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The Library
School of Oriental and African Studies
August 1993...”
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The photographs in this collection number over 7,000 and are from three different sources. The
first is Frederick Howard Taylor, James Hudson Taylor's son, who collected particularly photographs
associated with his father's early life in England, some of which he himself took in the early 1900's.
The second source is the official records of the China Inland Mission/Overseas Missionary
Fellowship. These include albums (CIM/PHOTO 2/298-305) and loose photographs (CIM/PHOTO
2/306-372), often produced for special occasions, and a series of photographs collected from
missionaries working in the field and arranged under subject headings (CIM/PHOTO 2/1-197). These
include medical work and scenes of everyday life in China, Taiwan, Thailand and Tibet. The medical
work is mostly concentrated in photographs 248-295.
The third source is the records kept by A.J. Broomhall, the mission's historian, to facilitate
and illustrate his research into the...”
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“...ARRANGEMENT OF THE COLLECTION The photographs are arranged in four sections, under the following sub-divisions:
Section: Page:
China Miscellaneous 1
Employment 4
Idolatry and Temples 4
Culture and Entertainment 4
Military 4
National Figures 5
Provinces 6
Tribes 10
Taiwan and Thailand before 1980 10
Albums 17
Loose photographs 18
Book Two 33
Book Five 34
Book Six 34
Book Seven 35
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1. 3 poor negatives of Boots' pharmacy, church and book
2. 19 photos and postcards of churches: St. Mary's, Barnsley, Royston, All Saints', Darfield, Shambles St. 3. Chapel, Pitt St. Chapel
3.1 \ "" XAJ43 photos of houses, inch Eastgate
; ? SL, John Taylor's reed and stay factory, Sten Court, Drainside, Hull, Pitt St. Manse, Staincross, John Taylor's old house in Barnsley
4. 11 photos and postcards of other buildings, inch Union Bank, Obelisk, Hull Blind Institute
5. 16 photos and postcards of streets, inch Garden St., Hull, Old Mill Lane, Barnsley, Market Hill, Mayday Green, Cheapide, Barnsley
6. 9 postcards of churches and sights near Barnsley, sent to FHT by Charles Broomhall
7. 7 postcards of Wombwell Wood sent to FHT by Charles Broomhall
8. JHT at 20 from painting, head & shoulders
9. Boat at Kiangsu
10. Sir Montague Beauchamp, seated full length 1939
11. Chinese barges
12. Chinese...”
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“...s and leaders of the Biola Evangelistic Bands with Frank A. Keller ?
45. Graduating class of Chungking Theological Seminary
46. Lilah Mathews standing
47. J. Wang and Miss Tan standing in garden 1950
48. Mr. Wang Ming Tao, preacher
49. China Council, 16 men
50. 7 photos of last band of CIM missionaries and their quarters
51. Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan Goforth with students 1900
52. 4 photos of Chinese children 1949
53. 2 photos of Chinese people 1921
54. Mass meeting outside city gate
55. Group of Chinese and Western adults, among them Mr. Yuan, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Hunter 1930s
56. 2 Chinese street scenes Jan. 1959
57. Scene by a water tank
58. 3 photos of opium being burned, of street, and of missionaries in garden
59. 21 photos of China purchased by Mr. Long
60. Mounted photo of 26 missionaries in Chinese dress 1920's?
61. 25 photos and pictures around Ta-Tsien- lu near Tibetan border 1880's
62. 12 photos re wars
63. 24 photos of Chinese life
64. 19 photos of CIM personnel...”
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Guinness, Mabel Williamson, John Kuhn
65. 5 postcards of Chinese life
66. 30 magazine pictures of China, life, missionary activity, etc.
67. 4 photos taken in Yunnan by U.S. Army 1944-1945
68. Photo of Chinese banner carriers
69. 30 photos and one negative of the Chinese countryside
70. Dr. F.C. Maddox in Szechwan 1940s
71. Summer Palace bridge (outsize)
72. 2 photos of man driving ox and plough, 1 coloured
73. 33 photos of agricultural woik
74. 39 photos of street vendors and tradesmen
75. 5 photos of barbers
76. 2 photos of coal workers
77. 8 photos of fishing
78. 4 photos of irrigation
79. 26 photos of spinning and cloth-making
80. 9 photos of making paper from straw
81. 12 photos of travel
82. 4 photos of carpentry
83. 15 photos of pottery
84. 10 photos of miscellaneous trades and occupations
85. 4 photos of smithying
86. 7 photos of drawings of religious duties and symbols
87. 82 photos of religious sites and idols...”
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“...Ch'un Ming seated with others
110. Village school, Kansu
111. Political Affairs Commission officers at work
112. 9 miscellaneous scenes, mostly agricultural
113. 29 photos and 2 negatives of Chinese Christian leaders, inch Hsing-I-chien, Leland Wang, Marcus Cheng, David Yang, Gen. Chang, Mrs. Hsi, Hsajio, Andrew Gih, Calvin Chao, Fred Mitchell, Anna Hsing, Ernest Yiu, Lincoln Niea, Philip Li, Newman S'hih, Pastor Tung, Watchman Nee, John Sung
114. 18 photographs of Christian students in China, at Holy Light School, Nanking, Yun-ta University, Kunming, Shanghai, Wuhan, Szechwan University 1930's
115. 3 photos of university and school buildings inch Holy Light School, Nanking, and Wuhan University, Wuchang 1930's...”
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121. 83 photos of Chekiang by Frank England 1950s? 1930's-
122. 25 miscellaneous photos of Chekiang
123. 45 photos of Christians in Honan
124. 27 photos of travel and transport
125. 32 photos of employment
126. 56 photos of hospital work
127. 70 photos of landscape (1 oversized)
128. 3 photos of Scouts and Guides
129. 55 miscellaneous photos of Honan
130. 62 photos of the Yangtse
131. 18 photos of fishing and farming in Peitaiho
132. 18 photos of Hopei incl. mission stations
133. 17 photos of Hopei, Honan, Shantung, Shansi incl. soldiers
134. 7 photos of the Great Wall at Hopei (1 oversized)
135. 13 photos in Hopei and nearby Mongolia
Hunan and Hupeh
136. 13 photos of Changsha, Wuhan, etc., mostly boats
137. 22 photos of buildings
138. 2 photos of travel in Hunan
139. 10 photos of employment
140. 4 photos of refugee camps and beggars' huts
141. 8 photos of temples
142. 20 photos of people, incl. Dr. and Mrs. Keller
Shantung, Shanghai, Chefoo...”
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146. 12 photos of mission houses, mostly CIM Headquarters Woosung Rd., Shanghai
147. 16 photos of Shanghai inch CIM Headquarters, Woosung Rd.
148. 62 photos of landscape
149. 13 photos of people
150. 11 photos of people, inch J. Smith, Mrs. Hutton, G. Cecil-Smith, Pastor Fang, A. Hayman, Chio-p'a
151. 15 photos of women and children, inch Nurse Neville, Mrs. Bosshardt
152. 9 photos of workers, inch Dr. and Mrs. Fisk
153. 15 photos of market scenes, incl. Mrs. Bosshardt, Samuel Tang
154. 8 photos of procession and other events, incl. Mr. Butler
155. 9 photos of travel incl. Mrs. Robinson, Cyril Edwards, Messrs. Lea, Butler, Hutton, Mrs. Hazelton
156. 37 photos of buildings
157. 70 photos of Ningsia
158. 40 photos of Shensi
159. 56 photos of Shanghai town
160. 11 photos of parks
161. 6 photos of bridges
162. 16 photos of temples and shrines
163. 19 photos of boats
164. 4 photos of Shanghai flooded
165. 5 photos of Shanghai on fire
166. 16 photos...”
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“...20 photos of lamas
225. 12 photos of employment
226. 22 photos of medical work, inch Dr. Clarke, Dr. and Mrs. Rees, Dr. Anderson
227. 4 photos of evangelism inch George Kraft
18 photos of travel
60 miscellaneous photos
230. 34 photos of Nosu and Kop'u people
231. 11 photos of Shan people
232. 3 photos of Yao people
233. 7 photos of Laka people
234. 5 photos of Kachin people
235. 3 photos of unidentified tribespeople
236. 11 phots re Islam in China
237. Fold of papers containing 6 photos of Muslims in China for Olive Botham's book on the subject
238. 107 photos of Lisu people
239. 19 photos of Lisu landscape
240. 10 photos of missionaries and their work in Lisuland, incl. Isabel Kuhn, Mr. Gowman
241. 11 photos of employment and travel amongst Black Miao
242. 13 photos of houses and landscape amongst Black Miao
243. 30 photos of Miao women
15 photos of Miao people
93 photos of Miao people
16 photos of landscape and employment amongst Miao
247. 9 photos...”
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1. Chungking Theological Seminary with group. 1940s?
2. Northern District Conference Group, with Arnold Lea (front left). Rfcaay 1935
3. Angking Training House: new and old buildings. (?) n.d.
4. Administration Block of CIM, Shanghai. n.d.
5. Group in China with Arnold Lea (front right), Mr Joyce (front) and Ray Joyce. n.d.
6. Anking Language School: Group T931 party of the 200?. 1932
7. As above.
8. West China Missionaries Conference: Group. 1932
9. Language School at Chungking. 1949
10. London Council: Group. Council Group (?) Arnold Lea (front left). c. 1946/47
11 n.d. n.d.
Council Group (?) Arnold Lea (back right).
12 Folder of photocopied photographs (pre 1951) of Chinese Christians, Boxer Rising etc. [Possibly proofs for a publication]. n.d....”
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307. The 'Lammermuir' party: standing Miss Jane McLean, Miss Susan Barnes, James Williamson, EB, George Duncan, Miss Louise Desgraz, John R. Sell, Miss Mary Bausum; seated Miss Elizabeth Rose, William Rudland, Louis Nicol, Mrs. Nicol, JEF, JHT, MJT, 4 children Miss Mary Bell, Miss Mary Bowyer, Josiah Jackson, full length (oversized) 1866
308. China Council with DEH (oversized) 1922-1923
309. Opening of CIM headquarters in Shanghai 1890
310. Woosung Rd. (oversized) Centenary Service (oversized) 1965
311. China Council with JHT, inch C.T. Fishe, 1905
312. Meadows, JWS, FHT (oversized)
Gentleman seated 3/4 length (oversized) 1920's?
China Council inch Meadows, JWS (oversized) 1900
High Leigh Conference (oversized) 1951
315. Amelia Taylor, nee Hudson, from painting, head & shoulders (oversized)
316. JHT in 1852 painted by Hannah Hardey, head & shoulders (oversized) 1965
317. JHT and MJT, JHT standing, full length (oversized) 1866
318. Group: standing S. Barchet, JWS, Crombie;...”
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“...seated in Chinese dress, one standing in western dress, full length c.1866
340. 2 men, one seated, in Chinese winter dress, full length
341. 2 men seated in Chinese dress, full length
342. CIM Headquarters, Woosung Rd., Shanghai
343. Slide of 30, Cobom St., Bow, once home of JHT and MJT 1975
344. 4 photos of JHT's last day and funeral 1905
345. CIM cemetery plot in England incl. grave of Henrietta Soltau 1965
346. 6 men at a meeting A1930's?
347. Occupants of retirement home? x 1940's?
348. China Council incl. Meadows and JWS 1900
349. CIM missionaries in Shanghai 1900
350. The same 1900
351. Group of missionaries and families 1940's?
352. Young Philippino boy with deformed coccyx
353. Head & shoulders of JHT with facsimile of 1865 Bible note (oversized)
354. 6 photos of Mr. and Mrs. Woodward in Chinese dress c.1870
355. Group: Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Clarke and c.1870...”
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357. JHT standing with a man seated, full length 1870's?
358. JHT standing holding a baby, 3/4 length c.1902
359. JHT standing 1/2 length c.1902
360. JHT standing, JET seated, in Chinese dress, full length c.1900
361. JHT and JET standing 1/2 length 1901-1902
362. 4 photos of JET's last days in Switzerland 1903
363. J.M. Denniston seated full length 1865
364. 6 photos of JHT's last days in China, inch FHT, MGT, DEH, JWS, etc. 1905
365. Group gathered for JHT's funeral, incl. FHT, MGT, DEH, JWS, etc. 1905
366. 3 photos of FHT and MGT, 1 in Chinese dress
367. Group: standing S. Barchet, JWS, Mrs. Stevenson, Crombie; seated George Stott, MJT, JHT, Mrs. Crombie, 3/4 length (oversized) 1915
368. Group of individual head & shoulders portraits: WTB, MJT, T. Howard, J. Meadows, JHT, JWS, EB, B. Broomhall, Amelia Broomhall (oversized) 1915
369. JHT and MJT, JHT standing, 3/4 length
370. The same, enlarged (oversized)
371. 2 photos of Maltby Cottage, Barton-on- Humber, and 1 of...”
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“...Taylor, Hudson
11 photos of JHT, his mother, grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, uncle by marriage
405. 1872
Group: seated Lae-djun, EB, Maria Taylor, JHT, MJT, Miss Mary Bell; reclining FHT,
406. Hubert Taylor, full length 4 photos of JHT aged 21-60's, head & shoulders 1853-1890's
407. c.1900-1901
JHT and JET seated, head & shoulders 1903
Group: standing Amy Taylor, FHT; seated JET, JHT, MGT, 1/2 length
26 photos labelled for editing, scenes in China, missionaries, etc.
410. Album of 52 photos re JHT's vouth, no labels
2. BOOK TWO Colour transparency (positive) of painting of JHT aged 20, head & shoulders v Painting of Mrs. John Taylor (nee Shepherd), head & shoulders...”