Missionary echo of the Methodist Church

Material Information

Missionary echo of the Methodist Church
Abbreviated Title:
Missionary echo
Methodist Church (Great Britain) ( Author, Primary )
Place of Publication:
Andrew Crombie
Henry Hooks
Physical Description:
volume ; 31 cm


Subjects / Keywords:
Methodist Church (Great Britain) -- Missions -- Periodicals ( LCSH )
Methodist Church (Great Britain) ( LCNAF )
Missions, British -- Periodicals ( LCSH )
Missions, British ( LCSH )
Missions -- Periodicals ( LCSH )
衛理公會(英國) -- 宣教 -- 期刊
英國傳教士 -- 期刊
任務 -- 期刊
卫理公会(英国) -- 宣教 -- 期刊
英国传教士 -- 期刊
任务 -- 期刊
serial ( sobekcm )
Temporal Coverage:
1893 -
Spatial Coverage:
Europe -- United Kingdom -- England -- Greater London -- London
Asia -- China
Asia -- India
Africa -- British Africa
North America -- Caribbean
歐洲 -- 英國 -- 英格蘭 -- 大倫敦 -- 倫敦
亞洲 -- 中國
亞洲 -- 印度
非洲 -- 英屬非洲
北美 -- 加勒比海
欧洲 -- 英国 -- 英格兰 -- 大伦敦 -- 伦敦
亚洲 -- 中国
亚洲 -- 印度
非洲 -- 英属非洲
北美 -- 加勒比海
51.507222 x -0.1275
35 x 103
21 x 78
18.18 x -77.4
-8.7832 x 34.5085


General Note:
Catalogued from volumes 3 (1896) and 31 (1924)
General Note:
Title from cover and index
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Methodist Church (Great Britain) : URI

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.
Resource Identifier:
123988723 ( OCLC )


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Full Text
| THE .
| United Methodist Free Churches.
| Epitor: JOS. KIRSOP. , a
bee VOLUME IX. | :
| 1902. ‘
. | Dondon: :
0 eg | 3

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|, Address to Readers. By the Editor - - - 1 No. 3. Reception at Jomvu - - eae
| Alderman Duckworth on Africa - a - 43 No. 4. -Mazeras - a in 2 aS
» A Letter from China - iS i i i ee No. 5. Mazeras (Continued) - - = OF
A Lost Child. By James Proudfoot -' — - sor6 No. 6. Ribé - i . if = Soe.
, 4 ibé i 2 ue ely y
A Pathetic Meeting. By William Yates- - 154 ee Cee a
No. 8. Farewell to Ribé - - - 161
_ A Story of Bethnal Green. By Lilian Lamb - 137. é ;
‘ : i No. 9. Journey to Golbanti - ~ 177
An Episode in the History of Hymns. By the
Editor — - 7 = S = ~ - 77 Our Foreign Field: Editorial Notes, 2, 19, 36,
‘} =Arrival of Rev, Francis Bavin in Jamaica - 15 51, 67, 83, 99, 130, 164, 179
j A Queer Sunday. By William Yates 2 - gg Our Missionaries’ Literature Association - - 170
| Christian Endeavour Page. By J. J. Martin, Our Missions in Mendiland. By James Proud- ;
5 15, 31, 47; 64, 79; 955 T12, 127, 143, 160, foot FE a a i y - 147, 167, 184 ; :
: 170, 191 i ; Edward Abbott = ~~. a
| Christmas Day in Zanzibar | = i : ‘ be Reading. By Edward bo 9 ,
; X r Reopening of Wenchow Chapel. By A. H.
i ve si Mr. Summers, of Wenchow- - 169 / Shannan ST Tete Mea nares lcs Mi eeaateg
oe in’ China. By W.R. Stobie’ < - 71y Rev. J. H. Duerden BAN vay kaos - - 180 ~
zra’s Enlist ‘ ;
Ch j i ment. By John Cuttell i - 172, Rev. Thomas Wakefield, F.R.G.S, - - 17
F neral Missionary Secretary’s N t :
eep bon uuieae de hee igo, Rev. Thomas Wakefield, F.R.G.S.: Laid to '
: eB > ’ , ) 2 x Zz if a i i aS Seey
Girl Life in Golbanti. By Annie Ormerod - 25 ee i
_ Good News: fr a Far ee Some Urgent Needs, and How They May be
Soothill ne a a ae Country. By Lucy Supplied. By Mrs. J. W. Heywood - 110.
f a oe
i H y te j : *
| ow They Do in Castleford Circuit - - - 4 The Annual Assembly and Missions. By the
- Wlustrated Lectures - 43 g My i tae Editor i" - - - sos - - 129 :
Tn a Snowy March, By El-Sie - 4 - 44 The Child’s Elastic Band. By El-Sie - - 95
Indi ah . ;
ndirect Benefits of Missions. By John Cuttell, The Children’s Portion. By the Editor, 11, PY
3 Ter16 20, 60, 76,90, 105, 122,142, 157,,1 189 2
«James Montgomery, By the Editor : ae ee on : ae !
Ladies’ Mise; tas ; ~ 113. The Chinese Awakening. By Richards :
é Ss Missionary Auxiliaries - 40; 86, 133, 183 Wooifenden = - - - 57, 106, 119, 140 {
Lit rary Noti y aj t ‘ ‘i fi .
i papty Notices. By the Editor The Education Question in China - fe - 183 {
; 1031 3%),.593° 156, 188. cree ; :
I Little Sunshine. By Nellie Lupton’ - é May The King’s Daughter. By Nellie Lupton - 108 i
| Missionary Gatherings at Exeter Hall - 03, 102. The President’s Missionary Sermon - = 118
' Nee mas Greeting. By the Missionary The Story of Laughing Flower. By W. A.
; ‘ é Re. y it g x : fi ; Todd z i 5 2 Say a 73 :
a nae cane bina By: Lucy ‘Sootnil Mi fac nia tke gtcRallure! Ry! ae Ab iot aeee
otes of : isi : 1
| ee to Hast AdricasiBy Unto Me. By William Yates - - - 12 :
a No. 1. The Journey - 5 i - 42 Varieties - Sion 15) 70; 1275 143, 159,200 '
| No. 2. ‘The Journey (Continued) - - 49 Youth’s Opportunities. By Edward Abbott - 121 :
f ‘

a= Be biS os rt Pee SS ESS SE SENSA GRES Besa psese see T SaaS RIC G8 Fokus 0S CLUS ERENT a TORSO RIOIAL OES Feo aomeacegtaracwsmmatiniaaseanne ae
f t Journey, East Africa cS = - 120 Mazera and Others - - 3 Sey
; enchow Family - - - - - 150 Mr. Major Shadford - - - 2°37
: ne aDel. Drapo jin os ee Sees 68 Master David White - - - - 39 ;
; sas Del Toro Chapel’ - - - - - 85 Rev. William Yates - > - - 83
rown’s Hall Chapel, Jamaica - - SAR Miss Edith Marie Stevens - - - 106
: Christchurch Chapel, Jamaica - = = 2424 Mr. T. W. Chapman, M.Sc. fF ens
| East African Natives - - - - - 69 Miss H. Stenton - 5 Q s Arde,
Ewarton, Jamaica: Stone-laying - 7 ne Os Group: President, Missionary Secretary,
General Superintendent's House, Jamaica - 117 Messrs, H. S. Redfern, B.Sc., and
a Map of Bocas Del Toro - : KN ~ 161 T. W. Chapman, M.Sc. - - - 162
: Mombasa from the Sea - - - - - 50 Rey. J. E. Swallow a x = “171
= : Rev. J. H. Duerden’ - : - ~ 181
poe Illustrations to Tales, 13, 29, 46, 62; 74,
European Missionaries in Jamaica - 2 89," 1093" ‘124, 138, 155,172, 187
; Miss Burnill and Master Bottomley - 5 Sultan’s Landing-place, Zanzibar - - 100
: Rev. Thomas Wakefield, F.R:G.S. - 19 Seven-storey Pagoda, Ningpo - - 185
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: ADDRESS TO OUR READERS. deficiency is partly accounted for. As: this dis- a
tribution is intended to stimulate missionary zeal j
BY THE “EDITOR, ~ and liberality, the expenditure thus\ incurred "i
{ ; is no more a loss than the amount spent by hee
f . business firms in advertising their wares.
iF 5 q) HIS number commences the ninth Nevertheless, it is desirable to minimize
' /S : \ volume of the Misstonary Ecuo. the deficiency, ‘and this would be done sy
4 Ae a It’ was established to supply a felt were the circulation largely increased. 1 | !
i A B\\3 want in the Connexion by giving therefore appeal to individuals interested in our
PXZARG} information as to our missionary missions to help in this matter: I appeal to Chris- a
: operations in the foreign field. While not de- tian Endeavour Societies, whose operations are
; barred from teuching un other topics, the Editor © chronicled month to month: I appeal to Ladies’
i was instructed that this had to be his chief con- Missionary Auxiliaries, who have secured the ‘
cern. AsI have had charge of the magazine from notice they desire: I appeal to Sunday Schools, ;
' the start, I may be permitted to say that have whose youthful friends are not forgotten: I ap:
‘ sedulously endeavoured to carry out the purpose peal to all and sundry who may read the ad-
7 for which the Missionary Ecuo was designed. dress, to help ‘in raising the circulation of the —
. I am glad and thankful for the favour with Missionary Ecuo.
j which the Ecuo has been received. Again and The programme arranged for 1902 is varied
: again I haye been encouraged by expressed and _ interesting. Rev. H. T. Chapman: has y
i opinions as to its worth by those whom I have kindly promised a series of papers on his recent a
4 regarded as highly competent to express a judg- visit to East, Africa. The well-informed John :
A ment. I am glad also that from the first the Cuttell has to contribute papers on the “ Indirect ‘
‘ magazine has had a considerable circulation, and | Benefits of Missions.” Rey. J. J. Martin will
I trust that the circulation will continue to in- report the doings of Christian Endeavour. The 4
Q _ Grease. To encourage efforts in this direction, I Editor will address the children and furnish }
| desire to say that, despite its considerable cir- Literary Notices. For the lovers of fiction twelve aay
4 culation, the publication of the Missionary EcHo — short stories are provided, while the usual intel- -
‘f is a source of outlay to the Mission Funds. Every ligence columns will contain the most recent i
: year there is a deficiency which must Le defrayed information. Other features of the programme ;
fl from this source. may be found in the four-page leaflet issued from ~
4 It is only fair to remember that the publication the Book Room. A # Se ae
% of the Ecuo can hardly be expected to become Commending the above statement to the atten-
‘ remunerative under present arrangements: There tion of my readers, and wishing them all “A
t is a considerable free circulation among mis- Happy New Year,’ I beg to sign myself, theirs
a sionary subscribers and collectors, so that. the very respectfully, Jos. Kirsop.
ie) ¢ fs 0

F f : : |
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: F.
OUR FOREIGN FIELD. EDITORIAL NOTES. been elected to a seat in the Legislative
ae Council, he is entitled to the prefix of Honour-
} . . . . . .
| T may be interesting at the opening of able to his name. Mr. Bavin, having completed
another year to give a brief statement as — his first term of service, is entering on a second,
to our foreign missions. Our oldest mis- and we all pray that he and his co-workers may
} sion is be abundantly blessed in their labours. The
JAMAICA. numbers I have quoted include the members on
: It was recognized in 1838, and, with a some- the Bocas-del-Toro mission, which lies within ;
| what chequered existence, it continues until now. the: bounds of the Colombian Republic. Civil
: } Brake a pole wir umatenaeniaiaa a aac is te cation Roy CoN Lat CT! ei Mace a SC Rent namERe fey oO Caamn. RR Ae Bees, UE eee
; Pesach cons (eka nate mic bea ober Ace teaitite SST ee OA eat ah kOe eaten ao a aR, CORONER tone Beir 5
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: ‘ ees ¥ Ae Ol | Abita bo i ee
; iit Pe IN GRR a FEY sa Ghote rate RHE HS Ree eS UREA : pet co Bee CS a a We e.. | Gee | i, Re
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“ f mi ei, 6 pall ee Yo) j
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tae fe) is ies Peas, 4 eee Ola cc RUN, Herc NER SE Ny, Yaar Sa es te ;
tet Pa 2 A Sere : * ey , Ao a RANY i Er sca Ab hon gh Seuss ;
% tie } a Aah Pee OE Motes acca tai Uxguy coin ce Rete OR i ! ‘4 ae GB atte f
= a yg eis ce Rei aie oa SI ama ESE i ORE er oe
Â¥ eee Be Vsseayene ee a Zs a a ig Rae Bes. + ee ;
ieee | ii e me Desk 2 eae
5 i : we s : ae Gia me. N Pe Ce :
f ‘ i Wed act ae ae fos yas RMR ced oe antiangt era GDR Raion. Tegel veils Dero vol ME eG ROBO RS che erie | li
Bee Heme as see Sic SIR CINE aaa RUN kc Pasa NCS U8) oeCG CIS rue alts gana dens fie NP Mc UR ana en ;
a } a aE ee i SGA Ore elk aa i
bs, fee j
; ne Rev. Jas. Wynn. Rev. A. J. Ellis. Rev. C. V. Hall. Rev. Chas. Smith. Fanon d oy
Be i Rev. J. Chinn. Hon. and Rev. Francis Bavin. Rev. William Griffith. y
i : ti A |
fe E pic At present it reports 3,168 members, with 346 war has been raging there, and we have been i
Boe F on trial, and 301 junior Church members. The saddened to know that some of our Jamaican {
i be senior minister’is Rev. W. Griffiths, who has members have been taken prisoners by the :
i: ia laboured there ever since 1860, and who, it is Government forces. We know too little of the \
ie } probable, will not return to England. Rev. Francis grounds of quarrel to express any opinion on the =
eee Bayin is the General Superintendent. Having subject, but it is pleasant to learn—as I have |
- | ,
b Re ‘ :
= ia phe fF : : = :

' done the very day I am writing—that the Jamai- have had a succession of devoted ministers, of
cans have all been released. Mr. Bavin designs whom the greater part remain unto this present,
great mission extension at places situated on the. but “some have fallen asleep.” . To last
inland sea known as Chiriqui Lagoon. Ere these Assembly there was reported 2,620 members,
notes reach my readers Mr. Bavin will, I trust, with 229 junior members, and 1,013 on trial.
have recommenced work after his short furlough We all remember the disturbances in the hinter-
in England, and when the civil war is over I land of the colony, and the perils to which Rev.
hope he may be able to carry out his purposes. Charles Goodman was exposed. The mission in ro
Any of my readers who are familiar with the the Mendiland is being re-established, and during
early issues of the’ Missionary EcHo may remem- the year we hope to have interesting accounts
ber an interesting account by Rev. James Roberts, concerning it from the able General Superinten
of a visit he paid to Indians on the Warri dent, Rev. James Proudfoot. Recently the mis
| Biarra River, where we had a rude préaching sion in Sierra Leone was greatly strengthened by
bi ae EES eae AG ie Nk A RE ae Lae ahr ah ieee Payee tas
‘ # 7 ha RETAIL TOS At, Y ;
: Saas ii Bl est ets Saint I j pe pe eA EPS uh : aa
: { ‘ ROS tostatese ec Reston gat ee ns ae
: 4 Bete pi ees ARS ia sardine oh sane LAD Wn TP rei seli tes) : '
aa Damme eect ee oe ‘ x ‘
i ae Ne america ‘ Sega OS See a ea eernaiaiec ere rane a nua Ne Paar | i ‘
pe em ee era ae cet ae AR As LS i i
des Paahe ns 27 | al EER eae ase SRE TEEN TE Set RESO STE Hosa Ree a aR TEN He! :
ee ee |
2 A ee a |
| Be ee emer Rae
Bee acre wena fe Meee sane OS soi Ae | eri! Apes rar oe Sve
ae ee OO rox Saalinmae Lay | i eae ec ee |
ar Ae a ae “4 ana Ny epee a ne PTS i ere Pe mee acriataehimA Ny |) a" sh i
(fr Fe a oe - bere eT ie peat We Pee ite ce |
ie ok nn, Deo ee are ae AUR el amt Reem aT ee || |
| el ho ee ee ag ke bem |
i Pa co geet re eee See Ree cL ||
Oe BS ca es tar ore sh, PR i Spoke ncmrane cae ® Se dameieilinees: Fah See eee | :
AF S38 BES omen ert ae aio} y etc ane LSS dee ae hae Yih Une er eal | ,
(0 ESA Sete dare RM. idle ‘ paren Tome Raby ie ee kee Sak RR ital ice abel. |
Pein TS eke a eB OR cae 2 to Bee Ts tae IN Gee oa tat Ar eRe re ee me cee)
a os a ae ee eas Leora Pe od ‘ aes a een! aie oi ie i :
‘eee , oe: Oc Soe ANN ea en A SEEN
Browns. Hatt CHAPEL, JAMAICA, e
, . room. It appears that, since then, the Indians the arrival of Messrs. Campbell and Coker, who 4
| have been utterly dispersed, so the mission has had been trained for the ministry in Manchester. Bi
perforce been abandoned. The system of sending candidates to England a
| The next mission established was that in for their ministerial education has fully justified ;
SIERRA LEONE, itself by its acknowledged success. i i
| The coloured people who formed the bulk of i hope during the year much that is interesting
| the Wesleyan Church in Freetown had some Wl! appear in our pages concerning
| differences among themselves which led to a EASTERN AFRICA, ae
division. After the seceders had existed as a As we go to press early, I am not able to
| Separate community for some time they applied chronicle the arrival in England of Rey. H. T.
. to the authorilties of the United Methodist Free Chapman and Mr. James Duckworth, J.P., but
, Churches for recognition. After due inquiries I trust that ere these notes are published they
. were made their offer was accepted, and they will have been welcomed back to England by

ae 0 eee : |
; t
i many friends and well-wishers... Mr. Chapman A NEW YEAR’S GREETING.
i will give in the Ecuo an account of his visit to BY THE GENERAL. MISSIONARV~ SECRETARY.
Eastern Africa, and it will be read with zest as oe
| it is expected with hope. This mission was } .
| founded in 1862. Rey. Thomas Wakefield was Indian Ocean,-
y | one of the first missionaries sent. Although more East. Africa.
i i than forty years have passed since he first left To the. Members of our Missionary Society,
‘ ! Ree re oe Tt eG nee “oye Y DEAR FRIENDS,—Though far
i eee SOI S-Ob Uns “site nO ORS Er On tne vy \ from home, my thoughts to-day are:
y dark continent, but in his native land. But, al- WG) SSE aN aes Sy :
my though he remains unto this present, some who f Po NBL OS) ANOSE. an uae Oe is
- i followed him died on a foreign shore >< Fe ee eee Eagland eee
E i a 2 : enough to send my “New. Year’s-
; Ree, ‘Come to Me,” said Heaven, Greetings” from Leeds, so I send them from
ey | . And, if Heaven will save, this part of the great African Continent, midway
; Little matters; tho’ the door between Lamu and.Mombasa... With my. whole
ro i Be a distant grave. heart I wish you all a “Happy New Year,” and
Saddest of all, one missionary and his wife were Sk you through the year to pray.more, and work |
i i, basely, barbarously butchered, and they were pro- ore, for our missions.
: perly designated by Rev. Robert Brewin as the Four days ago Mr. Duckworth and myself
; “ Martyrs of Golbanti.” As our Missionary Secre- stood bareheaded at the grave of the “ Martyrs.
RA i tary will tell us all about East Africa I will say Of Golbanti”—Rev. J. and Mrs. Houghton. A |
Br: no more about it just now. He has visited the fortnight before we visited Ribe’s “Quiet Rest- |
q tomb of Mr. and Mrs. Houghton; he knows all ing Place,” where sleeps the mortal part of Mrs.
about Mr. Carthew, Mr. Ormerod, and the “elect Wakefield and child, Rev. E. Butterworth, Rev.
; ] ‘ladies,’ whose dust rests till the resurrection in C. New, Rev. T. H. Carthew, and Rey. J. Martin.
( the land for which they lived and: died. These “ all died” not only “in. faith,” but in the
{ The last place I have to mention is service of the Lord. Jesus Christ in this “Dark
iH CHINE? Continent,” a service and death vicariously given |
ee S A continent, a world in itself, China has been for us who could not go. At each place native |
3 i forced into the comity of nations. . It sought to Christians proclaim with _the eloquence and *
f f) dwell alone, and was able to supply all its own emphasis of a new life, “ We ‘are their witnesses, j
bi i wants out of its own varied and abundant stores, the fruit of their labours.”. To see the mission |
i. i I fear it cannot be said that its intercourse with field. is to see as never before the privilege and 7
Ei i foreigners has been an unmixed blessing to it. responsibility of all who know and love the Lord a
Be T We have given it Christianity, but. we have Jesus Christ to them who sit, from no fault of :
oe i also given it opium. Free Methodism made some their own, in the “region and shadow of death.”
es a feeble efforts earlier, but I think we can. date The year will be a happy one if we faithfully @
ie ics i F. Galpin in 1868. Long he laboured there, and foe. pons wy ho yet know Him not, nor the §
7 hard he toiled. He was joined by other mis- power of His loy e. : ¥
‘ a sionaries from time to time, and never was any With very kind regards, :
‘ 1 ie missionary society better served than we have been I remain, yours sincerely,
: ee by our missionariesin China. Their success, too, Henry T.. CHAPMAN,
i has been phenomenal, so that to last Assembly
a there was reported from Ningpo District 1,266 ; SUS et aso a Ee
: 3 ane with 490 on tal and from Wenchow HOW THEY Do: IN
istrict 1,234 members, with 2,000 members on
oe trial. To God be all the praise. If, with the CASTLEFORD CIRCUIT
| sae a slight progress we make at home, we are some- oa
i times tempted to ask, “Is the Lord among us or To the Editor of the Missionary Ecuo.
ee [ not?” Jet us turn to China, and think what, EAR MR. KIRSOP,—As you very
i through grace, Ae missionaries have effected [A kindly inserted a letter from Mr. G.
i i there ; then let us “thank God and take courage,” : iS) i) Plows, of Kippax, touching the
M | Ei Keynes Se UR R eRe Mee Mi SLE ‘above subject in the September num- :
= ber of the EcHo, it was thought that
E) i Rev. Joun Paton, D.D., in his’ 78th year, has. it might be interesting to your readérs to have — ~
: gone back to labour in the New Hebrides. When a. brief statement of the scheme. And when i
5 he took his farewell many sorrowed to think | they have read it other Circuits may be induced
aaa } : they should see his face no more. to adopt it, or some other scheme, with as- much
; “et )
A fy ;
| : |

SS ay ee a eee SO Ep EE eS Ee ON ea
‘success as has attended the Castleford Circuit, The banner has been won at Castleford by
and thus the missionary income may be much . Miss Florence Burnill, who collected in 1900
: improved. A6 2s. od, and in 1901, £7 7s. The banner
; SCHEME. : in 1900 for the country Churches was won by
L Two silk banners. are provided, one for Master J. W. Bottomley, of Whitwood Mere,
the Castleford _and one for the country Who collected #5 ts. 11d. In rgo1 J. W. Bot-
* Churches. The highest collector has the banner tomley collected £5 5s. sd., but Master Harold
for twelve months. If not less than £5 has been Halliday, of Kippax, collected £5 10s., and
obtained, a silver medal, or brooch, with gold thus secured the banner for the country
centre (suitably engraved), is also given. Ifthe Churches last year. <
banner is won three successive years by. the The photo of Master Halliday and his banner
same scholar, it becomes his Own property. . appeared in your September number, and we
' A silver medal is given to the highest. collector have pleasure in sending photos of Miss Burnill age
PELE g aa" Fr and Master J. W. Bottomley, with the banner
| i eT ee ee Bee a ee for Castleford Church.
Bo ee ae eae aS Oe os The Circuit is indebted, to a very large - ex-
By Beas ree —— a. we B.- Oe eG . ae brooches, and to Mrs. Gill, who made the
ope he: CS Aaa — ee banners, and, as a result of their kindness, the 4
t a Rem cas : — fo extent. : ‘
y € ay), wage, 9G Trusting that our little scheme may bear fruit cA a
ae ie pea Rpt na P.S.—When the banner has been won. for j
of et re ge «three successive years by the same collector, a
een ae ae Ca Bible is given the second year and a hymn-book :
i ae TO SSG aa cae ae the third in place of the medal or brooch.
pose EO a a A Ne Fy ae SO cay aes ; Te EN EIR EAR ANTES eee ee
I ae ge a ae
| bd ee a Et aa | NEW YEAR IN. CHINA.
eae pees aia eres oder ere aan ies Ne love of Christmas lingers long and ;
oe Ree rie Ree anne aes gE : WS a dies hard in the hearts of even
i re aed Akon ace Ie eo) those of us whose lot is cast in Cia
us ear ae ane ea eee | ig a: lands where the observance of it is
oe ee i aati ge ee ee SL Set la aR Pace eA arene 5 Tihs
Br ear EI Fi eae et aia ae Ge Se Bee Cea not indigenous to the soil. And yet
Miss BURNILL AND Master BOTTOMLEY, I have known Christmas come more as an inter- :
CASTLEFORD, ruption than a pleasure to certain missionaries
f I wot of in the Celestial Empire.
in each country Church if not less than Le be They know that, a month later, of necessity,
collected. they must observe that greatest of all festivals a
Tt was thought that if only one banner was to the Chinaman—his new year. At this season 2
competed for, the country Churches would not almost everything is at a standstill, and it seems
have equal: chance with Castleford Church; a sad waste of precious time to keep high holiday
hence, two banners were provided. The above on two such near occasions. Hence it follows
prizes are given in addition to those allowed by that in Wenchow our Christmas festivities are ~
the Connexion. tempered with discretion—realizing as we do the
The scheme has exceeded our expectations. desirability of “rejoicing with those who .do
The following were the amounts collected by the rejoice,” when it suits their conscience rather
juveniles. In 1899 (the year before the banner than our own!
scheme), £24 os. 8d.; 1900, first year of scheme, Not that we are regardless of the sacred day.
446 tos. 6d.; r90r, second year of scheme, If I remember aright, we have never missed having
B57. 38. 50. Wer a service and a prettily-decorated church. Then,

i ; "
i ;
among the “foreigners,” there is an exchange of style is the “open sesamé ” to office. In addition,
| the ubiquitous Christmas card. Nor do we neg- he is, alas! an opium-smoker; this, no doubt,
th lect the tasting of each other’s pudding. What accounts for his thin, pale face. His robe of
i we appreciate most, however, is when our erratic state was of costly sable, and made in the form
il little steamer comes, in the very nick of time, of a loose jacket. When he entered his chair
‘ i! bringing loving greetings (and sometimes Christ- to depart I noticed he, aided by his. servant,
mas presents!) from afar. It is kis which carefully turned up his coat-tails to avoid sitting
! ti makes our real Christmas! on them! His chair was likewise lined with
i But it is of the China New Year I am thinking, fur.
th? and of one year in particular, when we’ were, On leaving, these gentlemen, instead of shak-
i as the natives say, “ Nyoa-nyieh-zang ”—very lively. ing hands, made deep obeisances and shook
| indeed. ‘This was because we had the then ' hands each with himself, not locking the fingers,
i British Consul and his family living in our com- but clasping one hand over the other, first letting
i | pound. The Consulate was undergoing repairs. them droop low, then raising them to the height
i They needed a temporary dwelling, so Mr. Stobie of the brow, shaking them gently there in im-
i kindly gave them his house, and came to live pressive style.
: with us meanwhile—we knowing that mission Visits of ceremony of this kind are short and
a funds would certainly not suffer thereby. sweet, the sweets being in the form of such light
fl j During New Year's week it is the custom of refreshments as candied fruits and similar dain-
: j Chinese officials to make calls of ceremony upon. ties. Each of these three officials had eight
Hi each other; those of high rank visited the Con- bearers to his sedan chair, and thus made quite
i sul also. I had a considerable amount of interest a cavalcade. As the morning was wet the
i and amusement in watching the arrival and de- chairs were covered with green oil-cloth, which
4 parture of these grandees from that coign of . detracted from the pageant, they being uphol-
Be | vantage, our upstairs verandah. Our old friend, stered outside in bright green or blue cloth, and
; 7 Mr. Kwo, the “wei-yuan for foreign affairs,” ornamented with gilt characters.
| also called upon Mr. Soothill in company with Their approach was heralded by the beating
E fi the Customs’ Tao-tai. As these gentlemen were of drums and the arrival of a big crowd of raga-
both a similarly attired, one description will do for muffins carrying unfurled banners. Only the
it both. Mr. Kwo wore a round hat, with a broad Tao-tai and Prefect’s body-guard were allowed
ii) turned-up. brim, which was faced with fur; in the to enter the compound, however, for which we
fi centre of the crown was the crystal “button” were thankful. The Tao-tai’s soldiers wore blue
ey i) denoting his rank. A long, dark, plum-coloured jackets, ornamented with red “characters”; the
; a silk coat, with wide sleeves; reached below the Prefect’s wore orange-coloured jackets, with black
I 4 knees. This was edged all round with narrow “characters.” To show how completely at yari- °
4 white fur, and on the chest and back had big ance are their ideas of manners from ours I may
be i ; squares of embroidery, on which was worked mention that these soldiers and followers did not
f tt another sign of office. Peeping out from hesitate to stand boldly peeping in at the win-
— ie beneath this dark outside coat could be seen an dows while their masters were seated inside.
r i inner red silk gown. From his neck hung a big But far more pleasing than any amount of
a a heavy necklace, reaching below the waist, and Chinese show and bravery was the presence
Wes made of different kinds of beads, some large red during that China New Year of our Consul’s
—~ . i 3 : y sf g
i i ones being specially prominent. On his feet children. ‘To see the four chasing each other
; were dark satin top-boots, the soles of which about the garden, playing ball, or flying along
: 2 i were painted white. I do not know if Mr. Kwo the paths on their roller-skates—this bit of Eng-
{ a carried his snuff-bottle on this occasion, but I lish young life at our very doors made music in
| have seen a most beautiful one which he brings our hearts, on which, even now, after the. lapse
i out and uses. It is a very small glass bottle, of two or three years, it is delightful to look
{ not unlike a miniature lady’s scent bottle, the back. It was but temporary. A month later
Prey mouth is exceedingly tiny, yet the whole of the the steamer bore them all away to old England.
{i bottle is covered with exquisite painting done on Here they tell us they are quite contented tty
Ee or the inside—how, passes my comprehension. remain! And can we wonder they have no love
EB i The day following, the highest official of the for the place that them little better than
f Hi district (the Tao-tai) also came to call on Mr. a prison, and which, saddest of all, deprived
tl Ayrton, in company with the prefect and magis- them of their beloved mother! She lies in the
fi trate. The Tao-tai is a Hanlin (literally, “forest damp little Wenchow Cemetery, and was the
; ki of pens”), by which is meant one of the Profes- gracious lady who, on the two occasions when ~
Be sors of the Imperial College. He is said to write I fled to her stronghold as a refugee from a tur-
y beautiful poetry, which is probably the secret of bulent city, in the words of St. Paul, “Showed
; ii his success in life, for in China a good literary me no little kindness”
: i : ‘ }

io MER anaes oe Seinen eats : SE a LS
THE GALLANT GALLA. nation; he clings to his customs and prejudices
i i aerial tierce ee us most tenaciously, and will resent all attempts at
ee OR ee tonne reform and revision. The rule of the protectorate :
must be endured because it cannot be resisted,
: A PLEA FOR POPULARITY. the missionary is sufferable as long as he proves
himself by his munificence and intercession to be
(p< WITH those who may have casually a desirable neighbour.
A © / come into contact with him the Of course, it is reasonable to the European that
WAV / Galla .is certainly not a popular the Galla should be humble and sober-minded,
WS t member of society, and a term so that he should adapt himself to the change of
—1 significant as “gallant” used in circumstances, and not walk in so vaim a show,
reference to him would be repudiated as a gross but how little does this argument avail even with
misnomer. those who move in higher circles of civilization,
Unpopular as the Galla may be, I think there when the villa residence must be exchanged for
may be something said for his failings. Human 4g house in a row, and golden rings for sewing-
nature is much the same all the world over, and yeedles. Family pride dies hard, and not less
no doubt a counterpart of his shortcomings may 50 national pride. While every loyal Briton sings
be found in those who move in more enlightened “Rule Britannia,’ every loyal Galla would cry
society. ° “ Tong live the Free,” rejoicing, as he does, in the
That the Galla is proud is very evident; that name “Orma” meaning “free.” True it is he
he has little of which to bé proud is equally so. has suffered defeat in war, and his wives and
To the casual visitor or passing sportsman his children have been taken slaves of war, but
superciliousness is particularly obvious, and scarce neyer has he paid tribute nor made his obeisance
can he refrain from hurling at so convenient an to another tribe.
object his anathemas of contempt and scorn. Again, another cause of the unpopularity of ‘
But, to the few more acquainted with his char- the Galla with the European is his mendicity.
acter, occupation and history, the contempt may He together with most other Africans is not slow
not be quite so extreme nor the scorn so unmiti- to make known his wants and even his wishes.
gated as with the stranger, and it may be useful Any African (on this coast) will readily tell you
to inquire into that wherein lies their that, while to steal is great disgrace, to beg is
pride. Not in their handicrafts, for they fone at all. In the nature of circumstances, a |
can scarce exceed the chipping out, with Galla may very soon be thrown into straits.
the aid of fire, a small wooden bowl, or, with a Firstly and lastly, a Galla is a shepherd; if, by ;
diminutive adze, the shaping of a low stool, and means of the elephant hunt he is able to replenish (28
such simple smith’s work as is required for their his treasury, he immediately invests in cattle or
crude knives and ornamentations in lead and iron, sheep, which constitute his only stock-in-trade,
copper and brass wire.. his bank, bonds and security. A man with half-
They cannot boast of their possessions, because a-dozen head of cattle cannot be considered to be :
| by continual raids of surrounding tribes their absolutely a poor man, yet it may happen that
cattle have been much decreased; even the king two of the number have not commenced to give
is unable to give his tribal feasts because of the milk, another has just given her last, and two
paucity of his cattle. Their braves cannot now more may not be expected to give again for a
boast of their prowess, as their numbers have been - month, and one never at any time. His sheep
so decimated by war, disease and the ravages of and goats may number a score, but their supply
beasts that they cannot combine in large num- may barely be sufficient for a child. It is not
| bers to spoliate their unwary neighbours. It must expedient that he should kill off his stock for his “ a
be confessed with sorrow that their achievements daily wants, therefore he must rely upon \the oH
in war which formerly gained for them their principle that he who has not shall ask of him oj
coveted ivory armlet have now degenerated, in who has. It is remarkable what slight provision i
. many instances, into acts of barbarity and a Galla will make when starting out for a journey
| cowardly murders of the weak and inoffensive. of a month or more; just a small vessel with the =
| ‘Murder by proxy is even admissible in these days capacity of about a quart, containing a little a
i when their strength and power to strike terror is grain or cold rice, perhaps, for the outset, and wa
3 so much diminished. In these days he must beg a little native tobacco leaf hidden in the folds of
F a pittance from those from whom he lately took his loin-cloth. At each town at which he may i
i tribute, and sit at the door of him who formerly rest he will expect to be invited to partake of
F ran to do his bidding. whatever there is, be it a little Indian corn, a
Of what, then, is the Galla so proud? His is. morsel of meat, or a draught of milk, and they ag
# national pride, which, of all prides, is perhaps upon whom he calls are quite prepared to share
_ the most excusable. The Galla is loyal to his with the traveller the contents of their meagre
5 ;

; . on ? :
fl :
ih store. It will thus be seen that in so thinly popu- I was somewhat amused in reading a para-
; i lated a country as is this district of the Southern graph in the Mombasa paper which shows what
H Galla his means of subsistence must be some- 4 striking counterpart of the Galla we may find
I what precarious. Of this manner of life I was 17 the character of some Europeans, and, as the ~
i brought into close acquaintance during my sojourn _ Paper 1s of so BECent a date, I may perhaps, be
‘i e at Bobuoya. Although some little distance from pee ee intending travellers to Uganda
i the Galla paths I had many traveller visitors who © Dene Pb sts SURE CADIS: .
= iil called upon me, and, as I claimed to be a mis- “ NOTICE.
Hl B sionary to the Gallas, of course I had to consider “HM. Special Commissioner and Comman-
; UM them sympathetically, although such sympathy der-in-Chief for the Protectorate of Uganda
Ree. Ht considerably drew upon my private exchequer, desires to inform all persons, not ‘officials, who
a il and I began to think that the Bobuoya missionary — are intending to visit that Protectorate that there
ie , i ought to have a certain allowance granted forthe are at present no hotels where travellers can be
i relief of Galla travellers. . boarded and lodged. It has become of late a
i This custom of sharing, although somewhat most onerous charge on the officials or the. mis-
y a distasteful to the European, is not altogether an — sionaries of that Protectorate to lodge and board
ik inadequate arrangement, in so wild a country and travellers of all descriptions, some of whom
i ih among so primitive a race of people. The whole remain a considerable time as the guests of these
m : nation is thus constituted a mutual aid society officials. As in most cases the official salary is
2 ai or a national society of shareholders, in which only sufficient for his own maintenance, this en-
st l everyone is expected, at some time or other, to forced hospitality on his part is becoming a
el give and to take his share. In passing Galla serious burden. It is therefore earnestly ‘re-
Al towns, I have so satiated myself with milk as to quested that all travellers—explorers, sportsmen,
EE, | be really uncomfortable, and had my water-flask natural history collectors, traders, and others—
ape li filled with it in addition for the journey. I must who propose to travel in this part of Africa will
iff not omit to say, however, that a Galla once pre-. provide themselves with the necessary tent accom-
dic sented himself before me and was introduced as modation and with sufficient supplies, of provi-
i) the man whose milk I had drunk when once on _ sions, or money with which to purchase provisions,
Ge a journey. Of course, I had to recognize a friend and that they will not expect board and lodging
; ba in a moment, and make him feel as though I at the hands of the officials. They will realise
By. Ue were delighted to meet with him again. He didnot on reflection that while it is difficult for an official
fe iy depart, however, without first making known his to avoid extending hospitality to Europeans with-
Be bi want of two rupees. I in turn was thrown back out tents and without food, it is nevertheless a
ie, I upon the universal principle that he that hath serious drain on his private resources to have to
Be: A i shall’ give to him that hath not, and, although supply these needs to persons who should not
fe i considerably in excess of the value of the milk think of travelling in the interior of Africa with-
et ee consumed, as a friend of the Gallas I saw no Out being properly equipped for independent
ae all alternative but to return the compliment. That subsistence. ?
a iit I did not return by the same way and again avail “ (Signed) H. H. Jounston.
Be i myself of his liberality and regale myself on “HM. Special Commissioner and
fee: a his milk was no fault of his, rather a little mis- Commander-in-Chief.
, io management on my own part. o Entebbe, Uganda,
v On another occasion, on visiting 4 Galla settle- “January 3rd, rgor.”
ue al ment, I was regaled on milk and with some to Let not the European in Africa speak too
| 5 carry away, together with a fine goat, all of disparagingly of the Galla if he be a ‘little im-
i which I received gratefully. Some short time portunate. The Galla is but acting according
ip afterwards, however, he who had regaled me to the principles of his own economy; it may not
; i i found himself deficient in the matter of a gaily- be the European’s, but the European must re-
ya fo coloured cloth, and forthwith waited upon me’ member that he is the’ stranger, and cannot
{ as the most likely person to supply his want. reasonably expect a whole tribe to immediately
Beli i Some short time after I was congratulating conform to his peculiar ideas of courtesy and
; gi myself on having left his district without his respect with regard to a newcomer. | Wherein
ae being in my debt, for the cloth did not equal the may a missionary show himself to,be a friend if,
Hh value of the goat; some months had passed, andI having, he refuses to give to him who has not ?
ne ti was then living on another station, and a stranger Another source’ of the unpopularity of the
i fH appeared bearing the salutations of my friend, ~Galla is his incapacity for manual labour. Again
: (l who, he informed me, was about to make a tribal . we must remember that the occupation of our '
be feast, and wished me to send'to him two cloths man is that of following cattle and sheep. As a ‘
ee i appropriate to the occasion. herdsman or cattle-drover he is par excellence,
fi 5
| |
Riga. i

; — SE LESS aE NC Se ee ee
as a runner he is equally acceptable, but the dig- READING.
ging of ditches and driving of piles is something SoU LAR CAB ROIEE
in which the shepherding of sheep never requires ; : Bek Ais
him to engage. An Englishman -naturally pre- on
sumes that every black man is by providence or kis
fate designated to a life of labour; it is well A A Nee wee ae mre ee aia
however for the missionary when he can divest ‘ 1B TEE, 4 yo etne eerie re at
his mind of. this erroneous idea. The slaves on |R&XSI Nae cee AO ec aS Fe ey, ae ie
the coast certainly are accustomed to carry liek HO3 pubioh Dine Pe ee i eta:
burdens of food to their masters; the Wanyika A cee On peace rane
also are a tribe willing to lend themselves to the Seg e bose Sul SeeaG be 8
service of others, consequently they have been the oe GS, Je oe : Soy See ar 2
easily enslaved, and make ‘also acceptable cara- ae er ey pee fn hie
‘ re 5 “| r 7 2 , Ea
ROD ORSTS for the patente But W hen we come ‘the merits of systematic and desultory reading.
into correspondence with other distinct races as yf. aim is not so ambitious, but simply this—to
the Abyssinians and the kindred tribes of Masai, = es Beer ae Baratah things oh tis intent
Somalis, and Gallas, we find other provision must a A 3 it an Ae Lord
be made for the transport of goods than that of Be. FONE gO Ca eer eh a On Om,
native bearers. When a man-will not carry aeons, 2. BBHOs Deh say Keegins, e e
3 rah Y 4 full man; conversation a ready man; writing an 2
burden of food for himself, it is hardly to be di ; eas
p 2 aaa te ; exact man; ‘the full man being a well-informed
expected that he will willingly carry one for man whose head is stored with useful know-
another. The sooner the missionary to the Gallas jeqoe helpful to himself and Sera BeABIBeEO
ee his mind of any idea of being a con- others.” The diverse multitude of books for
ra oO e Fe 77 7 . . . . .
Oe rece ce Ge oe tine Bae te ment :
prosperity of his mission. He must remember a ena eee a ae
Hae Hi Peeters Bats cally corrupt, there are: others which, if not
that his mission is a ministry to shepherds, and vicious, are, to say the least, not virtuous, and
if any manual labour is required of them-he contribute nothing towards the building up of
cannot reasonably expect his estimates to come moral or Christian character. Quality rather
out as satisfactorily as though he had employed than quantity is a sound principle to apply in
a batch of quarrymen. ,It is only in cases of ‘selectins your reading. “ Knowledge is power,” is
dock-labourers’ strikes and similar eriergencies an eee ‘of universal acceptance, math etait
that shippers’ clerks undertake the work of un- tive evidences on every side in the modern appli-
| loading vessels, and then the masters cannot cations of steam and electricity.. “ Knowledge is
reasonably complain if they find it not so expedient power” also in the attainment of moral ends. The
| as employing stronger arms and weaker heads; disposition to be good is one thing—a most excel-
for the same reason, let not the casual Euro- lent thing—but hie enotledwes How” to be :
pe be too violent in his denunciation of. our good is only one degree less eye lions Evil is
Galla herdsman. : : wrought by want of thought, but knowledge of the
That the Galla is excitable and quick to resent highest kind is our preservative against’ that pro-
a wrong cannot be gainsaid, but the same may yoking—because preventable—evil, which apolo- s
be said of others nearer home. He is said to be © gises for itself by saying, “I never thought,” “I
cowardly in attacking the weak and take didn’t know.” :
an advantage if presented; he is strongly united The foregoing words are intended to press
and willing to combine his forces in the event of the conclusion that in your reading you should
insult or injury being offered, and woe betide (1) Read for a purpose. Reading “ to pass away
the man who is foolish enough or sufficiently the time,” is an exercise that condemns itself, but
unwary alone to provoke the anger of his Galla reading that is a means to an end—the end, in- Gxt
; neighbour, creasing knowledge, with a view to increasing
: That he is very conservative and much averse usefulness—will commend itself to every
i to any. reform, and exceedingly apathetic to his. intelligent person and bring a harvest of
| spiritual obligations, must be candidly admitted, pleasure and useful power to the reader.
| but the Galla as a church attender must be “Read for a purpose.” I may claim Paul the
| reserved for subsequent observations. Apostle as,a favourable authority on this point,
“| Rex E AS RRNA AEE Ie Grn iar In his character as guide, philosopher, and friend
2 to Timothy, he bids him “ give heed to reading,
MEN of character are the conscience of the to exhortation, to teaching.” Forecasting for :
society to which they belong. And to produce ‘Timothy a life of consecrated usefulness, the
: all this effect no word need: be spoken, no deed apostle lays his finger on reading as an essential
done.—EMERSON. to preparation for his life’s work. Give heed to

; ; a ‘ ; : i
, Hi ¥
i reading, and read for a purpose are precepts for the physical frame requires a certain amount
ci equally befitting the young mechanic and the of bulk to fulfil its functions well, and so with
Pil young apostle. (2) Read the best books. Not neces- mental food. The history of India given here
il sarily a hundred of them, but the best you can is largely a matter of dates and names and fields
Hilt get. To be shut up with a few really good books _ of battle. It could not be otherwise in the space
tilt is probably better for us than to roam indis- assigned to this topic.
Hi criminately through the libraries of the world. The other information is more detailed and
¢ bik It was said of a clever man who read everything more satisfactory. The accounts of the principal
i that he laid so many books upon his brains that religions in India and the history of Christian
: i they would not work. Be ye not like unto him, missions to its people are very interesting, and the
ti read the best books. Finally, Read the best Book. book leaves us more hopeful as to the future of
i Goodness is more than cleverness, though not India than we have sometimes been. Its appen-
He necessarily alien from it. The great John Milton dices, especially the one which gives a classified
a ri said, “ There are no songs like the songs of Zion; list of books on India, are very valuable, and we
ih no orations equal to those of the prophets; should think very complete. The author very
i Hl no politics like the politics of the Bible.” Mr. properly discounts attempts to eclec-
1 Gladstone, who knew the worth of art and science, tic system which will commend itself to. the
i knew the greater worth of religion, and, address- East Indian mind more than pure, unadulterated
a Vit ing a company of students, said, “ But don’t think Christianity. “ The nations of this sorrowful and !
a hi that in either of these (art and science) will be sin-stained earth need not-this for their healing,
: iH found the true solace of life. Religion alone can for there is no healing in it. Nought can. heal
al supply that, and we must go tothe old, old Book but the leaves of the Tree of Life, which is in
— iH to learn our lessons.” This is a reading age, and . the midst of the Paradise of God.”
ell read you must and will, but ever remember that a aie hie i 5
Hl good ec inspires, informs, refines, but a bad ee Annual Ae oF Ne oe co
ati book is potent-for untold mischief ; therefore read Mission... Office, 3, Bndewell ace, New f
= y : Bridge Street, E.C.
ee Mt the best books and the best book for experience Tea a Lal’ aetaca a Gaercerans
ail testifies to the wisdom of the Psalmist’s choice, be eae, gee ae Meare tee a ie
ei “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light Which of our great religious organizations is the
eth unto my path.” most important or the most beneficial. All are
bee z wanted, and the loss of any would leave a great
ae STE moral void. I may still be permitted to express
1 ant my sense of the high value of the London City
bs La LITERARY NOTICES. Mission. I am struck, for one thing, with the ex-
fe Cait BY THE EDITOR. tent of its operations. An eighteenth century
i" an —— poet described our metropolis as
i Hl Our Famine Legacy. By Lilian Stevenson. “ Opulent, large and still-increasing London,”
he ohn Irish Presyterian Office, 12, May Street, but what would he say if he knew that within
Me Bl Belfast. the limits of the Metropolitan and City Police
Fe ‘Oe This copiously illustrated pamphlet gives an operations there is a population of over six and
a Pid account of the children received into the or- a half millions of souls. Large would seem |
bak | phanages of the Irish Presbyterian Mission in too feeble an epithet to describe a city with in-
a eli Gujarat and Kiawathen during the famine of habitants almost as numerous as the countries of |
: ie t900. I do not know on what terms it is pub- Holland and Belgium combined. In Greater f
os tik lished or distributed, but my readers may see London 460 missionaries labour and over £50,000
tH) above whence it issues. The contents of the is annually spent in the work of the Society. i
oy pamphlet are bditter-sweet. We have an account The variety of the operations is as remarkable |
‘ iT : of service and suffering, deliverances and death. as their magnitude. Of course, all the agents are :
i There are now 1,600 children in the orphanages, engaged in mission work, but 125 are mission-
: | and the pamphlet is issued in the hope that the aries to special classes, many of these having been
can “cry of the children” will not ring out in vain. — selected from the classes to which they have been
“PE i Certainly, the orphanages are worthy of liberal sent, a coachman to coachmen, a coal-heaver to
bia support. : coal-heavers, etc. We must not suppose that
Bae tH India: Its History, Darkness and Dawn. By Piety is the sole qualification necessary for the
be Bl Rey. W. St. Clair-Tisdall, M.A. C.M.S. work of the City Missionary. Dr. Johnson, inhis |
ee ae London Student Volunteer Missionary poem on London—which first brought him into
es a Union, 22, Warwick Lane, E.C. cn ae
Hr This book contains in brief form a vast amount Here falling houses thunder on your head,
a of useful information. Its historical chapter is And here a female atheist talks you dead.’
bi too condensed to leave much impression. Food Such characters are still to be found there, and {
rf fer |
= El .
a . ah ? hts ‘ it

others quite as difficult to deal with. So the The boy of whom this story is told did become
missionary requires to be a shrewd and able man a missionary when he grew up. His brother had
as well as a good man. Most of all, I am im- done so before him, and, when he heard from
pressed with the blessed results flowing from his brother how the heathen were getting con-
the work of this Institution, of which we have verted, he was impatient to go lest all the
ample evidence in this Annual Report as well. heathen should. be converted ere he could get
as in the Monthly Magazine, which is regularly sent away. We may say, “it was a childish
sent to the Editor of the Ecuo. Most cordially ignorance.” Thousands of missionaries have :
do I wish God-speed to the London City Mission. been sent forth since then, and the heathen are
The Deacon's Transformation. A Story of the not all converted yet. He did well, however, to
F.C.S.M. By Austen Marston. Leeds: wish to join in the delightful work, and he was
James Broadbent and Sons. spared to labour in the West Indies for many
This is a service of song which forms the chief years. He was there when the: slaves obtained
part of the Song Service Gazette, published in their freedom, and was present at a great watch-
November. The readings give a tale of the Free night service held to usher in the day of free- 4
Church Simultaneous Mission, for that is the dom, and when the clock struck twelve, all the '
meaning of the enigmatical initials given above. congregation rose up and sang with might and
The denouement is the conversion of a trouble. . main:
some, masterful, purse-proud member. If the Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
Simultaneous Mission led to the conversion of Jt was a time to be remembered. If “the 5th of
Tey, such, PaaS would have cause tO SINS, November should never be forgot,” neither should
. se ices Ther musicvis Dy a varicty 101) the, qnemorable night when all the bondmen
composers, and, so far as we have tested it, we like +n the -British Colonies’ became free as the
it well. It includes “ Count your blessings,’ which 4:3, that blows.
i See MES Ha ee hymn of There is an association called the Student
ne mission. 1t deserves to be a favourite. Volunteer Missionary Union, whose members are
- Outline Studies on India. For use in Missionary all pledged to go into the foreign field and labour
Bands. By Tissington Tatlow, M.A. Lon- as missionaries if the Lord shall open their way.
don: Student Volunteer Missionary Union, What I think boys should do is this: They should
Warwick Lane, F.C. Price fourpence. say, like Paul when he was stricken down on
For the purpose intended these outlines are the way to Damascus, “ Lord, what wilt Thou
very valuable. They do not themselves supply the have me to do?” and, like Samuel, “Speak, for
desired information, but show what information Thy servant hearéeth.” God does not want us all
should be supplied, and furnish us with a list of to go abroad, but He wants us all to be His
books where it can be found. The first para- servants, His errand-goers, His messengers. We
7 graph headed, “The Land,” will show what I © should be willing to go where God sends us and
Na ite do what He bids us. °
| “ Ancient and Modern Names for India—The The right state of mind is shown in a little
Himalayas—-India’s Great Rivers--The Indo- ‘hymn by a young lady, who calls herself El-Sie,
Gangetic Plain—The Table Land of Central and- and which I here give. She wants it to be sung
South India—Area of the Land—The Climates to the tune of “ Ellacombe.” x
of India,” etc., etc.
BANE eae a rep a I want to be an angel bright,
, THE CHILDREN’S PORTION. And with the angels stand; ?
| oa : : Well, angel means “a messenger,”
iain atime So I may join that band. f
| HAVE told you of Young Helpers, and I Dirt oe aval omer gpa
hope that many boys and irls who read pos cece
| BERG soiree Pe ea het To take a word from camp to camp,
th pest BAR EY, CAt LOL aD Or warn that foes destroy.
é€ mission cause. | Would any of you ‘ Eas
like to be missionaries yourselyes? I heard My errand may be through the night,.
of a boy who went to a missionary meeting, and, My ‘King hath’ sent me forth;
when the collector came with the box, he asked The lonely way shall not affright,
him to hold it a little lower. He did so. “A But; foes shall fear His’ wrath. :
little lower yet,” he said, and the collector did He sendeth me, as He was sent,.
a so; but, being asked again, he put it on the floor, To seek and save the lost ;
| and the little boy stepped into the box, saying, Tl be “a helper of the War,”
| “T have nothing else to give, so I give myself.” Whatever it may cost.

ae . | 4
| i
alt » A little lad can feed a host child, somehow she had grown increasingly dis-
bi By giving up his own; satisfied, and now, as she lay back in that cosy
ie The King knows how to make the most chair in the quiet afternoon, resting after her
| H Of what is His alone. morning’s vigil, she was bravely see the
Hi i : music,” and having it out with her own soul. :
Li Scare ee ae, on whee She thought er the ease and luxury by which
pa His message only I will beat 2 her life was surrounded, of the sunny, fragrant
a Teens ana hewa , pathway along which her pilgrimage, so far, had
— Wie i ; been ordered, and, as ‘she contrasted all this
a SORE ee SSCA RSS RLY with the scenes and sights she had witnessed.down
A yonder in the distant slums, where she had gone
Hi UNTO ME. on the previous day as her mother’s almoner,
ts BY WILLIAM YaTES. her soul was heavy within her, and she prayed
a Hy half audibly,
i, i “ Dear Saviour, why should I be so wonderfully
a po, UCY BRANDON lay back in‘her cosy blessed while these, my poor sisters, are daily
i ‘ : chair, her jewelled hands clasped be- grinding out their sorrowful lives in the midst of
“ ii 2 hind her head, her dainty slippers such sordid surroundings! I am deeply grateful
os iH peeping out from the folds’ of her for all Thou hast done for me; but, oh! Lord
i it gown and half buried in the bear-skin Jesus! how little have I shown Thee the proof
of iH tug, gazing with half-closed eyes into the glowing of my love! Those poor women yonder are my
Bi i fire, and thinking deeply, ~ own sisters, for whom Thou hast died. I am in-
4 a Presently she took a quiet ‘survey of that well- deed my sisters’ keeper, but, oh, how little I
cH ordered room, with its massive furniture, its have thought of them, or cared for them, or done
Hi costly pictures, and its abundant flowers, and then — for them. Dear ‘Saviour, forgive me for my
Bs iit her eyes wandered back again to the glowing thoughtlessness and selfishness, and help me to
| > u embers, and, moving restlessly from side to side, do something for them, for Thy sake, who hast
Hi: her bosom heaved with a regretful sigh that was done such great things for me, whereof I am
dil almost a sob. glad. Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?”
Ae There she was, surrounded by everything that Just then there came a quiet ring at the door-
Bis lt love and wealth and culture could possibly pro- bell, and presently one of the maids opened the
oa Cane _ vide for her comfort and happiness, and yet, door, and the minister stepped ‘into the room.
ke bid notwithstanding, conscious of something lacking, As soon as he saw her he exclaimed:
Le pat not so much d/s-satisfied as w-satisfied. “No, no, Lucy, please don’t rise: I want you to
oy le For, up yonder in the chamber above, her recline precisely as you were, for it is a sight that |
Ba ‘ai darling mother had lain for days and weeks, does an old man’s eyes good.” |
Bee ya struck down with a mysterious malady which had “Ts that a bit of clerical flattery?” she saucily |
Be ih completely baffled the skilled experience both asked, resuming her position. :
ae ok of physician, specialist, and nurse, and under “No, my dear, it is real solid fact. You see,
fi ‘a whose’ secret, withering spell, she was slowly but . I’ve got a bit of the artist in me, and so the |
ae di si surely growing feebler and weaker. ‘That mother pose of your figure, with the fire glinting on your .
ei: a : was oné of God's unobtrusive saints, who. did face, made up one of the prettiest pictures I
quia! a : not talk very much about her religion, but quietly have seen for many a day, and,” he added, with
a lived it, and nowhere more beautifully than a sigh, as he dropped wearily into an easy chair,
8 bie within the sphere of her own home. And now “the picture is doubly interesting just now, for ;
i that she lay there, so weak and so weary, her this afternoon T have been witnessing some grim
le love for her Saviour, and her hope and trust in. and grimy sights in the ugly neighbourhood of
: Hi God, made the sick chamber to those who waited the Friars. ‘But you are looking sad, Lucy. Is
A upon her a hallowed sanctuary, where day and -mother worse?” :
k i night they realized the unseen’ presence of God. “No, she’s rather a shade better, I think, to- |
ee aa 1. Lucy herself was a Christian. She had grown day. But, to tell you the truth, I was feeling a .
t Ee up into Christ, as the flowers grow in the spring bit. mopish, but I’ will go and order you some |
Ht sunshine, and, like the flowers, she: had simply tea, for I am sure you will need some after your
Z A absorbed Christ, and He had made her life visit to the Friars, and TI will see whether mother
i et beautiful and fragrant.. But, as she had sat and is awake,” and so, with sweet womanly tact, she
ii Fil watched by,the side of her patient; suffering tripped out of the room. The minister smiled.
: Bel mother, as dhe had listened with straining ears After a while she returned to say that her mother
fe to her mother’s communings with God, and as. was in a sound sleep. :
e ai ‘that beloved mother had conversed with her, as “Tam delighted to hear it,” he said, “and |
He ‘only a saintly woman can converse with her own please don’t let her be disturbed on my account, |
aie |
Peo ae a
a |
a : ;
: * Bit i % i u

UNTO: ME.) + 3
for I can pop in again to-morrow.” Then, when heathen sisters in the distant Iands of darkness,
she had poured him out a cup of fragrant tea, and but [can help to cheer this poor, suffering little
to please him had dropped into her old easy posi- child, and I will do it for Thy dear Name’s sake.
| tion, much to his evident delight; she watched I thank Thee for showing me Thy will, and my
him sip the welcome beverage and the play of own duty.”
thought on his wrinkled, sensitive face. For some Ascertaining from the nurse that her mother
time he gazed absently into the fitful firelight, still slept, she put on her things and went out to
| and then, turning towards her, said with a sigh: doa bit of shopping, and that night, as she sat
“Tye seen one very sad sight to-day, Lucy. at her vigil in the sick-room, spent the passing
T called to see poor Mrs. Marsden, and found her | hours with her needles, making a set of clothes for
in deep distress. Her hus- pe
band met with an accident =— Rar
three months agoand died, JA ce |
leaving her with three FVII SSO
Bee ANN HY \ SHES Saee NT "URES eae
young children: She her- . J BSH TTA AUIS SS ZB
self has been ailing along WAAC Sep = Seer | :
time, and now to make bad _, As Se up rag \\ ee i ae
much worse, her youngest Ll ee xz WR | ==
| child, a sweet, sharp little oT = a a at 1 | coring :
lassie, has met with a cruel FSS on i : W), VW) i Tah,
accident. She was knocked oS Wie WH FA UY Y pss
down while playing in the cS a anes = f 1, -
schoolyard and injured her ae Te hf VL Ue ly }) =|
| hip. Shehas been in the 477 ysG 0 a),
infirmary with it, but, I am Ck { Ye | Ge Oe Yf
: == an GERSON
: grieved to say, the doctors AO 4 ca 8 Jers Vey :
can do nothing for her, and YQ Sa ie Uf aks YW =
be} say: that, at“ the best, she Ci, iy A : MEUYY Yip
will be a cripple for life.” Sess = Vy CORR 7_ A oss Pe) l x
; ® 102 pi ‘ CG ea SSS NW, x Wie Up I 4
. “ Poor dear little thing ! iin cane 7 < SS YY WY ‘Zoman SSH :
3 2 | i SMITE £ Ch Hy tif fi ee YY) Nh:
said Lucy. THAME E GSR SS SS WU) | amege ag PA
“Ves,” he went on; “It ff Hh | | Boy WZ \\ KK SN Ci Bee Lf fg py ee
i : She is | Ay i fe\\\\ \ \. «| aie Pe Yi >
ey. is a sad, sad case. She is ii Hi WNT WEA © J AN WS ae | Ge hy) Ze
. only six, and of course, Kt i] WS ERA TE, eee KAO IE y a
suffering a great deal, but | i | I left the little lamb just Te li i Nin mh \' iu 7 y Vy I Yj A | Y Wipe —
now, sitting up in bed so BR li in a ee ‘hy Ny TN y Yy ae Uy fe
bright and happy, and i IVETE |] Lagann | NW: 7; ea Ye NWA)
Oe ERO aid A Hi il ae i Wy I Ya \is-Zz vit
) busily knitting some wool (AMAIA gee |
—egshours se ovat MRM W/W |
| fully brought in. For the “Wiig Renae se | SS |
f ; Shanes | ||| ese el Ra SS
poor are always very kind Seas a Lo SS
Se ||| | eS gl EAB
to one another at such SS il ( —— — EO EEE
: : SS N= SS eee Ss
. “*timés, | and. so, “with a. SS . --ygee |
piece of wool, God has See er
tempered the wind to the Is ik Yeally oo
shorn lamb,” and he arose for me, please §
and went on. his. way.
When she had seen him out, Lucy returned to a beautiful doll, which lay with closed eyes upon i
her reverie, and, with deep womanly’ sympathy, her lap, half-buried in bits of silk and scraps of
pictured the poor child, fatherless, with an ailing lace.
* mother like herself, cheered by a little ball of “ Are, you asleep, love?” :
wool, and once more she took a survey of that “No, mother dear.”
cosy room, and then she closed her eyes, and, as ° “I thought you were, for you. were so very
: the rising tears oozed through them, prayed: quiet.”
“Tord Jesus, I prayed just now ‘What wilt “No, mummy dear; I am wide awake and very
| Thou have ‘me to do,’ and Thou hast sent me busy.” : :
my answer. I may not carry Thy Gospel to my “Busy?” nes ;

a :

k bith 14 UNTO ME.

“Yes, I’m dressing a doll.” “God bless you, Lucy, my dear, for you have

a “Dressing a doll! Why, my child, what has given me to-day one of the greatest luxuries I ever

Hh put that into your head?” enjoyed in my life, the glorious luxury of gladden-

at "Then she came to the bedside and told her. ing the life of a poor crippled child and of

ii mother. of all that had passed, and how the brightening the lot of a brave but broken-hearted

i Lord had made it clear to her how she could widow. It was a beautiful, womanly act, and by it

Li help to lighten the burden of the little one, and you have not only gladdened the child and de-

; bil the mother’s eyes grew wet with tears, and, put- lighted your proud pastor, but, best of all, filled

Hi ting her arms about her beloved daughter, gently the heart of Him who is the Friend of little chil-

. iH drew her down, and, kissing her, said: dren with a holy joy. God bless you.”

a “God bless you, my dear, dear child,’ and “He has blessed me a thousandfold,” she re-

Hy somehow, as they quietly embraced one another, plied, through her tears. “I really had no idea

aa too full for further speech, they became conscious that so much joy could be got out of such a

te of the “ Presence,” that they were not alone, for trifling thing. Wa—was she pleased with it?”
He He was with them. she faltered.

: i When the nurse came into the room and saw “Pleased! My dear girl, pleased wasn’t the

te what Lucy had been doing, and learned the story, the word. She was nearly off her head. Why,
| she also determined to have a hand in the matter, when I showed her how it would open and close

i and so, when the young lady had retired, she its eyes, she stared in astonishment, and when I
; ie . quietly gathered together the necessary materials, showed her its movable limbs, she began to cry,

: i and .all through the quiet night toiled on, with and said, ‘Is it really for me, please?’ and then,
tt the result that when Lucy came in next morning when I showed her how to dress and undress it,

i she found on her work-basket a complete set of and took off its hat, and shoes and stockings,
iu doll’s nightclothes, most. beautifully made, for and spread out its beautiful night-clothes, ’ she {
gi nurse was a skilled needlewoman, and, as she just took it up and kissed it, and then hugged it

MA examined them, she cried, “ Oh, nurse, you are to her like a mother cuddling her baby, and }
, ee a dear, thoughtful soul! Why, they are just kept saying) ‘And are you really mine, dolly?
rae lovely!” and she spread the tiny garments out Are you my very, very own? Did the lady send

Hi before her mother. you tome to keep? She is good, isn’t she, dolly?

i . “Yes, they are indeed beautifully made,” said She’s an angel, so we'll both love her, won’t we,
i ‘the invalid, “the poor little darling will be de- dolly, and we'll tell be good to her, and

on fee lighted.” we'll love Him, won’t we dolly, ’cos He’s going to

On One of the maids took the things down into be good to her.’”

a ti the kitchen, for they all wanted to have a share “It was kind of you to take it,” said Lucy,
red i in the concern, and there washed and ironed deeply moved, “I’m afraid I have put you toa
i Ne them ; then Lucy carefully dressed the doll, and lot of trouble.”
Pe while so engaged her father came in and caught “ Nothing of the sort, my dear, nothing of the |
i at her in the very act. sort,” he replied. “It was a great privilege, a
Me, ht “Hello, Luce,” he said, with a laugh, “begin- rare luxury.. God, the God and Father of poor
if Be | | ning life again? My word, that’s a spanker and little Mary, thy God, bless and abundantly i

a ii no mistake,” and he chucked her under the chin’ reward you.”
ie all and playfully teazed her. But when she told him And that night, as she kept her quiet vigil

alt the story, he professed to have got some dust in while her mother slept, the Friend of the cripple,
We his eye, and so found an excuse for using his who knew all, and had seen all, lovingly whis-

a it bandana, and as he was leaving for business, gave pered into her ear, “Inasmuch as ye have done
tH her a special kiss, slipped a sovereign into her it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye |
i iH hand, and said: have done it UNTo Mr.” :
ii “ Here, my love, stick that in with the doll; it
lik May come in handy,” and hurried away.

Fa And so, with a great gladness in her heart, she I sEEM to myself only the second volume and i
| id made up a neat parcel, labelled “For little continuation of my father. These days that I |
Be | Mary,” and sent it on to the Manse. have spent thinking of him, and of his end, are
vel Late that same afternoon, as she sat once the peaceablest, the only Sabbath, that I have

: Bi again in her snug chair in front of the glowing had in London. One other of the universal
Bi fire, there came a ring at the door-bell, and then, destinies of man has overtaken me. Thank ;
? Fi without further ceremony, in rushed the minis- Heaven, I know and have known what it js to be

i ter, and seizing her by the hand, looked at her, 4 son, to love a father as spirit can love spirit.

Be Fk his face eloquent of the deep emotion which God give me to live to my father’s honour and to i
: He stirred within him, his eyes suffused with unaccus- His. And now, beloved father, farewell for the

BLE tomed tears. Presently, mastering himself, he said: ast time in this world of shadows.—Cartvin. I
ae |

on .

‘ Ui ‘

! Aa Se 5 A LITTLE boy, who was one day walking in the
mm\\ HE Editor has received the following fields with his father, asked him how it was
letter dated November 25th, 1901: that there was so much more moss on one side |
“After a rather rough but very of the trees than on the other.
pleasant voyage we arrived | in “My boy,” replied the father, “just as the
Kingston Harbour on Friday, Novem- good God gives a fleece to the sheep to keep it
ber 22nd. : warm and snug during the cold weather, so He
“The pitch and roll of the ship among the puts this green coat on the trees to protect |
mighty waves kept the majority of the passengers them during the winter, and He is so good that |
in their berths for days together. This “heavy He takes care to make it grow quickest on the
swell’ of the ocean indicated the violence of side where the north wind blows; for trees and |
the gales of the previous week, and, although sheep are not like children, who have mothers a
the swell of the sea and rolling of the ship who can make them winter clothes, therefore
made us very uncomfortable, yet we were thank-" the good God clothes them for all seasons.”
| ful to have escaped the violence of the storms. |
“We had a very hearty reception by brethren ah A eR ; |
and friends, who came to meet us at the wharf. LIVING AND DYING
“Found my family in good health, and long- :
ing for our return. We are both in splendid :
health. The change has done us good. I have Live like the rose. So bud, so bloom—
not seen Mrs. Bavin look so well for years. In growing beauty live;
i “Yesterday I conducted three services in. So sweeten life with the perfume |
Kingston, at East Street, and Christ Church, our That gentle actions give.
i new church in the suburbs of the city. Die like the rose; that when thou’rt gone |
“T wish friends of our mission at home could Sweet, happy thoughts of thee, fe |
have witnessed the whole-hearted _ enthusiasm Like fragrant rose-leaves, may be strewn
and overflowing joy of our reception by the Upon thy memory
people. Many of them came with beaming ‘ |
countenances, taking me by both hands, ex- Aviracaeciapiapn cj oui yonie ae
pressing their great delight at seeing my. face THERE is a gift that is almost a blow, and |
i again. there is a kind word that is munificence; so
i “The memory of my brief visit home is like much is there in the way of doing things.— |
a pleasant dream; I can hardly realize, now that ArtHur HeEtps. |
| I am back again, that I have twice crossed the
Atlantic, and attended about sixty services and Sesame aon REMC ER oy a
i meetings in the Home Churches. I trust that
: our visit will have been of use to the Churches fue Gls TAY Bee OUR LAGE:
we have visited, and to our Jamaica mission, Baa aue eens
i “The heartiness of our reception at home will eens
be an inspiration to us in our work for many TOPICS FOR JANUARY. ae
days to come. d 4 ; a
! EWAN gery diana yemarde’ foi youre). Nzs. ae, 5th.—First Things First.—Matthew
B. Kirsop, and family, ‘Solis CE : ; ;
i .E. first things—The pledce
“ Faithfully yours, hour, the renth legion. = Ee ee }
“FRANCIS BAVIN.” Waniary othi= Batcdbe de Khan ;
My readers will rejoice at Mr. Bavin’s. re- Sa ea eee nec ebay ee oe One a
entrance on his chosen sphere of labour, and ue ie § ; : |
! pray for his continued success. : NAL ORG GN A ETTER DY Cceep sine the rebeel O Gon a6 .
| ; in His Kingdom.
PET sR RORAVS Nt tl Kpes cae January 19th.—A Chivalrous Choice.—Joshua a
| xiv. 6—13. !
. I NEVER was deeply interested in any subject, Bile Gey HES. EAedaY, COMORES: |
I never prayed sincerely for anything, but it January 26th.—Christ for the world:—Psalm
| came, At some time, no matter at how distant Ixxii. |
. a day, somehow, in some shape—probably the Missionary Meeting — Our average contribution |
last I should devise—it came.—Dr. A. Jupson. 1s three farthings ber week.” a
| : : i

ee et | oe —
Fs ra f
‘i | i ;
ai MARVELLOUS RESULTS IN CHINA. in every meeting, the preparation and delivery.
pe | The latest figures available show 2,500 mem- of addresses. on the prescribed topics, with the
Hele | bers and 2,490 on trial; an increase of 423 mem- necessary continuous reading of the Bible, are
He bers. These facts were ascertained before the surely the best that can be obtained. The spiri-
Hike war. here will probably be a great increase tual atmosphere will preclude mere social sub-
Ht now that peace is being restored. The heroism jects and fit thé téacher to win the scholar for
; it of steadfastness will be a good basis for growth. Christ and the Church. Let Sunday School
ibe Let us cheer the hearts of our missionaries by teachers put first things first.
se le { increased devotion. There is only ome Christian WORTH REPEATING-FROM THE “LB.RA.
! Hit } minister to every 437,500 inhabitants. MESSENGER.”
P i { MANCHESTER, 10902. 3 Norrs For Brancu SECRETARIES OF THE UNITED Merioniee
oe He All the departments seem well in hand. Dr. Free Cuurcues SEcTIon.

S Cn Clark is expected to be present. Manchester has It may be well to remind you that a new circu-
es Ble, a number of large halls. The convention should lar, called “ Local Circular,” can be had free. It is
Rey: Ht i beat all records. It has much experience behind jntended to interest Church members and others.

; We it; much wisdom 1s directing its arrangements. Another addition is a “ Letter Leaf,’ for mem-
; i | Sheffield, with its Whitsuntide Sunday School- pers to insert in letters to friends.

Dee Hal | gathering, did not hinder; neither will Manches- Miss Elsie Quick’s example in gathering one
H th a ter. Christian Endeavour does not put out, it hundred new members in a year is “ catching on.”

. He works with, all efforts to win the world for Christ. 4 member in Jamaica says he is determined to
al THE HIGH POSITION OF OUR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. follow the example, and a Cricklewood member —
bs ate | “At the meeting of the Instruction of Youth hopes to complete his hundred in the year. If only

a Committee, in connection with the Presbyterian one in each branch would follow it up, how you
Hl | Church of England, some remarkable figures were would be helped! Make it known—perhaps it
yn ve submitted, showing the number of Sunday may stimulate. Don’t let anyone think it is too
Wee scholars per thousand communicants in the vari- late in the year to become a member.or to form a
i } ; ous Churches in Great Britain. The figures were: new branch. In July, twenty-six new branches
due | Primitive Methodists, 230; United Methodists, were commenced; in August, twenty-three; in
ah | 205; New- Connexion, 200; Wesleyans, 170; September, six; and in October, seven.
foes: we Combe eationalists ee Baptists oi Church 5 % Y
q Lane of England, 140; Presbyterians, 73. It was ex- : :
Ke Bn plained that for England alone the figure was 106 BristoL.—I find it makes a difference when I
Be Fae , for the Presbyterians. We are exceedingly grati- Write the names of the. members on the leaflets.

a Lee fied to find that our own schools stand so high They seem to appreciate them more, and it is an
ee a in this list. It would seem to indicate that our encouragement. to: find that the juniors: look
Be a Sunday Schools are more successful than some ©4getly for them when the time comes round.
es ee} others in attracting the young. We have a splen- : E. Snow.
aes a : did reserve force among the young. Our Sunday TILLINGHAM.—At a Church meeting held the
Di a fe Schools present the most promising and interest- other evening it was decided to start a branch

_ ie 4 ing field of labour to gifted men and women. 9 Connection with the Church. ;
di 1 a We should like to hear of more of the cultured B. Witpisx.
ee ae and influential members of our Churches offer- INTERNATIONAL BIBLE READING ASSOCIATION.
is ah ing themselves for, service in the schools. They It is very. difficult to get to know where we
Ve would find great satisfaction and reward.” It is. have ‘branches of the above in existence, or
ve i k very gratifying to be able to pass on to the Endea- where indeed they are not, but, at any rate, in
ihe vourers of our Churches this item from the — the Lincoln District, Mr. Waters, Secretary of

A aH ‘+ Free’ Methodist. We must see our relation to the the Association, says there are fourteen U-M.F.
A fact above stated. Our Societies are the bridge Churches without any branch; will'the eighteen |
Ae} from the school to the Church. We had 14,489 ministers of that District, the ninety-four school
Wee 4 i active members reported last Marcu, every one superintendents, and the one thousand one hun-

[ a of whom should be a member of the Church by dred and fifty teachers kindly make inquiries and

By 4 i ie March, t902. Let everyone who has been an Jet me know the reason why? For a branch with

eR active .C.E. for one year and is not yet a member pot .less than ten members can be formed in any

be Bi of the Church, ask the reason why? Do this in of our schools by anyone. Where a branch
4 A f the quiet hour, and follow the Voice of God. cannot be formed, individual “members may be
a Ha THE MATRICULATION OF SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS enrolled by sending 214d. for annual subscrip-
i) He should properly take place in the Y.P.S.C.E. A tion to Hon. Secretary, I.B.R.A., 1, South Street,

i Tile course of experience on its various committees, Rochdale, who will send a membership card and
by He ; rigid adherence to the pledge, the taking part the Hints quarterly.

a Br f
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- Apter: As yet the trembling year is unconfirmed, i
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§ WR { THoMsoN. h
REV. THOMAS WAKEFIELD, F.R.G.S. December of that year, when he and his bride i
BY THE EDITOR. stood at the altar, and we sang a hymn suitable 5
to the marriage of missionaries.
> ITTING at home on Tuesday, Decem- ee are Thy servants plese O Lord,
C ber 17th, I heard the postman’s knock. ow'sure is their defence |
=) ) It is always welcome, as it often brings I thought of another day when Rey. Robert :
Ss yy clad news, but this day, when my Bushell visited me in Yarmouth, and told me i)
— letters were handed in, I took up a he had sorrowful tidings to tell, and we went B
postcard which said, “Mr. Wakefield has gone to Britannia Pier, and, as we sat over “the ever-
home,” and I felt a sudden pang. What a flood sounding sea,” he read me one of the most - oR
of recollections were unloosed by the sad tidings! pathetic letters ever written by mortal pen, sent i
I thought of a day long ago when, at the Sunder. by a husband whose heart and kome were left “a
land Assembly of 1869, I learned that he had desolate by the early death of his beloved wife ue
become affianced to a pious young lady of my and my well-remembered friend. Yes, and later i
acquaintance; and of a pleasant evening the recollections crowded on my memory as I pon- i
betrothed pair spent with me at the home of dered the sad message, “Mr. Wakefield has ii
my hospitable host. I thought of a day in gone home.” Well, another of “the old familiar i:

ee 3) it b
Hi faces” has vanished from this earthly ‘scene, tions often rose to a high strain of. eloquence.
5 tl 4 but I can comfort myself as a foreign prince did J] wish he had made more use of his pen, al-
Witt when he learned of the death of a Christian though I confess that the rewards of literature
tii} gentleman for whom I cherished a high regard. jin our Denomination do not encourage literary ;
HH When Prince Henry of Prussia visited St. — effort. I am glad that the Assembly of 1888
; tH Michael’s' Mount he missed the pleasant face showed its high appreciation of his character
; il and voice of the late Mr. Joseph Thomas (whom and services by putting him in the chair. I am
Wi he had seen on a previous visit), and, asking how glad that the Assembly of 1899 appointed
Hit it was, they told him he had passed away. him to attend the great Missionary Conference
Hi “ Where have ye laid him?” he wanted to know. at New York, where he was heard with great
F WY They took him to the grave. There he stood respect, and I cannot be sorry that last Assembly
HE and mused in silence for a while, then, turning asked him to visit, with the Missionary Secre-
i iit away, he softly said, “ We shall meet again.” tary and Alderman Duckworth, the scene of his
itl Looking back on the vista of past years many former labours, although a medical interdict pre-
i ii things are visible to me of which younger men vented him from ‘going. I can understand the
i may read, but they do not see. The projected shock felt by these two brethren when‘ they
e i mission in East Africa; the arrival there of the learned, after their arrival in England, that the
rf it missionary expedition; the defection of the Swiss intended companion of their travels had died ere
iy students; the failure of Mr. Woolner’s health; their return. But neither they nor we sorrow as
tH the early return of Dr. Krapf, by which Mr. others which have no hope, believing “that as
4 iN Wakefield was left alone; the arrival on the Jesus died and rose again, even so them also
a scene of Charles New, the dauntless missionary jyhich sleep in Jesus, God shall bring with Him.”
aH and mountaineer; the lamented death of Edmund 7
or Butterworth—all are pete to Be of ee BAEK Ae LO yaa |
| We knowledge and remembrance. he name o
i Thomas Wakefield is indelibly associated with phe TOL REST.
aut our East. African missions. He and not Dr. i os ies
ality Krapf was their true founder. And, although \ EV, THOMAS WAKEFIELD,
Bao for the last thirteen years his name was not asso- | F.R.G.S., died at his residence, )
4 ; itt ; ciated with them on the list of stations, it did not | A Churchtown, Southport, after a short |
ite cease to be identified with them in the popular JANG illness, on Sunday, December 5th,
! Thi - mind. He never lost his missionary. character. aay Pea aged 65 years. He’ was one of the
Bi ae He might be minister of Derby or of Southport, best known and best beloved of our ministers, |
c ae he was not less, but more, of Ribe or Jomvu. and many “ deyout men’ gathered to carry him i
Be, ann _ It was not so with others, merely. it was so with to his burial. Had it been possible to give wider |
ie au himself, and with the excellent lady who now intimation of’the time of interment, there would |
Z a treads life’s path aloné—and yet not alone. Both have been a much larger gathering. The funeral |
B a) have repeatedly confessed that their thoughts .took place in the parish churchyard on. Wednes-
oe ey and affections turned constantly to the scenes and . day, December 18th. A preliminary. devotional
= in people with whom they had long been service was held at Churchtown in the sanctuary
te ae familiar, where our: departed brother had been wont to
; Hi I do not propose here to write Mr. Wakefield’s hold forth the words of life. The choir, to the
at it biography. I hope one will be written by a number of thirty, all habited in black, occupied
¥ AA brother minister long associated with Mr. Wake- — their usual seats on the platform. The organist |
He field by intimate friendship and very tender played a suitable selection, and the audience
i is ties, and, if it~ is written with the skill rose as the coffin, covered with lovely wréaths. of
a and pathos with which he wrote the white flowers, was carried in, and the family and
ME memoir of his beloved sister, the first friends of our brother went to the seats reserved
ee fa ‘ Mrs. Wakefield, it cannot fail to be interesting’ for them. The ministers present included the .
oo and popular. Permit me only to say that our Revs. D. Brook, M.A, D.C.L. (President), F, .
j ii departed brother was endeared to his brethren Galpin (Ex-President), W. H. C. Harris (Con. .
: Bat and the Connexion by his long services, his affec. nexional Secretary), W. Redfern (Corresponding |
; ie tionate and genial disposition, and his humility. Secretary), E. Boaden (Chapel Secretary), J. C.
; fu There was nothing obtrusive or egotistic in his Brewitt, R. Brewin, E. Askew, J. W, Heywood,
¢ Hii character, he never put himself forward or T. J. Dickinson, A. Crombie, and E. Craine;
5 at claimed the first seat. He was an able speaker, John Chator, A. H. Boyden, S. Firth (Congre- .
tee and, in the hey-day' of his powers, his perora- gational); J. E. Hughes (Primitive Methodist) ;
|. eS |
_— , | j

r ; ; " , Re AS ; Sey Paar
J. Rhys Davies (Baptist) ; J. W. Hart (Wesleyan) ; ADDRESS: BY THE RECTOR.
A. Stroyan, Dr. Swallow, Manchester, and a large The procession reformed and, headed by his
number of Church officers. There were also brother ministers and the. Rector, wended their
present, Messrs. R. Turner, H. T. Mawson, and way to the ancient parish church of North Meols,
other well known friends from Duke Street where we had a beautiful illustration of Christian
Church. The Rector of North Meols, Canon catholicity. By the special request of Canon
Denton Thompson, had a place in the sorrowful Thompson a second service was held in
procession up the aisle of the chapel, and sat by the church, that he might testify to the worth of
the side of our own President. The opening Mr. Wakefield. The church choir chanted the
! sentences were read by the Rey. Dr. Brook psalm, and Dr. Brook (President) read from
(President); a touching, trustful prayer was 1 Thessalonians iv. 9—18. After singing the
offered by the Rey. E. Boaden; the lesson from hymn, “Rock of Ages,” Canon Thompson
the Old Testament, Psalm xc., was read by the
Rey. J. C. Brewitt, and the Resurrection chapter = 5
from the Epistle to the Corinthians by the Rey. ‘ pi
W. H. C. Harris (Connexional Secretary). The |
hymns, 884, 775, and 776 from our own chapel |.» :
hymn-book were feelingly sung. The President af pee
gave a brief address. In referring to the pre- ‘ a |
: sence of the Rector and the service to be’ held i a of i
in the parish church, he said it was a great glad- |- i Se KG } et
ness to him to see that unity of recognition of saa :
the. worth of our beloved friend. Mr. Wakefield i > i oe es |
was best known in that District of swiftly chang- ee Te RI i
ing population as a minister and pastor, and oe ‘ ee ae ia
they knew he had gained a strong hold on the ‘ Ps. er. io :
Denomination. His memory would be cherished EM GAD iS ~ eee
as one of the great Missionary leaders of modern = | ee . Bo ae ARCS. oa
times. The ‘opportunity was given ito few to nom RF ene) Arter
i engage in pioneer work. He was one of the : Se AEN ee Roe eS
; few, and went to East Africa. It was forty years Bo ae ee t
since he carried the standard of the Cross to ye Gees Gil
the regions beyond’ Mombasa, and later to: the te BSNS Ny Se
Gaila country. The Uganda Railway now passes | Bee cits Po a
through the district where he laboured for twenty- |) 39am OME, eS Pe
i seven years: He was one of the first to break ee SEAM RE se 8 CO
k through the darkness in that vast region. The Peak. ae Re eared Bee | i
explorer, Stanley, from what he knew of Thomas |) Sn 5 by a Pe as ;
: Wakefield, desired that our’ Missionary Society |), =a) PE
t should carry the work onward/ to, Uganda, but |p - sees | Cee au hae
our resources unfortunately were not equal to the Py Hoe os Ree
task. Mr. Wakefield was one of the heroes’of fF as ; ey oe
our Denomination. His life, ‘grandly spent, had © bees se
f terminated earlier than they could desire, by Rev. THOMAS WAKEFIELD, F.R.G.S,
reason of his long residence in a region of
: malaria, and under a tropical sun. They had ascended the pulpit, and delighted everyone with
come to render their homage toa brave andnoble a noble Christian address. He gloried in
. Christian. They all admired his vivacity and the , character of Thomas Wakefield—mis-
: kindliness, and offered their deepest sympathy sionary of. Jesus Christ, missionary abroad and ;
: to those nearest to him. They prayed the-great ‘at home. The esteem for him was deep-seated i
Head of the Church to raise up, through the and wide-spread. Iwo features stood out. in
inspiration of Thomas Wakefield’s memory, young that’ beautiful life—spirituality and catholicity. i
men prepared to go anywhere and do anything, He lived in the Spirit—was filled with the Spirit. i
as he was prepared, for the extension of Christ's His energies were directed rather to the exten- ° F
Kingdom on earth. ~The closing prayer was sion of Christ’s Kingdom than to the increase ;
| offered by the Rey. R. Brewin, and the organist of any Denomination. Let him not be misunder-
: played the “Dead March.” stood. He was loyal to the doctrines and
aN - t e , Hy
Ms F i

ae eH 4

ow :


He ae PEO Seas) ead & an GAA We oes
WH methods of his own Church, but, as he (Canon By ee SS ENS SNe ‘ |
HN Thompson) read the man, he was more devoted ee Hi 3 DIS Ye
tite! to the Lord of all Denominations, to Christ Him- Wey Sal) | G- ecu esc sey lg
iy eae th aa ; 3 y . va Pull: : 35 A | Aik Wha a\\ prank ff BPR aaE ,
a e Head of the whole Church. That spiri- fw Y As Z AT | ae) i

rea tuality expressed itself in catholicity. His cath- BN ee oye Bs je! i
Hi olicity was the outward expression of his. spiri- a

i ea tuality. He loved his brethren. He said, with EDITORIAL NOTES.

a his lips, but much more by his life,.‘‘ Grace be
Hay with all those who love the Lord Jesus Christ.” are

Bi “HAE He rejoiced joyously and gratefully in all other SIERRA LEONE. :

Wi Churches. Christianity was greater than all the HAVE received a letter from Rev. James

fl Hae Churches. They thought of that great spiritual Proudfoot, dated December 3rd, r1got.

Be ue force making for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ | After referring to a communication
Ba as withdrawn.. The removal of Thomas Wake- sent. which will duly appear in the
it field could not be other than a serious loss, The Misstonary Ecuo, Mr. Proudfoot

7 il intention of that.service was that he and his proceeds:

At colleagues in the ministry might unite in offering “I am rather neglectful of my duty towards

d ie their heartfelt sympathy to his.widow and family... the Ecuo; but it is not because I am not. in-

3 in If there was one thing that would help to pour terested in it. It is rather because I lack the
: aly in the oil and wine, to bind up the broken heart, power of mental detachment, and the growth of
; i (i it was sympathy from hearts overflowing. Sym- cur district-here takes up all my ‘thoughts. In
tee pathy was a most precious thing. They would my reports to Mr. Chapman: I always write them

2 el surround them with the arms of faith, and up- with the Ecuo in view, and much of them

a. 1G re hold them by their intercessions and prayers. could easily be used by you.
cil They desired also to offer their sympathy as ei a 2
(he representing the Church of England to the De- “«O listri " Rags 1a Pa

ae a nomination of which he was an honoured minis- Wie a ae Sea ee ie ay ee aa
an ter, and more especially to the thrée congrega- ae ean a vee oe ae ree Oe

fae) ie tions who looked reverently upon him as their neAvaly, Dy Oeathe ao Se sEtowe BOW. ous

} nite: pastor. They had lost one who had been to them fhembership stands, pnd aucy ib wall ae) con:

Pe ‘a spiritual father. By the removal of their friend b donot, report One for some

ie Hi and brother a great gap had been made in the ae ie eee aoe OEE em hes a ae ae

Re ao ministerial ranks. Life in the spirit world had ae eae : a TUES. he : Se Me

Re He begun-—life, on: earth’ was’ closed. Tt ‘might be® Sr ANE BMANCE JUSt as: much. We a8 . 1

ie J te said of him, 73 To live is Christ,” and now, « death many conversions among ‘ our young people,

Be a is gain.” He was absent from tHe precious body @™70M8 AO ate Oar enern iy DAS Nery ete

4 it HH they were about to lay to rest in God’s acre. It fluence, and his labours have been much blessed.

os al was his (the Rector’s) great delight to know his * x *
ee 4 if body would be resting under the shadow of one “T have been busy this week arranging the
ei i of his churches. Canon Thompson closed the fyture working of Mendi. A catechist and ~
; ae address, which was beautifully conceived from teacher, with their wives, proceed on Thursday —
y “ve beginning to end, by saying, “Let me call you, to Tikonkoh, and another catechist, with his wife
— i : my friends, some of you, in a sense, my people. and grown-up daughter, go four days’ further in-
f Wh to follow him, that you and I may grasp his hand = jand to Pangumah. Our present agent at Pan-
ea in the deathless life, and there together serve gumah removes to Bo, about three and a half
He God in the deathless ages of eternity.” The ser- hours’ journey from Tikonkoh.
fri vice at the graveside was conducted by the “Tn the old section of the mission, founded in
ae President (Dr. Brook), the Rey. W. Redfern the days of ‘Thomas Truscott, we have finally |

y fie closing with the benediction. decided to abandon Senahu. Practically, it has |

ae welll a ee.) been abandoned for many,years, but: now. “we aa

Bod at give up even the name. A new centre, called |

: bk es AE Reet Moyamba, has been chosen. I preached there ~

Fe Ai j on November 24th to seventy Sierra Leoneans |

Gs He : : and a countless number of Mendi people. At-

E ne Tuer isa great deal of undiscovered country tached to this centre are Bonjama and Paitafu.

ry fi within us which would have to be taken into As another station will probably be opened in

i hl account in explanation of our gusts and storms. January in the Pangumah section, our Mendi

: the —GEORGE ELIOT. is mission will consist of three Circuits, each under

Be Hi es


es aie
Co '
Be : ua F

a minister or catechist. I do not think of add- from each of the brethren. as to their work.
P ing more sections, as the development of these Writing to the Editor of the Free Methodist, the
will mean more cost. The more successful our Missionary Secretary says: “After a long and
work in Mendiland As, the more it will cost, aS somewhat unpleasant passage, Alderman Duck-
there is only a nominal income on the stations. — orth and myself were put on shore at Portland
* * * on Thursday, December 26th, and arrived at
“Every step in a heathen mission costs money, OUL respective homes about midnight the same
To-day I have been purchasing books, slates, day. Both of us were devoutly thankful to our
and all the absolutely necessary requisites for Heavenly Father for all the many mercies vouch-
three schools, containing in all-150 children. It safed to us in our long journeyings, and for all
is easy to multiply stations, and one would fain the prayers offered up on our behalf while absent
do so, but the want of elasticity in the home from home and friends. It was a sore trial to
funds and the prior ‘claims of older and more us not to be back in England for Christmas Day.
important missions make one
hesitate. For several years tO -|iiRIIEEEEEeEn RE eee em SS a 7
come the working of these Bees ae ee Ss aes a fe ts i Te 5 pen
three Circuits will tax our roa oo ae a. — ‘ie ij
Tesources to the utmost. Ce ‘a ie ae
land in’ January, accom: |e Mee aos oS ie ee
panied. by), “Reve J. B. AeA % Po Seo a i ee amet eg i i ;
Nicholl, T should fike al (“ios (ih 9 | SRE ,
yg our native ministers to visit |} 3. ee a OT Ml Se. oak i it i |
our. stations there, as such a P SO Bae a a ie
visits are Sure to deepen the oe LR ee Kae } oe ae a
interest of our people in zheir eat a secre cae a
ee ne ie conn | | oo) iw a
Freetown by the end of Feb- | iiiiaeam ‘ o-~ pR 5 ees nisl iaG : ;
ruary, and to reach England | Kou eae a) one i
some time. in March. Tam | 3 bres ee ; Ps Fass Se :
} only to» be three months. at Laue : ang 7 ote EN ee
home, and thé next term out | eg — aert a
f here promises to be both very |W 4 0 i | oe oe eae ee a: :
long and very important. Our ee Wee : : oe co
f work here is developing: very Te ea ay ue es bs 0 A Soa ea
fast, and our outlook’ is a ae Pot : } Rr le oe sce Neos
; pleasing one. nae Ng ee HERS Ga a ee
“TI need. not add more, ee a ee ao hee KF a :
| as Tam simply writ. ie
ing a -missionary letter, I oa ee oe > Ae ee | {
See: I hope.) you) are | CHA ss ;
keeping hale and hearty, j ae pees
| and that I shall see you :
before long. Although Mazers. SAMUE!. JosEPH. ALFRED. ‘THOMAS.
IT. am likely. to be “a : ; 3
member of the next Annual Assembly, it is not “T had reached Sheffie:d on my way home
| likely that I shall be present. ‘But we may meet before hearing the sad news of the ‘death and :
| at the June sessions of the Missionary burial of the Rev. T. Wakefield. What my
Committee.” feelings were on being informed of the event it
| ARRIVAL IN ENGLAND OF THE DEPUTATION TO would be impossible to put into words. I could
_ EAST AFRICA. only bow my head in the railway carriage and Oaoue
Rev. H. T. Chapman (Missionary Secretary) pray God to give me grace to say, ‘Not my will,
and Alderman Duckworth, J.P.; arrived in Eng- but Thine, be done,’ and ask Him to be ten-
| land on December 26th. Inthe Missionary EcHo. derly gracious to Mrs. Wakefield and the dear
a series* of articles on the visit from the pen children.
of Mr. Chapman will duly appear, and will no “Had I not been to East Africa, to the places
doubt excite great interest. Meantime, my © end scenes where his life’s werk was done, I |
readers will be glad to have some brief utterances should never have known how really good and.

ene : "
i HAR . ;
Vee great a man our honoured friend was. In all “As soon as I can I will send you my first
i that land of East Equatorial Africa the name of article on East Equatorial Africa, but it will not
He Mr. Wakefield is as ointment poured forth. To be for a little while. The‘ mountains’ of urgent
fe teally know how noble a Christian he was, how correspondence must be ‘brought low,’ and J
He splendidly he served the. Lord Christ, what a want to get a few photos if I can for them.”
; hy it noble contribution he made to the evangelization ALDERMAN DUCKWORTH, J.P.
HEH and civilization of East Africa, and the splendid In a recent issue of the Rochdale Observer an
; Ave service he rendered our Denomination, we must interviewer records an interesting conversation
it 1 go to Africa. On the sea-board and far into with Mr.-Duckworth on his visit to Africa. Re-
eta the interior on the east side of the vast conti- plying to a question, Mr. Duckworth said’ the
Hee nent he was widely known. I do not wonder now. deputation had been a success. “We are thor- -
Pe that his name had such honourable mention, in| oughly convinced,” he said, “of its necessity, its
cia connection with Africa, at the great Missionary timeliness, and the great advantages that will
HE Conference in New York in the spring of 1900. result from gaining a correct knowledge of the
hia “As is well known; he was to have been one condition of things on the spot.”
i it of the deputation to visit the sceme of his life’s As to the missions themselves, Mr. Duckworth
é aH labour; his yisit had been anticipated with keen said,.“ These missions are a credit to the De-
Ht interest by many outside our own mission stations. momination. The position of the different |
; Ey On-the stations themselves the coming of Mr. stations and the properties which have been
ri Wakefield Had given birth to an.a’most rapturous. secured testify to the wisdom and foresight of |
4 a joy. It was pathetic to watch the faces of the the men we have sent out; and under a settled
Fi people when they were informed he had been. government such as is being established our op-
A unable to come. A gentleman of ,position who portunities for usefulness in the future will be
Se Ae was in East Africa during Mr. Wakefield’s resi- greatly increased. On the islands of Pemba and
me dence said to Mr. Duckworth and myself that Zanzibar, as well as on the mainland, we had the
ie : few men knew Africa between Mombasa and _ privilege of seeing the working of the Church
Hie nearly as far north as Aden as Mr. Wakefield. Missionary. Society's. Mission, the Universities |
: eB Wherever he went he was respected, and wher- Mission, and the Friends’ Industrial Mission. .
vA ever known, was trusted and loved. We felt Those in charge of these missions, in their dif- -
' tee e honoured in being associated with the life and ferent ways and with great devotion and self-
witha work of such a man, and, in chastened spirit, sacrifice, are doing good work. We are labour-
ee thank God for his truly saintly life and magnifi-- ing side by side with them, and the greatest —
E Ht Hy cent service. Of not many men in a generation friendliness prevails.”
f + i Fe are the words so nobly true, ‘His works do fol- at i sik
AE ais low him,’ as of the late Rev. T. Wakefield, In a letter to the Pree Methodist, Mr. Duck-
; pee E.R.GS. worth writes: “ On arriving home my heart was
Y ea “May I be allowed one personal word—to made very sad on hearing of the death of the
bie a te thank the many friends, with all my heart, whose Rey. ‘Thomas Wakefield. Would that he could
=f wie beautiful greetings were awaiting me on my _ have heard of the very favourable report the
= a arrival home, for their great kindness.” deputation have to give of his great work in ©
geri * * x Eastern Africa. Many for whom he laboured
VAG In a letter to myself, dated Leeds, December have gone home, and these he has already joined,
: Hu 30th, the Missionary Secretary says: ; but others are still on the stations who, with
f a “Vour ‘Welcome. home,’ I very much appre- hearts full of gratitude, spoke to us of him as
4 aa ciate. The many I have received have deeply the friend who taught them the Book and led
HW 2 touched me. : f them to the Saviour.” -
a “The journey home was a series of sore dis- Ae Sg
Hee appointments. The latter part was in much Tue drink traffic in West Africa is a terrible |
“Pas | Hi strain. I do not know that there was any real curse, and appears to be increasing. In the —
aii danger. In the end we were landed at Portland. Niger Coast Protectorate the annual import of
Be i Had we gone to London we should not have spirits increased from 1,300,000 gallons to nearly
( He got home till Saturday night. We arrived mid- 2,000,000 directly the British Government estab-
Fe Be night on the 26th, so after all we were not in lished a regular administration there. In 1892 ~
Hed time for Christmas—it was a great disappoint- the import of liquors into Lagos amounted to ~
Wit ment. over 1,100,000 gallons, in 1893 it had risen 50 ©
| Bee “The first news I had of dear Wakefield was per cent., and in 1894 the quantity was said to
Beak at Sheffield on the way home. I am deeply sad- be very little short of 2,000,000 gallons. The
te dened by the news of Mr. Chester's death: Yes,. natives are holding meetings to protest against
Ha “Friend after friend departs.’ the demoralizing traffic. i
- 4 HE
S eta 4 i
ic Ae pi -

See ae ne ene , : be Nfs aaa 3 yikes Ad cody
GENERAL MISSIONARY SECRETARY’S time for commencing a service, and when rung
NOTES. for the morning service it also renders the service
UST of awakening the town or village to the activities
) E'are glad to be home again and Of the day. There are few things more absolutely __
: to recommence our , monthly ‘ecessary in an African town or village than a
i “Notes.” We purpose, in a few 00d bell. The bell they had at Mazeras is
brief articles, to give an account broken and useless. Will some kind friend
ss of our visit to East Africa. This, please send 4 them one? Mr. Griffiths: last
: however, we cannot do till our report has been Words were, “Don y forget the eee We have
presented to the Missionary Committee, which 0t forgotten it. Wee respond :
ill Jone 2 arly date. ; Solr ae ee
D be gone) ae on carly dats Mx een Dr. Plummer. We have received since coming
Juckworth and myself have been fairly well OTRO CO aLe ChcerAae ache letters frente Dit
since our return, and hope, when we have got Plummer. It is under date of November roth.
warmed through thoroughly, we shall be none Ea a CHA eae ox be edlinoly OIGAS ALIS ONTonER
the worse, for our long trip. Ne Nes Fea Sy .P J :
S to Shanghai, and had as companions some L.M.S. :
: _ EAST AFRICA. missionaries, who were going to the North of
Letters are just to hand from our brethren, China. . . . My. first impressions of Wen-
ve ne Rey. B. J. Ratcliffe, and Rev. chow are very favourable, and I like the arrange-
J. H. aay .. ments of the hospital and out-patient department.
Mr. Gniffiths reports that he has had a visit . . . Mr. Soothill and I are already good
from Sir Charles Eliot since the visit of the depu- friends.” a ae
tation. When in Africa Mr, Duckworth and I As we know, first impressions go a long way ,
ee on Sir Charles about our mission property and mean much. We are thankful for the safe ‘
at Mazeras. He is a highly-cultured gentleman, arrival of Dr. Plummer, and that the new sphere
an aoe tee courteous in bearing, and of service has opened to him so very pleasantly.
we Sates ge, ee disposed to missions and mis-- For ourselves we believe Dr. Plummer will be a
| ore is object in visiting our station was vaiuable addition to our China staff, and that, if
to seek the good offices of Mr. Griffiths in relation health and life are given him, he has a distin-
to the “hut tax.” It will be our wisdom as well guished future in the great empire of China. Do
as for the good of the people and country to do pot tet us forget to pray for Dr, Plummer.
; all we can to help the civil powers. Mr. Griffiths Mr. Soothill, in a very brief note, after greet-
reports himself in good health, though he had an ings for the new year, says how pleased he is with
ee of fever soon after the deputation left—the the presence and fellowship of the doctor, and
i or two years. On December 3oth he was regrets that the General Missionary Secretary,
peaa to commence to build the new mission could nct be spared to visit China when out in
ee aeecee indeed ! East Africa. Our good friend is well.
aD a a aes thankful for your Dr. Swallow reports himself as very busy, and \
Vote Pe Say Wishes for my happiness. speaks in the highest terms of the devotion and
Bee Tae i jaa say, will tarry with me as one services of Miss Hornby and Miss Abercrombie.
oo. vappiest Temumiscences of my life, giving From his silence we infer the dear doctor is
eee and stimulus to increased effort yery we'l. Our missionaries do not give much
and a 7 ce & z x : © | ° a
I a more devoted service in the work of which space for reports of their physical ailments.
am a servant of God. . . . My hopes at JAMAICA
resent are bri ver.” se tania wo :
Pp one feacg eee Se e Nae A letter is just to hand (January roth) from our
ielailich GAGacana is pson ee our-visit did. friend, Rev. F. Bavin, reporting the safe arrival
ane eae ee : a aie ae it will be a plea- of himself and Mrs. Bavin in Jamaica. Of his ie:
Cece. ee ue wit a Rs Mr. visit to the home land, Mr. Bavin says, “ My visit
a eet : ) are already putting abides in my mind like a dream. The rapid move- ee
The di ~ your suggestions ze Bobuoya.” ~ ment from place to place in the old country, the
ne ceputation has retumed home with a distinct crowded meetings, enthusiastic recepti d iN
- appreciation both of the character and work of Rise Rie i SE Wet ues
Our age ATHGan sine work oF renewal of old friendships—these are living and
f delightful memories. The change has done us :
They 4 ; RAS, much good. Mrs. Bayvin seems to have renewed 4
ey are greatly in need of a good bell at her youth.” ;
es A bell is the only means they have in i BOCAS-DEL-TORO. l
rica of informing the people of the time of The following extracts are from letters ad-
servi rheth -
no whether Sunday or week-day, and also dressed by Rey. A. J. Ellis to Mr. Bavin. Mr.
F making known to the children when it is school Ellis is supplying Rev. J. Chinn’s place while he
time. The bell is rung for half an hour before the is away on furlough in England.

ere 4
Bei :
A Bi
: tee rae : ;
i ; CEU RANE: The alcaid has left Old Bank in my hands.
te For three months we did not hold services, . Brother Schwartz is Inspector of Police. I am
Wi every person ran from Old Bank after the battle, quite used to the tossing of Old Bank Channel,
Hi and for nearly a month no one slept there. I having crossed it so often of late.’ I hope to be
i waited on the alcaid, and asked him for a written able to give a more encouraging report next
‘ i ii promise to go to Old Bank, and to put the mission quarter. .
: Hi premises in order, and to invite the people who “You will see by the Jamaica papers what is
SI ae were not engaged in the battle to return. Three the political situation... The Government is
Hite weeks ago I went, and, with a Jamaican, lived in using a building close to Bocas Church as barracks
Heid Old Bank, no one else there. Can you imagine and fort. I am afraid our building will suffer
ys ie only two persons sleeping on the Bank “as we jn the event of an attack on Bocas. I pass many
a. an did? Many of our people, natives and Jamaicans, sleepless nights in consequence.
ek eat hearing I was there, came home—not home, but NANCY’S CAY.
i Neate . Z : . : . : :
Ros Hed to their houses. “This isle is quiet. Services are being kept.
fe at
F Hie
Mi aa Ki ; : ‘ .
ss | |
f if i i j
i Fiat f : ‘
; 4 i ‘ |
3 ( * : es
a. iss (|
: AA :
ry et “ re
‘ a | : ‘ os eee
: We | af eae ate ee |
es ie pe COS i
iy aan ime ss iS,
; Lata 4 ‘ UNE: sua ; Perinat eis 5.3
wi Mi i : Aah MEME ORS or 4
pact: J qt Pe ae OD Pn, 5 eee ae sae ye : |
5 i He i 6S ge The rok iran z Ae “> aan ER ‘
yi na | as fg aa om eR oe i
a? ue | ees \ eae he CA So Bis i. 5
We A Sa ee |e Me eae fi aa. bd el i. \
Boe sii). Ae if em aes Vi < 5 eae pe intel es aes | i ae
eae 1G 2 A RE Ce esa) SP nh, oe i
pee tall eo ee 4 Ld eager rae es is # ( ae are ae |
Ais ati SRR aE ee Vga ae ni \ me ‘ (=
= yi Her evra FA GE ba ae Dr, Be eauy
(igs rae! wenn gaggle ie ATED Se POOR crac ¥ t fi
5 i tf -.
} a ° Curist CHurcH, Near KINGSTON, JAMAICA.
ie é
Hilt : a
ae “T held a. service on Sunday, October 27th. Two large families from Old Bank propose set-
Ves pal Only twelve persons present, that being the num- tling here. As yet I cannot ask our people here
; Ha ber then in the settlement. for any money—most of them are natives, and
eoneg Hit “Mr. Brown conducted the service last Sunday. are always on the run ‘from the. Government.
a Forty present. I preached to-day to twenty-five— I shall open a school here, and get the teacher to
g Ma small number, owing to rain. Hardly one man conduct services on Sundays.
Doo had a coat or jacket on. The only clothes they LAGOON.
i ou had left were what they stood in. It will be years “ Brother Pattison writes me that the rebels
go. before ever the place recovers, or the Church be were at Cricamola for a month. I dare not put
bi a anything like it was. Families are scattered, and up a building until the district is more settled.
be ta in many cases they will never come together Brown and I are going to Pattison for special
Fe again. services the first Sunday in December.
Bech ON
he HA, :
es :
-Â¥ - ; WM 5
HK > Ua ¢ : fi ‘ ‘oad

4 1
BOGUE’S MOUTH. for an hour or two, then go into the woods to ’
“J hope to put a young man here in January gacher fuel to cook their one meal a day, with .
as teacher and to conduct services. The people an occasiunal visit to the river to draw water.
(three or four are members at Bocas) have pro- [This is the heathen state.
mised to repair the building next month, and to But what a change after they have been under
give the man a room to live Jin. This place is the influence of Christianity and civilization!
growing owing to the fruit company cutting a Most of the girls and women attend the early
canal and extending their plantation. The com- jorning service at 6.30 a.m.; then all the girls
pany has also put up many buildings about half used to come direct from the service to the mis-
: a mile from the church.” sion house for a lesson in sweeping. We ‘
WEST AFRICA. practised in the huge garden surrounding
Since writing my notes I have received a the house. At 9.30 a.m. the school bell rang for ;
deeply interesting letter from Mr. Proudfoot. He study. In the afternoon we had sewing lessons,
says their District meeting is passed, and was a Bible reading, and class singing.
very happy event. They had very good spiritual As to cleanliness, they had no pride whatever ;
reports from most of the Circuits, and for this, the only way I could manage to keep them clean
under God, are indebted, in a large measure, to was by having two washing days in the week,
_.. Mr. Greensmith. : and I had to supply them with soap. The custom
The ordinary income is again in advance, which was to buy a new cloth, twine themselves in it,
makes it £100 more for class and ticket money and wear it until it almost dropped off. When
than in 1897. they began to see and feel how much nicer it was ‘
“The Mendi Mission is now started, and we to be clean, they used to buy a farthing’s-worth f
have agents at Tikonkoh at last—a catechist or halfpenny-worth of soap every week from my
and teacher, with their wives.” Work has been — storeroom. ;
commenced at Moyamba, in the Senhu section, It was rather an amusing sight to see about a ~
and Mr. Proudfoot has himself preached there to dozen washing clothes in the one bath. Their
a congregation of seventy Sierra Leoneans. Sunday gowns were brought to me to put care-
The building of the Truscott Memorial Church fully away, as they had no accommodation for
commences this month (January). ' Sabbath garments in their huts.
Mr. J. B. Nichols, who has been out of health, Just about a quarter of an hour before the
is reported to be much .better, though not yet Sunday morning service they all walked into ;
robust. my bedroom to be dressed. Poor things! How
Mr. Greensmith keeps quite free from fever, proud they were to be noticed, and just to think
and Mr. Proudfoot himself is in good -health. that I was the only woman there among them !
For our missionaries and their work in West’ Oh, that some of the workers from out of the
Africa we have, as Churches, much reason to 1.M.A. could be fired with the mission zealand
thank God and take courage! offer themselves for work at*Golbanti.
; We have lady missionaries labouring in China,
ao a ae and why should we not have them in East
Africa? True, there are many discomforts and
GIRL=LIFE IN. GOLBANTI. privations at our Golbanti station, but—* He who
: By ANNI AEROD: is not teady to preach the Gospel anywhere is
fit‘to preach it nowhere.”
Donne The Gallas are very proud, overbearing, and
( HAVE been asked to pen a few lines about. a hard race to reach; opposed to anything that ;
| our coloured sisters in East Africa. is European; unmusical, and very slow in all ;
| I do thank God for laying the needs their actions; but, when once you have learned ©. &
. of the heathen on the hearts of our the language of the heart of.the Galla girls, you
<9 _7..M.A. workers. What joy it affords me are drawn to them. BN
to know that we have such a society in the The Wapokomo are quite the reverse—willing :
| home-land, working so heartily and readily on to learn or do anything that is European; very
behalf of our missions on the East Coast. musical, and full of life and energy. To hear
The girls and women that I was most familiar them sing God’s praises was at all times a treat. ,
with lived, of course, at Golbanti, that station | 1 remember one Sunday night in particular :
where I was allowed to work with my dear late hearing the Wapokomo girls singing, “All hail
| husband for two and a half years. the power of Jesu’s name.” How my_ heart
From an English standpoint these poor Afri- yearned that the dear friends in the home-land
‘can women seem to have little or nothing to do. could only have heard them. I am sure they
| They rise about 6 am., squat about their huts would have been moved to tears.

Ail i ,
il i These dear girls work some very pretty arti- whale. Buta whale could easily have done it,
ele cles—dress-belts, in particular—with small for, in the maw of one caught by the crew of
: Ha coloured beads, whith are imported from Eng- the “ Cachalot,” they found a whole shark, thirty-
HG land. I am proud to have two of them in my five feet long, and other instances are given |
Ea possession. equally convincing. However, it is to what Mr,
Hi I had a Pokomo girl called Kaduda, who was Bullen says about, missions in the South Seas I
ne my house-girl. A short time ago my dear invalid want to call the attention of my young friends.
Hite mother sent her a very smart red and gold You know that the world is divided by geo-
; HE dress, and this is what Mr. Consterdine says gtaphers into five parts. Some call the fifth
West about her: division Australasia, some Oceana, and others
Wer “Kaduda with her gay dress. She came on Polynesia. The last word means many islands,
Wee Sunday with it on to show to me, that round and, in the South Pacific Ocean, there are isles .
leh fat face of hers beaming with smiles radiant and islets almost innumerable. Before the
ei enough to cause a rainbow had it been a wet Gospel reached these island groups the people
Ha day. She sends her salaams (greetings) to you, were idolators. Infanticide—that is, the murder
a together with her best thanks, and TIT think [ of babies—was very common in many of them,
HE may safely. vouch for the sincerity of all.” and many cannibals (eaters of human flesh) were
ne i found there. It was not safe to land on any of
: ial these islands. A man who from the best of
: Pie THE CHILDREN’S PORTION. motives ae to speak with ne islanders is
Aa in danger of being murdered. he great John
ie i Hh Sage ee Williams lost his life in this way. How different
HL it is where the Gospel has come and has pre-
Hi ’ HAVE been reading a wonderful book, with Mr. Bullen—who had been promoted, and was
“Se TE the above title. No thoughtful man would now fourth mate of the “Cachalot *—tells how _
ts deny that the book is a wonderful one. they arrived at Vau Vau, in the Friendly Islands.
Wie The style is so beautiful, the illustrations From his experience we might think these
At are so apt, the knowledge displayed is so islands well-named. No sooner had they cast
tn wide, that when we reniember that the book anchor than a fleet of-canoes crowded around
_ Chiat records the adventures of a young waif, who them, and the occupants soon boarded them in
Ce entered the ship destitute and forlorn, we are the most friendly way, each one saying to one or
/ HER filled with the highest admiration and the most another’ of the crew, “ You my flem.” At first
s ea : unbounded surprise. The adventures themselves they did not know what the islanders meant, but
fe va are so astonishing, perils at sea, encounters with they soon discovered that this was the way they
oo Ne fierce monsters of the deep, hair-breadth escapes, Pronounced the English word friend. When a
Ae repeated deliverances from death, that we would man has chosen his “flem,” he attends to all
je ata think them beyond bel#ef but for our knowledge his wants during his visit—as Mr. Bullen had the
Se aia of the character of the man and the air of truth Pleasure of finding. When each had chosen his
= wt that breathes in every page. It is not a boy’s. “flem,” fowls and fruit, eggs and _et ceteras,
¢ ai book, but I should like every boy to read it, were brought on board, and were given without
aise We must have sailors, but boys who read this Money and without price.
Hale book would have their eyes opened if they had The next day was Sunday, and a party
a hi romantic notions of went ashore about half-past nine in the
{hen : morning. Nobody was to be seen, and
ze it ae on ih He ened the houses seemed deserted; but in a few
4 ee Dior sgh ane. OLED) minutes they heard a. burst of — sacred
Hen ' Indeed, it is painful to read of the privations melody, and, as the tune was one that brought
fal Frank Bullen endured on this whaling voyage, back to his memory the “sunny days of child-
ta of the discomforts the crew. had to experience, hood,” Mr. Bullen got out of sight that he might
ce ; La and the shocking cruelties practised by the indulge in a good cry. Soon they followed the
i captain until he met with a tragic death. direction of the sound, and they came to a
a Hale Mr. Bullen shows how inaccurate are many of church crowded to suffocation, every soul within
Pa the accounts given in books of natural history. miles having come to the service. It was a devo-
{ ih The Scriptural account. of Jonah has been dis, — tional meeting, conducted by natives only,: no
Heli credited by sceptics on the ground that a whale white men were there. All seemed in downright
en can only prey on small fish, as its gullet is so earnest, no formal worship was going on. He
Si ie strait. How, then, could it swallow a man? Now. found that many of them had come twenty or
bie we are told that God prepared a great fish to thirty miles to, be present. .At the close of the
; Ha # swallow Jonah, and that need not have been a service they lay about eating fruit, chiefly green
=| fine : a

% . ~
cocoanuts, which furnish both meat and drink. LITTLE SUNSHINE.
Many services were held during the day, the BY NELLIE LUPTON.
intervais never lasting more than an hour. SEN
aan BO Woe. a ee ee CHAPTER I.
shirts, sea-boots, and pilot coats, and, 4s ne : ; s :
weather was very warm, they were sweating in N ne the Pacer cee oS
torrents, so that when the service closed they and for two ee es Pe isacae ie i
off with their heavy clothes until the next service out cessation,’ ‘The ground for some) tims
began. Mr. Bullen found his “ flem,” and this had been nothing but a sandy desert, but,
was their conversation: “I asked him why ever Ts He Meee ee will be fresh
he outraged all reason by putting on such clothes and. green, Crops of corn and mice spring UP
in this boiling weather. He looked at\me pity- with such rapidity that you will hardly recognize
ingly for a moment before he replied, ‘ You go” the place. We pass by the little ee .
chapella in Belitani? No put bes’ close on top?’ the ee ns turning . Rank o : ae 2
‘Ves,’ I said, ‘but in hot weather put on thin WEBER i a ee ¢ : uy pee we che
clothes; ¢old weather, put on thick ones.’ European air about them. ee pe on
‘S’pose, no got more?’ he said, meaning, I pre- mission church , and school, also Che: nes: ;
suited: mote than the one suit.‘ Well,. 1 said, pital, while, about a stone s-throw distant, 1s
De ae stop ‘way than look like big fool, a bungalow, the residence of the English mis-
boil all away, same like duff in pot. You savvy sionary and his wife, who for five hoe eas ;
i duff?? He smiled a wide, comprehensive smile, been stationed in this village. Through their
but looked very solemn’ again, saying directly, teaching and influence many. have been per-
‘You no go chapella; you no mishnally, Nos suaded to forsake their idols and turn to the
mishnally “(missionary or godly) ; vely bad, . only true God, who is able to save all those who
: | : 2
Eyelly tangata, evelly fafine, got close all same call upon Him. Ny ; ‘ 4
papalang (every man and woman has Atothes Robert Wilson and his wife loved their work,
like a white man); go chapella all day Sunday.’” and had won the: affection GE aay Ob
“Tt was a childish ignorance” to think that in natives. Their sunny-haired little daughter,
their delicious climate they must dress for church Gladys, could enter any Homie she liked. She
as Britons do in their cold, damp island, but chatted to the women, asking them SERRE
what a beautiful illustration have we here of the Hae for, ee Sey ret a: ue
triumphs of the Gospel and the blessed fruits of BRO Co eee Uncust out) at niO st ae. aus a
missionary toil! “Here was a land,” says Mr. ® her mother. Much to the disgust of her ayah :
Bullen, “where apparently all people were she might often be seen romping with the chil-
honest, for we saw a great many houses whose dren: | Phis aliternoon she is standing by ak
owners were absent, not one of which was closed, window, watching therain and playing with her doll.
| although many had a goodly store of such things Mother,” she said, Caer a sweet-faced
| as a native might be supposed to covet.” It lady,,, who. sat ee do you think it will
4 was wonderful, it was beautiful, it was delightful. °Y%7, SOR ae mae : i
Perhaps, had Mr. Bullen stayed longer, he might aoe ee oer pO: es Tot a
se raat kc ate (or whinkles: wwhere alka cn on ton ue ear, if God did not sen E
GeeIRed so (cleaiand smooth, but; ‘even: thers 1s this beautiful rain, we should have famine in
’ . ke G ” ;
it not clear that if men were universally like the land, and that would be terrible.” :
the men of Vau Vau, the time would have Yes, mother, it would,” said the. hittle girl, ty
arrived when they shall not hurt or destroy in eG I know what it’s like to be
. all God’s holy mountain! And it is the design EN ei i Bie
of Christian missions to bring the world into this I don't think we shall ever forget visiting the
happy condition. other villages last year,” replied her mother,
i it “ Although we were only twelve hours without ,
f SR STAN Nee food, it taught us many lessons. We are in a
; f God’s hands, little one. He loves us, and, what- {
| CANNIBALISM still prevails on the Congo to an ever comes, He knows best.”
appalling degree. Some natives recently said, “Yes, I know, mother dear,” was the reply.
“We welcome war, because it brings us meat. Gladys turned once more to watch the rain-drops, ;
| We eat all enemies slain in battle.” and for a few minutes silerice reigned. It was i
Human sacrifices are becoming more uncom- broken, however, by the entrance of her father.
mon, but are not yet entirely unknown. Robert Wilson was a tall, fine-looking man,
Old men and women (not slaves) near the very much bronzed by the sun. He had a plea-
Congo, if unable to provide food for themselves, sant face and a’ bright, cheery manner which
are put out into the forest to die. made a great impression on those around him.
pn tiwih vain si ise Nes oy

2 'E. ittle one,
Fae JINSHINE o, little |
f a LITTLE SU ink you ought ni . ‘many Lunes
egg t think -y ye prayed He is
ft Ca “T do no uly. T hay his heart. O
Ha “you look “. is very unruly change his tall to n
Gage) se ou ali is vould ce bu
Hag 28 id smiling, a Ka the Lord ee lked to him,
: Sa ine,” he said, itp? that ave ta ly.
:. tn: “Well, saa is the ee rain would very hard. Ih id Mrs. Wilson, gently
Hi ious. fs ing se.” * said M + >
ie quite ee Ist ae indoors?” Ss Drist to God: ae ee en to: youn
Hit | a “ Gladys SiMe aete wife. : ying ind a Rec ed imDOssi ’ Kali. lis always
Hie ” replied his ; of stay i “Nothing is “ esn't K “He ¢ hte
HA Nyc ae you. tired 1 see Iniqui Baas why eae feline to me when
Ha 1 y, a . and s Tae RUNG s 2G »
| | ih her father. ymised to go a comes Sa father. SN
Wi asked 7; I prot = to: his 1, Sun
Hy a a Vas daddy 3 : on ——— l I ee t -do: you read,
: at} is ons a’ we Se etn “What »do iz :
aie ‘this morning wr Z| Los eg | ; » book
ae o = if [i nH) ee The Bible, the tne
Hie AMAL LAY ‘i wered,
, ae eee gy {\ ea 4 a io of all,” she ee ve day: :
HIE al 1 7. VSD ay WUBIN Ta Heid SA Sra n Sys soo
a y oa hogs Vi GZ a ae ty fi | watches ie ee as
1h i tid ‘ ah en ap hy 71 Ni Bi TNT H | ink, dadc 1S. lee
; i He A fPy Ls ee of ip je a. th at love Jesu tions about
He daira ‘ Ei fy N fy I J YH t Hts HA} HK iq Hage lear 7 ues
Hs 7 MY Y, ip Wy Ne | WNC iW Yet so many q ;
= sha Yl [ (BNE. Na Ae Peet he may,”
ma ate: 4h ; a oS —s a Vax if Vo | Se grant oe
Ae Iga) <=. i; i SANG fs Wy eM | AGF issionary in
iH ih [Fj Y ie 7 eM /| said the Sear h t me go ape z
: ae. tte Wy) Be “i Hye ed | ett is day dee Ge
Ee Fa SLE) oN | a He ALIN | 't you, daddy him.
. Hip Si LH EAESS VPA, / eH Way /} ‘ ron't you, 1h) Jai os a / If | [r ey WY asked: as Sata he replied.
i Ha ee f> LF KES HS /, | H / AEE s, dearie, ittle work.
hi iy ‘| Dea Sh i, Ve.» \I|, i e oe ss your little hine
r Hi 4 My . Ue (ie | | IV cae ele Gon tone ee ee
> i A\\\i/ te fi |! Ree aay | / ay is divine love into put
fils Sy NY 7 2 a ANGE ney =? yn i dark hearts. vay; it is nee
eS py \\ i, Bs eee eat ge Seay ce
ere eS See 4 Ee Bee ) iG naa Yep ne Gindes had ce
es Pay ss Plat BP Mp, } pg Me, ae B ff 7 | When Glady to. his \
hike a iar fAVAK ey eb 7% 1, At Mg Ji S| room he eee about this,
Ree ; fe ‘ ink PNG so vf x p a ‘Y aN ae Lf fs fi By Vf Mf ae 5 ” surprised.
; ones 4 a lp fS\ner W ag Lays LP, aN W) Gy Ys 4 Make dear; I yo ae der-
3 wnt Wen Waa b Wa) Ii 77 ihe: SEH Qu) Yh Sy Pea TAVS in:
i We i : eee eee 1 AY 04 Tae Cypetiyy eS Yi ger “God’s w “T came
i en oe ‘44 | GZ MS EAL, AON Go sie
Sa \\ Bg# ( eA [fl ees pps) Wy, I, ; plied. Sua ed.
fo Bi a Ze Lf Za ful,” he rey 1 dishearten d
TAN ee HS! Z tithe J A Wa Z : fternoor nN, an
gj vil ey Uy AA TG he iy YY his afce ‘isited Iniqui, a
Fe ct ee ie y ee) hy Py J Yi Veet hed dust file “mare dian i
a Hon pes ly ae jy, NM TS Y / yp MIL a t hit Kah,
ae i eal Gf Wii By, pe Mls YL, | uld get lit As for
Ee : Hae Y GB Ky y, Ny ie i VP Lit TW i ae from ee he aed
Best 3 ane | ae ee Ve. Wy. ZY i ty ‘ “VE, aw ’ RO
+ artes yeas Si 7 Wy, G hos AWS. = He ere a he S Vv way.
i a ap EO, ALG ha WA~ , . when t of my wa he
; wn A AVE) Fegan Gig 7: WZ / | ran ou stian
A a | 4 GH ih aN be) TA | Wy wo He took am and ra were, a Chri to. me,
ae Sia Ly A AY {yt Se | fea XL ||| Yi A fired only he nd help 2
a PA (VJ V7, an ee eee tee
pi an : Fi; WZ = Ae hy a7 / yea W s knows a Bs them,
a ae : YY Lip INET GZ i) % %G, We ee as he kr ay for
| We Vie aw i Glew Os fo igees ts
Rice, ae CD y WY AW NYA Z Si pe pe? Paiste rt aie ” said his
us Cpe Y (A Vs. SUE Robert, ‘od
iN (gf iy SWAN WD Yi pT Ce est to God, wt
i tin * Li iil ZZ ans a vered.
Vi RY He) vay Hi yee t,” he answe rork to
f HT ANT NY Ne! We y is est, r has W
a i 1 i ii Yes, dear ; ae same her go as
Aan Hh d her father, in Une ee ey pore te ited. little
Wek a ladys?” aske do that w likes.” ther permit ‘andes
Bean Me . ho, Glady mean, s she he wea ing the won
i who, rho I x as sh t in se
HN a e Rey en en d § : vhas
He “To see know who oft r this, wh Be: Seenires ian chief, wh ;
i, : | F i * urprise. ie y li’s father ; you q : ee Afte a ht often old Indian ‘ nee in his
; ae te Iniqui, Sa girl Pee pave Gladys ds of life 46 ee him a pris
: eit! a 1 1 T : vOT x ;
Fe; : il \ daddy,” ae w,” he i Se % h goes ful os health often
ot Cite ice ne eee
ih Deora ea )
; Hy Hee Oe every ee replied.
Bi Ha “IT go metimes,
ce ates "
ni :
oi =
= a . :

~ + —_ — te ey
’ hut. Often, unknown to herself, the child had alas, they returned in the evening with heavy.
; another listener. Kali knew the time she visited hearts; no trace of the Mussulmans ‘could be
his father, and contrived to be near; then he, found. Four days passed away ; still little Sun-
too, could hear about this wonderful Jesus who shine was missing.
loved everyone. Seat
One day Gladys was talking to the old man,
when suddenly they were startled by a fearful CHAPTER II.
yell, shrieks rent the air, followed by a noise of : ¢
firearms. Four days dragged wearily away; still there
A few minutes previously Gladys’ ayah was Was No sign of the missing child. Sunshine had
on her way to meet her charge, when she saw in indeed disappeared from- the mission house.
the distance a number of black figures crossing Search parties had been out every day, but with
the hills. She ran-back to the mission house, "0 result, and all night long lights burned in the
where Mrs. ‘Wilson looked up from her cooking windows. ;
in. surprise. Prayers without number ascended to the
“Run, mem-sahib, run; de tribes are com- throne of grace for the missing one. Though
ing,” she cried in broken English, followed by parted from those she loved, God was watching,
some rapid words in Hindustani. over her, tor “ He that dwelleth in the secret
4 Mrs. Wilson turned white to the lips. place of the most High shall abide under the
“Find little Sunshine, ayah,” she said, calmly. shadow of the Almighty.”
“J will call your master. If it-is death, let us Poor little Gladys was terror-stricken when
die together.” : she found the Mussulmans were carrying her ;
Not a moment was lost: The brave woman Way from her parents. Times without number . :
ran across to the school and gaye the alarm. she implored them to take her home, but the
In a few minutes the missionary had made all black faces only grinned and pursued their
his preparations; every man was at his post JOUIMEY._ 2 @
when the tribe swooped down, ready to plunder Shouting and laughing they at. last. reached %
and steal all before them. ‘ the Mussulmans’ camp, and: Gladys was ‘carried
They were accordingly surprised at the re 19 triumph to their chief.
| ception they got, and were driven -back, leaving He was greatly pleased with the little white
several wounded behind. child who could. speak his language. She was
Robert Wilson and his wife gave a sigh of very kindly treated, and at night was delivered
relief when they saw the last of the tribe, who to two old Indian women. ;
were “Mussulmans.” Those who had been Gladys had been anxiously waiting for night -
wounded in the skirmish were gently carried into to come, thinking, when ‘all were asleep, she’ \
the hospital, where their wounds were at once might be able to escape, but her tent was
dressed. Glancing up from her task, Mrs. Wil- guarded by six fierce-looking Indians, armed
son saw a dark figure slip past the window. She with spears and hatchets.
at once opened the door, and a sharp cry burst Finding her hopes were futile, she burst into ?
: from her lips at the sight that met her view. tears. Would she ever see her father and
It was the little ayah. She sank to the ground mother again? :
gasping for breath, her clean white sari with Suddenly the thought came to her: they would
its scarlet border was dirty and torn, while the be praying for her at the little: mission. house.
blood was oozing from an ugly wound in her She dried her eyes. Putting her handkerchief
shoulder. into, her pocket, she touched something hard;
Robert Wilson carried the poor creature into it was her little Bible. She had slipped it into:
the room, and by degrees drew from her a story her pocket when leaving Iniqui’s- hut. i
that smote terror to their hearts. She crept softly to the door of the tent where: Rs
“The Mussulmans have . taken “her, mem- the silvery moon was shining gloriously. Open- ;
~ sahib,” she gasped, looking piteously at Mrs. ing her treasure, she could just see the words,
Wilson. “For He shall give His angels charge over thee,. s
To be brief, when returning from Iniqui’s hut to keep thee im all thy ways. He shall call
they had been surrounded by a dozen of the upon Me, and I will answer him. I will be
| Mussulmans. The poor creature was with him in trouble. I will deliver him and
wounded while trying to protect: her charge. honour him.” i ;
She was powerless against such a number, and When she crept back into the tent, she knelt
poor little Gladys was carried away in triumph. and prayed that God would open the way for her
Not a moment was lost. Mr. Wilson saddled return to her parents.
his horse, and set out with a party of stalwart “Tf I cannot have daddy and mother with me:
Indians to try and overtake their enemies, but, I can have Jesus,” she said to herself.

rae i da 3 if
rf qi) "4
AE When she laid down to rest, the thought that “Stand back, missie,” he said, “and pray to
He God’s angels were taking care of her comforted your God to save us.”
HE her, and she soon fell asleep, thoroughly tired He took aim and fired, wounding the creature.
Hi tal after her terrible experience. Infuriated with pain, it sprang at the Indian,
Hea In the days that followed Gladys spent most tearing his arm with its fearful claws.
Ht of her time reading to the old chief out of her Gladys closed her eyes and prayed as she had
oS precious Bible. It) was a strange sight—one never prayed before, for their lives were in
an little white face among so many black ones. danger. In a moment. they might be torn in
: Hey God only knows where a seed may fall that will “pieces. Only God could save them from certain
Ha spring up and. bear fruit to His honour and death. ‘Two more shots rang out, followed by
ih a glory. Night and day Gladys prayed for her a fearful yell, and she could hear Kali beating
aetna . ‘elease, but no answer had come. She felt the animal. At last he came towards her, pant-
Hn very sad on the fourth night. How she longed ing for breath, his poor arm torn and bleeding.
i i i to see her father and hear his voice. There “ Missie, missie!” he gasped, “your God has
HE was no mother to kiss her good-night now. A saved us. From this day Kali will serve no
ih | lump rose in her throat, and her eyes filled with other god but Him.”
ai tears. She tried to sleep, but it was out of the “I ammso glad,” said Gladys earnestly. “ Let
ete question. For some time she stood gazing up us thank Him, Kali.”
a in at the stars, thinking of home. Gladys knew Together they knelt in. the long grass, and
: Hae é what it was to be the angels in Heaven rejoiced over another
Fi i; By Agta eee ey wanderer brought to the light. Se ae
be iti “Poor Kal, you are dreadfully hurt,” said
a Suddenly she was startled by a slight rustling Gladys, as she gently wrapped her handker-
Hae sound, and, turning, she saw the’figure of aman chief over his bleeding arm. Cutting a Strip 8
ie ut fy creeping stealthily towards her. Nearer and from the blanket with Kali’s knife, she pro-
yee st) j nearer he came. Imagine her surprise and joy ceeded to bind up the wound just as she had seen
ii Hi as she recogmized Kali. She was about to utter her mother attend to patients in the hospital.
Hi a glad cry when he motioned to her to keep silent. The poor fellow, although in great pain, was
: At “ Missie,” he whispered, “if you trust Kali, very grateful for the child’s kind thought.
Fae jee he'll take you home.” Day was breaking when oncé more they started
q Un He crept into the tent. Seizing a blanket he on their joumey, and both were glad when at
B Ce wrapped it round’ the little figure. After sur- last they were out of the jungle.
/ Hues: veying the guard, who were snoring ioudly at Still they pressed on, occasidnally pausing to
| Henan their post, he lifted the little girl in his strong rest. The last few miles they walked very slowly. :
is wee) arms on to his back, then set off as noiselessly Gladys was footsore and weary, and the poor
Be! | as he came, until they had left the Mussulmans’ Indian seemed exhausted. At last they came in
ie Rt camp far. behind. sight of the well-known village. As they drew
Be al Then for some distance Kali ran. It was a nearer, they could see Mr. Wilson standing on
a i ty race for life; not a moment was to be lost." He the steps of the bungalow.
; itt knew that as soon as the Indians were aware With a glad cry Gladys rushed. into her i
ee ie their prize had gone they would search the father’s arms, while Mrs.’ Wilson and the ser-
‘i a, country for miles. vants camé running out.
Ce On, on, he ran, until they had plunged into Meanwhile Kali sank to the ground, but he
at aa ajungle. Then fora few minutes he paused torest. was tenderly carried in, and his wounds .were
& a ’ Everything looked so strange and weird in immediately dressed. For some time everyone
ane the moonlight. The savage growls of the tiger was excited. All tried to talk at once. , When
\ se or the cry of the hyena sounded unearthly. they grew calmer Gladys related all she had
He Carefully Kali led Gladys through the long’ passed through since she had left them. Tt was
ae grass and tangled brushwood. At first she felt with a heart full of thankfulness the missionary, i
fer. ice frightened, until she’ remembered the words, thanked God for taking care of his dear one, and F
; Pe “Thou shalt not be afraid, for the terror by hringing her safe home again. Once more Sun-
Wee night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day.” shine had returned to the mission house. Gaz-
3 a “Keep me as the apple of the eye; hide me ing up into the sky, he murmured, “Oh, that b
a) under the shadow of Thy wings.” For some time men would praise the Lord for His goodness '
ig Ried the child walked silently by the side of the tall and His wonderful works to the children of i
fi Indian. They had traversed about three miles men.” _ : tals
: Te of jungle when a fierce’ growl startled them, Imiqui was delighted when he heard his little
ee and a tiger, waiting for his evening meal, sprang friend had returned. During her absence he had
ie out before them. In an instant Kali’s revolver been led to the feet of Jesus. In time Kali
a and knife were out. became the missionary’s right hand, so out of
. i i. @
ca : i |

ees 3 5 Z vie — EEneae ToS
sorrow came joy. Looking back they all feel was intended. In tnat boos he by no means
that God ordered all things wisely and well. exhausted his.vein. I think the present volume
Some day, when Gladys has reached woman- an advance upon the former one. The topics are
hood, she intends to visit the “Mussulmans,” well chosen and well treated. I think the dis-
and take once more the glorious Gospel of Jesus course from which the book takes its title quite a
i Christ. gem. Mr. Brewin is very anecdotal, and, as he
India’s groves of palm so fair allows the illustrative anecdote to tell its own
Shall resound with praise and prayer ; tale, he is never prosy.. It may serve a good
Ceylon’s isle with joy shall sing, purpose if I give a sentence or two from the :
Glory be to Christ our King. first discourse—that on “Feed My Lambs.”
“You are only young disciples, and I must place
aa the food not in a high rack, as the hay is placed
LITERARY NOTICES. for horses in a stable, but quite low down, where
BY THE EDITOR. the youngest lambs may find it. In Stover Park,
ee in Devonshire, there is a pretty river, on which
The Great Symbols.. By W. J. Townsend, D.D, glide about some swans, and also some ducks.
London: Charles H. Kelly, 2, Castle Street, Close to the bank of the river are placed some
BG. Price’ 2s. 6d, toy-like houses, like dolls’ houses, with little doors
This is one of the series of “Books for Bible and windows, but high up out of the water, and }
Students,” edited by Dr. A. Gregory, and issued containing food for the use of the swans, which, 4
by the Wesleyan Book Room. It is Dr. Town- as you know, have very long necks. When I saw
send’s latest production. Great Gospel truths and these little houses and knew what they were for,
facts, he shows, were only known in rudimentary I said to a friend, ‘But why are they placed so
forms at first, but they were made known before high above the water?’ ‘Oh,’ he replied, ‘to i
the “due time” by symbols. which were keep’the food above the reach of the ducks.’ :
“ shadows of better things to come.” The types But the food must be placed low down to-day.
or symbols by which the Gospel was shadowed The text does not say, ‘Feed My swans,’ or
forth in Judaism form the subject of the book. ‘Feed My ostriches, or ‘Feed My giraffes,’ but :
In considering what were really symbols, Dr. “feed My lambs.” This method -of teaching is
Townsend displays reverence and caution. He very suitable for children, and, if there is a spice {
does not regard as symbolic every occurrence or of humour in it, I think that is all the better.
individual that may be used for purposes of illus- “1am determined,” said a preacher to children,
tration. A true symbol must be pure in its o to make them either laugh or cry. If they cry
nature, and of Divine appointment. He gives it shows that they feel what I say. If they laugh
other criteria, but these are the chief. He it shows they understand what I say.”
shows why the Jewish dispensation was so sym- SEN
bolical in its nature. “When we begin to teach
our children, we do it by showing them pictures. THE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR PAGE. :
| These arouse attention, excite curiosity, lead to BY J. J. MARTIN.” t
| inquiry, create the craving for knowledge. It eee :
was so as to the youth of the world. God gave it : :
a picture-book.” The symbols he deals AHitheda TOPICS FOR. FEBRUARY. Bi
successive chapters are: The Sanctuary; The February 2nd.—Christian Endeavour Day (21st ik
Ark of God; The Cherubim; The Sacrifice for Birthday)— Past—Future.—Psalm cxxvi. 1-6. Se
| Sin ; a ae Priest oe Vestments; The lt is of age and can speak for itself, through you. 3
Seven-branched Lampstand; The Altar of In- me
cense; The Table ae Showneena and the Laver. February oth. —The Pathway to Peace.—John 3
I do not claim for the work contains much xiv. 25-~31; Isa. xvi. 3. i
that 1s novel or recondite, but it is a sensible, “ We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus :
well-written discourse on an interesting and Christ.” ;
instructive theme. February 16th.—Tempted and Tried.—James aa
Feeding the Lambs, and Other Sermons to Chil- 1, 12—27. ia
aren. By Robert Brewin. London: Andrew Temptation and trial are necessary preliminaries i
Crombie. Price ts. 6d, to what God intends to give you. aoe
Mr. Brewin has “gone this way heretofore.” 4 ;
He issued some years ago a book entitled “Gos. February 23rd.—Obedience.—r1r Samuel xv,
pel Sermons for Children,’ which was well TO Fnioe
received, and proved very useful to preachers Kings must be obedient, they must do the best
and teachers besides the little people for whom it ¢hing. \ ‘

a “THE DOINGS. OF ‘CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR.”’ These with a host of other Free Methodists are
aq The Rev. Joseph Kirsop, ‘in his New Year ad- ready to enrol for 1903.
= iW dress. to the readers of the Ecuo, says that the WORTH REPEATING—HAVE.
i writer of this page “will report the doings of By Miss Vivian.
i Christian Endeavour.” That this may be satis- Less flowery talk—more earnest, work. ¢
i factorily accomplished I invite secretaries and Less quotations—more Testimony.
5 2 members of our societies to oblige me, and so Less silent pauses—more Prayer.
; ry the readers of this page, by sending brief reports | Less Refrigerators—more Enthusiasts.
i of the “ Doings” of their Societies. How multi: Less of our own individuality—more of our in-
oe tudinous these are none can tell. This page dividual responsibility.
ia would not contain them if we could only get them. Less of the world in our Churches—more of our
oe Post-card records of your Society’s “ Doings” Church in the world. :
7. UO «will be gladly welcomed. Less orations—more Gospel messages. Y
Re THIS IS WHAT I MEAN. Less Conventions—more Conversions.
|e I take it from a private letter, and so the Less theory—more living examples. :
iw names are blanks. It is from Westgate, Brad- Christian Endeavour must not cease to grow t
Oe ford. “Our C.E. Society has delivered fifty par- because it has reached its“ twenty-first birthday. j
Pe cels to. the poor this Christmas, one of which Phe Secretary will forward information to any
ui a —— and I took to one of the patients of the applicant. There should be one Society in every
a i, district nurse. It was so pathetic to see the Sunday School. We have 1,220 of these, so that
Ae i poor old soul’s gratitude, enough to make one 12 this year we may still add to these Societies
mo a weep. We were repaid many a time over for of decided Christians.
ie carrying it to her. The day following. Christ- A SUGGESTION FOR NEXT YEAR. é
i i mas Day, ———— made’a tea especially for a Could not the Annual Letter have an evening
a i number of poor women, to whom it was a very devoted to it in your next year’s programme ?
oe great treat.” I happen ‘to know that my corre- Take this year as a specimen. Let the President
iv spondent recited to the poor women, and so great read Dr. Brook’s letter, the Leader Rey. E.
if joy was provided by this “Doing” of C.E. Abbott’s, and the Missionary Committee arrange i
4 . BAILLIE STRELT, ROCHDALE, for the reading of the aniston communications.
Boe oa ae es A most profitable evening ‘could thus be
§ ta has had a visit from Miss Champness, and, as a arranged for.
a result of her fouching stories, has undertaken ‘0 HUDDERSFIELD (BRUNSWICK STREET CIRCUIT).
, i ‘ visit and to give an occasional present to six poor RASHCLIFFE CHURCH. 1
. cripples. Last year the West Street Baptists The ‘ecretary writes: In connection with .
oe entertained about sixty of these crippled ones to the above Church, a V.P.S.C.E. has just
a a : tea, in many instances conveying them from their been organized, with Rev. T. A. Jefferies as
ae | homes and back again. The joy that such “ Do- president. We commence with ga member-
ne i ADE S hee De caLl only be known by experience. ship of twenty-one—thirteen of feaon are |
Pet T am quite confident that nearly, if not every active members. Several encouraging meet-
Br | one, of our 522 Societies has increased the sum ings have been held, and we are full of hope
ie _ of human gladness by ministering to the poor, anq expectation for the success of our Society. i
ao the shut-ins, the sick and the crippled. He One noticeable feature already is its influence
ee: who went about doing good has now millions. of upon the young life of our Church, and we trust
om t helpers, all busy. But I should like to have the that, as our Society gathers strength, this influ-
s ie pleasure of recording facts, facts, facts. ence will increase to such an extent that our
ae OUR ANNUAL LETTER FOR 1902. Church shall be enriched by the lives of many
‘ a has now been sent to every Society the address who have consecrated their all to the service of i
i of which could be ascertained. Wewant tomake the Master. With kind wishes for the New Year.
( P and keep a complete register of the correspond- SUCCESS OF MISSIONS.
Ree. ing secretaries of all Societies, whether affiliated It is ‘calculated that there: are in Africa
Bee or not. A form for affiliation and a reply post- 1,000,000 Protestant native adherents, of whom
tf card is sent to each Society; either can be, but over 190,000 are communicants; more than |
Fae i one should be, used by every corresponding 1,200 European missionaries; and some 1,000
| it secretary. mission stations.
| The provision made by the Committee was In Africa, 438 languages and 153 dialects are
eo ae more than exhausted by December 24th. The found; into only about seventy of these has any | |
ps ae Free Methodist section has now 9,000 members portion of the Bible been translated. Five
i a who read the Bible every day, and there are more hundred of them have not even been reduced to |
ee than as many more in the “International.” writing. : |
ie & :
: ie j
, id : : ‘ |

| Aj ; ie
‘ aN IP Vk ~S Hl i a
; a \* y N: Zp y 4 ae £ i f :
Fa NS ay CS ie
Seay TN
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: iw i] a =
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| fh (| 4 Sas ny te
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i Nit ts LA ee ee | Ny
| \ e I\ 7, Lea SR YES < ie
yl Y 7 Se | fxs a i
Sy | NAMIE DN. P= IK OV DIC gb ape
ee iy ken ! A fi th gap, at zw) 7 Ss i Uy < ae | 7
“aal WAIN SORT RAI | le
\ al Tees Se 1
Pres ely) i ee Fa Ee §E_C_ |™—q@$z¢,Z SSS rs
‘A Way | Re 4 7 Ne SS Se 8 i
- Rhy ) 7 A] —r—“_O—<(—rrts—sSsC—s—CTWhrs—srms—™—irses—sSs Ze |e
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ERS A ae Cee ae .SSSS SS ee i i
\Nyesn CAE Ci et ek 3S S=s = SS wh
| a ME J 2. = —— = SS SSR SE : WY Be
i a oS (as RE SS = Se He
eee oni cs) — SSS | ie
| sale aa idan The voices of the spring, O Lord, HE ny
Je PS ll i Ii Are wakened by Thy breath! Ve He
; Pav eee ee HEE ; ALFRED JONES. | i
i : d the rains | ha
| INS. .—wherever the sun shines an . WH
| eset pe ee fall, and the winds blow, irrespective of Hee.
i clime, character, or colour. Nothing can be al- : |
BY JOHN CUTTELL. ; lowed to interfere with that holy embassy ee a L ;
: odes niet ae |
| No, 1.—MISSIONS. AND. CIVILIZATION. recreancy to the oe ce oo Pee Wy [
ete “Missions,” to the mandate of the Master to be
j i on “ Missions oO i
: a EN N his os Galpin at the recent the world and preach the Gospel to every i
wh Hl given y : i re.” ; AR Hs |
al ie (Ecumenical Methodist Conference creatu ree ae a ee | a
Kol! Os in’ London, he’ said that, “ com- It is, ne eae ) Tae OE Pelen ier vente | a
| Red auisces ared with all other great move- that just as t ry oe Ih
Ae i f erce, politics, sented im the “ Acts of the Apostles,” as g me)
es ments such as the interests o ee ae di A Mae a curative virtue upon the sick folk. and those i; ae Hh
i. social betterment, or the spread of mo athe King- that were vexed with unclean spirits brought to ae t: |
! ‘tion, the work of the Church to exten h Hatt him by sympathizing friends for relief and heal- AL i
u en eh Moe tietoee do I ing, so thé work of Christian missions has exer- ee
[ k without a rival.” Most thoroughly do ing, + We SEER ie fe
| Tank without , The primary and prin- cised an indirect benefit upon 1e p |) i
& Concur in this sentiment. — P h y nques- condition of those. who: have heartily believed ae
cipal object of the Christian ee a eaee! and gladly accepted the glorious Gospel of Christ ab Ph
q tionably, as he further said, “ to place eee ein they announce. This “aftershine of a i
{ free gift within the reach of Oe eee ee Christianity,” as Carlyle finely expressed it, is A he
! Christian missionaries are the arbing s ; ioe full ‘coleman oe ee Tope 1 a
Id f the ‘glad tidings of re- certainly not the plend : | a
= Ae Se te verywhere . that, coming into the world, lighteth every man. ee
demption to men and , women |. everywhe 4 | a
f at ee
: ii

i | 4
if Its secondary influence, however, is: not to be But, as just intimated, it is in their uplifting
: i ignored, but gratefully admitted and carefully influence upon the savage and uncivilized races
considered. As has been well said, “Christian of the world that the lateral benefits of Christian
i missionaries have a right to point to material missions are seen in the fulness of their benign }
ik | prosperity, to home happiness, to nobler manners effects. It has been sometimes debated as a
ie | and purer laws, to colleges and schools, to tem- moot-point by some of a philosophical turn of
[ perance, truthfulness, peace and security, and mind, when the subject of foreign missions has
e eb to demand of the wide world to-day that these been under consideration, as to whether civiliza- j
i | be credited to them as among the things that tion should go before Christianity, or Christianity
i accompany salvation.” And it is to this somewhat should go before civilization; that is, among
; i overlooked aspect of the work of Christian mis- savage and degenerate races who lave previously
; | sions that the present and three following arti. been unreached and unaffected by either. This
: t cles are to be devoted. question was put to the test of a practical experi-
| We propose to take as the topic of the pre. ment by the missionary, Samuel Marsden, who
| sent paper the lateral benefits of foreign may be justly regarded as the pioneer of Maori
i missions upon the work of czvzlzzation. civilization and the founder of the New Zealand
i This, of course, is seen in the fulness of its | Church. He and his fellow helpers tried to
i i strength in its special application to missionary civilize the, Maoris first, and then to, Christianize
: i labour among the savage and uncivilized races of | them afterwards. But experience proved. this
i ii the woild.. Howbeit, even among those that can, to have been a mistake, and Marsden himself
‘ 4 at any rate, lay a claim to the elements of an. wrote later on, as if confessing the initial error,
ig already existing civilization—such, for instance. these significant words, “ Civilization is not
i as China and India—the indirect benefits of | necessary before Christianity. Do both together
oes Christian missions are numerous and palpable. if you will, but you will find civilization follow
Ue i As is well known, the former of these two great Christianity more easily than Christianity follow
uh empires makes its boast of the possession of a civilization”; an opinion that was verified to a
fae | higher civilization than that of any other country remarkable extent in the after-history of the ‘
: ieee) on the face of the earth, even to the extent of ‘mission established by him among the New
a monopolizing to themselves the grandiloquent Zealanders with such shining success.
7 ie | title of “Celestials,’ and looking upon and Hear also the remarkable testimony to the
: designating Great Britain.and the other Euro- same effect of that truly noble missionary, Dr.
i ae pean kingdoms by such opprobrious epithets as James Chalmers, of New Guinea, whose devoted,
Fe ‘at “barbarians” and “foreign devils.” But, with self-sacrificing life was terminated and crowned
oom all due deference to this colossal claim of China, by a tragical martyr-death. “They are telling
fe Bi and the somewhat less pretentious claim of the us,” he said, “that we are to take civilization
Be in| Brahmins and Buddhists of India, it is, neverthe- first and then Christianity. I have been twenty
pes H less, true that with regard particularly to the years among the natives of New Guinea; nine
A | moral elements of civilization, they have been of them spent among the wildest savages of the
fe: a occupying only its lower planes, and that what- South Pacific, and I have never yet seen civiliza-
oe ever of its higher elements they may now possess, tion civilize a man. It cannot be done. I have '
ek they owe indirectly to the beneficent influence ~ travelled east and west in the South Pacific; I
poe of Christian missions. This is seen more espe- have visited the islands of the New Hebrides;
: ee cially in the case of India, which, since it became I have visited the Loyalty Group; I have seen
eae | an appanage of the British Crown, has come into the work of the missions of the Samoan group ;
at aes closer and more continuous contact with the I have known all the islands of the Society group,
ie : civilizing action of Christianity than its greater and have visited others, and in every case it has -
a imperial neighbour, China. In the quenching of been Christianity that has civilized them, and
| i vt the fires of Suttee—in its emancipating influence not our so-called civilization.”
Le ii upon the condition of Hindoo women, especially These two remarkable testimonies to the lateral
i ii that of their child widows—in its palpable benefits of Christian missions upon the work of
g i } diminution of the common crime of infanticide— civilization may be fitly followed and fortified by
Wf in the relaxation to a great extent of the galling the rehearsal of two equally remarkable historic .
2 Wek curse of caste—in the spread of a higher educa- facts, which will be more conclusive upon the |
: it: tion and the setting of a loftier standard of con- point in question than any amount of merely
: i duct and character—in all these respects, the didactic reasoning. The first was supplied by
5) a work of the Christian missionary has contributed the late Dr. Punshon, concerning the wonderful |
a} immensely to the larger possession by India than civilizing influence exerted by Christian missions
a : by China of the superior civilization enjoyed by upon the material as well as moral condition of ;
f : Bae) the nations of the West. the North American ‘Indians, and was given by | |
Ke 3 a ¥ d
LS RMU ae ah is A OS ire etl re Sib ia ci a ie \ H I 4 ‘ a

) i
him at one of our own annual missionary meetings stated his conviction that “it was utterly useless a 4
in Exeter Hall, nearly thirty years ago. Thoughit to send missionaries to such a set of savages as id i
is so long since the speech was delivered, Ihave the Fuegians (the inhabitants of the island of m3 e
| still a very vivid remembrance of the glowing - Terra del Fuego), probably the very lowest of Wei3
rhetoric and pictorial power with which he de- the human race.” Several years passed away 1 es
scribed a scene he had witnessed on the north. and Darwin paid a second visit to the island an 1
east coast of Vancouver's Island, where it had such had been the success during the interim of ' 11 ie
been his happiness to pay an official visit to the the labours of several missionaries of the London |
mission of his own church. “ There was a little Missionary Society, who had been sent to it, in Me is ;
spot there,” he said, “called the Indian village, lifting them up from the depths of savagery to Weehec 8
peopled exclusively by North American Indians, such. a level of improvement in civilization that i
when I saw something of what Christianity had he was utterly astounded, and not only recalled a
done on the civilizing side of its mission. In — his uttered unbelief in.the possibility of the low- Be
that village there are two streets called respec- sunk Fuegians ever becoming civilized, but be- | ae
tively the Heathen and the Christian street. The came loud in his praises of the taiserons and Wer.
: Heathen street is close to the river—long, low forthwith had his’name enrolled amone iheean |
sheds or shanties built of logs and filled up with § nual subscribers for the support of the South / ole
mud, with one door, one chimney, and no win- American mission. Nay, he even went further re), a
dows; these are the only orifices in the building. and on all fitting occasions afterwards he chan | te
In the place sometimes six, seven, or ten families pioned the cause of the missionaries against those Hi pi
were herded together like the brutes of the field. who ventured to speak disparagingly of them in loans Hi
Upon the slope of the hill is the Christian street, his. presence. Speaking of these opponents of ; i
with little white-washed cottages, with the insti- Christian missionaries and their work he says: ie
tution of the family apart, with the comfort and “ They forget, or will not remember, that human 4 nt |
the thrift, and the industry, and the idea of home. - sacrifices and the power of an idolatrous priest- a
I earnestly wish some of the pseudo-philanthro- hood; a system of profligacy unparalleled in any tl
pists who do not believe in Christian missions other part of the world; infanticide, a conse- Bi
would go\to that little village, and see for them- quence of that system; bloody wars, where the \ i i
selves the old father, sixty or seventy years of conquerors spared neither women nor children— Bi
age, living in the Heathen street, and the bright, that all these have been abolished, and that dis- | |
intelligent, enterprising son in the Christian street. honesty, intemperance and licentiousness have . | | na
And,'as the Gospel is preached in that village been greatly reduced by the introduction of Chris- |
and reaches heart after heart, there are small’ tianity. In a voyager to forget these things is a | as
migrations constantly going on. Those that get - base ingratitude, for, should he chance ms be WBE
the Gospel want civilization too.” at the point of shipwreck on some unknown coast, | i
We have ventured to call this a very remark- he will. most devoutly pray that the lesson of the i
able historic fact in attestation of the civilizing missionary may have extended thus far.” Wee
; and socializing influence of foreign missions. And Surely nothing more is needed than the fore- | mt
it is even so, when another fact is borne in mind going facts and testimonies—although numbers | i.
—a fact which is admitted on all hands—that more are available if space permitted—to show | Bs
one of the most difficult fields for sowing the that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the pioneer of i
seeds of a true civilization has been among the civil as well as spiritual life among the degraded i
tribes of the Red Indians in North America; tribes of heathenism with whom it finds root and he te
owing, of course, to their nomadic habits and lodgment; the prime motor, in fact, in their a Hy
the strength and tenacity of their tribal supersti- emancipation and real recovery from the barbaric i
tions and traditions. forces and debasing superstitions which prevent BN
But the second remarkable fact which we pro- them from becoming what God intended them to a
pose to adduce- in verification of the civilizing be, both in body and soul. Tae
. power of Christian missions upon savage races ‘ a ee
_ among whom it finds acceptance is, perhaps, still We
more striking and convincing than the one just IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. he
| narrated, inasmuch as it has to do with a heathen Sas ale Hh
tace so deeply debased and sunk in its savagery In his “ Notes” the Missionary Secretary says i Hh
as to be deemed utterly incapable of being raised that a candidate has offered his services for He Ht
' and civilized. Mr. Charles Darwin, scientific educational work in Wenchow. A duly autho- Tape,
_ author of the Development Theory, writing rized Committee has accepted his offer. It gives PE
. to Admiral Sir James Sullivan during the course me peculiar pleasure to intimate that this gentle- We a
of his cruise of exploration on board the man is Mr. T. W. Chapman, B.Sc. (Victoria Wa i
Beagle” among the islands of the South Seas, University), a son of our Missionary Secretary. ik e
| ee ie
' He
; : f My Be . a

ae aa a pee Sa nae ea Te omacinnennn ae SE THEE si 83 ; : ae ;



/ i au a1 ee 15 co Walaa ed noeee you have formed of him. He is full of enthu-

i | . LAU) Ss ea ee oi ASIN Rea siasm for the work”; and his name occurs in -
fk | ae, Tie NI pa a Sry gas i communications to the Missionary ECHO, writ- |
i | Woy. oath a Seer yey Een ten by colleagues. He, like his brethren, was
a Catal v7, Laisa oe Few) i subject to attacks of fever, but they do not seem
i id i ON lee OTT wai BS i! dati to have been severe. His position as a junjor
a a | anus Hes ‘é minister did not necessitate frequent correspon-
Bo ee | dence with the officials, but occasional extracts
" EDITORIAL |‘ NOTES. Hares front ti a hie s
ie may be found from his letters. hus he writes
BY a | : saying that he can understand from living among
ae: i i EEE fhe (54/145 how people came to Christ with such
aoe DEATH OF REV. C. CONSTERDINE. various applications. “ The: people here,” he =
ee | poRreS says, “bring to the missionaries their bodies and —
i Wl ko T is with the deepest regret that I announce their guns to repair; Speco ae for his
; ie} : ia ; intercession in the private affairs of family life.
Beet the unexpected death of Rev. Charles | ; : :

- ae : i Constérdine, of Golbanti. At the date ee He has to listen to the accusations of the creditor —
‘ i i re 2a Mario against the unfortunate debtor, to control the |

a i | writing no particulars have come to hand, s : : s 5

. i | but the fact that he has passed away is in price of food in the time of distress, and, it may
Pol | the utmost degree distressing. We had hoped be,” set Sees store-keeper himself.

a Me pes there were before him many years of active Soon after the Assembly of 1897 Mr. Conster-

Ue usefulness. He had surmounted the early diffi- dine became Mr. Ormerod’s colleague at Gol ©
c culties of “his situation. He had become ac- uae ee in the MissIoNaRy Ecuo for March,
ae | quainted with the people, their habits, their 1898, Rev. H. T. Chapman anes his safe :

aa language, their dispositions, and we naturally arrival at,our station on the Tana. He speaks,
a | thought that he was now fully equipped for great Says our Missionary Secretary, “ enthusiastically
A fi usefulness among the somewhat intractable e ve ee. ue ie, pen a

: i Ee Gallas. But “God’s ways are not our ways, nor okomo tribe tor the book religion. e Wor
Fale ae His thoughts our thoughts,” and in His inscrut- on our Tana station was never so prosperous as

ae | bl tou donde Heche fuesroRin bence just now.” The two brethren were true yoke fellows,
eB eee : 3 until death parted them. We can well under |
pas ee when, humanly speaking, he was most wanted eee

| ae : . ” stand the melancholy feelings that stole upon
| here. “The will of the Lord be done. |

Fr : : : f Little: the soul of Mr. Consterdine when he was left |
eon | Charles Consterdine was a native of Little 1 Te had keno Pek 5 hh of th
Ce borough, where his bereaved mother and family SEO ee ee ee EEE OO OO ae

i ae : od and work, his knowledge of the Swahili language fit- ©
ee. ae now reside. He was early converted to God, an : f ’
pe ih : ae : ting him for this, but when: both branches of the |
Po cuiume ss Bc soon began to engage in Christian work, both in 5 )
is u i the Sunday School and asa local preacher. As work were thrown upon him the burden was |
fo ae cS Un es ; "almost greater than he could bear. The recent |
Ht i 4 business man he might have done good ser : Bob esetnng d his diffe.
Cm | vice in these capacities, but he felt called to Se eae ee ee eT Ue aden cal !
es Me : : z : culties. Like the apostle Paul, he might have
Bee i | devote his whole time and talents to the service esa x 2 : I

oe} : : : said, “We were weighed down exceedingly, be-
ae | | of the Church and the extension of the Kingdom q » FT h di 4
ee i a of God. The Exeter Circuit engaged his ser- YORG Our PONCE: € was very much discouraged
Re ae | : : i . Lh for a time, but even before Mr. Phillipson joined »

oe | vices, and, while labouring at Newton Abbot, ; ‘ es
Be | , : Pe mae him he had recovered his usual flow of spirits.
: a | he offered himself for foreign mission work. — : :
. The Annual Assembly of 1896 appointed him The prospect of meeting the deputation ap-
| to Hast Africa. A few days ere he. sailed news . Pointed to visit East Africa was a great Joy
i i was received of. the lamented death of Rev. to him. He met the brethren at Lamu and —
i Thomas H. Carthew, under whose direction he conducted them to Golbanti. No doubt, on —
Coe | hoped to labour. This sad event might remind — their way they had a taste of the inconveniences —
| Mr. Consterdine of the risks to health and life of travel in that locality. The deputation came —
ae he would run by tesiding in the malarial climate to the conclusion that a furlough for Mr. Conster-
A i i of Eastern Africa, but he had vowed unto the dine was desirable, yet did not think it prudent |
Bp eNge fo Lord, and he would not go “back that he should arrive from the tropics in the |
at tht i} { > Site 4 .
ee We he ‘ We have not many records of his early labours depth of winter. It was arranged that, all being
a a at Ribe. His superintendent wrote of their well, he should come to England in ‘the spring. |
Behe es, a sharing the mission house, which had only three His old friends in Littleborough were looking |
b, i E rooms in all. We need not wonder that he out for him, and were preparing to give him ag
a 1 i speaks of some duconvenience: “Revaie fe er Griffiths wrote of him to the Missionary Secre- him to higher’ service, and they must acquiesce, |
Buca i | tary, “1 heartily endotse the very high opinion I tender to his mother and all bis relatives my |

a Wie ae as :
es i oat

= met /
Pye oN i ‘ t

rt. ! |
i CY tf 3 m y
Rc Seeds , Bas 5 ‘ik

: 5 " ear 7 . ee ee : See a eee eee eS eee
; 4 4 i ei |
sincere condolen¢es, and I am sure I may add from the centre of the city. It is built | |
those of my readers also. Thank God, he has at the angle of Hope Road and King’s House | re |
died ' Road, and has a very attractive appearance, sur- y
. As sets the morning star rounded as it is by rich tropical foliage with the : ; Ha :
Which goes not down behind the darkened west, Port Royal Mountains rising in the background. i ite
Nor hides amid the tempests of. the sky, The architecture is after the Gothic style. It is Wee |
: But melts away into the light of Heaven. a framed brick building on concrete foundations, | i i
| with cement plastered walls, inside and out, 1 Se
LL An cit in imitation of stone blocks. In front is Pe
_? 3 a handsome looking porch and above is the Ws
The following letter appears in the Exeter elfry.. The interior, though not very large, is a.
Methodist Free Church Messenger for January. sufficient for the present needs, the seating capa- HH i
: It will now be read with painful interest. city being fortwo hundred. It is constructed so 1 | a
Some time ago the Queen Street Sunday a
School provided a bell for one of the miission — jggemsssmsmssssesmsnmiiaiaiiNiannn=nnnInn ql Be
chapels in East Africa. It was taken out last |} /\ sissies Se ee ee i | re
autumn by the deputation appointed to visit the [iiss sssssss l:q0sss ss iiss | A
g mission stations in that district—the Rev. H. T. |]. \/ti [tsi itieds sums Hg i
‘Chapman and Alderman Duckworth, J.P—and |} 35 a ROS. ce ee
it will be gratifying to the contributors and col- |][5.30saue: aan" as Hi ne
lectors to. know that it has arrived safely and is |i Ve a te es
| likely to be useful. Under date October 22nd, |BRe a ge 06060 0600 (NE iW ie
| the Rev. C. Consterdine wrote to Mr. C. Loaring : ee Ve SN | ae i ;
“The deputation has now visited Golbanti and [Me | ee ON Bee |
P hire : a. tee en ee awe a
: returned, and I am alone again in Lamu, having [Bs is i a at We We
| recently seen them safely away. I am delighted |B] 9 Gye 7 as ioe Wee
to find that they have brought with them the #4 eS NS OE i
mission bell from Queen Streét, and now that | |g 9 RA lg | hy
have a little leisure I have just unpacked it that ee lh : a . | A in
| I may examine it more particularly, and, having oT ipo a f He)
done so, I sit down immediately to write of my @ ey ge ee
| admiration. 1 consider the bell most suitable, eg sso 4 “pe : i
| most appropriate, and in every way most admir- 9 999 Bas : a eae Re ' AB
| ably adapted to the place of its designation, and |e | ee | | ni
_ personally I am deeply sensible of the kindness | gu eee = | he
| of our Queen Street friends, shown to the mission | a se Be
in which I am more particularly interested. I per q i:
| have been ringing it already and its tone is indeed Sy eae ne | I
music éars, and ] am imagining how much Noo Le a
more so it will be when sounding over. those a me
wild plains of Bobuoya, and most sincerely do oe \ ' i
| I pray that it may call many to the house of God “ Co ld lid
| who may ultimately ‘be called to the Kingdom of AN a
Heaven, Mr. M. S#aprorp Hh
| “ As one who expects to have to deal with its - eens panei ke Mis Ht i
erection, I much appreciate the thoughtfulness Ce veieiee paend 20 ussigns:) 1 ee
of the brother with whom the ordering of the as to admit of enlargement when required and i ne
| bell was left, for his careful attention to the the means of the friends enable them to do so. on Pe
matter has not omitted the bearings of the The new building was opened in February, q Be
| - lever, and even the rope. ; tgo1. There are over fifty members, a day ee
“T am much encouraged by the visit of the school and a Sunday School. The congregations ° i a
| _ deputation. to Golbanti, and the favour and in- often fill the church at the usual Sunday services. Be |
‘terest with which they reviewed our work among ‘The windows in the chancel and at the front of Pi Hi
: the Gallas, and soon hope to be able to speak of the building and the Gothic tops of the side a ye
| more progressive movements among these people windows, are in glacier designs imitating stained : k Hi
in consequence.” : glass. The fine pointed roof is one of the fea- BY I i
| JAMAICA. CHRIST CHURCH, KINGSTON. tures of the building. It is constructed of pitch a ne
This new church is situated on the north side pine bevelled boards fixed diagonally between ae He
of the city of Kingston, about'a mile and a half the open rafters. The furniture is of the same Th
a i |
heahey ‘ i He
a , AL ip

ae a
fe ae eae 4

i material, the benches being neat and comfortable. the late venerable Rey. George Sanguinetti, who

i There is a substantial desk and- communion was called to his reward before it was completed.

: i} table. It is built of cut stones, with a roof of native

An American organ, played by Mrs. Bavin, wood and galvanized tiles. The congregation, is

i leads the worship. In the south-east angle is a large and the Church one of the most influential

[ | small minister’s vestry, and a classroom on the of our Denomination in the island; the member.

a south side of the building. % ship is about 300. :

| The whole work has been admirably executed It is picturesquely situated on one of the beau-

: \ by native labour, from plans prepared by the tiful verdure-clad hills of the parish of St. Mary
hi General Superintendent, the Hon. and Rey. F. —often spoken of as the richest and most beau-

i Bayin. There is a large population in the dis- tiful parish in Jamaica—in the’ midst of a large

i} trict, neglected and uncared for until the opening population of better-class cultivators, many of —
i of our mission. The people have hailed our whom. are among our most devoted and loyal
Pico me | coming with enthusiasm. It is common to hear members. The Circuit has long stood at the

| them say one to another, “God has sent the head of the list in our missionary report, contri-

1 light of His truth into this district; we can no buting upwards of £40. |
oie longer live in darkness and sin.” In connection with the Church there is an
oe Mr. B. Walker is teacher and catechist. efficient Sunday School and separate day schools

i i The officers are: Brothers Gift, Dalmage for boys and girls, both of which rank as first-
= ie Joseph Samuels, Altimont Samuels, Gardner, class schools in the Government list.

Bt i Roberts, and Hall. There is\also a Bible Reading Association, as
eo a | Father Bennet, the senior steward, dates his well as the usual organizations of the Methodist

i membership with Gordon Town backwards over Churches.


Ne The first SE Lye of Christ Church and _ [Mr. R. J. Parry, the missionary secretary of the New-

Fl the Teopening Services after painting were held port Circuit, has sent me the following paragraph for

ist | on District Meeting Sunday, January 26th, 1902. publication. The likeness of the diligent youth whose

i } MOUNT REGALE. labours it details I have pleasure in giving. May his zeal

i This Church, like many important and useful provoke many to imitation.—Ep. ]

oe institutions, had its origin in very humble cir- We have not yet a banner scheme in connec-

Bed : cumstances ; it is the out-growth of a little society tion with the Newport, Mom, Circuit, but we

i Bo founded in the district about the year 1792, by have” 4 collector, Master David White,

ao ie the late Rey. William Whitehorne, a Wesleyan of the Portland Street Church, who has
oe | manister. Mr. Whitehome ‘was at that time | héen ‘successful iq obtaining comparatively

Bo a i stationed at Grateful Hill, ingthe parish of St. large amounts for several years, his collection

i | Catherine, and for a time it formed a part of that for the year ending April, 1901, amounting to

5 i Circuit. As, however, there were no roads across the sum of £8. Considering that Portland
Be: i i country as there are now, and Grateful Hill was Street is one of the poorer and smaller Churches |
ae ae more than ten miles distant by post road, it was’ of the Denomination and that David has~ col- |

ee, iil j found imconvenient to. continue this arrangement, —Jected all the moneys in very small amounts, also

oe | and accordingly Samuel Rogers, the father of that nearly all his subscribers had to be called

t nS our late lamented Rev. Thomas Rogers, | was upon weekly, I think this is a notable achieve.
G ie \ appointed to Mount Regale as a paid resident ment. It may be interesting to some of your |

: a local preacher. Shortly after this, dissatisfaction readers to have a few particulars of David's
‘ | arose in the Wesleyan Church, resulting in the work. He has now no less than fifty names |
in| resignation of the Rey. Thomas Pinnock, the upon his collecting book, twenty-five ‘standing |
| i founder of our Churches in the island, and Mr. for one penny and twenty-five for one halfpenny !

' | Rogers, being one of his supporters, withdrew per week. The majority of these are not in

{ \ . also, taking the Mount Regale Church with him. any way attached to the Church, and I believe |

ete ea _ During the struggle that ensued the ‘little a few of them only give because having carelessly
a i congregation vacated the old meeting-house at promised at the commencement of the year,
Brel i i Rock Hill, which belonged to the Wesleyans, David sticks to them like a leech until they
um} and erected a chapel and mission house at Mount fulfil their engagements. Altogether last year

Ee We Regale, near the present premises. Mr. Rogers he made considerably more than 2,500 calls for

L i? | was afterwards publicly recognized as a minister contributions; one person living three-quarters .

: i of the Methodist Association, and laboured at of a mile away from. his home had to be called .

5) a Mount Regale in that capacity until his death upon every week, and then sometimes only pro-

e i in the year 1840. ‘The present chapel is about mised to pay if her pertinacious visitor would

i i twenty-five years old, and was commenced by call again, — Since 1897 David has collected —

es ae at i ame

a : |

- o. | a

: i i ; a
ou. HOE Pa J
| 5 aid

#21 128. 7d. His brother and sister, who were Mr. Greensmith is reported to be in good ig
collectors before him, obtained in a similar health, and working with much devotion and esi
way, 1889—1896, £17 16s. 9d., so that, with — success. | ee
: this year’s money, up to the present time these _ CHINA. : els ee
three members of one family have collected be- After long waiting and much. prayer and great Wee
tween £40 and £50 for missionary purposes. anxiety a definite offer has been received for j Mi
Such good work, I think, deserves a little special educational work in Wenchow. - The candidate is He he
recognition, and I enclose photo of our young 4 Free Methodist, a_scholar, and has had con- a
) friend, which I should like, if possible, to see siderable experience in educational work. This |) ie
} inserted in the Missionary Ecuo. It may be. offer will be as new life to our friend Mr. Soothill. i I
an incentive to other gleaners ‘in the field to Our good friend, Dr. Swallow, reports cheering i} eg
\ toil on and faint not. _ progress in the work of the Ningpo district. ii I
| JUVENILE BAZAAR. Wee el es ee Nk eel ea | I Ms
I have tried at various times to show what ae : : : He
children can do in behalf of missions. I am glad { i a
: that many dear young people are awake to their | : Se | Bi
; duty and privilege in this respect. Some time ae Snes aa | a
ago I received a note from the missionary trea- ae Le i] We
' surer of Preston First Circuit, which I now have ee Po : al I a
the pleasure of publishing. It is as follows: ie a = ¢ aan : : i| ee
“No doubt you will be pleased to learn that Wie cay as ee ' J a
peas T have forwarded this week to the Connexional | . , er ek, ; : q ne
Treasurer a cheque for the sum of £5 7s., pro- Te a We
) ceeds of a juvenile bazaar, held by the Misses : a. a oe | a
Ethel and Daisy Kitchen (aged respectively 12 ! ce NR, oe gas a He
and 10 years). It was held in the garden ad- |. yee ee ae a
joining their father’s residence, 11,. Watling Road, fs Sets a ; q f He.
Fulwood. The Rev. Josiah Turner presided, ; pS WR |
| and, in a neat speech, introduced Mrs. James of at Sy ee Bs |
William Heywood, of. Ningpo, China, who |. | fm a ae i | a
opened the sale in the unavoidable absence of | | pes ee: hae eo i:
her husband.” 4 ae ot ok \ i : ' |
) a . ee ma We
| NOTES. Paws ee ae : |) a
PERE ne dean of S| Ae ie
| WEST AFRICA. ee am
a DEEPLY interesting letter is now to ae atin, es lle a a
y eN hand from the Rev. J. Proudfoot. {eras einen: | 4 A
a He says, “The latest news from” | Moe x” OY aaa { Bit
| ENN TOO!) reports). the opening of | © “MASTER Davib WHITE. 4 ia
a day school on Monday, January Te
: 13th, with twenty-five children. I hope to reach ——_—____-[——EE AL
: there. a week from now, when I expect to find EAST AFRICA. ; ae
the numbers nearly doubled: On: Christmas Once more the chastening hand of God is ‘i a
. Day there were three services held, attended by heavy on us in our great work in East Africa. AG EN
over 120 on each occasion. . . .: As, after On Monday, January 27th, came a cable é 1
; the resurrection we hope to enter upon'a better message from our dear Brother Phillipson, bear- ae
and an everlasting condition, so do I hope that ing the painful news, “Consterdine dead.— al a
the resurrection of our mission there (Tikonkoh) Phillipson.” Later in the day the sad news was ae Hs
| is to be so successful as to wipe all tears from confirmed by Brother Griffiths. How our dear it y
our eyes at the remembrance of the former things and honoured friend died, when, and where, we - Abe i He
for ever passed away.” have as yet no intelligence. He ia
Mr. Proudfoot expects to arrive in England This isa sad blow, and painful. In devotion, ie) | He
“hext month, and to return not later than July rst, in enthusiasm, in faith, in consecration to his | i '
in order that Mr. Greensmith may come on fur- work, in his deep, passionate love for the Gallas, I he
lough later in the year, - he was not an ordinary man. His translation is dh na
: ; 4 Hi |
’ ’ i ii
; 2g ile

an i aa ae
one of the most serious losses our missionary work home (D.V.).”. Home he has reached, but
q has ever been called on to bear. May God make not the one he anticipated. For the one
: | us worthy of all our noble missionary heroes ! to which he has. gone, such men are
it | The mystery is all the greater in the light of always ready. Then, again, how deeply
i i the following letter which came to hand just as significant and shot through and through with
iE j ; these notes were written. It is dated December mystery are _the two statements, “our outlook
_— hui 22nd, and reports himself and Mr. Phillipson to among the Gallas has become even more bright
, i | be “ enjoying -good health.” and promising than before, and I am_ really
| “ Golbanti, anxious and restless to be among them,” and
| “December 22nd, 1901. “Phillipson. and myself are now enjoying good
ae i i “My Dear Mr. Cuapman,—Your letter of health.” These sentences were written Decem-
Be bi November 16th, written on board, came duly to ber 22nd, and on January 27th came the news
3 fie ie hand; thank you very much. I was pleased to that he was not; God’had called him to Himself. 3
eo Ie hear the latest of you, though very sorry to hear Who will take his place? A man of faith,
ee de Ae that you had fallen upon such ‘evil times’ in Zan- courage, gifts, and whole-hearted enthusiasm is
i - zibar; to be down a week with fever is indeed a needed. ‘The field is white to harvest! The |
ee severe attack, and I most sincerely hope and work must go on. The Missionary Committee
ie a trust. you. soon recovered without further waits for offers.
a is H complications. ae eames
es 8 i I note what you say respecting my invitation a
‘s A i home, and am devoutly thankful for your timely
mee 4 ae intimation, but at present June seems a little early LADIES’ MISSIONARY AUXILIARIES.
; J i for me to be in England in view of the work Sa
ae ae which I feel needs immediate attention. I made ROCHDALE DISTRICT.
: eS i ' no delay in ordering the materials for the repairs (aay EAR MR. EDITOR,—I note what you
oh. and improvements of which you spoke.. As soon - say in the January number of the
a as possible we intend that Bro. Phillipson should EcuHo with reference to L.M.A. mem-
: i i visit Bobuoya, and take preliminary steps for its bers trying to increase the circulation
: t i reoccupation, and I intend to make a more dis- 5 of the Ecuo. I trust every branch
ES . i, tant journey among the Gallas than I have yet will feel this to be a part of their work for two |
Bu taken that I may report with greater confidence reasons: first, that it shows Connexional loyalty ;
2a ee A upon our situation. Since: your departure pro- and, secondly, if we want to deepen our people’s
ia ii gressive movement has been more definitely — interest in missions we must increase their know- |
i? a 4 thought of and commented upon; our outlook ledge, which a careful reading of this magazine
3 a among the Gallas has become even more bright month by month will certainly do. In the Roch- |
ie: Bi i and promising than before, and I am really'anxious dale District I am glad to say the interest in |
# it Peo and restless to be more among them than I can the L.M.A. is sustained ; we would be thankful
ie i i be at Golbanti alone. I believe Bro. Phillipson to have more financial success; it taxes our |
a nt ih is in real earnest about Bobuoya, and I am sure ingenuity to devise any new ways of raising
7 a ' Iam. Please plead your hardest for the cause money, and bearing in mind, as we have constantly - 3
ee of Christ among the Gallas, and I will do the to do, that ours is the “little extra ” society, and
oe Ih . same when I reach home (D.V.). I am in that we have not to interfere with any methods
ee greater earnest the more I engage in the ser-~ of work already existing, perhaps, the wonder is, |
ae . i vice, and I am delighted to know you are ‘re- ot that we do not raise more, but that we have
ee ae turning home more a missionary,than ever!’ If ‘been able to raise so much. May I suggest the
Ls a i it be necessary or at all imperative that I should — « Reading Circle,” or “Literary Class” as one |
a be in England in June, please write me again means of raising funds? I think in many of our |
my concerning the matter. a Churches, where it is practicable to work such |
(ey? i oH “ Phillipson and myself are now enjoying good 4 society, there is nothing quite answering to
Sr health, and I trust yours may be fully restored this; and, if the membership fees can be turned
ao long before reaching ‘home. 5 i into the missionary channel, we should find it
pa i if | With very kindest regards, in which Bro. 4 source of income. We are working one such |
; ut i Phillipson joins me, circle in our District with marked success, and
Fes tl “ Believe me to remain, since the L.M.A. was formed it has each year
i i “Yours faithfully in service, contributed about £4 10s. I should be glad to /
: a il e i send a copy of our rules to anyone who felt in-
i a, ft C. CONSTERDINE. terested. But there is another side to our or-
i a | i Could any letter breathe a nobler spirit ? Yet ganization, the devotional and spiritual, and,
es : i how pathetic, even tragic, “When I reach supposing we had nothing to report under the
, (oN
| ot | ]
ae a ; : a

‘ headiof £ s. d., the-good of: our movement L.M.A. work may be set on foot in those Circuits | Pi
would still remain; we are, therefore, anxious where there is no branch or representative. ie}
not to unduly emphasize the financial side, though A public meeting in connection with the Cheet- ih ie ge
that is such a real part of the service, but it will ham» Hill Road Branch, Manchester District, i i
| take care of itself, and what we really need is was held on January atst. Mrs. Saxon, of 1 ie
| for each member to rise to her responsibility | Openshaw, presided, and gave an Anteresting We
and duty. I think our L.M.A. a rallying point, . address on “Women’s Work,” particularly in Te
and our Free Methodist women are not being connection with the Zenana Mission. A resolu- Me 4
slow in answering to the call. tion of sympathy with Mrs. Wakefield, who it Wie |
Yours sincerely, should have been present, was moved by the Dis- i ea
; FoR Sa wOR ts trict President, Miss Phythian, and seconded by We
; ‘ the Branch Secretary, Mrs. G. V. Webster. In “Wt ‘ ia |
| ; NEWS FROM MANCHESTER DISTRICT L.M.A. the: absence of Mrs. Wakefield, Mrs. Truscott i} Na
| The Cheetham Hill Road Branch L.M.A. has YV00d, in an able speech on “ Heroes,” warmly its
just finished its first year’s work, the results of pleaded the cause of tee oe eens pe eee | ee
| which are both encouraging and creditable. The Mis. Craine (2is0 ie On uae ene . reader | 4 by
branch has sixty members, and is hoping to in. SANE UD OLE ATO eo eee Wels
RHeASEr ils cnn bers Dy culigiee Bue oO teie earnestly for help for the East African houses. He
. y Ba eutes cedure artes Circular letters from Mrs. Brook and the Rev. Nh aie
of the young girls of the congregation and school. H . Ch : hin Reo Poth | an
This’ branch’ inyites, each *member,to: subsctibe: yee ee oa ee a fe
one shilling annually. Sixpence is sent to the BS COlLC OO Ey ADDING | tO EN NS Gu ice ie
District £ : : made on behalf of the new mission houses in | bi
istrict for each member, while the other six- iinet “ARE A
pences form the nucleus of a branch fund. The jo os We
existence of the branch fund enables collections MANCHESTER THIRD CIRCUIT. 7 Ba
made for any particular object to be entirely On Saturday, November 3oth, the second an- vie
' devoted to that object, as expenses are paid out yal missionary basket was held in connection AE a
of the branch fund. The branch has held one with the L.M.A. It was opened at 3.30 by Mrs. Vee
public meeting, two garden parties, and one ff. Craine, of Blackley, and the President, Mrs. nS
drawing-room meeting during the year, in addi- J. Saxon, gave a very encouraging report of the ae
tion to small regular gatherings. A parcel of progress of the branch, which ‘has now fifty-six ; sid
strong, well-made garments is ready for fortunate. members. Br
recipients in East Africa and China, one loin- Teas were provided, and during the evening, ak
cloth being the contribution of a little girl of six, in addition to table games being provided, songs, i ie
who has begun her stitching for missions early. recitations,* violin and pianoforte solos, were oe ia
by The branch has decided to devote its profits to given by Mrs. A. D. Carver, Mrs. W. C. Tippett, Hl
the fund for the East African mission houses. Misses G. McGeorge, May Highton, and Mr. W. A
| The branch balance-sheet is worth reproducing. Haywood. Proceeds, £17. { A :
Income: To members’ fees, £2 15s. ; collection Bai
. for China Relief Fund, £3 12s. 2d.; collections, ETE R LO nan on ONC tee ee ee
Mission Fund, £5 17s.; donations from mem- On Tuesday evening, February 4th, the annual 7 Ba
: bers, 7s. 6d.; total, £12 r1s. 8d. Expenditure: meeting was held, when addresses were given by [ if
i i ae
Expenses, China Relief meeting, 1os.; remitted Mrs. Swallow, of Manchester, and Mrs. Hodge, Be
| to secretary for China Relief Fund, £3 12s. 2d.; President, Miss Hodge occupying the chair. : Bi
District fees, 41 6s. 6d.; secretary’s expenses, [here was a good attendance. Miss Hulme, the 4 1
178. 3d.; balance in hand, £6 5s. od.; total, secretary, presented an interesting report. Sen- ae lA
, £12 118, 8d. sation was caused and much sympathy ea Bit:
: *% BE gh evoked on the announcement of the death of | a
poe Mr. Consterdine. A collection was taken in aid Ha
In connection with the Manchester, Cheetham of rebuilding the mission houses at Ribe and le i
: Hil Road Branch of the L.M.A., a successful Mazeras. Wa |
| drawing-room meeting was held at Mrs. Burton’s RES |
residence. It was. numerously - attended, THE LATE REV. T. WAKEFIELD, F.R.G.S. AP i a
: and Mrs. Swallow gave a very interesting ad- As by the rules of the Superannuation Fund, f
dress on two types of Chinese womanhood. The the widow of Mr. Wakefield did not. become an He te
| collection for the branch fund amounted to £2. annuitant, a movement was set on foot to make Be |
= - s some provision for her. I am. giad to say that Me
; : more than the amount asked for has been. pro- HF Ms
The members of the Manchester District mised. This indicates the great respect felt for ie le
. L.M.A. are requested to pray specially that the both Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield. { WH ie
7 Pea

ou |
if f NOTES OF JOURNEY AND make out. A clergyman read the prayers our:
| ~ VISIT TO EAST AFRICA. ‘itst Sunday on ship-board, but for some reason
5 | did not venture on even a short sermon.
i BY HENRY T. CHAPMAN, GENERAL MISSIONARY During the day our thoughts often. travelled
| SECRETARY. homeward, but, all in all, the day was a restful
i FM one and spiritual.
| l.—THE JOURNEY. In the early morning we were much interested
3 i Qn jy R. ALDERMAN DUCKWORTH and. 1 hearing Mr. Duckworth singing the old hymn,
\ I left London on Thursday, August For love I sigh, for love I pine,
6 Uy, 29th, 1901. Rev, A. Crombie, Rev. This only portion, Lord, be mine. ~~
i t (2e2)\a\ «J. W. Sheppard, Miss Mead (now
: i — ~~ © Mrs. Sheppard), Mr. E. S. Snell, Mr. On the Monday we crossed “ Trafalgar’s Bay,”
: a Mallinson, Mr. Boot (friend of Mr. Duckworth’s), and had the privilege of a good view of the
i 5 and Mrs. Duckworth were at Liverpool Street to Mediterranean Fleet, and part of the Channel
ie bid us good-bye, and wish us a pleasant and Squadron of H.M. Navy. One could hardly help
be ia ; safe journey. Many other London friends had feeling proud that we had such splendid defences,
7 é af written expressing regret that they could not be but shuddered when we thought that in these
a : is present to take leave. Mr. Crombie and Mrs. things was the application of the first mechanical
: i He? Duckworth went down to Gravesend with us, the knowledge and the latest science to the swift and
- «@ point in the Thames where we joined the s.s. terrible destruction of human life and the latest
roo “ Oriental,” by which we were to travel as far products of civilization.
a | as Aden. We left Gravesend at 3.10 p.m. What Early on Tuesday, September 3rd, we had the
ed we felt as the great ship began to move east- first break in our journey. At 4.50 a.m. we ar-
ie { i ward only those'can know who have had a like ~ rived at Gibraltar, where we were allowed to go
On i | experience. on shore for two and a half hours. Our visit was
rl il A great ocean-going steamer is a splendid place full of interest. We saw the “ Galleries,” visited
(ae ih for studying “all sorts and conditions of men” the markets, gazed on piles of sardines, and did
: ii in the concrete. The abstract on ship-board is our best to “snap-shot” some Moors, but I fear
S 5 Bi not worth mentioning. There are times. when without much success. They appear to have a
q tee ne the “high-born” and the “low-born” are on a strong objection to being photographed. In
5 ie He very painful level, and the old sceptical question visiting the “ Galleries,” we were not allowed to
= i Wee forces itself on the rich as on the poor, and very take our kodaks; for the time being they were
es a ‘ ruthlessly, “Is life worth living?” There were made prisoners. Convicts, soldiers, fortifications,
a 8 times when not a few would haye said, “It is and the small space in which to move, make
Rea, a a not.” -The people we met on the “Oriental” Gibraltar a dull, dreary place to live in,
Be a ih were pleasant companions, and I hope we tried Leaving Gibraltar we turned into the “ Medi-
pe i i to be equally agreeable. There were just a few terranean, or great sea.” ‘To those of the olden |
Ei i te who had forgotten, or else despised, the wise days it must have appeared a great sea indeed. |
eee | i words, “Not to think more highly of themselves It was in this sea that we experienced our first |
oe than they ought to think.” But then human bit of rough sailing. Happily the rough weather
Ue nature, at its best, is not without flaw. The cap- did not continue long—not more than a couple
y a i tain, officers and crew were a splendid set. The. of days. |
: me ip latter represented a wonderful variety of the , Between Gibraltar and Marseilles we had one
ole ot human race, but all had learned the meaning of evening a very brilliant display of lightning. The .
a ; law, and obeyed: it. i lightning was behind the clouds, and, as flash
ee os Our experience in the “Bay of Biscay, oh” followed flash, sometimes shining through the
4 i was very pleasant. The sea was calm, and the clouds, and now blazing round their edges, and |
ae weather bright. It can ‘be rough, I know, but filling up the interspaces with the most gorgeous
Le i uP then it has got a bad name. colours, they had given to them strange and at |
ee. Sunday on board a “ P. and O.” ship is a rest- times weird shapes; now like snow-capped moun- |
H i ia day; there is a distinct Sunday quiet. The tains and again like vast undulating plains. The - .
re officers and crew mustér for the roll-call, and all whole phenomenon surpassed in gorgeous
fi Ww ike in their very “best clothes.” It is a deeply colouring anything we had ever seen. \
- i i interesting sight. Then there is a morning ser- On the Thursday after leaving London we |
: a ; vice, conducted by the captain, if there does not arrived at Marseilles, and received our first letters |
. a. Te happen to be a minister of the Church of-Eng- after leaving home. Here we spent a day, and. |
x 7“ i land on board.. Why ministers of the Free made the best use of our time. Few, I feel sure,
Be Churches of England are not equal to conducting saw more than Mr. Duckworth, Mr. Cook—a de- |
Pe. a i a service on these boats it is a little difficult to lightful fellow-passenger—and I in the same ,
f. |
a : ,
~ yi it ee E j me a
a i ie _ sak si ¥ Gi a och am ig eae

oy ») Ta : Sie ; i ssi ree om sis d f m “| SHR
: i He lg
| ro
space of time. We visited Notre Dame, the ALDERMAN DUCKWORTH ON AFRICA. ie ay
Zoological Gardens (famous, I should say, for oe We
» their lack of zoological specimens), a beautiful INTRODUCTION. ne
park, strolled along the broad streets, lined with [I am indebted to the Rochdale Observer for the follow- if i:
fine trees, giving a delightful shade, and saw as ing report of an. interesting address by Mr. James i) i
many of the public buildings as time would permit. Duckworth, J.P. ‘The insertion of this report does not Wy fae
The ride on the circular electric tramway was ae ee SBreeIe REO}, Clsapteement wath [Nin We
6 PAGO RSP oie : uckworth’s views, but I feel sure that my readers will be SAE
one never to be forgotten. For a couple of miles glad to be put in possession of them.—Ep. ] a) }
this route skirts the bay, the blue waters of which a LDERMAN DUCKWORTH said he : ae
on the one hand, and a high rugged hill on the eX would) endeaveur'to vel k an ee
her, covered from its base to its summit with =a 4 ae eee aug eae
ae me ‘Fal t il i ida fol; — ence a few impressions which had ii a
a ee a ee ae Rese, ame a oliaee been made. upon his mind during: i Bie.
which for grace 0 nei and brilliance of colour-- a his journeyings in East Africa. One it a
: ae EOC bey ee ae Ep aasecs supply a picture writer declared that, since the time of Solomon, He ie
of aaacet beauty, and help you to realize how — wfricg had been the prey of every kind of greed Wie
spiritual \inits jo ane SHbe enV eless Matter Ad rapacity. At one period the universal aim. A) Gua
Bier coe esa ones that the rich and ee seemed tobe to steal the Africans from Africa, es
artistic should so love the'shores of Southern but now the aim of European countries was to ee
France. i j steal Africa from the Africans. For at least et
Of the interest attaching to the Straits of ffteen or twenty years there had been a great ‘eae L.
Bonifacio, the volcanic Stromboli, with its molten lava streaming down its sides, and the Germans, French, Italians, Belgians, Portuguese, ; it:
classic Straits of Messina, I need not speak. One anq one or two more nationalities had each got q A
could not but think of the days that were past, 4 slice out of the great continent, but Great | Bi
and the great and mighty peoples that once sailed Britain—if he might be allowed to say so—had il
those waters, and of the mighty deeds they did, been the biggest thief in the lot. In square ie eg
and the splendid legacy which they left to the miles the area of the continent of Africa was 4 Bi
ages following. That part of the voyage was a somewhere about tr¥% millions and out of that eee
mental delight from its historical associations. this country was one way or another responsible it a 4
Our next stopping-place was Port Said. Here for over four millions of square miles. In this | i
we went ashore for about an hour, and had a calculation he included Egypt. The English : i
charge made to us of 4s. for three bottles of went there and said they would come away when 3 | AG,
soda-water. ‘This sum we declined to pay, and the \ they had done their work, but his impression ey
cooling bevetage was taken back. It is a truly was that we were not likely to come away unless i Hl
"oriental town, and, we should say, with a wicked: we were driven out of the country. : | Ht ‘
ness hardly exceeded by that of Sodom of old. THE RESOURCES OF AFRICA. °- at A ;
We were quite thankful to get back to the purer He did not justify the means whereby we had | aa
air and greater security of our good. ship. become possessed of some large tracts of land Ae ee
At Port Said we got our last contingent of pas- on the African continent. Some of those present tk ae
sengers from England, and a very large quantity knew that he did not approve of the present war. We
of mails. We arrived at Port Said at 9.15 p.m. He made this remark in order that he might | Be
and left at 8.45 a.m. next day. What had been not be misunderstood in another statement he i Bi
done between those two points on board the great was about to make. Although he did not ap- We
“ Oriental” was truly wonderful. prove of the means which had been employed to- Ay Di i
The Suez Canal was to both Mr. Duckworth gain possession of those portions of Africa which : Bi
and myself a part of the journey of the deepest had become our property he was very thankful . al i a
interest. It is a wonderful piece of engineering we had got them. There could be no doubt a
skill; the distance between London and India that the British were the best people for coloniz- AV ay Hy
has been diminished by this manufactured water- ing such countries as Africa; the people under ! I
way from 12,379 miles to 7,628 miles. It is our rule were better and had brighter hopes Ab |
ninety-nine miles long; the width averages be- than those who lived in colonies belonging to We ie
tween 327 feet and r96 feet; and is 26 feet deep. other nations. When he thought about what the —- ane ' if
Its cost was some 10,000,000, of which sum French had done in Madagascar and what Ger- AB |
our Government paid some £4,000,000. On many had done in some of her colonies, especially he i
each side are long stretches of sand destitute in regard to allowing gin to be supplied to the Bi
of vegetation., The journey through the canal natives and their laxity on the slave question, he — ie ihe
took from’ 8.45 a.m. of one day to’ 1.50 a.m. of was thankful that large tracts of Africa were i ae
the next day. ; under our control. If people looked the facts | a
: 2 ‘
. : ) i
fl \4il ett a

Lins 4 i i LR TT PE ee ee Sas a a aT
1a tat ‘a
ie at ¥ ; a
I I ;
Ee ir
i i fairly in the face they would see that the time difficulty related to the future of the Arabs whose
k id i had come when there should be a great change standard wage was 2d.,per day for women and
: 4 in the continent of Africa. As he rode inland 214d. for men. The future of Africa would de-
pis Ht i from the coast on a donkey provided for him, pend very much on the character of the men who 4
ie " as he went by creeks and rivers—sometimes in go there from this country. They wanted as
ia i ' _-a small boat, sometimes in a narrow dhow, some- Government officials men of heart as well as head,
a i times’ on a small steamer—as he travelled be- men who would talk kindly about the natives;
2] a tween 300 and 4oo miles up the Uganda railway, they wanted as merchants and tradesmen men
. is i through primeval forests, along many fertile who would deal fairly with the natives and others
a valleys, skirting towering mountains, one of which with whom they come into contact; and they
fee dee ie was covered with snow (the snow line of which wanted to send their:best men there as mis-
7 it i Charles New, one of their own missionaries, was sionaries. He had come back convinced that
E a a the first: white man to reach), when he passed we must not send there boys or youths but men {
Ro ee through grass growing to a height of eight feet, . who could see to the material needs as well as to
fi i / i and when he thought, not only of what he saw.on the spiritual wants of the people. He prayed
Fi i We the surface of the land, but of the gold, silver, that God would help this nation to send the right
- F My and other materials below the surface, at these men to Africa and to discharge aright our
a f Hie times there came to him again and again the responsibilities to that country.
F, ‘ : idea that God never could intend this land to be
| ie for all time what it has been up to now, and he Le ee
a ae could not help concluding that a natural change
a was taking place for the good of that great con- IN A SNOWY MARCH.
eae | i tinent. The savage races in Africa were not BY EL-SIE.
oe i always to remain savages; the raiding of. one
ee tribe by another and the terrible things that had B
a i G taken place in past ages were not to continue FOR THE CHILDREN:
a always. ‘Phe savage could be civilized; human- Littte birds amid the snow,
th ized, Christianized. He could speak of natives Chirping, flitting to and fro;
a a i whom he had met in Africa who were quite as Chaffinches and blue-tits bright
ae creditable and quite as honourable as the higher Hopping on the boughs so white,
oe i type of Christian men in England. Starlings, blackbirds, sparrows, crows, ;
ee a a : TWO GREAT DIFFICULTIES. How the snow must freeze your toes! .
oe a it : Not only was there room in the rich land of How forlorn and cold ye look,
oom e Africa for the natives born there, there was also Seeking for a cosy nook,
pe i Te ample room for large numbers of people from Where ye may your feathers shake, |
a ae _ the congested populations of Europe. The pro- Ere again your flight ye take, .
Be i ' Ss ve oe ae oy eae oe Searching for a crumb to eat,
eee ent and future, was, How are eople whom . sae !
be . | it we have taken under our control to Be coocmede Ve are uae Se es :
Bie: e i He referred to the natives and to people who When upon the sunny field, _ |
UF a will go to Africa and submit to our government. Corn was sown, our bread to yield,
HK a Two great difficulties presented themselves to . When at length the plant was seen :
me his mind after what he had seen during his re- Beautiful, and fresh, and green,
oe q cent travels. Already there were in Africa thou- Did ye not, with patient toil,
. 1 , sands of coolies from India engaged in making Peck the insects from the soil?
} ' ty the Uganda railway, or at the mines, and with the While the corn was growing strong, Bet
3 a i coolies there came a number of. tradesmen who Did ye not, the whole day long
i ce 5 established bazaars and other places of business Teese d a ene a ree
q 1 along the railway lines. Those traders were TO aeons ee aa
Mike OME : S . 5 y ; Killing grubs of every size? t
4 | i filthy in their habits, but they were shrewd busi- : How much to your care we owe, ;
Noe ; _ ness men, and they could not only live on what an Birdicas stivirine inabe snow!
Pe 1 a Englishman would throw away, but they would ay |
oe 4 have something to spare. The thought came to One there is for all doth care, |
ee aan him whether an effort should be made to causé Who doth food for each prepare ;
ae those men to return to their own country; they Ye are fed, we know not how, i
a i were fellow subjects of our King, and they had But we ought to help you now— '
oe | come from congested districts much nearer to Come then, do not be afraid,
ee, - Africa than we are. This opened up-a question, Gladly will we give you aid.
ae 3 4 i ‘ he was not prepared to answer at once. Another 1887.
io |... : |
Ww ae = =< S a f i

/ : , ; ; Pst ay
| i i
THE STORY OF LAUGHING FLOWER. ground stood a large stone jar containing the A] a
Ewe Ao EO Dee liquor which had, more than once or twice, es ee
replenished the rude cup. ms
Tana She resumed her chorus, and had just given Hi i Ss
CHAPTER I. the first sigh, “ Oh-hon,” when she lifted her eyes We Me
A MitiER ioe Disc Piano and found she was discovered. Her words were o ae
: checked, and for the space of a moment she PT
HE missionary moved slowly along the hesitated; then, with one spring, she was. on ee
village path. A suspicion of a breeze her feet, and bounding away into the’ depths of ie i"
came from the sea, but it brought no the wood. Macdonald stooped and picked up eg ii
colour to his face. Moreover, as he the stone jar which she had upset in her flight, hi
p: made his way towards the cluster of | and from which the liquor was gurgling. He now wa Bc
native huts, a strange weight oppressed him. knew that his enemy. had been at work during ee ine
How far this arose from the half-hinted fears of his absence, supplying his - people with whisky. | ne
his wife he could not tell. She had been unable While tumultuous thoughts and prayers were i be
to accompany him on his periodical visit to the fighting each other for mastery, he heard a foot- Ml bes
We adjacent islés, from which he had but lately fall, and a young native, strong of sinew and of Ae |
! returned. frank countenance, came upon the scene, It | He
She told him that scarcely had his boat be- was Tumari, one of the most reliable natives on il oe
. come a mere speck, when she was seized with the island. i Ati :
sickness, and so had been prevented from giving “Do you know anything of this?” asked the || ie
that oversight she had intended. But, on the missionary of the newcomer. i a
second day of his absence she had become aware “Trader Smith, my master!” ~ We
that something unusual was happening in the vil- “When did he come, Tumari?” il ae
lage. The pit-pat of many feet on the path, and “On the second morning after my master had | A fe
the whispers of voices aroused her fears. That gone.” ie ia
» self-same day the fever came upon her, and “ How did he know I had gone? Did Tumari i . HP
things around her mixed themselves fantastically give him a signal?” This was a bow drawn at a i L He
in her fitful night sleeps, and during the day she venture. It was not the first time. such a thing WB |
lay too exhausted to do anything but watch had been done during his absences. Macdonald i i i g
Laughing Flower moving with soft feet about the suspected that some of the natives had, in some ny es
room. way, communicated with the trader, Colin Smith. | i
This explains how Fred Macdonald came to be “No, it was not Tumari, my master,” and the | i hia
walking along the village path, carrying a great man turned his face and unflinchingly met the WR
' load of fear with him. missionary’s eyes. That was enough. The native Ve A
The path turned abruptly inland and’ skirted who stood before him was not the traitor. i A
the side of a cocoa-nut plantation.’ Scarcely had “Can you tell me how many of these,” and he ‘t be
he gone a dozen paces in this new direction be- held up the jug, “were left on the island by the ite ca
; fore he heard the sound of singing. On the trader?” | A
quiet air every word was carried to his ear. It Tumari told the white man that at least ten a ae
was a strange song for a native of Ohati, the times ten of the jars had been landed on the th A
isle of many seas. island and sold to the natives, some bartering a i
Olan toe eae for as many as six each. “But these are the ae i :
% yo idlers of the island,” commented Tumari. “The eet |
Oh-hey! for Somebody! } : es} Tea:
; I 1d ue at a greater number only bought one jar. 4 Hh
COU aces Tee “Did Laughing Flower buy one, or two, or al A
For the sake 0’ Somebody! three?” a i ee
Taking a cautious step forward Macdonald “Nay, Laughing Flower did, not buy even | Hy
peered into the wood, and presently saw some- one,” declared Tumari; and into his eyes there le i
thing which sent a chill of disappointment right came a sorrowing expression. He was in love We he |
to his heart. with the girl, and, for some reason, his love We |
There, a few yards away from the path, with had not prospered. a -
: her back against the trunk of a tree, squatted “How came this to be in Laughing Flower’s le) a
Laughing Flower. A hastily-made wreath of posséssion? Tell me that, Tumari.” | te
- leaves was. twined round’ her head,-while the “She did not buy them, my master. That I tl We
P flowers of the jasmine tree bedecked her dark know: Iwas. at her side all the time the trader ae He
hair. She had paused in her singing, and was Was on the island.” AP HS
| in the act of lifting to her lips‘a cup made out of “Tf she did not buy, then, did the trader give he a
the small end of a cocoanut shell. On the it to Laughing Flower?” continued his questioner. Hh i i
) ; ly

rs SS Ba ais : : FLOWER.
ee > OF LAUGHING : er
Tear aera THE STORY OF LA isis in their influence ove i
4 Me AH T t that a crisis in is hour it would
a 6 : Both felt tha From this ho hope
4 ] 40 u the low ives had come. " iminished all Op |
: il | id it, my master,” was the natives h ease. If it dimin abandoned.
a (i (| “You have said it, my i diminish Ree work ee and. that :
| Ht : is jar?’ In : on : S |
i RESP Ons. id Smith give her this Pasi not of Sear something must be Sef achon was
i ‘ “And why aa Laughing Bene She one Between them a pe bold ventures,
i i é ot know. derstand pias speedily. ll the risk o sful.
tae “i don T cannot un hours of light sp isos whiet had a ised to be succes
2 |) a laugh for me. village all the ho hough © devised, rhich promised st assemble
me a from the villag t find her, thoug id yet one w he Villagers miu hone
ae oe ft. I could no rood, and an yas sent that the = Suni Wwascohe OL
ee day you left. 7, in the wood, Word was Se rhen the sur : jain
| i the day 3 galow, led, > ce W OnE
i Ei souene her a Ate pause, ‘Tumari added, at the water’s edg from. its Tee a keenest
4 i { in the village. ee trader came.” of the cde one must be ;
a | “The next day the displeasure
‘ ie absent. : Thich took
is i f e whic ;
a W poi Leggy é The scen Was }
| Ne (By a-shore vw
; is i (ose bly 4] j ae S| place ae Oe suns version |
a 2 ee 325 sy, Oana Fee ne |
| wi 2% Wid ea ee Ay! e of Eee the Ee
eae | i Nee the Ze Beer G7, “ee SN wy Vea struge ; vil—
| MoMA BiG ea e PEN Nee et - righteousness ne
ee ae Zs iy, 1 es ~oE FSS S 7 ai > i struggle, which, a ae
aay Be ep Ne Si UH Ty eC SRO colouring,
ee ie ee Lig ae Be Pee. iN oy A differing areata in its
H SL Fong Sa \ - Gy, ee Za UM: Ht : rays
\ ; | ae 7 WRNY tise FS Wg ft He \N sna heastoie »
4 ie Liga POR le BY Ae TH ee cies | 7 Y \\\ A essentia all here?
- ee Ay he WA ee i SHOES. a ie ion Whe
i ai Fu r LLG ‘ \ i ZB WANE, BS LT ge aT | APR SS3 a em
a ee Seal Woy = fais avis Gi
| ee We WY Tae Vi EN Uy eh Z he ca acteril save those
. MDE LTB. W AG ee ~GY SS A a Dr salle. k and weak,
a Ki NGS 1277 | Ml Hany ho as eco
ne At G) \X\\G HM fesse eal WHNONM, was SOHAIL NORE |
tl 40 A 8Z,8 \ Ee Sees ol
au EET NAS LTA of SS) i Wh W/ S pray to the
fae Se Wy, OF an amp N NW | MN Lon ceny » knows all
| —\ Dan NANI 7S Ld i) \ i if} I Hae init who k |
. | oe He a a ik v Hl Serets of men” nea, |
i. “i il a Nf i ii Y Te af UX covering his _ He |
ae. ae rT ae ioe: Wye Ne , ni vi fe ae ee |
fi a wy ; 3 lay f. Bp iY LIK AN Ug ps pe TB Hie | I Wee Fre L he crowd,
ne SNA Ui aS yf | i \ i We 1, hearing ee earnest |
- @ Ye Saag Up e Weegee iy ae Naseeass ZH! 1, offered a Then, al- )
Put a ae Ne ee ago om
Bet) a ne i i aly Wi wie i Ht) 4 Oy 3 ! = WAT] direct to imself and .
Cu 1 a il " ny V7 Wy EB x i 2 i) (| issue between hims |
ig eM : TA i Ae \\\\) A | =) NY fee :
‘ i if a Ki fi fi i y} 7 a 4 a (V4, J=/NH € peop. n
Fis i 1 SS j Fi ' m Uy: pel \ A fi Wk VA ee eae trader, C ee
ee Sil \ Yi Ap LS Wye thea and eae hens re |
ee a W il fa Nw ESS Ht Smith, |] ays |
vio | A RNG Hl We Li i his whisky a few twice |
‘ i it S55 a Kal Ay a ae At least this” !
ob Se ae 4 ae ‘ ie ike
y Me ee eas hn <3 alia) - - Qo —— Te You Ko 9 fifty jars a at the
f Bi te ss # ——— : of ihis S d he he : .
ae > —- anything : ame f his arms
one which had been in La ee before the
a : icion the one whic bought by y Because
i ah suspicion —* were shee wrong.
a hese words a he possession island. This is because |
oi he uttered t hing Flower tt der left the island. ot see you— )
es if in Even as issionary. Was moe aD. gift LG away, and could ao her Peis |
om a te the missionary le Was the trac ith I was: away, Id not : forget tha
a smo the signal: Colin Smi “missi’ cou Did you forg
> ae ave ? Had our ‘mi Id know. ou?
i i "one who g her treachery y 0 one wou irit is ever upon y.
ae ae ais ard of her oy thought n t Spirit is i not
i i the rew. r that song? _ wers lover with} he eye of the Great Sp rieved. Did you jae
i it it taught z= issed Laughing me ay to the bun- a saw you and yee hearts of His people |
Fy a e dismi 4) strode away ide c ks to the |
M4 His a Becuck Tumari, ae at his wife’s bedside, know that He tall k )
Ay He Soon he was seate: doubts and fears.
le oti! ae galow. nie story of his ; A
Le. Bonne out a
7 : PR
tt ria
Ce a ii
eG | si
8 , ,
ani La
; a Ne
RS iM an

Bn | rari
Ae ie
I know all the news of that day when the trader’ issue of this strange duel. Several of Laughing | A Hi
came.” And. with many such words he’ Flower’s girl friends endeavoured to persuade ed
upbraided them. her to obey. They were giving up in despair i |
“Now, this is what I declare,” he said, in when a movement among the crowd was seen, et
conclusion. “All of you who have one or more and several cried out, “It is the ‘ missi’—the Hh he
of these jars in your huts, go at.once and bring master’s wife.” Ne if
them here.” Unnoticed she had come upon the scene and | mi
One by one he named those whom he sus- had witnessed the last stages of the fight. Now es
pected. One by one did the guilty men and she stood by the rebellious girl and was pressing | ane
women slink fulfil the commands of the that proud, defiant head to her bosom. Miracle Wn a
. white man, in whose face was a look’ they could. of miracles! Laughing Flower’s face — was i} ie
not understand. covered with tears, and she trembled from head We
Soon the jars were arranged on the sand be- to foot. After a few minutes’ she firmly but i We
tween the missionary and the crowd, and it gently released herself from the “missi’s” em- i Be
“¢ seemed that the total number had been sur- brace:. Before any could guess her action. the eo
rendered. Then, for the second time, he bared last jar was smashed into small pieces. | PS
his head and talked to the Father in Heaven. When Macdonaid led his wife back to. the Hi),
It was wonderful what an effect this had upon bungalow she leant heavily on his arm. They is
the people. said no word, but knew that the trader’s influence ii ne
The second part of the struggle was now to had been shaken. iI) i i
begin. Fred Macdonald commanded the men |)
and women, who had bought the jars of whisky ~ Fe SORTER AMO ea aa Wt
to break them where they were; one by one they 7HE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR PAGE. 4 A
were to break their own jars. That was the si) ‘ ; a
hardest, the most crucial, part of the ordeal. Vee , | i
“ Boyea, you must be the first; you love this TOPICS FOR MARCH. \ Bi
water the best. What! you do not move? ; CG Pee
Listen, then! The one who does not obey my March 2nd.—The Joys of Service.—Acts viil. | pi
words shall be put upon yon islet. He shall 1—8. : ALN |
: have enough to eat, but he shall neither see a “Then was our mouth filled with laughter.” 1 ne
. face, nor hear a voice, until he has had time to arch oth.—The Secret of Endurance.—Heb. | a i
- repent, and is ready to obey. xi, 2427; xii. 113 | ti
This was sufficient. They could not face such ke : a us C RS : el
a punishment, and they knew the missionary was CEP YOULENG HE EEG, CARLA, A
a man who never altered his word. March 16th.—Constancy.—Daniel i. 8—zo. W ni
| Boyea first—then Stephen—then Jamlin—then A miracle wrought by natural means. % i
the others ‘with one large stone broke the jars, | ve
{ and the liquor gushed out and soaked into the | aa a
: sand, Last of all came Laughing Flower. She Van | tn
' advanced to the only jar which was whole. She ; qe La
# seized the stone, raised it above her head! and gn demoriam. | Bh
. threw it down. But at the moment when she WW Be
lifted the stone, she changed her purpose, so CHARLES CONSTERDINE. | i
» that when it fell it missed the jars and rolled to - | A
Macdonald’s feet. C. E., q Hh
. AS Laughing Flower will not break the jar,” LITTLEBOROUGH and NEWTON ABBOT. |i Ha
were the words she said, and she drew herself 1m ie
: to her full height, her face the picture of defiance. 4 i a
I “Vou know the words I have spoken,” replied Aig
. the white man, and, as he spoke, he pointed away ae 1
to the sea, to where the lonely isle could be March 23rd.—Our Land for Christ.—Psalm Be Hh
dimly seen. But no word did Laughing Flower Ixxxv. I—13. ne |e i
| speak. Not a muscle did she move, mo matter § Lyeland belongs to Christ, help Him to get His 4 He
| what he said. right. 4 { i
Tumari came from out the crowd, and drew i : : Wee |
near to the girl he loved, and whispered in her March 3o0th.—The Risen Life.—Luke xxiv. qh mr
. ear. She turned upon him like a fury, and with 1—12; Col. iil. 1—4. Th Bh
a blow she drove him from her. The natives “Ve are risen with Him.” “You hath He Tee
looked-on in breathless silence, waiting for the guickened together with Lim.” We ie
i Hae
1 st f
| i

a It was a oped nae neld is toe the a fhe Conan ‘Night oe & ee
; i" i anniversary. The President, Rev. W. F. Ridley, THE SALV Hs :
i | was in the chair. Spiritual songs were rendered Our Societies are represented on the Central |
: i H ee ae ee LG es cogunitiee of the Sunday School Union by the
a ta aie Eoicne vesees wh ee Rev. John Truscott. Let each C.E. arrange for
nS i ut have very great pleasuie fa resentlae to you our ih oe ee aos ane ue oe eee
a a | first annual report. At a meeting of the Young ae i ene i: ne eee of
ea | t ROT: ¢ 1 the “ Look-out Committee.” They must gather
i a People’s Class in December, 1900, a resolution their handfuls while they may. If the Sunday
5 4 | ee Ee ae ee Dee a Sento ie Mission i at all successful, there
ia F.C. k, shou e very large additions to ieti
| i | Society in January, 1901, with Mr. Wildridge as and to our PChehes But eae
ae a a. President, and Mr. Butterworth as Vice-Presi- teachers cannot see to this. ‘ The Societies work-
: i | dent. We commenced the Society with eleven jing for Christ and His Church must win to C.E.
a active members and seven associate members. the thousands of possible new members.
ee | We have now on the books thirty-one active aHG Sey Bt RTOS
ieee a members and seventeen: associate members, thus The news columns of the Free Methodist week
ie Or a eae active Inembers by week bear eloquent testimony to the virility
2 a contributions ; one week for the Missionary Pande ee ean ae aCe oe
a ic ea on a ee you oS the Free Methodist? It will often give
a Look-out, Prayer-meeting, Flower, Missionary DO one eer E oe Betay Wecuys
oe and Temperance, Music and Social, and» Execu- ee oie ae eee Re hoe eke
7 ie tive Committee. We are sorry to report the loss Brit as eee d a sled ee on s g Great |
a of one of out members through death. I refer to i ti rn Ca, oo ss i t oe ie oa
A ie Evelyn Clarke, who has been: called to a higher 5, i fees eee ie ote mere ; foee
: es a service. We are glad to know that with her it She Tee a ee d . en q te
PS E ia was only going home, and pray that we may sie yore : Se ee oe pens >
ie i : benefit by her life among us and endeavour to A has a cane Peas a Eee
Boome 7 practise the kindliness which characterized her. a. mee Peer? ee Geer. oe oan
Ye i ; We have met with success in our meetings during 2 te ie ee be ? ee a OE ce f
Bi ae the past year, and many times have they proved a is ee Does gned eee 1 ©, total number 0
Soe | source of inspiration and help, encouraging us to Mish Societies now -eutollied 1s 74784:
A ee. Gam further and more earnest service in the cause of GROVE STREET, LIVERPOOL.
ye a our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.. Our prayer is On Sunday, February 2nd (Christian Endea-
Ce a that we may be faithful to our pledges, and that vour Day), the Grove Street (Liverpool Central :
bi ft ; the spirit of love will pervade our meetings, and Circuit) Society held its first anniversary. Special a
S a i that our whole lives may be given in consecrated SeTmons were preached by the Pastor and Presi- |
ea service to aid in the great cause of Christ, even dent, Rev. H. Raymont, morning and evening. '
Ce the salvation of the world. May God grant that In the afternoon the Endeavourers conducted
a i this may be so.” a special service in the Sunday School, presided |
a i | NEWS FROM SIERRA LEONE. over by one of our esteemed honorary members, |
ee i we A Convention Meeting has been held at Murray Mr. Robert Jones. Addresses were given by He ae
f ' pi Town. The occasion will long be remembered Rev. H. Raymont on “What is a Christian?” ;
a Ue by all who took it. It was indeed a day Miss Taylor, What is a Christian Endea-
: i of great blessing, each longing soul found the Lord vourer,” and Mr. R. J. Jones on Society.” Solos
i) i ihe according to His own promise. Since then—this and recitations were given by the Senior and
ee i a always ought to follow—they have admitted five Junior Endeavourers.
i a a new members, and the roll now stands at over LEAMINGTON. i ; .
yey 2 i sixty. They fully expect to increase as they _The annual social of the Leamington Chris- |
et | go along with their good work. . tian Endeavour Society was held on Wednesday, |
Ce OUR ANNUAL. LETTER: POR 1003 February roth. Rey. Jos. Kirsop occupied the |
ee i i has been sent to the ministers of our Circuits, chair. Am encouraging report was. given by Mr.
ce ae and is bearing fruit. One superintendent has Herman Bissell, the secretary. Sacred solos |
a a sent the names and addresses of three correspond- Werte rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mrs.
E fl ' ing secretaries. We shall be glad to receive many oes Miss Fox, Mr. H. Bissell’and Mr. C. Bird ;
peed i) stich letters. Another writes to say that the tecitations by Misses Reynolds, Simmons, Parr,
eo a i Letter has been carefully laid before his Society, and Lever. : |
; ye Ye
- Et |
ee ed
Wi by j a y
+ a iN : : ‘ i : aa
Nise eit: He, ; t ay, j \ ae

: \ lV @See ee
NY f y el (HERG iit
QQ) 1B | eae ie i tl
VON, WP ie
VIN Yo W/ ed
ISAS US | g We |
‘ ie Alu Z fot a Oe ie
| ; M \ ( i The time of the singing of birds is come. ; i i i i
YY. SN [=|=> oe AEE —CANTICLES ii 123 Hy) a
de 135, WSS fens He
OS oa as ae
‘ee eS Gi es i i
SSA ss Ny, ZS pee ec
ns SR et EAS : Wet
Ware oe \\ st lal’ \s/< 2 (2a Hh a
| W\\\ RQ Pe eee Pe ee ce eee eee fe ee ee eee ey
oe AL ee |
; =x my oY ge eee
| ele: 4. Be hi
\E\ SEs A ee ee el
oN ml Ae pesca eee a i
ur a a nea A S : i ae ; rt and. te Ses As eg ae ‘ se See ce =f see : Ae
RAG: oF. Oe Pe eet ae ae, ie ee ee eee att
RNG 7/7) i SS oui ann SHO Ae ee ce rg we, See Agi eee ee ER ee et a
Ee A oe Giese ey a <3 Bo he REC ae a me Sie. Se i i Ke )
e sf Vinee a v eee CE ee eee ie : i
tat Vi ZY sae er We
' RSS Z ae a ee a Meas |
| Wa WY ee Cin a ee |
WU wae ; | mii
Vee ( i Bi
WM ica
Cee eee ee ee ee ee Ve
; : : | mt
AND Mea bei
NOTES OF JOURNEY AND At the end of the canal we stayed about forty mh | Ia
: VISIT TO EAST AFRICA. Minutes, taking large quantities of “stores” on i ie
| board for the remainder of the voyage. This i ae
BY HENRY T. CHAPMAN, GENERAL MISSIONARY done, the ship began to move with a steady state- ‘\ Le
SECRETARY. liness into the waters of the Red Sea. The sky ut i
; was brilliant with ‘stars, and a solemn. stillness il Le
| brooded over sea and sky. You began at once to | Bit
! oa Conte: Y ; ~ RE
| No. I.—THE JOURNEY (Continued) feel the awe of the great and august past, and of hes
| HE. excitement in our own mind on felt the throb of that wonderful life which was nid ae
| entering the canal, and seeing it with born, and, in the red-hot fires of long and bitter I A
our own eyes, was’ very great. This persecution, welded in a homogeneity which . We a
excitement was increased on being in- centuries have been: powerless to break or destroy, lg a
troduced soon after starting to Mr. in the land which lay within sight to the right. A |
| Thompson, of our South Durham Street Church, As you sailed om in the solemn darkness ’ you a a
Sunderland. He made a delightful companion, felt the thrill of the awful tragedy which was i ue
knowing much of the road, having been over it enacted in those very waters, a tragedy in which | Mi Hi
before. a mighty king and his host were destroyed, and iP | e
: It was in the Suez Canal that we had our first an enslaved people had the gates of liberty i i
experience of what really hot weather was. No- thrown wide open to them. Then just to the We Ii
| thing was. cool—the ship was hot, the wind was | left of you.was the land of Canaan, and, in the | Be
| shot, and I fear there was some internal heat in range of mountains next to the one that lay open ae : 4
many passengers. But the mewness, the strange- to your vision at mid-day, stood Sinai, august, A a
ness, of the whole scene, enabled us to bear the silent, solitary in its very associations, on which | ie He
| heat with some equanimity. : God appeared to Moses, and spake to him “ all ik : ee
i a i
BB a
i f i Bath
NG Ay is et i iF i 4

{ |
i} (| the words of that law” which has been the base both at smell and taste; and our quarters being
a of all the great civilizations from then till now, in the “hinder part of the ship,” and the ship
: ia i and the foundation on which the ethics of Chris- following the roll of a departing monsoon, com-
i i tianity rest. It was an education to. move along bined to make this part of the journey a grave
i HHT the line of so glorious a past; it broadened the reality. But we took refuge in the thought,
yl ih intellect, gave depth and intensity to the feelings, othérs*had borne all these things, and in forms
; ia | 4 and a vividness to the great truth of the solidarity: more acute. than fell’to our lot, and we would not
‘ Wl a of human life and history. be cowed, but do the best we could to put a
eae} The heat during this part of the journey was “cheerful courage on.”
it ul intense ; one day it registered 145 in the “ stoke- The captain and most of the officers were
; | hole.” ‘ ‘ exceedingly pleasant.
ee ie The next calling-place was Aden. Just before Between Aden and Mombasa we “ crossed the
s i i we arrived, as we passed Point Perim, September line,” and we crossed it on Sunday, and the
: a H : r5th, we had signalled to us the sad, sad news captain assured us we crossed it just at 12 noon
r ie that President McKinley was shot. Among all —a thing he had only known once before in his
F ie ul classes on board the news produced a profound whole life at sea.
Cs Me It’ was well for us that it
pe “ was Sunday when we “ crossed
i IF I : sh the line.” Mr. Duckworth
a i ; had crossed it before. We
aoe ie had not, and there was a
me a a strong disposition to make us '
2 i ; “pay our footing.”
eee. ; The journey down the In-
Ee i 3 dian Ocean was most lonely.
ee Ea Rp fe ; We only passed one “sail”
i] ie : for the seven days this part
i a of the journey occupied. The
a j ais & weather was fine, but. the
fee e / ra ee Beas SiS ae ap. : roll of the-> sea was most
7 ee ey ea yee bP La) eer OR ta OY ar is
Lat i ee me ee ee |e. 2
a | Oe ae ee eee See | On the Sunday moming
aoe i eal ewer byte ae _/) wee || we had a service on board.
ee fae epee Sg ae in, 1 ee Ped pea eos. Reman. pos aerate
jacana’ eg |i as as Piers pe enema enh eee me | }~Mr, Duckworth read the les-
eae i SS eet ee acta ; j son; I preached the sermon.
3 aan 2 ye y ? i
ee il PO Ueto: : ! : : shen. The doctor on board the
Bs A iy ar ae - ie : “ Palatana” was a godly man, |
Pe i Rigen : ee and a delightful companion,
_ iB | : and did much to make the .
ee ae a eee journey pleasant by his fellow-
7 «Sl i ship. ‘
po: ‘| MOMBASA, FROM THE SEA, It was on Tuesday, Sep-
Be hen tember 24th,, at about
i 1 sensation, and feelings of deep sorrow were 10,30, that we had our first glimpse of the East
ea expressed on every hand. African coast, some fifty-five miles distant. Had
4 ei Aden might well have stood for the model of | we known, we could have seen our Ribe Station
Bo seme of Dante’s hells. The place itself is like a a littie while before we turned for Mombasa
q Hi huge cinder, cast up out of perdition itself, Harbour. We reached Mombasa about 4.30 in |
i ; a 3! rugged, lifeless, gaunt, and clothed in a repulsive the afternoon. The harbour makes a beau- }
Fa i loneliness. The heat is intense, without a blade tiful picture. As you enter, to your right is the |
eae nt ' of grass to rest and refresh the eye, or a tree to mainland, covered with palms down to the |
ag i i give a restful shade. water’s edge; to the left is Mombasa itself. As
an } a Here we transhipped from the “Oriental” to seen from the sea it looks exceedingly pretty; }
ec a the “Palatana.” The transhipment recalled the its white houses and mosques and fine official
t AL i Miltonic line, “With one vast sweep, down to residences combine to give it quite a.charm. Oh,
gS i i ——!”. In this change of ships the pleasant part» what thoughts began to surge through the mind i
Bh a, i of the journey ended! First, the B. I. boats are. as the ship came to a stand, and we found our- |
oh small, compared with the P. and O. Then the selves really in East Equatorial Africa. A gun |
: a Hh commissariat department struck ‘hurtful blows was fired announcing the ship’s arrival, and on |
so, aes i |
. Bi i |
r it : |
a |
em hi ies a
os ae ig KE ”

3 pe
the shore all was excitement. Black forms, clad Until now ministers have had much to do in con- | hk 5
in. long white robes, running here and there in nection with day-school instruction in the island, ie Ha :
a most excited manner, changed the current of and a resolution was adopted deprecating the : ie wa :
our thoughts, and we were anxious to see at least suggested severance from the management of Wels | :
one face, if not more, not strange to us, and these schools. The last clause expressed the | | a
to hear a voice that.would bid us welcome! We hope that “the day will never come when minis- He
were sure both would be ours, but when? ters of religion will cease to take part in the | | s
We had not long to wait, though our ship was management of the schools of the island.” The i) He
in a day earlier than was expected. In about members of the Conference were entertained by Hh ee f
half an hour after our arrival in Mombasa Har- Mr. and Mrs. Bavin and family, who were heartily ee i.
bour, the whole of which time had been spent thanked for their kindness. W i Hit
in a strained look in the direction of the landing- In the evening a largely-attended missionary j it a
stage, it was my joy to say to Mr. Duckworth, meeting was held. Mr. Bavin occupied the chair. | Be
“They are coming.” “Who?” was his reply, to Rey. W. Griffith read the report, and addresses Pes
which we answered, “Friend Griffiths and friend were delivered by Revs. W. Davidson; M.A., J. | h
Ratcliffe!” In a very few minutes we stood face Renkie, §. E. Williams, and J. K. Phillips. A i
to face, hands outstretched and clasped, and yew pulpit had been placed in the church (East Wee ie
words of welcome spoken with tears in the voice Street), and, during the meeting, it was dedicated i} |
on both sides. It was a moment in life not to to its purpose. e : | a
be forgotten, in which mind and heart moved The full session of ministers and delegates We
with incalculable rapidity, and long stretches of assembled on Tuesday morning, January 28th. | i
life were covered in a few pulse-beats. The General Superintendent presided. He gave itt
Half an hour later we were on the way to the to all a hearty welcome. after the year of arduous S| i
tailor’s to be measured for our first suit of khaki, Jabour. Their reports showed advancement in | A
| which was supplied the following day at noon! eyery department of their work. Church build- WR
Not bad for a country just creeping out of ings had been enlarged and improved. The el
barbarism! ‘ _ membership showed a considerable increase. , Hy pie!
At 4.30 the day following our arrival he left The schools showed improvement both in attend- i i ie
; Mombasa in the little mission boat, “Alice,” for ance and efficiency, and, notwithstanding the hard i A ,
| Jomvu. Wind and tide being against us, the times and financial depression, the accounts tabu- Wed
journey took us three hours—seven miles. “As ated an increase in income of nearly£600 on 1
the boat toiled and tacked up the creek, and in the year... This was most satisfactory. He had We i
the setting sun we looked right and left to the visited the Old Country since their last meeting | i
varying scenery on the banks, the line of the and begged to assure them of the interest and | nie
ae eo hymn kept Seer eos mind,. sympathy of the home Churches in Jamaica. He \ BL
| Where every prospect pleases.” It was a fair had addressed about sixty public meetings and i { Wh
| scene indeed. services, and everywhere had a most enthusiastic it Ave
| We landed at Jomvu an hour and a half after reception. He had talked Jamaica until a friend, We
| sunset. Of our arrival and welcome, more in our 4 few days before sailing, said to him, “ You have | A
| next article. ; had a splendid time; if you stayed much longer We
aera aaa ae you would make us believe there is no other place iy ie
OUR FOREIGN FIELD.—EDITORIAL 0 ¢2zth besides England and Jamaica.” The ae
Committee had practically accepted his scheme WS Bn is
NOTES. of extension in Central America. Unfortunately, i ie
; —— the revolution had, for the time being, hindered : | HL
x JAMAICA, the progress of this work, but they only paused to Wi 4 Hh
EV. F. BAVIN has favoured me with gain fresh strength and march forward. He be- i ais
a copy of the “Daily Gleaner” of lieved also that he had impressed upon the Exe- | |
Re nN February 4th. It contains a report cutive the necessity of aid for certain work in i a 1 |
A of the Jamaica District meeting, from ‘this island, and hoped to secure help from the | Le
~~ = which,I have constructed the follow- Twentieth Century Fund in due course. He it. ae
ing digest. The annual sermons were preached — trusted this would encourage them in local effort. | Is a i
on Sunday, January 25th, Hon. and Rev. F. Reports of all departments of work were re- i a
Bavin preaching in the morning, Rev. James ceived. District officers and committees and a i
Wynn in the afternoon and evening. The busi- members of the Corporate Body were appointed i Ae ;
ness meetings commenced the following day. A for the year. _ Um
meeting of school managers and teachers was A very successful series of meetings concluded i e i
held, when topics bearing on the character, hous- with a public service (at which two of the young Be
ing and remuneration of teachers were adopted. ministers preached trial-sermons) and the com- i i.
Hi We
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i a 3 : iS 7
tf i munion, which was conducted by the General Returning from prayers last Saturday week, my
| Superintendent and the Rev. W.. Griffith. thoughts full of my text for the morrow, ‘He
te MISSION COLLEGE AT WENCHOW, who spared not His own So, but delivered Him
iy di 4 He a
eee ea ie In the last number of the Missionary Ecuo up for us all, how shall He not with Azm freely
i if I briefly mentioned the appointment of Mr. give us a// things, my eyes wandered off to the
oe Thomas W. Chapman to the headship of the glorious orbs of night, and the ad things filled
— a i new Collegiate School in Wenchow. Mr. Chap- my mind to the ‘exclusion of everything else;
% He an . . . + . fn . >
a man is a Bachelor of Science of Victoria Univer- ‘the greater includes the less’ was my theme,
Pw sity, and holds that University’s Diploma of the greatest possession a man has is his dearly
oo a Education. He is an undergraduate of London beloved one, almost to the exc‘usion of things ;
co ye i < University. He was educated and trained at at least the ‘beloved’ is the greater, and the |
oe ee
a i ial een - ? . : ae R
: a Mt as He z ok ae ; : : . z é 4 ; \ nas My
a a Ree Sy A feta Oe eae cane ee |
> 2a ey goes eee i et A a eae ie, Mes)
i S i Bee Be Oe, ape x oe Sal eae a Res oe Lae cae, oak aaa 2 Den ga el ABs aed Peg Emo ri ‘ ee Vise Mane ae Se |
: a a Ras Ma Cel Re a sta eet BL fees a AEG YS CER aoe ae RF
a. Ve a te ice ie hee te See wn et Dat ae ee oo eee
ol ie Ree E A ance age See He pe CS. ania ule ks Le er Ske) ae Fate
eo a ae Pes Fa Se en aegis SK ge RIE Sd an lo ieee ae ane a oe Serene Veal
pe a Hl a ty) arate feet THORS ¢ Dae el ci ee ee oe Lay BN
a ws i NaS Be, FAD SE ita gata NS ag ein es
Bas ee Te See a ct een Meaty Se Bhd). “Sh Pee eae ah Sa ie nine can Apa dS ale Em BRC ig op apes aay te ,
ong a ae eee ec) pe ee Cae |
a BS TSP SOME SRE aS te caida ta oie eaeacee Ea et canted a |
eo ee oan a pe As RE ve Sa ie Ge ga Bee Dine A rane af ARE Kee St )
oe, fam 4 a gree tee Mc sO RIOR dees RSTn 5 aur ten a mete: oi A | |
ee NS gid Ca OBE a eee ee et ete ai Reet Pee ee oe |
ee fea, % Sa? eRe phere A Sym ay a Rate a a eRe RR, Ui, Oe en RN Nisan pane
a Le a SO) STE = eat oe foe ae |
in H Pid. er ee ere ‘e's get eine. ne gee eg ee
. a | ae . Gee S* ia eee nn Nain ta nen) om ad
tree a Rie tis : 1 Eras reer SME el Pitt oh eget SEB: Be cere et Te OE Bo ee Ae ie, Seca +),
ie weg 5 BEE on, Yee oat eo joan. «(ae eS) |
he i = Br coe ) Bt Ree i TP te iz | ae ek
, ae CY) AL eX 7. a
ee i et" BBO age me wanes a) fee Pi edes fie ee ee aa |
ee ea wo ip GF OY i ee eats a eee | eee os a gay A is ae 4 ie |
ae ee ane 2 as Bae ie aL Mee ae a ea ake pean tee oo? ae ‘Gara |
Bee. ae h ey ae eR ieee Grad a Ke Naa ‘ Se Ser ey ie ' nme. Wee |
ee i ne ea y' Le 5 Bes vena pease at wet ee hha : a, o ian Ace
ee Ae i j Occ: Ge {1 RRS eB errrentanes ed : Me ce | ae ey ae
es hs di A + ERE aes SERIA. Biase. A ate cae ees ert eS ; Eee rnin meas, UE net FB ner : ae
ee ae f j oo an. ae f i Bee eee = PSCC. 05 Lake Mala ante sn ate me
Rea Sow | ae aoe SS ee oe oe eee en OO te |
ae 1 eee ae a © ee Nae Rar ee Te Ee Coad aS |
tec i ee > ie | ee saa Peta ee eRe sa ee ee a
oe a Boi) RIS FRNA ne eee aa RES On la er
_ . | Cea EY PTE vie ANS oan TN as Necro ee CR RN ON ge ee |
oa ae i nese eee poe Dae Pb Sno aeeee sateen ate es eee sore Vy Se TENS ay arsie ee oe et Ne: Ss Ey
ae : a boa Be ee ae hi a DO ae CRO) |
Ace Me vi re be ipso itis Seige SUSE ERI = z A
ves i ti
| | &
ie i
& ; i! \ at ; . p , : : i i : he
tee 1 a Leeds Higher Grade School and Yorkshire Col- things’ the less. ; The Son is the eae : ‘
- a lege, and since he graduated has been an assis- stars the less. First get the Son and the ‘a |
Nea a. ie tant master in the upper school of the Leeds things’ follow. Seek ye first the Kingdom oh
ee ie Higher Grade. Dr. Forsyth sent the highest testi- God and His righteousness, and all these things
Boor monials as to his solid learning, skill as a teacher, shall be added to you—a mere extra thrown in,
eo a ’ Christian gentlemanliness, and power in manag- the stars included. And they were lovely, in —
bo ae ing and influencing pupils. I wish Mr. Chapman expressibly beautiful. My mind soared upward
ies | 1 i ihe great success in his new and important sphere. to their majesty, and oblivion of baser aCe
Bo | i CHINA. ings got hold upon me. I turned to oe i a !
Mew Hi Hl $ % i “ rey
oe i : In a private letter, Mr. Soothill writes: “I I thought was our a ao ae a me |
Pe, ee a 7" had rather an awkward experience the other night. on the stars, and marched with more’ for |
Be a : j ‘ F
My: 4 i |
Peta SAM > ARs i 1 Mae
oS eo ‘ ' Ne
Wea ie : a

| West
wisdom into a locked-up shop. I stubbed my initiative, the delegates resolved that the time i
toes, burst my thumb, scraped my wrist, gave had come to make regular contributions, however ee i be
| myself a nasty shaking, and lost my latch-key. small, a sine qua non to Church membership. ai fe
| In addition, I roused the occupants of the shop, As this is a good old Methodist rule, I did not ‘te i :
: who, to judge by the noise they made, thought «see any reason to oppose it; indeed, it was a i ie
| the stars had fallen, and no amount of persua- great joy to me to find the question brought up in i (i ie
sion would induce them to show me a light; my ‘the way it was; they fixed the minimum at a cash i fh
best Wenchowese would not induce thém to be- a day or its equivalent. We made a careful 1 i rite
lieve that it was I, their respectable foreign clearance of the Church registers before the We §
neighbour, who had thus run up against their meeting. We had a big discussiom as to how to eh
door. I had to call a servant to help me out of | get the Christians to spend more time with their ete
: my predicament, as it would not have been New Testaments, and resolved to begin with the et
wise to let my key get into any and everybody’s preachers. Each pastor is to call in the local Bie
hands. The only comfort I managed to get out preachers in his Circuit three times a year for a i Aeiciee ee |
of the affair was that my own neighbours cannot week’s Scripture study, and I am arranging for ae
recognize me as ‘a foreigner’ in the dark! a month’s course in the city in the spring and ee
* # * another month in. the winter. ‘The Romanized ee
“Vou will be glad to hear that all is going Version is progressing, and, as soon as the paper : ee
“well here; the troubles of last year are over, Comes from. Japan, Mr. Upward (whose press is eee
the compensation of native Christians is now a 70" 3 reality) will commence printing. We are He
thing of the past, the dealings with officials prac- Penns the whole of the New Testament, and. I | Pi
tically ended, and our opportunity fcr higher BUN TR tly CCE Ny asta ees un Gespels and | Bi
work opening admirably up. I had a most en- Acts; the draft of the Epistles is finished. dd
| joyable month with a dozen local preachers ¥ * * | i
recently, and two of the best are soon ccming a ‘ fay HG
in for a year or two’s training. The progress of M eo fe gOro ue Re Ne ore ony Schoo ti
some of the Churches is most cheering; they have = a tobie takes rhe OvETSIBAL, and all Aes Ih Pie
not ony recovered from last year’s blow, but are Spine ame ye eo ene abate gehe isinice | Ale
making advance on their former position. Tsing- meeting rip went ott very well, though the weather Bi
die and Nyoh-tsing are still in need of extra care, became co-d and SL and threatened to be as a fg
but the Tsing-die people are a reliable lot, and pag a ae last time, when some of the dele- Wee
have great things in store, and the Nyoh-tsing Bats ere a week in getting home. ‘On Sunday Bt
: Churches are in safe hands. Mr. Summers “® had service at Zing-si (city chapel) as usual, a
knows the character of the people there, and we and: in spite), of building operations ; but it was a i
have no better man than he ‘has provedthere terribly cold and windy, so bad that I asked the Wey
is no better in Wenchow, It is always a pleasure people to put their hats on after the first prayer. a
to go to Nyoh-tsing. The people-there are the d pes cap le end) of thevait chapel Where the ten ee
most intelligent in this neighbourhood, and there aes Were, was taken down some.days | , Hee
are many, real, earnest Christians among them. rane nt ane that the chapel Wes all i Bt
It is a pleasure to preach to them} now>cie ae at ee a 2 on ven ao awfully bitter. A
does one get such undivided attention. We are, Peet SOUS gS DOW aus nee? and the brick- Bes
completing the city chapel, the walls are already Len ae Ce all three sides of the build: Bit.
a good way up, and I hope to see the roof on ies Bt A ly PCED Berar ore the complete i Ak
before the Chinese new year. It will be a hand- building teady for opening about the end of i A
some, and, I believe, comfortable place when March. ey aie % WS
finished. At Jin-an (‘Jericho’) the workmen he i
begin to-day, and we shall soon have a building A fortnight later, the weather, instead of i tte
there to seat over 300 people, and a good audi- being cold and windy, was, continues Mr. Soot- i i
ence to start with. At Fung-ling the long-prayed- - hill, “ oppressively hot, the air muggy, and every- i a)
for chapel is soon to be erected, and the hearts of body aweary.” The building operations gave him “at ia
the good people there gratified. They will more the subjects for his Sunday’s sermons, concerning — | E ie
than half fill it from the first.. At Tsing-die the , which, he says: : | Oe la |
people are raising two or three hundred dollars “T had been casting out some of the material i
with a like object ih view, and we are negotiating during the week, and took for my morning’s ser- ah i
for land. mon I. Corinthians iii. to—15: ‘ By the grace of Ht Ba
* * * Re God I am a conscientious foundation layer.’ No iy |
“We had our annual District meeting last other foundation but Jesus Christ. Build with / Be
week, and some thoughtful and earnest remarks the best materials, for it is to be an everlasting j 4 fe
were made by those who spoke. At their own habitation. Such was the theme, and there was ie ie i

: |
a. |
| a plenty of material around me by way of illustra- now 74, but is as straight as ever, and reads his
; i ” tion. After service Ping-chang asked permis- large-print New Testament with much emphasis. :
ie Gl sion tc pull down the whole of the old chapel’ You may remember he is a well-educated man...
L i ae during tae week. We had been keeping it up as. His offspring now number, including their Wives, |
" a long as possible, to form a shelter from sun, seventy-four souls, one for every year of his life. |
ws Hae rain and wind. So, in the afternoon, I took as They say they have no mosquitoes up there; |
a my text Luke xxi. 1—6, the widow’s mite and it is so high up and cold. It was cold enough |
: Se a the Lord’s prophecy of the destruction of the when J was there, and I was glad of all the |
it Ht Tempe. I took the last part first, and spoke on cvvering I had brought With me. Coming down
: i iu the subject of the old chapel. I gave them a was glorious. Up at. daybreak, off before sun-
ek short history of its building, its empty look when rise, 2,000 feet above sea-level, as the sun rubbed |
a nu first we used to meet in it, how we feardd our his sleepy eyes against the mountain tops. It
ee i uh faith had been too. great, and yet how God had Was charming ; first the view over the successive
i il i more than filled it, and now it had become need- ranges, then presently the view all the way down
; a ful to also complete the new one. I told them the Si-chi valley, next the Wenchow’s river, with
oe how sorry I was to pull down the old one, for it its many windings, right down to the city, and
ew had been the gate of Heaven to hundreds of all this from a height of nearly 2,000 feet. I
i 4 if a souls ; many had had their first glimpse of a gota bird’s-eye view of the whole vista, and had
= 4 | bettcr life there; many had taken the first step never seen it so charmingly before.”
Bi a oy out cf bondage there; some had felt their sins EXETER HALL MISSIONARY MEETINGS.
ee | Hl forgiven and others had received the baptism of These great gatherings will take place on
aoe q He the Holy Ghost, beneath its roof, and some now Monday, April 28th. As the Rev. James Proud-
i in Faven could look back and thank God that foot is coming home for.a brief furlough, it was
Uae | ae it hed been their birth-place. And so I told them agreed by the Missionary Committee that
ea to tike their last look at it, for before another he should be one of the speakers at the
a ; A Sun lty it would be gone. Then I took them to Exeter Hall Missionary Meeting, the others being
4 ca the first half of my subject, and told them that the President, the General Missionary Secretary,
ie a the place they owed their salvation to was a and Alderman James Duckworth, J.P. The chair
ge a an plac? in which they all ought to have a brick; will be taken by Mr. R. W. Essex, son-in-law to -
o- i | i some could bring their ten dollars, others their the “grand old lady of Free Methodism ”—Mrs.
fe 1 He one, and some, like this poor widow, could do Benson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne.
ye 4 | mor® than even these, by bringing their mites, SUNDAY SCHOOL ORGANIZATION.
E a a Nee God would not refuse. I find communion Some time ago Mr. John Harker, of Liver-
a 8 gw Sunday in the second moon is the collection day, pool, made a handsome offer to enable the
tas if il but T think it might be well to alter It to the Committee to appoint a special agent, who
a. 2 a third moon communion, for we are likely to would seek to organize missionary © effort in
oe SE opening service on that day, and it Sunday Schools and thus augment the missionary |
- 4 | we € mice to me a good collection then, income. He has mow increased his offer. to |
a we foreign pastors bringing our subscriptions £500. The Committee resolved to proceed, and
; : i Wy in actual dollars in like fashion as the natives, and at next session it is probable that an appoint-
oe : i at the same time. It may do them all good, and _ will be made. It is intended that the work should |
ue a a give an impetus to self-support. be done in three years.
ve a ie “I was at Ming-oe, Dzing-sa, and Bing-kae last The Connexional Officers reported that £41,440
De a Sunday. It was a pleasure to see that at last had been raised by special effort for the benefit |
ee i the Ming-oe work is beginning to move. Mr. of Mrs. T. Wakefield and family. The effort was |
oo Summer’s uncle has borne the burden and heat highly approved; the officers were heartily 4
a of the day there for a long time, and it isa joy thanked, and they, with the treasurers of the
Wek ' a to see that he has not borne it in vain. Of course, fund, were appointed a committee for its
a Hl the increase is as yet small, but it seems a move administration.
ae i i of the right sort. At Dzing-sa there are now OTHER BUSINESS.
| a ‘ several people coming from Ling-sa, a large vil- The General Missionary Secretary, the Rev.
E i i lage into which I have hoped for an entrance for John Baxter, Mr. R. Turner, Mr. J. Akers, C.C., :
oy aa many a long year. At Bing-kae the room was and Mrs. Soothill were appointed delegates to the
fe i itt quite full, and they tell me it is fuller in the Conference of Missionary Secretaries, to be held
Ce | i day time; it was only at night I could get there. in’ London. |
Ee : it The old gentleman who is head of the Church The Rev. H. T. Chapman was requested to
oa and of whose offspring it mostly consists is still _ preach a sermon in London, on behalf of the
: : Hi as vigorous as ever, except as hindered by his Bible Society, at the Free Methodist Church that
ae i, i eyes, in both of which he has cataract. He is may be offered for the purpose. i

HD tb
: otis Lie!
GENERAL MISSIONARY SECRETARY’S of the native Christians, but prepared the way Me
NOTES. for a wonderful movement of the Holy Spirit HE i ee
ee on the mind of the people generally. He ih ee
MISSIONARY COMMITTEE. The doctor reports most enthusiastically of the ti .
: . ea work of Miss Hornby and Miss Abercrombie.. HT
BES sing Aeeelen gt ae MS Ceary Our honoured nieoteay the Rev. J. W. Hey- He
Committee was held at Barnsley in yet SOLS ce. is
q the early days of March. wood, and Mrs. Heywood, will return to Ningpo Hy
The Barnsley friends ever give the September. Hl! Ge
menibets’ of the: Committee’ a. hearty Wenchow.—Mr. T. W. Chapman, B.Sc., whose He '
welcome. The sermons on the Sunday were offer of service for educational mission. work in Hee
preached by the Missionary Secretary, and the Wenchow had been accepted by a special com- We
public missionary meeting was presided over by mittee appointed EO deal with the case, appeared He
J. G. Benson, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne. The before the Coe and received a hearty re- oe
speakers were the President, ex-President, and cephon: e President gave a very touching He
the Missionary Secretary. Both in attendance address on the appointment, and then called on i Ha
and enthusiasm the meeting reached a very high the Rev. F. Galpin to lead the Committee in I} Die
iver prayer. The Rev. J. Kirsop and the Rev. E. ae ies
To the Rev. E. Hogg and Mr. George Cook Boaden then addressed Mr. Chapman, and Mr. ae
much praise is due for the noble missionary Chapman made a brief but appropriate reply. i bie ‘
spirit existing in the Circuit. Dr. Hogg.—For some nine years Dr. Alfred | is
The first meeting of the session of the Com- Hogg has served our Wenchow , Mission inthe ae
mittee was devoted to the reception and con- C@Pacity of medical missionary. His relations” We
sideration of the report on East Africa, presented muitiy the (Committecynave always Deen most Cor, ii
by the Secretary and Mr. Alderman James dial; but, in consequence of some change of HA te
Duckworth, the deputation. view in relation to Christian doctrines and / | Be
Recommendations, based on the report, are to methods of service, he feels constrained pO: with- : 4 ee
be formulated, and considered at the June ses- draw from the fellowship of our China Mission. Hpi
sion, and a copy both of the report and the In most felicitous terms Dr. Brook thanked the i
: 3 : . : Bc
recommendations to be given to each member doctor for iis many and valuable services, pont, | ea
attending the Annual Assembly ing out that the field was broad and in it room | ae |
g ee . for workers of different views, wished for him a i
Ni ae a dered sphere of work in which he could. best serve the a a
Nngpo Ths College scheme watcondced Meter, and long Hfe ant Heath in Hin see
Calvert, Middlesborough, has promised £500, Hoe = Pee ra heer ae va i oe ul ee
and the Ningpo friends have promised another EE DEORE Se one e Ore ate | fs
B00 deal GAUGE de Anes “lwentieen ness, and wished for their work great prosperity Bi
500, as their contribution to the twentieth and an ever-widening influence. eee
Century Fund. The specific objects of this — Who of our Churches will offer to step into ee
peach ee ae Hor aco 4 ie the vacancy thus°created, and go forth with the a
; a = % iz Ba i
mun uve giholmasten, For our, AES Gora of healing tothe great snp of Chine > UI
Soe ; e do urge this call on our medical friends! ee
shall be educationally the equal of those with 5 : ii
whom they are brought in contact in the ‘street EAST AFRICA. He A
and market-place. This is most important; 3. Tuer Lare Rev. C. ConstERDINE. Bi
To provide a centre for the imparting of Western ; é | Hl
learning: under Christian influences to the chil- On Friday evening, March 7th, we received ls $
dren of the educated classes of the great empire. the long-looked-for letter from the Rev. John H. a
The range and influence of this new movement | Phillipson, giving particulars of the departure to il ae
cannot be measured. the higher service of. our dear and honoured 4
The* son of our honoured missionary, Dr. friend. Mr. Phillipson’s letter is under date of | P He
Swallow, had offered for this important January 28th. ae i
branch of our work. But our friend has felt it He says: Things went on as usual up to. Thurs- Hh i
his duty to withdraw his offer. Will the cultured day, January 23rd. That. morning he and Mr. ee )
of our Churches, with a B.Sc. degree, take this Consterdine went to the early service, after which ay | i i
work to heart, and offer for this high branch of the men went to their work, and then at 7.30 AS i if
; the Master’s service. they both went into the mission-house to break- it ai
Dr. Swallow, in a recent letter, ‘gives a most’ fast. They “sat down,” and Mr. Consterdine Baa
delightful account of the work of God in the said, “1 believe I have fever coming on.” He pai | a
villages of the Ningpo district. The fires of per- at once went to bed. Ague followed. Means A le
secution have not only tried the faith and fidelity were employed to produce perspiration, which Pe
f | A % f
i Ve ae

wo om
wa ti ‘
| t proved successful. Fever followed, and then there to wait till Christ shall raise it in all its
ea diarrhoea. The latter was checked by 4 p.m. He © spiritual power and glory to immortality and
i then said, “I am very ill—or not ill, but tired.” eternal glory. The services were conducted by
i | At sunset he fell into a gentle sleep. Mr. Phillipson and Mr. Bocking.
i i By Friday at mid-day the fever had subsided To Mr. Bocking our best thanks are due for
a —gone—and our friend asked for some food his great sympathy and timely help.
i ie which Mr. Phillipson had prepared. He was REV. T. WAKEFIELD.
: wo now. very weak, but said, “I shall be all right. Mrs. Wakefie.d has been requested to write
1 i! to-morrow.” He afterwards took’ a little beef- the memoir of her late honoured husband.
a tea, and then fell asleep, and slept till midnight,
Bip i i and then said, “I am all right,” to which Mr.
wo Phillipson replied, “Then you shall go to the A LOST CHILD.
i if i coast.” Soon after this he asked for, and drank, BY JAMES PROUDFOUT.
rf a i a “glass of milk.” : d
i Hl On Saturday morning, at about 4 o’siock, he 2. ; ; in Si
| ie sat up for anor half be hour in his chair. 2 He — G BA, HE names of townsand villages in pee
Li ; : Leone are all of an historical char-
‘ he was most urgent to be allowed to get up. This aot eC eeL thes hig:
a eo was, of course, refused him. During the day AStely enous oe ran a oe
= a he was very restless. In the evening he was tory may be:local. | Oursi xe i ov
Ee an washed and changed, and on returning to bed i ae NE have @ Wilberforce, eee On:
i i ru slept till about 3 a.m. Sunday morning. At 6 “204 Waterloo alt House be Lay as: oe ad
¥ | a.m. he was urgent to “get up”; to the question, there, a former District Commissioner is com-
a “How are you?” he replied, “Very well; is memorated because of the good he did while in
fs breakfast ready?” As soon as possible food was fice, as in the case of Ricketts in our Bananas
be i ‘i prepared, which he took. He then had no fever, Islands Circuit. Although emotional, as Africans
a ike but a far-off look and wistful. had come into his Senerally are, the Sierra Leonean is not forgetful
il bet eyes and face. of kindness, and gratefully remembers the names
t i Mr. Phillipson at once sent an urgent message of the benefactors of the Colony.
Ae: to the German station at Ngao, requesting the _ At one of the towns mentioned above—Wilber-
= if i ‘immediate presence of Mr. Bocking. On. being force—we have a small society, and, on account |
eer oe reminded it was Sunday, he said, “I will not Of the number of young men who are trading in
Le ih go to church this moming, but will go for a the Hinterland and down the coast, it appears
« a walk.” He very.much wanted to be allowed to much smaller than it really is. One of the mem- |
fF Fe at get up. When reminded that he had had fever _ bers is called Cole, and by his energy and ability |
a i a and was very weak, and must take care, he he is well-to-do in the world, and is likely in time |
be a. a replied, “ What are you saying; cannot a man to be comparatively rich. He and Mrs. Cole |
oe Bi Ht have fever, but he must die?” About tr a.m, were living near to Mafwe in 1898, when the |
Ce he began to wander a little in his speech. He lay raid took place, and, as Mafwe is just one day’s |
a Ay for an hour or two, then sat up, drank water journey from Tikonkoh, it will easily be imagined |
ie 7 A two or three times, until 3 p.m. At 3.30 Mr. that it suffered terribly. A small force of fron- |
a Bocking arrived, but our friend did not give him tier policemen was entirely destroyed, as were
a a ' any attention, nor did he recognize the friends also the Sierra Leone men who took refuge with |
ee a of the station who came in to see him.. He con- them. The Sierra Leone women were kindly . |
be a a tinued in this state till 9 p.m., taking a sip of | treated, but their children were taken from them, |
me water at intervals, and then he quietly and peace- and divided among the raiders. Mr. Cole was |
\ on fully passed out of the shadows into the light. one of the few that’ escaped, and his sufferings,
1 fi When he had gone, Mr. Phillipson says, “Oh, both mental and physical, as he lay hiding in )
ies the feeling, God only knows.” the forest, would form a very exciting chapter. |
ek i 3 Many brave and devoted men have died zz Finally, however, he escaped, and, later on, Mrs.
ae i Africa, died For Africa, but our own honoured Cole and all the children, except one, were
: ih i friend stands well in the front line of the most restored: to him.
Bie 1 a enthusiastic and heroic. These are the deeds, Where is that lost child? Search has been
f i i “the deaths which are accomplished,” that bind made for it, but in vain. I was at Tikonkoh in
iB Ae __ Africa to the Church of Christ, and to’ our own June last, and in every town and village we
a HL Denomination in particular, with more than gold made inquiries, but all to no purpose. Mean-
3 A a cords, with cords of heroic sacrifice. .while, the parents are alike fearful that he may © 4
E i The day following his departure, January 7th, be alive or dead. Whichever alternative you take
: a 7 ; his dust was laid beside that of the Rev.-J. and brings no comfort. No parent can rejoice ‘over :
FE i He Mrs. Houghton (I can see the spot so vividly), the death of a promising little fellow of six years
bs me? ty
ee ae at |
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| of age; but neither can there be joy in the sup- THE CHINESE AWAKENING. og
/ position that he is alive, growing up in heathen- i a Pie ee
/ ism, and probably treated as a slave. Every BY Rs WOCREEN DEN: i| i ts =
| additional comfort that Mr. Cole can procure = ie z
for his children reminds him and his wife of the i | i He
| fact that, if alive, their lost son is still farther NE hundred i ferri ae
removed in condition from his more fortunate a Gets ee yee ee e hace i i he
| brothers and sisters. ) PDOs Uae Bl Cero on ers He |
| Some time since Mrs. Cole told me that a y Hae eRe eee foe i Bh |
man was seen carrying the child away from Sa SlEED: es netmiatk 15 0 fonges : ee
Mafwe, and that he belonged to a chief named true of China. At last the giant is ei
Honna. Honna is at present a political prisoner awake, and is bestirring himself. Mes
in Freetown Gaol, and, as he and I are on very The Chinese awakening is a fact, and, in this ' A ;
good terms, I got an order for admission, and brief sketch, it is intended to produce evidence a
had a long talk with him. I promised him money of the fact. It is intended to speak of an awaken- We
for himself if he would reveal the child’s.where- ing which is manifest in three directions—e., meee
| abouts, or, if he preferred it, I offered to do. a material, an intellectual, and a spiritual. he
anything in reason for his wives and daughters. Signs of an awakening have not been wanting i?
Honna, however, pleaded ignorance, although it for twenty years at least, but the fact of which a
| was probably fear of additional punishment that we speak is, doubtless, a direct result of the ee
| made him decline to say where the boy is living. ‘recent war with Japan. Perhaps it will be as well :) Ea
I told him there was no need to fear any evil to take the opportunity, in this first paper, to Tie
consequences, and asked him if he ever knew correct what seems to be-a misapprehension of
Mr. Goodman all the time he was at Tikonkoh the part played by the Chinese in that war. ee
to break his word. He very emphatically said, We sometimes hear it said that the Chinese ; a
“Never,” but, although I explained that I would must be either cowards or idlers, else they would Bie
| keep mine, too, he gave me no information. never have accepted defeat at the hands of the Ae
This does not necessarily end the matter, for a little Japs. That this impression is erroneous. | Pt
few weeks’ consideration may wonderfully help | we will now proceed to show. The Chinese are a
| Honna’s memory; but, meanwhile, the anxiety neither cowards nor idlers, and that their defeat a
of the parents continues, and the child is reced- was due to other causes will appear from the P|
ing farther and farther into heathenism. Even following considerations: ee
if rescued, in all probability he will retain some The Chinese are not a military peopte. f | He
of the evil features of his present life to the In this respect, it may be, they are like our- ih
age of three score years and ten. selves. We are “a nation of shopkeepers,” on if Ae
I have written this for the young readers of the authority of the great man quoted above. it i
: the Ecuo. Little Cole is not the only child in | They are a cool, calculating commercial race. We
slavery, while his brothers and sisters are free. Yet we have shown that we can fight, and sel- i
He is not the only boy growing up amid influ- dom if ever we have lacked courage in a just wR
ences that are sure to injure him in days to. cause. And the Chinese have shown that they | et He
come, even if he should be rescued from these can fight. A thousand years ago they had con- 1h a
influences later cn. I am sure many of the quered all their neighbours. They did not know MS
readers of the Ecuo will understand, the feelings that there were Governments and peoples. out- ‘| i
of Cole’s parents, how at times it comes into side their own mountains and seas. They fancied : aR
| their minds that their lost child would better be that they had gathered all the earth; that they | Bee
dead than growing up to be a Mendi slave. It is were the kingdom, and wisdom would die with pal
equally true that many fathers and mothers in them. Self-sufficiency is far from being the least i! a
England have similar thoughts of their sons and prominent of Chinese characteristics to this day. | Be
daughters who have somehow been lost to good- But, in much later times, they have shown that ti By ;
ness, and are living lives that are abominable in they can fight. Did not General Gordon raise nh
| the sight of God and man. While it is good to among them the “ Ever-Victorious Army,” which te !
; mourn over the loss of Mr. Cole’s child, it is well crushed the T’ai-p’ing rebellion, and restored wit 4 ie
: to remember the dangers to which children are constitutional Government in a State which vol We
exposed even in England, and I hope the young | was fast falling to pieces? It has been pointed We ia
people who read this sketch will obey that out that on the outbreak of the war Lord - ‘t Be !
teaching which will lead them in the paths of Wolseley prophesied an easy victory for the dl oe
' righteousness, where alone they can walk in Chinese, for, said he, “the Chinese possess ec Bie
safety and without fear. every military virtue.” ia
. . i Hey
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it i What, then, were the contributing causes of through treaty ports into the interior. England
: Wa heal their defeat? They were two: corruption and sowed the wind, China is reaping the whirlwind.
a al opium. In China some of us have seen; with our own
it 4 The Chinese army is said to be supported at an eyes, land formerly used for grain and other
l i i annual cost of something like $150,000,000 life-giving products alienated to the cultivation
aw ij i (Mexican) or 415,000,000 sterling. of opium. The poppy flower is beautiful to |
— i ih And yet, perhaps, itis the most worthless look at, but poison exudes from its stem. |
aa army in the world. Why? Because it has no China, once the Flowery Kingdom, is fast be- |
a leaders worthy of the name. Its generals and Coming the kingdom of the deadly flower. Now,
Bee ee aM officers are all corrupt; everyone is given to there is not al single ‘province in the whe.e of
a oe bribery and theft. The spirit of these leaders China where opium is not grown. Is it any
es 0 a may be fairly illustrated by the case of one re- wonder that Chinese people dislike the English
Ce ported in the native newspapers during the recent Or that we are despised as “foreigners,” when
: a war. This man was entrusted with a sum of We enter their country? Often have your mis-
i 3 lp $9,000 with which to purchase arnis for use in Sionaries heard them ask the question, . Why did )
oe a the time of his country’s need. He took $2,000 the English bring opium to China?” The form
i ae of the amount; with that bought some old rusty of the question may be said to betray ignorance
f ae guns; pocketed the remaining $7,000, and re- On their part, and that is not to be wondered at
a. e ported that he had done his duty! That this when the facts are understood, but now that we
oe i i was nothing unusual goes without saying, for it have seen the results of the war we can never
a Hit is well understood in the Chinese Government hear that question again without a feeling of
me _ that each official, if he gives in a certain amount shame. Such, then, were the prime causes of
j i e) to the Imperial Exchequer every year, may keep China’s defeat in the war. We shall all agree
a a the remainder that he is able to raise among his that they only serve to illustrate China’s deep and
ihn people. And that he very often does “raise” Pressing need. Therefore let us hope we are
if ie enormous sums of money is the reason why the . all the more disposed to direct our attention
ae people are oppressed, while the officials live in towards those signs of an awakening which has |
ce luxurious ease.. The highest salaried officials been already indicated. ‘ i :
Se ie in the world are to be found in poverty-stricken Our next paper will be occupied with the signs
be ee China. Is it then any wonder that the Chinese Of an awakening to the sense of material need.
se a oe were defeated in the war. But, what of the
aa | ihe other cause—opium ? Why, after _ Lord
oa a Wolseley’s striking | prophecy, did the Chinese THE USE OF FAILURE.
Pen aa aN suffer defeat by their little neighbour Japan?
Bi | i Because opium had taken away the strength of BY FDWARD ABBOTT.
oa a i the army. Why, in the face of national extinction oak
ro i itself, do the Chinese seem so nerveless and . Bel ae a 3
gee a inert? This question has been asked, and there my PEAKING of our life and its develop-
eee ae seems to be only one answer. Because they are ~ ment, a great thinker has said, “ Pain,
a ay opium-slaves and the sons of opium-slaves. The SD) suffering and failure are as needful as
Bie a ae curse passes from father to son. Opium in Ww ballast to a ship.” Whether true or
Re a China is the devil’s business from beginning to ae not, endorsement of the saying will
) a end. The author of “Forty Years in China” 0t come from every traveller on the great high-
ce cd (Dr. Graves) says, “Opium is eating out the Way of time and eternity. The existence of these
ee vitality of the people like a gangrene.” That the factors of life will not be denied—they cannot
2 Chinese themselves have not been insensible to be—but the necessity of surh things as pain
i Me this great evil is evident from the fact that the and suffering and failure is staggering to our |
| i i ‘ Emperor, Tao-kwang, in whose reign England’s faith and does not readily command our assent. |
yn + : first war with China took place, when urged to We may assume a Divine and all-sufficient reason
a iy legalize the traffic, made use of the memorable for such an element as “failure,” and perhaps a |
co a a words, “I can never consent to derive a revenue little thought on our own part may help us to see |
Ps ; ie from the vices of my people.” Such words that failure in particular, like adversity in general,
e eh would have done credit to a Christian statesman. may have its “sweet uses,” and be more or less |
4 i a As it happens, they were the utterance of a contributory to our highest good. Let me name i
re ie “heathen Chinee.” Yet the “foreign devil,” in one or two possible uses.
Poe i the form of the British Government of that day, First: Temporary failure often precedes |
i Hh compelled him to legalize the traffic, refusing, on abiding success. Lord Beaconsfield, statesman,
von i behalf of the Indian Government, to allow the orator, author, is an example of this saying. On
eS ale, Chinese to put their own tariff on opium passing — first addressing the House of Commons, so feeble
y ih thay <
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’ | i
Ae Ue
was his hold on the attention of his hearers that and give them once again that simple but saintly i, Hi He
they jeered him down. On taking his seat, he thought of God which was theirs when at their i
uttered this prophecy,“ You will not hear me mother’s knee they said, “Our Father which art i a
now, but the time will come when you skal hear in Heaven.” I will close with a reminder which, te: i
me.” The time came; the temporary failure led to young people, will not be out of place—viz., ce
| the speaker to rigorous self-discipline in the cul- The useful life is the successful life. Be it never 1 i y
. tivation of his power, and, in the end, the House so humble it holds good. In the by-ways of life i Hit
| laughed, not at him, but with him. An easy suc- gréat deeds of loving sacrifice are being done, Wee
cess often results in an only triumph, whereas and welcome awaits the doer when his working i i i.
an early failure, if it -rouses all the energies and days are over. Wt Wy
) eagerness of the candidate for success, may re- If he hath hidden the outcast; or let in Hl ee
; sult in-many and ever increasing accomplishments. A ray of sunshine fo the cell of ‘sin; ' ee
Secondly: Failure in one direction sometimes If he hath lent : : a
leads to success in another direction. Progress Strength to the weak, and in an hour of need, ees
| is of two kinds—horizontal and perpendicular. ue ane Sone ne eee of his caged Al i ta
Some lives move on a dead level; others on an He eran Rae aa ae Nae ie
| inclined plane. The man who succeeds in ; q ie
making money or fame or notoriety only has not Se ee ay | he
succeeded. His is the progress of the dead LITERARY NOTICE. Wt ie
level. _He is no nearer the skies and the stars BY THE EDITOR ni
than at the beginning of his quest. He has é ‘| ae
moved on, but not up. The real advance in life [je Church's One Foundation. By W. Robert- | We
| is that which leads us upward, step by step, to- son Nicoll, M.A., LL.D. London: Hodder | He i
| wards the high lands, where we catch the fresh, Bid Stoughton. Price 3s. 6d. ( Be
sweet breezes from the eternal sea and hear the The contents of this book are not: unfamiliar | i
music of our Father’s voice and our Saviour’s. tome. The separate chapters appeared as articles ie
| It is a merciful providence that thwarts our in the British Weekly, and of that admirable | He
purposes on the low-level road of mere earthly journal I have been a reader from the first. Still, { ny
gain or fame, and by temporary failure constrains jn jts book form I have read every word again, FT Na
: us to nobler pursuits and pure and lofty aims. and that with increasing conviction and delight. : Ae
Things are not what they seem, and God’s wise Dr. Nicoll here defends against many assailants 4 pi
denials are His best blessings, when they lift us _ the historical character of the Gospels—emphasiz- ( Wee
up to things above. The failure that turns a jing our Lord’s birth of a virgin mother, His abso- ut he
worldly-minded tramp into a Christian pilgrim jute sinlessness, and His resurrection from the t bh
and a mere earth-worm of a man into a humble dead. He, of course, defends miracles, and he ; We
follower of Jesus Christ, is not failure, but real thinks that the conversion of souls, being a super- Hl } ae
SUCCESS. natural work, is a great aid to faith in the ni
. Lastly: Failure is distinctly useful when it miraculous.. Wee
restores to us a lost sense of God.. The prophet’s Dr. Nicoll does not here consider the bear- We i
: lamentation over the lapses of an ancient people ing of his arguments upon the Old. Testa i ee
| found expression in the saying, “God is not in ment. He does not enter in this book 1 He
| all their thoughts.” Of many successful men of upon the question of the position assumed ot
the world this Scripture is nearly true. “Get- by the higher critics on the older docu- i
ting and spending” has laid waste their powers; ments, but he gives them some countenance by H rh
their powers of devout meditation and worship of the remark that their methods are not always un- i : a
| that God who has given them life and breath certain, for, in the case of the Hexateuch, no one i i
and all things, even their fortune which they who studies its analysis can be blind to the manner | 4 i
boast of having made. The subtle, instant in which different lines of evidence converge. iy A |
| danger of success unchecked is a frame of mind I think, however, that the weapons he has i as
which regards God, the strong and the good, as forged for resisting those who assail the histori- ee
little more than an infinite vacuum. Alas! that city of the Gospels might very legitimately be I Bi
it should be so, but so it is. It is a twicetold used in defence of the integrity of the Old Testa- Wh A
tale—the tale of those who, gaining worldly suc- ment. He shows by a number of examples how ie "
| cess, losé any true and devout sense of God. difficult, if not impossible, it is to decide the Ay 7
. The remedy for this disease is “failure.” authorship of a book by internal evidence. If Bae
Nothing short of a full stop in the tide of their so, this argument should be of force against those i He
Prosperity will restore the sense of God’s pre- who would make the earlier revelation a thing of Ng ALT
| sence to many who have lost it through success, shreds and patches, a kind of mosaic, with a i Hi |
{ q it
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it aM jumble of authors of different ages in the same what words the Indian air was sung to, but I
: i paragraph or sentence. He pleads most conclu- heard in my boyhood the air sung to a song
4 i} sively for the sinlessness of Jesus, showing that if commencing
ii | Our Lord was not absolutely sinless He cannot I come from a happy land
i | even be considered a good man. This sinlessness Where care is unknown,
at i makes all His utterances credible. So he rightly I’ve parted from a merry band
i i argues. But, if He is a faithful and true witness, To make thee my own.
. a then the testimony He bears to the genuineness re : ‘
ai and authenticity of the Old Testament writings ‘it ae sehen ee oe ane
a is TeHables-The Wathen said) “This is Mypbeloved ye iene me ern SpeueG, met have, ai tae
bee ea Son, hear Him.” He could not surely mean best music. Not that I think that all poetry
; ae it “Hear Him make mistakes as to the authorship except hymns belong to the devil. Songs that
ae of the ancient Scriptures.” The authority of promote the love of home, of country, of friends,
b a Jesus is to us. am end of ‘all Strife are not to be set down to such a proprietor, and
| He I am thankful to Dr. Nicoll for maintaining the pure love of young men and maidens is not
a that the questions dealt with by the critics Of Satan but af God. i
i 4H cannot be left to experts. The whole Church is ,, However, he composed his little hymn, and
} if i interested in them. The assailants of the tradi- 1° ee ae a en :
: iq a tional view may plume themselves on_ their b os HOS ae ay ies a ig cu land,
i P| scholarship, and despise the opposition of those a 5 te H 4 e Aes ey a iS a a
ae ae who readily acknowledge they cannot meet them a ey Fist ae ean a ean Ge atte ete oa
a on their own ground, but there is’ great comfort «Q7© W2ETe, ee ay Dee tcay WES SAY, |
i a as well as profound truth in Dr. Nicoll’s remark, ,, oe age bey As ; eee ellow bia as pan |
Doe Bl “To establish the sinlessness of Chnst and His = -0UT ah oe ee man ca a mS Heo |
—F4 } An Resurrection is virtually to refute many critical Me Bet See MACE M RLS) OR DS EE |
aa arguments.” doms, and each praised his own country as the
A bt best. The Swabian, the Saxon, the Bohemian, all
a ae thought their land the happiest on earth, but
Ea THE CHILDREN’S. PORTION. the landlord’s daughter, who waited upon them,
ae Ht Pe HO ais thought of a land which excelled them all.
; ‘ ea a And then the landlord's daughter ;
/ i tet ALL ABOUT A HYMN. Up to Heaven raised her hand,
b a te THINK you must all have heard of Dr. ee pala 2G Say ma mione GORGES:
ae i Guthrie. He is often spoken of as the ewe, sles he Happiest Cand:
f it iM \ founder of Ragged Schools, but that © That, I think, would be an end of all strife on |
peo honour really belongs to John Pounds, a the subject.
pee a : humble shoemaker, who used to attract I remember being present at a musical per-
Ey i i little slum boys into his shop by the offer of a formance given by the inmates of an asylum for :
fo a hot potato. Still, Dr. Thomas Guthrie was a the blind. It was a rather painful spectacle to
a 4 A great promoter of Ragged Schools, an eloquent see so many sightless eyes together, but, oh,
i) Ae preacher, a popular writer, and a good man. how sweetly the blind people sang. . One of the
i a i When he was on his death-bed, Dr. Guthrie hymns chosen was
oi asked his friends to sing him “a bairn’s hymn.” There ig a Happy Land,
ee a When he was about to enter that blest abode : ;
{ ; fe which only child-like spirits reach, he wanted to and you remember how the third verse begins,
aya hear some hymn fit for childhood and dear to Bright in that Happy Land
i Hl children. Beams every eye. :
a Eee fh Ne ee as es Pete eee nee Ema ue a |
oe ie beauti ee eee eC Neue. yey reflectively to, think of those who had to say with i
oe in many Sunday School hymn-books, and will gion
i i not be forgotten for many a day. I mean the ei Se ade tA een ann SOR
Ps | : sweet little hymn, AMD aatienan 4
ere a here is a Happy Land singing of that better’land where there shall be
Bi Far, far away! : ; is}
‘ ae idl ? no sightless eyes, no dimness of vision, but where
so _ It was’ written by Mr. Andrew Young, a school- the erewhile blind shall see the King in His
¢ a master, of Edinburgh. It is said he hegrd an — beauty, and be for ever with the Lord.
ae Indian air which so pleased him that he thought What ideas do the blind form of sight, what
: t Be he would compose a hymn to it. I do not know. thoughts have they. of the glories of the better i
Bi ; |
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| | ee
‘ Ho i
world which they have not only to enjoy but to THE STORY OF LAUGHING FLOWER. i I a
behold? Whatever conceptions they form, the a
shall fall short of the blessed oui i BN We OND: | ih i Be
| ; ae He
Dreams cannot picture a world so fair, CHAPTER II. | P :
) and it doth not yet appear, from Scripture, ex- i : ae
| perience, or imagination, what we shall ie: A STRUGGLE FOR MASTERY. Ae
| . Beautiful as this little hymn is, I have to tell F, during the forenoon of the third day after | vi
you of an objection raised by a little boy to one the scene at the waterside, Fred Mac- Hi k
of its representations. The story is told so donald had looked in Laughing Flower’s se
sweetly in a letter to me from Mrs. Wakefield hut, he would have found that at least one | i in
that 1 will tell it in her words. ; jar had escaped destruction. She had kept He
“T have been up to the churchyard to-day with it back, having hurriedly buried it in a corner | ae
some flowers, and already there is another grave of the hut, when sent with the others for the ee
beside my dear husband’s. the grave of a contraband liquor. . At first she had feared to =
lovely little boy, three and a half years of age. unearth the jar, lest the Great Spirit should a ie
. ... There is a beautiful little story about whisper it to the master. But, when time and | Biss
this dear child. When he was dying he said to. distance had dissipated the “ missi’s” influence, i | Ae
his mother, ‘Sing to me!’ and the mother said, she unearthed the evil thing, and in the darkest AN Fe
‘What shall I sing?’ The little one replied, part of the hut sat drinking the contents. | Ai
‘Sing “ There is a Happy Land,” but don’t sing Noon had scarcely passed when Tumari rushed .
“far, far away.”’ When our dear good friend tumultuously to the bungalow, the bearer of im- , Ds
the rector was holding a service’ over the little portant news. But, at the first sound of his feet Bi
one in the church, the sun flooded the building, a black woman, who was watching Mrs. Mac- a
: and the golden light fell full on the white velvet. donald, came to the door, and motioned him to Heeb
coffin, ‘ There’s no shadow resting there, friends, be silent.’ The master had watched the “ missi” | A
said the rector, and then he told the congregation all night, for the fever had come back with Hb le
' about the child’s request. ‘Now,’ he said to the twice the force because she had gone to the LW
choir boys, ‘we will sing waters edge. The “missi” was now sleeping, a
: on ; and the master was trying to rest. Tumari must Wa
Phere is) Happy tat wait! With this the buck nurse retired to her a
but please sing for the second line, “Wot far post, and Tumari was compelled to squat down | Bi
away.” ” ; in the shadow cast by the verandah’s roofing. © | a
| “ Now,” continues Mrs. Wakefield, “the bodies After two hours’ waiting he leaped to his feet— UB
| of the way-worn missionary and the little traveller is quick ears had heard the missionary’s voice. i Bi
who had taken only a few steps on the roadway “Oh, master!” he cried as soon as Fred Mac- ie
of life lie close together; perchance their glori- gonald stood in the doorway. “Oh, master! il ee
: fied spirits are not far apart in the happy land What shall we do? Laughing Flower has gone si ee
which we who remain most earnestly hope is not wild with the trader’s liquor.” Hh
far away.” ; In response. to the white man’s inquiry, Tumari 3
: How consoling to a child dying in the faith of then told all he knew and all he surmised. Even a Be
Jesus the thought that the happy land-is not gs he was speaking, an old woman made her | Sit
| remote or inaccessible. Not taught by the gypearance and reported that Laughing Flower’s US Ne
hymn, but taught of God, he knew that the hut was empty, and no one knew whither she had ie
Fathers house is near at hand, and that not gone. RR
| merely because “Heaven lies about us¢in our Tumari then remembered how, as he drowsed AN Bee
infancy,” but because to all God’s children, “ab- under the verandah, he had lazily watched. a iH et
sent from the body” means “present with the bark boat rise and fall on the water. In all el mi |
| Lord.” It is touching to think how a child of probability Laughing Flower’s paddle had guided Hae
: tender years could correct the doctrine of 4 that boat. } Ae
hymn, but “ Out of the mouth of babes and suck- The missionary was silent for some minutes, i eae
| lings God ordains strength and perfects praise.” trying to take in the situation, and Tumari un- Wee
Ee : wittingly helped him with his subdued ejacula- | ie
| Ee a ; tions. qo il
| “Taughing Flower has gone,” muttered the Ake a ,
| Soon and for ever young man. “Crazy, reeling, wild—Colin Smith, We \ Hh
The breaking of day the trader, brought the evil-making water— Oh- ee He
| ; - Shall chase all the night-clouds hon! for Somebody ! ’—Laughing Flower does eS ; ne:
| Of sorrow away. not laugh for me—away on the waters; away aH i
Ch Maine :
j an i ss
i A f lene

i na from Ohati she has gone—away to the deep sea the adjacent island, where the Government offi- |
4 i home—to the arms of death. Oh, me!” cials had made their headquarters: It was there
: i yaa These sentences weaved themselves into a story Colin Smith and other adventurers had settled
Hl | in the missionary’s brain. In this story the in the hope of exploiting the islands. To this
bt trader, Smith, appeared in blacker guise than inlet Laughing Flower was paddling her boat. |
i Bal ever. He had made Jove to Laughing Flower, She had had at least two hours’ start, so it was
a ij Hat and for trinkets and other trifling gifts she had useless to pursue her by water.’ The only hope
= i al become his tool. She had somehow signalled the left was landward. -Across from the bungalow to |
ij Hal missionary’s departure from Ohati, and so had _ the inlet was a matter of nearly four miles. This |
a | enabled the trader to distribute the jars among distance must be covered as soon as possible if |
f | the islanders without a direct conflict with Mac- great mischief was to be’ prevented.

a : a al ee : It was Fred Macdonald’s
BY a i AcE , nature, when he had deter-
ta 3 aS Wo. ie ay) mined what to do, to set
ae Wie Ee moe fe aS a oo. about it at once. Touching
Bo ge 9H" ey Uj, ‘i his sleeping wife’s cheek
oe ee — Sete Uh Ne oe eis he. i f Mf, je with his lips, and saying a
i ea Aas) otra Depp Vv" 7 eT || Ge word or two to the black
F \ A ygg LPIA 4) WRN: is aries 4 Wy WH nurse, he beckoned Tumari
2 a al ie, | zi 4} nv “ING ae TX ‘ ae pe G4 i, J to follow. They proceeded |
Pa en ‘a f HA eee KZN a G@ Gy), y) through the village without
; a i : ‘ ee A IP Hi eA > fh) | e ys Uy. i undue haste, and down the
L i Hi Up Y/; Sigg Zz a j Hs a Se \ Hi / EX ty ne homes ee
oo ae We Le ) i PEBae i eh Ne ZF quickened ; soon they broke

he Vi Ip Vs WN om AN Pn VA — ito atun, which never
di rl el ON AT PN he O//ti’, ie WH yy slackened until they came
a Hi a tA Be) eat We cs CAC a within sight of the waters
° Ae nt fa” 3 Les feo Meee -_ NAS NOMA 4 which washed inland up the |

‘<4 a ey eh ime GE thay V4 E\| Y LO tiny creek. The missionary
or ia i I ecss.) Yee: Na . Hee i | = i i a was brought to.a halt by the
eee a bgerr? Be pe & Fi RY WS hand of Tumari on his arm, |
ae hae . os feng Cea ae gee rl HY and an excited, “See there,
bie. ae ee Bete eS UL -eSe = Gee Sa " :

a i ee a mee SE OS GE Re AV beg iA my master! There is the
es i Oe EE ay gh BIN) ~ smoke of a fire down by the

oe a 2" GORE Bid, NG KAY water!”

Paget a ene ee Ys Cota RANT Tumari’s quick eye had

ie aie mI eN gpI : 4 ss

ae Hy f d os Se SCA Le] ' il ue discovered what his master .
Fs Net : Sete Ge Ss Mica. had not seen. The deep

ieee ie yee) SS SE See ig) cM == blue sky; the green waters |
ee 1 (Ss Sige” rT | = of ope oe which ut

me Me NY Sees aS : eee aes pacific, and for once di
oe i ; ae SS aS —- & = not belie its name; the
feo a" SNAG ee aon ye 7S eB island over the water, with

sh a pat es ny a cee er a its white splashes of houses
a | a nr Ee ES i at the ocean’s edge—all
oon i Ae SSS SS made a picture which

i a ———. ——— delighted Macdonald’s :
i Ae artistic nature. But |
eo it ai donald. .Now, in her drunken frenzy, she was this Eden of beauty had something which at
ee i paddling her bark boat to meet the trader. one time would have enhanced its charm, but
4 i i : No sooner_had this picture conjured itself up now the curling wreaths of smoke from the fire |

Base i a before the missionary than his plans were formed on thé sand told of the presence of evil. That |
i y me to prevent the meeting of Laughing Flower and ascending cloud of smoke was the signal.
ee a Smith, or, at any rate, to thwart the success of Laughing Flower had outraced them. _
ee their meeting. ~ “Do you see any strange boat?” inquired the
e fe i On the other side of the island there was an missionary. The native gave a searching glance |
og a inlet, where the missionary kept a boat for his from land to land across the space of water.
ee A f use when it became necessary for him. to cross “No, my master! Tumari does not see any- ;
a | the broad channel which separated Ohati from thing. Yonder on the sand, half in and half
2 a ;

| i ,

Paw :

i an :

De Oe :
ee an i is ; ee

RNS . x

! 1
out of the water, is Laughing Flower’s bark boat. floated a wreck. The girl had not risen, so | Ae Ms
There is none other,” answered Tumari. Tumari dived, and when he appeared struck out “Te
Scarcely had he spoken, however, before he for land with the unconscious Laughing Flower. i i a ,
cried out, “Look out to sea, my master! A Macdonald soon ascertained that she had nes
black spot is moving over the water. It is coming struck her head against the rock, and that the i! it
toward us. Look!” blow had stunned her. In a few minutes she Weis
Macdonald followed the directing finger, and recovered her consciousness, and, although she ie
he knew that Colin Smith had seen the signal Jooked at them both, she did not seem to see 1 aes
and was coming in answer to it. them. She passed her hand over her eyes, and, | i
They were not the only ones who had noticed after muttering a few indistinguishable words, she | tide |
the boat, for, while they gazed, something moved sought refuge in silence, while Macdonald bathed i
across their line of vision. It was Laughing away the blood from the wounded head. ee te
Flower. Her hands made a shade for her eyes, When this was done Tumari was sent for the i He
while she stood near the smoking fire, watching oat. They would returm to the village by ea
the progress of the boat. : water—a much easier way, since the wind would ; hs
e The two men advanced with softened tread | he in their favour. ‘ Mee ;
lest the snapping of a twig or the undue rustling Then Macdonald had time to. wonder how near Wi
of the grass should alarm the foolish girl and the trader had come to the island.’ His. boat j fH
cause her to hasten’ events ‘before’ they were’ 3. 144 nearer than when Laughing Hower had ! as
ready. Soon they came near enough to enable discovered their presence. The explanation was si Ae
them, ‘to hear:the words’ she was singing: simple. Smith had glanced toward the smoking zie
“T could range the world around, fire from time to time in order to. direct his ae
For the sake 0’ somebody !” strokes. Once when he did so he saw something } HA
‘ ; : unusual was happening. Seeing a white man fi A ‘
Then something happened which cannot be on the shore he scented danger, so, like the EY,
easily explained. Neither of them stumbled nor (oward he was, he turned his boat, and now was : aa
made any unnecessary movement, but suddenly hurrying back. It was with a great disgust for the Bie
the girl turned and faced them. Perhaps some trader and a tender pity for the foolish girl that i i
half-lingering savage instinct had warned her of \facdonald glanced at Laughing Flower. Bie
pecis approach: As he looked, like one waking out of a fright- igi
: Uttering a cry of anger she ae pas ful dream she sprang to her feet, rubbed her ae
toward, the water: [tlooked vo the oueh she was eet ae pee ant ae ae sank down moaning out her despair. The mis- ve
ut she swerved a e last moment. stoope See 2 : i, . ee
down, floated her bark boat, leaped into it, and, eases ee ee vere eae he
with vigorous strokes paddled away into deeper terror in her fixed eyeballs, he thought he had el ie
Me é need to ask that question. - A BAe
The odds were now against the men. It was WI - 3 ; . ABN
; ; A yen Tumari arrived, Macdonald spoke to SN Batley}
impossible to overtake her. In a race between Hea ra Gaby hana van eae el i aR
| the heavy mission boat and the light native shell ae a oe ‘ Deed eee it nts oe i a x
both knew @hich’ would win: Moreover, the mis: SCUNGW. om the morning, “you wit nave LOG Be
sion boat lay further up the creek, and, before a Mapes io beet ay dy!” i bi
they could launch it, Laughing Flower would be 3 a MoE ae aca etre ae eB
: 5 aughing Flower is much hurt, I fear. If by Uh Aa a
foes ee CuS anne -. the morning she is no better, you will have t WR
While these things were passing through their 8 Spe deta ancien We: wh
: 4 . : come back and seek the white man’s doctor. i ae
minds, Laughing Flower was in difficulties, In ; : A he ;
i her anger she paddled too vigorously. Before While they had been talking they had placed ae Bi:
she was far from the land her little boat dashed the girl into the boat. Tumari looked at her, } Hh }
against the corners of a sunken rock, tearing and, after listening to her long-drawn moans, he i a
open its side. When she felt the shock she muttered, Crazy, reeling, wild with the trader's AP ni |
attempted to push off from) the rock, but, ae water! : : Ay Ve
’ miscalculating the resistance necessary to get ‘Not that alone ails Laughing Flower! The aR i:
her boat away, she overreached herself and fell rock hurt her head. That look is something ih i
into the waves. worse than the effect of the liquor.” ae i
With one splash the white man and Tumari Tumari nodded his assent. i dl yi iD
plunged into the water. Two heads soon rose to “A little sleep would take away the wildness A ty i
the surface, the missionary a foot further out to of the whiskey. But I am afraid that no sleep WT BG a
sea. With this distance between them they will drive away that look out of her eyes, Tumari.” ie i :
reached the spot where Laughing Flower’s boat “The master knows! es : 4 a Me
i nla
, ‘ei vi
; fe

Ty | 7
i tad
a gr ees
| “So be ready as soon as the day breaks to “ Christian Enthusiasts, Cycling Endeavourers,
ae) hasten for the doctor.” Come! Evangelize!
: i th | The boat was pushed off from the shore, and, “On behalf of the Cyclists Evangelistic Com-
ii i with the breeze bellying the sail, they started mittee.
eid back for the village. Presently Laughing Flower “LL. M. Gipson, Hon. Sec.
| Fa ceased to moan, her eyelids drooped, and she “E. L., Captain.”
: ie i slept. ; The Captain is an ardent Free Methodist.
$ 4 Hl No word was spoken by the two men save MANCHESTER, 1902.
al a word of direction in the management of the Th : Pee OORtent fe
i } boat. With Macdonald at the rudder, and with Hs e Pore Ae i 5 1 Bea (ou anes
(i ua) Tumari’s hand on the cords of the sail, the boat uae Nee ibis e National Council) up to date
. made splendid progress. Such was Laughing RON UN cant :
4 / Flower’s home-coming ; but these men knew that Ee EEeHr Ys sao acon. pate
i a aa the trader’s influence was on the wane. ouncillor ROOT Ca Sunday Afternoon
A at Men’s Meeting.
He! ha : Rey. John McNeill, Sunday Evening Evangelistic
i Service.
‘it. THE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR PAGE. X&¢v. Henry Haigh, Monday evening, “ Advance
i ae ; of the Kingdom.”
a. # By dene REN Rev. Dr. Brook, Monday evening, without as-
4 a Tae signed topic.
ea: Ae TOPICS FOR APRIL. Rey. R. W. Burnett, Monday evening, “ Advance
ee . ae : f the Kingdom.”
a oy h.—Growing ace.—2 P ITI, mate 5 ;
ae April 6t Growing an orate, 2 POV ists Mr. W. M. Hudson, Tuesday morning, “ C.E. as
Sopa Bi “ Report Progress!” Aiding the Growth of Christian Character.”
wie ea) is j an i anni R ay “ni « ar
4 Ae April 13th.—The Grace and Gain of Giving.— Poua no J CORMIES, Au aaeD Se so
a ay fe Ree Agency for Aggressive Effort.
ij a 2 Cor. viii. 1-9; ix, 6-8. Rev. Canon Riddell, D.D., Tuesday evening,
" Hath Systematic Giving is the Sign and the Means of “ Confessing Christ.”
be oa Systematic Growth, Dr. Clark and Rev. F. B. Meyer had promised
oe a : , previously.
i: Sl Oe may Ae that I am a 1S MING Gon CATTRUTE ME SCAGHE.
{ ie ae ?— . 1-16. ad ie
eo Bee ean Santee iat Vitalize the first principles of our order. Take
re a i Fulfil the Duties of an Active Member. care that the spiritual principle is paramount in
vy oe BEIM : .
i ee i ll service. Make a supreme effort to combine
ee ee uss f : er :
Be i i April 27th. The’ Call of Samuel.——r Samuel the devotional and the intellectual in your
- a th ft . Ul. I-14. character that—
- Hey 2 a oes i
ee i God calls you. ._ Have you answered ? “« Mind and soul according well,
cs ee The Manchester and Salford C. E. Cyclists
CHE 3 oe
aie have successfully wheeled through their third Above a Se. Bo ee of Chae rok
ae season—r1go1. Thus commences a breezy re- 7% YOUr loyalty to: mst and, your CRUECH:
ee a port, which we wish we could find room to insert Epwp. ABBOTT.
t Hs on our page. It tells of village tea-meetings, UNITED METHODIST FREE CHURCHES SECTION.
Pa prayer-meetings in grassy dells under Heaven's INTERNATIONAL BIBLE READING ASSOCIATION.
eis blue canopy, and grand open-air evangelization Circutar LETTER, APRIL, 1902.
te ae services, and concludes as follows:
i i “The C.E. Cyclists are one and all agreed We rejoice to be able to report that 9,800
i a that these efforts to combine pleasure with ser- Free Methodist Bible Readers will receive the
1. vice are most successful; for not only do they Circular Letter this month. Provision is now
. ft al look back to these Saturday afternoons as some made for 10,000, so that if any reader will com-
ik i of the happiest memories of the past year, but mence a branch we can supply them by return
; ne they feel assured by the appreciative reception of post. Don’t let anyone think it is too late in
: a Hi of their efforts that the seed—though ‘sown by the year to become a member or to form a new.
c i ii the wayside ’—has found lodgment, and, they branch. Last year, in the larger Association,
a trust, in good ground. Great shall be their joy, thirty-six new branches were commenced in
i: Ba a therefore, when the Great Husbandman shall July; twenty-three in August ; in September, six ;
Lf! Bu reveal the fruits of their wayside seeds. in October, seven.
a. |
a aa
(2 |
: Gk a i \ ne

, ~ OMY, RATER ER OER SRE Te Vm TE a FR a TAO aera a he) oe
a |
VA | A seg we i
=a - 3) ae JNO BBR tk
\ JY |Z lee Ne A
LY sat VA oe a EN ei
DF WAL eels ) PLEA Yg PS
RAL op HAYA EE By hh
if Vinh hipior fi se pe AeA iN 4 q ik
Wel Gis eee OA NC IS ai
SAM \\ SEE) ES LS = a } IPQ Sox mt
7s y A pee TA Ag iS Sp mA) ey’ Ve \ 4) Hi
PR &Gl UIA EAS ff f t R NY LB ie
Ey LA HE SM a eS i |
SIVAN sz LA NI os By.
aS Gadling) Wise SSS SSS SS a pt
Sree GS eee as
is a: = RED | Ee sti (Ce ee | ao
% Mai WAZ ZEN IN pepe CME i a ag es ee ee eee Me | iit
ie. © live ee —(i«é‘ésOz;étC ma
UL aN SCRA ee eee 3 Ae ee aah
NG SIN ONC ee MMU et esp. Pe a | ie
Brat . i ENN abe Sex a aia Pea ete se RONG te Sec Me Bees Lee
Lai ecSie \\ Lig? eee paneer Cet AN ai We Rm yo ae bage ah
= Ve ye ERE ees a8 es SS aioe Ft
ZA \A\ PRG ay ES Ace ged Se IN ie OA ag NZ i
qoreS i Sige any pra Ok arp Cae Gri ae ts) z
Eee Te ee oer Beet oaeo een PaaneT lh Bi
CW Bua Fi ladon Va , Fee aa er Maree ama ys ateaeit 4i 4 Bh i
a i i | WENA ee ere ener pray 21. pik eS a ai
\ The flowery May who from her green laz throws pti
The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose. Bt
\ —MitTon. Bie
/ ae
BE aA Te Ge eT EL ET a ee eG RT GL | | 7
NOTES OF JOURNEY AND pathetic sight we met with in. all our travels. i
VISIT TO EAST AFRICA. We were called to halt by Mr. Griffiths, who intro- i hn
duced us to two women. One of them, Mary, i
BY HENRY T. CHAPMAN, GENERAL MISSIONARY —— was nearly blind, and so lame that she could only at
SECRETARY. move by the aid of a kind of Alpine staff. The Big
—_—— other poor creature was so twisted and lame that ; a
HI.—-RECEPTION AT JOMVU. she, by the, aid of a stick, wriggled along the Br
? S our little boat “Alice” neared ground somewhat after the manner of a croco- Hi
: PY Jomvu, musical strains greeted our dile slipping off a bank into. the water. These a tt
=\ ears; the tom-tom of the drum, two dear creatures of God had been redeemed Be
LS\ \ and other sounds, were evidence from slavéry by the Rev. T. Carthew. Their Bet
—— that something out of the ordinary welcome was of a nature difficult to describe: : iN Ai
was anticipated. The tide being at ebb, we had tearful, ejaculatory, and almost worshipful; their AP te
to be carried from the boat to the landing-stage. delight was unbounded. If ever we cursed a
Mr. Duckworth’s turn came first, and to see him — slavery in our heart, it was as we stood looking i. vi
being carried by two stalwarts belonging to the at those two poor women; if ever we realized the WAS
Mission was a sight not soom to be forgotten. glory of the Gospel of the grace of God, it was CAG |
A black man’s idea that the nearer you get to as we stood listening with wet eyes and swelling SA ReH Ii
a man’s feet the more securely you can carry hearts to their testimony of its power, told in Wei
him “shoulder high,” does not work out well in their own way, and of the hope they had of life, is
practice. As we watched our friend being, car- without pain and twisted bodies, in the beyond. Oe ie
tied across the mud, we anticipated our own eleva: Oh, how they blessed the missionaries! How 4 i
tion and journey with fear and trembling. No they rejoiced im the good news of the love of | a Hy
mishap took place. When we were dumped God! How brave and patient the hope of im- we
down, our carriers said something which made mortality made them. It was an hour of trans- ANP ae
: every native present simply roar with laughter. It figuration! Are Missions a success? Ask thou- i i
seems they said, “ My, what a weight!” sands of such as those two women, to be found ae
Our reception was most hearty. Midway be- all over the Dark Continent. What a crown will | | a
tween the landing-stage we encountered the most be that of the true missionary! fe |
D : 3 | i ie
it HH
i i ee

ert: He) sta oie DS e "
| a After we had had our first real dinner'on one of was black, but the sense of God’s presence, and
ana our own Mission stations, the elders of the Jomvu of the brooding and quickening of His holy
: i Hat Church came and gave us an official welcome. Spirit, were such that made the place vividly the
it aaa The next to come were the rank and file of the “house of God,” and the in which the
t iW ui Church; following these came the children. heavens were opened ! |
a We had been drilled by Mr. Griffiths into the At 8.30 a.m. we paid a visit to the day-school.
: ot ay use of the word “ Yambo”—the term of greeting Thirty scholars were present. They sang splen- !
i Gea which covers much ground. It may seem egotisti- didly; their repetition of the lesson being taught |
: i a cal, but Mr. Duckworth and I got the pronuncia- was singularly correct and harmonious. Many of |
a tion of this word so accurately that it sounded these children are very intelligent.
; faa quite native. For a solid hour and half the two of Soon after our visit to the school, Mr. Duck- _
Be il us were shaking hands and saying “Yambo.” worth and I had our first “ mount.” The Mission
a Aen The very babies seemed to enter into the spirit donkeys are very fine animals. Two days were
Sages ae of the hour. spent in going over our estate at Jomvu, and the
; a ale Mr. Griffiths, turning to the children, as they one at Chaani. The Jomvu estate is composed |
P | sat on the flogr, ready for evening prayer, said, of two separate lots—the larger one said to be |
Re eam “You shall choose the hymn for to-night,” and about 170 acres; the smaller one from eighteen
oo ae they did with. wonderful unanimity. And, as to twenty acres.
aR | i they sang in their own tongue, Chaani is about two and half miles from Jomvu,
of iW a eae : 33 on the creek, and nearer Mombasa. It was bought
4 a Se pigennene epouigteat ] ehoyal, for the Mission by the late Rev. T. Carthew, some
be 8 | fh to the old tune, in clear, musical, resonant voices, twelve years ago. In natural characteristics both
4d i the tears would come, and we had in that hour's estates are very similar.
Boo ae worship a clearer assurance of the guiding hand On the portions-under cultivation. the following
oe | of God than ever before. Each member of the grow with the minimum of cultivation: cocoa-nut
= deputation gave a short address, which was palms, several kinds of plantains, Indian corn
a a interpreted by Mr. Griffiths. (staple food), pine-apples, six or seven kinds of
ih Gh The following morning we were called at five beans, maize, sweet potatoes, caraway-seeds,
ie we o'clock, had our bath, a cup of cocoa, anda bis- castor-oil, oil for anointing, tobacco, oranges,
; i Bl cuit, and at six o’clock went to the early morning limes, lemons, melons, sugar-cane, etc., etc.
3 i a service. : This part @f the Dark Continent is a land of
Reo ae The chapel has not much of the typical eccle- hills and valleys; like the goodly land of old
ee fl siastical in appearance. It is oblong in shape, “it flows with milk and honey.”
oe i formed by stout, round timbers being fixed into Jomvu itself is a decaying town. In the past |
i FA at the ground, held together at the top by a beam, it was a harbour of refuge, a hiding-place and
OR wi and every alternate space being blocked by home for slaves of every tribe. It is said that on
Be wi corrugated sheet-iron, the other spaces discharg- our Jomvu station are to be found representatives
ae i ing the double function of windows and ventilators. of every tribe between there and Uganda. With
Pes Ae 1 The whole is covered by a roof of palm-leaves— the practical abolition of slavery in the East
ie 4 a “markuti”—and long, overhanging eaves for Africa Protectorate, its sources of increase are
es i net shade. cut off. Both these estates have great commercial
eee | He There were quite seventy at the service, about value, both on the Mombasa Creek and within, at
2 4 Wa an equal number of men and women. The most, three hours’ sail of Mombasa itself. What
me ah : children were models of behaviour; they sat like is needed is a more vigorous development of these
oe aie : highly-polished blocks of animated ebony. estates; this would have a twofold result: 1st,
| a The service opened by singing the hymn, Bee oS the estate in habits of industry, and
' La ‘ thus lay the foundation of a Christian civilization;
I ut : A charge to keep I have, : 2nd, attract natives from the more distant and less
ma and it was well sung; prayer followed’; then a fertile parts of the continent.
ee it a Bible lesson by Mr. Griffiths. It is due to our There Arab town within six minutes of '
ie ant honoured friend to say he is a model expositor our Mission shamba, which is a perpetual menace |
ae of Holy Scripture; always, and at each place, to our work and influence. But good and abiding
Bao I i a these lessons were listened to with riveted atten- work’has been done, and we have the basis for 4
: i ae tion. An address from each member of the de- great things in the future on some new lines of
re a putation followed the reading and exposition of action. :
it Hea. Holy Scripture. Mr. Griffiths was interpreter on The Jomvu house was built by Mr. Wakefield, |
2 "4 A each occasion. The service we shall never forget. and bears splendid testimony, as most things do |
Ro Hie Nothing could have been simpler in form; the in East Africa, to the solidity. and far-sightedness j
oe ail building was homeliness and -simplicity itself; of all to which he: put his hand. It now wants
oe i every face, except those of the missionary group, repairing, but it has stood well.
}, ee aR it f
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fs ae a :
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) 7 Kei
| . | ves
On the first day of our stay at Jomvu, by 10.30° account of the recent troubles his name often | Hk 1 :
we had a deputation of Arabs from the town appears, and in the same report -Mr. Soothill Bis
near, about thirty in number; physically splendid says: | a a :
fellows; all, of course, Mohammedans.. They ““The brightest name in the record of last ‘ee ee
came to give us welcome to that great country. year’s disorder is that of Mr. Summers. I left , le
They said: “God has brought you. God has himas native superintendent minister in the fullest He ie
blessed you, and we will ask God to keep you confidence, and he has in no degree belied that ick
while in Africa, and guide you safely back to confidence.’ i i
your country and your homes. May He be ever “Tf I remember mghtly, Mr. Summers was but Hi
good to you, and bless you with many children!” 24 when he entered the native ministry, though i ie
There is much in their life and system that is he had then been a local preacher for some time. . if a
very loathsome, but this visit was an act of great In appearance he was ‘a beardless youth,’ al- : He
graciousness, and great grace was shown in the though a married man. Into his seven years of i i ck
bearing of every member of the deputation. ministry he has contrived to pack an immense me
| Mr. Duckworth and I ngidly abstained from amount of service. To friends at home, and to |)
saying one offensive controversial word, but we the native Christians in Wenchow, we respectfully ae
were loyal to the truth we held. speak of him as ‘ Mr. Summers,’ or ’O Sie-Sae, but a ite
to a few of us he is known privately by the more he
familiar title of ‘T.P., an abbreviation of his— tie
: nai : if I may so call it—Christian name, Tsang-Poa. Ri
Av < aj RPS ge (@s ne RES “Recently a great honour has been put upon a
yy Via, ‘3 LOR ASN ‘ Mr. Summers, and this on the recommendation i ie
hades i ANA era ce aco di of the highest official in Wenchow, the late Tao- i ee
ro yy, Lado =A se B h tai, concerning whom Mr. Stobie says: Bie
® dE tae yl) Sole eli" b ““Fad he been as anti-foreign as were his : o
Ps Eee Oe ae colleagues, the city would almost certainly have a
: , witnessed the murder of every foreign resident, ip Bhi
_ EDITORIAL NOTES. and perhaps thousands of Christians.’ i ie i
PSTN OL : : “ The following is a short account of the honour i ‘
ee done Mr. Summers, and is recently to hand: | A
« Wee ie
BEG to call attention to a paper by the Rev. _“*The button (or degree), a good one, was Br
W. R. Stobi& of Wenchow, which appears $!Ven on the recommendation of the late Tao-tai, Wat |
on. another’ page. - The statements made on the pou that cere to his guns during i ie
| by him as to the strong desire of the the troubles, and was of great assistance in help- We
Chinese to acquiré Western learning, and 18 him. to ae things quiet in the city and Se ee
| the efforts being made to meet it, are most. re- rounding neighbourhood, and afterwards in i} Ha
| markable. We must all be glad that, after long settling matters of compensation. Mr. Summers es
waiting for a suitable offer, a most desirable ap- behaved very well about the degree. _ When the | i le
s ; : nm. Magistrate sent for him, and gave him the gilt pati
pointment to the Headship of the College at Wen 5 b Satta ro . He
chow has been made, and that ina short time Mr, Dutton (to be worn on the hat) and the beads We hi
T. W. Chapman, B.Sc., will commence his duties that accompany it, he begged to be allowed to ai
eee. Fane Missionary Goines” careemnos refuse them, said’ he'sought not the honours of the ab : ut i
gion ee spe gs 4 world, but those of Heaven, and at last absolutely a es
anxious to encourage Mr. Soothill in his arduous Aeelbiod fo fake the Sk th hi were Bee
undertaking;»and I trust that the friends of our ae aay 5 a . ae. NG hi UT tee, Bi
Missions will give it liberal support. . ee e Yamen (official residence), the pee See le ie
8 however, ordered his servant to put the things Bai
* * * i into Mr. Summers’s chair. Some days later the a
Under the heading, “Good News from a Far Official announcers of promotion came to Mr. a
| Country,” Mrs. Soothill writes on the education Summers and said they were going up to his Be
of girls in China. It will be seen that Mrs. Stobie district to announce his degree. Mr. Summers a
has stepped into the breach, as her excellent hus- insisted that they should not do so, but they ee
; band has done in relation to the higher education Claimed it as their right. On hearing further that | "i 2
of young men. Thanks to them both. they would expect a considerable ‘douceur for Hl aii
| their trouble, Mr. Summers went immediately to i iL A
Pn a Wy ‘the magistrate, and took back the button, etc. We He ;
From Mrs. Soothill I have received the-fol- The magistrate thereupon insisted that the degree ih i id
lowing communication: “In connection with our had been granted and that Mr. Summers must ac- WB i
Wenchow work, readers of the EcHo have doubt- cept it; inaddition, he made him a further present id Ht
less noticed the frequent reference made to our of the embroidered square officials wear in front aE hie ;
native pastor, Mr. Summers. In Mr. Stobie’s of their official robes, and, though Mr. Summers Hie
eae a
se ; ig i =

or : | } “
ee i |
: ea still declined to take the things back, the magis- The Victorian and Tasmanian Conference of
a ee trate again put them into his chair, so he the united body has been héld in Melbourne. |
; ia ea has had to bring them back here. As the fee The Wesleyans of the two States first assembled,
ia: anal to the “announcers cf promotions” was also re- then they were joined by the members of the
! i | duced to a small sum, Mr. Soothill at length told other Methodist Conferences, whose Presidents
4 Hh Mr. Summers to keep the things (they are now, I took their places on the platform. They all—
a i ce understand, at the mission house), at the same including the Rey. Henry Wallace, Free Meth- |
a i time giving him a little advice, which, however, he odist President, addressed the United Conference
om a adds, “I do not think he needs, for he seems of in turn. The Rev. W. H. Fitchett was elected |
i ig the right sort, not yearning after anything, but President by an overwhelming majority. This
on) a working for the spread of Christ’s Kingdom.”’” — gentleman is well known in England as an author
Ow ie AUSTRALIA. and journalist. In his opening address he de-
F i a The union of Methodist Churches in Australia clared that Methodism in Australia had power to
Bc Pe has been consummated. At last Assembly there shape the city, to shape the Continent, to make
i ar , |
; inlet
F f Han TE
Ped a e & tp, tae Ae Ce Eee aaa Gey ty, SRM a ea
ne ae Hey : eaten ey oer es th oT) ee Sans. 3 i é .
es : Hoa i sa Rane ag ) ere . .
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: 4 avi ees ade “4 Sem # re fe 08: saa eee ae et : ae |
ee Pn Be Ve a Ree ey ME) ee i. |
Ne A oS ae 0 SMO ee ey | een é¥ : Wat |) Si See el
i 4 ae i Nee : PONS Me Mere © the anes pga £ mB I |S EA shee ig ais
K Hi EuuAT ae . ARG Nee MM Te | cnn Sree eee Merete ba MM NU 24 Se pe ed ial re ey
a ie nee Ba Re badd By 8 4G ones sete ee Nae ei ©
ye i ae Ee. a —— sa ear ae See Pe ode aaa sonal cay f Sees eee = = Hee ea Mibrooeay oF:
ey a aed ae a ese ON ae aor ERAS
Aa ee OE |
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A He Bocas-DEL-DRraco, CoLtumBus IsLE, OPPOSITE END TO Bocas-DEL-ToRo. * \
4 f et : i
Be Les : ‘ |
t i were reported from our Victorian and Tasmanian — sin ashamed everywhere. If it does, we. will
i i Churches twenty-one itinerant ministers, fifty-five acknowledge that its power is “a good thing well
oe : Hi local preachers, sixty-eight leaders, with 1,586 applied.”
i ae members, and seventy-two on trial; while from JAMAICA.
ay + ui New South Wales and Queensland there THe Rey. John Chinn, who is now in Eng-
a i i / were reported four itinerant ministers, fif- land on furlough, is returning to foreign work.
; ft | iat ‘ teen local preachers, and nearly 300 mem- He is going to serve for another term in Jamaica,
2 i a bers and members on trial. These must to which he was appointed ere he was sent to i
ee Ht henceforth disappear from our Minutes. We may, Bocas-del-Toro. May God go with him.
a ae and naturally do, regret severance from so See Ale MS
| : i many old friends, but we sincerely trust that the THE name of friendship is sacred; what you |
Be Fe : loss to Free Methodism will be great gain to demand in that name I have not the power to i
cc oe a United Methodism in the Southern world. deny you.—LonerELtow.
al f
ey i r y .
Be : He | ; ; ; f
i ee ap } a

ve SEs a TEE EEE oh
5 ‘ “Tae
: : 1 le
GENERAL MISSIONARY SECRETARY’S pard and Dr. Swallow had each visited these hi
NOTES. disturbed centres, and had had much success in i ae x
——. ' establishing the wavering and restoring the .wan- | H, &
WANTED !—AN APPEAL. dering. At one place Dr. Swallow, after public ie
CHINA. examination and testimony, baptized the whole of | yl ie
-~, AST month we reported the withdrawal the families of those who had been under the | i ne
of Dr. Hogg from our China staff. persecution of bribery, fifty-six in all. The doctor Hi He
We need someone to take the doctor’s adds these significant and wise words: “ After | i ne
place! .This branch of Mission work baptizing the fifty-six, there are two hundred and | Ri: ,
has been greatly blessed of God, and more left for further trial.” ie
must be sustained, and, should we be able, ex- Dr. Swallow says: “The change which has ee Hi
tended. We urgently need a godly doctor to take taken place outside the Church during the past Hi
the position made vacant by Dr. Hogg’s retire- twelve months is truly marvellous.” On every | i
ment. Who of our qualified friends will take hand men are publicly pressing for baptism! ec
this call to heart? Call it is, and a call of God! Then, on every hand, by those in high places Na |
EAST AFRICA. as well as those in lowly station, the doctor is Me
Long before now we had hoped to have several. being pressed to open English schools and col- i
offers to take the place of our heroic friend, the leges, in which, under Christian influences, and Bi
Rey. C. Consterdine. Men are offer- mt
ing for the front in South Africa; F a oes i
are there none who will offer for Be te mag eR the ae Wi
the front’ in East Africa? Are the : a ee nie nS ey i eg Pile aie. ‘HM, i
claims of war more fascinating than |. a M38 sp CLR aaa ee : We
the claims of the Kingdom of the | _~. syiotey} i erga fae Bt pays Ae ce
ee My Te Bek A ae We aes Ram en Re Le a! pe oi By) ay
.Lord Jesus. Christ? It cannot be! + ack gee es ie foes ee ia gi, ye ee | el
There must be some misunder- |ifivgis Rift a ae ie ate Fit fo Fy Ae
standing somewhere. Never was |Ae meme tamndae Sas ed Di 1:25 OR A le
the work on the Tana more pro- |» — gS) MRghG Gessiears fo ee a». i Meo |
mising than. now. Our dear friend, /-“““>h awe eee et a | |. Bi
Mr. Phillipson, must not be left to Lge Me ey & a y Bat aw eee at
stand alone. The work wants a | 9 =" Galan eS i" Je ae | i
man of some: experience, of great | 7 i Vales . iar eee i A
faith and enthusiasm, of a master- Reais ——_* a Se € | ieee
passion for men viewed in the light || = = = 4 E. Ba eee o ; tp Wh tbe
of the cross, of mental vigour and |* 9) - i CLs Yes 5 aga) oo eee | bik
deep spirituality. We say it, after |~ 9 wy tec 7) i ak Be Me i pia
having seen the place and the ee —— & j i NE a ge | L i
work ; the field presents an oppor- | 9. â„¢ i ne NE Re ae ia
tunity for splendid service! Whe is 2 — -— Pi ee, | .
7 ‘; AB
Dee ee eee : East Arrican Natives, RIBE. | - yi
Our honoured friend arrived in Liverpool on by Christian scholars, the Chinaman of every rank HS
April znd. His stay in England this time will may be taught the wisdom of the Western world. ea
; be very short. He says he must return not later A great revolution is taking place all over the | ae
than July 1st. Mr. Proudfoot is very anxious for country about teaching English. Colleges are aE ai
Mr. Greensmith to come to England on furlough. being planned over. the land. We must be to y iy
Our young friend has stood the climate well, and the fore. “The tide,” says the doctor, “is turned, Bey ne.
Mr. Proudfoot wishes him to have a change before and, if we are faithful, we shall go on to fortune.” " Bis
he gets run down. The time of sowing was a time of blood, and of aa
We do hope our friends will not make many torture, and of murder; the harvest has come oe Hi
; demands on the time and service of Mr. Proudfoot earlier than was expected—by those who best OB ite |
during his very short visit. He needs his all.too knew the people and the country—the whole A ae
short rest. land is “ white unto harvest.” ae Bi
.. CHINA. During the brief absence of Mr. Sheppard in eo iin
_ The Roman Catholics are giving some trouble England, Dr. Swallow says, “ Miss Hornby and | - iad
in the towns and villages in the Ningpo district. Miss Abercrombie worked in a most heroic way.” All ' Te
In some cases, large sums of money had been In answer to 4 question put to one of the candi- Be
offered as bribes to members to leave our Church dates, ‘Who led you to the Saviour?’ the answer i ‘
and join the Roman Catholic Church. Mr: Shep- was, ‘Miss Abercrombie. She came into the city | Hi j
; FE RAs]
: 7 ie
is a

i i 7
i bea to preach to my wife; she spoke to me too; there GOOD NEWS FROM A FAR COUNTRY.
oa was no help for it; both of us had to become 3 ie
| Christians.’” Thank God for such glorious per- Me ee ee
| _ Sistence and such cheering testimony ! Sue
4 vd : ANCHO s HE Girls’ Day School which, with a
a=] i Hae _ Ina brief letter just to hand from Mr. Soothill, heavy heart I closed when I left
Se a in answer to a cable message, he says, “ The news q Wenchow, has now been reopened.
os : that you had secured a Christian scholar for our Thank God for that! In spite of
oe | Wenchow College was received with intense de- the pressing need, Mr. Soothill has
ai light. There was great rejoicing through the felt, since his return alone, that a girls’ school
Ao ca whole Mission compound. He will receive a was not a man’s work, but this difficulty has been
- 4 cl royal welcome. There are great things before us.” removed by Mrs. Stobie stepping into the breach
Pe al MAZERAS and consenting to take the superintendence.
ee a :
ee A | We have recently received a long and cheerful ae ane ce a ie oe neve peoured
i a letter from Mr. Griffiths. There is much in the oe RS Sanat Ae are BDOUES A YOURE tel:
iw spirit and methods of Mr. Griffiths which bears Bo0” Wel laneat Cumese woman, trained for
oe a a strong family likeness to those of our late dis- ean a aS wala MES IO Roereiniey Senos 10
se if | tinguished missionary, Mr. Wakefield. He makes Ne ye nae) wi Bite aeD Lous Rier te ipland
a all the stations his care. This is an important “, 0 Bog cheaged tc tale the: responsibility
‘ a failertin Bact Arabs of the teaching, she having my old school-helper
po ee : as general assistant. Personally, I feel inclined
q Ve THES BELL! to congratulate Mrs. Stobie on this step. She is |
a Our friends must have overlooked our appeal | most anxious to make progress in the language,
ae i for a bell for Mazeras. They are in sore need and hopes to spend many hours with the girls;
be of one; the old one is broken. A bell on an. this is the surest and easiest (never very easy)
Fi - | African Mission station is an absolute necessity. way of learning to talk as they talk—the ambition
| a The functions of a beil are many and varied; it _ of all missionaries!
| lies almost at the base of any possible civiliza When in Wenchow, our own children learnt
ae} fy «tion. Some kind friend or friends will, I am sure, Chinese before they learnt English, and more
3 a La be pleased to send our dear friend Mr. Griffiths a than once I have heard Mr. Soothill enviously
oe ee bell. say, after listening to them chattering, “as to
7 a a A CHURCH MISSIONARY NOTICE-BOARD. the manner born,” with some Chinese child, “I
a a s : :
Ee a ha Recently it was our pleasure to pay our Church would give a good deal to speak as they speak.”
a at Louth a visit, in the interests of our Missions, Referring again to the school, the need for it had
3 an and there we saw, to our great delight, a new become too urgent to be disregarded. Perhaps
Be i ia thing. In the spacious vestibule, well in sight, what fully decided our friends to restart it was
ea i hung a “Missionary Noticeboard!” On the Mr. Chang’s coming to tell of his ‘now motherless
oot a board were affixed notices of missionary sermons, — gitls running about the street bare-footed. This,
ee prayer-meetings, and-missionary services in con- of course, is scarcely proper in England, but in
- FT nection with the C.E.S. Then, here and there, China it is most improper, and had their feet
oe i was affixed a cutting from a magazine, or paper, or beén bound they could not have committed such
Coe a sermon, giving some missionary fact or facts. In an indiscretion—the moral of which seems to be,
sh UY a another part was affixed a skilfully-worked scroil, one reform must follow another, if we insist on
4 ie on which were given many illuminating facts and freedom for the body, we must also train the
oe ' na : figures: in relation to the spread of the Gospel’ mind, in order that such freedom shall be rightly
: ey, of Christ in different parts of the world. used! A recent letter from Mrs. Stobie tells me
4 | This “Missionary Notice-board” is not self- that Sai-tsa (the newly-engaged- teacher) is, so |
| i acting. No, it is worked by a power outside itself, far, giving great satisfaction.
Loy a The cuttings are constantly changed, and the In China it often happens that two or more
t 4 a board is thus not only an announcer of services, different missions are working in the same large }
Bi, it a poe but an intelligent witness of the work of God in district; it is not always, however; ‘the easiest
ae t a the world. No Church ought to be without such thing in the world for them to maintain the en-
ES a a a board ; it 1s an up-to-date idea, and, thank tente cordiale. Apparently, the two missions i
Bets 1) God, it speaks of the cross, and points to its represented in Wenchow form a: kitid of mutual
ot | widening and conquering power. aid society! I have told you above of our in- |
§ a T am quite Sure. Miss Longbottom, of the debtedness to the Inland Mission fora girls”
ooo a Hollies, Louth, will be pleased to give a word of teacher.’ Now let me, on the other hand, give
4 il leading in relation to the establishment and work-. you a short extract froma letter, received a week
oe i ing of a “Church Missionary Notice-board.” ago, from the lady who is at the head of the
‘ aan |
_ i }
2. ea 5 ;
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ow ae ae

o Ms 3) x ADs 2 reece : ST EE TE : ea aoa r poe ee ac. a mee et
| | |
Ee Bite
school where that teacher was trained, and whose EDUCATION IN CHINA. 2 4
husband is at the head of the Inland Mission. ee hee
Mrs. H. writes: “At the time of the Bing-yang Bye Wi SRS TORI: i] i Hh eB
trouble I wanted to write and tell you what a Ee i ; He |
help and strength Mr. Soothill was to us all. I T isa long while since I wrote anything for ie e
do not know what my husband would have done the Ecuo, but, having now got hold of a HA i a
without him. We all feel that God.has blessed subject which is claiming widespread atten- Wa |
him very much while at home, and that we are tion in the greatest empire of the East, and il] i he
all sharing in the blessing.” Mrs. H. adds, “I having had the privilege of seeing some- Hi Hie %
know you will be glad to hear this.” Who would © thing of it in application recently, I thought it il i
not be? would be welcome to you to have a paper on Wea
Last New Year's Eve I imagine I heard our, it. I have a further reason, and that is to try, Wa
Wenchow friends singing, “ And are we yet alive, through you and your paper, to work up strong oe
' and see each other’s face,” with even greater interest in our Churches at home on this absorb- ce
emphasis than usual. One must go through a ing subject—education. Wee
long, hot, weary summer and an ofttime deadly I don’t know what is the general opinion held at He
autumn, not knowing “What a day may bring home on the question of making missionary work Hh ae
forth ”—yet. with no doctor within 200 miles— a means of providing Western education for the Bi
before one can feel the full force of that solemn Chinese, but, out here, as far as I have seen, ee
hymn! At least one of the little company had among those who, by training and experience, are i ee
been very near to “the pearly gates.” best. fitted, it is becoming more and more the i ae
' Considering these things, I am not at all sure opinion that the missionary agencies must strive | a
that they would have welcomed “even an angel to meet the. demand, and include a first-class a
from Heaven” with greater cordiality than that mathematics and natural science college among j a aa
| Z s . : : ; We ae
extended to Dr. Plummer on his eagerly-expected ‘ their equipment. Here in Wenchow ‘we have a:
arrival. The health and well-being of the com- come to the conclusion that something must be i Ba
munity, their life or death, had lain like a heavy attempted in this way by us as a mission, and, for eile
| weight on Mr. Soothill’s heart and mind, and I that purpose, Mr. Soothill has asked me to take Bee a
can fancy him almost ready to jump for joy at the oversight of the work in place of a specialist ri f
; the prospect of being able to transfer the burden being sent out from home. So, to get some | ad
that was so oppressive to him to the shoulders insight into the management of Anglo-Chinese Wt
of one better qualified to carry it—the doctor’s! Colleges, to make notes on methods, books used, A
If ever a good man were received with, figura- staff and plant, as well as to try and engage a Wee
tively speaking, “open arms,” Dr. Plummer was. Native assistant mathematics and science master, Hi i
And his thoughtfulness and kindness are already 1 went up to Shanghai about three weeks ago, and as
winning him “golden opinions.” Mr. Soothill returned the day before yesterday. Though ne |
was feeling far from well on the doctor’s arrival. there is a large number of very good colleges in AW
The very next day he was in Mr. Soothill’s bed- Shanghai, yet so great is the demand in various Wea
room by seven in the morning, and, as Mr. Soot- Parts of China that I failed completely in getting ae
hill expressed it, “gave me a thorough over- 4 ™an. I met many missionaries during my ten Be
hauling, also applying the stethoscope.” Hap- days’ stay in Shanghai, several of whom were i Ba
pily, Dr. Plummer was able to pronounce Mr. S. busily engaged in educational work. Some of He Ah f
“sound,” but needing a tonic, which Mr. S. these were, like myself, in quest of teachers, and A ie
naively adds, “He also sees I take.” I merely had met with a similar result. I visited several ie
give this as a specimen of the doctor’s alertness. of the best colleges in Shanghai and the suburbs, Al ie
; He has also cleared up the hospital, and set the dined with some of the professors, who took me ~ ih i if
assistants to work; he is moreover hard at work OV the premises, showed me the various classes ve
on the language. Last, but not least, I have it 4 pers and ace ee Uo oae rao an nies ey 4
on good authority that he writes brightly and Poe ue h ae aS Meth sc ae mes 1 Hp A
encouragingly to Mrs. Plummer, whom he hopes eae tO Ee CH Ca een Sue eros i ie
to welcome in Wenchow next autumn. ission; then St. John’s College, belonging to ie |
May I invite the members of the L.M:A. to the American Episcopal Church, under the super- Hl Bis
sf intendence of Dr. F.C. Hawkes Pott. The Hee
- add two names to the number of those for whom begets : j Tea
‘they daily pray—those of Dr. and Mrs, Plummer! largest of all, which is a palatial structure in |) a
: ; " several blocks, was the Nan-Yang College, an ee
Ain SIMS few Rael iar AES institution entirely Chinese, that is supported by Li if
Chinese gentlemen of wealth, education, or of AW Hi
_A DEscRipTivE report of Exeter Hall Mis- civil influence. Professor Sites is at present the iB Le |
sionary Meetings will appear (D.V.) in the next principal; there is a large staff of five foreigners eee
number of the Missionary EcHo. and thirty-two Chinese teachers.’ This college, i Ho
7 El
. \ ae

ae aaa "
1 : :
| ett for magnificence of structure, for equipment, and there, which was built about the middle of last
i a for range of subjects taught, equals the best year from funds left for the purpose by a wealthy
: He feat higher public schools in England. In most of ‘Chinese trader of that city. It is called Ching
j a "these colleges nearly all the teaching of Western Chong’s School, from the name of the founder,
eth | subjects is carried on in English, and except for and was intended by him to be used for the edu-
ee ‘| difference of dress and the inevitable accent, one cation of the children of his employees, in Wes-
: ie ia might easily think one was in a first-class British tern learning, though the school is open to any |
, al public school. What struck me as most obvious Chinese children. They are quite new foreign- |
Waa was the strong demand on the part of the Chinese built premises, in five blocks, with accommoda- :
i bey for knowledge. I met missionaries from Northern, tion for a large number of boarders. Already
Do al Eastern, Central and Western China, and from there are one hundred and sixty pupils. I was |
i a everywhere came news of prospective institution shown into the room which is to be used later
a aa of colleges or of educational work already going for chemistry and physics experimental classes, |
P ae on apace. In company with Mr. Moir Duncan, and saw some handsome and costly apparatus for |
a ul M.A-, of the English Baptist Mission, I visited the laboratory, bought in Japan. I heard also |
ait Nan-Yang College. This gentleman was deputed that the Cantonese portion of the Shanghai native
a ea to distribute the Famine Relief Fund last year community are eager to imitate Ching Chong’s
4 ae in Shensi. He is at present engaged in recruiting example, and erect a fine Cantonese Coilege.
8 oe men for the large college to be built in T’ai- In Ningpo three very large pieces of ground. have
UH i i yuan-fu, a city now historic on account of. the been bought on which to build Anglo and Franco-
ees ee atrocious massacre of missionaries im 1900. Chinese Colleges, one by the Roman Catholics,
mY ve ‘Corea, Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore are all one entirely by native contributors, and the third
q AH to be visited by‘ him in his quest. for teachers, and smallest by our own Ningpo Mission. In Wen-
a and to inspect the working of Anglo-Chinese and chow we have the beginnings of such a work, but
So a other colleges. In all these colleges which I, with-no apparatus ; hitherto, for want of men for
| & | : i visited the one great cry was the utter impossi- the regular evangelistic work, no proper super-
a Fae bility to meet the demand. Increase of fees, en- vision; and a dirty dilapidated Chinese house
; A a : trance by competitive examination, were inade- with an opium den on one side of the entrance,
" tae quate to have any diminishing power on the a filthy half-dry canal at the front, and no play-
Ba numbers of students desirous of being enrolled. \ ground for the pupils.» The great idea, and a
ae ie ia In Dr. Parker's institution there is such over- most praiseworthy one I think all will admit, we
oe a crowding that the pupils have to study in their have in launching out fully into this important
et a bedrooms. At. St. John’s College, one. hundred work is that we may have an institution alike
Bc a Ag and sixty youths have made application to sit at creditable to us as the representatives of a country
a. 2 the approaching entrance examination, and there where learning has flourished so long and as mem- |
noe He is room for only thirty-five additional pupils. bers of a Christian mission, in which we can train
eee ie Besides this large number, many youths make our own schoolmasters for country schools. The
ee ae regular applications at the very last, pleading time will come—indeed, has already come—in
ae i i i that they are ignorant of the correct method of some parts of China, when the authorities will con-
ae applying for entrance. This is the college where vert rural monasteries and temples into day schools
Pa the youth Railton is kept by the Railton Road for Western learning. We feel it our duty to train
ie ae Christian Endeavour Society. He has wongolden Christian men to fill these posts in our district ;
a opmions among his teachers, and has acquitted men who will bring their Christian life and teach-
Ue he himself so well in his studies that he is acting as ing constantly to bear on the young folk who may
ee | assistant to Mr. F. C. Cooper, lecturer on chemis- come under their care ; men who too will be able
t Aaa try and physics. The fees at that college have to preach in our country churches on the Sun. _~ |
) Pi been increased, and I believe are to be further in- days. We have nearly a hundred preaching I
i He creased. The Nan-Yang College has about two places in this district alone, and, had we the men I
ie ae hundred and forty pupils. The opening term and the means, we could have a Christian Mission i
We i in is at the end of August. At the last entrance School connected with each one. Already we
oe i examination, four hundred applications were re- have some fine country schools, though only |
it i ceived, and only seventy pupils could be accepted. Chinese subjects are at present taught in them. i
5: i a The impression one gets from such facts as these, Think what a potent factor for good it would be |
ia coupled with those got by coming into contact if our Mission had a hundred schools throughout
Ae a with missionaries and educationalists from other | the surrounding country, each under the manage-
oe “parts of China on similar errands to my own, is ment of a well-trained Christian man! Then,
eo fe that the cry of China for enlightenment is not again, we hope in time to have a Theological {
oe a) only widespread but very real and deep. Department in the college, where our native I
i? re Towards the end of my. stay in Shanghai I pastors shall have a training equal at least to .
fe Ha visited a large new college for Western learning what our Institute at Manchester gives our men |
a | Mf
; hy , ee 7
Poa ;

‘ NAB ne
| el
Ws, bie
at home. As it is absolutely necessary for the Then he passed into another room where lay | mie
moral well-being of the pupils that a foreigner the missionary’s wife. There he remained watch- i Hh ine q
live near them, it is incumbent that when the ing his second patient, while Macdonald paced ae
new college is built—supposing the Missionary up and down outside. The cold shadow of death ee
Committee accede to our request—a foreign hovered over that little bungalow. Near sunset ee He
house be built in the college compound. . Again, the doctor came out to tell the missionary that ey
we should be exceedingly glad if we could have all was well. A little child had come to cheer ea
over a dozen bursaries instituted to help the likely them in their exile home. His wife was resting i it aie
sons of our Christians. Five pounds a year would peacefully, and was going to live for her hus- i] ae
| keep a youth for that time in our college, and band and her son. She would be about the ee
give hima full education. As the Hong Kong and house again before that blind girl would. A
Shanghai Bank pays 5 per cent. per annum, a His prophecy proved to be a true one. When Hi.
| donation of £100 would ensure a permanent at length the day came for Laughing Flower’s es
' bursary. I feel sure that there are very many of bandages to be removed, Macdonald’s wife was Hy at
our people at home who, when they know the strong enough to be present. They led the girl ee
necessity and good of such a gift, would gladly to the door of the bungalow. “Why has the ei
provide it. Hence, dear Mr. Kirsop, I look to. sun not risen?” was her bewildered inquiry. i hee
you—nay, we all look to you—to help us in the “Ah, yes, I know. The sun is warm. I feel him, i
Ecuo, and in your many opportunities‘on the but I cannot see him. I am blind!” | mth
platform, to accomplish this noble end. It is of | Then came her lament. It came from the We i
very great importance, too, that we make careful heart, and touched the hearts of those who lis- Hi is
provision for the physical training of our pupils. tened. “The sun will rise and set in the golden Me
In several of the Shanghai and other large col- water, but Laughing Flower will never know. i| Bt
| leges this point receives very special considera- The birds will spread their white plumage on the We
| tion. What we hope to have here is a fine open breeze, but Laughing Flower will never follow | A
piece of ground where we can have, besides a their flights. The sweet flowers will bud and WA I)
small gymnasium, a sufficient area for cricket or bloom, but Laughing Flower will never watch | me
tennis, etc. Land in Wenchow is happily pretty them. For Laughing Flower it will be .always Bel ia
- cheap, and I believe land in abundance, college night—no day, with glorious sun, and birds, and ‘ | Bit) ;
and schoolmaster’s house could all be got for flowers. Only one long, weary night, and the al
£1,500 or £1,800. I am sure you will most cold and the darkness!” With a pitiful wail she WB
heartily give us room in your paper to make turned her face from the light and groped about | a
known our wants, and to incite the enthusiasm and __ with trembling hands. It was a woman who took Hi i
loyalty of our people in helping us through with hold of those hands, and led her away, talking i
our scheme. to her asa mother does to a tired ‘child. ih ee, We)
Tumari had witnessed these things from a dis- ae :
Fale ROG eR OI tance, and, choking down a cry, he went with ‘| Bh
hurrying feet to the place where the jasmine 4 ie
THE STORY OF LAUGHING FLOWER. fiers were blooming. Mrs. Mscaonal was 4 AM
| i eA anon greatly surprised when he appeared at the door, i nh ‘
and thrust a bunch of jasmine flowers into her Bue
tea hand, saying, “For ‘missi, and for Laughing i
CHAPTER III. Flower,” and was: gone. ih ANS
: She went to where Laughing Flower was VP eae
ee ee ee - crouching, and held the flowers near her face. ii Ai
HILE Dr. Plender examined Laugh- The sweet perfume greeted the girl’s senses, and SPREE
, ing Flower, the next day, he in- she lifted up her head. Bs
quired of Macdonald how she had “Take care of these jasmine flowers for me,” ey
come by such an injury. This said Lucy Macdonald. “I have put them near A
gave the missionary the oppor- you. They are so sweet.” nits
tunity for which he had longed. He told the The blind girl’s hand was reached out, and her Wh Ble
doctor the whole story of Colin Smith’s fingers touched the petals. Into her face came SB
, | cowardice. The doctor said nothing in direct the faintest shadow of a smile as she seized the ° | i a
teply; he only bit his lip with vexation, flowers: she loved so well. She decked herself ne mit
“The girl is blind, totally blind,” he declared with them, and, fora‘ time, forgot her helpless- : ee ie
at the end» of the examination. “Somehow the ness. We He
nerves of sight have been affected by the blow. Morning after morning Tumari brought his lh / ail}
Besides, there is something on her mind. She offering of flowers, and departed as silently: as He a
will have to be kept quiet, or she may lose her he came. Morning after morning did the blos- a a
senses.” ; soms cheat Laughing Flower of something of her i, i
Be i
ae aaa

rf ie ses ae
Te 74 ne
i i ik
al THE STO : "
ie RY OF '
a ea woe. But F LAUGH
ae i) apparent ie came a day wh a Oe :
i a flow eason, she th if en, without a :
ee aa | flowers on the gro rew the swe ny disconsolation i
aa soles of her f und, and crushed th et-scented but it on in all its fr
: aol - and, taking ea ee shisclonlaty’s ee with the Phe ea something eee and vigour.
: a Fl ng hold of he wife saw h a smile i e “ missi,” which
m 4 chugs? They doa take the life of th laughing” Whin tied nko her eyes the Longer she
ei 2 They d ife of th en F ane
ae « ey do : ne : red M
Hea I am not hurt you!” se pretty the acdonal
Co a oo oe them!” I | yeah peta ee d came in from his work
a uty,” wailed . cann . ell, L her fac work
pe their sweet the girl. “ They gts See their iis thes ucy, lass! You] e that he asked he
| a GORGE Canoes And, worse th y hurt me with e nectar you have b ook so bonnie. Wh 2
ie » * missi.’” than that, they will f Nay; Fred, the nectar j dppiag eh
OH ae a £ é or Laughing Flowe eetanis but @-hapoy th
ee Hal tr, Bo girl,” said ae ue
oe a cS X she hushed wile, as
ae al Gee Wy yer co d the wee child’
a agli Sh, Re boas Lifting it Fae
fe a ili Te eee pe ZR au ed, she placed it i its
a ; Oe) ili NY Pie). Dene sie Tay Dee aus
a el |e 2 Se ce XZ knelt by mms. While she
a a oe ion) pF they b y his side, and whil
La Gos =e ey both gaze into its tny
a \ a ise = NY iy ee he Oe ber scheme fe
ta \ ees === eT Y Hee ites ae
Ee ey = OWN) That. soul. ghing
ed a s = ote Ni That night it wa
oo A We 4 - f\ ee Mia fA operation. Non ge ae
i Wd ) = ad been Kept in ignorance. com
ae ae oe | ‘ SS TN frig Comming sth 2 com Pane
g Whe SE coming. of
fy a | Gif Fri (i( | a Ss Boas TIN ie quiet, and only cae |
ae : — NO Uf. AD |! VL 8 A (Ee 8 eee | “INA le last few day y during
oe a Ye LM Hi i AD nee wok = Sat i 4) but i days had it eri
ay ie Wendt Yee) ah | e Ra Oe, 8 WIS aos =A A OW ut > : : it CT
ae fe i H He ‘i DQ fa Ce hg > = i eee cries which ae
ae ea Ee ii Zy Ho ROA | > STS 8 1 little Sa
le a) hy K hee aM eee | girl’s mind. Sane to a
ee tel Her HT ae SORRY ei Hata y3h as usual t fee she came
ae i) — ioe | oes Goodnight”
ee ik aa ss SW “\i ee Mech“ missi aster and
Pia ii Hi ——= SS Stes ij and ie es Soe
A I SS BN j hours lat ot said until some
a iH I oh, = Sy | ois ae ie ee
me Oe AH 7 Se Bf 1) patasretine V8 ; cdone
A jp Hh ci Mn Ss 7 | 2 i fe eaeah OL eae noe
i Hila ie He —S | af /) i Safie.” out little |
sh a Ca MeV HHT =) f/ et” 7/7 = “Nay ‘ missi |
ora Rn aN oY, Wy SINS Oe y ‘missi’! Why tell
f fe ay Hi Hy | hn ANU eee Wah) Lz i you all k 2
oe i ARLE MN) SW | See IS 4 Tj 4 (ES jected the gi now?” ob-
|| a il i Wee Ee Wey, (whe the gid’ “Why tell al
fi —— = GILES Pg" vaighing Flower
eal aS SSS See Gee + ughing Flo
i a She we ee tell how she loved nee oes
wo ean where ee (Safie.” er sister's |
ean ee ; aghing Flower “But it w
fe Vi ‘Therefore, we will WES crouching SraissiN 1 Goats my Safie, j
ane i a as they will last,” 4 try to keep them ing Flowe ae Laugh- |
4 a } ‘ rescued the fl » declared the i as Jong cared : Lee 12 “Th wa
a Oh. tise owers from thei oman, and she wi ed for it. Theref Pano Lae cea i
AeA a : , M1SS1, nothin 1ELE peril. will tell you refore it was i ui and
4 fa eyes faded aw g remains. The li So vs about Safie.” mine. Well! I |
bag a Arid and eS The’ fidwers. di light of my — Whil saying, she. crouched
nh a i Ter AIne.? e Safie left me.”: ne in a day. a e Mrs. Macdonald down on the fl }
a a hidie ie. © No, nothi girl, she had lif had been CE ae
poe aa f ittle Safie was her sister’ ng gently on al ee ern cogeing the
PoE a : Rees Ge I Pee ee af placed ba
Po ved lon ul exist ae i gil. “YY Lee ener
i ea g enough iful existence, but i said the : es! B ngt
a The gh to twine itse! , but it had mother. egin you
a. eu memory of wine itse:f r ment er, in order t your story!”
Po a aan of that littl ound her h of the 1 ORC OVS: i y
ee ae e oO eart. Ti ittl ra sli
be i one brought back fc tele uGed cléeste tee who nestled it ght move. |
oS ee i er “Ju ely to the cushi its cheek a
We eal st before the ‘mi ee
oo an missi’ came to Ohati,” i
1, i
‘iia | 4

| | “He i
: Teen |
| i
| est
4 ee Mi
began Laughing Flower, “ little Safie was sent by safety of her baby, Laughing Flower came to: ia i
the Great Spirit. It came with a cry. It spent herself. The questioning look on her face, as. ea
its days and nights in crying. It went away, and she laid her precious burden at her feet, and Teas I:
its last cry I have heard again and again during felt its face with gentle touches, was pathetic ee ¥
the last few days.” beyond description. | iP a
| Husband and wife looked at each other and This was the critical period in the experiment. ae
: smiled. They both were near the baby, and, The danger was lest a revulsion of feeling would Hi er
while they listened, they were praying God to sweep over her soul, when she discovered the | ae
make iheir scheme successful in winning the innocent deception which had been played upon ae &
girl’s soul from brooding irritation and despair. her. But, with the unerring instinct of woman- i i 1a.
| “Ves, ‘missi,’ it was my child! Who felt hood and motherhood, Mrs. Macdonald had her i i He
greater happiness than I did when it looked at arms around the puzzled girl. : ; ae
me, and I saw its dark eyes? But, oh! they grew if You have been nursing my baby,” she told iy be
so big, and were filled with pain. My heart was Laughing Flower. “The Great Spittt sent this ae
full of sorrow when I saw it. If ever Laughing little one to make the master, and me, and you, | i
Flower talked to the Great Spirit, it was when Laughing Flower, very happy. Would you like | ee
its little face was drawn with anguish. But to murse my ‘baby even as you nursed little ea
did He answer me? Oh, my little Safie!” Safie ?” Hi at
She paused in her recital. It was growing real No answer; but the tears, the first smce the ER eH
‘ to her. As she called to mind the little one’s day of her flight from Ohati, flowed down her i ea
suffering, she lived it all over again. So much cheeks. — ; Ms yi
so that when she resumed her story, it was in the _“ My little son will want someone to care for i} te
present tense. him. Will you nurse him for me?” pleaded the a ite
-“ Mother is away in the fields, my Safie. But mother. ee : io fa
Laughing Flower will never leave thee. To Nay! I am. too bad to touch the ‘ missi’s’ a
watch thee—to fondle thee—to hold thy hands— | baby. But, oh! Laughing Flower, would like to te
to hush thee to sleep shall be Laughing Flower’s 2urse him.” : vi ae
work? When she realized that she was indeed to be ie
While she was rehearsing the days of the his nurse, she scarcely knew how to contain her- i
past, the “missi” sought her husband’s hand. self. Then, if ever true penitent made a sincere | Pi .
Her face grew paler, and she felt her heart beat confession, that penitent was Laughing Flower. : i i
rapidly. With her other hand, she reached out to It was a confession which confirmed all Fred i
her baby, and disturbed it while it lay on the Macdonald’s suspicions concerning the trader. HG ees
Cushion: From the hour of her forgiveness the dark i:
The poor thing set up a wailing cry, which SPIt left Laughing Flower, and never returned a
caused the mother to lean forward ready to catch 0 frighten the child who had made a complete “Ht Te
it to her heart in a passion of love. But there Conquest of her nature. It omy remains to be mile
was another even quicker than she. Laughing told how one day, when her little charge was il i tia
Flower bent forward with an answering cry, and 81VIN§ her a great deal ‘of trouble by. crawling | Baie
was hushing the baby in her arms. The mother’s Way from her, she unknowingly strained her il i ‘
| hold tightened on her husband’s hand; her ¢yeS a8 men do in the darkness, and a faint i Brak
breath came short and quick. The blind girl Simmer went across her sight. The doctor / Bi :
was oblivious of her real surroundings; she forgot promised a full recovery when the nerves of Ae
she was telling the missionary and his wife how Sight became stronger. Thus it was that a new Pe
she loved little Safie. She was crooning to the hope was born in her sou!—some day she would 4 Hi
baby as she used to do to her sister’s child. See the master’s boy. And Tumari came in for Ha
Her forgotten companions listened, and a great 2 share of good things. By this time he could d Ma
happiness filled them——God was answering theit have told the missionary and his wife what they 4 A |
prayers. knew without the telling, that the trader’s influence 4 A
| had been entirely destroyed. AP Ha
Oh, hush thee and sleep! AD Bt
For the flower shall spring from the bud ; THe Ewp. A iia |
And the joy shall course through the blood, RS is
Though sometimes we weep! oa ae bs Bi
SE AR iy
* Oh, hush thee and sleep! 7 ewe i :
And God's eye shall aah over thy form; REV. WILLIAM YATES. TEs o i
ae from the sad wane and the storm Tata ie q 3
y; tender life keep! AN excellent portrait. of Mr. Yates will be A / i:
The last note had scarcely ceased when, with given next month, with a short story: from his ie
with a start which alarmed the mother for the facile pen. WH a
: ie

tt se i
, if il Ss ,
: | = PORTION. Chalmers was fighting against God w
Hl a BY THE EDITOR.’ conquered him: “Oneenish 0 when grace
aay ' DN te, hear the evangeli epi Wee peuedct
a and the fellows s He was deeply impressed

a a Meee Ee beleyin ng ase night he found peace
as : bet . ea : :

: a | Preece the celebrated missionary Christian work, and (eee, eae eee ao
a ! almers, was put to death wi > city missionary i | So a OES aS ae
ee colleagues and some i aba, With: AS j ry in Glasgow, and eventually offe: |
ei 3 a native helpers, i imself to the Lond issi y ottersd
i salad ae (Nee ; pers, in the ondon Missionary Soci |
a L ew Guinea Pp a after two , Es ry Society, and
een Guinea, is a large island lyi apua, or New i years’ training at Cheshunt, he w a

a q el of iettalia © It is ge island lying to the north appointed to Rarotonga, in the South ’g oe |
Dt ca Strait, a channel ab separated from it by Torres hue
Oba said to have Be about eighty miles wide. It is SAILING WITH A PIRATE. |
ae : 2 een discovered by the Port It is strange to

ao} at ae a sixteenth century. It is five tin : seen voyage to Ra ie Teg at ene aes ear tee
ei as England, but zt imes as large 83 \arotonga was taken 1 i |
os L g 5 TO One mowe habe k manded by “ 3 in a ship com

a coe tion. Its natives what is its popula- y “ Bully” Hayes, who is spok |
ie Be ee are heathens, savages, and \- a buccaneer and pi aw spoken of as |

. | ‘| é Bukit Hie been EEEO® Rola ae bs canni- pufian. but | pirate. No doubt he w

if ity Sree & ; : Ales a t he act d was a
ee missionaries, and old of by Christian . , but he acted as a gentler m thi

= : , and, although s de 3 gas man on this occa-

oe dered, yet “the bl gh some have been mur- , permitting religious servi
a. aS Bcd ce « ws Eee rvices to be

a. to ofthe Ghure.® Sh nea Tals Ye ace ae ma cee) eae oo, 0g hon

| Hee The great and good would eel it so.” He said that all on board
ae signed hi eee James Chalmers oft ould attend the services, b os

iD sign ee Tamate,” and he is very gene i Only if they are incli bane Me Chalmers said,
ea cnown by this ) rally 43 7 ne God had

oe aan Wh y name. It was not a nick worshipped he th eee had to be

, en en he was landing at Raroto kname. constraint, but wi HOUBDE Ab enous pe. BOtsGy

ee: to know his nam otonga, a man wanted inf, but willingly.” They had b |
od ne that he might sh : and: were on b hey had bad weather,

a Se e out it to th on board a lon i
a i: ore. Wot Paley sae Belen One to complain of his pi g time, but he never had

‘ a th ed. “Chalmers,” was the reply. ® Lam: Be Se ae eta Aor
fea the ; ates

ie j a Bealls cuahe th out, either because he had Bel ae

eo ae e name or because “ R
Be ae : se “he c arotonga WwW

i we fe BOs it right.” You Tee ee The people Ged given ee z a sevens

4 a He, names that : y : { idol-worshi d

a seem quite ea horrors as Praha p and all the

ee. changed 7 sy to us ar ssociated with con

oo a ged very much when uttered { Se a ; : it, and were Christia
i ee ae A. Chinam | uttered by foreigners. ngland is Christian—that i hee
Oa a ti naman never says America; “| verted Aor SU Maesen eile CON

: aaa Am ” rica; he calls and others ¥ eevee a
oe ct who Se ee I told you of South ‘Sea elaiders name. It is said he te z ee ce a
: a Oven an ou my flem,” when they meant to sa chief saw in London at he first time, a young
a ae are my friend.” ys god that his father: bac eee Pisa ae
ny of Het 8 a i

- L He eas HIS EARLY LIFE. A eS to be done, but flea oe re:
| A < 5 20) e i v yorst oO e '

. | i a ress au : ce bey a aie” Se te ae nee population. They were

ee a the sea on the rice-beautiful arms of them w i ristian work, for some of
a Ra ie estuary of the Ri Y em were vile almost b vagy gh ce
Boa had several ty of the River Clyde. He wanted eyond belief, Still, Tamat

ma Ue the same ieeoia ta Peden but all in fies. ieee ae heathen, not among 3
ea Byron, he “ rov rgyleshire. Like Lord spendi shad been heathen. So, after
ey | grew up to A eee Highlander.” He eet eee ate Tee Pe ener ua, where |
ct ' a Re Duke of Argyle has ny Gaba ae where and heathen people ouring among a barbarous

Biel: ree and open li i eae eee |
ae at ane strong, sibs Tete cos tended to make IN NEW GUINEA. : |
Cae afterwards became y, indomitable man he Tamate labo

at came. aboured there for twent |

tf i Then the martyr’s crown nty-one* years.
is | He HIS CONVERSION. head. They were years ou placed upon his
Ll James Chalmers was the subj j and privation, not unw of toil and travel, danger @

a pressions and desi subject of good im- side th t unworthy of being placed b
ee aa largely died awa: ies very early in life. These life oi great apostle’s account of his missi a
a | ae ae Vande nor Gl he was 28.46 e. But he did not grow we : onary

a. gé,sdid he trul years When h ary in well-d

a evangelists Rou q seek and find salvation. Two life a e was fifty years old, he wrote, “ Tove
£ a ST » f v) ) 2 é

se nk in Inverary. He ae were holding services Bonen Se tea rough voll i

Po Sane eee oe ee a eee ue ae Geo on |
co Ae prevent conversions ee the meetings and so hearty, bra comes well as of old.” Tt is these
os cal saints when Jesus aie ae Waseca: the the world oe ee fellows that do the work of
. main 2. i

a Aa e way. Young how wicked the Pa ‘ ony) aed ee

Be ee eS : ;

. i | |

| ye
ART sh
‘ Rett
ine: ai
RIDING ON TURTLEs, escaped the fate that had often menaced him. i. :
T' daresay, when I first read of a man'riding on “Thanks, cousin dear, for that invitation home, | He ie
the back of a turtle, I thought it was only a but I fear Tam too much attached to New Guinea. at |
trayeller’s tale. But when Frank Bullen and J! am nearing the Bar, and might miss resting Hee
James Chalmers speak of their doing so, I quite amid old scenes, joys, and sorrows.” So he wrote. ae
believe it, and incline to say, He was nearer the bar than he knew. When away Be
Sr on a missionary excursion, he was murdered for | eemeeRe
When they next do ride abroad the sake of his skull—but he entered into peace. ee
May I be there to see! : ye
Turtles are like tortoises, which many of my i We
young readers may have seen. Some sorts of AN EPISODE IN THE HISTORY OF Hl ec
them are very delicious food, and Lord Mayor’s HYMNS ( Wi.
feasts are sure to commence with turtle soup. ¢ Me
Green turtles, which are the best for food, gener- BY THE EDITOR. aa | ee
ally weigh about two hundred-weight.. They are ee
amphibious—that is, they can live either on land ARS
or ate When trying to catch them, you must HE death of the Rev. Newman Hall | Hie
lay them on their back, and you have conquered has recalled to the recollection of i .
them. In one of his letters, Tamate says, “ This those who are old enough to attr Be
year we had turtle, so did not trouble about ber it, the publication of the “ Rivu- Wea die:
pigs. Our small schooner brought us in fourteen ; let,” a small volume of religious poetry i x
large turtles, and some of our folk ate so heartily >Y the Rey. T. T. Lynch, and the fierce contro- Weta!
| that they were very ill for some time after. . . . VETSY that ensued. It was attacked by Mr. James ie Gh
Some years ago I spent a Christmas Eve turtle- Grant, the editor of the Morning Advertiser, a i
turning, and we succeeded in turning fifty. We Paper which, on one page, might contain a pious Si
took fourteen on board, and set the others free, Prelection and on another a long report of a 1
riding on their backs as they sped on over the prize-fight, written with animation and gusto. | pike
shallow water of the reef.” It is clear these By-and-by the Rev. John Campbell, D.D., a man Hi eG
turtles were not so broad-backed as one I have Of war from his youth, joined in the fray, as his ea
read of, which measured six feet across. Had brother-editor’s ally. Thomas Binney, Newman | 1 | a
theirs been so large, they would have had to sit Hall, and a number more of not undistinguished Ha Ga
Berlaciestidesonial ad acaddle: men interposed on behalf of Mr. Lynch, and there We at
was fierce fighting for a time. I think it is now WB
AON AKE | ELGHT: generally admitted that Mr. Lynch was “ shame- | i
I think if I were going abroad I should fear fully entreated,” although it is possible that some ae
serpents more than lions. There are deadly snakes of his advocates thought that their defence had Heth
| in New Guinea. Mrs. Chalmers, whom the natives been too indiscriminating. Newman Hall pub- | ae
called Tamate Vaine, tells how two very large lished his work on “Sacrifice” soon after the emetic
| poisonous ones were killed one day in her bed- melee, possibly to show that the smell of fire had beat
| toom. The natives knew how deadly they were, not passed upon his garments, but that he still i ah i
for they said, “ Very bad fellow, suppose he bite kept on “the good old way.” I think, too, that | Be
. man, man he die soon.” Providentially she had the insertion of a number of Mr. Lynch’s hymns Ph
. near her two helpers, who were capital hands at in the hymnals of different evangelical hymn- UA Be
killing snakes. One of these was a woman, wife books is a conclusive proof that in his poetical ie i
} of the teacher. She seemed to be quite in her productions there was nothing contrary to the ‘i a
element. “She got on a table, and, with a big analogy of faith, and, although Dr. Mellor thought S| mene
: knife, they fought; the creature trying to take that these hymns were chiefly “ moonshine,” their MIE Ve
her unawares, and darting at her all ways, and wide recognition is a pretty sure evidence that Be 4
she trying to cut the head off.” I prefer reading they are not without poetical merit. There are aa t Bia
of this fight to witnessing it, and I do ot say of . no féwer than eleven of his hymns in our own HP pei
bi Katie, book, and, although they are not all’ of equal ie
| When iehe next does ekill “acanake worth, yet I think they greatly enhance the i he
May I be there to see. character of the collection. 4 we
What was alleged against the hymns? What Wie
PERILS AMONG THE HEATHEN, was the secret of the outcry against them? The He Bi
| Mr. Chalmers was often in danger. When he _ gist of the accusation was that there was no recog- i i
| was a boy he had more than one narrow escape nition of the distinctive doctrines of the Gospel, th Bi
| from death. And, when in New Guinea he that they were not, infact, Christian hymns. Now ue
| laboured among cannibals, “he stood in jeopardy I greatly regret the violent attacks that were — ae
| every hour.” Yet it was marvellous how long he made upon the author of the “ Rivulet,” but I i i
ee : ie
Bi dite
i : Wy afi a

ea ; ee ee a
Ba a
ae el |
ee nT : :
a |
i ah admit there was some, though not sufficient, of divinity. They could go on with Dr. Watts’
: ee i ground for what was alleged. hymn
a One of Mr. Lynch’s antagonists declared that \ i
i | his hymns maight cuit the Ojibbeways, who wor- ‘ Eternal Rowen, Whose high abode,
ao i shipped the great Spirit, but not those who drew Addison's
-_ ae | near to God through Christ. Now, this may The spacious firmament on high,
= on | seem grossly uncharitable, although the author Ghee
i Aer of the “ Rivulet” was not by any means mealy- owpens |
oe el mouthed, but gave his uncharitable critic as good: God moves in a mysterious way, |
p 4 bl as he sent. In a sense, the criticism was at least Wendell Hotlines
Be | partially just. Hymns solely of the “ Rivulet” ‘
a i el order would not form a perfect medium for the Lord of all being, throned afar,
Pie srs of sng neha of he Lord AYEY and many poe, brething Beau weet
oot Wo hea ae ChrcHanity is 5 Rae CG pereuy Christian, but not characteristically or
: ae | ! Ste exclusively ‘so.
oe a CaN eo eon of we eae of God. It was to this class of hymns that the greater
ie | RY CaM nt Ob MRC a EO EEO. number of Mr. Lynch’s hymns ~belong. There
i nea Rockuof (Apes) clei torcme » are devotional sentiments which belong to reli-
ce ah i : ; gion in general, although they do not set forth the
4 en iO doctrines peculiar to Christianity. Mr. Lynch
noe Hs i : When I survey the wondrous Cross, was not likely to produce hymns setting forth the
a ae | and the residuum might be very edifying, artistic, alate eet nature - the death of Christ. Io |
iN i Gia devotional, but the distinctive note of the Chris- gate Sa Pe A Just God and: a
a bea et Patthe would besabsent: : aviour,” and he distinctly ignored the idea of
4 te ae But the unkindly critic overlooked an important pardon Peles 1 SUS: through: the .death: of Jeshs:
4 i i fact—viz., that many of the most acceptable es fee have told a thousand lies: he
a; ee | hymns have not this distinctive’ note. Their 2S*°°: hey are only bad. fruit: from: an evil
8 ae i writers possibly held the evangelical.creed, but, in aie et nee 2S a make, the tree good.
ae ie some of their hymns, they gave devotional and 4 Beek ie ae Christ is eee
ee i ee Ivrical expression to sentiments which Christians ae we ee a te Che ae ie hea
ee ad could utter, but which were not distinctively Chris- ae ee ee re iat aS hist, and, after a |
UU ie | tian. I do not know what hymns, if any, they sang ie pain and privation, he went to be for ever
a Ba | at that monstrous Chicago Convention, called the ee ae es a Cae ree aoe Pen
ee i Parliament of all Religions, but if believers in the aia ae cae ell an yach are well agreed.
ed aa three Theistic religions—Judaism, Christianity and Mahe e Christian OU Wigs AO
oo Islamism—were assembled in one place, I could /oudly sounded in the “Rivulet” poetry, it was
;. | | find them hymns from our own hymn-book which nC absent. Time and space Lynch thought were
oe ne | they cou!d unite in singing without a single jarring too vast to teach us the knowledge of God, but, i
re i Bey mental note. We might open by singing in Jesus, he was understood. Divine influence |
oe was needful to goodness of character.
uA q A : O God, our Help in ages past, Who: ever hath the world Bese G
Ue La i and, after silent prayer, or the utterance of “ Our EaCeDi Pye help Honan.
oe a i Father, which art in Heaven,” proceed to sing His hymn: on the Holy Spirit is ambiguous, but |
- i ie | as may be understood to teach that the Holy Ghost |
. ot Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom. is a person, not a personification. He believed
q el | : : es profoundly in the miracles of Jesus, and did not |
Ge ee 1 A passing Parsee, if he adhered to the faith of try to explain away: the supernatural element;
La | Zoroaster, might enter and join in singing it, but and that Jesus is the only foundation, he teaches
ie ae | although there is not a single line in the hymn, distinctly in the verse: \
‘ane i i which is distinctively Christian, Cardinal New-
Beh i ‘ i‘ ' i man was never told that his poetry was only fit Through God alone can man be strong;
a for Indian wigwams and worshippers. If they i ones ner oo fs song;
es i ae i wished to continue their exercises, the three reli- Death: Je pees bea prison,
eat ae cl : gionists could proceed with : He broke the chains and has arisen
ah: ite ; r
ee 4 O God of Jacob, by whose hand. Peas deals eee
eae We are thankful for the precious legacy of poesy
ye 7 } Many Jews and Mussulmans have more faith in he left the Church. Peace to his memory!
Re ae a b the history of Jacob than some Christian doctors Honour to his‘name! |
Bes ie EE Hs ;
— a / |

| ; we
i : Bea
| Rete
Tue late Henry Drummond said to a com- Her a
A BIRTHDAY ODE. pany of boys: “Boys, if you are going to be Ve
Tue late Mr. Sidney Cooper, R.A., always Christians be Christians as boys, and not as ft ve
made a religious anniversary of his birthday. your grandmothers. A grandmother has to be ‘ee
f The following poem is from his pen: a Christian as a grandmother, and that is the ‘ Hea
Another birthday dawns—the eighty-sixth right and beautiful thing for her; but, if you A
How little take we note of fleeting time! cannot read your Bibleby ‘the hour as your He |
Since last this day of joyful glee was here grandmother can, or delight in ‘meetings as. she Hn ie
What blessings have been mine; alas! how oft can, don't thinks that you are: necessarily * pad | :
Have unrequited been! the cares of life boy. When you are. your grandmother's EB i ik Ha
Engross my thought when holy things my heart YOU. will have your grandmother's religion. ie.
Should fll. Thou who hast made my way of , Now, there is a great deal in the above: for es
life a boy to take to heart, for some boys have the A ee
So full of mercies, be Thou still my help idea that they will be expected to put aside most : Wee |
When o’er this day of life the night shall fall of their propensities if they take upon them- i.
And called my feet to pass’ thro’ ways unknown Selves the duties of Christian boys. This is a i
Be near me still; be Thou my strength; and when mistake. No one expects, no one wants, them ei.
The walls deca “ene WeCERer an ant lane to give up the natural rights and feelings.of boy- i He
Bik bye Th Saint CBE NER AAA hota! hood. They are not to be in the least grand ee ia
I fave iit’ Thos I have ioc clan GE Gate motherly ot grandfatherly, but they. are (to “be an
Of Pearl, or Street of Glittering Gold, but thro’ happy, be pe way that God intended all youth : ie
Thy boundless grace, my good and bad are both S720 D©& Bappy. Hy i
Forgiven. In humble fitting place among Sa eR ee i Ae
a ee ue oe is no sin, THE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR PAGE. Wee
And by Thy Crystal River flowing on (ee
| Through Heaven’s green expanse, I’ll learn the Reo arate ie
Sree ae a bys ct
new i pee
And holy song of Worthy is the Lamb, TOPICS FOR ns oa A
And ’neath the Healing Tree shall find that life May 4th.—“ Prayer a Necessity.”—Matt. xxvi. MG I Vi
| Wished for so long!!! 26—s6. uv
; Prayer is natural, universal, essential. Before a
ANECDOTE OF LORD DUFFERIN. our infant lips can form themselves in prayer, we fi es
AMONG the many anecdotes of Lord Dufferin ¢7- ms : 4
now being circulated, the following shows his May. 11th.—The Living Bread.—John vi. 4 he
simple and beautiful religious spirit. Five years 22-35, 48—58. Bae
| ago he was with a number of friends on: his “Thou, O Christ, art ali I want.” “ Feed me, TEBE aes
yacht. in Falmouth Harbour, and for three Sun- ¢#// J want no more.” “ All may of Thee partake.” A ag
i days, with Lady Maud Rolleston and two other May 18th.—Practical Religion—Rom. xii. | Bl :
friends, attended the Wesleyan Church in that ToT: ifr i
town. No one recognized him. The only fact Christianity is supremely practical, and the only ye Bait i
that led the officials to conclude that he and gyactical religion. 4 an A
he. ee Te ie of oe ee ee oo May 25th.—Our Connexional Home and Foreign i : ie
| at they always put gold on te. at : wes Bae ie at
During the first two Stineiage the aioe’ of me oe Comprises ots SH 1 sya Wh A :
| the Circuit took the-services, but on the third ee “tr Tema:
Sunday evening a local preacher from the little Wrete to 119, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street, B.C, se
adjoining Losin: ag Penryn occupied the pulpit Sor our Missionary Literature for Free Distribution, i) He 4
5 ; SRE
At the close of the service for the first time his THINKING IN CONTINENTS. : ale ni :
lordship revealed his identity, and, presenting his Nearly a thousand young people’s meetings in ae aie
card to one of the stewards, he asked him to Free Methodism, in the week beginning May Tbe
take it to the preacher and tell him how much 25th, should be thinking of continents, nations, ail EA Be
Lord Dufferin had enjoyed the service, and that the peoples. Mr. C. Eastwood, hon. treasurer ni a
he was glad to find the lay preachers could hold of our Missionaries’ Literature Society, suggests ee le
their own so well with the ministers. The local that copies of our missionary publications should i i f
preacher, who is a small tradesman. in Penryn, © be put on sale at all such meetings. Could not oe a
Prizes the card, and shows it still as a memento your Executive make a grant or loan until ‘the " i ;
of his preaching before one of the greatest’ publications are sold? Write to Rev. A. Crombie ee
British Consuls of the nineteenth: century. ~ for terms. Secaeat Ft el Ha {
: 4 Hh HI
| a
: i Fad aa e

i ul SPOTLAND CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR SOCIETY. are not even nominally Christians. Is it not part
i Eu In connection with the above Society a grand. of our heritage—the -responsibility we incur in
: i a “At Home” was held in the school on March attaining our majority—to strive to bring these
a 13th and 15th. The opening ceremony was per- millions to Christ, to His Church, and then
iF il formed on the Thursday by Mrs. William Taylor maybe into our Endeavour Societies? We
| i | (treasurer, Rochdale and District C.E. Union). cannot personally deal with the millions or with
: fa Chairman, R. Turner, Esq. The “At Home” the thousands, or even the hundreds, but we,
f i al was reopened on the Saturday by Samuel Turner, who are one, can influence at least one. Shall
a jun., Esq. Chairman, J. H. Heap, Esq. The not our Christian Enthusiasts be also Christian
i a school was tastefully decorated with bunting and Evangelists to try to make ours a Christian
i ee i] C.E. mottoes. There were also excellent con- England, and bring to souls that are now in cap-
i ici certs and curiosities in the vestries, and an effi- tivity enslaved, complete emancipation for the
| ca cient band played selections each evening. Pro- sake of our Crowned Elder Brother.
b a a ra ceeds for the two days amounted to 419, which C. EvEtIne BickrorbD VIVIAN.
j A are for the pene coe and. the OUR SUPERB OPPORTUNITY. |
i el Uhape land Se bool Decoration: kind, I have no greater hope of the Christian En- |
> Tia ROCHEALE (OND DISTRICT UNO es deavour movement than that it will continue |
iH ce The visit of the Rev. W. Knight Chaplin was to advance on the lines that have hitherto been
oo ee atime of great joy. His address at the evening jts strength and glory. I do not think Christian
o i haa meeting of Saturday was full of practical wis- Endeavour can contribute to the future well-
2 dom. On the Sunday he preached in the morn- being of the country anything better, in the long
ae ing at the West Street Baptist Chapel to a large run, than just being honestly “Christian. En- |
i Bal congregation. At eight in the evening he con- deavour.” A superb opportunity lies immediately |
ee ducted a special service for Endeavourers in before us in the Simultaneous Mission to Young
ae i su Baillie Street Chapel. Hundreds attended, and people. If Christian Endeavour members will,
a were led by the earnest preacher to and through they may, during the next few months, do much
a had a very helpful consecration service. — .. for the salvation, of souls and the glory of God.
ea Bristot.—The Musical and Social Commit- J. T. Suaw.
7 ae tees of the Hebron’ Society, Beomins a THE MANCHESTER CONVENTION.
oe eae ranged a successful “ Musical Evening” on Thurs- Will all b i d
co ae day. As a result of this effort, the Missionary Vili al) Our members who attend wear a narrow |
oe es. Committee have been handed the sum of £1 14s. white ribbon, that all other Free Methodists may
aS a towards the cost of maintaining Yonappa Gan- have the pleasure of Church recognition? The
b a at garam, an Indian famine waif, whom the Society custom was commenced at Sheffield, and gave
a oh has agreed to support. some joy, but a larger following of the beautiful |
tl a vee Camporne.—The Baptist Church, Primitive fashion should mark Manchester, 1902. |
Be | ie Methodist, and United Methodist Free Church PRAYER A NECESSITY.
ae i: Societies united on Thursday for a Temperance RELIGION. |
a. ey Demonstration and Pledge-signing- Crusade—a Corde tange
2 a series of which is being held in various towns in ATR saan A
moe, a Cornwall, under the auspices of the county anced : oa Bese )
oe i Christian Endeavour Union. Mr. E. J. Bunt (St. conan cy Lome es .anG .CAUTeneS
Aa, : Rise and rot and fall.
a i i Austell), of the County Temperance Union, and aed! uaa.
: i. baa Mr. S. J. Burrows (Camborne), of the United hed fhe SAA ae Bevery
i a Kingdom Alliance, addressed the meeting, which Co. aa d gu Z
ee was held in the Centenary Chapel. Thirty-five Core SO a lO abe,
eal ; ; » Recorded and numbered, |
i signed the pledge. Camborne Society has sus- RAG Eerste en une rte
eat tained a severe loss in the death of one of its Ana oh 5 drift Ee :
oa active members, Mrs. J. J. Bennett (née Minnie ciGu
oe a Tenby), aged twenty-three, who died very sud- Of many ages.
ee as dent ee waolek ; All outward circumstances |
a a y POR ery: May be different,
i aa Pee OTe CORO nate But there lives no man—
i a Father Clarke’s little child has grown a mighty Nor ever lived one—
@ i a and a strong man. ‘The little one has become, Who in the silence of his heart,
i Be not’ twenty-one only, but three times twenty-one Feeling his need,
ae a thousand. We boast to-day of 3% millions of Has not cried out, , :
oa a Christian Endeavour members, and sometimes Shaping some prayer,
oe are in danger of forgetting that there are over To the unchanging God.” |
cue a a thousand millions of people in the world who Paut Kester,
> Ta
meme Mus

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Co eo. | ae ee
| eee le Bee ee hi
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oh?) eee EEG Pee 8, Sea he a A OP ree ee eee ie ae eae er ae
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Se me 3 Pie 2) a pcre gery Be ei =e SOC Fa aia atu
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BX A Gos OM ee |
J y= AY alias pam S zit PRS NG Si 2s aA asta oe i i
re: | : Bi
8 9 | : \ Hail, blue-eyed Summer, with unclouded brow, a) Nh ,
j os 7 Se Queen of the seasons—undisputed queen! i ; aa a
i . : ANON. mah ib
. l b Behe
By tei
NOTES OF JOURNEY AND sight of a railway and train was a bit home-like. ; Bie.
VISIT TO EAST AFRICA. The whole: journey took us from two and a iE. Hi i
Ey eR oe ; half to three hours. io
CE RMN GCE NER Ee LONDEN When about a mile from Mazeras we were met Ai ;
i SECRETARY. by some hundred and fifty men, women and chil- Gp ie 4
rE rN dren fromthe station. Many of them hadi been in Be
1V.—MAZERAS. waiting since about 6 a.m.; all, of course, in HN ie
\ N Saturday, September 28th (1901), their very best Sunday clothes—and _ well a pie
\ we left Jomvu for Mazeras, starting they looked. There was nothing in all this iis
§) about 7 a.m. The Rey. J.B. Grif- crowd to remind you of the “ poor down-trodden oh A
Y * : : LD
: ff fiths was our guide. Mr. Duck-. African.” These were a few of the first-fruits mae ie 4
= worth and I rode a Mission donkey of the Africa that is to be, when Christianity “ST alia:
. * sins SAG . . Re Hla!
each, and our suite consisted of twenty-four car- and Christian civilization have done their work. Bee
riers. When on the march, in Indian file, we Conspicuous among this enthusiastic company ae ie
presented a not unimpressive spectacle. of welcomers was’ our honoured friend, Thomas We te i
The country between. Jomvu and Mazeras was Mazeras—a splendid old man of 70 years of age. ae
most interesting, almost all~of it just waiting the He is of square build, medium height, of pleasing “ee ha
magic touch of the husbandman to “turn it into features, and of.easy, graceful, and confident a Hi
a fruitful field.” One or two shambas were passed. manners. There is not a line of weakness in he ANG
on the way, each showing how little was required his whole make-up, nor is there, on the other a ae i
to make the whole land “blossom’as the rose.” hand, the smallest appearance of over-confidence. ie A a
On our journey we crossed the Uganda Rail- He is a manly man, and a modest, earnest, and a ie
way, and wére fortunate to see a “ ghari” puffing intelligent Christian. He belongs to the days of ee vie
along on its way to the great plains beyond. The Mr. Wakefield'and Mr. New, and again and again, ee 5
‘h Bee (Ua
f ® | Pre iis 8H
4 , ey en
Bi been ‘ ee Hi ae

te Ha :
a taal
| oe in days of sickness, in days when death has slain of tree and shrub was exquisite, God must be
: i Ar those in charge, and when the missionaries were present, there was such a fitness in. the whole
HY eka home on furlough, has this fine native Christian scene that it “must be the house of God.”
i eu kept the wheels of our Mission work moving, and At the early morning service there were about
4 ala held the fort till brighter days returned. Little two hundred present. The men had on, for the
; : i Pea wonder that his influence became so great and his most part, long white robes, and the women had
a al personality so impressive that he gave the name — their Sunday attire, bearing evidence of the Chris-
: a al to the part of the great continent in which our tian ladies who had from time to time lived in
. i Mission is situate, and to the first station from their midst.
oe oat Mombasa on the Uganda Railway., . The service commenced with the hymn,
ot al The people who met us divided, and formed “T need Thee, precious Jesus,”
_ i a a wall son eee a the melts and, as we rode and it was sung not only with heartiness, but with
Ro al Haroun Ents) pathy Hanke wit ee beings, heart. Mr. Duckworth and I both preached,
4 ea we were greeted with loud shouts oe welcome, and Mr. Griffiths being interpreter. God was in our
: inl the singing of one of Mr. Sankey’s hymns. fadee: .
ae Beal ‘ Our reception in the town was most enthusias- In the afternoon we went to school; about
2 ea tic. We entered it by way of Jomvu Street. On eighty-seven of the Mazeras people were pre-
Po el each side were cocoanut palms and bananas, sent, and some from Jomvu, making about one
i a with their inviting fruit, their graceful forms, and hundred anvall:
e i al brilliant deep-green coloured shade. The idea At the evening service there were nearly one
ee i Ha of the “Dark Continent” was driven absolutely hundred and fifty present. This service was con-
a from the mind, and, if contrast was at all pre- ducted by Mr. Griffiths ; his text was I. John ii
ee MU sent, it was with sunny France, and not always ; > [twas a most impressive service. How we
ee da was the disadvantage to Mazeras! It was a did wish that we could have followed the sermon
4 a beautiful sight. Aes as did the people themselves. Mr. Griffiths gives
Bah The church and mission-house stand om oppo- to these people that. which has been carefully
: : i a site sides, at a sort of square, or point, in the prepared. ;
ote town where many ways meet. : At the early morning service on the Monday
et! a ae We had hardly dismounted and got into the Thomas Mazeras preached, and, as far as we
ee a mission-house before visitors began to call. Our were able to judge, it was a really eloquent
fe i ae i first caller was one of the elders; he came to bid sermon; certainly it was.impressive, and a Divine
ml a us welcome, and brought us three eggs; then came unction rested on the whole exercise. The whole
ae a ; two other elders, each bringing a fowl; then an- service lasted nearly an hour. Our old friend’s
ee val other with a chicken; then two women, each with text was I. Tim. ii. To
ee aati a fowl; and thus the callers followed each other Later in the morning we visited the day-school.
L 4 pee in quick succession, till, in a short time, we were It was a most interesting visit. There is a native
re ae ticher in “cocks and hens” than ever we were fundi, with assistants, the scholars are divided in
Bae na before in our life! It was all very simple, very five classes, and number in average attendance !
ec ae el primitive, but very beautiful! These dear people about seventy-eight. The work is slow, but pro-
; NEL q a know how to be bountiful, and with graciousness ! gressive, and, with better provision in the way
ee | i) The rest of the day after our arrival was spent of separate school-houses and more systematically
noe a : in high festivity. To us it was all so very strange, trained teachers, is certain to work a marvellous
¢ Ht and had we allowed ourselves to be hyper- and speédy change. Our real hope lies in the
ce al critical, we might have votéd much of it foolish, children!
ae ae but remembering we were in Africa and not Of the mission-house at Mazeras we can say
} La in England, and that these people had for nothing in the way of praise. We did not feel
q ri generation after generation been bound, whipped, flattered when we saw it, and closer acquaintance
woe oa burdened and enslaved, there was much in their did not raise our estimation either of its comfort
Ae rl simple, earnest and whole-hearted play that made or its convenience. It did not lack in ventilation ;
a al the eye oftem moist, and the heart often throb. it had an underdrawn canvas roof, but neither.
hed i ae Men and women just emerging from grown-up _ this nor the one above it of native thatch stood |
ee al childhood, with all the abandon of children, but much in the way of a clear view of the stars in
be i ni with their foot on the first rung of a manhood the brilliant midnight sky. Then the presence
ik Wa and womanhood that would not rest till they of the rats’ on the top of the canvas and their
Pe could stretch out their hand and grasp the top midnight gambols drove away all sense of lone-
Pe al which leaned against the throne of God in Heaven. liness if you happened not to be very sleepy.
es ae aah The Sunday was a delightful day; the sun A swarm of bees, too, which arrived the same
Po i shone brilliantly, and the quiet on all around was morning that we did, but a little before us, and
aan 3 aa eloquent. The stillness was profound, the beauty which had quartered themselves in what was to
. | . |
cP oe
Beit a ota
. i 4 HH} it |
Nt ag eu ; ‘ ‘ a

7) ee — oh
"| ; % : BRN
| : i
| ia
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‘ : | ee
: Pe stis Hy }
: : POE
have been our bath. and dressing-room, lent an preaching to them. Eyen these were not all, for ee .
ao Dee if a a charm, to our hostel for the street was full as well, and he was unable re a
the time. the lizards, as they moved with to let those out who were in lest a bigger crowd He
een along the walls, and over your. came in from without and disturbed the quiet of Bes
head, helped to make the whole place creepy, the service. Though we had all that crowd in ih aM
but as often as we looked at our friend Mr. the chapel was by no means full, and we calcu- i
pues, to a how all these things affected him, Jated thé place will seat, when finished, at least ih ms
the only words expressed by his face or heard ,200' people, and there is no doubt we. shall ea.
in his movements were, “ None of these things soon have it full-on communion Sundays. That ii Hee
move me ; variety is the spice of life! is cause for great joy, is it not? The opening i a
Yet these are some of the things, the m: lav i rh i i Mea |
| : ie : woe things, the many day is. fixed for the first Sunday in the third ae ha
things, which make up a missionary’s life and lot, moon, which will be April 13th. You will be able ee
of which life there are those who-yet speak of it to be with us in spirit on that day. Just make He a
as a life of ease, and a lot which those living in 5 ee i
palaces might envy. . eS ee ae
This is a condition which will soon be of the SDSS EE ah i ee Hi ae
past; a new and urgentlyneeded house is in |) 9) 9. 947 )0) 0 | (ie ae
course of erection, which the L.M.A.’s of |) 4999) 8 ee i
our Churches are purposing to pay for; ‘and I |)9 30 9 Pe |
hear, and with joy, that some ladies in the ndrth |i 94 | 5 a in) Pi.
are preparing to furnish. A new mission-house | = = MM 1 a
at Mazeras will mean much in every way to the | = a ee Het
work of that Mission. etl we et
5 ee ee a Te Ve
ses IOS LAY ESL ST Nath Bae AES : . oe WRIA:
PO a le i [a ee
ake oo OR a: ae ute!
| * Ui: Qaayl ONS ARH ad roenen, ule ee she Pe re ie |
Sy Wn NS ap ae iL NEN SSabg OO ee Be iN
de (eb Or Te ti
oe ee ee leh Ve
Gada DAWA Ew; | lll ee ie
| oe co As
CHINA. ee bey: ee Beis
Pee " od ae is
- RS. SOOTHILL has favoured’ me oe Sd EC ‘s bie fe
with some extracts from her:hus--} é y a i ;
band’s correspondence. They will | ; . Bi
be read with interest. ee iS Si
“The new chapel is getting on | § ns ay Be
famously. When finished it will look a fine place, | oS oe Bi
both inside and outside. All the ceiling has been | a AL ee He
plies out, and a new arched ceiling is taking [ss : i ee . : ie
its place, which looks really well, and, moreover, ie
Pa g - ? REv. W. YATES. - a He
a make an immense difference to its resonance. 3 fl i |
am quite expecting to have an easy place to ee
speak in when Perea Ete de Ket a Ee Tec note of the date, and remember us. It will Bk
Red tcod aaa’ oc 3M ie 1S not, © snai be indeed be a great day with us, especially as the Be Ht |
S ae sec! and grievously disappointed. Two day is right in the middle of the Chinese festival Ee
| undays ago we had the finest congregation ever of the ‘Sa-nyueh-sa,’ when the city is full of 4 Be
| gathered in Wenchow ; indeed, I don’t think there people. I hope to take up a record collection a A
eS a: much bigger in the empire. Mr. Sharman on that day, the biggest we have ever known. “i A
Pe pees the seats on the ‘Saturday, and found cc At present we have in about a score young ve Ae 4
nee mond seat eight hundred people. The seats. men, local preachers, for a’ three-weeks’ study of . i
‘ not anything like fill the building, and they the Scriptures. This takes up all the morning; ae i.
: hi ee that there would be in addition three sometimes, too, they ask questions which need Bie ‘
aa ae people standing inside the chapel. Be- looking up beforehand. I shall only get one At i PS
: ee ee Mr. Stobie had a big crowd, probably stone worth polishing out of the lot—a youth Hi i
700 in the chapel yard, whom he kept quiet by of a little over twenty, who gave us an excellent aya ie
: ( F ve) 4
: < XN ‘ , y A
i i

e (i . -"
a A
He aay
ii Bed address from ‘Render unto Cesar the things cover all expenses, $150; total, $165, or
i i ait which are Ceesar’s.’ I shall most likely decide about 416 in English money. ‘The additional
a a to keep him in with Sz-o, Zih-tsa, and Tsing-fung, £6 needed above the sum given by the Dock
‘| Co and the four would make an intelligent class of Street ladies, I am hoping some personal friend
| Hoa young theologians. will give, or, if not, then we missionaries will
ia “ANOTHER NEW. ITEM make up the difference. The” house will be
; 4 Hae we are taking up is a bookshop. I have been rented for one year, and thus we shall be able to
aaa in communication with the Diffusion Society, USe it the remaining eight months for a girls’ day-
id el and this mail got a letter to say they will make school, without any additional cost to the
ge es us up a stock of two hundred dollars’ worth’ of Mission,
meow a their books, to be sold on commission, which is De ETE DS
i ei equal to letting us have a capital of that amount.
Re q Wea The British and Foreign Bible Society will aso GENERAL MISSIONARY SECRETARY’S
i a let us have a liberal supply of their publicaticns ; NOTES.
esha so that, with another hundred dol-ars’ worth of
Po oe books and stationery, we ought to have a very Gai
a ie respectable show indeed. I am arranging witha JAMAICA. i
ee very decent young fellow to take charge of the ma\ HREE or four days BBOSME received
ale le ee shop, .which will be in the street-chapel at the a letter from the Rey. F. Bavin, say-
a ea Zing-si. It opens on to the street, and the pre- ing that news had just reached him
(4 He sence of a shop there ought to be helpful to us that “ Bocas-del-Toro” had been cap-
a as a Church. I have planned a shop for years, tured by the rebels, He had no par-
ee et and it pleases me to see it now taking form. Dr. ticulars, but naturally was anxious about the well-
_ | oe Plummer, who is going to fit it up with medi- being of Bro. Ellis, and made an earnest request
ee a cines, is as enthusiastic about it as myself. that prayer shou:d be made for him in all our
s ii cs The college is getting on famously under Mr. churches and by every reader of the MISSIONARY
i ee Stobie’s management. He spends six hours a EcHo. Let us not forget how much is wrought |
af 8 yen day there, and has the place full; it is quite a by prayer! |
ap ae success this year, and when we get a suitable ine :
ra ai building I have no particle of doubt that we shall Dr. Plummer writes most cheerfully of his work
eM eal be able to get as many pupils as we care for. in Wenchow. The more he gets to know of the
ae I had some gentlemen in the other day desiring work to be done, and the more intimately ac-
he a tah to bring in ten or a dozen boys from Bing-yie, quainted with what has been done, the more he
5 be { i ee and we have made arrangements for them to rejoices in the prospect of future service.
fe a come. This-will bring the numbers up to thirty- Dr. Swallow, in a very recent letter, speaks of |
ee six or thirty-seven.. A‘l who stay in the college a great peril which had at one time threatened
Pe ui come to service on Sunday, so that we have a’ them, and himself especiaily, with serious comse-
Be es nice show of intelligent, young men in the quences. He says: “ Four days ago three China- !
ae hel college.” men were near to some children on the city wall. |
a aa % = ra A cry was raised that they were after the chil.
4 i In a letter to the Editor the Rev. J. W. Hey- dren's eyes! Crowds: gathered in, thousands ; one
ee te wood writes: “The question of doing more for of the three wretches was brained by the crowd,
oOP TR our women and girl Christians has become. a the other two were taken to the ‘yamen,’ and
t Poe practical one. The coming winter will see a the crowd refused to leave until the two poor
oa women’s school working experimentally in Ningpo, Creatures had been executed. ;
Pat and we hope to be able to report next year in The doctor had to go into the city, and, not
i: a such a way as to lead our Committee to realize ‘knowing what was the matter, got mixed up im
ee a its importance in building up our native Church the crowd, and was pushed about A BAe
ea in China. ‘The Busy Bee, in connection with threatening manner. But, as many people knew ,
7 a a our Sunderland Dock Street Church, have long him, he got off safely. The doctor aay / I have
ee Aa been in sympathy with this phase of work, and are ever seem a crowd so thirsty for blood.
; 4 a supplying “10 towards the expenses of this ‘ ex- The oe of all this crowd and mad frenzy was |
Game Bi perimental” school. a report, “ That eyes were being gouged out of
ee “ Our plan is as follows: the heads of little children and used for medi-
oe a “Rent, native house for school and residential | ines.” Happily, ee came to our Mission = |
Pe ae Hi i purposes, cost $155 sixteen women, each to have of to any of our staff.
Be aan one month’s training, the period of winter-school EAST AFRICA. |
ta i i to cover four months, thus giving us fifteen In a letter now to hand from. Mr. Griffiths, he .
Ret ae eat women per month, at a cost of $214 per head, to. thanks heartily those ladies who have promised |
. | v 7
vs N, wo } .
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ok ui a eee a

ee a ee sa)
i 7 2 | crema
iat ag) : : ae i
a ea
aie i : ag ‘ Ra
3 ae ee Saaiea ae when it is, finished, THE APPROACHING ANNUAL ASSEMBLY 1 he
s well as all those ladies who are so nobly rai wegt . hey
2 so nobly rais- Ou n : : ik!
ing the funds for the building J 2 r Space are to have a foremost place in bee
i . Huot r approaching Ass os Pa)
_. He asks a question which I cannot entertain ae ae nae. ; be a
Wi and-ons ili ise.e Since Mr Dubro a ; e day after the Assembly opens, i.e., Wed- el j
f GI J a Nice: I eT
you have got ladies to build and furnish our new a aya TU Misiones ag to pave @) fae : a i
house, could you not find one who would under- ne paths atterncon there is to be a ladies’ jae
take to superintend ate? nee. meeting, at which Mrs. Alderman | Pe
is j 1 7 eae s : Bee
This is outside of our sphere! We take no art, wife of our treasurer, will preside. This Ry) fe
ayers 5 3 H ee’ 4 ath a aa
responsibility beyond just stating it! meeting will be held at Park Chapel, followed by ia
5 a large public tea. es
: —— i : Ma ag es
sa OS as i a
/ : ‘ Be 7) velit
i Ac
ak Hea
: f aati
Beg ‘ sik 4 i Pea ;
& eo: ea. , us Hee ae
t Ake ‘ Hi i * eg ‘ E> { HC
i Z eis 8 ees ie 2 Peer i!
fe tp Gay ; Pid tt fa. : aay | |
i | na fi a ae 4 |e
pd : ? ‘ se oe Bias Sige g : i ii) Be :
f fo | - 1 a
| ee Ba ak Oe ee tae
; : : eo rips : é SS EN Rvp ei
’ eae Bi ; hike SS 7 ey iis
ae a Sie . SS ie OR beg we a) Eee is
ey ie SSN cate ei
ie axeties os al eS Sa Ne ie
| oe Pet Bee Moir nen gad Menon eres phe a i i i
i Pepe Tt aise et LEAN Y if Tee Aan ar peer en FU eS et Spee ini Prey ad 4 BiG atch
ey i ic mae ; pence ee eat eee ae rere bee ee Beh ea ere aT tae (See dl iE : Bey i ih ]
eee a Sa a Aa Sa ere es ie ak
EL pid Be A ie peer BAL Cig pa ee | ie
ee fil & a ol | Be So pee eas ek
es. Led) Aa RM be meee Soe eae H tis Baie
ye oe Wy. yi i) oO I me ee a ad ae : ‘ ea
a Amen fae pi a: on oe ee pia
a me) Eo gy ee NE Po : ae
See Be ee Ge Bee cea ee ete ep Bc) so eee Bee
me CE 4 Se Ley | a
GOTO. ay SOS Oe Se ee eee | | ies
pee GT SA. 9 5) She eed cece re eee ce AG YR Oa TNGtetmaie 4 By
; a he pt GS) Se f soe eee) mt
: Bae dee. ay Miao seg x m3 cen Se Oe ge Veruca] be ne %
ot eens oe ee Np | a
arAly aie 7 Ms : pace By PEM HES SN ie ‘ Poaceae) f. oa Pees
Hictasee sy fo ANN RST yA Vane SLs ein we neue piven f mm) i er Pe fee eae t Wk
BONG ess Se MEPS AEE RIN AE a ano Pees an aie a PRR, Tore Nicest tl MP damage a raat Seer eee hee eee Ret Hina
Age cae a eee PAA EO bss att cc pce ahs i aad Bie
fh MEP) SES 2s ee HERES HS ES Wa Mu igiay ee an
Be EE Pee oO a ee ue UNS aR US re aie Bie
1 OTS ee Are eerie DUG ROPE LOR aR ha cha tek a pire rhae aKa fo. gost os Penne NS i Raith
PPT ER MAA GROTON Ueeorah eres ea aut A aay te er Cai ge ea eka) WR Ses 34 eA ANT ERPS Sas atin eae ee en i } pti
ise Suite LMES Gola \ eet we Gian Se ot a SOR ERE ES ARM Bechet Sonera Bi SG Rhee | i ACL
i alot ROH ia eae RAS ahe MEME VEN.) SRE Se Meanie ae Ca a
Nia Ae Tee
: “here is one i ont Ee a aa
eet e item of very sad news inihis letter. In the evening there is to be a Missi >D ie ii a
says: “The bubonic plague has brok trati Baas a eee a Ba
ape couat Ny roken out monstration, and valedictory service in the town oe ee
e ae Many have already died.” hall, to be presided over by T. Butler, Esq We i
T. ali i ; : ‘ , : PI
me ues hillipson—in a short note—and fairly Bristol; the Rev. G. T. Candlin, China. pesas Mt : ie
: riu ich . qi , / : i 2 Lome EH
te , in which he says he is well—pleads most dent of the Methodist New Connexion; the Rev. ie ne
pathetically for a colleague } : J. Proudfoot, and the Rev. J. \ Ww ; ee |
he g @. net wonder! aire: Gall. b : . Heywood, and i he
none of our capable young men going to be V. Beene e speakers. 3 ee) i
brave enough, and say, “Send me!” God grant aledictory addresses will be given by the trea- ie i )
v fl $1 . a FAO) «2
it may be so. & surer and Mr. Galpin to those leaving for China Ble
and other stations. Cc t-
} EW
a Q A
; < ‘ ote i
‘ mei A
Og i)

en a ne “
i oy
i Bil LADIES’ MISSIONARY AUXILIARIES. . The branches have. raised. £55 3s. 414d., as
et hata eae against £35 18s. 2d. last year, £48 3s. 3d. being
: i} hual| MANCHESTER DISTRICT. specially designated for the East African Mission
Hal OUTHPORT, Churchtown, L.M.A. has Houses Fund. Manchester Third heads the list
Bie oa: - held a social evening and a cake and With Ais ae ) a ion OF peers The
ae ill apron sale. The chair was taken, by COmmuttee voted a dona ea Ge 5 a : Same
5 a Mrs. Purvis, who gave a very concise Fund: out-of the’ membership fees, and t fee
| rl and practical address. The choir pro- lection at the evening meeting, £1 15s. ee
i Fa] vided music, Mrs. Cartwright and Miss Spencer We Be ae the ane ine ee Mi
i il gave solos, and Mrs. Wakefield delighted the ‘ RNa eee sek or MACS: q ie ae
ee fa |) audience with an excellent address. The sale 5am Hill Road Branc » and a parcel of African
Oo ie which followed realized £4 4s. for the East S@rments, made by a Southport Churchtown
S | eel African Mission Houses Fund. member, were on view at the committer ees
Be Manchester First, Blackley, L:M.A. held a mis- Prayer topic, June—August: That the work
F 1 sionary sale of work in February. It was opened 2â„¢0ng women and girls in China may be specially
: a by Mrs. John Ward; Mrs. Siddell, L.M.A. presi- . blessed. Ni aR UR EOE
: Balas dent, in the chair. All the goods and refresh- c Tsttinehayi Di
mi) ments were given by the members of the L.M.A. _The first annual mcching of the Notting Ae caag
a | Piet Tea was served from 5 to 6, and an entertain. ‘trict L.M.A. was held at Alfred Street on Thurs-
oe ment was given. during the evening.. The effort day, April 17th. The Committee ee in
ee. ae realized £10 for the East African Mission Houses ‘the, afternoon was well Bunches __ The : ob
cay Bea Fund. As this is the result of one year’s work, oe oHicets were ae eee ae
4 Hae Blackley Branch being only one year old, it is FB. J. od eres = a Hee aceee ue
a a highly gratifying, and reflects great credit on SUTET, Pro N ata ne J. Barr fe non 8
ae et the officers and members, who have taken much Secretary, Mrs. Moore; corresponding secretary,
, a pleasure in their work. Mrs. Challenger. hold hee
a Clitheroe, Moor Lane, held its first L.M.A. ee eee Ponta eee een June
a al sale in April. About eighty people were present, 5! hae fee i. reat Pey un fo ee
a a who seemed to enjoy the social evening greatly, Petty ee PUES: eS a he ae ei OR Re
ey a The Rev. and Mrs. Galpin exhibited their col. S#7& an Paes pt eo aati sa ye ees
Bee i lection of curious silks and embroideries. The , oe eat a Owe ‘ : ee one
i i He sale realized £6 6s. for the East African Mission 28> OVeT W ue : oy, pigs a Le
( | el Houses Fund. linson, president Oe e Central Circui , Fe “
4 na District L.M.A...Half-Yearly Meeting—The most eae ies on pesignel) a ee
ee val committee met on. April oth, at the M.F.C.' Ox- and WOT, am Ts. 0 oe ioe ary) nee
oe ae ford Street, Manchester. Several delegates were VY Cee eee oO ie ae ae ie
8 Be present, and. reports from the various Circuits brane CS AYERS caret OPLREG aU eaves
ba aa and Churches were most cheering. Some Circuits Which number 3o0. Be
ae aM , still hold aloof, although the District Committee A Collection was taken for Mission Funds.
ee aM urges no L.M.A. to do more than join the. ROCHDALE DISTRICT.
Ne Ow Pe Auxiliary and keep the prayer-pledge. The com- We: are very much pleased to beable to. send ‘a
fone ae mittee is of opinion that if their members are. cheerful report from this District regarding our
% if vt kept thoroughly interested in Missions, and see L.M.A. work. We have just held our annual
-_ Ur a opportunities of raising additional money, they business meeting, and are preparing our third
Gee A Pel * will do so, without pressure. The District officers report. We have learnt not to lay too much stress
Gee ay for 1902-3 are: president, Miss Phythian; vice- on either numbers or figures, ‘still they are an
i at presidents, Mrs, Craine, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. indication of either progress or decline. We are
} aa x . Saxon, Mrs. Swallow, and Mrs. Wakefield; trea- thankful to say that for us, after another twelve
f a surer, Mrs. G. V. Webster; corresponding secre- months’ work, they mark progress. Our mem-
tee ah tary, Mrs. Butterworth; organizing secretary, bership now numbers 1,181, an increase of 184
ae ; i Mrs. Truscott Wood. Since April, 1901, we onthe year. We have three new branches; how
Co ae i have formed new branches at Manchester First, we wish we could say in those parts of the Dis-
fu) Blackley, Barrow, Glossop, Poynton, Salford, and trict to which we have not had previous access,
Eo he Southport, Duke Street, making fifteen branches but in this respect no new doors have been open
at actually in existence. These have 489 members to us. The Baillie Street and Castlemere Cir-
Goh me a in all, being an increase on last year’s member- cuits have provided us with the new branches;
Be i ship of 219. Southport, Duke Street, has the in one or two of the Circuits it is their proud
ae ti largest number of members, fifty-eight; then come distinction to’ have a branch at ‘every Church;
faa Manchester First, Cheetham Hill Road, with fifty- in the District we have now thirty-five. Finan-
F aa Seven, and Manchester Third with fifty-four. cially, too, we compare favourably with past

To eee EE SC LEE coca eae ae =
, 1 brat
; \
Ha thie
years; our balance-sheet is not quite complete, Chapman could speak as an eye-witness, having ns
but we expect to hand over to the missionary recently returmed from the dark continent. Mrs. ti he ;
treasurer about £148 13s. We think our work- -Grimshaw pleaded for increased help in the Pe. i if :
| ing expenses a credit to our economy; they general Mission cause. The musical part of the ee
will keep well under £10; by that all service was ably led by the organist of the Church, } it a
our members may know it is a very small pro- Mr. J. Butterfield, and members of the choir.. A iia Ba
portion of the 6d. fee that is used for this very pleasing feature of the meeting was the beau- i
purpose. tiful rendering of two solos by Miss Butterfield, Hi Abia
All our experiences are not encouraging; from “ The Golden Pathway,” and “ Light in darkness.” By
| time to time we lose very valuable workers, whose The meeting closed with a comprehensive vote | i ee
| place it is difficult to fill; and in the death of our of thanks, moved by the Rev. F. Jones, pastor of a | en
faithful missionary, Mr. Consterdine, we felt we the Church, and seconded by Mr. Councillor ij he.
had a personal loss, as it is our privilege to have J. W. Smith, and the singing of the doxology. ae
his mother in close association with our work. SHEFFIELD DISTRICT. Wh Heid
Our. officers for the year are: president, Mrs. : i 5 ert |
Cronshaw; vice-president, Mrs. Consterdine ; The following financial report is most excellent : ee
treasurer, Mrs. Coupe; corresponding secretary, HANOVER: : 4s. d es
Mai sc ts Nchwerth: Misioney Basket and Drawing- : ae
room Teas... ian eA OTE Ee
LHD S (ON BRADE ORD. DIATRCT : Collected by Miss Baker and ee
The quarterly meeting was held in Cavendish Miss Muirhead es yeh Vigenars6 Be a
Street Church, Keighley, on April 8th, and was) Ppp: | is
well attended. The delegates met under the at ‘ : ee
presidency of Mrs. Rennard, and’ were chiefly eee cee eran: T6080 ie) Zz
occupied with the transaction of | business Weston STREET: ; i
matters, and election of officers for the year. Missionary Basket ne Pata 6o Bhi,
The L.M.A. stall of work realized over £6. We Oxporp STREET: a
feel the East African houses still need our help, Missionary Basket 1S Soe oly te
and have arranged for a sale to be held in the Collected by Miss Petfield ... 1 12 6 iE HEN
autumn. rhe ‘ ; 5 » Mrs. Searle Te Toste |e |
The June District meeting will be postponed to Wapstey BripcE: : me
the morning of Wednesday, July 9th. Notice of Collection 5% se SCG a eaG ae
time and place will be sent with agenda. This Collected by Miss O’Neill et SON NO ite
innovation will make our meeting accessible to Grant from Membership Fees... 3 0 0 a
everyone who is interested. : See ANOS hae
| It was a great delight to hear our treasurer £87 19 8% is
move that £7 be voted to the Missions from aie ace eR ae
% . 2 ; r j bf eis
Ras of fhe, Dire ypu mom. No The Byebank rece. wll coin, oxen re
for were ‘thankfulness 0 We heen oa BY £ro, so that over £98 'will be the result of the : ba
, : o need to Year's work of Sheffield L.M.A. i i
parade our loyalty, as our deeds speak for them- ? Bay
selves. We are again to print a report. It would THE ASSEMBLY L.M,A. MEETING. i
: be well if all branches would send to the corre- It is a great pleasure to announce that the As- Ang
sponding secretary accounts of interesting meet- sembly Committee have arranged to incorporate hve
ings at once. . an L.M.A. meeting in their sessional programme Hie
‘The Keighley friends are to be congratulated on Missionary Day, Wednesday, July 9th, to be mit |
upon the admirable arrangements and success held in Park Chapel, Leeds, at 3 p.m. Mrs. Hart, Hs c
of the gathering, an excellent tea being provided. of Birmingham, has promised to preside. Mrs. ate |
. The public meeting commenced at seven, under Wakefield, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Vivian, and, we Me He
the presidency of the Mayoress of Keighley (Mrs. hope, Mrs. Galpin, Mrs. Swallow, Mrs. Heywood, en
) H. C.. Longsdon). Prayer was offered by Mrs. and others will take part. Tea will be provided EE ae .
| Mellelieu. In a few bright and helpful words the by the Park ladies. After tea the friends will ee ia
Ey Mayoress then introduced Mrs. Heywood, find the town hall, in which the great missionary A a
. of Ningpo, who gave a very cheering and meeting is to be held, very near. a A
interesting record of work, especially among By resolution all the collection goes to the Mis- ue ie
the women of China. This was followed sionary Fund, the District L.M.A. defraying the ae nd
| by a short, stimulating address from her expenses. le 4
husband, the Rev. J. W. Heywood. The Rev. By sending numbers and names to the secre- ' i: Bia
H. T. Chapman, with his usual fervour, spoke of tary, members and friends can obtain railway the le ;
| - the degraded condition of African women. Mr. certificates for tickets at reduced rates. 4 : Hh |
: BY Bre ab ine S o}
| ae
ie i
ee ; bi

Cr â„¢
: ae |
de aay
i At) A QUEER SUNDAY. So we had quietly warned our Hindoo and Ban-
: a yani fellow-subjects, and: had. secretly made our
at BY CON TLELAMESY ATES: own necessary dispositions by purchasing an extra
i cel — quantity of provisions, and securing as much fresh
et gen kE water as we could possibly store. The old house,
; aie E a dropped ees ca an s rom Arab-iike, was pierced for musketry, and, in fact,
aa Ribe a few days. before, and set built with an eye to such contingencies as this, }
: j a Hed! down to school work with the so we had but to barricade the outer gate, and
i Pe boys and a few vee nee block up the windows, which were exposed to {
| 1 accompanied us. oF MDaeeY Oto aad fire from the neighbouring housetops, and
aa Takaungu had at last broken quo Pee rebellion we should be ready for the siege. Having seen
“i | ant against the Sultan, and, having threatened to seize to these things, we then moulded our bullets, for |
od nae HS ass hostages 80 as Ape ore r ag tuctae case OF lis we had no cartridges, and keeping our powder
Re ae le brother who was a prisoner in the Mombasa fort, dry, and, trusting in’ God, quietly awaited the |
aii an urgent letter bad been sent by Sir John Kirk crisis, wondering the while how it would all end.
a from Zanzibar, and, acting under instructions from Of course, I know that some people will at once
i | the Sultan, the Wali of Mombasa had gudered US say that all this was exceedingly wicked, and
od Bel to leave Ribe at once, and seek protection under nee ought to have quietly waited upon our
of ri the guns of the fort, though of what real Se knees with the doors wide open and let the fellows
ae a they would have been eS Ce failed cut us to mincemeat if they so willed, and so
Ra i a i} to see, for they were literally gee OD with joied the noble army of martyrs. But somehow
ee ), tush and the: nondescript Arab pared new nO. “we. two were not exactly built that way. That
| al Hore how 10 man them than the noisy baboons kind, of thing is all very nice and proper, no
a. 4 ra away yonder in the woods. ae doubt, looked at from the snug sitting point of ane
Bh elit But there was no other course open before us easy-chair, and amid the circling wreaths of a
| ae but to obey, and so we had hastily summoned our fragrant Havana, but somehow on the spot things
% na a people together at Ribe, Eapiatied things to them, strike you differently. Anyhow, we were not pre-
a er arranged for some temporary native supervision pared to be led like lambs to the slaughter, merely
a. f ol "of the station, and then, accompanied by some {4 gratify and glut the furious hatred of our
poe ay ‘ thirty Wanika boys, and the Wagalla who had Mohammedan neighbours, and so we had decided, .
bs 4 Bet sought shelter with us, had quietly dropped down ~ should the worst ¢ome to the worst, that we would
> | He the creek in the late afternoon, and, snuggling gel our lives, and the lives of those committed to
c, 4 bec down in our quarters in the old Arab house We our charge, as dearly as possible.
ae | aa rented on the cliffs, had quietly gone on with our And so we two paced that flat roof upon the
Pe a ae work. E dawn of that Sabbath morning, restlessly and |
A ay And now it was daybreak on Sunday, and we anxiously, and then, just as the bell called us to
le ‘f veal two were anxiously looking out from the flat morning prayers, we caught sight of a long streak
a at roof, through the narrow sea opening, for news of black smoke against the distant skyline.
MA i el $ had been secretly brought to us which filled us “'That’s the Dar-es-salaam for certain,” said my i
ae | with a deep concern we dared not show. _ companion, “and now for the shindy”; for we
ah Said Majid, the Sultan of Zanzibar, never a were watching for the Sultan’s steam-yacht bring-
oe i strong man, was now dying, as the result of his ing the news of the Sultan’s decease and—pande-
- aa inordinate indulgence in vice, and there was-a monium.
ce ch widespread fear that the news of his death would We hurried away, held a brief service, swal-
Goon ry lead to an awful outbreak of Mohammedan fana- iowed a hasty breakfast, sent a message to old
Â¥ any ticism, for the Sultanate was filled with savage Adamjee, whose shop was close by, to warn his
fi fal hordes of murderous cutthroats spoiling for a fellow countrymen, wrote a brief message or two }
eon a row, and'the Arab clans were literally at daggers on slips of paper, rolled them into pellets, and |
oe Me drawn, secreted them here and there, so that if we were
at a To make matters worse, a few days before, the murdered our friends would learn afterwards
ee awe wily Prime Minister, Sheik Sulieman, had sent the how and the why. Then once again assem-
ee na some 400 of the lawless mercenaries from Zanzi. bling our now wondering people Wer told them
Ga | a bar to Mombasa so as to get them out of the of what was happening, and after giving to each |
: i Beate way, and there they were, cooped up in the old _ of the men his station, and issuing our instructions,
i ae ae fort, and ready at any moment to break into open we commended ourselves to God, and then, :
Pe a mutiny, pillage the town, and, cutting our throats, through the leaden-footed hours, waited for the
: Pe imagine that they had done Allah and his result. Thus’ the long, weary morning was suc- :
co a prophet a signal ‘service, for which they would ceeded by the fearful heat and blaze of midday, |
PG ill receive an abundant reward. for it was in the very height of the hot ‘season,
a. fa | | |
aie | a
Poo a
Se ae ERG,

re < ee eas
ie ta
and then the long afternoon crept slowly away. had assembled the troops in the barrack-square,: Rie i
Not a sound was heard from the, direction, of the . and quietly broken to them the news of the death ea ae
fort, although we knew that Sulieman had long of his master, Said Majid, and the accession of ie id Bs
since landed. Not a soul was to be seen astir his brother Burghash, who had at once sent him Pe
: in the bazaars and streets, and we dared not ven- with his loving salaams, and ordered him to (a ae
ture forth to inquire for fear of anticipating an swear them in, and then to give them all their ae
! attack. The Hindoos and Banyani had closed long arrears of pay. He had also ordered him Pee
and barricaded their shops, and were cowering to see that they had a great feast at their new We p
. there, as we knew, in awful dread of massacre and sovereign’s expense, as a token of his great’ re- Basic.
pillage. gard for and interest in them, and then the new | aad
But about four o'clock we were suddenly flag was run up the flagstaff, and amid the | : i
startled by hearing a great : ie ee
shout from the direction of uve Vegi? Nii Ao
the fort, and, not knowing £4 keyg Yi. ue Rogge a { Pe
. what it might portend, we ti, JY REN eB LE OS a A
took a a look round, Bip IN BZLLZ oS | ie
‘ SEZ MS ZZGw,. 6 SS rey) ee
and then almost breath LEZ)" Mey GAEL

lessly awaited ue expected “LiF g. = Lge Z : pe Ae 4 i Hi ut
onslaught. But for a time LAY yA YEE ONY ye hs
silence reigned once “s ZG} WZ pf BE | ic .
again, and then, just on ZEEE Ve Zo lif rE i .
the stroke of five, our ears EEA = | NILE Zh Vy Ll, Y Y> eeu He AH
were delighted by hearing “TiO Ee (EA Ly), V4 WA = RE
Epo g Zaz Www i @
the sound of a cow’s horn, a Re i ae ZA | ii
and presently a man was i Ng, = ) i Wy gee ‘Cs Vee
seen running down what is I Hi} i; a x F Wee Sn i Beis
mow known. as Market | i t a a Tae ZR SW’ i | E
| paee blowing away at his tc Ws re (i! eT HA “ay co | Bi
h ith. 2 is mig | LVR NNN “Sy Seis Zee ie
Lge teen: Seen ‘ i) We Ne) | a
Now. a cow’s horn does #20 \ il Ah i | Bes eI: a oe I ioe i ay |
not make a very melodious k = Wa 7 Wes att } ies ie
| musical instrument, but ia he <—. " Rees | Wo G ae
| ‘that one discoursed sweet . Z@ H = hi Wh =] Cie _7 aa Li)
music that day, for it an- Me! WN eee | > i eat \ ow il 1 AK | eRe i Ba
| | | A 2) ae i IN A A i mites
, nounced peace and at Ligh WLAN = fh tN nit i 4 t Tne
security, and the result Al CW + == bes wy \ | Bs
was almost magical! In- — S. a SS San Ns, | vi
| stantly the people poured ee ee in H fer a
out of their hiding-places, page a \ AN | 4 i \ ey
and swarmed — through oie Watch fiom > ' Mi Ae | | ea
the streets, shouting ah a] + c i ‘ he
and singing and firing pAb cals ZZ SY) Wh} opie
guns and pistols, to i QZ ty | i
the peril of all | the LENO Ex) ee
eager onlookers from Raita is) li ct
| the crowded house- — ee
tops. The shopkeepers hie |
pulled down their shutters, and in a few minutes. beating of drums, the firing of guns, and the i ty
the whole town was as noisy and as merry as yells of the deluded but delighted ragamuffins, oe ie
during the Fast of Ramadhan. Burghash was proclaimed Sultan, and the whole: mea:
Sulieman, with wonderful astuteness, had killed crowd, led by the Minister, Malema, and the i ye
the rebellion and saved the town and with it the Wali, took the oath of allegiance, is ire
whole Sultanate from anarchy and pillage. Land- We did not venture out at all that day, but that cf Bt
ing at noon, he had instantly had all the troops evening our service was one of ‘special thankful- TEBE S
shut up in the fort, and the gates strongly mess and praise, and, as the shadows of the night i a
guarded. Then he had leisurely had his usual swiftly crept over the land and sea, we two once AE BIH
siesta, while certain carefully-guarded boxes were again perambulated the roof, and thought of ‘ld Bh }
brought up from the little steamer, and then he dear old England, and of the loved ones far away i ae '
a | iui
i He
Bia i ee a oa

if ie i i 9 i eee B.
ae across that distant ri DREN’S PORTION.
i GLa i lets were seen ae ribbon of silver. whose k
Woe moon, and th immering in th or wave- has bee :
i] al Southern ae as we gazed = i of the have en oul ene boarded round, and
i ae Gus EhGnhte =: piabioy id Sane Elpaeus Pladse’ tell panied: Tt ean awe oe ar ae
ee grander cross ravelled beyond to | overhead, berg died rs, Ormerod) that first Bibi’ aby.
Pi Bae » and in i o that o berg died at Mak rst Bibi W
‘ ih 80 in it other : ere; a Aye urten-
i a Peete sufferings eve presence our mnie ill. Her eS epei Bibi Langenbach
a in Re eee ee and then aS peril paled into I ive id not live. She is ill
oh, a oursely. close and stuffy racine we knelt together that pray God much that y
Jaen ae || tiled to God, our eyes fill an commended oll a may do the Seba eee become well
He Uta as we tried t ed and our s yell, and God is helpi c 0 Oa anded ’
: teat and whom w o thank Him wh peech Mer ewe 4 helping me to d 2° am |
F a a 3 e serve : whose we w y news is th o His work
ee a oe grace through 2 oe His presence ind: fou Brown and Miss eo my, Pedaies ts M
rd ie = € strain and stress of th ; peril and through Tl itis te Te
eas | ay re has long been slee a trying day. One of tho , your friend,
PS ba Seas spc whaie. oh Bin marys 8 grave i The next i Gwixo WaAKOLE
bo at gathers at Ribe, and th ur “bonnie dust” f Hesarewee ke from another y ;
ee many st the other h Ole: away high u er young man wh
q ce but one Gf th and trying sapere; passed:shrouge safely. When this the River Tana, but ot nea |
aan é thaviieet Was nces since th God “ er US YOURE ma. 5 UERS
Hee that co: vivid memori then, there is ang . Man, |Says.\¢ : |
Ste ior ee emories of the past, Sway, Hie do er ee litte” Tehink
il EYL Ace Ne is th Os dion the: Soe Gocea ttle. If He tak ea
a ah harles N : e memory of . ] oes it not in a es our friends
Vion nd ckKe ates. ew, of hol y of the time etter tells as nger, but :
a eal ee writer ete a memory coming eS Mr. Consterdine ne A The
Te Gingy and dirty Arab house the flat roof of that Mt Phillipson hilipson. Now we. Know i a
a et such deadly peril that ete oe together his help? who is left alone. Who will ete
a ie er Sunday will go to
if (ey ; i Golbanti, Gall
We Boat CAE RRNA TORE 4 Land
a ieee M F a ,
aa ae y FRIEND BELO ebruary 7th
ae ae Vv » IQOI.
ig a THE CHILDR a small letter to yo ED, MISTRESS Gnienon
ees i ay EN’S .PO country i you will write: th 7 I
Be i Ea ; ‘ RTION. £5; ee 7 peace. Tshave heditle e news of our
Co ae BY THE EDITOR. he GGueee: Him because of oY has cared
oe be Re ; age news of our count : t 1S.
ee ae oN a peace, as you kno ty is this: all Gallas
i ,N_ two form e mother of w; but ano :
Bf ay \ letters f er occasions I gave health Moses has died, but beer
oe a rom Go! : : 70 2 we
aes ea : } Galla ages written in es b In the year which is past oe
es { a Raw, there, but Seen young people ut the same year I aee I went to Odoboruoba |
a Charles C ited by the R me on my jou ned. God has ,
Be: G nl Mrs. Ormerod and h onsterdine, and oe Now: ue tee tt cared for
We: . ae } have ma er mother : sent to hj ww you have no RG
ioe i i tion, Ga oe I propose na es I aa eu a be not ete ek has taken |
SY bi The first i ad only a few of selec: or you, for God it i ur soul. God
Â¥ a and st is from the of them. _He who takes. A d it is who gives, it i
ena | ry Mrs. Ormerod youth who was with M little: let ‘ nger with Him th SS) it 1s |
| a Ormerod died cs at Mombasa Ar. hana: us return thanks, f ere 1s not a
Coe a al ed. Some of hi a when Mr. nd. He as is Hi » for we all are in Hi
| a ready read. It is ee ae you have one the will of God ee Hede batne in us
it o Mrs. Bro grief. Th God, God will hel nae
ai * own, e word of God whi Beyer you
rae i i * One piece of new which I tell you is thi
\ 1 ae s of | you is this.
ae | ne Golbanti, es got te Rane Cae of Father
(hae d was a girl. . ’ she died: thi
a i i sib carci a Mrs. Brown ee 13th, 1900. e aon e son.” Daido M ae Das ay ee
a ely on its da »—Your letter reached and others have di alawa has died, and oth
j Bi see your lette y, and I was ve € hase died, but we h ? others
A a TS, ty pleased ared for ave health
y i ae I went to F yours and Mrs. O to Bwa' us. Our Euro “Gow
Ba O o Freretown I . Ormerod. When ma Ratcliffe came; peans have health
i rmerod. B saw the gra returned me; after a li : :
Bee aes wana Consterdi grave of Mr. h to Mombasa. Hi ittle time he
5 I ie it round ites ine told a mas % e had become i nea is return was b '
Bu stone from E stones, but if y on to Phillips e ill in this place _ because
i oh Hi of the ladi urope, it will be you send a_ joi pson has come; Bwan . . Now Bwana ;
co . i the ladies said she much better. On joiced. This is the 3 a Consterdine is ;
PE onit. Bibi O would plant som e will, that y 1e news. I beseech Bue
Pe a ROT rmerod told me th e flowers : you write to m you, if you
5 pata mu I was to see if i that when T went write to you. Your e a letter, and I wil
- } | if it were built round. It your brothers, and ties and your father a
os ee and his sister, all ather of Bwana Ormerc |
ee , all these people I merod
Yoo i He greet; tell them |

| fee
Bae et)
their friend of Golbanti greets them, and tell After staying a week here I and Bwana Con- Hee
them that they also greet me. sterdine will perhaps go to Lamu to meet the Nh Hy
I am your friend, beloved in Jesus Christ, elders who are coming from Europe. Some of Pitas F
LAZARUS GALGALO OMARO. Golbanti wished to see Bwana Wakefield again,. Wie g
The next letter is from Matthew Shakala. He ut I hear the doctor has prevented him. re He
is not a youth. He is the native teacher at Gol- Our king has gone to Witu to look for a wife, ee iit
banti, and has long been connected with us. He because his former wife died from the sickness of Ba
has not had the advantage of early education as smallpox. Riek
the boys and girls of England have. In this Bwana Consterdine tells me that the picture Ht ue
- respect he has but one talent, but it is well to find of Bwana Ormerod and the sacrament plates have ae f
His single talent. well employed. ope sou foes London 5. now. Wwe are. waiting, i i i
: 3 perhaps they will be here before long. I } Ei
His letter is as follows: Yesterday I was with fever, but now I have | ee
_ February 7th, gor. become well. I would have written to you with i ese
| Bist ORMEROD,—I write to you a small letter. my own hand, but the knife has cut my three We wed
May it be well with you.. We here are well. I fingers. This is my news. Het
am well, and Sera and Samuel; but we got a It is I, your friend Hela |
‘ 3 5 ‘: : : » your iriend, | ML ba
child, after you were here, but it has died—now Gwivo WAKOLE. i a :
we have none. All the children are well. Bwana % i a
Consterdine and the new European with him are ¢ i ee
all well. Te ene , Wee te
These days there is fear of Somalis, for they Te
have killed the European of Kismayu and his INDIRECT BENEFITS OF . MISSIONS. Wat
bodyguard of soldiers, but we have safety. i a |
These months which have passed we had much BOE Sener ec
rain, and’ very much water, but now it has Tne | i
returned. No. 2.—MISSIONS AND COMMERCE. Br ae
The mother of Bukulo has died, only just these HOUGH somewhat closely allied to 1 ie
oe ae Pane now teaches some of the chil- the first article on Missions and 1 big
oie nghish. * Perhaps I will get a brick house Civilization, the topic of the present | .
| en ee May it be well with you. God will one is nevertheless sufficiently dis- | I a
ep cyOu, ‘ : ; tinct from it for separate statement | a
Give my greetings to our friends who are in and consideration. For just as civilization was ie
| Europe. ; the product and outgrowth of foreign missionary ai li
: It is I, your servant, work among the savage and uncivilized portions a Bi
| _ MATTHEW SHAKALA. of the earth, so, we contend, is commerce the PGs
: The last letter I give you is another from outflowering and fruitage of the civilization thus ie He :
: Gwiyo Wakole. I do this because it is the latest resulting from the labours of Christian mis- ‘ ] es
| in date of the many sent to me by Mrs. Ormerod, — sionaries in those erstwhile abodes of darkness i oe
and because he himself was such a dear and help- and habitations of cruelty. | ae ;
ful young friend to the missionary and/his wife— | And/it does not require much. discrimination ir cs
now, alas! his widow. It was written’ from his to: perceive the reason for this. You cannot in- By aia f
dictation. The letter tells the reason. troduce a new civilization among debased and i ay
Galla Country, heathen populations without creating new social ta
September 4th, rgot. wants and aspirations. And these new wants ae
(Dictated.) and aspirations cannot be met and satisfied ‘| ee 4
My Dear Bist Brown,—I will write to you a_ without the creation of new industries, and the bli i
letter. Do not say that I have forgotten you, establishment of new markets and commercial | ie i,
| because that is not so. Every day I haveremem- relations. Even those who have been imbedded Ea li
| bered you, and prayed God for you. I hear that in the lowest strata of civilization soon begin to eae
' your sickness does not become well, but if God discover the. utility of cultivating the land, grow- a ie
| be willing, you will becomé well. In this world ing fruit, building themselves better huts, and 1D bis |
there are some who have health, but others have covering their nakedness with suitable clothes, ia a
sickness. And so from one thing they are led! on to an- ie ie
The wife of Joseph, the Pokomo teacher, has other, until, by the result of their own industry, ie ie
| borne a child, but it has died. In the week that or by purchasing from the multifarious stock of | if ae 5
| has passed I and Bwana Consterdine and other the ever-ready trader, they are able to surround is mit
| children went to see Bobuoya, but now the house themselves with a variety of serviceable articles mai :
é and the stockade have fallen down. of food and furniture. | é rE )
Bett i
: i °
4 4
: iy I.
hi 1” ano

ae 7
ety : t
4 cil
i at It is in this way that we see the indirect bene- Christian missions to savages upon commercial ;
: al fit of Christian missions on. commerce, which, as principles, if they have no higher principles to
: i a far as savage and uncivilized races. are concerned, influence them. ‘Last week I made a statement
i Bik does not, as we Britishers proudly boast, “fol- in Liverpool which seemed to interest some of |
ae low the flag,” but rather the feet ‘and labours the merchants there ;.and it was the only thing |
ae of /the Christian missionary. He is the best in my speech one of the daily papers reported.
: | ie pioneer of commerce among such people; and the It was this: that every missionary we send to’ the |
- i re banner he holcs aloft—the b:ood-red banner of Pacific Islands in the course of a few years
ao the Cross-—is by far the best flag to be followed, creates a trade to the value of 410,000 per
i be by the feet and wares of the upright, fair-dealing annum. That, I believe is a low estimate. But
od au trader. for our missions that trade would not exist. Of
a | al As this is a’postulate that may be called in course, the merchant develops it, but the
Po eh questicn by some as a mere unsubstantiated! ipse missionary originates it.’
Wty dixit of the writer, we propose now to fortify None the less cogent, as touching the lateral
a al the position, and verify the statement, by the benefits of missions upon commerce, is the evi-
Bie | ei production cf several well-established illustrative dence supplied from the various missionary
Bice d aot facts culled from the authoritative annals of stations on the continent of Africa. Take, for
ey ey Christian missionary labour. i instance, the testimony of Dr. Philip, who, in
sh a Look, for instance, in the first place, at the the year 1818—three years before Robert Moffat
te a lateral ‘benefits of foreign missions upon com- settled among the Bechuanas—was-sent out by
ee hea mercial enterprise, as seen in that now famous © the London Missionary Society, along with Dr.
es i ee missionary field of labour, the South Sea Campbell, to: inquire into the condition of the
j ee Islands, which, with almost universal readiness, South African missions. Being a man of’ thor-
oe aa took on a new life with the advent of Christian oughly practical mind, and a firm believer in the
| meu missions in their midst. Before then, traders power of Christianity to affect for godd the tem-
| ca had gone to these islands for the- purpose of poral as well as the spiritual condition of the
ij ei establishing commercial relations with them, but most degraded heathen, he noticed, as a grave
: ee: almost in vain. What they had chiefly accom- defect, that there were very few incentives to |
ace Bane: plished was to leave on them traces of their vices, commerce among the Hottentots; and that, con-
ee a and memories of hatefulness among the natives, sequently, too many of them were content to live
By i he because of the spoils of trickery and violence in indolence and ease. Forthwith he entered
a. ae which they had managed to carry away with into negotiations with a truly Christian merchant,
ie ve i them. who opened a store in Bethe!sdorp to supply all
me i eel: But, with the advent of the Christian mis- kinds of food, clothing, and agricultural instru- j
oud vee sionary, things began to put on a very different’ ments for cultivating the land. By this means
ee | ce aspect. So much so, was this the case that even all kinds of useful as well as ornamental articles
Pe an so early as the year 1867 the imports, we are told, were brought within reach of the natives, so that,
Bee were £400,000, and the exports exceeded them instead of their having to travel a considerable |
ae ie by £100,000. Since that time both imports and ‘number of miles to spend money when they: re- |
OE ey exports have,increased at a remarkable rate, and ceived it, as had. been the case hitherto, the :
ce ea the Samoan Islands are now visited monthly by things they needed were ready for them on the
e508 au ; three lines of passenger steamers, and trade rela- spot. What was the result of this? Most re-
: . ae tions with the Australian Colonies especially have markable. Not oniy were the squalid and un-
of a been developed to such a degree that the influ- sightly huts replaced by decent houses, but a
Be i a ences of European life are becoming more and. spirit of industry and activity began at once to
i pa : more powerful every year among those beautiful transform the life of the people; until, eventually,
q en islands towards the sun-setting. in the year 1823, by means of commercial inter-
t Wat We may here quote, with confirmative effect changes thus established, the village of Bethels-
e ' a as to the beneficial influence of Christian missions". dorp was paying more than #500 a year in |
oH a upon the promotiom of commerce, a passage from taxes to the Government, and buying £5,000 |
pe i aa a speech delivered in Exeter Hall upwards of worth of British goods every year. :
on cy . twenty years ago by the Rev. S. J. Whitmee, Still more striking and conclusive was the evi-
fk Ae hi missionary on furlough from. the South Sea dence supplied by the successful labours of Robert
a Islands. ‘Touching upon this particular aspect of Moffat among the Bechuanas, as to the social i
: i ae foreign missionary work, he is reported to have and secular benefits of, Christian missions in the
oe Pa said: ; promotion of commerce among native converts.
ee ce ‘ “The Gospel of Jesus Christ always promotes When Moffat first went among the Bechuanas
. La the highest and best civilization wherever it goes. he found, we are told, no ambition for trade. —
ee ay And I can appeal to. commercial men to support Money, the medium of commerce, was sarcasti
fog ah 4
Ye 4 Ge : iaek | sha ‘ f ie

1 ms Fecha ca Fest : EOI ees a ie SEEDS ee Een mets ass
j ip i
re a
cally called by the people, “ buttons without holes that perverting principle which we see at work rh iN
in them.” As a contradictory comment upon in so many other spheres of human activity, which Fal ay 4
the British boast that “trade follows the flag,’ ‘has ever sought to harness into its service, what- Io i
merchants did not dare to pass beyond the line ever of good in the way of discovery and inven- bi i ,
of missionary discovery and uperations. But when tion may be made’ by the pioneers. of progress. Fae
he left the country there was a very different Darkness seems ever to be hanging on the skirts 1 et
tale to tell. He could record the fact that in of the light; the forces of evil ever cn the track it cen
one year alone £300,000 had passed through of those that work for good, for the accomplish- { Hee
Bechuana, and in commercial transactions. “No ment of their diabolical purposes by means of Fil Wet
sooner,” as he himself tells us, “did the people this trickery and expedient. Hence such viola- ih ee
learn to feel the love of God in their hearts than tions of international amity; as the forcing of Rate
a desire sprang up for decent clothing, to keep the opium traffic upon unwilling China, which has ae
clean their persons. They began to improve given too much justification to the Chinese Wee
their dwellings, and, in a simple way, to furnish for their sarcastic popular saying, “ First the mis- re
them. They wanted ploughs, waggons, and other sionary, then the trader, then the general.” 1 ee ;
agricultural implements. They, entered readily Hence also that hideous, crying evil, which eee
into commercial relations with foreigners, and in threatens to imperil the cause of Christian mis- 1 ae
a few years their import of foreign manufactures sions in Africa, as well as elsewhere, the perni- 1. aa
amounted to £250,000, paid for in the produce cious liquor traffic, carried on under the flags of A ing
of the soil.” professedly Christian nations. Well has it been 1)
The same testimony comes to us from other described as having “ all the enormity of sys- a
parts of Africa where missionary stations have tematic cruelty to children—a conspiracy by re- | te
been established—to wit, among the Kaffirs, Zulus, presentatives of civilized nations against simple 1 te
and Gallas on the eastern part of the continent; tribes of men who know not what they do.” What, ee a
the Cameroons on the west (among whom Alfred may we ask, are our rulers about in allowing the | ae
Saker toiled like a slave and preached like an native races of her South African Colonies to be i Hh
apostle) ; also from the populations of the British drenched and destroyed by the casks of vile gin | et Bt
settlements on the River Gambia and Sierra and demi-johns of rum which are being poured, 4 ie
Leone, consisting of liberated African negroes month by month and year by year, on the South’ Ape
rescued from slave-vessels by the English men- African ‘coasts ? Ts it not ruling for mammon and iq | dl
of-war formerly sent on that coast for Belial instead of for Christ? Surely all true Chris- if Bi:
the suppression of the infamous slave traffic. The tians should pray, and that right earnestly, that mi
cases arenot a few of men, with such an origin God would give us grace as a nation to wipe out JAB
and stich a history, who, after a moderate this dark brand from our brow, by abolishing the | a
course of training in Christian mission schoo!s, criminal traffic which is not only the greatest foe Moe
have devoted themselves to trade and commerce to all true progress at home, but the hugest a
with so much energy and intelligence as to enable stumbling-block in the way of all honest and ee ;
| them to proceed to England, and, in point of wholesome commerce abroad. ih sy
| tact and discrimination, to hold their own with AGerreieiNR MGs Setter ; eae
| British merchants, when negotiating with them Bas
the purchase of large stocks of various kinds of MISSIONARY GATHERINGS lig
merchandise. AT EXETER HALL. a :
And does not the same evidence come to us BY THE EDITOR. ye
from other parts of the world where : Christian ih
missions have been established——India, China, | ae
New Zealand, Madagascar, Greenland, and HIS year I had the great pleasure j We a
among the scattered tribes of North American of attending the Missionary meet- Be
Indians? To a greater extent than some people | ings on Monday, Apuil 28th, and of ‘|4 iis i
would be disposed to admit the missionary has heating; the) President's, Missionary i ii
been the pioneer of commerce, albeit that was Sermon the following evening. i! i
| not his primary object, but quite secondary and On entering the Lower Hall on the Monday pe |
subsidiary. Unquestionably, the trades of the afternoon, I thought there was a diminished at- i bite
world owe a deep debt of gratitude to missionary tendance, but as the day went on the attendance na a
enterprise, which has opened up and made pos- increased till the audience became a large one. ie ie
sible to commercial undertakings vast’ regions I missed “some old familiar faces,” but was Seat
| which before were completely closed: to them. glad to find their places occupied by those. of ‘ee i ‘
| Unhappily, this opening up of new regions to others. who. obviously take a great interest in Ne A
the benefits of commerce through the agency of Christian Missions. ie He
Christian missions has not escaped the action of “So shall the bright succession run.” i A d
. i me |
: Tae
Mid | : ne i

y aes
ae ae | | |
i Be I was delighted with the chairman, Mr. T. R. Mr. Heywood reviewed the work of the past,
: 4 et | Blumer. He is one of the loyal, intelligent, de- and gave some interesting figures. Ten years
aa voted young men who form the hope of Free ago they had five chapels in China, to-day they
Bet aly i Methodism. . With pleasant voice, free delivery, had twelve. Ten years ago they had ten other
on ae | and excellent matter, his speech was. worthy of out-stations, to-day they had 122. There were
ci, , the occasion. He said he had long had a desire at that time g00 members and inquirers, they
$ | a | to be present at one of the missionary demon- = had now 2,500 up to the year 1900. Ten years
' fe i es i ee building, but he little thought ago they had no boarding-schools, two had been
pe a b at on t s rst occasion on which he should established .since that time and become educa-
DP aR eS SU tna cca "In aon, they had vo pen
| ae i of attaining to it, but he thought it : Id b cid eclapped | hospitals: presided over. by such
| ; ae ? sur wy Woule 2° noble men as Dr. Swallow, and in past years b |
Ce vel | when he was older and had rendered more ser- Dew bicse ane teaas b : 1 She i y
f ' et | ! vice, before such an invitation would come to him. 7 f ogg; ie f OrCay Dy. aie ent eee who had
Fi het i He was glad to accept the invitation, as he was ae poeore fe do ibis part—Dr. Plummer.
Re al | indebted to Free Methodism more than he could’ “7 Presenting those statistics, he was personally
co a say. From early days it had done his ‘soul good. ‘mterested in making a comparison. A paper
i ne i In recent years he had come into contact with had come into his hands a few weeks ago contain-
- | Da I the leading mihisters and laymen, and those men ‘™g certain statistics about the Wesleyan Meth-
ma ae i . had left their impression upon his life, and he dist Missionary Society, which showed that our
ach i was that day stronger because he had come into Musslonaries were succeeding even better than
’ el i close contact with them: He was proud to be a the-parent society. He wanted to indicate that
a nh i Free Methodist, and next to his home there was he mem and women had been putting their shoul-
ha no place so sacred and dear to him as the Dock ers to the wheel, and they would have to consider
ae | Street Church, Sunderland. That anniversary Whether the burden was not too great and
a ae} was both for the Home and Foreign Mis- Whether they would not have to strengthen their
; a r sions. He sometimes thought people looked so hands. His last four years were spent in Ningpo.
eek Erte f far away that they were apt to forget their home During those four years fifteen new stations were
aie | i Bef department, and he was growing convinced that established, just double the number. During
Pe a j there was need for more loyalty and enterprise that time eight new properties had been added
ee | i \ L in their Home Missions. He acknowledged the 0 the Connexion. Eight new chapels and lands
ae | F splendid work the Londo Chapel Extension had been acquired with very little assistance
ee Bs Fund was doing, and he wished that some of the from the Missionary Committee at home.
ne ie Spirit of the London men would be felt in the | He also greatly pleased the audience by relat-
ea provinces. When he saw the great masses of ing how a Chinese temple came into their hands,
Ree ra | men outside the Church he wondered if they and how it was removed stone by stone and re-
ae on | were, ‘as Churches; doing all they could to reach erected to serve as a Christian sanctuary. |
ae a i the untouched masses. He said they should by The Rev. John Chinn gave a description of
eee a their lives and whole-hearted enterprise show the Bocas-del-Toro and its surroundings, explained
Wikis We men that they were anxious to win them for why we came to have a Mission there, and’ an-
Gos t 1 : ‘Christ. He believed that to be successful they swered the question “Ought we to, stay there?”
ae a ie must keep to the old Gospel and preach Christ There were times when they could withdraw from
Looe ' a | and Him crucified. They would then be appeal- a mission field when God directed them, but to
wee ben be ing to all mankind, and their appeal would not retreat from Bocas at present would be an inglori-
we ray | ‘be in vain. With regard to the foreign field, the ous retreat. Mr. Chinn then came to the ques-
i a | ‘other brethren on the platform would have more _ tion of the revolution that was raging in Columbia,
1 oar | to say. It occurred to him that they might en- and now in Bocas-del-Toro. He described the
eee | kindle more interest if their circuit ministers revolution, and showed the effect it would have
Boel i I would once a quarter preach a missionary ser- on the Mission. At this point he read a letter
a rai | mon and deal in turn with the different stations; from the Rev. A. J. Ellis saying that Bocas-del-
SOM, i a and thus stir up heart and interest in far-off lands. Toro was in the hands of the rebels, and that
yey i i mh ! It might be also well to form a prayer union to Mr. Ellis at this time needed the sympathy of
ag i f direct their thoughts week by week, and surely the friends at home. There was a tendency
i u ie | the united prayers would not be in vain. there to trample on the coloured man, as they
Se Te 4 The Rev. J. W. Heywood, of Ningpo, and the could not understand why we protected him. —
oe i | Rev. John Chinn, of Bocas-del-Toro, were the This year there would be in all probability a .
2a speakers in the afternoon. They have both been greater demand for help than in past years. The
Ea) heard frequently in the provinces, where they people had had to ie for oe ne a ae |
ee ei E ‘have done admirable deputation work. the plantations and houses, and would not be able
S Ee |
a 1 | | , |
ileal Ul i

7 a Be iba cca oe or ee Senne cee ans = se
| : : ais
. Vee
a ee j uri! g
to help the Church, and at this time it was their THE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR PAGE. i He
duty to show their love to the brethren. : oa i
During the afternoon Miss Ethel Dyer sang two Neer eee te
solos in admirable style. The Rev. C. H. Pop- Eel gaee Ries
pleton moved a vote of thanks to her, to the TOPICS FOR JUNE. \ Ba
chairman and the speakers in very eloquent terms. June sst.—The Purpose of His ose Biel dat
This was seconded by the Editor of the Ecuo peer ree P S Coming: i Waka
: ? I. John iii. 5—12. Ree
and cordially adopted. — ; : . “The mission of Christ was the destruction of : i Bae |
[A report of the evening meeting will be given... | el:
next month.—ED. | ; ih et
June 8th.—Strength in Weakness.—II. Cor. ea
Be RAE ON SOE LS xli, I—10, xiii, 4—9, | Ha ©
“He giveth power to the faint.” “ Faint, yet al Wee
pursuing.” Hic
June 15th.—For my Brother’s Sake.—Rom. xiv. Ha tant |
“i 13—23. ae
My heart is stretching round the world, ( Temperance Meeting). “ Walk Charitably.” Wee
I love the heathen so; June 22nd.—“ True Humility.” He
é } “ ; : Sg 0 . i ae “
Where’er Christ’s banner is unfurled, Possess this elusive virtue Strive to do Wee
whatever ——” . Ries csi
I would I too could go. é a si
Junz 29th.—‘Lest we Forget.”—Deut. vi. ae
g ls Piatra
The little black child first I’d kiss, cA pan ae cae ue itso i
atriotic Meeting). “Count your Blessings. yea ts
Renew the “Story Old,” ' ; “ Share your Blessings.” ae
For one such lamb, our love might miss, WEEE DONE HUGO ICHI oc !
The Shepherd longs to fold. The Society at New Street have just secured Bi
ue ‘ an artificial foot, and with it presented a purse of |)
The red man in his fir-wood dim 44 6s. to Mr. Thomas Cox, vice-president. This a | :
Believes the Spirit Great, is practical Christianity, and we thank the secre- ae
So far is surely taught of Him, : tary for the news. To have raised £13 118. 6d., A
: : even with £2 from an outside source, is a mag- ec
Yet for more light must wait. nificent thing, and worthy of all commendation. tt
Fe) stv Mid ©
While dusky Eastern races soon Miss Longbottom, of Louth, has led the way. ie seh
His glory shall admit ; Ladies of the L.M.A., C.E. Missionary Commit- te tid)
The Sun of Righteousness at, noon! tees, Sunday School, and Church organizations Bais
They stilian datk 2 should follow. Fix a board in a good position 1. eS
ey still in darkness sit. and place thereon, so that many may read, items eRe
3 eyo of news from our own and other Missions. . If é a i
We have the noon, their dawn will rise ; neatly arranged, andi attractively displayed, much Bes
See! Southern Isles in turn interest would be aroused. A missionary-box A \
Bisa tH
Are greeting Him with eager eyes, placed near might be an advantage. i ia
PG fibre Hohe bese seatn SOUTH STREET, ILKESTON, le q
8 Bee as celebrated its* anniversary on a recent Sunday AG
: ; : ; afternoon. The meeting was a thorough success, aes
Oh, may His warmth dispel the chill, and was characterized throughout by the Endea- i Pit
Aurora’s rose-rays show, vour spirit. The secretary gave a brief report, Pe |
Till like the gulf-stream, or the rill, which showed! the society to be in a very thriving Be |
| AGAR TLS vere How. condition. It has at present a membership of ha le {
: : eighty-three. During the past year thirty asso- ir nN
ciate members have signed the active membership i ae
hoy Je id ‘ Pe inher
Ah, we oe teach ee whole oug Donec? pledge, thereby pledging themselves to take some ee |
Nor bring both drink and strife; , part, aside from singing, in every meeting, unless te ie ‘I
Bad habits, slaughters; may we cease hindered by some conscientious reason; twenty- ie ie
Pal eaah aah Butlite four active members have joined the Church; id i
y aug : over 100 temperance pledges have been: secured. ee
| EL-SIE. The Band. of Hope has been successfully worked. cae rie
Baek : a Pa

Te â„¢
ea |
ow a
i a Assistance has been rendered to the missionary it is not surprising that he has now been called
: i Hee by cause, and the sick and poor of the Church and to the presidency of the important union of Man-
tate! | district have been visited and helped. It was chester, Salford, and District.
| A thus shown that the society had been true to the + * #
ae | C.E. motto in existing not for itself, but “ For The’ Revi cH: Walker Blot has’ been, ‘elected
= | ee | Christ and the Church,” and the members were president of the Cheltenham C.E. Union.
i Bei! urged to. remember that if a society cease to keep U.M.E.C. SECTION OF THE LB.R.A.
3 eer | this: object in view it surrenders its right to 9,800 readers have been secured this year.
ae te | retain its name. Miss Elsie Machin, daughter 449 cards are still on hand, and I shali be glad
ms a of the late Rev. A. G. Machin, then proceeded {4 forward ten free of charge to anyone who will
Be i a to Be a TOS tare and Meee ee send a request.
a i en lesson. es the fe a nae juy se PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT ON BIBLE INFLUENCE.
a | cl members of the congregation to the different Oe 2 Every thinking man, when he thinks, realizes
rk i i iH | of various plants, she questioned them upon the whata very large number of people tend to forget
1 work which each part performed. Having thus. that the teachings of the Bible are so interwoven
a eT | aroused the interest of the children, the speaker and entwined with our whole civic and social
a uy immediate:y spiritualized her teaching by telling Speer eae he literally—I do not mean
i ey the children that the world is a great garda, figuratively, I mean literally—impossible for us.
oY | | ee being the Las an AO the Pe to figure to ourselves what that life would be if
ae ee cholars, then Came: Forward, holding: In Pe these teachings were removed. “We would lose
4 Te hands cards, upom which were written the names ajmogt all the standards by which we now judge
ae Bae of kinds of fruit, etc., which the Gardener wished — th public and private morals; all the standards
i ae fe| them to bear: Love, goodness, obedience, faith, towards which we, with more or less of resolution,
oo Bae i Bible-reading, prayer, usefulness. The address strive to raise ourselves. Almost every man who:
a ae was concluded by an appeal to the chidren, has by his life-work added to the sum of human
i ae urging them to cultivate these Christian graces. achievement of which the race is proud, of
| ea THE DAILY TOPIC READINGS IN OUR MEETINGS. which our people are proud, almost every such
a a It is a capital thing, enabling many to take man has based his life-work largely upon the
de Bt k part, to have the daily portions read, either by teachings of the Bible. Sometimes it has been
3 i am individuals or by the meeting divided into seven done unconsciously, more often consciously; and
Boe Gai | portions, and reading in unison. among the very greatest men a disproportionately
ee | ri OUR PRESIDENTS: REV. S. VERNON, MANCHESTER. large number have been diligent and close
i Reni bes The chairman of the National Convention — students of the Bible at first-hand.
4 a Junior Committee and President of the Man- SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS,
ee ve ! chester and Salford C.E. Union is an Endea- QUARTERLY Revirw.—During the year we
oy fn vourer whom all our readers will wish to know | have had a review of the L.B.R.A. readings every |
ee ae | something about. The Rev. S. Vernon has quarter from the desk: This has been ‘heartily
an 4 a By only been an Endeavourer. for about three years. taken up by the teachers, who have given ad-
eae Beeb Until a short time since he held somewhat aloof dresses in turn. Looking over my branch for
Re a from the movement, but since coming into it he five years I find it has grown from 66 to 274,.
ae ian } has done much to make up for lost. time. His and that 32 have joined the Church.
ies ae own testimony is as follows: “Through the per- J. Pickover (Whitworth).
- UP a sistent efforts: of Mr. J. W. Harrop, the secretary PRAVER.—I am very pleased to show a great
oe a of my present society, I watched closely, I read, increase. But it is entirely in answer to prayer,
' a I thought, I yielded, and the movement made for at one of our meetings I asked the members.
ee a me captive.”. This fact should cheer and en- present to make it a matter of prayer, and the
i an I courage other Endeavourers who are striving to increase began that _very night.
Ro win their ministers to the C.E. cause. : W. WHEATLAND (Brighton).
woe cl Bee HOW TO DO IT. We intend holding a special meeting once a |
on i i f Throughout his ministry Mr. Vernon has sought quarter for prayer on behalf of the I.B.R.A. This:
Me a ah} to minister to the young people, and in so doing I am glad to say was passed by the Church.
ee a has been privileged to realize very considerable T. Face (Tamworth).
eee ce Hes success. In all his Churches the young people Persona Errort.—We have increased from |
oe 7 Hi have lost the minister (or truly found him) in the 90 to r54—a net increase of 64. Most of these |
Be friend. His rule in connection with the C.E. new members have been obtained by speaking
se a | society of which he is pastor and president is personally to new scholars coming into the Sun- |
bs fa : mever to permit anything excepting matters of day School. Also I have been able to get two |
2 | the greatest importance to interfere with his at- members to start new branches. .
ae e is tendance at the weekly meeting. Faithful in this. W. GREENFIELD (Colwyn Bay).
re 1 Ne |
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