Presented with iD OUR oe SKY, ye With New Year
The Missionary Echo, - GRE Sees OF BUG OR Greetings to
| January, 1909. FS PRAISE -GHie: pS AMILY ! SA Auls poe a Our Readers.
YP : ‘€4 iG Z,.
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| Z8 gS a Ss Aas Sy LZ IIs
LS jo SOF x [de poses, “A> x Ly oe “By SIMON ea ER CA
| LES Le f/ WS — 4 Wat ~ << cD ce S LY fb We " 1 ry Aye ee q Lae D q or
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| we Z/ iP i y WW Ps x y ‘Oy {> J, oe bs | a wets ees rt uy \a on .
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| Ue aa Leas | ES \ fel LS eS a @
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1 Q Ee aa Se cts eas = 2 oe | oe 1S @ ( O [Sal end 2 i " os | oe Epes \ A Ayo it — S.
a ae eo The Oe, Gs a ee ee ee
coe Me | | el 2 Meee ; pet [ees 3 ere pol eecreney |! Pal cmmeten
| f ie ey 4 - S| A Oo mT TYE, yee ee : PSs SL SMMNNAN es Giseseneaapts fae oe 2
f Nees ee 4 ie u Y we erate § oe ef ae et emai Aaah re Mila SS
|S “as oes A 9? eye. ay sc es Ca Ce. eA.
a ee a em. ae si A Mainceronyamaica. Be ine, GAS cate ss SF hy in ee HO
© omnes S i ea) (CORDON Nh Rens |BOC AS DELTORO | neem NN ¥ | os. 3h =
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| H| SSeS TS Py | {Pe : ER LG WATERLOO, YORK,| aie: Vj Bg Biba. vomyvu, > j FU «Pad cS
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United Methodist Church.
1909. ‘
ied shall receive power, when the Holy
Ghost is come upon you: and YE
EARTH.†AcTs i. 8. (R.V.)
LONDON: es :
| (Presentation plate: to be bound as frontispiece. See p. 5.)
— Africa, Facts about Rev. W. L. Broad- Famous Names Recalled :— |
| bent - - - - - 2b (1) Thomas Wakefield Rev. R. ‘
Argument with Myself, An - - Seb aw prema B S a = , s ag
1 - pirat Marrace Yay y , ¢ 5 4 a yIN a r. ownsend - ’
Bee ee ef Ree We Edy 8 oe (3) T.G. Vanstone Rev.S. Pollard 68
IBA SLU ie SE ee tre ie (4) Thomas Truscott Editor- - 86 *
| Bird, J].P., The late Mr. Robert Dr. 5 (5) John Innocent Rev. G. Packer 1138 ;
IBrOOKR A S29 SBS Se ee AD (6) Charles New Editor - - 141
i Bookland, In Missionary 9, 22, 23, 48, (7) S. T. Thorne Mr. T. Ruddle, h
52, 62, 85, 96, 104, 111, 120, 233 B.A. a 2 2 S - 158
Borodulu, the Galla King . Rev. J. H. (8) Joseph New Editor - = 189
Duerden - - - - - 264 (9) W. B. Hodge Rev. W. Mat-
Brotherly Love in West China Rev. thews - = ue = - 258
: F. J. Dymond : < - - 263 (10) John Robinson Rev. F. B.
Chapman, Marriage of Mr. T. W. - + 49 Turner - 2 2 - 277,
Chapman, Death of Mrs. T. W. - - 272 Farewell, Rev. S. Pollard - = =25205
| Chapman, President-Designate, The Federation in Chékiang Province Rev.
Rev. Henry T. - - - - 219 G. W. Sheppard - - - - 263 ;
China, A trip to North Mrs. Talent 68, 89 Foreign Missions? Why should we
| China, The New, and the Deaths of Support Mr. Stanley Hinchliffe - 177
1 | the Emperor and Empress-Dowager I Foreign Secretary’s Notes :—
i | Chinese Fair, A Day at a_ Rev. G. P. Rev. H. T. Chapman 5, 27, 538
| Pilon 198 74, 99, 126, 148, 172, 197, 220,
4 | Chinese Preacher, A In Memoriam 2438, 268
i Rey. J. Hinds = - - - 282 Rev. G. Packer 380, 55, 77, 102
_ Chinese Proverbs, Wit, Wisdom and 129, 151, 174, 199, 222, 246, 271
i Warning in Rev. R. Brewin - 235 Rev. C. Stedeford 8, 82, 57, 78,
i Chinese Student, The Mr. H. S. Red- 104, 180, 158, 175, 200, 224, 247
{\ fern, M.Sc. - = = - - 226 Funds, Our Mission - = a 22250, ‘
1, | Christian Endeavour, MISSIONARY ECHO Galla and his Wife. Rev. J.H.Duerden 156
night in the Rev. S. Vernon - 48 Gibson at Leeds, Dr. Rev. T. J. Cox 260
| - Christian Endeavour Topics Gifts, Acknowledgment of Mrs. A. F.
=| Rev. James Ellis i485) 11631289 Jones - = = Cees oe 89, ;
Rey. John Moore - - - - 47 Greetings from Returned Missionaries :
| | Rev. G. H. Kennedy - - 191, 235 Rev. J. W. Heywood - 3 = 145 |
%| Committee, With the Foreign Mission- Dr. Plummer - - = = - 146
i ary Rev. T. J. Dickinson, 80, 182 Dr. Baxter - = = = p= AG 3
i | Committee, With the Foreign Mission- Rev. W. E. Soothill = e Pee 7 tl
i | ary Rev. W. L. Smith - - - 280 Rev. F. J. Dymond - - - 105
| Conference, Missionary Day at - - 169 Rev. F. B. Turner - a = = 133
| Conference, Missionary Meetings and Heywood, The Rev. J. W. = - 190
nt Report - - -__ - 208, 204, 214 Hospital, A Story of Ningpo Mrs. J.
| Conference, The World’s Missionary, 59, 160 Jones & = ie ss z. on
1} Conferences, Sectional Missionary - 115 Imagination, Missionary Rev. W. H. i
= | “Congo Death Roll,†The - - - 164 Kay eee SE
= Cot Letter from North China Mrs. A. Impressions and a Conviction. Dr.
al | Fletcher Jones 2 BRS =) 2377 Smerdon’’= = 5 eee 49
\ Crisis in China, The - - - - 85 Incidents from the Field. Rev. W.
Decision for Foreign Service, My Lyttle = = = - - 44, 119
ny (1) Rev. C. N. Mylne - - - 10 Industrial Work in East Africa. Rev.
1) (2) Rev. F. D. Jones†- - - 10 J. B. Griffiths - - - - - 73 f
} (8) Mr. J. Smith - = = - 110 Innocent’s Life. Prelim. Notice - SS etl
i (4) Rev. W. H. Hudspeth = - - 267 Innocent Memorial, George Rev. F. B.
| Demonstration in Manchester - - 168 Turner - = e = e Sean
| Dymond, Rev. F. J. By G. P. D. 172 _ Isolation, On Splendid Mr. G. K.
1) East Africa, Industrial Work in Rev. Chesterton _ = es - - 249
| J. B. Griffiths a = - - 78 Jamaica, Workers in Rev. F. Bavin - 212
East African Problem © Sir Harry Japan after Fifty Years - - - 231
j Johnston - eS e . = - 118 Jones, Dr. Fletcher Rev. S. E. Davis 106
| Editorial Notes 18, 36, 61, 84, 108, London Missionary Meetings = =etae
, 136, 155, 184, 206, 252, 275 Madagascar, Stories from Rev. R.
ey England, Condition of Editor - - 240 Brewin - - - - - Sahl
Methodism, New History of - - 166, 187 World Missionary Conference, 1910 59, 160
Miao, A Holiday among the Dr. Lilian World Missionary Statistics.. Dr.
Grandin - - - = - 16, 41 Leonard 7 - - : SNeQOe
Miaoland, A Tour in Rev. F. J.
Dymond - - - - - - 143 SAD RDATT
Mission Fund, The Rev. E. D. Green 2838 PORTRAITS,
MISSIONARY EcHo Night in the C.E. 48 Ambale, W. G. - - - - - 282
Missionary Helps Depot, The - - 157 Bassett, Rev. W. Udy and Mrs. - aie 5
! Ningpo, Theological Class at Mr. H. Baxter, Dr. - - a0 Sea = - 147
S. Redfern, M.Sc. = - - 229 Bird, J.P., The late Robert - - 59
North China, First Impressions of Borodulu, the Galla King - = - 264
Rev. G. P. Littlewood - _ = 183'°> Butlers). PAM Wisk 2 2908
3 Opium Commission :— Candlin, Rev. G. T. - ie es SEAT.
(1) H.E. T’ang K’ai Sun - - 161 Chapman, Rev. Henry T. - = - 219
(2): 11.E. Tong Shao Yi- -. - 164 Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. - — - 0 deg,
Physicians, The wise, kind and good Chapman, Mrs. T. W. (deceased) - 273
“Lucy I. Tonge - S = - 264 China, The Emperor of - = - 1
Plague in Tong Shan, The Rev. F. B. Dymond, Rev. F. J. - = - 125, 241
‘Turner - = s < EB = 167 Hall, The latesW. Ne. - - 2 37 39
Poetry - 11, 46, 52, 83, 120, 154, 157, Hanson, Dr. - - < 3 . one] OM
186;: 196, 251; 258, 284 Hedley, Rev. J. -- - 2 eS ay:
President-Designate, Rev. Henry T. Heywood, Rev. J. W.- — - - 145, 241
Chapman ie z Z E - 219 Heywood and Friends. Rev. J. W. - i191
Religion, Wanted! A New Mr. H. S. Hinchliffe, Mr. Stanley - - - See
Redfern, M.Sc. fe é _ - 64 Hodge, The late W. B. - - - 258
Report, The Annual Rev. W. H. Hudspeth, Rev. W. H. - : - 267
Lockley - 2 = fe és - 279 Greensmith, Rev. A: E. e = a 197
Restaurant, A Chinese Rey. G. W. Innocent, The late John - ie 1B
Sheppard - - - - - 189 Jamaica Staff, Part of the - - - 213
Revival in Tai Yuan Fu. Mrs. Soothill 97 Jones, Rev. F. D. - = = x 2 eeaal
St. George and the Dragon Rev. G. H. Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher - =) LOT
Stacey - = = e ES - 285 Jones and Patients, Dr. A. F. - - 200
Shansi Mrs. Soothill - _ Ee - 12 Littlewood, Rev. G. P. = = epee YATE
Soothill, Rev. W. E. - - - =) 2.60. Wory; Mra a= z . 3 ey
South to North. Miss F. E. Bavin - 72 Methodist Missionaries, A group of - 188
Stedeford, Rev. Charles Mr. G. P. Missionaries at Conference - e sae licO)
Dymond - = = S = aveeDll] co MIOOKe en we vink nas ee e is = e207.
Story of a Hymn, The e - - 188 Mylne, Rev. C. N. - < = eae O)
; Students’ Missionary Demonstration - 92 New, The late Charles - = = - 141
Text for the Month 19, 38, 61, 84, 112, New, The late Joseph - e = - 189
187, 152, 186, 206, 258, 275 Pi-yiin, Mr. =< - - - - - 246
) Thought for the month 19, 38, 62, 85, Plummer, Dr. = = i fe - 100
111, 188, 158, 186, 206, 258, 275 Pollard, Rev..S. ® 29 = - = = 965
Tour in the Channel Islands. Rev. Pollard, Mrs. - mapa a z - 266
J. W. Heywood - = - - 241 Redfern, Mr. H. S, - - - - 124
‘Truscott Memorial at Freetown - - 261 Robinson, The late John’ - = SQ
United Methodist Kingdom, The - - 5 Shao Yai, H.E. Tong - = 7 30163
Valedictory Services :— Shai Kai, H.E. Yuan - - - SOO
Rev. F. D. Jones - : 3 - 83 Smerdon, Dr. E. Wilmot - . ee ord:
Rev. C. N. Mylne - - Z - 84 Smith, Mr. James - - - - 110
Rev. S? Pollard=-= 4 >= S - 266 Soothill, Rev. W. E. and Mrs. - - 97
‘Visit to China, My Prospective Rev. Soothill, Rev. W. E. - - - - 169
C. Stedeford - - © a - 202 Stedeford, Rev. Charles = = So 2a)
Voices from other Lands and Ours. ' Students, Manchester - = = =a 293
S. Vernon - és = = - 208 Thorne, The late S. T. - oi a =e 218
Weddings, Missionary - - 86, 49, 50 Tippett, Master ~- - - - = 76
: Winter’s Work in Yung P’ing Fu. Truscott, The late Thomas - - =" 86
Rev. John Hedley - - -- - 180 Turner, The Rev. F. B. - - - 63
Woman’s Impressions of Work Vanstone, The late T. G. - - = 69
amongst Women, A Mrs. Bash- Wakefield, The late Thomas -* 20
ford = = ~ E : - 255 Welch, Rev. W. S. a S a - 241
Women’s Auxiliary Reports 117, 168, Wenchow Staff, Our - - - - 146
204, 262 West African Staff, Our - = Sao 101
Word, The, Dynamicofthe Dr. Barber 230 Women’s Platform at Conference = 205
. Te TE ee |
Every United Methodist Church, School |
; | and Home Library should contain a |
| copy of this Book.
| Py
| ————
1} He ry
| Table of Dates. Foreword.
From Birth to the Commencement of
Missionary Work in Tientsin, 1829
to 1861. 6
Chapter I.—Birth and Early Life. Chap- 3 e
ter II. — Apprenticeship in the English
Ministry. Chapter III. — The Call.
| Chapter IV.—The Choice of the Field.
Chapter V.—The Passage Out. Chapter
VI.—The Year at Shanghai. A Serious &
| Change of Purpose.
i PART Il A Story of ..
| | Re outeene: COmmencemeHt ee eeion
| ork in Tientsin to the eath o e e
| Mr. Hall, 1861 to 1878. Mission Work é
1} Chapter VII.—The City of Tientsin.
i chapter ae Se ae Peep 4 7.
into the Domesticities of a issionary. t ¢
ie Chapter IX.—First Beginnings. Early 1p Nor b bina.
i Days in Tientsin. Chapter X. — The
! Study of the Language. Chapter XI.—
| The Founding of an English Church.
| j Chapter XII.—Exploring and Evangelistic
| Tours. Chapter XIII.—The Call to Lao
i | Ling. Chapter XIV.—Occupying the New BY
i} } Field. Persecution, Bereavement and
Es\ Bee Chapter XV. Glee eee
\ { 3 apter .—Tientsin urch in Tribu-
i) lation. Before and after the Massacre. G T CAN DLIN
i\ | Chapter XVII.—Founding the Training a . a
a! | Institution. Chapter XVIII. — Famine
| | Scenes and Death of Mr. Hall.
il! PART Ill.
1} | From the Commencement of Residence
iW in the Interior to the Death of
I Mr. Innocent, 1878 to 1904.
Chapter XIX.—Residence in the Interior
iM and Founding of Medical Missions.
a Chapter XX. — Establishment of Girls’
t | School and Women’s Work. Mr. Inno-
1 cent Bereaved of a Daughter. Chapter
8 XXI.—Opening of Northern Circuits—
i} Tangshan and Yung P’ing. Chapter
=| Se Tinogent = Son perouaed as
if a issionary. e Father’s Residence i S
4 in Shantung, and George Innocent’s Un- Crown 8vo. 25 Illustrations
ay timely Death. Chapter XXIII. — Later
W cere a Sores eats Final eee to
ngland. apter XXIV.—The Great : z aie
a Boxer Uprising. Chapter XXV.—Retire- Price Three Shillings and Sixpence.
Mi ment. ESET aa a
i Order through your Minister.
Bey PUBLISHING HOUSE, __| |teumemmmmemnmmmemmmmmmemn<
ec | 12 Farringdon Avenue, London, E.C.
eed eee ee Rain |
& :
Che United Methodist Church.
—_— so
T N Cc @ By Rev.
he New China. A. H. SHARMAN.
: SINCE writing this article the Emperor, HE year 1900 will ever stand out
vance and Dowager-Empress, Tze : as an epoch in the history of
isi, have) “passed away. As was well China. Many causes led to the
known, the Emperor was but the nominal B + z ii i
ruler, the reins of government having been oxer rising, many changes ave
for many years in the hands of the power- resulted from that mighty movement.
ful Dowager-Empress. Ihe bloodshed of the Boxers we
The new Emperor is the nephew of the abhor, the imbecility of their ob-
late Emperor, and is only about two years ject we pity, but the feelings that
old. His father will be Regent
during his son’s minority, and
thus may be the practical ruler of ;
China for many years to come. he :
He is regarded, however, as i
: somewhat enlightened, having | f : |
already visited Europe, and it is . Bete eS j |
said that the infant Emperor will : a ) |
be educated along Western lines. : :
Yuen Shi Kai, the great Vice- : j :
roy and Commander-in-Chief of ; e ce
all the Chinese Army, is con- | : ae Ngee Ne oe
sidered the most powerful personal ee ee a ee
force in China at the present time. | : lt: a
He is a Chinaman, not a Manchu, — 3 fe NM MMM CE a
like the new Emperor, and some oe fy Be
have thought he might make a | = 9) 8 Pe
dash for the throne. But the diffi, =~ ee aN
culties in the way would be very ; OR ial MMMM
great, and there is no evidence so og ee
far of any such attempt. ee MS eS.
| If, therefore, the Chinese are mm ae
willing to accept the new Em- MM tN
peror—as it seems probable they =~ eee iicncami eV a
will—then I fully believe we may (= ee
expect greater religious liberty in =< ier ee Re i
the future for the Chinese Chris- F eg! Re
| tians, a stronger demand among © # “e oo ey x Root
the people for Western learning, a “gg re ies af . ea
more rapid adoption of many of «9. % , % + Ete ; a Pan
the methods of the West, and, let = . ee nee ae ae a
us hope and pray, a more wide- . . eg me, é , ch
spread and ever-increasing desire == 3 ae ee ee eh
to know the truths of Christianity, =~ 3. 4 eK We Boe |
and, above all, to receive the === = = SS cat SENS See. |
Truth Himself, who alone can ‘~*" =~ Oe tr eins) ROS
: make them free. : The Emperor of China, Kwang-su.
A. H. S. Born August 15th, 1871; Died November 13th, 1908.
January, 1909.
| The New China
| prompted _ their actions we should be seen in the new attitude of the
| judge with discrimination, and with Chinese to foreigners.
: charity. Nothing can justify their He would be a bold man who affirms
| conduct, but much may be said in ex- that the Boxer movement has created
i} | planation of their action. a warmer love for the foreigner, and
| Their intention was to drive out of yet it would be true to say that the
1} | their country the feared foreigner Chinese have- shown an_ increased
| | and his misjudged religion. But the friendliness _ to the foreigner since
opposite effect has resulted from their 1900, and this is as true, if not more so,
i | action. The foreigners are coming into of the officials and literary class than
China in ever-increasing numbers. The of the common people. They have
| residents in Shanghai have nearly. fotnd out that the foreigner cannot be
doubled since 1900, and as to Chris- expelled from China; at least, not until
tianity, while the Boxers hoped that the the Chinese, by the adoption of
fierce wind of that terrible persecu- Western methods, have become a more
tion would blow out the feeble flicker- formidable nation. So now they are
ing flame of that foreign faith, the making the best of it, lke the oyster
real result has been to blow the flame which turns the irritating and intruding
into a brighter light—a light “which sand into a thing of usefulness and
by God’s grace shall never be put out.†value.
i| The Chinese converts have increased in The Chinese are saying to the for-
| greater numbers since the Boxer out- eigner to-day, “Tell me, I pray thee,
| break than during the previous ninety wherein thy great strength lieth.†Our
i years. Hence it is clear that the year strength, as a great nation, lies not in
i| 1900 marks the beginning of anew era our army, navy, or trade but, as the
in the history of China. While not good Queen said, in our open Bible,
forgetting . the gradual development and all for which that stands.
\\ that was taking place before that time, Many Chinese officials consult the
we may say, roughly speaking, that the missionaries in the difficult readjust-
\| year in question forms the close of ments that they are called upon to
a Old China, and the beginning of New make in the present transitional period.
China. What the history of Old China Scholars were never more willing to
has been for three thousand years or listen to the conversation of well-quali-
more we may learn from the records fied missionaries, and to read their
of the past, but what the history of books. Some missionary societies are
i New China will be the wisest cannot making a special effort to reach these.
\| even dimly foreshadow. classes, for we need to remember that
| China has at last left the harbour. while Christ came to save the poor, he
y and put out to sea. She has launched also died for the rich and the learned.
| out into the deep. She is moving with One educated man brought to Christ
{| increasing speed, but whither is she may be the means of leading many
5) | going? Who is to tell her of the hidden more to the Saviour.
rocks; to point out the deep water; to The finest preacher we have in our
A\\ advise her as to the best port for which Wenchow mission—“ Dr. Parker,†so-
1] to steer? God grant she may take called from his resemblance to that
| Christ as her pilot, and at last reach great divine—is a scholar, an orator, a
| the desired haven. It is impossible for man won from the literary class. So
anyone who has lived a few years in we rejoice that the leaders of China
China not to be distinctly conscious of are more and more coming to the
| a new spirit entering into the life of foreigner for light and help. They are
a that great people. Some of their social realizing the helplessness of _ their
| customs are already changing; the county before the nations of the West.
| iron hand of the past is beginning to Many of them are turning to the Arts
| relax its hold. and Sciences of the West for the sal-
Their haughty, self-satisfied attitude vation of their land. Is not this a call
is giving way to a more willing, if not to the Churches to send forth well-
z \ a more humble spirit of inquiry. trained missionaries to enlighten these
Pe One evidence of this new spirit is to teachers of China, that they may learn
ee z
' The New China
to obey the perfect precepts of the Yet, notwithstanding the low esti-
reat Master, the Teacher sent from’ mate the Chinese have had of soldiers,
God. there is now a remarkable growth of
There is another significant sign of the military spirit in China; even the
the coming of new China, which, espe- foreign colleges are expected to teach
cially since the Russo-Japanese War, drill to the students. Yuen-shi-kai is
one eannet fall to notice the rapid de†siting a formidable army inthe North
yoleppiect ae se oe eee pons of modern warfare. We should
among the inese. 1s 1s the more : aerate ‘ .
remarkable when we remember their ie forget that a sy Pee
commercial and peace-loving instincts, arate army was composed o se
and their attitude to the soldiers of their nt Chile Beecrsed hace eae
cient times. 5 oe aes :
is og oe : : lei f “Properly armed, disciplined, and led,
One Chinese writer, in speaking o there could be no better material than
the gradations in the worth of the Chinese soldiers.†In 1903 forty young
different classes, says :— men were sent to Europe to study the
“First, the scholar, because mind is military and naval methods of the West. °
superior to wealth. Second, the farmer. Sir Robert Hart has proposed that the
Mind cannot act without the body, the body Chinese should build a first-class navy
cannot exist without food, so farming is of thirty battleships and cruisers, and
Be Bee fo he thins int twenty million onset
builds a house comes next in honour to the a an be obtained by an increase of
man who provides food. Fourth, the trades- S and tax. ‘i 4
man. Men to carry on exchange and bar- If the Japanese in fifty years could
ter are a necessity, so we have the merchant. go from junks to battleships and maga-
His occupation—shaving both sides, the zine rifles, and the handling of them
producer and the consumer—tempts him to more scientifically and effectively than
act dishonestly, hence his low grade. Fifth, they were ever handled by a white
the soldier, stands last and lowest in eno) why should not China, with equal
the list, because his business is to destroy ee ae i t d b
and not to build up society. He consumes ee vapor Rede pled Fike aaa s
what others produce, but produces nothing able to do the same in the not distant
himself that can benefit mankind. He is, future? As the late Bishop Potter has
perhaps, a necessary evil.†said, “When Japan has taught China
| : soon D el UU : i
i ae nae Be
I : a Beis Fae ae
: ( paar ae i eon :
; : OT peer
B® Ss ae Pom ‘ie Daa
Rar ee Soe | ‘ t wh 4 (ae eee =
aici f La FPG h y | hom | 3 . :
SB eae . Se ee oe SN:
es Ee e RR he My, Pape Sa. Se
i Ff ae et ae SB Rg SL Wii task meee a Hale: Magi si i.
fae pea) EA Se
bee - pes iy ee i ee ie eC fi
(SSH ; : ¥ Sete nn RUNS ae sa,
a MLC ae
The Temple of Commerce, Wenchow. (Photo, A, H. Sharman..
| The New China
| the art of war, neither England nor local representatives, and a third Edict,
1 Russia, nor Germany, will decide the only issued in October, 1907, ordered
. | fate of the East.’ Thus it is clear not the establishment of provincial assem-
i only that a new China is growing up blies, as a link between the local and the
it before our eyes, but that this new national council, the members of the
11 China has within it possibilities of national council to be selected from
11 future peril both to itself and to other the provincial assemblies.
iH nations. Is not this another call to the We have not space to refer to the
| Christian Church to send forth those pew attitude of China to trade, educa-
who can_tell this great people of the tion, and Christianity: suffice it to say
Prince of Peace, whose kingdom is not that the time has come when we should
| of this world, whose weapons are not realize that the China of ten years ago,
carnal but spiritual, whose sword is the even of five years ago, is very different
sword of the spirit, which is the Word from the China of “to-day. A new
of God? : China is growing up in that great Em-
Not only do we feel a new military pire of the East, with new ideals, and
spirit coming over the people, but using new methods to realize. those
| patriotism, the new national spirit, is ideals. The possibilities for good or for
steadily growing throughout the empire. evil none can foretell. The rapidity of
| The anti-dynastic feeling against the movement in this direction is simply as-
| | present Manchu government has be- tounding, especially when we remember
| come so ‘strong that vital concessions her past history. She is travelling
Hi | have had to be granted to the Chinese faster along the path of reform than
ii people. For 250 years all male Man- any other nation in the world. But this
| chus have been either soldiers or officers has its dangers, and we do well to re-
Hi | in receipt of pensions. But last year an member what was said by a thoughtful
it | Edict was issued abolishing the twenty- Chinese gentleman to a foreigner:
two Manchu garrisons in China. Mar- “You urge us;†he - said, to; move
it | tiage between Manchus and Chinese faster; we are slow to respond, for we
1h | has now been permitted, and Manchus are a conservative people, but if you
have been made subject to the Chinese force us to start we may move faster
it | laws, and those taxes from which in the and farther than you like.â€
it | past they had been excused. It is not China is moving, and this is our op-
necessary to point out the far-reaching portunity, and it creates our responsi-
consequences of such an Edict in the pjlity. What we do we must do quickly,
Hi | years to come. such a period as that through which
We No doubt this was only granted by China is now passing will not last for
| the Manchu government because of very long. The present spirit of will-
\! pressure brought upon them by the ling teachableness, and earnest inquiry
i China party, and in self-defence, but may give way, as in the case of Japan,
|| if it results in the blending of the two to arrogant self-sufficiency. | Now is
4) nations it will lessen the opposition of the time to pray, to give, to preach,
i the Chinese and tend to lengthen the and to teach.
life of the present Manchu dynasty. O that we may realize in the day of
1 But one of the most powerful proofs our opportunity that the rapidly-chang-
of a new China growing up in this ing conditions ef China, constitute a
i ancient Empire is to be seen in the Im- clarion call to the Christian’ Church at
perial Edict, which was issued in Sep- home, to take up the immediate evan-
a4 tember, of 1907, ordering the estab- gelization of China on a more thorough,
| lishment at Peking of a National a more generous, and a more adequate
| . Assembly of Ministers to confer on scale than it has ever been attempted
| State matters. A later Edict arranged in the history of the past!
for. local-*sele"eovermment,†involvine’< sean era ca hae nid goyge Suatmea ell calito
the appointment of town councils and tts eee aes, Mrs: slam Wt ace
: 4 (To be continued.) :
| 4
e e
Methodist Kingdom. —_—___PLATE.—__
T was only a day-dream, but such without altering its shape. Because te
| sometimes become embodied. It was eabaragce as ae it can grow ee out
1 on the term “United Changing. The circle returns upon itself an
eels ay: Re Be dedn is bound. The Cross opens its arms to the
eiedom. f ave ae roe oun . By four winds; it is a signpost for free travel-
reat britain and Jreland, or even b: lers.
Greater Britain. United Meedisn = Let us see where the crosses are, and
Saag tee cemtngnty POPE, count ur posesiona†Chita sep
era oy pes sente y a pagoda, a house-boat, a
the United Methodist Kingdom. How Puce eg
fascinating! “ How beautiful upon the oe ans ee ee
fae eed eines eee se All.the pictures introduced have been
word, much abused, is only used three eee forced into its huge
Cans ne Dears of them is con- continent one palm tree, one banana
Mr heed has Se tied the de- Tee ae Sen BOnSSs and es full!
ulnasts ateove er pes _ itis full of souls, too, as may be seen
Tc a eee a in “ Facts about Africa†in this number
: , : age 15).
dream of the Editor. He has done it (p ie : i
con amore, as a devoted United Method- . Jamaica is o ve land of fl ti It
ist. We thank him in the name of our /S Teptesented by a waterfall. It has
Wa ae had its dreadful visitation two years
Rae ete: ago: the artist shows a ruined church.
In the Eastern hemisphere we have East Street Chapel, as it was before the
HG Srcaes interest: es earthquake, is daringly placed on part
his mea ae Oe tiodany 3 of the continent of South America.
* ok The mission boat at the foot with
Buddhism is centripetal, but Christianity sail unfurled is typical of our evangel-
is centrifugal: it breaks out. For the circle ism! The view of the Reli ions: Of
is perfect and infinite in its nature; but it is th : World ls ol ie ;
fixed for ever in its size; it can never be € World wa © userul to excite
larger or smaller: But the Cross, though deeper devotion to the spirit and com-
it has at its heart a collision and a contra- mand of our Lord: “Go YE!
diction, can extend its four arms for ever Jie:
se Sse sSJe
e e e j
Foreign Missionary
- ’ I. By Rev.
Secretaries’ Notes y
of the Montb. Foreign Secretary.
A Happy In wishing our friends— It appears but yesterday since we sat
New Year. the readers of the MiIs- where we are now sitting writing our
SIONARY EcHo, and all Notes for the January MISSIONARY
the helpers and workers in the Church’s ECHO for the year now almost gone.
P 5 ens y §
great enterprise, the evangelization and A few days hence and the year 1909
Christianization of the world—a very willbe born. How great are the good-
Happy New Year, we do so with great ness and mercy of God; in what “plea-
warmth, and with a vivid sense of the sant places†the lines of our life have
splendour of our opportunities, the au- been cast; what good we might have
gustness of our responsibilities, and the done; how much we have left undone!
solemn fleetness of our day of service! To be happy, we must be ‘ood; to be
y PPy §
ie | PGE er eR NE ee oe eT .
| Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
i good, we. must be faithful! Faithful or what?†We waited with great anxi-
| to our highest possibilities and oppor- ety for confirmation of the news, and, if
— tunities. confirmed, an account of its general
| effect. That the distinguished person-
i Our Motto. What shall be our motto alities had passed away within a few
11] for the year 1909? Can _ hours of each other was confirmed, and
we have a better one that this ?— news of a reassuring nature as to the
it “Who for the joy that was set before general state of things consequent on
i Him endured the cross, despising so tragic an event followed. What will
shame, and hath sat down at the right be the ultimate effect of the death of
| hand of the throne of God.†these two potential persons it is not for
O great Heart of God! whose loving us to say? The impression among those
Cannot hindered be nor crossed, competent to form an opinion is that
Will not weary, will not even it will not mean a step back either in
In our own death itself be lost— educational affairs or in the work of
Love divine! of such great loving Christian Missions. Pray God this may
} Only mothers know the cost—_ arty rh : et
i Cost of love which all love passing, ee SLO ROE o Ce ee ey nae
Gave a Son to save the lost. stake ; much that makes one tremble to
The sh Hes ced. thet Ono contemplate. Those who know
Ceanae aaa ope as jovful, China, even in a limited measure, can
1} | was endured, and the a Mee A eene but hope and pray that the new Re-
i because the love was ee lowing. «ne gency may be for good!. We ask that
i | joy element in Hie oe its spring 1N this fact, and all it involves, may have
love, and in love only! a distinct place in the prayers of our
| O, for such love let rock and hills Churches on Missionary Sunday, the
H | Their lasting silence break. roth instant!
| This same love being in us and abound-
i | ing, we shall have joy, and our life will Messages Miss Murfitt, writing a few
HY be neither barren nor unfruitful! from China. days ago on a question
it] of business, makes some
i Connexional Most earnestly do we deeply-interesting remarks about her-
na Missionary urge on all our brother self and the work. In the week she
| Sunday. ministers and Circuit offi- wrote she had been up country with
Hi | cers, to do their absolute Dr. and Mrs. Jones. She had been
Hi best to give effect to the Resolution of deeply impressed by what she had seen
Hi Conference (page 171 of Minutes) to and heard. The people had given her
M1} | make the second Sunday in January a hearty welcome as one “who was go-
Ve Missionary Sunday: a day of mission- ing to help them.†But how Miss Mur-
A | ary prayer, praise and exhortation. fitt was going to do it, the people ap-
ie What a glorious thing it will be for all peared to have only a very vague idea.
i} our Churches in city, town, and village They were like those “who were reach-
tt | to be singing missionary hymns, offer- ing out to they know not what.†It
HI ing missionary prayers, and giving or was so in Athens, in Paul’s day. Miss
‘| listening to missionary expositions. Murfitt is right in saying: “ It is a
What inspiration is sure to follow! mute appeal to Heaven; God grant us
! the grace and power to respond in a
( Tragic Death The news of the death of way that will lead to their salvation.â€
i of the the Emperor of China, We are confident this short message
Emperor and and the Dowager-Empress, will be welcome to all interested in
Empress- was distinctly startling, women’s work among women in the
: Dowager and, coming, as it did, by Empire of the Far East, and will, we
of China. the same cable, appeared trust, call forth earnest prayer in behalf
| to be incredible. The of all our sister workers!
thought which at once rushed into our
1 mind was: “Tf this be true, what will The Opium In a recent communication
\ be the immediate result ? Will it be Fiend! from our honoured friend,
| riot, and a savage and brutal attack on the Rev. W. R. Stobie, he
Fol all foreigners, including missionaries, calls attention to the opium scourge as
| 6
Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
it exists in the City PRT ACE TES Eat seas]
and Prefecture of ee ie : Nee es oe
Wenchow. Quite Bi 6. pene ped Mae
apart from the obli- Sint 8 or eas eae mea nTER A an
gation which Eng- [Ri tees a a ee
land is under to Fog Be Dy OM any Ay
China as a Christian 2 pS Pane ==) = se age =)
nation, ae is ae E mt ie fe Chi) Meee as
very solemn obliga- f : Freire. Van Gy : Fk AOE \) > Ge Gnnce a bowe
ee to Chink Pie = ee ne Le) Mu " | a poll. ae
springing out of the WHS Basic Mh Ny ae Pp ean i
part she took in @§= >a ges ee el a ce NE
forcing opium on \Wie« sat mie | ee aa ay
the Chinese people AS f 1 ty =~) ee Wea) ed page
and Government! . . SVR ORNS Us ae ae Cay) a Ue
Those who know (B | iy WARes i: Mid eee Gey gee en } ee
the wasting and de- Fi} 9) Ws: ; noe ANS Sha
structive results, i : \iieueuee etm eet | Weeea\ feed Vee,
both of drunkenness P&.- | ry | ee iF
scourge, declare that R= oe | feo a ag aan
the general effects Group outside Tsiah tu Chapel, near Wenchow. {Photo, Dr. Plummer.
of opium are far
more terrible than those of drunlen- cultivation. And all this in spite of Im- |
ness, awful and inhuman as many of perial Edicts!_ Though the signboards are
these are. Much has been said, and 9° visible, a peep through door or window
° BR : in the streets reveals at once the prostrate
rightly said, in praise of the bold step eaeicinee
taken in issuing the Imperial Edict :
against opium. But a scourge deep- ‘“ Young This is the name of a
rooted and widespread cannot be up- China.†charming book recently
rooted nor killed by one Edict or by published by “ Hodder and
many. The testimony of Mr. Stobie Stoughton.†It is written by Arch-
about this terrible evil ought to move deacon Moule, B.D. It contains one
to their depths the heart of every Chris- of the most fascinating and illuminating
tian man and woman, and youth and accounts of the life of “ Young China,â€
maiden, and lead them to renew their which, in our judgment, has ever yet
consecration to God, on-the threshold heen written. We have read it through
of the New Year, to do all in their with both charm and profit. It is not a
power to hasten the day when China goody-goody book, but a book of
shall be rid of the blighting, blasting downright high quality, both in its
and destructive curse of opium! Here style and subject. It will make a
is Mr. Stobie’s testimony :— beautiful New Year’s gift; it is daintily
I expect you have heard a good deal in got up, and will give information and
the home papers about the Opium Edicts pleasure both to the educated and also
in China. I am sorry to say that in the to those whose taste may not be con-
Wenchow Prefecture—as . large as York- sidered educated. If vou want youn
shire—they are practically a dead letter, Basa b ; ere ae §
supine officials and bribery of underlings ngiand to become intereste oyu
probably account for it. I have been getting China, this is the book to give them
together a few statistics for the Commis. to read! The price is, we believe,
sioner of Custonfs here, anent the question, 2s. 6d. Do get it for the young people.
who is having to report to headquarters on
it. Considerably over a thousand opium Circulation of We called attention to this
shops here, some tens of thousands of «6 Missionary subject in the December
peel Seer abou ety. per on of Echo � number of the MISSION-
le entr indulge in it, a rea eal oO s
the Dad here uncle cultivation for opium, USED ARY ECHO. We are now .
seven-tenths of the amount used is native, : in a position to state de-
and it is reported that next year a larger finitely that there are more than eighty
amount of land will be put under opium Circuits which receive no copies of the
| Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
Ecuo direct from our publishing Please advertise in the “Lancet.†Do
| house! To us this appeared not only something! There does not seem to be a
improbable but impossible! Alas! it is beloved physician in all United Methodism
| Benlurely tou anes Gh Geer willing to sacrifice himself for this great
— SOONERS a aes Empire. Such being the case, let us, like
|| eighty Circuits where the number is sO paul, turn to the “Gentiles.â€
small they have to be obtained in an This i t ie he O
| indirect way! Will not our honoured i 185 Sa res) ee oh If of
itl brethren in the ministry take this mat- honoured friend does not know halt o
| ter up and help to wipe away the re- what we have done; the letters we have
i] proach? Will not our “C.E.S’s†do written, the enquiries in every direction
the same, and make a continuation of ‘we have made to SoC uleS doctor, ane
such an evil impossible? Will not the @P to the present without avail!
members of all our L.M.A. societies Surely within the ranks of the United
make this subject theirs, and help, as ea ay be eS yeh rhe
in some places they do splendidly? * Ma. Ms eee My “ff fe ee
A little less criticism and a little more — aster ae lone willing to olter tor this
help would work wonders. The circula- oe a P ee ae ie :
aon of the eet ne would fen. Tena Se tay
nelp greatly to solve the problem so 5 Se eeenear eae amine 7
full of affected surprise on the part of HENRY T. CHAPMAN.
{| a certain order of Christians: “ How is 3
i\| it that there is so little interest in these Sox
it days in Foreign Missions?†Answer:
_ “Because they have so little informa- Il.
i tion!†Will those who take the ECHO By Rev. C. STEDEFORD,
A bring it under the attention of those Missionary Secretary
who know it not, please? ; :
i} UR friends are requested to es-
a Urgent!! We have had a few en- pecially remember in sympathy
| East Africa. quiries in re East Africa and prayer the Brethren F. D.
iW aadi China) We. are ull Jones: and: GaN. Mylne'who deft stor
HH urgently in need of offers for the China on Tuesday, December 22nd.
il position of agricultural missionary They sailed from Southampton in the
ii in East Africa. The candidate N-D.l. steamer “Prinz Regent Luit-
i| must be unmarried to begin with, Ppold, which is due to arrive at Shang-
il and have a good practical know- hai on January 30th.
hi ledge of agricultural work. If a local Since he left his Circuit, Mr. Mylne
i | preacher, all the better. The call is has attended several meetings in aid of
Hi urgent! Who will go for us? the China Mission. He has visited
Al Bideford, Barnstaple, Exeter, Tiver-
q tock, Devonport, Liskeard and Favers-
4 | A Pathetic Appeal. ham.
i D MRE Sj A The Rev. A. H. Sharman has ren-
il Ton Re DITOR ee writing dered splendid service as a substitute
| See eee received a. most for the Rev. S. Pollard at Cardiff, Garn-
+ | pes ee ae Soothill, ote one ? ae ay Se and Barry. oe
(i patnoh agi aca ae ie in this district were glad to
‘| I am quite concerned that up to the pre- ee te cae Dee fers iy a
sent you have not got a medical man for Sed aot : gsi s oe
1 | Wenchow! Dr. Plummer has been steadily Fo OUI, belonging to another section
a4 | at work in a depressing climate for seven of our United Church, and they will
1 | years, with never a murmur but many a henceforth follow him and_his work
| groan, and he must get away in the spring. with considerable interest. One of the
Nevertheless the Hospital cannot be run best means of giving freshness to our
, Without a reliable man in charge. missionary meetings, as well as cement-
*One L.M.A. Secretary, finding the circulation was lapsing ing UL Union, a for ou De LO eae
5 through carelessness, _ offered to get several for friends to visit places outside of the sectior
iS Ene ED till to-day she has an order list of 65 they have served hitherto.
P| 8
Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
I hear that the hospital work at Chao room with a little straw on the top of
Tong is developing. Dr. Savinand Dr. them. But a great number of people:
L. Grandin have their hands very full. filled the chapel on the Sunday, and it
There is a great demand for their ser- was a great joy to join with the heathen
vices in the villages, and whenever they converts in the worship of God. At
are able to take a tour into Miao coun- another Miao village these young
try they are besieged by a great num- ladies stayed in a house which had two
ber of patients.* doors but no windows. They slept un-
Considerable trouble has been caused der the same roof as the cattle. At one
among our No-su adherents by an un- end were the horses, cows, etc.; the
friendly landlord. Several have moved family slept in the middle, and at the
away from the district to get out of his other end the missionaries. Our sisters:
clutches. It is reported that many of at home will not forget their representa-
the No-su are joining the Catholics. tives in the foreign field. After a tour
This may be because they do not know of six days the missionary ladies re-
enough to distinguish between them turned to Chao Tong, and this trip: .
and the Protestants, or it may be be- was their summer holiday.
: cause they hope to obtain protection in
their lawsuits. It is a critical moment <§o
with this tribe, and we shall be glad
when Brother Mylne is able to com- The Greatest Theme in the World. By
mence his work among them. F. E. Marsh. (Marshall Brothers.
Miss L. O. Squire, who arrived in 38.) ;
June, is being initiated to the hardships Mr. Marsh is the lecturer on Bible
and pleasures of a missionary’s life. Doctrine in the Missionary Training
With her sister and Dr. Grandin she Institute, Nyack, N.Y. We regret we
paid a visit to a No-su landlord who is pave no space to review it in full ade-
always glad to receive the missionaries. + quately, but may note that it is a useful
This visit was partly that Dr. Grandin and complete survey of the Atone-
might attend to the daughter's eyes. ment. It is treated under various as-
This landlord is a man of position and pects, but there is no index, which re-
influence, but his rooms were not as veals either carelessness or hurry, and’
"good as would be found in an ordinary oth are wrong in the production of a
Working-mans house at home. But at ook that is to live. Again we protest
Mao-li-in, a Miao village, eo against the mere repetition of the title:
dation was far less coun ie heir’ 26 the book at the head of every page.
beds were made of forms in the school- Tt pecomes merely mechanical and use-
*Seep.16. +p. 17.—Ep, less, and is no sign of genius.
mee is mie dni Oa a eae ee eee ey
oe UC a
SS See Bet ar Se sagt PDD aig Sata ee os /
Coen Sg rate ee 7
Chungking, the Liverpool of West China. [Kindly lent by Friends’ Foreign Missionary Association.
(The main part of the city is on the promontory to the left. Mr. Mylne will touch here on his way from Shanghai )
i e e
| My Decision for I.
| : e e
Foreign Service. Rev. C. N. MYLNE.
j | (Mr. Mylne is to be the first European Missionary to the No-su, in South-West China.—Ep. ]
1] a HY are you going to China?†sjonary enterprise has had its great
i This question has been fre- moments, but never has such a glorious
i] quently put to me. Not only opportunity presented itself—an op-
i are such questions asked, but opinions portunity of proving, by actual contrast,
=| are offered gratis. Some folk approve, the certain superiority of Christ's teach-
i others gravely shake their heads, as ing, over the concentrated wisdom of
much as to say: “A ha’e ma dootsâ€; past ages, and to demonstrate its power
{| while one candid friend remarked: in the moral and spiritual uplifting of
“You are a fool,†which I am, for not the race. Also we should not forget
deciding sooner, though this was not the solemn fact that we are responsible
‘tthe reason implied. to God for the grasping and right use
Surely, if ever China stood in need of this opportunity.
abil of enthusiastic missionary effort it is But more: Why did Paul come into
now. Awakening from a sleep of cen- Europe to preach the Gospel, instead
turies, looking forward instead of back- of pushing into Asia? Only a vision,
J ward as hitherto, beginning to realize just a dream. A young man from
|| her own immense resources, China is Macedonia, saying “Come over and
4 | rapidly becoming a power to be rec- help us.†But hark! What is the cry
1 kkoned with in the field of international from thousands in China? They say:
iH politics. Was there ever a more urgent “Send us more teachers.†It is an
A need of the Gospel of Christ? and in earnest, beseeching cry for light.
Hi the face of this situation, surely it needs Opinions may differ as to the necessity -
i} no vision, or voice from Heaven to of Christianity to the nations, but here
| .call men and women to the work! Mis- are souls beseeching us to tell them
i about Jesus. And daily they perish
1] a ee oagmummg with their yearnings unsatisfied, be-
| oo SE cause so many Christians prefer home
| Cees LR ae Rte SAAC crs oo. Ne : : :
i pee a ae, life and comfort, to.service for Christ
di ee iy in the foreign field.
i ee. & sc ward. Do you burn to prove your de-
1 Oe ae ieee eee votion to Christ?—then here is the
i Re ay he i Mee = work, and now is the time. Who could
MW Bo ct és oy wish for a grander opportunity? Ample
a peed Wars \ 7 ee | scope for many or few talents,
| ire wy | mf a place for the most brilliant or the
41 | aan & ©) @ humblest, and room and need for them
| P a a all. Come and swell the missionary
i al | ranks, and the coming years shall see
| | Reg ie China won for Christ!
a || | Praecad 2
- Wy ~
| es es F 6rd Rev. FRANK D. JONES.
i beacuse f he CANNOT look back to any particu-
|) Ft | | lar day on wnich I decided for the
‘| & Fe my foreign field. When I was about
Cee Wag fifteen I felt strong inclinations in the
ri tenes eee gee direction of such work; but then it
a Reg! GREASE Gaibaaied to? ~ seemed to be only a dream of my school
es || South-West China). days, due to reading stories of adven-
F | { 10
Missionary Sonnet
"ture, one or two missionary books, and church in this country has been tempt-
hearing the stirring speeches of mis- ing, yet always I have felt that it was
sionaries home on furlough. However, not for me. Hence I have never built
that missionary spirit, and that mission- up any hopes of settling down to work
ary desire has never left me. Of in the home ministry.
course, there have been times when the I looked forward to work in East
feeling of a call has not been so strong Africa, and when first I offered for
as at other times. For two or three foreign service | mentioned my prefer-
years it seemed again asif the idea was ence for that station, at the same time
only a dream. But for some time now stating that I was quite willing to go
that idea has been dominant in my mind to any other station. Later, when I
and has been a controlling power. The offered for Wenchow, China, and was
reading of the lives and journals of accepted, I felt the seal had come to
such great missionaries as Livingstone, all those early cravings, and had con-
Mackay, Paton, and Henry Martyn, firmed that growing consciousness of
has been a great inspiration, and those my life’s work.
ringing words of the latter saint : “ Now I go now to uplift the Cross of
let me burn out for God,†haunt me still, © Christ which has uplifted me. Because
and live with me day and night. I have faith in His word and promise,
There has also been an inward that if He be lifted up He will draw
prompting ; a consciousness that I was all men unto him, I am_ prepared,
called for foreign mission work. When even at the cost of sacrifice, to stand
I offered myself to be a local preacher by that Cross, the symbol and seal of
it was with the hope of entering the the world’s redemption.
ministry, and preparing for work
abroad, and when I entered College the
desire for foreign work was still as
+ Goneu nee at odd moments a vision MISSIONARY SONNET.
of a comfortable home and a good By ee ee
[Mr. Santer is writing for the C.M.S.
SIRI. Cycle of Prayer a sonnet for each day of the
SE aa month. They are appearing in the “Church
aan Shae Missionary Review,†and we have his kind
Gris BS esE RAT aves permission, and that of the Editor, to print
ee those which refer to the countries, or parts
ae es : thereof, in which we have Missions.—ED. ]
fy a re A seed-plot, where for many watchful years
Ok re : God’s quiet heroes “precious seed †have
te Ra foae , ay sown ;
LSet ae aS Es And, called before the hidden grain had
be Ta a eee ~=sSO err pleased, if so He willed, to “sow in
L eae MO tears.â€
ieee 2 ee |S. BA are nee God honours faith, rebuking tin-orous fears :
poe a a He leaves no grain for long to “bide
Pes ale ee But reaps the harvest, joying in His own,
ee re i Bi And thus the faithful worker also cheers !
ie fe : Now Afric’s sons themselves the labour
y e share :
i Themselves set free that others may be
freed ;
Strong shoulders squared Christ’s lightsome
load to bear,
; Built up to build; led, other feet to lead.
Oh, not in vain the tears, the lives laid
down :—
Freed men their glory, and Christ's slaves
Rey. F. D. Jones (designated for Wenchow). their crown. ’
||) |
| e By }
| i
| Shansi ! Mrs. SOOTHILL. |
| | N Wenchow, some years ago, we one of his gallant, but unmerciful attempt
. ah | day had the honour of a visit from to relieve the suffering foreigners be-
| the then Admiral of the British sieged in Peking; and what our minor
| naval forces in China, Sir Edward Sey- event in Wenchow was to us, his greater {
i}| mour. It was a pleasure to talk with must be to him. “1900,†is his year, '
the unassuming, tall, slender, courte- and the year of multitudes who live in {
1 ous, soldierly man, who questioned Mr China, both foreigners and _ natives.
=} Soothill about our native Christians, and What a fateful year! The Boer War in
i] myself as to how we had managed to Africa, siege and massacre in China— |
exist for so long in such (to him) an but the former so overshadowed events |
i} outlandish corner of the earth. I re-. out here that what would have made
| sponded that I “came to Wenchow _ the civilized world ring with horror was
| after the riot.†When he presently hushed almost out of hearing by the
=} wished to date some other event I mis- clash of arms in the Transvaal.
chievously replied: “That was before Not only. did the Ambassadors and
i the riot.†He looked quizzingly at me, missionaries suffer the terrors of a two
| smiled, and retorted: “But I do not months’ siege in Peking, with probably
ii | know when the riot was.†as many deaths after as during the
| Since then Sir Edward has also found siege resulting from the hardships
‘||| a time, and a place, from which to date, suffered, but in this neighbouring pro-
als and predate, events. Everybody knows vince of Shansi there were cruel hap-
ii] penings, such as Protestant
ii] i eke eeaeiees| missions have never known in
| | oo os e | the whole of their history. Yet
i ge: a -_. + + | the Christian world was barely
ii| ae sae orcs mt stirred by them, and after a
i eerste es nee brief eight years is well-nigh
i} te Pee ae | = iObiivious that they ever oc-
iH eo Poy curred.
i nF Sieh Mearagegeeie tes. . oc
HH Pre ihe ooo E In England what public in-
i a ata terest and concern could be
| | ame rae pou mous gees Was
al oe 8 Ror expended on Peking, and little .
iH | Be cgi lia ee ee pe fe | was left for the facile things
it ee fo eee. | |Cltthat ~=were being done and
i 4 eee 6 suffered in this provincial capi-
| Se = | tal of Shansi, Tai-Yuan. [iv-
}) fee | ing now on the spot where the
i . Bd ar ae ee very stones cry out, it is a
Hl HY Cae Uk aoe 4d wonder that we can either
A : he | ie gs a #)| laugh or smile.
Wl eee ee Cs ee About a month ago we were
1 ‘ = siafitn: Sie e aa i pee at a eons service
Wi Engels ie a, or the martyrs, held in a tent
| fe | Sl eT Ee E 7 erected for the purpose in sight
4 At / Phe Bel W ACS Ge ES | of the very place where Miss
| x ee ae 2 | oe Pei oe Mice Pa a ar
SR met SR Oc et mil e bravely wen ac Oo
| “i acai ss ‘ tj 4} rescue a couple of missing
| Jets A aaa a ag a schoolgirls, was carrying out
a | t sa a Es the last one when she was
iW . Soa ee =| seized, and the crowd began to
N : pelt them with brickbats.
eS The place of Martyrdom, Shansi. Covering the child with her
& \ (Favoured by the Editor of ‘' B aptist Missionary Herald.†body, she whispered : Don’t
af 12
Shansi !
be afraid, we shall soon be where. missionary has said, when discussing
there is no more pain or Sorrow.†this question, and pointing to the Uni-
The girl was then snatched away, versity: “That is the real Martyrs’
and allowed to escape, but Miss Memorial.†*
Coombs herself was again and again The Chinese Government was willing
thrust back into the burning build- to pay a large sum of money to the
ing, until she sank to rise no more, families of those who were killed, but
but became the first in Tai-Yuan to neither they nor the societies with whom
obtain the martyrs’ crown. they were connected were willing to ac-
Frequently, in the crowded street of CePt what could in any sense be called
the city, I have passed the Governor’s blood money.†What was to be done?
imposing yamén, in the court of which, The societies were ready to allow the
plainly visible from the street, thirty- ‘tagedy to pass unacknowledged, but
four Protestant missionaries (including Would that have been wise? It was
wives and children), and twelve Roman ‘from Dr, Timothy Richard that the
Catholic missionaries were put to the truly Christian solution came. Like our
sword. This was done by the order, Lord he said: “They know not what
and in the presence of the ruthless they do.’ It is ignorance which causes
Governor Vii Hsien, to whom all the 159 these riots and upheavals; teach them,
massacres in this Shansi province may 8!V¢ them our light, let in the sunshine,
Hewsttibuteds and there will be an end of massacres
i : and cruelty, and the Kingdom of God
Many of the stories of that time are will become as beautiful to the Chinese
too awful to be repeated, but not long as it is to us. Therefore,†said he,
ago some missionaries from asmall city “Jet the Chinese make an acknowledg-
two days’ journey from Tai-Yuan told ment of their sin, but let it be returned
. me how eight of their predecessors were to them in light and knowledge. Let
lured to death. After hiding in the hills them pay so much a year for ten years
till they were starving, they were found to found and equip a University in
by soldiers, brought back and put in Shansi, let the University be under
the common gaol. After a fortnight suitable control, and manned by an
they were told a chance to escape was English staff, and at the end of ten
to be offered them, and one night they years hand it back to the province as a
were put into carts, and driven forth. working institution.â€
Alas! for lying lips. When they The Chinese Government promptly
reached the space between the inner consented to this plan, and Dr. Richard
and outer gate of the city, the soldiers was given the controlling voice, along
who awaited them dragged them out of with H.E. the Provincial Governor, in
the carts, and killed them, every one. the founding of this, the first Govern-
‘Their remains were thrown outside the ment University run on foreign lines,
gate, but a leading scholar of the place, and established in China.
who had been on friendly terms with That it was needed, who can doubt?
the missionaries, paid some beggars to Certainly not Dr. Richard, for had he
wrap the bodies in mats, and bury them, not lived for twenty years in this pro-
he conducting a short service 1 his Own vince? had he not seen, in those dark
fashion, which was by burning incense, years of famine, its population reduced
and reading a funeral address! In Tai- to less than half, somewhere near ten
Yuan 1t Was otherwise. The slain were millions of people perishing of hunger pn
cast outside the south gate and left And yet this people lives with its feet
lying there for three months on the on fabulous wealth if it could only learn
common execution ground, a prey to to save itself, for below the surface,
dogs and birds, so that when it was lying almost untouched, is the largest
possible to bury the remains nothing coalfield in the world.
distinguishable was left. Such, then, was the idea: take an ac-
The city teems with sacred memories knowledgment from the province, not
and memorials ; * but, as more than one . compensation—for nothing could com-
* One of which we are able to show.— Ep. * Of which the Rev. W. E. Soothill is now Principal.—Ep.
aif —EE——————EE 3 Sos ate ee
| Shansi!
pensate—but a substantial acknowledg- the heat of the city. Dr. Duncan's
ment, and return it in an education that grave is in full view near the top of a
would open the eyes of the young steep, green fir-clad hill opposite us,
— literati of Shansi to the wonders of and over it is a white marble column
| God’s providence, and the folly and resting on white marble foundation
it} harmfulness of superstition. stones. This monument is a landmark
i} Into the initial difficulties I need not for miles round, and “ points the wayâ€
i here enter. Suffice it to say that they when we lose the path wandering on
i were there, and demanded manful effort the hills. Only this week it was my
| to surmount them. privilege to write to Mrs. Duncan tell-
The first Principal of the University mg her that the white pillar is as pure
was Dr. Moir Duncan, a graduate of and unsullied as on the day of its erec-
the Glasgow University, a student, at tion, On it is an inscription, in English
Mansfield College, under Dr. Fairbairn, and Chinese, stating that it was placed
and a pupil while there of the fine, old there by the staff and students of the
Chinese Sinologue, Dr. Legge. In ad- University. It isa wonderful thing, in
dition, Dr. Duncan was a missionary of the heart of these wild, solitary hills,
i twenty years’ standing. To the Uni- where we now fear the leopard and the
versity he, for the first four hard years wolf more than the cruelty of man, and
of its existence, gave his whole where few people are ever likely to
Hy strength, at the end of which consump- come, that such a monument is to be
th tion seized on a susceptible frame found The only white object visible, I
i doubtless enfeebled by his labours and know of nothing to which I can liken it
it anxieties. [n six months he had passed unless it be Cecil Rhodes’s lonely tomb
ii away, his last care being for the future on the South African mountains, he
hi} welfare of the University. He died, being an “empire builder†of another
iH] not in Tai-Yuan, but at “Dragon King type. When Dr. Duncan’s funeral
ii Hill,†a cool spot twenty-five miles cortege struggled up the steep ascent,
ti) away, and four thousand feet above the one of the bearers, a: Chinese official
i sea. It is here that Mr. Soothill and I connected with the University from its
| now are, for a brief fortnight, escaping inception, and a Christian, broke down
| utterly, sob-
\] oe ging and weep-
| . ing at every
al| =. Soe an step, while
iH | ae. a Re or
Hi] : as KN es lost most of
HH rates aN - KY ons all, endea-
i & A oo AS . . voured, in
| a PE QO ay Sane vain, to ‘hush
| Be ae iS eos So ee him into calm-
| Se useliae Reet : Bt ness.
| dee ae a ; ep ague eee Mr.
IK | - Se : TOE ag eae 2 ; : oothi was
|| Se eae ewe invited to con-
| : i eee te eSiscel o tinue Dr. Dun-
i ed: ‘yaeen Fi Wee, NE Sa eee can’s work no
| Ese iar ee |) One: ~Was more
| Bd ent R (oy ee ti la el surprised than
| | ne hee | ie oe A BERR 2 HRT NS eT ee himself, and
ail oi) FERRI neg ey Nee SN his first im-
| = " pip ca Te Aa 1 loceall -
1] Ea) 4 us Sa og oan seegacaSeomnan pulse was to
Hl oe ee ae ee) say, “It is im-
| -- pe Se ee) possible.†Fur.
1 Bese ee a cost on eae ther reflection
| aroused a
Ee at The Martyrs’ Memorial, (Favoured by the Editor of ‘‘ Baptist Missionary Herald.†sense of duty,
|| Shansi. and when our
| 4
Facts about Africa
Home Committee gave a kind, if reluc- last year, and that, supported by an
tant, consent, the path became clear for able staff, it seems possible to hand over
him to assume the double responsibility, to the Government, at the end of the
on the one hand of leaving Wenchow, tem years, an institution of which both
on the other of occupying this “coign een and the Govern-
of vantage.†What fears he had were Ment itselt may have no need to be
about this new work, not about Wen- ashamed. . :
h That ees God’ le Personally we are hoping that this dry
Co BE WOES Has Bech Ce ore and praciia Shansiair willrestorewmuch
all along, not ours, and he knew that needed health, for a quarter of a cen-
Mr. Stobie would faithfully guide it tury of the heat moisture and malaria
along the lines laid down—with possible of “Wenchow have told their tale, and
improvements. But this work here was if God’s work for China can be done,
amongst a different people, and in a and health regained, here in Shansi, it
different language. Itis pleasing, how- jis better than spending a long period
ever, to note that the number of stu- in England away from our deepest in-
dents has more than doubled during the terests,
se se sse
Facts about By Rev. W. L. BROADBENT,
e Of the Sudan United Mission.
Africa. F (From a Leaflet.)
HE greater part of colonizable King Mtesa had asked for mission-
a Africa is in our hands. Of its aries for his people, who were described
155 million souls we Britons by Stanley as “crafty, fraudful, de-
have over forty-seven millions as_ ceiving, lying, thievish knaves, taken
our fellow-subjects, and surely we as a whole.†Women and children, as .
are responsible in the sight of well as slaves, were property. _ Poly-
God for their salvation. Ninety- gamy was common. Witchcraft was
five millions of Africa are absolutely firmly believed in, and foolish cere-
Pagan. Fifty-one millions are fol- monies were gone through to drive away
lowers of the false prophet Moham- the devil. Violence was rife. The
med, while only nine millions are nation was given over to idolatry and
even nominal Christians. That is, devil worship, and to their accompany-
only one out of every seventeen ing cruelties. Punishment and death
of the population of this dark con- were often accomplished by fearful tor-
tinent are Christians in any sense, ture. Human life was held cheap. A
while one in every three are Mo-_ subject might be shot simply to test a
hammedans, and three of every five .gun. Cannibalism was probably occa-
are heathen. Of the nine millions of sionally practised. Human sacrifice was
professed Christians, only three mil- often a wholesale slaughter. Close to
lions are Protestants, the rest belong- the Royal Palace the ground was stained
ing to the Easternand Roman Churches. with blood from the beheadings and
But all the Christians combined cannot mutilations which followed the slightest
produce one million communicants in offences, such as treading on the tail of
Africa. Think of it! Thus in Africa a favourite dog. . Mtesa’s father had
we have 146 millions of actual non- been accustomed to sacrifice a great
Christians, out of 155 millions on this number of his subjects whenever re-
huge continent. Of its more than 600 _ ligious caprice or personal vengeance
languages and dialects, the Scriptures _ dictated. Mtesa himself offered 2,000
have been translated in whole or in part captives in sacrifice to his father’s
into only 100. A very large number of _ spirit, and later on commanded a similar
the languages have not yet been re- butchery to propitiate the evil spirit
duced to writing. Take first Uganda. that was causing his own illness. Sick-
| A Missionary Holiday in the Land of the Miao
| ness was treated with. remedies worse the thickest spiritual darkness in the
| mae re eee It wae ee oe world.
ganda it was sadly true that the
dark places of the earth are full of the SC eerie cine AE SUDAN
- habitations of cruelty. Similarly the challenge to Christen-
‘|| The challenge was accepted. Mis- dom has gone forth concerning the
| sionaries went. forth. In less than Pagan tribes of the dark Sudan. If
i] twenty years Pilkington reported in the Church responds as she should, pro-
HI 1896 that 100,000 souls had been bably in less than twenty years the
iH} brought into close contact with the same miracle of grace may be seen
i Gospel, half of whom were able to read. there. In other parts also, in but a few
Two hundred buildings had been raised years, spears and clubs have been ex-
by native Christians, 200 native evan- changed for the Word of God, and
gelists and teachers were entirely sup- where the murderous shout of canni-
ported by the native Church, 10,000 bals once rang through the forest, the
copies of the N.T. were in circulation, sound of the church bells proclaims the
6,000 souls were eagerly seeking daily call to worship. Who will aid us to
instruction. All this in the centre of bring about a second Uganda?
Sse sje Se
1\ e e
| A Missionary By
i Holiday in the Dr. LILIAN GRANDIN.
i e Journal sent to her father, Mr. F. P.
Land of the Miao. Grandin, and favoured hy him.—Ed.
1} Shih-men-k’an, Kweicheo. sant to spend a quiet hour there. On
i : July 25th, 1908. - our return, two hours were spent in
WHT. ROM the room in which I am writ- packing drugs, instruments, etc. We
i - ing one sees on the hill above us Were up early next. morning; personal
ili the thatched houses of the vil. belongings had to be packed and break-
‘it lagers clustering among the trees. A fast taken, but we managed to get off
little lower than this house is the old before mine am. My pony “Rozel
il cottage and the new chapel. On the did very well, and I rode up every hill,
i opposite side of the valley rise fine nding it too hot to do any walking.
| crags, and a peep between reveals dis- Many girls and boys, women and men,
i tant hills. Some lilies and begonias, Came out to meet us from Shih-men-
(1 which grow wild around this district, k’an ; a ae so tired and hot, poor
fl have been brought in to-day. The folks things. We were glad to be here
{| are gathering for the services to-mor- @mongst the beautiful hills. Mrs. Par-
i] row. As we sit here the new arrivals * 00S thinks that I look very much better
| come up to say “Good dayâ€; two nice, than last year; I have not missed more
1) clean-looking men have just come who than three working days this year, and
i say that there are eight ladies on the feel more acclimatized.
a road coming especially to see me! Sunday. There were about five hun-
iH Our last day in the city was a very dred people in at the services this morn-
| hard one. Miss Ethel Squire quite col- ing; the singing made tears spring to.
| lapsed. I went out in a chair before my eyes with a sense of “heimweh.†It
eh Iil breakfast to see a small Mandarin’s son; was so hearty and spontaneous, far
i after that meal, prepared for the jour- more like the singing at home than any-
| ney, and did a little dentistry; saw thing the Chinese can manage. I think
I | patients for four hours after dinner, the Miaos make very good Methodists.
i and then had to change hurriedly as we The Miao preacher said that I had come
if | were expected at the school-house for to heal the people because I could not
| tea, and to say farewell, It was plea- myself feel sickness or sorrow! Mrs.
| | 16
A Missionary Holiday in the Land of the Miao
Parsons presently announced that I was Mrs. Parsons likes to give the folk a
quite capable of fatigue, and that only long service when she comes, as the
those who had come from a long dis-_ visits of the foreign missionaries cannot
tance were to wait to see me the fol- be very frequent. This is a beautiful
lowing morning—those who lived near spot; it is a broad valley high up in
must come another day. the mountains, about 100 li south of
August 2nd. This is Sacrament Shin-men-k’an. On the southern slope,
Sunday, and so there are more people 1 front of a grove of trees, clusters
Aboutthan usual, I went to the prayer- the hamlet, which is rather a nice one—
meeting this morning, and later to the the houses being farther apart, and
mothers’ and babies’ meeting in the old With more air space around than is
chapel over which Mrs. Parsons, assisted Usually the case.
by Wang-shen-mo, presided. It is curi- The chapel and school are in the vil-
ous to see eighty or more women with age, Just above the houses. The chapel
babies on their backs, or in their arms, 1S 4 very primitive building with two
and one or two toddlers besides. One 00rs, one for men and one for women ;
woman spread her felt cloak on the four. windows, put in crooked, and a
earth-floor, and laid her baby in it, platform of white wood furnished with
keeping it amused with two greengages. @ table and wooden benches. The
One poor woman, with a pale, drawn school-house is also a_one-storey build-
face, had a baby not yet three months â„¢2& with two rooms; Koh-sien-seng, the
old asleep ina piece of felt in her arms: Chinese teacher, occupies the smaller,
another child about three, when he was 20d the larger is used as a schoolroom,
weary of running about, was slung on but it is devoted to the foreigners’ use
her back in a felt cloak tied by string when there are any about. The desks,
to her body, shoulders and waist, and Which are broad benches, are set side
there he presently dropped asleep. She Py side for our beds; dry bracken. is
tightened the baby’s cloak, took him Plled on them, and our “pu-k’ais
up again and sat there with a child on SPtead above. Some of the benches
each side of her. One man was in at Were. too high and some too low to set
the women’s meeting with two very evenly, so stones were placed under the
lively little boys; at the end of the ow ones, and holes dug in the earth
service they were each presented with floor to let the legs of the high benches
a “babo†or buckwheat cake which they own. ae
started on with great relish—to me it But I must tell you how it is that
looked a greeny-grey mess. we are here. Last Wednesday, Mrs.
One thing that I am sure you will be Parsons suggested our accompanying
thankful for is not to be able to realize er ona journey to Mao-li-in, calling at
the Miao “smell.†It is peculiar and the “Tu-mu’s†to see his daughter's.
very trying to unaccustomed noses, and yes on the way. This landlord has
mine will not get to appreciate it. Many long wished for medical advice for his
of the folk are asking for “atsah†daughter. So we started on Friday,
(medicine). Mrs. Parsons, Miss Ethel Squire and I.
There was a grand display of sheet We left Shih-men-k’an at ten a.m. Men
lightning last evening, and we sat out carried our bedding and provisions for
of doors to watch the glorious flashes. the road, while Wang-shen-mo, one of
aS : the Miao evangelists of the village went
Mao-li-in, Kweicheo. with us to keep things right.
August 9th. This warm Sabbath Our road lay across the valley into
morn finds us at a quarter-past nine which we had to descend by winding
seated under the shadow of the trees paths through thick bushes to the river.
which surround the Miao hamlet of On the edge of the river is a large
Mao-li-in. Twenty to thirty women, Chinese village, where a market is held
gitls and boys, are around us, and they every five days. After crossing the
are going to recite the story of Noah _ river we climbed a steep hill, came out
for our edification. In an hour we shall on the heights. then had to descend;
go into the chapel for three hours’ ser- we crossed a second valley and river,
vice—it is Sacrament Sunday here, and and mounted the opposite height, only
| Between Ourselves
| to find that the same manceuvre had to invited in, and tea was brought. The
| be done again. As we mounted the lady’s Chinese was not very fluent.
last hill we were caught in a thunder- After changing our wet garments for
{| storm, which made the remaining ten - dry, we went in to the evening meal,
— li of the road very difficult. The heat which was composed of rice and well-
HI was most oppressive. The rain stopped prepared regetables seaweed and bean-
before we came toa Miao village, where curd, all very nice. The master of the
i we dried ourselves a little, and then house was not at home, but they had
i went on to the E-pien Chief’s house.* sent for him as he would wish to see us.
11] We passed through a cluster of E-pien We saw the girl whose eyes I had come
houses, probably the homes of slaves, to examine, and did what was possible
and reached the fortress-like residence. for her. We slept somehow until dawn,
A wall surrounds the compound studded through absolute fag, but the mosqui-
with five or six watch-towers. The toes gave us a bad time as we had not
house within is well built, and the guest put up our curtains. We rose about
halls were nicely furnished; of the part half-past six a.m., very stiff, but want-
where the family lives we saw nothing. ing to push on lest we should be caught
ii We walked through a paved enclosure, in the rain again. But the people of the
| and, mounting a few steps, were house wished us to wait until the master
| directed to the guest hall, where the returned, and delayed breakfast until
i lady of the house received us. She was’ ten o'clock. He arrived as we drank
Hi a tall, handsome woman, dressed in a_ tea. He was a stout, tall, good-tem-
| pale-blue cotton gown trimmed with pered man, and very pleasant. He
| black braid, and wearing the becoming asked us to accept four dollars for tea-
i] turban which the E-pien women chiefly money; we told him that it would be
i] affect. We bowed to each other, were used for the poor people attending the
Hi ~__* Perhaps the one shown on p. 179, 1908.-Ev. +‘ Hospital.
i (To be continued.)
i $e
| Between Ourselves. EDITORIAL.
Hi E have received a letter from of workers which met at South Street
Hl W the Rev. J. B. Griffiths and Chapel, Sheffield, and decided to form the
/ party en route, and hope that Amllty- And we think of the devotednes
i long ere this they are safely housed at f@lped 16 do so much in ’s6 cael ian Hate)
(1) Mazeras and Ribé. ; APRESS:
ll a ‘ é é 4 A_ vigorous organization it has been!
| We trust its enthusiasm will be carried
i] We have no Notes this month from into the inevitable Union of the
‘| the Rev. George Packer, as willbe seen. Women’s Auxiliaries. It will be noticed
All We sincerely trust he will soon be re- from the report that the amount
| stored to health. We did not wonder raised during the year is £526, which,
a at his breakdown. He would not have with a balance in hand of 41,474,
| refrained from his monthly letterif he makes the substantial amount of over
H| : could possibly have written it. #2,000. The balance carried forward
| * * * * * is $1,685. y
an We have been favoured with a copy . : : te =
1} of the report of the Women’s Mission- Mr. Chapman refers on another page
ary Auxiliary, M.N.C. section. We _ tothe circulation of this Magazine. We
cull the following :— thank him for his strong and earnest
i} It is not easy to write the last lines of the appeal. While he gives what we may
i Methodist New Connexion Women’s Aux- Call the darker view, let us also recog-
|| iliary report. We think of the little band nize that certain Circuits do nobly for
<1 | 18
Famous Names Recalled
our circulation. The following are A twenty-one-page article on “ The
specially worthy of mention :-— East African Problem,†by Sir Harry
Percenton JOhnston, G.C.M.G., /K.C.B., appears
Membership, jin the “Nineteenth Century†for
Oxford ih ane ee lel, 36.2 October.
Salford a Be .. 164 oO % ** * ee *
Pe aay oe. ee ae ae _ Most heartily do we commend the
Rochdale, Castlemere ... 160 18.5 idea given us by the Rev. S. Vernon,
Liverpool North... pee 60 17.7 of Manchester, Openshaw Circuit. He
Newcastle, Glo’ster St. ... 108 15.0 has. tried it, and found it success-
‘Barnsley, Blucher St. ae 68 15.0 ful. At the Geke meeting at his
Nottingham Central + 90 10.4 church they have “a MISSIONARY
We will stay now, as surely ten per ECHO night†each month. The
cent ought to be the ideal, and we re- various articles are placed in the
joice that nine of our Circuits reach it. hands of different members, and they
To these we say, “well done!†and take their turn in giving a description
thank them, not for the sake of the or synopsis, and thus the immediate
Magazine but forthe cause it represents. ¢vents of the outlying parts of our
Will not 300 others enter the lists? Church are brought before the meeting.
We have asked Mr. Vernon to give us
i x re - ¥ a fuller description of the happy idea,
The 1907 report of the Chinese Im- and our readers shall hear of it.
perial Post Office shows an increase of ‘ . We ¥ -
707 post offices during the year, there Text for the month (taken from the
being 2,803 in 1907, as against 2,096 report of the Women’s Auxiliary above
in 1906. ‘The letters, post cards, and noticed):— ___
newspapers which passed through the God is our King of old,
post offices rose from 113 millions in Working salvation in the midst of the
1900 to 167 millions in 1907. Five earth —Ps. Ixxiv. 12.
years ago there were only 446 post offi- i - * * *
ces which handled some 20 millions of Thought for the month :—
letters, so that the figures just to hand “The very dogs here, feel the benefit
show how rapidly the new conditions of Christianity.â€â€”-Dr. Laws, of Living-
are advancing in China. stonia.
Famous Names ‘\emas
Recalled. By Rev. R. BREWIN.
O compress into the space of afew his patient, dogged perseverance, his
T columns a memoir of the founder uniform courtesy and kindness to those
of our East African Missions is about him, his chaste literary style, both
not an easy task. The defects of this in his ordinary correspondence and in
sketch may, however, be pardoned in what he wrote: for wider circulation,
view of the full and exhaustive life of his talent as a hymn-writer (for he
our honoured brother by his widow.* wrote as well as translated many beau-
Mr. Wakefield’s refined and gentle tiful hymns), his deep and fervent per-
spirit, his unceasing cheerfulness, even sonal piety, his blameless life, his
under the most depressing circum- abilities as a preacher, lecturer, and
stances, his courage in facing dangers, advocate of the great missionary en-
——— terprise,. as well as his far-seemg wis-—
a Thomas Wakefield. Missionary and Geographical. dom, evidenced in the choice and settle-
faeces Africa. By E. S. Wakefield. (R.T.S. ment of our various Mission stations,
fe: i (se - '
| Famous Names Recalled
| have rendered it both necessary and were, besides Mr. Wakefield, the Rev.
fitting that his name and his work James Woolner and two German stu-
11] should be had in perpetual remem- dents. Dr. J. Lewis Krapf, the famous
| | brance. missionary and explorer, conducted the
_ Thomas Wakefield was born at party to the new country, and fixed
11] Derby on June 23rd, 1836. When he upon the district of Ribé, eighteen
| was three years old the family removed mules from Mombasa, for our first Mis-
{| to the ancient city of Chester, where sion station. Mr. Woolner’s health at
i one of Mr. Wakefield’s sisters still re- once failed him, and the two Germans
1} sides. In 1852, he was apprenticed to also returned home; and after Dr.
i the trade of printer, at Nantwich, his Krapf had introduced Mr. Wakefield to
\}| knowledge of printing being many the Ribé people, and seen the first
11] years afterwards of great service to mussion-house erected, he wished Mr.
him. It was in Nantwich that he was Wakefield “Good-bye,†and returned to
converted to God, and here he began Germany.
| to preach the Gospel. In the early part For six months Mr. Wakefield bravely
of the year 1858 he entered the minis- grappled with the difficulties of pioneer
i| try of the United Methodist Free missionary work in East Africa entirely
| Churches, and was appointed to the alone, but on April 28th, 1863, he was
i Camelford Circuit. In 1859 he was ap- gladdened by the arrival at Ribé of the
i pointed to Wadebridge and Bodmin. Rev. Charles New, the brave, heroic,
i\| In the year 1861 he offered himself, enthusiastic missionary, who for the
| and was accepted, for pioneer mission- next few years laboured with Mr.
i ary service in Eastern Africa. His Wakefield like a brother.
‘| mother felt certain that no doctor would Sorrow, as well as hope and joy,
iH pass him for residence in a tropical visited Mr. Wakefield and his colleague
Hi climate, but she was mistaken. The in the early years of the East African
iH) doctor not only said he might go, but Mission. The Rev. Edmund Butter-
1} that he would be the life of the party. worth, of Manchester, a young man of
i And so he was, and of many a party great promise, arrived at Ribé in the
i long afterwards. spring of 1864, and in six short weeks
MW Our first missionaries to East Africa was laid to rest in the low sleeping-
il place of the grave.
‘i er Besides acquiring the Kiswahili and
AM Kinika languages, and preaching and
i ; oe teaching the Case among the scat-
ii| 2 ae e tered peoples around Ribé amid many
HH] Ss dea. ag discouragements, Mr. Wakefield, in
1 g a_i. 1865, made a most interesting journey
| a OT -, across the plains to the Galla country.
(| is ea ee fe The story of this journey was published
\\| Hee Pe Bee | in this country under the title of “ Foot-
ml it fe See C—~=~<—C~*téts—SCOérints im Kasten. AM frrica,,†and is now
| a oe _ out of print. In the year following this
1 ro eg ae | expedition Mr. New accompanied Mr.
ii} i as AU me S| Ss«Waakefield on a second journey to the
tH ae oo. ea Galla country, but the time for found-
4] 4 aa ae ae ing the intended Mission to the Gallas
| if psa had not yet come, and the patient
| & ae : â„¢ plodding, and, to some extent, fruitful
Fe | ee ee = work of teaching and preaching at Ribé
1)| a . Se | was now resumed.
i] (ie a ee In October, 1868, Mr. Wakefield
i | | eS Aa et MMe - | visited England on furlough. His re-
| ae aes Sota | ception at Exeter Hall, in April, 1860,
ul | ea ies ae aie ae cae i Be | was most enthustistic, and, as a mission-
: | Rey. Thomas Wakefield, F.R.G.S. ary deputation, he was everywhere wel-
| 20
Famous Names Recalled
comed. On December 2nd, 1869, in a far-off land. Mr. Wakefield’s second
Eastgate Chapel, Louth, he married marriage took place at Redland, Bristol,
Rebecca Brewin, the younger daughter on December 27th, 1881, the bride be-
of Mr. Simeon Brewin, of Mountsorrel, ing Miss Esther Susannah Sommers, a
and in February, 1870, Mr. and Mrs. valued member of our Redland Church.
Wakefield sailed for Eastern Africa, In February, 1882, Mr. and Mrs,
accompanied by the Rev. William Wakefield sailed from London for
Yates, and an African boy, Dado, Zanzibar, which they reached safely at
whom Mr. Wakefield had redeemed the beginning of April. On their arri-
from slavery some years before. Nine- yal at Ribé, the joy of the natives was
teen persons were baptized at Ribé in ynbounded. Mr. Wakefield’s own glad-
July, 1870, and this event gave great ness was, however, tempered by the
joy to the missionaries. The health of fact that during his absence in Eng-
Mr. Yates, however, failed, and he re- land, some of the early converts and
turned home in 1871. Mr. New came native teachers had passed away. Dado,
to England for a well-deserved holiday too, was dead,*and many others whom
in the following year. Mrs. Wakefield, he ‘had known. The “Mission work,
having much endeared herself to the however, had prospered, and there were
natives of Ribé, was called to her openings for new stations in more than
Saviour on July 16th, 1873,* and Mr. one direction. Duruma was appealing
Wakefield was once more left to carry for the Gospel, a good Mission was
on the arduous and continually increas- established at Jomvu, and the time
ing work alone. seemed now ripening for the commence-
Mr. New returned to Eastern Africa ment of a Mission among the Gallas
in the year 1874, but, on the way home on the Tana River. Mrs, Wakefield
from a missionary journey to Chagga, proved a true helper to her husband in
where he had been cruelly treated by all his work, and new missionaries hav-
Mandara, the chief, he was smitten ing arrived, the prospects of the East
down by fever and dysentery, and, African Mission became very bright
* alone and unattended by any but his indeed.
native carriers, lay down by the way- The Galla Mission was established at
side to die. It was now the sad duty Golbanti in 1884, and a few months
of Mr. Wakefield to bury the lifeless later, Mr. Wakefield and the Rev. John
form of his late colleague in the little Houghton visited that place, with a
graveyard at Ribé, and to find himself view to the settlement of Mr. and Mrs.
again left quite alone. He struggled Houghton at this isolated station. In
on, however, in failing health, and re- January, 1886, Mr. and Mrs. Houghton
joicing in the improved state°of the temoved to Golbanti, and on May 3rd
Mission, until a succession of other of that year, the cruel Masai warriors
helpers’ came out to share his labours’ came down upon the station, and, be-
and cares. sides putting to death the brave mis-
In March, 1879, Mr. Wakefield ar- sionary and his wife, massacred several
rived in England on his second fur- native Christians who had volunteered
lough, and for the next two and a half to reside there that they might assist in
years resided in Sheffield. Besides the establishment of the Mission. This
performing laborious deputation work, event was another great sorrow in Mr.
which carried him to all parts of Eng- Wakefield’s life.
land, he began to study Hebrew, with Mrs. Wakefield and the children, un-
the design of perfecting himself in the der medical advice, returned to England
translating of the Scriptures into the in the summer of 1886, and Mr. Wake-
languages of Eastern Africa. His field followed them a year afterwards,
health rapidly became recruited, and he having then completed twenty-five years
was welcomed everywhere. His mother of service for the East African Mission.
was still living, and was delighted to see From the summer of 1887 to the time
her son again after so many perils in of his death he resided and laboured in
Up ae e RE a oe re ans England, first at Headingley, Leeds,
(Third Bdition, Is. 6d. A. Crombie)" then at Kingswood, Bradford, Derby,
is TT — s . ———— Scat
fe |
| In Missionary Bookland
; and finally at Churchtown, Southport, members of his family, was the thrice-
| increasing to the end the number of his uttered word, “ Farewell.â€
friends; preaching, visiting, and ad- Perhaps this short memoir may be
Hil vocating the great missionary cause he most fittingly closed in the touching
= | loved so well. He received the highest words of one of our native ministers,
| Sorat his pee on could oe who knew Mr. Wakefield from the be-
ii Presi d a eee Sen ee the ginning of his work in East Africa.
bn residency in the year 1000. tle was The aged Mazera gives this testimony,
| i aoe valet ie a of which the Rev. J. B. Griffiths has
H 2 Cee ae oan kindly furnished the translation :—
| Committees. He had been elected f
a Fellow of the Royal Geographi- We heard the news of Jesus Christ for
11] cal Society and of the Royal His- the first time from Mr. Wakefield. He
etorical Society. In the year 1891 came to us a young man, and left us an
he re-offered himself for Eastern old one. He found us in great darkness,
| Africa, and would have returned to his 24 left us rejoicing in the light of Jesus
adopted land if medical opinion had Christ. He was a very good man—God’s
arittede Win toud: Ne ak man. He taught us the Book, and kept
Mr ach . a O Go so. | fis tate aS the words of the Book himself. Mr. Wake-
March, 1901, he was appointed to visit field was very gentle. He led us gently.
East Africa, in company with the Mis- He was never harsh or unkind. He was
i sionary Secretary and Sir James Duck- a hard worker. He built Ribé, Jomvu,
}|| worth, but the state of his health com- Mazeras, Tzunza, and Golbanti. He was
i pelled him to deny himself this pleasure. always preaching, teaching, or travelling to
| In December, 1901, this faithful ser- found satons, “Mr, Washed was very
iii ene God and oe Gh Sane WAS to preach to us, but he also used to ask
i called to his reward. On Saturday, De- people individually, in the way, or in the
i cember 14th, he first realized that the shamba (plantation): “Have you believed in
| end of his earthly life was at hand. On _ the Lord Jesus Christ yet?†He was very
i Sunday evening, December 15th, he anxious that we should become good teachers
ti] fell asleep. The President of that to our own people. When he was leaving .
| year, Dr. Brook, had said to him during for Europe the last time, he took the Book
| the day, “You have done a good day’s ee pen and held ND se He us :
; azera, is is your Hoe. e hoe is
ii] yo Brother Wakefield ! j Mr. Wake- everything’ to the African husbandman.)
th eld deprecatingly shook his head, and “Mgomba, this is your Hoe. Never leave
i] said, I am trusting in Christ, only in it. Teach it to your people, and do as it
| Christ.†His last words, spoken to the _ tells you.â€
i (The second of the series—William Nelthorpe Hall.—Ep.)
| Q Q, Q,
i Se i Sy
i e e
i In Missionary Bookland. a
sil Lp aaa i :
i Doctor Lee. By Marshall Broomhall, early days in Tientsin, and his conver-
i B.A. (China Inland Mission, New- sion under the instrumentality of Mr.
li ington Green, London, N., and and Mrs. Woodberry, who thoughtfully
il Morgan and Scott. 6d. net.) invited the students to their house. By
| The pathetic story of a Chinese and by “Lee, and some fifteen of his
| medical student, who became a preacher, classmates, publicly confessed their
| and after laborious service for Jesus faith in Christ.â€
|| passed away at the early age of thirty- Then commenced his life as a
Hy three. It is a dainty volume, but in- preacher, for which he gave up all pos-
itl ternally indicates hurried work, and we _ sibilities in the medical profession. His
HI do not wonder when we note that its mission work was greatly blessed, and
iH] subject only died in August last, and he was able, in the course of about five
| far away in China. — _ years to write his name deep in the
|| Very interesting is the story of his experience of his countrymen.
: ‘ 22
The Chinese Empire ;
“China to-day has some 10,000 native We welcome two more books added
workers engaged in the preaching of the to the “ Methodist Missionary Library.â€
Gospel. Upon these also is poured out, the (Same publisher. Is. net.)
gift of the Holy Spirit. He who has given (1) cydney Rupert Hodge: the Beloved
a Pastor Hsi and a Dr. Lee to the Chinese Physician. By Rev. J. K. Hill.
Church has other blessings also. Richmond, London Hospital, Hankow,
$y Pe 5 are three landmarks in a charming life.
Popular “ Determinism. Being Part | yr Hill delineates him as a doctor, as
of the “People’s Religious Diffi- 4 preacher, and gives “some character-
culties.†By Frank Ballard, M.A., jstics.â€. The volume concludes with “A
D.D., etc. (Same publisher. 6d. Physician’s Sermon,†and some sen-
net.) tences are chosen by the author as
A most thoughtful and helpful trea- applicable to his hero. They are de-
tise, in the form of query and answer. scriptive of many in similar service :—
It is in twelve sections, and yet neither Now this is a strenuous life—a life of
by index nor top of page is there any great anxiety, great responsibility, and great
indication where one ceases and an- physical exhaustion. _ You must be ever
eeeieae g Ke studying, ever investigating, ever learning
other begins. As we expected the “the servant of all; night and day you are
answers are WISe and wooing. Mr. at the call of all. You may not live long,
Ballard wants to win a soul, another but you will live well, and withal, you will
Mr. B (to whom reference is too fre- live gladly.
quently made) wants to score a point. cH
(2) A Mission to the Transvaal. By
The Truth of Christianity. By Lt- Rev. Amos Burnet.
Col. W. H. Turton, D.S.0. (Wells _ The author presumably is the hon-
Gardner, Darton and Co. 2s. 6d. oured missionary who was in India re-
net.) presenting the Wesleyan Society from
i Wheok the year 1880. It is mainly concerned
We are pleased to note that this book, with the mission during the stirring and
which was reviewed by us in May. 1907 terrible times of the war, as the author
(page 117), has reached a seventh edi- went out in 1902, It traces the story
tion. The work “has been carefully of the founding of the mission, but
revised throughout, and x number of The Three years’ war was the last and
fresh arguments noticed.†The author crowning misery. . . . For nearly three
gratefully notes our previous review, years, in many parts of the district, the altar
and we are glad to let our readers know fires were extinguished. No sound of
of this latest edition of a very useful prayer or Christian hymn was heard.
book, Its main divisions are Natural If only for a study of the way in which
Religion, the Jewish Religion, the horrid war spoils a country and scatters
Christian Religion. a Church this booklet is worth perusal.
The Chinese A Review.
Empire. By Rev. R. BREWIN.
HESE volumes are of great value many years to come. Books upon
and will be of unspeakable separate missions in the Chinese
_service to all those who are empire are issuing so rapidly from
studying the important subject of the press of this country that it
Chinese Missions. The first will be a is difficult for the ordinary reader
treasure to missionary societies for to keep pace with them; and with-
é (aus oe Boies eee eyeaweed Stanford. out a eses atlas, and a good
Fr earnest pues cuinesrey Ss eOeraDticel description, of the vanous
Bybee (GhinaaInlendaNGsciontsiods) provinces of the Flowery Land, the
ee einen SSS eae S = SSS Ec
| The Chinese Empire
| details of the work of the various mis- central staticns, Ningpo and Wenchow; but
| sionary societies and stations are not their Seeley the Rev. ee Te creR
easily grasped. The volume now ™a€n, supple the writer with a Be our-
| ander review. mects a lone-felt want teen places connected with Ningpo and
i eae ects h eB ext Want, eighteen places connected with Wenchow,
and, if we consider the difficulties and at’ all of which Chinese pastors were in
| vastness of the task, meets it splen- residence. The scale of the Atlas would not
| didly.* allow of these places being marked.
1] The preface to the large and beauti- Further, the question as to what constituted
i fully engraved and printed atlas tells Mission Station was not easy of solution,
| us :-— so as to meet the standards of all Societies.
tf % fine thenteitt Under these circumstances an _ absolute
| Richte ae ri a Pas teen aces equality of treatment has not been possible,
ee Ol ese § Chi : Pr. re ca but, generally speaking, it may be under-
SES ae ces crab ef Bees a ay the stood that a Station has been regarded as.
on a scale of about Torty-seven mules to the that place which has a resident missionary
inch; four are of the great Dependencies, DEY RUG POE A le BOE a
or missionaries.
on a scale of nearly one hundred and twenty ae :
miles to the inch; while one is a key-map.†A valuable addition to the atlas itself
All the principal Protestant Mission 15 4 full and well-printed index to every
stations are marked in red, and so are mame contained in the maps, with the
easy to find. The preface goes.on to. Province OF map on which it will be
say — found, and the latitude and longitude
ii “the original idea was to mark as Pro- of the place. The atlas is bound in
ii testant Mission Stations all places. where cloth, with gold title on the cover, in
| there were resident missionaries or Chinese both Chinese and English. It would
i pastors; but this basis was not found be a kind act if some well-to-do lay-
i oe Fo ac ee) ey man were disposed to present a copy
| United Methodist Free Church has caly tWo7 of this fine atlas to every one of ovft
* This work was reviewed by us in 1907 (see p. 244) but Chinese missionaries, or at least to
we prefer the two to be thus brought together, as they f : ! :
AW really belong to each other.—Ep. every one of our stations!
) eerie ‘ mee eeewesh sent ocr hai: fect wea Are
HH ig BaP ais, afte ‘ said z= ek Fes a ace raven ckaciadl
HH base eal CeO ee pee en Boa ies See i
| rp ee ON baat ieee
Ht] ig al a i - ee ES y te ae 7 esa Werner nee Es
ui esaialigane ee et eer Eos : zi ct a ei ae 4 me geal erent a
{i} iy aR we Se eee eau ene
HI eee sre? ern a el sane rate Cea Ue ia
| emg OR ee
| iene 3s ap TE et ea mera ee ON ti
ii} PASTS SOB ie Ra ESS ie A re Batis eR ae ee
| Ancient Buddhist Tombs at: Yung P’ing Fu ; (Photo, Rev. J. Hedley.
City Wall in distance.
ait 24
The United Methodist Church.
SST a RP I a ak Se EE NE IES
@ .
In Memoriam. | sy
ROBERT BIRD, J.P., of Cardiff. Dr. BROOK.
ON the evening of Sunday, January becoming in the course of time both
3rd, Mr. Robert Bird, J.P., of Cardiff, class leader and a local preacher.
than whom no man has served our He learnt his business with the late
Churches more faithfully, passed into Mr. William Butler, whose works were
the Eternal Sabbath. For him his . in the neighbourhood, and one of whose
friends cannot regret the z Nec eee
change. For two years, or : : ,
thereabouts, he has had to en-
dure so much physical pain :
that to be delivered from the
burden of this flesh must have eae
been a most welcome change. ,
He was within a few weeks of Beek a
his three-score years and ten, ae a
but his youthfulness of spirit Bo ee ok ela
was invincible, and he has car- at a |
| ried it with him into Eternity. Ce ow eA
It is difficult for those who eee CA ey
knew him best to write about | + gimme. Gee LF :
him, for he was a man of ex- Eee | wee aa
ceptional tenderness, and too | Ramee se
tender for words are the | #5) | ANA gee eine
thoughts which spring to the aa ah Se Sey
mind as they try to realize that | aaa Se ee A ie oe
_ he is gone. ae : GS ey hit
The story of his life is very | (i]ssiaem eee
simple, but very noble. He was |)33 : ee
born in the neighbourhood of |/ === ae
Kingswood, famous in the his- |] 555) scents Pret
tory of Methodism, and where |) 997) nee Re nna ee
the first evangelical fire still | 733) Log ee ee ete ote
burned. His parents were :
earnest, godly folk. Very | —. “i Us
early in life his heart yielded | cee ae?
to Oe love of ee ie he Bee eee :
soon began to take a tull-share “Tie late Mr. Robert Bird
in all kinds of Church work, Sere 13, 1839. Died Jan. 3, 1909.
FEBRUARY, 1909. : :
fF i StS SS
i In Memoriam—Robert Bird, J.P.
| daughters he married. He retained succeeded by Mr. Hart, on whose death,
i | throughout his life a reverential regard in 1902, Mr. Bird resumed the position
| for Mr. Butler’s character. In 1872 he and held it until the end. The work
| went across the channel to Cardiff, and which it involved was mainly in connec-
| in friendly arrangement with Mr. But- tion with our missions, and through all
| ler commenced business for himself. the years “he did the work faithfully.â€
With careful and diligent management His heroic service as one of the Trea-
his enterprise prospered. From the very surers of the Free Methodist Twentieth
beginning Mr. Bird followed Mr. But- Century Fund will be still fresh in all
ler’s example in dedicating at least one minds. In this cause he traversed the
tenth of his income to the service of country from end to end, and addressed
God. hundreds of meetings. Wherever he
Free Methodism at Cardiff at this went he made friends. His begging
period was very feeble, but Mr. Bird, speeches were means of grace. He as-
taking his family to the Guildford sociated the giving of a guinea with the
Street Church, infused new life into it, extension of the Kingdom of God in
I He helped in everything. He was a such a way that no sordid element ap-
il Sunday School superintendent, a class peared, and it was largely through Mr.
i] leader, a busy local preacher. How he Bird that this campaign was a spiritual
il managed to get through all his work enrichment to the Church as well as a
i it is impossible to say. But his energy means of raising a large sum of
of soul was not limited to business and money.
to the claims of his own Church. He The achievement of Methodist
ii took an active part in the affairs of the Union, in which he bore a glorious part,
iH town, becoming a member of the Town was the crown of his rejoicing, and we
Council, and in due course sustaining are thankful that God spared him to
iit ~ the office of Mayor. He was. also a_ be present at the great United Confer-
il magistrate. ence in City Road Chapel, and also at
HH Nor was this all. He entered into the first of the new Conferences at
i local politics, and had he chosen would Sheffield. His deeds and his memory
li undoubtedly have been selected as a will be regarded as a glorious heritage
Liberal candidate for Parliament. But by the United Church, and his example
i he always felt that his chief work must will be an inspiration to younger men.
i be in connection with the Churches. But the half has not been told about
\| Rapidly his ability and devotion com- Robert Bird. He should have been
manded the notice of our Annual As- known in the bosom of his family, in
i sembly. He was elected on the Con- the confidences of the family circle, in
Hi] nexional Committee in 1877, and with the homes of the poor, in the intimacies
iH] a short break has been on it ever since. of spiritual fellowship to realize what
i There has been no important movement his loss means, how gentle was his soul,
HI of the Denomination during the whole and how simple, yet grand, was his
‘|| of this périod in which Robert Bird Christian faith. The noble works, which
all has not taken some important part. all the world knows, were the fruits of a
1 He was appointed Connexional Trea- spirit which God had made very beauti-
surer (F.M. section) in 1887, and held ful, and which now He has called to
| the office for six years. He was then Himself.
Ee | 26
Foreign Missionary
e 9 I. By Rev.
Secretaries’ Notes HENEY 4c. CHADIANS:
of the Montb. Foreign Secretary.
Our late On January 4th, at about of the Twentieth Century Fund, the
Beloved ten a.m. we received doctor himself is the best fitted to speak.
Treasurer. the following message: We are not saying too much when we
“Father passed away last say he did much every way to make
evening.†Then in the course of an the result of that splendid effort pos-
hour we received a brief letter from sible!
Mr. F. Graham Bird, bearing date of The measure and value of the ser-
January 3rd, with this message: . . . vices rendered for so many years in the
“T am sorry to say father continues to high and responsible office of Con-
get weaker; he has been mostly un- nexional Treasurer cannot with any ap-
conscious for several days.†The end proach to niceness of scale be stated
at last came suddenly; a few hours ‘in words. The time devoted to the
after the letter was written our honoured duties of this office, and the ability
and beloved Treasurer passed out of brought to bear on those duties, and
the shadows of earth into the light and the fine spirit in which all was done, so
fellowships of Heaven. . graciously, so cheerfully, and withal so
It .is.impossible for us to give just simply, will always remain one of the
now anything approaching to an ade- most sacred legacies of the Denomina-
quate expression of our appreciation of tion. A friend, speaking of Mr. Bird
our late friend and chief. He was our the day after the news of his death ap-
chief as the Treasurer of the Con- peared, said: “What a fine Denomina-
nexion; but there was nothing of the tionalist he was.†Sohewas! Not of the
official in his relations with those asso- merely ecclesiastical order, but of that
ciated with him in the burdens and re- higher order in which devotion to the
sponsibilities of office. There were Church’s routine and departments is
times, and many, when the burdens of wedded to tender human sympathy and
office were great, even painful. But in fine Christian sentiment. He knew well
all these crises Mr. Bird was seen at how to speak a gracious and tender word
his best; he was prompt, generous, and to the humble, and especially to those
tender—even as a woman. He was fighting an uphill fight.
never sentimental, never sacrificed prin- © We know of acts known only to few,
ciple to policy, never could brook and never of our friend’s own telling,
neglect of, or trifling with, duty, but which stamped him as belonging to the
this strong and resolute trait in his cha- elect order of friends. His was a friend-
racter never became harshness. He _ ship which was most conspicuous on its
could suffer himself, but always stood « heavenward side, because most constant
ready to shield others from it. Many in changed circumstances, and where
a time we devoutly thanked God for early acquaintance was the only claim.
such a colleague and such a chief. The widow’s heart he often made to
We make no comparisons—none is “sing for joy,†and to them “ready to
needed ; but our Churches never had a_ perish†for long he gave the warmth
more loyal, a more devoted, a more and succour of timely help.
generous—in the New Testament sense, Then how he yearned, and pleaded,
a more complete and consecrated slave and strove for “Methodist Union.â€
than Robert Bird. He loved his de- What a memorable and tenderly pathe-
nomination, and served it with his tic sight it was to see him on the plat-
whole heart, and “ both shoulders.†form in Wesley’s Chapel at the Uniting
Of the yeoman service rendered by Conference, and at Sheffield last June!
Mr. Bird in conjunction with our Union accomplished, but he himself
honoured friend, Dr. Brook, in the work stricken! His heart’s desire granted,
E 4 } Tr
EI |
Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
| but he himself destined never to enter distinctly providential. We had made
i inte the full heritage of the Canaan of appeals So long, and written so many
| Union won! . letters with “No, I cannot see my way
Hi “Robert Bird, Cardiff,†as he best clear,†as the answer, that the “ heart had
Hy loved to be called and styled, did a grown sick, and despair had begun to
splendid day’s work, did it in a fine’ grip our soul†The deep darkness,
spirit, admired and honoured by all who however, proved to be the hour before
ih really knew him, has “fallen on sleep,†the dawn. A letter came from Dr.
i and though we shall see his face no Fletcher Jones which in the end led to
more in the flesh we shall cherish his our receiving an offer from Dr. E. Wil-
memory with fond and rare affection. mot Smerdon. Dr. Smerdon had a dis-
To Mrs. Bird, and the sons and _ tinguished course at Edinburgh, is a
daughters of our dear friend, we tender missionary enthusiast, and promises to
our respectful Christian sympathy. be an ideal medical missionary. He is
Their loss is great, but it was the fine not without military discipline and
i spirit and noble service of the departed knowledge, by parentage.
wach constitutes the greatness of their Under the pressure of circumstance
| Soe : he kindly consented to go almost at
1 Atlast! A Through the timely, and, once to Wenchow, and sailed January
Doctor for —_ as it proved, valuable help oth, in the ss. “Kleistt,†along with
‘i Wenchow. of Dr. Fletcher Jones, we the Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Sharman.
i have at last secured a The best wishes of all our friends will,
i doctor for Wenchow. In this case the we feel confident, follow both our old
i |) result of our many efforts, and as we _ friends, the Sharmans, and also our new
| had come to think utter failures, appears friend, Dr. Smerdon.
| -_- :
| f, Ve,
“a ‘ de Ue 1
i : !
HE : See fb bee oe be : Y
i | u : Wee. | =
| Ba Z IS? b/
i | et | Se} OL 3
| eee eae hf :
| 2) ae ee ee =
| [Bee ee
i | The Chinese Preacher at Shang Shan. (Photo, Mr. H. S. Redfern, M.Sc, |
Hh The preacher at our Shang Shan City Church in his own pulpit. You
| will notice the two boards hung up behind him. On these are written
{| the Ten Commandments, so that any stranger entering the Church,
1 | even if he cannot at first understand the unfamiliar terminology of
i | Christianity, can at least see that it is based on sound moral maxims. |
4 The preacher—Mr. Shiao—is a refined, cultured gentleman, who has
i already suffered much for his faith, especially in the recent upheaval in
| that district. H. S. R.
i | 28
i i i
i |
HO }
AY WE (er See an
Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
East Africa. From a brief letter from distinguished service on the great
our friend Mr. Bridgman, African Continent.
we are able to report the safe
arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths, Examina- A very cheering report of
and Miss Bird, on November 27th, tions; Good the result of Miss Mur-
at Mombasa. The party had had a Newsfrom fitt’s first examination in -
. somewhat trying voyage, but reached China. Chinese, is to hand from |
their “desired haven†safely, in Mr. Heywood. She _ has
good health, and to the great joy, not been a diligent student, the result show-
only of their colleagues, but of the ing both steady industry and mental
natives. The joy of some of the latter gifts of cheering promise. We warmly
expressed itself in tears. Now that our congratulate Miss Murfitt. The results |
friends have passed out of our sight of the first examination are promise of
let us not forget them in our prayers. better.things to come.
It is a great Me fo Wee have Writing of Miss Boardley Mr. Stobie
returned, aad wi Soe alike OUT speaks well of her both as a student
prayers and our sympathy. and worker. She appears to have over-
rds f . “card†come the insomnia from which she
Marriage of We have receiveda “card†suffered so seriously soon after her ar-
Rey. W.Udy announcing the marriage =: : : :
: = rival in China.
Bassett. of our friends, Mr. Bas- ; ee
sett and Miss Emily Bird. ‘The first year’s examination of our
The wedding took place at our church at Missionaries in China covers the follow-
Mazeras ; very warmly do we wish them 8 subjects :—
- much happiness! May God be gracious (1) Ningpo Romanized Primer.
to our dear friends, and grant them not (2) New Testament, Ist and 2nd Chapters
only good health, but a life of long and = St. Mark—Romanized.
i : |
ceca Saneey paged &- aa igegeee 3
Heee ow WROD ER) Cae - a Baan eane: ee
ReGeee © GORDA UN a†| ey
Te we tA ye
a ‘ hi ; ba iy ‘Ve a a ha Y “Eaer ‘
Ty aie ; a ae eS aro
jg es \ ae Ss oe
Coty ca ‘ ‘a ae
a ee eo ee ee
ee Rabat ee Pbd) sag $y gece, Pa 7 va
oe Lo er de em te =
ar merece “yy. cl «ant ae iat ear
i ee†io aT RE
ce a a
A typical country audience, near Ningpo. (Photo, Mr. H. S. Redfern, M.Sc. ah ;
A typical country audience, at the back of their Chapel. The gentle-
| man with his hands on his knees is the native preacher in charge. The
| women have discreetly retired, but can be seen peeping through the
bars, full of curiosity to know what will happen when the foreign
gentleman touches the trigger. Note the Christmas decorations still
up in April! H. S. R.
P| .
Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
all P Oye Fenn dst and 2nd Chapters Jones had been in retirement for a
ii t. Mark—Mandarin Character. i ot
| (4) Chinese Reader—Character—Ist Book. comico days but managed his Christ
i yA Fine Gyenty lessons†4 Ballers oMan. In a letter to hand from Wenchow, a
i i (6). First sixty Radicals, very hearty welcome is assured to our
i (7) The Lord’s Prayer. friend on his arrival, which will have
(8) Conversation. taken place ere these lines are in the .
hi No holiday task! hands of friends,
i Congratula- On November 19th, 1908, se
tions to Mr. a little Miss Stobie came
and Mrs. hale and hearty into the Il.
Stobie. hfe and home of our good By Rev. G. PACKER,
friends at Wenchow. The Missionary Secretatys
young lady has given full proof of her
general vigour since her arrival, and is NORTH CHINA. :
i said to be as sunny in disposition as E have received information of
i she is vigorous in health. Mrs. Stobie the safe arrival, after a pleasant
| was in the care of Dr. Plummer and journey, of the missionaries
Miss Boardley, and made splendid pro- who left England at the end of Octo-
| gress, and was, at the time of writing ber. They have been met with warm
il quietly resuming her many and varied welcome from. their fellow-labourers.
i | duties. We warmly congratulate both The Rev. J. Hedley and Miss Minnie
I our friends on the birth of their second Roebuck are at Yung P’ing Fu, and the
I daughter. Rev. G. P. Littlewood at Tong Shan.
| The two last named have begun their
| Revs. Fred We have received a post formidable task of learning the lan-
| D.Jonesand card from Mr. Jones guage, and we wish them well through
i C.N.MyIne. which was. posted at it.
| Algiers. The accommoda- 2 - g
i tion on the boat was said to be excel- The death of the Rev. Chang Chih
| lent. Mr. Mylne had, up tothe time of San removes from Tientsin a notable
i writing, proved a splendid sailor; Mr. figure. Mr. Chang was the Principal
i _ of the Training Institute
| |! until 1907, when failing
11 KE, _ health necessitated his re-
4 Se fel tirement. In recognition
i TRO Ae of distinguished and long-
i | eae * continued service the Con-
iil stra cal ference of that year voted
i | DRAB Ia gig fa Mae =68an annuity for the re-
i i ee eee! §=mainder of his life. It
i Sr Oe pele Rca Se gladly placed on record
| | : eee § its appreciation of emi-
Vi EP ae a ee )=nent service rendered to
i] ee the mission, and of the
Hi ee inspiration which his
| ee veautiful life and clo
ee cent teaching had im
i | Ltr a, a goatee pees §=parted to the Churches.
i peepee heey me Ms @ Mr. Chang’s influence
1, a ome can eweeiee Re! § will long continue in the
| nomen eee! § services of a noble army
i of native preachers nearly
ai all of whom have passed.
ii (Photo, Rev. J. Hedley. under his gracious instruc-
i | Arrival of Rey. J. Hedley and Miss Roebuck at City Wall, tions. :
1 di Yung P’ing Fu; Mrs. Talent had then left them.
i 30
QO) Se — > - s
Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
feo : Eee TSR ee ane account of the extra
Pt eee : ed gia years served during
ast ie wots | his first appointment,
se ; pees ee oe Oa when it was found
f ; et arg he ee hoe aes at impossible to take his
i oe ee eRe | furlough at the time
Piet er oe a eee Ree oo it was due. Dr.
oat | Lae gl ay on ae Baxter comes home
sane foe | ee ee = carlicr than was ex-
eee OS Oe eee pected partly on ac-
ee = count of an opera-
RA Pi saa a Ta ieee for one of his chil- .
The same, nearer view. Miss Roebuck in chair, (Photo, Rev. J. Hedley. dren, and partly also k
Christian friends standing near. : in order that when é
, he begins the long-
His death took place on November projected task of building hospital, dis-
| 17th in the Hospital of the London _ pensary, waiting-rooms, etc., at Wu
Mission, Tientsin, where he had been Ting Fu, he may proceed with the work
removed for surgical treatment. Mr. without further interruption. Dr. Bax-
Chang had been ill for three weeks, ter has rendered excellent service as
but it was hoped that by special treat- pioneer of medical work at Yung Ping
ment his valuable life would be spared. Fu; but at Wu Ting Fu, because of
He was a man of beautiful spirit, and the larger population, and the even
of exceptional mental endowments, and more urgent need, plans on a more ex-
had filled, with wonderful effectiveness, tensive and expensive scale will have to
the office of native tutor. An account be adopted.
of his useful life may be expected later. zs % ig
" - x Much sympathy will be felt with the
It is much to be regretted that the Rev. W. Eddon and Mrs. Eddon in the
Tong Shan Chapel, built at very con- painful and protracted affliction of one
siderable expense only a few years ago, of their children. Serious illness in the
is now in danger of complete collapse, country where the foreigner is neces-
owing to the foundations being affected sarily isolated is much worse than in a
by mining operations. The experiment large city at the coast where help would
has. been tried of bracing the building be more readily available. Miss Cook
together by iron ties, but apparently in has gone from Chu Chia to Wu Ting
uae a pee ore
chapel elsewhere will be pgp ggem - = oe a
an .unexpected expense, LITT, dtd if ((iieqataotueera ns acc cas
and unfortunately no site -ee eer
equal to the present one [RNS | Re ae
is likely to be available. } x ae ee ee Tittle :
In the erection of this ear) s i. olet ais ¢ iar
chapel Sir Robert Hart Sees (gene iy Pea ys ee a eh: =
was a generous contri- oe a a 4 a VON RS eo ee ;
butor. Vy ae oe ie) Ye ee oe
ee me Te ST Bh Dina ae
The missionaries ex- [ia ier AR . Pee POS Ne i
pected home before next & ES RT ee a
Conference are the Rey. SWS Pate rhe Ae, Wes ‘. 5
F. B. Turner and Dr. Ser as ee
A. K. Baxter, and both == 2 RE yg acre ea
these brethren will re- PRA cg oat cca a
ceive a hearty welcome. [Bae F Pea east Sui cy CNR ae ne a
Mr. e Turner’s term of Welcome meeting at Yung P’ing Fu. (Photo, Rev. J, Hedley,
t service 1S abbreviated on Rey. J. Hedley and Miss Roebuck in centre.
ES 5 i
| Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
| Fu to assist, and her friendly help will and several persons professed great in-
| be very welcome. terest in the missionaries. But it was
(Later. We regret that information is to hand in the vain hope of obtaining assistance
the child died on December 12th. We sympa- in their lawsuits. When this expecta-
ii pe gy a ee ay Mrs. Eddon in this tion was disappointed these false ad-
i Cee eee herents returned to their idols. = Mr.
i a
j ; This result was foreseen, and now it has
iS IIf. come to pass, what shall we do? Shall we
i refuse to go again? No, in God’s name,
By Rev. C. STEDEFORD, No! Oh, that we had the men to send
Missionary Secretary. 3 constantly to these places and deluge them
HE Rev. F. J. Dymond, with his with Gospel literature, for whilst the wrath
| wife and four-children, left.Chao of a few is hot thesgyes of dau Ana. Pe
Tong for the homeland on De- Chao-Kia he gun Roos Bo cietaid onpor:
cember 17th. Three sons preceded tunity. But we have no other foreigner at
them a few years ago for the purpos€ Tong Chuan, and we can only sigh and
of receiving their education in_ this pray in view of what might be done if only
| country. Mr. Dymond is in his twenty- we had the means—if only our Endeavourers
| second year of missionary work, and his who ing cine wont i Christ†would
second furlough was due a year ago. march to the music and endeavour. ‘
During the past year he has been pastor During this journey 400 books were
i of the church at Chao Tong. His de- sold, the people at one village—Chiao
i parture leaves the church in the hands Meh Di—bought over 200 copies of the
i of Dr. Savin and the Rev, C. E. Hicks Gospels.
| whose hands are full already, one with Mr. Evans gives the following ac-
i the medical, and the other with the edu- eae on his. visit to the Miao village,
ional w .oh-in-shan :—
| cational work. ees pe
} The Rev. A. Evans has sent the re- On September 23rd, Yen, a native ev:
i port of the Tong Chuan station for the — gelist, and_I, set of for Pea ened oe
i quarter ending in October. It contains © the difficulty of travelling my wife was
i ; < : ‘eulares obliged to remain in the city. The first
i ye ao ewine. ee De et ie evening we reached the ford, but the peary
| Cen. CeO anton * rains had made it almost impassable. The
| Fu, one of the native evangelists, took place was completely altered. When I was
| a month’s tour through the country there three months before the small street
i market towns lying south and south- presented a busy appearance, and agcommo-
| | east of the city. Nineteen markets cation could Perfound, ok nes
1 ; risi i ers. Now, not a sing use, Vict
\ Bots gud ue o Ht EES wall, remained. In one night the whole
1 Gospel was preached in the open spaces place was swept away by the flood. Ina
| {| where the people congregate, and books little time the people will be building again,
i i were sold, including 385 copies of the and in all probability the rains of next year
iI _ Gospels. Many of these places were will work the same havoc. We had to hire
il | small towns which had never been ~ men to carry our goods and some of our
| visited by a missionary, and the evan- party across. The third day, insted of
‘| gelist was cheered by the evident in- travelling along: une i ae Pee ee
i |] : z a a ears, we we 7 ay Ww g
|| terest with which reo peteacd to Dis ana out the mountain peaks. To add to
ero The friends at home may the unpleasantness we were enveloped in
i | help in producing the harvest by pray- mist for the greater part of the day, and
| ing that the blessing of God may abun- could not see ten yards ahead. About four
dantly rest upon the seed thus sown in o'clock in the afternoon we found ourselves
| these out-of-the-way places. on the mountain top directly opposite to
i | At the end of July, Mr. Fu, accom- Loh-in-shan. pre the people Wer delighted
| sani - to see us, though many of the women an
i ines, Oe ae ee oe girls wept when they found the “si-muâ€
started on another JOUrREY, | Enis ime (Mrs. Evans) was not in the party. We
j with Chao-Kia as his destination, 4 found the evangelist, Liang, had made good
i large market town about thirty miles propress with the Miao language, and the
& : prog guag
east of Tong Chuan. At this place the people had gained much by his labours.
Â¥ Gospel has been preached frequently, During our stay the evenings were spent
i 32
| \
Revs. Fred D. Jones and C. N. Mylne
in prayer-meetings and preaching services. spreading disposition to unbind the feet.
The second Saturday and Sunday the harvest Strenuous efforts are made to reduce
festival was held. Despite the fact that a the opium evil. It is announced that
severe storm had ruined their rice crops, and ki aif d t Tarik th
badly spoilt their maize, the people gave Woever 1s round nex year “panne we.
liberally of their produce. Their gifts will Oplum will be heavily fined, and his land
be sufficient to keep a Miao or Chinese will be confiscated.
preacher. in iged ee a year amongst them. — Mrs. Evans renders great service in the
add to this that they have been keeping a : “
Miao preacher for three or four mone ond dispensing-room. Every other day she
a Chinese preacher for seven weeks, and spends two to four hours attending to
have paid 1,200 cash for oil, etc., used at Sores, bad eyes, and many other com-
the chapel, and it will be seen that their plaints. It is difficult to persuade the
gifts do credit to the thirty families which people that she is not a doctor, and can-
gather together to learn the truth. not deal with complicated cases. The
Several relatives of the landlords came to help they receive is much better than
see and hear us. One evening our whole they would get from the Chinese
party had a meal with the head lord of the doctors
place. We were pleased to hear him give : :
good testimony to the character of the Chris- When he returned from Loh-in-shan,
tian Miao, and it seems he will not put any Mr. Evans found his wife very ill with
obstacles in the way of their receiving good. tonsilitis which she had _ contracted
On our return journey we travelled a different while dealing with some pitiful cases.
route. We crossed the river at a higher She was hardly able to walk across the |
point, and several of our party experienced room. Left ‘to herself she had per- |
great difficulty. My horse, fortunately, is cd : . pee Brie |
waltieacchstonied to Guater cand. carricg ae Severe, im. spite of extreme. dizziness; |
safely over these dangerous parts. The same 12 making and applying linseed poul- :
evening we crossed, two poor fellows, not tices which ultimately brought relief. |
of our party, were carried away by the rush These experiences make it very hazard- |
of waters and one was drowned. ous for the missionary to visit the out-
At Tong Chuan there is a good at- stations while there is no other foreigner
tendance of women, and there is a at Tong Chuan. I
Se seo se }
and C. N. Mylne. and W. J. SOUTHERN.
MEMORABLE service was held senting the young people of the church,
A on December 16th at Weston and of the place and influence which
Street Chapel, Sheffield, to Mr. Jones had occupied in their midst
take leave of Mr. Jones and Mr. Mylne, before going to College, and of the
and wish them Godspeed on the eve of honour which they all felt was in part
their departure for China. The Rev. theirs in his going forth to the great
John Baxter took the chair, and was Empire of the Far East.
the right man in the right place. He The Foreign Missionary Secretary
struck the right note when he said: (the Rev. Henry T. Chapman) expressed
“We are not here to-night to sorrow deep regret at the enforced absence of
but to rejoice. Our young friends have the Rev. Principal Sherwood and _ the
been called to a high and holy calling, Rey. C. Stedeford (from each of whom
and have in a noble spirit responded.†a most appropriate letter had been read).
The speech from first to last was in the Mr. Chapman was quite sure that it was
same bright and buoyant key, dwelling a real disappointment to both of his
on the “privileges of those truly called brethren that they were not able to
to foreign service.†be with them that evening, as also it
The Rev. H. J. Watts, minister of was to the Rev. George Packer. Mr.
Weston Street Church, spoke as repre- Chapman spoke of the fine impression
e 7
| Revs. Fred D. Jones and C. N. Mylne
each of the candidates had made on both of the Circuit officials and the
Oe en the members of ee United Methodist Church of the city. ~
oreign issionary Committee when It will long remain a very ha
they appeared before them, and stated memory to air privileged to lke fait
i 4 the ground of their offer of service for jy it, and to the Brethren Jones ‘and
i China. He also spoke of the sphere to Mylne an inspiration in a far-off land
which each brother was going, and and in many a day of loneliness. It was
dwelt with glowing enthusiasm on the good to be under the influence of the
i glorious opportunity to which the pre- prayer of our dear brother, the Rev.
sent crisis invited the most gifted and DP. Green ter eG
consecrated to their best effort for ae : ee
China. REV. C. N. MYLNE.
Principal Clemens, Ranmoor College, It was fitting that the Rev. C. N.
‘ took the place which was to have been Mylne, before leaving for China, should
taken by Principal Sherwood. He com- pay a visit to his home church at
mended the young brethren to the care Faversham. It was here that he first ,
of their Heavenly Father, and called saw the importance of living a “ dedi-
on them to continue their student cated life,†and began to devote his
habits, and, above all things, “Never powers of mind and heart to the service
| to forget that their main business in of Christ and His Church. For some
China would be exactly the same as years he rendered splendid service as
what it would have been had they re- secretary of the Sunday School, and
| mained in England—to preach Christ was the inspiring genius of the Band of
i and Him crucified!†Hope. He was also a very acceptable
i] The brief address of each missionary- local preacher, finding many apprecia-
| designate was admirable in tone and_ tive hearers, not only in the churches of
| substance, commending himself thereby Our own Circuit, but in all the Free
| to the heart and conscience of the Churches of the town and district.
deeply-interested congregation. It was not surprising, therefore, that
i Mr. Andrew, who for over forty a large congregation assembled in the
| years had been an officer of one order Stone Street Church on Sunday eve-
i or another in connection with the- ning, December 13th, when Mr. Mylne
i Weston Street Church, and had known occupied the pulpit. The service was
i Mr. Jones all his life, spoke highly of an impressive one, and we earnestly
his spirit and devotion and service. He pray for much abiding fruit.
| said with emphasis and deep signifi- On Monday, the 14th, a social eve-
{II cance: “Mr. Jones can play second ing was spent in the schoolroom, to
ii fiddle, and play it like a first fiddle.†A give Mr. Mylne an opportunity to say
splendid tribute felicitously expressed. his adieux: to. the friends. The chair
i |) On behalf of the friends of Weston was taken by Alderman E. Chambers,
i Street he presented Mr. Jones with a J.P., a former employer of Mr. Mylne,
Vi valuable camera. who spoke of the interest he had taken,
i | Mr. Schofield, one of the Hanover and would continue to take, in the
| | Circuit stewards, in a choice and spirited young missionary’s career. Words ap-
i speech, made him a present of a foun- preciative of Mr. Mylne’s character and
i | - tain pen, on behalf of a few friends in work, and expressive of good wishes
the Circuit. He said: “We could not for the future, were spoken by Mr.
i | avoid feeling much and saying much J. H. Johnson, Mr. R. T. Spratling and
} about Mr. Jones on this occasion, but Mr. W. Warden, for the C.E., Sunday
i we do wish Mr. Mylne to feel that he School and Circuit, respectively. The
i is one of us.†Rey. I. B. Vanstone, for years Foreign
i The choir was present and rendered Missionary Secretary of the Bible
i an anthem appropriate to the occasion, Christian Connexion, was unable to be
i and in a style worthy the city of Dr. present, owing to his long-continued
Coward! illness, but Miss Vanstone, on his be-
|| The meeting was large in its attend- half, feelingly assured Mr. Mylne and
Hi ance, and thoroughly representative the friends of his prayerful interest.
| 34
The Crisis in China
After the Rev. W. J. Southern had prayer by the pastor brought a memor-
briefly spoken, Miss E. Hadlow pre- able meeting to a close.
sented to Mr. Mylne, on behalf of the Mr. Mylne is not the first to go from
friends, a clock, books, and Sandow our Faversham Church for work in
Developer (latter recommended by the China, as Dr. Savin, who is doing such
doctor), with the hope that great suc- splendid work as_a medical missionary
cess would accompany his efforts to win at Chao one Fu, is also one of our
the No-su for Jesus Christ. Mr. Mylne, “old boys.†Are there more to follow?
in responding, thanked the friends for We sincerely hope there are. May the
their gifts, and for the interest they had young folk be fired with missionary en-
always taken in him, and asked for thusiasm, and more labourers be “ thrust
their prayers in the days and years to forth†by the Holy Spirit to take part
come. Suitable solos and recitations in the Lord’s harvest. Walco:
were rendered during the evening, and (See pp. 10 and 11 for photographs.—Ep.)
e e e e %
The Crisis in China. :
THE LATE DOWAGER EMPRESS. ‘Thus our clemency towards him,’ says |
ALD the “ Timesâ€: “ The dominat- the order, ‘is manifested.’†|
S “ing passions of her life were the AND NA-TUNG.
lust for power and for gain. She A second Edict appoints Na-tung to |
was never deflected from her deter- be a member of the Grand Council,
mined courses by considerations of pity, presumably in succession to Yuan Shih-
right, or justice. Possessing an un- kai.
surpassed hold on the last three Em- What is there in store for China?
perors of China, she made each in turn May there be, in Mr. Sharman’s words
her tool and instrument; and she was last month, “greater religious liberty,
at once an unscrupulous and a shame- and a more widespread desire to know
less opportunist. This Catherine de the truths of Christianity, and above
Medici of our age has probably had all to receive the Truth Himself, who
many more crimes laid to her account alone can make them free.â€
by hostile Chinese writers than she had ——
committed, but, when every allowance Ge. S
is made for the magnifying power of Le Pe
Eastern rumour and exaggeration, the .
plain facts of contemporary history re- ti Pe
veal a record deeply stained.†Lae Pa
European readers were startled on the Dee ee
morning of January 4th by the follow- Ses 3 > ao]
ing telegrams :— a a ae
“ An edict was issued on the 2nd dis- eee ane eee og
missing Yuan Shih-kai from all his ie mg ae Bi
posts and ordering him to retire to the :
province of Honan. The outlook is
“An Edict was issued on Saturday .
afternoon dismissing Yuan Shih-kai, NG ~
the reason given being that he is suffer- X
ing from rheumatism in the leg. The
Edict orders him to vacate all his offi- see ee et eee cael
ces and return to his native place. (Favoured by the Baptist Missiondés society)
| Marriage Bells in
East Africa.
| 2 ve eo,
E have received tidings of the When about half a mile from Ribé they
i| marriage of the Rev. W. Udy were met by another band, and before
Bassett to Miss Bird, which reaching the mission-house they had all
took place on December Ist. The mis- the population of Ribé following them
i sionary party, which left our shores on and wellnigh shouting themselves
November 5th, reached Mombasa on hoarse.
the 27th of the same month, and was We wish the bride and bridegroom a
met by Messrs. Bassett, Bridgman and pright and happy future,* and that in
Lory. The lady who is now Mrs. Bas- their united life they may be made
sett was ill the greater part of the way, eminently useful in the work to which
but rallied before the end of the voy- they have consecrated themselves. In
age. ‘At Mazeras the party was met at the words of Mr. A. C. Benson we turn
the railway station by a band of music, {6 our Heavenly Father :-—
and accompanied to the house of the Coie ation hace caine divid
Rev. J. B.. Griffiths by a big crowd, The ata s eta foe pone ty
: 2 And nought may break what Thou hast
wedding took place at our Mazeras blest :
Church, and Mr. Griffiths performed the Thy servants seek Thee, side by side
‘ ceremony. The church was crowded. In simple faith; do Thou the rest.
i ee or ee best man. After the And Thou wilt bless them, Thou hast blest,
i wedding a photograph was taken, a In strength and purity, to be
i copy of which is promised us. ' Through life in love, through death to rest,
| Later in the day the happy couple One with each other, one with Thee.
I left for their home at Ribé, and the Ticks
bride had the novel experience of rid- Sei oe iw RSI Ts
| ing for about four hours in a hammock. * See 1908, p. 245 for their photographs.—Ep.
i Sse Se ; sje
Between Ourselves. EDITORIAL.
i] “fF CANNOT do justice to Rohere We oe Deen thankful to
Bird. He was the most loving hear of the safe an Ch; of the two
i | soul I ever met.†These words Missionary parties—in China and East
Drew Progen din he ap- Africa. We have had a letter from Mr.
ik of <’s in sending t p f
i preciation which we requested him Hedley dated Yung Ping Fu, Novem-
j to write, will be the feeling of all-who ber 24th. He sent certain interesting
i knew him. As the days pass we! shall photographs, which appear in this num- ~
i | miss him the more, and shall pray that ber. He was then just leaving et
men of like impulse, sincerity, and Tientsin to attend the funeral of eu
i enthusiasm, may adorn our homes, and Rev. Chang Chih San. (See Mr.
| churches, our pulpits and our platforms. Packer’s notes, page 30.)
i | We have not space to say more. Mr. Sy * # * *
| Chapman and Dr. Brook have spoken Of Mr. Littlewood we have not yet ;
from full hearts, and with gratitude to peard. He went by sea. Ere these
| God that such words can be spoken, we words are read, and perhaps written,
i commend the articles to our readers. we trust he will have reached his desired
i We may just note that the Rev. John haven. He is appointed to Tong Shan.
i Adcock, a colleague in missionary work, :
. * * * * *
died on the ‘same day last year. Mr.
i | Bird was first appointed as Treasurer in __ The story of an East African wed-
|i 1888; Mr. Adcock finished his nine ding, above, will indicate the safe ar-
i | years’ term as Secretary in 1889. rival of the Rey. J. B. Griffiths and
| 36
Between Ourselves
party. May our Father shield them all Reference is fittingly made to the de-
still! parture during the year of Miss Lettie
* * * * * O. Squire, B.A. She was essentially
We have also news from Wenchow of _ the gift, of the B.C. section of our
the marriage of Mr. T. W. Chapman, Church.* She has gone to the Miao:—
to Miss Arnold, of the China Inland Here are one thousand Miao girls waiting
Mission. We regret we cannot insert to be taught and trained by somebody. What
the report, written by Mr. Heywood, @ blessed reward may be ours if we are only
: | faithful to their Master and ours! May God
but it shall appear next month. help us to be true to the responsibilities
* a * % * laid upon us as Christian women of the
Last month we noted the receipt of United Methodist Church. :
the late M.N.C. Women’s Auxiliary |= We note that the amount raised by
Report. We have now received the ex- the Circuits and branches is £661, and
B.C. Report from Mrs. Balkwill, the 4641 of this is devoted to missionary
earnest and energetic secretary. It is work, leaving only £20 for organiza- |
the sixteenth. In sending out the book- tion. It will be a day for rejoicing
let to the branches, she enclosed with when the Women’s Auxiliary funds
it a circular letter, which we would are merged. Then will one branch give
gladly print in full if space permitted. up its title to the word “Ladies,†and
One paragraph must suffice :— all will become women. Most people
It is impossible surely for women, at least, “7 SUIPT ised that the word was ever
to read unmoved of the work of our mis- chosen, and everybody is willing to give
sionary sisters among the women and chil- it up. This fact alone proves that they |
dren of China; to hear of the ignorance and are “ ladies.†i
superstition with which they have to contend, Bg scree ae - * |
of the eager reception by some of the Light i : |
which dawns upon them, and the readiness Speaking of women’s work reminds |
with which they seek to make others sharers us of the appeal made by Mrs. Fletcher
of their new-found happiness, and not feel Jones, and circulated by a lady in
our hearts drawn out in fuller sympathy ES : |
with those who are devoting their lives to Leeds, asking for further offerings for
this noble cause. * See 1908, p. 11.
——— : :
jie ee oe i > a : eae ee Ae ;
Ea cae oe eee ree ey} )\ Ne
(ae eeuteh are t Bem coy seer igg ey:
i hae JP ig ss ee i : ee j ‘ad ote :
Son ta ea As CH & ah < seri 7 beds I ‘ '
rehe oe i . |
Ph hoe = iat ae Mes, g |
(es i mm a j &
a ae) ye en ,
Lee Se a Me l z |
+ ; ee Yea A. bes ] | ; |
8) Cs Ee cf Meded |
i a ees eed pies
i ‘el fA Smee ee ee oe
ee a RRS EROS _ fe i San ae ee , Ree Ores eee ea ee ws _ oe Ee oad
Mandarin guests, from three different cities, (Photo, Dr. Fletcher Jones. |
at the opening of Lao Ling Hospital. (See p. 196, 1908.)
37 E
i Between Ourselves
| the equipment of the Lao Ling Hospi- Liberal Theology.†After dealing with
tal. We drew attention to the general the question thus stated, and very
| question in September last (see page briefly, he passes on to considerations
211). We trust our Women’s Auxili- of policy, and “appeals for a radical
aries will keep the desire in mind. In reform in the methods of introducing
i the same number was the story of the Christianity to non-Christian races.â€
opening of the Hospital in which Mrs. What this has to do with “liberal the-
Fletcher Jones is most deeply inter- ology†passes one’s comprehension, but
ested. _ : we suppose the author would be com-
= wae oes pelled to make the flowers clustering in
| We have received an admirable let- the trellis-work of his porch redolent of
ter from Dr. Baxter. He refers again some drastic reform in order to get his
to East Africa, and points out the im- castle before the gaze of readers of the
perative need for efficient sanitary ar- “ Hibbert.†He actually deals with so
rangements. The doctor will know that prosaic a subject as finance ere he
China and East Africa are very different _ finishes. Many of the matters he names
countries, but our readers will follow are contained in the programme of the
him heartily in the following remarks: next World Missionary Conference.
To escape malarial fevers is of prime im- * - * es
portance, but it is a surprise to me (from We regret that the words “to be
teens eh ee Woeene ar eieie et continued†were inserted at the foot
| defence SRS se ringed ite ie apeatently e Me. ee yas eae
i neglected, that is, rendering the» houses \P@8© 4). < ODL DELON Wasi Onl
‘| mosquito-proof by wire netting. plete. ee io - a ss
\ : x °
i He sends the July number of the Through the omission of a review of
i China Medical Journal,†which con- « Benares,†by the Rev. C. P. Cape
i ; : : S, eR .
tains an article on mosquito-proofing, by 444 published by the Rev. Robert
i Dr. J. L. Maxwell, a noted medical Culley, the words “same publisher †ap
i : ; i
i Pee ee wie we had space to quote pearing twice on page 23 lost their
| ng SS EHLCAS cae ‘meaning. “Popular Determinism,†and
The key of the position is found, «7p. Methodist Missionary Library,â€
| pease ee ee re Be B ree are published by the Rev. R. Culley at
| OES a eee) GUN GE ets ecl... thes WesleyvansBook Room:
| sends us. An “undesigned coincidence. ie ig as ‘_
| Are you in favour of recommending to Text for the month :-—
if missionary societies and boards :—(1) and ce : s
Hesse After these things I saw, and behold a
i | (2) That they recommend the thorough es mands, which no man could num-
ie screening of mission homes (so as to make Det, Out of every nation, and of all tribes
a them mosquito-proof), and provide the neces- and peoples and tongues, standing before
i | Gay funds? the fas and before the Lamb.â€â€”Rev.
i} Ne Vil. J.
| The words we have italicised reveal the * * * * *
i | situation entirely. But surely our mis- Thought for the month :-—
| s1onaries and their families ought to be “Jesus Christ was the first medical mis-
i | precious in our eyes, however costly it — sionary.â€â€”Dr. Livingstone,
be. Let us not begrudge this privilege!
| “A voice from China†shouts across <¥, Se se
} 5 « : : â€
continent and ocean: “It is a right! SUCCESSOR TO THE LATE ROBERT
| We thank our correspondent for his girp, J.P., AS TREASURER OF THE
| deep interest in another mission. EM. SECTION.
i ig ms is a * Circuit Missionary Treasurers are respect-
| The Rev. J. W. Burton, of the Aus- _ fully __requested to_ forward all missionary
i tralian Methodist Society, Fiji, writes contributions belonging to the F.M. section to
in the current “Hibbert Journal†on W. H. poaee eae es
ii “Christian Missions as Effected by OSE Gisrde; Beidtol:
i | * May, 1908, p. 97.—Ep. Henry T. Chapman, Secretary.
| 38
1 :
i} ||
1 i
Il.—Rev. W. N. HALL,
Famous Names of Tientsin, |
d By Rev. W. J. TOWNSEND,
Recalle @ D.D., President. |
ILLIAM NELTHORPE HALL was and called to see him in the midst of |
W one of the pioneer mission- his anxiety. I can never forget how he
aries to China for the Method- grasped me by the hand, and, looking
ist New Connexion. He was born earnestly into my eyes, said, with a full
‘n Sheffield in 1829, converted at heart: “ You will not discourage me from |
the age of twelve, and became a mem- going to China, will you?†I replied:
ber of our Scotland Street Church. He “No; if I could I would go with you.â€
manifested such warmth of religious We were brothers in soul from that
fervour, energy of mind, and thirst for time. When the Missionary Committee
knowledge that he became a lay finally accepted him as a colleague for
preacher at an early age, and when Mr. Innocent, his joy was extreme. It |
nineteen years old was recommended 1s not often in life we meet with such 2
for the ministry. His master, to whom simple, unmixed enthusiasm for a call- |
he had been apprenticed, refused to ing which involves, as that did, so much |
cancel his indentures without compensa-_ tisk and sacrifice. I remember that I
tion, and that he might enter at once wrote to the Rev. J. Angel James at
on his sacred work, the sum of £40 the time, and told him that Mr. Hall
was subscribed by his friends in the had publicily declared at his valedic-
Church, and paid to his master to se- tory service, how he had been inspired |
cure his freedom. THe served in six with missionary ardour by his fervent
of the principal Circuits of the Denom- appeals. Mr. James wrote a brief re- |
ination, and became both popular and Spouse, which I have kept to this day.
beloved by all his churches. He was Itis dated August 8th, 1859.
a young man of fervid spirit, of de- On arriving in China, Mr. Innocent
voted zeal, he preached with passionate and Mr. Hall made their headquarters |
ardour and eloquence, and was an able
exponent of Divine truth. He won the Ke
favour of the Churches in an excep- A |
tional degree. In the full flow of suc- ita ae
cess his health failed, and it seemed J iz oe
impossible for him to continue his be- i »
loved work. Therefore he retired from re Ree \
the ministry and entered into business o ae pee
as a stationer and bookseller in his pe — ae;
native town. But it was not God’s (eae Ce ag Eo. \
will that his remarkable powers for | 3m oS: a“ e
usefulness should be expended behinda | age
counter. An appeal made by the Rev. ae ee Ky ce ;
extended missions in China, fired his Se See
heart with desire for work in the mis- i oe oo
sion field, and when in the Hull Con- | a ie a
ference of 1858 it was resolved to es- | @.'ire a Se
tablish a mission in China, he, in asso- eas é i /
ciation with his cherished friend, the “a ee ee 4 4 hee
Rey. John Innocent, volunteered for the Se 4
work. Medical advice as to his fitness Ae ;
for such a calling was unfavourable, ea ; a
his friends reckoned him as_ being ee ee ae
almost insane to think of it, but he was OT ame
firm in his strong conviction that God’s an eee ee
call was upon him. I was a student for cecal
the ministry at that time in Sheffield, Rey. William Nelthorpe Hall (1829-78).
Fl |
A | Famous Names Recalled
iI | for a time at Shanghai, and from Soon after Mr. Hall’s visit to England
| thence made excursions into various a famine broke out in China, the extent
i | cities and districts in search of a loca- and ravages of which it is impossible
iI | tion where they could be most useful for us to estimate. Hundreds of thou-
i} in making known the Gospel. Provi- sands of victims were destroyed by it.
iH dence directed them to Tientsin. They Many of our converts were cut down,
il | had been drawn towards Soochow, a and Mr. Hall devoted himself to the
i] beautiful city, and a most promising relief of the sufferers, both Christian
sphere, but the rebel army, which was and heathen, with noble assiduity. He
then ravaging many parts of China, went through the stricken districts and
{| rushed in and wrought immense devas- distributed funds entrusted to him by
tations within it, making it impossible friends at home and foreign merchants
as a sphere for the missionaries. The abroad. The abundant labours of him-
only possible opening at the time was self and colleagues were the means of
Tientsin, and there they settled with leading many to cast away their dumb
ii the intention of removing to some cen- idols and to trust in the true God.
tral place further west when opportunity There was a charming combination
i offered, But they were being divinely of fine qualities in the character of Mr.
| led. God knew how Tientsin was to Hall. He hada gentleness and courtesy
become the most strategic plane for of demeanour which won for him the
Christian missions that could open hearts of all with whom he had to deal.
to our agents, and from that centre In his intercourse with others self
i our missions have extended in the most glided into the background, and he was
i providential manner up to the old able to draw out the confidence of both
i boundary wall of the empire and down old and young in a remarkable manner.
i to the centre of the Shantung province. In describing the work of the mission
| Mr. Hall and his noble colleague, Mr. he gave prominence to the labours of
| Innocent, laboured with intense devo- others rather than to his own. The
tion, and with as much sagacity as zeal mission was his absorbing idea, he had
i in establishing our mission on a stable no thought but to spend and be spent
| basis. When its history is written it for its sake. Like all the best Chris-
i will read like a romance rather than a_ tian workers there was much of the
i real story of faithful labour. Especi- feminine strain in his nature, and this
i ally the marvellous opening which oc- was the secret of the magnetic influ-
i curred in the Shantung province is one ence which drew the affection of so
| of the wonders of modern missions. Many towards him. But notwithstand-
i After ten years’ incessant toil Mr. Hall ing this he had a firm will and a reso-
i returned to England on furlough. His lute purpose when his convictions were
1 travels through the Denomination were strong. Friends at home and abroad,
it a series of triumphs. The appeals he Chinese converts, English sailors in the
ii made from pulpit and platform were port, foreign merchants in the cities re-
| delivered with’a burning energy which garded him with confidence and affec-
evept unbelief and lukewarmness from tion. He had a most persuasive style
all hearts, and won great support for of oratory, a clear, soft, sweet voice,
| the extension of the work in China. a ready flow of words, a good vocabu-
i | He insisted that he must be permitted lary; _and when speaking on_ his
Ve to erect a College in Tientsin where favourite theme he became possessed
i our native converts of special gifts with passionate fervour by which he
| - could be trained for the ministry. He swept his audiences along in sympa-
| gathered £3,200 for this purpose, and_ thetic enthusiasm. He often produced
| the sum was spent in a beautiful build- effects _of oratory which spent them-
i ing with every convenience for carry- selves in generous deeds and gifts for
| ing on College work successfully. But the great work. He was a universal
| he died before it could be completed, favourite among the young. He used
| and it stood in a fine position in Tient- to invite on one afternoon in the week
sin as “The Hall Memorial,†until the the children of the several missionaries
it extension of the city required it to be residing in Tientsin to drink tea with
i removed to another neighbourhood. him. He engaged them in familiar
i 40
} ee
A Missionary Holiday in the Land of the Miao |
chat, told them stories, gave them ad- the balance. When she came out ofa
* vice, and for hours they would be held _ terrible delirium it was to learn that her Ht
in delighted attention. It was the treat saintly husband had been stricken down
of these children week by week to go by the fell enemy, and that all that
to “Uncle Hall’s†for tea. You can remained of him had _ been carried
form a moderately fair opinion of a through the room, in which she lay, to.
man’s real nature by his fondness for rest m a missionary’s grave. |
little children. He was a “bishop†Alas! his strength was so far- ex-
after Paul’s own heart. Not only pure, hausted as to have no power of resist-
holy, devoted, but also “given to ance left. As he lay helpless in delir- |
hospitality.†His home was ever open, ium, the ruling passion was still strong,
and the missionaries or messengers of and his soul wrestled in prayer for his
all the Churches passing through Tien- flock; he gave counsel and instruction
tsin found in his house a cordial greet- for forms of work to be prosecuted, and
ing and entertainment. Indeed, as I he spoke as though in converse with |
look back over the thirty years which fellow-labourers or converts about the
have gone, and see him through their highest things. Thus he poured out
qualifying vista, he stands before my his life ; then his voice ceased on earth, ay
mind as one of the most lovable and to be heard singing the song of Moses
beautiful characters I have ever known. and the Lamb beside the crystal sea.
Far too soon for his friends and his He passed into the secret of the royal
work his health failed. His enthusiasm pavilion on May 14th, 1878, in the
urged him on till his strength was ex- fiftieth year of his age. Earth mourned
hausted. An epidemic of fever raged because he was absent, Heaven re-
in China as a legacy of the appalling joiced at the sweet spirit which had 1 HI
famine. Mrs. Hall was smitten down by entered its gates. |
it, and for some time her life hung in (The third in the series will be T. G. Vanstone.—Ep.) |
So <§Jo
e e
A Missionary By
Holiday in the Dr. LILIAN GRANDIN. |
e Journal sent to her father, Mr. F. P. iP
Land of the Miao. Grandin, and faveured by him.—Ed. | We
(Continued from page 18.) |
Mao-li-in, Kweicheo. and ascent. Reaching the summit we |
T eleven am. we left, and how looked down on a beautiful valley into }
A thankful we were to be on our | Which we must descend and mount the |
ponies out in the sunlight once opposite heights. The ferns and flowers |
more! Our way lay through fairly were very beautiful, but there was no
level, prettily wooded country for an time to stay and gather them. The |
hour’s travel, then the road became [Ver Tunning through this valley is
more uneven. We halted for lunch at a broad ibut shallow, and I crossed it by
village high on the hillside, surrounded wading—a red-haired, rosy-cheeked |
with trees, and having a fine bamboo Miao girl holding my hand to steady |
grove. I saw a native beehive, which TM The stones were very round and
* made of the bark of the tree and smooth, and so one tended to slip. Then
looks like a skeleton of the trunk. The [© climbed the steepest hill that we |
honey produced by the bees is dark and have yet ascended, obtaining very fne |
strong-tasting, because they feed on VIEWS, and from the summit we could
the buckwheat flower. A storm de- see the Shih-men-k’an mountains. And
layed us an extra hour. A rushing tor- now we entered the Mao-li-in valley, |
rent of water had to be crossed. Then and presently saw the groups of houses
came a rough climb and a short descent on the opposite slope. The girls and |
: 41
| A Missionary Holiday in the Land of the Miao
i |
| boys had come to meet us. Soon after experience is worth having, and I have
our arrival the Deacon came to ask us enjoyed seeing the country very much
i | to tea and we went down to his house indeed. While memories are fresh I
ii | to a meal of rice, pork, bean-curd and must tell you the rest.
‘a potatoes. It was rough but we were On Monday we had a quiet day at
| hungry, and enjoyed the meal. To-day Mabo-li-in, seeing patients in the morn-
i] and to-morrow we shall have morning ing, taking a walk to the spring in the
| and, evening meals in the same fashion, afternoon. Mrs. Parsons had women
i] making our midday meal of bread and around her all day, getting them to
eggs or cheese with fruit. study, writing out hymns for them, and
Sunday.—There was a good atten- in the afternoon she gave the school
| dance at the morning service, the chapel children a singing lesson. The village
i being crowded out; the people are very people killed a goat in the afternoon, °°
pleased to see Mrs. Parsons. We have and we had some of it fried for tea,
had two heavy showers to-day, and felt but it was very hard to masticate; next
1 a thankful that we were not travelling. morning we had boiled goat and plenty
i This is a pleasant place, and the people of gravy with our rice, and this was
| are very kind. There was an aboriginal better. “Mrs. Parsons held a service at
woman at the services who belonged to night, and had another “choir†prac-
quite a different tribe, and who spoke tice; then to bed. We rose early and
i a different language from | Miao or were off at ten minutes to eight a.m. ;
i E-pien; just one family living in the the air was delicious, and the sun not
i valley and keeping their own tongue— too hot. The hedges were wet with ©
| does it not seem strange? dew. For twenty to thirty li we tra-
\ : : velled along level moorland, then
Shih-men-k’an, August 13th. rounded a hill and began a sharp
i We came back yesterday. It is plea- descent; down and down we went for
i sant to have clean rooms and comfort- an hour, and on reaching a Miao village
i able beds after roughing it, but the were glad to stop for an hour’s rest
from the noontide heat. Whenever a
ii running stream is near the path we stay
i to wet the handkerchiefs which we lay
i on our heads under our helmets. Leay-
i ing the village, down we went again
| and then followed a path along the face
| seies re of the cliff when we had a beautiful
i = view of the ravine and its winding
i ; Lee : : river, while on the slopes below us
i Pes Gy oe grew the mountain ash and many
if ey ia ia flowering shrubs. After passing under
i ap oe : ; a huge cliff we descended a very steep
i y ahs ccksotec st be 4 path which led between the coal mines,
a cate Vist ae eA a a and down to the rotten wooden bridge
: Pa eh ee ea which spans the river, and which we
\ f: Seer) ee crossed in hope that it would last our
i. ao} i) Rede passage. A short rest and some con-
ii ee neu 1 versation with four Miao Bible readers
1 same ee } whom we met on their way to Mi-ré-
ae as eee pea = keo, and then up another hill. At last
i — (india rook we came to T’u-kuh-men (the door of
i oe — ee i —@.)) the rice ground), a picturesque village
ih ee a Sono an set just off the edge of the precipice.
| Sa: tne eee eee Here grew bamboo, ferns, firs, and
pas palms, etc. We were conducted to the
| j Sons and daughter of Mr. Long, Christian E’pien chief Deacon's house, which had three
i) i Chief of Tol Chee. Scholars a our school. compartments—one for cattle, one used
{| (Photo: Rev. H. Parsons. as a living-room, and the third set apart
: 42
a a
A Missionary Holiday in the Land of the Miao
for our bedroom. There were two climbed it. It was a relief to rest ina |
plank beds set up for our use. It was Miao village, and to be away from the
close, as a large fire was burning, and sun for an hour. On again through Hi]
we soon went out to see the village and moorland and then the descent to the
its surroundings. The chapel is larger market in the face of the sun. Here i
and better built than that at Mao-liin, we founda Chinaman waiting who had
has only a rough plank platform as yet asked me to visit a sick woman. I had
and the same number of doors and win- promised to do so on my return, so we
dows. We sat outside looking across wearily turned our horses for another
the valley to the great mountain. The li to the old village up the river.
people were busy cooking “goat†in We are very glad indeed to be back
- one great iron pan, and potatoes and at Shih-men-k’an, and_mean to take
gravy in another ; I went to look out of things guy to-day. There is a strong
curiosity, but Mrs. Parsons thought we wind blowing which is fresh and plea-
should have a better appetite if we kept sant after the hot sun which we have 1H]
away. Girls came up to see us, and experienced.
many presented us with apples and |
plums which we found very refreshing. August 22nd.
It was dusk before we Ded ae ee The patients still come; I have seen |
meal toues ae Cae er two hundred odd whilst down here, and |
Be WEN eS Ser Na 5 > s0 have done some work. These people 1) WI
x ang shea Oe a icy Ge. went a find it a long way to the city, and will
Sone rea tevested’ people . sittin not go if they can possibly avoid it.
bed ; Ale i ue Puce ae ae fe This week the patients seemed to bring |
near the fire watc ; Sep. é §
was not a very restful night ; the horses as ia ae a ine Satie ace |
and cows, cat and dog were all grew es dispensing for mies ched che | WE
a aayen ae er he ee < sight of them. It was quite an under-
rise Bier ‘the great mountain! A very ee ae eet oe pee ee to ie)
: es ; them up. One woman brought a
sick man was Nee & iS ie ee curious horn holding about a pint, which |
I poune ae na rae een aS J we Nas formerly used to keep wine in. |
was ready about s 1s} h ; See |
were able to start again by eight am. i a ee nee acs ee Al
Our road lay through moor and one week. Mr. Parsons is whitewashing Te
those ee et a i te and oiling the woodwork himself as 1H
Geer Then came the descent of a oe is not enough money to pay for | I
: ' labour. 14
steep hill, and we were glad to pause : I]
a naarber of the way down to rest under I have pore you about Mrs. Par-
k and have refreshments. son’s duck, which is certainly a character. |
Alout haleney down this hill we _re- It is very sociable, and when everyone
joined the path which we had trayelled goes to service, it oS the same ; when |
the Friday before, and were now on a they pray, it responds quack, quack,
ei 2 nieteade oweven cid and is usually turned away in disgrace ; |
Be eaci ees by improve ennises it had but though ejected from the chapel, it
that title. We passed below a waterfall remains as sentry on a mound outside
and through a Chinese village, then _ the door, and joins in vocal concert with
the steepness of the road increased, the rest. A will have nothing to do
and it was very hard to keep from slip- with the duck-pond, but paddles about
ping. After crossing the bridge another happily when rain comes down.
halt was called before beginning, the We have had two days of steady rain.
ascent of the steepest hill in the jour- Now the weather is evidently changing,
ney. Fortunately, except for a place and the heat will not be so trying in the
where there were steps, Rozel took me city. We think it is time to return
all the way up for I could not have and take up our winter’s work. |
i |
| | © s By Rev.
| Incidents from the Field. WILLIAM LYTTLE.
| i “THIS IS THE VICTORY, EVEN YOUR FAITH.†= would assist him in throwing off the
ii | E were sitting in the Ngoh habit. *
i | W Tsing house chapel. We had He may not have known much of
| arrived early, and, as is our the letter of the Gospel, but surely he
1 custom, we were talking with the had entered deeply into its very spirit,
i | few then present. In came a man, for in reply to this advice he retorted
| looking the very picture of health. that a visit to the Ningpo Hospital was
a || Seeing him you would never have unnecessary. Faith, he declared, would
il imagined that at one time he had_ enablehim to overcome the habit. Then
| been a slave to the opium habit; yet the fight commenced, and long before
I was assured that it was so. The I had the pleasure of meeting him he
| habitual opium smoker is easily de- was victor. [It is evident it was a moral
tected—the haggard face, the peculiar question with him, and not physical.—
| appearance of eyes and skin, all serve ED.]
‘ai to proclaim the fact. .None of these =
symptoms were discernible as far as NOM OR SVORKS LEST ANY; MAN SHOULD
this man was concerned, and he looked ROR Se
a healthy specimen of the Chinese pea- Enclosed you will find a strange-
santry. He had smoked opium once, looking Chinese document. It is a
but no longer did so. How was the cheque on heaven payable only to the
change wrought? He had heard the person who purchased it. You may re-
i | Gospel proclaimed, and, opium smoker member that Mr. Sheppard, shortly
| though he was,. there grew a desire to before coming home, reported the open-
| associate himself with the people of ing of a new station at a place called
i God; but, he was an opium smoker. Si Chew. This heavenly bank-note, to-
| Britishers are often reminded that it was gether with others, came into our pos-
| their Government that first forced that session when visiting this place. It is
| which has since become the national a custom amongst devout Buddhist
| curse upon this country. Alas! to our women to make pilgrimages, frequently
| eternal shame, it is too true. But long and toilsome, to certain mountains
i though to this accusation we are unable and temples, which have a high reputa-
i to reply, one thing, often lost sight of, tion for sanctity. When you remember
may be pointed out. Long before the the bound feet of Chinese women, the
i | Chinese Government took steps to free bad roads, the primitive means of com-
| their people from the opium curse munication—railways are still few and
i} Western missionaries were up and do- far between—you can form some idea
i ing. In almost every mission centre of these pilgrimages. Arriving at their
i | anti-opium leagues were established. destination they perform their devo-
| i For a long time the agitation was tions, make their offering, receive their
I carried on almost entirely by the receipt, and return rejoicing in the be-
It missionaries and Christians. By and _ lief that they have accumulated merit
10 by the officials recognized that good in the spirit world; in proof of which
ii work was being done, and heartily they have their receipts. Some such
| co-operated. It will be a source women have recently become associated
1 of pleasure and satisfaction to many with our Si Chew Church, and they
i to learn that Mr. Galpin founded brought us a large bundle of these
i the Ningpo League which has done papers (which they must have toiled
\ so much to educate public opinion hard to get, for the enclosed is issued
\ in this district. Moreover it has long by a temple situated on an island fully
been the rule in most Protestant fifty miles from Si Chew). They as-
| Churches that opium-smokers are not sured us of their faith in Christ. What
| eligible for baptism. When the Ngoh must it have meant to these women to
I Tsing brother, from the telling of whose sacrifice that which they had been
story I have so digressed, expressed his taught to regard as indisputable proof
| desire to enter into church fellowship of treasure laid up in Heaven? Surely
ii he was informed of this rule, and urged they must have been really convinced
| to come to Ningpo for treatment that of the truth of the Gospel.
i : 44
sh L}
Incidents from the Field
/ Ee th AY Gh cee :
OS 9 Ae REC Fa ee cms LR |
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bey gE H Meo re ue , ee eee MN an St |
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a ML a = 34) ses a sees ES | 45, Hi |
Rn ae ae rs Se eae are a a ae Tia!
Pilgrim’s Certificate. (Translation by Mr. Alexander Ting, LL.B., Chinese Student, Manchester University. |
Whereas in commiseration of the sins, the bearer of this present ......... Of ........
evils and woes of the world, our most high aged .....-..., who has vowed in our presence i
and holy Buddha, of his own unbounded 1° observe thy five injunctions and follow
goodness and free will, took upon himself the thy ce Peete Sore and henceforth 4
burden and weight of flesh and came to the to devote her time—wl 1S Da 1S eve |
Norld dHctReMnR ein Gao the echtatoct! d fleeting and vanishing like dreams—to the
Sn aan Se Orc cultivation of her original nature, and to |
that men might, through his most blessed jhe elevation of her soul, may while she
teachings, be saved from ignorance, vice and devoutly and religiously undertakes her I
sins, and be made wise, virtuous, and at- sacred journey to worship thy golden image |
tain even to the likeness of Buddha himself; at each and every temple, fane, shrine, and |
and whereas in pursuance of his most gra- oracle in and throughout the neighbourhood |
cious will, we, his disciples, have through of ..............., behold the beams of thy gra- |
the efforts and exertions of our predecessors cious countenance, and receive the light and |
come from the West into the Flowery Land glory of thy guidance and inspiration then |
for the preaching and propagation of the and ever afterwards, to the end that she
same holy word; and whereas, in our humble — may be delivered from the pains and travails
endeavour after his most exalted example of the wheel of life and death, and be lifted
we in temples, as well as in cells, in crowded up at last to the Western region where she
cities, as well as in lonely groves, do teach, shall throughout ages be brought face to
instruct, admonish and _ correct mankind, face with Buddha, and hear the harmonious ‘
pointing out the way of life and truth to note of his most blessed teaching.
erring souls, and accepting as our disciples Mor this: aden vsseey
only such as will be co-disciples with us of have this day set my hand and the seal of
him who is our Great Master : this holy temple.
Tee Of seer eee, thy Bumbles cisé To be sacredly kept by the hereinbefore
ciple, most heartily beseech thee that she, mentioned devout woman.
} |
| |
| | Our Own Pees By Rev.
| e e e 2,
| Missionaries. Acts xiii.1-3. © JAMES ELLIS.
| | [The “Prayer Meeting Topics†were re- a given time each month in the study
Hi ceived too late to include this in our January of the literature dealing with our own
| | number, but it will be in time for the meet- missions. Several books can be ob-
i ings, as the subject will be taken in tained from our Book Room, in which
February.—ED.] Sree , :
| ; are told the beginning and developing
il | HATEVER demerits may at- of many of the foreign stations. Take
i | tach to the denominational any country where our Church is re-
i | systems in the Christian presented, and let each Endeavourer be-
i Church, they have at least one advant- come familiar with the lives of those
a age. When the sphere is narrowed, who have been associated with that
| knowledge of the work done within that work, In this way the dead will speak
i] sphere may be more complete and ac- again.
curate. Whether experience corres- The living will also come into a
i ponds to the possibility is open to wider kingdom of sympathy. As I
| question. : ees write, there is before me a list of all
i In no sectarian spirit is the plea our living missionaries. Many of these
urged: Know your own missionaries, [| know intimately ; some entered our
i pray for them, love them, seek to help fellowship by the recent Act of Union.
i} them. There are a few outstanding They are now all-our missionaries, and
I | names in missionary history, and to [| must learn, from the pages of the
1} them we pay well-merited reverence. Eco, and by correspondence, all that
i | But the tale of toil in heathen lands is jt j, possible for me to learn about
| not fully told when we recount the lives them. Not from idle curiosity, but be-
| of those who were the glorious pioneers cayse they need my prayers and my
Af of the missionary movement. Much of Jove. How can I love those whom I
i the finest work has been, and is being, qo not know? And how dare I be a
done by men and women unknown to party to sending out others to China or
i | the wider world. Bak Africa, when the earlier toilers are un-
a As members of a Christian com- known or forgotten?
munity we are severally responsible for
the missionaries sent out by uae com- @ @ ® ®
| munity. In a special sense they are
“ our of a ceases’ and it is a matter MISSIONARY SONNET.
i of vital importance to us whether they By Rev. ARTHUR J. SANTER.
Vi fail or succeed. It is lamentable and (By permission from “‘C.M. Review." (See note p.11.) ]
fi mischievous that so many Christians re- EAST AFRICA.
{ : gard the labours on the foreign held aS Dawn breaks; and from East Afric’s coast
ii questions affecting only, or chiefly, a the sun,
| set of officials, or an executive elected With gathering strength, lights up the
i in the heat and turmoil of an Annual early trail,
| Conference. The men who look death Which winding westward over hill and dale,
1 in the eyes, when a Chinese mob is ence Christ’s faithful pioneers did
[ hot with passionate hate, are © our | mis- To search where “new possessions†might
| sionaries ; the women who suffer count- been
| less disabilities in the centre of a cruel Full oft that path became as “ Baca’s vale,â€
| heathendom are “our†sisters, owing And many a lonely grave doth tell the tale
I their position to “our†commission. He Of hardness borne and duty nobly done.
i\ is a mistaken enthusiast who prone Their pains ‘and ae have “wells of bless-
i treasures upon his shelves the lives o ing†wrought,
i | eines. Chalmers, Gilmour, Paton And Parte spot, where desert tract was
i and Mackay, but has only the scantiest yy... ignorance of ages must be taught,
| knowledge of those who | have made And poison-weeds uprooted from the ground
1 beautiful many lives in Ribé, Freetown, Ere souls, with Christ’s own life-blood
i | Wenchow and Tientsin. dearly bought,
A | It would be an_excellent plan to spend Can with the Holy Spirit’s fruit abound.
Hi 46
i |
: i |
The Problem ae Hepic i. By REY. |
ebruary 28th, |
of the 3 pidge iss JOHN MOORE, |
Villages. Amos ix. 11-15. Home Mission Secretary. |
H |
CURSORY reading of the selected policy is a mistake, and your statesman- )
A passages will be sufficient to ship a failure†(John Bright). |
impress us with two facts :—_ One has but to bear these facts in |
(1) The important part village life mind, and contrast them with the pre- |
played in the early history of the Jews. sent condition of village life, to see the |
Its deletion and impoverishment were urgency of the appeal, to summon our
the signs of national weakness and de- best powers, to the making of condi-
cline. The redemption of national tions, suitable to the development of |
prestige and power were invariably lives fresh and vigorous, pure and ||
* associated with ie noe wel and strong. |
prosperity of the village, and accom- It is a great political problem, and as |
panied by festal joy. The aim and pur- cy jg eine the neaainees of our |
pose of Hebrew sip lesmansp Se a ‘wisest statesmen in solving it—How to |
keep inviolate the land, the faith, and Jest its decadence—its diminishing |
the purity of the village. d, vi]. Population—its lack of interest—its
(2) In the ministry of our Lord, an want of verve. The villages are the
lage life occupies a NO eran last to feel the thrill of that mighty
place. His birthplace was Bet Beer movement that has re-created England
and His early home was Nae » 4 during the last century. They have
small, obscure village, some Soe shared but little in the growing spirit |
from Jerusalem. It is evident from the oF’ national enterprise. They are still
story of His life that these early scenes held an, bondage to: feudalism: The |
and experiences were designed to ae conditions of labour are not sufficiently
an important bearing “on His after _omunerative. They are too frequently
ministry. They brought Him ao Bee stifled in mental and religious life, by
pathetic relations with the most low hi subtle and cruél methods of ostracism
They gave Him a wonderful insight 214 tyranny. True, we are awakening
into the feelings and tastes and needs 4, in Piet und Are becuming tected IE
of the poor. © The common people the urgent need for their emancipation.
heard Him gladly.†He had en Not only for their own sake, but for © i
from among them; He had been reared the pational weal. The real wealth of
in their pursuits and habits. For thirty the nation, on its material side, lies in
years He was a man among men, and i+ vesources of land and minerals,
His relationships with them were deeply These amis hesunbettereds amd “nade 1
sympathetic. Hence we are not sur jy, possible veins of wealth to all. The
prised to find the most fruitful period {ies on the land must be protected
_of His ministry was that spent among jj, the demand for a legitimate share
the people who lived in the clustering 5+ the fruit of their industry. Their |
villages of Galilee. ; ee homes must be made comfortable, and
_ These two facts certainly indicate the 1 efeeshment for mind and body must
important relationship of the village to 1,6 available for them as for the dwellers
the life oe peg ane the coke in large towns.
ment of the urch. In a memorable cf d
passage. the late Lord Beaconsfield said, gate three lines on which
“The village is the backbone of the WY. : : i 4
country,†and a wiser and more pro- (1) We can render sympathy an |
phetic teacher has declared that, “In practical help to every movement made |
every country you will find the nation yas better social and economic con- |
in the cottage; and unless the light of itions. ue ee
your legislation shines in there, your (2) We can help them in their efforts |
47 |
i |
i | In Missionary Bookland
| for emancipation, from the tyranny of selves, not forgetful of that richer de-
| the priest and squire—those dual foes posit they continually make in pure
(| of freedom and progress. faith and valiant service—of sons and
(3) We can ungrudgingly give them daughters, who, from village homes and
i facilities for religious service, towards sanctuaries, have come to enrich our
which they can contribute little them- cities and our Churches.
| |
i RAS owe 99
| A “Missionary Echo By
1 | e e
| Night in the C.E. Rev. S. VERNON.
i OU ask me to give a short account charge. Missionary hymns are sung,
| y of what I term my MISSIONARY what I judge to be the chief portions
i} ECHO night in connection with of the EcHo I briefly outline, offering
i the C.E. societies. The origin was on an occasional word of explanation or
i | this wise: I desired two things. First, exhortation. I select four or six shorter
1] that the very excellent and informing portions and ask selected members to
i monthly should be more widely known, read them. Following this come ques-
—— and have an increased circulation. tions relating to places and agents, and
If Second, I have sought to quicken mis- missionary conversation—a fitting close
I} sionary interest amongst our young being missionary prayers for Home and
' people. I was anxious that it should Foreign missions and missionaries. In
I | be an intelligent and informed interest. two societies, at any rate, this method is
| Then arose the question how to accom- welcomed, and has become the brightest
i | plish these desired results. The means and most eagerly sought after meeting
I | were at hand—use the C.E. meeting of the month. As a result, our young
I and the ECHO one night in each month people know more of the MISSIONARY
i for this purpose. : ECHO, our various missions, and the
li _ . That, sir, has been done with pleas- unification of forces abroad, than they
i ing results. The method adopted is, ever did before.
I] that on the third meeting night in each If, sir, there be any good in the
| month I have asked to be allowed full method, I pass it on.
| Se Se so
i e e
| Ip Missionary Bookland.
ie Benares: the Stronghold of Hinduism. anda host of things to interest older
1 By Rev. C. Phillips Cape, of readers and young. From “Some
if Benares. (Robert Culley. 2s. 6d.) Indian Sayings†we cull the following:
i The author says “Benares Wels If God orders you to pull He will give you
i famous before Rome was known. a rope: if He wants you to ride He will
1) Much that is fascinating is crowded into give you a horse.
ih this story of its life and work, seen Man is man’s enemy: Man is man’s
i through the eyes of a missionary, temedy. :
| There are forty-one illustrations, which The little pot soon boils. :
| will commend it to young people. It Does the dog’s barking or the cock’s
| is bright and readable, while packed “Qype mane tne day break?
|| Cue face aad hice hj i 1] Why trouble to count the miles of a road
i} y, which wi you need not travel?
1 please older readers. It tells of the One and one make eleven.
1 inevitable Juggernaut and the Sacred We give to God the flower beyond: our
Bull, but also of things less familiar reach!
il as, e.g., “ The Indian Sandow†“The and as that so pertinently applies to
ih Nim Trée,†and “Benares Doms.†gifts for missions we will conclude
| There are walks down streets, peeps this review with it, commending heartily _
| into hospitals, interviews with snakes, a very appetising book.
a 48
| :
i i=
: ss |
The United Methodist Church. |
a re |
e e e ;
Missionary Wedding |
e By the Rev. |
at Ningpo. J. W. HEYWoop.
N Wednesday, December gth, escorted by the Rev. J. W. Heywood,
1908, the marriage of Mr. T. W. entered the small but beautiful English
Chapman, M.Sc., Principal of our church, and took her place by the side |
Wenchow College, to Miss Bertha of the waiting bridegroom, followed by
Mary Arnold, of the China Inland the bridesmaid, Miss Scott, of the Wen-
Mission, Wenchow, was celebrated at chow China Inland Mission, and the |
Christ Church, Foreign Settlement, Rev. G. W. Sheppard.
Ningpo. The Rev. W. Robbins, C.M. Society,
Wenchow has not at present a resi- announced the hymn:
dent British Consul, and it is probably “The voice that breathed o’er Eden,†|
owing to the withdrawal of His Ma- : : Z |
jesty’s consular representative that some Which was sung with much feeling by |
two years ago the marriage licence was the congregation. Then followed the
also withdrawn from the Consulate. beautiful and solemn marriage service ;
The Wenchow steamer arrived in the bride being given away by the Rev.
Ningpo on thé morning of December J. W. Heywood. Mendelssohn’s “ Wed-
gth, after a terribly rough passage of ding March†was played by the organ-
twenty-six hours. Even the ship’s ofi- 1st, Miss Farrow, the stepdaughter of Wy
cers suffered from mal-de-mer! our British Consul.
Everything unpleasant, however, was Sedan chairs, carried on the shoulders Wy
forgotten wher at two p.m. the bride, Of sturdy Chinese, were the “carriages iH
ONS Se SS i;
J lio a . ~ |
pose ee : | a See
a ee De |
Be ie eka a
= Mr, T. W. Chapman, M.Sc., Wenchow, 1902 — Mrs. T. W. Chapman. .
Marcu, 1909.
Ht i
| The Marriage at Mazeras
1 ih
and pairs†which bore the happy couple she arrived in Shanghai, and was sent
| back to the United Methodist Mission to the Ladies’ Training Home at Yang-
| compound, where a charming reception. chow. Shewas then appointed for work '
i} was held by the Rev. and Mrs. W. at Ping-yang, a Hsien city some thirty
t Lyttle. The guests included all the miles from the fu-city of Wenchow.
| Ningpo Mission staff, H.B.M. Consul, Owing, however, to the departure on
E. L. Barr, Esq., Mrs. Barr and two furlough of the business secretary in
It daughters, and the Rev. and Mrs. J. Wenchow, Miss Arnold was requested
a Palmer, C.M.S. to supply her place until her return.
I The wedding was a bright and happy This she has done efficiently for a year
event, wanting only one thing to com- anda half. The work demanded busi-
plete the satisfaction of the happy pair ness abilities, and much sympathy and
} | —the presence of those specially near tact, as it involved attending to the
i} and dear to them in the homeland. various needs of the C.I. missionaries
A few particulars regarding Mrs. scattered throughout the South-Western
I} T. W. Chapman may fittingly intro- portion of Chékiang province. This
il duce her to our Home Churches. She work was ably performed by Miss
i belongs to an old and enthusiastic Con- Arnold, and in addition she studied the
| gregational family, in Dorking, Surrey. Wenchow dialect, and not only passed
| | Her father has held most of the offices her first examination, but was fully pre-
| open to laymen in the Congregational pared to sit for her second language
i Church. examination, when her betrothal to
I} One of her brothers has recently en- Mr. Chapman took place.
i tered Hackney College in preparation As a consecrated mission worker, and
| for the Congregational ministry. one whose personal gifts promise _suc-
I Miss Arnold (Mrs. Chapman) had cess in the difficult work on the China
long desired to work in China, and mission field, Mrs. Chapman will, we
early in 1906 she offered herself as a are sure, receive a hearty welcome from
| candidate for the China Inland Mission. our Churches when she and her husband
| She spent some months in the C.I.M. visit England during the year.
| London Training Home, varied by at- [For the photograph which accompanies
i | tending classes at the London Homceo- we are indebted to her father, Mr. Frederick
I pathic Hospital. In the autumn of 1906 Arnold, of Dorking.—Ep.]
| Se Se Se
I} 5
| The Marriage By Rev.
| | at Mazeras. J. B. GRIFFITHS.
[The following gives the account of the joy to be back at the old place, and to
HF arrival of the missionary party in East see the old familiar faces again!
| . Africa, and incidentally (!) the fuller story At Mazeras, at two p.m., on Decem-
| of ee ber 1st, Miss Bird was married to the
1 E arrived at Mombasa on Rev. W. Udy Bassett, Ribé. The
November 27th, three days bride, dressed in white silk and carrying
i late, and were met and heartily a bouquet of orange blossoms and
i welcomed by Mr. Bassett, Mr. Lory tropical flowers, looked really charming,
i| and Mr. Bridgman. We were delighted and the bridegroom looked very happy.
i} to see them all looking so well, and Mr. Lory acted as best man and Mrs. |
if especially Mr. Bridgman who has had _ Griffiths stood by the bride. The Rev.
i] 50 many attacks of fever. It wasa joy- J. B. Griffiths officiated.
i} ous meeting for all. The church was crowded with keenly
iii We all left the same day by train for interested spectators, who, after the
Mazeras where all the mission, young ceremony, conducted the happy pair to
Hh and old, met us and led us into the the mission house with singing and
a | Mission Station with singing. What a dancing in a truly African fashion.
1 ;
} it 50
i I |
H |)
The Marriage at Mazeras | |
i |
Here the wedding party sat down to tea to cease her boisterous acclamations:. |
, when the cake was cut. After tea the The heartiness of our friends’ ‘wel-
party was photographed, a copy of come home, after making all pos- |
which I send. sible deductions for negro enthusiasm,. |
I have never seen the town of Ma- Was a striking testimony to the
zeras more crowded than it was on this @¢ep affection which the people of i
day. All the native ministers and Mazeras have for our superintendent Hl
teachers of our Circuits had been in- @Md_his excellent wife. Mr. and Mrs. H |
vited to the wedding, and many of our Griffiths have given of their very best i
members also had come, and Mr. Bas- for these swarthy sons and daughters: i
sett generously provided for their of Ham, and ‘verily they have their re- |
wants by giving them an African feast Ward’ in the love of these children of 1 |
consisting of a sheep, a goat and a bag the wilderness. Our home friends will |
of rice cooked native fashion. At five Join us, we feel assured, in praying that 1 |
p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett left for their valuable lives may long be spared’ 1 |
Ribé, Mrs. Bassett in a hammock, and for service in the Dark Continent.â€
Mr. Bassett on the donkey. Thus [Mr. Bassett also sends a letter which:
ended a momentous day in the lives of Miss Bird received from one of the
our dear friends and in the history of native missionaries before leaving Eng- 1
this mission. It was truly a bright and land. We give both the original and i |
happy day for all, and augurs well for Mr. Bassett’s translation—ED. | | |
the future. The earnest Mr. Lory (best man). | |
prayer of his colleagues is [ay aaa ae |
—and it will be repeated in Fae 1 |
eucs of =e in Be ee es 1
omeland—that he an Peete Pw I |
Mrs. Bassett may have a [fees : me pi Ste ee |
long, happy and useful life | £& _ rn 1 |
in East Africa. ae = >» a eae ||
Mr. Bassett says:“ After ~eae my | { + ae |
getting the baggage |» = a4 » > ia |
through the Customs, the |) je = ap Ya ee
U.M.C. party entrained on | = @ 4 ss Se eS
the Uganda Railway for | | 939) —Jo™ ee
ae ef the train [ae BD OL! ; SN
steamed into the station at | a | ge A BAe
this place a great shout of bee oe fl ae Oh | VS |
welcome rent the air, and | ~~» 3, “QP y mm | ip 1
then the dusky mission bay ee oe ea !
folk sang a hymn, of the | 7 | a = ~ aa Se bee
late Rev. T. Wakefield’s [9 { ~ a (ijAT NCO
translation, to the familiar [y= 9 “Ee CT. ee
strains of ‘Should old ac- 7 cA Pe gee Ly —_ |
quaintance be forgot.’ Old oF Sg | ll eg |
folk and little children vied Ey es are ey conti Aa Eo |
with (acl in re, awe ee | Wa)
ing their beloved ‘Bwana’ |) « Pa _ _~: fo
and ‘ Bibi.’ The writer was ‘Tred mm of
struck particularly with Ra es a. ee
] one old lady, named |, ia A |
- Kambe, who was so over- [> gf ets
joyed at seeing Mrs. Grif- [7 = ag ewes eet |
fiths again that it was ,qgeessiees@sewesses = eo |
some time before she ergs ee eee
could be got to release Sate ee wat a Ce Pe eee
Mrs. Griffiths’s hands from (Mr. Griffiths. “(Glyn.) Mrs. Griffiths. Mr. Bridgman. =
her affectionate grip, and (Photo, Figueria, Mombasa. |
| 51
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i I
In Missionary Bookland
| Ribé, August 28th, 1908. Translation.
i Mpenzi. Bibi. Mtumba wakwe Bwana Bas- Beloved. My Lady. The fiancée of Mr.
i I sett. Salamu sana, baada ya salamu. Bassett. Compliments. After compliments
| Nimimi Mwalimu wa Ribé wa Africa, mtu I am the teacher of Ribé, of Africa, a black
i mwensi jina langu ndmimi William Griffith man, and my name is William Griffith Am-
i | Ambale, Nainua mkono wangu, kukuan- bale. .
1 dikia wewe barua ya salamu kwa kuwa I lift up my hand to write you a letter of
ik Bwana Bassett rafiki yangu, alituambia peace, for Mr. Bassett, my friend, has told
i! f kwamba wewe utakuja huku nti yetu ya us that you are coming here to our Ribé
i Ribé, naswi twafurahiwa sana, kwa wewe country, and we have much gladness because
} kuja kwetu, naswi twakuombea, Mungu you are coming, and we pray to God very
ia sana, Mungu akusaidie uje kwetu salama, much that He will help you to come to us
mkae na Bwana pamoja, msaiddiane kwa in safety, and that you may stay with
HH ‘\kazi hii ya Mungu; no kwa mazunguhnzo master to help each other in this work of
H Hi ya furaha, na mapenzi, umesalimiwa ni God, and for joyous and loving conversa-
H |i watu wetu wote, twaku penda sana kwamba_ tions. You have the compliments of all our
HH uje, na Munga akusaidie katika safari yako, people. We are very pleased you are com-
Hi ufike kwetu salama. Uje tuona ne uso kwa_ ing, and may God help you on your journey
| uso. Watu wetu wote wa Mission, waume that you may reach us in peace. Come
| } na wake, na watoto pia wakusalimia sana that we may see you face to face. All our
i | kwa busu ya mapenzi kwa Jesu Kristo people of the mission, men and women and
| Bwana wetu. all the children send many compliments to
1 | Umesalimiwa ni Fanny mke wangu, na yOu with the kiss of affection through Jesus
1 Victor, na Gertrude, na Jane, watoto wangu. Christ our Lord. You have the compliments
1 Nisalimia Baba yako, na Mamaako, na of Fanny, my wife, and of my children,
ty Ndugu zako wake na waume, ma Marafiki Victor, Gertrude and Jane. I salute your
if yako yote, walio Ulaya. Salamu. father and your mother and your female and
| sei Fees ; : male relations, and all your friends who are
be iI Nimimi hapa. Mwalimu. in England. Peace. As for me I am here.
| W. G. AMBALE. Teacher, ‘ W. G. AMBALE.
| | Se sSse Se
| MISSIONARY SONNET. In Missionary Bookland.
iI Graded Mission-study. (Young Peo-
i By ev. AICEHCR 37 OS NTER: ple’s Missionary Movement, 78
; | {By permission from ‘‘C.M. Review.’’ (See note p. 11.) ] Fleet Street, Ee. 3d.) i
| | A useful text-book or guide-book
aca MISSIONARIES’ CHILDREN, specially prepared for the various grades
iH : WIDOWS, ETC. in schools and C.E. societies—inter-
hae 3 mediate, junior and primary. The
al “His servants’ children shall continue†when greatest space is given to the junior.
a | Still mightier works created pass away’; “Tt is designed to assist those who have
[ Linked on by covenant to Him Whose day become familiar with mission study,
iy | Is one eternal Now and endless Then! and who desire to extend the idea to
Fi 2 6 â€
| And here are some, each with a spécial grief YOUBET readers. : oe
| Of parting, sickness, death,/or work laid The Lord’s Prayer: A brief exposition.
i gece By a J. T. Waddy, M.A. (is. 6d.
| God, too, can use a thorn to plait a crown, - net.
1 ?
| Yet prove grace better than the pain’s relief ! Prayer. By Rev. A. E. Balch, M.A.
i : oS (is. net. Rev. R. Culley, 26 Pater-
I} And they who patiently accept His will noster Row.)
| Shall know their pains and labours ne’er Two thoughtful little books. Regret
| are lost; we have no space to review them.
| i The busy, active life—or lying still, We have also received :—
i All, “for His sake,†are worth just any others im Council; or, talks in
| | cost, mothers’ meetings. By Ellen M. |
Hi When His “Well done! †at last the heart McDougall. (R.Culley. 2s. 6d. net.)
| ) shall thrill, Not a missionary book, and hence we
if And “perfect peace†shall greet the tem- can spare no space for a review.
HT pest-tossed. (See also page 62.)
Yi) 52 {
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Foreign Missionary 1 |
© 9 I. By Rev. |
cretaries’ Notes |
of the Month. Foreign Secretary. ||
1 |
** What shall Quite recently, when on Last Africa. A brief note is to hand 1)
I Give to deputation work, a kind Arrivaland announcing the arrival of i |
Missions friend said: “We always Departureof the Rev. J. B. and Mrs. i |
this Year?†turn to your ‘Notes,’ Missionaries. Griffiths, and Miss Bird, at i |
month by month, to see Mombasa, November 27th. ||
what you have to say about our giving Mr. Griffiths said “they had received a i
to missions.†We smiled, and said: hearty welcome from all, and that all 1
“We may appear at times a little insis- were well.†* As soon as he could get |
tent, but it is a case of line upon line, fairly settled down he should visit all | |
and precept upon precept.†the stations.
When on a visit to one of our < i |
churches in the north we were struck China. A A long-to-be-remembered i |
with the following :— Valedictory valedictory service was
: Service. held at Walthamstow, |
Printed in good, readable type, and January 18th, to take leave |
hung over the mantelpiece in a large of the Rey. A. H. Sharman and Dr. i
room which was used every day in the E. W. Smerdon. The chair was taken i |
week, and often for committees by by our honoured friend, Mr. W. Mallin- i |
many societies not of the Church, there son. His speech was worthy of him- |
was an “argument†to which all may self andtheoccasion. It was the largest- |
well give earnest heed; we cordially attended valedictory meeting, with one 1 |
commend it to the readers of the exception, we ever have had the joy of i
EcHo :-— attending. The tone of the meeting } |
2 _____was high and intensely spiritual. The 1
———— a = || address was givens by -the writer, cand |
“A Little Argument with Myself.†responded to by the departing mis- |
| sionaries. Not one false or des- |
(1) Ir I REFUSE TO GIVE ANYTHING, I pondent note was struck by either ; both 1 |
|]| Practically cast a ballot in favour of the felt to be called of God, and were go- i |
||| recall of every missionary from the : f eeobed g h Il: 1
|] foreign field. ing forth in obedience to that call; not I
ill _ (2) Ir I crve tess THAN HERETOFORE, that they felt themselves equal to the ie
I favour a reduction of the missionary work, but the urgent need had com- |
foresee proportionate to my reduced ||| pelled them to cry out: a iiere am 1, 1 |
| TRIE T Ghe THE SAME AS FORMERLY send mer ney ye Oe a cope |
I favour holding the ground already dence on the great promise: Lo, I i
won, but I oppose a forward movement. am with you alway, even unto the end i
My song is, “Hold the Fort,†forgetting of the ages,†and the prayers and sym- |
| that the Lord never intended that His pathy of the Church |
army should take refuge in a fort. All : is x Hy
jj; of His soldiers are Painter marching The dedicatory prayer was offered by 1h
orders always. They are commanded to the Rev. J. W. Armstrong, and brief | 4
“Go.†and pertinent addresses were made by 1
(4) Ir I ADVANCE MY OFFERING BEYOND Dr. C. F. Harford (Principal of Liv- qi
||| FORMER YEARS, then I favour an advance ingstone College), the Revs. R. Noble |
j]| Movement in conquest of new territory 1D; ° en & a Ni if : 1 7
|| for Christ. If I add one hundred per (District _ chairman), . Nightingale i
||| cent to my former contributions, then I (pastor), R. P. Cole, and A. R. Barnes. |
|| favour doubling the missionary forces at The choir was present, and, in addition fi
. ||| once. If I add fifty per cent, I say: to leading the general praise of the ser- |
| “Send out one-half as many moreâ€; and 7° fered Ss l : . Wy
|| if I add twenty-five per cent, I say to vice, rendered some special music of a
our Missionary Society: “Send out one- most appropriate character. |
||| fourth more than are now in the field.†The Rev. A: H. Sharman has re- - {
—————————————————— ee Se
53 j
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| Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
a :
| turned to his station at Wenchow, and saw such a breakdown, or such a fol-
Vai Dr. Smerdon has gone to the same mis- lowing uplift in the Church. I am
Hy sion to take the place of Dr. Plummer praying to be worthy to carry a bit of
i while he is‘on furlough, which is due the blessing to Wenchow.†*
this summer. Dr. Plummer has ren- . * * e S
i | dered eight years of most fruitful ser- - : . ;
i | vice as the following figures, for last Principal Chapman, in a (home) let-
He year, will impressively show :— ter referring to Mr. Soothill’s visit,
| Visits to the Dispensary Serle 28 writes as follows: “We are expecting
Vai In-patients :— Mr. Soothill by next mail, and are go-
Male 986...) as ing to have a series of special evan-
i Réemales 22502 sree err oie cata gelistic services while he is here,
Hi Purchasers at the Medicine Shop which he is going to conduct. There
i} —mostly repeat prescriptions... 10,353 are so many who have been enquirers
| for years who have-not yet joined the
1 A Great In a recent letter from our Church, that we are anticipating: much
i} Awakening honoured missionary, the good will result from these services.â€
i in Shansi. Rey. W. E. Soothill, is a God grant that this visit of Mr. Soot-
i) most impressive, and joy- hill to Wenchow may be a season of
bi inspiring, piece of news: “We _ have glorious ingathering.
an had a great awakening here. Never
| Connexional We have not enough data
HH || ve Missionary on which to base a report
a eee re Ren ea Sunday. in reference to the general
Ae aii Bee ree observance of Missionary
| Faas Sunday. We have had several com-
Fi oe ie ae munications on the necessity of a more
| | Se See regular reference in the Sunday ser-
; ai a vices to the missionary character of the
Hy | : Church, and some of the correspondents
A al age†Ve : have laid great emphasis on the almost
ad 0 U- : * total absence of any reference to mis-
|| oe a sions in the public prayers of the sanc-
| Hit | ls. la . tuary. One friend makes this startling
ay age ‘ statement :—that during the past few
| | | Boe years [he attends one service most :
ei ae : Sundays], out of every dozen services
i | F he has attended in not more than one
i HI : : have missions had a distinct place in
re | fee =the prayers. He may well say, in the
| HH : face of this, that we as much need to
Tul appeal to our ministers on this question,
a | as we do to our members on some other
ne | "= aspects of the mission enterprise! )
1 am x Our hope is that our friend’s experi-
| ci) ae ence is exceptional. Of one thing,
h | | 4 wd however, there can be no doubt, that
Meat} we should all take care to pray regu-
| Hi | ‘larly, daily, for those far away, who |
hh | | are doing the Church’s work under con-
HH) | ditions always difficult, and not infre-
i |! | : quently full of danger to both health
A | and life. “Pray without ceasing†is
| HT the counsel of the great missionary
1a apostle!
; iW | : Dr. E. W. Smerdon, Wenchow, 1909— SER REE Fe oS ae SENS A Ree ak aE er eh
j i Hi | (Photo: J. D. Shield, Edinburgh. * See p. 60.—Ep. |
1 | 54
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Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month i
A New Many Circuit missionary In my visits to the stations I have i |
Additional secretaries have written been pleased to notice the faithfulness i |
Missionary pointing out that there of the country members to the regular |
Collecting was great need for a_ services. In most places the members i |
Book. further Missionary Collect- attend well, not only when I go, but i |
ing Book other than those when I am not there. In the Yang i |
we had published. We beg to inform MHsin section there is one place in par- i |
our friends that a new one has been ticular where the church is prospering i |
prepared on the lines of the one said inaremarkable way. For some months H |
to be very useful’ both in the late mow at Hu Li Chia the members have
“U.M.F.C.†and “B.C.†sections. It is been meeting together day after day i |
specially suitable for young people. By praying for their neighbours and friends i |
application to the Rev. A. Crombie, at with the’ result that the services are H |
the Publishing’ House, the new book crowded, and the room too small for H |
can be obtained. their use. They are now seeking a i |
larger room and pressing me to send H |
Missionary In the face of what has them a preacher to live among them. i |
Treasurer. already been done there Alas, that our staff is too small to allow i |
are those who still write of a man being sent. I have done the i |
asking to whom Circuit Missionary best I can, and sent a man to spend i |
money of late U.M.F.C. section can be part of his time there, and part at an- 1 |
sent. W. H. Butler, Esq., J.P., Sum- other station near. i |
merhill House, St. George, Bristol, That a new spirit is coming to our i |
has been appointed Treasurer in place people is being proved at our quarterly i |
of the late dear Mr. Bird, and will give meetings. This year, entirely on their |
prompt attention to all money remitted gyy initiative, the preachers and mem- 1
to him. bers have formed a Debating Society to H |
Jo discuss all kinds of subjects save poli- |
tics—religion, science, literature, etc. 1
Il. The eceHES are condictes ener a I |
themselves, and the subjects are dis- i
By Rev. G. PACKER, cussed after the foreign fashion, ac- I}
Missionary Secretary. cording to the ordinary rules of debat- |
NORTH CHINA. ing societies in England. We have I |
The following extracts from recent letters already | had such subjects as ‘The i |
: give an interesting view of ordinary. mis- Prosperity of the Church, and how to ||
sionary work, and show the progress that is obtain it,’ ‘The Influence of the Sun 1
being made. on the motions of the Earth,’ and ih
WU TING FU, SHANTUNG. REV. w. EDDoN. ‘ Man’s Physical Structure a Wonderful | :
“1N July we lost by death quite sud- thing.’ The meetings are very enjoy- |
| denly one of our best preachers, able. 1 ie
Mr. Chang Chih Chuan. He died Our people are also very dissatisfied | ie
after two days’ illness just after the with the old order of education, and |
quarterly meetings in which he took wish to have something that will bring
a prominent part. He was one of them up to date. A few months ago 1 |
the old order of preachers, but full I had a letter from several preachers |
of enthusiasm for the spread of the and teachers appointed to represent the i
Gospel, a quiet, unassuming, retir- rest of the Circuit in the matter, ask- |
ing man in private life, but in ing me to beseech the Home Com-
his work knowing no fear of man, mittee, on their behalf, to send out i
so eager was he to preach to all another missionary to Wu Ting Fu |
the good tidings of salvation. His specially to open a school where the
death has been a heavy blow to the children of our members could be i
Circuit. His church was perhaps the taught Western learning by up-to-date
most alive, successful church amongst methods, and so given a chance of tak-
us, for he had managed to infuse his ing a good place amongst their fellow-
own spirit among the members. men. ,
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HY Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
| These movements amongst our peo- was brought to Hospital from her home
ple are very suggestive. They show twenty miles away. Anything she at-
i that the old order of things is passing tempted to swallow came through the
away, and a new spirit coming even in gpening, as the root of the tongue was
| the country districts; that the people quite severed. In Hospital, feeding
H Il will not be satisfied much longer with had to be done through the nose by a
| the present condition of things, and tube. This in itself was considered a
| that if we wish to retain our position wonderful device, and when she finally
i | aS a mission, and our Church to prosper recovered with wound quite healed, and
IH i in the future, we shall have to move able to swallow food as before, all ac-
i} faster than we are doing, and quainted with her said her life could
thoroughly reorganize several depart- not have been saved outside of the
| ments of our work, notably our educa- foreign Hospital. She was a docile
i | tional department.†enough patient, but both herself and
iH her mother, who attended her, were
| YUNG P’ING FU, CHIHLI. DR. A. K. BAXTER. frankly indifferent, if not hostile, to
1) “The heavy floods hindered our work Christian truth.
i | as travelling was rendered very difficult. A contrast in this respect is the atti-
i} Few patients could come until recently. tude of a mother and son at present in
Most of the in-patients lately have been the Hospital. The boy had sustained
i women. One had cataract in both eyes a fracture of the thigh near the hip-
i |} making her nearly quite blind. After joint. As it got little treatment for four
i | operation she now sees well enough to months, beyond a plaster, he was very
1 make her way about. Another case lame on admission. His parents wished
FI was that of a young girl whose throat me to guarantee a cure within three
Ah i was deeply cut from ear to ear with a weeks, as at the end of that period ar-
i sickle. She is only fifteen or so, and rangements had been already made to
HH while working in the fields a labourer marry the youth. No small amount of !
belonging to the same village attempted argument was needed to persuade them
i r to assault her. On her resisting he cut that treatment, and not marriage, was
her throat. It was six days before she of first importance. The mother is Can-
aE ’ :
i | :
rp) | | SRS ES Nani ecieate sais a8
Vl | deen ee Ban
Ht olan . ; ee a : Age el nrc
ih ae ‘ AW eee ee
if | a Wate sr AWS Ve ae ‘ —— ee a
| | eh y he ie f Los pay
| aves | - ape hw * ( ie ae
BP 1 EDP RA tee SD SB “ soe ‘ £ eae? : set
: Hi Group of Mandarins and Foreign Guests at Lao Ling Hospital Opening. (Photo, Dr. Fletcher Jones.
iy 86 |
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Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month i |
i |
tonese. She is.very intelligent and free by many here both in and outside the
from the worst superstitions prevalent Church. i |
here. ‘God,’ she said yesterday, Miss Roebuck seems likely to prove a
‘could not possibly be in an image valuable addition to our staff. She has. ||
made of earth fashioned with men’s made a good start with the language. it |
hands. Her son reads very well, and As to when we shall go home, our i |
has gone through the Gospel with some present intentions are to travel via i |
interest. Siberia the last week in April or the i |
In addition to the preaching on mar- beginning of May. I am looking for- i |
- ket days in the chapel since last spring ward with great interest and pleasure
: we have had an evangelistic service on at the prospect of seeing you and the H |
Thursday evenings. It gives an oppor- Committee of the United Church face i |
tunity to the business men, and other to face. You have always been very i |
city residents, of hearing the Gospel, as__ fair and considerate in your dealings. it |
on market days they have no time. The with me. Further intercourse will, no i |
interest displayed, as well as the atten- doubt, strengthen the bonds between: i |
dance, has been encouraging. About us.†!
two months ago we began using a magic Seo i |
lantern at this service, speaking on the q
Life of Christ, illustrated with a series If. |
of coloured slides. The attendance and By Rev. C. STEDEFORD,
interest increased. The chapel is too Miési Seorst i |
small. For several evenings we have Pee he eee i |
held the meeting in the yard behind the LETTER received from the Rev. |
chapel. On Sunday evenings we ex- A H. Parsons supplies some in- 1H |
hibit our slides in the dispensary wait- teresting news respecting his. 1 |
ing-room for the benefit of the patients. work among the Miao. For nearly i |
While the Turners were here we in- three months he had been itinerating i
vited General Wang and the city offi- over the ranges of hills visiting the i |
cials to a lantern exhibition in our many Miao hamlets which are dotted 1 |
verandah. We borrowed a set of Italian about the valleys. During two months |
views. After showing these, and the he spent only six days in his own home. 4 |
series illustrating the Life of Christ, He returned to Stone Gateway in time |
our guests joined us at dinner. Al- for the Harvest Festival services. The iH |
though our table customs differ widely weather was most unfavourable, cold 18
from their own, especially in the matter rain fell in torrents and the roads were 1 |
of chop-sticks, our guests acquitted very slippery. Many of the people were |
themselves very well and with evident drenched to the skin, and they had no 1 |
enjoyment. choice but to sit in their wet clothes | |
Not long afterwards our city preacher, as closely together as possible for two I |
one of our chief elders, Mr. Turner and and a half hours. They travelled con- 11 |
myself, were invited by the General to siderable distances, some tramping the 1 |
a dinner at the Camp nearly three miles abominable roads for thirty miles. 1 |
away. The variety and number of the They left home for three days and I |
courses one must taste at a Chinese faced such roads and weather in order 1 |
feast seem endless. Although knives to attend the Harvest Festival services. ||
and forks, as well as spoons, were pro- Despite all this the chapel was filled. A iV |
vided, our main implements were the large quantity of corn was brought for ii
chop-sticks, which we handled some- a thankoffering. Several desired to be |
bs what awkwardly. Besides the General, baptized, but they lacked a sufficient |
two Colonels, with whom we were also knowledge of Christian truth and were |
acquainted, made up the circle. On kept on trial. From midday until the
| leaving, the General sent two soldiers, ‘evening meeting Mrs. Parsons was busy |
with big official lanterns, to accompany dispensing medicines. This is a usual |
us home.†Sunday experience. During the year |
# * * * 3 many thousands come for medicine. |
“Tt is a great pleasure to have Mr. During his long itineration Mr. Par- Hi
Hedley with us again, and this is shared sons visited all the out-stations, save |
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Hii Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
| | one, attended ten Harvest Festivals, Inn the people gathered in great num-
| and in most of the centres administered bers and the missionary had most en- I
it the sacraments. In order that as many couraging times.
i places as possible might be visited, Mr. At Mao-pu-ka Mrs. Parsons took the
HW |! and Mrs. Parsons sometimes separated services on the Sunday, and Mr. Par-
i | and went to different places, or while sons, after conducting services at Half
Hh . Mr, Parsons went farther afield his Way Inn, came on the Monday. Here
| ‘wife remained at Shih-man-kai, taking the chapel is falling to pieces because
| i charge of the services and the work of it was badly built, and the friends were
Hei the colporteurs. j persuaded to erect a new chapel as soon
| i] At a place called Mao-a-nea-zo a site as the frost would permit. :
HE il for a new chapel was decided upon.. It In some of the remote out-stations it
Wal ‘was a long time before the landlord was found that several who had been
HH would give permission to build, but now baptized had fallen back into their
Vaal the Miao are busy putting up their little former evil ways. They had been
| chapel. It will be built of mud and_ visited occasionally by Miao preachers ;
| thatched with straw, and yet it is but though these men are truly con-
i! earnestly hoped it will become a real verted, their knowledge of the Gospel
i Bethel to the several Miao villages of is too limited to enable them to teach
A i the district. others so as to maintain the interest.
aa At Rice Ear valley and at Half Way Their work is successful only as
HH | it is constantly supported and
ait rae s directed by the missionary. It
1h RE Ace Bets ees is sad to think that many of
1 ee eee ns er >= these people might have been
bl aS ee eee §=6 Saved from lapsing if only
it : S66 there had been more mission-
AH ; >= ~ aries working in the extensive
| i} aE iia eee §«ficld. Mr. Parsons, in his tour,
ve Bees eee ee )§=rodee over a thousand miles in
Hy fone pee ee §8=6all kinds of weather, and over
Te oe aoe eee = all kinds of roads, but it is a
Hh | = fe = _~SCsérhysical impossibility for one
| | | Sa AGO ieee Sea = » man to efficiently superintend
eu ee ae Wee oa «work which is scattered over
| Ds ee OR EO Ra Rigs es eee: such a wide area, and touches
dl hse) gpa a Rue ae es 2% seven to ten thousand people.
Hd Si Meanie pe eR On TRL Pe kt Y ear ere It was a big disappointment to
HB i er ple aC eee eat oo Se ge hear that there was little proba-
| | | pay Adee eA eee py of reinforcements being sent
a pommenee te eet ere eee |) this autumn. I am not writing
P| Hi peat Peet aN ee ee =sin a complaining spirit, but only
| | | EF BEE EE ee es, expressing the feelings of those to
t Hi sect Loe Rt pea fhe ee ae whom missionary work is a grim, 5
i |) | } ; oe a Lar Oa ae earnest battle, hand to hand and
| Wt ewe gs We ee os > Some fact to face, with the powers of
ii HI) i eee = eS darkness. The fight is long and
mili ; PCTS ge ae Lees ge stern, and every inch of ground is
HB att] ee ge ath ae 0 eee, §=« being fiercely contested. But we
Hh | | ge a Meet §=6know that final victory is ours,
HH ||| er ee = and we feel it day by day. Yet 7]
Hi : Cte ae BM aN Sage as the throng presses, and we are !
) iI é i mim Mei se hemmed in on every side, the
| | ag aa aan) Uy ie }2)*) sound of a comrade’s voice and the
bi ye Me ee yg §= help off a brother’s hand would be |
Mii! ra Hee etek IN (UBER pee aaa Te Bi ne aoe We fa eared
i a € wi come Vv n ’
i) | oes see een ae oe SRE hut one Ponders what of the ne
il ‘Chinese territory tps ede by Editon, United Methodist Magazine tervening years. We are daily
Hf 58 |
: | Ht |
BH hy | :
/ HH
rT | — — |
Va Rev. W. E, Soothill
] policy which this experience seems to show which deals with “The missionary mes-
to be the best. sage in relation to non-Christian Reli-
at The subjects of the Commissions ap- gions.†The Rev. G. Packer is on the
: | pear on page 248, 1908. Executive ; and the Rev. C. Stedeford, i
i] The Rev. Henry T. Chapman has along with the before-named, is on the
Hh | been appointed on Commission,No. 4, General Committee.
/ Hy I sSse
i e
| Rev. W. E. Soothbill : Tai-yuan-fa and Wenchow.
i {In a confidential and characteristic letter ist channels, afterwards direct as now-
\ to his friend and colleague, Dr. Plummer, adays. You should have seen them
| there occurs a paragraph which the Doctor Jistening; they have never listened to
| thinks we may quote.—ED.] the interpreter as they listened then,
i and how they smiled as I gave some
ae AST Friday my subject to over a_ gentle hints at their religious notions!
i 3 hundred of our students was the It was my best day here yet. For in-
i | Religion of Greece—it came in stance, I said: “The Greeks thought
| the course of history lectures. I de- their gods were like men.†They
a livered nearly the whole lecture myself smiled. “So does the Chinaman,†I
nh | in Mandarin, instead of through an in- poked in. The smile broadened. “The 3
Hy ||) terpreter. I had a good time, and Greeks thought what they liked to eat,
a showed them how remarkably the etc., their gods would like.†(Smile.)
AH || Greek religion resembled their own, “So do the Chinese!†(Broad smile.)
| how little it satisfied the cravings of “The Greeks ‘thought Zeus, their i
Hh the higher Greek mind, how it resulted greatest god, needed a wife.†(Great
ai in scepticism, and how Christianity was amusement.) “So does the Chinaman
Ta accepted by the Greeks. I showed them —Heaven father, earth mother!†They
HH also that Greece had had a considerable were famously tickled. It was all done
a influence on China, first through Buddh- -——and much more—in the kindest
ma Se ge ee way and _ they
! : eee : took no offence.
| This is my first
| : serious attack on
i | . this citadel. By
if | eee si wes : God’s grace it is
ih aie cite yy only ne begin-
HH | : “oo sh oe _ > i Jee 2 oS ning of a greater
: | E eee _ a i eC Th spiritual awaken-
i ae memes ' | , 4% 4 ing, and there is
i | Abe ee BG Ro poe ; te no other end to |
ii ea re ee a a such but Christ.
| | es eee CC COB;tt I think the
if | ee eS Pee eter § old order will
re | ae ae ate. ge eee §=have to be the
i | pee a ae Bees Order in the case u
iV eee of these _men—
| : ee a = Bee : ¥ through God to
i) | ——— eee. ———SC(C(Chr'ist—for ‘it is
i... == God than Christ,
1 | ee ee ~—Ss to. the intellectual
BH | 2 ee eee Se —s-==—1 mind. He is the |
ri | Canal at Wenchow. (Photo, Dr. Plummer, topstone. |
1 Ha ii 60 ;
i ; | \
Hh |
| Ts
i i
Between Ourselves |
Then the sequel. Dr. Plummer, and we are asking that there may | |
writing December 21st, says: “Mr. be a_ great outpouring of God's ii |
Soothill, who is expected here ina few Uloly Spirit which shall make itself i |
weeks, tells us there has been a wonder- felt all through this region. A |
ful revival at Tai-yuan-fu, Shansi, and very hopeful sign is the fact that the
in the hope that we here may receive a meetings are to be held conjointly with i |
similar blessing, special meetings have the China Inland Mission, and all the i |
been arranged so that he can tell the Christians of both Churches are uniting |
Wenchow Church what God is doing in in prayer. I am afraid this will not be - {il
other parts of China. The meetings in time to ask you to join beforehand
will be held thrice daily, beginning with us, but you will be looking for-
January 25th, and will last ten days. ward to hear fuller details.†[Letter to H |
Prayer-meetings have now begun, hand February 4th.—ED. ] |
Se |
Between Ourselves. EDITORIAL. 1 |
Die LeTeneRONeS: __ tained on application to the Rev. D. J. i |
N the light of the early departure of Rounsefell, 34 Durand Gardens, Stock- i |
Dr. and Mrs. Jones for North well, S.E. i |
China, we desire to emphasize the i |
appeal for hospital material made last THE REY. F. J. DYMOND. | |
month (page 37):__They expect to leave We assure him of a cordial welcome i |
Southampton on Easter Tuesday, April to the Home Churches after his second i |
13th. He desires all contributions at lengthy period of service. We are glad H |
once, as the heavy luggage is sent ahead to be able to say something about him i
i —at least a month. in this issue,* and i |
His appeal that they | | next month we shall il |
shoud be in his =o oT ~«COéirpintt_. sketch of a H |
hands (Hartington : recent journey. We |
house, Breaston, Tert for the Month : shall have to wait till i |
Derby) by February Een OO Saas his arrival home for a | |
8th was too late for : : photograph. All those 1
our February issue. T° as the earth bringeth extant are ancient. { i
We ask our good forth ber bud, and as 4 |
friends to be as the garden causeth the SIR ROBERT HART. |
prompt as possible. things that are sown init As in some other
Dr. Jones desires to spring forth; so the cities, the Manches- |
to acknowledge the Lord God will cause ter Chamber of Com- 1 |
gift of hospital bed- righteousness and. ptatse merce has given a H |
steads from Mr. T. 2 ‘ 2 » dinner to the famous |
W. Adshead, of Bat- to spring torth before at Inspector-General of T
ley, and Mr. Joseph the nations.— Customs in China. i |
Morris, of Hull, and Isaiah Ixt. 11. The Chinese and Bri- i |
a parcel of toys from == ——— ee tish flags were hung i |
Mr. Eastwood, of | | together over the 1 |
Manchester. principal table. He 1 |
t Mr. Eastwood has also sent a parcel told Manchester men plainly that the
of toys to the Rev. A. E. Greensmith, way to advance their trade was to sup- I |
Sierra leone. port missions. |
I trust I have lifted the curtain a little |
MR. POLLARD’S SLIDES. and given you a new peep into the China | ;
Ere the lantern season is over we you are interested in. I hope it will create |
draw attention to the slides prepared by some additional receptivity where Anglo-
} the Rev. S. Pollard on our West China Chinese relations are dealt with, whether |
{ Mission, the hire of which may be ob- * See page 72. |
61 |
K ‘ |
} |
= P fr eT ee Ss 55 o
ha j
AI Between Ourselves
1 i
al commercial, political, or missionary. Mis- righteous warfare, and they ask for
aa gions es poue fullert support, and the contributions. Money could not be
|) Hi work of missionaries e highest commenda- - se 4.2?
eH tion. They will further and not damage better spent. Inasmuch!
aH | your real mercantile interests at all times REY. G. P. LITTLEWOOD.
i ae all places, fad I have nothing but We have received an. article from our
i good to say about them, friend, but it is quite impossible to in-
| THE OPIUM COMMISSION. sert it this month. We are glad to hear
ri ; es i ; ;
Vai We have received communications of his oo ae BaPDneS siete is
| from both the Anti-Opium societies as @ 8Teat anc usetu! future before him.
| to the urgency and moment of the Com- ON DIT, :
| mission which commenced its sittings in That Sir Alfred E. Pease will shortly
| Shanghai on February Ist, “with a leave Pinchingthorpe, near Middles-
| view to assisting China in her purpose brough, for British East Africa. He
| of eradicating the opium trade in the _ has an ostrich farm at Nairobi, and dur-
| Chinese Empire.†ing his stay there he will entertain ex-
il WieBroomball scee: President Roosevelt
vn retary of the Chris- ee co eee
i tian Union, has pub- : Seen
/ lished . A Warning Thought for the Month . We are glad to
| and an Appeal†with CS Hisves placed “atc Our
| reference to the “Ghe success of the mission disposal the graphic
1) | Commission, by the in ierra-del Fuego i¢ most letters of Mrs. Talent,
| Rev. Arnold Foster, derful, and who ‘it will be re-
Tan of Wuchang, China. wonderful, and eharms me, membered went with
ay i (Hodder and Stough- as J always prophesied utter Mr. Hedley and Miss
Ai | ton. 32 pp. 20s) ait Jailure. J could not -have Roebuck on a visit to
TW sex eee wees of a believed that all the mission- her daughter and
1.) BENE NC a aries in the world could have son-in-law, Dr, and
| backed by the con- Wigde the: Fucniane Fone Mrs. Marshall. These
Ht | viction that our eae od. : will afford glimpses
| opium traffic is a Ghe mission is a grand of missionary life
HI crime. success.’’—CHARLES DARWIN. which could not, or
| Mr. Broomhall says : Died April, 1882. would not, be told
i | We have at last (His Centenary just celebrated. by the missionaries
ttl ae es Born Feb. 12th, 1809.) themselves. We are
| this long ‘controversy. @ANmnHWi Arran nerd obliged to Miss
Wal It is all-important that Stacey for her kind-
a the full strength of this country should be ness.
Wh put forth in terminating a traffic which the = Z
At House of Commons has unanimously pro- ave =o we
aa nounced to be “morally indefensible,†which My Father's Business. A brief sketch
| is discreditable to the Christian reputation of the life and work of Agnes
Patil of this country, and imperils those relations Gib Beis Ee Each
A | with the Chinese Empire upon which the eee Yi : ape
i prospects of civilization in the Far East so (China Inland Mission. Is. 6d. net.)
/ largely depend. In this case, as in all Miss Gibson sailed for China in 1884
he others, the Christian course is marked out and died in 1907. The Rev. J. Stuart
i as the path of wisdom and far-sighted states- Holden, M.A., says in a foreword :—
manship. The book tells of the humble beginnings,
“The Friend of China,†for January, of the resolute consecration, of the unswerv-
in | is, in view of the Commission, a most ‘8 Purpose, of the sowing of tears, of the
} iganl lag (R G. A. taping in joy also, and of the abundant
Hi | val Wap) C= COM RR AUOn as oye ; “entrance of one who will live long in the
Hi | Wilson, 181 Queen Victoria Street, hearts of those who knew her. No one can
Wi | E.C. 3d.) oe : read it without wonderment, nor lay it down
il | Both these societies are carrying on a__ without praise—and prayer.
| | 62
i |) |
i} i
| i
e i |
A Trip to Extracts from the letters of Mrs. Talent | |
é (see 1908, p. 269) addressed to Miss Stacey, iH! |
North China. W.M.A., Secretary, Sheffield. ! |
November 19th, 1908. During his furlough he spent some weeks
(Received December 12th.) at the “Orient†Exhibition, London, where
OU will be pleased to know that I he almost lost his voice with so much lec- |
v have arrived safely at the end of my turing and talking. Can you imagine how i |
long journey, being driven along delightful it was to be in their company? * |
with Dr, Fred* into the Chu Chia Mrs. Murray would have me to tea on Sun- i |
compound on the afternoon of November ways where we remained. to English service, |
18th, exactly four weeks from the time of ane soe 1D at See Then next i |
leaving London with Mr. Hedley and Miss BYs OURS WAL r. Fred, to dinner in the Hl |
Roebuck. These friends left the train at evening for “he arrived in. the -afternoon. |
Tang Shan ten days ago at two in the His face was the one I longed to see, and | |
morning, being met there by Mr. and Mrs. ples Be Eee after being parted for nearly it |
Turner, while I went on to Tientsin, and aiff Fee cena could only with much i |
was met by Mr. Candlin. lifficulty be restrained, for now I felt no | |
The reason for the protracted delay in day eo lor eee ee ere Dee |
coming along here is the unfortunate illness i . i |
of Me Eddon’s youngest child, felis at sneer oo ce es pes Ais i |
Wu Ting Fu, where the doctor had been Shee = pete: BF ee aa ees i |
staying some days.t He managed to get oO pene eee eee ae ze aney grace 2 | |
away, however, having sent in advance the Bee of the beat people in theswar Beer H |
buggy, the property of the missionary, to Two more days saw us outside Chu Chia i |
Tientsin with instructions that someone A quarter of a mile away I descried ae i |
Ease pee ae a states aa i eae girlish forms, each waving a handkerchief. 4) |
Â¥ . Ca S ed i |
second son, Tom, became my escort, and *ZMr. Murray has brought back from England with him | |
in two days we arrived in Hang Chow, and Sih, W"e) S.No ae Be ons al ||
went to the beautiful home of the London _ taneous. : x ; : i |
Missionary Society’s workers in that city. |
This is a very fine compound, enclosing i |
about five acres of land, a great part of it P : i |
surrounded by a wall which shuts out the H |
view of native village and river—once inside i |
we seemed to be in another world. Three EN Noe i
‘bungalow houses, with wide verandahs, oc- eS | |
cupy the centre; in front a wide pathway : coll fl |
leads to the steps of each, while in front 2 sr Dh eae | ||
again are gardens containing fruit and or- : Ss ils, ai i |]
namental trees. Here I spent two very 4 wae (oo J 1
happy days, thé welcome guest of Dr. Sid- : eS. ae il |
ney Peili, who—with his wife, a Scotch ea ae [|
young lady, who is training’ Bible women— te ; bari | |
did everything possible to make me feel at 7. se! eae t |
home. yi f |
These three houses are occupied by some ae | i
of the sweetest, choicest spirits in North : Ee oy Hl |
* China, while there is an air of refinement Seen {
and intellectual superiority not often gathered ae Bere) Hl |
together in so small a compass. Dr. Peill rap: |
‘has a father and three brothers—mission- ae | |
aries. Mr. Arthur Bryson,t in the next |
house, is married to an accomplished lady |
doctor, an M.B.C.M. There next comes : i |
‘the Rev. D. Murray, who, with his wife i |
‘and family of five children, only arrived from |
England, ten days ago, after furlough. |
PEE ae GIG ae es eaten tne UE Ree Be eee
AEDT Hees Marshall, her son-in-law, whose photograph : |
appeared on p. 150, 1908.—Ep. r 4 |
+ Since passed away. See p. 32.—Ep. i
7 - 5 “on: ses Rey. F. B. Turner, T’ang Shan, 1884— |
ies See eines is the Authoress of - Cid Tite te (Shortly returning on furlough. See p. 31, Feb.) |
63 |
ei) ||
A hi]
f | Wanted! A New Religion
HI These were Hilda and Gladys. After this five whole days—the inconvenience and
i |i there was the meeting inside the compound weariness of the cart journey ‘from Tientsin
Bi |} of all whom I had come this long distance of cannot by any possibility be exaggerated. In
yh} 10,000 miles to see. At the same time came spite of this I have landed—whole.
Hii | Mr. and Mrs. Hinds with their first greeting This state of things will be remedied—
Ht for “the brave woman†they are pleased to 4 railway is being constructed from Tientsin
|| call me. : to within a day’s journey of Chu Chia.
i | During the whole journey through Hol- Oh, that I could by word of mouth telt
| land, Germany, Russia, Siberia and China you all I should like, while so much that
ih | ne ae ee ee é is interesting is fresh in my mind,
\ so Mr. ey and Miss Roebuck. : .) . :
4 much cannot be said in praise of the atten- ae eae Due Gaeea one
} tion and kindness of out guardian, Mr. H., girls here. She is now arranging to take
| who undertook all the money transactions, me with some of her pupils to see the fair,
ia and always made himself understood. which is going on just outside the com-
Since reaching Tientsin I have travelled ound eka
i | in electric tramcar, rickshaw, buggy, and P Th ‘ eS hicine DEIAAtle cbuk theoat
|! Chinese cart; have looked into the faces of . id. Dh ooo Hake a3 ile at
ii || thousands of Chinese people; driven through 3 oh d thei eae are oe y. ee ig a
| the streets of perhaps a score of native vil. ' she a lh eoNociae ORL all: willow, ae
| lages—some of them (though streets) much Sina eo oerPOP: ca ae ae Sane.
| resembling wide ditches full of holes; slept W' ft te # a Tt CEEPeOPIS wate Ae
Ht | d on a k’ang in Chinese inns—where we were 2 S°%t ie aie. AESEAAre ver: Sue! ‘alt
aie objects of curiosity all the time; have been fhe Ss fe Te Out =LWO:- CONVEYANCES £2
aa) inspected as never before from head to foot tHe WaysnTOM lentsin. :
| (but never with rudeness, except in one case Believe me to remain, yours very cordially,
Hh | where a big girl put out her tongue at me); S. TALENT.
H || and have been almost jolted to pieces for (To be continued. )
hi) <§o <§o
A |
a Wanted! The Musings DY MF
Hy i ooale _ ofa .
te A New Religion ! Chinese Scholar. REDFERN, M.Sc.
i |
| | HE following extract is from an of ancient times were one and all sacred.
| | article typical of many such ‘records of divine communications. Europe
hi which have appeared in Chinese a freed eee from the bonds 2 pero
HH ll Native newspapers of recent years. It With the result thatits government Sieatie
| ‘ 1 f he “Li ‘ continual progress in civilization, while the
i | tS) trans ated from the -ing-hoi Yat- government of China, which has been late
1 po,†of Canton. in doing so, is rapidly hastening to decay.
| In order to bring out the meaning of | What is the reason for this?
1 the translation more clearly I have in- It is that a nation’s intelligence stands in
if troduced my own headings: Otherwise inverse proportion to its superstition. If it is
; the text has not been altered. desired that our people give up belief in gods
iy | Gye The NEES oF Thensine a New and demons, it is essential first to cnstétute
i Relision in’ Chine 8 2 Wa new religion, and to do this we must first
af 10) ie : : understand the evils which have sprung up
bh | Looking back to the earliest period of in the old religion.
HH man’s existence, we find that an affinity for : re
Df the marvellous proneness to mystification and (2) The Degradation of the Old Religions
HF fear, were universally characteristic of it, of China.
Observing various natural phenomena, but The religion of China is a _ polytheism '
| being ignorant of the laws governing the heterogeneous in the extreme. China regards
Hh forces of Nature, men concluded that all life Confucianism as the State religion, and.
ee el ea control of existences outside Pecdhice and Je as ae a ee
ty the realm of matter. The constant recur- thereto. ut in the course of ages they have
| rence of thoughts of this kind has been now _ all lost their proper signification, which has
Wi | and in ancient times, in China and abroad, been diverged from and added to. Con-
Hi the originating cause of religion. For this fucianism is not true Confucianism, Taoism
Hh reason the governments of ancient times all not true Taoism, and Buddhism not true
Bi laid claim to divine authority. The histories Buddhism. Men can be (Confucian) scholars.
/ ; é 64 |
i ti i |
ny at
sn :
He Tl
1 |
( i
i |
Wanted! A New Religion! i i
and still go in for meditative abstraction and tricity is produced by the meeting of ii |
4 ceremonial self-improvement, abstain, from forces, that is, of the male and female prin- |
meat and chant liturgies, while the wearers ciples (Ying and Yang—analogous to our |
of the cloth can go in for literature and positive and negative electricity), shows that | |
divination. Confucianism, Buddhism, and China was not without electrical knowledge, iil |
Taoism have mingled together until China but as a result of looking upon electricity as
has become a country fags Suara under the cheree of the Goddess of Light- |
. Buddhist, nor Taoist, but adhering to a ning, our know edge thereof has led to |
superstitious belief in demons and gods. It nothing. : Ht |
is a melancholy truth that a downward path (d) In Natural Science (History?). The |
trodden for hundreds of years cannot be re- statements in the Lu Shih that a certain it |
traced except in the course of ages. I would insect announces the watches of the night,
crave the attention of my countrymen while that another (held in the mouth) is a cure i |
I show wherein consist the evils which have for tooth-ache, that the praying mantis pro- |
sprung up. ‘ duces fire, and that the earthworm causes fog | |
(3) Degradation of Heleen has alwavs been show that China was originally not without | |
accompanied by ecay oO ; 5 : ; a i |
Knowledge. Wee ey Resear | |
Religion and knowledge are BE eS ee 5 eS |
mutually exclusive. Know- SBR ar ae ie ee |
ledge exalts thought. Reli- Space eae as sg ee |
gion exalts superstitious belief. |IR 9) ae - ee ih |
Knowledge demands evidence. ee SONY Sas bere
Religion is largely content ; a oga NG | ce Becca ad
with what is visionary. The ae 4 he ‘bet oo aes |
logical result of this is ea i we se
that knowledge must decay Sat Moe : XY Ly] Per
among the people of every Br. 9. a ae |
country which is deeply sunk aa : as ke : : i |
in superstition. That learning Seite tae =~ tS Hess
has during thousands of years |)999 = = 3 i Pe de te Ro
, made no advance in China is ee, : ij 7. UZ ce ~ 1h |
simply the result of supersti- i for ae Be Pa Ley mae |
tion. This will appear from eA | hCf tin» Ho
the following examples : a ee j |
(2) In Astronomy. Ch’u- on ) CCBA Eve
yiian’s discussion of the nine i —ltsC ee,
heavens, and Chang-heng’s —etlh0UltéCi |
making of the instruments, sth os aS A AN
show that China was origi- Ge |
nally not without astronomical a “ae a ao i
knowledge, but from look- > ER
ing upon Heaven as the abode ~~, yee eu i! til
of God arose the rite of sacri- ay, ERIN I PE i
ficing to Heaven, which yf | 2 fase oF i
brought all the other worships HB Bod a i
in its train, while our astro- et ao ape i i |
nomical knowledge remained a ANY ery i |
barren. We a oe i i
(2) In Geology. The refer- 5 S Sg Re Tg lig (Oe | 4 |
ences to earthquakes in the ; Da Poa |
Chou-p’i shows that China Nee eH | Hh eS |
was originally not without geo- NSE lr BN | |
logical knowledge; but from Rs ere |
looking upon the hills and ENS SSN ear mabe |
rivers as the abode of spirits 5 NOS eine ory colle: |
F have arisen beliefs in the as wage EN ASST I |
mysterious workings of the THE GREAT DELIVERER. ; |
eis peg and ve oes The penitent is so. ashamed of himself that he does not look |
(monster), whilst our geologi- up: but in humble faith and hope he holds the Saviour's hand. 4
ay 1 d h seer The Great Deliverer who has come at his call, is seen in the act of
cal knowledge has remained expelling Death and Madness. The mark of the nail is shown in 1 |
barren. the Saviour’s uplifted hand, and there are mingled tenderness and
(c) In Electricity. Huay bitterness in His face—W. E. Cotter. (Drawn by his son,
Nan Tzu’s theory that elec- Henry Coller.)
| ; 65
ii Wanted! A New Religion!
i knowledge of Natural Science, but since the religion. The consequences have been that
| custom of worshipping material objects has our conception of knowledge has decayed, of
| arisen, we have actually gone so far as to government weakened, of morality perished.
Hi worship snakes and foxes, plants and trees, Originally intelligent, the nation through
it and our knowledge of Natural Science has religion has become foolish, originally strong \
| | remained barren. it has through religion become weak. Our
HH | (e) In Medicine. A perusal of the “Han country’s religion is in truth a great den of
a Dynasty Record of Literary Productions,†in demons, in which thought is imprisoned and
hit || which are included seven ancient canons of fettered. At the present time, when com-
HH medicine, shows that China cannot be said â„¢unication is freely opened between the five
to have been devoid of medical knowledge ; continents and science 1S constantly ad-
Hh but the ignorant, regarding sickness as due Vancing, the countries of the world have
to the malign influence of devils have resorted liberated themselves from the bonds of
ii to lots and divination, with the result that Superstition and understand the true prin-
Hh i the science of medicine has remained of ciple of religions; only the people of China
| hh small account. still adhere to a barbarous religion and pre-
i} The above is only a rough general serve the likeness of primitive man, thus
Ha statement, but if knowledge has in China bringing on us the ridicule of foreigners. If
a suffered harm even to this extent from We go on like this and do not reform, I do
i | superstitious belief in demons and spirits, it mot dare to say what will be our condition
Ht | is to be feared that unless we institute a new in another three or four years. The Jews of
iH | religion the process of intellectual decay ld trusted to a form of government ues
Hh | started in ancient times will be perpetuated. 0m Divine authority, and perished. India
ae cae believed in Brahminism, and has ceased to
A | (4) Decay of Religion has been followed by exist. The analogy is not far to seek and
| Moral Decline and National Misfortune. should fill us with alarm. Our rulers should
i | _ All men have originally a natural inclina- give the subject their closest attention.
1H | tion to pursue happiness and to flee from
ot | misfortune. When the Law of Buddha first COMMENT Ser
a crossed eastwards (from India) and faith in The above extract, if carefully
ye i? the Hinayana spread, the teaching as to studied, will supply abundant food for
BH | Heaven and Hell, the sword trees and knife reflection. It comes from the pen of
hills, was for the common people. But those an advanced non-Christian Chinese re- '
i} who believe, instead of regarding this as a former, and the thought is thoroughly
ail . spur to aid them in the cultivation of virtue, ee eAleo fh the schoolsto: which sheobe:
1 rely on it as a way of avoiding the conse- ee :
; | ae quences of their transgressions. One sees ‘OU8S-, ‘ ‘
WW the most wicked men holding rosaries in He is appealing to the literary classes,
| | their hands and repeating the name of who are already, outwardly at least,
il Buddha, abstaining from meat at every meal, ashamed of the superstitious obser-
| | and intoning liturgies every time they get vances of their countrymen, to turn
H a of bed. ay a to themselves, ee their attention towards the establish-
| if I do sin, I cn y have to pray, and_ gods ment of a new religion.
he and saints will hear my prayers and rid me Teall beso bserved that he basce hic
HH | of the consequences of my sins.†ve = ones
i} | For this reason there are some who pray appeal on the ethical and social and
i } for happiness, and some for wealth, and not on the spiritual instrincts of man.
i | some for children; hence arise promiscuous Somewhat cynically he calls for a re- ;
Va sacrifices and magic spells, just as if given ligion, which whatever may be its in-
| money the gods would be willing to be tne {tinsic value, shall be effective in rais-
1 eEan ie Brie ee = ing the moral tone of the people. He
; i And more than this. When times of 18 apparently not stirred by any personal
Hh | national disintegration come and the people longings after God, nor does the :
i suffer from lack of food and clothing, then thought of any prospect beyond the
i the strong, cherishing evil designs, and the grave affect his calculations. In the
Hi weal, scheming to get rich, make use of the mood of a philosopher he measures the
| national superstitious belt in spirits in order value of a religion by its fruity not by
. Exe arenes. : Yee, :
! the White Lily Society of 1817, and the Boxer its Reo eee pal China, aS
He ik movement of 1900, by which the people were TEVEate y its emect on science, on
ie deluded and injury caused to the entire government, and on the morality and
HH country. wellbeing of the people, is weighed in
| (5) Conclusion. the balance and found wanting.
hl From the above one can see broadly the Secondly, he makes his appeal to the
: i evils which have sprung up in China’s patriotic motive, and knows nothing of
| ii] 66
1 :
a :
Vit |
Wanted! A New Religion! i
18! i
the driving force of a love for mankind patriotism, 2 ci the imaginati HH
in general. He asks for a Chinese re- af all aie Ge ee ek Couee eae i |
| ligion for the Chinese, formulated by alone; it must be associated etl er 1 |
| a department of the Government, and revival of the ancient Eeibtiocee |
so consistent with modern thought, and worship of China, and the new ene a |
so productive of virtue, knowledge and must borrow enough doctrine and ec Vi |
Sd as a eSceDe tne ON cal teaching from Christianity to sae 1
Foreign countries. ina has* able i i ; |
peace ee sue’ stage where she ae: eons fone |
eels that she has lost her self-re : eee {i
fe bitter thought that her eee a eee Oe hel i
civilization is despised—not without shell that ee ; rsona 4
cause—by other nati a at remains a touch of human i
eeuse by othes antennae ee eee renee cee ine oniee i
ee Ene ee eee itself bi ith hold- possibly, he Ueloigs to ee elk
ing up existing religions to jame and who would f 1 acti f ‘ i |
ridicule, and, beyond advocating that ref ollow a section of Japanese il
Se ee treonient cuGuI pay eattention r Sues ane make Buddha their iH
fa the matter, gives no constructive ad- prophet. ut, however this may be, Vi |
vice. The writer is strangely reticent ote rece a ii national i
as to what form of religion would be is a Deninercke a egee = Bie HH |
best adapted to the needs of China. feature of the Renaissan bf F Chi oe '
But he must have had some more or and, it bead Se er iH
eS soe a in his mind, and india. “The ee Eee I |
the readers of the newspaper in far- ; : cs iH |
off Canton, with a pathetic intui- et ie and yet rival of, i
tion, to which we Occidentals can never is also reer ch ; eee 4 Pane. ue HH |
| attain, must each have conjured up some EEE. eee Seen eee tT
reflection of his scheme. If we could Wet Me ae fees ii |
only pierce into this Oriental thinker's e know that such a religious com: HH |
mind, and get a glimpse of that picture, Dae: ar cufk stand. No half-way 1h
how much it would help us in facing ON will suffice. China must be tH |
the problems of mission work! In mak- Divi ue ae faith in Christ as the iH |
ing such an attempt we have one clue ae edeemer, who is the fulfilment 1 |
to assist us: ike poverseceidec onthe of all that is true in Confucianism. iH |
picture. He has shown us by his con†= The demand for such a compromise ih |
demnation of existing religions in - at present small, being confined to |
China what religion should not be, %7- advanced section of the literary tH |
leaving us to sketch out for ourselves classes. But what the scholar thinks i |
the picture of what it should be. We to-day, the peasant will believe to- i |
thus find it must fulfil three conditions: Orrowe and those entrusted with the tH |
it must raise the morality of the people, task of carrying the message of the Wi
strengthen national spirit, and at the Gospel to China are aware of this, and 1e
same time be in accord ene nid: ok ee fully and thoughtfully shap- if
ings of modern science. Christianity “8 their propaganda accordingly. The — 1H |
itself will, unfortunately, not Suffice reformer wishes to borrow. He is wel- it il
ao a he still sees in it taints ‘CO™S to do so, and every opportunity i
of its Western origin. He wants an eae peer eee OREGON. Rea ER i]
eclectic religion. He would pick out man's view of Religion. cong yoswe—China's areat exiled | |
} what seems to him to be the best ele- eusteneesol eS aia tie Immortality, of if Saareate HH |
ee oe pee religions of the See teen of the Confucian system.†: i |
world, and graft them upon the ancient +See “Religious Writings of Liang Chi-tsao,†Chinese |
world, and graft them Pe ae ens See aa gpa a seal amar Co |
spired teacher, will still be the central a adtiet exile in Japan, favours a regener- 18 |
figure in the sketch, for he is the re- + See “ An Indian Prayer,†Misstonary Ecuo, Aug 1908 i |
presentative of all that is great in De cr allie at the last Indian National ij |
China’s history and literature. His reformers, and Es cant Kio a Le ai Se Re: i |
name awakens national pride and tioned might pags as the de ee nearit? Cee CuES: Ht
67 | |
. HW
i |
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A | Famous Names Recalled
I is given to him to study the theory and cannot withstand our writer’s own test.
ii practice of Christianity. He can read It cannot bear the fruit of the Spirit.
the Christian literature which is being And-as he realizes this, he will see
Hy scattered broadcast over the country, growing up, meanwhile, a model Chris-
| | or stand on the outskirts of the crowd tian community —the Church—the
| | which listens to a village preacher, and members of which exhibit in their lives
i} | even the Christian school or college is qualities which his soulless faith can
Hh thrown open to him. He may then © never give. “The fruit of the Spirit
‘| build up his logical system of doctrine is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
| and ritual with which he hopes to gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness,
Hh weather even the attacks of Western temperance; against such there is no
yh criticism; but on one side his proud law â€â€”no rivalry. God grant that see-
| structure will always be vulnerable. It ing this he may acknowledge his error.
| | | se
i | Famous Names Pioneer of the Bible Christian China Mission.
i Recalled. By Rev. S. POLLARD.
| HE church at Lee, South London, Thomas Thorne, was also ready! The
| | eG of which Thomas Grills Van- Conference accepted them without
Hy | stone was minister, was one to hesitation, and sent them forth with
Hy | attract a young man bent on hard work much confidence and much love. Thus
a and loyal service to the King. The began the enterprise which has touched
i | congregations were good, conversions the hearts of Bible Christians as
aa - were frequent, finances were favour- nothing else has touched their hearts
aH || able, the new chapel was a beautiful in all their history.
iH | building in a neighbourhood splendidly Vanstone and his companion started
Ht suited for Christian work, the members for China literally “not knowing
Hh | were united and all seemed to promise whither they went,†for the field of
A a future full of blessing. But the labour was only decided upon after
ii pastor’s heart was not at rest. There their arrival in China. It was wonder-
| | was within him a longing desire for a fully plucky on the part of these two
| field where there was more room for pioneers to travel right across China to
Ne hardship and sacrifice. sunny Yunnan before they settled
1a The Holy Spirit was at the root of down right at China’s back door. The
|) this restlessness, though what it was Sea voyage to Shanghai was but a pic-
Hf leading to was not at first. seen by the nic compared to the long, dangerous
Hh young minister. At the same time, the four months journey in Inland China.
By ~ Holy Spirit was touching the hearts of | The pioneers reaching the great city of
Ay many Bible Christians and leading Chung-King,* on the Upper Yangtze,
| them to see that the time had come for xesolved to travel the rest of the way
A | them to shoulder another burden and overland. In order to push on quickly
a | take a direct share in the evangeliza- . they left the majority of their goods
I tion of the great heathen world. The behind, and never saw them again, as,
Ay unity of the different workings of the soon after they left, a terrible riot
Hf Spirit was shown at the Conference broke out in Chung-King, and in the
| held at Bideford, in Kingsley’s much- avalanche of devastation all that the
| loved county, in the year 1885. Amid _ brethren left behind was swept away.
| i a scene of great excitement and won- Thus early did T. G. Vanstone start
if derful blessing and rich liberality, it learning to suffer the loss of all. This
Hye was decided to start a mission in China. lesson was not learned at one sitting.
ne i Who shall be the men to leave Bideford In their overland journey to Yunnan
Hi on the great voyage Eastward Ho? Fu, Vanstone and Thorne saw the
| Thomas Grills Vanstone was ready! cities of Chaotong and Tong Ch’uan,
He His sturdy, faithful colleague, Samuel Coane soe Ee 2
Ht |
AY) |
1) 3
i |
Famous Names Recalled | |
and resolved, if God so willed, that the spread out our bedding at night. There i
Bible Christians should mission the was but one knife between us, and |
people living there. This splendid re- when on one occasion there was a Ht it
solve they lived to carry out. steak for dinner the knife was given Hi
In the year 1887 Mr. Vanstone paid to the lady and the rest . . . At |
a visit to Shanghai. In doing so he last the weary days of travelling were |
accomplished two things. First of all, Over and Yunnan Fu was reached, one i |
in the Cathedral at Shanghai, he mar- of the loveliest citzes.1n all China. Here i} |
ried Miss Stewartson, who had formerly for years Mr. Vanstone strove hard to
been a member of his church at Lee. found a church and to wisely lay the |
Then the happy bride and bridegroom foundations of a permanent mission. i
called at the city of Ganking for the To his example and foresight the Bible i
new recruits, the Rev. F. J. Dymond Christians owed it that, it was possible |
and the writer of this article. We shall for a small people, with very limited i
never forget the long journey up the means and no adherents of great |
fascinating, repelling, terrible Yangtze. wealth, to take a true share in convert- i |
It was my privilege then to begin a 8 one of the greatest empires of the i
comradeship in work which lasted world. ie cE Hi |
several years, and was only broken Mr. Vanstone did his work fighting i |
when failing health compelled my against great odds. | Malaria fever iW |
much-loved and respected “super†to marked him as a victim soon after his i |
first of all leave Yunnan Fu, and then atrival in the East, and_so persistent i |
to leave China. In those years of com- WST® the attacks that before very long i |
radeship, never broken by misunder- bis system was saturated with the
standing, I got to know one of the Polsonous microbes, who seemed in iN |
Freer micsionanies tbe ible: Gime= aes with the arch-enemy to prevent i |
tians ever sent into the mission field. 4 brave, good man from fulfilling his if |
Our journey across China was full of _ life-work. |
incident. In the great Chin Tan Rapid What Mr. Vanstone suffered scarcely i |
our boat was totally wrecked. Though anyone knows. As long as he could |
so many years have passed since then, I stand he gladly took his share in the iM |
can still see the bride and bridegroom work, whether in regularly riding to the i |
holding each other’s hands and clinging ™any villages to the East and North |
to some wreckage as they were tossed of Yunnan Fu, or in taking his turn iH |
about by the angry waters which every ii |
moment threatened us all with terrible i |
death. The bride in that wreck lost i |
all her trousseau. When night found i |
us cold and bruised taking shelter in a i |
small cottage, a council of war was : ty f
held, and we wondered whether we ee: “Sa i |
ought not to go back to I-Chang_ to , 4 |
renew our outfits and hire another Ss. Fe iH |
houseboat. Our pioneer was opposed ae oan it |
to this. We had got so far on our way, 5 : aa Hl |
and his one idea was to conserve all the Pie. ii |
advance we had made and to press on. } a : i |
Here we discovered the real nature of aie aes iI |
T. G. Vanstone. He ever refused to c = : i |
| acknowledge defeat, never knew when i |
he was beaten, kept his face always to if |
the enemy and his heart towards his i |
Lord. : i |
It was decided to advance. There was i} |
to be no going back, and in a few days it |
we were once more travelling westwards T. G. Vanstone. i]
e on two small boats, with just room to Died May 13th, 1898. Aged 47. ie
69 ij |
I |
i |,
ait Famous Names Recalled
H Hh |
H) |) e ° .
: | at the street chapel on the South Gate terrible necessity which compelled Mr.
HH | Street, or in conducting the services Vanstone to leave us. Our mission had
i | held every night in the pretty little been smitten sore. Death had taken
| chapel at the front of the mission away Vanstone’s friend and co-pioneer,
| | house. In a score of ways he strove S. T. Thorne;* the same power had °
| | as a brave Christian Englishman to do claimed J. Carter, one of the finest men
iH | his best in the service of his King. sent to West China; tT and now we lost
a While trying all he could to reach the the one who in all his weakness had
| | heathen, he was always careful not to beena strength and guide to us all.
ae neglect the care of his own soul and In England Mr. Vanstone worked for
Hi | of those who were working with him. some years in different circuits, and at
i | Once a week an English service was last got so strong, as he thought, that
ih | held, and some of us will never forget he offered to return to West China.
| | the blessing which often came when The Committee, however, were afraid
i | two or three of us met together in His to accept the brave offer, -and not long
aie Name. after there came the summons from
iH | By and by it became too plain that the King he loved so well and served
iH | Giant Fever meant to drive Mr. Van- so faithfully. He went Home from
i | stone away from China) How he Chagford in 1898. His widow and two
i fought against this, trying first one children are still living in the quiet,
i place and then another to see if he pretty village of Arreton, in the Isle
if | could break the burning chains! In his of Wight.
| suffering and weakness he cheered How often we have wished he were
Hh others up, and hoped that before long still with us! In all matters touching
i || he would be able to turn the corner. the work of his King he was single-
yt A change to Chaotong brought tem- hearted and brave. He was ever ready
HA porary relief, and in the strength of to help his brethren; and once when he
ay this he and his wife went off to Tong received the news that Mr. Dymond
i Ch’uan Fu to open a mission station was down with that dreaded disease,
|| | there. Before a house could be ob- small-pox, he started off at a moment’s
I tained they lived in a Chinese inn, and notice and rode over those Yunnan
| while there one of their children had roads at a pace which few of us in
| small-pox. Who can picture what small- these days care to make.
1 pox in a dirty Chinese inn means! How I shall never forget the years I spent
HW glad they were to at last get a little in his home, nor the kindness he showed
iH Chinese house. It was small and very me, nor the spiritual help he was to
Hf dirty. But it had a beautiful garden, me, nor the patience he had with me.
| / and: dirt is not permanent. For some The old Bible Christian Connexion
| i months Mr. and Mrs. Vanstone lived sent out many fine men as missionaries
AY happily at Tong Ch’uan, winning the to Canada and Australia. The pioneer
ih friendship of the people, some of the Church sent to China was worthy
Vai whom still remember those days of long to take his stand among the bravest
Vi ago. ae and truest of that noble band.
i opes, however, were dashed to the : : :
i ground, and at last, to the great sorrow Fane coe ee CC we oe
a of all, the decision was taken that __" ie ee
! | good-bye must be said to China, at * The Sketch of S. T. Thorne would have appeared before
iH least for a time. We were so few and fish petythe srtiter chosen is unable, throught illness, to
HF the work was so great, that it was only — - + sketch will appear —En.
| $ !
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Stories of YOUNG PEOPLE’S Selected by i
P ]
Madaégascar.* oe Rev. R. BREWIN. 1
iy /
RITING of Malagasy boys and of Rasalama, the first of the martyrs: H
girls, in the heathen days, Mr. “She was ordered for execution next Wi
Matthews says: “The poor morning, and on the previous afternoon itl i
things had never possessed toys of any was put in irons, which, being fastened Hi
kind. The amusements of the little to the feet, hands and neck, confined Hi
girls had been to catch locusts, and to the whole body in a position of excru- |
tear off their legs, and then to clap their ciating pain. In the early morning she |
hands with great glee when the insects sang hymns as she was being borne i
beat their wings in agony, quite uncon- along to the place of execution, ex- i
scious of the suffering they were caus- pressing her joy in the knowledge of i
ing to their victims. The amusements the Gospel, and on passing the chapel /
of the elder girls were less innocent, in which she had been baptized, she i |
while the boys indulged in cock-fight- exclaimed: ‘There I heard the words |
ing, and forms of amusement of that of the Saviour’ After being borne
description. The men indulged in a more than a mile further she reached 1 |
kicking game, while the upper classes the fatal spot—a broad, dry, shallow i |
had bull-fighting. fosse or ditch, strewn with the bones of |
“T£ a child was born on an unlucky criminals. There, permission having i |
day, it was put to death. Twins, been granted her to pray, Rasalama i |
whether male or female, were always calmly knelt on the earth, committed |
put to death, There were different her spirit into the hands of her Re- i |
ways of putting these unfortunate in- deemer, and fell with the spears of i |
nocents to death. Sometimes they were the executioners buried in her body. i |
placed in the evening at the gateway Eleven persons were stoned to death in i |
of the village, to be trampled te i
death by the on ee. wee |
being driven into the village for aS, i |
the night. Sometimes it was , <@9008 cama mS 1 |
placed in a round hole dug inthe [gw = 2s Oe caso ae ee aoe 9 i |
ground, in which the child was @f? <@ == - '% sN i |
covered up to the waist with E Ce of ONG f
earth. Then boiling water was ee ee Ye a a i |
poured over it until death relieved } a eee Ca aN a |
the poor child of its torments, § ean A ee » SN i |
after which the pit was filled up 7 [aaeee ON oe | Wes 14 i |
with earth, and pounded over†¥) [i = tte 5S) a hese ae ay ci |
And yet there are good people |{ [7 Be a fing Oe acca OS i |
in England to-day, who say: ff Paz, ee Se Se * ee q |
“Why not let the heathen alone? 4] aissaa4g ey AY nee Sa i |
they are doing well enough with- Bee ae | |
out the Gospel.†These evil jf me eo RN ee. 1 |
- . 2 : > PE es ae a 1 See a. Wee 7 |
practices are not yet abolished in ws ae oO! Wile eer ce SY ee Gl i |
Madagascar, for two-thirds of { ee ee a ep i |i
the island is still “without God, |] ams oO cue A a ii
and without hope in the world.†ft HARg \ pel a. ae (a4
Gradually the dawn broke over eS ) : eo ere ee 4 i ‘|
the central province of Madagas- ak) eee ry Le |
car, and there were some con- } Beal Ra oer i |
verts. Then set in the terrible Rem WR ee Fee i |
times of persecution, and the ee ed rs \é | 1 |
author tells the story of the aoe poet cal eae†|
martyrs. ; \ Ry DT pee oe : ;
Here is the story of the death ,, fina ee i |
* From “Thirty Years in Madagascar.†By the ; |
| Rev. T. T. Matthews. See p. 183, 1908. East and West. (Favoured by “L.M.S.†; |
: 71 j |
—_ 2 |
i i
| The Rev. F. J. Dymond
| 1857. -“They were first bound to five o’clock in the morning, had _ his
ti | stakes, and at the order ‘Fling, a first service at six, had food prepared
Ht || shower of stones, darkening the sky for him at various centres, and con-
iy almost like a cloud of locusts, was tinued services till seven o’clock at
Hf || hurled at them. Everything was done night—fourteen in all. There was little
Bi to excite the populace to the utmost. wonder that he was tired†Mr. Mat-
i) | Bands with bugles, big drums, kettle- thews adds: “I have heard all the great
| drums and cymbals marched through British preachers of the past forty
| the streets of the capital. The royal years, and I would as soon have heard
hh chanters and conch-shell blowers Andrianaivo as any of them. I have
Wa paraded the city, chanting the praises seen him keep an immense congrega-
Va of the sovereign, and sounding their tion spell-bound for an hour and twenty
| shells. An immense pile of Bibles, minutes.â€
Hh books of: the Bible, Gospels, hymn “The Malagasy Christians are very
Hh | books, catechisms and other Christian fond of singing, and the hymns we
I books, was raised on a spot to'the north jove most in England are those which
| of the palace, and burned. The excite- appeal most to the believers of that
1h ment and yelling of the people who jand At one of these singing classes
VW had been wrought up into a state of [ asked Razaka (a faithful native pas-
i frenzy, was frightful to see and hear. tor) how he liked the new hymns: ‘I
| | The city was a perfect pandemonium.†_Jiké them all very well,’ he said, but he
i | What a pleasant contrast to this pic- added, the tears flowing down his fur-
i | ture 1s given a few pages further on. towed cheeks: ‘I like best, “Rock of
| | . in 1869, Ikelimalaza, the chief royal Ages, cleft for me.â€â€™ ‘Yes,’ I thought,
HH idol in Imerina (the central province of * ¢hat’s the truth that touches the hearts
4 Madagascar) was committed to the of God's people of whatever clime or
Hy ii flames by order of Ranavalona Il, colour. That has the kernel of the
Ay a Queen of Madagascar. During the re- Gospel.’ â€
Al i mainder of the month of September a &>
| If ecteral unite of the ae and oa =
| took place all over the provinces o
| i) Ime and Vonizango: ad the great THE REV. F. J. DYMOND.
| majority ee People, aq ee Ao Mr. Dymond left England for China in
ah provinces at least, destroyed their idols. 1887,* and again in 1899. Soon after his
I Hundreds of churches and schools arrival in Yunnan the Boxer riots broke out
Hh a now sprang up all over these central and he was compelled to flee with his wife
i | provinces, and some idea of the hard and children to the Yamén. Dr. Savin, the
Tal work done by the native missionaries Medical Missionary, was in the same case.
yi may be gathered from the following ee ies vies ue teed destroyed
HH il tory: “The late J. Andrianaivora- DY te mob, who pulled the house to the
HH SLORY, ground and left the missionaries with
Ay || Velona—the Spurgeon of Madagascar— nothing but what they stood upright in.
a was a member of the Bible Revision Under French escort they were taken to
re Committee for twelve years. He was Hanoi whence they went to Shanghai, and,
il not only the orator of the island, but when the riots were quelled, they returned to ~
| was also a genius in his knowledge and their station, but not to Yunnan Fu, the
| use of the language, and a giant in. Spite, Mr, Grit was returning! home on
i} } physical strength. He came into the his place at Tong Ch’uan Fu, where he has
Hh Committee looking very tired and ex- spent most of this, his second decade, in
Hi hausted one morning. The chief re- China.
| viser said to him: ‘ You look very tired He will probably arrive in England during
i} | this morning.†.He answered: ‘I am _ this month. G. P. D.
| tired; I have not recovered from my [Three of Mr. Dymond’s boys are under
i Sabbath labours yet.†He was asked _ the tuition of his brother, G. P. Dymond,
ny what he had done on the Sabbath, when ee eae Pinca oy eer Geet
| he replied that he had preached four- >C20!, Plymouth.—Ep.] ae
: | teen times! He had left the capital at * See 1907, p. 4.
|) i 72
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| Bite a ae ee
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ii) ie
OF |
The United Methodist Church. it
——_ so†|
; |
©ur Industrial Work By Rev. |
e e |
in East Africa. J. B. GRIFFITHS. |
ISSIONARY societies are be- are fortunate in gathering’ it. In this H |
coming more and more inter- particular the climate is a_ serious i
ested in industrial work in factor. il |
connection with missions in East Africa ; Mr. Lory, the superintendent of this i |
and it will occupy greater attention in work, will soon be home on furlough, i |
the future than it has in the past. It is and many friends of our East African i |
now a prominent feature of our work Mission will be glad to have a few par- Ht |
in East Africa, and I hope it will con- ticulars about him. He was born at i |
tinue to occupy the attention it deserves. Cury Calvennor, about four miles from i |
On my return from furlough I went Helston, Cornwall, in 1885. He was
over the plantations in company with educated at the Commercial School, i |
my good colleague, Mr. Lory, and I was Helston, and at the Technical Schools, i
highly pleased at the progress that had Truro, under Dr. Clark, where he car- i |
been made. There are approximately ried_off the King’s Prize for agriculture. i |
sixty acres under rubber cultivation, At the time he came to East Africa he i} |
forty-six acres were planted in the was assistant lecturer to Mr. Borlase i |
spring of last year, and about fourteen under the Cornwall County Council. i |
acres during my - : — - |
absence on fur- 2 Cee ett i |
lough. The trees ero eae eet i
on the former ae i |
area are strong : : ne |
and healthy, S i |
and about three i |
or four feet ¥; it : : a |
high, and those a ae ak i |
of the latter eyaiuiisiemmmmmningl Mt 25 sme nee miaies. i |
area are quite [aera ee eae Nae GWG Rh Se Cea am ty 1 i
young plants. Qepgienee = sew a Heng Sawer ema ii
About 10,000 RRR cs ae Bis eS IE ee Laem ty) |
Ibs. of seed cot- Rees seq ein) 5 ca cuenta eee i]
ton have been ieee x re SA MRR Maia PRR . i |
picked. In my (gee gre ery Sey AG uel a ree Ue ( : |
opinion the pro- [iaasesraiea Ae k DOA A acne ena iladincreeg Pei 1 |
duce of the pre- [ayes 44 yr, Fess Se Papers carte 6 ek neg Al re aS |
sent area alone [fig is7aaenas ) OE Ree Rea Sake eR eR AT |
will be sufficient eawesyulees RK, pe eae RE San Hed 5 sing AO i "4 4 |
to defray the (aeeaMPaRMMta Nie <1 aeMiteee Nes ee 1
present © x- iad mmayee seas ater: o-— See eae eee ea en naar a reued i |
peas of the Rubber Plantation, Ribe. (Photo: per Rev. J. B. Griffiths.
mission, if we Mr, Lory standing in the Path. : |
APRIL, 1909. 4 |
Hl |
iy |
il | Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
| He lost his father when he was four- for themselves. He believes in his work
|] teen years of age, but he was cared for and has thrown himself into it heart
a || by a godly mother, and he isa credit to and soul. He has laid the foundation
| i i her. of a great work, and all his colleagues
it | Of the work Mr. Lory has done since hope that, after recuperating in the
| | he came to Africa, I cannot speak too Homeland, he will return to carry it on
HH | highly. The figures I have given speak to a fruitful success.
if $e fe $e
ft |
} e e e
| Foreign Missionary
Hii | © 3 I. Rev.
it Secretaries’ Notes Tier oo ewan
a : ’
1} of the Month. oN ee
HH |
Hi | Arrivals and Friends will be pleased to during a short stay in Ningpo of about
i Journeyings. hear of the safe arrival of eight hours, one of the annual meetings
Hh | Revs. F.D. the Rev. F. D. Jones. Mr. of the Ningpo District. He claims that
HH Jonesand A. Jones and Mr. Mylne ar- he has done a record passage. He ar-
| H. Sharman. rived at Shanghai early in rived at Shanghai 10.45 am. February
1 | February. There they 2nd, left at 4 p.m. Arrived Ningpo
i parted company after a pleasant 6 a.m. February 3rd, left at 3.30 pm.,
Hh | voyage, one journeying south, the other arrived at Wenchow 12.30 a.m. Febru-
Ay it going east. ary 4th.
Mai Mr. Jones was met at Shanghai by On arriving at Wenchow, Mr. Jones
a Mr. Sheppard. Mr. Jones attended, was met by the whole of the Wenchow
staff. He speaks very warmly of the
| cvanymaeicace | great kindness shown him by all his new
ea Pere eon ae OF: colleagues.
Hi ||) es Hone ea Ss Of Wenchow itself he speaks thus :—-
FS eae Bee I am quite charmed by the natural sur-
HL a Seam —— : roundings of the College here, and to-day,
we [aches 2 eae 4 . with a brilliant sun overhead, everything
es a | 22 ata z a seems béautiful. All this makes me feel
a ke cee ake ag _ —_.._ that I must do all in my power to serve the
Ay aI aa eo be mission and to labour day by day in the
Ht ad Be S sight of God. I do feel honoured in being
HH ay ieee ie = ey~—S—t—~—S schon for such work. All this is written in
bea | | ia = no formal way, but comes directly from my
vt a 7 ce We have received a very welcome
vil a Pee = ~——_—ietter from our friend Mr. Sharman. It
| . i =.=. + #£«was written as the ship was nearing
vi oe - ~S )} =60SSsCOPorrt Said. Inter alia he reported that
a ae eee A i eee * they had seventeen missionaries on
Hy we, coe me Céad, all going to China, and nearly
Hd | Gee. Gees = _# _ _all for their first period of service. The
HW Dee ek MR gl following quotations from his letter will
Ht es Oe. S—~—â€â€”~——-~SSC*e ‘read with interest, and with appre-
| | aoe MOE Bee ee ciation of his fine spirit, and, we hope,
i} Boar ee tee ete with a measure of spiritual quickening
i | eee cee ea oa Se ae to the reader :-—
ii yee : fo Sern eer I cannot fully express my gratitude for
NH : Ca eee er meets ~~ ol] the pe A pave eee He ae
Hi nae many friends in whose homes ave stayed.
{) eee ee a Figueria, Mombasa. My incers thanks I offer to them all. :
} 74
|) :
Ah |
Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month i
Now we feel we have left behind the sphere the fire, nor in the earthquake, but in i |
enter more earnestly into the more needy... (2¢ Still small voice.†May the Church 4
and shall I say—the more deserving regions e nome Diay mightily that this spiritual Hh
beyond. aptism may spread over all the land Hit
We return to China with the same feeling of the East. |
of a Divine call, and we pray for a fuller gi : i |
consecration to the highest epictual interests Hast Africa, The Rev. J. B. Griffiths i
of the Chinese people. reports that the printing i i
press which some years ago was sent |
Rey. W.E. The special services con- out to the Rev. R. M. Ormerod, has |
Soothill. ducted by our honoured been brought down to Mazeras. Mr. i |
friend during his New Bridgman has taken both the press |
Year’s visit to Wenchow have been of and the type in hand, cleaned them il |
a deeply spiritual character. Our corre- thoroughly, and after many years of |
spondent says of them: “We have had idleness this press may become an in- iy |
some grand special services for the strument of great service in our African i |
Christians.†The wave of spiritual illu- work.
mination and power which is visiting A great opportunity has come to us ii |
many centres, educational as well as in connection with our work in East |
missionary, is in many of its features Africa, an opportunity for which we i |
without a parallel in the history of the have waited long, and for which many i |
work of God in the great Empire of prayers have been offered, the oppor- i |
the East. Not only are missionaries tunity of sending a medical missionary. i |
themselves strangely and deeply moved, Who can doubt the urgent need of such i |
but congregations as well. Not the or- an agency. The Arthington Trust have i |
dinary congregation only, but audi- most generously promised the Foreign i |
ences not first and distinctly religious, Missionary Committee a grant of £500 i |
are conscious of a strange hush and on condition the Committee will raise |
solemnity. A new vision is given to another 4500 for the erection of a hos- i |
many, and with the new light old things _ pital, with suitable equipment, and doc- | |
are taking new forms, and a new signi- tor’s house; also a grant of a certain i
ficance; old things are passing away. sum for three years towards the salary i |
It is a time of God’s passing by, not in of the medical missionary. For the | |
| a |
H |
s i |
| | oe | |
; = i
| ; Oe! ° RG Bos ‘ wc bs : | |
Se 8 =. I Oa SS a
Stee Oe aes Ema are fe Rie eas men ates Soe ne ey eee 4 |
a x i ss : CR eo oa i $4 ae ee ip ui ed = r Ne pct : y aie 4 4
Sa aes | ee oe ae Ete oe Sigg ep ae (een ne gaa : |
aa SRE IE ilar eee oan. at) es aa Pare
pe US Me aaa ee aa fe . i |
ieee pa MF & Pao Rise a * ee | i < a ee th x a |
ces oe ie 3 = é s e en v4 2 tae is fe aioe “ ay ae * 3 : Be oe 4 “ |
Our East African Mission: Cocoa-nut Tree Plantation. (Photo per Rev. J. B, Griffiths. |
| 75 j )
: i |
| =
; Hl :
A |
Hl | i Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month
HU th
Hi Hil sake of Africa we devoutly thank God. ever go hand in hand with the evange-
HD The wounds and sores we saw during listic if we would realize Christ's plan
HP our visit have remained with us a heavy of salvation. :
Hat and pathetic burden, urging us to do : : :
HW i) all we could in season and out of sea- Agricultural We have much satisfaction
| son, to hasten the time when we could Missionary in announcing that Mr.
| send to that dark land and sad, and for : James Smith, Worksop,
| " greatly afflicted people, a missionary of Fast Africa. has been accepted for agri-
Hh i healing. We have no doubt about find- cultural missionary work
all ing a suitable person if only we can in East Africa. Mr. Smith is a mem-
a secure the needed £500 for hospital and ber of our Worksop Church, a local
if house. Times are hard, but we feel preacher, and an earnest worker in C.E.
i] confident that there are those who can movement. He bears an excellent cha-
| and will enable us to send this medical acter; has all his life been associated
1| missionary to East Africa. No more with agricultural and horticultural pur-
| | fitting tribute could be paid to the suits. For several years he has been
i] memory and work of Wakefield, New engaged in the gardens at “Clumber.
| : and Butterworth; heroic names. The Mr. Smith made a most favourable im-
| | very thought of a medical missionary Pression on the Sub-Committee ap-
i} for our East Africa stations thrills us; pointed to interview him, He will sail
| / to be able to announce that the £500 at the earliest convenient date.
mH Te | have been promised will be glorious! A :
1) | | medical missionary for Africa—the Master F. Our young friend, whose
| a crown of our missionary agencies inthat Stanley photo we have much plea-
Wa hard-fought field! We wait in full con- Tippett. sure in giving, is a stalwart
Va fidence for the needed help! im missionary collecting
ae | The healing and civilizing work must work. He belongs to the church of
Ni our honoured frend, the Rev. J.
ana | ee Cockin, Truro, being fhe youngest mis-
| Po eee sionary collector of his church.
fab oe Though our friend is only five years
Wil a. 2 old he has collected from subscribers
a id | ee a ee penny and halipenny per wee
Hab | ee the sum of two guineas for home and
| | Po me foreign missions.
ana | ee i, He is the youngest son of Mr. and
ny ee ee Mrs. H. Tippett who have seven chil-
Ha SSS Fo dren, each of whom has collected at
it | | a5 — different times within the last few years
ne aif a a) ae the aggregate sum of £60. A noble
i} i Mo ee record, and worthy of imitation.
i} | i J aoe | London We beg to call the special
| i ee ff = Missionary attention of all our friends
sf Se ee Demonstra- to the Spring Missionary
| i . fie = _ tion. - Demonstration in London.
a | ames eee The meeting will be held
| | ee in the City Temple, Holborn Viaduct,
Ay “te ee Monday, April 26th.
a Pg i a The Foreign Missionary Committee
Hb | 7 | has appointed the Rev. S. Pollard, Mr.
We : | Principal H. S. Redfern, Rev. F. J. |
Hey 5g J Dymond and the President to be prin-
4 f cipal speakers at the evening meeting.
Wi i The report will be given by the Rev.
TE : C. Stedeford.
Hie Sa The speakers at the afternoon meet-
‘| i" . Master F.Stanléy-'Tippett. : ing will be the Rev. Henry James, of
HT 76
wT |
Hi |
| 1a}
Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month |
Huddersfield, and_ the Rev. J. Moore, reading. Student Christian Movement, i |
Home Secretary Designate. 93 Chancery Lane, W.C. (2d.).
Will our friends book the date and
send early their contributions to the Se :
Chairman’s List to the Rev. Henry |
Hooks, 42, Kestrel Avenue, Herne Hill, ll. q
London, S.E.? ii
[For full particulars see third page of By Rev. G. PACKER, |
cover.—ED. | Missionary Secretary. ij
Most Will all the local treasurers HE following extracts, from a re- i
Important! do their utmost to have all cent letter of the Rev. J. K. |
Closing of — missionary money in the Robson, M.D.,* will be read with
Accounts. — hands of the Treasurer by much interest :— |
: the fast day in April? I have secured premises in the city of Wu
See third page of cover. Ting Fu. The place has three rooms and a
; : large yard. In one room fronting the street i |
** Modern We very cordially direct addresses are given and the Scriptures sold. it |
World Move- the attention of all in- In a second room the sick are seen and i |
ments.†Mr. terested in missions to a_ treated, and the third room is intended for i |
John R. Mott. very timely booklet on 2 waiting-room. The premises are right on . i |
“Mod World. Move. the market ground; the best place in the |
5 Lo ies th Charen’ city. So far it has been crowded by a larger Ht |
ments : God’s Challenge to the Church,†and better class of patients and hearers than i |
by Mr. Mott, General Secretary of the we have ever had before. |
World’s Student Christian Federation. The hiring, furnishing and repairing of ql
Delivered as a speech, it has produced the premises are a thankoffering from my i |
| a deep impression in many parts of the wife and self on the joyous advent of our |
country. It will well repay a careful * For photograph, see 1908, p. 79.—Ep. i |
i |
Sc I |
: 4 Pg Ba ca te nO pick aN how &
ee a ey eae oe aw a OS a |
oO, + aad pees | in de NN |
4 ee > oh AS |
ha Gy Vege iw, |
Sues SEE We x Tae Sat Vac i |
BERET Sy ~~? 45 ¢ , 2 | i |
nae a ee | |
as | r F ee Nes eae 4
ee € el ai Bee if
eS, ee. | % Rc eS a eS HI)
bei ee * Cie oo ae eee = 1 i
eee LF a ie i |
ie Series 5 eR ey 1 |
oe ‘i mx ‘ ee a |
Sees eae 3 Ro
ern ah Saas 4 ries: ot
ae ag SS a 1 |
ee Bi er ee aa |
Rey. G.:P, Littlewood, his Language-Master, and Boy.
) 77 )
1 |
aa ce
i I
Hi of the Month
if Secretaries’ Notes
He Th : issionar ae
| Houien seen lf-support Dr. Robson writes
) I a r se =S
Hh sks hese native .
if + sition of t VS :— f ; ave their \
i : +e The public a loser touch ag follows the Chinese to ne i ,
| little =-baitn. will give us ‘ rger circle The desire of Bee re and eudabley ane |
aan city premises — the city, and a la 5 1 the i astors is reasonak > spirit which is
H ty ick in the city, re yet hac OW UR DaSLOns tS: h the new sf -oed
RE with the sic tients than I have j ‘ s are in keeping wit t they must be urg
a 7 patients The rooms in Keeping: Wi but they S sess.
lip of country patien tering to. th, and 7 road in China, rength they posses
ai rivilese of ministering the Sabbath, < abroad lay of the streng tricken that
Hh ah privileg r preaching on 3 of many to the disp y o poverty-strick sone
th d for prez é attention Le : are not so } if they desire
a ee the attendance and neouraging. The eat Christ’s cause if rae
| Be eas fe nen ae . they oe te Sa is not a oye grit
Win hearers ha - to do so. Self- roved by the grit,
He tit ‘ . % to do a t, as prov 7 Te shall
Hah = : * * : rlorious fact, rches. Wesha
ia : Beyond the visits but = oa gifts, of Duan: poe do not press
a oe re is lonely. Beyc re have grace, a -ofound mistake i Aa men.
sre is
ia The lite aoe Chu Chia circ ee last. make a pr Church to pay their ot Be many of
He * several of o reigners since May las e the native inciple laid down Jenene
| Or se three foreign See ene: alee Ue the principle le 7 almost uni-
| only seen keen sense of lone ls on This is t issions, and now ¢
i, i rapes ve no keen sen ssant demands leading miss ,
t | But we have 1 impst icessamt dcpss days, the leading itted oe
| eee ae ait passage a ae itt versally admi
Hi sr Sane tone down the. feelit 2 Je
iH i combine :
Ht isolation. has given us
| ee Je are thankful that oo and for the Hil.
iV th . arenes of worse vc compensates us Rev. C. STEDEFORD,
HH ne eet as icn 1 % ting B eV. :
Hh sl way In W ES stimulating y tary.
if | marvellous of touch with ne ae ce Missionary Secretary F
| Pee Gas ates Beek Gat when C. N. Mylne and F.
HH ' life of Engla Ss periods of pz aes brethren C. N. : Shang-
HH | tors there are | re our efforts i UR fely arrived at
| ing eau feel how puny Seni Ragen the D. Jones safely a 2nd. The Rev.
hh : = 7 : i as oe 2 .
| eS See grip Peet Si Ovices Just hai on Ee to meet Mr. ,
Hh | ane ae seus ee Ea G. W peas ae age to Wenchow,
on aH eeming ll ban Baer ee opula- ees nduc ion the
HH imagine a smal 38,247,900: a p es and co : station
| i amid a eat e cee and Wales, pith ee departed 15 on Beale
A ie = than Eng Fondon! na a oon. 1 lcome
ai tion larger feeater thane ong es s afterno : welcon
i surplus greater th three days’ ae By sane eee as also present 0. family
| i a turned from a iles. During the Dymond was l He and his fe
HH af ae ee about ieee ee three sievions the new ea the down-river stage
Ht | car esi I only sz locate : mpleted the d it was
1 Ss - journey A oe hers are locz had just co 19) rney an 1
WA} Ge ee preac d towns ir homeward journey, he field
i native jllages an : f their ho from t
Hi where ny villag ses ries O eteran
| ssed many by missionari te for the v : hey spent
|| though I pa made by rming fortunate uit. They :
HA 4 vay. A census itory of farming oung recr ; hai
i n the w ay. ite a territory « rage to meet the yA ther in Shang Z
| Hi g wn that qui ins an “averag ight toge age
| ne oe Shantung contain square mile,†about a es pee for ee ey fe
yi ete 8.000 hee Hens OTE Valiow Mr. ee Nite in oe aes
VB a OF ) : rh inundations is not an ALY. f : the unn
aa F ‘ou! i over ome 6 to . :
Hl) Ri ee of the Oy a acne AE eee he 2,000 ae Lee tones Ge being
WE River pé Yet a Se ret Mylne is ith Mr.
a : opulous. : on seeing field. Mr. EUS ny with J
Vi gute S08 US Oar one as few fie 1 in company + f
a i naturally came ted field with so 3 ble to trave s d missionary O
| Sik cncl caacah: Seren ya small section a n_experiencec is_pro-
Ra | wide and de this is only a ince in Graham, a Mission who 1 p
| sers. And this rowded provine ina Inland Mi ‘no China.
| 1 workers. 4 t most crowde to face the China k i Western
} E s 7 \ c , si in
We of probably the roblem we have tc Haw ding to his work i he dangerous
nt . The great problem China, is how Gae a untering the
HT China, f the awakening ee great d of enco ral of our
f Sees the aw s of the ¢ Instea : e several 5
| | ee Eeeee the need af ae oe better oe Yangtze oe - ao ee
AH ton = nd think 4 ine hiss. ane ies hav kow an
HT ee ae missionari iver at Hanko
| i field. leveloped by : d, his plan ill leave the riv a lake and up
We | than that de tem. In a word, tant they wi Tong-ting lake
n ircuit syster ugh consta ss the Tong Chen-uan
| village Circuit. sy illages throug ear travel acro thence to Ch
a is to interest villag inquirers appez -teh, from to Kuh-
eH} is to An d as soon as r of the to Chang ’ boat then oO :
iin of them ce for the in Pee ee be met by pean
Hy | make th mete ieek DELO. af lessons, and ching where he t Tong-Chuan whic
| Se eat a graduated ie are themselves from. our ae sient 1
HI study ip. The leaders < riodi- } five days : Mylne |
WY | rorship. ° asses pe : nly fiv . , Mr. My.
| oe through st Sande oes = In oe eee pleasant x |
Hy | ins issionaries ‘ a ¢
cally Pay tant: question Of aise 2 oe whee through some o
i) i On the all-importa a es perience, an
Hh be ee ES sack RL SSI ERE gees
i Seas a Shantung.—Ep. 78
AH g
iH Hit | | \
Hy |
Foreign Missionary Secretaries’ Notes of the Month |
the ports as most enjoyable. But he During a visit to Sifang-ching paid in | |
found the greatest pleasure in standing the spring several people presented them-
upon Ehinas*soil He says :— selves for baptism, and from these eleven |
| were chosen, after much anxious thought j
| How pleased we feel to be actually on 24 prayer, and the rite administered. Thus |
China soil. At last we are in the land to- @ church has been formed from which WE |
ward which our eyes have turned for a long hope the light of changed lives will radiate. Hii
time. We are grateful to God for His pro- A form of SEEVICE has been arranged ac- 1
tection and for the privilege accorded us to cording to which the Scriptures are regularly |
be heralds of His Gospel. Having said our and systematically read. Possibly our best |
farewells we depart to our labours with the work: will be done in the schools. The peo- 1
earnest hope in our hearts that God will ple are BOS to start these as they them- Ii
permit us to have a small part in the mighty Seles ea. EMC paced Scpclabon is pase: i |
work which He is unfolding in this great ‘98> let us do what we can for the next.
Spies : tee more and Oks that I am The work is difficult to superintend
on the right course, an Wi ra & rhe J .
go to Yunnan than Wench Bae because of the lack of workers, but aS |
though in some respects these missions are commend to God the feeble effort that |
better placed. I am trusting for health and has been made, and pray that although | |
strength and increased mental capacity to it be but “picking out the stones, cor- i |
become an efficient evangelist and more recting of error rather than indoctrina- i |
worthy of Him who has called me. tion of truth, it may yet bring glory to |
4 ‘ the Master in whose name it is done.†|
Mr. Mylne is destined for work 2 : ; i |
among the No-su tribe. Until now that apa ae fe ma pond Ne ne i |
work has been in charge of the Rev. qe ure Vane ee “tle i |
C. E. Hicks, and he is able to report 7 this scountval Manchego up): ie
some promising indications. In the commence: oe ae Sauces ao ac
~ training school which he superintends Ch. Tr y : = Dacenb =e ‘h i |
he has four No-su lads, and three of ae oe eee a cece ve 4 aes 5 i |
them have studied assiduously. Two Pee Te SOLO eee a |
of these three have expressed the de- That the Rev. F, J. Dymond, having | |
sire to be recognized as students with ee See a esd es on i |
= = si s pLet N= wenty-t years CV. Wi |
oe oe a oe fe one furlough, and considering the time
: fs now fully come for his second furlough, we |
these is a clever lad, and in the com- heartily commend him and Mrs. Dymond to i |
prehension of books written in the ; i |
Chinese literary style is easily first in ig te AR RE i |
the school. He has also shown especial Beg Pes Es |
sharpness in understanding the propo- ee ag tees s Le |
sitions of the first half of the text book BO at ihe AR ere > ae i |
in geometry which has been studied this eM ea ee pe ae 1 |
year. These No-su lads pay for their SPIT ay aye eee > eee aoe i |
board, and are also willing to pay the oe Cries he ale i |
school fee which the Chinese members rw? iS) eee |
of the Church have passively resisted. Oe SR Si weve Ff eee |
It is surely a most helpful sign to know eas oe pipe Pos ae i]
that these able students contemplate de- pe se oe Cae aed |
voting their lives to the preaching of chee nee, ata See Behe |
the Gospel among their own people. Be ek OMS SERS Soke ee |
Our friends at home should earnestly PS Aes te ee ae, | |
pray that the Holy Spirit may rest upon ey Sake AE as lai |
these lads, and fully qualify them for yen i ae te ae as 1 i
the work of evangelization, that they Cn seen pom iT aoa }
may become valiant for the truth, and ies ia A |
prepared to count all things but loss aap ee Pea
for the excellency of the knowledge of a eet ce cane a
Christ Jesus our Lord. LE RO a ne
In reference to the No-su, Mr. Hicks Riscs Hawind ihto One ob the great cavencoe
Says :— Upper Yunnan. (Photo: E. Jensen, Esq. |
| :
yi |
it With the Foreign Missionary Committee at Exeter
Hi |
I | our Home Churches, and pray that the rest and devoted missionary. We welcome
Ha and change may be beneficial to them, and him as one of our sons whose name we
a their stay at home a blessing to all. delight to honour. His old friends will
Vi This commendation was not needed be delighted to see and hear him again, "
Vai by the members of the late B.C. Church and we confidently anticipate that new |
HH because no one stands higher in their friends of the larger Church will ex-
Hh affection and esteem than this strenuous tend a most cordial welcome.
| se se se
| i) | With the Foreign
| e e e
| Missionary Committee By Rev.
/ at Exeter. T. J. DICKINSON.
i} |
| HE Foreign Missionary Committee met It has long been felt that medical work
| a. on February 25th and 26th in the should be attempted in East Africa, but the |
al beautiful and historic city of Exeter, usual difficulty has stood in the way, viz.,
a in the spacious Providence Church. The lack of funds. Thank God that difficulty
Wve President, Dr. Townsend, with his usual may be removed now. The “Arthington
| | i | urbanity occupied the chair. It was very Trustees†have granted £500 on condition
Hh | gratifying to find that our President, in that we provide an equal amount, to erect
Mg spite of incessant travelling and constant a hospital in that mission so dear to our
Va labours in the interests of the Kingdom of hearts and so full of possibility. They also
NY i | Christ in our Denomination,’ was looking promise £100 per year for three years to-
Wal wonderfully well, and retained all his vigour wards the maintenance of the work if we
wal and enthusiasm. find a similar amount. A special appeal will
a The death of Mr. R. Bird, Connexional _ be made to our friends in the Denomination
aa] Treasurer for so many years, cast a deep in order to secure this generous offer, so
WN ; shadow over us. We all felt it to be a personal that we may not have to trespass on ordinary
i as well as a Connexional, loss, and a suit- income. Surely it will be done! Our his-
| | able resolution of appreciation of his long tory, as well as our Saviour, demands it.
Wa | and faithful services, and his fine Christian It will mean so much in every way to have
Wali | character was adopted by the Committee. at last a medical missionary in East Africa.
ih Another valued member of our Committee What valuable lives might have been pro-
iH i | has passed to the higher service, Mr. W. longed and valuable services retained could
He | Reney, J.P., of Connah’s Quay, andaresolu- this have been done long ago! Another
Wi | tion of appreciation of his faithful work, and agricultural missionary will go to East
iW i sympathy with his sorrowing relatives, was Africa at an early date to relieve Mr. Lory
passed. whose well-earned furlough is due, and must
\ | Our extensive and vigorous missions in not be delayed.*
An China naturally occupied much of our atten- A new church is being built at Mawson,
Wh | tion. The progress of God’s work in this West Africa. Our mission work there is
a field of labour is remarkable, and its con- - owned of God.
| | tinued extension should bestir our people to A life of the late Rev. J. Innocent, the
HE | - increased liberality. . honoured founder of the M.N.C. missions
MH Dr. Smerdon, a fine, devoted, young in China, has been prepared by the Rev.
P| medical man has departed to Wenchow to G,. T. Candlin, and will be shortly published.
Te | relieve Dr. Plummer. As soon as the funds This will evoke greater interest in our mis- '
We will allow more women workers will be sent — sions.
to China. They are greatly needed. We owe a great debt to the British and
The Rey. S. Pollard appeared before the Foreign Bible Society for much help given |
i Committee, and to our great joy.we found in our mission work by printing translations
H him in improving health, and as alert and of the Scriptures in native languages. This {
1 persuasive as ever. He gave a wonderful qebt is to be acknowledged by asking Con.
ih address, full of ‘clear and convincing state- ference to respond to an appeal, and arrange
Wi ment; urgent in advocating the claims of 4 Service at some suitable centre when a
Mt the Miao, where the work of God goes on ¢ojfection can be taken on behalf of the funds |
Hi bysleaps: and-bounds= = How! lorious: are OU. casi eaten Batons ae sae
: i opportunities in China! * See Mr. Chapman's Notes, p. 76.—Ep.
Bt! |
aT |
With the Foreign Missionary Committee at Exeter
of this glorious institution. Much interest A pleasant interlude was afforded by the i
will centre in the World Missionary Confer- receipt of a letter from the Bishop of Exeter |
ence in Edinburgh in June, 1910, and the offering to show the various objects of his-
. Committee appointed representatives to at- toric interest in the Episcopal Palace. The
| tend it. invitation was cordially accepted, and an
| The Committee was much occupied in hour was profitably spent in the genial com- |
matters relating to adjustments of salaries pany of the Bishop to whom hearty thanks
and allowances of missionaries consequent were offered in felicitious terms by our Pre-
upon Union, and in preparing for the unifi- sident, Dr. Townsend. |
cation of the funds. It is hoped that next One feature of the visit was especially
year it may be possible to unify, and, there- helpful and memorable. When we assembled
fore, simplify the printed Missionary Report. in the Domestic Chapel the Bishop invited
A fine spirit prevailed throughout all the us to repeat the Lord’s Prayer together. We if
proceedings.’ We are really United Method- very gratefully did so, for in that prayer we |
ists. A good missionary meeting wound up had found the deeper Christian unity; and,
the first day’s proceedings. as the Bishop reminded us in his words of |
We were most hospitably entertained by welcome, in our mission work abroad all |
the Exeter friends, to whom, with their Christians are brought very close together }
superintendents, the Revs. W. Treffry and in the Lord’s command to disciple all nations. 1
J. Edwards, and their colleagues, a hearty The next meeting will be in London, to |
vote of thanks was accorded. commence April 27th.
i |
q |
coi a a i |
Ee oy. ieee a a eee ator fete ea Seas a eg ie i |
a A bake Sad i cae RR ary = Rg lk a ee i |
Eee Ste CT. SRR SER, Ss ager Si sa eee Si yates EN a ee ane cre eng RODS oer 7 ae |
Esty eRe NEN a PR NOT oe sea ae PR Gay Seale EU: ge RE aed EN cs aa PS ia |
eros TRIN clay ge NG caer eaten Samra Mecca eRe ro ai LN GS tr ee ae Sonica. |
— os ae RR gas Ma oe os 5 ald ie! Pec a cee eal neg ee ee
Big Bee ate SRR means |
pO a geo ge ats RB Caer BAN on ASP sR here = Cn, ea
ss ee ee ae ee tn esse Ne EDR as oo ee a Siam Oe |
peeks, 3 ea GRP Ne TS pare ag oe LR a 2 Narcan, Sie PS SE eee re-o
Be Fe gen Ra Ue ee oe ees re ee ee |
Peri A hee ee ke ere ee NE WACK, Getta Bel angn cmt ec ee rte ae
sietaten a Paco se Ris oa Reeve VW tess nek Ses N= a yee eg ate ae: Bieta i |
ie ae A AVAV, Rpneea enn Sere ee aaa ee |
See Lie ee ee Sr tore rs ‘ i a Ny RY Spe na eee ee j
oe Se erg eee Ba AI, Naka alee cee sa gv caret
Ei er eer a eee Pee hy A aera ee oe !
Pee aes cs Se ane Soria : eos 4 g i) } a ae: pears See es A j |
Soh BS OAR EONS SOO RM i ts tate eRe AE / ey SS aR ys he
ee ee ee ee et fi ete ge |
shy ie eas Siey teres racy ae ae es WY yy p : a , |
pci An een ee. ae
Paes 4 Poe i Oey, ee. ee La CSfibont e.g NR : bu} 5 ena
ir: ait aaa ee RR Stee eS Sete ian gO i oS Si mn -
pct Sane na Ste Rc eee Aleem aE Se ae
Rats saga 4 SoA) Mie Rea e ate or SE A Pe oe Ee SR
SE i RE am os a ? SSR orvicee REALE: ae
ee Pn os ee hn, is ir Bina ey, SAO Ss ally en EN ke |
a « ee rg Shee aes r SOF } ea abt ee =o SATS ees
Bridge on Sierra Leone Railway. (Photo: A. Lisk-Carew. |
; 81
— ©
a) |
I | i
| |
IH i
| i | S By Miss
wh outh to North. FLORRIE E, BAVIN
i i) | HE last sight of the beautiful them, it is not easy, without some feel- >
| “Isle of Springs†is dear to me ing of regret, to leave for an almost |
/ Hit for many reasons! Ten most in- unknown country, with new scenes, new
I) teresting and happy years have been faces, and new work.
i spent in Jamaica. It seemed for the Of the experiences of the first week
| | | | moment as if the principal part of my at sea, the less said the better. Suffice
| 1} life had been taken from me. it to say that before the day was ended
Wall Jamaica is a land of hurricane and most of us disappeared from view, and
H | earthquake, but it is also a land of sun- kept in hiding for nearly a week.
| i shine and unsurpassable beauty. Sun- The roughest hurricane known for
i) shine and shadow—pleasure and pain— twenty years burst on us the second
| | calm and storm—all have their place in day. Our good ship was tossed hither
i the memories which willoften recur now and thither like a buoy: huge waves
hi I am so far away. crashed on the deck, and the rolling
iW I cannot describe my feelings as I of the vessel was so violent that not-
ell sailed away from its shores! Thoughts withstanding all portholes and hatches
ih At of my own loved ones left behind—per- being screwed up, many cabins were
HH Hf haps for years—-and of the people for flooded. At one time, so violent was
Hl | whom I have worked in the various the storm, we almost lost hope of reach-
vi churches of our mission, many of whom ing our destination in safety. A
i) | | are very dear to me. The feeling of steamer, which had left Jamaica two
Ht utter loneliness which comes over one days previously, was totally wrecked off
Hy | when surrounded by strangers—not one the coast of Cuba. But through God’s
Hi familiar face, an intense, almost irre- gracious providence we escaped a like
na | sistible longing to return, and yet the fate. Our ship, however, was over two
Ha thought of what is before prevents re- days late.
iW [| gret. At such times one feels the The hurry and bustle of New York,
Wa blessedness of the Omnipresence of the rush of the crowded streets, the
ih} f God and the comfort of His love. huge “skyscrapers,†and the hurry of
1a The Jamaica people are very lovable, changing vessels, were the greatest con-
Hh and after so many years spent among trast to the quiet life of Jamaica that
i one could well imagine. My
Ht \ BER age, ee bewilderment amused some of
| Wl <. ad fee ae) Ate my fellow-passengers. On be-
i 1 ; eae er: > poe ing finally settled on the
1 * é mene A ad Pett) Cunard [iner, in which we
1 i fi re OMY continued our journey to Liver-
| iH (amet a wr Ga pm pool, I heaved a thankful sigh
| | — % LN 5 he of relief. ae
| it ee eS a i _The “Caronia†is one of the
dh idea es | fe ee ae hig ships of the Cunard Line.
NV | | ; > Naa The voyage from New York
Weld) fo) to Liverpool was a most de-
Vit P fey ees ae ae ree ieee ee | lightful. change from that of
vi aa a] Pe hy ie the previous week. Calm seas, r
oe paren ok: fair skies, smooth - sailing,
Wh a aa sports and amusements took
ii i eis ee me eee the place of hurricane and storm \
A SS ee Oe an —a most welcome change, fill- f
| i ee SSC—S—SCSing rp a moostt_ enol week.
| i aie ae eee poe q We had with us the son of
i] 4 Be rie st PI, ah ee UR Pe Yo RI TEE ae one of our own ministers
AE ere ue Spe ees Pad ee ergs 2 « whose name was well known |
iI 4 se A Eee Le | ty me—a touch of home for |
ij | Christ Church, Jamaica. which I was very grateful.
| 82
: HT
BT i |
HH} |
Missionary Sonnet | |
_ We have not as yet a morning paper stitute as a student, and hope to con- iI
in mid-ocean, but still the “wireless†tinue my work for Christ begun in |
kept us. fairly well in touch with the Jamaica, and to serve our Home
> world, and “ships that pass in the Churches to the best of my ability.
night†report themselves as they go. A
| large ship, fully lit up, is a beautiful = se
sight as it passes on the dark ocean,
and the signalling, generally by rockets, MISSIONARY SONNET.
is most interesting. : : ‘
The sail up the Mersey and landing al EY Sete ee
at the wharf at eight p.m. on Saturday (By permission from “‘C.M. Review.†(See note p. 11.) J |
night, September 12th, was a time of FOR MEDICAL MISSIONS, |
wonderment and keen enjoyment for «The gods in human form have come,†ex-
me. The large buildings, blazing eisai ae
lights, vessels of all sizes moving to The startled Lycaonians when they saw
and fro, and glimpses of busy streets, The wondrous healing of the poor man
combined to make a scene not soon maimed,
forgotten by such an inexperienced And their dark minds at once were filled 1 ||
“foreigner†as myself. with awe. i
It will not be thought a matter of Unwittingly a truth sublime they told,—
surprise 1f I confess toa slight feeling Though Hermes lies beneath an extinct |
of nervous anxiety in approaching a creed,
big English city, but as we came along- And thund’rous Zeus sinks to oblivion cold,—
side the crowded wharf, I espied my Yet God incarnate has come down indeed : |
father, with whom I have travelled hun- For Christ, the Son of God, came from |
dreds of miles over the mountains to above
; remote mission stations in the far-off To cure and cleanse mankind of every ill:
land, and from whom I have learned to And now His servants’ lives reflect His love, |
love the service of Christ and His His healing “sign†shines forth in modern i]
Church, and my confidence is restored.* skill.
At length we are through with land- Where doctor, nurse, and helper, healing, |
ing, luggage, etc., and off by train to move, i |
Nottingham. At last a real English That Lystran cry of wonder echoes still.
Vener ——————— |
strange to my un- | i eo Oe A
accustomed eyes. oe . foe, Se Oe ee ee
It is only those (i as = | fe ¢ :
who have been | | 7 TP Ge ft, Oe |
years in the Reo ee eg ee H re y : Pe Shae ae 4 é |
tropics, where —i la Wee Vio ee ie om, Woitllen. 6s teas
never seen in the Beppe 8 6 a We « eS, a
how to appreciate 7 [bem 5 ve A Pi Ne |
an English fire- ei = eee: s aa Se t PA yer Jap : ke B . ‘ s)) ue af ¥ |
side. | gt ey EN
of Paes life fe Glee) Sa | | Gacoee 7) ee ba
and ways are a ie eS we (Y a. we aa SS |
yet too new an 5 Meera og oe rs Se oe A OF a
strange to attempt "A 5 4 ee A om Sees Hote Ay eo eS aA
to set down here. gj 4) ket >†“SR ABeay Rok © LR oe
Three weeks after [i * aan 2 gee x fi ys |
landing in Eng- [i rE 5 a Diet ae ey See a ed |
land I entered Pie prince eine Grier a eres Ot ee eR NS
our Deaconess In- ,ipp ee Meme saeera ee cuteness
lea aa re eT bi Christ Church Day School, Jamaica. Teacher, Mr. A. H. James. 4 |
83 3 |
i |
1] THE LONDON MEETINGS. Times†(which should be called the
NW RE another number is issued the “ Roman Catholic Times.â€) :—
Wa G London missionary meetings will If we may credit Father Vermeersch there i
i i) be a thing of the past. The is ahead a good deal of trouble for the i
| Foreign Missionary Committee will Congo administration. . . . According i
i i | meet in London at the same time. It ‘© information which has come to him, a
i | Mill’ Sonimen Ge fis sessions the day-atter hundred English Protestant missionaries,
Mh a} 3 eee ee 7 each of whom has received 451,000, are about
Hh the City Temple meetings. | : to commence work amongst the natives.
Hie Particulars of the meetings will be One batch has just landed, and the others
Wie found in this number. We pray that — will follow in groups.
| * the uplift may be spiritual as well as We almost apologize for circulating
Ana financial. such a lie! The Baptists have as much
HAT ROMANISM. ; stake in the Congo as any society, and
| Sir Robert Hart has been saying they are unaware of any such malad-
I something about the commendable devo- ministration. Missionaries go out like
i} tion of Romanist missionaries. Who their Master, and not with £1,000!
i | cares to deny it? But one cannot help Think of it—£100,000! Surely only
i feeling that there is King Leopold could ao}
WHE an idea of comparison find such a sum: and
| inet: ne IEMAKS tae || Sa eo Ae: he did“it= would “be
Hh were published in a the price of blood.
| i provincial newspaper. Text for the Month. He could, but he
Ve A copy of the speech ae would not: the Pro-
HE | was sent to one of our ZAnd i saw another angel testant missionaries
i Uh Chinese missionaries flying in mid=ebeaven, there now have given
My | by Mr. Chapman, and Be him trouble enough. ¥
WAT he sent a long and baving an eternal gospel And they will give
Wa able reply, which also to proclaim unto them him more!
Ht | appeared in the said maser
i i} newspaper. Space for- that owell on the earth, We have received
1H bids to quote more and to every nation and from the pen of Mrs.
: ii than a few lines, and . Soothill -a_ thrilling
1 indeed we are. not tribe and tongue and story Ct the revival in
WT wishful to prolong people.—Rev. xiv. 6. (R.v.) the Shansi province,
i such a controversy. __| which we regret can-
Hil The letter concludes -— not appear this month.
| i] thus :-— We regret to learn
Wi The Roman Catholic Church claims a. that Mr. and Mrs. Bassett have had
if Hi million. converts in China. The Reformed yather a sad beginning of their married
HY Church claims 200,000 Communicants. Only life. as the following from. Mr. Bassett
i i| the -great Day of Reckoning will give us I howeee :
WY | the real percentage of those who have re- So Nes
| sponded to our Lord’s command, “Ye must We did h j 5
Wa be born again.†But if common report, pre- ,, ‘V© SIS ce Bee On ae until
WM “diced and unprejudiced. be credited. the. tree weeks after our marriage, and then
| Reformed Church holds cthe fulhiment of We went to our Sanatorium at Nairobi. Un-
| this command, together with training in fortunately when about half-way. between
| the Scriptures, as its object of existence. Mavens ene ae on oe ea
| Whether baptismal regeneration and almost eee ¢ ce S ca a ie Woe a ee
Wa total neglect of the Scriptures is equally Pat Rena ea tt hs eas oe 1: *
| j effective let the enlightened judge. Person- ;% DeaVily on ih Sonya Par wave SO |
i ally I believe there is more regenerating her ae en ae collec alert
We | power in the 200,000 than in twenty mil- Fae coun ery ae on ae Ha Senin alee
Ha Iions.of ‘the other type. Bul lam a -Pros. ee Une seain she thoug at her. back
al jeetant was broken, but to our joy,when she got to
Wh ROMANIST:. METHODS her feet again, she was able to walk a few
Wy TNs : ; steps. I will not attempt to describe my
Wa A friend has drawn our attention to sensations during her moments of uncon-
i i a strange statement in the “Catholic sciousness. I had no medicine of any kind
Ny 84
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NaH) ae
Ht | j
j i
‘““A Winter in South Africa†i
with me, and we dared not use the water our civilized Homeland has its advantages. 1 it
available in the locality. So the only alterna-- After I repaired the hammock as best I 1 it
tive was to send a porter post haste to the could, my wife pluckily got into it again, j
nearest native kraal to get a young coco- and we accomplished the rest of our journey }
} nut, the milk of which is very refreshing, in safety. I am thankful to say that treat- i
t and it certainly helped to revive my wife. I ment and rest have almost put my wife 1 i
‘| realized that evening on the lonely veldt that right again! |
gS s o 1
6¢é e e | |
A Winter in
° 99 : |
South Africa. | A Review. |
A Winter in South Africa. By Rey. they missed their aim they buried themselves
F. B. Meyer, B.A. (London: nine feet in the ground.
Thomas Law, National Council of . Here is another peep at the country i
Rice-ch | 56a t in an aspect that concerns us more :—
ree Churches. 2s. Od. net.) Visiting a “location†it is described
Mr. Meyer has rendered magnificent how :— f
service to the Free Four raw_ Kaffirs [|
Church Councils. of | : came out and knelt in
a = | _ the centre of the circle,
ns Soa ses their eyes closed, and
gSCOPe : as M hands clasped. It was
: ie onth. hands clasped.
tions : and it aw pubs Thought for the very touching to see Mr.
continuance oO 11S we 5 Baker place his hand on
. ministry to other peo- We" never learn bow each head and _ pray.
ples and in another deat we ate to God's aye ee ton
C i Oni : : the East and West to si
noe ot ee heart, until we discover down in the Kingdom,
: “Tq ‘ will my seat be near
The story is well told, . that ‘tbe bas trusted us eéseetauk aien ance) |
as we should expect |} with the work about they recognize me?
from the facile pen.of
Mr. Meyer. It is not which ‘the cares the We have read the I |
a mere recital of a most.— book with the deepest I |
list of meetings, which interest, and we wish i |
must have been much The late R. W. Dale, D.D. our space allowed a |
the same in each dis- —_ longer notice. A quo- [|
trict,.=biutein our tation revealing the |
friend’s hands Kim- motive of the tour |
berley, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Lady- must conclude our review, and we I |
smith are made to live before us. cordially commend the book to all | |
We see them with his eyes—gentler Christian imperialists —— | |
eyes than those of warriors and Deeper than all this was the ardent desire i |
even correspondents, and though he to serve whatever purposes the Divine + |
shows us how the three years’ war Master might set me to: He is always g0-
has left its cruel mark on the coun- ing forth on His redemptive mission, and | |
| ¢ the highest ambition for any of His servants i}
West te breathe es st esPhere of is to be permitted to accompany Him, and |
TS ee Oe Cal oe DeACeoe ato be ready to His hand for any ministry |
settling down to a peaceful period, we which a human agent may be needed to
4 trust never to be disturbed again. fulfil: See | |
t Speaking of Ladysmith he Says :— A remark made to me by Hudson Taylor, i
j Everywhere shells are kept as mementoes years ago, has been a constant inspiration }
of the siege. We have brought one home to me:—
with us. Fifteen thousand were poured in “God said to me, I am going to evan- |
by day and night, most of them weighing gelize Inland China, and if you like to walk i
96lbs. and filled with bullets. They were with Me I'll do it through you.’ Yes, it is
thrown from .a distance of five miles: if not our work, but His.†EDITOR.
oe |
| b |
(Hi | Famous Names pan Series TRUSCOTT,
ii | Recalled. By THE EDITOR.*
HT | | N a letter written in 1880 the subject In the Magazine for December, f
a] | of our sketch said :— 1880, we find the following. brief
Wi : “Our burial-ground is a lovely notice: “Emma Louise, the beloved
lt spot. A little along the main pathway, wife of the Rev. Thomas Truscott, fell
He | on the left side, is the spot so very dear asleep in Jesus, October 31st, a 35
i to all Free Methodists. There are four years.†One who knew her well said:
HM graves: in the first was laid the “She was a bright example of faith and
HH honoured * Joseph’ New, our pioneer prayer, of holy activity, and, latterly, of
I SE missionary in West Africa—a good man _ sanctified affliction.â€
i and true. On the stone erected over Mr. Truscott was left with one child.
HW his grave is the inscription, ‘He was a =
| burning and shining light.’ In the :
| second grave are the mortal remains of
| John Sanderson Potts. The next is the
Wn | smallest of the four, in it lies the little ee
HE | daughter of the Rev. Charles Worboys. f BN |
Va The last is the le of that heroic eee “Seuss Bc]
it woman, Ann Micklethwaite, the faithful pe 3
Vil wife of the Rev. William Micklethwaite, soe wae |
HH} who laboured for God and our Churches 72 ee laa |
Wi so long in this unhealthy place.†+ aes * ows
Wh In 1888 the name of Thomas Trus- a ~~ yey |
Ha cott was added to the list. ee 6 a
Hh Our friend was born at Lifton, Devon- eg eS
Ha shire, April 17th, 1848. When he was ee _—— ssi
i still a boy the family removed to a vil- ee Sr >
Wi lage in Cornwall, and began to attend b= a
| i the Methodist Free Church at Caradon ~~ gg - SS
Wi Town, near Liskeard. Here Thomas fag a —
| was converted to God when eleven years = SC
i} | of age. He began to teach in the = 5 |
Wa Sunday School, and before he was “3% tC
{| in twenty he became a preacher. About SS ee
nee this time he had a serious illness, which - = ee
| i left a weakness in his right wrist; CCC
| i | afterwards involving the amputation of OSS |
} f | his hand. He bore his suffering with . Nee
i great fortitude, singing the hymn, The Rey. Thomas Truscott.
| Hil “Jesus, lover of my soul,†as he went : :
hd into the operating-room of Truro In- He was in deep sorrow and bewilder-
hE firmary. ment. After prayerful consideration
i In 1871 he entered the ministry of he wrote: “I have decided not to go to |
AE the United Methodist Free Churches. West Africa. It is with great reluct-
Hh | After faithful work at Tunbridge, ance I have reached this decision, but
| Bristol, Yeadon and Todmorden he ! feel I cannot help myself.
ny offered himself for Sierra Leone. Be- During the remainder of that Con- 4
nL fore arrangements could be made for Mexional year he conducted revival ser-
He | his departure, Mrs. Truscott was taken VIC€S 1m various Circuits, and his work
Hh F | away by death. was greatly blessed. As the year pro-
WE =e Se ee ee eressed, nissthouphts were asa cured.
Hy i * From “Martyr Missionaries,†published 1891. to West Africa, and in 1881 he renewed !
| Me. Micklethwaite retired from active service in 1906, his offer for Sierra Ieone. The Rev.
i | 86 |
Ave ie | 1
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Wd i
oe Pee, el
Vii -
7 : |
° 1}
Famous Names Recalled | |
J. Kirsop, his biographer,* says: little Frank. The following letter will 1 |]
“Nothing is more striking than the show what a bitter lot was his, and also. ik
clear conviction Mr. Truscott had that, evidence his calm patience under the 1 |
in going to Sierra I.eone, he was in the oft-repeated blows that fell upon him: iI
path of Providence.†“T can scarcely tell how to begin this 1 |]
Mr. Truscott left Liverpool on October letter. My soul is filled with bitter an-
sth, 1881. The first period of his minis- guish.. My sorrow is too great to be
try in Sierra Leone extended to the expressed. Here, alone! with none of
spring of 1883, when he was driven my loved ones to give one sympathizing
home by repeated attacks of fever. His look, or speak one comforting word, ||
work was very varied. To incessant the crushing news of my darling’s death f
spiritual toil he added construction and seems more terrible to me. Your letter | il
settlement of chapels. The Rev. J. came to hand on Saturday morning last.
Kirsop testifies that “he proceeded I was seated at my desk preparing my
wisely, warily, patiently. . . . His Sabbath morning’s sermon—my subject |
: era was one of chapel-building.†‘The raising of the widow’s son at
His child, now all that was left to Nain ’—when your letter was brought to ad
him, had remained in England. Man me by my servant boy. . . . Ever t |
: : aa eae Nee ie?) :
were his anxious inquiries about his since my dear wife passed away I felt 1 |
— — that God had blest me in giving me i |
we Tig Liteon bores Crue Mice fonaey 10 Clee dear Frank, and often have I been i |
i sy Jose ‘
soe MIMONay Bene 1003, pris. 7 Pteatly comforted-in tmy-sad loneliness |
os a PES A a) eae m4 47) wy i |
ee Pr EP A es sa |
8 PERE) ane in ee |
EE. eat ee eee | |
= eee, eg SS | |
mo | eee |
A wr eee : ae ia = P e co 3 bn Ys wt 4 SH : , |
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SRN Seg Gare hot cre one eT ERC ar Bae oid nt ida tor MMe RARcER eS AG REREAD REA oy URES inane aaa Ss | i
The Sierra Leone District Meeting, January, 1909. The Rey. A. E. Greensmith in centre. |
At least four Native Ministers may be discovered. |
(Thomas Truscott conceived the happy thought of English training for West African probationers. See Life pp. 118-9.] |
87 |
er | |
Hy .
wi Hh |
ia ' Famous Names Recalled |
| by the thought that he would be a great would die, and even rumoured that he |
vi) | -blessing to me and others in years to was dead; but I am thankful to state
ab ae | come. . . . But now it seems as if that his life has been spared. O how I
ana all had been taken from me. Of course, wish we had money and men sufficient
| | I remember what God is to me, and I_ to enable us to go in and occupy this
| cannot doubt His wisdom and love. I extensive field for Christ! Thank God! t
i | am also thankful for the love of all the religion of Christ sustains and com-
| my dear brothers* and sisters. . . . forts the sable African, in life and
ay | O may the good Lord help me! and death, as certainly as it does the be-
Wy | enable me to rest more completely in liever in our own land. It is the same
nal | His abiding love.†power all the world over.â€
Hat As we have stated, Mr. Truscott was This letter shows the spirit in which
We | obliged to return home in 1883, his he did his work. Had he laboured less
Ht 1 health being shattered by repeated at- he would have lived longer. Four
Ni tacks of fever. After needed rest, fol- months after this he was smitten with
Hae lowed by much deputation work, he re- fever, and on November 15th, 1888,
WL | : turned to Sierra Leone in October, 1884. joined his loved ones gone before.
Hii Few who heard it can forget his fare- His biographer has sympathetically
Hid well at the Annual Assembly. He said: touched the various aspects of Mr.
WA | “T am going back to Western Africa: Truscott’s life. and interested readers
qi perhaps I may never return; but I re- are referred to his book; but this
A member what Kingsley says: ‘He who sketch would not be complete without a
| 1 | dies at the post of duty does not taste reference to the memorial service con-
1 of death.†In 1886 his health was ducted by the Rev. William Vivian, Mr. |
a | again broken, and he spent some months Truscott’s colleague. It was held on
| in America to recruit, collecting at the Sunday, December oth, in Centenary |
Ma | same time nearly £200 for Sierra Tabernacle. The church was densely
WT | Leone. Continuing his toil, aided by crowded. Mr. Vivian took for his text,
We | Mr. Vivian and the good West Africans, Rev. ii. 10, “Be thou faithful unto
Na | he was devoting himself to the rebuild- death, and I will give thee a crown of
| | | ing of Samaria Chapel, Free Town. In life.†He gave a lengthened account of
} iH June, 1888, he wrote: “My desire, in Mr. Truscott’s life and ministry, and
WE fact, my intention, is to see this work touchingly referred to the fact that it
Wt accomplished, and then retire from the was in the midst of sorrow that he be-
| mission. I feel it is high time, too, the came acquainted with the deceased. “TI
We | climate is certainly doing its work upon was living in their house when his wife |
i Hi my constitution.†Writing later he and her brother died, and it is just about
| Hi says: “ Perhaps you may ask why I did eight years since I preached her funeral
| F | not take the advice of my friends, and sermon in the little chapel at Looe. . .
ih return home before the work com- How little did I think . . . that
i a menced. Well, I felt that it would not Providence had reserved for me a like
Hl i | be quite honourable of me.†Ina letter task in relation to himself, to be per-
| written to the Missionary Secretary in formed thousands of miles from that
WE the same month, he says: “We have dear spot.â€
| | resumed our work in the Bompeh coun- _ Thomas Truscott’s ministry was
try, and, notwithstanding the many dis- brief, but—
Cerone Me have experienced, WE ~ Life’s more than breath, and the quick round
|| are determined, by God’s help, to sur- OE blood: -
He mount all difficulties and carry on the | is a great spirit, and a busy heart.
Hh | great work entrusted to us in this very The coward and the small in soul scarce do
Wh | benighted part of Africa. Am sorry to live. : \
i f sav the chief who was baptized by me One generous feeling—one great thought— F
I rather more than five years ago,t has one deed : ee :
een very sick ; it was thought thane Of good, ere night, would make life longer
| | * One of his brothers is the Rev. John ‘Truscott. a Yea: might number a thousand :
Viele : z issi 7 u aR ler ° :
it revered, and became Chict Thomas Truscott†"Spent as this is by nations of mankind.
ie | 88
Hit |
nH) EY J
if |;
Grateful Acknowledgments ,,,,. ,
for Gifts to Hospital. FLETCHER JONES. |
HAVE now received over forty The Bible picture scrolls will be very
offerings for our Hospital. We popular. We shall have to answer a
Mare very grateful to all the great many questions about the mean- y
friends who have helped us so gener- ing of them. |
1 Th ill b E te : j
singel the Rarer ahen thee = p aoe the bandages and bundles of
toduccdicto- somevotsthe codecs. linen—their name is legion! and the
Bent iouts toe them numbers of dolls, scrap-books, toys,
Pintewondertules: Dudley Cot,†for gloves, comforters, soc, etc., will
; : s as usceeie cheer many a sad heart. lady has
Leesa bee eee presented ‘a_tea-urn, which will hold
be photographed fon the CHOC RNE pecans of Se Words would fail to
; describe the feelings such a gift will
once aL tre ey fingers have completed C31) forth in a Chinaman!
Then the other bed, from Hull, I should like to say how greatly I
which I shall not see until I reach have appreciated the letters which have
China, because the kind-hearted donor accompanied some of the parcels. I
: : P 2S ee
is sending it there direct without have also been touched by the spirit
troubling us about its transit! prompting some of our wellwishers to
There is also a big musical box, which enclose neither name nor address with
will seem like magic to the women out their gifts. I think that although these
there! How interested they will be parcels have had no labels, the Great
to know that it is given to them by Physician will not forget to stamp each
two of the very first collectors for our loying offering to our Hospital with His
North China Mission! ® “Tnasmuch.â€
(Dr. and Mrs. Jones sail on the 13th inst.—Ep.)
Sse sfJe sse |
A Trip to |
‘ By Mrs. TALENT. |
North China. (Continued from p. 63.) Extracts from her Letters (see page 63), =} |
Chu Chia, posed—both men and women alike wear the
December 21st, 1908. trousers and loose coat, long or short, as |
be ; pre ee eee the case may be—with the green trees still |
TMV net ing see frie you, it is in full leaf, and mud-built houses, the bril- |
impelled to send you a short account Haas Suns saiiine sever rall
of my first visit to a native fair. _ The street was almost covered by an awn- |
Miss Turner—the assiduous mistress of 1&8 made up of advertisements and articles
the Girls’ School. who was-Herself accom. *0% Sale. We soon’ found ourselves’ to be |
panied by a domestic—took Hilda, Doris, the central objects of interest as we moved
Gladys and myself the round of the stalls (or along eon es piste duller cntawares wee
shops without fronts), but where we found if -we stopped a moment, at requirec ‘the Po
anything we wanted to enquire about or good-natured shouts of our man to make a
buy, the man did the bargaining. The for us again. i}
goods were not paid for at the time, but we All the people seemed happy and contented, II
were allowed to take them with us on the and however much they crowd upon us it is ‘|
understanding that this personage would not with rudeness, but simply to see us ii
come along later and settle accounts—by and hear our voices. I think I shall soon |
this means he intended to get a good squeeze grow to love them. : |
by making the merchants take less than we The servants in the doctor’s house and z=
had promised to give. assistants in Hospital are quite refined fel-
The first thing which struck me on leav- lows, gentle to a degree and scrupulously
ing the compound was the picturesque clean, while their duties are performed so |
blending of the various shades of blue, of thoroughly but quietly that I much prefer
which the dresses of the natives are com- them to English maidservants. |
. = 4
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| i A Trip to North China |
Hae 1
i | The principal attraction, and apparently December 2nd. |
Hi] only out-door entertainment for the people, At eleven o’clock Mr. Hinds and the uncle
who come for miles all round, is the open- came for us, and we went to a house in |
1} 9 air theatre—this kind of thing I do not the village, and were conducted to the guest
Ht at patronize in England, but found it great chamber—a long room with _ blue-bricl
i} fun, and thoroughly enjoyed watching the floor and glass windows—the latter most un-
Hj performance of half a dozen actors very usual, nearly all are paper, not always plain !
hd finely dressed, some with long, straight hair, squares, but a sort of fancy lattice work |
Ht beard and whiskers reaching to their knees; pasted over at the back with parchment
I} i this they kept flaunting about, and one of paper. Plates of cakes and cups of tea—
1 them would stand straight in front of the weak, without either sugar or milk, were
Hea) audience, make all kinds of antics. and placed before us on tables,—so we regaled
ey scream himself hoarse. The last act I saw ourselves while the company assembled and
Hh ay was a sort of Bluebeard with a long scimi- the room was filled—with men.
Wall tar, slashing right and left, so cutting off In about half an hour, music and big
Hid the heads of the cowering half-dozen around crackers being let off outside announced
Wa him—then a crash of cymbals and bones the coming of the bride. ;
Wat which denoted the finish, On arrival at the door she was lifted from
| A little later Dr. Fred took me through fer sedan chair to an ordinary one and car-
Wat the Hospital wards, the dispensary and wait- jeg inside; two bridesmaids, beautifully
Hh ing-room, as he wished to find out what attired, their hair a mass of silver ornaments
We operations were imperative for next morning. and danglements, their silk gowns elabor-
Hi In one ward I noticed the “Ethel Stacey ately trimmed with coloured embroidery and
We Cot,†in another the “Edwin Lumby,†the a féw wee silver bells, led her to a seat and
Wa Ashton-under-Lyne, Stamford Street C.E. straightened her dress--the poor thing be-
a society. “The John Talent†is there, too, ing so heavily veiled as to be quite unable
| | also Salem* and Prestatyn. I only wish to see anything for herself. Her dress was |
HY you could be here without the weariness of quite plain, black trousers with pink cotton
{ taking the long journey to see for yourself Chinese coat, but very small feet prettily
i) i some of the novel and wonderful sights I — shod.
i | see—they would only make you long to be We all stood while they were married, the
Ha able to do more for the enlightenment and ceremony being short; then a hymn was
i) uplifting of these our brethren and sisters. badly sung—all missionaries ought to be
| My sympathy is continually going out to able to lead the singing as the people soon
them, and I am_ beginning to love them get flat and out of tune.
i already, for they have some admirable traits There is no ring or other symbol used,
: of character. the only thing the pair do is to answer the
i} I seem to have landed here at a particu- universal question: Wilt thou, etc., and
te A larly exciting time. Four days ago came the afterwards each takes a sip of native wine,
ep | information that the Emperor and Empress- which Mr. Hinds poured into two wine
ERE | Dowager were dead—what the result socially | glasses; then, exchanging glasses, each sip
| and politically will be no one can safely pre- from the one the other had first. A brides-
| | dict. One result of this dual demise is that maid just lifted a corner of the veil—which
WA | after the official proclamation of it there are is really quite a thick cloth (crimson for
if to be no marriage ceremonies for one hun- _ this performance)—-but let it down again
Wale dred days, so people have “hurried up,†and so quickly that I could not catch a glimpse
Kf we are invited to the wedding of one of the of the girl’s face, and do not know at all
Ap | youthful members in Chu Chia to-day. what she is like.
i i | According to custom, last night the pro- On reaching her future home she will
HW | spective bridegroom—a quiet, thoughtful. have to undergo the ordeal of having all
i A) | looking youth—was brought by an uncle and her front hair, also that an the nape of the
HB other relatives to show himself and pay his eck, plucked out with tweezers ; this denotes
| respects to the occupants of each of the Wifehood as the ring does with us, but is
q i mission houses. a most painful operation, _and makes the |
Hh | Heralded by a small band of music, and br le aed BS Een 1
| f with two immense lanterns to light the way, Dis eee fy MM, & A ey Ma aD ay.
| and a small crowd behind, he came to our US 2 ee z Bea tS. a adi all sent them |
We door, which was immediately opened wide. @ S74 POX oO Mee nee aw D we ee j
ey Someone placed a shawl upon the floor—here The brid oe ease
| he knelt and bowed himself, then im- goin 4 ee ea Us as aaa
a mediately retired without having uttered a evades ay. eee i S oes an Ae
HE | word. His bride would be fetched from her P!tal_assistant’s wi Si S02 YOUNES, Loe nee
ili home during the night. in-law, a bright-looking lad of about ten.
Hh ! SERS ees ___—s After a few minutes’ chat with the two
i | ¥ Manchectenn ne women on the verandah they were all taken
i ft 90
AN |
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ai . )
Nynoh-ing |
into an adjoining room where our baby lay at the end of ribbons which hung from the
in his cot, wide awake and talking to him- waist; with some of these she tried to at-
self. They were highly pleased as the little tract baby’s attention, but she never uttered |
fellow, four month’s old, looked “over his a word. All the servants having been in-
head,†as we say, at them and cooed. The vited to the feast, we are without any of |
young wife, who looks older than her hus- them in the house just now. ‘ |
band, was beautifully dressed in silk and Believe me to remain, yours very cordially, |
embroidery to-day, with small bells dangling S. TALENT. —~ |
se Se Se |
Nynoh-ing: A Story of By
e e b
Ningpo Hospital. Mrs. J. JONES
(Being an extract from the circular letter issued to the Branches by the (F.M.) Women’s
Auxiliary. By permission of Mrs. Vivian, Secretary.] |
YNOH-ING was a pitiful little at the turn in affairs, by tearing through
waif when brought to the Hospi- the tangled strands, and pounding down
tal last March, and this was her upon the little head with might and
sad history. Born of poor parents, main, while the child suffered in silence. |
farmers, one of five children, she had The little one had lain during three
never known much of love, yet when days in a state of grim stupor, too sick
at the age of ten her mother had sold to notice much that went on around her.
her as a slave to a Ningpo family, her When asked if she had much pain, her |
sorrows took definite shape. Her mis- sad, patient eyes would open slowly,
tress, displeased with the size of the while she said faintly: “Not very
child’s feet, began to bind them ruth- much,†and the heavy lids would droop |
lessly ; while she laid the burden of the again. Once when she thought her mis-
housework upon her young shoulders re-__ tress was to be allowed to take her |
gardless of the agony she was suffering, away, she seized the doctor’s hand, |
with the result that in eight months ker begging piteously to be kept here, un- |
feet began to ulcerate. Three months til he assured her she was to live here |
later, during which time they had now. Then came the operation, and it |
grown steadily worse, till Nynoh-ing’s was found necessary to amputate at the |
life was in danger, she brought her to knee. With the foul flesh removed the
the foreign doctor to see if he could little patient brightened visibly. The |
save her. The verdict that one foot doctor gave her a doll from the box
must come off was received by the child the Exeter C.E. had sent, which she |
with indifference, as she lay there with fondled most tenderly. By and by he |
half-shut eyes, and a look of hopeless brought her in a fine large peony, of
misery in her wan face. But her mis- which flower the Chinese are so proud. |
tress made vigorous objections. “No, It proved a fit emblem of her own fleet-
indeed; she must not be lamed for life. ing life. The next day was Easter, and |
I bought her to save my steps about as our eyes opened to the glory of the
the house, and I can’t have that 100 bright morning, and our thoughts to- ig
dollars wasted. You can cure these ward the Risen Lord, the message came
feet; they have been sore only ten that little Nynoh-ing was gone.
days†(a manifest untruth). Before This is not an isolated case. Others ii
operating it was necessary to gain the are continually coming to us, who need
woman’s consent or else get her to give the Gospel as much as’ Nynoh-ing. Will
: the child over to the mission. She was you not join your prayers with us, and |
at last prevailed upon to give the child let your prayers be substantiated by
to us. She went away, though not be- further giving, that it may be possible :
fore she had shown her cruel disposition $0 to increase the Hospital staff as to
again. In combing Nynoh-ing’s hair meet the manifest need?
one morning she vented her ill-humour KATE E. JONES.
91 I
dj Vt
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Hi |
Hh 9
| The Students’ Eleventh |
1} e e e
Hi Missionary Demonstration. By “xX.â€
i} ROOF that the missionary enthu- future; and it will win its way universally
i Ht ? siasm of the students waxes because it does, in greater measure than any
II rather than wanes is to be found ther, answer the yearnings of the human
Hh 5 ; heart
i in the fact that this year they have held :
il two demonstratiqns instead of one. A very thoughtful address followed
Wa Each year since 1899, the students of Dy Mr. F. W. Ashton on “A Missionary
Hi the Victoria Park College havé, in or Nation.†He pointed out that the ties |
| near Manchester, pleaded for the mis- which bind the home worker to his peo- |
Ht sionary cause, and besides awakening ple do not exist for the foreign mission-
| | and rousing missionary enthusiasm they a who is cee by a race of different
Wa have been enabled to render substantial Culture, civilization and temperament,
Nh assistance to the Mission Fund. and held that the national ties of com-
Hi This year, in view of the more urgent merce and administration, which bind |
Whit financial need, the presence in the col- US a5 a nation to other nations, should
ne lege of representatives of each of the De used as the media for the impression
HT three sections of the U.M. Church, and 0f the Spirit of Christ.
| the departure in December last of one Mr. T. R. Blumer, of Sunderland,
| i of their number for missionary work took the chair at the evening meeting,
WT in Wenchow, the students set their and the deep spiritual fervour and
| hearts upon raising £100. That only ¢arnestness of his words at once raised
i 460 has been realized is no sign of their the tone of the meeting to a very high |
\ relaxing effort or diminishing interest. level. The speakers for the evening
Hh The true explanation probably lies in meeting were Messrs. J. Mills and J.
Hd the fact that the friends who have so Martin. Mr. Mills traced the growth of
HAT generously assisted the students in the the conception of the Kingdom of God
id past find it increasingly difficult to from the prophets through later Juda- |
i concentrate their efforts at home, and 1sm to Jesus Christ. He showed it to |
| meet the numerous demands made by be a universal Kingdom having a place
| the Connexion as well not only for the European but also
The first demonstration was held in for, the philosophic Hindu, the practical |
Wi | the historic church at Baillie Street, Chinaman, and the ingenious Japanese.
Wap Rochdale, on February 2nd. The Rev. ™t.J- Martin spoke on “ Home Missions
| | F. J. Ellis presided over the afternoon @"d Social Needs,†and, in a vigorous »
Wt | meeting, and his humorous and remi- Speech, emphasized the urgent need to-
| niscent speech delighted all. Special ay of a more thorough attention to
| singing was rendered by the College S0Cial work on the part of those within
tt Choir, and addresses given by Messrs. | aves ieaee le Choir Un; :
M. Harvey and F. W. Ashton: Piendarice at the erenine aon rd
i : . d 1 C |
Hee | Mr. Harvey speaking on the subject : :
| of “h Missionary Motive †said a ee Madame pully Rovdes wee
< : veet2 i a e€ organ, an r. 1. Holt as con-
' } The motive for the missionary work of ductor, rendered admirable assistance.
A the future is to be found in the fact that :
Hy the religion of Jesus Christ expresses, in a The second demonstration was held
i higher degree than any other, the truth con- at Eccles New Road on Wednesday,
‘ cerning God and Man. February 24th, under the chairmanship
| In a masterly way he compared the Of the Rev. E. Bocock. The afternoon
| Buddhist, Mohammedan and Christian Meeting was addressed by Messrs. J.
| conceptions of God and Man, and con- Smallwood and V. Leese. Mr. Small-
i : ehiden wood, speaking on “The Conquest of
Ht The issue then to which we must ulti- ae eee oe far-reaching
HL | mately come is, that among the world reli- cen the tesults of the missionary
Mie | gions, the one which expresses the highest Work of the first century and the great
il truth of man and the deepest and truest revival of Methodism in the eighteenth.
| i thought of God will be the religion of the Referring to the genius of Paul as an
bh |
iH al 92 }
HW |
mm ||
The Students’ Eleventh Missionary Demonstration
organizer, he appealed for the working deavour. It is gratifying to learn that
of modern missions on a more scientific not only are the young men of the |
basis. The speech was full of enthu- United Methodist Church preaching the | it
siasm, and at times charged with true missionary spirit, but they are also giv- |
missionary passion. Mr. V. Leese, who ing themselves to the work itself.
| followed, took for his subject “The Mr. Fairfax followed with an original
Sanction of Missions,†and gave a bril- and daring address on “The Scope for
liant address. Possessing the gift of Home Missions.†He questioned
satire, he offered keen criticism to many whether a large proportion of our
of the unworthy motives which have in- Churches to-day reached the stranger,
spired missionary enthusiasm in the the outcast and the cynic.
| past. God is urging us, beseeching us, to work
! There is no missionary question for the miracles with materials already given. Our
Christian, for missions are in Christianity as | work is not the elaborate fitting up even of |
| the flower is in the seed. The greatest apolo- Institutional Churches, but a mighty chang-
| gists for missionary work are those who are ing of the hearts of men.
now upon the field, and upon whom the With characteristic courage he indicated’
inertia of Ene East rests like a fete three lines along which this great |
_ The chairman of the evening meet- change was to come. Only by a careful
ing, Mr. W. A. Yoxall, of Ashton, was selection of the sphere of labour, by |
introduced by Principal Sherwood. Ad- freedom and _ unconventionality of
eee ves
dresses were given by Messrs. D. W. method, and by personal effort, he said, |
Murphy and F. Fairfax. Mr. Murphy could the Church of the present do the |
spoke as one who purposed giving him- most effective work, and reach the great | |
self to foreign missionary work, and set masses outside her doors and indifferent | |
forward utility, duty, and love as the to her ministries. |
| present-day motives:of missionary en- All those who attended either of these ee
| : . , | : |
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© dade Gort a ie
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pe ener Car Te ttt Gt . . a, : a es |
Top row, reading from left to right: Messrs. E. Richards, V. Leese, J. W. Hall, S. E. Harper, W.
Kitching, W. J. Teague, J. Smallwood. }
. Second vow (standing): Messrs. J. E. Leonard, H. Jones, T. W. Ashton, F. Raine, H. Faulkner, R. |
Worthington, R. Dawson, A. C. Lockett. |
Third row (seated): Messrs. F. Fairfax, T. M. Gauge, D. W. Murphy, R. P. Campbell, J. Mills, ]
J. Martin. F. D. Jones (China).
Bottom vow (seated): Messrs. M. W. Marsh, M. Harvey. j
[Favoured by Ed., “United Methodist Magazine.†|
fi | .
ay ih |
HH | Missionary Imagination
Hh demonstrations must have gone away who fear that the young men of to-day
| realizing that there is a glowing mis- are not alive to the needs, both of mis-
Wt sionary enthusiasm in the College, and sionary work abroad, and social service
ah | every address must have reassured those at home. .
\ | Se
Hi at
i @ e
i Missionary =
Hid e @
I Imagination. Rev. W. H. KAY.
ie} 1
Hh ISSIONARY enthusiasm has mission field. Therefore, the nearer we
Hi always been commensurate keep to the springs of inspiration the
Hi with a cultured and quickened more sensitive shall we be to the com-
Hi imagination. We never grow intense mand of Jesus to preach the Gospel
i s without vision, and imagination is to every creature and make disciples of
HI vision. It has been said that one of all peoples. Illumination is born out of
A the great drawbacks to real mission- our moments of reverent fellowship
HI ary aggression is the decline of the with Jesus. It is then that our obliga-
HY power to realize the heathen’s need; tions are more vividly seen, our im-
Hh that if we could only vividly perceive agination quickened, and new values in
the sad and pitiable condition of some humanity are discovered.
i of those for whom Christ died, as He There are certain well-defined features
i perceived it, we should have no lack of associated with the missionary imagina-
Wd missionaries, no diminished missionary tion we need to emphasize. {
i - funds, no necessity to make so many : |
| | persistent and often fruitless appeals 1.=ITS_ BREADTH.
I for an enlarged sympathy. If this be It has an illimitable range. It sur- |
| | true—and who can doubt it?—we can mounts the barrier of race in its magni-
see how real is the necessity for the ficent and comprehensive reach. It re-
Wy cultivation of a more intelligent mis- fuses to recognize any kind of frontier. |
Ht) sionary imagination. : It does not know nationalities; its en-
WEE Now, in order to secure this desirable thusiasm is for humanity. It was a say-
| | end there is one thing, amongst others, ing of Mazzini’s that the patriots of a
WE which is absolutely necessary, namely, nation were many, but the patriots of
Wy | the deepening of our religious experl- humanity were few. Missionary im-
i iP | ence. MisSionary imagination has its agination corrects this limitation by en-
Et roots in our spiritual life. Religion abling us to perceive the solidarity of
| i alone can open the eyes of the soul. It the race, and intensifying the Christian
i adds new dimensions to our powers of conception of the brotherhood of men.
i vision, and “where there is no vision There is no surer evidence of. our ma-
| 1 the people perish.†We only perceive turity than the comprehensiveness of
Hh the needs of others, and are responsive our sympathy and the breadth of our
i | to missionary claims when our experi- outlook. The average man is staggered
1 ence of Jesus is a positive power in our when he hears of the enthusiasm of the
wt P| lives. All.the men who have pro- foreign missionary for a people of
| foundly influenced missionary enter- whose existence he has never dreamed.
prise have been men great in their ex- When our imagination is sufficiently |
i ] perience of God. They have been alert we shall endeavour to translate our |
TL swayed by an irresistible power which private and local sympathies into wider
| they could not control. This has been and larger dimensions and grow as con-
A _ the secret of their influence and the cerned over the lost condition of our
Le explanation of their heroism. And of less favoured brethren beyond the seas
| all forms of heroism there is nothing as we do over an unregenerate member |
| | more. sublime than the heroism of the of our own household. |
Fl | 94
Missionary Imagination |
IL—ITS INTENSITY. missionaries without being struck with
One of the common weaknesses of the wonder of their imagination. To |
wide sympathies is the decline of in- mention ony. CWO a Pate te nae
tensity. It is exceedingly difficult to pope) f eek on ie ee what
intain the force of an enthusiasm ProreSs angles Cin tiey, Be
Fe cau factorily interpreted apart from their
that is distributed over an extended jpissionary imagination? Our great mis-
area. It is to be greatly questioned gionaries are powerful dreamers, start- |
indeed, if much is to be gained by en- ling visionaries, but withal the most
larging our religious interests if thereby practical of men. They not only see
we slacken the vigour of our emotion. possibilities undiscoverable by duller
Missionary imagination is that capacity minds, but they realize them, and the |
by which we widen our sympathies secret lies in the vividness and sanity
without loss of intensity. It is not only of their imaginative power. But if |
captivated by a sane religious imperial- these possibilities are not im- |
ism, but it sees with perfect clearness mediately attained they are content to |
the infinite value of each human soul. toil and wait amidst apparent failure |
It fixes its eye upon the unit. It ab- |
stracts the individual from the mass, Ee ani |
and realizes the personal need of every =§ | | iannREET
single soul composing it. Consequently Sl aR raeaa reece |
the missionary begins with the indivi- —<« |
dual and recognizes his capacity for Mii es |
perfection, and burns with an intense si OE
passion for his salvation. It is this Bara Th aes
intensification of enthusiasm that con- Beare edie
: stitutes the wonder and marvel of all 3 |
| successful missionary enterprise. Thus “ee
| in missionary imagination we_ have ee Boge |
| breadth without shallowness, an illimit- ie Es Bes |
able expansiveness without loss of Ne a, |
power. ON tei Sets 8 Vaeteaed |
Ideals are the secret force of the ee oy oa
world. We cannot conceive of a suc- . oe eee
cessful missionary who has not a strong — 2 oe
vein of idealism running through his , SS |
nature. People who take a great pride _ a
in calling themselves practical and a :
sagacious, and shake their heads in a nae Wa
very knowing way when idealistic topics =<. \ =
are under discussion, have no concep- a 5
tion to how vast an extent human en- Seal
terprises are swayed by imagination. Fon
Poetry is a product of the imagination, ee
and it has generated some of the most sg
practical influences of our time. One
capable modern writer has said that our Gece
best poets are amongst our most power- pee
ful prophets. One cannot gaze upon ; Me pote
the marvels of the universe without be- Ae ee a
ing reminded of the saying of Tenny- GR epee oda s gegen +
son, who after he had been studying ee ey
some minute organism remarked : “ What Been eaten er
an imagination God has!-†Neither can Fujiyama, the Sacred Mountain of Japan, |
we survey the work of the greatest 12,000 feet high.