- | Misstonary ECHO
r | United Methodist Church
Rev. A. E. J. COSSON
| 1932. |
| Bee acne ts [egal OE
NORTH CHINA. District Annual Meeting ... as 5.9298
Annual Meetings. F. H. ois ... 118 For the Young People. Rev. E. Cocker 13 a
L “On the Road in the Mission Buggy.†Methodist Union in Sierra Leone and
ec REV: H. T. Cook. ... i ocak Gambia ... Bi 2 SSE eo Aok
Smith, Rev. D. Howard... ae ... 174 Mendeland Summer School aos Sen
Station Visiting. Rev. F. Heslop _. 141 + Tikonko Dialogues -.. 12, 51, 170, 216
Study of History. Mathew S. H. Wang 76
Thoughts on Work. Rev. Alan T. Dale 146 . cV
shares: Rev. F. B., Retirement of. WOMEN S MISSIONARY AUXILIARY.
‘ Rev. C. Stedeford — ... Se _.. 107 Bristol Conference Meetings .-- sa Aj
Turner, Rev. F. B., Tribute to ... ... 157. China Flood Relief Fund ne ~.. 220
Turner, Rev. and Mrs. F. B. A. E.J. C. 211 Christian Wedding in Meru. Sister
Wutingfu Hospital ... ee ne ... 229 Muriel ... ee a ae ws 219
2 Dorcas Society at Wenchow. Mrs, Irv-
SOUTH-EAST CHINA. ing Scott Bes aes tee lO.
A : sues 1 _ Final Word, A -.- aa see ... 236
' Se ae ee Hie CaChOW: 17 Letter from Miss Florence Rothwell ... 39
| Ste AG. Se ar Life in China. Mrs. Stedeford... ... 7
China Floods—An Appeal a ... 100 ‘ manent ding
Dzang, Mr. W.R.A. ... ee ES Me ee Foreign Corresponding oa |
Deano KX . : . a Secretary Be a Ses ae
Baocd. at Ree eee anine ae New Venture in Young People’s Work.
Scott ae see es : 201 Miss D. Doidge a: fe ee 98
Ling Yung, Rev. Irving Scott Be "939 Pen Pictures of Life in China... weeLOS
Scenes in Wenchow Buddhist ner tes Progress at Maua Hospital. Nurse Tate 98
| Rev. W. Stobie Ter. 205 Under the Star-Spangled Banner. Mrs. ac
| Yangtze Vall Web pera : Truscott Wood ate Bs ce
Sua Sue ae Be: 167 Virtue Brings Its Own Reward. Miss
é ee 2 at oe D. Doidge a oe oe ca: 199
SOUTH-WEST CHINA. Were ae School, Luih-z. eee
| Annual Meeting at Chaot’ong. Miss W.M.A. and the ‘ Missionary Echo?*
Lettie Squire ... fe se eee lua: Mrs. Truscott Wood ... ss ... 235
Ch’uan Miao Legend of the Flood. Rev. Women’s Wenchow Meeting. Mrs.
\ W. H. Hudspeth ... a ee 00. Irving Scott... is eee << 59
Dymond, Rev. Frank J. A. E. J. C.... 73 Women’s Work Committee. The First
Dymond, Rey. Frank J. Memorial President es a ae .» 285
Tributes We. a: Yes 83-94
Flying Over West i
Flying Over Westen Chins. MR. W- 12 OME AND GENERAL.
Hicks, Rev. C. E. Memorial Tributes America and the Negro Race. Rev.
i 45-48, 135 Walter Hall ... re ioe ... 129
My Christmas Day at Hmao Ch’in Chioh 74 ‘‘ And With All Thy Mind.†Miss
Pollard, Rev. Sam. Rev. W. H. Margaret Darnell oe ee ... 184
i Bourne ... as Boe ee ... 57 Bible Societies in China. Rev. G. W.
Prospecting Among the Ch’uan Miao. Sheppard bs ve wer .. 214
Rev. W. H. Hudspeth igs .. 2 Bravest Deed of the Year oe eal
Character Pills. Dr. Charles Brown... 68
EAST AFRICA. China and Japan. Rev. W. E. Soothill, /
Advance in East Africa ... Bee eee MA. | ae ae a Oe
Ren Niet OND ec 188 China’ and Japan. Rev. J. W. Hey-
Black Man, The. B.D. Bee? S55 aon oe os
Fa East Africa. Dr. A. J. 48 Contacts of East and West, Rhona
adele cir a ve ae Editor’s Notes ... 11, 33, One ODs
ee * “S112, 182, 155, 171, 192, 219 298
Tana Churches, Visit To. Re Roe Gandhi, Mr., and Missions ee ee OU,
Worthington : 187-207 Good Example, A. _ J. E. Wolstenholme 77
a ay ik Highway for Our God. Rev. Hickman
i Johnson es oe Eee fo lok
WEST AFRICA: Hudson Taylor Centenary. A. Haj Clb
Bells at Sierra Leone, The. Rev. E. Japanese Bookshop, Ina. Rev. W. P.
Cocker ... es a ee GS Bates, M.A. ... ie es oO
“* Kingdom Overseas,’’ The... ... 225° Canal Scenes By as ce 50
London Mission Meetings. Rev. F. Canal, Luih-z oy ae oe e459
Pearn ... pe ae oe - 101 Courtyard of the Protect the Nation
““ Love is the Only Way †te Al Temple ... a Bs ate Sela
Marsden, Mr. Geo. H. Mr. F. A. Edge 35 Candidates for Initiation Ceremony 205-206
Memorial to late-Mr. Thomas Butler, Chinese Priests... ... January cover
_ J.P. oes eae vee se ... 185 Dzang, Mr. ... ae se ie eos es
Mission House, From the, Rev. C. Famine Relief Camp... re 168 :
Stedeford ... 5, 25, 42, 65, 82, 106, Flood Scenes be sf ... 21, 23, 24
He 127, 144, 165, 185, 202, 226 Hospital, Wenchow a April cover
, Mission of Fellowship from India. Ling Yung ... as en ae ... 234
_ Archbishop of York ... oe ... 169. Members of a Bible Class re: PERO)
Missionary Day in Conference. Rev. Mountain Valley, Hunan eee ro. oe
J. E. Mackintosh Wed +. 162 Nanking Road, Shanghai vi Seedo
; ““ Missionary Echo,’’ The. The Editor 221 Nuns’ House at Zie Isoa ae So 17.
My Call to the Mission Field: Plain West of Wenchow City ... Be Os
Rey. Raymond Johnson _... 173 Rampart of the 1,600 ft. Hills ... else
Rev. Edward Moody a 173 Shanghai... 2s eS ... 61, 62, 68
Nurse Mildred Button, S.R.N. ... 194 Travelling in China ae Se See
Prayer for Deeds, A. John Drinkwater 114 Wenchow Dorcas Meeting at Work ... 119
President’s Message, The. Rev. J. Women School Students, Ningpo 78-79
Ford Reed cinee ieee a -» 1 Women’s Ward, Wenchow Hospital
Shall We Force Our Religion on Others? 200 Wovemiter caucr
y Something We Want to Give ... -.- 160 Young and Old China... “ie Se
“« Spirit of Burning, Come.â€â€™ A. E. J.C. 81 se
Successful Missionary Collectors. 14, 37, } ~ NIA
B0; 100 117; 187/175 107
“*'The Impossible â€â€™ bs a ... 932 An Interesting Group a 2 os 90
Turner, The late Mr, Robert ... .. 10 Bible Tent in Yunnan Fu. ads ws 86
Two Hundred, The. A. E. J. C. omO7, Chinese Pastor at Yung Ping Fu... 142
Universal Day of Prayer for Students 38 Ch’uan Miao Young Women... SSSORD
Value of Littles, The ... ee ... 38 Congregation Outside Stone Gateway
Victoria Park College, Manchester ... 80 _ Chapel ... vee see ... July COVEN
Walker, Mr. F. Deaville ... a ... 298 Disused Temple... vee as ... 143
Wesleyan Missions in China ... ... 21 Dwelling-house in Yunnan Fu
What Changed My Mind. Stanley High 118 : : October cover
Flying Over Western China... seal (i(
BOOKS REVIEWED. Rostrum in Yunnan Be ee er92
Black Trek†16 Street Scenes, Yunnan Fu... eae OU.
és Black Wind Sarees bit oa Be 15 T’ao Ming Hsuen and Family ... ek
oe Dawn Wine ne Wrens 5) ean ge Where: strange ‘Lales Are Told .:. e230
International Review of Missions Ba 204 ev nbive “ane 26
<* Methodism and the Mountain Sum- VR Re Rina EAR: Se = CoNeE 7A
TMLee tos: a ae Be e26 Seopa ok gD EP te ae
“New Life Through Godâ€... se O.
: “« Present-day Summons to the World EAST AFRICA.
Mission â€â€™ sh ae 5 ... 54 Drawing Water, Meru... re E500
** Under Seven Congo Kings â€â€™ ... ... 15 Falls near Nairobi .:. Hi Be ... 189
“* Wayfaring for Christ â€â€™ ... a ... 198 Grand Falls, Meru ee As ven 0)
““ What I Owe to Christ â€â€™ aa ... 116 Group of Mission Girls ... es ROL:
“« Yarns on Heroes of the Day’s Work’? 198 Maua Hospital. The Children’s and
Maternity Ward ee sa ... 227
ILLUSTRATIONS. Missionary Homes es aN SS
Nurses’ House at Maua Hospital 226
NORTH CHINA. Tana River ... eS os See Se Oa
Courtyard of a Chinese House ... te de:
Hall of Classics, Peking... ... July cover WEST AFRICA.
Hanley District Quilt for Wutingfu Bo Church, Sierra Leone... Mis ..- 196
Hosp ia! oe ee Cerne ee Para allpe tO
Open-air Theatre... si ee +, 122 Freetown from King Tom Ss ... 195
Patients at Wuting Hospital ... lA leonrendaland Shop... ee Marchecovar
Summer Palace, Peking ... a ee U2 ORAaGh ee Daicnte 215
Tomb of Confucius ao ... May cover “ Rae Se
Union Church, Tientsin ... Ba eaeeeG. HOME AND GENERAL
SOUTH-EAST CHINA. Christian Village Crowd... ... ... 151
Bridge at Hanchow ... February cover English Glen, An ... oe ase ... 155
Busy Hands Ah ate ae ... 120 First Service at a New Hall, Zonabunda 155
b x
| |
Priests at a Lama Temple ae ... 149 Hicks, the late Rev. GIsE; ny 45, 1385
Scene in Switzerland aN oe ... 41 Holbrook, Miss ae ui a me 197
Spreading the Word of God in China ... 282 Hudspeth, Reva W.sokl ose a .. 105
“These Stones to Praise Thee 2 ... 80 Johnson, Rev. Raymond ... wu STS
Useful Exhibition its ats aise Sle es Keevill, Dr. and Mrs. sia sah paneer (4)
Welcome to Missionary Secretary ... 152 Kewish, Violet oe ae as ally, 4
t Zion Church and School, Kingswood ... 161 Kirsop, Rev. Joseph Sa va . 221
fi Kornelio and Kithira... .... 219, 220
Spr oN Lambrick, Lydia ... we tee ae 100
| PORTRAITS. Lear, Wesley oe sie se LS
Barrett, Rev. F._ ... nes oe . 102. Lineham, Dr. Rev. nds oe OU
Brooks, Mrs. J. B., B. Litt. oe _.. 236 Marsden, Mr. Geo. H. ... se BD
Butler, Mr. Thomas ae a "135 Moody, Rev. E. H. es nes .. 174
Button, Nurse Mildred G. aes "194 Ogden, Mr. F. -. or at ... 103
Conference Missionary Group ... “163. Osborne, Miss Mary oa ee Ls: ‘s
Conference Group, W.M.A. ir 179 Patterson, Mr. Ww. as ae = AOL
Cocker, Rev. E. --- ues aes ~. 130 Pollard, Rey. See: a is 84, 35
Cook, Rev. H. T. -.. Bes Bes 421i ~+-Professors and Students, Victoria Park
| Cosson, Rev. A. E. J. =: aes ... 2283 College ..- wee a as .. 109
Dale, Rev. Alan T. ce Be ... 146 Redfern, Principal H. S. aS ... 204
| Denning, Elsie and Glifford="=.-: 90 Reed, Rev. J. Ford ac i33 eee
Dymond, Rev. A. Bere. ea 104 Sargent, Miss Hilda so es Sauls:
{i Dymond, Rev. F. J. wos _.. 83, 84, 85 Seabourne, Lily a si < C3h
Dzang Ka Mi ie Fa ea: 918 Smith, Rev. D. H. a a ... LT4
Ellis, Rev. James ..- aap ice 88% "102 Stedeford, Rev. C. se 104, 130, 131
Garndiffaith Collectors... wise _.. 14 Stevenson, Mrs. ... as Bi Se |
Hall, Rev. Walter one jew B05. Lol Swallow, Rev. J. E. a ae ... 222
| Hancock, Mary aes mt io 175 Tomlinson, Rev. H: i nie .. Aa
| Hands, Sydney --- 3 oa . 88 Turner, Rev. and Mrs. F.-B, .-. 108, 211
| Henderson, Mrs. J. sss ae .. 235 Ware, Mrs. ..- es oe oe Perel
| Heslop, Rev. F. .-- A is .. 141 Willy ... ah ea oe tes eS
Hetherington, Arthur oats a _.. 87 Worthington, Rev. R. T. se 208.
Heywood, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. 201 Wood, Harold se = ate Seok
: | nnn TN
4 — =
= —
= What would Christ do and say to help us out of our ~=
=~ trouble if He were on earth now? =
= We can judge only by what He did and said in the first =
| = century, an age not so different from our own, an age of =
| = _unsettlement, violence, drunkenness and licence... Christ =
| = would tell us not to yield to panic, © be not anxious for the =
| = morrow, and not to trust in riches,“ What shall it profit a man =
| = if he gain the whole world and lose his own Soul... Chiista a=
| = would tell us to work -and pray for our daily bread, tokeep =
= out hearts clean and steady and kind, to love God supremely =
== and our neighbour as ourselves. He would tell us not tobe =
=~ selfish or afraid, but to trust our Heavenly Father, and doour =
= dutyfrom day to day. He would tell us that the Holy Spirit =
= will guide us to our duty, that the universe isin the handsof =
| God; and that the soul of man is the most precious thing =
= in the world. =
| = These are the fundamental principles and spirit that must =Z
|| = underlie and cure our troubles. Everyone can begin at =
= once to put them in practice. _HENRY VAN DYKE. =
: E nu Hu TTS
[5] (9
fl THE [J
[5] [A
I] ID]
[6] “When a Christian takes his stand for Christ it is not a doubtful [ol
[5] venture or a hesitating experiment. It is a stand justified by the [al
[6] history of nineteen centuries.’’—DrR. F. TOWNLEY LORD. lol
i 9
The President’s Rev.
Message J. FORD REED.
\\7E must never shut our eyes or secret on, and others have been lit by
close our ears to the spiritual their bright torch, We may say,
destitution of the world. It isso easy ‘‘ Yes, it is our clear duty, and we.
| to do this amid Sea ey ought to do it,
allthe refreshment [99505999 60S §=but we haven't
and stimulus of ee 8 ae | the impulse and
church fellowship ee : as lack the power.â€
at home. Ever ee oe “ Pe =| That may quite:
and again we must oe me. wee be. Nevertheless,
remember, and | o ~ Si let us set about
continue to say, [iam ae aa the work, and as.
that we are band- 7 “ oe we face it, often
ed together forno 3 = denying ourselves.
other purpose than Saenoe as we do so, we
to make Christ shall come upon
known to men, - © the Vision and
and that whatever : find the power
we do or may fail oe within the work.
to do, this shall =| Whether or not,
claim and have Rey. J. Ford Reed (President), inspired by the
the utmost of our evangelistic zeal of
time and strength. It is an exacting the founders of Methodism, and chal-
task. It always has been so. Churches lenged by the tremendous needs of our:
and people alike, who have given them- OW? day, let us plunge into the work,.
. remembering the words of the Lord
selves to this work, have spent costly igs
: ; i Jesus, ‘Said I not unto thee, If thou.
treasure in the doing of it. But what Wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the:
of that? They have passed the living glory of God?â€
January, 1932,
| >
| e A
Prospecting .mongst a
the Ch’uan Miao. W. H. HUDSPETH, M.A.
HE Ch’uan (i.e. River) Miao (or greens are a monotonous but a whole-
T Peh White or Han Miao) are some diet, save when bad harvests bring
Pes one of the many Miao tribes in- starvation.
} ihabiting the hills of Yunnan, Kweichow Our first day’s journey into Ch’uan
i ‘and Southern Szechuan. They are a Miao country, though between what we
courteous, kindly, hospitable people, call Hwa Miao and Ch’uan Miao country
_amorous, addicted to wine drinking and there is no hard and fast boundary, was
| grossly immoral. The men have univers- across sparsely inhabited mountains,
ally adopted Chinese dress, but the seven thousand feet above sea-level, over
women stick to their pretty, pleated which wolves, jackals, bears and wild-
-skirts, embroidered gowns (not so beau- boar roam. The latter, sometimes
tifully embroidered as those worn by Hwa travelling in herds of from twenty to
Miao) and elaborate head-dress. I saw forty, do considerable damage to newly
-one bride wearing what was called a sown land, grubbing up the maize and
‘« pheasant ’’ head-dress, highly pictur- potatoes. A Hwa Miao will hunt the
vesque, and said to be imitative of the boar, dexterously sticking him when he
| aforesaid bird. It was stated that all the charges, but the Ch’uan Miao have lost
1 | girls of her clan wore, on dress occasions, this cunning.
this form of head-gear. It was a depressing day, the massive
Practically all Ch’uan Miao are tillers ruggedness of the hills making them
of the soil, but having no security of seemingly dour and cruel. Birds were
| tenure, large numbers are nomadic and few, though occasionally a lark would
| .desperately poor. Unlike the Hwa Miao flit out from near my horse’s foot, and
they do not live in villages nor is there soaring as though it despised ‘‘ the earth
Bes the same clannishness and camaraderie. where cares abound,â€â€™ this ‘‘ pilgrim of
| “They are nature worshippers, their the sky ’’ would sing as sweetly as it
temple being the open air and their gods does in England. Large patches of
trees, stones and hills. In some homes azaleas and occasional rhododendrons
| _a section of bamboo is prized as it was _ brightened the landscape, but these would
| tthe bamboo which after the Flood saved have been more intriguing had we not
\ the brother and sister who were not been soaked to the skin by incessant rain.
.drowned. Fond of music and dancing, Towards dusk, dropping some fifteen
‘they go to extremes at weddings and hundred feet, we reached © Wheat-
tribal festivals. The farms are for the plain,†where we were given a hearty
| most part cabins of mud or wattle, with- welcome by Ch’uan Miao, who with bor-
out windows or chimneys, the door serv- rowed money had prepared us a savoury)
ing for light and ventilation. Maize and evening meal. The home in which we
were lodged had once
t been rather well built,
| Fg Re. yo but it is tumbling down
pe eo G. now, and to me the
a. | gradual downfall of the
GF 60 lC | house was _ painfully
e pe bs .- ae y ae of the slew
| Se ld 9 Se ee ruin’ oO e group oO
3 (4 ag > ek i Miao living nea
| NG pelle: Fs tee aN
y Ree jae Surrounded by the
| yf By ee i ah. Chinese, these Ch’uan
| og 2 : Re eo 4 Ps aa WS Miao have learnt all
ce 7 er eee i } ee ae Ny JS the Chinese weaknesses
“aw, . \ Bia \e i and none of their many
ey CL Re ee Boe excellences, the result
WORM Eo VA NN PRT being that the Miao
-Ch’uan Miao young women. [Photo: Rev. W. H. Hudspeth, M.A. ATE being crushed out
i a
Prospecting Amongst the Ch’uan Miao
like corn ground in a mill. Opium finding any lunch, we thoroughly enjoyed
whisky, gambling are doing their deadly the boiled goat and maize. We dis-
work and ruining the aborigines of covered that here the enemy of the
Wheat - plain. One or two families farmer is not as yesterday the wild boar,
who realize this asked me at the but monkeys which in groups of twenty
evening service, for which many to thirty pull up young maize as it
gathered, and tears streamed down the sprouts and later in the year steal the
faces of the questioners, whether Jesus cobs, being cunningly clever in their de-
Christ could save them? It made me __ predations. Fortunately they never
Jong to be able to stay a few weeks to come after dark, so watching against
introduce these people more intimately to monkeys,though it occupies the day, does
Jesus, but we are so under-staffed that I not as in the case of the boar necessitate
can spare for them one day only once in night watching.
five years. During the night it rained Our evening service didn’t commence
heavily and I had to move my bed to yntil 9.30, but the lateness of the hour in
avoid rain dripping through a leaky roof, no way detracted from the heartiness of
Had it not poured from the time we the singing. The white-teacher had come
‘started out until we reached our destina- and a large number of people had turned
tion ‘‘ Water-cave,’’ the next _day’s out to welcome him. After the meeting
journey would have been extraordinarily ye sat round a wood fire drinking refresh-
‘beautiful. Descending five hundred feet, ing.tea made from leaves gathered from
we followed a river down a_ valley of tea plants growing wild in the neighbour-
‘dreamlike beauty. Travelling was dis- hood. Wouldn’t this be useful in
tressingly difficult, but the bamboo’ England during these hard times?
@roves, palms, Cypress-and wannish urges The following day to Long-cliff-square
an occasional banana tree (not the fruit- oy Sees se
Bee : pat aia nag hea thirty miles through mud and rain ex-
earing species), paddy- Bay aes hausted us, and when we arrived at six
the river banks, the thatched cottages of ‘ ese Bas
5 saa o’clock with every garment sodden we
‘Chinese farmers who with incomparable AEN area
Z : : A ; : were indifferent to food and accommoda-
industry cultivate every inch of available ,. ; : ! :
y ; tion, to everything but a fire, and happily
ground, newly sprouting maize on the I i†st ‘ sala
piss Seats these kind-hearted folk had prepared a
hillsides, ripening barley and wheat, two ‘ : : a:
f a : huge one in the centre of the cabin, and
men fishing with rod and line from the :
here we were able to dry ourselves and
‘centre of a clump of bamboos—all made 3 a : ;
3 es : all ourbelongings. The evening meeting
a kaleidoscopic picture not easily forgot- ; ; :
ten was brief, as wrapped in warm blankets
: we wanted to forget our weariness.
As we entered the house where we Though the home in which we were
were to be entertained, I noticed stand- housed was but a thatched mud hut, it
ing at the door a comely young woman, might have been a London hotel; we slept
‘with a baby strapped to her back, smok- so snugly.
ing a pipe having a foot-long stem with I shall iong remember the following day
a small bowl in which was stuck a cigar spent in this back-of-beyond village. It
made of rolled home-grown tobacco had been arranged that we should hold
leaves. I observed too that the young a mid-day service for which twenty-three
-amen as well as the young women were nen and seven women gathered, three of
wearing heavy copper ear-rings about an the men having walked thirty-five miles.
inch in diameter. The house was built These men-told me that in their village
‘with split bamboos plastered with mud. was an old man nearly seventy years of
There was no need for thick walls, as it age who longed for baptism, feeling that
is never really cold here: Our bedroom were he baptized he would die happy.
‘was next to the stable, and before I had J! wanted to go the next day to administer
sat down half an hour my horse distin- baptism to this Christian noviciate, but
guished himself by kicking a hole right since the tour had to be made to pro-
through the partition. Our evening meal gramme it was found impossible to work
was not ready until 8.30, and having in the necessary detour. Ever since that
breakfasted at ten and not succeeded in day I’ve been worried about this old
j |
| Prospecting Amongst the Ch’uan Miao
| |
| man, for though we have schemed and On the Monday we started out at 6.30
planned for his baptism, no opportunity a.m., and, blessed memory! that night I
has come yet. had a bedroom to myself—the first time
: ; I had enjoyed privacy for fourteen days.
After the meeting the few who were seaeaes J 9 I ies ve BERS Aer: co )
} } . S es 35: Hitherto sleeping in the living room I
baptized—seven—sat apart to celebrate 5. as ae
} ; ae ~ had been an object of interest to large
the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, g : 5
} stm. si as % numbers of people, men, women, boys
he ba which in this village is observed once a as 15 )
| 5 A ae 2 and girls, who stayed to watch the
year. It was a wonderful service, I feel | . z ; :
| 2 : ae ; : j teacher go to bed. Disrobing had been
| the thrill of it still. From the door of . AS ; seuss Denotes
Ses "impossible, but to-night, lodging in the
the hut we could look across God’s ever- oreo a
; ae ee home of one of the few wealthy Ch’uan
| lasting hills flooded with brilliant sun- 4). 5 : ;
aia arse Erp 3 Miao, I had a whole room allotted to
shine, which lighting up our cabin, ap- Sess sce nye
= 5, me, and it was sheer luxury to be able to
peared to transform it into a holy temple. : sees z ; ;
: undress and to go through my clothes to
Buckwheat was the bread broken and tea, fee ES. bee Oreo reas
im 3 eden But hereoseven days find (and drop into a charcoal brazier)
Cee ee Oe Rete : ; oS unbidden guests which had been gathered
from my headquarters was a living ees ital
| rch, a golden cé stick, where we — - “Gs a
| Church, & golden CanidlesHer sw. 1ct : T’ao Ming Hsien, our generous host,
met Christ walking. I had come out to ee Oats sans eae
ee tinn sete cauaree b. Strucl might pass for a Chinese, as having
| : ae Bree cag ateole gh
\ i E Bee Sate & Sake | ‘studied the Four Books he not only could
} See eee eer eae ass both read and write Chinese, but his
| Friday’s and Saturday’s journey was _ general bearing and mode of life is also
charming, the road winding across hills that of a Chinese. He told me that in the
of easy gradient, down delectable vales immediate neighbourhood Ch’uan Miao
and over undulating plateaus. Often- cut-number Chinese, a state of affairs
times the sound of the singing of birds which in these parts is becoming rare.
: was to be heard; the low, exquisitely When I enquired about old customs it was.
sweet call of the thrush, the noisy chatter with no little pride that he brought out
of the jay, the tap, tap, tap of the wood- a four-generations-old Miao gown beauti-
pecker, and the cry and twitter of birds — fully embroidered, and I was interested to
T couldn’t place. Sunday’s services were discover that the different ornamental de-
| spoilt by heavy rains. signs illustrated Miao history.
| j (
“die ‘G» ae ¥ é a a
| fe od SB 6 jo 5 fe ot a
5 | ; = . \ Sae ont 4 Be j fF a
| ig a VY : Page | Fae oa
; ae JV} ue ae fy Ve olf
ie a = Saran me | , y ;
†4 A fs N ue 4 â€
Se iY na ase a re ae. Ba iat
| a See Bae ios & FS at ee
| ae, eS SR Be ie el
3 3 ra ee — Leen ase “ re
T’ao Ming Hsuen and his family. [Photo: Rev. W. H. Hudspeth, M.A.
From the Mission House
At a village called West-of-the- carriers killed five, all black and poison-
Stockade we worshipped in a small ous, but a sixth, some three feet long of
church built entirely—let critics of Mis- a brilliant green hue, got away. They
sions take note—by the Ch’uan Miao were easily enraged and one was glad to
themselves. There were also a tiny house — see the last of them.
for the school teachers and dormitories, That night was spent in a village called
these too were erected by public subscrip- Rest-horse-plain, my hostel being a
tion. Here the services were crammed. cramped tumbled down house in which
Were one to detail each day’s journey there were but two rooms. Within the
the reader would quickly weary, so we inner room were stabled sheep, goats, a
will jump to the last stage. On that day, cow, two pigs and my horse; we were
to avoid a band of brigands, called euphem- entertained in the outer room, I occupy-
istically ‘« sentlemen-of-the-big-stick,â€â€™ ing the only bedstead our host possessed
we were compelled to take a circuitous —a bedstead for which in England one
route. At this juncture the hospitable wouldn’t give sixpence. My men, faith-
nature of the Ch’uan Miao was especially ful followers every one of them, slept on
noticeable, some voluntarily acting as the floor. After the evening service we
spies, while others insisted on carrying beguiled the time by telling stories, one
my loads. Our way lay through a sultry of the most delightful being a Ch’uan
valley with dense vegetation. Never Miao legend of the Flood. (We will give
before have I seen so many snakes. The this remarkable legend next month.—ED.)
From the
° °
Mission House. Rev. C. STEDEFORD.
A Memorable For many years it has find their fulfilment in the newly-constitu-
Year. been my pleasure to wish ted Methodist Church.
the readers of our Ecuo
a Happy New Year. This is my last The The League of Nations is
opportunity of doing so because Methodist Manchurian sending a Commission to
Union will be consummated before Tangle. the East to investigate the
another new year comes, and the Ecuo cause and solution of the
will be merged into the missionary organ international troubles caused by a com-
of the new Church which will represent paratively trivial incident in Manchuria.
all her wide and romantic fields. For all Some irresponsible Chinese used violence
‘Methodists it should be a happy year, as and damaged a small part of the Japanese
it is certain to be ever memorable and railway. In: return the Japanese occupied
historic on account of the celebration of | Mukden and surrounding territory. This
Methodist Union in this country. Ever invasion of their territory could not be
Since the Conferences of 1908 the move- tamely accepted by the Chinese, but they
ment toward this great event has been in. were incapable of effective resistance.
progress. It will mark the opening of a The Japanese seemed quite content to let
new era in the history of Methodism. The matters take their course ; China appealed
recent Methodist Ecumenical Conference to the League of Nations. ‘The interfer-
in Atlanta awoke a new consciousness of ence of other nations has more than once
the world-wide mission of Methodism. checked the designs of Japan in China.
It has ever been a theoretical ideal; it is Japan cannot disregard the League of
becoming more and more a practical pro- Nations, but she has not consented yet to
position. The union of all Methodist yield the territory she has gained by this
forces in a comprehensive scheme for the little outbreak. Action is suspended
evangelization of the race is one of the pending the Commission’s investigations.
dreams which excite the hopes and A complicated history lies behind these
energies of the new generation. May events and the Commission will find a
such dreams, born of Pentecostal power, tangle it is almost impossible to unravel.
| From the Mission House
Since the revolution in 1912 China has of her people have established themselves.
been at the’ mercy of War-lords who Her present action must be viewed in the
claimed full authority in the regions they light of her having annexed Korea and.
controlled. Manchuria was fortunate in Formosa. Korea,is poor in agricultural
b | having a fairly stable government under and mineral possibilities ; Manchuria is.
I Chang-Tso-lin, who at times successfully — rich in both.
contended against Chinese would-be China has placed her case in the hands:
rulers. Under those circumstances Japan of the League; if her sense of justice is.
gained agreements and privileges in Man- not satisfied, she may be induced to seelx
churia which are now claimed as rights. help from Russia, which would make the:
‘These rights are repudiated by the Chinese remedy far worse than the evil.
Government because they were not con-
ferred by lawful Chinese authority. These he Trouble = When war breaks out im
contradictions form only one aspect of the in Tientsin. North China it seriously
problem the League Commission must affects the region occu-
: attempt to solve. Throughout the long pied by our Mission, if only in the un-
| process Japan has steadily pursued a settlement caused by the transport of
policy of encroachment and consolidation military forces and the fear excited by:
in Manchuria, where now a great number constant rumour and wanton soldiers.
rl Tientsin is suffering
\ : seriously by the outbreak
: of actual fighting between
the Chinese and the occu-
i : pants of the Japanese
r ‘| concessions. Martial law
ee 4 was proclaimed through-
be 2 out the Chinese city and
bart. a all the adjacent foreign
| é + ee concessions. The Britis
| 3 oe , and other concessions.
St tere si Le were barricaded. As
pee ETS i, % oiifien’| mnany Chinese as possible
Roe hae Y ee| §3=crowded into the con-
Bee ae A See eee fie. : §| cessions. When the skir-
Us aa = et - ile Bs ds he : mishing ceased a neutral
: 1 oe settee aD Me zone was established by
fe | ee ee ee) =the Japanese, who in-
i Ss cae Ne ee†Ee Re sisted that a space 300!
| =? eee Ee eee #| metres deep to the north
| ee aos : of the Japanese conces-
me 6 eee | rae sion should be evacuated
| pile ee ee ne ee a = by the Chinese soldiers.
| rim Wie e am eG eee| On the other sides the
ee ee Co eee ice eamemees gun) = adjacent French and
| ae Re Suis * id Italian concessions form
eee eee} 6oasafeguard. Within the
| Pe es “=; =| neutral zone is situated
beer = : ~~! our Tientsin Church, and
ae oe our Chinese pastor re-
| etcgecette cs Stee: sides in the same pre-
ee : : oe mises. He and _ his
| ie pnaie ; family could not get in
eae nae Pee or out, and they were
eee en weer es ek =| + threatened with hunger
Union Church, Tientsin, where and Cold o> eee :
| Rey. B. Richards is minister. plies of food and fuel
From the Mission House
were being spent. Mr, Turner in vain Heslop found much pleasure in_ riding:
attempted to reach them; ultimately he with his friend. On the date named they
contrived to convey instructions how best were riding together when Mr. Heslop’s.
they might escape. These particulars pony bolted and threw him with great
furnished by Mr. Turner are followed by force against a cement post. Mr. Eddom
the comment, ‘What it is which the city says, “He managed to save his head, or
people fear it is difficult to say, yet they he would undoubtedly have been killed.â€
are racing from the city at every oppor- He was taken to hospital suffering from:
tunity. Why the Chinese forces, which concussion and two cracked ribs. His.
are amply sufficient, do not put down this bruises caused very great pain, but
mere mob attack, is another puzzle; and X-Ray photographs revealed no further
what has led to the Concessions being damage. The doctor says that Mr. Hes-
most strictly guarded, so that they bristle lop is ‘‘out of the wood†as far as any
with barbed wire entanglements all along danger is concerned, and he does not hint
the borders, is a further mystery. One at anything like permanent trouble.
thing is so far satisfactory, that with all
the upset to trade and comfort, and in pfiss Milburn, We are very sorry to
spite of danger from stray bullets, there R.A. relate that Miss Milburn,
has been but infinitesimal loss of life. ee Aphine ne Vata ts
last October, was soon obliged to see a:
Sympathy I am very sorry to report doctor whose examination discovered that
with Mr. T. W. that Mr. Chapman. suf- she was suffering from heart strain. Yun--
Chapman, fered severe pain which nan is 6,000 feet above sea-level, and the-
M.Se. made it necessary for doctor was emphatic in saying that she
him to undergo an opera- could not remain at that altitude without:
tion last September. He had to remain tunning a risk of serious injury. Under
in the hospital for about three weeks ; on such a verdict Miss Milburn decided that
his return home the doctor enjoined him ier only course was to resign from our
not to resume college duty for at least missionary staff. The Committee accepted:
three months. The doctor stated that the resignation: with very great regret,,
there was no reason why Mr. Chapman and in doing so they placed on record!
“should not fully recover,†and I am their “high estimate of her character and’
happy to state that during his convales- ability,†and their “ conviction that she .
cence he has made good progress. We will yet render valuable service to the
deeply sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. &ingdom of God in China.â€
Chapman in their anxious and_ painful
ordeal. Throughout the years the health ** What to The new edition of this
of Mr. Chapman has been so well main- Pray For.’ helpful booklet has been:
tained that his illness came as _a great issued. Copies may be
surprise. Providentially, Mrs. Chapman obtained from the Wesleyan Missionary
arrived from England in the Spring and Society Home Organization Department,
was able to bestow the care and comfort 7 Carlisle Avenue, Aldgate, London,
which greatly helped her husband’s re- §.C.3, at 3d. each.
covery. We pray that his recovery may
eee compo Miss K. Barnes. Miss K. Barnes sails for
East Africa in the s.s.
Rey. F. Heslop Another event which Watusi,’’ which is due to arrive at
Suffers an evokes deep regret and Mombasa on February 5th. She takes
Accident. sympathy is an accident the overland journey to Genoa, where she
which befell Mr. Heslop will embark on January 20th. Miss Barnes.
on November 7th.
shan, who keeps a number of ponies, in- ist to join our staff is Meru. In co-opera-
vited Mr. Heslop to join him in riding’ tion with the deaconesses, who are
exercises. The opportunities for physical already giving much useful instruction,
exercise are only few in China, and any she will open the way by which Meru
: young fellow would welcome the oppor- girls may travel toward the highest and
tunity such an invitation afforded. Mr. happiest life. :
| Mr. Dzang.
HERE is a small class of Chinese subject that brought us together, that of
7 who deserve much sympathy, and language. We have no means of com-
who receive very little. It con- munication. Though day by day we sit
} sists of men of letters, the courageous together before a desk piled with printed
tI teachers whom missionaries engage to books and ruled native-made paper, we
show them how to write with a brush might again almost as usefully have a
word-letters numbering many myriads, hemisphere between us. For when pupil
‘and to utter a speech ranging through desires to put a question to teacher he
‘four tonal-dimensions. does so in English, while the teacher,
A rule of manners requires that, who though ignorant of its meaning
though he be referred to by his correct desires not to lose his job, replies to it
name, Mr. Dzang’s identity should re- in a lucid stream of his Own speech, the
main closely concealed. This precaution other then expressing his _unfelt thanks
will not prove difficult, seeing that EEG by grimace and gesture. This continues
are in our City Dzangs in great number for two hours, or is supposed to do,
| even as Smiths are plentiful in the small though the two hours often shrinks by
island of Britain. At the last great half-an-hour or even an hour. I do not
muster of mankind when he is summoned have a clock in the Ree Our united
| ‘by name, ‘‘ Mr. Dzang, forward!’ there feelings indicate the flow of time. When
4 -will be a great stir on earth. Asia will be it is evident to Mr. Dzang that they
filled with the murmur of hurrying feet, have reached a degree when one spark
of men in multitudes replying, ‘‘ I am would explode them, he rises, bows, and
Mr. Dzang.� My Mr. Dzang is, there- shufiles away, while exclamations of
fore, to the reader merely nobody, or, Thanks be, he’s gone!†chase him
rather, everybody. home.
| He, of all Dzangs, was evidently, as But Mr. Dzang as a teacher is extra-
I will explain, born in intimate conjunc- ordinarily versatile. The dodges he em-
| tion with an inauspicious Heavenly con- ploys for conveying forms of thought
stellation. Fate selected him for a salary and ideas by means of action could quite
| to teach me Chinese. fill an issue of the Ecuo. I have not
| The cordial relations that should exist yet seen him really stumped for a means
\ between this Mr. Dzang and his pupil of giving some expression to thought,
| suffer a similar linguistic disagreement to even though, as I am bound to admit, I
| that which long previously arose among am often left totally mystified. However, :
the scaffolding-poles of the Tower of _ his strange antics, if not always clear, are
| Babel, when someone first spoke Chinese, certainly hugely amusing, as I will show.
and presumably escaped with his life. From the occasion when I got my be-
My teacher and I disagree on the very gowned and dignified tutor scampering a
| race with himself round and
—= ey — round the study in vivid ex-
| |e “—— oa | hibition of the word ‘ run,â€
| Bc A 5 a ‘ball and next prostrating himself
| — tt a] ae along the floor at my mere
| Ss 5 mention of a phrase in the
ee =f text-book “lie in bed’’—since
: ee ee aS then I have not lost an oppor-
Mees Hee tunity of asking him for mean-
| Ie aa ce i ‘g ys ings and explanations, On
3 j a. - ee = aor 4 one occasion it was the word
| WIR fone 4 x iy vt ‘ j “to behead.†I need hardly re-
am use Ce mark that Mr. Dzang promptly ~
| ho ies 74) i executed himself. He did it
| see = » * with a decisive blow of
ames — the ruler-edge, and his head
| nae ieee ecine, dropped with closed _ eyes
Chinese characters. upon the desk. Mr. Dzang
Mr. Dzang
had not been coming to me long It was equal to conjuring. Let any
before I discovered that I could obtain sleight-of-hand expert leave his prepared
things to eat simply by repeating ques- coins and balls and just try to catch a
tioningly the names of local foods. The fly between two fingers, and I will back
following morning would make me the the fly. Mr. Dzang bore it back in smil-
possessor of a parcel of nuts, oranges, ing triumph, tugged off both wings,
plums, or green leaf tea. and let it wall painfully over the desk,
I never shall forget the word ‘ shirt â€â€™ until, at the edge, and before I could save
as taught by the Dzang method, which it, the miserable, fated creature fell over
being a pictorial method necessitates the into the spittoon, and drowned.
production of a shirt before the pupil’s In England genteel children are care-
eyes. Mr. Dzang grabbed at the shirt fully trained not to ask questions, least
nearest to hand—the one he was then of all personal questions. In China
wearing—but failed after repeated strug- where many things are so different that
gles up both arms to reach either sleeve. the foreign visitor has a feeling at first
Finally he stopped, parted the long that he is living upside down, one would
wadded-gown and drew forth a length expect to meet with children who will be
of shirt-tail, exclaiming, ‘‘ Pu-sa-diu, pu- caned and cautioned if they do not ask
sa-diu.’’? The effort succeeded in its edu- inquisitive and personal questions. This
cational purpose, but I should doubt that simple calculation completed, I came to
my zealous teacher will again make the my next lesson prepared to impress Mr.
mistake of displaying linen that has very Dzang with the gentility of my Methodist
evidently not been in a wash-tub for— breeding. I said, ‘‘ Please, Sir, where is
well, never mind! the mansion you live in?’’ He replied
I am curious to know how my reader that his mean cottage was situated a
would portray in dumb-show a horse gal- little way beyond the city-wall. So far
loping; whether his dramatic invention So good. I turned again to the volume
would suggest nothing better than to from which. I had taken the above en-
prance and neigh according to recollec- quiry, “ Dictionary of Polite Expres-
tions of the last horse-show. Mr. Dzang sions,â€â€™ and continued to use it like a
went one better. Failing to find a pic- box of tools. I found ‘‘ Sons ’’? amongst
ture of a horse in book or on wall, and ‘the S’s, and asked, ‘‘ How many
failing equally to portray one recognizably honoured ones have your?’-="! Dohave
on paper, even though the galloping three little dogs.â€â€™
hieroglyphic of his art did at least have I started. I said, ‘‘ Pardon, old chap-
life and motion about it, he then sum- pie, but pets come later,’’ but being
moned to aid that sublime and ridiculous in English he did not reply.
imagination. - Whe rst caught =
rentbn 2 ec iaee eee ce eats oS ey ! pores
Seizing this he improvised a ereatly te Bees ood seule, »» How
duced though ingenious form of hobby- pea) ponoured peoves DAVE OU ae end
: . = +~ have four insignificant females.’’
horse simply by inserting one end of it : = See ee
between the knees and bending the body Next (under a W ye Is your
ever jockey-fashion, the while cracking honoured’ wite SieU Sh ae yp Spe
an imaginary whip in a hand holding a thorn is living.†(Softly, softly, Sir;
very dirty handkerchief. The Chinese CY the walls have ears).
character for horse is common enough At last among the F’s I found
and yet there invariably comes a smile ‘‘ Father,’? and the important enquiry,
when I encounter it and recollect the ‘* Is your honoured sire in good health?â€â€™
ridiculous way I came to learn it. But, alas! I bungled it. Something
: : Mr. Dzang was this morning in hunt- went wrong, I cannot imagine what, and
ing mood. The lesson was suspended I said, I actually said, ‘‘ Please, Sir,
while he chased and caught a bluebottle. how is your dishonourable father?’’ Too
Spider-like he crept to the window and _ late I realised my irreparable and unpar-
. nabbed it between thumb and forefinger donable error. Correction would empha-
in one electric-like dart of a thin hand. size it; apology would make me ridicu-
, 3
: The Late Mr. Robert Turner, J.P.
lous. It was Mr. Dzang himself who exercise. . . .†JI spoke this in
saved face for me. He bowed slightly. English, and would have been as intelli-
The little eyes revealed no expression gible had I not spoken at all. Mr.
either of amusement or anger. Dzang yawned. We blended in one
os ‘“ My Father is alive and well.†weary sigh, and sat for a time looking
‘* Then,’ said I, ‘‘ you’ve won, for blankly and stupidly through the win-
beside your blundering pupil you are a_ dow.
great gentleman.—Let’s begin another WeeeRe Ag
fe <- =
The Late
Mr. Robert Turner, J.P.
NE of our most beloved and made of his chairmanship of the Con-
0 honoured laymen has passed to his nexional Finance Board from its com-
rest, Mr. Robert Turner, J.P., of | mencement until five years ago. ‘His
| Rochdale. He was a man of fine loyalty, guidance in the formation of the Board,
1 of large and generous. instincts, serving and in dealing with some of the difficul-
" his Church with a devotion that never ties associated with the early years of
flagged till a serious illness struck him our own Union, was of incalculable value.
down a few years ago. No part of our Rough places were made plain, clouds
connexional life failed in interest with were scattered, the spirit of heaviness
him. Though controlling a large busi- turned into a garment of praise. The
ness he found time to attend diligently to discipline and soundness of Depart-
the affairs of his church and to denomi- mental Finance is traceable to a large
national enterprises at home and abroad. extent to the influence of his personality.
He was one of the most trusted and Mr, Turner was an ideal chairman: with
revered of our leaders. the sagacity of a clear mind, aptness and
| From the tributes which have appeared _ brevity of utterance and firmness of will,
| in the “ United Methodist ’ we quote those he was easily master of the assembly.
\ of two of his intimate friends. “At this advanced stage of Methodist
Dr. Brook says that Mr. Turner was Union negotiations it is well to remember
| ‘‘a lovable man.†‘‘The word ‘charm’ the immense advantage of the presence
has been used concerning him, and it is of Mr. Turner on the Union Finance
an-appropriate word. Spotland people of _ Committee in the critical years of the
| all conditions were responsive to his smile movement.
and genial words. His gifts to Roch- “When it was known that Mr. Tunner
dale churches and to Rochdale people would second the vital Resolution for
speak of his generosity. It will not be Union at the 1924 Conference, the heart
| forgotten that the largest inidividual of unionists was lifted up, the hills
| gift ever received by United Methodism seemed to rejoice, the keynote of victory
— £30,000 for Chapel. Fund purposes— was struck. Mr. Turner’s decision
came from his hand. But there were gifts ‘ For,’ rolled over the doubts of others
of which the world knew nothing at all. into confidence.
Wy | Cases in which ministers, broken down “Mr. Turner was a leader and com-
| in middle life, were saved by his timely mander of the people—commander be-
help for further service ; and cases also cause leader—firmly treading the path
which have come to the writer's know- he marked out for others. His authority
ledge by sheer accident, in which Mr. belonged to the apostolic order, growing
Turner rendered generous help in time out of loyalty to the Heavenly Vision and
of trouble and worry. He did a great willing service. Mr. Turner was a lover
| deal of good by stealth.†of Methodism; through its witness, its
| Rev. T. Sunderland says that in com- fellowships, its institutions he found the
| piling any list of positions held by Mr. ‘ joy and peace of believing'’—his true
Turner in our Church mention must be — spiritual home.â€
| 10
: 9
The Editor’s Notes.
To all our Friends at Home tell how to keep sickness away. It will
and Overseas. tell of new foods and of new ways of
AY 1932 be the happiest and most cooking. It will have stories for children,
TV" blessed year you, the readers of | and news of other children.
the Ecuo, have ever known. “When a friend goes to a far land and
Happiness is not dependent on condi- returns we are eager to hear about what
tions. The year may be a difficult one for he has seen. This paper will tell of cus-
us all, yet we may be happy and blessed toms and conditions in many parts of the
in it. We shall be if we rest threughout world. It will also have pictures to show
the year in the Love of God. you how people live in Europe, in
‘s ms 5 2 America and in other countries. It will
“Listen : News from Near and Far.†show you and describe for you the dif-
A very cordial welcome is given to a ferent things that are found and used in
new missionary magazine called “ Listen : these lands. : :
News from Near and [ar,†and pub- | “But most of all this paper will be a
lished at a penny by the International friend because it will tell of the joy there
Committee on Christian Literature for is in being a Christian. It will explain
Africa, 2 Eaton Gate, London. It is for to you the Christian way of life. It will
African village people who can read bring’ you news of the different ways by
English. It will also serve editors of which people in Africa are serving Jesus
papers and magazines in African lan- Christ. Jesus is the truest friend a man
guages who want suitable material for can have. If this paper helps us to know
translating. more about Him and His way of life, it
* * * * will indeed be a good and true friend.â€
The editors of this new paper ate the Mr. Hubert Peet, who is managing
Rev. H. Stover Kulp (Nigeria and editor of this paper, and his co-editors
U.S.A.), Miss Jean Kenyon Mackenzie deserve to be well supported in this
(Cameroons and U.S.A.), Mrs. H. D. praiseworthy effort.
Hooper (Kenya and Great Britain), and e. % * *
Mr. Hubert W. Peet (Far and Near Press From a Distressed Area!
. Bureau, London). It is proposed to issue We should not like the readers. of the
“Listen †six times a year. Ecuo to miss the record of what has been
cS we ‘2 is done by some young’ people belonging to
The Editors’ introduction of themselves Garndiffaith Church, in the Blaenavon
to their African friends
is very happy. After
personal greetings they ated
say, ;
“ This paper will be
a friend to the village ee ae : a :
teacher. It has in it | | Pay pes a od
articles which will tell { on a © ee :
him how to teach the _ |ijpedtiesiastliake, ee Age ig electllieaes
: . Speeeecticrat ; oT at oe .
boys and girls. It will eam. |! 4 ye a Vere oles
also tell him how. he |B Geis Beery Agee ) GE Seer ea
may help the com- | }j ss. @aeiuwm! PRs le |
munity. He will learn | eee ae
from this paper what ee Oo eye Begs |
other teachers aredoing, eo UN
and so it will give him |i a Ve
new ideas which he can ce
use to make his school | gt ee
better. : a . eo ha a
“This paper is also y wee. a a,
a friend to the women Ss
and childrena okt will phe wayct travelling
1 .
| Tikonko Dialogues
| Circuit, appearing on another page. autumnal meetings in Baillie Street
: Note particularly these words: These Church. He was deeply interested in our
children live in a distressed aréa, and in work overseas and took the keenest
some cases their fathers are unemployed. A delight in its progress. On another page
spirit like this in all our churches and will be found tributes by Dr. Brook and
schools would not only wipe out the debt Rev. T. Sunderland.
} speedily but raise our income to almost *% es * 3
| unimaginable heights. Dr. Griffith John.
* * * % On December 14th, 1831, Griffith John
The late Mr. Robert Turner, J.P. was born in Swansea, At the age of
We learned at the Missionary Com- twenty-four he sailed for China as a mis-
mittee at Rochdale early in December sionary for the London Missionary So-
that Mr. Robert Turner was sinking fast. ciety. His work in China during the
He passed peacefully away at his home, long years of his life was incalculable.
“Denehurst,â€â€™ Rochdale, after a long His name must always be coupled with
illness. that of Hudson Taylor, whose consecrated
For many years he entertained the Mis- labours for Christ in that great country
sionary Committee to luncheon at the have left an imperishable memory,
- <2 eo
| Tikonko Dialogues. Philosophizings.
| IME : Late afternoon in the mission serious. shock): “I-d-d-d-don’t quite
qo compound. The philosopher (a understand!â€
Mende schoolboy, age fourteen Phil. : ““Well—I can understand about
years — very — approximately) suddenly God making the world—but if God was
eases from the task upon which he is en- alive so as to be able to make the world
gaged, and commences the following con- _—who had made God?â€
versation with his master : Master’s feelings are by this time in-
| Phil. : ‘““Master—what happens when describable.
| we die?†A longer pause.
Master (after a gasp of astonishment) : Phil: (with renewed _ persistence) :
| “Well—I really do not know how to “Master—what is that? (pointing to a
answer that question—but why do you mound of earth which is supposed to be
{ ask?†part of a garden)—is it a grave?â€
Phil. : “Well, sir, the other day some Master (trying to be cheerful) : “Well
of my companions and I were talking, —wwe can make it into a grave if you like
and we asked that question, and since no a grave for you—eh?â€
one seemed to be able to give a good Phil. : “No, master. I don’t want to
answer, I thought I would ask you.†die—ever!â€
Master (still recovering) from _ his Master: “Do you mean to say you
astonishment): ‘“‘Well—what answers always want to g0 on living on earth?
| were given?†Whatever for?â€
| Phil. : Some said we should just live in Phil. (emphatically) : “So that I can
| another world, but I wondered whether eat plenty of rice!â€
| we should have our friends, and our rela- Thus ends the questionings of the
tives. I shouldn’t like to be in heaven if Philosopher and the agony of the Master.
they were not there. And then, too, do N.B_I 1 Papebesk s Age
you think we should be able to get plenty | **: ae ae Oa i ee a 3 ee
| of rice to eat ?(very pensively) I shouldn’t eo Jearn that this particu a 1 Ee Fede
like to be without rice!†ee about how SE Eee a oe
é d to “wangle†from various “friends
There is a long pause—the Philosopher cach night (usually about four), and also _
| going off into a deep study, and the shout the largeness of his hand, for he
Master still trying to pull himself to- {5 thus enabled to acquire the major por-
| gether after the first shock. tion of any meal he is sharing with others.
After about ten minutes— Needless to say his physical frame is of
Phil. : ‘“‘ Master—who made God? †the “well upholstered†type.â€
| Master (after a second and more An Evymr-WITNESS.
For the Who Stole My Clothes?
Young People, Competition Result.
WO prizes were offered for the best ing as he did was all bluff. Evidently
aL essays on the mystery story, he regarded that part of the story as a
‘“ Who stole my clothes??? which little artfulness on my part to throw
appeared in the October Ecuo. Two readers off the scent. The second part of
questions were set. ‘The first one was, Willy’s essay is very good. He disagrees
‘‘ Who do you think stole the clothes? entirely with the views of Mr. X, and
Give reasons.’? The second one was, Says so in very plain terms.
‘Say what you think about the state- Now we come to the younger ones,
ment of Mr. X.’’ Those under twelve Ada and Russell.
had to answer the first question only, Ada’s essay is well written, but she
and those over twelve had to answer also is quite sure that a mystery story
both questions. Four essays were sent to must have a catch in it. She also fixes
Rev. E. Cocker, the writer of the story, the guilt on Willy, but in a rather clever
two in each division. Mr. Cocker writes way she brings the others in as accom-
as follows :— plices. What she says about Willy is
Essays by competitors over twelve ron) but she is very much oe in
came from Grace Edwards, of Birken- what she says about the others. Russell,
fetdeand: Wilean Miiinpton of Stalys (007 Lage Woks, narrow yandusnspici:
bridge. The essays in the other division yy ae va 1 art ee 1S Cau OUS:
were from Ada Wilshaw, of Sheffield, | eae: ait illy, aes he might have
and Russell Simpson, of Halifax. Set out Ries Me ek De eee Pee elele
in a row they become Grace, Willy, Ada, your clothes. Russell thinks Willy had
and Russell.
I think Grace must have first made up ‘ ee
her mind that as it was a mystery story ; OVE
there could be nothing straightforward a eee ee
about it, but only slippery subtlety. She ee
imagined the writer trying to throw sand : — a ee
in the eyes of his readers. ‘‘ I see his We eet Pose
little game,’’ she said; ‘‘ all this talk = a
about Willy and Santiggy and Bumpe, : EG
ut what about Mr. X? Ha ha! He 3 2
just mentions him and very little more. ey 4 ee
He thinks because he has hid him behind a ag (hy '
all the others we shan’t be able to see his cr Bin / i
guilty face.†i eh |
So in that way Grace fixed the guilt ca . {ae PS? al
on Mr. X. In her essay she says that ae E 1 : —.. go Ne |
the was only trying to shield himself when res: * mt PS ae. = Bes
he said all the black boys were thieves. owe lO See
He had lived in the land a long time, : 4 Ee ee zt
and probably knew every nook and aay eet Rage ae &
corner of the Mission House. He knew BG | 4 Soe Seana .
| he could get in and take what he wanted, . iy 5. agora |
and with all those black boys about no es ee Be : We 4
one would ever dream of suspecting him. e oe Fy aed |
J am sorry, Grace, but you’ve caught ——— a 5 rd
tthe wrong man. ig ie , Ly
Willy Millington, like Grace, seems to oe rs a |
shave persuaded himself that in mystery B a f : Ee
stories the solution which appears most be a:
obvious is for that reason the wrong one. Ee 3
So he fixes on Willy. He thinks that Wilts
Willy’s coming into my bedroom and act- Rev. E. Cocker’s Boy.
13 : : :
ar Successful Missionary Collectors
i *“a great deal of conscience.’’ He had. for a grand new word he gave me—
Russell goes on to say that it might have Forinstance.
been Bumpe; and continuing, like a Sometime later I will tell how I found
Judge summing up a case, he sets forth out who was guilty. Willy was innocent
bs] all the evidence against Santiggy. Then and, of course, Mr. X had nothing what-
I suppose the jury retired, and sixteen ever to do with it. Bumpe was most
| days passed before they brought in their guilty. Santiggy also shared in the rob-
verdict. This was communicated to me bery, and benefited by it, while Bumpe’s
in a letter as follows:—Dear Mr. Cocker, brother assisted in getting the goods
—TI am sorry but I did not put the answer away. E. CocKER.
to who stole the clothes. I think it was : : : : : s
Santiggy. As each essay in some way excels and
_ 1 much enjoyed Russell’s cautious de- in some fails we have decided to give a
livery of judgment, and must thank him prize to each competitor.
eo se Fe.
Successful Missionary
"i Collectors.
Blaenavon Circuit. area, and in some cases their own fathers
Garndiffaith Church. are unemployed.
Back Rah During the year other children take out
Jack Reece, who has _ collected monthly collecting cards. Total amount
PiQneee Sen hee verre. collected by ali children for last three
Fay Harris, who has collected years shows an increase of £15 14s. 8d.
| £14 12s. 4d. in three years. towards Missionary Funds from the
wf : above church. E. Brown.
Front Row, :
| le Williams, who has collected yajcg Wagg, Sheffield.
| £10 15s. 6d. in two years. : ; 3 : ;
\ Olwen Gullis, who has _ collected From time to time we give honourable
a £14 15s. 10d. in three years. mention of successful collectors. They are
| Ena Williams, who has collected generally young people in our schools, col-
£13 12s. 9d. in two years. lecting from the members of our churches.
Total collected by these children, But there are some, no longer young, who-
| £64 4s, 8d. : continue to serve royally in this enter-
These children live in a distressed prise. Among such Miss Wagg, of
Sheffield, should have a
| eas | place.
ee The residents at Firth’s.
E | [eee | Almshouses have always
: = 4 s ae. shown an interest in this.
| a cy Meee) department of church
ee ae —. J | 23) work. At the Almshouses.
a 7 4 7. es [= ee no Offertories or collec-
a> sg — tions, save those for the
: Yd op ee es National Children’s Home:
a e — a =| and the hospitals, its en-
| fl ts : tire upkeep being pro-
: pa a Be vided for in the endow-
boc. owe = ment created by the late
i, - ae Mr. Mark Firth. But led
2 Pa EE. by the chaplain in charge,
‘ Garndiffaith Collectors. or some enthusiastic
Some Recent Missionary Books
resident, there has always been a contri- total grows. Last year it was £6 12s. 3d.
bution sent to our mission funds. For This year it is £7 17s. 8d. It is sent
some years Miss Wagg has undertaken through the missionary secretary of the
the work of stimulating interest and col- church at Nether Green. We are sure
lecting fortnightly subscriptions. Many our readers will be glad to know that we
of the residents are connected with other have one who, while in the morning of
churches and give to the denominational her life sowed seeds of service in church
organisations to which they belong; and and school, in the evening of her life is
yet they voluntarily subscribe to our not withholding her hand. We hope the
missions through Miss Wage. Year by evening, containing such evidence of
year, without any official pressure, Miss interest and usefulness, may be extended
Wage has so developed interest that the for years. W.D. G.
fe a a fe
Some Recent
Missionary Books. A Great Story of the Congo.
EV. H. CARSON GRAHAM, of the the membership stood at 1,541. But
R Baptist Missionary Society, had the missions are not to be estimated by
unique distinction of labouring in numbers, though the numbers recorded
the Congo from 1886 to 1924. He has in this case are gratifying. This is a
told the story in a greatly informing book vaster work than can be expressed in
entitled ‘‘ Under Seven Congo Kings,’’ figures, and missionaries do things daily
which the Carey Press, Furnival Street, that reach beyond the range of mortal
has published at six shillings. It is a minds. And here in this book is a great
beautifully illustrated volume, and is a_ story of how a fetish-enslaved, degraded
finely written record of a splendid work. and demoralised people are being raised
With modesty the author tells little of to a level undreamt of fifty years ago,
his own work during those many years, save by those who knew that wherever
but the condition of San Salvador and the the Gospel was preached wonderful signs
surrounding places to-day is due in no always follow. This is another fine story
small measure to the Christ-like heroic of what Baptists have done for the people
life lived among the people by Mr. Carson of the Congo. Ag Bajie@s
There is an unpleasant story at the : ie * =
beginning of the book which we fear Ir cannot be questioned that one of
could be reduplicated in other parts of the greatest revolutions talking place in
Africa. The last independent King. Ob thastord to-day concerns the position of
Congo was Dom Pedro Vth. It was women in all lands. Readers interested
during his reign that the country came jp ¢his vital question—and what intelli-
under the suzerainty of Portugal, the old gent person is not?—should get Miss
King fixing his mark and seal to a docu- Ojive Wyon’s “The Dawn Wind’?
ment granting this power to Portugal (S.C.M, Press: 2s. 6d.). The sub-title
under the impression that he was thank- ets the bounds of the book: ‘‘ A Picture
ing a brother monarch for some presents of Changing Conditions among Women
sent him. It might have been good for jin Africa and the East.’’ Seeing that
the people to be subject to a white Power, there are far more women in Africa and
but it is painful to reflect that this came the East than in Europe and the West,
to pass by means of a trick. This hap- the pounds are pretty widely spread.
pened in 1884. Concerning Africa, Miss Wyon says that
Missionaries in Africa build slowly, yet though there is no ‘‘ Women’s Move-
surely. A little company of Baptist mis- ment,’’? as we understand the words in
sionaries began work at San Salvador in Europe, nevertheless ‘‘ the women are
1879. Twenty-seven years later they re- moving.’’ Many obstacles impede their
ported a membership of 573. Last year upward path, but ‘‘ Christian education,
Some Recent Missionary Books
t ‘with a very special reference to the burn- delighted laughter. As Miss Wyon says,
ang question of child welfare and mater- ‘‘ Doubtless the judge wished Chinese
nity work, holds the key to the future.’’ women had been left in their former con-
| In India the women have thrown them- dition.’? Miss Wyon has written a very
P| ‘selves into the Nationalist movement able and informing book.
| with an enthusiasm that is often a great * * % *
‘source of embarrassment to the authori- ease ar = 5
ties. ‘* They will sacrifice themselves,’’ In The Black Trek ’’ (Edinburgh
the leaders often complain. ‘‘ An Indian House Press: Zs.) Rev. W. J. Noble
mother, a strong Nationalist, said to an Writes of the changes which are taking
English visitor, ‘ Most of my life has Place in Africa from first-hand know-
‘been spent quietly, and given to religion ledge. The advent of the white man in
and contemplation. But to-day the call Africa has had consequences of immense
of the country has come, so we must !â„¢portance, not merely to the black man
-give up all those things for the present, but to the whole world. The Africa of
and take our place in the tumult and the Yesterday is in many parts of that vast
conflict.’ This has meant, as Mr, Country not greatly different from the
Edward Thompson puts it, ‘‘ the un- Africa of to-day, but in other parts a
changing East has become Vesuvius!’ "pid transformation is taking place.
\ Here, again, the missionaries have been The change may be described by Mr.
‘ the pioneers in the freedom of woman- Noble’s sub-title, ‘“ From Village to
hood from the fetters which have enslaved Mine in Africa.†Soon this advance of
them for centuries. China, Korea, Japan ‘‘ civilization ’’ will sweep over the whole
and the Islamic countries are brought Country, and the question is, seeing the
under review by Miss Wyon. In Soviet white races will not leave Africa and the
| Central Asia the fight for the freedom of black races cannot, how can these two
‘women is ‘‘ cruel and bloody,’’ says the ‘aces learn to live together so that a
authoress. ‘‘ Dawn is breaking’ over great new civilization will arise which
| Central Asia, but it is a dawn heralded Will endure? This is a problem of vital
by thunder and lightning.†interest to all who concern aes
In an interesting Epilogue Miss Wyon we oe ec ier Aiea
| tells a good story. In an American city Mea :
\ a ; ‘ ; Africa have no unimportant part to play
Byer OF Wyo 380 Aneeounent judge was’ ih colving this problem. Mr. Noble’s
| ape ance ou eaine ce poke with book is ao aluable contribution to a great
bitterness against missions in China, and ae eesecee : 8
Nei > ; ; » and pressing subject.
| said, ‘‘ I challenge anyone in this audi- ae = a wi
ence to tell me one solitary good thing
they have ever accomplished !’’ A Chinese Under the title ‘‘ Hudson Taylor’s
lady stood up, and breaking through her Legacy,’’ the China Inland Mission has
shyness said, indignantly, ‘‘ Jama living issued at half-a-crown a most helpful book
example of the good they have done! of brief devotional articles gathered from
ee They have given me, at the very least, the writings of that great servant of
liberty! They have given us Chinese God. We have one hundred and twenty
| women a chance to rise into a free air we readings of real homiletic and practical
did not know before !’? She proceeded to value. This is a very choice book. It
chastise the judge with such effect and will enrich the mind and heart of every
humour that the audience rocked with one who reads it.
A Buddhist
t . : Miss
Service in Wenchow. ETHEL SIMPSON.
NE evening we went to see a Then we heard a bell. Our guide said
GC temple, just outside the city on a_ it was the call to “kung-fu†work. But
hill. we found that it was the call to worship.
Most of the temples, monasteries and ‘The priests appointed to worship had put
nunneries are situated on hills near a _ on their yellow robes and were hurrying
spring or waterfall. The Buddhists seem to the main temple at the bottom, We
to have an eye for beauty; or is it saw them prostrate themselves before the
that they consider that some spirit in- idol. Then one banged a gong and led
habits these spots? the singing. They commenced to chant,
We climbed up many steps to the gate, standing with eyes closed and hands
while two or three priests watched our clasped as in prayer. They chanted
ascent. We asked if we might look weirdly and slowly at first, gradually
through, and they seemed very pleased working up the speed of the chant, till
for us to do so, One of them became it seemed a meaningless gabble.
our guide. The first place was evidently There with the pungent incense arising,
the main worship hall, with a great gilt and the dim light of a lamp above the
Buddha in a glass case in the centre. altar, they continued in worship with
From there we ascended by steps to a_ perfectly expressionless faces, and no on-
room above. Outside was a long veran- lookers save one Chinaman and_ our-
dah overlooking the hill-side, anda moun- _ selves.
tain stream running along amongst the We were told that this would last for
rocks. three hours, and was customary both
We ascended to another building morning and evening.
further back, where there was another So we left them to their worship. As.
temple, the goddess being the Goddess of we went away I thought of the strength
Mercy. There was another room higher of idolatry and superstition in China.
than that, in which was the goddess who They had launched fifty new priests out
governs one of the hells. at once into this district. We are proud
Still further back and higher up the if in one year we can launch out four new
hill, was another place which had been preachers and two Bible-women for a
a school at one time. Here was another larger district.
goddess. Truly, “the harvest is great and the
The view from the open room here was___ labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the
beautiful. Pine trees on the hill framed Lord of the harvest, that He may send
a picture of the walled town on the plain. forth labourers into His harvest.’â€
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The -un’s House amougst the [Photo : Miss Ethel Simpson.
Rocks at Zie Isoa.
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Mrs. J. B. BROOKS, B. Litt.
Under the Star-Spangled It is rather curious that in the higher-
Banner. priced cafés, the waiters are all coloured,
Mrs. A. TRUSCOTT WOOD. whilst in the less expensive, white girls
‘The W.M.A. represented at the Ecumenical do the waiting, with (in some instances)
Conference, Atlanta, U.S.A. a negro to carry away the heavy trays
F writing articles on America and of crockery.
S what the Ecumenical Conference American girls are tall and graceful,
delegates saw there, there is very slender and well-dressed, with a
\ apparently no end, but it seems only fit- general air of efficiency and ability to deal
4) ting that the W.M.A. should have one with any emergency that may turn-up
article all to itself, as it was directly re- which is most. attractive. They rely
presented there by its Council Secretary. upon artistic make-up much more
We will speak of the food, for almost in- than English girls, but think what
variably the first question put to me con- havoc hot bread and overheated,
cerning my trip 1s, ‘‘ Did you like the stuffy houses must work with their com-
| food and was it very different from ours plexions! To see the girl-drivers of the
in England?†in the first place, tea as courtesy cars set at the disposal of the
| a meal totally disappears. The American delegates handling four-seaters in streets
i breakfasts at 7.30 or 8 a.m., he lunches crowded with traffic was an education ;
| at noon, and has supper or dinner at 6.30 they could coax a car out of a parking
or later. The long gap may be broken enclosure with the greatest dexterity.
| by an ice, or a milk shake, or a fruit American women are very patriotic.
sundae, but not by bread and butter and The ‘‘ Daughters of the Revolution,’’ a
| jam and slices of cake. Bread and butter Society for Americans who can date their
is unknown in the States, and you are ancestry back to the Revolution, is very
| supplied with every variety of roll, usually active in providing for national needs.
| hot, or little home-made biscuits, also “ The King’s Daughters ’’ is an associa-
hot. Cake is served at breakfast time, tion of women church workers. In some
and the great breakfast delicacy is pan- towns, they work in any way which seems
cakes or waffles. These are very similar good to them, bank all the money they
and are eaten with quantities of butter raise, making grants from time to time
a or golden syrup. to any Church Fund which seems to need i
The Atlanta Ladies Club invited all the their help. I should think the trustees of
| women delegates to a luncheon party in these Churches must be simply eaten up
their beautiful Club House. Fried with curiosity as to the size of the King’s
chicken with all sorts of hot vegetables Daughters’ Bank Balance, but I don’t
| and a plateful of salad was the central Suppose they would venture to enquire,
dish, and I never saw a chicken served and I do not think they would be told if
in any other way, except cut up in joints they did venture! Women seem to have
| and fried. The level of public catering a monopoly of the organ seats in the
is very high indeed, and I am inclined U.S.A. I only saw one man organist
to think that the dishes offered in the less during my stay. Women predominate
| expensive cafeterias are more varied and also in the schools. The Head of a new
better cooked than we should get in a school, with about 200 children, some of
restaurant of the same class in England. whom were big boys in their teens, told
Women’s Missionary Auxiliary ;
me he had only two or three men on his to look both ways before they did so, A
staff. I told him that in England it was America simply states, * Jay-walkers flirt
considered that women teachers were un- with death ’’ and leave it at that. Fancy
satisfactory for boys over ten, and he a street-car company troubling to adver-
replied that he had no fault whatever to tise, yet the Washington cars invited you
find with his women teachers. Oddly to ‘‘ Relax and take a ride on the cars.â€â€™
enough one of the few men on his staff The very sight of the advertisement made
taught the singing, a subject one would you feel too tired to wall ! I saw one
suppose particularly suitable for a woman window placarded with the legend:
teacher. ‘« This is not a Sale, ladies, we are giving
One of the things I greatly admired in the goods away!†Atlanta was full of
America was its custom of burying a advertisements for its Community Chest,
great man’s wife by the great man’s side. the fund being raised for their unem-
On the pastoral quiet of Mount Vernon, ployed. One of its most effective posters
George Washington and his wife, represented a little child on tip-toe trying
Martha, lie side by side, the tombs shut to grasp a bottle of milk. Underneath
off from other graves by a protecting wall was the plaintive request, ‘‘ Help her
and grilles. In the Grant tombs on the reach Lie
Riverside Drive at New York, General The great interest for women, con-
Grant’s wife lies buried at his side, the cerned with missionary work, lay in the
only difference between the two tombs clash between white and coloured people
being a wreath of laurel upon that of the in the States. Atlanta was the scene of
General. It is as though America recog- a.devastating battle during the Civil War.
mises that men are made or marred by the General Sherman passed through Georgia
women they love, and that whilst a man on his way to the sea. He is reported
may attain to eminence, in spite of the to have said “ War was Hell,†and he
handicaps an unsuitable wife imposes should make it his business to see that
upon him, he is far more likely to be- Way was the worst Hell conceivable!
come great by means of her inspiration The mother of one of the girl drivers who
and help. showed me the countryside was the
W.M.A. members would have enjoyed daughter of a cotton-planter, and had
seeing the big stores of Chicago, Wash- been brought up with slaves to do her
ington, New York and Atlanta, for bidding at any time. After the war,
Atlanta as the capital city of the State through the victory of the North, the
of Georgia had some first-class stores. It slave-owners were ruined or had to make
is difficult to remember the grinding a complete change in their mode of life.
poverty of so many American citizens, ‘‘ Oh, how I loved my nigger Mammy,â€â€™
when one sees the costly beautiful wares she said to me, ‘‘ and how she loved her
set out for sale. At the same time, I white chile.’’ Side by side with the
happened to notice that the valuable hideous wrongs of bondage and slavery
costly goods were not being sold; it was there existed a tender and deep affection
at the bargain counters, and in the de- between owners and_ slaves. Some
partments where real necessities could be descendants of slave owners declare they
bought that the customers seemed to never heard of slaves being ill-treated
gather. I had to admit to myself that until they read ‘‘ Uncle Tom’s Cabin.â€
Americans understand the art of display- I think they would all be ready to agree
ing’ goods better than we do. They are that slavery was wrong, and that the
careful not to overcrowd their windows emancipation of the slaves was right, but
and showcases, and seem to aim at show- you could not induce most of them to look
ing off their goods in the most suitable upon the negro in any other light than
setting. : as a servant. The servant’s place,
England has learned much from the ‘‘ down there,’’ is the negro’s proper
States in the matter of advertising, but level and they cannot endure the
we are still children in the art as com- thought that he should rise above it.
pared with them. Where we should The two races are strictly separated.
politely request people crossing the street There are white churches and_ black
{j - f
HL es Women’s Missionary Auxiliary
| Tie churches, schools for white children and as I write. The last day I spent on
schools for black ones; an appointed American soil was my birthday, and I
place for the black citizens in street cars am sure no woman ever had a more de-
| and public buildings. In Washington lightful birthday gift than I had, in the
t city, which is north of the Potomac, black trip which was the gift of the Foreign
| and white sit side by side in the street Missions Committee to your Secretary!
cars, but across the river you are in the es
eld southern State of Virginia, and no ae
g re -rson may sit next to a white. sats BB 3 ss
coud Cao. Deca: . i “The Everyland Story Book,†which
Meantime the negroes are becoming more... Shannen 2 : :
Fidvted > ANAM Ore Nishi develomedeceee edited by Oliver Brown (Carey Press ;
| a aS Shion pees d = eee Africa which boys and girls will delight
a. pe Pee Se a J are ith th » to read. This is the kind of book which
SS ee s Se eat eaCi P eee ae “ldlike stimulates interest among young’ people
slightest show of kinc a oe . ul ne in the missionary cause.
that you feel they cannot be far from the “The Parliament Man†is a charming
kingdom of Heaven. If it were not $0, story of how a wealthy M.P. was led to
one trembles to think what might happen, jnterest himself in the children of other
but underneath it all, is an ever-growing jands by two boys who lived in a London
BA tide of bitterness and resentment which court. It is published by the Carey Press
Pi cannot cause any wonder. Indeed, we at half a crown.
| should wonder if these feelings were “Grace Give-Way†is one of those
| absent. One hopes that the Cross of moving little stories of which several
Christ will draw the two races together; have been published in this series. It is
if it should fail there is nothing else which written by Miss Ethel Nokes. (Carey
can succeed. Press; 9d.) Written for children, it is:
| All sorts of experiences crowd upon me not without its appeal for adults.
i se
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The Grand Falls. Meru, R. Africa. [Photo: Rev. A.G. V. cuzens.
| 20
[5] I}
[5] “There is nothing which is quite so much needed throughout [5].
[5] the world-wide mission of the Christian religion as a fresh [6].
[5] summons to the impossible.’’—Dr. JoHN R. Morr. [5] j
Wesl Missi WwW
esieyan VLISSIONS 4 Talk with the Rev. W. A. Grist.
e e %
in China. The EDITOR.
N calling at the Wesleyan Mission rest-rooms, there is a very beautiful
House in Bishopsgate one after- chapel in the building, where services
noon recently I was fortunate in and meetings for prayer are held every
finding Rev. W. A. Grist in his office. week,
Bishopsgate is only a few minutes’ walk While I was talking with Mr. Grist
from the Mansion House, the Bank of the Rev. G. E. Hickman Johnson came-
England, the Royal Exchange, and the into the room, looking very bronzed from
head offices of the principal Banks and _ his recent visit to Hyderabad. Mr. -Hick-
Insurance companies in the land. It is man Johnson was formerly a missionary
the most important financial centre in the in India; he is now secretary for Home-
world. It is here that the Wesleyan Organisation at the Mission House. He-
Methodist Church directs its missionary has had a wonderful experience and is.
operations. thrilled by what he has seen of the re-
As one would expect, the Mission markable progress of the work in South--
House is a busy place. There are four ern India. It is a great story, and I
ministerial secretaries—after Union there hope to tell our readers something of it
will be five, I believe; a doctor has _ shortly.
charge of the medical work; women But I was anxious to learn something
secretaries direct the Women’s Auxiliary; about Wesleyan missions in China, so I
the Editor has also rooms here. All asked Mr. Grist where their missions
these are assisted by a competent staff. were situated and how many missionaries.
In addition to offices and committee and they had. -
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Yl teat Lee ors ee ey ,
LE ao spomr tel baie Hier Ca Pease aa | ya
ye ag fC Semen aes ie gues ee ee gee ea :
Mi... << See pad eee a} fo as | Sie cece fee) dala Ral je
eo SE A ea eee ee aS | elit oe r Pa mae sons ay i ek ee ae etal
ae 2 ee ee mee
ee ee ee
re See SS eS ocean
cee eatireeaia: prea AS at a en i ON renagy eran are |
The railway embankment was still above water, and 1
to this one dry spot thousands fled for Safety during the floods. (Photo: From the W.M.MS,.
Frpruary, 1932,
itl Ge
Pe Wesleyan Missions in China
i 1
tit i We have three districts in China,’’ several others. In the three districts
said Mr. Grist; ‘‘ South China, Wu- there are ninety-five Sunday Schools with
} chang, and Hunan. . We do not touch four thousand scholars.
North China nor the South-West of the With regard to the medical work,
| Malet country. We have over nine thousand there are two hospitals in South China,
\ full members and members on trial, one of which is under a Chinese doctor.
| seventy-eight missionaries, and twenty- Wuchang has six general hospitals, one
two non-British ministers. Then, of women’s hospital and a Union hospital.
| course, we have our colleges and _ In these there are five European and five
| schools.â€â€™ Mr. Grist showed me quite a Chinese doctors. In Hunan there are
| long list of them, including Haigh Col- three hospitals, though one of them is
| lege and Canton Theological College in temporarily closed, with two European
South China; Wesley College, Normal doctors assisted by Chinese doctors.
School, Women’s Schools at Anlu and I asked Mr. Grist whether their
Hanyang, David Hill Girls’ School and schools were registered, and he told me
tea pS earn tae ee ees that: most 5-Of.-them : were.
. ee eee a | “One pleasing feat f
. SE ieee cee, Dee eee ee
a Eee eee Se ee our educational work,†he
‘ Lapa Se Clea ete rene ce ae Napa TE ote en 4 + iOri
be b a Bee ee said, “is that the majority
| eee a ee a ee »— | of the scholars elect to
LA pe Mi aa ca aes | attend worship and Bible
} C Bis MC NSR RR DESI cate ane a rie eae iy toe rare nega UR : .
; Sine ee |=) teaching of their own free
f eet Pes ee eae ea will.â€
| | : Hs at iSERN SCL oth Nc ae : .
: pe ea ee a8 Mr. Grist spoke very
| J : 5 Estee Ss Mrini yore co t5" herman eats
an oe ee fs agora at eee hopefully of evangelistic
Biles 2 Sei a Rao) oS aes »| work in China. “ I believe
J ice aes. ahd ger ok GA Che 0 Ms ae gS aE : : *
| ee ae Biss ee er reais eee | that the Chinese Church is
| ; ‘ Ree eee is ) y z
Bi ‘ Seer ee amet i ete §=more alive than it has ever.
; Lae ig: ‘ Raa te Be ge : :
| Se sea me Peete! § been to the obligation of
| : hese A aaa peed Sees Bey evangelizing its own
| | oe aS 5 = 2) people. It is taking an ac-
| 5 ae Cregeen ye | tive part in the Five Years’
| RP pect SS caste My | Came Oe ae Campaign. In Hong-Kong
i tp noma pee eee ee es Gea: =| one of our members organ-
i Pec Dee) ea : bag ae bs <2 bs te RG
See ee ae ‘| ized an evangelistic cam-
| y RS poe a ed ae Ves . :
ee ee =paign last year in the
! Se re een a Ree Ne ag Ie aia aa
ig te ee ee og @ © 4 Pleasure Gardens, and as
a ay | +=many as seven to ten thou-
4 mm 4 ~ @2| sand people gathered to
pi: Fee a | hear the Gospel. In South
| gi ret a ak | China evangelistic meetings
j Repke ates et Se ab a 8 ae pee oy i | have never been so success-
BD itr oN a pe a ae Get ie ful. It seems as if the
ie aew} tte, oe Scat, ge 7 fy, sha | ° ' .
i i ro Nigeeemaieers ro aee ee 2 people are turning ‘to Chris-
‘} { : ie Wee Bre aaeer™ a) pe pai maate sasha sae)
; BENee a a t fe tianity as their one hope.
; oo ie, ae ee one 2 ae tls Unfortunately, Wesleyan
| SEN aT od Ree Ew i
| aa ie SO I as, work, like our own, has
- ce ee | gr eee, ~=2been menaced in some
I # ae =) : pfs aS > <
| a rf aa ae , nlf BFS og. Wega places by brigandage. Wu-
| : PY Bic F as Fd A iN han has been in the centre
| Tete eM ee ee =f the communistic storm,
fs seems a Sa gay Nal a pa tidy’ phe Bet esa) and there has been much
| ee EER ES UPI Se ee Oe % suffering in Anlu, Teian
H PRR SRI ae gc ETE Gye 0p ETE, vas eee na @ | and the surrounding vil-
| SAGE RE A is 9 AN ara Oe eer eees (eee laces. A native teacher
i 4 Beth gies fe, OLN on 2) vp arene ; »*) and some Christians are in
A mountain valley in Hunan. [Photo: From the W.M.M.S. the hands of the brigands at
| 22
Wesleyan Missions in China
the present time. Some have been put this has not been lost on the Chinese.
to death, It was gratifying to us that the Chinese
Knowing that their work has suffered authorities turned instinctively co the
much by the terrible floods of last ™éssionaries for assistance. Shanghai
autumn, I asked Mr. Grist to what ex- ae ce cutee sia aa ang
tent this calamity had affected them. ORE Obs OU, .COCIOTS tes unGally was
ee : eens 1 sues », asked to take charge as medical officer.
It is a long story and a tragic one, = : SET 1 STR STaHT
s I me Data oes Our Blind School and our Theologica
said Mr. Grist, ‘‘ though it is lit up by ¢ ; : :
per aye, -7 School were both turned into improvised
wonderful gleams of heroism and faith 3 5 : :
es , j hospitals. We cared for thousands of
and love. Our missionaries rose to the : 5 ;
Rena Z : refugees, many of them suffering from
occasion in a splendid way, as, of course, i
abit cholera and dysentery. If the whole
we knew they would. Our work in the fete
: : story could be told, I am inclined to
area, a very extensive one, you must See: e
2 : ; : think it would rank as one of the yvreat-
remember, has for the time being been efecto Sa : 8
S ; : -, est stories in Christian history.
quite disorganised, and we are only just ’
2 @ . ayes “6p 2 a c is =
beginning to resume the ordinary activi- : Probably as never before have the
ties of the mission. It will be a long time Chinese themselves helped in the work
before the ravages of the flood have been Of relief, financially and “ln other ways.
made good. We have raised at home for famine relief
“The damage done to the Hankow # 1,030. It has been a time of great
Hospital is estimated at £10,000. That @nxiety, and the trouble is not yet over.
will give you some idea of the havoc But we have faith to believe that the
5 / aw . . . 5 2 7
wrought in that one place alone. And Church in China will grow stronget and
the sufferings of the poor refugees are ee ce : on a visitation as terrible
really past telling. Our missionaries, @S tM!s Nas been.
doctors, nurses, all of them, worked day When Methodist Union comes next
and night, finding little time either to September, the work of. co-ordinating
eat or to sleep during the worst period our operations in China will have to be
: iB cs . . . . .
of the flood. It was a case for living the taken seriously in hand. With two such.
Gospel rather than teaching it, and able administrators as Mr. Grist and Mr.
[Reese saeseni-ceteee 7? rN
SNELL it at |
ee SR } oy ee | t, . .
rm ey | 4 peer e : ya ea ae: pox =. ee
[foe a ee eee se oS ee Se
oe SR: M ? Mt ay) Be Sn
Boor A Ae a i) | a
i ma i | ae er a 2 ea "
| sd sire potas 4 ® Be cee = aca , ; ‘
: S J RRR Ie inate feces }
7 £ aah tee a nS ees ae |
" : RS —— ena ee
Sinai iat des meee ee eee: =
Dr, H. O. Chapman, of Hankow, going home. During the flood
Dr. Chapman and his family lived on the roof and in the attic. The
ground floor and the upper floor were ‘submerged. (Photo: From the W.M.M.S.
i Proposed Memorial to Dr. Krapf
PARE Stedeford, in co-operation with the staffs United Methodists are in his work at
on the mission field, there should be no the Wesleyan Mission House. All the
serious difficulty about this. Our re- same, I think he was glad to have this
spective spheres will complement each assurance from one of his old colleagues,
Pn other in a striking way. and to know that we all rejoiced in the
AAD | It was not necessary for me to assure important position he held in this great
Mr. Grist how deeply interested all Society.
Proposed Memorial to Dr. Krapf. |
RIENDS acquainted with the early know the times are difficult, but your
- history of our mission in Kenya Mission connects its beginning with Dr.
know it owes its origin to the in- Krapf as ours does, and we are anxious,
spiration received by the United Method- not to seek big gifts, but to enlist a
| ist Free Church from Dr. Krapf, and number of small ones; already there is,
that our first two missionaries, Mr. interest stirred up in Uganda and Tan-
Wakefield and Mr. Woolner, were con- ganyika as well as Kenya, and anything
ducted to their stations by Dr. Krapf. you yourself can stimulate in the way of
| It is now proposed to raise a memorial interest we shall greatly appreciate.’’
\ to Dr. Krapf in the form of a_ white I hope our friends will give this
Hh cross, thirty feet in height, to be erected matter their sympathetic consideration:
ona point from which it will be clearly and take some share in this project,.
seen from every steamer entering or especially those whose memories link
leaving the Mombasa harbour. The them with those early days.
cost, will be £150. I shall be glad to forward to the
As our Mission was so closely asso- Bishop of Mombasa any contributions .
ciated with the pioneer es a ae received for this worthy object.
a Krapf, it is hoped our people will share x
| in aanine this risa 5 his memory. C. STEDEFORD, P.M. Secretary,
In a letter submitting the matter to 13 Silverbirch Road,
me the Bishop of Mombasa says: ‘‘ We Erdington, Birmingham.
: }
| pee hc ve tgs sey ged Sap o :
ie. ermurey niger * ea sae
: ali. AF Hee PE a aon aE ra Reena Pelee cs Reet IT ae:
ie aa ae eR a pee ||
| The flooded compound of the Union Hospital Hankew. The ground
| floors are completely under water, and the first floors partly submerged.
The hospital belongs jointly to the W.M.M.S. and the L.M.S. (Photo: From the W.M.M.S
From the A Happy Missionary. The
ssa ces Birth of a Church.
Mission House. Rev, C. STEDEFORD.
A Merry One of the most cheering and he is far the better teacher for it.
Heart. things which came to me in Here, unless one has dark glasses on,
Christmas week was a letter from our one cannot help finding laughable inci-
junior missionary in Kenya, Rev. S. C. dents and situations all day and every
Challener. It was overflowing with that day. Perhaps it is because some of us
buoyant merriment which converts gloom are a bit childish. Well then, God bless
into gaiety. Mr. Challener had com- the serious grown-up folk and give us a
pleted his first year at the coast stations, chance, now and then, to tickle them into
and had acquired the language suffi- laughter.’’
ciently to feel the thrill of missionary Truly, as the wise man_ said, ‘‘A
toil. He exults in everything. He has merry heart does good like a medicine.’’
praise even for the climate; he com- It does good to the happy possessor, and
miserates with us ‘‘ good folks in Eng- to all who come into contact with him.
jand probably shivering with cold and If anyone would see the brightest and
damp and fogs.’’ He says: ‘‘ It is cer- most hopeful feature of our missionary
tainly beginning to be a bit warm and work to-day, he has only to scan the
sticky, but for six months we have had list of keen, gifted and energetic young
glorious weather—delightfully cool—a men and women who have in_ recent
fair amount of rain, and altogether very years entered the service of our Church
enjoyable. To my way of thinking it is abroad.
an ideal climate. If every year were as : : .
1931 has turned out to he none could SE OETDEe Or Many of our friends will
s : 3 . 5, @nHonoured be glad to share with me
say a word against the coast climate. Veteran. the aii a Mec Chall
I had sympathised with him in the : es eee anne soe
prospect of being alone on the station %'Y°° of Rev. J. B. Griffiths; of whom
Hie Mc†Gosehiacleaves for farlqusk have heard so little since his retire-
this spring. He replies: ‘1 will not say ment from the Superintendency of our
that I am desperately keen on spending Sites in’ Kenya‘
a year here alone, but I realise the situa- One, ery. weels Py 10 eet an
tion and am looking forward to my ee LY. OF See OveL te tie
lonely cruise with some _ expectation. Guiithss placa There WEES eae pot
When I say ‘lonely? I do not mear: and drink tea on the verandah until, re-
10 per cent. of what that word conveys. ee re ue) salina ON a aay
I could be far more lonely amongst a oe Spots that is the pas re nthe
‘crowd of Wayungu (Europeans) than yucells, Pe or paid a visit any
with the Africans, and there is endless Se ee Oy act ehOBn By
amusement (otherwise spelt work), teach- a Noe Over 40 oon Bas
ing them in school and church and ee page fhe 1 oe
serving them in a multitude of ways.†J@V© beens more, than Gels ted tec
him waxing stronger and stronger. At
i the beginning of the year he was not at
Cohen pec relates the all well—now he seems _ absolutely
: ng about one of his OY.»
staff with whose disposition he must When he retired, the health of Mr.
have very close affinity : Griffiths gave us much concern; it is a
““One of our teachers is named joy to know that rest has so wonderfully
William Kombo. The other day when restored him.
I was at Pewba, where we have a school,
the people asked me whether Kombo ‘The Birth of Until late at night on
could go back there. ‘Why do you @ Church. November 12th, Rev. R.
want him?’ I asked, ‘ you have a man H. Goldsworthy wrote to
in his place.’ ‘Well, William always me, because he had to find some vent
smiles,’ was the answer. Yes, I know, for the joy which filled his soul. He
‘William sees amusement in everything, had that day witnessed the birth of the
Pol From the Mission House
i Church of Christ in the city of Weining. the past year or so a number of folk had
The joy of joys ina missionary’s life. I been preparing for baptism, and at the
| cannot do better than give the account close of this afternoon’s study session
i in his own words: I baptised the first eight members of the
Pay “ You will know that for nearly twenty Weining U.M. Church, and then had the
Pot years we have been endeavouring to moving experience of administering to
| establish the Church in Weining—a them their first sacrament of the Lord’s
notoriously lawless city which resolutely Supper. I was thinking of you during
belies its name: City of Majestic Peace! the service, and thinking how much you
| —and for many years a most anti- would have liked to have shared in it.
foreign and anti-Christian city. For the Of the eight baptized, three were men
| past two or three years we have had a_ and five were women. One of the men is
Nosu pastor resident here, Rev. An Chi a Chinese graduate of the old school and
Uin, and since my return to China this about 70 years of age, while one of the
term I have visited it three or four times. women is a Taoist priestess (or rather
This year I arranged a stay of five days was), who for long months has been
for the purpose of a special series of enduring much persecution for her new
Bible study lessons, the last of which faith. It is not easy in a place’ like
\ was held this afternoon. There was a Weining to come out boldly for Christ,
i regular attendance of 25, which, for a but these converts never miss a service,
bi place like Weining, is quite good. To and they have quickened my own faith
my great joy I discovered that during by their zeal. Please pray for Weining
| andoRevs, Ane@hi sWine? <4... 0f And
Ta a so my heart is full to-night, and I feel
| Te ED e e e ik alae strangely moved. At last God is honour-
eS eae See ae ae ing and blessing the labours of His ser-
| D:D kee a So vants in this city, and An Chi Uin is
ee nS ee proving himself a faithful minister of the
a eee Cross. ‘Cast thy bread upon the
| Meee ge es ay waters, and thou shalt find it after many
ae ee Strenuous [he experience described
| 7 ea ee Days. above is. the compensation
Joes ne ou ee: Mr. Goldsworthy finds to cheer him amid’
eee go ae arduous and dangerous itinerations over
met Po ee a the mountainous regions of West China.
eeeceaes eset a ee SN He was then on a tour which covered
get a eight weeks, and extended through the
ao ee ee country occupied by the Nosu and Miao
aR oe ee eee oe tribespeople. Travel in such a region
i ae 0 GES stot nenaaeae. means constant strain and discomfort,
H ae ie especially when brigands abound. Our
| : a little Christian communities among
| ; eer Oe |, OS ge . =
ek ee those hills have suffered terribly fronr
Be ‘the bandits. The visit of the missionary
| oe ce means a very great deal to them.
: = Sg a Some of the main roads had been almost
| i j a. ae ‘abandoned on account of the brigands.
; gai A Mr. Goldsworthy says he went by the:
a “a main road to Weining, and then adds:
| Fj , ~aiall ‘© T say ‘ main’ road with some reserva-
} Reis ht ; Bee Css: tion, as no-one hardly dare travel on it
aE ; in recent years for brigandage. In many
**O1’ Man River.’’ places it is all overgrown with weeds
| ea) SS ee Ghar and overhung with unpruned trees and
| . [Photo: Rev. R, Heber Goldsworthy. bushes, so that it is more like cutting
: 26
Advance in East Africa
one’s way through a jungle. However, Awake, 0 Again we would sound a
we got safely through, though at one Zion! clarion call to all our
point in imminent danger on account of people to arouse their zeal in making
practically daily robbery. Ours was evi- this last year of our separate denomina-
dently a ‘lucky day,’ or at any rate a tional life memorable for its missionary
‘Day of Grace.’ †liberality. Only two months of the finan-
Mr. Goldsworthy was accompanied by cial year remain, and during that period
the Nosu pastor, Mr. Nieh, B-A., whose there should be the utmost activity
son, Dr. Nieh, is carrying on medical throughout our churches in raising mis-
work in Weining. The doctor uses tem- sionary money, in order to fulfil our
porary premises pending the erection of twofold aim, to meet the current ex-
a small hospital, the erection of which penses for the year, and to extinguish
has been delayed in securing satisfac- the deficit of 45,000 with which the year
tory title to the land. began. We beg every United Methodist
Mr. Goldsworthy, after Mr. Hudspeth to take a worthy part in this noble en-
leaves for furlough, will have charge of deavour, and so crown our United
all the Chinese, Nosu and Miao work Methodist history with a great triumph
in the Chaotong area. It is an impos- in the name, and for the sake, of Christ
sible task for one man. He will have our Lord.
the cheering company of Mr. Sandbach,
whose first year must be chiefly occu- Departure On January 4th Miss
pied in acquiring the language. of Miss K. Barnes left London for
Mr. Goldsworthy properly craves Barnes. Meru. She spent a few
prayer for Weining and the Nosu pas- days with friends in Switzerland, em-
tor. I would earnestly solicit special barked at Genoa on the s.s. ‘‘ Watussi,’â€
prayer for Mr. Goldsworthy himself dur- and is due to arrive at Mombasa on
ing the arduous months ahead. February 5th.
se - te
Advance in Hindrances Which Help
East Africa. he Gospel:
| will be recalled that St. Paul allayed compelled to take a definite stand. “To
the fears of his beloved Philippians what extent the crisis was prematurely
by telling them that the things fomented, and by whom ; how far it was
which had happened to him, his bonds due to a dawning political consciousness :
and imprisonment, had
“fallen out rather unto Te j ear aa aaa ————y
the furtherance of the ey lee nes
gospel.†Something of ‘ @ Dee oe
the kind has taken place ; cae ae % ae
in our mission in East ; be A, Pa MP
Africa. oe ee Ss =. \ $
Barbarous Practices. poe on ee a ay
It is well known that ys ee AE}; oes ‘ i" As
Se ae acces et oo ' eo...
he nature of which it is ey See. ty a es
impossible here to de- | ah “a ey ‘2 I, 2 vee } fan.
scribe, have long caused |7 9) (9, ae i Oe
Tce, oo tee
time ago the matter [o_ Wk Se a
reached a stage of crisis ;
and ‘the Church was Gramophone. wltiMretaad Master. Burt: ee
f coe seseie eta ;
| Advance in East Africa
ee bers. This latter is
: most gratifying, con-
i * sidering the nature of
Ponty the controversy. It is also
} care ae : pleasing to relate that
Bs : g os ee i cd - the contributions of the
} < ; Ses. ae eee E people towards the
f Se i : work of the mission
ne i F ie eo i A ae nu fe| have increased by one-
re Wage 10 GE Big ‘ : third. ‘
se x ah eeaees od eas a : Even the closing of ©
ie 3 ae as Ape A ee a = several schools through
3 Ee me a. Ri eo TS one the defection of the
ee ae Pci ela teachers has not been
a ee 3 ee without good result:
3 7 en eae ee ei ae : our missionaries have
Paar eee SE ier EG hare En Pun ee been able to improve the
Bulle be Mission Apprentices in Four Months, Lepore. Mr, J: Bure: standard of those re-
\ maining. Under the
Pay ‘these are matters to be decided by his- capable direction of Mr. W. H. Laugh-
1 tory,†writes Rev. R. T, Worthington. ton, M.Sc., our schools are entering upon
| | He adds: “It was with dismay that we a new lease of life. Two of the teachers
wealized in the first shock that eighty per have been sent to a special training school
cent of our members were ranged on ay Kabete, near Nairobi, where they will
| the side that the Church could not j;emain for two years. At the end of this
dake; 225 ; f time they will be qualified to supervise
| ee ene ee ee aheS groups of out-schools, a very necessary
| . f adherents. u ; ; :
fiend ae aay cibnation ae faith and OOS gp LOsre is nO pee
| 2 liable to get slack if left on his own,â€
courage, as we should expect. With no eta G acaaese
j 2 . ere : says Mr, Laughton, “than the African
ill-feeling towards those who left the mis- cea Herat lificati If
\ ‘sion, rather indeed with sympathy for Ue IO aoe eae aoe meee ae
those poor people who had to choose be- one ae YOO OO DON ce
tween tribal customs and their newly- ments, then they will happen; if one
found faith, and who chose the former, hopes for the best and leaves them to if,
| horrible though they were, the mission- they will not.â€
caries rejoiced to find :
that some of the —— ;
converts were willing to , de :
| deave all and _— follow ase
| ‘Christ. Fen te iis
| “The clearing of the | a. Saas ee
4ssue,†says Mr. Wor- oc i I See Se ees,
thington, “has resulted | m/e a
| 4n a distinct improve- | | Jaq Sn ar
‘ment in the tone of the | — 67 ee ae : a ii
‘services, and everyone Be RY Tia | Hi 4 x Se 5 1 ee
thas a better idea of |(aeaee. fo I il ib : ee ee
| what it is going to mean |e B Bo = | | Hil Mit poet
‘to accept Christianity. fi 2 ellis Ramses bem Tes ees ree are \
| Classes and. services [Piel Sai mee mmm GR Bsc Pe
| have steadily increased |feeiees se tamte boar ones See os nk one ea bp Merce sy
| ‘services are as popular Le PRS ime GaN eh ca ne Ree. Baar Site Bi
| pa Se CN Cy and the The Second Technical Missionary’s House in Meru. [Photo : Mr J. Burt.
women’s class has Built by Mission Boys, with no Labour Costs, in Five
| gained many new mem- Months, each boy working 27 hours a week.
: 28
Advance in East Africa
Many New Buildings. Mazeras Central Station, with results that
In the November and December issues “'° simply marvellous. Mr. Ones
; of the Ecuo we described the opening of [0†orcs ae SPU et Ae Ce
the new school at Meru. The second ae a aa < ae fe ae fi Seieine
Technical Missionary’s House, the Lady wae a See a ape ans ok ie
Missionaries’ House, a Guest House, and eae Ce ee Os
a residence for a native minister have Rene SS ever Bee ‘ie Mazeras and in
also been recently erected. Much of this es <6 Bele : ere is nega
work has been done by our Technical Ee SCE, ee
Missionaries and the native boys under is expected of this “enthusiastic†young
them. The past few years have seen a See Fine nee ican
great advance in mission buildings, and pave ae MS eee ee ve seit
this means much to the native population. ere ee fo aS moan Sue
The words of Dr. Schweitzer, which we mGe ey: Ebel ae ae OEP
quoted in a recent article, fully endorse ents vigorously our work in that interest-
the wisdom of sending to Africa Techni- ing ,COUnUY, S
cal Missionaries. ‘Had I any say in the aE
matter,’ writes Dr. Schweitzer, ‘no :
black man would be allowed to read and “Schoolgirls Together.†By Mrs.
write without being apprenticed to some Ernest Weller. (China Inland Mission.
trade. There should be no training: of 1s.) Mrs. Weller, who has been for
the intellect without simultaneous train- â„¢ore than twenty years a missionary in
ing of the hands. Only so can there be a China, has written a charming story of
sound basis for further advance.†All six Chinese schoolgirls. They are real
may not fully accept the definiteness of stories, consequently they are not devoid
this statement, but Dr. Schweitzer makes of sadness; the lot of a girl in China not
the admission concerning his own sphere always being enviable by any means.
of work: “Because we have no manual They show what the Gospel is doing to
workers here, real progress is impos- redeem these girls to a higher and better
sible.†For some years past we have life.
sought to fulfil, according to our re- ——
sources, the ideal of education as set
forth by the Hilton Young Commission :- Nor till we have learned the spirit of
“By education we mean not merely for- stewardship; not till we can say with
mal or scholastic education, but also the Paul, “I am a debtor,†have we passed
teaching of habits of industry, of better from Judaism into Christianity.
agricultural methods, and of ways of im- Dr, EcBert W. SmitTH.
proving hygienic condi-
tions and standards of a Se : ae
The Coast Stations. i Seema o> ) es
All who know the de | —— 24 ae 5 |
voted work done by Rev. i. — toe im tons |
A. G. V. Cozens will re- |) 9 i ee wi : one e
joice in the well-deserved |%..8 ca Rate = ee a | % '
tribute paid to him by |*#i@ttme ) Pe. = : . & oe ee
Rev. R. Tr: Worthington a | — 9 a. . oe : a
in the Missionary Report. | }aa ae, | PS) eee ee aa
) “T cannot Bee ead too | a pie) co a PY ie ee. oa. Ly
highly,†says Mr. Worth- |} Si elk eo oe ee i
ington,“the way in which | __—_——— [ie e ae
closer supervision of the REIT Sha sto aan ae Cs Sere ees RS sree eae Ba ae SRN LOPE See -
out-stations and teacher 9ur Exhibition of Woodwork at the Royal [Photo: Rev. R. T. Worthington.
training—as well as tO Kenya Show, held at Nairobi. Photo taken In front
the re-organizing of the of the Second Technical Missionary’s House.
, Mr. Gandhi
~ -and Missions.
! During Mr. Gandhi’s recent stay in England he had a private conference with repre-
} sentatives of the British Missionary societies. A report of this conference was subse- :
PO quently submitted to Mr. Gandhi and passed by him. The only report issued to the Press
} Hee} at the time stated briefly that such a discussion had taken place. Having now permis-
sion to publish this report, we gladly do so, believing that our readers will find it of the
deepest interest.
HE meeting was begun with a brief “IT speak as a public worker and as
period of silence, and the Rev. W. an amateur journalist of thirty years’
Paton, who presided, welcomed standing. I know the difficulty of tell-
Mr. Gandhi, and expressed the appre- ing the truth, the whole truth and
ciation of the missionary societies at the nothing but the truth, and the great
fact that Mr. Gandhi could spare time difficulty of doing justice to your oppo-
to meet them in the midst of tremendous nents and the greater difficulty of hand-
pressure of work. ling facts. Do not. believe’ generally
Mr. Gandhi, after expressing pleasure what the reporters say about me. If you
at being present and at meeting those have doubt about their statements send
| who represented a much larger audience, them to me and ask me about them. I
rex said : have had letters from all parts of India
‘“T am appearing before you like a and from England and the U.S.A. ask-
prisoner at the bar, but my jailers are ing me if it was true that I would pro-
| friends. There must be no barrier be- hibit all missionary enterprise, and
tween us, no harbouring of any grie- especially proselytizing. What I meant
vance on either side. From youth up- was just the contrary.
wards I have enjoyed the friendliest re- Foe eaanoe arandGh, Pndcoe
lations with missionaries throughout the 1s} = on, See ee Eee
world, and in South Africa I came into PSION. “ny suppestion that 1 should
close touch with some of the finest of ver oo ue promt Ee ee Oe
Christian missionaries. - I attended your panes e i hee a s oe the beliefs
churches most regularly and also private ee ees tnInKad le.
| prayer meetings, and the views I ex- “The idea of converting people to
press now are the views I expressed one’s faith by speech and writings, by
then. appeal to reason and emotion and by
‘A temporary misunderstanding had suggesting that the faith of his fore-
arisen between you and me. When news- fathers is a bad faith, in my opinion,
paper men pry into the affairs of those limits the possibilities of serving
leading public lives the latter get mis- humanity. I believe that the great reli-
| represented, sometimes maliciously and gions of the world are all more or less
at other times unintentionally. Respon- true and that they have descended to us
sible men should learn from my very’ from God. Having come to us, however,
| bitter experience not to beliéve generally through human media they have become
what the reporters state. The recent re- adulterated. Holding this belief, I hold
port about my attitude to missions was also that no religion is absolutely per-
an unconscious misrepresentation, for I fect. In the bosom of God there is
got to know the source and the reporter nothing imperfect, but immediately it
| in question. I was tired out at the time comes through a human medium it con-
and was having exercise early in the stantly suffers change and deterioration.
| morning. The reporter walked with me The seeker after truth most humbly
| and bombarded me with questions. He recognises this possibility. I have found
did not take any notes and we spoke on _ that the progress of truth is impeded by
a variety of topics. When I saw the the spoken word which is the limitation
criticisms and innuendoes I realised at of thought, for no man has been able to
once that I had to suffer in consequence give the fullest expression in words to
of what the reporter wrote, even though thought. The very nature of thought is
he was friendly. limitless and boundless.
Mr. Gandhi and Misstons
“ A man of prayer believes that God about conversion to Christianity though fj
works in a mysterious way and wants we are closest friends. I have many
the whole world to possess the truth he friends, but the friendship between ——
himself has seen. He would simply pray and myself is especially deep.
for it to be shared. It passes; it takes ‘“ It was love at first sight when I saw
wings. him first at Durban. If you asked me
‘“* Shall I use a simile of which I am Whether I have noticed any laxity or
never tired and which you will forgive? ‘indifference about his own fundamental
Religion is like a rose. It throws out the PoSition I would say that he has become
scent which attracts us like a magnet firmer in his own faith and in the growth
and we are drawn to it involuntarily. of love for others. I think, whereas he
The scent of religious contact has a used to see blemishes in Hinduism, to-
greater pungency than the scent of the (ay perhaps he sees those very
rose. That is why I hold my view with blemishes in another setting, and there-
reference to conversion. It is good and fore becomes more approachable to the
proper that when we feel satisfied that Hindu. He is to-day a potent instru-
we have found God and that God has ment in influencing the lives of Hindus
‘spoken to us we should wish to share for the better in hundreds and thousands
that mystery, but as God has spoken to of cases.
us mysteriously, we should allow that ““T want to put all my cards on the
God-Mystery to flow from us in exactly table and I want you to do so, too. I
the same manner. hope you will be able to say, ‘ We
‘Whilst I criticise this part of mis- listened to the old man that evening and
sionary work I willingly admit that Wé heard noting that was not truthful
missions - have done indirect good to 2d sincere.
India. There is no doubt about this. After Mr. Gandhi had finished, and
But for my having come under Christian before questions were asked, Mr. Paton
influence, some of my social work would read the resolution passed in 1924 by the ;
not have been done. My fierce hatred of Delhi Unity Conference on the subject
child marriage—I gladly say is due to of Religious Freedom :—
Christian influence. I have. come ‘unto ““This’ Conference is emphatically of
‘contact with many splendid specimens of opinion that the utmost freedom of con-
‘Christian missionaries.’ In spite of differ- science and religion is essential, and
ences I could not possibly help being condemns any desecration of places of
affected by their merit. And so you will worship to whatsoever faith they may
find growing up in my Ashramunmarried belong, and any persecution or punish-
girls, though they are free to marry if ment of any person for adopting or re-
they wish. I am speaking not of univer- verting to any faith, and further con-
sity women, but of girls who belong to demns any attempt by compulsion to
the uneducated class. convert people to one’s faith or to en-
‘Before I knew anything of Chris- force one’s own religious observance at
tianity I was an enemy of untouchability. the cost of the rights of others.
I could not understand my mother, whom ‘“ With a view to give effect to the
I adored, withdrawing the hem of her general principles promoting better rela-
garment. from the untouchables. My tions “between the various communities
feelings gained momentum owing to the of India laid down in the above resolu-
fierce attack from Christian sources on tion and to secure full toleration of all
this evil. faiths, beliefs and religious practices,
“Tf T want a pattern of the ideal this Conference records its opinion:
missionary I should instance Mr. ——. “That every individual or group shall
If he were here, he would blush for what have full liberty to hold and give ex-
I want to say. I believe that he is to- pression to his or their beliefs and follow
day, truer, broader and better for his any religious practice, with due regard
toleration of the other principal religions to the feelings of others and without
of the world. He never speaks with me interfering with their rights. In no case
Pl The Late Rev. C. E. Hicks
Hite may such individual or group revile the he had spoken. He said that Mr.
i founders, holy persons or tenets of any Gandhi had made it abundantly plain
other faith. that the issue between himself and the
} “That every ciel aise aa iberty Christian missionary movement lay ne
i to follow any faith and to change it aloes pee we ee aes
whenever he so wills, and shall not by ube. orcs Bie nee ee z oa
reason of such change of faith: render “ae ae OU SOO ee a
eet labios ¢ aan Sener Oe self-effacing, and should identify them-
eee ee \ See oe ©" selves with the people of the country,
Bee tak ee followers: 7m ae opposed to something which was
5 : fundamental in Christianity. Mr. Paton
‘‘ That every individual or group is at asked that Mr. Gandhi would believe
liberty to convert or reconvert another that missionaries, and those who sup-
by argument or persuasion, but must not ported them, were sincere in saying that
attempt to do so, or prevent its being the content of their message was not
done, by force, fraud or other unfair themselves, or the fancied superiority of
means, such as the offering of material their country and civilisation, but was
inducement. Persons under 16 years of the Person and Message of Jesus Christ.
age should not be converted unless it be The spirit of missions could only be that
\ along with their parents or guardians. of witness to what men and women most
If any person under 16 years of age is deeply believe to be true and therefore
found stranded without his parent or must share with others.
guardian by a person. of another faith, se : :
he should be promptly handed over to a The ev. Ne BNson Cash, ee ne
person of his own faith. There must be Caurchs Missionary posers Bee aia a
no secrecy about any conversion or re- thanks of the meeting to Mr. Gandhi.
. Mr. Paton mentioned that Mr. Gandhi, jo
though engaged in his fast at the time,
had himself taken a large part in draft-
ing these resolutions. He said that he
} hoped these resolutions still represented The Late
Mr. Gandhi’s views. To this question Rey, C, E Hicks.
| Mr. Gandhi gave definite assent. gaia
After Mr. Gandhi had spoken, a num- W* deeply regret to say that Rev. C. E.
ber of questions were put to him. Among Hicks passed away suddenly on
others this question was asked: Had Tuesday, January 12th, 1932. He returned
Mr. Gandhi said in an interview with fom China in the late autumn, owing to
Dr. Mott uy India that the effect of ill-health. He found great benefit from the
Christian missions had been wholly bad? fd. bad Roped Salovile toda
| Mr. Gandhi answered that the quotation voy RECs : P ae s
was entirely strange to him, and again depuraion work, and later to take an English
repeated that he had been the victim of circuit.
false reporting. The questioner further MiecHicke went to2Chinain 4805) “He
referred to the command to Christians : 3 aaa see
| to go out to all the world and preach the ee nee ce cae Boon Beene ae
gospel to every creature. Mr. Gandhi work in 1912, returning to China in 1916.
| said that if the questioner believed that He was @ man of great gifts of heart and
these were the inspired words in the mind. He has done a work for China, which
Bible, then he was called upon to obey cannot be over-estimated.
implicitly—why did he ask a non-Chris-
tian for his interpretation? Deep sympathy will be felt with Mrs.
| Me Paton cthanked. Mice sGandin hoe eee ene ee ae
warmly on behalf of all those present for P4Y 4 tribute to this great Missionary in our
the frankness and cofdiality with which March issue.
: s 9
The Editor’s Notes.
iA Prayer. Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Cook’s
Give us courage and gaiety and the Bereavement.
quiet mind. Give us the strength to Very deep sympathy will be felt with
encounter that which is to come, that Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Cook, of Wuting,
we be brave in peril, constant in tribu- North China, in the death of their in-
lation, temperate in wrath, and in all fant son. They have a host of friends,
changes of fortune, and, down to the especially in London, where they are
gates of death, loyal and loving to one well known through their active asso-
another. As the clay to the potter, as ciation with Pembury Grove Church,
the windmill to the wind, ds children of Clapton. Before her marriage Mrs.
their sive, we beseech of Thee this help Cook, who is the daughter of the late
and mercy for Christ’s sake. Rev. H. Walker Blott, was a lecturer
R. L. Stevenson. in connection with our Young People’s
* * a o Department. To Mr. Cook has come a
‘The Missionary Anniversaries. double bereavement; his mother passed
. . 7 © eur OD
During the present month and in the .?W@y on January 2nd.
early part of March many Missionary - = a
Anniversaries will be held. The golden Miss Kathleen Barnes.
eae eS a peaaaas ea aa Miss Kathleen Barnes has left to take
oe pwordS of Mr. Stan ee ae up her work as an educationist in our
sete e everything depended on Pe pian- East African Mission. She was given a
eee? and’ then: pray anc spray anc pray hearty send-off at a valedictory meeting
as if ev eryihin a ep oded ace in Brougham Road Church, Portsmouth.
ase ; An interesting feature of the gathering
Do not be afraid to advertise. The : x 2 Seg AS .>
Fess aes was the presence of three of Miss
‘Home Organisation Department will pro- Fe a 3 oe :
: z : oF, Barnes’s fellow-students at Kingsmead :
vide you with excellent advertising ss ; ; oh
é : : ->° Miss Liu, of the Wesleyan Girls’ Col-
material. Write to Rev. James Ellis, “ * ee
oe 2 : c lege, Hankow; Rev. P. H. Wilson,
8, Windsor Road, Wanstead, London, eee Oe se
a ‘ iaurece RE M.A., a native clergyman from Sierra
F.11. I have an idea,’’ said a minis- :
& ; ; Leone; and Rev. F. H. Bedford, a
ter, “‘ that to spend 6d. to get 10s. 6d. sae : ee :
= : mae: murs Primitive Methodist missionary in South
is a net gain of 10s.’’ According to the 4; .- 5 ees
ss : sie ; Africa. The valedictory address was
cules of arithmetic that minister’s sum 5
- ete , afentd t+, given by Rev. C. Stedeford.
is correct. Yet how many are afraid to °®. ¢ :
spend the sixpence ! ' a = e
= : = = Lift Up Your Hearts!
Do Not Let Missions Suffer. Have we any grounds for optimism in
We hope there will be very few who regard to the present world-situation?
will be compelled to say, after careful Dr. Mott is decidedly of opinion that we
thought and much prayer, ‘‘I shall have have. We cannot ignore the existence
to reduce my missionary subscription and gravity of the misunderstanding's
this year.’’ A reduced missionary sub- among nations. ‘‘ It would be difficult
‘scription means that someone will be to name a country which, judged by
debarred from hearing the Gospel; some words, and actions, understands its
poor soul will pass out of life without neighbours far and near,’’ says Dr.
the knowledge of their Saviour. We do Mott. What are his reasons, then, for
not wish to exaggerate, but it must be regarding favourably the world outlook?
plain to the least observing that a re- * * x x
duced missionary income means curtail- In the first place, there are to-day
ing our work. We cannot maintain our twenty voices and pens speaking and
present staff, to say nothing of respond- writing to foster right understanding
ing to the urgent calls which reach us between nations and to promote good
from overseas to send out more workers, will and co-operation among them where
if our missionary gifts come short. Do there was one such voice or pen so en-
mot let missions suffer. gaged twenty or thirty years ago.
. “The International Review of Missionsâ€
Hy ‘* Another ground for optimism re- tors, are doing more than any other one
garding the international outlook is the factor to throw out strands of under-
fact that all over the world there is standing friendship and unselfish colla-
| coming forward a new generation who boration between the peoples of Asia,
i i expect to devote themselves to ushering Africa, and Latin America on the one
Bit in a new day in respect to furthering hand, and those of Europe, North
good will and constructive co-operation America, and Australasia on the other.â€
among the peoples of all lands. . . . * = @
| Within two decades, probably less, a TY Be ae ae ae eee
sufficient number of them will be in DE Be quo taons a ee at eviews
a < es = es r. Mott’s recent book, The Present-
positions of major importance to deter- War SinwiGak foe thea world “Missi f
mine the policy and practice of the Se Sees i = mea ee
Shee aristianity, ewen appears In the Janu-
a i re = ary number of ‘‘ The Missionary Review
tid : a of the World.’’ Other interesting
| : Then there is the world-wide awaken- articles are ‘‘ Modern Youth and the
ing of women. T he changes which Missionary Appeal,†by Dr. K. S.
have been wrought in their social status J] atourette, ‘A Banker Looks at the
and outlook during the last thirty years World,†by Mr. H. R. Munro, and
| make a difference not of decades but of « Christ and the World of Islam,†by
\ centuries. Still. greater changes. are†p, Ss M. Zwemer.
Mi now in progress, and no one can foretell 4 “ : ;
what the next two decades will witness.â€
May we not believe that the influence of Another Prayer.
educated womanhood will be on the side O Thou strong Father of all nations,
of peace and good will? draw all Thy great family together with
| es ae . an increasing sense of our common
Above all, ‘‘ the great internationalism blood and destiny, that peace may come
| - .4§ the world mission of Christianity. 2†earth at last, and Thy sun may shed
The tens of thousands of missionaries, ‘#8 light rejoicing on a holy brotherhood
as ambassadors, interpreters, and media- of peoples. Walter Rauschenbusch.
| “fe
| “The International
Review of Missions.â€
HE current number of “The Inter- the last ten years. During the middle
T national Review of Missions†opens period forces of hatred were levelled
| with an article of great value by the against her, and many missionaries were
- Editors on ‘‘ The Missionary Signific- compelled to withdraw from their sta-
| ance of the Last Ten Years: A Survey.’’ tions. | Much pastoral, educational and
The Survey includes Japan, China, India, medical work was in consequence taken
Burma and Ceylon. Other countries over by native Christians. This assump-
will be dealt with in subsequent issues. tion of responsibility on the part of the
- In Japan the ‘‘ Kingdom of God Move- © Chinese has been, on the whole, amply
‘ment’? under the inspiring leadership justified. The times of testing have
of Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa is making strengthened the Church. ‘ Nothing is
| definite headway. ‘‘ It has*made Chris- more cheering in China to-day than the
tianity more widely known, has engen- reply of the Church to persecution, defa
" dered a deeper spirit of evangelism in mation and the challenge of unbelie,
the Church, and has drawn the different namely, a forward movement in evange
) denominational bodies: into a new co- lism. . . . Much of this is undoubt
“operation and mutual understanding.†edly due to the Five-Year Movement,
| - The Church in China has faced a situa- which is commanding enthusiasm and
| tion of great difficulty and hazard during energy on every hand. It is a truly co-
Mr. Geo. H. Marsden, M.A.
operative movement, supported by Chris- in its entirety. Dr. C. R. Watson, Pre-
tians of all Churches.’? The number of sident of the American’ University in
missionaries in China in August, 1930 Cairo, writes on ‘‘ Rethinking Mis-
(the latest date for which figures were sions.’? Since 1914 we have been com-
published) was 6,346. This number is pelled to re-think national and inter-
fewer by about 23 per cent. than before national problems; Dr. Watson holds
the disturbances. The Chinese urge we must apply the same process to mis-
that the gap should be filled, and say sions, and he outlines seven ways by
that the help of the West is wanted by which this should be done in order to
the Church in China in facing the im- enthrone Jesus more surely as the Lord
mense task before her. of Love and Life in the world. Miss
More than fifty pages are devoted to Constance E. Padwick, the authoress of
a masterly review of the last ten years the entrancing or Life of Temple Gaird-
in India, Burma and Ceylon. We can- ner,â€â€ writes a beautiful sketch of Lilias
not summarise it here; it should be read Trotter, of Algiers. AS Hs \eeC%
- “fe a
Mr. Geo. H. Marsden, M.A.
R. GEORGE H. MARSDEN, Well known in the District, he was often
NV M.A., elder son of Mrs. Mars- a delegate to Conference. At the time of
den and the late Mr. Butler his lamented death, Mr. Butler Marsden
Marsden, of Dudley Hill, Bradford, is had been a lay preacher 48 years and cir-
the first representative from the Bradford cuit steward of his circuit since its forma-
S.E. Circuit on the foreign field. tion. His widow has carried on her work
Mr. Marsden studied at Clare College, in Church and School so bravely, and is
Cambridge, and during the war he served the devoted and enthusiastic circuit mis-
with the Y.M.C.A. in Egypt. His post sion treasurer, and a vice-president of the
as senior science master at the Bingley District W.M.A. F, A. EpcE.
Grammar School led to him residing in a
village suburb at Morton, where he a Ss
joined the local Congregational Church. |F ee anes
Tn 1923, Mr. Marsden offered for service |) aaa oes foe
with the London Missionary Society, and | @ Or ee
was appointed to the Boys’ High School, |7 = fee .
Bangalore. In 1926, he was transferred oa i .. — ee
to Nagercoil, Travancore, some twelve | a=
miles from Cape Comorin, the most eee a a. eee
southerly point of India. Here he took | 9 aS Se «|, :
charge of the Scott Christian College. |P ¢ pee oa
Thus in his first term of service, Mr. ee) 2. | a
Marsden has had experience of educa- |) @iam © oe
tional work for boys in two centres and || © ee ae
has acquired a knowledge of t ee a ee
{ nowledage oO WO ee a i
vernaculars. pee ee a ee ;
Mr. Marsden married a lady from their Pe i r :
home church, Salem, who has distin- ey _— ao
guished herself in the study of the ver- oe , A
naculars, and has closely co-operated with || a d ee
her husband and given him able assist- a el Oa
ance. Pa Sea ae i
Home influences undoubtedly helped to ] 0 oe a
emphasise the call when it came. Mr. } ee eS
Marsden’s grandparents were Salem stal- = oe
warts. His father, Mr. Butler Marsden,
attended there for nearly fifty years. mr. Geo, H. Marsden M.A.
1 t I)
i iao L d
a A Ch’uan Miao Legen ae
in of the Flood. W. H. HUDSPETH, M.A.
ONG, long ago there lived an you now have children. Pil give them
e old woman who was greatly dis- names and then they will grow up
bh tressed because she hadn’t any quickly.’? Number one was to be called
Py children. On this account her hus- ‘‘ Old One,’? number two ‘‘ Glide-with-
band frequently scolded her, but what the-wind Old Two,’’ number three,
aa could the poor woman do? She _ ‘ Long-legged Old Three,’’? number four
i often sat by the roadside weeping as ‘‘ Iron-skinned Old Four,’’ number five
| though her heart would break, and one ‘‘ Hot-and-cold Old Five,’’ number six
| day when she was crying Ndu-fah-tai, ‘‘ Old Six,’’ and it isn’t recorded what
| ‘coming up to her, enquired why she wept the others were named. On reaching
so bitterly, the woman explained that it home the mother found her children fully
was because she had no children, and grown up. This extraordinary happening
because her husband scolded her so. being reported to the mandarin, he sent
“Don’t cry, don’t cry,’’? said Ndu-fah- round in alarm to have these unusual chil-
tai, ‘‘ I’ve some medicine which I’ll give © dren arrested. “Iron-skinned Old Four â€
to you, and when you’ve eaten it you’ll was taken, but as the executioner’s sword
have children.’’? Giving her eight pellets» could make no impression on him he was
\ [ of medicine Ndu-fah-tai explained that released, and ‘‘ Hot-and-cold Old Five â€â€™
PA only one at a time was to be eaten and taken in his place. He was condemned
oe that each time a pellet was taken a _ to be burnt to death but fire didn’t harm
| child would be born. him so he too was sent back.
- On reaching home the bewildered One day the mother, suffering from
| ‘woman swallowed all the pellets to- indigestion, expressed a wish to eat
| gether, and later when she gave birth to ‘‘ thunder-meat.’’ This presented no
seven boys and one girl, she was railed difficulty to ‘‘ Glide-with-the-wind Old
H “at by her spouse for being like a sow and Two,’’ who bought some rice and scat-
bearing all her children at one time! tered it on the ground so that the cows
| Once again the mother cried by the way- might tread upon it. (It is a supersti-
side, until Ndu-fah-tai, seeing her and tion with these people and if food is
| learning that she wept now because she improperly used it will thunder). When
| had been called a sow, said, ‘‘ Never the cows trod upon the rice it thundered,
| mind, don’t trouble about that, be glad whereupon ‘‘ Hot-and-cold Old Five â€â€™
| i leaped up to cap-
| paper arr ater i, a ture the thunder.
re ee “Long-legged Old
| oe FTF aating it was quite
| ee 2 4
| et What re
A ee | mained of the thor
ae a der-meal was hung
| ee. a ee eee a oor the fire.
me pee Mae oy Cuca hil
i : = Pde ee ae ee )6ddren, on pouring
; ee eee | water over the thun-
| , i Se wie | Bi der-meat, were
| es ah fe y Mee eo amused to hear it
} Seen A es a a ee eee thunder ; they poured
pees : fo ne ye y an a ee ae m a larger quantity of
| RS en en Ps gh av aoe Se water over it, upon
| TABS gtiy EROS SLRS Conca eae a SS ee AS ae s which the thunder-
He aa a ns ee meat, — thundering
Where these strange tales are told. ‘ loudly, flashed and
; 36
Successful Missionary Collectors
escaped back to heaven, where it re- Out, ‘the eaters of thunder are coming
ported to Ndu-fah-tai that the people up to heaven.’’? To prevent this catas-
inhabiting the earth were dreadfully trophe Ndu-fah-tai let off the waters.
wicked and ought to be destroyed. When the waters had subsided and the
Thereafter the Deluge was sent. “Glide- boat had come to earth again no one
with-the-wind Old Two†hastily made was to be found, The only people left
a boat, and when the waters came were these seven brothers and their sister.
“Long-legged Old Three†pulled the I have told this legend just as it was
boat up to heaven, calling out, “Open, told to me. If the reader finds gaps in
open.†Ndu-fah-tai, opening heaven’s it, and parts which do not hang together,
door a little and, peeping out, saw he must not blame me; he must censure
the boat-load of people. “This will an old canny Ch’uan Miao, who lives in
never do, this will never do,’’ he called Rest-horse-plain !
Se sje ad
Successful Missionary
Zion Cuurcu, Battery, has a splendid £3 Is. 6d., and in 1931 he collected
tradition in missionary interest and £6 10s. His box now passes to his |
Siving- ; younger brother, who will do equally
Here are the portraits and records of well, |
two young collectors who ek worthy Arthur Hetherington, who is sixteen,
of a place in our gallery of ‘‘ Successful :
Missionary Collectors.â€â€™ ——————
Harold Wood, who is seventeen years ca : fee ee,
of age, has collected £30 17s. 6d. in Roe ee a |
the last six years. In 1926 he got | SRsAGem po i el
Bees a ye a
4 4 Reape Ah : } Se nro tree ee a
- oe ee
oy eta ee Py See
ee — ge ae
¥ ‘ cues ae ae Bete. yt
pres a i
; 3 Cor cage ae ae ah
Ge ee i pee Gs 2 Sue ween dP
eee asd ae
Kei SEGRE ey Ress : ¢rigtne:
i 5 DEM Creat esac TRE
| ¢ - a Pi - . ‘ ; . ,
Harold Wood. Arthur Hetherington,
37 :
: 1
Pal The Value of Littles
Le inherits his father’s passion for mis- Universal Day of
| le sions. ‘“‘ A lover of Missions ’* is no
misnomer so far as Mr. Hetherington is Prayer for Students.
concerned. Arthur began collecting in Sunday, February 21st, 1932.
iil roe see a ae 43 eee Se : a THE month of February, 1932, has been
i 1931 he collected 45. In four years much in the minds of those who love
| has collected £14 12s. 3d. : peace, and it is a happy coincidence that,
In last year’s report it is recorded, When we are praying for the laying down
i! “Sunday School Grant, £30.’? And Ff arms, we should be asked also to pray
} this in addition to several juvenile col- fo, a great company of young men and
lectors! Truly, Batley Church and Sun- women throughout the world. Students
day School maintains its honourable re- are apprenticed to learning and research,
cord in missionary zeal. which recognize no national boundaries,
and they have opportunities of travel and
SypNry Hanns, of Faversham, is a conference which are afforded to few of
very zealous collector for missions. He {heir contemporaries. The times are test-
has a number of names on his book, and ing them, as they are testing every sec-
his method is to go round every Saturday tion of the community, and a World’s
morning, wet or fine, and gather in the Student Christian Federation was never
subscriptions. One thing about him is more needed, or more difficult to main-
y \ very praiseworthy : he will not accept a tain. Tt is the earnest hope of the
a prize for collecting “if the cost of the General Committee of the Student Chris-
prize comes out of the mission funds.†tian Movement, that British students,
| “T collect for missions and not for PuIZESe ho acknowledge Jesus Christ as their
he says. Though he has only been col- Master, whatever their affiliation, will re-
| lecting a few years he has already spond to this Call to Prayer, and that
secured quite a considerable sum. He congregations and groups of worshipping
| is the son of one of the officials of people will join with them in intercession.
| FKaverham Church. M: A. M. a
The Value of Littles.
| THE power of littles has often been
| impressed on the Church since the time
| ee ae of Chalmers. Practical examples are
Seager more arresting and to the point than
| Bee ra monition, and here is one. Some time
| See aw — ago the Very Rev. Charles L. Warr,
| a - D.D., gave a speech in connection with
| Plas Se 5 the smaller livings of the Church, in
ek ais SN which he suggested to smokers what a
Ba ep pe ae $7 a little self-denial on their part could do.
Py St eds ae \ A listener was much struck with the
Pa geen ars Be Sa Bee idea. The sequel is described in a letter
Ba Elec cee : 3 34 from him to Dr, Warr:
| a Ph eer : a, ‘SI have since denied myself two
| besa" potas ie eae. cigarettes a day, and I have pleasure in
| PE aS ec) ro enclosing £2 which I have thus saved
Fi hain i ig. a during the past year. If ten thousand
ree. oe a FO ies smokers adopted this simple plan, which
PE : Mey is ae would not cause them any serious in-
‘| BL po convenience, £20,000 would be given
: if a annually to the Maintenance of the
é Ministry Fund. It can be done!â€
_ From ‘‘ Life and Work: The Record
Sydney Hands. of the Church of Scotland.â€â€™
(ae fr’
EP See.
mo fe eae we sy So rere etre ee eee resiieatari
Mrs. J. B. BROOKS, B. Litt.
HIS letter from Miss Florence vowed not to marry again and the rules
Rothwell will be read with interest, of their Home are very strict. They are
ee "? y: ney
both for the missionary news it only allowed to go out three times a
Aa g
gives and because the writer is one of year. It must have been a great change
our own girls—the daughter of Mr. J. for them to live here. Besides them we
Rothwell, of Manchester, a member of had 150 other people, and two babies
our Foreign Mission Committee. were born in our school dining-room.
[Rebs They all left before the end of Septem-
ber. Then the school was thoroughly
Davin Hitt Giris’ ScHOooL, cleaned, and the girls came back on the
Hanyanc. first of October.
November, 1931. All around us people have been dying
Dear FRIENDS, of cholera and dysentery, and now it is
You often thought of us last summer, Sâ„¢all-pox, but so far the health of the
{ expect, when you read about the flood. girls has been wonderfully good. They
It has been a terrible calamity and the all had to have injections as soon as
worst results of it have yet to be faced, they arrived. This was to protect them
for it is in the winter that the suffering against cholera, typhoid and para-
will be greatest. Ever since the flood typhoid. Later we vaccinated all those
there has been hardly any rain, so that who had not. been recently done, but as
the tens of thousands of people living in WE do vaccinations twice every year,
Puke Gheds “have “not suttered “trom: there were not-many metuar condmon.
weather conditions. But soon we shall , A innovation this year is early morn-
have frost and snow. ing drill. So far we haven’t had one wet
Ae house fom bere here ee Os and all the girls and some of
he te rl ‘ ay
camp of 70,000 refugees, yet our school aoe a ore or se cay
life is quite normal, and it is only when yy, Dae eee eee at ios a
: 3 After that there is no excuse for late
we go out that we are reminded of the |. The 1 : xs
many tragedies around us. The flood eae pb ate ce Ot
Be ae ae mee ee eer fee oS they run their team races or do some
= : ! x ther st i vho 4
nately we stand high and so escaped. oe a ee ay = one aoe
We could not open school at the usual {| ser oe pee eats sei ee
Amo Ge Soulonies ag wi (Compannl for private Bible study. This is not
! )
was full of refugees, and in any case it con ee a an oe ee ee
would have been difficult for the girls pounds che See ee
to get here. Many of them were living ea sa ae fe 1-4) Amir olga
ta ne tipper tories “of Aooded houces warns the girls that it is time to do
idiie ace a anecrous to eo cn ancy their dusting or whatever share of the
could only get lone Hheseecet by fae housework is theirs. At 8.10 the first
THe Boats Fad PeRae ieee apne Ganwer lesson begins. The regular time table
of houses falling on* them does not begin till 9, but as we have to
: : put Scripture outside the time-table, we
When we came back from our summer do it first. :
holiday in Kuling, the refugees were Work goes merrily and the days are
still here. We had 150 widows from a_ all too short. At 6.45 p.m. we all as-
Widows’ Home. These women have semble in the school hall for prayers
Bi Women’s Missionary Auxiliary
ae before the children do their evening pre- We {cel that one period of the school’s
paration. Prayers are conducted by history came to an end in March when
members of the school staff, both men Mrs. Wang left us. She has served the
and women, and one’s turn only comes school most faithfully for over twenty
P| about once a fortnight. We do not find years, and she is very much missed. The
} i that Government regulations hinder our manner of her going was sad, too, for
religious worl at all. All the girls attend her only son, who had been in America
| the Scripture Classes, prayers and Sun- for ten years, returned a victim of tuber-
} th day services. Then we have Society culosis, and Mrs. Wang left school so:
Classes, which are well attended. As that she could be with him.- He is a
these meet in the evenings when the day- highly qualified doctor and had accepted
| girls cannot come, special classes have a post at Peking Union Medical Col-
been arranged for them on Fridays after lege, but he is still unfit for work.
afternoon school. Nearly all the day- It was very difficult to carry on the
girls are non-Christians, and the teachers school without a principal, and the
who conduct these classes feel that they summer holidays were even more wel-
are doing definite evangelistic work. come than usual. We have now secured!
Last spring a new piece of land ad- an acting principal for a year. After
joining the Compound was bought, and that time we hope to have Liu Kuel
\ a part of this has been specially set aside Fang back from England.
LA for a religious education block. In some The acting principal is most efficient.
| parts of China the authorities have ob- She has won the affection of both child-
oH jected to class-rooms being used. for ren and staff, and she knows how to
religious education even out of school deal with the educational authorities.
| hours. If such objections were made The Sino-Japanese question is giving
| here ‘we could take all religious work in us many anxious moments. Feeling runs
this block. At present it is very useful high even in a school like this, and we
for Bible classes and Sunday School, cannot see what the end will be. China’s
and a good number of girls keep the internal troubles are bad enough with-
| morning watch there. out this. It would make your hair stand!
The addition of buildings has made on end to hear some of these girls de-
| it possible for the Cookery Class to have scribe their experiences with bandits and
\ their own kitchen, and this term the soldiers. Even the journey to school was:
} girls are very merry over their cook- fraught with terrible dangers for some
| ing. Once a week an invitation comes of them. You little know how good a
to some of us to take a Chinese meal work you are doing by making it possible
| which the girls have cooked and which for them to live in this peaceful, happy
they serve themselves. They also do the place, surrounded by Christian influ’
| shopping and the accounts. ences, and we cannot thank you enough.
Another room has-been set apart for We only hope that some day you will
needlework. This term we are busily have your reward in the knowledge that
making padded garments for refugees. they have grown into dependable Chris-
A iil We have borrowed a sewing machine, _ tian people. That is China’s greatest
and several suits are already finished. need.
Suits for new-born babies are now very Yours very sincerely,
| much needed, and we have started mak- FrLorence ROTHWELL.
ing 60 little padded coats, 60 wee pairs $5
| of _ padded trousers and 60 padded a :
| Squares which are wrapped round the Dr. Stwon FLexner, head of the
babies on top of the suits, - Rockefeller Institute of Research, said on
Thanks to- our enlarged Compound, returning from a tour of investigation in
we are now able to have a school gar- the Far East: “There is no organization
den. The girls have not done much in it in the world, either philanthropic or busi-
yet, but later on we expect to have a ness, which is getting as large returns
6 wonderful show of flowers and vege- out of the money it spends as the various
tables. Boards of Foreign Missions.â€
a THE Al
[A] I]
[Al I
[5] “To take the Cross and follow Thee where love and duty lead, [5]
[9] shall be my portion and my praise.†[5]
[5] —MADAME GUYON. fal
Love is the ,
Only Way. : 3
HRIST teaches us that love is the here who are Christians this is the
G only way. In “The Vision Splen- most solemn and sacred day of the
did,Չۉ۪ Mr. Oxenham has written : year. I am aware that some of you
“His lone cross and crown of thorn do not share our religious _ beliefs, i
Endure when crowns and empires fall, but there must be few of you, if
The might of His undying love any, who do not respect and even
In dying conquered all. reverence Jesus Christ. I propose to ad-
Ohya ean dine Gn is Sten journ the Conference for three hours, so
mies yeaa Bilin ae wae ok Pee that those who are followers of Jesus may
Cia aah peecH oo fe ee meditate on His cross, may learn how to :
With Ghat ede eee ahoy ee? banish all distrust and bitterness and to
& : live and work together in the unity and
On Good Friday all Christians make peace of a true world brotherhood. Be-
“common éause with the crucified Lord.†lieving that love is the only way, we
Millions of people in all .parts of the desire for the next three hours to think
world will take part in a solemn act of . of Christ’s cross, the manifestation of
remembrance. They will think of Him that divine love which alone can draw all
who was mocked, buffeted by unbelievers, the nations into one.†May it not be
pierced and nailed to a tree. that from such a word, spoken in such a
What message has Good Friday for: place, a revival of religion may _ start
Geneva, for Shanghai, for the Foreign which would spread to every land?
Offices of Europe, America and the Near It was said of George Macdonald that
and Far East? For
a watching world have ee Re ee
been upon these places. [32 i et So eae we
In them are many who |e Oe ae ;
love the Lord Jesus ; pee... ateaiies eee Bee ss Seas
many who know that [IRM Me 0 al
love is the only way. UMS a oo
Should the Geneva Con- ee a eS SS ee |
soa be in session on : eg eg
that day—though we |Reeg eens oe The a
imagine o will a be go rea BE ee as pS
—what an impressive ae Nie ae _ oe ti 5
thing it would be if the a Mae crs et Ue i
President, who, as all : a 6h—ttti‘i‘ ee 7
the world knows, is a pee ee ff eee
sincere follower of LER DUNE es a i a
Jesus, should rise and a
say, “To those ‘of us A Scene in Switzerland.
; Marcu, 1932. ‘| ; aUinew
Po From the Mission House
1 na the had no intimacy with Fear: it had “He spared not His only Son.â€
Deen cast out of his life by Love. Inti- Strange words! The worst were spared
| macy with fear has been the curse of Pilate, Herod, Caiaphas, the jeering
nations. The fearful—those who are full crowd, all were spared. But the Father
A ‘of fear—have no room in their hearts for spared His Son from nothing’; not from
i faith or hope or love. Fear thrusts the the agony of Gethsemane nor the un-
oo | glad and holy things of life into a prison- fathomable darkness of Calvary. And He
Lae house. No hope for the nations can was not spared that the world might
' come through fear, Love is the only know that love was the only way “by
| fo] way. which it could be saved. : :
: “ “fe “ge
| From the
| Mission House Rev, C. STEDEFORD.
| The Passing Little di 2 rele†ci i
a ittle did our Foreign time, and that their welcome was also
of Rey. C. E.. Missions Committee a farewell. He appeared older and
| ' Hicks. imagine when they wel- thinner, but he-had much improved
ec! comed Rev. C. E. Hicks in health and was confident that rest
Bae) zat Rochdale, early in December, that for a few weeks would fully restore
Bi, they were greeting’ him for the last him. Mentally he was keen and alert
as ever, and in spirit he was cheer-
| ES ful and hopeful. Now that he has gone
j 2 i ne wies we realize more truly what a prominent
ae aes Be place he filled in our Yunnan Mission.
i spe. Ghee We honour him as one of our devoted
i ai i ei ee : and heroic pioneer missionaries in Yun-
i os BB ae le ee na nan, as will be seen in the tributes borne
| i | ee aes wey re 4 in this issue of the Ecno.
| femie Wie tan tices Po ee eh eee
| ee oP er tLe
cae se. i eae Japan in * The civilized world has
| 4 H a : So 8 eit % Te. “¥ =| China. been shocked by the ruth-
ee ioe 2) less attack made by the
a Come) 8 ey it. 2) == | Japanese upon! the Chinese at Shanghai.
foes: iy 5 ee ‘ a = | While Japan had grievances which called
| Z iS pee i=? ey a x loudly for redress, there was no justifica-
| meas ee belts ee a af ah tion for an attack which was nothing less
Fee Se ana ce eae F me met than the deliberate and wholesale murder
ea eae er cay ee (Of a defenceless and crowded population
ee Se fr A i the Chapei suburb of Shanghai. This
Bn mer s ee ae “at Pe | is to be regarded as punishment, not war.
ee acs i It is a peace time perpetration. If Japan
a eee eS a eee approves the action of ber military and
i So Wi naval commanders in this iniquitous busi-
Niteeoe = @|_sénes, she stands condemned in the eyes of
| ; ny Ss a the world. She has kindled a fire of hate
; aes bs which will not cease to burn in Chinese
i : : se breasts. She has inflicted more permanent
5 | injury upon herself than she has upon
"| China. While other nations have pitied
: China in her need and distress, and have
| Ay ae j _ striven to alleviate the miseries and want —
} caused by the most devastating floods in
| central China, Japan has found the oppor-
Nanking Road, Shanghai. tunity of crushing’ a sadly-stricken people.
From the Mission House
The Chinese The modern Chinese stu- city. Mr. Redfern is able to say, “We
Student. dent represents aphase of are profoundly thankful to be able to
Chinese life which is report that in face of much provocation
worthy of very serious attention. His our students have not misbehaved them-
conduct is often such as to excite indig- selves: They have taken an active part
nation or ridicule, and an unsympathetic jy political propaganda, in the boycott
mind might quickly sum him up as being movement, and in military drill, but there
little better than a nuisance. He SECIS Peumesr ano prcachion discipline. At the
x ae it incumbent upon him to strike same time these activities have diverted
in with his demands*amid a: pubre co", the minds of students from their studies z
troversy, and to declare himself with | Sas es oe
estan ne Suan cnaa tty 3 and have added greatly to the responsi-
greatest emphasis on international ques- Biiecor Gan ie All ecident stoachine
tions. All this appears to spring from 7" S* SN ee ee ae
colossal conceit. He is prepared to dic- staif.
tate terms to his own government and
also to foreign nations. This attitude has Valuable While deprecating the
created problems for the Chinese rulers, Hlements. folly and violence often
and has provided amusement for foreign displayed by these stu-
spectators. dents, one should recognize the valuable
A leading newspaper in Nanking advo- elements they contribute to national life
«ated recently a policy which provoked ! China. Their keen interest in public
the wrath of the students, with the result @Â¥estions, their capacity for concerted
that it had to announce “that the stu- ction, their disposition to strive for the
dents had broken into the offices of the Well-being of ee po ae
paper, and, after doing all the damage eee free soe from any ord es
they could, set fire to the premises ; in er) Conus Ony ee _boldness an
‘consequence, for the next few days, the ee in De ess ee designs, are
paper would be reduced to one sheet giv- @ pe ie ees under ena direction
ing important information only. The oF (SORT SEB MONS aes) nee peniOst
paper has now resumed its normal size, Me ue ES any community. The student
but has not yet resumed its leading youth of China believe that they are the
me 5 7 custodians of the future of their nation.
articles. Tt eos ee as
ss coe ae hey are fired with a noble ambition.
Events of this kind became SO. frequent They have visions of a China taking,
that the Chinese President, Chiang Kai among the nations, a foremost place,
Shek, issued a general reproof, and ex- worthy of her ancient past, of her teem-
horted the students. to show their patriot- ing population and her exhaustless re-
ism, in the most helpful manner, by Siv- sources. For the realization of their
ing close attention to their studies as the qreams they are ready to dare and to die.
best preparation for future service. Admiration as well as amusement is
caused by reading the following words of
Affecting One can imagine the in- Mr. Redfern: ‘They feel that as the most
Ningpo stability of schools where intelligent, most articulate and best or- |
College. the students are infected ganized section of the community, the
with such quixotic notions — responsibility of taking the lead in defend-
of their duty to society. The Principal ing their country and preserving it from
of such a School certainly “knoweth not disruption falls on their shoulders. All
what a day may bring forth.†The School this leads to much folly ; at the same time
may become a hot-bed for producing plots one cannot but feel sympathy with them
and schemes. Recent events have had a_ in their deep distress, and recognize the
most disturbing effect upon.the minds of core of real patriotism to be found even
Chinese students. Mr. Redfern states in their most foolish actions. In many
that the excitement caused by the seizure centres these manifestations have taken
of parts of Manchuria grew apace until it extreme forms, such as marching in large
became almost a frenzy. Ningpo is not bodies to the railway stations, demanding
far from Shanghai; one can imagine free transportation should be given them,
what intense feeling must have been so that they might present their griev-
stirred by the Japanese attack upon that ances in person to the Government at
i The Contacts of East with West
Pn as | ~sCOt, in cases where they reached Nanking,
nos BSS, making physical assaults on Cabinet
‘ a — Ministers and actually succeeding in
ek se Sort driving them from office.â€
Pn —" ‘ It must be very difficult to govern a
i eS school with such students, but they form
Be excellent material to work upon. Im-
a } mense good may be done in implanting
cae apie: the right ideals, and in directing such
ae gr eee an abounding energy into proper channels.
| — % We sympathize with Mr. Redfern in his
| 5 oUF ‘ difficulties, and rejoice with him in his
oo = : opportunities.
a Flood Relief. Missionary societies are
Se. responding to the appeal
: ee. eo for missionaries to administer the relief
a cs ie provided for the sufferers from the floods
ie oo 8 6=—s os in central China. Our Ningpo Executive
| — ge ee, has consented to release Rev. H. Tomlin-
bw : See ; son for four. months, in order that he
| eS é =| may devote himself to this relief adminis-
iS s tration. Many of the flooded areas can-
; : ‘not return to normal until the autumn,
: when the Spring sowing will be reaped.
| Rev. . Tomlinson. The people need to be supplied with
grain for sowing as well as for food. We
Nanking, and, when the railway authori- are pleased to know that one of our mis-
| ties rejected this demand, lying down on _ sionaries will be engaged in this work of
| the lines and so holding up the traffic; Christian compassion.
| ‘The Contacts of
| °
| East with West.
R. WATSON, President of the much chance for contact there. Would my
I) American University in Cairo, Arabic be adequate? Would they know
tells an interesting story in French? I had no hope of anyone know-
“The International Review of Mis- ing English. I rallied my courage and
sions� which illustrates the surprising went. There was a stir as I appeared
‘| contacts a Western sometimes makes at the entrance of the tent. I was the
with Easterns. only foreigner who had come to that
‘“ Living in a Moslem neighbourhood gathering: the only ‘ father of a hat’;
| I heard one morning the noise of wail- the rest wore fezes or turbans. Just
| ing in a big establishment behind my then a young man came up to me, and
home. I knew what had happened. It in the purest English explained that his
was the signal of death in that impor- father was ill and could not receive me;
tant household. Presently a huge pav- that it was his brother who had died at
ilion would be erected on the street, and Cambridge; he himself was then at Ox-
friends would drop in to express their ford, and so had brought the body back
sympathy. Should I call? I did not know to Egypt; he had been in England for
the family. They faced another street; seven years. All this for a family whose
} they were of Pasha rank ; they were Mos-' contacts with the East were, I had sup-
lems, also outstanding nationalists. Not posed, nil.’’ eel ae
The late ;
Rev. C. E. Hicks. Memorial Tributes.
ANY in South-West China will paused a moment ; then, with a mixture
M be grieving for the death of the of gravity and humour, he said, “I am
Rey. Charles E. Hicks. He was an Essentialist.â€
a true knight of God, acquitting himself Would not his friends say that there
bravely in the tasks his great Captain was a peculiar appropriateness in his
assigned to him. We are poorer by the choice of this word? He gave mental
loss of this sincere and valorous man. lodgment only to what he counted essen-
; We cannot write of him from the inti- tial; all else he cast to the void. His :
macy of those whose tributes are here strong preference for educational work in
given. But on the several occasions of missions was rooted in the same con-
our meeting we were impressed by the sideration. His attitude - to policies
serenity and directed by those
strength of one thousands of miles |
who yet seemed ., Pe removed from the
humble in~ mind Pr ut Sa scene of his labours
and far removed ae ee iad was governed by
from all self-suffi- a ee this thought. His
in him a strange oo ae ting: mind, holding
remoteness in com- ee oe eee fast to essentials
bination with de- | pias cet i with a. tenacity
pendence on others iy Oe pI ce eae that could not be
» -in so many ways. te Bi oe shaken. In our :
He was a man of ee eg missionary annals
strong convictions, ee ae there has _ never
never dissembling [i oe been a stronger or
with truth as he 2 res ; braver man.
conceived it; a bee P Ae Eni GC.
loyal and staunch eer a
Paced + , Rev. C.
friend ; a man with ——oo | Stedeford
a strong mission- ee : oe
ary passion. ; Se WHEN winter
One reminiscence strips the foliage
-will not be out of from the tree it is
place. At the meet- easier to. see the
ing of the Foreign . sturdy trunk and
Missions Commit- bold branches
tee in Rochdale The late Rev. C. E, Hicks. which have with-
last December stood the storms of
one of those unexpected discussions a hundred years. So it is with a human
suddenly flared up which relieve com- life; when death divests it of all that is
mittees of the tedium that often op- merely incidental and adventitious we see
presses them. It was on Modernism and in clearest outline the noble lineaments 5
Fundamentalism. The chairman, wisely which gave quality and distinction to the |
or unwisely, gave the committee some personality. This view of our esteemed
latitude. He was about to call the com- and lamented missionary, Rev. C. E.
mittee to return to the proper business - Hicks, profoundly impresses us with his
on hand when Mr. Hicks rose. Not fine manly qualities. _He was every inch
E having the heart to closure a missionary, a man. ~ His strong’ convictions created
he allowed Mr. Hicks to continue the dis- _by independent judgments, his unswerv-
cussion. In terse, vivid language he ing loyalty to his perception of truth and
stated his own position. He was nota right, his scorn of compromise, his reso-
Fundamentalist ; neither was he a_ lute determination in fulfilling his purpose
Modernist. He had a strong preference were the outstanding features of his
. for another word: “I am——†and he character. His defects—and he would not
: The late Rev. C. E. Hicks
at LE have been human without some defects— Hicks. He continued this service .untif
were such as frequently appear in strong his furlough in 1921.
| natures. On his return to: Yunnan in 1923, Mr.
3 : : Hicks became the Superintendent of t
} 4iWe adore the grace of God which can work among the Nee. fe iound ie
bi imbue and subdue such a dominating per- travelling and the prevalent banditry a
} sonality. Christ was truly Lord in the severe strain upon his physical strength.
pe and thought of Mr. es es devo- [In 1924, amid these harassing circum-
ion to his Divine Master gave richness to stances, he also suffered the loss of his
‘his experience and fervency to his ser- wife, whose gracious personality had
vice. He was the kind of man that always made his home a happy retreat.
would not turn back, even if he had to The labours and sorrows of this term of
face the fires of martyrdom. In some service became a burden almost beyond
respects he was like Thomas, that gloomy endurance, and he was in much need of
but heroic disciple, who said to his fellow relief when the time for his next furlough
disciples, when Judea threatened Jesus arrived. Physical and mental recupera-
with destruction, ‘Let us also g0, that ton prepared him for another term, and
we may die with Him.†Like Thomas he on the eve of his departure he married a
would not believe without convincing’ evi- lady, whose acquaintance he had _ first
| dence, but when once the Lord appeared made when serving as a probationery
i to him there was the complete soul-sur- ee ye Paignton, and whose love and
1 rendering response, “My Lord and my oo were to solace and cheer his latest
} God.†; ays. They had not been long in China
when their bright prospects were clouded
| That a man of this type, enlightened by the news of the illness of Mr. Hicks’s
with the true vision of Jesus, became a_ only son, who was then living in Man-
missionary can elicit no surprise. Loyalty, chester and attached to our Oxford Road
| love, courage and faith combined to urge Church. This prolonged illness caused
him in the same direction. He began his his mind to fluctuate between hope and
| ministerial probation in 1892, and after fear, until at last the dreaded news of his.
serving three years in Paignton, he was son’s death arrived. He felt this loss
on his way to China in 1895. A young very keenly. His own health became im-
1 man of twenty-three years had fixed his paired. He was stationed at Yunnan-fu,
| course for life in obedience to the call of | where he could receive proper medical
Christ. He never doubted that call. treatment. As he did not gain complete
| He often doubted the wisdom of his col- recovery he was given permission to
| leagues and of the decisions of the Com- return to England as soon as it was
| mittee at home, but he never threw up his deemed desirable. He hoped to remain
commission, he never lowered his flag; until the Spring, but the doctor advised
with steadfast determination he ploughed his return in the autumn. He left the
his furrow through. His judgments field with deep and mingled feeling. He
always commanded confidence and respect knew his work there was finished, but he
and were often adopted, but it was not contemplated some years of service in the
easy for a man of his temperament to home ministry.
\ consent to any deviation from his own Just before Christmas he was laid low
view. His experience as a teacher before with an attack of malaria and pleurisy..
| . entering the ministry gave him the fitness From this attack he was recovering,
and inclination for educational work, and when, most unexpectedly, signs of heart
in this form of service he was distinctly weakness caused grave concern, and on
the missionary pioneer in West China. January 12th he passed through the gates.
His labours in this sphere bore very of Life Eternal. :
| valuable fruit in the early years of the Charles Edwin Hicks will ever hold an
| Mission. The work he loved gradually honoured place among those intrepid
developed into the means of training pioneers who through hardship, isolation,.
| Chinese preachers. Some of the men peril, toil and difficulty laid the founda-
) who have served best as preachers in tion of the Church of Christ in the remote
Yunnan received their training from Mr. province of Yunnan, in China.
The late Rev. C. E. Hicks
Rev. F. J. Dymond. University and graduating, as did several:
For nearly forty years we had been others. Great was Mr. Hicks's gratifica-
close comrades in Yunnan, though not tion to see him pastor of the church. £ ire
often were we on the same station WS disappointed when the Rev. W. A.
together. Grist had to retire from the field. They os
T fine Mee +} 2 : _ were at that time “pals.†He often spoke-
may recall scenes that are outstand i : sete :
sebhednaats Se 2 2 regretfully of that loss in friendship.
ing in my memory. Two men on horse- ie 2 an
back, one ahead is singing with great We were together at Rochdale que
delight Methodist hymns in a deep bass recently, but he looked weary and thin
voice. How he can repeat them! How C©ompared to the old buoyancy, and I won—- :
he exults in them! “Come, O Thou dered. . . Now I can see why. z
traveller unknownâ€; “And didst thou Our hearts go out to Mrs. Hicks, and:
love the race that loved not Thee.†The to Miss Irene Hicks. May they know
people wondered, but the joy was great, the truth of the words, “He healeth the
and the hills resounded with song. broken in. heart.â€
Bowed under great sorrow he was as |
other men. Cup after cup came to him, Rev. H. Parsons.
and he found the truth of, “Thou shalt Tur Chinese sized us up, and nick-—
drink.†When others had to pass this named us in characteristic fashion.
way, then he had an exquisitely tender Some mannerism, or physical pecu- tat
touch ; he knew how much to say, and _ liarity, or outstanding trait of character,
prayed the rest. was seized upon by these quick-witted
Separations from wife and children he people, and by the exercise of their fine f
disliked intensely, for he greatly loved sense of humour, and their estimation of
home: the quiet nook away from Chi- values, the suitable name was speedily
nese distractions ; his study, the many supplied.
books he gathered through the years and It took me years to discover some of
was proud of. Only recently he called in these names, such as Teacher Never-still,.
and said, with great satisfaction, that he Teacher Loving-hearted, Teacher Quick-
had finished reading the Psalms in change, Teacher Never-ruffled and Tea--
Hebrew during his summer vacation. cher Slow-but-sure. I once heard Mr.
He delighted in new tasks, new acquisi- Hicks referred to, in guarded tones, as.
tions of knowledge, language, poetry or Teacher Stern. This was really a tribute
prose. He was equally interested inthem to his fine qualities of character. His.
all. Music was a delight; his organ was high ideals greatly impressed the Chinese,
a friend ; high-class gramophone records and they knew that in their dealings with
he shared with friends in lonely stations; him straightforwardness must always be
he delighted in conversation which the rule.
generally cheered and stimulated the It is likely enough that the people
sharer. To share in family prayers in his sometimes found him difficult to under-
home was a benediction. At times there stand. He had regular hours of study,.
were only two of us, but a hymn, reading, and special times were set apart for inter--
prayer followed in quiet succession. There viewing’ his native assistants. He always.
was nothing slip-shod or hurried. The used a downright method of speech, and‘
Holy Book he read with dignity, his this, though perfectly understood by
prayer was often remarkable in diction Westerns, was not always appreciated by
and comprehensiveness. Many a time the Eastern mind. But his students
have I quietly left the room after such a greatly respected his unusual teaching
season saying to myself, “Hallelujah!†abilities, his love of Divine truth and his.
One could speak of his merry laugh, his deep devotion to his Church. The school- |
hunger for friendship, his deep sense of master manner which he acquired in his. Y
justice. But these were qualities which youth somewhat hedged him round, but
all his friends recognized. : when you got behind this barrier you
He leaves many friends among the found a finely sensitive soul, quick to
Chinese. Pastor T’ang, at Yunnan-fu, respond to any kindness and eager to
was most attached, he being Mr. Hicks’s spend himself whenever and wherever
pupil from boyhood, then passing to the help was needed.
Leprosy in East Africa
We knew him as a hard fighter, hold- of evangelism that he excelled. When a
ing firmly to his epinions and willing to crowd of tribal teachers wanted a Biblical
stand alone “against the world†rather expositor and leader this was the man
than act contrary to his convictions. His who became to them a splendid inspira-
Pa colleagues in the District Synod and _ tion and a great spiritual force.
other official meetings frequently saw him And one recalls an occasion when two
in this light. Yet those of us who knew of his colleagues’ were homeward bound.
him and worked with him through the It fell to him to preside over a service of
long years often had glimpses of the other real Holy Communion. With what spiri-
man within him, and our hearts warmed tual insight did he give expression to the
to this strong, reserved man. beauty and dignity of the service as he
When distress of famine was upon our handed us the symbols of the broken Body
people, his whole-hearted sympathy and the shed Blood of our Lord.
sought practical means of expression. These, and many others, are the pic-
And when Dr. Savin and Dr. Lilian tures which remain of him in the mind of
| Dingle were stricken down, his rock- one of his colleagues. No one could ever
liké strength created confidence and doubt his unquestioning loyalty to his
calm. It was in such times as these that Saviour, his Church and his friends.
the real man was seen. He was untiring What higher tribute can anyone pay to a
Bm in his efforts, and his understanding and _ fellow-labourer in God’s service? ‘Truly,
a efficiency in difficult situations were as we think of him, St. Paul’s words are
always an immense help. so fully appropriate, he was “a workman
It was naturally on the teaching side that needeth not to be ashamed.â€
fo se -
| Leprosy in
| East Africa.
| In October, 1923, we gave a brief sketch oes as
| of Dr. Arthur J. Keevill, wedieal Micseoany reas we ohne ae Ears the hare
of Sikonge, East Africa, in connection with Ut POSSIDIY claeiiusina seers ele
the Moravian Missionary Society. Dr. Keevill ©XCluding lepers from any kind of inter-
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Keevill, Course with their fellows. ‘And the leper
j members of Oxford Street Church, Bristol, shall cry.‘ Unclean, unclean!’ He is
and was himself a United Methodist before unclean; he shall dwell alone ; without the
joining the Moravians, The following article camp shall his habitation be.â€
| appeared in a recent issue of “ Moravian At the present time Central Africa
Missions,†and is reproduced here by kind seems to hold the unenviable record of the
Pema Che ulie AH ditor: highest number of lepers per thousand of
the population of any country in the
EPROSY! What a vision of suf- world. :
‘ L; fering and living death is conjured The incidence of leprosy for India is
up by that word! Known from’ estimated at about one leper in every
afar to.all of us who from childhood have 3,000 of the population ; in Palestine one
read the Bible; known to some of us in in 10,000; in Central Africa, and especi-
| allits horror through close and daily con- ally in Tanganyika territory, one in every
tact with its victims, there is probably no 300. This estimate is probably too low,
disease which excites. in the European as no accurate statistics are available.
; mind so much pity as leprosy. | Outcast Here in Unyamwezi one thought at first
} and unclean, doomed to a life of separa- the lepers were few and far between.
tion from one’s fellows, full of sores, This was only natural because lepers con-
maimed, blind; such is the picture, not sidered themselves as hopeless, and there
wholly exaggerated, which is presented to. was no inducement to go to the Euro-
‘cur minds by the writers of old. Society peans for help. Indeed, they chose rather
needed to protect itself against the to remain unknown and _ untroubled in
ravages of this terrible disease, and, their own villages. | But a different pic-
Leprosy in East Africa
ture was presented when it became known — will be expected to work in the fields as
that a few lepers were being treated. much as possible we cannot reasonably
Within a few weeks from the commence- expect them to be self-suppoting. How
ment of leprosy treatment nearly forty is a man without any fingers and with
lepers in all stages of the disease presented crippled legs to raise his own food-stuffs ?
themselves for treatment. Now at Sikonge We are, then, deliberately incurring a re-
we have the names of over seventy lepers current expenditure for maintenance and
who have come to hospital for treatment. upkeep of these lepers. At the present
The same story is truce of Usoke and we estimate that £5 per annum per leper
Ipole, and doubtless will be the same in will easily cover all maintenance costs,
Kiwere now that Kitunda has been including clothing, but the prices of food-
occupied. stuffs vary considerably, and it may be ;
But of the total number of lepers on the that in the future this figure may need
registers only a few come regularly for TCV!SI0n.
treatment. Distance from the treatment We are embarking on this new enter-
centres may account a little for the fall- prise, not because we wished very much
ing-off of regular attendance. The main to do so, nor because there was not
factor is probably the long course of treat- enough other work to fill our days, on the |
ment necessary before any improvement contrary, but because we have been more
is noticed. In recent years several diseases or less forced into a position where we
such as sleeping-sickness, relapsing fever must take notice of the lepers in our
and yaws have been treated by injections midst. There are many lepers in our con-
with results that are spectacular and in gregations; they are members of our
some cases almost miraculous. The lepers Church, members of your Church, mem-
therefore naturally expect that two or bers of the Church of Christ. What are
three injections with a needle should we going to do about it? What are you
bring about corresponding: good results in going to do about it? We are deliberately
their condition. High hopes are shattered, incurring this recurrent expenditure, an
and the patients tire of coming. expenditure which will probably grow, in
A few of the patients who came to faith that the Home congregations will
Sikonge had come such long distances, °F let us down.
some fifty or a hundred miles, that they
were allowed to stay in hospital. This : LE al 2
arrangement was allowed against our ¥.
better judgment, since, although the Afri- | che aaa
can has not the traditional horror of lep- Pie nae
rosy, it was not desirable that they should aoe wi
mix freely with the other in-patients. But . wr a
no other accommodation was available, Sek ak "ee 7 5
and for two years the arrangement had to See { e a a |
stand. This year, with the help of £100 eS ‘tae |
granted by the British Empire Leprosy ee ‘es a
Relief Association, we are arranging a fee — * a.
leper compound, situated about half a —— fll GG
mile from the hospital. The compound, 9 emerald a os
which was formerly the Training School, oe. ~~ ee
consists of pole and earth huts, thatched oe pinot ree
with grass ; and a dispensary hut where ee oe
all leper treatments are given, including Cl le
leper out-patients. At present there are See ll ee
ten lepers in residence, and inquiries have os UlCt(
been made for others, but the remaining Se Se ccs ae
buildings are not yet ready. a Bie al Pee ok ee
It must be emphasized that the grant Poa > a Sees |
from the British Empire Leprosy Relief Pes ene oe
Association may be used for the provision
of building's only. Although the lepers A Sikonge Leper.
= 1 \
Pid Leprosy in East Africa
Pe Leprosy work needs patience, tremen- had already chosen a name, and wished
: dous patience, and I have a great admira- -only for permission to use it. What was
tion for those who spend their lives doing the name? “Kidugalo.†And what is
nothing else. Here in Sikonge it is only the meaning of the name, and why was it
t an incident in our daily life, and we derive chosen? It means, freely translated, “The
PT most of our professional satisfaction in end of the road†or “Journey’s End,â€
| our general medical and surgical work at and they chose it because they said
the hospital. “Now we have our own place; no more
| What, then, is the good ot such work? shall we need to wander about with no
} From the medical point of view very little real place to call our own. For us, here
good at present, although we hope to -is the end of the road.â€
: attract early cases which have a reason- Whether or not they have reached
able hope of cure. But the medical point ‘‘Journey’s End †depends on the amount
of view is not the only one, nor even the of support afforded from home.
chief one. We are here to preach the One of our patients is Tengule—a little
Gospel to the poor, to bring light to those .lad of ten or twelve years. He has the
| that sit in darkness and in the shadow of expectation of many years of life, years
| death. - We can at least care for these that will know pain and suffering. We
people, dress their sores and bring some can, if we are allowed, ease the burden of
hope and light into their lives. One is the years for him.
al called Lazaro; poor, lame and full of For nearly two years, now, he has been
Bas sores ; another, baptized after admission attending the classes of instruction for
ih to hospital, chose the name Naaman, but baptism; and not only he, but others
it is not probable that he will be cured as among the lepers. They come to us
his namesake was cured. dirty, neglected and hopeless. Who can
A few days after the lepers had moved resist their appeal? Who but would joy
from the hospital to their new compound to have some small share in this work so
they asked that the “village†might re- dear to the heart of Our Lord?
| ceive a name, according to custom. They A. J. Kerevitt.
OL LP Oe \
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| | ee se é
; E Cre ao: i cae :
| Dr. and Mrs. Keevill at Sikonge.
| 50
‘Tikonko Dialogues. * An Oft-recurring Problem.â€
’ ScenE.—A_ single-roomed mud hut. a kerchief for my head, or’a cloth to
Along one side of the room is a native wear; he has no respect for me.â€
wooden bed, and across the floor is spread M. A.: “And what is the man asking
astraw mat. On this is seated a girl of for now?â€
about eighteen years. _ Fastened round G. : “He wants my parents to return
her neck by a padlock is a monstrously the dowry money.â€
heavy chain, this passing to the corner of M. A. : “Are they willing to do that?â€
woRe where - een i a oreo The G.: “No; they have not the money
Sie Wong Pitterly,. ad every “now. now, and besides—they are anxious for
and again she seeks to lift the chain a me torbecomen the mance ete. “
little so as to lighten its pull upon her MOA Re oreo en oe Has to
neck and breast. Across from the open sengest PSSM e ES Osetra ee
door of the hut—the “chain-houseâ€â€” 4° POW! : sce
can be seen the native court barrie, where , G- : “ They are going to inquire whether
are gathered the “big men.†These com- it is because I have been giving myself Ree
-prise the judge, jury, counsel, court t©,some other man that I refuse to marry
clerks, etc. The case about to be tried, this one. :
and in which the girl is the defendant, is M.A.: “And have you been doing
of the oft-recurring type known as_ that?â€
“woman-palaver case.†The mission G. (emphatically) : “No!â€
agent approaches the girl, and the follow- M.A. : “And why won’t you marry the
ing’ conversation ensues : man then?â€
~ M.A. : “Good-day.†G. : “He is old, and cruel, and I don’t
G. : “Thank you.†want to marry him—but if my parents
M. A. : “What is your trouble? Why cannot find the dowry money ——â€
are. you here with the chain fastened She lifts the chain again that she might
about your neck?†put her hand to her eyes to wipe the fast-
G.: “I am being kept here because J falling tears, and the mission agent is
have not the money to pay the court fee.†obliged to leave her—unable to render
M. A.: “Are your people in the @"y help. im
G.: “No; my father and mother have
returned to iheovillaee in order to secure Sequel to the Above.
the money needed—seven shillings.†The District Commissioner has been
M. A.: “Are you to be kept om the seen, and the incident reported to him.
chain until the money is found?†He says such treatment is not allowed by
Gives.†the Government and has promised to
M. A.:-“But what is the reason for te eee Ay
-your being brought to court?†ee ETE SS:
_ G, “An old man is wanting to marry —
me. He has paid some small sum to my
parents towards the dowry fee—about In all my life I never saw such oppor-
two pounds in all. However they, my tunity for investment of money that any-
mother and father, say that is not one sets apart to give to the Christ who
enough, and are pressing the man to pay gave Himself for us. As I looked at the
more. He says he cannot do that—just little churches, schools and hospitals, and
yet at any rate, and now because he inquired the original cost of buildings and
“thinks I am getting old he is anxious for expense of administration, I felt a lump |
me to stay with him and give myself to of regret in my heart that I had not been |
him. That I am refusing to do.†wise enough to make these investments
M. A.: “And why are you refusing myself, and I have wished a hundred
that?†: _ times: I had known twenty-five years ago
G. : “T have learned he is a cruel man, what I learned half a year ago.
and all the time he has been pretending Mr. JoHn WaANAMAKER, after a
to wait to marry me he has never bought Tour in the East.
| ,
a ‘The Editor’s Notes.
' A Prayer. hold of God, and are some of His power-
Yea,O my God, we lay hold of Thy Cross, {ul and most effective witnesses, rekind-
} as of a staff that can stand unshaken when the ling cold love and strengthening weak
Pa floods run high. The tale told us is no fairy ‘faith by their own shining embodiment of
i story of some far-away land; it is this world, these great qualities.†Invalids who
and not another —this world with all its miseries would like to help in the many Christlike
and its slaughter and its ruin—that Thou hast ways of service open to them should
| i entered to redeem, by Thine agony and bloody write to Miss Allen, “ Egremont,†Cleve-
sweat.—H. Scott HoLianp. land Road, Torquay, Devon.
| * * * * x
A Gift of £30,000 to Missions. Ss ee
| The Wesleyan Missionary Society re- What a Blind Chinaman Did.
cently received from an anonymous friend In a delightful little book, “Yarns on
a gift of £30,000. This brought up the the Book,†Rev. A. M. Chirgwin. tells.
| In COU of the Society to £268,096, leav- how an old blind ‘schoolmaster in China
ing a deficit on the year of nearly £7,000. learned the Wong-Peill Script, and how
To raise so large a sum for missions in he came to use his knowledge for the
a time of great financial depression is a furtherance of the Gospel. One day an
\ | wonderful achievement, showing what can oq Chinese scholar, a man of learning
PW be done when the spirit of sacrifice and refinement, came to the Tsangchow
I abounds. Hospital to seek assistance. His sight
* * * * had failed him ; could the honourable doc-
| Turning Deficits into Increases, tor restore it to him? Dr. Peill examined
| In an interview Rev. G. E. Hickman the old man’s eyes, and was compelled to
Johnson told how several circuits had t¢ll him, in the kindliest way possible,
turned deficits into increases. When the that it was too late; his eyes were
| minister and his committee met to make damaged beyond the possibility of re-
up the accounts for the year and found C©°V€ry- The old man received the news
there was a decrease, they got down on calmly, thanked the doctor cordially as if
their knees and prayed about it. Then he had done him a favour, and departed.
they went out and wiped off the decrease. = so = =
In other cases they made heroic efforts Instead of leaving the hospital im-
during the last few hours and turned a mediately he went across the courtyard
| deficiency into an increase. As Mr. into one of the wards where the hospital
Johnson says, “If only these instances ¢.angelist was teaching some patients to
could have been) multiplied, doubled or -eag.’ His schoolmaster’s interest was at
trebled, I should not have to mention the once aroused, and he sat down to listen.
| word * deficit. But here was a new way of teaching, #
* * * * way he had never heard before. It
Invalids and Missions. seemed easier than the method he had
In connection with “The Invalids’ himself used for many years. When the
A iain League of Love and Service†much class was over he asked the evangelist
’ helpful work for missions is done by about it. ye
those who are deprived of health and a . 2
strength. In her report of the past year’s To his astonishment he learned that
| work, Miss Allen, the secretary of the while by his own methods it took many
League, says that the members “having months and even years for boys to read
learned many lessons in the furnace of and write, by the new method even ignor-
pain reach out hearts and hands of sym- ant old women from the villages could
| pathy, love, prayer and service to Christ’s learn to read ina few weeks. Surely the
ambassadors overseas, encouraging’ and old man was being mocked. But no, the
stimulating them to still nobler endeav- good doctor of the hospital had modified
our. It has been said that invalids are and brought into use a simplified system
the true priests of the household; they of writing’ which had been invented some
certainly are the true priests of the house- years before by a Chinese named Wong
The Editor’s Notes oe
Chao. By the new method there were and brought them, with several refugees, i
only seventy characters to learn instead into the British Concession. :
of forty thousand. * * *% *
* * * * Mr. Edison’s Last Message.
The old man asked the evangelist to The last public message of the late Mr; ne
read to him one of these books. He Edison was given in a broadcast address, Se
asked him to read it a second and third This is what he said: “My message to i
time. Very soon he knew the little book you 1s to be courageous. I have lived a
by heart and could repeat it from end to long time. I have seen history repeat
end without a single mistake. Next day itself again and again. I have seen many
he brought the evangelist a larger book. depressions in business, Always has I
Would the teacher give him a little of | America emerged from these stronger
his valuable time so that he might learn and more prosperous. Be as brave as
this book also? The evangelist gladly you fathers were before you. Have eS
consented, and they spent many hours faith. .Go forward!†|
together, the old scholar learning the * * * *
mame of each character, where each
character was in the printed page, where Another Prayer. 3
the pages turned over, and so on, page O Lord our God, make us at peace with all
after page, to the end of the book. Be- mankind, gentle to those who offend us, faithful
fore long’ the old man was word-perfect in m all duties, and sincere in sorrow when we fail 5
this larger book as well as in the primer %†duty. Make us loving to all mankind, patient
he had learned after hearing it reada few %†distress, and ever thankful to Thy Divine
times. The larger book was the Gospel power which keeps and guides and blesses us ;
; oa every day.—FRANCIS: H. NEWMAN.
according to St. Mark.
The old blind scholar returned to his
home carrying his two books, tapping : .
with his stick along the Chinese roads. An African who coud oo
He began teaching his boys the new better than Tetrazzini!
methods of reading and writing from In “The Music Makers,†the Annual
books he had never seen, much to their Report of the Primitive Methodist Mis-
amazement. In course of time the mes- sionary Society, Rev. C. T. Smith tells
sage of the book he had learned began to the story of putting a record of Tetraz-
take hold of him, and he came under the zini on his gramophone. When he men-
spell of One of whom he had never heard tioned the fabulous. amount that great
before, even Jesus who can make the singer received for making such records,
blind to see. In the end he yielded him- one man promptly wanted to know. the
self to the Great Teacher whom he first address of the Gramophone Company,
discovered in his blindness, and he led because he was quite sure he could sing
others to yield themselves to Him too. better than the lady mentioned ! :
So even the blind can sometimes lead the
‘blind, not to fall into a ditch, but to find se
the way of Life. :
* Ps * ee Tue last words in Bishop Hannington’s
: : : diary, scribbled by the light of a cam
The Trouble in Tientsin. mee ery: Sale histie the last chapter of
' In the recent conflict between the my earthly history, the next will be the
Chinese and Japanese in North China, our first page of the heavenly—no blots, no |
Chinese pastor in Tientsin had avery ter- incoherence; but sweet converse in the |
rifying experience. Mr, Su and his family presence of the Lamb.†Equally calm
were locked in the chapel and for several and triumphant were his dying words to
‘days were without fuel and water. On _ his slayers. “Go, tell Mwanga,†he said,
the ninth day Mr. Turner endeavoured to “that I die for the Baganda, and that I
reach them, but was unsuccessful. He have purchased the road. to. Uganda with
managed to rescue them on the next day, my life.†— : =
a “The Present-Da
| = y A Great Book which
ie Summons. must be Read.
' HEN Dr. Mott was in England a turies have there been such extensive and
W few years ago he called the aggyessive anti-religious movements. One
} leaders of the Missionary Socie- of these broke out in China about a de-
Si: ties to summon to their aid the best cade ago. It was directed more especi-
1 | minds and the richest resources of the ally at Christianity which, it maintained,
country on behalf of the world mission of was imperialistic, capitalistic, and un-
} Christ. He reminded them of the wave _ scientific. This has largely died down;
| i of secular civilization which was sweep- but there are not wanting signs of a fresh
| ing’ over mankind and of how this outbreak. This is in part due to the pro-
menaced the Christian idealism for which paganda of the Russian communistic
| Missions stood. He did not assume that movement, which with its announced
those whom he addressed were ignorant world programme, able leadership, pas-
| of world trends, but he was able out of sion, and generous financial backing,
his unique experience to bring home to cannot be ignored. It is one of the most
his audiences how urgent was the need ginister facts in the entire world.â€
for a great advance all along the line in This is not, of course, a complete pic-
mission work. ture of the world situation in its ethical
He has now published his views and and religious aspects. If, for example,
i r conclusions in a book that must certainly there are 25,000,000 men in the armies,
rH be read by Christian leaders, by mission- pyavies and reserves of the world, which
aries, and by all who are earnest in their j. 5,000,000 more than at the begin-
purpose to see the Christian view of life ning of the world war, there is sitting at
prevail in the world: “The Present-Day the present moment the Disarmament
| Summons to the World Mission of Chris- Conference ; there are twenty voices and
tianity.â€* We should like to urge minis- pens speaking and writing to foster-right
| ters to get this book without delay ; we understanding between nations where one
know of no contribution to this vastly guch voice and pen were thus engaged
important subject to compare with it. It twenty or thirty years ago; and all over
must be read, the world there is coming forward a new
“It is startling to renect,†says Dr. generation preparing to devote itself to
Mott, “on the imminent possibility that, international good will.
| if we turn a deaf car to the summons of Another momentous fact iss that the
the present most critical and fateful hour, ingyence of Christ was never so. wide-
the world mission of the Christian faith spread, so penetrating, and so transform-
| may fail.†What grounds are there for ing AGES uaOG “Tt is impossible to
this most disquieting statement? — furnish accurate figures,†says Dr. Mott,
In the non-Christian countries one “but it is probably a conservative esti-
feels, says Dr. Mott, that there is a mate, based on such returns as are avail-
gradual though sure disintegration of able, to say that fully twenty millions of
' : long-established faiths. These faiths jen and women in non-Christian areas
have in the past exercised a practical of Asia and Africa are now looking to
regulative influence over life, andin many Christ for guidance, for redemption, and
ta instances have been sources of vital £5; power hitch greater than human,
| energy. “The most serious aspect of the \yhere there were Yess than two millions
situation is that in all non-Christian lands looking Christward thirty years ago.â€
there is coming forward a generation So you have this situation : you have
wich has; largely “thrown: off sthewre= —forcesear mone sine thee world (of euch
Sttamts and directive power of ;the ‘old. scricter naturesaeto eadce grave concern
religious and ethical systems, and is for the future of civilization, and on the
facing the exacting demands of the new other hand there is a far-reaching and
day without guiding principles and the powerful Christward movement without
anchoring or conserving’ power of tradi- parallel in the history of mankind. Which
tions and social sanctions which have will prevail ?
| ’ dominated long centuries of ancestry.†Dr. Mott discusses the Summons of
| And again, “At no time in modern cen- Rural Life, of Industry, of Race. He
""" *Student Christian Movement; 76d. =~SC*<«‘
The Black Man: What will he be To-morrow? 5
Share, to Serve, to Co-operate, and in We have the Message, but have we the
the latter part of the book shows how men and women adventurous enough,
the Christian Message, the Living Gos- careless enough of themselves, to deliver
pel, can alone meet the challenge of to- it? Is the Church as a whole adventur-
day. And the Christian Message is ous enough, and careless of itself enough ? ae
Christ. “It is something objective—an Dr. Mott says that in his missionary SS
Ever-Living Personality. Not a new journeys he has not visited a hospital, or %
Christ, but a larger Christ, larger in the a Christian college, or a field open to
sense that there are so many more living evangelism which has been adequately
now than ever who have had experience manned. And he believes that an addi- ie
of Him, and so many more communities tion of 10 per cent more missionaries i
now than ever before, the world over, would yield 100 per cent increase in a
which have furnished demonstrations of results.
His transforming power in human rela- Are we prepared for a more heroic
tions. We go forth to proclaim a Gospel practice. of the Gospel? On the answer
which offers abundant life, even to those to that question depends the future of the
in the gloomiest slums of Western cities, world.
among the untouchables and unapproach- If I were a rich man I would send this
ables of India, and in the abodes of book to every minister in the land, not to
cruelty and shame in darkest Africa. It the younger ministers only, but to all. :
is a Gospel which summons to a life more No man is better qualified to give a world : | ie
adventurous and more demanding than view of present-day trends and to point
any other known to mankind. In making the way to world redemption than Dr.
His Gospel difficult, Christ has made it Mott. We repeat, this book must be read.
triumphant.†: NCHS TG.
se se a :
‘The Black Man: What will he be To-morrow?
HE African is being re-made. But than with the man whom the Christians
into what sort of man? This is a have had in hand. They forget that other
vital question for white men as well influences have been at work: the press,
as black. “Will he be exploited and de- the film, employment in mines, farms,
based, arrested and thwarted in his factories and offices, and all these have
development, or helped to develop his greatly affected the African’s outlook.
latent powers so that he may make his He has also come into close contact with
distinctive contribution to the common Europeans, and some of them not of the
life of mankind?†This matter is dis- best either. And this much is to be put
cussed in a very important book which to the credit of the missionaries: they
has recently been issued by the Oxford are not in Africa to exploit the black man,
University Press: “The Remaking of but to ennoble him, to make him a better
Man in Africa.†The book is written by man. And their task is meeting with
Messrs. J. H. Oldham and B. D. Gibson, great success, people unsympathetic with
and is published at half a crown. It missions notwithstanding.
would be hard to find two writers more The authors address their book par-
competent to deal with this engrossing ticularly to the younger generation ; they
subject, and their contribution is certain are anxious that those whose lives are |
to be widely read. before them should consider this urgent |
_ The African is rapidly changing; who problem with vision and a sense of re-
is changing him? Critical and sceptical sponsibility. The solution lies, in their
men of commerce are always ready to judgment, in a well-conceived policy of :
blame missionaries for any defect they Christian education. The writers say that
find in the black man. They say mis- the civilization which is penetrating
sionaries have spoiled him. We have Africa is not a Christian civilization : in
even heard Christian men of business say many respects it is at variance with Chris-
this. We have heard them say they tian beliefs. “Africa is a single battle-
would rather deal with the raw African field in a conflict that is being waged on
rin ss :
| Hi Z
ee The Black Man: What will he be To-morrow?
bh aay
Pa a world-wide front. The issues that are God’s redemptive purpose for man, and
RE being decided there are those between the that the opportunities of a larger and
' Christian understanding of man and the — richer life made possible by Western
nit purpose of his existence and the standards _ knowledge are, as Dr. Schweitzer has re-
[ and values of modern secular civilization. . minded us, a debt which, because of the
, | Only when this fact is recognized is the wrongs it has committed, and is commit-
1 task of the Church in Africa seen in its — ting,Western civilization owes to Africa.â€
Piet true dimensions.†In the opinion of the writers of this
i But when we tall of Christian educa- book the Church of Africa has a great
! Ho tion do we conjure up in our minds the opportunity to-day. Christian influences
| thing that has caused us so much trouble have penetrated into tens of thousands of
| at home? Do we mean schools where the villages throughout Africa, and_ the
Christian religion is taught; that, and Church has at its disposal ‘(an immense
nothing more? . And is our idea of edu- . fund of living energy in the tens of
cation that of “pumping knowledge into thousands of African workers who are
empty receptacles� All true education carrying on its work in the villages,†as
| must envisage the entire personality ; it preachers, catechists, medical assistants
must aim at the redemption of the whole and nurses. ‘Whatever else the mis-
man: his body, his mind, and his soul. sions do or leave undone they must give
{ “Christian education is deserving of the — their best to the training of these African
Ly name only as it is rooted in a deep under- - workers.†Here lies the great hope for
: standing of the transformation of human the future of this vast continent. “The
ari values brought about by Christ and His training of these workers must be given
| death on the Cross and of the Christian the central place in the missonary pro- —
\ conception of the life of man as finding gramme. Where the provision is found
| its fulfilment in worship and adoration, to be inadequate for the purpose in view,
oe sae : : :
in life in an organic society, in personal steps must be taken to remedy the de-
relations of loyalty and love, of service fects.†This, and many related. ques-
i | and sacrifice. It must recognise at the tions, are dealt with in a remarkably able
i | same time that progress in health, in way, as we should expect, in this import-
knowledge and in skill is included in ant book. B. D.
bo ee SSA Ort SAIREIE Se ie ge 224 ee eae er oar a
7 re Py PS oN ES oe ar gan a Seana P fi Reamer kat at Sia Pg
Re eh eee ee a are, one:
Fe Reo Ne ke BR CARER DN Cc EY a ne See Se cee ae
| Se Fre ae Rag ea SS) Ue an Ee aa Va e
OES Bn gear Be ics. aN Vice Pian ats bs kn eae Peta % Warp noah
| : Bese Ree ee ia ce oe aS oo RR peso
j <1 E Baier hs : Ps sever as Cts Agee vate arete) em Se Ee ai, ee
| Bee ls GG teas @ NOUe dee Thy aes ey ed SS Cora Ee NA et aes a :
| Vie ete sali TS ia er ey eg: ae I ae rs 1) Cem A ey te
ee. ge em ST et Eo od eta. ON NE oe
| ee io ries Tae ie a Pees Pe we vs Fe “ an x att oy i
Pig Sas Sor att RC pein os i ey aaa Fe ea aes Ct RP Neg mee Oe
| Ree ar NNO ey y.
RE oe See ORE aN a Ds Bee ick, ag wy pea ae fas
} Be, A Pe aie Bat P aS a ae no, Migamer* aa ie A ee 2
A ; eae: Se Schnee Goo. oes eee oe We % y Sarasin Ws enon Oe a, z
pa | eee ae Cate Moe yf See! Soe eee ae ee
See 8s ta DA x cae Res ¢ BaP eS me Ras a i en eon a
be Le Beg am Pe aie 2) - @ ou | #\" gee
{ 6 RA ee ig Sho gee ae ey ee RL roEN REE dante’
| Ph eR ere a : mie de. — suiccs ba ge eae As
| lee eS mm ee ee
} i aE ine Ie Se see | Pk ee I oe x : :
| Eee ee en i ag Ee
4 RR a ee Cl
| Me err ee Deh eee eM ae†2 g ee A ow SANE. Sakae eo na ee me ue :
| | Bees emmera:- heer oe I RT 8 CR ay oon GEES eS SR 5
ae eee es 1 I) PE RO oa ge es nS SG a gee ae
ae ye eS ee 4 -
| : The commencement of the new Water Scheme at Meru, [Photo : Mr. J. Burt.
Mission Girls drawing water old style.
Hl |
Rew. San ag : An Rev. W. H. BOURNE.
npublished Story. Ee
N 1874, the Rev. I. B. Vanstone was the chapel, who had come up from Corn- we
| appointed to visit the Bible Chris- wall with the unemployed tin miners fifty BES
tian societies in Lancashire and _ years earlier, and who liad attended the eee
Cumberland, to set forth in these remote meeting which Mr. Vanstone so faith- Beg
chapels the missionary situation. He — fully reported to the Connexional Editor, |
preached to encouraging congregations at the Rev. F. W. Bourne. Be
Haverigg and Millom, the two societies I called in to see this aged pioneer, Be
that remain to this day as the Millom Cir- yng during our conversation revealed a eee
cuit. At the time that Mr. Vanstone jen interest in Missions, and his delight
made his journey there were others in when he discovered that I was an ex- ul
that circuit, known as the “Bible Chris- pipnje Christian was a joy to behold. In
tian Outpost.†Let us read what the this isolated and remote place the union
pioneer-missionary has to say about this 4¢ 1907 was scarcely known to him. He
visit himself. accepted my copy of our current Mission-
“On Wednesday, Mr. Dening and I ary Report with as much reverence as if
started for Eskdale, an outpost among’ it had been specially printed for him.
the mountains. This opening has only Then he began to ask questions. Who oe
recently been entered. An iron mine 1S Were our missionaries in China to-day ?
being briskly worked ; and to provide in 47, pticked up his ears at the mention of
some measure for the spiritual wants of fF J. Dymond. “In my Bible Class in
the miners, the company has fitted up 4 spe West when he was a boy,†he re:
small wooden chapel. At seven we re- marked proudly. Then he inquired of
paired thither for our missionary mect- others who were unknown even by name
ing, and we were favoured with the 4, me, until in a meditative voice he men- 5
assistance of Captain Rosewarn in the tioned the name of Sam Pollard. “Did
chair. . . A cheerful liberality was yoy know him?†I asked, whereupon he
manifested. It occurred to me that by replied that Sam also had been in_ his.
going into this place our friends are fpibie class. Then came a really astonish-
doing a stroke of real missionary work. fet Pe Vala tianie hee oldman ich nor
There is a wildness in the surrounding now that Mr. Pollard had lived for many
neighbourhood, which, with the tempor- years, laboured, and died in China! T
ary-erections *for thevminers, Simpresses “46d tim toast tew mords. aS possible
one with the idea of colonial or even something of our Connexional epic, of
foreign life.†: which Pollard was the hero, and this aged
Exactly fifty years after this, I was hrother’s eyes filled with grateful tears.
invited by a Primitive Methodist col- Neyer was a Nunc Dimittis more truly
league to fill an unexpected gap caused uttered since Simeon first offered the
by the absence of my friend’s circuit prayer.
missionary deputation. It was explained T ee eT £ Wd
to me that the chapel for which my ser- Ss Bere) Ce Ge a
: ° lee of this early Bible tutor, although it could
vices were required, now a _ Primitive Bane eae ree ane eis t
Methodist and flourishing society, had Pee ce eee eo UY eee |
formerly belonged to the Bible Christian
Connexion. It was one of two buildings oe
fairly near each other, both ex-B.C.
chapels, and both abandoned many In Burma there has recently beer
years before. Indeed, they had ceased to launched a ‘Burma for Christ Move-
function prior to the union of 1907. One ment.†This is a great act of faith and
was at Crossdale, and the other at Kirk- courage on the part of Burmese Chris-
land, adjacent to the Harris Side Mines. tians. The most important feature of
It was of this latter place that Mr. Van- the movement is the widespread calling
stone made the report given above. for prayer, and the belief that if men
On reaching Kirkland I was informed will only wait upon God He has great
that an old man was still living next to things to reveal to‘them:: = - .
4 re
i |
t 4 Ht ; (ft YD : KA AD
i Sal ar 4 —~@ >» Wi Sec ND
a (Gr alee’
al Rs ee VA a
Te Mrs. J. B. BROOKS, B.Litt.
| Women’s Bible School city, she preached to him for about an
at Luih-z. hour, but evidently to little purpose, for
Miss ETHEL SIMPSON. he charged us outrageously for the two
BOUT to anche Heron he. Buble oe a his boat, when we _ reached
A School at Luih-z, Foa Tsz Fang, “20°C!
once a great worker in our church, _ We had another little evangelical tall
came back, declaring that the Lord had in the launch while we waited for it to
led her to return. I was unfeignedly glad take us along the canal. Arrived at Luih-
| to see her, and she accompanied me to 4%; the caretaker and a few women
a Luih-z. awaited us and gave us a hearty wel-
We left home at six o’clock in the COME, and _helped with our baggage,
Vit morning, to take a boat at the East Gate. which consisted of camp bed, bedding,
As the launch was broken down, we had food, gospels, and other things for use
to take a sampan. It was a_ beautiful and study.
morning, and as we went down the river There were twenty-one women at the
we could see a haze over the city and the church when we arrived, and the number
| hills on the opposite side of the river. We increased to forty. Often a number of
passed the two pagodas on the Snake and _ outsiders listened, and each evening the
i Turtle Hills, about which there is a story church was crowded. The women of the
| that many misfortunes once came upon Bible school studied diligently day by day
| ‘the city because the spirit of these two and at night slept all over the place. Be-
| hills moved. But since the pagodas were hind a partition off my room were two
i built all has been well. beds with several occupants. In the
| Foa Tsz Fang entered into conversa- large room the sleepers were numerous.
tion with the boatman. Finding that he About three o’clock one morning I
was not a Christian, but that one of his heard a weird noise, the most dreadful
relations was a Christian worker in the crying and moaning from one of the girls.
The women regarded it as a
i visitation of an evil spirit,
i i which often troubled her. They
prayed with her, and gradually
| | ar : | she became calmer. The girl
1 i (es es ae. ee had several attacks during the
| Kies a eee Rms Aes Miia ition school, but at the close she con-
j |e ee! sidered herself cured, and truly
Nee ae eM eee | = she secmed so.
es aS On Saturday afternoons we
-_. & ie “gg Sg have a holiday from study. The
4 Te ee ee | «= omen wash their clothes and
eS ee a. es, is planned for those who can
Beh sc ane ee oe ee walk, and about sixteen girls
eh eel cee and women accompanied me in
Pe ee a eo eee climbing Poe Dia Sa, _ the
a ant ae aan ee eee eee. = Precious. tuelde. Mountaineselg
| Canal, Luih-z, Wenchow District. [Photo: Miss Simpson. | Was a very pretty hill, having
| 58
years ————OO—————
Women’s Missionary Auxiliary
aes) «this mighty problem. After
: ee - | seeing all they can, they leave
j 3 : : | their trade-mark behind on the
Ganers | window panes and hobble along’
Bers eee & eee: 5 tp the chapel. After tifin we
a A eee pat Pk ey eee ee usually go for a stroll in the
om = ay ere ae a © 4 Sica garden before getting on with
Ae aya ax © Ee i ee the afternoon work, and there
pi Nm ie eis Pg ie, we exchange comments with
ae (ee eee Bgl Ly i i er the old ladies about weather,
ot : a ced fh of NSS = food and ailments. Someone
RK a § ee ae ye or always has some pain or other,
: incor eg —T and we have to inquire just
aa ee a NS where, which they will tell you,
\ Buk pe oo es | — but whether you can make out
ese LS pe ae S yourself is another matter.
‘Members of the Bible School, Until Miss Doidge cane
iLuih-z, Wenchow District. [Photo: Miss E. Simpson. back from furlough the meet-
ing usually held a number
rocks and springs, a little waterfall, a of children who disturbed the speaker
shrine and a temple at the top. We rested quite a bit, with their running in and out
there and drank tea. After about halfan and here and there to speak to each
hour we returned tired but happy, and on other. So she has started a children’s
the way we sang choruses. class at the same time as the older folks’
Sunday was Sacrament Sunday. Several meeting. Until our little lassie came I
people came from a distance, involving a used to help Miss Simpson by playing the
three hours’ wall thére and three hours organ, but now I have to run away soon
pack. On the return journey the Chinese after half-past two and feel it disturbs
preacher accompanied us and preached — the speaker suddenly to walk right out
the Gospel in the launch. It was good to through the meeting, so I have joined
see Wenchow again. Miss Doidge and we have a right good :
: time. It is not always possible for me
Development in the Women’s to get there, sepeeay ee our young
Wenchow Meeting. lady decides to be wakeful, but as a rule
Mrs. IRVING SCOTT. I hope to get along. To begin with, the
NCE a week on Thursday after- kiddies have a right good romp in the
0 noon we hold a meeting which is compound and afterwards march to-
equivalent io a Bright Hour in the room reserved for them at the
England. To this we get from
60 to 100 women of all ages.
The meeting is timed for two /
-o’clock, but sure as noon i
comes around and you sit een ire Yrs. ae .
down to your tiffin, the tap, no SRR Sg ci
tap of sticks and chatter of | (ERsesssess age Tg toe
voices can be heard and 2 |<. iii st mie |
‘stream of women passes the see = a Sue et
dining-room window towards |e ae RE we Ee rome
the small compound chapel |f =) eis Vatenc ay in
where the meeting is held. eer elle. ea ae ii
Pass the window, did I say? | eases ee De y
Well, eventually they do, but ti SF ee a8
for a few moments stop to : 2 =a ae ;
-gaze for the hundredth time at ce ee & |
the weird way foreigners eat | Pee
their food, and then turn to
their companion and discuss Canal Scene, Wenchow District. [Photo: Miss Simpson.
Bravest Deed of the Year
on back; and various things are taught soul, who could be self-sacrificing when
them. necessary. It would probably mean going
When the Chinese New Year comes without pocket money for goodness.
around then we use the presents received knows how long.
Pa from. the homeland and distribute them Next week we are holding the same
amongst the Thursday meeting. When meeting on Monday afternoon, but intend
possible we try to know to whom the gift as we sew to have a business discussion
is to be given so as to wrap upa suitable and elect a treasurer and also one to buy
i article, and always it is put in red paper material when needed. As we get on we
| and tied up. They are asked not toopen ajso mean to introduce speakers on in-
it until after the meeting is closed, but it teresting subjects, hygiene and home life,
is really amusing to watch them trying to put to begin with we are going slowly.
peep inside the parcel through the There was no doubt but that the
Corners: women thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon,
During the summer months Mrs. Stede- and I can assure you Mrs. Stedeford and
ford and I have been discussing the need I certainly were thrilled with the response
for a kind of Dorcas Society amongst the to our appeal.
women here. When the cooler weather ge
| came in and we felt like doing anything <
\ extra in the afternoons, we had .a_ talk
tH with one of our Chinese teachers and Bravest Deed
found that she also thought the work was
needed and would be welcomed. We of the Year. :
therefore through her asked those women T the 158th Annual General Meeting
who we knew would be suitable to come of the Royal Humane Society on
along and make garments for the poor February 9th, the Srannopr GoLp
| folk. Miss Doidge had brought some Mepat for the Bravest Deed of the vear
materials from England, enough to start was awarded to Mr. George Jenkins, a
| with, so we decided to get them cut out ship’s cook, of Walton, Liverpool.
| and begin right away. The question of During the passage of the London Mis-
| funds for future material arose and at sionary Society’s auxiliary - schooner,
first the women thought it would be diff- ‘John Williams V,†from the Clyde to
| cult to.raise the sum needed, as most of Colon, one of the crew, Alexander Samuel,
i them were by no means flush with money. was washed overboard from the jibboom
We decided to shelve the matter for a whilst furling sail in mid-Atlantic. There
i while-and get. the meeting well in hand was a heavy sea running at the time, a
| and then again bring’ the question up. strong south-west gale was blowing, and
Yesterday was the first real meeting, and the ship was quite unmanageable, when
| about eight women turned up to sew for the engines were stopped. A lifeboat was
two hours. We had a very enjoyable launched with difficulty and at consider-
time and got through quite a lot of work. able risk, but before it reached the water
As I was packing away the materials in George Jenkins had already jumped over-
| the cupboard, one of the younger girls,a board and struck out towards his ship=
inal nurse in our hospital who had come along mate with a lifebeit. Unfortunately, how-
in her off-duty time, put a dollar before ever, although he spent nearly an hour in
me. I asked her what it was for and_ the raging sea before being’ picked up by
received the reply that the money was to the lifeboat, Jenkins was unable to reach
thelp buy material. Well, to say that I the drowning man before the latter sank.
was amazed is to put it mildly, and for It may be added that Jenkins was by no
‘a moment I could not find the words to means an expert swimmer, and that the
ithank here. A dollar! Why atthe most lifeboat was smashed whilst being takem
‘we had reckoned a tenth of that from inboard. Swinging against the ship’s
seach person. That showed us the earnest- side it became unhooked, filled with water
iness of this little nurse, a real merry little and had to be abandoned.
’ : i eS “ i en SL =
iS THE A |
[5] [5] |
[6] “Christ is our motive and Christ is our end. We must give [S]
[a] nothing less, and we can give nothing more.†(5)
iA —J. O. Dosson. [5]
China and Japan: Will Christian
Missions be Affected? Rev. W. E. SOOTHILL, M.A.,
Professor of Chinese, Oxford University.
HAT China is in a deplorable con- hind this high-handed action? Some
7 dition is patent to the world. De- accuse Japan of the meanness of avail-
void of a government able to unify ing herself of the opportunity of
and control it, the country, of con- ‘‘striking’a man who is down.†Others.
tinental dimensions, is split up under a deny this, but say she acted purely
dozen different opposing rulers, brigand- from the standpoint of self-interest with-
age is rife almost everywhere, the Com- out consideration of any one _ else,
munists claim to have conquered nearly Chinese or European. Still others declare
a quarter of the territory and people, that Japan could not any longer tolerate
famine has swept off millions of the the conditions which Chinese misrule had.
wretched population of the north-west, produced. In point of fact, it would seem
and floods have wrought terrible havoc as if the military authorities of Japan
in the Yangtze Valley. Japan has now had impatiently taken the matter out of
added to China’s woes by separating the hands of an unwilling’ civil govern-
Manchuria, with its population of twenty- ment, which wished to stand by its
two million Chi-
nese and set- fmeuuos eee
: ting’ it up as an [Qh 6 ae 4 pe aN
i independent > eae VA ; a i 4 4) BP |
Republic de- SS ~_ § 9d ‘cab le ge
dent on |.†A poli) 4 ie ae
pen pais ‘ Dares Vela f yaad
Japan. Notcon, [fi ie Ets
ent wi iS. [eee og : A aii i ah Ses
she has trans- |Hope | | Ae | be eae |
ported her ar- |p as aC i\ ¢ LOS ames er =
mies to Shang- [Rl oiip, = a\ 4 ton 8 ioe
: aa i coe * ae
hai, where, a ete Se Beet fe fee a ee H es }
"after destroy- [GSI RAG) = la Ne Sa re ee
ing | thousands TEE Oe Re ic he Rae ee :
of tives and (HTT INNS mnie.) im Lee be eae |
ruining many |]SRe a oe Tey pa oa, Oe oo! Ww) ig a pe ae ‘ ) |
thousands of |FRBRIBRRR RT Pie “aX f us <@ eae i
the civilian Pee. RE A eee i
population, she |S el
has at length (ell QS
. : i 2: GARRET th Mat matt ie toa :
driven the Chi- ||( (ll
: nese army out eee Bre 5
of its almost |B e
impregnable Ba So aa ae SS
positions. a j oe tae
What lies be- 4 street in Shanghai. [Pitoto: Mr. . Butler. J.P.
ApriL, 1932.
Pou China and Japan: Will Christian Missions be Affected ?
Pa treaties and pledges. Whether it is true the Council of the League of Nations,
‘ ‘ that “hostilities do not arise from sud- her conduct it at least anomalous. It is
‘den inspiration, but from antipathies only saved from being Gilbertian by the
! slowly germinating,†as, says a leading Japanese assertion that China is not a
journalist, may be open to debate, but nation but a chaos. At any rate, it seems
Lai there seems little cause to doubt that in evident that Japan’s late government had
| this case the antipathies have been for no plan or intention of such intervention
} long germinating, while the actual hos- as has taken place, for it has had to give
hy tilites have been of sudden inspiration. way to a more warlike government, and,
In regard to Manchuria, the Japanese moreover, it was helpless before a fait
say that Chang Hsueh-liang, its late Dic- accompli by an army and navy over which
| tator, has wasted the substance of his it had no control. How is a League of
| huge and rich province in the riotous Nations to deal with a chief member of
é living of China’s quarrels and civil war, its Council which yet has no control over
| that he has bled the people white with its military forces?
taxation, has allowed brigandage to be- As to Shanghai, there is no need to
come a serious menace, and has ruined dispute that Japan suffered almost as
: trade, on which Japan depends for a much provocation as did the Chinese
diving, by his mismanagement. This over Manchuria. — First of all, the uni-
} may be true, but in view of the treaties lateral abrogation of Extraterritoriality
| made by Japan, and her prominence on by the late Chinese Government meant
ay S that by the first of
5 January this year all
: a SS ‘ Japanese subjects
ar ae ee, and property, both in
dh = Sli =: a4 Manchuria _ and
Se eT _ ee ae come subject to Chi-
| See age yr| nese law and ad
i 4 eRe oe ag ide = : ae | Sis ao ministration, the im-
: it 4 Bias a 1 ee gC ee possible condition of
| RNAS co Paw! ae ee | 6hwhich was. well
| era So tee BAW ee es: a pie ag peso known in Japan.
en ee i fe a: GN Pe Bee 1 = Me} That in itself was
|| SS Ss QE 8 by ee Hae a | intolerable to Japan,
ag wee a ae which has far more
Se “ a" cael vend Ss subjects in China and
Se Som A a : rae : ea Manchuria than all
| Wik =r ee Set pe ; - aan the other foreign
| Eevee aN BY ay? ae iGneme, ©. i wey. nations put together.
: NT Aa wy ON Ge as Ve 4 . Again, students and
Ane oy iow fe Ie ga 30 M5) schoolboys in tens of
| See oe dS aes ex hs ee ME | «thousands were al-
as ge ito) oe ee a .
i Bees) A a (Sy ee =|: lowed to commandeer
ie Oh 4d ’ as , yy ne i | trains in order to in-
| te ‘fae ee) > | FR = Swe) vade Nanking, there
sa A fae ie Vee 3 ae = Sees) vade Nanking, t !
Ap, fe (Ey 1 A) i, he —sa/ further to complicate
| Ae Ae | ewye Bl Yl iy 1 8 matters by demand-
ea | = fe ‘e hae | vi tee Dark oe ing’ instant war on
pe Le \ ais ye e mee Japan. They brutally
4 : w ae ‘ Fi ae attacked and: .nearly
ee ee ee otis eG killed the Minister
BR ss) Bee ee Sia Naor = =| for Foreign Affairs,
re a ee gee ce Se Mr. C. T. Wang, the
Ped Se ee see ee | most. efficient For-
ices Se Rae fey i eign Minister from
—————— ee eee een ; ——_ China’s standpoint
| A Temple Yard, Shanghai. {Photo: Mr, T. Butler, J.P, that the nation has
| 62
China and Japan: Will Christian Missions be Affected ? |
ever had. Moreover, the Cantonese the famine-stricken elsewhere in China.
party, jealous of Chiang Kai-shek, What the effect of this terrible attack will |
succeeded about the same time in be on Missions it is difficult to foresee.
overthrowing his government, only But that out of this evil good may come ;
thereby increasing the chaos, and it to them, to their work and to China, we | Beg
placed its army in and around Shanghai are justified in praying by our faith and
to resist any attack by Japan. In addi- doctrine. The cruel and grave spread of
tion, that city and the whole country Communism and disorder in general are
were filled with a scurrilous abuse of the greater causes of anxiety to Missions and
Japanese, just as the Chinese official to China, than Japanese aggression. |
schoolbooks have for years been propaga- Nothing but a united central government ‘Bas
ting hatred of Japan. Such is the posi- can bring order out of the appalling ee
tion as seen by the Japanese. chaos. Is there any hope for this? Well, |
Nevertheless, Japan does happen to one result of the Japanese attack has
have signed Treaties and made promises been to draw together leaders who were
that are utterly belied by her present fighting each other in civil warfare only
conduct. Her treaties are ignored and a year ago. If these can patriotically
her promises broken. Whatever faults sink their differences and ambitions for
the Chinese may be accused of, it cannot the sake of their country, this blow may
‘be said that they have invaded, or yet work for the good of the toiling
threatened to invade Japan, nor have people of China, who in reality suffer far
they done much harm to Japanese sub- more from internal misrule than from
jects in China, despite the provocation of | external intervention.
Japanese rowdies, of whom there are not
a few. China has merely stood on the Se auaacnimaasaene
defensive in its own territority. Her
people have fought, and fought bravely, Rey. J. W. HEYWOOD.
remembering how Japan trampled on HAT can I say in response to the
Chinese rights in Korea and seized that W Editor’s request for an article
land and people; remembering the rape on the present situation in
of Formosa the beautiful with its Chinese China, and how, possibly, Christian
population ; remembering the plight of Missions may be affected? By the time f
Manchuria. Can any one blame them for this article appears it is probable that the
resisting the aggression of a foe they fear situation may have greatly changed, so
more than any other? And what is Japan unexpected and Ri porimielare: AHEtGE i
: aeerigs : 2 é e far- H
to gain? In China itself the merely poli- -¢achine and historical e .
tical boycott is likely to be turned into a 2 eee ee cone '
yco ike€ly tO be the Nationalistic Government in China i
popular and universal boycott. Would That Japan ¢ ae 1 il Hi
we, for instance, buy the goods of an in- nereinee =F | ae ee ae ee
vading nation which had treated us as SI hai De ee Oe gue an the |
Japan has treated China? Tete deed hanghai area is, I believe, more than
‘difficult to see how anything but estrange- doubtful.†“One needs ‘only reflect on the |
ment and hatred can result from the “ulitary efficiency displayed in the occu-
shocking conditions that have prevailed pation of Manchuria, typical of the i
in Shanghai. Japanese military machine, and the. un- I
In regard to Christian Missions, the preparedness of the Shanghai operations,
latest news we have from Rev. G. W. 0 justify such an opinion.
Sheppard, Superintendent of the British , It is a disagreeable task to specify the
and Foreign Bible Society, is that all the Citcumstances which led to the naval and |
plates and other essentials for printing military measures of Japan, but no pur- i
the Scriptures have been destroyed, pre- POSE 1S served by ignoring them. The
sumably when the great Commercial intensity of the boycott of all Japanese I
Press, with its magnificent Library in goods, their seizure, confiscation and }
which were books and manuscripts of burning; the murderous assaults on 1
priceless value, was burnt to the ground. Japanese priests, one of whom was killed;
In the meantime, missionaries are doing the bombing of the Japanese Consulate;
invaluable service in aiding the unfor- the printing of provocative articles in the
atunate refugees, as they are also aiding Press, in one of which was an attack on
63 f
a China and Japan: Will Christian Missions be Affected ?
te the Japanese Emperor: all these added Ningpo is only a hundred miles from
Ot fuel to the Japanese fire. The inability, Shanghai; Wenchow is three hundred
or indifference, of the Mandarins to deal miles away. Ningpo, with nearly three
with these acts, and the fact that within hundred thousand Ningpoese living with.
t the troubled area there were 25,000 in the boundaries of the International
Pi Japanese residents, many of them with Settlements, is sure to have reacted
| great commercial interests, added to the strongly during the periods of strife in
| difficulties of the situation. Chapei and Kiang-Wan. The fearful loss
| { We have a somewhat parallel case in oe life and PEO beuEy. will have stirred the
| fe the action of the British Government five Ningpo city and district with indescrib-
| years ago when it sent 20,000 men to able feelings of repulsion and hate. For-
Shanghai to protect the British residents t¥nately, these are days when the Chinese
there, though we only numbered one- 2"€ able to discriminate between nation
third of the Japanese. But we remember "4 nation, and whereas, five years ago,
| er thanksgiving that we endured Great Britain was acclaimed as the most
quietly the things we suffered, and so imperialistic nation in the world, to-day
have had no harvest of hate meted out:to 2° odium will attach to her, but rather
us as will undoubtedly be the lot of the she will be regarded as a friendly and
\ Japanese. The latter have entangled peaceable people. _ Consequently, : feel
| themselves through the lack of that re- Sure that our work in the Ningpo District
IY Peait whichulasebeen learned Meee will not be unduly hampered or hindered,
own country at great cost. = We have level-headed workers there who
oe an ‘ will be able to carry on during these days
The Shanghai crisis will pass, and that Oreniere %
soon, I believe, and more peaceful days With regard to Wenchow, the cable
| will come to that troubled area. recently received from Rev. Irving Scott
Will these painful events have any re- was very reassuring. The work involves
percussions on our missions in South-east added responsibilities and difficulties, but
i China? is without any of the decided opposition en-
i countered dur-
| ie =" ing the trying
i Paes thie ee ss es year of 1997
ig Gag cd ay, is ee We are fortu-
, -- sere nate in our staff
ey H oe, eS Se and in its
j sS dV oa tel 5 eS Be one leader.
| ate ‘ ue eae a RS With the me-
| ee ae + em || ps ed oe A ce 17 eva a
\ if eed |r| PAE e cists A aerL mories of the
_- ge rie | me ¥ ie sees 3 ee! )=many crises of
eee eile | | Fae & | eee ice eee ESF the past, and
a a oss Sieaee — ee a So —— oo — the unexpected
Poe sete aad | arts see | blessings — not
| ‘| —— 4 et al ee hind rances —
a ee See OY ge ee | ollowing, we
WAS ) i we SS ‘e~ @ es a may, in these
od “op ee ee le ee | RBs
i m ane eS ee Se =e — on plexity, hold
| pa i Zp ais Ts coe Bee fast to our faith
| AN | OOO pia NI Oh Co and look for-
iat acct ata ceer a et Pe = ee om ward to the
| Fe ey oS ee ere Seon continued — suc-
i Allie os OS Bee es AT CNS are ER Ses Sead cess of the Gos-
Bee ee er : Reape | pel in all parts
oe eee SEE. Be Face: ue} of China.
| A daily Scene in Shanghai. (Photo; Mr. T. Butler, J.P. 3
From the :
Mission House. -
Sympathy. Some of our missionaries other. The richer the treasure the keener
have been passing through _ the sense of loss. B
experiences which elicit our most sincere Deepest sympathy flows also to Wu- ‘Bee
sympathy. ting, where Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Cook ie
Rev. F. J. Dymond, who has a very have lost their infant son, and where the
warm place in the affection of our people, two children of Dr. and Mrs. Craddock
and whose gracious words have been a_ have been laid low by scarlet fever.
help and inspiration to many, is now May the God of all grace comfort and | :
lying in a Birmingham hospital in a state sustain those who walk the clouded path.
of extreme weakness. He is suffering
from a form of anemia which the doctor China and the China standing at the bar
says has probably been developing for League of of the League of Nations
some years. On. two occasions trans- Nations. . Assembly appealing’ for
fusion of blood has been administered, justice is a fact of tremen-
but improvement is only very slow. There dous significance. It demonstrates the
is promise of recovery, and we earnestly necessity for such a League, and shows
hope and pray that it may come more the incalculable benefits it may confer |
speedily than present conditions indicate. upon the nations. We know from bitter
He often expresses deep regret at being experience how war, when it once breaks
compelled to cease his service. He has out, spreads like a devouring fire until
lived for his work and longs to return nearly all the nations of the earth may be
to it. involved. It is very evident that Japan
[Since the above was written Mr. has gone much farther in the use of mili-
Dymond has passed away. See page tary force than was intended at the begin-
73.—ED.| ning of her unwarrantable attack at :
In distant Yunnanfu two of our staff Shanghai. She did not calculate upon the
have been laid aside, the senior missionary _ spirit of the Chinese people. They were
on the field and the latest arrival, the Rev. known to be impoverished, disorganized,
A. Evans and the Rev. J. E. Sandbach. and incapable of successfully resisting the
Mr. Evans has maintained such a good forces of Japan, but it was not realized
health record that the news of his illness that they possessed the spirit that would
came as a great surprise. Happily, the rather perish than lose face. Facing the
report stated that he has started on the dire and too certain result of resistance,
road to recovery. ; one of the Chinese papers in Tientsin i
Mr. and Mrs. Sandbach have had a_ declared: “If we fight we are lost, but
very troubled beginning to their mission- so we are if we don’t fight. But because
ary career. ~ Soon after they arrived at we are not in a postion to fight it doesn’t |
Yunnanfu their children fell ill, On follow that we should not fight. When
January 2nd Mr. Sandbach was admitted you have to fight for your life, there can
to the C.M.S. Hospital suffering from be no question whether you can or not.â€
bronchitis. Writing on January 9th, Mrs. I deeply deplore any nation feeling com-
Sandbach was able to say that his general pelled to fight; I do not assent to the
condition had improved and his pulse was argument advanced in the Chinese paper :
steadier. All these events coming to- as applied to nations ; but I am bound to
gether must have been a great trial, and honour the people who fight in a losing |
we would assure Mr. and Mrs. Sandbach — struggle more than I do those who fight |
and Mr and Mrs. Evans of our profound with the sure prospect of victory. One i
sympathy. cannot but admire the spirit of the
Another sorrow has fallen upon Mrs. Chinese Government in refusing to accept }
Evans in’ the news that her mother had terms, dictated by the Japanese, which i
passed away. The shadow deepened as were derogatory to a sovereign and un-
letters reported her mother’s long illness | vanquished people. H
and sure decline. A very deep affinity The League, as well as China and ii
must have existed between mother and. Japan, stands at the world’s great unseen :
daughter who so much resemble each tribunal. Shall righteousness, or diplo-
I \
an al From the Mission House
ih macy, rule the earth? Has the happy time The effect is cumulative and often per-
ait come when the weakest people in the manent. This method is far more valuable
Rit world may expect fair treatment at the than the brief and occasional missionary
hy world’s judgment seat? Are we witness- visits. Exposition and devotion are com-
ing the dawn of that glorious day, seen bined in order to make the truth a living
| in vision by the ancient psalmist when he power. Rev. A. A. Conibear makes the
a proclaimed, ‘Mercy and truth are met following statement concerning Bible
| together, righteousness and peace have ' Schools in the Ningpo District : Ss
ie. th kissed each other.†“Instead of the usual autumn itinera-
Lhe |i tion of the Circuits a Bible School has
hy Manchuria Following upon recent been held in one Church of each of the
iit Independent. Japanese action in Man- five Circuits. The attendance has varied
churia, and apparently from seven to over twenty members, but
instigated by the Japanese, Manchuria the result has been comparatively good
has declared herself to be a separate and ‘even where the number has been small.
independent State, under the rulership of A more systematic study of the essentials.
the heir of the dethroned Chinese Im-_ of the Christian faith, and of the duties.
perial house. Everyone is aware of the of Church membership, is an urgent
power behind the new throne. Independ- necessity. We are hoping that these Bible
ence is a convenient step toward annexa- Schools will become a regular feature of
\ } tion. These recent events should be read our autumn work.
L in the light of history. For centuries “One outstanding result of the school!
Manchuria was an integral partof China. held in the Ho Siao Tsiu Circuit is the
During the period following the revolution sudden increase in the life and activity of
in. 1912, when war-lords were establish- our little Church at Tsec Mo. Dong. Three
ing their authority in various parts of members of this Church attended the
hi China, Manchuria achieved a kind of in- Bible School and went back to their homé
ai dependence under Chang Tso-lin, a Church with a determination to work
strong and capable ruler, and the more zealously for the Church and the
| Japanese favoured him. Chang Tso-lin Kingdom. They organized a_ night
was succeeded by his son, Chang Hsueh school and are using it as an opportunity
i a Liang, who, in opposition to-the strong for preaching and teaching the Gospel
i protests of the Japanese, reunited his both to Church members and to out-
| domain with China and allied himself with — siders.â€
A en the new Nationalist Government at Nan-
king. Nurse for The Hospital at Wuting
Hen The value of Manchuria to China is Wuting has been erected and Dr.
He evident in many ways. It provides an Hospital. Craddock requires a
outlet for the people compelled by stern nurse to undertake the
| necessity to leave over-populated regions duties of matron. Our ladies of the
Hl | of China, like the province of Shantung. W.M.A. have found one judged to be
| Annually it receives about a million of very suitable for this position in Nurse
such immigrants from various parts of _ Maud Williamson, who hails from Glas-
A a] China. Manchuria is four and a half gow. She is booked to sail by the Nor-
| id times as large as Britain ; it can boast deutscher Lloyd S.S. “Fulda,†which will
Bin | Ay nearly one third of China’s trade, and is take her direct to Taku, at the mouth of
Ha still rapidly growing: in importance. No the Tiéntsin river, without the necessity
doubt much of the credit for this rapid of changing at Shanghai. She will take
HW | development is due to the Japanese. the overland journey to Genoa and em-
Wa bark there on April 26th.
| Bible Sehools. The effectiveness of Bible As
Schools, in which the ce
Li | iil missionary gathers a number of members SHALL we be content with small suc-
ei and inquirers for a careful study of a cess? It makes a big difference with
vi | il chosen portion of Holy Scripture, is being what we are content, and the differencé
| more and more widely demonstrated. The depends upon the spirit, the vitality,
a School continues for a week or more and energy or religious morale, as it may be
HA day after day the instruction proceeds: called. Tovoniko Kacawa.
| 06
| |
. , + ————— — saat : wr 5 i
|i |
A|| |
In a Japanese Mt
1 Mit|
Bookshop. Rev. W. P BATES, M.A. Wl
1 i
(Rev. W. P. Bates, M.A., spent a the day. Nay, every English topicaf \ i]
short time in Saga, Japan, when he was paper, from the ‘‘ London Illustrated q i
compelled to leave his work in Ningpo Newsâ€â€™ to ‘‘ Comic Cuts,’’ seemed to |
owing to the troubles in China. The have its Japanese. counterpart, though: } i |
following tells us something of what generally printed on rubbishy paper and |
Young Japan veads.—Eprror.) sold at a dirt cheap price. One can tell H i
T is said that every man sees what he !9 which way young Japan is thinking. i i |
wishes to see—the pure in heart see In part, yes; but periodicals are but 1a
God, for instance—and hence it was the hors d’ceuvres of literature; we must i
that it was not long before I saw, among get to the pidce de résistance: books. I | H
a long line of flimsy shops that form the must, however, remark, in parenthesis, i i |
principal street in Saga, one given over that two English daily newspapers: H Hi
to dispensing literature. Flimsy, these appeared on this stall, the Yokohama | iM
shops are, but very : i WW
pretty, the artistic hand 3 1 | Bh
of the Japanese puts a s | a
“chic†finishing’ touch : ||
on everythins they pro- ey | i Ba}
duce. It would have ae . : wi
- hav 7 ee eee | | Bu}
been hard not to have ee. ie
seen this shop, for it was ee 7 Sut eee Oe | i i
quite open to the street SS eae ae? fe i |
Gt had no glass win- . oe, "Pree i Me
dows), and was crowded |. Pe ae he oo |
with youths and girls, Re. Rees oe <— . PPh i) i
mostly students. Here ee Pans et re, kt i i
were set forth-for sale |g a ¥.3 by an yr? : t ; | Hi
the daily and’ monthly oT mt Kh 3} | i)
periodicals which. corre- eee 0 “Lom! | Hi
spond with the, to me, |B dite 5 SER Se | ant i Hh
hideous mass of - printed 2 ae tat]. Se - Ee’ ‘ eee i MO
stuff that may be seen on | fRgeage! 2817 rae is | “gue om" | ‘im |
he c F rdin- | 23ers ag Hig ae ware ae Wil
the counters-of an ordin SS aerate Ri a \|
ary English country | S@sseQaeeeee 3 : pra re wlll | i
town book-stall, ae Pet cn Le Nee Mery Ve ete) ie i
All these numerous | SaMIWeieaete ° ime be iN Tie Witt) i te 1 i
periodicals were, of iS eB a A ea yy a ; a 1 i
course, in the phonetic (0 Se s ; ~~ MN ; SHR ee a i PA
script, a little Chinese ee) yy . eae 1 UL eee!) Wa
being mixed with it, for | Egos =a ¥ ; i) 5 eee) | |
Chinese still forms the ||) 7 gee, a eee a| Wal
background of the liter- |igeu =e So =e en DE Boe | 1
ary Para What their i tes ae bs as i is bt. ae |
import was I could but |Qjssetcesst:iiieteeiieeetec =Car ) A
vaguely gather from the | a ||
pictures they exhibited, aero as Beer eos > Giaile Ge ann eae eh NOs Wve i
some of which were de- | jms iting Be einen hee eters eR ES ry | |
cent and some indecent. are ee ome see el |
Sport, the cult of femi- |â„¢ a Bt | | |
nine be auty, flying, Ft ana ie Ni etal me tires i |
motoring, wireless, the ti eR ie
cinema,’ These’ seemed , eink ee ces 1 i | i
to be with them, Zs with Japanese friends with key. and Mrs. W. P. Bates's children. _ f il Hh
us, thé -vital- topics of A porcelain Tori, a ‘‘Sacred Arch,’’ behind them. (Taken 1927.) ik iy
: 67 Oe
i) WH
HY emai
i i ji
ate i
a al Character Pills
ay '
; “* Nichi-Nichi,’’ and the Osaka ‘‘ Main- ant and unpleasant, edifying, and not so
Ua ichi.’’ I wonder if, in our country, there edifying, were provided, for better. or
hit are printed two, or even one, daily worse (you never can tell) for young
Ri Japanese newspapers ? Japan to consume. H. G. Wells, not only
+ To the books, then: English books, a i bis ee butae his esas ane : Ong
Pt treat, a relief from the Orient, a bright, 17° o EMStOrY) Guta: promunens neures
‘Bil brief suggestion of Home! Who does J. Arthur Thompson, with his Outhineof
not feel at home in gazing at long rows Science). also; Sir Oliver Lodge, eonaa
a of Dent’s ‘‘ Everyman,â€â€™ Nelson’s (used Doyle, Keith and Jeans, on their var ious
to be) ‘*‘ Sevenpennies,’? Oxford Press subjects i, Dr. Saleeby on health matters
“World Classics,†and Collins’s “Clear Dr. Marie Stopes on her, particular sub-
Type â€â€™ editions? And they are all there. (ect (a subject which | ee ceore Ne jelcae
Even Tauchnitz, forbidden as he is in the ttention just now, since the population
home country, gave a very modern and of this country is increasing at about the
familiar touch in exhibiting titles under "ate of 800,000 per year), technical and
which were such names as Rebecca West, scientific SOL Ola Geserprions; 2 Naan
} Sheila Kaye Smith, Elinor Glyn, Robert jumble of stuff which, if sold and read
Hichens, and W. J. Locke. Among the (and surely it has not been got all this
““ second hands ’’ were prime old favour- Way for ornament) represents a degree of
ites, Stevenson, Kipling, the Brontés, mental energy that is to be regarded with
nay, pretty well all you can guess, except, Some concern by those who are destined
\ perhaps, one. to meet these people in competition, brain
5; ‘ against brain, on the fields of learning,
But by what turn of circumstance did politics ara Gomibrce ,
it come to pass that the sweet, sad strains 3 .
of Adelaide Ann Proctor’s muse should poke a oun iene ee it
| come to be heard in this remote region? BOT te eae bores: sellers
i Hae (he patiee of aleanaine Fires?) the world, Shakespeare and the Bible,
sung itself home to the Japanese heart, eee Be se: a Soe ee
one wonders, and has ‘‘ Is thy cruse of = HONE, ae s eee pease He os
comfort wasting?’’ helped any of the Geena a a i eee cea ee
| people of ‘the rising sun,†as it has Seen ee pee aes
Li those of its setting, i a Peblet concep- Cece once to eet ue beLEIOUS
Wi Ok BETES Not already fate a’ Copy fashion to adopt and no social oe
| SEER pooner Ieraien sce this as a Sou. Bee ot taking in religious ae
| venir, and so, perhaps, deprive young sucaptyee ae ie eae ee
| Japan in these parts the benefit of her Taph Jaen Nee eta. Oa
3 5 Japan reads. Since I have returned home
1 il poetic travail. I am told that Toyohiko Kagawa’s books
| But to greater names. Bernard Shaw was’ are having a great sale. Here is great
there in great profusion; his plays, pleas- hope indeed!
| se ed te
Ad h :
Hh Character Pills.
| HE question is asked, What do be undertaken by the missionary on the
| 8 missionaries to the Indians find to Indian Missions. Upon no two Reserves
i do? Does not time drag on their is the work the same. There is no resi-
i hands? Are they not lonesome? It is dent Indian agent on this Reserve, nor
the experience of all who take up work any other government official, so that
on an Indian Reserve that their time is the duties of the missionary include not
| fully occupied, for the responsibilities are only his preaching and other spiritual
i many and varied. A missionary is not duties, but a whole lot of other things
simply a minister, he is also a social ser- besides. Amongst these ‘‘ other things â€â€™
Ha vice worker and a general helper among the supply of medicines issued by the
Hi the people. All kinds of service have to Department of Indian Affairs is kept at
| 68
4 ) *.
Hal |
Character Pills 1 Mt
7) a
AE :
the Mission House, and the Indians come i! ! 1]
there whenever they want ‘‘ Muskekee â€â€™ London : i |
(medicine). e ° . nie
“One night there was a rap at, the door Missionary Meetings yi }
and I went to answer, and there I found i | | pave
an old Indian, John Sunday, standing on Wesley’s Chapel, City Road, E.C. | q aS
the kitchen floor. il
c Or oe) ii}
“What is it, John? MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1932 Wi
“« Muskekee. i i i
‘Well, what kind?†; [ i :
‘« Character pills.â€â€™ Home Missions—3 p.m. 4 Z
All that I could do was to look at him : i! ni ie
in amazement and say, ‘‘ Character pills ! OPER ats Neh VVERSON SEEN (Hatta) [ MW
Why! What do you mean? What do Speakers : Rey. JAMES ELLIS i a 5
you want them for?†Rey. FRED BARRETT Hi
He explained to me what they were Rey. J. LINEHAM, B.A., Ph.D. ki |
for, in English. That was more forceful (Home Missions Secretary) Bl
than elegant, so finally I went to a large —_gojois¢: Madame MABEL TARRANT, L.R.A.M. il
bottle labelled, ‘‘ Cathartic,’’ and'as soon ‘ | i
as John saw the word ‘‘ Cathartic ’’ he ‘ail
exclaimed, ‘‘ Yes, that is what I want.’’ Tea—5-6.15 p.m. In the Schoolroom:: 9d. | ||
So I sent him away contented, wonder- z i il
ing, perhaps, that it was not John alone Organ Recital—6.15 pm . i |
who needs Character Pills. Mr. Charles F. Warner, A.R.C.O. | |
But this habit of old John’s in getting iW
his English a bit mixed is one of which ae at
the old man is quite unconscious. He is Qvyerseas Missions—6.45 p.m. i | |
proud of his knowledge of English and : ee
likes to use big words, and one has all Chairman : FRED OGDEN, Esgq., oe ae |) |
= : ; Rochdale Hh Wh
one can do to keep a saie Bt face when supported by Rev. J. FORD REED, i
John pulls off a ‘‘ howler ’’; for instance, Piesideat of the Conierence HO
in referring to another minister whom he oe |
had met, he called him ‘‘ the Revelation Speakers : Rev. A. E. DYMOND (west Africa) ' | |
Mr. Sellar.’’ Rev. W. H. HUDSPETH, M.A. | i
, 3 ay (Yunnan, China} | |
By Rev. W. H. Day, of Good Fish Rev. D. H. SMITH, B.D. a ii
Lake, Canada. From The United (erik Gk) ail
Church Record and Missionary Review.â€â€™ Rey. C. STEDEFORD | ili
(Foreign Missions Secretary) ee |
se ees i)
: a ||
I am free to confess that measuring the United Choir from the London Churches H |
forces that are arrayed against us, and Conductor: Mr. E. C. MALYON. te i
the puny force we can send into the field, 1 i
taking into account only the things that - Ha
are seen, I am filled with despair. But Collections for Home and Foreign . | i
there is a Power not ourselves waiting to ‘Miscions WW i
claim and fill us. It is not the preaching : : } i}
of the Gospel merely that is needed, but —_——. |
re at elt Os, Oi Co! wicks sie Contributions to Chairmen’s List are earnestly invited, |
oly Ghost sent down from Heaven. and may be sent to Rev. WALTER H‘LL, 87 Mount | i)
Dr. Cuartes Brown. Pleasant Road, Tottenham, London, N.17) HI i
SEE oe ms | i
A CHRISTIANITY that is not international AprRiE 24TH, MISSIONARY SUNDAY, with an ii il ‘
has never known its Master. imterchange of ministers in the London area. Ii i {
69 Hk Wa
Hil Hi
} Hi
We ie
i !
ve Japan: What a Japanese
i Christian Thinks. :
Bie HE eyes of the civilized world have Japan. In an Introduction by Dr. Ken-
been on Japan for many months, neth Saunders it is stated that this book
a and the friendly feeling of many in is selling in Japan by the hundred thou-
bil this country for the Japanese people has sand. ‘In fact all Kagawa’s books are
t yi jap people C C S bs
Bt suffered a great strain. In her dealings having an immense sale. This must
Hie with China she ran the risk of losing’ the _ surely indicate that in Japan the leaven of
Bt regard of all her truest friends. Herun- Christian truth is powerfully at work.
itl willingness to submit her quarrel to the The ten chapters in the book deai with
impartial judgment of the Council of the New Life through God; God and the
| League of Nations and to settle matters World of Suffering; God and Christ;
g i 5?
by armed force caused much sorrow of God and the Cross ; God and the Soul ;
| heart. Has the world learned nothing God and Prayer ; God and the Bible ; God
from the Great War? Can a civilized and the Conscience ; God and Daily Liv-
: es
ower drop bombs on undefended towns ing, and God and the New Social Order.
Des oe ing
| with impunity? Whatever provocation Those who have read “Love and the Law
PUSS P : é ae ;
Japan had received, and no doubt shehad of Life,†and “The Religion of Jesus,â€
received much, it is difficult to understand will know the author’s method of address,
her action in view of the solemn covenants his wide range of illustration, his burn-
a she has signed. ing’ enthusiasm and his ardent desire to
But in common fairness we must not see Christ followed and obeyed in every-
indict a nation because of the action of thing. Kagawa’s illustrations from nature
her fire-eating militarists. There is reason are intriguing. Take this as an example :
2 ete Saag japanese Eee pe Examining the ant-world, we are
vie ra a ied Berane CHK eA = made to feel clearly that the will of the
Wi ee theveieca ae ones eh Japan universe is Love; that God behind the
| strongly sopesed t ae as a means of world is love. The house of the highly-
settling disputes between nations. Dr. Se NR aie oi the Stories ee as
a Kawaguchi, writing in 1928, said that the ae een ee ae
saisoneel damon Ree in the ant’s “crop.â€â€ Gradually the crop
Vth Japanese Bet ee OO becomes so large that the ant suffers
| actual practice of principles of brother- = DSS eee 5
Vi) : sae 2 when it moves, so it clings to the ceil-
hood, equality, justice, love, peace and : fe cqesre dtedistaibineercehe
a good will throughout the world. “The eee ee ee
| Tavares eee id Gj ae honey among’ its hungry companions.
Daa Kaan onan ee ee oD. 8 The ants are specialists in philan-
ha with the desire for a new order of things. I 1 A h Paecital
Li 3 se thropy ! nts even have hospitals.
| Then there is the powerful voice and Ror a: Gaoine nos ee oatine! os
influence of Toyohiko Kagawa. This Wapee ieee Recaraoned fon: fe po
bi great Christian leader is a pacifist, and He eo eB Re P
Lil ; a sae, Be Wee of a tree. Again, in time of flood one
longs to see ‘“‘a million Christians â€â€”the Rodeo Roald AGE Gossibis: be cased Gur
number on which he has set his heart— sacle hir i Pe d y 3 "1 ke
id : ae SER about thirty thousand ants interloc
| exercise a vitally determining influence on :
Wd ad the life of the Japanese Empir “The and become a solid mass. They
aa | Laan comet da nan oes 2 LDIEG: : make a bubble in the centre so
| Kingdom of God Movement †in Japan is saa
ith = 3 ees as not to sink. They take turns
destined to mould Japanese thought in the me .
iH Smee ¢ ‘ : breathing—revolving from the bottom
| direction of racial friendliness. The ; 4
: : i ae to the top—for those at the bot-
i} Movement is opposed to war and to mili- :
| : : tom must stop breathing. Thus they
| ; tary service, and sets out to make those fl a
peer i oat on the top of the water, and after
who join it opposed to all forms of race drifting many miles they find a good
hatred. 2 :
Ht iit Dr, Kagawa has just published in Eng- dry place to land. Human beings go
7 Sate floating along one by one, and allow
land another of his fascinating books. hae E
| “New Life through God†(Student others to go under.
a at Christian Press ; 58 Bloomsbury Street, Kagawa lives to establish the reign of
Vii | hl W.C.1 ; 5s.) is a series of addresses given love in Japan. ‘“‘Love alone can subdue
aes at mass meetings in Manchuria and _ the world,†he write... ‘Conquest by the
i i 70
rib |
; ; — » ET
| |
) ae
The Editor’s Notes it
; Wa)
sword is but for the moment ; it has no But, even though there is no army, if the /
validity _ whatever. : Love binds society poor are contented, the lepers are healed, i il ;
from within. It is both linchpin and the lame walk and the dead are raised to vm
girdle ; and love can never be annihila- life, that is a government to be proud Bi |
ted.†And again, “We call a good of!†| ee
government that which makes the sub- There are many phases of modern life qi ®
jects of a country better, that which does which are disquieting, but no one can | Ht |
away with illness, insanity and suffering. read of the widespread interest in Chris- mH)
No matter how much the ministers of tianity in Japan, led by Kagawa, without i! |
- state go around the country with their a feeling of intense hopefulness. New life i i mae
retainers, no matter how large the army is indeed coming to Japan through this | i |
is, if there is war and crime is rampant, modern St. Francis of the East. | i | ei
we cannot call it a good government. AEE a G: f| |
a am . oh
Ss ? i i HS
The Editor’s Notes. ? f I
A Prayer. suffering. Generous friends willing to i
Lord, make us to resemble, even here, help the college, or missionaries wishing iW :
the heavenly kingdom, through mutual to avail themselves of the valuable facili- a
love, where all hatred is quite banished, ties the college offers, should send to the 1
and all is full of love, and, consequently, Principal, Livingstone College, Leyton, il
full of joy and gladness. Amen. E.10. Wi
Ludovicus Dives, 1578. = - ee i I
: vee d Holding on to the Lantern. i i|
Arrival of Missionaries. Rev. C. E. Rogers, of British Colum- | |
Rey. A. E. Dymond arrives from _ bia, tells in ‘‘ The United Church Record il
Sierra Leone on April 3rd. and Missionary Review ’’ how that he I ii
Rev. and Mrs, W. H. Hudspeth are was called to visit a dying African boy i
due to arrive from Yunnan on April 17th. twelve miles away from his home. ‘‘ In a iH
* * †+! homestead cabin, far removed from hospi- i|
Bureau of Information for tal and those comforts so sadly lacking i i
Missionaries. under such conditions, I looked upon one Hil
AB ; ies ie of Afric’s suffering sons, It was with no Hil
A Bureau of Information for Mission- cpa Hat hieleadl | t ly
aries has been established by the Confer- “01, WV" Soe Sue oe cae a
peaks ee me at the door, and said, ‘I’m so glad Vie |
ence of Missionary Societies in Great — roeieshecn looking for vou i a
Britain in conjunction with the Central os ee 2 Tt a d y |
Council of the Selly Oak Colleges. Mis. SY °ry Coys on ae ee iH i
y ges : ase i
sionaries desiring to avail themselves of sleeping when I sat down by his hard- i
oh me wooded bed, and when he awoke and saw al
any form of specialised training should rane senile brolee over nie dusicy i
write to The Bureau of Information, ae 2 et Sate ‘qo Ik aid eH
Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham. CA EULES AOU tae ae ae Jue 1 I
come... I’m very ill and I’m not quite : ii
ot a ey 3 = sure of my faith, and it makes me un- HH]
Livingstone College. happy; can you help me?’ oa
Many missionaries owe a great debt to *©T read quietly to him from the Gos- Vi
Livingstone College, Leyton. The col- pels the comforting words of the Saviour, | Hi
lege is passing through a time of difficulty andIspoke of that great love that reaches | |
owing to Missionary Societies being un- out to the last, the least, and the lost. Ht |
able to send their students for training How intently his eyes were fastened on i
through shortage of funds. Missionaries me as I said, ‘ Now, my friend, before I i
frequently give a part of their furlough leave you I’m going to put a Lantern in | Hi
to a course at the college, knowing how your hand that will guide you through Hi
much good they can do in their work by _ the valley.’ Then I read to him the words, | ‘
learning to give help to the sick and ‘ God so loved the world . . . that who- Nf
71 ie |
i a
a. oy
|. Hh 1
Lilt The Editor’s Notes
Lue soever believeth on Him shall not perish appeals so strongly to the people of these
Lt but shall have everlasting life,’—and lands. Though all their lives they have
a ‘ whosoever ’ means me. Word by word been familiar with the Name of Jesus
tl he repeated after me that golden text of they know very little of the wonderful
Scripture, and as I rose to go he said, ‘I story of -His life, and He ‘cannot. be
Pa feel so’ much better now,’ and he wan- approached except through the Virgin
Pian dered off to sleep, again murmuring ‘and Mary or some of the saints.. Priestly
ie iit ‘“ whosoever’? means me.’ I ran down ceremonies, sacrifices and penances come
Bu to that neighbourhood again four days between the people and their Saviour.
bn a after and his mother said to me, ‘He They are never taught they may have
i passed peacefully away just two hours direct ‘‘ access into the very holiest by
ago, and oh, how he held on to that Lan- the blood of Christ.’? Said a Breton girl
be tern. 2: on reading a Gospel, ‘‘ It is all so simple,
bail * _ = i so clear, so beautiful; I have read noth-
| Missions in Papal Europe. ing like it before.â€â€™
After Methodist Union we shall have % * * *
| Missions in France, Italy, Spain and Por- Romanist Misrepresentation.
tugal. The Wesleyan Missionary Society It is stated in ‘* Our Living Message,’â€
| has had successful missions in these coun- the Report of the Wesleyan Missionary
i tries for many years, consequently upon Society, that evangelical work in Spain
rH Union we shall be associated with this and Portugal would spread rapidly were
1h important work. : it not for the persistent misrepresentation
| : s : ee = = of the Romanists. ‘‘ All manner of false
Tt is the simplicity of our evangel that +eports as to what we believe and teach
= a are spread among the people and are
ite | i ods RY, believed by many. The fact that we
} Ai Li i) Ye ~= evangelicals believe at all in the great
} f | oy be jy) affirmations of the Christian Creeds is.
i i} ve yi, YG Vj, almost always a source of astonishment
| oun) y i. ad to the ordinary Spaniard on first coming
Wi | iy z s Es Y ; into contact with us, so accustomed is he
| 4 Lif, i Ai to hear Protestants spoken of from the
A Mee E ‘gearee: pulpit or in the Press as lacking all Chris-
it ee) & ; tian principles and beliefs and numbered
wh qi wy “3 Ss with the worst of evildoers.â€â€™
AH) ae) “hi uy ZC * * x *
1 j= ge > | Protestants even Believe the
[ae Ce = Apostles’ Creed !
Hi a Ne oe on
yy | aN pee A Boe “Tn our central premises at Barce-
an a Per iP 2 Se ge = lona,’’ says the writer, “we have the
qa : [om i Ht a Me Ag Ag ZS Apostles’ Creed clearly printed in large
A il in 5b x iat 2 We e Pa letters on the wall behind the preacher,
ag in — a i jae if i... ae and this itself has repeatedly aroused the
AlN | Sf ee | §=s wonder _ and interest of visitors on their
| > ee £ rs } ‘ee =. .¥ ‘ first coming, and has been a starting
Hi oe oe iia ie? fox Fi, 3 point for further enlightenment. Hence,
| £8: 12 a ; our workers never fail to emphasise the
Wd Sa 2 ee o4-ee : cardinal points of our faith in the light
Weel ioe fe 6 i of Gospel-truth, and in that light the
\\ 1 - 2 e Pm a Christian religion appears in a new aspect
A a 2 Aare, Ga to those accustomed to the distortions:
| | F se o i jae Baan and accretions of Romanism.â€â€™
Vai | aul as w Rae Pinder be, * * x *
Hea 4 a Die se a
1H a 2 aes OR Anger of the Pope.
a Young and Old China. Bitterness with Protestants was re=
ve 72
z eC a
Rey. Frank J. Dymond ‘|
. 1)
vealed in the anger of the Pope, the is making an impression in Italy. While Mi f
““ Vicar of Christ.’’? He said that Pro- priests burn Bibles and Protestant books, \ i
testant propaganda brought so much evil the work of preaching the pure Gospel | Vk
to the soul that it was to be classed with goes on, and many are turning to the Ht
foul literature, immoral and indecent simplicity that is in Christ. Wi | we
music halls and cinemas, and such evils * % * * | |
as Sabbath-breaking. In a parish maga- || :
zine circulated in all fic Were or Another Prayer. i |
Rome, ‘‘ with the approval of the Ecclesi- O Thou, who has made all nations of ii \
astical authorities,’ the news is printed en to seek Thee and to find Thee, bless, i} |
that Protestantism is the enemy of souls, Wé beseech Thee, Thy sons and daugh- i) HM
and takes away souls from the Church in ters who have gone forth into distant i | sf
order to make 80 per cent. of them lands bearing in their hands Thy Word h| l|
atheists and 20 per cent, fanatics; and of Life. We rejoice that, touched with | |
that it is a most serious attempt to under- the enthusiasm of Christ, so many have al
mine the unity of the nation, and that if consecrated their lives to proclaiming the iW
Protestantism succeeds in Italy there will message of Thy love. Comfort them i a
be civil war. : with the sense of Thy companionship and i |
* * * * with the prayers and sympathy of their H ||
Though this is so utterly childish and brethren at home, and through them let al
puerile it is at the same time very en- Thy Word have free course and be glori- i}
couraging. It means that Protestantism fied. Amen.—Samuel McComb, Hy |
se fe se i
Rev. Frank J. Dymond. le
T is with profound sorrow that we lovable saint. It is difficult to believe ii |
record the death of Rev. Frank J. that he ever cherished a hard thought of 1 Wn
Dymond. He returned from Yunnan any man, save those who destroyed i
in the early summer of last year, accom- Christ’s little ones. And even these he Bn]
panied by Mrs. Dymond and by Rev. and would pity for their blindness of heart, | i
Mrs. K. W. May, son-in-law and daugh- and seek to save them. When the news ii
ter. It was in his heart to return to Yun- reaches Yunnan that they will see Frank i |
man and to spend whatever years were Dymond’s face no more, we can believe |
‘granted to him among the people he so that many will refuse to be comforted, so | ii)
greatly loved. But in February he was — strong was their love for him. iN
‘stricken with illness, and though hopes No one who was present at the Red- i i
‘were entertained of his recovery he passed ruth Conference last July will forget the a
away at Birmingham on Wednesday, touching response Mr. Dymond made to i
March 16th. the welcome given to him by the Presi- ii it
No name has a closer or more honour- dent on behalf of the entire denomination. i al
able connection with our Chinese work He said little about his long years of ser- | i
than that of Frank Dymond. He was vice in Yunnan; it was not his way to il
designated for West China by the Bible talk about his work. But, true to himself I Hi
‘Christian Conference of 1886, and incom- as always, he spoke about his Lord. “IT |)
pany with Rev. Sam Poilard he sailed in know Him,†he said; “I feel Him ; He is i
January, 1887. Fourteen months pre- with me, the best Companion and the lh WW
viously S. T. Thorne and T, G. Vanstone greatest joy of my life.†A deep hush \
had set out from England to found a mis- fell upon the Conference as he pleaded |
sion in Yunnan. ‘These four consecrated with us, as we imagine John often | i]
men established a work which has been pleaded with the church at Ephesus, to il
one of the glories of our Church for nearly love our Lord with a stronger, purer pas- i
half a century. sion of zeal. The memory of that gentle lh
“Frank Dymond, the Beloved,†is a pleading voice will long abide in our Ly
title that comes immediately to mind as _ hearts. i
we think of him. He was a saint, a To Mrs. Dymond and to the members iW]
73 |
| i}
, i Wit
Bat ; . . °
a eh My Christmas Day at Hmao-Ch’in-Chioh
Pte ial of this greatly honoured family deep who knew Mr. Dymond intimately. The
aa sympathy will be given. exigencies of publishing, owing to Easter
I itn Next month we shall publish several holidays, prevent us paying these tributes
Bia tributes by former colleagues and friends in the present issue, AE J.C:
Hi Sse - te
Hal My Christmas Day at
1 9° °
Ha Hmao-Ch’in-Chioh. Rev. W. H HUDSPETH, M.A.
A ful = ao 5 3
Pit HEN I was in England the Editor cold mud floor was damp and dirty. There
Pit asked me to write an account of was no ceiling. One of the door-posts |
Pan “a day in a missionary’s life.†I was so ill-fitting that by the side of it was
bi thought at the time that without padding a hole five inches by twenty, through
| and the drawing of the long bow such a which a cold wind blew, and, through
be description might prove rather uninterest- which, too, anyone could have extended
| ing, ‘as days anf weeks in missionaries’ an arm and opened the lightly barred
lives can be altogether uneventful. door. But I enjoyed the luxury of hav-
To-day, however, being’ in an out-of- ing: the room to myself, the Miao family
| the-world Miao village, two days distant who usually occupied it having graciously
ath from any of my fellow ‘missionaries, I moved out so that the teacher might
have written down how we commemorated _ use it.
Lit the Holy birthday in Hmao-ch’in-chioh. The roughness of the place might well
Vat The sole occupant ef a small-mud-hut, — have dismayed me,-but-I thought to my-
twelve feet by nine, I awoke at daylight, self how infinitely superior was my lodg-
val and, looking round, mused on my rude ing’ to the birthplace ‘of our Blessed
| 1 surroundings. The furniture consisted of | Saviour whose coming I was to celebrate
Hilt a very small table, four stools, and my in Hmao-ch’in-chioh, “And she laid Him
at camp-bed. The mud walls were not in a manger; because there was no roon>
Hh decorated with a single picture. The for them in the inn.†Poor Mary!
j ie 7 an ee
Ha tal (SENS t igs a | mre ee at ue yh ty i
1 i | ls oi yo it (EY TA S anon, “fl? GER a abe
a i 1 | OR Rear Re ies! rene 2 a a ae
i race Aas ere Olas ee | a vee a aia
| Wa eee ye a) is aa ae ; Pie ee hi Bs
ii oT Eres ena a a oe REL ee
vit | a Mea Read, RO eer 4 eet SNS ito heey
ee eae ys foe 3st elena
| \ ’ si nk Be ari Eo aiage Rd a \VE a eo * Fo (age eC ee
| (I {i fe zat < tt aay | 4% ay i Pa Ree 2 BMS a ey Rg Reiser ara |
eal iI) oa ee RB Be eee fe on RNa cee
Hit es ‘ ee | May ake: AES la aa 4 For Pet Sa ea
yt ee ei Rhee
i Be Ep er aera eee ||. es
! } aS bias as es a 6S eee Rae ae i
An pete per Ot ier ony Pegi ail
ih aie i a3 a Re een Rice eae est res 2 ’
A Bet ee an pee “A ee
hi | ee 5 hie Coke: wae oats Fi a i - foes
i | we ieee) 1 7o NO ye Oe, A es
a t ey eee hae
| | . Lacs SY if Re bY (E32 a “A e He “YT ak CR E tS Lee i; a a i
Hea ae fie as ie a Ee Pinel a SPAY Shae iy ef
qi Of oe ee SE ee ee Ved
q |i phi aes Ec Roane RT ee Ringe ie Tas ig Sh . &>. an FRE IP) 4
ih | Soe fe RE ates ee ee Sos | een ota Sia
Bt | a 2 eee pee oe. — A 3 ot ae TTR, See !
| i | ie Fe carpe Be dit oe wat oabenge ene a me: eee gees i. a Hg
A a Sn gs ge pr Ra ag eee ee a te, |
| i il A Yunnan Fu Scene, $.W. China. : ; ; nu
Hi ! 74
HI | i]
wee :
: 1 Waal
My Christmas Day at Hmao-Ch’in-Chioh | a
Our morning service commenced at Miao New Testament. The successful |
eight, the little chapel being almost full. competitors were rewarded by gifts sent Wh | |.
The preacher gladdened all our hearts by out through that most generous and well- i at f
explaining to us what Jesus meant to directed-organization, the W.M.A., which HI
him, and the difference Jesus had made to has played Santa. Claus to hundreds. of N) Bes
the Miao, a story which should be told to. my Miao. Finally, an English football Hi is
the whole world ; it is so thrilling, and was brought out, as this always gives in- MM
bears such incontrovertible testimony to describable joy and causes much amuse- Hi |
the truth of the angel’s message: “Unto ment. i i
you is born this day a.Saviour, which is In the evening, after showing the lan- - f |
Christ the Lord. tern, we had competitive village singing, i | HH i
A crowd of-children was present, none and though the cold was well-nigh un- | il
of whom knew anything about what bearable, we didn’t break up our day’s |
Santa Claus means to English children. festivities until haif-past nine, a late hour i ; i
But a light shone in their faces, and not for this part of the world. A |
in theirs only, but in the faces of most A number of teachers then came to my ii | Wee:
of those present. Zt has been said that room, where around a huge fire, built on i i |
amongst the Mia’ and Chinese one can the floor, we discussed ways and means of il
often pick out the Christians by the new solving difficulties and of bringing men to Hl
expression that comes to their countenances. Christ. It was far in the night when our i
Is it the reflection of the “Light of the confabulation came to anend. When we ie | |
World?†“The people which sat in dark- opened the door a white mantle covered i 4
ness saw great light ; and to them which the earth ; snow was falling as gently as Vy i
sat in the region and shadow of death an angel’s kiss. ‘‘If there is a good fall, Ii a
light is sprung up.†For generations the we'l| get some hunting to-morrow, i | |
Miao sat in darkness, black, black dark- teacher. We catch hare and pheasants ih |
ness, and to them a wonderful light has when it snows.†Such was the comment Ii I)
omc of one of the Miao, a people who have ii i\
We were given a sumptuous breakfast: the hunting instinct deeply ingrained. f | |
rice, fried pork, chipped potatoes, cab- Was thinking of the cold tramp on the | li
bage, and when this was out of the way Morrow. ‘‘A-lie-nioh, a-lie-nioh,†“sit a
we chatted with old friends and were in- Slowly, sit slowly,†we called out to one | il
troduced to new friends until noon service @nother, as they went off to their sleep- I |
ee ing places. | !
eS a 4 [ x ~ - Hii
To make as much room as possible all aoe red: may door, turned He ae | \|
seats had now been removed. The chapel Be 1 = Sat as ae Ss ithas ae 2 an oa il
was crowded, and it was good to hear te Het a ee: eh a Lend Wf
these children of the hills singing, eee Soe AQMSE a CA apse sete 4 a
“Hark ! the herald angels sing,†“While yeas Ce oe oer eae er i Hl
shepherds watched their flocks by night,†oe aes a 1 ere eee ee 4 | i)
“Who is He in yonder stall?†But the ve ee ee 1 ESE CU Ge MAG a ViBIe i
most thrilling’ part of the day to me was POR CON vee i
when, during this service, I administered zs | \
baptism to fifty-six men, women and chil- cae Hi
dren who made a public confession of i}
their faith. “Jesus Crist, yesterday and to-day a
: : the same, and for ever.†But I cannot th |
In the midst of the ceremony everybody help thinking that if it had been Paul a
was startled to see a man make his way who was writing he would have added : ae
down to the chapel followed by six sol- “Jesus Christ, yesterday and to-day dif- |
diers armed to the teeth. It was the t’u- ferent, and for ever.†It is written all |
muh (earth’s eye) landlord who had come over his Epistles in one form or another. | |
to see his tenants baptized ! If the view we have of Jesus is the same Hi)
The afternoon, which was bitterly cold, to-day as when we first knew Him we \
was given up to school drilling, sports, have not gone very far with Him, Hi
easy competitions in the reading of the Dr. T. R. Grover. Hi
75 1 i
° Bl
Hae The Use of the Study
: of History.
Ra (The following essay was written by strongest among all of the nations, be-
Mr. M. S. H. Wang, who is an “‘ old cause the people knew what were laws
iit boy ’’ of Tongshan College. He was at and they were very polite.
hid the College during Rev. F. B. Turner's Many years ago, there was a boy
time. Some of these former pupils write hose name was James Watt. One day,
Le and ask Mr. Turner to set them subjects he was sitting before the fire. On the pn
i for essays. Here is one of much interest. was a kettle, inehich: water was. bolle
} —EpiTor.) ing, and steam was coming out from the
ee spout, and went off into the air. When
ISTORY is the record of past events he saw this, he thought about it. He took |
and gives us the knowledge of 4 long tube, and closed up both ends.
= — earlier days throughout the world. Then he made a hole in the bottom of
It is very important for PEOPleOr-allthe she eth the top he put a rod which
world. We study history es ae just fitted into the tube. He fastened the
investigate ancient events, and under- ; Ree x Se
stand which of the countries or dynasties ee eee oe
ah ae world was civilised at the very, be- The steam pushed the rod up and down,
ginning and which king was Kind or nq the wheel went round and round.
) cruel, and how laws and customs came to hee :
be. After his invention, the people could
: : make engines do many things in accord-
As to ancient, medieval and modern ance with his constructions, such as loco-
histories, they were not all good; some motives, steamers, water pumps and
of them were good and some of them winding engines, etc., which have been
were bad. We should be eager to learn used throughout the world. How could
pe the good ones and avoid the bad ones. we know that the steam engine was in-
The tyrant, Emperor Chou, was very yented by Mr. Watt, if we do not study
harsh and cruel to his people. He could history ?
| not rule over his people in peace, because Si eehee igre 3 pesliceae a
| he had established some lawless laws and Sel ee oe ean ie ciudad a Ee ante
Ma some cruel penal laws. He loved his pet Se ant ite ee ine ee ae
princess, Ta Chi, who was a very beauti- e) eas Rui cee eee y mates
ful young lady, very much, and every- CCS OO eos eee ee
| thing he trusted to her. He did not care they cannot do without each other.
id for the national affairs, but only doted As in the weaving of cloth; in the first
Hk on Ta Chi all day long. He would let place, we should prepare the warps and
the people receive the cruel punishment arrange them on the spinning machine;
ahh | a of climbing a hot pillar when they were in the second place, we have to weave
doing anything that did not please his with woofs through the warps. Then,
| eyes, though they did not break his laws. cloth will be woven completely. Classics
All the people in his nation greatly feared and history are very much like the warp
a such punishment. The Emperor Chou and woof as they are woven together.
Ah was so cruel that his people rebelled If the study of history is abolished in
| against him. During that time, he was every school, the scholar can only under-
| driven out of his country by Wu Wang; stand what are virtue, humanity and rec-
HH then; he burned himself to death in a _ titude, etc., but cannot understand the
high tower, the top of which reached the process for doing many practical things.
stars. It is just like the weaving of cloth, the
After Wu Wang had driven Chou out warps of which have been arranged on
a of his country, he began to rule over the spinning machine but without woofs.
Hil the people. He was very kind, ‘so that Any country will be much stronger than
| the people were influenced to virtue; he other countries, if history is understood
Hi | i was of great virtue, morality and human- by it thoroughly.
1 a ity. During that time, China was the MatrHew S. H. Wane.
A 76 ,
10 '
Hh a
: a
A Good Example | |
A “Mendeland Summer iW
ae il
School†in January! nh
My) a
HE weather at any rate suggested Teaching of Jesus,†aud ‘Lhe Meaning | 5
7 what English folks call Summer, of Faith.’ These proved to be of the MW
even on the mornings when the greatest possible help, and we all were Ht |
Harmattan winds made us complain of made to feel how far from the standard Hi)
; the bitter cold. So we feel entitled to of Jesus we are, and how possible it is for : 1 ai
speak of our “Summer†school, although us to reach the heights ot spiritual i ||
it was held in the month of January. achievement, if we only give ourselves ii
| The meeting place was Bo on this oc- more completely to Him. | |
casion, and not only did the workers from There were talks also on Islam, and | | i| |
Upper Mendeland gather, but they were discussions on our school work, Mr. i
joined by some of the agents and teachers Stott taking some part in these. 1 |
from the Lower Mende section. So we Each day concluded with a devotional | ll
were a rather large and exceedingly service, and the last of these took the Hl
merry party. form of the Lord’s Supper—a really |
The first session was on the morning of — blessed hour. ; || |
January 5th. The opening devotions re- And so, on Saturday, January 9th, we H|
vealed something of our eagerness of returned to our stations, conscious of a MW ;
spirit, and in some degree answered our new challenge, renewed strength, and | Bl
deeper needs for such glorious fellowship with the longing to be more worthy of i i |
as we were to receive during the busy our high calling’: the work of bringing HI |
days that followed. the Gospel of Jesus to our own people. 1 a
Rey. A. E. Dymond gave us his illumi- We look forward eagerly to the next | ili
nating and inspiring talks. His two sub- ‘Summer School.†i :
jects for the week were “The Parabolic By ONE oF THE WoRKERS. HOM
| Wiha
A Good Example. | |
Tue articles, arranged on a table are afterwards sent out to missionaries. i
in the Communion, were displayed at Are there not many young people in the |
the missionary meeting held at Black Churches of our Denomination who will | |
Moss, in the Bolton St. George’s be glad to go and do likewise? We i
Road Circuit. Everything had been believe there are. | |
bought or made by the young people J. E. Wotstenuoime. i
of the church, 1, i
under the super- F eae i) oe
vision of eae BLACK ONC, (OSS Fees Cee ik |
energetic mise RADCLIFFE 1932 hr ge Ae | i
ary secretary, ae |
Miss Doris Marsh. THE EFFORTS of é t on | |
The articles con- THE GIRLS GUILD a | "
sisted of dolls HMMMFOR FOREIGN | er ii
necklaces of beads, ; Bie 7†i HH |
picture - books, 5 MISSIONS... os pst on | i}
towels, bandages, oe LE c So 1 AW
etc., and the table bli Tn tah ctitcel os vend i a
F ree ek
presented a _ very eae Ge Fee eres ran Wo Se ae i
charming picture |Z ==" a 1 ee a i |
and gave evidence ee ae Se et ey i
of a very real and = |\f-—— _s e i]
sympathetic in- Reece St ee ins |
terest in our For- ' Se Ree HI
eign Missionary | Wi
work. The gifts A Useful Exhibit. Hi
; 77 i il
j Hi
1 Ny
sie 1
b !
Be aa ae bpyte \
me & me < SER
- @i WomENs AuxITIADyYa |e
aay Mrs. J. B. BROOKS, B. Litt.
i Girl Life in China. of by their grandmothers. Schools and |
By Mrs. E. T. A. Stedeford; of Wenchow. colleges offer an all-round education,
Ti ; gai Deter tera careers are open to them, and even the
is a matter of common knowledge Hate GHA CHASO Cue ‘il day hesi
that China is going through a period ae Seen ae es : ae ae Sore
| of change. Into the already varied a pe relaxed under the influx of new
| tapestry of her ancient civilization are !@¢@S-
being woven the new threads of a civiliza- This radical change in the mode of life
! tion we call “Western’â€â€™â€”threads that of the Chinese girls has taken place
are considering altering the picture. remarkably quickly. After 1900, primary
dl Town planning, street widening, road and secondary schools for girls were
making, the introduction of the use of opened up in most mission centres, and
il electricity, government by modern they have gone on increasing in numbers
methods: all. these are going ahead in’ and developing in organization, with the
| the bigger cities and the ports. The addition of university classes and teacher
Mi rickshaw, which took the place of the old training centres: a most profitable and
yi id sedan chair, is being replaced by the progressive piece of work. It was these
Pile motor bus. The old man from force of schools that paved the way for the
Hilt habit carries his paper lantern along emancipation of the girls of China. The
| | streets brilliantly lighted by electric first of the shackles to be loosened was,
| | lamps, when he goes out after supper. of course, the iniquitous custom of foot-
i Old superstitions and beliefs are being binding. It is now rare to see a woman
\ | challenged and many age-long super- under thirty years of age hobbling about
Ai stitious practices are being banned by on bound feet. It is difficult for us of
a order of the officials. the West to realize what it means to be
i] All this is having its effect on the home freed from the bondage of this deformity
i life, and the girls of present-day China caused by binding back the toes at the
ad are being’ brought up in a way undreamed age of three or four. The Chinese girl
| can now walk without incon-
at Br 3 SRG = | venience or pain, and her body
a : AS wr. \ )\ ae ty : | iS, ane to eae along nor-
Hl ENS weet CA CEN ee a es mal lines. his may be re-
Hi oat (2 koe = garded as the first step to-
A} ae ke : cy Ses pee |Carrd a freer and fuller life for
ai . veo te ON wt \ oe . these repressed girls. _
Ae Ne A q r: ad ik ik : Try to picture the girl of
i A 4: ape = i F a SS § To ea ae the last century. Her bound
ji Sayer tlie ae _\ (34) feet prevented her from taking
Wy OS Bee ae | eee) | Gee =| any exercise, and even ordi
i ae be ox 1} ae ae | Sie) nary walking was painful.
Wi 5S ae aa oe “e ae | Ramos Custom forbade the slightest
Hh i] ia: = | Fat ie Hee | deviation from the conven-
i | | ges a i Peete =| Sétional form of life. The work-
Hi | Y | SO eee ing of exquisite embroidery
vn ig EIEER tet © TREE was her chief occupation; the
| | | Some of the Women's School Students gossip of the women’s quatters
a Ningpo, Autumn. 1931. her chief social interest. ~ If
ae 78
COPS f § , IE eT Ter Pe OR reer meee Meer eres Peers alae
Women’s Missionary Auxiliary il i i}
i | |
she was a woman of culture she _ interest the young wife. There are We i
might find pleasure in painting pic- clinics and child-welfare centres and even ii |
tures or writing poetry. The work baby-shows that engage the interest of i Hy
of the house was simple and servants young mothers. | } |
were cheap. She had to marry soon after T ee oe : pen eee Vm
the age of fifteen, a man ahh she had f ane eee es gollowed a ae I |
never seen before, leave her mother’s + ae eee Poe eas ee : ee 1 |
home and become one of her husband’s Seay oe . ae ae sees pre. i i
family, subject to the commands of his of? ves oy isp egrets tate? |
: sas : of course, the vitalizing force of Chris- a
Sok ee ee ae ee tianity. But there is by no means yet a i 1
9 Soe ee, yey Mey. fully organized educational system with i i |
WEL unkind it would be intolerably misCr- compulsory elementary education for all. i li
able, but she had to bear it without That may follow some years hence when if il
complaint. the government is more stabilized. Mean- a i
Now consider the girl of to-day. At while there is another side to the picture i |
the age of six she can go to school or I have drawn. _ Many little girls must ii HI
study at home with a teacher. She ‘Stay at home without any opportunity of ii MW
goes through the primary school six learning to read or write. Others are i i
years’ course. If she is at school she has S€Mt to factories at a very early age— th aN
many interests other than her lessons; there are the cotton mills of Shanghai, | Hh ||
she has companionship and fun. There Silk mills in Ningpo, Soochow, and other it |
are games—her feet are normal and she big cities, and more recently match fac- | i|
can join in them all. There is music and tories. All these factories employ a large | iil
laughter. At the age of ten, or soon Proportion of child and women labour. Ve iN
-after, she can go to boarding school if†Conditions vary considerably, but in all i i
‘there is no day school near her home. It Wages are low and hours long. Some i Hi
is, perhaps, a mission school. There are Others take their babies to the factory ii l}
airy buildings set in a big garden; there and are allowed to leave them in baskets BI
are pleasant surroundings, plain whole- >ehind the looms in a most unhealthy |
some food, hygienic conditions of living. atmosphere. In this again improvements al
Her physique improves ; her interests are 27 bound to come with greater enlighten- il
many-sided. Apart from the daily les- â„¢ent. Ma
sons there are games, music, handwork, In the villages and the more remote AN
gardening, and various forms of social cities the lives of the girls and women are ah
service for the older girls, such as helping _ still very restricted. Although foot-bind- | |
to run Sunday Schools for the poor chil- ing has been abolished, their minds are | i
dren of the district. Her life is full of still in bondage to fear and superstition ee ||)
profitable activities; her HO
nature has an_ all-round ; ees a eae Bae: HB
development. ‘ieee: ‘ “) 2 Bs LM es
From school she can go on | = =. prea lye Ces Wa ats i |
to college or a university to ES eu: ele eee tee a i
train to be a teacher, or she er 6 Of hee Vo peace ik H |
¢an go to a hospital to learn | Py eg Se ied - ; ay " Be |
o marry the man eo pee en A eas
‘of their choice, for they are |Z Sa =e *S a Ee | it a
not yet sufficiently enlightened | gear 7st i *) foes om ee Hi
* to break away from this con- |iaes ; — FS aioe eR Hi
vention, and she must bow to |e eid Ce NOE eee Hi
their will. It may turn out |i emer ar s hme i ii
well, and then she may keep ER Eee A. = a a 4
up her interest in teaching or |fRa eS Aaa es cp a aes alee tA
mursing, In* some mission rae ane Sy Race gee CS ay Se eee gaa YO
centres. there are women’s <= =jssssiaiee eter ene ercenesce ecmenncenee — A
‘clubs where weekly lectures Dorcas MNES ‘ it
are given on subjects that will caraients clade fer tiood refugees. i dtenhonst aoe i HN}
uy 1 i
Pr ' i i
We lt Successful Missionary Collectors
Se aie and their interests are limited to mar- are sold very young to the temples to
HA riages, births and deaths! Some girls learn to be nuns. Some are sold to @
Pie vault | are sold into the family of their future dreadful fate in Shanghai.
i) husband at a very early age. They are The door to freedom has been opened ;
entirely adopted by that family, and often the way has been indicated ; but it will be
hid have to act as a servant in the family many generations before the full emanci-
Piel until the time of their marriage. Others pation of the Chinese girl is completed.
Hie i
Pe i 2. 2, 2,
4 i
a Successful Missionary oe Park College, |
x n :
wat i Collectors. anchester :
Este AnD CLirrorp DENNING, of Park The Students’ Missionary Meeting.
Pi S ar EDR neat tae ate Ree ets F
wi Suey Se ++ pe . ne 4 cone Tue Victoria Park College students are
va ind useous oo oe fos = pas ae “holding their annual Missionary Meeting
hee ee oa oe ae Fes a stl a on Wednesday, April 20th, at Liverpool
Hh AAD Oe 1S IAS Deco nosey: Road Church, Patricroft, Manchester.
hit small weekly or monthly contributions. j :
ast The photograph makes them look very Among the speakers will be Rev.
a much in earnest, which they are; but they WW. H. Hudspeth, M.A., of Yunnan,
‘Bu have smiling faces as a rule, which is West China. |
ih a perhaps one reason why they have done It is hoped to raise £200. Contribu-
| so well. J. SMALLWoop. tions should be sent to Mr. R. A. John-
hi son, United Methodist College, Victoria
i PE a, Park College, Manchester.
ani A pep Pate bens iC ea ae These have been very successful
i See eee ae: Be 7 eee gatherings in the past, and the students
i : SE NOR ote neta AVM ears aa z LS Pp "
1 || eee yi are hoping to make this equal to the best.
i , pe eee By various means the students raise a
ti} e eee bre See aa considerable sum during the year, and
i Shae - ¥ eg a A i. aie they ask their many friends in the country
Vit F tr ens Bae eng be eee ee to help them achieve their object.
i is 2 eS ae ee
14 RS eee Oe re a 3 ;
a he ag | eo Tun thing that makes the conversion
Wi | a: ony ae ae a ae of China dear to our hearts is its connec-
uh aN Op cingatih : ee oe tion with God and with Christ. It is for
A Bee . eo ae the glory of Christ ; it is for the carrying
With ee ee ee out of his‘last command ; it is for the
ALi eee Sees) clory of God.
| ia e ieee ‘ ces me J. Hupson Tavtor.
i his tists ee oe ae — we a sie eb peed pS pe pa pS Ob PE Ph ps ph pt
Wa cae ree: ee . es Boome
; Sc. . Spee ae te yey “ Paget nn!
j FRE Po emeeaa eS z| “he Bet i
ai : om =<. += =| Please help the London
mi) f { eee bs OM
Hi ; z Co eee ee eee ° ° 2
A os Missionary Meetings. |
HW | Se ee
HG >... See page 69.
| | | eee om ss oe 2 in eS ante Ps pa ph 9 ES pp FS pS Se SSE A pe
| a
| il iN Elsie and Clifford Denning.
Ve a 80 |
| i
ai | seme
e i
al ‘Al | ee
1 anit
2 Be es i
[sl [SI Tl
. 1 ah
[9] ‘“*Apart from Jesus Christ we do not know what our life is, [5] i | |
[5] nor our death, nor God, nor ourselves.’’—PASCAL. [6] a i |
1) ait
) 2
«< ee ° †1 aN
| Spirit of Burning, Come! i
N Mr. Hugh Redwood’s deeply moving Our real need is for a new Pentecost ix i iii
| little book ‘God in the Shadows,†a the Church. It is not so much to take i | i
book which can be read at a sitting but God “out of the machine†as to bring 1 a
may influence the reader for the rest of his Him more surely in. We need the fire of aa
life, an earnest plea is made for bringing the Holy Ghost to set our cold hearts i
God “out of the machine.†First of all aflame. This would mean a wonderful ‘i
there was a purpose and then a machine. — transformation, changing impotence into: a) |
The purpose came first, and it was power and resignation into consuming il | il
attained by simple means. Later a zeal. “Spirit of burning, come!†| i
machine was invented in order that the MTS IC il
purpose may be fulfilled better. : | i
What has happened? The machine has [ee eee 4 1
been elaborated until in the course of time Ue SR St yee ee oer hc a a ee HM
many have forgotten the purpose for te Sone = es i!
which it was called into existence. A day ec ete 2 eet ite er eS eee A
came when it was even worshipped. “The ete Tee Re A ES a
ueed of a world in crisis is that God |\RRNNn is iy Gsaescsee AG Qc \ioutee Hin il |
should come out from the machine.†In |i Resi et ee CR Daw Stine a | i
other words, conversion and holiness are see An ees eare TON St Pay biti tH i
more important than orders, ritual forms |figes u 3 tS Ee SONG ME HIVE E I
and elaborate machinery on which some j af { ae Ae es Se he! wee il
set so great a store. ee, Was ere eA Ms rit ee| | Wi
At the same time it is undeniable that |Faame 1 i tg Soe SW ad lie ||
Christ gave to His Church the task of |) gy aaaast ee ae SOS fh | wil
transmitting His teaching, of proclaiming |, tT ee Mi ee fa NN ie i if | mal
His Gospel and winning the world to His |i i 4 Tee ( Go SS ho
Kingdom. The world being what it is it |i iste A i i te i ih it: 1 ai
Bite : ES eau We oe Pre iT span tte aes H) |
is difficult to see how this task could have ene : I {i ty iY RE aan HT
been carried out without an organization. |B) yyy i | a i dl ee : i
Missionaries unconnected with any organ- } i 1 h yl ee ai Wa 1 Tal
ized Church have witnessed for Christ and Shes. i aes aes matt ABI | ae ill |
won converts, but these converts must be wae t ? ee | iG ae a
shepherded, must have fellowship, must pee oS : cS el ae 1 Oo
| in fact form themselves into a Church if |e Seow =e foe Hi
their faith and love are to survive the Bi Il
shocks of the world. And even the un- |B 5) Gus. Gab.
attached missionary could not dohis work |7 55.) 9. |) Res
apart from the Church: his Bible is the |5e 3) 06 5250 eee Hi
product of the Church of the early cen- ee BS ee Re is j i |
turies, and the copy he uses to-day was_© -——@—————_—— ae Hi
printed and published by some society eee ease oh | a
founded and supported by the Church. may mot ceauont . Tphoto: Mr. T. H. Simpson. re i
May, 1932. i |
i ii
| Hi
rie f ,
M Mission House eee
Rig] Within Our honoured and be- fioor is a similar ward. Private wards
BH the Veil. loved missionary, the also are provided in different parts of the
| Rev. F. J. Dymond, — building.
Belt passed within the veil on March 16th. As Last, but not least, at the south end of
Dia night was falling upon the world Ne each wing, on both the ground and the
Fi passed into the eternal morning. Our first floors, are the Solariums. These are
a ‘two es missionaries gon uo ve glazed with vita glass, thanks to the
bik Revs. F. J. Dymond and ce E. Ni 1S) munificence of Mr. W. Mallinson. In
at returned so) England last year. “NO one these solariums tubercular patients may
unas ae oe cs a eee as near receive ithe sun treatment.
it S earthly erimage. sie e :
ee Ose OL cou aes ae ABE The Chief of Police tells Dr. Craddock
Within three months they met again on , Sper oat Hh
Ra ey that there are two million people within
the heavenly shore. Tributes are paid to , = oo sesiaee ‘a
; ee a » the region served by this modern hospi-
Mr. Dymond in this issue of the “ Ecno, ie : SS 3
’ ; : : tal. It will supply the crying need of the
.as they were to Mr. Hicks in the March Si ae
: cave ; ce @CUIStLICt:
issue. It is impossible, however, to esti-
mate how much our Yunnan mission Good R a 3 oot
owes to these two faithful toilers, and eee ecor Rev. A. E. Dymond has
how greatly they will be missed. rest completed his first term
| Africa. as Superintendent of our
‘The New The outstanding event in ; ‘ : West Africa District, and
iH Hospital at this missionary year is arrived for his short furlough on April
Wuting. Ae totracl opening of the 3rd. He has had a very happy and suc-
| new Hospital at Wuting, cessful term. He gladly testifies that
North China. The opening has been this result is largely due to the excellent
mt planned for the month of May, and will ‘¢-organization achieved by his predeces-
Wi ‘take place with the kind of public cele- 5° Rev. E. Cocker. He says: “To
bration due to Chinese custom, with the have weathered the storm due to the
Hit local officials in attendance. Already the financial crisis, and to close the year with
Vii erection has commanded widespread in- 2 credit balance on the District Fund,
i terest ; the great value of such an insti- speaks well for the loyalty of our people
tution is generally recognized as a whole, and the sound basis upon
} The following particulars of the build- which the District finance was based a
: + eect ; few years ago.â€
ii ing are taken from a description given CaS AS:
by Dr. Craddock. - A new church has been opened at
Hid The plan is, roughly, that of a capital Brookfields, in the Freetown North Cir
E; facing south and with the central limb cuit, at a cost of £650, with a debit
Wl lengthened. This central stem is the balance remaining of only £70. This
out-patient block and administrative achievement is due to the devotion of the
a ‘building. It contains a large general circuit Superintendent, Rev. E. J. T.
| waiting-room, which opens into two con- Harris, and the loyalty of the friends in
il sulting rooms, with various other rooms the circuit.
Hh on the ground floor and in the basement. A new tone pervades the West Africa
Dil “The operating suite, including operating District. The ministers are awakening
| theatre, sterilizing room, instrument and new confidence and expectancy. They
Ht anzesthetic room, is situated on the north have proved their power to overcome
side. The West Wing contains a_ difficulties. Mr. Dymond says: “As a
| basement, divided into three large-rooms District we have our problems, but we
for women nurses and other women on also have a company of loyal and devoted
the staff; the ground floor is one large African men and women eager to face
Hi women’s ward, and the first floor is up to them and see them in the light of
| divided into a general room and a dormi- the Lord’s will and deal with them in His
Mh tory. The East Wing contains a base- Spirit. We cannot but rejoice in the
i ment, undivided, for the coolie and kit- way He has brought us. We find. in-
I chen staff to sleep in; the ground floor deed, that ‘the joy of the Lord is our
| “4s the main men’s ward, and the first strength.’†:
i 82
a | Al
ae , ae ———) ET
: i
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Francis John Dymond. Memorial Tributes. i Il :
WE -
What is written in the following What tricks he would play upon chapel- i i |
pages will be read with pathetic in- keepers, some of whom pretended = i i
bost. Thosé who knew Frank believe that a minister’s son must 0 i Hi
terest cassie : necessity be gifted with a double dose of i |
Dymond intimately bear witness original sin! | i ||
that his WOS. 7g beautiful and noble But the leaven of a rich home influence : Hl |
life. The ministry he received from was working in him. His mother used i Hi |
his Lord he fulfilled with joy He to laugh because, as a boy, he always j i
fought a good fight. He finished his insisted that she should brush his hair i i |
course. He kept the faith. Tosuch P. like Father's.†Like all his brothers mi
3 Histher olen cn: and sisters, he regarded his father as the i Hi
4 life as his model he would wish to be. i i i]
He spent four years at Shebbear Col- i |
My Brother. lege, where he first declared himself on i
Alderman G. P. DYMOND, M.4., J.P. the side of that great Gospel which he | H|
UR attachment to each other was all was to preach so zealously in China. || }
OC the keener be- - Then he worked for Bi
catise we were ARSE ae nue «62. Similar period as a a
only two years apart ’ Fe "eee clerk in a large busi- |
in age, and had to — ee | Se Stet ==) ) ness house in Bristol. Hi
be chums in our [fe S20 (iii) Weeeeetey § What rollicking Hl
earliest days. An- [RRtieuey 00s eee §6stories he would tell, ij A
other brother died fp yeas: - jes - == when he came home, i\
at four and a half —R sess ee «Of incidents that oc- | MW
years of age and left [imeem ee ee) «ocurred there. This ie ii
a gap between us —g ge eee §=included one about i |
and the other mem- [Rest ste a simple-minded ac- it 1
bers of the family PRs) quaintance} of his 1) BN
at that period. eee §=crandfather’s who Hi |
I often think that [Roza |\ ames BS aaa came from Barn- ie il
‘our brother’s death Pati ae go staple witha promise ai
had a great effect in [RY gg # 2) terse Si =that he would call HB}
. determining our own [fF Gates ge F and see his grand- i |
assurance of the ) (gisele son. He sent the
reality of the life to # Suseiases clerks in the large | Wil
‘come. Our father faa Ree office into boisterous )
and mother consoled — ea RCs laughter by declar- | a
themselves in their ie Rov Bab epynend ing in a loud voice, oh
great grief by this for he was deaf, # At
assurance and taught us the reality of the and in good Devon vernacular several i i!
heavenly home. times repeated, ‘‘ Well I’m glad I zeed’ce i
What a mystery it allis! Yet it is a then; I promised yer granfer that I’d HI
vision glorious now that Frank, too, has come and zee ’ee.†This was the greet- i HH
entered the City Beautiful after his years ing of his fellow clerks for many a day H))\
of ardent toil in trying to make that City, afterwards. H) |
and all it stands for, abundantly real to I can hear his merry laugh too, as he i
thousands of Chinese, and to men, would tell us of the good man, who being 1 Wa
women, and children at home also. indignant with his fellow church members a
Boe : because they had not appointed him to an i)
His Sparkling Fun. office which he wanted, gave vent to his i ||)
Frank was a typical English boy, up feelings inno measured terms. He was
to every prank and full of sparkling fun. polishing his Sunday boots and got so ii
How he would terrify the neighbours in excited that the brush slipped out of his Wi
Bristol by climbing lamp-posts and turn- hand as he denounced their Christianity. io
ing’ somersaults over their high bars at The brush flew under a heavy piece of it
the imminent risk of breaking his neck! furniture, and he had time to cool as he Hi
83 ii |
‘ ha
> 1h Nit
ig Francis John Dymond
! itp went on his hands and knees in search prise rested upon the Bible Christian
Pie tf of it. denomination that Sam Pollard and Frank
Pisin ate Dymond felt the call of the mission field.
i sy A Junior Mastership. : a
| Ai Mr. Ruddle, who was then head master His Great Decision.
HA at Shebbear, offered him a junior post at I remember well Frank’s return one
bid the College. This brought him into the Sunday evening from a preaching ap-
Re full activity of the Shebbear Circuit, pointment at Stibb Cross. The services
Hil i where he became a local preacher. Our were then held in a cottage near the spot
Pe li China Mission had just been launched at where a pretty wayside chapel now
ah hy the Bideford Conference of 1885, and stands. We sat by the fire in the master’s
hia Samuel Thomas Thorne and T. G. Van- room at the College and, as we were |
eel stone had arrived in Yunnan in 1886. It alone, Frank unburdened his soul to me. |
el was whilst the full spell of this new enter- In his mental conflict over the call that
bie tt had come to
a ee him, he had de-
bi Bipewier ccs ee eee | «€CCided that, if
ieee eet rg fe eS ek IN ng ean .
| his message to
i 7 mmemna eP aeienem ig iae. tons Oe Y ig Re eae an eng
bd Agoeee ee ee i Bo _| the people that
fit fee ete a . See ene
rd ee Be Ee ae = ~ ee a oe
ii eee ee «= WS. Ussing him in
hil ee ee | saving others, he |
Hi eee Se Sy eee| $= would offer for
Wie ort trwtâ€â€”—~â€â€”—~â€â€”C—CN China. He had
a llc (i | ld 8 dlowing
| Sr a gs! experience and
ti oe ear ey agen. Be. pee, he must offer. I
A it oe ‘ters Gee ros ea ou: fea | CO. asked him if he
i Ree ee ee oie
I] 4 tad counted the
| | Rese ei Res Se ee SR a a cost, knowing
i Reese ti Gos. bee gie Sie Ra pss ie Re ee . ,
ih aes) og ee 2 Cell that it would
Wi see oe eer et be much greater
We a ye _ oe than he antici. ©
| | 2a ee = =| pated, but no
pad i : : ee 3 \ ees, eee S| that kind would
i | 5 eee Bec aN a ees 3 =| move him. He
in | ee NF fered and was
mv A 5 ai Bee ee ya wae 7 accepted to-
1 it pti ee ‘eee ee 7 F ee S
a) ; ae ae | gether with his
| i ; a oS Bee ef = =| friend andschool-
| Beeetie i tees AM oh pone = Fa Pg eg td
Wi ee 0 es) icllow, Sam Pol-
Bia it ot Taser A Ba! ptoieee 4 eeeeeeeee| §«lard. The im-
1 iil oe Be a fy és pression their
i eee ee AG yg 5 | offer made at the
| : Breen eeaeereee ti li! emma eis > aaa : as
i eee | le eC, | Conference at
iy ee EF Sonthscainisns,
i --—rt— eesS—SES“ | Ss most pro-
/ Vil en ee ee kere Be ee | «found and their
ns ae oo Be: | : | ee | §=stour through the
1 a a ge Eee i | ee Connexion, before
| i] eee | «their § departure
ai i] in January, 1887,
Ha mightily moved
i i Rev. F J. Dymond and Rev. S. Pollard th 1
i i Hii when designated for China, 1886. € people.
ne ae} 84
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Francis John Dymond i i 1
ee ee
Hesitation and Victory. career has closed all the Church knows # i ||
fave 5 : is 1 aah}
Only once did Frank waver, and that Ww nobly he sustained it. Having once Hh a
was just before his departure, when he Set his hand to the plough he turned not Vy
was tempted for a brief space to look back ; for forty-five years he ploughed on aii
back. He told me of his trouble. and | faith and hope, never doubting that |) ae
had the heavy-hearted duty of pointing some day the Yunnan fields would yield |
out to him the disastrous effect of such 1 % g10rious spiritual harvest. Others will | Hh | |
course upon himself and the missionary ‘®@P the golden harvests, but they will |
cause. He quickly recovered and went "°° forget that the hardest task was 1 Bi}
bravely to his great task. Many years ®¢complished by the faithful pioneers i | a
after he reminded me of this great ordeal, who first broke up the fallow ground. i | |
and was grateful for his delivery. Consistency and symmetry beautifully th
Rev. Jehu Martin, who was Governor “iStinguish the life we now review. Stage i
of the College when Frank offered for ‘!0llowed stage in natural and almost in- ai
China, told me with tears in his eyes how evitable succession. The home into which | |
profoundly he was moved whenever !¢ was born presented continually the | WW
Frank sang, ideal in Christian life and service. It i |
ET Atnow' hot Sohap aa would be a mistake, however, to imagine mil
Capea Ww a awaits Me that he was born with any kind of halo |
Bente : Ye Vole UUNeS eyes, around his brow. In his earliest years il
with its refrain, there was no sign of the saint in embryo. Hi
“And every hour in perfect peace He was wilful and rather reckless, but Wy
I'll sing, He knows, He knows.†free and generous-hearted. No one would H |
| ? 3 ; 3 sus him of meanness or unkindness. ) al
Others will teil the story of his work in Spent ald : ie il
China. His prayers across half the world Hor such: Doy tosyicld to the arecious | Bt
have strengthened his brothe ee influences around him was as natural as | |
S : iS brotmers and sis- for the plant to bloom under the summer 1 a | :
ters, and his memory enriches their lives. sun. As a lad he made a complete and | 1)
7 ’ . . . . ia a a 4G | |
Milton’s great tribute to Abdiel, the | Ba
pee may well be applied to him, —— = |
; v7 V7, †meee > ee ene ies |
ervant of God, Well done! a pa = — |
O — £ ih
ne who turned not back. Re oe i
ie Le a Hi
Rev. C. STEDEFORD. a. See oe i
oe ts. a ON i eS Hy
N paying this tribute to Rev. F. J. Gea me eg. rye ioral i
Dymond, I am honouring the memory Ca fies ee ny ee
of a life-long friend. We were et ae Ser Pee ee . H
intimately associated in boyhood, in the wf eee a3 We Ha)
momentous years of youth we were com- ie ey 8 of 4 oes: ps | a
rades, working together in the same Sun- ae oY ‘ the _—s i
day School, holding fellowship in the ie ee Serie a | il
same _ class-meeting, developing our ee ay ee 1 s Hh
speaking powers in the same Mutual Im- i 0» erate bein, nope ref i il
provement Society, often discussing’ to- Beers See Hi Py ae 33 i
gether life’s plans and prospects, until | se $ eae We i
ventured forth into the ministry of the epee ene Sal . fee os | il
Bible Christian Church, to be followed by 1 | ge oe. “Soon i
him three years later when he entered anes aa { coe ae ae 1) |
the ministry in 1886 as the accepted can- ee , “A Re pe |
didate for pioneer missionary service in — s _ Sorts +e al i}
Yunnan. ee ee ges Pe: |
; a aoe ae . ses ee |
Breaking Fallow Ground. oe eae alee ie |||
It was a noble choice Frank Dymond wes | ‘
made in his early manhood ; now that his when they began their work. ; Hi ‘
85 | i
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a il Francis John Dymond
a | joyous surrender to the love of Christ. hardships and perils they endured in their
a a Those who were boys with him in Sheb- pioneer days, consequently they came
be iM bear College testify to his spiritual through without a scar upon their souls,
Ph aa leadership in those early years. He then and without any bitterness in their hearts.
| began to manifest a fervour of spirit Many would desire no sweeter music than
I which gave a radiant beauty to his charac- to hear their rippling laughter again.
bi ter to the end of his days.
Ay) au : His Naturalness.
bie His Humour. Another charming teature was_ his
th It is pleasant to recall his delightful naturalness. There was not a trace of
Hii sense of humour. In a brief survey of affectation in him. He bore himself with
i this kind the graver side of life must a quiet dignity which was as natural to.
necessarily receive chief attention, but to himas his auburn hair. No one ever saw
present only that side would create an him assume any airs or make any pre-
bt entirely mistaken impression. He was tence. He was disposed to under-esti-
merry-hearted. He would dissipate dull- mate himself. He did not develop any
ness with quaint humour. Smiles were clerical manner; he was precisely the
| always ready to play around his counten- same whether in the pulpit or out of it.
ance, and hearty laughter was never far This naturalness was born of his deep
H away. He was quick to detect foibles sincerity. He despised any kind of sham.
and could easily amuse his friends by his He did not cater for applause or
fH mimicry. He was blessed with an in- notoriety : when praise and honour came
ward spring of gladness. Ona beautiful to him he knew how to appreciate them,
: summer morning he said he “felt as but they could not make him swell with
bit though his heart was full of singing a sense of his own importance. He pre-
birds.†ferred to shelter from the public gaze,
Bi The priceless gift of humour is almost and to continue his own work steadfastly
VW cssential in a missionary. It was the and unobtrusively.
Hi happy possession of Frank Dymond and Another engaging characteristic was
hi his intimate colleague, Sam Pollard. his trustfulness. He was without guile
| 1 |i They laughed their way through the himself, and he did not suspect it in
aa others. Anyone
ili [ who desired to
deceive him could.
1H do so easily, but
Lit it would be, not
Wit cleverness, ~ Sbut
Wh : mere wickedness
1] a to attempt to im-
i] LAG oe } : | pose upon such
i les 4 eee of, | ‘| an unsuspecting
| ieee ee fs eee oy ale | nature.
Nie | Re, rete | oe i: ee iPass Spirituality.
‘i Uaisanaih tes ig Tae 0 06â€lU Ui The dominant
ii a eat ee eA eee) | Dymond’s _ per-
ti] ie : ssl aaa ye —— ae ~=—CSSss:~—~S|:séSonnaility was his
| - ee ee ee S| Spirituality. “He
Ai | ee 6 Se | 6was “spiritually-
Hii UB , 7 A = see ee pended: ein he
a NS CW tich Pau! used
bay | ih Pie ee ee I mee} that ph d
a | ti ' g pte Rare tn tirite ate be = é phrase, an
Wl the accompany-
ii | A Bible Tent in Yunnan-fu. (Photo: Mr. T. Butler, J.P.
14 86
| A
ay | at ‘
1 i Ri diceeanssees an NS —
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4 ff
Mi} i
Francis John Dymond Ht || 4
ing effect of “‘life and peace†was united in a blaze of glory, in a great |
| seen in him. He judged by spiritual spiritual awakening, a rushing wave of mi
standards ; he was governed by spiritual heaven-sent energy! O that it might qi HS
motives. He dwelt with Christ ‘in come to every member ! I desire earnestly Mt &
heavenly places,†and became more and that thou miss nothing’ of what the 1) ae
more detached and unworldly in his spirit Master desires thee to possess.†1!) ae
and manner. Here is the second: a |
When travelling in Yunnan with Mr. “May the Lord send a great day of : i |
Pollard in 1910, I saw many inscriptions ;eyival to every one of us missionaries, 1
made by missionaries on the rough white- and to all our precious people ‘ for whom: Hh |
washed wall of a bedroom in a @hinese=> @frist-died 3 aim reading ‘ The Christ ta
ee One, subscribed by F. J- Dy- of the Indian Road,’ and enjoy it ; it stirs. AM
mond, _and dated 1887, was) The love my soul, it makes me think of the possi- | ii
of Christ constraineth us. Another bilities of China if only we approached! 1 a
signed by him, and dated later, was “Hal- them by the way of Love and Curist- ei
lelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent jixpnyrss (the real thing). O dear! how i | ee
reigneth.†In those inscriptions we have uch the Lord has to forgive in us!†Hi
the key which unlocks the secret of his “Faithful unto death,†our brother- a
he Its dominant force was the “Love beloved, has passed to his coronation; a
of Christ†; its sustaining faith was in his Jahour is ended ; his voice is hushed. Hi
the Omnipotent Providence of God. He ‘he mission for which he gave his life | qi
had _ the faith which made “all things femains ; the call of China for those who» |
possible.†This faith kept his mind in will follow in his steps continues. “He- ) By
peace when travelling dangerous roads, being dead, yet speaketh,†and Bee ie | | 4
and when menaced with impending (6+ pelieve that he speaks in vain. i |
upheavals. i| |
Mr. Dymond would have been reluctant ae ‘ | | | ieee
to do so, lest he should appear to boast, z i |
but he might have truly adopted the words QOQur Sir Galahad. A
of the Apostle Paul, “Christ liveth in : iii
me.†He was filled with the supreme ee ee Hi
desire to glorify Christ. He delighted to OULS are as various as flowers, and! | i
bear testimony of the preciousness of S$ need not be measured or compared. |
Christ. He travelled far into the mystic in order ta be admired and appre- i
realm of communion with his Lord. As ciated. Some men impress us less by iN}
he walked the streets of Chinese towns their achievements than by what they are \ i
and over the hills and valleys of Yunnan, in themselves. Frank Dymond attracted i
I doubt not he was often blissfully con- us not by great gifts, or by having done | i
scious of having a Divine Companion. great things, but by some quality of i
The tenor of his life and thought were charm innate in his personality. As a 1 il
revealed in his correspondence. Occa- flower turns naturally towards the sun so ||
sionally his hope and desire found vent in instinctively did Frank Dymond at all i
passionate language. Of these outbursts times turn directly to Him whom He ii]
! append two examples. believed to be the Light of the World. a
, He seemed never aware of any counter- i Mi
What He Wrote. attraction. z i
“When shall we have the mind of United Methodists know all about i
Christ and love, and love, and love until Frank Dymoads parentage and early : |
every drop of blood oozes from us! training : morally and spiritually he was- |
What a majestic Christ! When we can of noble lineage. Instead of cataloguing i
really sacrifice for China there may be the CyENtS Of his | outward life, I Prcter i
hope of winning her. The Sacrificial '° recall the inter oe life of a singularly WW
Path is the way of victory. Ah me! how sensitive and impressionable nature. |
few of us believe it. In your perambula- ES a Hilt
tions do you meet many us among our The Galahad of the Mission. i |
people? What a wonderful thing it It was not my privilege to have had any i
would be if the Methodist Churches long-continued association with this- I
mie {Kt
. y
aah Francis John Dymond
a choice spirit, but certain meetings with a wealth of thought and feeling in his
a him both in China and England stand out own spirit beyond all acquisitions of |
Bit ‘vividly as pictures in my remembrance. _ learning.
ate hae In those meetings he always made me As a rule Frank Dymond was full of
| think of Nathanael, a man without guile, the joy of life and radiated high spirits.
bi the Galahad of our band. There was an His memory was stored with piquant
Ric} ‘air of purity about him ; he was pleasant stories, and to the art of the raconteur he
Bat an to regard with his tall, active form, the added a rare gift of mimicry which he
ae th sensitive expression of his face, his blue used to call up some of the old worthies
a eyes and kindly mouth. He looked half of the Church in England. With a boyish
tH soldier and half saint. He was not in- Jove of fun he would set us laughing as
| tended by nature to be a leader of men, we met at meals, and then suddenly ask
| nor was he distinguished as an original one of us to say the grace. Yet there
thinker. I imagine that the religious were alternations of mood, and his high
a teaching of home and of Shebbear Col- spirits would be followed by fits of deep
lege remained undisturbed in his mind to depression. ;
ui the end. He was not attracted by new He was like a beautiful harp; when
| ways of thought, rather was he always rightly tuned he gave forth fine music,
finding new lights on old paths. Once pyt occasionally the music was muted or
| he wrote to me asking me to spend five jangled by melancholy. He was a very
I pounds for him in the purchase of “books modest man ; he distrusted his own judg-
PA of philosophy.†I didnot do so; Iknew ment, and would be subject to consider-
that his request was due to a passing able vacillation before reaching lasting
Vi awareness of realms beyond his reach, decisions. He leaned upon his friends
| ‘and that he could never find the time for and ought never to have been alone. His
their adequate exploration. He possessed Jack of self-confidence may have ac-
hii oer er permeererememnner ee eee § Counted for an unusual timidity : once he
| Gases i Aes 4 BOIS ys «told me that he was never wholly free
i al > HTN ee “eee4)6=6 from fear in moving among the Chinese.
\ SM a ay ed Ne Me
| mers TD 5 ae A ay ES eta ® f 2
1 | a 3 hy ah BS. Ewa His Rare Moral Courage.
uh WAS Wee eS oe Se These defects would not be worth men-
i A aS oe xa, a tioning were it not that they help us to
i} Apa ie: pee ey NE ie appraise the rare moral courage of this
| BE eer Saas RE v4 et wia@ soldierof Christ. In spite of everything,
Hii ae ee eo itt Of disappointments, sicknesses and sor-
a Pie 9 ye eed a +b ex # rows, Frank Dymond remained superbly
i pee Be a4 ee fee loyal to his missionary vows. | He was
Hi : 5 Ree Fae Oot more than conqueror in the battles of the
1 ; : - Ee ma oes soul. His general attitude of mind was
vt a NBR age a Hey) one of cheerful acceptance of life through
| : oi pe > ~% the pathetic alternations of hopes and
| i Bieta < fears ; moral steadfastness was a note of
MN (it cl eee a eg eee : ’ nobility in his sensitive soul. Such
vy tele Deas eee ie courage as Frank Dymond showed was
| re a 5 ee the highest of which a man is capable.
1 ie <_ \ te ee wena He conquered himself and maintained in
Mi ee se Sais AL We his bearing great natural dignity and
Hi : Re aa repose.
1 ae Sian tesa aaa Ps eg y Dymond and Pollard both exhibited
8 Retna See eee see in he great linguistic gifts. They owed much
WW ie fee, to the teaching of Mr. F. W. Baller at
A at Aas Sie Ganking language school. Dymond’s :
nay os : a success was due to hard work. He never
ui | : @ acquired Pollard’s ability of idiomatic and
ee & i, epigrammatic expression ; but his Chinese
Hi i Revs. F. J. Dymond and S. Pollard in 1909. addresses were always marked by limpid
| | ‘| 88
1 eee —————— mnnns
: HI
t HY |
Francis John Dymond ! | 4
a :
clearness and graphic vigour. Never silvery voice, nor look upon that finely 1 Be:
shall I forget listening to him as he told chiselled face, but we shall often recall that | i
the story of Zacchzeus: like the Chinese beautiful soul—a saint, one who radiated aed
around me, I was held spell-bound. It Jove, whose enthusiasm for evangelizing mili |
‘ Spe Eas 1)
would have been a good thing if he could the Chinese people never wavered for ae
have been freed from all routine of cir- more than forty years. Such work as | Ht) |
cuit work, and allowed to wander wher- Frank Dymond did cannot be measured or | ||
ever he listed to tell the Gospel stories. tabulated : he did not build churches; but ae
he sowed that others might reap. } iM }
A Great Occasion. When he first went to China, forty- } i) |
At the time of the revolution in 1911, five years ago, it is said the Chinese | Wy :
the overthrow of the Manchu regime was asked, “Who is this Jesus whom you j HII
celebrated by a great public meeting at preach?†To-day they are asking,‘ What Ht
| Yunnanfu, presided over by the new shall we do with this Jesus?†This 1 aa
Governor. Young ardent Chinese Re- changed enquiry is due in large part to i a)
publicans gave addresses full of idealism the work done by the class of missionary- i i
and hope. Then Dymond was asked to envangelists to which Frank Dymond ah
speak. With passionate eloquence he belonged. Others are now needed who j i |
proclaimed the Kingship of Jesus Christ will answer the deeper questions of an a
and enunciated the principles of the King- awakened China. Having handed his | i iS
dom of God as the only safe ground-plan tasks to others, our friend and pioneer a
for building a new China. It was the passes on, to fuller life and higher a) 4
chance of a life-time, and he used it well. service. a |
Just as the last Conference was im- “Death’s truer name my )
pressed by the vcice of that noble soul, Is ‘ Onward,’ no discordance in the roll i | il
so that great Chinese audience felt the And-march of that Eternal Harmony i) § | ee
spell of his single-hearted appeal, Whereto the worlds beat time.†| | ]
Suffering came
to Frank Dy- : iii
mond and toMrs. . SS Hi
Dymond through | A i. : Ss |
tlie great war. |
Their gallant son ae ee . m7 ed i {ll
John fell when |® fe A ee s Re | |
nobly leading his ie. a £ : ae ean | |
men in France. ae vz : mil | i
sadder, lonelier |/MOéeG c= Bea yf ee an i
death claimed meee 3h lak i &. re il
another son, Dr. Fee Ue RS i
Frank, at Chao- ts A ea tl eee Ee |
tong. I think pes ) 5 eae rh ie a ! |
perhaps that ep mURes Fs ; al Ee eet all 2 ld | |
blow shattered - ihe | oe eS Paes ae il
the father’s | 4 f 5 a?) er, 4 a ry | ™ tH
health and began |My EYAL 7 SA Ss) Hii
the sickness Se ts ee Le i Oley Se 1 i
which ended in |Site Mr< 05) ih fh ey I ae i
his death in Bir- a i a ee le saat : c 1
mingham. fe ee ee ne ; | |
a ny |
He Radiated ee : aie W
Love. Seth ce eee : : Se ih)
We shall not ii
again heat that Noe ey eee eevee en (Photo: Mr. T. Butler, J.P. ij : i
89 ie ||
ie |
i a
Ht faa Francis John Dymond
Pia it | A Missionary Saint. thet mn the accion of two men, who
aa could ill be spared from the ministry in |
Lay a Rev. R. PYKE. England—Sam Pollard and Frank Dy-
Pte Ru T feels strange to be writing of Frank mond. But we always gave our best to
! 8 ae ee = SS
ats | 4 Dymond as of a departed friend. He China, and we have continued to do so.
yy, Pp )
t was to have come to my church as a
Pi missionary deputation this month. We Devotion to a Lofty Purpose
Piet had planned, too, that his brother, the ae ae Sab
Pte tM M £ Pl | ‘eh the Ree ome The cardinal facts of his biography can
hie Ore eee gence ida ae? be related in a few words. The son of a
Â¥ ul Dymond, of West Africa, should join So ee is fi Peter ony he ss |
i Frank in unveiling a tablet in Greenbanix 9 7)1D1S'CT ee Lee y See a es
Pee a Church on May 22nd. This was to com- Fe 2 ; pt ene ee Beene Ou
hay memorate the twelve years’ ministry in is ee NE Pes i een on ic
bi Plymouth of their father. Now Frank’s eis - aay . ee
aul name is to appear on the tablet. Bliss aoe OLE eeeby, WALL He Sr |
: : ‘ : . us, if at the last our lives present the same
Time carries off all our friends. Those evidence of completeness, coupled with
BH of us whose ministry began in the Bible devotion to a purpose as lofty !
| Christian Church, so long ago in the last rack Beoce s
Dae ; ‘rank was in some ways far from being
it century, can recail most moving occasions ah aed toc eset ee ah
se Caak BREOR Balkwill Van. ¢ll equipped for a missionary. So have
in Conference when Isaac Balkwi an F se :
Wi aoe many of the greatest of missionaries been.
bei stone used to present the PSsOuaLy Lee Tg ; da d d wae
i ort. One of my earliest recollections is c,.Was. tender, dependent, sensitive,
1) a : : home-loving, easily chilled by harshness,
ai that of this dear old man telling the Con- : :
HH : f : 2 ; and warmed by affection. In spite of
erence, with a sob, of a death among the eg A ene Reta Tistenesrral
1 Litle pi : I eg this, however, he held on. is cheerful-
Halil ittle pioneer group. I cannot say whether ; : 5: : :
1 a : : z . hess was the fruit of a very simple faith.
if was the death of S. T. Thorne, or Dr. Wes an bop
1 : 5 os € was not at home with problems : that
id Savin. What memories these shining ie é
ai dames ocain was where he differed so splendidly from
| | : many of his contemporaries. He had the
Thorne and Vanstone had only just got indefinable note in all his speeches of a
WH to their far distant sphere in’ Yunnan, saint. It is impossible to imagine him
Hit when Conference resolved to reinforce rising in Conference and grappling in con-
ea a? a es ee
> s os Sa. 3 7 ° agers eae
Vi A sot 6 ew} oe | fe a ee
: > AS ‘ ss Se phe, 3 a i, F Pays ee
iH Pe cor. Te. Bats. ae Pe So ee
We ica FF |
i os ca i aiilie < ecn es Rate ree ee ;
{ s Bet oe iv iS Kee bees coe ey! “iP fs x ‘8 ary <. ‘ saitmeeper es ee 2
Hi | ih peer a ‘Ss 4 Bea: NF Ee
Wh pesateee 2 2 gee, Se Foon a eS RE te Nene ee ; :
ii Poorer eee ee ae
Hit Bre rere crtR ea Dad te Ae oe ae GS ae Pa ;
4 Beefs ER ieee es Mi, a. Crete: eae ia tead eae Es § eo
| 1 - . ee ae ae
NG | ht Pg 2 oe ed Sl ga ee. -
THe RR eee ae es Bo cee
Wi pee ae ree eae eee a sig Sig aca aaron CL
Wi Piseope oe Se ogee evn: TM OE i ee c
va pee cee Re ee gases a
| H eenrMaG Matt ae :
| iy
| Ht Hi t An interesting group. Rev. F. J. Dymond Standing in the centre;
i} | Dr. P. S. Dymond sitting on the right.
| H. 90
111i} Vil
| | Tid Set ——— *
Hl es
Francis John Dymond (| 4
MW is
treversy with a complex subject; or simple, clear-eyed, full of faith and of the mh) :
| striving in any kind of debate whatsoever. Holy Ghost. | |
But when the ee occurred, his fer- I would not say or sing of him, “Leave i | .B
vent and subdued “Praise the Lord! we now Thy servant sleeping.†That is | my a
would testify to a sincerity and magna- inadequate and _ pre-Christian; rather Hil fe
nimity of which he was quite unconscious. some such rapturous and lyrical note as |
Let that same Conference, however, ask “For ever with the Lord. “Amen, so let |
him to address them on China, on mis- jt pe!†js appropriate. His life was a |
sion work generally, on the character of poem, anda great example. We do well Wall
| the Chinese, or on communion with God, {4 thank God for such a man wi
and nearly all present would silently con- 5 ; Oh)!
fess to themselves that here was a man | | ie
who had meat to eat they knew not of. aad Hi
| He was beautifully modest; it cost : ’ | |
him no effort to say that long years in St. Francis of Chaot’ong. HI :
China had left him out of touch with the Rev. W. TREMBERTH. at
thought and reading of his English breth- RITING of Frank Dymond under i i
ren. ie would listen with devopt grati- \ such a title as above, no compari- Hi
tude and the most obvious delight to a son or disparagement of others, Hi
present-day interpretation of some theo- past or present, is intended. If this were a
Jogical question. the occasion extension of the attributive |e
word would be easy. The Mission had My
Home and Heart in China. but one “Francis †by name, and now our i |
It was like him to went to return to beloved brother has been called Home. i }
‘China. There he had been in labours Francis John Dymond, in character, iM
more abundant and in perils oft. Hard- closely followed his noble father; his H a :
ship and weariness had been a daily ex- saintliness, however, is his own. He did || :
perience. It was while looking out over not choose the hair shirt, or take a vow | a
the plains of Yunnan he had contemplated of celibacy, but the home and the family, a4
the birth of a son, and twenty years later as the setting for the dedicated life. In \| l
his death on the battlefield. There, too, this there is wisdom. Monasticism to |
: he and his beloved wife had given the Chinese is unnatural, not to say dis- ti
name Frank to another of their boys ; reputable. The Sacred Edict castigates Hi
and there now lies the bedy of this young jt : “Those priests who dwell in monas-. Hi)
doctor. There he had seen Sam Pollard’s teries, in famous hills, destroy the Five Hh
eyes close, and the thousands follow him Relationships . . needless to say they li]
to his grave. There, too, he had seen the cannot become Immortal. . . Mani- ili
last of Dr. Savin. China was home to festly it is humbug.’? The family is the i}
him ; but we are all happier that he came unit of Society, and on it is based the | Hy
back to us for the last few months. Last hole fabric of Chinese civilization. ‘The i i
Conference heard that most musical ancients,†says Confucius, “cultivated i
voice : a voice which, by the way, was their own characters, then regulated their i j
ene of heredity’s gifts, for his father, families; their families being regulated, |
John Dymond, could almost singe the their state was rightly governed ; their Hil
and fiery voice : he could also be as mel- kingdom was peaceful and happy. From Ah
low as a thrush. the Son of Heaven to the mass of the iH)
Years gave to Frank a paternal benig- common people†the principle holds good. i
ancy ; but he was in some respects the 3 iil
Deter Bal of the mission field. Wherever A Methodist Troubadour. i
good work was done he rejoiced to hear Those fine traits of Mr. Dymond’s i
| ‘of it. Should seeming failure follow de- character bore a resemblance to the iit
voted enterprise, he knew that failures, character of St. Francis of Assisi: his Ht
like success, can be left with God. He love of nature and of animals, his Hi |
was not morbidly introspective: he was courteousness, in tenderness towards little HY
mot obtrusively intellectual: he was children, yes, and his passionate love for i) |}
£91 i)
mt |i
‘ } )
ae i Francis John Dymond |
} i 4 { i .
bye his fellow men, too. At twenty he was Jongleurs de Dieu. At Chaot’ong the
ete Viauiel | an accepted missionary. He never showed companions separated, Pollard proceeding |
Pe particular love for money, so that the to Yunnan-Fu.
bia Litas fact that the parent mission, of which a This mountain city, of 40,000 inhabit-
was an associate, guaranteed no fixed ants, was at the time a depressing spec-
| salary, and never made appeals for money tacle of ignorance and-rags. Daily the
Pt to carry on the work, did not worry him. jew missionary was besieged with hungry
a ea | His soul was charged with a burning beggars, lepers and the ailing people,
be zeal, but his was a spirit so gentle AY The mission having no doctors, he
wey modest; that he dreaded the’ limelight > /ached their sores, and attended to cases
a i The Umbrian saint would have greeted that only required simple treatment. The
1 him cordially, as a kindred soul. weight of so much distress well-nigh
China in 1887 presented wide open crushed him, and he “longs for com-
doors to the adventurous seeking worlds panionship and a chat with his father.â€
iti to conquer, and Pollard and Dymond-ac- His own fierce attack of small-pox while |
| cepted the challenge, each in the ardour Pollard was still with him, baptized him
i of a youthful troubadour. A voyage of into the sense of all conditions, and com-
| six weeks saw them at Shanghai prepar- pleted his equipment. Other missionaries
| ing for the first journey into the interior. joined him, and in course of years a fine
| The services of the barber and tailor soon hospital and clinic and buildings for edu-
Wii transformed them into Chinese mission- cational purposes were provided, and the
hk aries, even to the pigtail. When the perils work was developed on a much wider
of the Yangtze were passed (and they front.
1 barely escaped being drowned) and the 2 :
hii city of Chaot’ong was reached, Dymond Rescuing Opium Smokers.
signalled his friends in England thus: He laboured with his colleagues (with
ad “China for Christ! And my life for that whom he lived on the most brotherly:
14 end!†Both men were in high spirits, terms), in each of the three cities where.
Hi] happy in their new-found love, truly the Mission operated; but his most:
| |
| e Pe SE SERS ras: Uae 5 CRI Sf RDS ARE 0 ART See co ees. camer,
i Roe Sipe tema eat esas ee ee Be BS eG Rs a et Pe ee
Vt see ee a ee ee el
yt A aces Raia aah ening ReeeHiGk <<. RS Soe She
i] ae er ep ey ee ae ea ee ee BR ee
ii “aha gt saaee
Tab eae s 4 — x ; ‘ 7
i | ae Piel Ba. hema 7: ane aes a
1 | = ire Fis Le e 4
hid ae oS or atin + ar ;
| Bere rss ae 0 ie
| < g _ Cert % eS e% 4
| _ be EBLAA OG ES PR EE prs ee | rs aes Sh a
Hh i be | KDR ah, Ea
| Wid ect ae | LNG aN aa Or hag ea Ma teen eee†eee
AGH SE | Co Le ee oo et a a 3
Hid | it cg ee CRON oli area Ges Ee
Ail Heiss ee cS ae | ENG BR * Sn se Or ees ee oa ve eee Bi lee
Hii) Bi 2 eet ae epee oer poem eacae ene ROR TGR [ok a een
| OTT vein ith eHitiib i ie
‘ Doge Soh SU iS AVA Be PABST 4 ee cpr i B
| } hgh aes eae 3 a he. ! eee ee eae Behe
vie a Ba sar aa ator neat cca reese neve pa ST EM
Hh 1 REE See Sar AS ose SER at an meee AEE Oe REN ee ene
Mili Ree ete rt a rs gh cabin Sarge ani aes vcr a See RARER NTS he EE I
if Pie Scamecpaaes: f x Ses Stet Monee Sgt oor OAC Lia Pie ape pean yea 2k 0
Re | [AES Eh ee neni ORR BG.) TS at er re eer uremia Gti
Hi ea Su Ageia mies eet SI ieee te 1 eRe a
a dea FESR Shere sic ES aaa eee eS Oem ie
Hy | i) : )
| i i| | Rostrum in United Methodist Church, Yunnan-fu, (Photo: Mr, T, Butler. J.P.
| i ht where Mr. Dymond preached.
i a 2
1 aa
| a
| hii
| Wl |
1 a
Francis John Dymond 0)
|| fae.) “2,
i, We ess
natural place was the pastorate of the your heart—‘ Look unto Me all ye ends of |) ae
| Chaot’ong Church, the city where he did the earth and be saved, for I am God, and Hh |
his greatest work, and lived so long that there is none else beside Me.’ Look unto 1 ee
he moved about as familiarly as a native. Him and be saved! Now, don’t say this | i
It has always been a titanic struggle in is foreign, and reject it, for such a reason 11)
Chaot’ong, a city cursed with opium. you don’t refuse lucifer matches or Lan- |) a
: : . . . 7 : ° hae | ;
Often the missionaries found themselves cashire cloth. Did you say—impossible ? ql zs
preaching to the most degraded of the True; but it’s just God who does the im- 1 |
heathen, to demon worshippers, and to possible. Pin your faith to Him, and you AM
pitiful opium smokers, and some of them may claim the clean heart, and the my
have been restored to clean living through changed life.†Books are now offered to || j
the power of God. Those latter he would those who can read ; the crowd breaks up. Hl Hi
accommodate on the premises, and give The next day he turns up at the market a Hi ||
treatment for about ten days, and many few miles away. Sometimes two will go, 1 a
| such have been cured from the curse of one will be a Chinese colleague. 1 ail
habit, and have found salvation. It |
7 | - - mtr . i id
amazes me when I reflect that for forty Serving the Government. a
five years, except when on furlough, Mr. SiS : : | Bal
: See spt China is at last awakened, and Dymond a
Dymond lived with the Chinese and was Ey a
. + _ thanks God to see that day. He did his HI
always accessible night and day, summer 3 atdsits ; : i
. : : sid 7 part in bringing’ it about. He taught a
and winter, in cases of emergency. Who {"—. > B ‘ Ht
. foreign subjects in the Government )) ||
can tell how many would-be opium : : é A)
cs i ie ‘ntne schools and his advice was sought by offi- Bt} |
suicides he has recovered from the gates Gala SEA GaR SS CR GS mH
of death! He rejoiced in the broader 7, ; 5 Spine a Bit
. See ve : i Three of his pupils were sent to Japan to mH
policy and the boldness with which the .,. ; : : 1 BY
. imbibe the new learning, and one returned mi
Miao Movement was taken up by the DEE. g : |
sae s : Davi eecctene pe to be made governor of the province in WV
Mission. He rendered it every assist- ase ! 2 | Bl
Z the new regime. Dymond has left his ) 0) ee
ance he could, but he, himself, was con- ; Saaae eee 1 ai
2 ° mark upon the course of events in Yun- BN
tent to go on preaching to the Chinese, aes a -
Sirf SELB 3 nan. Great changes there can now be mi
and what a striking preacher he seemed ’ : seen , 1}
Pera nates | traced directly to Christianity. The i | |
< eS. : + ae
standard has been set up in towns, and Hi
where sin abounded grace doth much ay
How He Preached. more abound. Wails of age-long idolatry i | |
See him setting out for the villages! and evil are tottering. In north Yunnan Hy
e€ wears a peasant’s garb, a wide- many Christian congregations may be 1
H Pp t’s garb, d y Christ gregat y | ni
brimmed straw hat, andis shod with san- found on Sabbath Day, singing the hvmn, Hh
dals. Beside him the coolie, carrying “All hail the power of Jesu’s name.†Up- il
bedding, books and food. Now he is the wards of twenty thousand people, some in | |
centre of the market crowd, attracted by crowded city, in market village, in deep il
the music from the concertina. He _ valleys and on the mountain. side, attest il
begins to preach: “Honourable friends,†the fact that the Gospel is the power of | i
he says, “it is not difficult for you to see God unto salvation to every one that a
that I am a foreigner; but for all that, believeth. In his last report Mr. Dymond HH
we are brothers. Has‘not the Sage said, asserts that Jesus is being extolled in 1 I
* All within the fcur seas are brethren’? Yunnan. ae iil
That’s what ought tobe. Will you listen ? Enough! Mrs. Dymond more than any Hit
I have a bit of good news for you. We _ other human friend has made this career | 1
all grieve that ‘ Heaven’s shining path the possible. She offered every encourage- wh
myriad people spurn to tread, but hell’s ment, looked after his comfort and:health, 4
‘gateless wall they ¢irong it.’ A common so that he has been able to keep going i
fault, alas! in East and West. You ask without a break for all thé years, and she i
| me: Is there any help? Have we a_ has ably herself kept up the women’s end Hi
‘Saviour? Now, that’s my message, of the work, and we pray for her and the H |
‘exactly. Shangti (God) is speaking, and family guidance in these days, as we sor- ay
af you would hear His voice harden net row with them in their great loss. Wy
= tt
ee ||)
a })
. !
iE ie Francis John Dymond
Hib | A Modern St. Francis. He came into our homes and made us glad:
ii He went, and left us not a little sad.
(FRANCIS JOHN DYMOND). The man he was made us the better men. |
rt March 16th, 1932. We saw his rapture and took heart again,
i f Not with rebuke and strong, censorious word)
HAT! noble Dymond dead? It He to the depths our heart and conscience:
t W cannot be! stirred ;
ma For no dominion over such as he But with an aromatic charm of soul
‘auth, Could Death establish—he who so benign As sweet as violets in a crystal bowl.
Ril Had his whole being merged in the Divine, His very meekness and his quiet mien
be ! And unreservedly surrendered all, The PRESENCE spake which was enshrined
‘ai Heart, mind and will to the great Master’s within
ria call. That manly form of his. He made us see
i He might have made the Apostolic plea How beautiful a man in Christ may be.
‘I live, and yet not I; but Christ in me.â€
Long years ago he found in that same Christ Of spiritual gifts he had an ample dower ;
An all-entrancing interest that sufficed Yet sought no place, nor clamoured after
} His eager spirit, set his soul a-thrill power. \
And held him joyous captive of His will. No vain ambitions marred his noble zeal:
Then ceased for him the elemental strife His mode of living pointed his appeal.
That points the arrow Death directs at Life: | Loved of his brethren, honoured for his toil,.
| Thus, when he reached the Silent River’s Nor time nor change can now his record
rim, spoil.
H As with the Master, so it was with him,— Mellow and beautiful his spirit shone,
} “The Prince of this world came, challenged, And so he passed into the ampler dawn.
1h and found
Nothing in him;’’ so rendered him the Sweet brother, so beloved these many
t ground. years !
Hit True, in his native soil the body sleeps ; We mourn for thee, only with grateful tears:
But on the heights his splendid spirit keeps We travail on the track which thou hast left,
Tryst with his Lord, whose all-transforming With burdened hearts that feel them sore
1d grace bereft :
Vit Shone with such radiance in that winsome And yet a holy joy our sorrow knows,
Hi face. Here musing by thy mound of sweet repose.
} This is thy triumph-hour, thine Easter-tide?
A Ah! with what constancy adown the days For thee the pearly gates have opened wide.
His feet pursued the Heaven-appointed O’er Death victorious, thou has reached the
| Ways: goal:
| And with what pure devotion did he keep Earth holds thy dust, the Heavenlies thy:
Wit In far Yunnan the Master’s ‘other sheep’’! soul!
| Did ever servant hold his loved employ Our English daisies shall adorn thy breast:.
Right to the end with such a steadfast joy? And, when the setting sun illumes the West,
ii Did e’er the world’s enchantments less allure The blackbird shall a lingering music keep
id i A mortal spirit from the good, the pure? About the mound of thine untroubled sleep:
1111) How gaily did that gentle nature move And as the rosea perfumed wealth distils,
\ Among his fellows, rapt with heavenly love! ‘So here, and on those Western China hills,
His name-sake of Assisi not more gay At dawn and vesper, shall an influence:
ii And confident pursued the saintly way. spread,
This new Franciscan God on us bestowed, And witness thou art not among the dead ;.
| With equal charm shed radiance on Life’s But gloriously alive and in the fight,
Vt toad: With all who travail still for Truth and
Bid His voice was like sweet music, and his eyes Right.
By iii Sparkled as sun-rays from the summer skies. No darlc has been devised that can obscure
We heard the song of Spring-birds when he A gem so polished and a soul so pure:
Hit spoke; A diamond indeed, whose sparkling rays
1 And as we watched him, something in us Shall lure our feet along the heavenly ways =
Ht wolxe And, at the end of time, a host shall own
} Which shamed our meanness, fired the Thy witness ’twas which made their Saviour
Ti cumbrous clod, - known,
} Dispelled our doubts and made us sure of
i _ God. Easter-tide, 1932. Lewis. H. Courn..
sh \
| i it
Fe 94
a Maal)
he Editor’s N |
The Editor’s Notes. We
: CG.
A Prayer. chasers, the forest of hands stretched out i | 5
Incline, O Lord, Thy merciful ears, and ue reece the books, the veer yee of iy i.
illuminate the darkness of our hearts by the light homes into which the Scriptures have | 4
of Thy visitation. been taken, and we may gratefully medi- | ik
Gelasian Sacramentary, A.D. 492. tate on the light and truth which may |
have thus dawned upon seeking: souls.†1 HTT if
* * * * . } | f
Arrival of Missionaries. | |
ce : A Sad Story. |
\ Rev. A. E. Dymond arrived from West 4 : ss 1)
Africa on April 3rd. Here is something to ponder. While | a
Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Hudspeth arrived Mr. Sheppard was writing his Report, in | a
from South-West China on April 12th, February, “ Within a mile from this house | 1 ie
These beloved missionaries are assured 18 the Shanghai North Station, where an | m4 5
of a hearty welcome on their return to the @Wful and deadly struggle is proceeding. i
| mameland fhe Commercial Press buildings and 1) a
: x ’ x equipment, from which for many years 4 1H
. we have received most of our supply of 1) Ba
Lecturing on the Voyage. Scriptures, have been utterly demolished. ||
We learn that on the way home Rev. !he members of our staff, in common ai
W. H. Hudspeth, M.A., lectured on with thousands of others, have had to |
China in the ship’s saloon to a very large abandon their homes. Their families are | 8
company. An Indian Judge presided. scattered and the whereabouts of many a
The lecture created very great interest. unknown. 1 BA Bee
The London Meetings. Narayan Vaman Tilak. a
We are unable to report the London. Who is Narayan Vaman Tilak? He K a |
Meetings in this issue as we go to press 1S India’s great hymn-writer. In 1895, i | |
before they are held.. We hope to give when Tilak was thirty-three, he was bap- yi
a full report in June. tized a Christian. Two years previously it | I}
ei ; 4 % he had heen given a Bible by a European i | i
with whom he travelled in a train. In | 4
Remarkable Figures. conversation this European gentleman anit
In the recent Report of the China Said to Tilak, “Young man, God is lead- Hi
- Agency of the British and Foreign Bible ig you. Study the Bible, and study the uit
Society sent to us by the secretary, Rev. life of Jesus, and you will surely be a cn
G. W. Sheppard, it is stated that the Christian. You will be a Christian in i lI
Society commenced its work in China in two years.†So it came to pass. Tilals | i
1812 with a grant of £500 for printing Was a poet with a secure place among a Hi
Dr. Morrison’s translation of the New people which counted its poets its chief a
Testament, the first copies of which were glory. Now he writes wonderful Chris- i iI
put into circulation in 1814. Since that tian hymns. “Tt is claimed,†says Rev. Hi
date the Scriptures circulated by the Edward Shillito, in writing the story of iH
Society in China amount to 89,791,044 Tilak, “that the Maratha Church has the )
copies! During the last five years nearly finest hymn-book in the world; there is Hi
twenty-two million single books of the Said to he no rubbish in it, a claim which Hii
Bible, mostly Gospels, have been placed could not be made for all hymn-books.†I
in the hands and homes of the people. Many of the hymns in this book were a
* * ae a written by Tilak. Hi}
There are three Bible Societies which HI
undertake to supply the Scriptures to the “ Hh
Chinese, the National Bible Society of i
Scotland, the American Bible Society, By words and works we can but touclr il}
and the British Society, and these circula- 2 few ; by our prayers we may benefit the I) i
ted last year 10,813,717 copies. As Mr. Whole world, and every individual, high i
Sheppard says: “We may visualise be- and low, friend, stranger, and enemy. Hl
hind these figures the multitude of pur- J. H, Newman. ii
. H
ary it
§ )
i West African District
We ric
a Annual Meeting, 1932. Encouraging Caterina
it OR some weeks various committees The circuit reports gave us much cause |
en He - have been busy preparing for what for praise and food for thought—especi-
is a great event in the lives of Sierra ally that of the W.D.A., or, to give the
aut Leone United Methodists—the Annual title in full, “The Women’s District
iy Synod. Circuit ministers and officials Auxiliary.†What glorious work these
He RU have been a little anxious during the year, devoted women are doing! They have
SE hea for the long-continued trade depression been engaged in real evangelistic work
ai has caused some serious reductions in as well as undertaking the task of raising |
i ti church finances, and also in church mem- £20 as their annual gift to the work in
i bership. | Many devoted workers have Mendeland. And now they are seeking
been obliged to leave us in order to seek more jobs to do!
their livelihood elsewhere. But, thank The matter of Methodist Union pro-
ha God, although we did not end the year so vided an opportunity to show how keen |
well as we desired, we were able to record is our desire for a united church, but we
ai a balance in hand so far as money is con- are anxious also to avoid the making of
cerned, and the report on the spiritual any mistake that may later introduce
bd state of the churches showed there had _ strife. We told the Union Committee to
been real devotion and spiritual passion continue the good work they are doing.
biti manifested by our members throughout We want Union and we want Union to be
A0H the past dark months. God has been the best it can be.
} with us, and we do not fear the future, After many years of a_ state of
knowing that He still abides. _ irregularity so far as our Trusts are con-
ay We cannot hope to tell all that we have cerned we have at last been able to put
done since we gathered in Tabernacle them in order—-thanks to the untiring
1 Church on Tuesday morning, February efforts during the past few weeks of Mr.
i 23rd. There were some momentous dis- J. G. Hyde, Barrister-at-law, who has
Hi ‘cussions, especially the one on the work who has had the assistance of the Revs.
i of our Young People’s Committee, a dis- A. E. Dymond and J. B. Nichols. The
Hi cussion which was marked by its note of Revs. W.C. Jackson, B.A., and E. Cocker
1 hope and enthusiastic determination to have also given much help in England.
ily introduce reformation in the future, no There heve been many difficulties to over-
less than by its severe criticism of the come, but success has rewarded their efforts.
| i} cramping’ method and narrow attitudes of Our public meetings: began with the .
iy the past. Our Sunday Schools are weak W.D.A. Demonstration held on Sunday,
i —but they are going to be strong, God the 21st, in our Samaria Church. It was
hit | i helping us. a wonderful mecting. Happy singing,
i ar beaming’ faces,
1 ‘ get “i ee alt rs Fe i, generous giv-
| Repelea ek ree ae" ing, and two
Be a eee Son ae inspiring mes-
A eB ae : | — sages from Miss
1H} ee a ORS le Bras fae Cairn - Duff,
an a a ee pe | §=68B.A., Principal
Hil ; Ree pee ee ats nea i oes Bee isi ae of the Women’s
1 pitas ee eT i cael ef eal cobreun-s:
i Megas «eo, cea nee TS agama Training Col-
} or haat, oe : ee LAB Rye rh an Bs i 3 2
ti} hy eae Rete ena E lege and Mrs. T.
li} Miia Sits rem are En eke : aoe Nelson - Wil-
il ss Bree a Pi en) sea oe || liams, wife of a
iH a eee | §=town barrister,
Hi} ee a ee Ee| «all combined to
+i) BAS Reta SE eee ns aS SS regn ee PINE SEONG Ee a eee! FG
i ee eee ge a ti? make a very en-
i ee 25 eS Soe =| joyable after-
| | \ j dh ees eer iti : é gait noon.
Hi i A corner of Puta Village, West“Africa
aes 96
1) a
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‘Aa (Eee
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