'Assafi, M. b. M., 10 -Astarabadhi, M. b. 319 -Athari, Abu sa'Id M. b. A • . al-Saffarini, 178 Athir al-Oin al-Mufaddal b. 'u. al-Abhari, 315,350 . . -Ausi, Abu Isoaq Ibr. b. M., 392 -Ausi, Siraj al-Oin a• 'u. b. Ibr. al-Ansari, 392 . -Azhari, FaJid b. Mubarak al-Abyari, 335 -Azraq, Ibr. b. 'Ar. b. 'A. b. a. Bakr, 364 Badi' al-zaman A. b. al-Hu. . . al-Hamadhani, 204 Badr al-Oin b. Idris al-Badri al-Sharafi al-Qurashi al-Unfi, 194(1) Badr al-Oin M. b. M. Sibt al-Maridini, 283 Bafagl, 'Al. b. 'Ar. 231 -Baghawi, b. Mas'ud 208 -Baghdadi, 'Abd al-Karim b. Ibr. al-Jili al-Rabi'I, 122 -Baghdadi, Ma. Shukri b. 'Al. 322 *-Baghdadi, M; najl Mulla 178 Allah; Hu. 'A. Nuri, 158 0 al-Oin M. bJ 173, 340 'A. b. 'Al., 8 Bahram b. 'Al. al-Oamiri, Taj al-Din, 308 -Baorani, Abu Ja'far A. b. sa'Id b. sa'adah, 289

PAGE 286

Index of persons' names -Bahrani, Maitham b. eA., 289 -Bahuti, Mansur b. Yunus, 317, 327-9 . -Bai9awi, cAl. b. cu., 17-18 *-Baidi, cAbd b. al-Hauqali, 47 -Baihaqi, A. b. 306 -Bakharzi, eA. b. b. eA., 65 -Bakri, A., 55(2) 268 *-Bakri, M sacid b. Mal Allah -Bakri, Zain b. M., 55(3) -Bakri Abu)l-Mawahib, 52(2), 390 -Bakri Abu)l-Surur M. b. M. b. a.)l252 -Bakri A. b. cAbd al-Mawarith,52(9) ,390 -Bakri al-Siddiqi, M. b. a.)l-SurGr, 252 -Balghithi, al-Tahir b. A. al-cAlawi 66 -Bacli, cAla) al-Oin eA. b. cAbbas b. al-LaQQam, 254 -Balushi, Ghulam M. b. cAr. b. Mulla H., 295 . -Bannani, M. b. al-H., 78 . +Barnett, L.O., 85, 177, 271 *-Bashir b. a. Khalid b. al-Tahir al-Khalid, 226 -Bashtaki, M. b. Ibr., 60 *-Basrati, M. b. A. b. Khalid, 132-5 -Bazzar, Siraj al-Oin cu. b. eA., 198 -Bazzazi1 Hafiz al-Oin M. b. M. al-Kardari, 140 . . -Bharuchi; H. b. Nuh b. Yu. al-Hindi, 159 . . Bin Saif al-Yacarubi II, 330 Birgili see al-Birkawi *Birgrami, cAbd al-Hadi b. Barakat Allah uwaisi Wasiti al-Marirwi, 62 0 -Birkawi, M. b. Pir eA., 42, 91, 143, 221 -Birmawi, -Bistami, . -Bukhari, Burhan al-Oin Ibr. b. M., 94 cAr. b. M., 210 Abu cAl. M. b. Ism., 132-9 -Bukhari, Abu Bakr M. b. a. M. al-Kalabadhi,183 -Bukhari, Fakhr al-Oin b. Jalal al-Oin Ma. al-Naqshabandi, 3

PAGE 287

Index of persons' names 269 -Bukhari, ijusam al-Din a. 'u. b. 'Abd al-'Aziz b. Mazah al-Sadr al-Shahid, 70 . -Bukhari, Ma. al-Shattari al-ijasani, 3 Burhan al-Din a. M. Ibr. b. 'u. al-Raba'I al-Ja'bari, 90 Burhan al-Din Ibr. b. M. al-Birmawi, 94 Burhan al-Shari'ah Ma. Sadr al-Shari'ah . al-MaQbUbi, 386-8 -Burini, al-ij. b. M., 313 *Burujirdi, 'Alibeg, 126 M. b. sa'Id, 245-6, 251 +Call, C.F., 50 +Canning, William, 271 +Caussin de Perceval, Armand P., 14 Cheikho, L., 156, 363 Cyril, Saint (Bishop of Jerusalem), 187 -Daiba', Wajih al-Din 'Ar. b. 'A. al-Shaibani, 273 -Damiri, M. b. Musa, 98, 172 -Damiri, Taj al-Din Bahram b. 'Al., 308 -Danushri, 'Al., 52(3), 390 -Dauwani, Jalal al-Din M. b. As'ad, 95, 125 *Dawud b. A.(?) b. Mamunji from Jitpur, 188 -Dimashqi, M. b. 'A. al-ijusaini, 119 -Dimashqi, M. b. 'A. al-Tibi, 6 -Dimashqi, Ragi al-Din M. b. A. al-'Amiri 40 *-Dimashqi, 'uth. b. A. al-ijaurani al-Suwaidi, 372 -Dinawari, Abu Sa'd b. Ya' qUb, 242 -Dirini, 'Abd al-'Aziz b. A., 171 Dombay, Franz L. von, 12 -Dujaili, 30 -Dhahabi, M. b. A., 179

PAGE 288

Index of persons' names 270 al-Din Allah M. b. M. b. al-Athir al-Jazari al-Mausili, 357 . Ellis, A.G., 156, 320, 363 Euclid, 349 -Fadl b. al-Hu. al-Tabarsi, Abu 'A., 189-192 . . . *-Fa91I, sa'Id b. al-Hadi al-Jazuri, 319 b. Mubarak al-Azhari al-Abyari, 335 -Faishi, M. b. M., 142, 212 -Fajiji, M. b. b. 356 Fakhr al-Din 'Al. b. 'A. al-Wazir al-San'ani, 22 *Fakhr al-Din 'Al. b. M. 8 Fakhr al-Din b. al-Ozjandi Qa9Ikhan,74 Fakhr al-Din b. Jalal al-Din Ma. al-Bukhari al-Naqshabandi, 3 -Fanari, M. b. 350 -Farabi, Abu Ibr. b. Ibr., 53-54 -Farisi, 'rmad b. Ya., 96 b. Mas'ud al-Baghawi, 208 -Faruqi, Khair al-Din b. A. al-AiyUbi, 73 Allah b. 'Abd Allah, 170 *Fataniyah, 'Abd 356 *-Fazi, 'uth. b. al-Qa9I b. 'uth. al-Fuqaimi, 246 -Filali, M. b. al-Sijilmasi, 76 +Fiott, John, 210 -Fullani, M. b. M. al-Kishnawi, 39 *-Fuqaimi, 'uth. b. al-Qa9I al-Fazi, 246 M. b. A., 327 +Gardiner, A.H., 8 +Gazelee, Stephen, 7, 46 Gleichen, Lord Edward, 219-220

PAGE 289

Index of persons' names 271 +Greenshields, R.S., 25, 44, 118, 193, 252, 266, 351 +Guillaume, A., 120 +Gurdon, P.R.T., 264 *Ghars al-Din al-Jacbari, 235 -Ghauri, Sujac al-Din Shamcun b. M. al-Hindi, 194(1) -Ghazzali, HujJ'at al-Islam Harnid M. b. M., 44, . . 114-8, 185, 213, 218 -Ghazzi, Kamal al-Din M. 178 -Ghazzi, Najm al-Din M. b. M. al-Qurashi, 155-6 -Ghazzi, Ra9I al-Din M. b. A. al-cAmiri al-Dimashqi, 40 -Ghazzi, Shams al-Din a. cAl. M. b. Qasim, 77 Ghiyath al-Din Jamshid b. Mascud al-Kashi, 209 Ghulam M. b. cAr. b. Mulla H. al-Balushi, 295 . -Ghunaimi, A. 52(6), 390 -Haithami, Shihab al-Din A. b. M. b. ijajar, 75, 211, 342 -Hruaadani, Abu M. b. cAr., 296-7 -Hamadhani, Badic al-zaman A. b. al-Iju., 204 M. b. D., 318 -Harawi, eA. b. Sultan M. al-Qari, 166 -Harawi, Maulana-zadah A. b. M., 315 *-Harawi, M. al-Afghani, 180 -Hashimi, Najd b. Hisham, 302 *-Hauqali, cAbd al-Ijaiy b. cAr. al-Baidi, 47 +Henning, W., 302 +Heron-Allen, Edward, 370, 372 Hibat Allah b. a. crmran b. Salmani al-Shirazi a. 61 +Hichens, William, 175, 246, 255 -Hindi, H. b. Nuh b. Yu. al-Bharuchi, 159 • 0

PAGE 290

Index of persons' names 272 -Hindi, Shuja' al-Din Sham'an b. M. al-Ghauri,194(1) Hindiyah 'Ajimi, 170 -Hudhali, Abu Khirash Khuwailid b. Murrah, 339 Habash al-Hasib, A. b. 'Al. al-Marwazi, 164 . . -Hadrami, 'Al. b. 'Ar. Bafadl, 231 . . . Hafiz al-Din 'Al. b. A. al-Nasafi, 151 . . al-Din M. b. M. al-Kardari al-Bazzazi, 140 Abu 'Al. M. b. 'A. al-Tirmidhi, 239 AbU=>l-Qasim, 293 Kamal al-DII) 'u. b. A. b. al-'Adim, 389 *-IJalabi, 'u. b. M. b. 'u., 115-6 *-Hamawi, 'Al., 363 . 'Ala=> al-Din 'A. b. M. b. Mulaik, 55(1) Yaqut b. 'Al. al-RGmi, 199, 352 *Ijamd Allah b. 'Ata=> Allah b. Shu'aib al-Sarawi, 140 al-Din Ijatim b. Ibr., 391 *-Ijamzi, Ism. b. Iju. b. Ya. al-Kaukabani, 22 -Harithi, Hu. b. 'Abd al-Samad al-Jabba=>, 123 . . . -Harithi, M. Tahir, 196 . . -Ijarrani, Abu 'A. M. b. sa'Id al-Qushairi, 363 Ijasan I, King of Morocco, 66 -lj. b. 'A. al-Tughra=>r, 55(9) IJ. b. 'Ammar al-Shurunbulali, 4, 393 -H. b. al-Hu. al-Sukkari, Abu sa'Id, 28 . . lj. b. Idris al-Badri al-Sharafi al-Qurashi al-Unfi, Badr al-Din, 194(1) -lj. b. al-Uzjandi Qa9Ikhan, Fakhr al-Din, 74 -lj. b. M. al-Burini, 313 *-IJ. b. M. b. 'A. b. Judi al-Maridani, 59 -lj. b. M. al-NaQwi, Sharaf al-Din, 344 IJ b. M. Qa9I Ijasan, 67 *H. b. M. al-Shirazi, 146 . *IJ. b. Musa al-'utaifi, 313 lj. b. NillJ b. Yu. al-Hindi al-Bharuchilt 159 lj. al-RammaQ al-AQdab, Najm al-Din, 165

PAGE 291

Index of persons' names 273 A. b. M. al-Sharif al-Sanusi al-Khitabi al-Idrisi, 278 Fakhr al-Oin b. Jalal al-Oin Ma. al-Bukhari al-Naqshabandi, 3 Ma. al-Shattari al-Bukhari, 3 b. cAr. al-Salim, 201 al-Tahir b. A. al-Balghithi al-cAlawi, 66 Hatim, Paulus, 170 . b. Ibr. Mutyi al-Oin, 391 cuth. b. A. al-Suwaidi al-Oimashqi, 372 al-Islam a. M. b. M. al-Ghazzali, 44, 114-8, 185, 213, 218 Musa b. A. b. Salim, 390 Ya. b. Musa, 52(1), 390 Abu Bakr A. b. a. Sahl, 28 eA. Nuri, Allah, 158 Bahadurkhan, 173 -Hu. b. cAl. b. Sina, Abu eA., 321 . Hu. b. cAbd al-Samad al-Harithi, 123 . . . b. A. b. Abu cAl., 57 Hu. b. A. b. al-Jazari, 55 . b. A. Zaini-zadah, 81, 91 -Hu. b. A. al-Zauzani, Abu cAl., 324 . b. Mascud al-Baghawi, 208 M. b. Yu. al-Samarqandi, 83 b. Qasim al-Rashti, 277 M. b. eA. al-Dimashqi, 119 M. b. Fagl Allah, 348 *-Husaini, Tumcah b. eA. Tumcah, 279 . . . al-Oin cu. b. al-cAziz b. Mazah al-Bukhari al-Sadr al-Shahid, 70 . al-Oin Mutsin b. b. Amir M., 100 Ibn cAbbad, Abu cAl. M. b. Ibr. al-Nafzi, 150, 316 Ibn al-cAbbas, cAl., 64 Ibn cAbd al-Wahhab, M., 153, 322

PAGE 292

Index of persons' names 274 Ibn a. Bakr, Ibr. b. cAr. b. 'A. al-Azraq, 364 Ibn Abu 'A. 203 Ibn a.'l-Khafir, s. b. b. Rashid al-Riyami al-Nazwi, 330 Ibn a.)l-Surur, Abu)l-Surur M. b. M. al-Bakri 252 Ibn a. Zaid, Abu M. cAl. al-Qairawani, 247, 280-1 Ibn al-'Adim, Kamal al-Din 'u. b. A. 389 Ibn AiyUb, Abu'l-Fida' Ism. b. 'A. al-Malik al-Mu'aiyad 361 Ibn M. b. M., 230 Ibn Akhi M. b • . Ya'qUb al-Khaili, 160 Ibn 'Arabshah, al-Din Ibr. b. M . . al-Isfara'ini, 32 Ibn al-'Arabi, MUQYi al-Din M. b. 'A., 331 Ibn 'Ata) Allah, A. b. M. al-Iskandari, 99 Ibn al-Athiri Qiya) al-Din Allah M. b. M. al-Jazari 357 Ibn al-Athir, 'Imad al-Din Ism. b. A., 372 Ibn al-Athir, 'Izz al-Din al-Jazari, 372 Ibn al-Athir, Majd al-Din al-Mubarak b. M., 372 Ibn Babawaih (Babuyah), Abu Ja'far M. b. 'A. al-Qummi 131, 197 Ibn Balban, M. b. Badr al-Din al-Khazraji, 79 Ibn al-Farid, 'u., 56 . Ibn Faris, A. al-Qazwini, 352 Ibn Furtuwa, A., 362 Ibn Ghanim, 'Izz al-Din 'Abd al-Salam b. A. al-Maqdisi, 152, 345 Ibn al-Ghazzi, Kamal al-Din M. 178 Ibn Abu Ibr. al-Mani', 6 Ibn al-Nu'man b. M. b. al-Tamimi, 27, 48, 188, 309, 358-9 Ibn Shihab al-Din a.'l-Fadl A. b. 'A. al-'Asqalani, J8, 1i1, 179 Ibn Shihab al-Din A. b. M. al-Haithami, 75, 211' 342

PAGE 293

Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn *Ibn Ibn Ibn *Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn *Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn *Ibn Ibn Ibn Ibn *Ibn Index of persons' names 275 al-Din a. cAmr cuth. b. cu., 2, 148-9, 318 Abu cAl. b. A., 57 cUbaid Allah b. M. b. M., 79 Abu cAl. A. b. M., 291 Hanbali Salih b. A., 291 . . . Hisham, Abu M. cAbd al-Malik, 369 al-Humam, M. b. cAbd al-WaQid, 228 cAbd b. A., 171 al-Jauzi, 372(1) al-Jazari, b. A., 55 Judi, b. M. b. eA. al-Maridani, 59 al-Din eA. b. cAbbas . . . al-Bacli, 254 Malik, Abu cAl. M. b. cAl. 9 . Mascud, A. b. eA., 206 Matruh, Jamal al-Din Ya. b. cisa b. Ibr., 58 . . Mucawiyah, Yazid, 30 M• Tahir M. b. YGnus M• 123, 229 Mulaik, al-Din eA. b. M. 55(1) al-MulauwaQ, Qais b. Mucad Majnun Bani Mulla Ghulam M. b. cAr. al-Balushi, 295 al-Muqri, Sharaf al-Din Ism b. a. Bakr, 381 al-Muctazz, cAl., 375 al-Nabih, Kamal al-Din eA. b. M. 59 al-Nafis, eA. b. al-Qurashi, 321 Nubatah, Jamal al-Din M. b. M. al-Misri, 60 . Nujaim, Zain al-Din cu. b. Ibr., 31, 169, 288 Qudamah, Abu M. cAl. b. A al-Maqdisi, 377, 390 Qutaibah, Abu M. cAl. b. Muslim, 374 Ruhaim, cAr. b. cAbd al-cAziz al-Hanbali, 228 . . sacadah, Abu Jacfar A. b. sa'Id al-Bahrani,289 . cuth. b. cAr., 10 Salmani, a. Hibat Allah b. a. 'Imran al-Shirazi, 61 Shams, al-Din 58

PAGE 294

Index of persons' names 276 Ibn Sina, Abu 'A. b. 'Al., 321 Ibn Taimiyah, A. b. 'Abd 131 198, 304 Ibn Turki, A. al-Manshalili, 142 Ibn Wad'an, M. b. 'A. 26 Ibn al-Walid, 'A. b. M., 144 Ibn al-Wardi, 'u. b. al-Muzaffar, 55(.10), 171 . Ibn M. b. a. M. 305 Ibn Zaki al-Din, 'Abd 'A. Saif al-Din, 194(2-3) Ibn Zuraiq, 'A., *Ibrahimabadi, 'Abd b. M• 96 Ibr. b. 'Ar. b. 'A. b. a. Bakr al-Azraq, 364 Ibr. b. 'A. al-Tarasusi, Najm al-Din a. Isoaq, 120 Ibr. b. Ibr. al-Laqani, 130 Ibr. b. M. al-Ausi, Abu Isoaq, 392 Ibr. b. M. al-Birmawi, Burhan al-Din, 94 *Ibr. b. M. b. 'Abd al-Jabbar al-Najdi, 82 Ibr. b. M. b. 'Arabshah al-Din, 32 Ibr. b. 5 Ibr. b. Shaikh al-Saifi, 194(2) *Ibr. b. Taj 232 Ibr. b. 'u. al-Raba'I al-Ja'bari, Burhan al-Din a. M., 90 -Ibshihi, M. b. A. al-Khatib, 232 Idris b. Ya'qUb al-Antaki, 307 Idris 'Imad al-Din b. b. 'Al., 282 -Iji, 'A9ud al-Din 'Ar. b. A., 2, 323, 333 'Imad al-Din Ism. b. A. b. al-Athir, 372 'Imad b. Ya. al-Farisi, 96 -'Imadi, M. b. M., 55(8) Inglefield, Captain, 66 -'Iraqi, 'Abd al-Raoim b. 10 -'Iraqi, A. b. M. al-Simawi, 124, 382 al-Din Ibr. b. M. b. 'Arabshah Abu Shuja' A. b. 77

PAGE 295

Index of persons' names 277 al-Oin Ibr. b. M. b. 'Arabshah,32 IsQaq b. Ibr. al-Farabi, Abu Ibr., 53-54 IsQaq b. Ibr. al-Tadmuri, Taj al-Oin, 235 -Ishbili, Abu Madyan Shu'aib b. al-Tilimsani, 21, 101, 129 -Iskandari, A. b. M. b. Allah, 99 Ism., Qara Kamal al-Qaramani, 97 Ism. b. a. Bakr b. al-Muqri, Sharaf al-Oin, 381 Ism. b. A. b. al-Athir, 'Imad al-Oin, 372 Ism. b. 'A. b. AiyUb al-Malik 361 *Ism. b. 'A. Orbaki, 324 Ism. b• al-Jauhari, 343 *Ism. b• b. Ya. al-Kaukabani, 22 *Ism. b. Mulla Allah, 88 *Ism. Wahibi, 238 -Isnawi, Jamal al-Oin 'Abd al-Rahim b. al-H.,320,373 . . 'Iyag b. Musa 338 'Izz al-Oin 'Abd al-Salam b. A. b. Ghanim al-Maqdisi, 152, 345 'Izz al-Oin 'Abd al-Wahhab b. Ibr. al-Zanjani, 366 'Izz al-Din Yu. al-Zanjani, 222 'Izz al-Din b. al-Athir al-Jazari, 372 -Ja'bari, Burhan al-Oin a. M. Ibr. b. 'u., 90 *-Ja'bari, Ghars al-Oin, 235 Hu. b. 'Abd al-Samad al-Harithi, 123 . . . -Jaghmini, Ma. b. M. , 243, 325 -Jaiyani, Abu 'Al. M. b. 'Al. b. Malik 9 Jalal al-Oin 'Ar. b. Bakr al-Suyuti, 47, 113, 385 Jalal al-Din M. b. As'ad al-Oauwani, 95, 125 Jamal al-Oin 'Abd al-Ratim b. al-Isnawi,320,373 Jamal al-Oin a. 'Amr 'uth. b. 'u. b. 2, 148-9, 318 Jamal al-Oin M. b. a. Ghaith al-Kamarani, 364 Jamal al-Oin M. b. M. b. Nubatah al-Misri, 60 Jamal al-Oin Ya. b. 'Isa b. Ibr. b. MatrGQ, sa

PAGE 296

Index of persons' names 278 -Jami, 'Ar. b. A., 25, 80 Jamshid b. Mas'ud al-Kashi, Ghiyath al-Oin, 209 -Jauhari, Ism. b. 343 *Jawad b. Qasim al-Najjar, 277 -Jazari, Qiya' al-Oin Allah M. b. M. b. al-Athir 357 -Jazari; Hu. b. A. b., 55 . -Jazari, 'Izz al-Oin b. al-Athir, 372 -Jazari, M. b. M., 102 -Jazuli, M. b. s., 49-51 *-Jazuri, sa'id b. al-Hadi al-Fagli, 319 -Jili (Jilani), 'Abd al-Karim b. Ibr. al-Baghdadi al-Rabi'i, 122 -Jili, Mutyi al-Oin a. M. 'Aq. b. 86, 106, 248 *-Jizi, A., 335 Jones, William, 265 -Jundi, Khalil b. 225-6 -Jurhumi, 'Abid ('Ubaid) b. Sharyah, 8 -Jurjani, 'Aq. b. 'Ar., 34-35 -Jurjani, 'A. b. M. al-Saiyid al-Sharif, 71-72, 96, 217, 323 Ka'b b. Zuhair, 250 -Kalabadhi, Abu Bakr M. b. a. M. al-Bukhari,183 *Kala'i, 'Ali Akbar b. Khalaf al-Jilani al-Lahijani, 197 Kamal al-Oin a.'l-H. eA. b. M. b. al-Nabih . al-Misri, 59 . Kamal al-Oin M. b. al-Ghazzi 178 Kamal al-Oin 'u. b. A. b. al-'Adim al-Halabi, 389 . -Kamarani, Jamal al-Oin M. b. a.'l-Ghaith, 364 -Kardari, al-oin M. b. M. al-Bazzazi, 140 -Karmi, Mar'I b. Yu. al-Maqdisi, 52 -Kashani, M. Muhsin, 186 t , . -Kashi, Ghiyath al-Oin Jamshid b. Mas'ud, 209 -Katibi, 'A. b. 'u., 346

PAGE 297

Index of persons' names 279 *-Kaukabani, Ism. Hu. b. Ya. al-Hamzi, 22 . . al-Dujaili, 30 b. Qasim al-Rashti, 277 +Kenyon, Sir Frederick, 51 -Kilani = al-Jili +King, J.S., 372 (Anba), Usquf madinat Yarushalim, 187 K . -)I Ab-J ' M b 'Al 5 , u a ar • • • , -Kishnawi, M. b. M. al-Fullani, 39 *Krenkow, F., 30, 112, 199, 339, 352 *Kuhar b. al-Din M., 162 *-KUkhi, 'A. b. 'A. b. Ibr., 32 -Kulini, M. b. Ya'qUb, 145-6 Kushajim, Abu)l-FatQ Ma. b. 161 -Kutahiyawi, b. Shams al-Din al-Akhtari, 181-2 -Khadimi, Abu sa'Id M. b. 42-43 -Khaili, M. b. Ya'qUb b. Akhi 160 Khair al-Din b. A. al-AiyUbi al-Faruqi, 73 Khalid b. al-Walid, 360 *Khalil al-'Ajuz, 94 Khalil b. Aibak al-Din, 332 Khalil b. IsQaq al-Jundi, 225-6 Khalil b. Kaikaldi al-'Ala)I; al-Din, 195 *-Khalili, 'Abd al-Mu'ti al-Maqdisi al-Rifa'I, 139 -Khatib al-Ibshihi, M. b. A., 232 A. b. 'Abbad b. al-Qirta)I, 147 -Khayali, A. b. M., 97 -Khazraji, M. b. Badr al-Din b. Balban 79 *Khi9r b. 'A. al-Nakbasari, 386 -Khitabi, A. b. M. al-Sharif al-Sanusi al-Idrisi, 278 -Khita)I 'uth. Mulla-zadah, 294 • I Khuwailid b. Murrah al-Hudhali, Abu Khirash, 339

PAGE 298

Index of persons' names 280 Lane, E.W., 23 -Laqani, 'Abd al-Salam b. Ibr., 130 -Laqani, Ibr. b. Ibr., 130 +Lee, John, 349 Luqa, Katib al-Injil (Saint Luke) , 7 Luqman 14-15 Lutf Allah, min mamalik Wali Baghdads. Pasha, 193 Ma'add al-Mustansir Abu Tamim, 298 0 +Macartney, c.A., 23 Macartney, C.H.H., 22 -Madani, Zaid b. 'umarah, 302 -MaQbUbi, Burhan al-Shari'ah Ma. b. al-Shari'ah, 386-8 -MaQbUbi, 'Ubaid Allah b. Mas'ud b. Taj al-Shari'ah, 336-7 *-Mahdi b. 'A. Naqi al-Tibrizi, 375 Ma. al-Bukhari al-Qadiri al-Shattari, 3 Ma. b. Kushajim, 161 Ma. b. Mas'ud al-Shirazi, 371 Ma. b. M. al-Jaghmini, 243, 325 *Ma. b. b. Ma., 213 Ma. al-Shari'ah Burhan al-Shari'ah, 386-8 Ma. b . 'u. al-Zamakhshari, Abu'l-Qasim, 154 Ma. Shukri b. 'Al. al-Baghdadi, 322 Mai Idris, 362 Maitham b. 'A. 289 Majd al-Din al-Mubarak b. M. b. al-Athir, 372 *-Majdalawi, M. b. M. b. 'Abd al-Latif, 120 -Majdi, Abu'l-'Abbas A. b. Rajab, 285 Majnun Bani Qais b. Mu'ad b. 62 -Makki, Shihab al-Din A. b. al-Fa91 a. Kathir, 67 b. Amin, 40, 155-6 -Malik al-Mu'aiyad, Ism. b.1 ' 'A. b. AiyUb 361 *Maltani, 'Abd al-Kabir b. 'Abd al-Jalil, 296 .

PAGE 299

Index of persons' names -Mani', Abu Ibr. b. 6 +Mansab bin Abubaker, Sherriff, 319 Mansab b. 'Ar. al-Hasani al-Salim, 201 . . -Manshalili, A. b. Turki, 142 b. YUnus al-Bahuti, 317, 327-9 281 -Manufi, AbuJl-H. 'A. b. Nasir al-Din al-Misri, . . . 1571 212 -Maqabani, 'A. b. Musa, 302 *-Maqdisi, 'Abd al-Mu'ti al-Khalili al-Rifa'I, 139 -Maqdisi, Abu M. 'Al. b. A. b. Qudamah, 377, 390 -Maqdisi, 'Izz al-Din 'Abd al-Salam b. A. b. Ghanim, 152, 345 -Maqdisi, Mar'I b. Yu. al-Karmi, 52 -Maqdisi, M. b. 'A. al-'umari, 240 -Maqqari = al-Muqri -Maqrizi, A. b. 'A., 252 -Mar'ashi; Sabir, 302 . +Marcel, J.J., 15 -Marghinani, 'A. b. a. Bakr, 87-89 Mar'I b. Yu. al-Karmi al-Maqdisi, 52 *-Maridani, b. M. b. 'A. b. Judi, 59 -Maridini, Badr al-Din M. b. M. Sibt, 283 +Marsden, W., 9, 11, 12, 16, 19, 149, 231, 261, 265, 267, 270, 287, 292, 293, 303, 335,378 -Marwazi, Abu Bakr A. b. M., 384 -Marwazi, A. b. 'Al. 164 -Marzubani, Abu 'ubaid Allah M. b. 'rmran, 224 Mas'ud b. 'u. al-Taftazani, sa'd al-Din, 92, 97, 233-4, 294, 334 *-Matari, M. b. 'Ar. al-Ansari, 195 . . Matta al-Qiddis (Saint Matthew) , 46 Maulana-zadah A. b. Ma. al-Harawi, 315 'Alikhan b. Yunus Ef., 361 QiyaJ al-Din Allah M. b. M. b. M. -Mausili, M. 0 al-Athir al-Jazari, 357 Amin b. Khair Allah al-'Umari, 380 b. 'A. b. Wad'an, 26 +Maxwell, Sir John, 278

PAGE 300

Index of persons' names -Mawardi, 'A. b. M. ijabib, 365 -Mazini, al-Muhadhdhab b. Bakr, 302 *-MazrG'I, 'Al. b. Rashid b. M., 201 Meldon, J.A., 68 MikhaJil b. Niqula 15 *MikhaJil sham(?), 14 -Mirghani, M. 'uth., 274 282 *-Miri, 'uth. b. Ya. b. 'Abd al-Wahhab, 345 -Mis.ri, AbuJl-H. 'A. b. Nasir al-Din al-Manufi, 0 • 157, 212 A • . 'urabi Pasha, 355 Jamal al-Din M. b. M. b. Nubatah, 60 -Misri, Kamal al-Din a.Jl-H. 'A. b. M. b. al-Nabih,59 . . 'uth., 118 +Mitchell, F.F., 39 -Mizjaji, 'Abd al-RaQim b. 'A. al-Zabidi, 92 -Mizzi, Yu. b. 'Ar., 119 -Mu'aiyad fi'l-Din a. Hibat Allah b. a. 'Imran b. Salmani al-Shirazi, 61 -Mubarak b. M. b. al-Athir, Majd al-Din, 372 -MufacJgal b. 'u. al-Abhari, Athir al-Din, 315, 350 -Mufid, Abu 'Al. M. b. M. b. al-Nu'man, 174 -Muhadhdhab b. Bakr al-Mazini, 302 +M. 'Abd al-Ra'uf, 47 *M. al-Afghani al-Harawi, 180 M. al-'Alami, 55(4) M. Amin b. Khair Allah al-'umari 380 M. Amin b. al-Din al-Shirwani, 350 M. al-'Arabi, 201 M. Burhan al-Din najl 'Aq. Najm al-Din , Abu 'faiyib, 144 *M. Burhan al-Din najl 'Aq. Najm al-Din D. b. M. Ef. al-Qanburi, 141 *M. Ef. al-Shadhili, 4 Mamunji, 48 *M. al-Hadi b. M. al-Muhtadi b. al-Qasim,b. al Mutahbar b. A., 344 M• ijusseini(?), 100

PAGE 301

Index of persons' names M. b. 'Al. b. Fairuz, 79 M. b. 'Al. b. Malik Abu 'Al., 9 M. b. 'Al. Abu Ja'far, 5 M. b. 'Ar. al-Hamadani, Abu Nasr, 296-7 . *M. b. 'Ar. al-Matari 195 M. b. 'Ar. al-Qazwini, 32 M. b. 'Abd al-Wahhab, 153, 322 M. b. 'Abd al-WaQid b. al-Humam, 228 283 M. b. al-Kamarani, Jamal al-Din, 364 M. b. a. IsQaq M. al-Kalabadhi al-Bukhari, Abu Bakr, 183 M. b. a. M. b. 305 M. b. al-Filali al-Sijilmasi, 76 M. b. b. al-Fajiji, 356 *M. b. al-Bakri 252 M. b. A. al-Ghazzi al-Dimashqi, Ragi al-Din 40 M. b. A. al-Dhahabi, 179 M. b. A. al-FutuQI, 327 *M. b. A. b. Khalid al-Basrati, 132-5 M. b. A. b. M. al-Rahtini, 33 M. b. A. al-Khatib al-Ibshihi, 232 M. b. A. al-Saffarini al-Athari, Abu sa'Id, 178 M. b. A. 66 *M. b. A. al-Sharif, 225 M. b. A. al-Tarasusi, 93 . M. b. 'A. al-Tirmidhi, Abu 'Al., 239 M. b. 'A. al-Dimashqi, 119 M. b. 'A. b. al-'Arabi, MUQYI al-Din, 331 M. b. 'A. b. Babawaih 131, 197 M. b. 'A. b. Wad'an 26 M. b. 'A. al-Maqdisi al-'umari, 240 M. b. 'A. al-RaQbi, 82 M. b. 'A. al-Tibi al-Dimashqi, 6 +M. b. Amin al-Shanqiti, 10, 121, 180 M. b. As'ad al-Dauwani, Jalal al-Din, 95, 125 M. b. Badr al-Din b. Balban al-Khazraji,79 *M. b. D. al-Hanna, 318

PAGE 302

Index of persons' names 284 M. b. Faramurz Mulla Khusrau, 215, 351 M. b. al-Ghazzi Kamal al-Din, 178 M. b. ijamzah al-Fanari, 350 *M. b. ij., 393 M. b. al-ij. al-Astarabadhi, 319 M. b. al-ij. al-Bannahi, 78 M. b. ij. al-Nawaji, Shams al-Din, 207 M. b. al-ij. al-Tusi Shaikh 126 M. b. iju. al-Din, 173, 340 M. b. iju. al-Anqirawi, 73 M. b. Ibr. al-Bashtaki, 60 M. b. Ibr. b. 'Abbad al-Nafzi al-Rundi, Abu 'Al., 150, 316 M. b. Idris al-Shafi'i, 55(5) M. b. 'Imran al-Marzubani, Abu 'ubaid Allah, 224 M. b. 'Isa al-Tirmidhi, Abu 'Isa, 167 M. b. al-Qunawi, al-Din, 331 M. b. Ism. al-Amir 367 M. b. Ism. al-Bukhari, Abu 'Al., 132-9 *M. b. Jamal b. M. b. Jamal al-Bazbabari(?), 217 *M. b. Khalaf b. Furaij, 52 M. b. Khqmis 176 M. b. Makki al-Shahid al-Auwal, 279 M. b. M. al-Asadi al-Qudsi, 320 +M. b. M. al-'Assafi, 10 M. b. M. al-Faishi, 142, 212 M. b. M. al-Fullani al-Kishnawi, 39 M. b. M. al-Ghazzali, ijujjat al-Islam a. ijamid, 44, 114-8, 185, 213, 218 M. b. M. al-Ghazzi al-Qurashi, Najm al-Din, 155-6 *M. b. M. b. 'Abd al-Latif al-Majdalawi, 120 M. b. M. b. al-Bakri 252 M. b. M. b. 230 M. b. M. b. al-Athir al-Jazari al-Din Nasr Allah, 357 0 M. b. M. b. Nubatah al-Misri, Jamal al-Din, 60 .

PAGE 303

Index of persons' names 285 M. b. M. b. al-Nu'man al-Mufid, Abu 'Al., 174 M. b. M. al-'Imadi, 55(8) M. b. M. al-Jazari, 102 M. b. M. al-Kardarr al-Bazzazi; Hafiz al-Din, 140 . . M. b. M. al-Muqri (Maqqari) al-Waqidi, Abu 'Al.,360 M. b. M. al-Razr al-TaQtani, Qutb al-Din, 346-8 M. b. M. al-Sajawandi, Siraj al-Din, 71 M. b. M. Sibt al-Maridini, Badr al-Din, 283 M. b. M. al-Tusr, al-Din, 95, 286, 289, 349 M. b. Musa al-Damrrr, 98, 172 M. b. al-Khadimi, Abu sa'Id, 42-43 M. b. al-Wanquli, 351 M. b. Pir 'A. al-Birkawi, 42, 91, 143, 221 M. b. Qasim al-Ghazzi, Shams al-Din a. 'Al., 77 M. b. Sa'Id 245-6, 251 M. b. sa.'Id al-Qushairi al-I}arrani, Abu 'A., 363 M. b. s. al-Jazuli, 49-51 M. tahir al-I}arithi, 196 M. b. Talhah al-'Adawr, Abu Salim, 210 • <) M. b. 'u. al-Qurashi, 343 M. b. 'u. al-Waqidi, 360 *M. b. Ya. Amin Qasha'ah, 273 M. b. Ya'qUb b. Akhi al-Khaili, 160 M. b. Ya'qUb al-Kulini, 145-6 M. b. Yu. al-I}usaini al-Samarqandi, 83 M. b. Yu. al-Sanusr, Abu 'Al., 378-9 +M. IsQaq, 102 M. 192 M. al-Mahdawr b. 'A. 364 *M. b. FaQl Allah al-I}usaini, 348 M. Muhsin al-Kashani, 186 . *M• b. Amin al-MaliQ, 40, 155-6 *M. sa'Id b. IJ., 118 *M. sa'Id b. Mal Allah al-I}asani al-Bakri,65 *M• najl Mulla I}aidar al-Baghdadi, 178 *M. 'uth., 353 M. 'uth. al-Mirghani, 274

PAGE 304

Index of persons' names MUQSin b. b. Amir al-Din, 22 *MuQsin TuraiQ, 2 -Muhtadi, Ziyadat Allah, 6 286 MuQyi al-Din 'Aq. b. M. al-Tabari al-Makki, 67 MuQyi al-Din a. M. 'Aq. b. a. al-Jili, 86, 106, 248 MUQYI al-Din b. Ibr. 391 *MuQyi al-Din b. 'Abd al-Shaikhali, 57 MU9yi al-Din M. b. 'A. b. al-'Arabi, 331 -Mu'izz li-Din Allah (Fat. Caliph), 188 -Mulla Abu Bakr b. M. b. 'u. 200 . ' Mulla Khusrau, M. b. Faramurz, 215, 351 Mulla-zadah, 'uth 294 -Muqri (Maqqari), Abu 'Al. M. b. M. al-Waqidi, 360 +Murrey, c., 29 Musa b. A. b. salim 390 Musa b. M. al-RUmi Qagi-zadah, 325-6 *Musa b. Mulla Luqmanji b. 'A. wakanri, 27 b. Musa b. b. Musa, 90, 368 b. Shams a1-Din al-Kutahiyawi al-Akhtari, 181-2 -Mustansir Abu Tamim Ma'add, 298 . -Mutarrizi, b. 'Abd al-Saiyid, 216 -Mu'ti b. al-Sharqawi (Sharqi), Abu 'Al., 104, 108 -Nabulusi, 'Abd al-Ghani b. Ism., 202 -Nafzi, Abu 'Al. M. b. Ibr. b. 'Abbad al-Rundi, 150, 316 'A. b. 'Isa al-Rummani,28,112,199 -NaQWI, Sharaf al-Din b. M., 344 1 , Najd b. Hisham al-Hashimi, 302 *-Najdi, Ibr. b. M. b. 'Abd al-Jabbar, 82

PAGE 305

Index of persons' names 287 *-Najjar, Jawad b. Qasim, 277 Najm al-Oin a. 'u. b. M. al-Nasafi, 19 Najm al-Oin a. IsQaq Ibr. b. 'A. al-Tarasusi, 120 Najm al-Oin al-Astarabadhi, 319 Najm al-Oin al-RammaQ al-AQdab, 165 Najm al-Oin M. b. M. al-Ghazzi al-Qurashi, 155-6 *-Nakbasari, Khidr b. 'A., 386 . -Naqshabandi, Fakhr al-Oin b. Jalal al-Oin Ma. al-Bukhari, 3 -NasafiJ Hafiz al-Oin 'Al. b. A., 151 . . -Nasafi, Najm al-Oin 'u. b. M., 19 Ziyadah b. Ya. 6 Nasir al-Din M. b. M. al-Tusi, 95, 286, 289, 349 . . b. 'Abd al-Saiyid al-Mutarrizi, 216 b. s. b. M. b. SuQaim, 79 *-Nasiri, M. sa'Id b. Mal Allah al-Hasani al-Bakri,65 . . Allah M. b. M. b. al-Athir al-Jazari al-Din, 357 b. M. al-Samarqandi, 354 b. Ya'qUb al-Dinawari, Abu Sa'd, 242 -Nawaji, Shams al-Din M. b. 207 -Nawawi, Abu Ya. b. Sharaf, 110, 368 -Nazwi, s. b. b. Rashid b. al-Riyami, 330 -Nu'man, Abu 205, 394 -Nu'man b. M. b. bJ al-Tamimi, 27, 48, 188, 309, 358-9 *Nu'man YUnan Shabir, 373 *Nur al-Din b. Musa al-SalmUni, 74 +O'kinealy, J., 47, 207, 234, 374 +Palmer, Sir Herbert Richmond, 362 Paul, Saint, 275 +Phillott, D.C., 96, 113, 160, 223, 260, 296 +Portal, E.J., 49, 58, 62, 123, 189-192, 241, 347

PAGE 306

Index of persons' names 288 Qa9I ij, ij. b. M., 67 Qa9Ikhan, Fakhr al-Din al-ij. b. al-Ozjandi,74 -Qa9I al-Nucman = al-Nucman b. M. b. -Qadir biJLlah (Caliph), 242 Qa9I-zadah, Musa b. M. al-Rumi, 325-6 -Qairawani, Abu M. cAl. b. a. Zaid, 247, 280-1 Qais b. Mucad b. al-MulauwaQ MajnGn Bani cAmir, 62 *-Qamlani, eA. b. M. b. sacid, 8 -Qanburi, M. Ef., 141 b. Shams al-Din al-Kutahiyawi al-Akhtari, 181-2 Qara Kamal, Ism. al-Qa.ramani, 97 -Qaramani, Qara Kamal Ism., 97 -Qaramani, Wali al-Din, 92 -Qari, eA. b. Sultan M. al-Harawi, 166 -Qattan, Abu Bakr, 55(6) -Qazwini, A. b. Faris b. ZakariyaJ, 352 -Qazwini, M. b. cAr., 32 A. b. cAbbad b. Shucaib 147 -Qudsi, M. b. M. al-Asadi, 320 -Qummi, Abu Jacfar M. b. eA. b. Babawaih 131, 197 -Qunawi1 al-Din M. b. IsQaq, 331 -Qurashi, M. b. cu., 343 -Qurashi, eA. b. b. al-Nafis, 321 -Qurashi, Badr al-Din ij. b. Idris al-Badri al-Sharafi al-Unfi, 194(1) -Qurashi, Najm al-Din M. b. M. al-Ghazzi al-cAmiri, 155-6 -Qushairi, Abu eA. M. b. sacid al-ijarrani, 363 -Qushji, eA. b. M. al-Samarqandi, 95, 333 Qutb al-Din M. b. M. al-Razi al-TaQtani, 346-8 -Rabacr, Burhan al-Din a. M. Ibr. b. cu. al-Jacbari, 90 -Rabici, cAbd al-Karim b. Ibr. al-Jili, 122 +Radcliffe, P., 272

PAGE 307

Index of persons' names -Ra9I, 'Abd al-'Aziz, 222 Ra(II al-Din a. =>1-Barakat M. b. A. al-cJUniri al-Ghazzi al-Dimashqi, 40 Radi al-Din al-Astarabadhi, 319 . -RaQbi, M. b. 'A., 82 -RahUni, M. b. A. b. M., 33 -RammaQ, Najm al-Din 165 289 Rampuri, 'Abd b. Mulla Hibat Allah, 61, 144, 159, 194(2), 359, 391 -Rashti, b. Qasim 277 -Ra=>sr, Ziyadah b. Ya. 6 . -Razi, al-Din M. b. M. al-TaQtani, 346-8 +Reid, R.C., 31, 89, 173, 209, 243,. 259, 297, 323, 326, 334, 337, 343 +Rice, D.C., 389 +Rich, Claudius J., 271 *-Rifa'I, 'A. b. M., 374 -Riyami, s. b. 'JUnir b. Rashid b. a.'l-Khafir al-Nazwi, 330 +Ross, Sir E. Denison, 68, 179 -RUmi, Musa b. M. 325-6 -Rumi, Yaqut b. 'Al. 199, 352 -Rummani, 'A. b. 'Isa al-NaQwi, 28,112,199 -Rundi, Abu 'Al. M. b. Ibr. b. 'Abbad al-Nafzi, 150, 316 sa'd al-Din Mas'ud b. 'u. al-Taftazani, 92, 97, 233-4, 294, 334 sa'd b. Malik al-Tamimi, 302 -Saffarini, Abu sa'Id M. b. A. al-Athari, 178 *Sa'Id b. al-Hadi al-Fadli al-Jazuri, 319 . -Saifi, Ibr. b. Shaikh Jiwabha'I, 194(2) -Saiyid al-Sharif, 'A. b. M. al-Jurjani, 71-72, 96, 217, 323 -sajawandi, Siraj al-Din M. b. M., 71 -Sajjad, Zain 'A. b. 341 -Sakkaki, Siraj al-Din a.Ya'qUb Yu. b. a. Bakr, 168, 217

PAGE 308

Index of persons' names *Salman al-Sa'd, 212 *-SalmiTni, Nur al-Din b, Musa, 74 -samarqandi, b. M., 354 290 -samarqandi, M. b. Yu. 83 -Samarqandi, 'A. b. M. al-Qushji, 95, 333 -sanusi, Abu 'Al. M. b. Yu., 378-9 --Sanusi, A. b. M. al-Sharif al-Khitabi al-Hasani . . al-Idrisi, 278 *-Sarawi; Hamd Allah b. Allah b. Shu'aib, 140 . . -Sijilmasi, M. b. al-Filali, 76 -simawi, Abu'l-Qasim_ A. b. M. al-'Iraqi, 124, 382 Siraj al-Din 'u. b. 'A. al-Bazzar, 198 Siraj al-Din 'u. b. Ibr. al-Ausi, 392 Siraj al-Din a. Ya'qUb Yu. b. a. Bakr al-Sakkaki, 168, 217 Siraj al-Din M. b. M. al-Sajawandi, 71 +Smith, R., 280 +Storrs, Francis, 41 -Subki, Taj al-Din 'Abd al-Wahhab b. 'A., 180 -Suhaili, 'Ar. b. 'Al., 127 -Sukkari, Abu sa'Id b. 28 -SukiTni, Abu 'A. 'u. b. M. b. Khalil, 353 s. b. b. Rashid b. al-Riyami al-Nazwi, 330 s. Pasha, 193 *-Suwaidi, 'uth b. A. al-Dimashqi, 372 -suyuti, Jalal al-Din 'Ar. b. a. Bakr, 47, 113, 385 -shadhili, 'A. b. 'Al., 103, 105, 101 I 1091-1111 124(2) 1 307(3) M. b. Idris1 55(5) -Shahid al-Auwal1 M. b. Makki 279 -Shahid al-Thani I Zain al-Din b. c A. A. al-Shami1 2291 279 -Shaibanii 'Al. b. Wahb1 302 -Shaibanii Wajih al-Din 'Ar. b. 'A. al-Daiba'1 273

PAGE 309

Index of persons' names 291 Shaikh M. b. al-H. al-Tusi, 126 . . . *-Shaikhali, 'Abd al-Karim b. 'Abbas, 322 *-Shaikhali, MUQYI al-Din b. 'Abd 57 Shams al-Din a. 'Al. M. b. Qasim al-Ghazzi, 77 Shams al-Din M. al-Nawaji, 207 -Shamshati, A., 302 Sham'un b. M. al-Ghauri al-Hindi, Shuja' al-Din,194 +-Shanqiti, M. b. Amin 10, 121, 180 Sharaf al-Din al-H. b. M. al-Nahwi, 344 . . Sharaf al-Din Ism. b. a. Bakr b. al-Muqri, 381 -Sharafi, Badr al-Din b. Idris al-Badri al-Qurashi al-Unfi, 194(1) -Sharif al-Sanusi, A. b. M. al-Khitabi, 278 . -Sharqawi (Sharqi}, Abu 'Al. al-Mu'ti b. 1041 108 -Shattari, Ma. al-Bukhari, 3 -Shidyaq, A. Faris b. Yu., 303 Shihab al-Din A. b. 'A. b. al-'Asqalani, 38, 121, 179 Shihab al-Din A. b. al-Fa91 a. Kathir al-Makki, 67 Shihab al-Din A. b. M. b4 al-Haithami, 75, 211, 342 -Shinshauri, 'Al. b. A., 82 *-Shirazi; M., 146 -Shirazi, Ma. b. Mas'ud, 371 -Shirazi, a. Hibat Allah b. a. 'Imran b. Salmani, 61 -Shirwani, M. Amin bJ 350 Shu'aib b. al-Tilimsani al-Ishbili, Abu Madyan, 21, 10 1, 129 Shuja' al-Din Sham'un b. M. al-Ghauri al-Hindi,194(1} -Shurunbulali, b. 'Ammar, 4, 393 Mikha'Il b. Niqula, 15 al-Mar'ashi, 302 al-Din M. b. IsQaq al-Qunawi, 331 -Sadr Husam al-Din a4 Hafs 'u. b. 'Abd 0 • • • al-'Aziz b. Mazah al-Bukhari, 70

PAGE 310

Index of persons• names 292 Abu Jaefar M. b. eA. b. Babawaih al-Qummi, 131, 197 -Safadi; Salah al-Din Khalil b. Aibak, 332 . . . Ism. b. eA. b. AiyUb al-Malik 361 al-Din Khalil b. Aibak 332 al-Din Khalil b. Kaikaldi 195 b. A. bJ 291 Fakhr al-Din eAl. b. eA. al-Wazir, 22 M. b. Ism. al-Amir, 367 M. al-Mahdawi b. eA., 364 M. b. A., 66 eAl. b. M., 121 M. b. a. M. bJ 305 -sufi, Abu eA. b. 203 . . -Tadmuri, Taj al-Din b. Ibr., 235 -Taftazani, saed al-Din Maseud b. eu., 92, 97, 233-4, 294, 334 al-Din M. b. M. al-Razi, 346-8 Taj al-Din eAbd al-Wahhab b. eA. al-Subki, 180 Taj al-Din Bahram b. eAl. al-Damiri, 308 Taj al-Din b. al-Shamsi M. b. 372 Taj al-Din b. Ibr. al-Tadmuri, 235 *Tajkhan b. Dushanji b. b. b. Shammun from Sidpur, 196 -Tarnirni, al-Nuernan b. M. b. 27, 48, 188, 309, 358-9 -Tarnirni, saed b. Malik, 302 +Taqizadeh, S.H., 284, 294 +Thomas, Bertram, 295 *-Tibrizi, Mahdi b. eA. Naqi, 375 -Tilirnsani, Abu Madyan Shueaib b. 21,101,129 -Tirrnidhi, Abu eAl. M. b. eA. 239 -Tirmidhi, Abu eisa M. b. eisa, 167 +Tritton, A.S., 92, 94, 281, 325, 331 Tujuji, 310

PAGE 311

Index of persons' names 293 -Tha'labi, Abu ISQaq A. b. M. b. Ibr., 24 -Tabari, MuQYI al-Oin 'Aq. b. M. al-Makki, 67 -Tabarsi, Abu 'A. al-Fadl b. al-Hu., 189-192 . . . *Taha b. Khatib 'Abd 378 0 -Tahir b. A. al-Balghithi al-'Alawi al-ijasani, 66 Tahir b. M., 244 . Tahir saif al-Oin, Abu M., 359 Abc 1 b c 1 b -l'k 1 . 9 -Ta u A • M. . A . • Ma a M. b. Khamis, 176 *-Taiyib 'A. Mulla 282 Taiyib b. Isma'Ilji b. Raj, Zaki al-oin, 27 Taiyib Zain al-Oin, 194(3) -Tarasusi, M. b. A., 93 -Tarasusi, Najm al-Oin a. IsQaq Ibr. b. 'A., 120 -Tibi, M. b. 'A. al-Oimashqi, 6 al-ij. b. 'A., 55(9) *Tu'mah b. 'A. Tu'mah al-ijusaini, 279 *TuraiQ, MuQsin, 2 -Tusi, M. b. al-ij. Shaikh 126 -Tusi, al-Oin M. b. M., 95, 286, 289, 349 'ubaid Allah b. Mas'ud b. Taj al-Shari'ah al-MaQbUbi, 336-7 'ubaid Allah b. M. b. M. bJ Hamdan, 79 . 'ubaid b. Sharyah al-Jurhumi, 8 -Ujhuri, 'A. b. M., 236 . ulughbeg b. Shahrukh b. Timur, 67, 209 'u. b. A. b. al-'Adim al-ijalabi, Kamal al-Oin, 389 'u. b. 'A. al-Bazzar, Siraj al-Oin 198 'u. b. al-Farig, 56 'u. b. Ibr. al-Ausi, Siraj al-Oin a. Hafs, 392 . . 'u. b. Ibr. b. Nujaim, Zain al-Oin, 31, 169, 288 'u. b. M. b. Khalil al-Sukuni, Abu 'A., 353 *'u. b. M. b. 'u. al-Halabi, 115-6 0

PAGE 312

Index of persons' names 294 cu. b. M. al-Nasafi, Najm al-Oin aJ 19 cu. b. al-Muzaffar b. al-Wardi, 55(10), 171 " _cumari, M. Amin b. Khair Allah 380 _cumari, M. b. eA. al-Maqdisi, 240 -Unfi, Badr al-Oin b. Idris al-Baqri al-Sharafi al-Qurashi, 194(1) curabi Pasha, A. 355 *Orbaki, Ism. b. eA., 324 H. b. Musa, 313 *cuth. b. cAl. b. oakhil, 377 cuth. b. cAr. b. 10 *cUth. b. A. al-Suwaidi al-Dimashqi, 372 *cuth. b. Ibr., 311 cuth. b. 394 *cuth. b. b. cuth. al-Fuqaimi. al-Fazi, 246 cuth. b. cu. b. Jamal al-Din a. cAmr, 2, 148-9, 318 *cuth. b. Ya. b. cAbd al-Wahhab al-Miri, 345 cuth. 118 cuth. Mulla-zadah al-Khita'I, 294 *Uwaisi, cAbd al-Hadi b. Barakat Allah Wasiti Birgrami Marirwi, 62 -Ozjandi, Fakhr al-Din b. Qa9Ikhan,74 Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 66 *Wahibi, Ism., 238 Wajih al-Din cAr. b. eA. al-Oaibac al-Shaibani, 273 *Wakanri, Musa b. Mulla Luqmanji b. eA. Pa'I, 27 Wali al-Din al-Qaramani, 92 -walibi, Abu Bakr, 62 -Wanquli, M. b. Mustafa, 351 . . . -Waqidi, Abu cAl. M. b. M. al-Muqri (Maqqari) ,360 -Waqidi, M. b. cu., 360

PAGE 313

Index of persons' names 295 +Wardrop, Sir Oliver, 269, 358 -Wathiq al-Mutahhar b. Amir 344(4) +Watson-Forbes, M., 102 +Wilde, Reginald, 268 +Williams, George c., 22, 60 -Yacarubi II, Bin Saif, 330 cryag b. Musa, 338 *Ya. b. cAl., 239 Ya. b. cisa b. Ibr. b. MatrGq, Jamal al-Din, 58 Ya. b. Musa 52(1), 390 Ya. b. Sharaf al-Nawawi, Abu 110, 368 Yaqut b. cAl. al-RGmi 199, 352 -Yazdi, cAl. b. al-Hu., 334 . *-Yazdi, A., 341 Yazid b. Mucawiyah, 30 +Young, Sir Hubert w., 33, 78, 236-7 *Yu. b. c Al. , 211 Yu. b. cAr. al-Mizzr, 119 Yu. b. a. Bakr al-Sakkaki, Siraj. al-Dih a. YacqUb, 168, 217 Yu. al-Zanjani, crzz al-Din 222 -Zabidi, cAbd al-Raqim b. eA. al-Mizjaji, 92 Zaid b. cumarah al-Madani, 302 Zain b. al-Sajjad, 341 Zain b. M. al-Bakri, 55(3) Zain al-Din b. eA. b. A. al-Shami al-Shahid al-Thani, 229, 279 Zain al-Din cu. b. Ibr. b. Nujaim, 31, 169, 288 Zaini-zadahJ b. A., 81, 91 b. M. Abu Ya., 180, 227 Zaki al-Din Taiyib Ismacilji b. Raj, 27

PAGE 314

Index of persons' names 296 -Zamakhshari, Ma. b. cu., 154 -Zanjani, crzz al-Din cAbd al-Wahhab b. Ibr., 366 -Zanjani, crzz al-Din Yu., 222 -zauzani, Abu cAl. al-iju. b. A., 324 Ziyadah, al-Shaikh, 6 Ziyadah b. Ya. 6 Ziyadat Allah al-Muhtadi, 6 -zurqanr, cAbd al-Baqi b. Yu., 236-7

PAGE 315

Index of verses 297 55 (8) I ••• • rlr_, 'o .. 1. 30 ( 3) I • • • • _,.::. _, I L..,. _,__,b \!.11..) I 12 9 , • • • * ,, cl..U.JI 9. ..,r.-.u.JI ..; ; ;, ..... I 55 (9) I •••• (jS l$1 __,..11 55 ( 10) I •••• J_;.LJI_, I 2 4 4 I • • • • A.J l5 .i.JI cUI ..\..o.>...J I 201 1 ••• !If ..l.il5.i.JI cUI ..\..o.>...JI 2 4 0 I • • • • ..l> I ,..., ..l..i.JI cUI ..\..o.>...JI 13 0 I • • • • cUI ..\..o.>...JI 1711 ••• !If _?...i.JI J4 La..o .u.JI 58 I • • • • '-.9 __,b 9.1 _,..,.5 I .u.JI 2 4 7 I • • • • J.o I _, J LoJL,. I _,..J.a..z. ..u 1.)" L.JI 251 I ••• • r--lw u-ol 64 I ••• • u : lbw 160 I •••••• I ,fi>LJ:, .. ly 2031 ••• * j.lLa.JI ,.-...,. 2021 ••• !If s L..o.....L..,. 57 1 • • • !If L:t t" . .l .. o .. JIJ 55(2)1••• • 2 50 I • • • • J_,...,...::.... r _,.,...11 Y. .. 1 , 9 ..)La.... c...:. L..,. 124 ( 1) I • • • • I .,_, J..; .u.JI ..)....,. 101 I •••• J.,i" .u.JI 901 ••• !If J_,l .u.JI * t-.l..i...o l>.l...o .u.JI 59 1 • • • !If .l...o>l .l...o>IJ I .... So .ll 2 4 9 I • • • • s L:t _,....5-J 1_, _, \!.!..) L..,...::. 1 0 1 I • • • !If _r-11 ()-Cl> __,.JL,. _,....:.:. 344 (2) I • • • !If r-:-l_:;. , .. , 9 9of' c....1.!. 6 11 • • • !If ()I b I. . 11 _f1> L.9 I .l...o> 29 I •••• ..u ()-0 L:t '-.9.,.r 30 (2) I ••• • ct....:..,__l u-o.l...:-1 3 4 4 ( 3 ) I • • • • .)1..., J.h.JJI ()-0 cUJ I 0-::' I ,;>2 4 8 I • • • • s LQ..jj I d LD .u.JI J..,......) 2481 ••• * 601 • • ,. !If ljU 9 I •••• clJt-()-:'I JU

PAGE 316

Index of verses 298 2 4 8 • • • • * ...) La..:. I w '7' L.::,.S 245 •••• * u--9r 55 ( 7) , • • • * A..sL.J __,.,. J.i.a.JI 0 U 339, ••• * u "a lb c...s:l...) ..l-.!U 55 ( 3) , ••• * J.......)"::' _,I ()-Go> J...,.JI Lo 63, ••• * 1 .:UI y-9LS ... JI_, 10, ••• * A....l.ll ..l..o.> ...l...JL,.. (rO 244(2) •••• * Jl .JI.) (rO 3 0 ( 1 ) • • • • * 9. ..l..:-! 4-l..:...::. r-l Lo u, ..l..:-! u-.L: L.:. 3601 • • • * I _,..iJI u-.lJ: J!l et...) I L.,. r:>"...) I L.,. 12 , • • • * 0 .: o I o 11 55 (6a) , • • • * __,i r:>"...) I L,...s.JI '7'...) L.,. 55 (1) •••• * I..,...U '7-.J t_,. 3 3 0 , • • • * __,k>JI L& L.,. J.,. cl..o L.... L.,. 244 (1) •••• * A....l.ll J_,-...) L.,. L.,. 5 5 ( 4 ) , • • • * J L....,. A..,..> I ..l..i (rO L.,. 55 < 6b) • • • • * La...c..JI r _,...)"::' (rO t_,. 12 7, • • • f y-9 Lo 1..5...)"::' (rO L.,. 0, • • • * ...) , ... 9 o 11 4....,-...) ...)

PAGE 317

Chronological index * 299 * The index contains dated mss only. Uncertain dates have been omitted. Date Cat. no. Date Cat. no. 585/1189 70, 83 1001/1592 32 610/1213 114 1002/1593 80 621/1224 54 1003/1594 311 700/1301 343 1009/1600 388 714/1314 154 1026/1617 361 716/1316 183 1028-30/ 145 728/1328 24, 318 1619-21 758/1357 386 1035/1626 149 770/1369 2 1038/1629 225 779/1378 195 1041/1631 5 807/1404 18 1046/1636 227 822/1419 132-134 1051/1641 146 823/1420 135 1055/1645 313 830/1465 344 1057/1647 252 841/1437 213 1060/1650 233 848/1444 59 1066/1656 319 849/1446 136 1067/1657 38 852/1449 217 1069/1659 171 875/1470 315 1070/1659 262 883/1478 140 1072/1662 60 934/1527 95 1081/1671 197 940/1533 125 1083/1672 49 947/1541 97 1084/1673 123, 174, 964/1557 387 229, 289 969/1562 372 1087/1676 232 972/1564 120 1091-93/ 138 978/1571 131 1680-82 982/1575 279 1099/1688 348 987/1579 34, 216 1100/1689 382 990/1582 148 1102/1691 210 993/1585 347 1106/1695 185 997/1589 8, 235, 1110/1698 334 369 1112/1700 333

PAGE 318

Chronological index 300 Date Cat. no. Date Cat. no 1116/1704 335 1226/1811 81 1123/1711 22 1227/1812 163, 228 1125/1713 266 1232/1817 198, 304 1134/1722 345 1238/1822 274 1135/1723 119 1239/1824 234 1137/1725 1 92 1243/1828 226 1147/1734 186 1245/1829 142 1150/1737 215 1258/1843 243 1152/1739 139, 157 1259/1843 277 368 1260/1844 371 1153/1740 90 1261/1845 170 1160/1747 . 117 1263/1847 82, 250 25 . 1 1167/1753 238 1267/1851 236 1168/1755 43 1274/1857 324 1169/1756 390 1275/1858 181 1172/1758 317 1285/1868 212, 375 1174/1761 50, 118 1286/1869 94 1177/1763 169, 393 1287/1870 237 1178/1764 4, 211 1289/1872 273 1181/1767 141, 253 1291/1874 47 1184/1770 130 1299/1882 282, 355 1188/1774 378 1307/1890 159, 178 1193/1779 356 1309/1891 48, 61 1194/1780 67 1311/1893 201, 219 1199/1785 349 1313/1895 144, 305, 1200/1786 62 330, 391 1201/1787 350 1315/1897 188, 374 1208/1794 326 1318/1900 194 1210/1795 99 1320/1902 57 1212/1797 79 1324/1906 160 1213/1798 52 1325/1907 40, 322 1217/1802 394 363 1219/1804 46, 341, 1326/1908 353 342 1327/1909 155-156, 180, 1222/1807 209 220, 373

PAGE 319

Chronological index 301 Date Cat. no. 1328/1910 10, 200 1333/1915 278 1333-4/ 295 1914-5 1334/1915 121 1337/1919 278 1340/1922 65 1347/1928 359 1348/1929 30, 112, 119, 224, 352, 339, 377

PAGE 320

Numerical index 302 Shelf no. Cat. no. Shelf no. Cat. no. 1091 182 15568 46 1493 258 15769 147 1504 271 16374 268 7153 9 16451 1771 226 8232 319 17273 225 11593 121 69 18738 344 11660 287 18755 387 12095 161 451 18898 65 2051 2061 . 19074 261 183 366 19114 441 2861 218 12096 270 19115 351 12142 149 19116 118 12145 231 19117 193 12176 261 19118 266 12188 2931 356 252 1221 7 265 1193 81 369 12225 378 19620 51 12240 335 21977 239 13229 191 24256 158 13230 189 25139 260 13231 192 25732 309 13232 190 25733 1441 391 13236 1231 1741 25734 27 2291 289 25735 48 13237 62 25736 359 13239 241 25737 188 13248 58, 59 25738 194 13251 49 25739 61 13253 347 25740 282 13438 232 25741 358 13654 207 25849 159 13996 84 25850 196 13997 187 26074 131 j , 13998 38 26075 186 14086 71 275 26103 234 14570 57 26376 336

PAGE 321

Numerical index 303 Shelf no. Cat. no. Shelf no. Cat. no. 26386 360, 361 41880 47 26408 21, 99, 42579 257 104-111, 43251 267 150, 184, 43252 269 379 43254 154 26574 114 43255 136 26575 115 43256 146 26576 116 43257 208 26581 24 43258 5 26628 132 43259 185 26629 133 43260 95, 125 26630 134 43261 93, 215 26631 135 43262 97 26758 213 43264 139 26759 17-18 43265 19, 20 27155 298 43361 394 27471 170 130, 142, 385 30592 264 281 34803 85 44481 259 34847 302 44483 323 35343 25 44484 31 40306 1 44486 209 40512 376 44487 173 40911 22, 60, 44488 337 245 44489 334 41154 3, 128 44490 326 41184 145 44491 297 41332 63, 101, 44492 243 127, 129 44493 89 41360 353 44571 343 41361 181 45803 42 41384 362 45804 43 41388 220 45805 325 41389 219 45806 164, 203, 222, 41718 313 283, 285 340 41879 75, 103 45807 50

PAGE 322

Numerical index 304 Shelf no. Cat. no. Shelf no. Cat. no. 45808 296 46974 372 45809 96 47267 318 45810 346 47268 32 45811 290, 350 47269 70, 83 45812 276 47270 34. 148, 216 45813 305, 330, 47271 238 365 47272 80 45814 6 47273 81, 91 45815 349 47274 217 45816 381 47275 233 45817 122 47276 279 45818 117 47277 64, 244, 2 4 8 , 46287 303 250, 251 46337 171 47278 126 46338 364 47279 197 46339 292 47280 204 46340 223 47281 357 46341 160, 161, 47282 11 165 47283 278 46342 113 47284 29 46343 321, 371 47285 310, 311 46344 167 47286 300 46345 307 47287 301 46346 210 47588 348 46347 168 47589 2 46348 242 47780 175, 176, 201 46349 124, 172, 47781 255 382 47836 41 46350 67 47837 33 46351 374 47838 71 46352 14-15, 28, 47839 74 56 47840 386 46353 235 47852 140, 46354 179 47853 72 46355 338 47854 388 46973 370 47855 308

PAGE 323

Numerical index 305 Shelf no. Cat. no. Shelf no. Cat. no. 47856 236 92308 277 47857 237 96696 120 47858 78 100449 30' 112' 119. 47971 53 224, 339, 352 47972 54 101641 94 47973 320 101808 195 47974 363 118273 102 47975 40 140498 166 47976 273 141394 355 47977 373 149414 262 47979 155-156 171326 295 47980 380 174084 375 48059 37 174234 77 48134 76 174235 35, 230, 312 48135 73 186487 392 48136 162 191486 212 48137 151 191487 119 48139 88 191488 354 48140 87 191489 200 48239 211 191490 82 50688 294, 314 191491 377 50690 284 191492 10 53704 68 191500 138 53823 246 191501 180 54442 98 191651 328 54443 55 191652 254 54444 315 191653 228 54445 4' 141' 191654 86 169' 253' 191655 79 288, 393 191656 306 54446 143, 214, 191664 322 221, 299 191665 240 65496 39 191666 121 78564 316 191667 13, 198, 304 90913 389 191668 390 91889 247, 280 191669 90, 368, 383

PAGE 324

Numerical index 306 Shelf no. Cat. no. Shelf no. Cat. no. 191775 178 380279 66 191776 342 380280 100 191777 157 380281 341 191787 52 380282 36 _ 191788 137 380283 327 199351 256 380284 317, 329 204477 249 380285 274 204478 . 324 380286 163 204479 92, 227, 380287 153, 367 333 380288 291, 384 210173 331, 332 380289 272 216773 23 380290 263 309291 152, 202, 345

PAGE 325

fig.l (no.118)

PAGE 326

fig. 2 (no. 260)

PAGE 327

• fig.3 (no.66)

PAGE 328

fig. 4 (no. 265)

PAGE 329

fig. 5 (no. 344)

PAGE 330

• fig.6 (nos 34 & 216) 1 I

PAGE 331

... .; . .., .. ., .. P' . I L. • .,, .::;&.&-.,_,.. :-;w....,...:Na;,li .. .,. .. , .... ., ... .. ... .;I'.) .,.. •• J ..Jt" . • • .$;.;, tJ .. -.. ,. . . ., . . \ j .I .,. I.J _,0;_,111-!f• .. •• .....;,.... L. .. !JJijjl .... .. t;_,•., .......... .,_ .... .. • • ... vr: ...,..... ,..,..,_. __ .,., .. -. .. . ., . fig. 7 (no.252)

PAGE 332

fig.8 (no.355)

PAGE 333

, fig.9 (no.278)

PAGE 334

fig.10 (no.259)

PAGE 335

fig.ll (no.25)

PAGE 336

fig.12 (no.66)

PAGE 338

/ • Also published by the School of Oriental and African Studies The Kitib al-Ma&!!izf of alWiiqidr Edited by MARSDEN JONES In three volumes, hard covers and paperback Bibliography of Malay and Arabic Periodicals published in the Straits Settlements and Peninsular Malay States 1876-1941 WILLIAM R. ROFF'