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“...participated in forming groups, we were trying to make something called The Young Arab Women Network, which aimed to bring young women in women movements together, from all the different Arab societies, to bring them together in one network, and to organize an annual conference for them with an annual agenda, to discuss women issues but from the view point of young women, of course there were conflicts in every movement, even the movements we have now have their differences, they have differences in schools of thoughts and sources, so we wanted to try despite the differences between young women but to have something that brings us together and to be able to sit around the same table. Indeed, that conference went on for two years but when the revolution happened and we got involved in political events and there was the issue of Syria, because of the events that are still going on there until now, we've been blown by other events in Egypt too and we can['t still quite get back on our feet, but the...”

“...and produce a really good movie and then when the movie is out all the organizations would share it and promote it among the groups they deal with, it would have a bigger impact and the movie would be better. In the end, it's all about the cause, not about who gets credits. So, as I say, we need to face our flaws and the flaws of society, and of course we have those formalities and that would have an effect. The things I participated in... I participated in the campaign for the freedom of association, which was adopted by New Woman and many foundations took part in it, both organizations or companies, rights and developmental organizations, and that campaign was trying to stand up to the attempts to distort the image of the civil society, attacking it and breaking into it... so I also felt that we were playing an important role, because the idea was to 8...”

“...knows it's only for women. Hair dressers, fashion designers and international make- up artists, all these roles done by women at home for free are done by men for a lot of money, another thing is that - even this is connected to both private and public domains- is that the society tries to let the woman do jobs outside the house that are closer to her role inside the house or the role they see her in inside the house, so they open the doors widely for her to work in nursery schools, to be a teacher at nursery schools, to be a baby-sitter, to take care of the elderly, to be a nurse, to be a teacher, and to be a flight attendant... and to be a janitor, or a house keeper, so she would be as much as possible doing the same role inside and outside the house, so she would be establishing the conviction in her mind that this is the logical role for her... and we might criticize a man doing these things at home but we wouldn't find it weird at 10...”