United Methodist Free Churches.
Epiror: JOS. KIRSOP.
A Curious Chinese Legend. By J. W. Hey-
wood + 5 Su = “ ~ 183
Address. By F.. Bavin - - - Sg)
A Great Book on Missions - - - - 187
Call. to Prayer; A. By Dr. R. F..Horton ~- 39
Children’s Portion. By the Editor. 14, 30, 46,
62, 78; 94, 110, 126, 142, 158, 191
China as a Mission Field. . By Richards Wool-
fenden - = a - - 135, 107
Chinese Pirates. By Lucy Soothill - - 17
Christian Endeavour Page. By Edward Abbott.
16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160,
176, 192
Crisis in China. By W. E. Soothill - = 145
First Impressions of Africa. By B. J. Rat-
cliffe - = - - - - 132
Gallant Galla, The. By Charles Consterdine 169
General Missionary Secretary’s> Notes, 8 23,
38, 52,70, 131, 149, 163, 180
God’s Child. By William Yates - - - 119
His Second Probation. By W. A. Todd.
Chapter 1. Coals of Fire - - -> II
af 2. The Protection of Good-
ness. - - - Seva
35 3. Walls Have Ears . - =. 43
3 4. The Laugh of the Hyena 57
5 5. A Good Confession - STS
ss 6. The End of the Probation 89
Last Journal of R. M.,Ormerod - - - 25
Letter from Charles Consterdine, Golbanti - 54
¥ » W. E. Soothill, Wenchow - - 65
i » A> H. Sharman, Ningpo - - 151
i » W. R. Stobie, Ningpo - - 153
Light at Eventide - - - - - 188
Literary Notices - - - - = #40556
Memorial:on Education - - - - - 61
Missions in Melanesia ~- i Si = US
My First Missionary Trip. By Florence Stobie 182
Mrs. J. B. Griffiths. By Robert Bravin - 101, 114
Our Bonnie Dust. By W. Yates - - =" 30
Our Foreign Field. Editorial Notes, 4, 109,
3A, 51, 07, 84, 99, 130, 105,,1738
Our Ningpo Mission: By J. W. Heywood: - 81
Peril and Providence. (The remarkable expe-
riences of Tom J. Nicolls.) By W. M.
Vivian, F.R.G.S. 70, 86, 117, 129, 166, 177
Pooto. The Capital of Indo-Chinese Bud-
dhism. By J. W. Heywood - = IY,
Prize Essay. How can our Young People best
help our Home and Foreign Missions?
By E. M. Naish - - - - - 104
Pilgrims of the Night.
By Bennett Newton.
Chapter 1.
In the Land of Strangers 107
At Home - = - = 121
Yado - = - - 140
Light in the Darkness - 155
The Shadows Lengthen - 175
By Paths we have not
Known - - - 185
DEY bv
Publications of the S.V.M.U. - -
Sarah Sampson’s Sacrifice: _By W. Yates - 41
The X-Rays. By Dr. Swallow - - =, 74
Varieties - - - - - - 60, 88, 190
Visit to a Country Station. By Mrs. Bavin ~ 33
Voyage to China, My. By Florence Stobie 92, 113
Wenchow Students. By Lucy Soothill - = 10
Woman Without a Name, The. — By Lucy
Soothill - - - - - - 55
Women in the Mission Field. By John
Cuttell = - - - - I, 49, 97, 161
World’s Missionary Conference. By the
Editor ~- - - - 106, 124, 138, 171
‘“‘Old Janus doth appear,
Peeping into the future year.â€â€™
EAKERS upon missionary plat-
forms often expatiate in glowing
periods upon the heroic self-
sacrifice of male missionaries, who,
in obedience to the mandate of
the Master, have gone forth ‘to
the uttermost parts of the earth, to preach the
gospel of the Kingdom among all nations. And
not too much; for they are worthy of whom
these eulogistic words are spoken. But what
about the Christian chivalry of their wives,
who also have left fatherland and home, and all
those comforts of civilization which make life
desirable, to share the troubles, crosses, and
hardships of their husbands on the various
mission fields to which they have been ap-
pointed? And what, moreover, about those
other “honourable women, not a few,’’ who,
unfettered by marriage-ties, have, nevertheless,
felt called and constrained to offer themselves
for service on the same fields, under the same
banner, and under the impulsion ‘of the same
deep-seated’ love for the same Lord and Master?
Has there not been a tendency, if not actually
to forget, at any rate, to keep too much in the
background their works of faith and labours
of love—their Veter quiet heroisms ‘in: ‘the
same domain?
The object of this and shecet following articles
is, to repair to some extent this comparative
oversight, and to show what a debt of gratitude
and admiration the Christian Church owes to
the labours of Christian women on yarious,
mission fields, for the measure of success which,
under God, has keen achieved
It would, of course, be utterly impossible in
the space at command, to give an exhaustive
treatment of such a wide-ranging subject. All
that can be attempted is to give a few names
of women workers in the various Denomina-
tional mission fields throughout the world, as
typical of a numerous remainder that might be
adduced if the space at disposal was a portly
volume of 500 pages, instead of four compara-
tively brief articles.
Suppose then, in embarking upon this wide-
ranging topic, we take the largest mission field
first, viz., that of the vast continent of Asia,
with its teeming populations, hoary supersti-
tions, entrenched prejudices, and diversified
aspects of social and religious life. In our pur-
view, may be seen here and there, amid the
brooding spiritual darkness, points of light
gleaming, which tell of the earnest evangelical
work that has been going on—during the nine-
teenth century especially—by the missionaries,
who have been sent’ forth by the various mis-
sionary societies. And on consideration, it will,
I think, be found, that not the least successful
of the mission fields indicated by these gleaming
points of light, are those in which earnest and
devoted women—both married and single—have
found suitable, spheres for their’ missionary
enthusiasm and consecrated (nergies.
Take, for instance, the case of Burmah; and
where can there be found, among the annals
of quiet heroism, an example more beautiful
and impressive than that supplied by Ann
Judson——the first wife of the celebrated Ameri-
can missionary, Adoniram Judson? For it was
the doctor’s peculiar lot to be united succes-
sively to three remarkable women ; all of whose
names will ever be famous in the annals of
Christian evangelism for the intensity of their
devotion to the missionary cause, and the heroic
patience with which they endured the sufferings
and privations that fell to their respective lots.
Of the three, however, perhaps the most
celebrated was the first, who, as Ann Hasseltine
— 4 beautiful, dark-eyed girl, devoted to ‘gaiety
and amusement—had been caught in a wave
of religious revival, and the whole course of
her life turned by it into. another and very
different channel. Wooed and won eventually
by young Adoniram Judson, who had decided
to consecrate his life to the work of preaching
the gospel as a missionary in Burmah, she
accompanied him to that apparently unpromis-
ing and perilous mission field; unintimidated
by the prospect, which he faithfully held out
before her, of sharing with him a toilsome, self-
denying life, with the possibility of a martyr’s
grave at the end of it. If anyone would know
of what a woman is capable when her heart is
inflamed with love to Christ and His cause,
jet him read the record of Ann Judson’s labours
and sufferings as a missionary ’s wife in Burmah.
Especially, let him read the account, which she
herself gives, of what she did and suffered when
her husband and his friend, Dr. Price, were
chained together in a_ loathsome cell—the
victims of Burmese cruelty—with a death-sen-
tence hanging over their heads; how, at great
personal peril to herself, she forced her way
into the presence of the Governor, and obtained
permission to visit the prisoners, and minister
week after week to-their wants. And if he
can read the details of this pathetic record with .
unexcited emotion and unmoistened eyelids, he
must be possessed of a very peculiar mental
and moral condition.
Transferring our thoughts now from Burmah
to its great neighbour China, we come upon a
mission field that is rich in records of womanly
devotion and heroic service in the cause of
Christ. Of these we naturally give the pre-
ference in our admiring and contemplative
thought to those whose brows are encircled with
the aureole of martyrdom for the namesake of Christ.
It has been said that “‘ the conversion of the
heathen means the blood of many martyrs, the
sweat of many brows, the toil of many hands;
slow steps made good through infinite patience
and labour.â€
Of the first-mentioned class—the martyrs in
fact as well as in spirit—we select as our typical
feminine example in China, the name of Elsie
Marshall, the gifted daughter of the Rev. J. W.
Marshall, the vicar of Birchfield, near Birming-
ham. Her joy, we are told, was unbounded
when a friend of hers told her that her name
“ Blsie,’? meant, ‘‘ consecrated to God,†and
it has been thought that this had some influence
in her ultimate determination to devote herself
to foreign missionary work. Be this, however,
as it may, the thought of foreign service did get
into her mind, and, eventually, it took such a
firm hold of her that it became the ruling
motive and mastet-passion of her whole life.
She went out to China in 1892, under the
Chinese missionary, Mr. Stewart, and for three
years laboured at Fuh-ning, Ku-cheng, and
other places, with a devotion so deep, and an
enthusiasm so bright and contagious, that she
drew from Mr. Stewart himself, the testimony,
that, ‘there was not a_ better missionary in
the whole mission.†Her promising career,
however, was destined to be suddenly cut short
by that terrible tragedy, which four or five
years ago, threw the whole Christian world into
such horror and consternation, the massacre of
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, herself, and several
other cb-workers at Hwa Sang, by a band of
lawless men, called ‘‘ Vegetarians.’ We are
told by Miss Codrington, who was the only one
that escaped, that Elsie Marshall clung to her
Bible to the very end, though the hand with
which she grasped it had been severely
wounded. If anyone would be stirred up to
greater sympathy and zeal for the cause of
Christian missions in China, he cannot do
better than acquaint himself with the contents
of that bracing and beautiful book in which
the memory of this bright young Christian
martyr is perpetuated, entitled, ‘Bor. eEis
But there have been other noble-hearted
women labouring in China, who, though their
self-sacrifice has not been unto death, have,
nevertheless, done and suffered much on behalf
of its spiritual enlightenment and evangeliza-
tion. As representative of the many such may
be specified the names of Mrs. Bridgman—wife
of Dr. Bridgman—and Mrs. Griffith John, the
wife of the celebrated missionary, whose praise
is in all the Churches for the imtensity of his
missionary ardour, and the wonderful success
he has achieved in his propagandist efforts in
that once unyielding and unpromising province
of China—Hunan. The name of Mrs. Bridg-
jan is’ given preference here, inasmuch as she
was one of the pioneers, if not actually the
first, inthat work of female education in China,
which has> since been’ followed up with such
iblessed and practical results. The excellent
girls’ school in Shanghai—the first of its kind
there—owed its establishment to her large-
hearted liberality and enthusiastic personal
‘labours for the cause of female education among
the Chinese. In the case of Mrs. Griffith John,
we have a typical example of the devoted mis-
sionary wife.. Being herself the daughter of
a missionary, she, of course, knew all about the
dangers, cares, and crosses which encompass a
missionary’s career. And there can be no
question whatever that much of the unflagging
zeal, and consequent encouraging success, which
her husband exhibited and enjoyed in the early
part of his remarkable missionary career, was
owing to the whole-hearted sympathy and con-
stant co-operation of his earnest, energetic wife.
Before passing away from the Chinese mission-
field, ‘a congratulatory word must be uttered,
en passant, concerning the noble part that has
been played in the past, and is still being
played, by women in our own Denominational
efforts for the evangelization of the so-called
“ Celestial Empire.’ The names and labours
-of such women as Mrs. Mara and Mrs. Galpin,
in the earlier part of the history of.our Chinese
missions, and, of Mrs. Swallow, Mrs. Soothill,
Mrs. Heywood, and the Misses Hornby and
Abercrombie, in the later part, are such as to
make us feel that, as a Denomination, we are
taking no inconspicuous part in making history
in connection with the evangelization of thar
huge, over-grown empire.
Coming to India, we are brought into con-
tact with a sphere and a kind of religious
service eminently suitable for the capabilities
and instincts of women, and. in which, if I
mistake not, they are destinetl, ultimately, to
-achieve some of their most signal successes.
I refer, of course, now to Zenana missions and
-work, “The destiny of India,†said, the Rev.
J. Kilner, during a rousing speech in Exeter
Hall, “is locked up in that one word, woman; â€â€™
.a declaration that was afterwards confirmed by
a native gentleman, who, on witnessing the
‘labours of one of the Zenana missionary socie-
ties, significantly exclaimed: ‘‘ The light has
‘begun to shine in our zenanas, and everything
is changed. Only get the hearts of our women,
and you will get the heads of our men; a
statement’ that is perfectly true, and encourag-
‘ingly prophetic. The mothers of India are the
‘chief supporters of the priests and creeds of
Hinduism; and if only the tide of their potent
influence can be turned and set in the Christian
direction, more will have been done for the
ultimate evangelization of India than by any
other agency whatever.
Among the many noble-minded women who
shave devoted themselves to the accomplish-
ment, if possible, of this important object, the
following few may be mentioned as represen-
tative examples:—Mrs. Mullens, wife of Dr.
Joseph Mullens, afterwards the honoured secre-
tary of the London Missionary Society; Mrs.
Sale, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs.’ Etherington, of the
Baptist Missionary Society; and as represen-
tative of the * Church of ‘England Zenana
Missionary. Society,’ Miss Tucker, so well
known in England as a gifted and graphic
writer, under the nom de plume of “ A..0-E.,â€
who went to Batala, resolved to die in the
service of the women of Punjab;. Miss Bland-
ford, who worked for twenty years in Trevan-
drum; and Miss Clay (Frances Ridley
Havergal’s chief friend), who, because of her
zealous, unremitting labours in this department
of missionary service, has been designated, the
* Mother of the Punjab village missions.â€
I cannot close this excursive sketch of the
work of women on the vast mission field of
Asia, without a concluding word concerning
another name, which, though mentioned. last,
is by no means least on the bede-roll of women
devoted heart and soul to the cause of Chris-
tian missions on that great continent. I allude
to Emily, wife of the Rev. James Gilmour, the
celebrated missionary in Mongolia. The his-
tory of Christian missions has not many finer
pages than the one that recounts the way-
farings and warfarings, the doings and endur-
ings of. this famous missionary couple; nor one
more full of touching proofs of what a good
woman can do in nerving the heart and sustain-
ing the hands of a husband engaged in such a
laborious and, apparently, hopeless enterprise
as that in which James Gilmour was engaged;
in endeavouring to lead the Mongols to embrace
the Christian faith and hope. Let anyone
carefully read that marvellously fascinating
book, Gilmour’s * Life among the Mongols,â€
where the husband details what he owed to the
sympathetic co-operation and unwearying assi-
duity of his wife, from the time of her marriage
to him, as Emily Prankard, in the year 1874,
to the time of her sad and lonely death, in the
month of September, 1885, and he will be ready
to confirm as true, the high panegyric passed
upon her by a recent writer, that ‘no more
devoted, brave, and sympathetic partner of his
life could Gilmour have found, if he ‘had
searched the world over.†;
We lose shat on ourselves we spend,
We have as treasure with out end,
Whatever Lord to Thee we lend,
Who gavest all.
Bishop IV ordsworth.
=o¢5] HAVE received from Miss Ethel
7es| Abercrombie a letter, dated Ning-
po, October 21st, 1899, which I
am sure will interest my readers.
| Miss Abercrombie writes :—
“Tt is always a great pleasure to me to get
City Church. Mrs. Ah Kying, whose husband
first heard the gospel through being nursed at
the hospital years ago, went with me.
# % * %
In China a lady is never supposed to go out
alone, especially if she is under fifty, and once
or twice I heard people along the r-ad asking
if I were sixteen or seventeen.
Apart from considering Chinese etiquette, I
was very glad of the company of. Mrs. Ah
Kying—she is a pretty, pleasant, little woman,
and is very anxious to serve God.
* * * *
After quite a long walk through the city, we
got to the house of a Mrs. Vaen, an enquirer.
When standing at the door, the passers-by
every month the “Echo,†and to read what
our other missionaries are doing. So I thought
you might. be pleased if I sent. you a ‘short
- description of the first afternoon I spent visit-
ing Church members. I had previously visited
the homes of one or two members, because of
having received an invitation.
But Monday, October 9th, was the first time
I had, without any invitation, set out to visit
the women-members, or enquirers, of our Ningpo
stared curiously at us, and would have felt no
compunction at following us in, if Mrs. Vaen
had not prevented them, by locking the door,
admitting only those she chose.
On looking round in the dim light—most
Chinese houses have very little light I think
—we seemed to be in a barn or granary—mud-
floor, and sacks full of grain. However, we were
not to stay there, which was, I afterwards found
‘out, their shop, but go upstairs. A Chinese
ite eat id
staircase, in a home like Mrs. Vaen’s, is a most
rickety concern; one is afraid of putting one’s
whole weight upon it. Over the shop was a
much nicer room, the usual Chinese four-
poster—a most massive piece of furniture—cup-
boards and boxes, in which clothes or other
valuables would be stored away.
In this room was Mrs. Vaen’s sister, her face
showing that she was ill and suffering. She
seemed very disappointed when I said I did not
know how to cure sick people. But to please
her, I wrote her a short note to take to the
City Chapel the following Wednesday, at nine
a.m., when the. doctor would be there to dis-
pense medicines.
While we were talking, Mrs. Vaen was bring-
ing us tea to drink, pears and pomegranates to
eat. Also boiled eggs, and a wonderful boiled
suet pudding with jam in it. She also offered
us most pressingly a long pipe to smoke, and
when we did not accept, kept smoking herself,
lighting the pipe five or six times, for the
bowl of a Chinese pipe is so tiny that one smoke
seems to be sufficient to exhaust the tobacco.
After I had eaten as much as I could, a neigh-
bour, who proved very interesting, came in;
she asked us to let her hear some of the Jesus
doctrine, so I read and explained some of John
iii. Then we sang, which seemed to please
them immensely. After that we left, giving
them all an invitation to go next Sunday to
* * *
The next house we entered was much larger,
and nicely furnished; they had a guest-room
in which to receive us. We did not seem to
make much impression, because the week pre-
viously a thief had come and taken away their
best clothes and winter bed-quilts, and so they
were full of, grief. They sent for a policeman,
but he would not come to examine the place
until they gave him money, and when he saw
they would -give him some, kept raising his
price. Despite this lady’s grief, she insisted
on our taking some refreshment, and we left
her, telling her to come to chapel in the clothes,
though poor-looking, which she had.
* * * *
After her we visited two other families; at
one the daughter was brought in to show me
how well she could read. A Christian tract in
Chinese characters, which they said Mr. Galpin
had introduced, she could read well; and also
knew alittle of our Romanized First Reader.
At the last home a boy belonging to a neigh-
bour came in, as if very proud to know me, and
called me by Miss Hornby’s. Chinese name.
The neighbours said, some time before, he had
. Mrs. Soothill writes:
been‘ ill, and refused to have any idolatrous
worship carried on for him. I found he had
learnt to trust'in God at our City Church day-
school. The little fellow, meaning to be very
polite to me, said ‘‘ he always remembered God
and me.†I verily think he thought part of the
“Jesus religion’? was to ‘believe in these
foreigners who came to preach it. When we
think how the Chinese naturally despise
foreigners, we see he was not wrong, for it is
decidedly part of the ‘‘ Jesus religion â€â€™ to carry
out the command: “ Honour all men.â€
In another part of this number will be found
an account of an episode in our High School at
Wenchow. It was written at the suggestion
of our esteemed superintendent—Rev. W. E.
Soothill—he thinking (correctly) that it might
increase the interest taken in his newest under-
taking by friends in England. We were always
assured that Mr. Soothill, in promoting the
higher education of the young men of Wen-
chow, would not overlook the highest. We are
glad to find that when he resisted the attack
that had been made on the purity of the school,
by tact, patience, and kindness he gained the
* % *
above communication,
“Tt seems to me this is
a year of hard fighting, in many ways, and with
far-reaching results. It is not easy, nor advis-
able, to write of our more serious conflicts, until
they are past. Persecutions, too, are frighten-
ing many, and well they may.
“Yet, in spite of the many absorbing cares,
we are still alive keenly to the state of things
in Europe. We look for the telegrams as
eagerly as we do for our home letters. Dreyfus,
the Transvaal, and the prospect of war, are
words as often on our lips as yours, perhaps.’
In forwarding the
In the “Free Methodist,’â€â€™ of November 30th,
some extracts appeared from a letter sent by
Rey. Charles Consterdine to his friend, Robert
Brewin. As my readers know, Mr. Consterdine,
by the death of Mr. Ormerod, and the necessary
return of Mr. Griffiths, is our‘ only European
missionary left in East Africa. But I hope’
that soon after ‘this publication is in my
readers’ hands, he will be joined by Mr.
Griffiths and Mr. Ratcliffe.
* * %
Mr. Consterdine says :—
“Seeing that our Churches and members are
s0 much more numerous in the Ribe District
than on the Tana River, I felt called upon
(after Mr. Ormerod’s death) to come down
hither, after mrking such provision-as would
enable me to leave Golbanti in the hands of
Shakala, our Galla: teacher. On coming down
to. Mombasa I felt very lonely at first, but one
or tworlittle business matters gave me an intro-
duction to the Church Missionary Society mis-
sionaries, and their doors were at once thrown
it will be somewhat of a trial if I have to»
return to Golbanti alone, but there must be
no Jonahs among us. I am endeavouring to
look over all our stations and out-stations, and
preaching where I spend the Sunday, so once
more I am getting changes of pulpits on these
days. I was pleased to find such a welcome
awaiting me at Ribe,
after an absence of a
year and eleven months,.
and such hearty greet-
ings and recognitions.
We have a very pro-
mising young mission
at Jibana, under the
care of a competent
young teacher. He is.
: “ there alone contending:
with the heathen dark-
ness.. He has a band of
seventy-five’ adherents;.
on the books, and a
daily attendance — of
thirty-four or thirty-
five at the services
This station is quite
worthy of a settled.
European. How I
should like to be placed:
there !â€
| YounG MEN.
“'To-me it seems a
great pity that more of
our young mien are not:
fired with a_ holy,
passionate enthusiasm
for our work on this
coast. The sphere is.
such a really missionary:
ones and would be so:
much more successful
if we were not ham-
pered by the lack of
men. It looks almost
as though our missions:
here. were a mere,
apology to the Lord,,
as if we were bound to
open to me. I made a point of visiting those
who had been so kind to Mr. Ormerod and
our people, and expressing my deep sense of
gratitude to them, including the ladies of Mom-
basa, the missionaries of Freretown, where Mr.
Ormerod is buried, and the ladies and gentle-
men at Rabai and Changombe. I feel now that
countenance in some
way his last. commis-:
sion to the Churches,
but for our own part we were prepared to do as:
little as possible. _ Much more might be done if we:
had, a few more men.â€
The report of Rev. James Proudfoot could:
not be considered at last meeting of the Mis-
ae ste
pI Nacaaapaiiineed Capa: eee
- booked to that town, as
sionary Committee. It was referred to an
important sub-committee, and will be dealt with
at next session. We cannot here discuss his
proposals for the future working of the Mendi-
land Mission, etc., but some information as to
past and present may be welcome.
* * *
There are thousarids of Mendis in Freetown.
Practically no Christian work has been done
amongst them, although Rev. J. D. Thompson
‘had attempted it, but, with little success at
first, but it is now improving. Mr. Proudfoot,
therefore, entered into communication with
George, the uncrowned king of the Mendis,
in Freetown, and was temporarily appointing
an agent who had long laboured in Mendiland.
In this work he hoped-to secure the active co-
operation of many young people not at present
actively engaged in Christian work.
* * 2
Mr. and Mrs. Proudfoot had been present at
the stone-laying of a new school in Murray
Town. Nearly £50 had been raised. As there
will be a deficiency on the- Building Fund, he
‘asks for the zinc roofing of the dismantled
Mission House at Tikonkoh, to be given to the
Murray Town friends. He thinks they well
deserve it.
* * *
Mr. King, of the Rotofunk iuission, which
was destroyed during the recent rising, is in-
sisting on the people re-erecting the churches
and schools, as a proof that they want the
missionaries to come back. His policy is suc-
cessful. Mr. Proudfoot approves of the stand
made, and says: “It is justice, not revenge.â€
* * *
Mr. Proudfoot, intending to visit Lagos,
found extra cost to Calabar very little, so
an old-established
Presbyterian Mission is located there. Several
varieties of industrial labour are carried on
there, so he made all possible enquiries. It con-
sists of carpentry, tailoring, baking, and print-
ing. A brisk trade is carried on. While he was
there, the King of Benin and his two wives at-
tended a service at the mission church. Mr.
Proudfoot adds: “His majesty evidently felt
the heat very much, judging from his scanty
* * *
Mr. Proudfoot proceeded up the river, where
he found an excellent day-school, under the
management of a Scotsman, the most enthu-
siastic missionary he ever met. Here he saw
the Zenana work, the hospital, and dispensary.
He and the missionary schoolmaster walked a
long way into the bush to see a school carried
on entirely by native converts.
At Lagos he collected £60 for the Truscott
Memorial. He saw many Free Methodists
there, one of whom was studying the “ Maga-
zine’ for the year 1881.
*% * *
Mr. T. T. Campbell, of Sierra Leone, has:
sent a communication concerning Angola Town
Sunday school, Freetown, and a photo. of the
scholars, which I here present. Mr. Campbell
says :—
* * *
‘Up to a very recent date, the Angola Town
Society, in the Freetown (North) circuit, was
merged with the Samaria Church, and, conse-
quently, the care of the larger Church so ab-
sorbed the energies of the circuit preacher, that
practically very little attention was paid to it.
The chapel is.situate in one of the outskirts.
of Freetown, a locality where, up to the present
time, heathen and superstitious practices still
inger., *
It is about half-an-hour’s walk from our
Mission House. Shortly after Mr. Proudfoot
anded in Sierra Leone, in 1897, as general
superintendent, the neglected condition of the
chapel and its members, appealed strongly to
him, and before long he was able to see that
there was good material for the making of a
healthy and useful Church.
Accordingly, after conferring on the subject
with some of the young men of the Samaria
Church, several of them volunteered to give
a helping hand, and immediately a Sunday
school was established, which has since proved
a centre of light and influence in the district.
The brother on the. left-hand corner of the
group is the superintendent of the school, Mr-
G. B. Campbell, whose untiring labour is mani-
fest in the results which have appeared. He is
nobly assisted by Messrs. Leigh, Dixon, and
Macaulay. There are now in the books a little
more than a hundred names, with an average
attendance of between seventy and eighty.
Not only in the school is there improvement,
but the congregation, the tone of worship, and
the every-day life of the members have also
considerably improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Proudfoot have a warm and
special interest in the work at Angola Town,
and at the last Annual Juvenile Missionary
Meeting, in October, Mrs. Proudfoot gave an
address to a large number of the children, who
are contributing their own quota to the glorious
woik of hastening Messiah’s Kingdom. Thus,
after all, we have now at Angola Town the
promise of a strong and useful Church, which
will speedily be realized when the general
superintendent is able to effect the wishes of
the people in having a substantial building
erected.†» Bey
I give, this month, the portrait of Rev, John
Mather, who entered the ministry in 1844, and
during the active period of his life laboured
with the greatest zeal and diligence in all
departments of ‘circuit-service. He is now
enjoying well-earned retirement, in which, how-
ever, he is glad to render help whenever and
wherever he can. He was President of the
Annual Assembly in 1869.
EARTILY and. earnestly do we
wish you a ‘“ Happy New Year.â€
May you be happy in the rela-
in the conditions of your service ;
and happy in a daily vivid sense
of the nearness and favour of God. If these
three things ‘be yours, then—
The changes that are sure to come
You will not fear to see.
The new year will mark a memorable epoch in
the history of humanity—the beginning of the
“Twentieth Century of the Christian Era!â€
The nineteenth century will ever be memorable
as the birth era of Modern Christian Missions.
Our motto in the new century must be “ For-
In the history of our own missions, the
closing year of the nineteenth century will
stand out as one of severe and tragic losses.
Both faith and hope have been severely tried.
We must not forget the words of Holy Writ—
“Blessed is the man (and the Church) that
endureth trial!†Let us neither faint nor
become weary. Never in our history did we
more need both strenuous payer, and generous
giving, than now! Now is a great opportunity
to show our faith in Christ, and our passionate
loyalty to the extension of His Kingdom in all
the world.
During the past few years the President has
requested our circuits to set apart a special
Sunday as “ Missionary Sunday,’ to be fol-
lowed by several days of “self-denial†and
prayer. We rejoice to know that it is the
intention of our present one—Rev. J. C.
Brewitt—to cultivate this good custom. He is,
we believe, going to address a circular to each
circuit, asking them to set apart the first Sun-
day in February as “‘ Missionary Sunday.†It
is our earnest hope that all our circuits will
‘honour the request of the President. In’ view
tionships of your life; happy in-
of the “ Twentieth Century Fund,†the Presi-
dent does not, as we understand, intend to
suggest a week of self-denial.
In a letter recently to hand from Dr. Swal-
low, there is an item of special interest in
relation to Miss Abercrombie. He says:—
‘Miss Abercrombie has had her yearly exam-
ination. She has gone through the same course
of study as that prescribed for the Church.
Missionary Society. Candidate must read
Gospel of St. John in the Chinese characters ;
the first two chapters of the “Sacred Edict’ ;
and be able to translate both into English.
She passed a highly creditable examination.â€
We do not wonder that the Doctor should
add:—‘ If strength and health be continued
to her, she will make a most efficient mis-
sionary.†Our own hope is that our dear
friend will render splendid service among the
women of China. Do not let us ever forget
Miss Abercrombie in our prayers.
As a Missionary Society, we are singularly
fortunate in our staff of missionaries, in view
of the special kind of work which has to be
There is reason to believe that Mr. and Mrs.
Sharman, and Miss Holgate have safely arrived
at their destination, and had a _ pleasant
Good health obtains on both our China
Stations. Mr. Soothill and Dr. Hogg are
“going full steam ahead.â€
Reys. J. B. Griffith, and B. J. Ratcliffe, will
(D.V.) have sailed ere these notes will reach
our readers. All arrangements are made for
them to start en route for Ribe on the 15th
inst. (December). It will be a pathetic return
for our dear brother, Mr. Griffiths.. His words
to the Committee were:—‘‘It would be a
greater sacrifice for me to remain in England
than to return to Hast Africa.’ May all our
Churches be baptized with this holy spirit of
sacrifice. Mr. Ratcliffe is, we believe, a mis-
sionary born; our hope of him is great. May
God give him health and grace. We must
pray for these two brethren specially.
After long and anxious consideration, the
Special Committee ‘appointed to consider the
case of Rev. C. H. Goodman and his return
to West Africa, it has decided in favour of his
returning. The doctor’s report of Mr.
Goodman’s health was as against his going and
in favour of his return, almost evenly balanced.
He pointed out: that'there was great peril in
epee RAE RT
ees ~
Mr. Goodman’s continuing in this country,
peril arising from his throat and chest. On the
other hand, the peril to be faced in returning
was, very great. If Mr. Goodman could render
for a short period some special service, and was |
prepared to accept the risks, having them
pointed out to him, there might in that be
some fair ground for his again going to the
_ West Coast.
Mr. Goodman not only is prepared to accept
the risk, but requested to be allowed to return.
On his arrival, he and. the general superin-
tendent, Rev. J. Proudfoot, are to visit Mendi-
town, when it will be near the time for Mr.
Proudfoot to come to England on furlough, and
in his absence Mr. Goodman will remain in
charge of our West African Station.
All being well, Mr. Goodman will sail on
the 20th inst., and by the time this record is
read, he will be far on his way to the land and
people he loves so passionately. He will, we
are sure, be followed by the prayers of our
whole Denomination.
We are proud to report that the Ladies’
land together, make a survey of the country,
gain all possible information as to how far the
people are in a settled state after the war,
fix on suitable towns for mission centres, and
present a joint report to the Missionary Com-
mittee, before any definite steps are taken to
re-establish the work so splendidly commenced
by the late general superintendent—Rev. W.
Vivian, F.R.G.S.—and afterwards carried for-
ward, up to the time of the war, by our heroic
friend, Rev. C. H. Goodman.
After Mr. Proudfoot and Mr. Goodman have
made their survey, both are to return to Free-.
Missionary Auxiliaries of the Leeds and Brad-
ford district have done splendid service durmg
their first year’s life. (1) They have contri-
buted some £13 9s. to the East Africa Famine
Relief Fund; (2) more than £100 in goods to
West Africa Bazaar, to be held in Freetown
early in the new year, the proceeds to. be
equally divided between the new Truscott
Memorial Church, and the re-establishment of
the Mendi Mission; and (3) some £13 in cash
for the same objects. To Mrs. Vivian, Mrs.
Grimshaw, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Vickridge, Mrs.
Abercrombie, Miss Gaunt, and the noble band
- cannot, therefore, have their
of ladies who have supported them so splen-
didly, every praise is due. The treasurer and
myself, on behalf of, the Committee, thank them
most heartily.
We are delighted to know that in Manchester
and Nottingham Districts, Auxiliaries are being
formed. ;
Rochdale is working well, we are delighted
to hear. The help of all is most urgently
needed. Both at home and abroad, the claims
are urgent.
The Missionary Committee have had their
attention called to the sad condition of the
graves of our sainted missionaries in East
Africa. Steps are being taken to have these
sacred ‘“‘resting-places †fittingly cared for, and
a simple monument erected. 7
Our good friend, Rev. W. Yates, has taken
this work up with great kindness and hearti-
ness, and we respectfully ask all our missionary
friends to read his letter on this subject * the
“Free Methodist,’ of December 28th, and to
render such help as may be required.
=| EK have just had an important battle
in our Wenchow High School.
It has been a long, tough fight,
lasting a week, and some of us
have been watching the contest
with anxiety. We knew that
our side would win; what troubled us was,
what the victory was going to cost us—possibly
the loss of several pupils. When Mr. Soothill
came into the house this morning, after con-
ducting school prayers, and told me the rebels
had gracefully capitulated, I felt like crying:
“Hurrah!†What I did say was, “ Thank
No carnal weapons have been used in this
“passage of arms, nor have broken limbs been
the outcome. But the conflict has been none
the less real for all that. The fight has been
a sharp moral battle; the belligerents, some
of the school pupils; the casus belli,’ ungentle-
manly language and conduct.
Now, our pupils are mostly young men, and
“jackets dustedâ€
in the orthodox way; hence, the masters are
shut up to one method of dealing with them—
that referred to by St. Paul, when he said:
“JT persuade men.â€
Compared with English boys, the youths of
China labour under many disadvantages. One
of these is, they are not taught to keep their
lips. clean. Brought up in an atmosphere
tainted with impurity, no wonder that, under
a polished exterior, often lurks an unclean
mind. Fear of becoming Christians in spite
of themselves, deters many from entering the
school: but while there is no religious com-
pulsion, yet good conduct is @ sine qua non of
remaining there.
The trouble began in this way. A young
fellow called ‘“‘ Abounding Fragrance †had writ-
ten words, which certainly were not fragrant,
about a fellow-pupil called ‘‘ Abounding
Ability.†In fact, if there were any truth in
the statements made, Abounding Ability’s
character was gone entirely, and it would be .
necessary to expel him from the school.
The incriminating document, clever, and
written in old-fashioned characters, took the
form of a proclamation, which began some-
thing ‘like this :—
“T, Djiae, imperially appointed to the 10th
rank, rewarded with the chicken’s feather,
appointed to the command of the ragamufin
troops’’—and here my information fails, for
the rest was not deemed suitable for repetition.
Now, Djiae is the surname. of Abounding
Ability; as a matter of fact, there are only
nine ranks in China, therefore, he was one
better than the best; and the Emperor usually
bestows peacock’s plumes, not chicken’s. It
was “ the rest’ of the document which gave the
real offence.
Abounding Ability is the head of the school,
and as such was the object of envy to
Abounding Fragrance, who is really . the
cleverer of the two, and whom, amongst our-
selves, we always call “‘ the bonny boy,†because
of his good looks and gentlemanly bearing.
Abounding Ability managed to seize the docu-
ment before it was promulgated, and after
showing it to the native master, brought it, in
great distress, to Mr. Soothill, at the same
time earnestly protesting his innocence of the
implications contained therein.
Not only for Abounding Ability’s sake, but
also for the credit of the school, it was felt that
this matter must be probed to the bottom, and
made the fulcrum on which to raise the whole
moral tone of the school. ‘Needless to say, even
as the school is at present, the atmosphere is
far purer than that of an ordinary native
charge to eradicate every debasing element,
and make the institution such, that worthy
Chinese parents may rejoice in the opportunity
of sending their sons to a school of high moral
tone. As a native of some experience said a
little time ago :—
“Tf the atmosphere of this school can be
But it is the deep desire of those in |
shown to be better than the ordinary schools,
well-to-do parents will jump at the privilege of -
sending their sons here; for, at present, the
opium-pipe, gambling, and vice, form the net
in which the gilded youth of China so easily
become enmeshed when away from parental
On being questioned, Abounding Fragrance
acknowledged that he had written the pro-
clamation, stated that it had been done in fun,
and that the aspersions on Aboundin
Ability’s character were absolutely unfounded.
He was seriously reasoned with, expressed his
contrition, and offered to make an apology in
the usual form of a feast. This it was felt
was not desirable. A demand was made of
him that he should, before the whole school,
acknowledge the untruthfulness of the state-
ments, and apologize to Abounding Ability.
This he did not consent to do, and on his being
called up at prayers next morning to apologize,
he declined ‘to do it in satisfactory terms. He
was given twenty-four hours, when, if he were
still recalcitrant, his father was to be called
in. In the meantime, three more young fellows
came to interview Mr. Soothill, and to acknow-
ledge themselves as being participators in the
composition of the document; one of them, a
nice young fellow, and a candidate for baptism.
All expressed themselves as being very much
ashamed of it; and willing to join in apolo-
Next morning (to-day), after the scripture
lesson, all four of the young men, including
Abounding Fragrance, voluntarily arose from
their seats, and apologized to the heads of the
school, both foreign and native, and to Abound-
ing Ability, who, it may be said, had, in the
meantime, besought that the matter might not
be pressed home severely.
Mr. Soothill then took the opportunity of
earnestly exhorting the students to ia higher
purity of speech and character, urging them :
to make the school such that it would be an
honour to say in the future, “I was educated:
there,’ and that merely to have been a scholar .
there would, in itself, be a sufficient diploma of
good character. Whereupon, one of the pupils
(the candidate for baptism) jumped up, and
asked that a rule might be made forbidding
unbecoming talk. They were urged that this
would be most effectually accomplished by
taking the law into their own hands, shaming
any transgressor out of his impropriety.
Then Abounding Fragrance stepped forward,
and begged that the offending document. might
be given back to him. But, instead thereof,
Mr. Soothill obtained a light, and there, in the
presence of them all, reduced it to.ashes,
The students showed themselves much im-
pressed by what had been said, and earnest
prayer was offered that this unfortunate episode
might turn out to the ultimate benefit of both
school and scholars. a
CHAPTER I.—Coats oF Fire,
;|T was the most oppressive part of the
tropical day, and Trevelyan lay in
‘the depths of a long-armed. cane
chair under the verandah of the
mission house. He was thinking.
about. ‘things which brought an
anxious look into his face.
For many days past, returned carayan porters
had been telling about a native chief who. had a
quarrel with the Europeans; they said he had
gathered his warriors, and then there had been
smoke and fire, and the cranch of, the clubs in the
early morning. These tales, of course, grew as
they sped from mouth to mouth, and by the time
they got to'Trevelyan’s ears it was impossible to.
say how much of truth and how much. of false-
hood were-mingled.. But where there was wishua
(husk) there must have been the corn. ,
A letter had come that morning from Mombasa.
It contained official information concerning one
Mabruki; a chief of a Swahili tribe at Melindi,
who, by certain acts of disloyalty, had outlawed
himself, and was now proclaimed a rebel. He had
mustered a considerable number. of discontented
natives, and was on the war-path. They were
marching southward, destroying the crops, killing
all who resisted them, and setting villages on fire.
The wasikari of Lamu, under the leadership of an ,
English. officer, were following, and it was con-
fidently believed that the progress of the rebels
would soon be arrested, the ringleaders captured
and put upon their trial, The main cause of
present alarm was the restlessness of many of the
local Swahilies, and the fear was expressed lest
these might join issue with the advancing rebels.
It had, therefore, been thought desirable by the
East African Company to send wasikari from
Mombasa to guard each mission station, and police
the neighbourhood. The contingent for Behari
would, in all probability, arrive in the course of a
few days. : naked:
. As Trevelyan thought over the possibilities of
the near future, a sensation of impending danger
came over him. He turned his eyes from the
paper and gazed at the shambas of ripening mahindi.
If all this harvest should-be.laid desolate by a
relentless foe, it would mean long. months of
starvation for the people under. his carc.
The shimmering heat was upon all things, and
the sun seemed fiercer than ever. By-and-by the
scene grew less distinct, and the silence of the early
afternoon more profound. *Then, in spite of the
disquieting news, the strong manslept. The letter
slipped from his nerveless fingers and fell upon
the cemented pavement.
When the sun had nearly run half-way down
Dy VN) va
toward the horizor, he stirred in his chair and
opened his eyes. A slight movement in the leaves
‘of the cocoanut trees, and an undefined sound
from the native huts were the only signs of reviving
life. Presently, a little yellow palm-bird, clinging
to the dependent neck of its bottle-shaped nest,
fluttered its wings. A black object bobbed up'and
down among the stalks of rice—it was a woman
“T have sinned pmostey
with her water-pot upon her head going to the
well. The missionary saw these things and heard
these sounds with that languid curiosity which
sometimes accompanies awakening. But he was
fully aroused by the sound of slouching footsteps on
the path which ran alongside the house. By the
time he pulled himself up in his chair, a mission girl
made her appearance and cried, ‘“ Hodi!â€
Permission was given to
approach, and with a half
shamed look the girl came
“Well, Fanny, what is
your business with me?â€
inquired Trevelyan. “What
is the reagon you are not
busy grinding for the even-
ing meal ?â€
“The corn was made
into flour this morning.
bwana, and Monje has gone
for the water. The child-
ren will not hunger.â€
“ Ngema!†was the mis-
sionary’s reply. He guessed
she had come to beg for
some favour, and waited
for her words,
“You said some strange
things at sikitint (service
this morning, bwand,â€
asserted the girl.
“ What were they ?â€
“You told us that Isa
said we must love our
enemies. It ishard for the
hen to loye the hawks which
swoop down and pick the
bones of its living chicks !â€
Trevelyan was not at all
surprised to hear her utter
‘these words. Of all the
children and yonng people
on the mission station there
was none more thoughtful,
none who seemed to have
a better understanding of
the spirit of the teaching
of the Book than Fanny.
“You. are right, child!â€
was his agreement. “ But
are not the sons of Adam better things than hens
or hawks.â€
“True, bwana! But if a man has the spirit
of the hawk, is it not harder to love him?â€
She did not wait for an answer to this poser
Almost in the same breath she made her
request. ‘ Bwana, you are good to everybody!
I want you to give mea bag of mahindi,†she
said, and there was a tone of confidence in her
With his mind still a little beclouded by the
mists of sleep, Trevelyan, at first, could see no
pasgible connection between her inquiry concerning
the wcrds of Isa and her request for a quantity of
Ind an corn. He looked at her, as she stood in all
the ibloom of her early womanhood ; his eyes
caug ht sight of a large scar on her left cheek, and
he thought he had found the connection. Then
Fanny endured a sharp cross-examination.
“Why do you want any mahindi ? You are one
of the mission children! You know you always
get whatever quantity is needed for the kitchen.â€
“That is true, bwuna !â€
““Tell’me, then, why you ask for a bag of
“T do not want it for myself,’ answered the
girl, who was be ginning to get somewhat confused.
iT want it for some one else.†:
* You should hayes said so at first! I do not
know if I can give it to you! You must tell me
who sent you to beg on their behalf.â€
“Nay, bwana, no one sent me. I came because
I knew you were so good. I want it for—â€
“Do not fear, little one! Speak ott!â€
Trevelyan, when she hesitated.
“T want it for James Faraji.â€
Trevelyan had been right in his surmise, and
although Fanny knew it not, that was a moment
of great joy to the white man.
“But where is he ?â€
“He came into Behari this morning. I was
grinding in the shadow as he passed by the kitchen.
He did not see me. I knew by the way he walked
his feet were full of thorns, and .a look of sorrow
was dwelling in his face.â€
“Do you forget how Faraji played the fool
three moons ago 7 Do you know that he who plays
the fool must pay the fools penalty ?â€
“Kweli (that is true). But when the penalty
has been paid, is there nothing afterwards?â€
“Do you forget,†inquired ‘the missionary,
putting her to a terrible test, “how Faraji defied
me, and would not leave the temo alone ?â€
“T do not forget, bwana!â€
You must know, Fanny, how when I put
morafukw on native drink, he went to heathen
Behari, and came back almost unable to walk.â€
“T know, bwana!â€
You know how he refused to apologize for
disobeying me. I was then compelled to suspend
him from his duties as fwndi (teacher), or else the
child ren would learn the same evil ways.â€
‘He did wrong—great wrong!â€
And do you still wish me to give him food,
Fanny ?â€
“Tis face told me how the hyenas of hunger
and sorrow were biting him.â€
* Well, supposing Es am willing to forgive him so
far as to give him food, have you forgotten how he-
tried to get his sweetheart to become a heathen
with him?†°
“T could not go! I told him I was achild of the
Book, and would die one.â€
“Do you forget when you went to the well for
water how, mad with ¢embo, he beat you because
you would not go with him? Have you forgotten
how he dashed you against the rock, and made
that ugly mark on your cheek ?â€
A slight tremor passed over her, but she
replied, ‘I have forgotten! Ido not know!â€
“Put your hand to your cheek, Fanny, and tell
me again you .have forgotten,’ commanded
Trev ely an, who could only admire her. “Do you
know you said, you would remember as long as the
scar remained ?â€
* Bwana, I often say words the winds should
carry away! I know he hurt me once, but now I
have forgotten! Did you not say, this morning
at sikitind, that it was easy to forgive when the
heart was soft ?â€
Trevelyan had no direct reply to make. . She
had.bravely stood her trial, and he had already
determined to give the returned prodigal food na
shelter. Moreover, there were qualities even in
Faraji which he admired But there was just one
more test for Fanny.
“Listen well to what I say! I cannot allow
you, a child of the Book, to marry a heathen, or
one who only comes tothe white man for mahinds
and mfusi.â€
“T will never ask you to make me the wife of
Faraji until he is in heart a child of the Book.â€
“ How will you be able to tell, Fanny ?â€
We shall know, bwana.â€
Searcely had she finished speaking when a
shadow fell upon the blotch of sunlight which lit
up the verandah. The cause turned. out to be
James Faraji. The only words he said were:
“ Nimekosi, bwana (1 have raha. master).â€
Trevelyan gazed at him for a while without
speaking, and then, suddenly and sharply, asked,
“Why haye you come to me?â€
“ Because, bwana, the roughness of the lion
with his whelps is more tender than the lové of
the hyena!â€
Themissionary fancied there was the whole history
of the prodigal son contained in Faraji’s answer. His
heart softened, although for a time he kept up the
mask. of: roughness.
“That will do now, Fanny! I will think about
what you want me to do. I want to talk to James
about some very important things. Go now, and
tell Kapala not to allow anyone to: disturb us.
Follow me, fundi, to my room!â€
Then Fanny said, Yuaheri, and James and the
missionary entered the house. Before the setting
of the sun, the children knew that their former
fund would be at school next day.
‘1 LMOST from the commencement of
the ‘‘ Missionary Echo,†I have
provided you with a “ Children’s
Page †every month, for I was an-
xious to interest you in mission-
aries and missions. I do not
intend to give up this endeavour; but, instead
of one page a month, I will give you two pages,
and call them the “ Children’s Portion.†Al-
lowing myself this space, I hope to be able to
tell you much about the work that has been
done, and is being done, by other missions and
our own. As is natural and right, I will com-
mence with our own Society and its work. Our
oldest mission is
This is an island in the West Indies, which
has been in the. possession of England since
1655. It is more than half the size of Wales.
It as very hilly; and the Blue Mountains, which
run across it from east to ‘west, rise to the
height of 7,300 feet. Snowdon, the highest
mountain in England and Wales, is not half
so high. In our country, preachers go to their
appointments by walking, or cycling, or by
railway. Jamaica is so hilly that preachers
all go to their country appointments on horse-
back. The climate. of Jamaica is . healthy
-amongst the hills, but not so on the coast. The
inhabitants of Jamaica are chiefly black, or
coloured people, and they were mostly slaves
till 1833, when they were all emancipated
(that is, made free) by an Act of Parliament.
The- English people paid twenty millions of
pounds to purchase their freedom.
Our connexion (as a religious body) com-
menced with Jamaica. in 1838, and we have
kept sending missionaries there from time to
time. Some were unable to bear the climate,
and returned home; but our oldest missionary
there, Rev. W. Griffiths, went out in 1860, and
he is there now. Rev. Richard Abercrombie,
after a short, but earnest, ministry in the
Island, died there in 1897.. Some of our mis-
sionaries have been struck by the difference of
‘the Jamaican and English customs. One
thought it strange to hold a missionary meeting
in midday, and to see people come bare foot to
‘church, but put on their shoes and stockings
before they entered it; not like Moses, to whom
it was said: “ Put off thy shoes from off thy
feet, for the place on which thou standest is
‘holy ground.â€
We have no book giving the history of our
vmissions in Jamaica, though something may be
learned of it in my “ Historic Sketches of Free
Methodism,†and in past volumes of the “ Mis-
sionary Echo.†A few anecdotes of Jamaica
may be welcome:
Soon after Rev. William Griffith went to
Jamaica, he had an appointment to preach
at a chapel on the top ofa hill called Come See.
When he got to. the chapel there was nobody
there, but he “went into the pulpit and sat
down. Soon the door was partly opened, and a
black: face looked in, but not for long. Its
owner went beneath a tree, lifted a piece of
iron, and then began to strike lusty blows on
the rim of a cart-wheel that was hung over
one of the branches. Mr. Griffith went out,
and asked him why he was making that horrid
din, and was told, “ Massa, I’se de chapel-
keeper. We have no clocks or watchés up at
Come See, so de people neber come till dey
know de minister has come. So, when he
comes,-I ring’de bell.’ When Mr Gr-ffith
looked, he saw the people coming ‘up ‘the hill
from all sides, and soon he preached to a guol
A few years ago, Rev. Richard Chew. and
Rev. John Myers were sent as a deputation to
Jamaica. In the “ Life of Mr. Chew,†written by
his friend Rev. E. Boaden, we have an account
of a journey Mr. Chew made in the ‘ hill coun-
try’ of Jamaica. Early one morning, he went
two miles to catch a:’bus. He rode down the
mountain-side just as the sun was rising, and
the mists were rolling away from the moun-
tain-peaks, and enjoyed it much. He met the
‘bus, but found riding in it not by any means
pleasant. | The horses were refractory—they
would not pull. .The driver stopped, and gave
them a feed of corn—they would not pull then.
He lashed them with his whip; but the coach-
man’s whip was as ineffectual as his corn.
Whenever there was a rise in the ground they
came to a dead stand: Mr. Chew became
anxious and uneasy. He was afraid he would
miss the train for Kingston. The horses did
not care. The passengers, to relieve the horses,
walked up the hills, but even that was not
- enough. At one of the steepest they had all
to get out and push. This reminds me of a
coach in our country, where all the seats were
alike, yet there were first, second, and third
class passengers. Some one asked the coach-
man what was the difference. ‘Oh! you'll
find out,†he said. They did. When they
came to a hill, the driver shouted: “ First-class
passengers keep your seats; second-class get.
out and walk; third-class get out/and push!â€
In Jamaica, with stubborn horses, all the pas-
sengers are dealt with as if they were third-
class. If they want to go to the end of their
journey, they must “ get out and push.â€
The West Indies are subject to terrible
storms of wind. William Cowper, writing long
before slavery was abolished, put the following
words into the mouth of an African :—
Is there, as you sometimes tell us,
Is there One who reigns on high ?
Did He bid you buy and sell us,
Speaking from His throne the sky ?
and answers the question thus :—
He foreseeing what vexation
Afric’s sons should undergo,
Fixed their tyrants habitation
Where His whirlwinds answer, No!
One dreadful hurricane visited Jamaica on
the night of August 18th, 1880. | All our
chapels in Jamaica—with the exception of the
one. in Kingston—were either damaged or
destroyed. - We lost seventeen chapels that
terrible night. Rev. James Roberts, who has
recently returned to England, was staying that
night at the house of one of the native minis-
ters. When the wind was fiercely howling, Mr.
Roberts suggested that all in the house should
go into the basement story (or cellar), This
was thought a prudent step, and it proved very
providential, for they had not long been there
when the wind overturned all the buildings
above ground. Had they kept where they
had been, they might all have lost their lives.
Friends in England raised money to help the
Jamaicans—they are very poor—to rebuild
their chapels. In 1880 we had twenty-nine
chapels and preaching-rooms in Jamaica, now
we have forty-four. ‘“ Bear ye one another's
burdens, and thus fulfil the law of Christ.â€
The next mission of which I will tell you is
I take this, not because it was the next to be
established, but because it is connected with
Bocas del Toro—which means the Bull’s
Mouth—is in the Republic of Colombia, in
Central America, or, more properly, South
America. The territory now known by this
name was formerly a Spanish Colony, called
New Granada. The people grew uneasy of the
Spanish yoke, and, after struggling’ for eight
years, became independent of Spain in 1819.
The Republic is nine times as large as England
and Wales put together, and has a population
of four millions of souls. Bocas del:Toro stands
on a little island called Columbus, at the mouth
of an island sea, callad Chiriqui Lagoon. An-
other station, called Old Bank, lies opposite
to it, on Provision Island: A smaller island,
called Careening Cay, lies between them. Free
Methodism was planted there by Mr. Samuel
E. Browne, who went out from Jamaica as a
school-teacher. He began to preach at Bocas,
and gathered a small congregation: A church
was formed, and hebecame its minister. Their
numbers increased, and his labours told very
powerfully on the moral condition of the people.
He identified himself with our Connexion,
issued our quarterly tickets, and complied with
our usages. In 1870 he visited Kingston, with
the consent of the church; he stayed a few
months, and, in the following year, was received
as a minister by the Jamaica District Meeting.
On his return the people erected a church, in
which he ministered until his health failed,
and he became incapacitated for the discharge
of his duties. His name first appeared on the
Minutes of Assembly for 1871, and it was regu-
larly continued till 1883, when it could no
longer appear by reason of death. The Minutes
for that year record his death, but no particu-
lars of his life are given. After he ceased to
preach, the services at Bocas and’ Old Bank
were continued by local preachers he had
trained, and by coloured ministers sent by
Jamaica District Meeting. In 1893 a new
departure was made. Rev. Jamés Proudfoot,
who is now superintendent of our missions in
Sierra Leone, was‘ appointed to Bocas del Toro.
He laboured hard, and successfully. In 1896
he was joined by Rev. Thomas Halliwell, whose
course was brief, bright, and beautiful. On his
death, Rev. John Chinn was appointed to
Bocas, and he labours there now. May he
have great’ success.
Thomas Hood, in his celebrated poem, “ The
Song of the Shirt,†has these words :—
Work, work, work,
As prisoners work for crime.
That is how they punish crime in Bocas del
Toro. The criminals mend the roads, and en-
gage in other useful labours. A Band of Hope
was formed when Mr. Proudfoot was there.
So many signed the pledge and behaved .so
well that the roads got dreadfully out of repair.
At length one poor fellow broke his pledge,
and misconducted himself. He was. sentenced
to work on the roads, and had to serve a
much longer term than was usual, so that. the
roads might be made all right ere he was
released. If Justice is blind in Bocas, at least
it is wide awake.
Once, when Mr. Proudfoot was about to build
a chapel, the judge offered to sentence some rascals
to work on it, but the offer was declined with
thanks, i
“IN Norwich a society at New City
has adopted an excellent and suc-
cessful method of serving the sick
in. that locality. The Missionary
Committee, by its secretary and
members, collected, week by week,
books and flowers for distribution in the hospi-
tals, and in the necessitous districts of the city.
In one year 1,600 books were so distributed,
and were highly appreciated by the recipients
in the homes and hospitals. The secretary
reports that this home missionary work is
attended with happy results to all concerned,
and suggests that other societies might work
with equal advantage.on these, or similar lines.
The Calder Vale District Union has held its
quarterly conference in our Brighouse Chapel
(Park)—Rey. A. Pry presided in “the afternoon,
and a paper on “ Patience, Purity, and Peace,’
was read by Miss L. Lord, of Greetland. The
paper was followed by a free parliament.
public meeting and consecration service was
held in the evening, presided over by Rev.
D. R. Lewis, addresses being given by Revs.
J. B. Robinson and T. M. Rees.
Rey. J. E. Leigh, one of our ministers in
Sierra Leone, purposes starting a Christian
Endeavour Society for the native Christians at
York, in that district. Mr. Leigh says that
they have a fair number of young people reli-
giously disposed, and he thinks that this society
will help them in many ways to be more useful
to the Churches. The materials for forming a
society have been sent to this missionary in the
Dark Continent; and we, in the homeland,
should pray for the success of his work.
“The importance of little things,†is a
favourite and stock phrase. It has received
recently peculiar illustration in connection
with an Endeavour Society in the Isle of Man.
Some months ago, a member gave to each mem-
ber of the society a penny—to trade with for
the benefit of foreign missions. The results
were gratifying, and the methods of trade quite
unique. One member purchased a pennyworth
of tea, and invited three friends to the cheer-
ing cups, who, in recognition of hospitality, paid
the hostess 8d. With this, she purchased an
apron, which she sold for a shilling. Continu-
ing to trade on these lines, this member handed
in, eventually, seven shillings and threepence.
Two members went into partnership, and
traded in egg-cups, an alliance which produced
£2 8s. for the mission fund. A junior member.
invested her penny in ‘sweets, and ‘her penny
grew to Is. 9d. Another bought flowers, and
who was not of a commercial turn, practised
self-denial in‘ the matter of luxuries, and sub-
returned a considerable amount.
scribed 5s. To crown all, the original donor:
of the pennies doubled the amounts returned
by the rest, and foreign missions will benefit
by this ingenious effort to the extent of £9.
The Walton Young People’s Society of
Christian Endeavour, Liverpool, held its sixth
anniversary on Sunday and Monday. The pastor
—Rev. H. H. Wilson, B.A.—conducted the
Sunday evening service. The following day
a public meeting was held, Mr. J. Pemberton,
president of the society, in the chair; addresses
on suitable topics being given by Revs. R.
Lewis and J. Watkin.
Hanham Society has celebrated its sixth an-
niversary with encouraging results. Sermons
were preached on Sunday by Rev. J. B. Good-
hand, the afternoon service being sustained by
the Junior society. At the public meeting on
Monday, Rev. W. J. Clarke presided, and a
stirring address was given by the well known
evangelical clergyman of Bristol—Rey. F. J.
Horsefield. This society continues to render
good service to the Church and the community.
Mrs. Clarke; wife of the founder of the
Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavour,
has been talking quietly and earnestly to the
class of persons known to most of you, iLe.,
those who say: Nobody wants them. They
come to church, and nobody speaks to them.
To these complaints Mrs. Clarke responds :—
“Do you give anyone a chance to speak to
you? Do you ever offer to do any little service
for the Church?†Following these pointed
enquiries, the speaker proceeds. to say :—
“There is a place somewhere in your Church’
for you; there is work for you to do; find the
work, and the place, and do the service faith-
fully, and
and you will soon move out of Grumble Street.â€
you will be too busy and happy to |
be lonely. Then look out for some other back- |
seat occupant, and get them to do something,
That it will come we all know, but what we
want to realize is that the good time coming |
will be sooner or later, according to the extent |
you endeavour to bring it.
ber that the prayer is vague,, and void of |
meaning or blessing, unless we are doing some: |
thing for ‘Christ. - It is service that makes |
praying: real. I
Will secretaries kindly respond at once to the |
application for the Annual Affiliation subscrip-)
tion of one shilling?
Let us each remem- |
As yet the trembling year is unconfirmed, .
And Winter oft at eve resumes the breeze.— Thompson,
OU have read, probably, how cruel
and merciless Chinese pira es are;
small wonder, therefore, that
when they are caught, the Chinese
Government allows them neither
pity, nor trial. Many years ago,
sixty pirates were captured, and brought into
Wenchow by a Revenue cruiser, upon which
they were, every one, beheaded the same day,
without even a pretence at a trial.
A Wenchow woman, whom I know, has told
me how her own father was killed by pirates.
The boat he was travelling in was attacked by
them, and in order to get rid of the unfortunate
passengers, they were all thrown into the sea.
As this man could not swim, he attempted to
save his life by clinging to the sides. of the
boat, whereupon the terrible ~ sea-robbersՉۉ۪ (as
the Chinese call them) chopped off his hands, .
to compel him to loosen his hold, and he sank.
Indeed, so daring are Chinese pirates that at
times they have even attacked English steam-
ships. I well remember, eight years ago, seeing
a large English stcamer called the “ Namoa,â€â€™
which, shortly before, had a terrible brush with
these ‘‘monsters of the deep.†A gang of
them—some but recently out of prison—took
passage on board the “Namo>†from Hong-
Kong to Shanghai. When at a safe distance up
the coast they arose, and while the officers were
seated at tiffin, shot the captain, the chief
mate, engineer, and one passenger, dead: They
were then practically in possession of the ship,
and proceeded to rob the treasure. When they
had got all they cared about they (as theyâ€
thought) completely disabled the engines of the
“Namoa,†and then decamped inland. But.
they forgot that a steamer can sail as well as
steam, and enough of the ship’s company were
left to repair the damaged machinery, and take
the ‘““Namoa†speedily back to Hong-Kong.
Retribution was soon on their track, and in a
short time sixteen of them were captured by
the British gunboat “ Linnet,†and—the rest
is not pleasant reading. English gunboats
have done much towards freeing Chinese waters
of these dreaded pests, but much remains to
be done, not only in our neighbourhood, but.
I have been spending the hot weather at a
“dear little, peaceful cottage by the sea, where -
at least we escape both the turmoil and smells
of the city. But various matters needed at-
tention in Wenchow, and one afternoon found
me breasting the big waves in a little boat on:
my way thither, accompanied only by the two:
boatmen and a “boy.†I am a great coward
in a small boat, and when the river became
very rough, and tossed us up and down like
a feather, I got frightened, and clung trembling
to the sides of the boat. Seeing other boats
had all lowered sail, I got the idea we were
ven*uring too much, and requested my boat-.
man to do the same.
“ But it is so safe,’ he pleaded. :
“But my courage is so small,†I insisted,
and he yielded, after which we drove along far
more smoothly.
It was “inky dark’’ when we reached the-
East gate of the city. No one knew I was
coming, and there was a big freshet in the
river, which prevented the boat landing me at
the jetty. There was no help for it, and I had
to be carried on Ah-dzi’s broad shoulders
through the flood, and was then dumped down
in the wet and dark, among the huge baskets
of smelling salt-fish, where I had patiently to
wait while the boy (Ah-dzi) got my belongings
The atmosphere was so oppressive that I felt
I could scarcely breathe, as I wended my way
through the dark, dirty, greasy, vile-smelling,
badly-lighted streets. It did not mend matters
that, stuck in the pavement all along were rows
of lighted incense, a very doubtful kind of
fumigation and illumination! From one door-
way was suspended a ball of lighted. incense,
a sphere of starry points, and the only pretty
thing to be seen.
Mrs. Stott, my kind hostess at the cottage,
also came up to the city about this time; thus
only two young ladies of the China Inland
Mission were left behind enjoying their holiday,
and in perfect safety; as we all thought.
It was during our absence that the “ sea-
robbers� came. Hope Cottage is built on the
edge of a little, but steep and rocky promontory,
which juts out into the bay. Here, on a bright,
calm day, as many as 300 boats may be counted
dotting the surface of the water, their sails
resembling the wings of butterflies, black,
brown, or white.
The two young ladies went calmly to. bed as
usual, but in the dead of night they were
rudely and suddenly aroused from their slum-
bers by the loud firing of guns, the flashes of
which lighted up their room.
As may be supposed, they were very much
alarmed, for at first they thought the cottage
itself was being attacked. They did not know
what to do—whether they ought to fly to the
hills. A few years ago one of these same young
ladies had been attacked and robbed by armed
brigands, while working in a Chinese country-
village, on which occasion both she and her
companion had to escape to the hills, where
they spent the cold night in their thin sleeping-
clothes, and with shoeless feet.
But on this occasion, though the shouts and
firing continued, they came no nearer; so, after
a short space, they both screwed up courage to
venture outside to reconnoitre. The compound
was intact, but peering over the low wall which
surrounds the cottage, a waning moon plainly
revealed the cause of the disturbance. Imme-
diately beneath, a large junk had attacked,
and was now robbing another boat, which had
anchored for the night close under the lea of
the hill. The next thing the young ladies did
was to go quietly to the back of the house,
to rouse the few Chinese there, but they were
already on the alert. If the young ladies were
alarmed, much more the Chinese.
“This is terrifying to death; it were far
better in the city,†cried one. “If they are so
bold in the 8th moon, what will they not
perpetrate in the 11th?â€
However, their curiosity got the better even
of their fears, and soon they, too, were peeping
through the open-work in the wall. So comical
did they look—four of them in a straight row,
each crouched on his haunches—that, spite of
forebodings, the young ladies could not avoid
a smile. The faithful cook (Mr. Stott’s servant
for twenty years) acted as major-domo, and
woe betide any one of them who raised his
head an inch above the wall, or spoke above
a whisper! Having got all that was worth
taking from the boat, the pirates left it, and
proceeded up the river. Thinking all was over,
and not realizing that they must certainly come
down the river again, the young ladies calmly
proposed going back to bed! But before doing
so they lighted a candle, with the intention of
searching for any mosquitoes which might have
entered their nets. The glimmer of their
candle brought the cook in a terrible fright.
He begged them to put it out, and banged to
their shutters, earnestly entreating them on no
account to show a light—or who knew what the
consequences might be?
Meanwhile, there had been, so to speak, a
regular stampede among the boats in the river.
Every boat that could get away had fled with
all possible speed. But, alas! the wind was
“ contrary,’ and some of the bigger ones were
completely at the mercy of their enemies, whose
night’s work was but just begun. In a short
time the ladies again heard the pirates at their
diabolical deeds, and that not more than half
a mile further up the bank of the river. Of
course, rest was now out of the question, and
ence more our friends were spectators (or audi-
tors) of misery they could not raise a finger
to arrest. Fearing to make a light, they
stumbled through the dark rooms out to the
back, in their progress knocking over various
obstacles—not to speak of almost cutting their
throats by violent collisions with the tightly-
stretched cords of a mat-blind hung at the
From this, the second unfortunate boat, they
afterwards learnt, the pirates got more spoil
than from the first. The booty amounted to
forty or fifty dollars, a number of baskets of
ecpper money, and others of rice. Nor did
they hesitate to deprive the passengers of their
clothes, holding axes over the heads of any
who resisted. Having transferred these things
to their own boat they next turned their
covetous eyes on a large junk lying in mid-
stream, almost opposite the cottage. She was
laden with rice, and was on her way to the
numerous islands which dot the bay. As this
valuable cargo could not be transhipped, they
made no more ado, but took entire possession,
and then towed the vessel away out to sea with
them. As they were being carried past, the
young ladies distinctly heard the cruel threats
of the pirates, which the Chinese recognized
as being spoken in the T’ai-chao dialect. (This
is a district lying midway between Wenchow
and Ningpo, and years ago was notorious as a
very hot-bed of piracy.) The heartrending
cries of the poor victims revealed that they were
Wenchow men. As they were being fastened
in the hold, they piteously cried, in the tongue
so familiar to us:
“Save us! captain, save our lives!! Oh!
don’t treat us so hardly!â€
The Chinese tell us, in all likelihood the
unfortunates will be kept prisoners until the
affair has blown over, and then be allowed to
escape. During their nocturnal alarm the
younger of the young ladies (a Canadian, just
out from home, said she “thought they cer-
tainly must return to the city next day.†Only
one individual in the compound had remained
undisturbed through it all. This was the old,
and half-paralyzed teacher; who, as he could
not run away, declined to leave his bed! As
he is a Uhristian, we imagine him lying there
praying, quietly trusting God to protect
nim. And who shall say it was not vouchsafed
—not only to him, but to the Christian house-
hold, including the brave young ladies who,
When tne morrow dawned, calm and peaceful,
aecided that there was no reason why they
snould run away, so they stayed on their
allotted time.
But, oh! the supineness of the officials!!!
The native gun-boat which the Tao-tai sent
to protect the cottage and neighbourhood,
though senv uff on the 10th inst., only arrived
on the 22nd, the distance being but thirty
miles. Ten days elapsed before even
“runners†came to view the scene of action.
Yet the Tao-tai knew of the affair the night
after it had happened; he had his fast and
armed small steamer lying at anchor, and had
he been so minded, could then have sent it
off in hot pursuit of the pirates, with a good
prospect of capturing these ruffians:
P.S.—Just as I send this off, I learn that the
pirates contented themselves.. with carrying
off the cargoes of the boats they attacked, but
they first destroyed the rigging, to prevent the
boats from reaching the city in time to inform
against them. Of course, the loss is serious to
the poor boatmen and passengers. Two of the
passengers were Christians, belonging to our
Nan-ch’i circuit, one of whom lost eleven doi
lars, and the other some garments. It is a
relief, however, to learn that, so far as is
known, no lives were lost.
HAVE the pleasure of presenting
my readers this month with an
interesting communication from
our veteran minister in the anti-
podes, Rev. T. Adams Bayley.
The facts that he narrates are
partly ‘autobiographical, and all are important
and instructive. I trust that. the reading of
this communication will lead many to ¢onsider
what they can do to promote Connexional
extension. Mr. Bayley writes on the subject
“A few months since there appeared in the
Methodist Times’ this statement: ‘There
has been a marked return to the passionate,
enthusiastic evangelism, and the audacious,
progressive policy of John Wesley himself.’
{ read that statement with some surprise, but
with much pleasure. Living as I do, so far
from the Old Country, I am unable to judge
whether it is strictly correct; but I assume
it is so, and therein I rejoice.
I sincerely and earnestly hope that the
enthusiasm and. audacity mentioned has been
contagious, and that our Home circuits;
Churches, ministers, local preachers, and mem-
bers generally have caught them unmistakably.
That would be an immensely important thing,
and its results would, I believe, be glorious:
I was much pleased also with the article in
the June ‘Free Methodist Preachers’ Maga-
zine, on “The claims of Suburbs and Villages
on our Churches,’ and I asked: ‘Is this symp-
tomatic of such return as that mentioned in
the ‘Methodist Times? ’ Anyhow, its state-
ments demand very serious consideration. I
cannot find the Minutes of 1879; but I see, on
comparing those of 1877 with those of 1898, a
decrease of ninety-six. preaching places, but an
increase of twenty chapels, an actual decrease
of seventy-six places of worship, and probably
of nearly, or quite that number of small causes.
Surely such ought not to have been the case.
As I have now been between thirty-seven
and thirty-eight years away from England, I
have personal knowledge of only very few of
our ministers. It would, therefore, be foolish and
presumptuous on my part to pronounce an
opinion as to the views generally entertained
by the brethren with whom I have no such
acquaintance; but I do know that some of
our early preachers were not enthusiastic on
the subject of extension. I remember well a
conversation which I had twelve or thirteen
years after the formation of . the Wesleyan
‘Association, with one of our ministers, the
superintendent of one of our largest circuits.
smaller:towns and villages around a circuit-
town contributed greatly to the strength of the
central cause; and to the Connexion; by the
increase of the importance of the one,
and to the other by the migration
of country members to the larger towns
in which we had causes; and also by prevent-
ing, at least to some extent, the loss to which
we were subjected by the removal of members
to places in which we had no interest.
% %* *
Of the sympathy of some other preachers
with the idea of consolidation, rather than of
extension, I will give one example. When
‘What we want,’ said he, ‘is consolidation.
/That is our true policy. By which he meant
the cutting off of some of the smaller causes,
and’ the concentration of effort on the more
important ones. I did not agree with him. I
advocated extension. : .
Firstly.—Because it was obedience to
Christ’s. command to preach the Gospel to
every creature.
Secondly.— Because there were many towns’
and villages in which such efforts as we could
make were really needed, and
Thirdly—Because I believed that causes in
stationed in York, I commenced preaching
services in three or four villages, at distances
from York of six and a half, eight, and nine
miles, with good prospects of success, I left
two chapels, and seven other preaching places.
My successor, when he reached the circuit and
inspected the place, looked aghast, and declared
that he could’ not work the circuit unless they
got him a horse; which, of course, they could
not do. He was, I believe, a fair preacher and
pastor, of which the fact that he was three
years in the circuit may be taken as am
evidence, but he believed in consolidation)
rather than extension, with these results: at
the end of the first year there were two chapels,
four preaching places; of the second year, two
chapels, three preaching places; and of the
third year, two chapels, two preaching places.
The membership also declined in the three
years from 167 to ninety-four.
These results, it may be said, afford no
encouragement to make similar attempts at
extension. No, that is true; but the results
ought to have been different, and were so in
the other case. Among the successes may be
mentioned that of Crewe, where I commenced
preaching, and where the first chapel was built
while I was in the Nantwich circuit. I com-
menced also in that circuit preaching at Hartle
Brook, and Coole Pilate, which, I believe, still
remains; and also I began a cause at Market
Drayton, which, though at first very promising,
failed principally on account of its distance
(thirteen miles) from Nantwich. Let me add,
the Openshaw cause was commenced by me
with week-night preaching in the house of Noah
Valentine, and when the congregation became
too great for it, and Sunday services became
desirable, a house which had what was called
an upper chamber, used previously as a loom-
shop, and which would accommodate forty
persons, was taken; and then, step by step, the
cause went on until it became the prosperous
circuit it now is.
Why do I refer to these things?’ As matters
of boasting? God forbid! ‘I nothing have, I
nothing am. But I hope that it may stimu-
late and encourage some other brethren to
break up fresh ground, and thus extend the
Connexion, and with it the Kingdom of our
Master and Lora.
* * %
I am aware, however, that many of our
ministers have their time and energies so much
occupied by circuit duties that they have
small or no opportunities for mission work, and,
probably, some circuits are unwilling to allow
their ministers the necessary freedom from those
details to do it. May I then be permitted to
ask our local preachers to supply the needful
efforts. Much has been done in former times
by such in the work of extension. Let me give
two instances: 1st—~When I was appointed to
the Worcester circuit I found the city cause,
and three country places. . One of them,
Wichenford, eight and a half miles from Wor-
cester, was commenced, I was informed, in the
following way. ‘Two local preachers (whether
before the separation of our people from the
Wesleyans, or after, I do not know) inspired
with‘an earnest zeal for the extension of the
Kingdom of Christ, went to that village, and
called at several cottages to enquire whether
the occupants would allow them to hold a
service therein. The answers were discourag-
ing. They were generally told, ‘We shouldn't
mind, but we dare not. The parson and the
squire are very thick, and if we were to let
Methodists come and preach in- our cottages,
squire would turn us out.’
% * #
At last, when they began to think that their
labour was lost, they were told that at Ross
Green, half a mile or so away, there was a
man, a maker of brooms, and straw mats for
sale, who had a cottage of his own, who could
therefore let them preach in it; but whether
he would, of course, they could not say. Well,
the brethren, not willing to be defeated, re-
solved to try, and accordingly went there; but
if they were not very hopeful as they went,
they became almost hopeless when they arrived.
They found a cottage of two good-sized rooms,
one over the other; but the lower one was. half-
full of straw and ling, and the man_ busy,
Sunday as it was, in making brooms. This was
disheartening. They hesitated. What should
they do? Was it of any use to ask such a
Sabbath-breaker to let them preach in his
house? Well, they could try; and, having
come so far, they would not return without
doing so. They could but be refused. So they
made their request. What was their surprise,
and what their joy, when the man at once con-
sented! They hastened back to the village,
informed and invited the people; and when,
followed by a little company, they returned to
the house, they found the straw, ling, and
brooms cleared away, and all made as ready as ©
possible for the service. That was held, and
still greater was the joy of the brethren when
they were told that, if they liked, they could
preach there every Sunday afternoon. They
returned home with hearts gladdened by their
And the good work, so strangely begun, was
successfully carried on. When I went there I
found that forms had been made, and. that
the good man of the house had made ‘long and
thick straw mats to le before each form, and
a hassock also of straw, a foot or so in thickness,
to be placed on the table for the Bible and
hymn-book; and, still better, both he and
his wife had been converted, and a class of
sixteen members formed. A little band, prin-
cipally of men and their wives, who were so
united and loving that I have always remem-
bered them with interest and pleasure.
What the subsequent history of the Wichen-
ford society was 1 know not. Whether it is
now carried on by the Wesleyans, or Primitive
Methodists, I am not aware; but, as the
Worcester Church has now no country places,
Spa Ss
it must in some way have ceased to belong to
it. I very much regret that; but J feel
assured that there are some, perhaps many,
gathered safely home to the house sof our
Father above, who. were the fruits of this local
mission enterprise.
In a private note which accompanied this
interesting | communication,
Mr. Bayley says: “I hope
“These last three or four months I have
been visiting some of our far country stations,
five of them being ninety to one hundred miles
from Ningpo.
I am planned out of Ningpo till January.
I hope to spend my Christmas with the Chinese
While visiting one of our stations I met
you on the Missionary Com-
mittee have been Divinely
guided in regard to the East
African Mission. I daily.
make special prayer for it that
God may turn its captivity
like rivers of the South.†I
trust that readers in general
will do the same.
+ * *
A brief note I have received
from Rey. Charles Conster-
dine, dated Jomyu, November
24th, 1899, says: “I am
pleased to be able to report
myself as bemg well, stiong,
and hopeful.†He says also:
“T feel as though many
prayers offered up in England
are being answered in East
Africa.†Doubtless, it would
be a great joy to Mr. Conster-
dine to learn of the sailing
of Messrs. Griffiths and
Ratcliffe, not only on account
of his sense of loneliness, but
because he felt that he must
shortly visit Golbanti, left
without European missionary
when the tragic events that
had taken place necessitated
his visiting our stations in the
Ribe districts. Ere this, we
hope he has been gratified by
their safe arrival on African
* * *
I.havn received from Miss
Emma Hornby a letter dated
November 30th, 1899. She
acknowledges receipt from
Manor Chapel, Bermondsey,
of a box with patchwork quilts, Christmas-
cards, etc. She asks me to convey to all friends
in the home-land many thanks and heartfelt
prayers for the kindness they have shown
during the year. Miss Hornby proceeds:
with such a bitter case of persecution. A dear
man, one of our Christians, living in a place
where the villagers were angry with him for
believing, as they say, in the foreigners’ reli-
gion. They told him if he did not give up:
~ erent
believing and speaking about this doctrine
they would kill him. Several of them came
one night, whilst he was in bed, and beat him
severely. When I arrived I found him very
brutally treated. I saw to his wounds, and
prayed with him. I said: ‘ Your heart is very
sad.’ ‘Yes, he replied, ‘but I do not mind
how they persecute me if I can only win some
of them for Christ.’
As I stood gazing over the poor sufferer (in
such a mean, comfortless home) it made me
think, have I endured so much for Christ’s
* * ¥
Miss Hornby kindly sends me chop-sticks
with which to eat my rice, if I am disposed to
cultivate Chinese fashions. She also sends an
imitation dollar, and tells how it came into
her possession. “It was bought by a dear
Chinese woman to send to her son, who had
The Chinese believe that when they die
they go to live in another world, and require
money to buy things with. So they buy these
imitation dollars, and burn them, to send to
their departed friends, so I am told.
This woman, hearing about the Gospel a few
days after-she had bought to the amount of £2
worth of these dollars, became a Chris-
tian, and gaye up her idolatrous wor-
ship. She is now being taught to
read the Bible. God works in wonderful and
mysterious ways out here.â€
I have received the following communication
from Rev. Francis Bavin, General Superinten-
dent of our Jamaica Missions. All my readers
will rejoice in Mr. Bavin’s recovery from a
serious attack of fever, and in the glowing
account he gives of his happiness in his arduous
work. Mr. Bavin says: “I am writing this
from Frankfield, where I am at present visit-
ing all the stations in this district. You will
be sorry to hear that I have had a very serious
attack of malarial fever. Have been laid aside
from work for about six weeks. But, thanks
to my wife’s care and good nursing, and God’s
gracious Providence, I am now almost restored
to my usual health. :
I am much encouraged and full of hope for
our work in Jamaica. Everywhere our schools
and Churches, even the smallest mission
stations, are showing signs of life and progress.
I live a very busy life, often travelling hun-
dreds of miles per week over difficult roads and
precipitous mountain-passes, visiting the hill-
stations, and yet I feel more thoroughly happy
in this work than any I have ever been engaged
in throughout my whole life.
The heartiness and gratitude with which I
am received by the ministers, teachers, and
people, and the inspiration they seem to re-
ceive from my visits, are ample repayment for
all the toil.â€
* * *
Next number of the “ Missionary Echo †will
contain an article from the pen of Mrs. Bavin,
whom I am glad to welcome as a new contri-
butor to its pages.
I give this month a portrait of this gentle-
man who is a member of the Foreign Missionary
Committee, and treasurer of the Evangelistic
Mission. Mr. Mackinder, who resides in Shef-
field, is a loyal Free Methodist of long standing,
an earnest Christian worker, and a liberal
supporter of our institutions.
|B have had a note from Rev. B. J.
Ratcliffe saying that he and Mr.
Griffiths were well, and enjoying ©
their voyage. The note was
written within a hundred miles of
Marseilles, at which place the
weather was described as that of July.
Rev. €. H. Goodman sailed on, December
28th, and on January 6th we had a letter
from the shippers to say the ‘ Roquelle†had
arrived at Madeira, “And all were well.â€
Weeks ere this, our friend will have arrived
in Freetown.
We have received a short letter from our
brave friend, Rev. C. Consterdine. As nearly
always, he was cheerful, and full of enthusiasm.
In concluding, he says: —‘‘I am still ‘thankful
to report myself very well in body, and, I
think, better in soul; let us not forget that it
is from the dark clouds that comes the fruitful
and refreshing rain.†For men of such faith
and hopefulness we may well give God thanks.
Before these “Notes†reach our readers our
friend will, if all goes well, have had his heart
gladdened and strengthened by the arrival of
Revs. J. B. Griffiths and B. J. Ratcliffe.
We have short letters from both Ningpo and
Wenchow. Both report the missionaries well in
health, and the werk vigorously progressing.
Some months ago, Mr. Blyth wrote asking
that he might be allowed to contribute the
cost of some additions to the new hospital
about to be built at Ningpo. Dr. Swallow
having reported that the hospital was nearly
finished, and that the additions had been made,
on our informing Mr. Blyth of the fact, he at
once sent £200 to cover the cost of the extras.
This is the second contribution Mr. Blyth has
made; in fact, he has contributed the whole
of mission work in Mendiland. They have for-
warded to the treasurer the sum of £138 4s.
This is a noble sum, and is not to interfere with
their, ordinary contributions.
They have also, as wisely as_ generously,
decided that if the work in Mendi is not re-
established the whole sum is to be at the
discretion of the Missionary Committee. Our
heartiest thanks are presented
to Mr. 8. Turner, junior, and
to all who have assisted to
realize this helpful amount.
We have had a most cheer-
ing letter from the Secretary,
Mr. Schofield, giving a_ brief
account of the Hanover
Branch of the Ladies’ Mission-
ary Auxiliary. It has been
formed just over a year;
they have seventy members,
and during the year have had
twelve “ At Homes,†given by
as many ladies, at their own
homes. These pleasant meet-
ngs produced a sum of £11.
Then, quarterly, they have
a missionary prayer meeting,
under the presidency of Mrs.
Thornley. This is by no
means the least important
branch of their work. Prayer
is the vital breath of missions,
as of all other forms of
Christian activity.
is an institution which we
strongly recommend to our
lady friends. Each member
of the branch promised at the
beginning of the year to give
one “garment,†or other
article for. the ‘Missionary
Basket.†Though the day
was wet, the Ba:ket Sale
realised £35, which will be
-cost of the “ General†Boepial, which will
be named after him.
Very heartily do we thank our friend for
his generous gift.
"This school has held a bazaar for the special
object of raising funds for the re-establishment
handed over to the General
Mission Fund.
This is a splendid example to follow, both in
principle and in form. We must guard against
specializing. We thank our lady friends most
_ Will all our friends take to heart the circula-
tion of our ‘‘ Missionary Echo.†It is far, very
far, from what it oughtto be. With not much
effort the circulation could be doubled. Tf it
were, it would cease being a heavy charge on
our funds.
The second of these conferences was held
this year in London. We had the honour of
attending by invitation. The meetings com-
menced on a Tuesday, and closed on the Satur-
day following. From beginning to end the
meetings were of the most inspirational charac-
ter. At two of the sectional meetings China
was considered, and the methods ably and
eloquently advocated by both ministers and
doctors alike, working in that great Empire,
were those which our own Society and mission-
aries are pursuing. It did one good to hear
this undesigned witness to the wisdom and
success of our own work.
Splendid speeches and papers were contri-
buted by such men as the Archbishop of Can-
terbury, Dr. George Smith; Dr. Wardlaw
Thompson, Dr. Glover, Dr. Clifford, Professor
Moule (Cambridge), Revs. R. J. Campbell,
Alex. Connell, B.D., W. T. A. Barber, B.D.
(Leys School, Cambridge), Dr. Alex. McKennal,
and many others. Rev. W. T. A. Barber,
Master of the Leys School, Cambridge, was
exceedingly courteous and generous to our
missions and missionaries. Mr. Barber ren-
dered in past years splendid service to his own
Church (Wesleyan) in China.
There were 1,700 students. present, coming
from nearly every part of the world. Missions
a failure, with all this culture consecrated to
their extension? Never!!
' Dr. Brook has kindly informed us that
52,000 guineas have been promised. Thank
FIAVE read with painful interest
the journal kept by our lamented
Brother Ormerod, of his journey
to Mazeras, to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Griffiths. In the outset, he states
; his reason for undertaking the
journey. We, who live at home in the bosom
of our families and surrounded by troops of
friends, have little idea of what our mission-
aries and their wives must feel, who for weeks
and months are isolated from all companion-
ship, and whose Christian fellowship is only
with half-enlightened converts from heathen-
ism. I do not wonder to read that, in the
loneliness of Golbanti, Mrs. Ormerod felt de-
pressed and nervous, and that her loving hus-
band thought she might be cheered by a visit
to her dear friend, Mrs. Gri fiths—with whom
she had voyaged to heathendom from dear old
““Man proposes, but God disposes,†and Mrs.
Ormerod was fated not to see her friend, but
only her new-made grave!
Alas for love if thou wert all,
And nought beyond, O earth !
They left Golbanti on the morning of July
llth, and arrived that evening at Kipini. Some
extracts from the journal will show the lights
and shades of missionary life. The shades are
most in evidence here.
* * oie
“ July 11th—To-night we are at Kipini, hay-
ing reached here at nine o’clock—fourteen
hours on the road. The last five hours were
spent in rain and cold. We got wet to the
skin, despite mackinftosh and umbrella, and
coming down the Ozi river in the dark with
drizzling rain, lots of mosquitoes, and a few
hippos, popping out of the water and snorting
at us, was really a very trying experience.â€
* * %
Mr. and Mrs. Ormerod, after drying their
clothes the next day, started at noon for
Ukanga, calling on the way at the farm of a
German planter. They reached Ukanga at
sunset, and spent the night in a half-finished
house. They journeyed to Kimbo the following
day, and the day after that they had a plea-
sant five hours’ voyage down the Kimbo Creek,
and were heartily glad when they arrived at
Shella and got ‘‘into a stone house with a
double-bed and a few chairs.â€
* % *
On arriving at Lamu, Mr. Ormerod writes,
“We paid our respects to the missionaries (Mr.
and Mrs. Piper, and’ Mr. and Mrs. Fink), and
joined with them ‘in the market-place service,
where I was the speaker.â€
On July 16th he writes, “ According to ap-
pointment, I went to the Vice-Consulate this
morning with three Gallas and two Pokomos
from Golbanti. The interview was a long, but
successful one, and the natives are returning to
Golbanti to-morrow with light hearts.†Under
the same date we find this melancholy entry:
“Tt was this forenoon, we heard from people
on the mail steamer of dear Mrs. Griffiths’
death. It was a great shock to Annie, and
our morning worship took the form of a funeral
Lamu for Mombasa, by the ss. °° Juba,†“a tiny
packet-steamer.†On July 22nd they arrived
at Mombasa. Found the C.M.S. quarters full
up with a party of thirteen for Uganda, so they
put up at the Royal Hotel. From the mis-
sionaries they learned that Mr. Griffiths pro-
posed going to England with his infant child.
* * *
Under July 23rd we find the following entry :
“ Anxiety for Griffiths and his baby led us to
journey by this morning’s train to Mazeras.
We found the house empty, Griffiths being
away at Cha Ngombe, and the baby at Rabai.
Poor fellow! they say he can’t settle at Maze-
ras. The grave is at the church-side, within
twenty yards of the house. We attended after-
noon service, and I spoke shortly concerning the
loss of our dear sister.
Rf 3
“July 24th—This morning Griffiths came
over, and spent half an hour with us before
taking the train to Mombasa. We did not
recognize him at first sight, so greatly has the
shock changed him. It Was a sad half-hour;
we joined our tears with his.â€
* %* *
On July 28th, Mr. and Mrs. Ormerod came
down to Mombasa with Mr. Griffiths, who had
previously secured passages for himself and
the nurse who had to take home the child.
They spent a Sunday (July 30th) in Mombasa.
Of this day we read in the journal: “A
Sunday in Mombasa. Griffiths and I attended
7.30 communion at the English Church, and
Annie went with us in the forenoon to the
Mission Hall service for natives, and in the
afternoon to the English Church service. 2
Oh, what a precious day it has been to our
souls—an oasis in the desert. The communion
service was attended by few, perhaps fifteen,
and mostly missionaries, but the Lord was with
us at the feast. The native service was fairly
well attended, and included a capital sermon
by a native deacon—Rev. James Daimber, of
Rabai. The Mission Hall is in a poor, hidden
part of the town, and is probably never ‘seen
by ordinary Europeans. The evening service
at the English Church was the first English
service I have attended in Africa during the
long spell of seven years. It brought back
very precious memories.â€
* * %*
“ August 2nd—(Jomvu). Griffiths and his
baby sailed at ten this morning by the
ss. “ Admiral.†He was in fairly bright spirits,
and baby séemed quite comfortable in her
berth. The nurse is a young woman attached
to Freretown mission, who has been to England
twice before.â€
On July 20th, Mr. and Mrs. Ormerod left
“ August 4th (Ribe).—‘ Once again at Ribe,
the station to which I was first designated.â€
Two days later he writes: “ Famine has. scat-
tered many of our Ribe people. The congre-
gation this morning numbered seventy, and
this afternoon twenty-two. The church is an
elegant structure, exactly fitted for mission
purposes. The preacher, William Griffith
Ambale, is greatly improved since last we were
here. He conducts service creditably, and
preached nicely this afternoon.â€
* * *
I give the whole of the remaining entries
in his journal.
“August 7th—This morning I began the
survey of Ribe estate, my first task being to
walk round the boundaries, fixing flags at
salient points.
‘August 15th—Yesterday I was _ bad
with fever, which had _ been threaten-
ing for several days. To-day, I am extraordi-
narily weak, considering that the fever was
only with me a day. On the 28th ult. I was
weighed at Mazeras Station. I scaled only
eight stone thirteen pounds, compared with
ten stones when I was at home.
August 19th——This forenoon a Mgiriama
child was brought for treatment, who had
been severely mauled during the night by a
beast of prey, probably a hyena or leopard.
She and her mother were sleeping out, darkness
having overtaken them. They were awakened
from sleep by a beast which pounced upon the
little girl, clawed her on the head, cheek, arm,
and back, and then disappeared, probably
frightened by a
* * *
Here the journal abruptly terminates. He
had, perhaps, been interrupted, and found no
opportunity of resuming it’ during the few
weeks of his remaining life...On September
4th, however, he wrote to the Missionary
Secretary. It reached him a fortnight after
Mr. Ormerod had passed away? “So teach us
to number our days that we may apply our.
hearts unto wisdom.â€
THE “Jamaica Gleaner †gives an account of the
formation of a School Board in the Stony Hill
District, which it attributes to the energy jand
zeal of the Rev. Francis Bavin. It adds, ‘He
must be congratulated on the success which has
attended his effort.â€
FORTNIGHT had hardly — passed
away before Faraji was again absent
from the school; this time he was
engaged in service for the mission
which ‘was, for the present, more
urgent than teaching the children.
t came about in this wise.
For some reason or other the Kast African
Company had not sent the promised contingent of
wasikari to’ Behari; possibly they did. not think
he danger so imminent as it proved to be. The
defence of the mission property and. several
hundred lives, therefore, devolved entirely upon
Thomas ‘Trevelyan, who was determined that the
rebels should find him fully prepared.
The days passed by, and nothing unusual
happened. Of course, there were plenty of
scares and reports which more than once sent the
blood from the white man’s face and set his teeth
with determination, When he discovered the
alsity of the alarm he would laugh, but it was the
augh of a man who knew that some time it might
be reality. The great nervous tension at which
his life was now lived began to tell upon
Trevelyan, and showed itself in bad attacks of
insomnia, and in terrifying dreams if he managed
to fall asleep.
After spending the hours of one night in tossing
to and fro on his bed, he was aroused to sudden
consciousness a few minutes before sunrise by an
overpowering sense of danger thrilling through his
body. Scarcely knowing what’ he did, he slipped
on his day garments and stole out of the house:
Soon he found himself clinibing up Beauchamp’s
Hill, at whose foot the mission house and chapel
had been built. A chill was in the air of the
early morning, and the heavy dew soaked him to
the knees as he made his way among the shrubs
and grasses which patched the hill-side.
He reached the brow almost at the moment
when the sun appeared above the horizon, and in
the next few minutes he witnessed what he
afterwards declared was the most perfect sunrise
he ever saw in the tropics. The shafts of light fell
upon the waters of the Indian Ocean, only a few
miles distant from where he stood, and made it,
like a sea of glass. When the great golden ball:
was clear above the line of water, his attention was
diverted by the tinkling of a bell. It was the
customary signal calling the people of the mission
station to arise from their beds and wipe the dust
of sleep out of their eyes, and make their way to-
the chapel for morning prayers. For a second or
two Trevelyan stood on the hill-top, looking down
upon the huts and wondering why he had yielded
to his strange impulse. “Then he turned to
descend the winding footpath, and for thefirst time
that morning he glanced towards the west.
What was that which appeared above the
rising ground? Here and there were several white
cloudlets which grew bigger and denser while he.
watched: them. © They increased in volume,
however, not as do clouds of vapour, butin jerky,
irregular puffs like smoke ascending from a fire.
Trevelyan made this mental comparison, and was
brought to a sudden standstill by it. He leant.
against a piece of rock, and drew a sharp breath
whenthe truth burst upon him. His premonition of |
the near approach of danger which had been
shaking him like a leaf ever since it had seized him,
was not a false warning. Yonder was the danger
only a mile or two away in the shape of the rebels.
Those white clouds were formed by thesmoke of the
burning hutsof the Church mission station at Barai.
Now the time of action had come, and as he con-
tinued to tollow the path down the hill there came.
back to him the calmness which comes to brave.
men when the period of waiting has gone. Before:
he finished his descent he was met by Faraji.
“ Vumbo, fundi,’ was Trevelyan’s greeting.
“You are coming to tell me that the rebels have
come near us.â€
“You know everything, wana,†Faraji managed
to say in gasps. .
“T have seen the smoke of the fires they have
lit yonder at Barai. How have you heard?â€
“ § woman has just come in. She is hiding in
the verandah of bwana’s house,†declated the black
‘What news does she bring?â€
“She says, the Masai rushed down upon the.
village an hour ago. They found the people
asleep, and so killed»very, very many before the:
village was roused.â€
‘lrevelyan knew it would be the rebels, the word
Masai being a synonym among the natives for any
warlike tribe. He made to continue his descent.
Faraji took a step nearer to his master, and asked
with some alarm, ‘ What shall you do, bwana?â€
The white man looked into the fundi’s face, and
quietly replied, *‘ We shall go to prayers, first of
all. ‘Don’t you hear the bell is still ringing ? And
after prayers—we shall see what is to be done.
The great Muungu is not dead, fundi.â€
They entered the chapel, the bell ceased its
ringing, and the people stood up to sing, but their
thoughts were busy with the news of blood and
fire the woman from Barai had brought.
Trevelyan knew it would be useless to try and
conceal the knowledge of the rebels’ approach,
even if they were now in ignorance. So he bade
them not to venture beyond their farms that day
\ omd .Ndeto muttered “Rwana Knows =
the would advise them not to go away from the
village, but if they did, they were not to walk with
sleepy eyes. They need not be afraid ; he would
-do all he could to protect them. But they were
to be sure and take hold of the words he was now
going to say: If, during the hours of the day, or
even in the night-time, whether they were on their
farms or in their huts, they heard the mission bell
talk in a hurry and say, ‘ Upesi! Upesi!’ (be
quick) they were to come at once into the bustani
(mission garden or enclosure). He did not think
the rebel Swahilies would attack them during the
daylight ; they would wait, he thought, until the
sun was about to rise on the morrow. But he
would watch for them. And the great Muungu
was good, and would keep them from harm.
When these brave words were spoken, he sent
the people away to their
huts ; some even went to
look after their harvests of
corn, so. confident were they
in the power of the white
man to protect them.
When the warning came
from Mombasa over a week
ago, Trevelyan had _ set
some of the native men to
work enlargingand strength-
ening the walls of the
bustani, with the result that
it, together with the rooms
of the mission house, would
provide a refuge for the
several hundreds of men,
women, and chiidren at
present on the station. He
was well aware of the native
warriors dislike to storm a
stone building, and with a
show of shot guns and rifles
he hoped to work upon the
superstitious fears of the
‘ marauders, and so save the
lives of his people.
The chief thing to be
done now was to keep a
good look-out, and so: he
warned of the approach of
the enemy. This received
Trevelyan’simmediate atten-
tion. He called Faraji,
Kapala, and other reliable
youths in the mission
employ, and organized them
into a scouting party under
the leadership of Faraji,
when he himself was com-
' pelled to be away on the
This was how picket duty caused Faraji to
absent himself from the functions of fundi in the
little school where the children droned out their
That same evening things came nearly to a
crisis, and almost ended in a disaster. Trevelyan
never knew how near he was to the doors of death,
and Faraji neither, although he had his dark
Seesnenaniiaaicsr Calg TamiaaaaD
The missionary’s evening meal was over, and as
was the custom, the children belonging to Behari
came into the mission house. After a’ little
desultory conversation, which revealed the fact
that none of them seemed in any mood for their
usual jollity, Thomas Trevelyan determined to
have an impromptu evening service.
“Now, watoto (children), what shall we sing?†he
asked. At once a clamour arose, every one
desirous to have his or her particular favourite.
« Come, little Mbeyu shall have her choice of the
first hymn. Then I will choose the next one, and
after that—well, we will take a verse of each of
our favourites. There! that will be fair, won't it
watoto %â€
They agreed to that arrangement, and sang most
lustily the one selected by Mbeyu. ~ After they
had sung until their throats were tired, the
missionary read a psalm, and ended the children’s
hour by prayer. It was while Trevelyan read and
prayed that his life was in danger.
Among the rebels,who that morning had wrecked
the mission station of Barai, were two Swahilies,
who three years ago had migrated from the heathen
village of Behari. Unlike the rest of their
comrades in revolt, they felt freer to move
about, and make excursions in the light of the
moon; they were treading paths they knew
perfectly well. After the attack, they volunteered
to Mabruki, their leader, to go to their old village
and see how the land lay there and at the mission
station. They easily obtained consent, for the
rebel chief was rather uneasy ‘because of the near
vicinity of Mombasa. He knew he would have to
strike soon if he ‘struck at all, and he must not
blunder in the striking, or it were better to with-
hold the blow. These two would be able to get
him the information he needed, and they had
shown by their previous conduct that they could
be relied upon. So he granted them his per-
Making a detour they avoided the mission
station) and spent the closing hours of the day
among their former companions, chewing ground
tobacco, drinking tembo, and boasting of their deeds.
The sound of the children singing their hymns
was carried on the still night air, and reached the
ears of the two men. They looked in each other's
face and read the thoughts their eyes expressed.
Presently they rose to their feet, and grasping
their guns they said, Quaheri to their companions.
Although the moon had risen they were able by
moving from shadow to shadow at the rear of the
huts, to make their way unnoticed until they
stood in the verandah, safely hidden by the dense
darkness made by the position of the brilliant
moon on the other side of the mission house.
They had watched the children and Trevelyan
for some minutes, when one put his mouth to the
ear of the other and whispered, ‘Shall you dare
to kill Bwana the Lion—as you vowed you would,
Ndeto ?â€
« Allah do so to me, if I keep not.my word.
The accursed. Simba stole my slave from me !â€
And so Trevelyan’s life was never more in
danger than now, all because of his humanity to a
wretched slave, who died a month after he had
escaped from his master to the mission station.
Ndeto raised his gun and took aim through the
space which, with its perpendicular bars of iron,
served the purpose of a window. He had covered
Trevelyan, and his finger was on the trigger, but
just at that moment the white man began to read the
91st psalm, and the sound of his voice kept Ndeto
from giving the fatal pressure. The words startled
the two men out ide, and they thought them
strange words: “Thou shalt not be afraid for the
terrot by night ; nor for the arrow that flieth by
day.†What did they mean ? Had he somehow
discovered their presence, and was defying them ?
The hand that held the gun to the shoulder shook
a little, and it no longer covered the missionary.
«A. thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten
thousand at thy right hand ; but it shall not come
nigh thee.â€
“Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and
see the reward of the wicked.â€
The gun was lowered, and Ndeto muttered,
“ Bwana knows!†A strange terror had seized.
his heart, and had paralyzed his arm. And when
Trevelyan began to pray, it completed the rascal’
discomfiture. Without a word he vaulted over the
low wall at the end of the verandah, and followed
by his companion, he made his way cautiously
back toward the rebels’ camp.
Although they went away as quietly as possible,
the sound of shuffling feet was heard by Faraji, who
had been sitting on the ground near the door. He
slipped outside without disturbing Trevelyan, . and
was in time to see a black object climbing over
the wall, For a moment it was outlined against:
the sky, and he knew it was the form of a man.
Scenting danger, he followed at a safe distance,
copying the cautiousness of the two rascals by
keeping in the shadows made by the huts.
Wy is Africa called the Dark Continent ? Well,
for one thing, we have been in the ‘dark
about it. It has been dark to us. We
are now getting to know it. Then its people
have been in the dark. Spiritually, they
have “satin darkness.†Now they are “seeing
a great light.†They are being told of God’s great
love in the gift of His beloved Son. To them
who sat in the shadow of death light is sprung up-
BF 2NCE we had a Missionary Secretary
ji] whose name was Rey. Robert
Bushell. He was a very popular
man. He was a good speaker,
a good preacher, and a good busi-
ness man. His cheery look, his
pleasant smile, and his fluent tongue made him
welcome everywhere. He could tell many
anecdotes, and he used to tell one of a pious
negro, who said, one day, “ Bless de Lord, He
knows who are de sheep and who are de goats,
who have de wool and who have de hair.’
Negroes have “fleecy locks’’—curly hair;
white men have straight hair, so that this
black man made out that he and his brethren
were the sheep, and white men were the goats!
It was not very kind, for it is to white men
that the blacks owe their knowledge of the
It was in 1859 that our first missionary went
to Sierra Leone. A number of African Metho-
dists had asked to be connected with us, and
Rey. Joseph New and his wife were sent in
answer to their call. Whey they arrived, the
capital city—Freetown—seemed moved. Crowds
gathered round them, shouting, hallooing,
laughing, singing, gesticulating. They caught
Mr. New, lifted him shoulder-high, and carried
him to his quarters. I daresay he was glad
when he set his foot on the ground again.
Sierra Leone is a beautiful place—‘‘ Every
prospect pleases.†But it is very unhealthy.
Our first missionary died after he had been
there three years. Another, J. 8. Potts, died
when he had been there four months. Thomas
Truscott laboured there from first to last seven
years, but died when he was quite young. A
number of missionaries have had to return
through failure of health, but still the “ bright
succession â€â€™ of missionaries continues.
John Ashworth wrote a book called “ Back
from Canaan.†Mr. Goodman nearly lost his
life at Tikonkoh, our chief station in Mendi-
land—a country inland from Sierra Leone,
where we have had a mission for a number of
years. He was held in captivity, and fears
were felt that he would be murdered, but he
at last got safe to England. Still, his heart
was with the people! whom he had tried to
benefit and save, and he has gone back to
Western Africa, where may God preserve him
and keep him alive.
“ON THE HEAD.â€â€™
If any of my young friends have read the
“ Arabian Nights Entertainments’ they may
remember that, when a husband lays a charge
upon his wife to do something special, she often
answers, ‘On my head be thy commands,†or,
more briefly, “On the head.†The people in
Sierra Leone might well give this reply, for
they put everything on the head. . If you send
a letter to the post, your messenger puts it on
his head; if a milkmaid carries her pail, she
puts it on her head; and I read of a man
who had to carry home a pig, so he fastened it
to a board, and went away rejoicing, bearing on
his head board and pig’ and all. How the pig
liked its elevation I have not heard. ‘‘ On the
head†the negro can bear heavy weights, and
carry them long distances. One of our mis-
sionaries had a harmonium to dispose of. He
sold it to a lady who lived nine miles from ‘
Freetown. He was told a man had come for it.
He went to the door. There was the man.
“ Tse come for de harmonium, massa.†‘“ What
have you brought for it? Have you a cart,
or barrow?’’ ~ No, massa.†‘‘ Then, how are
you going to get it home?†“Carry it on my
head, massa.†No; I am not going to trust
you with my harmonium that way.†“I can
do it, massa,†the man said. Others assured
the missionary it was all right; so away went
the negro with his burden—carried it up hill
and down dale for nine miles, and was soon
back in the market-place, not a pin the worse.
I think the negro’s skull is providentially thick,
to screen him from the burning heat of the
sun, and what was designed for one purpose,
serves another. If negroes have thick skulls, it
does not follow that they are blockheads, for
many of them are very sharp and bright.
A coloured teacher, Mr. Campbell, from
Sierra Leone, was our schoolmaster at Tikon-
koh when the rebellion broke out, and I am
sorry to say he was killed by the war-boys. °
Mr. Proudfoot heard him give a Bible-lesson
to the scholars on the “ Raising -of Jairus’s
daughter.†He told it in words, and a way
they could quite understand. Pointing to the
picture that hung on the wall, he said :‘‘ Look -
at that lazy little girl lying in bed long after
the sun is up. She ought to have been up
to go to the well for water to help mammy
to get daddy’s breakfast ready, but the little
laze lies in bed when she ought to have been
up. Should we not blame the little lazy girl?â€
All the children thought they should.
“ Oh; but look!†he said, “it is not laziness
that keeps her in bed. See how pale she is—
the little girl is sick. That is what makes the
mammy look so sad, and daddy look so sorrow-
ful. Poor little girl, should we not pity her?â€
The children thought they ought.
Then, after a pause, ‘‘ Oh, but she is not ill—
she’s dead. See, mammy and daddy are crying.
They have lost their little daughter. Poor
little girl. Poor daddy and mammy. But,
who is this, who has just come in at the door?
Why, that is Jesus. Soon he'll go to the bed,
and say: ‘ Maid, arise,’ and the little girl will
sit up, and mammy and daddy will weep no
more. Oh, how kind of Jesus. Should we not
love him?†All thought they ought to do so.
This was a beautiful Bible-lesson, and shows
that some black teachers are “‘ Apt to teach.â€
A missionary in Jamaica once, when he went
to preach, saw a serpent’s skin hanging over a
rail in the chapel. The creature had come
there to cast its skin. So, when it got its new
suit, it left its old clothes behind it. ~ Ser-
pents,†said the missionary, “are not the most
desirable attendants at a place of worship.â€
Mr. Truscott must have felt the same once,
when he was preaching in the Tabernacle,
Freetown. A snake, six feet in length, was
discovered in the chapel. The congregation
soon showed their belief that the command-
ment, “ Thou shalt not kill,’ did not apply to
snakes. When the snake was killed, the service
went on as usual!
A missionary, who had not been, long in
Freetown, said to his servant-boy one day:
“ Here is a shilling, go to the market and fetch
me a shilling’s-worth of oranges.†“ Where
can I get a wheelbarrow!†said the boy.
“Can't you carry them? Then get sixpenny-
worth.†The boy still said he must have
something to put them in. He was told to
bring threepenny-worth. He went, and re-
turned with an armful. Thirty large, juicy,
delicious oranges for threepence! Ten a
penny! What a boon that would be to some
boys and girls, who have a sweet tooth, but
not a full purse. After all, boys and girls are
better off in England than they would be in
Sierra Leone.
Once, when Mr. Truscott was paying
a visit a visit to place called Kent, as his
boat made for the shore he saw a number of
women waiting to give him welcome. He
found they were singing, and, as he got nearer
he made out the words. They were like this—
O dear minister how do you do,
O how do you do to day ?
You think these words would not last long.
Not if they sang them only once, but they could
repeat the story o’er and o’er.
A little ploughboy once thought it was get-
ting near dinner-time, so he looked very mean-
ingly into the ploughman’s face. He, knowing
what the look meant, said, when they got to
the end of a furrow: “Another turn and
then; †so they ploughed another furrow, when
the ploughman again said: “ Another turn and
then; †but when he said it a third time, the
hungry ploughboy said: “Another turn, and
what, master?â€â€ To his amazement, the master
replied, ‘‘ Why, another turn, of course!†So
these sweet singers, when they had exhausted
the words of their short song, began again and
continued asking—
O dear minister how do you do,
How do you do to day?
until he stepped ashore, and was able to answer
their musical question. ‘
My young friends will be interested to know
that two young men from West Africa are now
in England, to be trained for the ministry of
our Churches in Sierra Leone. One of them
is the son of a worthy minister who has long
laboured with us, and the other has already
written something for the “ Missionary Echo.â€
Other three brethren who were trained in our
College at Manchester are now labouring with
much acceptance in their native country, and
it will be a happy thing when Churches in
Africa can be carried on without men having to
be sent from Europe. You may, perhaps,
know that some of the greatest religious
teachers that ever lived were natives of Africa.
The man who has influenced religious thought
more than anyone else since the days of the
apostles, St. Augustine, was a native of Tagaste,
a town of Numidia, and was Bishop of Hippo,
in the same country, for. thirty-three years.
He was a native minister.
Our Connexion has not spared men or money to
benefit Sierra Leone. Its people have “freely
received,†but they also “freely give.†Last year
contributed £523 15s. Od. to our Mission
‘an opportune one.
= |10-MORROW, February 2nd, Chris-
: tian Endeavour will be nineteen
years old. The first society was
formed by Rev. Francis H.
Clarke, D.D., in Williston Con-
gregational Church, Portland,
The society was formed to meet the
particular want of his own Church, and neither
Dr. Clarke or his people had any conception of
inaugurating a world-wide movement. Such,
however, was the fact. And the movement
represented in 1881 by forty-eight persons in
the church parlour at Williston, is now ac-
counted for by 56,223 societies, and nearly
three and a half millions of members. Chris-
tian Endeavour, without doubt, has grown at
a rapid rate. But, Has it done anything be-
sides grow? That is a natural enquiry, and
The answer is at hand.
Tt has certainly aroused the Church’s in-
terest in its young people. It has attached the
young people to their own Church. It has
emphasized the duty of every Christian—a
working Christian. It has given wonderful
impetus to missionary zeal and enterprise. It
has illustrated by its interdenominational fel-
lowship how “they may be one’’ for spiritual
ends. And last, and best,-it has contributed
an aggregate of one million and a half of
pledged and prepared workers to the strength
and service of the Churches, during its nineteen
years’ history. In glad amazement we say,
“What hath God wrought?†The Church, as
well as the Endeavour Society, ought to keep
in gracious memory February Qnd, 1881.
* “ *
On Sunday, Rev. H. Kellett preached after-
noon and evening on “The Friendship of
Jesus,†and “ War; †in the morning, Mr. L.
Mellor’s subject was “Consecration.†During
the year eight members have joined the Church,
and the membership of the society is now forty-
* * *
Oswaldtwistle——The society recently formed
here is making cheering progress; the atten-
dance reaching the satisfactory average of fifty.
The consecration meetings are not only well
attended, but well sustained by the active par-
ticipation of the members—not merely the
active members; but, in some cases, the asso-
ciates also responding to the roll. The com-
mittees are in working order, and the members
testify to the spiritual advantage of the meet-
ings. Under the leadership of Rev. J. J.
Layland, the society is becoming a most helpful
auxiliary to the Church. ,
Lindley, Huddersfield——This society has had
a successful celebra‘ion of its fourth anniver-
sary. A public tea and meeting were held on
Saturday. Mr. Mellor presided, and an encour-
aging report was given by the secretary of
good work done in the past, and of hopeful
prospects of even better things. Addresses
were given by Revs. H. Kellett and W. H.
Lockley, and Messrs. Charles Kellett and C. E.
* * *
The Redruth Christian Endeavour has held
its fifth anniversary. On Thursday afternoon
Rey. J. E. Portman conducted a prayer meet-
ing, and at the evening meeting addresses were
given by Rev. E. Craine (of Helston), and
Revs. J. F. tawis and J. E. Portman, the cir-
cuit ministers. The financial proceeds were
used for benevolent purposes.
% % *
Freetown, Sierra Leone—An _ interesting
letter has come to hand from Rey. E. D. L.
Thompson, one of the native ministers who
passed through the Institute, and who is now
one of our ministers in Freetown. Mr. Thomp-
son is convinced of the value of Christian
Endeavour to the young people in this distant
land, and is doing his best to raise a flourishing
society in his church. At present, he is both
encouraged and discouraged. The discourag-
ing elements are: lack of numerical increase
and irregular attendance, but against these
features there is a pleasing set-off in the
increased earnestness of others. The society
numbers sixty members, and the Endeayourers
in the home-land will hope that Mr. Thomp-
son's patience and perseverance will be amply
* * *
Todmorden and Hebden Bridge Union held a
convention in our Walsden Church. At the
evening meeting, Rev. T. Rees Bott, pastor of
the church, and president of the local union,
took the chair; Rev. H. C. Wallace and Mr.
J. A. Carter giving addresses. The various
societies were so well represented, so many
arriving by train,’ that many eager enquiries
were heard as to the cause of the turn out, it
being difficult to realize that anything but a
football match could attract so many young
men on a Saturday afternoon. The gathering
was a great success; the closing consecration
meeting was conducted by Rev. T. Cotes.
A circular letter has been sent to the socie-
ties, enclosing Affiliation Form. Secretaries
(who have not already done so) will oblige by
returning the form, duly filled up, with one
shilling postal order, to the Endeavour Society.
RN a esa ecco
‘© The Voices of the Spring, O Lord,
Are wakened by Thy breath.
—Alfred Jones.
‘|UNDAY morning, 6 a.m., we. are
“| starting for one of our country
stations, twenty-five miles through
the mountains. A pair of horses
and our little “buggy,†which
is always in use; matches,
mackintoshes, food, etc., in fact,
everything you think you will require till you
reach home again, you must take with you—
or do without! The road we travelled was one
of the most beautiful in the Island, leading past
the celebrated ‘Castleton Gardens,’’ which are
nineteen miles’ drive from Kingston, and one of
the show places for “tourists to do’’—but of this
later on. About ten miles on our journey we
passed one of our mission stations, ‘“ Stony
Hill,†where the Rev. J. W. Mold, who is now
in England, used to live. This mission has
fallen sadly into decay, and Mr. Bavin has
taken upon himself to help it up again.
Two weeks previously we spent a day putting
the building in order, superintending repairs,
cleaning lamps, etc, To our bitter disappoint-
ment we found half the lamps missing or dis-
abled, chimneys smoked—‘‘ No oil /in the ves-
sels "and altogether in a dirty state; and on
this very Sunday Mr. Bavin had made special
arrangements for an evening service. Sending
+ for the person. in charge, he learned that they
were in the habit of buying oil on the Sunday
evening from the “Chinaman’s†shop. The
Chinaman is the small shopkeeper of the vil-
lages in Jamaica, and drives his business seven
days in the week. This same Chinaman supplies:
his goods to customers on the Sabbath-day, and
yet he appears to be a quiet, decent fellow,
whose family attend our services. We felt
pained that these Chinese strangers should have
such a poor example of the Christian religion, ,
and Mr. Bavin felt it necessary after bringing
the matter before the members, to have. the
person removed from office. It is not possrble
for members at home to fully realize the diffi-
culties of our work here, especially in the
country districts, and how we have to teach
“line upon line†the simplest elements of
Christian truth, and then find the lessons im-
perfectly learned, so that they have to be ©
repeated again, and yet again. Much discour-
aged, we continued our journey. Oh, the lovely
country! ' Mountains covered with towering
trees and rich foliage from top to bottom. The
rivers. are most picturesque—running—rippling
—splashing—breaking into lovely waterfalls;
mosses and ferns growing everywhere; truly “A
land where every prospect pleases—only man is
vile.â€â€™ We reached our destination after some
enquiries, and a few difficulties, and pulled up
by the side of what appeared to be an old dis-
used cart-shed ; but, alas! it proved to be the mis-
sion building. I wish we had brought the
camera. A “place†about thirty feet long by
fifteen feet wide—a wood frame with a zinc roof,
the sides open to wind and weather, and neither
door nor windows; a mud floor; some planks
resting on stones, or pieces’ of wood, formed
the seats. One man brought two boxes, which,
after “the horses had eaten their corn out of
them, we put a plank across, and made an-
other seat. You must understand the horses
have to be well cared for, as we are very depen-
dent on them, and Mr. Bavin always believes in
seeing to his horses first—the ~ buggyâ€
stood by the roadside, under a tree. Well, I
found a dwelling close by, and got the woman
to boil me some water, which she did, in an
empty lard can that had come from England.
Having made some tea, and spread the lunch
on a form, presently, a few people came up,
and by the time we had finished lunch, which
we had to do with everybody coming
in to “Tell minister good-morning,†about
thirty people gathered; so we commenced the
service. We, mustered five hymn books, one
Wesley, two Sankey’s, and three Free Metho-
dist. We had to search for hymns in all three ;
“I finding them each time, and carrying them to
their respective owners. We had a very good
service, despite interruptions, one plank giving
way and letting the occupants on to the floor,
and Mr. Bavin, during the sermon, having to
ask one of the men to go and see ‘to the horses,
as they were getting into mischief, and then
going on as if nothing had happened. After
the service, Mr. Bavin promised to help them if
they would work in the district amongst the
people to get a congregation. No service had
been held for more than twelve months.
Some of the people felt very sad that the
mission had been given up, there being no
other service held within ‘several miles. They
promised to do all they could, and wanted to
make a collection at once, which we did, thus
starting a fund for repairs and rebuilding the
mission. The sum was small, as the people are
very poor, but seemed willing to give their last
penny if they could only have a missionary
occasionally to preach the Gospel to them.
After bidding them all good-bye, we packed up,
and started for home. On the way we stopped
at “Castleton Gardens†to rest the horses.
Rev. W. Griffiths had given us a letter of
introduction to the superintendent there. We
found our way to his house, and received a
kindly welcome, and a cup of tea. We stayed
about two hours. The Gardens are very beauti-
ful; everything we grow in England under
glass, grows here in the open air—tree ferns,
palms’ of all descriptions, lovely maiden-hair
ferns, an endless variety of roses, and most
lovely orchids, begonias, grapes, pine-apples,
etc. It must be seen to realize what it all
means; it is beyond ‘description. We reached
home 9.30 p.m.; it had been quite dark for
three hours, and travelling on the. mountain
roads after sunset is not a very desirable thing,
if you are ‘at all nervous. We had driven fifty
miles to preach to thirty people. Some may
ask, Is all this necessary? Let me say Mr.
Bavin must visit all these places personally, in
order to ascertain their actual condition and
needs. The people are very susceptible to good
influences, and a visit from the minister in-
spires them with hope and courage, and carries
them on to good work for a long time. Since
our visit, we have had gratifying reports of good
work done by local effort; the people meet for
prayer Sunday by Sunday. They have been
visited by one of our ministers, and have
increased their funds for the repairing of the
| 4ST month I inserted portions of a
letter received from Rev. Thomas
Adams Bayley, giving some of his
own experience in relation to
home ‘mission work. This month
I give an account with which he
has furnished me of the opening of the Wes-
eyan cause at Droitwich many years ago. Mr.
Bayley says :—
“One more case of local effort only will I
give (though I could give others). It was also
made in the neighbourhood of “Worcester, and
was narrated to.me by Brother Pincott, who
had formerly lived in that city, but who was
then (1834) a local preacher. in the Wesleyan
Bristol South circuit, and was about, I should
think, seventy years of age. It referred to the
commencement of the Wesleyan cause in Droit-
wich, a town about six and a half miles from
Worcester. It was then, and, I think, still
is noted for its brine springs, and consequent
manufacture of salt. Most of the people living
there were employed in the making, and export
of *his article. At the saltworks a large num-
ber both of men and women were employed ;
and the women were remarkable for their
strength, peculiar habits, and masculinity of
character. These women, clad in an outer gar-
ment of Hessian, girt about their waists with
a rope, wrought with, and did much the same
kind of work as the men. 4
One woman, whom I only know by the name
of Big Sall, was remarkable even among these
stalwart workers. She would drink with the
men, and if a quarrel arose, fight with the
men; few of whom cared to encounter her when
her passions were aroused.
ca * *
There were, I believe, two or three Episcopal
churches in Droitwich; but very few of the
galt-workers attended them; indeed, the greater
part of the inhabitants might be described as
semi-heathenish. Some of the Worcester local
branches felt much concerned about this state
of things; and one Sunday one of them, accom-
panied by a prayer-leader, resolved to see
whether something could not be done to alter
it; so they went there. On reaching a sort of
green, surrounded by a considerable number of
houses, they went to one of them, and offering
a shilling to the woman who occupied it, for
the use of her front room for a service they
obtained her consent. They then went round
to invite the neighbours to attend.
One of the first houses they called at was
that of Big Sall. She was astonished. '‘ What!
to a praichin! I never was axed to go to a
praichin before in all my loife. Yes, I’ll come.’
And*so she came at once, and actually went
with the preacher to invite others, and as a
result the room was well filled.
The ‘service was commenced. A hymn was
sung, the people were told to kneel down, and
the prayer-leader offered prayer. All this was
new to Big Sall, and, indeed, to the others,
but in a sort of wonder-stricken way they con-
ducted themselves with great propriety. Mean-
while, a number: of rough lads had collected
around the door, which, from the crowded state
of the room had been left open, and looking
round for some means of diversion saw, and
seized a little dog, and then holding it by its legs,
pitched it adroitly across the neck of the pray-
ing man. The yelp of the dog, and the sudden
cessation of the prayer, created a sensation.
Big Sall sprang to her feet, and clenching her
fists, declared with a terrible oath, what she
would do to these interrupters, the preacher
and his companion having \considerable diffi-
culty in soothing her into quiet. The meeting
ores proceeded peacefully to its termina-
The attendance at this service was so encour-
aging that, at the close, arrangements were
made for a continuance. Preachers came Sun-
day after Sunday; some preaching in the
house, and some of the more zealous in the’
open air. These were days in which Methodist
preachers, and hearers, were often subjected
to very rough usage; and so, after these ser-
vices had continued for awhile, some of the
rougher men, probably set on by others w.10
ought to have known better, resolved to put a
stop to it. ‘They would seize the preacher,
duck him in the horse-pond, and threaten him
with worse treatment if he came again. It so
happened that on the next Sunday a zealous
young man came there, and would preach in
the open air.. That just suited the roughs.
The sermon had scarcely begun when up came
these men to execute their purpose. But as
they pushed their way towards the preacher,
Big Sall sprung before them, and vowed she
(Last Portrait taken.)
would knock the first man down who ventured
to touch him. No man risked the encounter,
and, after a short pause, they slunk away,
leaving this doughty Amazon mistress of the
The services were continued, Big Sall a regu-
lar attendant. Conversions took place, and,
ultimately, a chapel was erected; and. I believe
that the Wesleyans have now a good chapel, _
and a fair society in Droitwich. I was desirous
of knowing something of the after-history of
Big Sall, but Mr. Pincott had left Worcester
many years before this narration, and cou'd
only say that so long as his information went,
she had continued to be a regular attendant on
the Wesleyan services.
* * *
In conclusion, let me ask my brethren, our
local preachers, Are not these cases stimulating !
Will they not go and do likewise? I am
aware that since the time when these things
took place a very large number of villages, and
out-lying suburbs of towns have been missioned,
by the Wesleyans, Primitive Methodists,
Bible Christians, and our own Churches; and
hence the opportunities of extension, and the
claims of uncared-for localities are much less
numerous than in the days before-mentioned.
Still, I have seen it stated on, I believe, good
authority, that there are now hundreds of vil-
lages (to say nothing of town suburbs) in which
there are no Methodist, nor, I think, Non-
conformist causes. There is, then, still room
for Christian enterprise. Will you not, breth-
ren, go up and possess the land? Larnest,
loving, prayerful efforts will yet have a rich
I am glad that the energy and devotion of
our general superintendent is securing ** honour-
able mention†by the public Press of the
Island. The “Jamaica Times†thus writes of
him :—= :
“The Rev. Francis Bavin /has been in
Jamaica only about a year, but has already
obtained an honourable position as one of the
strong forces in the religious community. Ee
was sent out by the Mission Board of the
United Methodist Free Church to succeed the
late Mr. Abercrombie, whose untimely death
during the epidemic, of 1897, was so deeply
deplored. Mr. Bavin’s mission was a highly
important one. The Church at home had come
to the conclusion that it was a case, either of
re-organizing or of abandoning the Jamaica
missions, which were by no means prospering.
They decided to re-organize, and Mr. Bavin
volunteered for the task. He had held high
positions in the United Methodist Free Church
in England, having charge before he came out
here of one of the most flourishing churches in
the Denomination. Mr. Bavin is a bright and
breezy preacher, unconventional in his methods,
but eminently successful in handling all classes
of men. He has worked wonders in all the
Jamaica churches over which he is superinten-
dent by dint of hard work, a clear business
head, and indomitable courage. He takes
much interest in the education question, and,
indeed, in all matters affecting the moral and
material advancement of the people. He has
become very popular with his flock and fellow-
ministers: Mr. Bavin has a wife and two
daughters out here, who are of the greatest
assistance to him in his: work.â€
A letter from Mrs. W. E. Soothill intimates
that they were eagerly looking for the arrival of
Mr. and Mrs. Sharman, and of the future Mrs.
As they had only learned recently that Mr.
Sharman was getting married, they would re-
ceive him and his wife as their guests, as no
house was ready for them. Mrs. Soothill pro-
ceeds :—
“T feel sorry for both those ladies beginning
married life. A new and heart-breaking lan-
guage, and a trying climate, all at one fell
swoop! We are sadly behind the times in
not insisting on the wives (before they become
such) getting a hold of the language. Many,
under such circumstances, soon give up attempt-
ing to learn it, and I could have done it too,
but either the grace of God, or my north-
country obstinacy (perhaps some of both) pre-
vented. I wish the Church at home would
pray for the ladies on our China field.â€
% % %
In a later communication, Mrs. Soothill
says :—
“Mr. Soothill has to-day returned from our
Wenchow Jericho, Juian. He left home on
Saturday at 12.30 mid-day, and was travelling
till 8 o'clock. After a wash, he at once com-
menced evening service, and had a most enjoy-
able time with the Christians, on the subject
of holiness. This, and the examination of
eleven candidates, kept him steadily busy till
11.30. On Sunday he had also three well-
attended services, and good attention. Alas!
the joy was not unalloyed—three members had
to be put under discipline.
So far we have had a wet autumn, and the
harvest has been reaped with difficulty, nor
have the country people been able, as yet, to
dry their sweet potatoes. There are complaints
all round about the dearness of food.
A letter has just come in from our Nyoh-
tsing preacher, Mr. Summers, which says that
a day or two ago a band of one hundred
brigands looted a large village down there. They
came down from the hills, and adopted a clever
ruse to prevent their plans being stopped, or
in any way interfered with. They said their
object was to make an attack on the Christians
of the district. Hearing this, the people were
delighted, and allowed them a free passage.
But they left the Christians severely alone, for
which we are duly thankful, giving all their
attention to those who had no connection what-
ever with Christianity. Mr. Summers tells us
two of the villagers were shot, and the brigands
decamped with much booty.â€
The following letter from Wigan explains
itself : — /
“The ‘Missionary Echo’ for July last con-
tained extracts from an interesting letter re-
eeived from the Rey. John Chinn, of Bocas del
Toro, in which he asked that some friend in
England would be kind enough to make the
animously. A sub-committee, representing
each of the four churches in the circuit, was
at once formed, and the order was given to a
local firm, the Pepper Mill Brass Foundry Co.
As far as possible, all the work in connection
with the casting and fitting of the bell was done
by those who had known Mr. Halliwell, and
appreciated his work.
When finished, the bell, which weighs up-
wards of one hundredweight with the fittings,
church at Bocas a present of a bell, for calling
the people to service. It occurred to two of
the members of King Street Church, Wigan,
that it would be an excellent memorial of the
late Rey. Thomas Halliwell, if such a bell were
to be given by the members of the Church with
which he had been so long associated. The
idea was no sooner mentioned than it met with
instant approval—teachers’ meetings, church
Meetings, and circuit quarterly meetings, all
‘passing resolutions in favour, heartily and un-
and is most sweet and mellow in tone, was -
shown and rung at each of the missionary meet-
ings in the circuit, and excited considerable
enthusiasm, all being anxious to see and handle
such a unique and fitting memorial of a per-
sonality so beloved. The following inscription
was engraved upon it in letters about an inch
long: ‘To the glory of God, and in memory
of the late Rev. Thomas Halliwell, of Wigan,
pastor of this church, who died at Bocas del
Toro, September 10th, 1897. This bell was
Teena reese Seavert er ERS
given by his friends of the U.M.F.C., Wigan
Circuit, England. i.e being dead, yet
speaketh.’ The cost has been met by voluntary
offerings from each Church and Sunday school,
together with the proceeds of a limelight lec-
ture on Mr. Halliwell’s life and labours, to be
given by the local missionary secretary. In a
few days the bell will be put on board the
steamer for Bocas del Toro, via Colon, and: it
will carry with it the heartfelt love and sympa-
thy and prayers of the people of Wigan to
their coloured brethren’ in Central America.â€
«;|HE following Special Subscriptions
| have been forwarded to us, for
which we tender our
thanks :—
Sunderland (Dock Street) Young
People’s Christian Endeavour,
H. T. Mawson, Esq., for renovation of Maw-
son Church, West Africa, £20.
Sydney Cozens-Hardy,
Miss Cozens-Hardy, £20.
Per Rev. J. W. Mawer, £21.
C. Rigby, Esq., for West Africa Bazaar,
£17 1s.
Two new missionary leaflets have been pre-
pared, and can be had from the Book Room.
One is by Dr. Hogg, “The Little Slave-girl,â€
being an account of the first patient in. the
women’s ward in our Wenchow Hospital. The
other is by Mrs. Wakefield, and is a most
impressive appeal for the consecration of our
best to foreign mission work! ‘These’ leaflets
are for free distribution !
Mr. and Mrs. Sharman’ have arrived safely
-at Wenchow, and received a hearty welcome
from all the friends on the station.
Miss Holgate arrived by the same boat, and
has been happily married to our good friend
Rev. W. R. Stobie. May the rich blessing of
God rest on their union, and may long and
happy years of service be their’s in the Empire
of China. A finer field of missionary service
the world does not possess.
We have received just a note from our good
friend, Rev. C. H. Goodman, announcing his
safe’arrival at Sierra Leone. He reports him-
self fairly well in health. Mr. and Mrs. Proud-
foot are also, we are thankful to say, in
Esq., legacy of late
moderate health. The work in Freetown is pro-
gressing in a very satisfactory manner ;
in every direction to demand our profound
thankfulness. ‘
Our good friend, Rev. F. Bavin, has been
suffering from a somewhat serious. attack of
malarial fever. He reports himself better, but
not quite well. He says the work is hard, but
there are many signs of improvement.
The news from both of our China districts
continues to be most encouraging. Their ap-
peals for further agents are truly apostolic in
their fervour and force. Are we to treat them
with hesitation? Now is our opportunity !
1. To Treasurers—Much missionary money
must have been gathered in in many circuits,
the remittances to the treasurer are most tardy ;
never more so. From a purely business point
this is bad economy! The bank charges for
over-drafts will, this year, exceed anything in
the past. This need not be, and would not be,
if only our friends, the local treasurers, would
send on the money as it is paid in by the
several Churches. It will be a delight to
acknowledge the receipt of sums on account, if
they are only sent. Will our friends help us
in this particular.
. To our Secretaries—The time is drawing
near for making up the circuit missionary
accounts for the printed report. Our helpers
im the circuits will help us so much, and save
confusion, and annoyance after the report is
published if they will (a) write on only one
side of the paper on which they send: their
cireuit accounts to myself; (b) refrain, from
mixing up sums for special objects, or special
missions, with the ordinary accounts. Please
put the specials in a separate list, at the foot
of the ordinary accounts. (c) Will all our
friends suffer a word of exhortation—reduce
“specials� to a minimum. It is embarrassing
to the Committee, and is out of harmony with
the broad principle of God’s love of all.
OuR great missionary gatherings will be held
this year on Monday, April Qe A ‘Cony ention will
take place in the afternoon, to be addressed by
Rey. James Roberts, from Jamaica, and Rey.
Dinsdale T. Young (Wesleyan). 8. W. Higgin-
bottom, Esq., will preside at the evening meeting,
and excellent arrangements have been made for
= To the Readers of the Misstonary Ecuo.
7 |ANY of the readers of the “ Missionary
Echo†are probably aware that I am
now endeavouring to raise an Hast
African Missionaries’ Memorial
Fund, with which, if possible, to
suitably and properly mark the
graves of those who have fallen at the front in
this grim battle with heathenism.
At Ribe, Edmund Butterworth, Mrs. Wake-
field, Charles New, John Martin, and Thomas
Carthew, le side by side. At Golbanti is the
onely grave of our beloved martyrs, John and
Mrs. Houghton. Mrs. Edmunds rests at
Jomvu, Mrs. Griffiths at Mazeras, and now Mr.
Ormerod at Freretown.
These fell fighting in our cause, and the very
least we can do is to mark the spot where they
fell. I want, therefore, to surround each place
where “our bonnie dust†lies sleeping, with a
substantial wall, and place on each grave a
memorial cross.
Many of you who read the ‘“ Missionary
Echo’ will have also read the lives of Charles
New, and Rebecca Wakefield, and Thomas
Carthew, and I am sure you must have been
inspired and blessed by doing so. Will you not
share with me the sacred privilege of protect- .
ing their quiet resting-places from the possibi-
lity of being neglected and forgotten? Any
little help you can render me will be very grate-
fully received, and duly acknowledged.
I hope some day, in these pages, to show you
these graves as they will appear when our
work is completed.
Please hand any contribution, how-
eve: small, to your minister, or for-
ward it direct to me, 23, Hanover Square,
Leeds. :
Hoping to have the joy of sharing this little
work, for Master and martyr, with many of
the readers of the “ Echo,â€
I remain,
Yours sincerely,
ENE orasse est bene laborasse.â€â€™
That is one of the few patristic
sayings which yeem to rank
with Scripture. It is a play on
the words, made possible by the
Latin, and cannot, therefore, be
perfectly rendered in English. But the force
of the sentiment does not rest in the play on
the words. The truth comes home, however
stated. To pray well is to labour well. . It
does not mean that toil without prayer is vain,
though that, of course, is true; it does nos
mean that all who toil well are sure to pray
well. But it means that, when we really pray,
we really toil; the prayer itself ranks with the
toil, is an equivalent, an integral factor.. Some
do the work, some do the prayer. But both
_ sections, ipso facto, do both:
Now, in the work abroad, this is for us who
are at home 'the all-important point. The work
in foreign countries is necessarily beyond our
sight and hearing; we cannot put our hand to
it. Accordingly, we fall into the notion that
the missionaries are doing it—doing it, perhaps,
for us, while we are doing work at home for
them. But this is a wrong division of labour.
If our maxim is true, we shall see that by
prayer we do their work abroad, and by prayer
they do our work at home.
Let us face the situation in a concrete form.
You have secured your half-hour of prayer for
the missionary work. You shut your door, you
get out your Watchers’ Band Manual. You
take the district and the missionaries for the
day. You fix your thought on that field of
labour, and on the workers in it. You begin
to approach the Lord of the harvest. Presently
you find yourself engaged in something of a
wrestle for a particular place or person. You
labour for the power of the Gospel there; you
are impressed with souls waiting to be born;
you travail to bring them to the light. As you
get a firmer hold of God, and of His promises,
a certain lofty assurance 'takes possession of
you; all things seem possible; the fields are
white to the harvest, and the labourers are
thrusting in the sickle.. Now, what has to be
realized is, that this half-hour so spent is
labour; it is thrusting in the sickle; it is gar-
nering the grain. If it were possible for you
to correlate the prayer here and the events
there, you would see that you had been working -
there; you would understand why the mis-
sionary that day had been conscious of an access
of power, had found an open door, had been
permitted to bring home a soul.
There are many definitions of prayer. But
the most pregnant to my mind is this: Prayer
is work.
Now, like all work, prayer is hard. It is-con-
siderably easier ‘to give a subscription which
well-nigh beggars you than to give prayer.
Needless to say, I am not speaking of attend-
ance at a prayer-mecting, or even of some
repetitions of missionary requests in the closet.
We cannot flatter ourselves that. prayer is
anything quite so easy as that might imply.
Prayer is a great business; and the reason why
there is so little of it is that strong souls are
I count the following passage from a descrip-
tion of Kerry, a great allegory of prayer:
* Others—bolder, nimbler, or more devout—per-
formed the devotion of the stations on the
great Skellig, a small rocky island once o:cn-
pied by a’ monastery of St. Finian, and lashed
by the most furious waves of the Atlantic.
Women, as well as men, by means of shallow
hollows cut in the rock, climbed the smooth and
dizzy cliff called the Stone of Pain, which rises
many fathoms above the sea, visited the cross
on the summit, and performed their last peri-
lous devotions at the extreme end of a project-
ing ledge of rock but two feet in breadth, which
hangs - at a fearful height over the boiling
If I think of those ignorant Catholics imagin-
ing that there is any virtue in praying under
such conditions voluntarily imposed, I can only
mourn over the gress perversion which a mate-
rialized religion produces. But, when = look
at this as an allegory, it is full of meaning.
Who, in his senses, would make prayer difficult
by climbing a dangerous rock and hanging over
* Perilous ‘seas forlorn,’ when to pray at all
is mounting a smooth rock where the hollows
for the feet are slight and worn, and kneeling
on a narrow: ledge of abstraction and absorp-
tion, which is occupied only by a steady brain
and a steadfast heart?
I hold that sustained prayer for missions is
the hardest, as it is the most essential, work
which we Christians have to do. I know no
way of making it easier; and the only way I
know of getting it cone is to insist:on the fact
that it is hard. It is a proof of the greater
essential fortitude of women that they are, I
believe, more valiant in this exercise than men.
Or it may be only that women have fewer
stormy intruders that prevent the indwelling
of the Holy Ghost, who prompts our prayers
as He helps our infirmities. What with busi-
ness, money-making, and speculating; what
with clubs, public-houses, smoking and drink-
ing, not to mention assaults of the flesh, it is
a hard thing for the Spirit to get anything like
a dwelling in a male. And yet not a man of
us has fortitude for prayer. unless the Spirit
is well within.
The thought of the new century will hardly
make us pray; the sense of the opportunities
in the field will hardly make us pray. But,
if with strenuots hand we unbar the temple-
gate, and with a whip of small cords drive out
those who sell and buy, calling eagerly on God
to come into His temple and to fill it, the
Spirit will move great prayers within us; and
our prayer for the world in our closet will
become work in the world for its salvation.
Oremus, laboremus, exspectemus.—‘ L.M.S.
| Christian Crusade. Vol. III. By P. C.
Corfe. London: Simpkin, Marshall and
Co., Paternoster Row, E.C. Price, Is. 6d.
We have read the successive volumes which
haye appeared under the above title, and we find
that they all have the same characteristics. We
have considerable sympathy with Mr. Corfe’s aim,
and are indebted to him for sounding the alarm
in reference to dangerous errors that are being
inculcated by professed ministers of the Christian
religion. We are shocked to find that Renan
should say, “It is perhaps the libertine who is
right, and who practises the true philosophy of life.â€
FFICIAL Attacks on Christianity, or the Anti-
a te a a
The sentiment should consign the memory of
that French unbeliever to infamy. — Still his
attacks cannot be called “official†in Mr. Corfe’s
sense, for he was avowedly outside the pale of the
Christian Church. It is different when we find
dignitaries of the ‘Church of England identify the
Divine nature of Christ with the divinity that is
ii man, or in flat contradiction to the teaching of
apostles, saying “it isobligatory for them to remove
every trace of expiation from Christ’s work.â€
What can we think of a clerical writer who
says, “ The doctrine of the atonement by blood, as
formulated by the Latin Church, has its origin
not in the Old Testament any more than in the
New. Its origin is simply pagan.†Many higher
critics assert that there is nothing of Christ. in
the Psalms, contrary to His own express teaching.
In the last century men spoke of mitred infidels.
Iu the present day we have surpliced assailants
of our most holy faith.
The literary methods of Mr. Corte are peculiar.
He abounds in quotation, and he seems to think
that citation and confutation are identical. While
agreeing with him in the main, we should like to
see a little more argument brought to bear on the
questions he raises. We should be glad also to
have chapter and yerse for each of his citations.
n the present volume we saw that he was quoting
largely, but only when we came to page 74 did we
know from whom or what he was quoting. Des-
nite defects of method, we are glad to have such
watchmen as Mr. Corfe on Zion’s walls. Perhaps
he is too indiscriminating in his censures. Weowe
too much to Tennyson, for. example, to like seeing
1im placed amongst assailants of Christianity. lf
he indulged “the larger hope,†he tells us himself
ne trusted it but “ faintlyâ€; and surely Erskine,
of Linlathen, and John Foster, the essayist, were
true Christians, though they held the larger hope
more tenaciously than did the late Poet Laureate.
f Tennyson asked us to “ring in the Christ that
has to be,†that, we think, could be no other than
the Christ that is—whom he called “Strong Son of
God; immortal love,†and of whom he said, “‘ Thou
seemest human and divine.†“The Christ, that
has to be†is the Christ of now, with His teachings
and example better followed than they are at
present. .
MENDILAND lies to the south-east of Freetown,
and has quite recently (1896) been included in
the area of the Sierra Leone Protectorate. It is
about ten thousand square miles in extent. The
country on the whole is hilly and very fine.
—W. Vivian, F.R.GS.
-|VERYBODY said that Sarah Simpson
‘| wasathorough, full-bred skinflint, and
some persons were even bold enough
to say it to her very face! And
though she never winced before
them, or uttered a single word in
reply, nevertheless, these ill:mannered criticisms
cut into her like a lancet dipped in acid, and caused
her many and many an hour's secret anguish and
She was a splendid little business .woman,
and as the sole mistress of a prosperous business
was commonly supposed to be literally coining
money. But she was careful in the extreme,
dressed plainly, though always neatly, paid
well for any service rendered her, although she
always scrupulously demanded the full value
for every shilling.
At least, half a score men, with a shrewd
eye upon her bank-book, had boldly offered her
marriage, but each one in turn had been firmly
and formally refused, and Sarah remained a
And so the years swiftly sped away, Sarah
sticking, if possible, more closely than ever to
her growing business, and, according to current
gossip, growing richer and stingier every day.
It was generally acknowledged that she was
generous in her support of the Church she
attended, and it’ was known to a grateful few
that her hand and heart were ever open towards
any real case of need; but, when secretaries of
the local football and cricket clubs asked for a
subscription, she sharply refused them, and
when some mincing old maid timidly called to
solicit a donation towards the ever-impecunious
asylum for lost cats, she sternly sent the poor
trembling soul about her business, shaking her
ringlets, and the dust from her silk gown, at
one and the same time. She didn’t mind giving
a trifle occasionally to support a decent home
for poor orphan children, or even an asylum
for idiots, but an asylum for cats! Faugh!
And the door slammed.
Thus, year in, and year out, she went on in,
her quiet way, keeping her own counsel, asking
for no one’s confidence, and making no new
friends. And so envy and jealousy wagged
their busy tongues, and that Pope in petticoats,
Mrs. Grundy, set her down as a feminine
Daniel Dancer, and the very gutter children
“jeered at her, and now and again chalked rude
remarks, and still ruder pictures on her front
door, whereat. those who ought to have known
better laughed immoderately.
But, in spite of all, Sarah quietly went on her
Way, hever resenting ‘these insults, never even
seeming to notice them, though, if the truth
must be known, they formed part of her cruci-
fixion for Christ’s sake. In fact, it was the
knowledge that she was enduring it all for His
sake, that enabled her to bear it.
All this she silently faced and braved for
many years; then a strange thing happened,
and it ceased once and for all.
One day, in the early spring, a missionary,
who had devoted many years to medical work
in China, came home on furlough, and, strange
to say, came right away to their town, and to
everybody’s profound astonishment, made his
home with Sarah Simpson! He had not been
there many days before he heard, to his deep
disgust, of what had been going on, and that
his presence as Sarah’s guest, was causing Mrs.
Grundy to say some very nasty things. This
made him exceedingly angry, and he deter-
mined to put these crooked things straight.
And so it was announced that he would give
a lantern lecture in the Town Hall, on “‘ Medical
Missions in China,†and as the curiosity of the
people was at fever-heat, and his worship the
Mayor was to take the chair, thus giving the
meeting the stamp of almost respectability, all
the world and his wife dwelling in that borough,
which shall be nameless, was present, and the
Hall was literally packed.
After giving his hearers a graphic and deeply-
interesting sketch of Chinese life and character,
he proceeded to speak of their manners and
customs, and then glided into his subject proper,
the ailments peculiar to the Chinese, the native
methods of healing, and his own endeavours to
improve upon that system, both by direct
medical work, and the training of a number of
Chinese medical students. Then he proceeded
to say:
“Such, your worship, are some of the prac-
tical results of my ten years’ labour in China.
We have now a small, but perfectly equipped
hospital in Woosang, with twenty beds and
a large dispensary practice. We have also a
modest medical college, out of which have
already passed some-dozen properly qualified
native medical men, and yet we have never had
a single shilling from any society, nor begged
for a single penny. I want now to tell you how
it has been done. ©
“Many years ago, I was a young student,
preparing for missionary work in China, and,
therefore, as you may naturally suppose, eagerly
picking up every scrap of information relating
to my coming work. Gradually my mind was
drawn to the importance of medical mission
work, and I begged the college authorities to
give me a special training in order that I might
devote myself to that special work. But they
declined, and I was on the point of throwing
up the whole business, when the Master, in a
wonderful way, answered my prayers, and made
the way both smooth and clear. Preaching
one memorable Sunday for a minister who was
ill, I was sent to be the guest of a lady who is
one of God’s secret saints. I talked to her
of my hopes and disappointments, for my heart
was sore, and the way very dark, and I was
longing for sympathy. She listened very
patiently and very quietly, and when I had
finished my story, asked me some shrewd ques-
tions, and then we prayed over the matter.
Some time afterwards, she sent for me, and, to
my great astonishment, and yet greater joy,
informed me that’ she had been thinking the
matter over, and was prepared to assist me,
as far as her means would allow.
direction, and at her sole charge, I entered as
a medical student, and in due course graduated
and qualified, and was ready to enter upon my
life-work. Then the dear soul informed me
that, some years before, a distant relative had
left her a legacy, which she was anxious to
invest in the service of God, and she nobly
handed over to me the whole sum to pay my
expenses out, and build a small haspital where-
in I could commence my work.â€
Here the whole audience, led olf by. the
Mayor, burst into a very thunder of applause.
When it had subsided, he went on:
“For nearly ten years I have toiled on in
that little workshop of mine, relieving thou-
sands of patients annually, saving some lives,
and, as I greatly rejoice to know, leading many
of my grateful patients to a saving knowledge
of the Lord Jesus Christ; and throughout the
whole of those years that grand woman has
nobly laboured at home, in order that she
might bear the whole of the financial burden,
so as to enable me to devote all my time and
energy to my work.’ Here the applause broke
out again and again.
“Yes, Mr: Mayor; in all those years, what-_
ever I have asked for has been sent out to me
at once, and her beautiful letters, her splendid
generosity, and, above all, her heroic sacrifices
-on behalf of this work, have. been a source of
continual inspiration both to myself, and to
my helpers, for she has laid us under a debt of
obligation we can never repay.’’ 'Here he took
from his pocket a long silk roll, beautifully
inscribed with Chinese characters, and pro-
ceeded to read it in Chinese, and then explained
that it was a roll of congratulation sent by his
band of medical students to their unknown
benefactress, and couched in the usual Celestial
terms, whereat the applause was louder than ever.
“Mr. Mayor,†he went on, ‘‘ that woman is
not a rich and titled lady, but one who is
comparatively poor, and who earns her bread
by the sweat of her face. For fifteen years
Under hex,
she has toiled incessantly and unceasingly,
eaten the bread of carefulness, and, what I am
sure must have been far harder to endure—for
she is a woman of keen sensitiveness—has en-
dured throughout all these years, the scorn’ and
ridicule of those who are not worthy to tie
her shoe-strings. She has done it, not for
praise or vainglory, but, secretly and silently,
for the glory of God, and the healing and help-
ing of the ailing and the heathen, in a far-
away land of misery and darkness.
“Sir, I have felt it to be my duty, in spite
of her urgent pleadings and protests, to make
this known, as a simple matter of justice. I
have shown you our hospital, I have shown you
some of my patients and students; now, sir, I
will show you the portrait of one of the
grandest women whom God ever made—the
woman who has worked, and struggled, and
sacrificed to build this hospital, and to con-
tinue this work,’ and to the profound astonish-
ment of the whole audience, he threw onto the
screen the well-known features of Sarah Simp-
son! The people were dumbfounded ; and, pro-
fiting by the hush, he.went on:
“Sir, on my return to China, in ‘a few
- months, I propose, in spite of her objections, to
call our hospital after the name of its noble
foundress, and sole supporter, ‘ The Sarah Simp-
son Hospital,’ and I hope that others will see
their way to follow in her footsteps.â€
Had a bombshell fallen into their midst it
could not have created a greater consternation,
and when the dear old soul rose from her quiet
corner, and with swimming eyes, sought’. to
escape, the whole meeting, moved by a common
impulse, sprang to its feet, and, led off by the
lecturer and the Mayor, shouted and cheered
itself hoarse, whilst some tearfully prayed that
God might abundantly bless her; and strong
men, as she passed out, silently gripped her
hand, and burst into tears.
From that night, her neighbours ceased to
sneer at Sarah Simpson’s nearness, and the only
subsequent occasion when the gutter children
practised their rude caligraphy on her door was
when a rough lad, who had been to the lecture
in order to see the pictures, voiced the universal
feeling in this badly-written and_ ill-spelled
sentence :—
“god bles Saray Simson.â€
And so the missionary went back to his work in
the Celestial Empire, cheered by the know-
ledge that his generous supporter would hence-
forth be duly appreciated, and that the keenest
and cruellest part of the burden she had so
long borne for Christ, was now lifted away
finally, and for ever.
There are scores within the pale of our be-
loved Free Methodism, who could easily, and
without real sacrifice, follow in her footsteps,
and send out.to China, or East or West Africa,
healing and salvation.
Harvest inspire them.
May the Lord of the
LITTLE distance outside Behari there:
is a strange formation of ground in
the valley on the other side of the
hill over which Trevelyan saw the
smoke of the burning huts. After
dropping suddenly down the steep:
descent, which is wooded to the bottom, the
traveller sees stretched before him what seems to:
be an irregularly paved stone cou't-yard. It
makes a white man think of the ruins of great
cities which fable tells were built long ages ago ;
and this impression is not altogether dissipated by
a closer inspection. There are large fissures
between the massive blocks of stone, and circular
holes about a foot in diameter, running far down
into the rocks. When the stream is at the full in
the rainy season, the water pours in between the
fissures and fills the holes, and then rushes on,.
making it dangerous to cross at the kivuko (ford).
Now, when Ndeto and his companion left all the
huts of the village behind them, they did not fear
detection, and boldly struck the path which led
them to this ford. If they had known that
yehind them was Faraji, who kept them well in
sight, although he never relaxed his cautiousness,
they would not have felt so safe. As it was Ndeto,
was heginning to recover from the fright which
re had received by the reading of those strange
Presently they reached the & vuko, and passing
along the rocky pavement, lightly jumped over the
trickling water, and climbing a large rock they
disappeared on the other side. Then it was Faraji
made a slip which nearly betrayed his presence.
Thinking they would continue their journey to
Barai he crossed the kivuko at a run, and leaped so
hastily over the rock which had hidden them from
view that he fell heavily on the other side.
Owing to some strange chance the two Swahilies
had halted a few yards in front, and were examin-
ing, in the light of the moon, some articles one of
them had looted that morning after the attack. The
noise of Faraji’s fall and his involuntary ery of
pain made them turn sharply around to discover
the cause. It was fortunate for the furdi that he
had presence of mind to remain motionless where
he fell; equally fortunate was it for him, he wore
a linen suit which had been soiled, so that he was
not distinguishable from the rocks in the uncertain
shimmer of the moon.
“What was that noise, Munaku ?†inquired
iy i
Lp} WN,
W) p
“ s
MN AL ft
ate We
Faray) Kept them.
well in sigbT
Ndeto. “{ thought it was like the voice of
someone in the anguish of pain.â€
“Thou art a fool, Ndeto ! Hast thou been robbed
of all thy senses by the words which the bwana
read from the Book?†answered his companion,
and laughed in derision.
‘Be careful to keep thy compliments to thyself
and all thy relations—children of the ugly face ?â€
was the instant retort. From the sound of his
voice it was evident that it would need but little
tomakea quarrel Faraji was amused, even though
the danger of discovery had not yet passed, and
discovery would certainly mean death.
“Be at peace, Ndeto! It was only the bark
of the fui (leopard) in the woéd. Praise be to
Allah, we escaped being food
for his hunger,†Munaku
piously gave thanks for his
This answer evidently
turned away the wrath of his
companion, for he replied,
“Perhaps you are right, rafiki
(friend). Was it not here
where Mabruki bade us remain
until he kept tryst with us ?
Let us rest and abide his
“coming! Have we not rare
news for him ?â€
The twosquatted themselves
down, and began to tell tales
in which lust and cruelty were
strangely commingled with
pious ejaculations.
Meanwhile Faraji was not
enjoying the plight in which
he found himself. He dared
not try to reach the other side
of the rock where he could
have seen and heard without
being seen. By moving slowly,
however, he managed to some-
what ease his position, which
was already beginning | to
cramp his limbs. His thoughts
wandered back to the time of
uis folly, and to the days of
us disgrace. What a fool he
nad been! What a coward
to hurt Fanny, and make a
scar on her cheek which no
regret could smooth away !
How forgiving bwina had
been in giving him another
chance. Would Fanny for-
give him now that he had
become a child of the Book
again? Faraji had not known
how Fanny had interceded for
him on the day of his return. He felt, rather
than knew, that his present adventure was some-
how a part of his trial. “If Mzungu willed it,
then'it would come to pass!†was the thought
which filled his mind.
But he was disturbed by the appearance of a
stranger from the other side of; the kivuko. The
two friends sprang from the ground and greeted
the new comer with a deference due to his rank.
* 7 shall reward my faithful followers,†was his
grandiloquent greeting. ““ What report have you
to give Ndeto, and you, Munaku?â€
In reply, they told him all they had done, .and
seen, and heard since he granted them permission
to go to Behari. Makruki- for it was the chief—
seemed pleased at first with the things they told
him, but burst into a vehement rage when Munaku
described the episode which had been enacted
under the yerandah of the mission house.
“You dog, and: child of Satan! You dared to
hazard my plans! Have you no wits at all? If you
had fired that shot I would have killed you. Are
you not able to see that the noise of your gun
would have warned the people?†and Mabruki
frothed in his inexpressible rage.
Ndeto cowered on the ground before him, and
it was only when the smooth-tongued Munaku
excused his companion that Mabruki regained his
composure, and the unfortunate rascal his feet. .
“Peace be to thee,’ Ndeto!†remarked the chief.
“Tf thou hast no more brains than a dog, I have a
villainous temper. So we'll cry quits this time,
since thou was scared by the white man’s God.â€
After this magnanimous speech he invited them
to be seated, while he told them his plans for the
raid upon the mission station of Behari.
““T have heard, rafiki, that the wasihari from
Lamu are close upon our footsteps, and what we
mean to do, it behoyes us to do quickly. To-morrow,
two hours. before dawn, in the fading light of
the moon, we must swoop down upon Behari like
the hawk, and take away the Mzungu’s (white
man’s) chickens.â€
Then he paused as though he were pondering
some important matter, and picking his words
“You, Munaku, and you, Ndeto, and two others
whom I ‘will choose must watch Behari on all sides,
from midnight until the time has arrived. You
must watch “with eager eyes, and send us word if
all be ready.
«What Shall be the cry this time ?—this morn-
ing it was the hooting of the night-bird,†inter-
rupted Ndeto.
“Tt had better be the bark of the leopard,â€
suggested Munaku. “Ndeto knows that cry to
“Well said,†exclaimed Mabruki. ‘When you
hear the leopard in the distance, then you will
know we are awake. And, if all be well and
ready, you must answer, one after the other, by
mimicking the cry of the leopard.â€
“But you suggest’ by those words that all may
not be well,†said Munaku to his chief.
“Did I not tell thee that the wasikari from
Lamu were drawing near, and are eager to rob the
leopard of his food? May Allah reward them
with the everlasting fires of perdition.â€
“It will be as Allah wills!†added Ndeto under
his breath.
“ When you Der the bark of the leopard, and if
all is not ready, then you must answer by the
He stopped, and never finished his sentence.
After a hurried look around he exclaimed, ‘* What
noise was that?â€
Faraji was the guilty one a second time that
hour. His curledup position, which he had
assumed at first to avoid detection, had cramped
him beyond endurance. His lip was bleeding
where his teeth had bitten it through as he tried
to bear the torture. But it had been too much
for him, and a slight’ movement of his leg had
scared the words which Mabruki was uttering.
When they turned, he was silent and motionless as
the rock against which he was crouching, and of
which he seemed to be a part, Perhaps they
would again be deceived as to the cause of the
noise. But Mabruki was present this time, and
because he played higher stakes than the other
two, he had more to lose. He was, therefore,
always on the watch ; always suspicious.
“Come! let us see if it be something on the
other side of yon rock,†and so saying he advanced
toward the place where Faraji, who knew now he
was sure to be discovered, lay trembling with
excitement. .
Quickly he resolved what he woulddo! Spring-.
ing up he bounded away on hands and Ee
uttering cries like the leopard. The suddenness
of his appearance gave Aiea who had come
so near that he could have touched him with his
hands, the greatest scare he had had for many a
day. No less afraid were the other two, who had
not the presence of mind to lift their guns and
shoot the supposed leopard. Faraji made nearly
a complete circuit round the rocky pavement of the
kivuko, and had reached the foot of the hill before the
worthy trio found their tongues, and their courage.
Whatever may have aided. the deception “it
would he impossible to say. It may have been the
uncertain light cast by the moon, and Faraji’s
life-like barks which made him appear, in the eyes
half-blinded with fear, to be the animal he pre-
tended to be. However, not one of them ever had
any suspicions concerning the genuineness of the
animal which frightened them, that moonlight
night by the kivuko, when they planned the attack
on the mission station of Behari.
Faraji continued to give out angry barks even
after he gained the safe retreat of the dense wood.
Then, when he was sure they were not following
him, he slackened his speed, and allowed himself
to think of all the things they had said. As soon
as he recovered his breath he hurried on to reach
Behari with his important news.
86 UR East African missions were es-
| tablished in 1862. The missionary
party consisted of Dr. J. Lewis
Krapf, a missionary and traveller ;
two young Swiss, Messrs. Elliker
and Graff, and two young Eng-
ishmen, Messrs. Wakefield and Woolner. Dr.
Krapf returned when he had _ seen the
mission started at Ribe, near Mombasa. The
two Swiss were like John Mark when he went
with Paul and Barnabas. They gave up the
work. Mr. Woolmer lost his health, and was
forced to return. His appearance when he
‘came back to England could be described in the
lines of Sir Walter Scott.
The mother that him hare,
Had she but been in presence there,
With his wan face, and sunburnt hair,
She had not known her child.
Mr. Wakefield, though left alone, stuck to his
post. He had “Come to stay.â€
He was joined in 1863 by Charles New, who
showed great heroism in going to Africa, as
just before he left, his brother Joseph had died
—a missionary in Sierra Leone. Anybody
who thinks that missionaries have fine times of
it, and that they lead a luxurious life, had
better read the account given by Mr. New, of
his arrival at Ribe. In England, a minister
going to a new circuit is met at the station by
the circuit steward, goes (perhaps in a cab for
his luggage’s sake) to his new home, finds a
good meal prepared for him and his family, and,
tired by his day's journey, sleeps on a comfort-
able bed. Mr. New’s arrival was a different
affair! Mr. Wakefield was himself in great
straits at the time. Missionaries have to “ en-
dure hardness, as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.â€
* * *
Mr. New died in Africa in-1875. He visited
England about the time that Stanley discovered
Livingstone. He had himself joined a Living-
stone Search Expedition, which was abandoned
when it was known that Livingstone had been
found. He was heard in Hngland with much
interest and delight. Perhaps he ought not to
have gone back to Africa as his health had
peen undermined by his residence there. But
he returned, and tried to establish a new mis-
sion in another part’ of East Africa. He was
treated very cruelly by the chief. One day
Mr. Wakefield got a note, “If you are able,
come over and see me on Monday, if I am
living.’ At once he prepared to go, but, ere
he could set out, tidings arrived that he was
dead. Tablets to the memory of him and his
brother may be found in Walham Green
chapel, London. I had the honour of unveil-
ing one of them.
Other missionaries went to labour in Hast
Africa. Some died there; Edmund- Butter-
worth, after afew weeks; Thomas H.. Carthew,
after a number of years. Some had to return
home after abundant labours, such as William
Yates—who has written books on East African
topics; James Seden and John Baxter, who
returned many years ago; with W. A. Todd
and G. W. Wilson, who returned more recently.
The East African mission has always been dear
to the heart of the Connexion, and the failing
ranks of our missionaries have been supplied
from time to time by the zeal of other brethren.
Our first’ stations in East Africa were near
Mombasa, but as the design was to evangelize
the great Galla nation, it was at length deter-
mined to plant a mission nearer their habitat.
Golbanti, on the Tana River, was selected, and
there several brethren have travelled and toiled.
Mr. Wakefield writes, in a little book on the
subject of Hast Africa, ‘The aim of this mis-
sion in the near future is to penetrate into
Bworanaland, where the Gallas are in full force,
and in prosperous condition.†Recently, «a
step in advance has been taken by the estab-
lishment of a station beyond Golbanti—higher
up the river.
Mr. Carthew had been a missionary both in
Sierra Leone and East Africa. He was a very
strong man. Once, in the former place, when
a box had to be carried into the mission house,
four negroes were doing their best to carry it
in and take it upstairs. They seemed to
handle it awkwardly, and made little way.
Mr. Carthew asked them to stand aside, and
lifting the box on to his shoulder, he went
forth before them all and put the box where
it had to be put. The astounded negroes looked
at each other, and one said: “‘ He be ‘trong for
sure.†One of our hymns says—
The rush of numerous years brings down
The most gigantic strength of men
but the African climate can do this as well
as ‘The rush of numerous years.’ Mr. Car-
thew’s strength was gigantic, and a short time
before his death he thought himself the
strongest man in’ J
East Africa, but a slight
accident was the cause ‘of his death. His vital
energy was gone. He died in the early prime
of life, deeply lamented. I mourn for him
* %
The first-born child of Rev. Thomas Wake-
field is a native of Zanzibar, the chief city of
the Sultan that rules (in name) over a narrow
strip of land in East Africa. Its advent was
a wonder to the Mohammedan ladies. They
had never seen a white baby before. Scores
of them came to have a look at her. “ One
night, says Mrs. Wakefield, “ a messenger came
to say that some ladies wished to come and see
me and the baby. No less than six came, ac-
companied by a young Arab gentleman, a regu-
lar swell, and Nellie was handed round to each
of them, and seemed to enjoy the fun.†Her
mother was amused to see how the young Arab
gentleman dealt with his chair. For a minute
or two he sat on it properly, then he drew his
feet on to the chair; and sat with his knees
touching his chin for the remainder of the
time. It is hard to adopt foreign customs. It
is said that when a certain Emperor of China
had a carriage sent him, he took the coach-
man’s seat, and put him inside to drive.
When Mr. Wakefield and his wife were at
Zanzibar in 1870 they paid a visit to the slave
market. Mrs. Wakefield wrote: “It is held
every evening, from five to six o'clock. I could
scarcely believe my own eyes as we threaded
our way among the crowds of the buyers and
sellers of human flesh and blood. The poor
creatures offered for sale stood in rows here and
there; and were marked on the forehead by’ a
daub of yellow paint to distinguish them. They
were of all ages, from two years and upward,
_aye, and less than that, for a mother with her
baby in her arms, or strapped at her back,
gipsy-fashion, were frequently offered in one
lot.†Slavery still exists in Zanzibar, but the
slave market is abolished, and its site is partly
occupied by the English Church. To God be
the praise.
Once, when Mr. Wakefield was on the sea,
his boatmen thought they would puzzle him.
They did. ‘If,†they said, “ you were in dan-
ger of drowning, and had’ your mother dnd your
wife with you, supposing you could only save
one of them, which would you save?†Mr.
Wakefield thought, and thought, and at last
gave it up. ‘‘ Why, which would you save?â€
he asked. ‘“ Oh,’ they answered, “we would
save our mother.†‘But why?†“Oh, if our
wife were drowned we could easily get another,
but we could not get another mother!â€
more they could, no more could you; so, if you
have a good mother, love her well, be kind and
obedient to her. God’s hands are: filled. with
blessings, but He has few such blessings as a
good mother.
We connect snow with the cold of winter.
Snow in summer is most uncommon, and mosé
unwelcome. Our East African missions are in
the hottest part of the world; how can there
be snow there? A number of people thought
like that, but Rev. Charles New found out that
there is. On a high mountain called Kilima-
Njaro there is a streak of white. The natives
said it was silver, and that it would be dan-
gerous to touch it. Mr. New had a different
belief, and went up the mountain to see. It
is difficult to breathe on high mountains, and
one by one his attendants dropped off, till he
had to go up alone. He reached masses of
frozen snow, and took a number of pieces when
he descended the hill. When his attendants
put tne snow to'their mouth each of them said, °
~ Water.†They had no word in their language
for snow. | They had never seen it fall, but Mr.
New proved that it was there.
Many valuable lives have been lost in Hast
Africa through the dreadful fevers that are
so common there; but Mr. and Mrs. Houghton,
of Golbanti, lost their lives in a still more
painful way. They were murdered by a plun-
dering tribe called the Masai. Their lives have
been written by Rev. Robert Brewin, and about
three years-ago a memorial for them was erected
in our chapel at Denton, chiefly through the
efforts of Rev. James Barker, who was minister
there at the time. The tablet tells how he was
a scholar in that Sunday school, got converted
in that church, and there was married to Miss
Annie Brown, whom he was trying to. protect
when they both fell. The epitaph concludes
with the very suitable words: “They were
lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their
death they were not divided,â€
The steward in the parable said: “I cannot
dig, to beg I am ashamed.†He was not like
some Gallas, who came to the late Rev. R. M.
Ormerod begging! He knew how they could
earn some money; so he suggested that instead
of coming begging to him they should work.
But they were indignant at the suggestion, and
said: ‘ Work! why, we are gentlemen!†I do
not remember Mr. Ormerod’s answer, but he
might have said in the words of Paul: “ He
that doth not work, neither should he eat.â€
; iT painter why he bestowed so much
‘Because I am painting for Hter-
nity ’—a fine saying, with a great
lesson. Young people who read
these lines, remember that in your daily doings
you are painting for Eternity. We use fast
colours. Whatever holy deed or word once
wrought into our life-picture will remain im-
perishable and immortal. The remembrance
of this endurance of character and influence will
help us to the utmost in keeping faith with
ourselves in the promise made: ‘ Throughout
my whole life I will lead a Christian life.â€
eI was once asked of a certain great
The following lines may help to the endur-
ance of faith, which has the promise of life
He built a house: time laid it in the dust.
He wrote a book : its title now forgot :
He ruled a city, but his name is not
On any tablet graven, or where rust
Can gather from disuse, or marble bust.
He took a child from out a wretched cot,
Who on the State dishonour might have brought,
And reared him to the Christian’s hope and trust.
The boy, to manhood grown, became a light
To many souls, and preached for human heed
The wondrous love of the Omnipotent.
The work has multiplied like stars at night
When darkness deepens : Hvery noble deed
Lasts longer than a granite monument.
Rotherham and District Union held its’ first
quarterly meeting in our church on Monday.
In the afternoon, Rev. E. Carrington preached
on “ The Imperialism of Christianity.†In the
evening Rev. W. H. James, the pastor, pre-
sided over the public mecting, which closed
with a consecration service. The union com-
prises fourteen societies and 570 members.
Holbeach—The evangelistic spirit of Chris-
tian Endeavour is making its presence known
through this society. A fortnight’s gospel mis-
sion was conducted by the Rev. W. Dawson,
and Endeavour members, with encouraging: re-
sults. The services were bright and interest-
ing, and included short addresses, attractive
singing and solos.
* * %
The Albert Street Christian Endeavour, Man-
chester, although not numerically strong, has
an excellent record of service for the past
year—a record worth noting by other societies.
The activities include the distribution of 235
bunches of flowers’ with text-cards attached;
the holding of : nine cottage song services;
raised for mission fund, £1 9s. 7d.; gifts to
the poor and crippled children, and to the aged
and sick. In addition to these generous minis-
tries, the society has distributed more than
1,000 books, magazines, and tracts amongst the
inmates of the workhouse and mission. Last,
but not least of the items in this thoroughly
Christian Endeavour record, is the statement
that the Endeavour members conduct a prayer
meeting every Sunday before the evening Sser-
vice. The Albert Street Society exists, without
a doubt, for the Church.
Miss Jennie Street, the well-known writer,
tells an excellent story about a Christian En-
deavour girl, and her interest in missions. Very
properly, the mission night is becoming increas-
ingly popular in our programme. A lady
friend told Miss Street that necessity arose
one week to change “the night out†of one of
her maids. When told of the change the girl
was visibly disappointed, and said: ‘‘ Of course,
Tll stay home, if you wish it, but IT would
rather give up two or three nights than this
one.†“Why?†said the lady. “ Because
“this is the night of the Missionary Parliament
at the Christian Endeavour, and I’m China.â€
The Twentieth Century Fund.—l trust every
Christian Endeavourer who can possibly do so,
will have a definite interest in this very great
“ Qhristian Endeavour.’ We must not lose
sight of the fact that the raising of this sum
of money is only a means to an end—the
extension of Christ’s Kingdom. Loyalty to our
Church, and love of the Saviour, are sufficient
motives to call out our energies and generous
In some cases it may be found expedient for
the Christan Endeavour Society—as a society—
to promise certain amounts. An excellent éx-
ample, is furnished by the Redruth Society,
which has guaranteed fifty guineas for the
fund. If other societies give proportionately
the Christian Endeavour contribution to this
Denominational enterprise will be a munifi-
cent sum. The young people—above all others
—will reap advantage from this great under-
taking, and the knowledge of that should inflame
youthful zeal to an unprecedented extent.
Christian Endeavourers of all ages, and in all
places, let me urge you to recognize your.
indebtedness to “ Free Methodism,’ and_ to
Christian influence, by some personal sacrifice
to further this great attempt to win the world
for Jesus Christ, whose name you have appro-
priated, and to whose service you are pledged.
Give cheerfully, according to the measure of
ability—give for the love of God, and the
good of men, and the very giving will be a
recompense of reward.
“ All looks gay and full of cheer,
To welcome the new-liveried year.â€â€”Sir,H. Cotton.
HE’ continent of Africa—the mis-
sion-field upon which attention is
to be focussed in this article—is
singularly rich in records of the
hardships and “patient continu-
ance in well-doing†of women who
have taken a conspicuous and fruitful part in
the efforts that have been put forth for ts
spiritual enlightenment and regeneration. “ If
ever there was a land under héaven,’ it ha?
been said, “that has been taken possession of
for ‘Christ, as Abraham took possession of
Canaan by the burial of his wife, that lan1 of
Africa is right sacredly the Lord’s.†Here and
there, throughout its vast area are “ knots of
bonnie dust,’ the mortal remains of women
both married and unmarried, who have fallen
on the field; ‘and over which we can well
imagine the angels of God, as they wing their
flight over this earth, pausing and reverently
saying: “ Blessed are the dead that die’ in the
Lord! Yea, saith the spirit, for they rest from
their labours, and their works do follow them!â€
Among the few typical examples selected
from the many devoted women who have made
Africa the sphere of their, arduous efforts, for
which we shall have room, mention may be
made first—in order’ of time rather than of
merit—of the name of Hannah Kilham, the
wife of Alexander Kilham, the founder of the
“New Connexion Methodists. 3†left by his
death, in 1798, a young widow, twenty-four
years of age. A few years afterwards, she
joined. the “ Society of Friends,†and after con-
secrating herself for awhile to home-mission
work among the poor, she transferred her clear
head and loving heart to missionary work
among the natives of West Africa. , Being
endowed with unusual linguistic abi! ity, she
spent a great deal of time and labour in the
reduction of the West African language to a
written form. She first went, with three other
Friends, to Bathurst, on the river Gambia. But
her bier sphere of operations was at Sierra
Leone; with occasional excursions into. the
regions round about, for the purpose of obtain-
ing a closer acquaintance with the principal
dialects spoken by the liberated Africans, who
had been debarked there. A number of child-
ren from the slave-ships were also given into —
her charge for training and.education, and with
them she settled down in the village of Char-
otte, shut out from all Christian’ society, save
that of her like-minded, helpful matron. It
was when she was returning from a voyage. to
Liberia, where she had been on .a benevolent
mission connected with her work for the
iberated slaves, that ‘she was taken ill, and
died on board the vessel on March 31st, 1832,
and her body was committed, with great reve-
rential sorrow, to the ‘silent deep. Speaking of
here and her works, the poet’ James _Mont-
gomery said :— “ Having known ‘her for many
years, and having often had occasion to glorify
God in her, I can only testify’ that during all
that period, at home or’ abroad, she was one
of the most actively, influentially | benevolent
persons with whom it ‘was ever my: privilege
to be acquainted.†‘
In any survey of woman’s work on. the
African mision-field, there are, of course, two
names that figure very largely even among
those who may be selected as examples. The
first of these is that of Mary, the wife of Robert
Moffat, the Nestor of the noble band of African
missionaries. For the space of fifty years
after her marriage with Moffat at Cape Town,
at Christmas, 1819—did this heroic and remark-
able woman share with him the labours, pains,
and joys of his memorable mission work among
the tribe of Bechuanas, lying to the west of
the Vaal river. She was a woman who held
eminently practical views of life. She used to
say, acording to the testimony of het son,
“That her first duty was to take care of her
husband’s health and strength, and in this
way to contribute to the success of his work,
when she could not serve the cause more
directly, by seeing that the table was well
spread, and the family resources husbanded.â€
But it was in Robert Moffat’s strictly spiritual
work that she proved herself a true helpmeet ;
a veritable tower of strength, in fact. She was
a woman of wonderful faith, as well as of quiet,
enduring power; in this respect almost superior
to her husband, were that possible. This,
indeed, was proved on one occasion, when, after
ten years of toil and prayer, not a single ray
of light had shot across the gloom to cheer their
weary hearts with the slightest sign or success,
Moffat, with his coadjutor, Hamilton, was in-
clined to ask: “ Are we right in remaining
here? Is it the will of God that we should?â€â€™
But Mary Moffat never lost heart, nor faith,
though it was tried as by fire. Falling back
upon the sure promises of God, she would con-
tinually say: “ We may not live to see it, but
the awakening will come as surely as the sun
will risé to-morrow.’ They did, however, live
to see it; for, at length, in 1829, a marvellous
religious awakening began, and in a few months
the whole aspect of the station had changed;
heathen songs and dances ceased, and every-
where the songs of Zion were heard pealing
through the astonished air by day and by night
Taken altogether, the record of Mary Moffat’s
missionary work and career is one of which
every British woman may be justly proud.
And may not the same thing be said with
equal fitness of her illustrious daughter, Mary,
who became the devoted wife of the intrepid
missionary explorer, David Livingstone? She
had been born in the country; was thoroughly
imbued with the missionary spirit from her
childhood upwards, and, moreover, gifted with
that peculiar winsomeness of personality which
acted like a magnet upon others, and won for
her the sympathy and affection of the heathen
people among whom she lived and laboured.
All that-her own mother, Mary, had been to her
father, Robert Moffat, that was she to the
husband of her -choice, David Livingstone.
Hrom the day that he took her from Kuruman
to his own home at Mabotsa, to the day of her
death on the banks of the Zambesi, she proved
herself to be in every respect a loving wife,
and a faithful helpmeet in the difficult and
extraordinary work which he so successfully
accomplished. A plain, white stone, we are
told, still marks the spot where, in the month
of April, 1862, her deeply sorrowing husband
laid her in the grave under the great baobab-
tree behind Shupanga House. And—as has
been well said—‘the daughter of Robert
Moffat, the wife of David Livingstone, the ‘ ma-
Robert’ of her living and loved Makalolo, could
have found no fitter burial-place than oh the
banks of that great river her husband was the
first to explore.’
In sketching, in a former article, the career
of Alfred Saker, the intrepid Baptist missionary
to the Camaroons, in Africa, I had to speak
of the beautiful, self-sacrificing devotion of his
wife—a true missionary wife, if ever there was
one. But quite as well worthy of record and
admiration, was the educational work accom-
plished among the Camaroons by their gifted
and devoted daughter, Emily. She was, indeed,
her father’s right hand, both as an educationa-
list and as an assistant translator. “ Her
familiar acquaintance with the Dualla lan-
guage,’ says Dr. Underhill, in his interesting
biography of her father, “ was of great value to
the mission, and all hearts were glad that the
name of Saker would not be lost or forgotten
among the people he had lived to save. Aen
The mantle of the father’ has fallen on his
beloved child. Her parents, drooping under the
weakness and exhaustion consequent on their
long life in Africa, cheerfully relinquished ‘ the
light of the house’ for the cause of Christ in
the Dark Continent.†And with a similar
heroic cheerfulness Emily Saker herself has
continued at her post; taking up, in addition
to her educational work among the Camaroon
children, the skein of the African language
dropped by her father, and carrying tarough
to completion a revised edition of his transla-
tion of the New Testament into the Dualla
language. A right-worthy daughter of right-
worthy parents, most assuredly !
And what about Mrs. Hore, the intrepid wife
of the intrepid pioneer missionary of the Lon-
don Missionary Society in Central Africa,
Captain Hore? Who that has read the record
of the work she helped her husband to accom-
plish on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, would
contest her claim to a conspicuous place in
the category of devoted women, who, as the
wives of missionaries, have contributed so con-
siderably to the evangelization, and through
that, to the civilization of Central Africa?
The story of the perils and privations through
which Mrs. Hore, and her popular little son,
Jack, passed, is embellished with a touch of
beautiful and fascinating romance. It required
not only. the heart of the heroine, but the faith
of the saint, to do what Mrs. Hore did on one
memorable occasion—viz.: remain at the mis-
sion station on the banks of the lake Kavala,
during her husband’s enforced absence at the
southern end of the lake—whither he had gone
to fetch a steam-vessel that had been built for
the use of the missionaries—with no bodyguard
for protection save the black servants who had
travelled with them from Zanzibar. Of white,
European companions she had none, save her
little son, Jack, who was in so precarious a
state of health, and so dreadfully thin, that,
as one of the native women told his mother,
he was “all bones and no meat!†A woman
with a spirit like that, could hardly be desig-
nated with any great show of consistency, the
“weaker vessel.â€
Space will not permit of more than a mere
passing reference to several other saintly women
who have selected Africa as the field of their
earnest missionary labours, which I have
marked out for special treatment. Otherwise,
a great deal might be said about the work
of Mrs. Hinderer at Ibadan, on the West
Coast, from 1852 to 1869, of whom it has been
said, that she was ‘‘ one of those devoted women
who seem specially created to be the nursing
mothers of pioneer missions; †of the work of
Mrs. Roland, an energetic lady to whom Cape
Colony is indebted for the introduction of
schools, and of whom an African missionary,
when speaking of her personal worth and suc-
cessful work, says: “ No marble slab, or monu-
mental brass, may record the deeds of this
brave, noble woman; but they will live in the
imperishable archives, safe from rust and
moth and decay, in the Lamb’s Book of Life; â€
also of the work of the noble wife of the Rev.
W. Shaw on the Eastern frontier, whose loving
and courageous spirit may be inferred from the
one fact that when, at the time of a Kaffir
rising, her husband was about to yield to the
entreaties of his friends to turn back—she
bravely urged him forward, saying: “Tf these
people are so bad as to be guilty of these
atrocities, there is all the more need that we
should go forward and teach them better.â€
And last, but by no means least, to the
names already given, must be added those of
which, as a Denomination, we may be justifi-
ably proud, who have done and suffered so
much for the spiritual illumination and regene-_
ration of Africa; to wit, Mrs) Rebecca Wake-
field, Mrs. Houghton, of Golbanti, and Mrs.
Griffiths among the dead, and the present Mrs,
Wakefield, and Mrs. Ormerod among the living.
These, and the names of such as Mrs. Wor-
boise, Mrs. Mickelthwaite, and Mrs. Proud-
foot, wives of our missionaries labouring on
the West Coast of Africa, clearly show, that
among the noble band of women who, renounc-
ing cheerfully all the charms and attractions
of Christidn homes and fatherland, have gone
forth to endure the nameless privations of a
missionary life, and to pour out the wealth of
their gentleness and persuasive power in the
cause of African evangelization, the Methodist
Free Church has. supplied a contingent second
to none in earnest devotedness and conse-
crated self-sacrifice.
Missionary Secretary we meet
with the following remarks :—
“J was sorry to see there is
as yet no word of any medical
colleague having been found. But
we must just wait on patiently, and trust that
the Lord will supply the need in His own
* * * s
After referring to apparatus useful for medi-
cal purposes, Dr. Hogg asks Mr. Chapman to
thank ladies in Heywood for kind services.
He would have done so himself but he had
not a list of their names. Then, he says: “I
will try to meet your wishes, and get a letter
ready for the Ladies’ Meetings. It will be
difficult; for there is not much that occurs in
our work that makes interesting cases—at least
among the women. There are few that come
up for treatment as compared to the men, and
they don’t stay very long. They get tired of
the monotony, the want of known faces, etc.,
and generally go home before treatment is com-
& * %
“Mr. and Mrs. Stobie have got settled down
next door. We all like Mrs. Stobie very much,
and believe she will be a great help in’ the
Rev. W. E: Soothill writes to the Missionary
Secretary :—
“The Stobies are now settled down in their
own home. The Sharmans are with us. It
is somewhat of a crush for them, but we have
made them as welcome as we could, and they
will have more room next spring if I can
manage to get away, to see my wife safely
Rev. Davin Brook, D.C.L.
‘* Mr. Sharman has commenced work already,
and Mrs. Sharman with him. He seems to have
a pretty good ear, and that is a hopeful sign,
though one can’t say very much after two days
of it.â€
* * *
Mr. Soothill believes that missionaries should
follow a prescribed course of study, and has
sent proposals which he asks the Committee to
sanction. Every other mission in China has
its course of study and examinations for newly-
arrived. missionaries.
* * *%
He further says: “Seventeen baptisms last
‘Sunday, five the week before, eight a fortnight
before that, making thirty this month. Please
thank the Committee for the very kind resolu-
tion passed concerning my book work, etc. I
‘am very much obliged to them, and will bring
samples for them to criticize and improve when
I come. It may interest you to know that the
publishers of my pocket-dictionary have just
written advising me to make prompt arrange-
ments for a second edition, as the first is
rapidly selling out.â€
I present to: my readers this month the
portrait of Rev. David Brook, M.A., D.C.L.
He is secretary of the Twentieth Century Fund,
by which we hope our Home and Foreign
Missions will be greatly helped, and he is doing
a great work in connection with it. .We must
all pray that his health may be preseryed
amidst his arduous labours, and that these
labours may be crowned with abundant success.
s|IBE.—We have much pleasure in
reporting the safe arrival of Rey, J.
B. Griffiths, and Rey. B. J. Ratcliffe,
in Kast Africa. They hada pleasant
voyage, and received a hearty wel-
come on their arrival, January 16th.
Mr. Griffiths closes his letter with these im-
pressive sentences :—‘‘T am already at it. Pray
for us, and: while praying for us don’t lose time
in sending others out. Our Churches have a
mission and a future in East Africa.â€
Mr. Ratcliffe in ‘his letter—his first letter—
observes :—“ My eyes have been so long turned
toward this benighted land, that I already feel
somewhat familiar with it ; though now I am face
to face with the work in its immensity I am con-
scious of my own weakness. Yet I am full of
Speaking of his first Sunday in the far-off land,
Mr. Ratcliffe says:—‘‘On Sunday we had the
services in the chapel, which, by the way, was
almost full. When I heard the people sing ‘Oh,
for a thousand tongues, to sing my great
Redeemer’s praise, and ‘ A charge to. keep I have,’
ete:, though I did not understand one of the words
they used, | was thrilled inexpressibly.â€
When we enter into our closet to pray, let us
remember our young friend who has gone forth,
for the first time, to this heathen field of labour;
full of enthusia m, that. his health my continue
good, and the many difficulties he may have to
face will not blunt. the fine edge of his youthful
zeal and chivalry. .
Tana River.—We have received a -brief letter
from-our noble friend, Rev. C. Consterdine. At
the time of writing he was -at Shella, on his way
back to Golbanti. He appeared to be in good
health, as he was certainly in a cheerful frame of
We hope ere this he will have had the joy of
welcoming Mr. Ratcliffe.
The news from China, both from Ningpo and
Wenchoy, is full of deepest interest.
Mr. Soothill has forwarded to the Editor a most
interesting account of the holding of the first
District meeting in Wenchow. It came too late
for the April number of THE EcHo, but whenever
published it ‘will be read with profound interest.
The romance of adventure in missionary enter-
prise may in some degree lie in the past, but the
days of romance in the changes wrought by the
power of the Gospel lie in the future. We will
not anticipate the story of Wenchow’s first District
meeting. '. +
position of Mr, Alderman) Mordey, the President
took the chair at the missionary meeting in Silver
Street Chapel; Mr. Robert Turner, Rochdale,
took the chair at Saxilby ; and Mr. H. J. Hart at
Bracebridge. The members of the deputation
were Revs. W. G. Howe, F. Galpin, and the
General Missionary Secretary.
It is to be earnestly hoped that all our friends
will keep in mind our Exeter Hall meeting. It
will be held this year on Monday, April 9th.
The afternoon arrangements were announced in
the March number of THE EcHo.
The evening chairman will be S. W. Higgin-
bottom, Esq., and the speakers, the President,
(Rey. J.C. Brewitt,) Rev. W. G. Howe, the General
Missionary Secretary (Rev. Henry T. Chapman)
and Rey. Alexander Connell, B.D., Regent Square
Custom Hous anp Jerry, Mompasa.
(By kind permission of C. M.S.)
The Spring Session of the Missionary Com-
mittee has been held in’ Lincoln. The reports
from the several mission stations were of a most
cheering character. More than one member of
the Committee said :—“‘We have much to thank
God for in the success of our Foreign Mission
work †; this is so.
_ The several services held in connection with the
visit of the Committee, in Silver Street Chapel,
at Saxilby, and at Bracebridge, were of a most
enthusiastic nature. In the absence, from indis-
We heard Mr. Connell speak in January at the
Students’ Conference, in Exeter Hall. He followed
the Archbishop of Canterbury, who had made a
notable speech. Mr. Connell’s speech was not in
any way second to his Lordship’s, but was one of
the noblest and most impressive speeches delivered
at that memorable conference. On missions Mr.
Connell speaks as one having authority ; head
and heart in him are touched to finest issues.
Then the musical part of the programme is sure
to be ,good,. and our own President is sure to
speak well, and with fervour. .
Freeney SEES ees
HAVE returned to Golbanti
after an absence of a little
more than two months. When
I left Ribe there was no
European resident on our stations,
but as my letters from England
stated that Mr. Griffiths and Mr. Ratcliffe were
to arrive early in December, I had but small
compunction in leaving the people alone for
a few days. On returning to Golbanti I was
very pleased to find how satisfactorily the
mission work had been sustained, and I consider
great credit is due to our able teacher, Matthew
Shakala. Despite the mournful associations
We are badly off for school furniture at Gol-
banti, and now I am endeavouring to supply
the want myself, from sawn timber purchased
in Lamu:
I often wonder whether our friends at home
think that a mission at Golbanti among Gallas
and Pokomos jointly, is similar to a mission
among Wanyika and Wagiriama at Ribe. I
would so much like to divest most completely
the mind of everyone of such a fallacious idea.
The Wanyika and Wagiriama have many things
and customs in common, and they are not
always readily distinguished by their appear-
ance; they can liye together in one town, and
intermarry among their people. Whereas the
Gallas and Pokomos have very little or no-
thing in common; intermarriages are only
heard of on the rarest occasions; they live
apart entirely, the one on the plain,
Part oF BAzAAR, Mombasa.
By kind permission of C.M,S.
which are connected with our Ribe and Ganjoni
stations just now, I was much refreshed and
built up in body and soul by the society and
companionship of the missionaries of the Church
Missionary Society, and I return to Golbanti
feeling very much better every way than when
I left a short time ago.
As, for the present, the affairs of this station
are left in my hands, I am endeavouring to
adapt myself to my new responsibilities. I
find many things pressing. themselves upon my
attention, and I am endeavouring to deal with
all according to my ability, but the multiplicity
of these claims, and the. variety of duties de-
volving upon the one man, is sometimes a little
bewildering, and at times it is difficult not to
be a little impatient and hastily spoken.
the other on the river; their dealings
with one another are only of a busi-
ness nature, whilst there is very little
or nothing of social intercourse
between them, but many. jealousies,
and where compelled to be together,
frequent strife. Their respective
claims upon the missionary’s time are
strikingly different, agreeing perhaps
in one point, ie., the request for
medicine and attention to their uni-
versal ulcers.
With these two races uuder one’s
care, every hour of the day, it is
extremely difficult for a man of sym-
pathy to maintain au even balance
botween the two races without show-
ing orference and favour.
Here, on this mission, we have
three distinct congregations to which
to preach each Sabbath, one Galla,
and two Pokomo; but. with our
limited preaching staff of Shakala and
myself we can only hold one service for each congre-
gation on a Sabbath, Every morning of the
week we have prayers for the Gallas in the
church, but each Pokomo. congregation must
be content with the single.Sunday service a
week. In our day-school at Golbanti we have
Gallas and Pokomos each speaking their own
language, the missionary himself taking a class
of intelligent young Gallas, who well deserve
his personal attention; but it frequently hap-
pens several days a week he must leave his
class with an allotted task, or place them with
the scholars of another teacher, whilst he makes
a visit to the Bura school (Pokomio) half-an-hour
away, in order to assure himself that teacher
and scholars are not becoming lax in their
methods. Our Pokomo scholars are now
clamouring for baptism, but I really feel very
reticent in taking much progressive work among
them, inasmuch as I feel unable to discharge
additional duties in which I should necessarily
be involved. New converts would mean more
sheep-pens in our fold, if I may use such a
figure; they would need kindly Christian coun-
sel in society, and particular shepherding. It is
sad that the Golbanti missionary’s time should
be so crowded out as to leave him with no time
or no strength for after-sunset meetings.
I have just stated that I returned from Ribe
much refreshed and built up, both in body and
soul, truly, and in capital spirits for my work,
But I am afraid that if I have to bear the strain
alone for long, I shall soon be run down again,
and be in need of another change. Now, I
should like to press most firmly, and yet most
kindly, our need (not merely a “ wantâ€) of an
additional European to be stationed perma-
nently at Golbanti, and if Bobuoya work be
taken up again, a third man for that station.
The second man at Golbanti could well devote
his attention to morning prayers and daily
school among the Pokomos, and to their Sunday
services, with other incidental matters which
would inevitably claim his attention every day
between sunrise and sunrise, whilst his col-
league would be at liberty to hold a. second
service for the Gallas, and devote a less divided
attention to the day-school. Our late’ Brother
Ormerod made a passionate appeal in a similar
strain, I know, and attached to that appeal the
seal of death. I trust such an emphatic’ signa-
ture may not be required of me, but unless a
colleague be sent out within a measurable time,
either the missionary or the mission must in-
evitably suffer.
I have brought up the “printer's cutterâ€
from Shella, and I quite intend to carry on
a little printing still, with the Galla whom Mr.
Ormerod taught. One great lack at Golbanti
is that of Galla literature; Mr. Ormerod left
several portions of the New Testament which,
if possible, I should like to print. I have also
his MS. of St. Matthew, in Kigalla, of which I
will endeavour to prepare a clean copy for the
press (in England). :
I note with much relief your kind intimation
of the revised terms of service upon this coast,
and am devoutly thankful for it.
The elders of Golbanti are much disturbed,
I am given to understand, at the progress of
our mission work, in that their young people
and freed slaves are associating themselves with
us; to-day I hear they have been sitting in
council, discussing the situation, and suggesting
appeals for help from the Government !!
The people of the town (Golbanti) have now
consented to attend our Church services, having
sat in council and carefully considered the
matter, but I am persuaded it is only on
account of a certain amount of pressure brought
to bear upon them, and their fear of losing the
mission protection if they held out any longer.
When Mr. Howe came here, in the autumn of
1897, the Gallas then promised to come “ by-
and-by,â€â€™ and in the end they would all become
attenders at our services. Since then there has
been but a slight increase in the attendances,
and Mr. Ormerod, before he left for Mombasa,
had that meeting with them which is recorded
in the “Echo†for November, in ‘the. article
entitled: “The Old Order Changeth.†This is
certainly a point gained, but I have, as yet,
but little faith in their spiritual fervour.
I am still rejoicing in my good health, requir-
ing no medicine except for other people; I
think there are brighter days still coming for
our Galla mission, and I myself am very hope-
ful. Our native Christians are, I believe, with
perhaps three exceptions, very sincere; a Chris-
tian Galla is indeed a trophy.
IVING in the house with us is a
little Chinese woman, and the
only name I know her by, and the
only name I hear anyone else call
her is, Ahmo, or nurse. Not that
she has anything to nurse, unless,
indeed, it be myself, if I am ill, when
she is always most concerned, and very
The other day I was in this unfortunate
predicament, and Ahmo had to spend a good
portion of her time waiting on me. So I
thought I would improve the weary time by
getting a little light on a matter which had
often puzzled me.
“ Ahmo,â€. I began, “tell me, what is your
She laughed, and giggled gaily at such a
question, and at length replied: “I have none.â€
Then added she, as if it were something to be
proud of,
“Neither do I know the year, nor yet the
day, when I was born. I have never asked
my mother about it; I only know it was some-
where in the 12th Moon, and that I am some-_
where about thirty.â€
I was not going to be put off in this way,
so I presently returned to the charge with,
“ But it is nonsense to say you have not some
name by which people can know you.â€
“Indeed, it is true,’ she replied.
Chinesé women have no names.â€
Then I began to think how I could catch my
httle woman with guile, so I began again.
“When your brother comes to see you, how
does he accost you?â€â€™
“As ‘ Ah-tsa’ (eldest, sister),’ she promptly
“If your husband were here, and you were
in the garden, how would he call you?†was my
“By shouting, ‘Come here,†she mischie-
yously responded:
I was not to be put off in this fashion, so
again I persisted,
“When a woman has a little girl born, doesn’t
she get a name?â€
“ The little girl does, not the mother.â€
“Very well, then, what name did you get
when you were born?†was my next query.
She'coyly responded, “ Sin-tung,†or Winter-
“There!†I exclaimed, “I knew you must
have a name hidden away somewhere.â€
“Oh, but,†she quickly replied, “ that is not
my name now; that was only for when I was a
child. It would sound very funny to call me
Winterborn now.â€
She then went on to tell me of a curious
custom they have in a neighbouring district,
where it seems they style their girls, daughters
No. 1, or No. 2, or No. 3,.as the case may be.
Before giving up the question in despair, I
made one more attempt.
“What does Mrs. Dzang (her former mistress)
call. you?†I said.
“ Ahmo,†she replied, smiling at my being so
“ But you are not her Ahmo now,’ I con-
“It is all the same,†she repeated:
T is little Winterborn of mine is both a
diligent and an earnest Christian. A few years
ago, before she became a Christian, she could
not read characters at all, now she can read the
New Testament quite nicely, and is ambitious
as to the Old. When she came to me I began
to teach her the Romanized, and she was most
eager; but we had a hard struggle for it, on
account of her poor ear for sounds, and some
difference in dialect. Every day she bewailed
her utter “ stupidity,’ but she doggedly perse-
vered, and was at length rewarded; though I
fear she will never be the excellent writer of
the Romanized that some of the Christians —
Most of her time is spent in the girls’ school,
where she is in charge when I am not there.
She also buys the food, and superintends the
cooking of the mid-day meal we give the girls.
Occasionally, too, when I am prevented by ill-
ness, or any other cause, she will, after seeing
to the cooking of say fifteen girls’ dinners (in
which, of course, they take an active part), trip
away a couple of miles to the West-gate, and
take a women’s meeting there. Only the other
day, when I was urging upon her the absolute
necessity’ there was that she should do this,
she replied :
“Yes, it is indeed sad; to think how few
native women we have who are at all competent
to teach or preach the Gospel.’’ She added,
“It is not that my courage is too small, but
I am so afraid of not interpreting the Scrip-
tures correctly, thereby causing people to
Then a sudden thought struck her, and she
said: ““ Young ladies are always coming to help
the Inland Mission; how is it none ever come
to teach us?â€
To that question I was dumb.
\HE Healing of the Nations. A treatise on
T Medical Missions. By J. Rutter William-
son, M.B., Student Volunteer Missionary
Union. London, E.C., 22, Warwick Lane.
Mr. Williamson describes the contents of his
book as a statement and an appeal. ‘The statement
is very convincing. Medical missions are needed.
Native practitioners are very ignorant, not
only as to right medicinal treatment, but on the
anatomy of the human frame, and on surgery.
They also practise cruelties and immoralities in
dealing with patients, that are abhorrent to
Christian science. The advantage of medical
missions is obvious, on the ground of humanity,
and the opportunities they afford for preaching
the gospel of Christ: Even for the missionaries
themselves, and for their families, a competent
knowledge of medicine and surgery is highly
desirable. Medical missions are also in acord-
ance with the highest example. Jesus was a
great healer, and in sending forth His disciples,
He said, not only “preach the word†but
“heal the sick.†These are only truisms, but
they are very important ones, and it is the
illustration of them that gives this book its
great value. :
It would, perhaps, be revolting more than
amusing to give some instances of native medi-
cal treatment in different parts of the world,
Many of the recipes are disgusting, and many
are more likely to kill than to cure. As for
what men suffer through the ignorance of native
practitioners of true methods of surgery, it is
almost too painful to think of. It reminds us
of the words of Hamlet's father,
‘‘T'dould a tale unfold, whose lightest word
Would harrow up thy soul.â€
Reading this, book would make those who have no
hitherto considered the subject, acknowledge
that medical missions are amongst the most
benevolent and Christlike agencies that ever
were established.
One instance I will give from the book which
is both encouraging and'amusing. “ Some years
ago a mandarin who had lost his nose pre-
sented himself. before a medical missionary.
‘ The doctor took him~in for three
months, .and then he went away with
what he came : for—a new nose. Et
was not a very handsome one,’ says the
doctor, ‘but was a nose made of his own flesh
and blood. He said I. had made him a
foreigner’s nose instead of a Chinamani’s,. but
he was so proud of it, nevertheless, that he
carried ‘a, little: mirror in his sleeve, and’ was
continually looking at this new facial ornament.
This' gentleman also took away from our. hos-
pital. something which he did not come for—
a more or less extensive knowledge of the
Gospel ..: . and, while in’ the hospital,
had read the. New Testament through and
through. But he read only that he’ might
argue against it, and when he left us was ‘so
bitterly opposed to Christianity that I put. .
him down in my note-book.as a surgical success
but an evangelical failure. ,That entry, | must.
now confess, was. a record of lack ‘of faith in
me. I ought to have known that ‘so much
Gospel truth was not likely to le dormant in
that man’s heart, and, it did not. Last year,
the news reached me that in his distant home
that gentleman had gone, to the missionary,
professed his faith in Jesus, and had been
received by baptism into the Christian Church.â€
Ahother extract’ will show what is the
author’s opinion about the qualifications of a
medical missionary. “He should be a good
doctor. In the mission field he will be thrown
back on his own resources. He is often alone
in face of the gravest responsibilities. He is
hot sustained by an educated public sentiment
which will ensure for him an enlightened and
charitable view of all that he does. He is
surrounded by envious charlatans, who will
spare no efforts to injure him by detraction and
misrepresentation.†Very convincing words.
as ;
Hl a
Aan het AA N
| ARAJI lost no time in reporting
| progress to his master, Thomas
Trevelyan; and now, sitting near
the door, he awaited the mission-
ary’s pleasure.
For the space of nearly half an
hour there was no word spoken, while Trevelyan
considered the state of events and how best
he could utilize the information the fundi had
obtained by his eavesdropping: Two lines of
action presented themselves. .If the contingent
of wasikart had been on the mission station,
/as they ought to have been according to the
promise made to him in the letter from Mom-
kasa; he would not have hesitated a moment.
This is what’ he would have done: he wou:d
have gathered: the women: and children :nto
the safe shelter of the bustani; he would then
have armed the men, and together with the
help. of the trained wasikari he would . have
given the rebels a warmer reception than any
they had experienced. But this was out ‘of
court; so he turned his thoughts to consider
the alternative scheme.’ If he could not invite
the rebels’ attack, he must hinder them making
it. This could easily be done by keeping a
strong watch during all the hours of the night;
their activity would be noticed by the enemy’s
scouts, who, when the bark of the leopard was
heard, would answer by the cry of warning,
and so delay the: attack. —
He was not satisfied, however, with so tame
a resource, and he wondered how to make the
most of his information: Just at that moment,
by an inexplainable freak of his mind—if you
-exclude the interposition of spiritual forces—
there passed before him a vision. He saw
himself playing, ““ Here we come gathering nuts
in May †with some children; he could hear the
laughter of'one group, and the dismay of the
other, when a player was coerced by superior
strength to help the side which had been
opposed to him.
Trevelyan laughed aloud, and the noise woke
up Faraji, who had begun to snore.
“T am here, Bwana,’ observed the fundi in
sleepy tones.
* Ngema |â€
The game he had helped the children to play
(that is well) Trevelyan ex-
“Go, call the men who watch with
I have some important work for you to
vides valac ft ski
43) me the peat ve
in the English meadow, had given him the idea
he wanted.
Not many minutes elapsed before a dozen
strong mission youths greeted him as he stood
under the veranda.
* Bassi, men! Are you ready to follow me
wherever I will lead you?’ he asked them.
“Yes, Bwana!†was the ready, if careless
answer of several. But two or three’ were not
so confident of their ability.
“You see, master, you do not care for any-
thing, and are so strong. We are willing to
follow you; we are faithful to Bwana, but we
are only children in strength,†was their expla-
‘J wonder now,’ said Trevelyan, and theve
was a quaver of amusement in his voice; “I
wonder now if an extra rupee
apiece would increase your
strength ? â€
Of course they protested that
they were willing to serve him
without any pay whatever ; he
had saved them all from the
nda (famine ; they were his
children ; he had but to com-
mand and they would go; they
were sure they did not serve
for fetha (silver) ; but if Bwana
saw good to reward their faith-
fulness, who were. they to
refuse his favours ?
Then, sinking into the re-
cess of his wicker chair, and
bidding them seat themselves
near him, Trevelyan told them
his plans.
Shortly before midnight. a
party of men, headed by a
white man, who was head and |
shoulders above, his compan.â€
ions, passed noiselessly out of
Behari. They followed the
path until they came to the
edge of the wood, which ex-
tended over the top of the
hill down the other side of
the k vuko. At a signal from
Trevelyan, they, halted when
well’ within shadow of the
wood. A whispered word ‘or
two, and they choose trees
suitable for their purpose, and
near to the path. Behind
these trees they hid them-
selves ;{ some ! lying prone on
the ground, others standing up.
There they remained watching
with keen eyes, along the
path which threaded through the wood; unseen,
vet able to see all who approached. Trevelyan,
taking a hint from Faraji’s escape from detec: |
tion at the hkivwko, had caused his men to |
discard their white jackets, and to assume the
dark-blue loin and shoulder cloths usually worn
by the natives. This precaution aided them |
in the ambush they made while they lay hid |
among the dark shadows.
Almost an hour passed away in absolute
eee eos
silence, save for an occasional word of encour-
agement from Trevelyan, and signs of impa-
tience were beginning to show themselves when
one noticed a bird flutter over their heads.
Its timid flight told them it had been disturbed.
Before long they heard the sound of the snap-
ping of twigs and the rustling of the under-
growth, Hvidently the scouting party was
near, and the muscles of the ambuscade grew
tense while they waited the developments of
the next few minutes. They were not kept
long in doubt; soon a man appeared, followed
by three others, walking down the sloping path
at a swinging pace. Trevelyan and his men
held their breath with the excitement, which
proved too much for one of them, who, unable
to control himself, shricked aloud. This was
almost the undoing of Trevelyan’s plans. The
instant they were startled by the unexpected
noise, the strangers leaped a pace backward,
their hands clutched their swords, and they
swayed their bodies forward, listening for any
sound or movement. But they had been
aroused to the sense of danger too late; they
were in the very midst of the ambuscade, and
that instant they were on the alert, dark
shadows from the wood closed in all around
them. They fought bravely, and used their
swords as well as they could in their panic,
but all to no purpose. The affair was over,
from the unfortunate shriek to the pinioning of
their arms, in less than a minute. When the
beams of the moonlight revealed to them the
face of Trevelyan, they uttered low cries of
lamentation, and begged the mercy of the white
man. Trevelyan took not the slightest notice
of their cowardly wailing, but, when satisfiedâ€
they were completely disarmed, he gave the
order to march.
On their arrival at the mission station the
prisoners’ arms were released, after they had
promised not to endeavour to escape. But
they were not allowed their freedom; Trevel-
yan knew that a Swahili’s word of honour
would scarcely permit of so much. They were
marched into the large room. of the mission-
house, and ordered to take their place, each in
a corner of the room, and there they had to
remain, each in the custody of two of the
strongest mission servants, to await their cap-
tor’s pleasure.
Trevelyan passed into the small ante-room
which served as his bedroom, and calling them
in on: at a time, he subjected them to a, severe
cross-examination concerning the intentions and
plans of Mabruki. He had rightly guessed—they
were in the confidence of their leader, at any
rate concerning his immediate movements.
He was fortunate, too, in making his selec-
tion which of the prisoners should undergo the
first interview. While marching to Behari,
Trevelyan had noticed ,one who seemed
agitated, and who glanced uneasily behind him
in his direction. This happened not once, nor
twice, but at least a dozen’ times on the way,
and aroused the suspicions of the missionary,
who concluded that for some reason unknown
to him, this man was afraid of him.
He it was who received the first call into
Trevelyan’s presence.
“You may be seated, stranger,’ said his host.
“Be at ease, if you can. I am no lion to eat
you up. I only look after the comfort of my
whelps. What is your name?â€
‘““Ndeto, Bwana!’ answered the wretch, who
thought the missionary had resolved to take his
vengeance because of what had transpired in
the veranda a few hours previously. ‘I must
have been possessed of an evil spirit when I
tried to do it, Bwana. , You are strong, and I
am. at your feet!â€
“True, rafiki ; when Satan puts mischief into
the heart the wits fly out,†responded Trevel-
yen, who, knowing. not how near to death he
had been, thought the man was referring to his
participation in the.intended attack. But he
never came to a discovery of the truth of his
agitation. Thinking he could work upon the
man’s fears, he continued, ‘‘ Now, Ndeto, if you
value your skin, tell:me the truth! If I find
you in one word of falsehood, then you had
better look out.â€
“Every word shall be a word of truth,â€
whined Ndeto, who feared the knowledge of
the white man, ‘who read such strange words—
words which saw through one’s purposes.
So it was that all these things conspired to
help Trevelyan. Ndeto made a full disclosure
of Mabruki’s plans concerning the attack on ~
Behari, and their after movements as far as he
knew them. And while he stammered out his
words. Trevelyan wrote them on paper. © His
revelations were very important, and were fully
substantiated by the unwilling testimony of
the other prisoners.
But important as these revelations were,
there was one item of news which gave the
missionary the whip hand over the rebel chief,
and would certainly altogether prevent any
attack upon the station. It was this:—One of
Ndeto’s companions was Nasibu, the eldest and
favourite son of Mabruki, the rebel chief. He
had asked to be appointed one of the scouts,
and very much against his will, Mabruki had
yielded to the importunity of his son.
When questioned, however, Nasibu would
not own to any relationship to Mabruki; but
the white man noticed a scowl of annoyance
rest for a moment on the speaker’s face, when,
with a great oath he declared that the other
three were accursed unbelievers if they said he
was the son of Mabruki.
Notwithstanding his vehement denial, Tre-
velyan did not believe him, and knowing the
value of his captive, he determined not to lose
sight of him for the next few hours. That was
the reason why Nasibu accompanied the picket
party while his companions were left in safe
custody in the mission-house.
And Nasibu’s strange behaviour when the
cries of the leopard were heard gave the lie
to his denials.
Trevelyan had posted his men on four sides
of the station, and had given them very minute
instructions, and all were waiting for the
first sound of the tui (leopard). As the time
drew near, and the moon approached the hori-
zon, Nasibu became very excited, and tried to
edge away from his captors, but Trevelyan saw
every movement, and prepared for eventuali-
They were beginning to complain of the cold
chill of the early morning, when one fancied he
heard a noise far off in the wood. Instantly
all were alert.
“Listen!†cried one.
“Goro! . Boro!†came distinctly from the
opposite hillside, in exact imitation of the bark
of the leopard.
“Now, James Faraji!
to answer,’ said Trevelyan.
**Oo-we! Oo-we!†laughed the fundi.
“Silence, listen for our men!†commanded
Trevelyan, and scarcely had he spoken before
another: laugh like the hyena came from the
party posted on Beauchamp’s Hill. Then an-
other and another like mocking echoes, until
the circuit was complete.
Then it was Nasibu created a little diver-
sion. Before anyone could guess, he leaped
forward and commenced to hoot like a night-
bird. But immediately Trevelyan threw him-
self upon the running man, and bringing him
down to the ground, placed his hand over his
mouth and stopped the hooting.
“That was the cry of Mabruki’s son, and
meant he needed help,†declared Faraji.
“How do you know that?â€
“ Bwana forgets I was away from Behari for
three moons! And Bwana, has forgotten
where I spent them!†was the fundi’s reply.
“Why did you not recognize Nasibu at once,
and tell me, Faraji?â€â€™
“T could only tell Bwana all I knew,†re-
sponded Faraji. ‘The son was not with his
father before I left.â€
Trevelyan looked at him, and said: “I think
It is time for you
“was most notable.
you are right, James Faraiji.
they have heard it!â€
The attacking party had been bewildered by
Nasibu’s hoot, but since it was not repeated,
they concluded it was in reality the scream
of a night-bird; but to make sure they barked
again like the leopard, and received another
round of laughing screeches.. They returned
the laugh to let their scouts know they under-
stood. Then, wondering greatly, and sorely
disappointed, they retired to Barai, and their
laughs grew fainter and fainter to the watchers
around the mission station, until they ceased
Listen, men,
Rohe ye Bey". SS
aks ©. i
Jaa ye) 1 EET ne CUD wy:
Sse] HE gatherings at Sheffield in con-
nection with the Federation of
Evangelical Churches were re
markable in every way. In num
bers, in enthusiasm, and in unity
of feeling the National Counci
One subject on which there
would have been a distinct cleavage, viz., the
war in South Africa, was wisely let alone. |
Different speakers cast side glances at it, and
made allusions which were easily understood.
but the subject was not faced. I cannot here
give an epitome of its proceedings, but, as an
abstainer of 53 years standing, I am glad
to say that the subject of temperance legisla-
tion received the attention which, by its impor-
tance, it deserves.
Such was the phrase used at the National
Council in reference to the House of Commons
by Rev. Hugh Price Hughes. Defeated every-
where else, he makes his last defence there.
Perhaps Mr. Hughes forgot for a moment that
there is an Upper House to which he can re-
treat when defeated in the representative assem-
bly. As I write, I am gladdened to think that
in the House of Commons the devil has of late
been twice defeated. On the Children’s. Drink
Bill, and the Monmouthshire Sunday Closing
Bill the friends of light haye triumphed. I
rejoice with trembling. These Bills are not
yet the law of the land, and there is “ many
a slip “tween the cup and the lip.†Neverthe-
less, I hope that in due time these wholesome
measures will pass the ordeal of a final reading,
and receive the royal asent. It is time that
something should be done to “abate the
nuisance â€â€™
department and phase of communal life.
that strong drink causes in every
Fair-minded men of different political
opinions have been shocked by recent outrages
perpetrated in the name of patriotism. Men
who sought to peacefully meet in order to take
counsel together, have been mobbed and mal-
treated because their views were not in harmony
with those of their neighbours. This is sad
enough, but far worse than these outrages is the
opinion expressed by the Leader of the House
of Commons, that men of unpopular senti-
ments should not give umbrage to the majority
by holding meetings at all. This principle
would justify the Empress of China in forbid-
ding the preaching of the Gospel. It would
condemn Clarkson in our own country, and
William Lloyd Garrison in the United. States,
from holding anti-slavery meetings. It would
nip all reformations in their initial stage, and
obstruct the path of progress in every direction.
In the name of humanity and of Christ I
protest against it. Andrew Fuller was told by
a politician of his day that they gave him
liberty to think, but the great Baptist divine
spurned the professed gift. We have that
power without you granting it, he exclaimed.
“What we want is liberty to disseminate our
Mr. Charles Eastwood, treasurer of the Mis-
sionaries’ Literature Association, is anxious to
raise £15 per annum by Lantern Lectures, on
behalf of our missions. He has, had a fairly
successful winter, and is now able to lecture on
all our missions. He can don the Chinese
dress when he lectures on China. He is con-
stantly adding to his list of curios which he
finds helpful at his lectures. He now resides at
Oaklee, Mellor, Stockport. He will be glad to
give a list of his topics to any Church or circuit
which might thus wish to aid our Home and
Foreign Missions.
Addressed to the Governor of Jamaica by the
District Meeting recently held there.
HE respectful memorial of the Ministers
and Officers of the United Methodist
Free Churches, in the Island of Jamaica,
in annual meeting assembled, at East
Street Methodist Free Church, Kingston, on
the 23rd of Jantary, 1900.
To His Excellency Sir H. W. Hemmine, &e.
This Memorial showeth: That your memo-
rialists, in common with the other religious
bodies of the Island, take a deep interest in
the elementary education of the children of
the elementary education of the children of
our peasantry, and in pursuance, thereof, have,
in different parts of the Island, established and
maintained for a number of years (in many
cases fifty years or more) elementary schools,
as part of their work, for the intellectual and’
moral improvement of the people.
2. That a considerable sum, apart from
Government grants, amounting in the aggre-
gate to many thousands of pounds, has been
expended in the erection of school buildings,
provision 01 school appliances and general main-
tenance of educational work; resulting, it is
believed, in great and lasting benefit to the
young people, who have passed, and are still
passing through the said schools.
3. That your memorialists would view with
anxiety, any possible danger in the future that
might threaten the permanency of the good
work already begun by them, and whilst they
would support any reasonable plan for the
closing or amalgamation of unnecessary denomi-
national schools, desire humbly to lay. before
your Excellency their claim, to some share in
the management of matters, wherein their in-
terests are so vitally effected. Having large
interests at stake, your memorialists beg most
respectfully, to bring before your Excellency’s
notice, the fact, that they have not any repre-
sentative on the Board of Education, with,
whom lies very largely the decisions in regard
to the retaining or otherwise of their schools,
and further, that any legislation affecting them,
would probably be in their absence, and pos-
sibly without their knowledge.
Under the circumstances, we beg humbly
and respectfully to submit our claim to repre-
sentation, in common with the other religious
bodies in the Island, pointing out to your
Excellency, that every other religious body,
haying any considerable educational interests,
is represented at least by one member of the
Education Board.
4. We further beg to bring to your Excel-
lency’s notice, that we have at present in the
Island, in the person of our General Superin-
tendent, a gentleman who, prior to his leaving
England, was a prominent member of the
School Board of the City of Nottingham, and
chairman of finance to that body, with an
administration of over £130,000 per year, and
would, therefore, presumably be a suitable and
useful member, being familiar with the most
recent movements and developments: of our
English Elementary Day Schools.
Francis Bavin, Chairman, R, H. McLaughlin,
Vice-Chairman ; W. Griffiths, Treasurer ; Alwyn
J. Ellis, Secretary.
E have two principal mission
stations in China—Ningpo and
Wenchow. In past numbers of
the ‘‘ Missionary Echo’†accounts
have: been given of the history
of these missions. I cannot now
repeat these accounts, even in brief. Only
let me say that when we have had great
success in both. What I propose to do here
is simply to give some anecdotes of mis-
sions in China, after I have said a little about
China itself.
China is very large and very populous. We
speak of Great Britain and Greater Britain,
the latter title meaning Great Britain with
its colonies and dependencies. So we speak of
China and the Chinese Empire, the last expres-
sion ‘meaning China -proper, with Man-
churia, Mongolia, and Tibet. Taking China in
the largest sense, it has an area of four millions
of square miles, that is, it occupies one-fourth
part of the vast continent of Asia. China
proper has eighteen provinces, and is so thickly
peopled that it is said to contain one-third of
the whole family of man. Its history goes back
to the most distant ages, and its celebrated
wall was built three hundred years before Jesus
was born.
The State religion is Confucianism, which
derives its name from Confucius, a philosopher,
who lived more than five hundred years before
Christ came. It is a system of deportment and
manners rather than a religion, as it contains
nothing about God. A second system of reli-
gion is Buddhism, an idolatrous system which
was founded in India, where it has died
out. There are more Buddhists in the
world than§“of any other religion. A third
religion is} Taouism, which is the least
popular of the three. Chinese worshippers do
not seem to know that we should worship in
spirit and in truth. A woman kneeling in the
temple will break off her prayers to clutch at
her neighbour's dress, and ask, “How much
did it cost per yard?â€
In Africa, people who have never seen a
white-man before are terrified when one comes
in their sight. Children will run away crying,
“Mother!†and upgrown people are often
filled with dread. It is not so in China with
Europeans. The natives cannot see enough of
them. When Mr. Galpin went into country
places and entered a tea-house, it would be
surrounded by villagers, who, by pin-pricks
in the window-panes (made of paper), watched
his every movement. Often he would close his
eyes and cover them with his hands, that he
might try and feel as if he were alone. Mr.
and Mrs. Soothill were sleeping in a village,
and when in the morning Mr. Soothill opened
the shutter—which was needful to get light—
the place was at once crowded with people,
who wanted to see them put on their clothes!
The shutter was hastily closed, and they made
a grab at their clothes, and dressed in the dark
as well as they could. Still worse did Miss
Guinness and some ladies of the China Inland
Mission fare one night. They were shown
where they had to sleep, and as soon as they
got there, a great Chinaman came and sat in
the doorway (there was no door) with a pipe
in his mouth, anxious to see the ladies prepare
to say, “ Now I lay me down to sleep.†Some
woman in the house had a little common
sense. She came and led the great, hulking
fellow away.
Some time ago the people in a place near
Ningpo became convinced that idols could not
help them, and they gave their temple to our
missions. It had a great bell, and a number of
idols, and these came into our hands. A little
girl, who lives in Bradford, Yorkshire, heard. of
this, and although she is only nine years of
age, Miss Alberta Vickridge made a little poem
on the subject. It may interest some to know
that one of her grandfathers was the Rev.
Edmund Vickeridge, and the other Mr. Charles
Wardlow, both of whom are now in glory.
Here is the poem.
In China stands a Temple fair
All built of wood and stone,
And many frightful idols there
For long have found a home,
The people brought them offerings rare
And worshipped them alone.
But good men sailed across the sea,
And left their native shore,
Left home and friends and country dear
They never might see more,
To tell the old, old story where
It was not known before.
They laboured long alone for love,
The people did not heed,
At last an answer from above
Came to their prayers with speed ;
They left their wicked ways and strove
A better life to lead.
They gave their Temple to belong
To those who'd taught them prayer ;
_ And now is heard the Christian’s song
And Bible-reading, where
Their wicked idols all among
They danced and worshipped there.
We have a high school at Wenchow, where
young men are educated. Some time ago, Rev.
W. R. Stobie went to Shanghai to meet a
young lady, who had come from England to
marry him. A number of the pupils accom-
panied him to the steamer to say good-bye.
One of them wrote in English an account of
this visit, and I, am able to let my young
friends read what he wrote. You may say
when you read it, how queerly he writes. But
how would you get on if, after a few months’
teaching, you had to write a letter in Chinese?
“ Yesterday morning I went out to the screw-
steamer with all scholars, for good-bye to our
dear teacher went to Shanghai, to marries his
wife. He was leading us walked all the rooms
of the steamer, and from stem to stern. And
he taught us have many words, but we forgot
any, the others as hold, jump, steerage, saloon,
or state-room, mast, rudder, helm, anchor,
cable, gang-way, ladder, kitchen, rigging, bell,
leechlines, lifts of the yards, halliards, tank,
steam-winch and capstan. We did conversation
any words with teacher and good by upon him,
So we returned to our school. But we got
many fears in our mind for to worship will to
late. So we came to quickly is like and ran.
The God will angry if we did not to worship,
and we will get into hell. So we must take
more care to pray.—Pupil Zi ‘Ong-Fang.â€
Rice is with the Chinese “‘ the staff of life,â€
as bread is with us. The Lord’s supper is
_ with them ‘“‘ the Lord’s rice!?’ ‘Like ourselves,
they are also meat eaters, although there is a
society in China called Vegetarians, by no
means so innocent people as vegetarians are at
home. Some things we abhor are dainties to
them, at least I have read that in China
skinned rats are hung up in butcher’s shops
as dead sheep are in England. I have never
heard our own missionaries speak of disgusting
things being set on the table, and a friend of
mine, who visited China, tells me that he quite
liked the food they gave him when he visited
eating-houses in China, but he took care never
to ask what it was he was eating!
* * *
One of our missionaries relates that one of
the ingredients in Chinese dishes placed before
him was sure to be fat pork. Having no relish
for that particular article of diet, his faithful
dog always bore him’ company when he went
to a feast. Every now and then he would
offer—on the sly—his companion a piece of
pork; and never once did he refuse the gift.
Thus, all parties were pleased !
It is amazing what foolish fashions are found
over the world, and equally amazing what
people will suffer to be in the fashion. Dr.
Livingstone tells us that amongst some tribes
of Africa it is the custom to knock out’ the
front teeth, and if a person is not in the
fashion he is constantly twitted with “ Oh, look
at those great, big teeth.†There is a worse
fashion in China than that. Poor people do
not follow it, and hence are saved a world of
pain and inconvenience, but “ the respectables â€
put their female children to dreadful pain
because such is the fashion. The foot is
doubled up, and strapped.down regardless of the
eries of the poor, tortured child, and when the
process is completed, and the Chinese girl puts
on her little shoe, she can only hobble along.
I am glad to say that in our own day the ques-
tion is being considered, even where the religion
is not received, and th i a number of Chinese
ladies are leagued ag: + . the cruel custom of
foot-binding. I wis! t »m every success, ‘but
folly dies hard, espe..a] - when it is fashionable
What are good manners in one place may be
very bad manners in another. When Li Hung
Chang was here, he asked Mr. Gladstone and
others what we would think, in a stranger,
impertinent questions. But from the Chinese
point of view he was perfectly courteous in his
enquiries. One thing we must observe in
China, if we wish to be thought polite. We
must extravagantly praise other people and
their friends, and depreciate ourselves and our
friends. If a gentleman asks me about my
wife’s health, he says: “How is the health
of your beautiful darling?†and I must
respond, “My very plain household drudge is
tolerable.†I then ask him about his son.
“How is that beautiful image of his father,
your incomparable son?†He answers: ‘ My
stupid lad has nothing to complain of.†Is
there not something hollow about this? Yes,
but perhaps that is true also of our own
Our Lord said that those who forsook house
_or, friends or lands for His sake should receive
a hundredfold in this life—-but He added—
“with persecutions.†His word has been |
found true. In our own country it has been
so, though, happily, we can now’worship Him,
none daring to make us afraid. It has been
so in.China. It has been so, with our own con-
verts there. I am glad to say they have stood
the test. They have been punished though
innocent, but have not flinched, and have taken
patiently, if not joyfully, the spoiling of their
goods. To God be all the praise.
| Endeavour Union.—The - fourth
annual rally was held in the Baptist
Chapel, and was a most successful
gathering. The attendance was
large and the building was effectively
decorated for the occasion—plants in great variety
being lent by Mr. Lee, of the Weston Nurseries.
The chair was taken by Rev. J. Foulger, who has
been elected president of the Union. Mr. Foulger
takés a deep interest in the movement, and gave
an excellent address on the “ History and Aims
of Christian Endeavour,†furnishing evidence from
his own Church of the value of the Young People’s
Society of Christian Endeavour in developing the
gifts and graces of the young. Mr. Sheppey,
_Congresbury, who is also a member of our Church,
is the treasurer of the Union, and a tried friend of
the good cause.
: * * *
«“ Endeavour Day†celebrations were held in
many parts of the country—South London Union
holding its sixth anniversary on this date. The
secretary's report showed progress all along the
line, and good work done. Rev. H. J. Knight
gave the chairman’s address, and was followed by
other speakers on the Pledge and the Prayer
Meeting ; Rev. H. Mann, of Bellenden Road,
giving the closing address on “Our Relation to
the Church.â€
* * *
The Chesterfield and District Union held its
sixth half-yearly convention in the Methodist
Free Church. At the afternoon conference a paper
on.“ Oil for Christian Endeavour Wheels†was
read by Miss Hewitt, of Dronfield followed by
discussion. A public meeting was held in the
evening, which was well attended. Amongst the
speakers, Rev. W. Francis gave an able address on
« John Wesley’s Motto.†The report of the Union
was of a progressive character, and stated that there
are now 29 societies and over a thousand members.
A significant item was that during the year 52
associates had become active members, that is,
they had made confession of their Rely to Christ.
* *
“Nothing is small that God gives us to do,â€
so a recent speaker said, and it demands our
attention, because for the most part the readers of
these notes, like the writer of them, must be
content to fill a little space. ‘‘ The highest motive
to the lowliest duty †will exalt the daily task,
whatever it is, and make it Christian service: and
Christian service is never a small thing. A great
German said: ‘It is better to do the most trifling
thing for half-an hour than to think that half-an-
hour is a trifling thing.â€
Bristol is one of the cities where Christian
Endeavour flourishes abundantly, and with great
advantage to the Churches. The North District
Union held its annual meeting, in our Milk Street
Church, Mr. E. H. Weeks presiding. The report
indicated 28 societies, and an aggregate member-
ship of over fifteen hundred. Addresses were
-delivered by Rey. F. J. Horsefield, Rev. D. Brown
and the pastor of the church, Rev. James, Roberts.
* * *
It is delightful to find our chapels so extensively,
used for Endeavour gatherings. To those already
named, Macclesfield must be added. Here the
Stockport Union held its third annual convention.
The afternoon was devoted to a Praise Service,
which was presided over by our minister, Rev. J.
Roberts, recently returned from Jamaica. The
anthems, etc., were effectively rendered by. a
choir composed of members. of the Macclesfield
Christian Endeavour Societies. An evening meet-
ing was held at which a kindly message from Dr.
Clarke was read.
* * *
The Congresbury Society, in the Worle circuit,
has followed up the consideration of the ‘Sin of
Liquor-selling,†by very, practical action on temper-
ance lines. ‘There are nine public houses in this
village of 1,100 inhabitants. The landlord: of one
of the houses was .summoned two. weeks in
succession for drunkenness, and for assault. : The
Endeayourers sent a deputation to the vicar. of
the parish suggesting action, with the result that
the vicar drew up a petition against the renewal
of the licence, which has been extensively signed,
and there is good hope that Congresbury will
have one evil less in its midst.
# * *
It is interesting to know that there are
Endeavourers in. the conflict in South Africa, and
more than interesting, to know, that they are, up-
holding , their Christian Endeavour standard. in
such unpropitious circumstances., One, who for
eight. hours was under fire at Colenso, describes a
meeting for prayer and praise on return to camp.
Another reports open-air meetings held nightly and
attended by: hundreds of. soldiers,
% * %
Abroad, as at home, the good cause’ advances.
Seven Christian Endeavour Societies have: been
started in Beyrout, at the request of the young
people themselves. At the present time there
are seventeen different Protestant: services \con-
ducted in this city every Sunday, in addition to
the Endeavour Societies mentioned.
* %
To Secretaries.—I shall be glad to receive the
annual subscription of one shilling from the societies
that hay not yet responded,
“The honeysuckle 10und the
And by the meadow-trenches blow the faint sweet
enckoo flowers.â€
porch has wove its wavy
UR first Wenchow District meeting
has just been held, and as its proceed-
ings were peculiarly interesting to
us, it is possible you and your
readers may find pleasure in hearing
of what we did.
First of all. we looked forward to it with much
anxiety, for the burning question of local preachers’
remuneration was to come up, a question which
has caused us much uneasiness of late. For more
than a week beforehand we (the English staff) had
a half-hour’s prayer meeting every evening to seek
for special guidance. And the Lord did guide,
and made what seemed a rock of offence to be-
come a stepping-stone to what we have reason to
believe will be higher things.
Few missions in China have so numerous a staff
of local preachers as our Wenchow mission has.
Most other Churches work almost entirely through
a paid ministry. Now, according to our home
methods, local preachers are unpaid, and a noble
service it is, like to St. Paul himself, and worthy
of double honour. But here in Wenchow our men
have very long distances to travel, and in addition
to observing the Sabbath, which is unknown among
the heathen, they often break time on Saturday
and Monday in order to fulfil their appointments.
For a long time we have been resisting payment
for Sunday work alone, and have objected to pay
anything but a nominal sum to cover actual ex-
penses. But in regard to. broken time during the
six days, we felt that whilst they deserved liberal
consideration, yet that the amount must be kept
within the ultimate capacity of our vil age churches,
Herein lay the difficulty—just sufficient to cover
their losses, not enough to make it profitable.
We knew that many were discontented, and so
lecided to have the matter finally settled at their
District meeting.
First of all there came the gathering of the
clans, and by Thursday night some 50 delegates
had arrived from Hast, West, North and South ;
most had come 30 miles, and many even greater
The first meeting took place on Friday, the 29th
December, in our City Chapel, which had been
peautifully decorated for Christmas. At 10 o’clock
some 70 delegates, most of them local preachers,
had assembled, and we made the morning session
an entirely devotional one, feeling that so im-
portant an assembly should be given over to the
spiritual, more than the “business†part of the
work—to the Mary spirit more than the Martha.
Many took part in fervent prayer, I read and
- whai,†short for “Zang kang whai,
- This is but a brief, though all too
expounded the second chapter of
st Peter to an
appreciative audience, and then addressed them on
the question: “What is the object
as a Church, and the best means of
The answer I gave to the first half
of our existence
attaining it?â€
was principally
“To bring God to men and men to God—Im-
manuel—the new birth ;†and to the second half,
“« By ourselves becoming Immanue
in us, an unceasing life in God.’
name of our mission is in Wenc
with us Church,†in other words,
Immanuel. And on this I largely
, God with us,
’ The Chinese
howese, “ Kang
†or the “God
the Church of
based my talk.
my own doings.
ong, account of
It was a good time, ‘and’a time of blessing to us
all. God answered our prayers.
Tn the afternoon came business, when the District
rules were read and discussed. I will not detail.
They were chiefly definitions of the terms, District,
Circuit,. Church; Minister, Evangelist, Local
Preacher, Leader, Member, Probationer; and a
description of the duties of each. Then came the
bone of contention, the local preachers’ pay. We
had stated the rule thus :—‘‘ Local: preachers are
such as preach the Gospel in their own locality,
and it is the duty of those who can afford to give
their services freely without thought of pay, that
they may receive a greater reward from God ; but
as many local preachers have to absent themselves
from home from Saturday till Monday, and are
not in affluent circumstances, it has been decided
that their pay shall be 10 cents (24d.) for a
Sunday ; 25 cents (6d.) for a journey of anything
up to 20 li (seven miles) out and 20 li back, including
one night’s absence; and 40 cents (10d.) up to
40 li out and 40 back, and two nights’ absence.â€
On this subject arose a serious discussion, and
ultimately a committee was appointed to talk over
the matter with us. This committee was to
consist of men from each circuit, but when the
time came only the representatives from the two
Si-chi circuits appeared, the rest, to our gratifica-
tion, refusing to have anything to do with bargain-
ing about pay, and leaving the matter entirely
to the discretion of the missionaries. These
Si-chi men have been unfortunately influenced by
a native minister, whose conduct compelled dis-
missal last year, and he has, for months, been
travelling amongst them endeavouring to disaffect
them. Our sympathies were with them, for we,
who ourselves travel much about country in all
weathers, know what very arduous, as well as
binding, work it is for these excellent men.
We did not fear losing them from _ the
Church, or from active work in their own local
churches, but we could not keep our 80 out stations
supplied without them, and if they remained
at home their own churches would soon tire of the
same voice. So next morning we decided to
slightly alter the terms, leaving them still easy
enough for the native churches later on to provide
for without finding them a burden. And next
day we satisfied all parties by fixing 15 cents for
Sunday, 30 for a night away, and 40 for two
nights away. In the meantime, all the preachers
promised to do their best to raise the Church con-
tributions, so as to free the foreign fund for further
aggression. This, of course, will be the work of
years, but it is something to get them to feel its
necessity and secure their sympathetic endeavours.
Thus ended a matter which, misdealt with, might
have brought on a crisis in our work.
* To return to the Friday again. In the evening
Dr. Hogg introduced the subject of “Opium, andour
attitude as Christians towards its growth, sale and
consumption.†Needless to say, the native church is
strongly opposed to the admission of any opium
smoker, or dealer, but the question of opium grow-
ing touches some of our churches so’ closely that
it is only by persistent endeavour that we prevent
their becoming weak-kneed in this respect. It is
simply appalling the amount of opium grown and.
consumed now in China. We are told that the
provinces of Szechuan, Yunnan, and Knei chow
have, during the last few decades, been given.
over to the growth of the poppy; that the
main part. of the population, man, woman and
child uses it; and that the destruction of these fine
provinces is imminent. I can speak from 17 years’
experience of Wenchow, and say that the increase
in growth and sale has been enormous. Twenty
years ago opium shops hid themselves up back
lanes. Now they flaunt themselves everywhere,
and number over a thousand in the city alone.
Twenty years ago the cultivation of the drug was
illicit, and scarcely known. To-day it is openly
grown wherever the ground is suitable, and in
some of our churches we have had to exclude many
and refuse numbers because of the cultivation of
this vile drug. But what are they todo? The
land has gone up so in price or rental that the
difference between opium and wheat means often
the difference between clothes and no clothes,
between poverty and beggary.
Wecan do but one thing, however, as Christians,
and that is to trust in God and refuse to have any
dealings with that which comes to kill and destroy,
the exact opposite of our teaching. And at our
meeting this course was earnestly urged both by
foreigners and natives.
On the Saturday morning Mr. Stobie gave us a
helpful address from the latter part ot Acts v.
He has made excellent progress in the language,
and it was a delight to hear him express himself
so correctly after only three years’ study. He
gives promise of soon being an effective speaker in
this difficult language. ;
After his address, the district rules were finally
discussed and agreed to, Reports from the
stations ought then to have been read, but as
the time was gone they had to be omitted.
But the afternoon session was the climax, and.
gave us more pleasure than we had dared to hope
for. Some time ago Mr. Chapman and Dr. Brook
wrote asking if Wenchow could do anything for
the Twentieth Century Fund, and promising to
arrange for all sums raised out here to be applied
locally. So we turned the afternoon session into a
Century Fund meeting, and a grand time we had.
First of all, after rapidly running over the history of
Christianity down to the commencement of Foreign
Missions, then briefly describing the progress of
the 19th century, I called on Mr. Sharman, who
arrived only a fortnight ago, to describe to us the
session of the Assembly at which the Twentieth
Century Fund was initiated, and the amount aimed
at and the object to which the money is to be
appropriated. It was interesting to watch the
faces of the audience as he talked to them in
English, a language which not one of them under-
stood. Of course, his address required interpreta-
tion, and when he had finished they began to
make enquiries with a view to a clear compre-
hension of the scheme. We explained that all
sums raised in Wenchow would be appropriated to
work in an around Wenchow, and we promised
that whatever amounts were raised in each of the
seven circuits should be entirely at the disposal
of that circuit.
Then commenced the demand for promises. It
took considerable persuasion before the first man
came forward. His promise was for $5, proportion-
ate to an Englishman’s gift of £5; then came
other small sums, and finally the House resolved
itself into committee, each circuit calling its own re-
presentatives together, and making a list of its own
promises, with the result that when the lists were
handed in they were found to be as follows :
City circuit (including the foreign
missionaries and their wives) .... 301
Outer Si-chi te ins 9
Inner Si-chi oa we ise COO.
Nan-chi, « ... be ae ae 38
Negoh-teing a 55 22568
Tsing-die ... 84 sed Se OS
Jui-an el sa Be eae ALO)
a total of 529 dollars, which we considered a very
handsome sum from so small a gathering, most of
them men in poor circumstances. We have every
hope of seeing this sum made up to 1,000 dollars,
but have deemed it wise to limit the payment of
it all to the year 1900. It will be the greatest
effort our people have yet made, and we believe
it will stimulate them to even greater endeavour
in the direction of self-support. We all joined
very heartily in singing the doxology, and
separated ia the fading afternoon light. That
evening Mr. Stobie and Mr. Sharman had
invited the delegates to a wedding feast, to
which 80 of us sat down at 6 p.m., and at which
Mr. Sharman was initiated into the use of the lively
chopsticks, and the mysteries of many bowls and
dishes with strange names and stranger flavours.
He did not seem to relish eight different pairs of
chopsticks, all repeatedly plunged into the same
bowl, nor did he find it easy at first to pick up.
the juicier portions, and we fear he went worse
than empty away. Better luck and a_ better
appetite next time. It is what-we all come to—
through more or less tribulation. Later in the
evening Dr. Hogg entertained us with a lantern
lecture, which was much appreciated by the
audience. t
Sunday was a joyous time. God’s blessing
rested upon us, in the singing, in the preaching,
in the communion service, and still more in the
afternoon in the loyefeast (without the bread and
water) when at one time three were on their feet
at once, each begging the other two to sit down
and give them first chance. I have never been at
such a lovefeast in China. It did all our souls
good. Wecould have kept it going for hours.
In the evening three meetings were held, one
here, one at the Hemp Lane, and one at the
West Gate. The only fly in the omtment was
that during the Sunday night a heavy gale got
up, and next morning, the first of January, the
ground was thick with snow, preventing many of
the delegates from leaving. The gale has kept
up all the week, and to-day another and thicker
fall of snow has. occurred, so that some of our
more distant delegates are still imprisoned here
unable to get home, and with little prospect of
‘moving for several days to come.
Thus ends a long account of our first Wenchow
District meeting, which has been blessed of God,
and which is, we trust, the first of greater and.
more glorious meetings yet to come.
HE Annual District Meeting was held
on January 22nd, 1900, and the two:
following days. Monday, January
22nd, was spent in business con-
nected with the day schools. The
interest in school work has greatly
revived. Three new schools and three houses for
schoolmasters are in course of erection, and one
has been bought in the course of the year. Great
efforts are being made to promote the efficiency of
the schools.
* * *
At. the opening of the District Meeting . the
following morning, Rev. Francis Bavin, General
Superintendent, delivered an address, which my
readers will find on another page... :
R. H. McLaughlin was elected vice-
chairman, Rey. Wm. Griffith treasurer, Rev. A. J.
Ellis secretary, and Mr. G. L. Young minute
The Minutes of last meeting were
then read, and the riames of ministers called over
as: to character and faithful discharge of their
u Tare
AGED 3! YEARS 2.3)
‘ie Bk Dawe?
reports on the condition of the circuits. At the
close of the day’s sessions, Mr. Bavin entertained
the members. of the District to dinner. On
the following morning day school returns
and financial statements were presented, the
district, educational, and missionary committee
appointed, also the elected
members of the Corporate
Trust. The question of a
connexional magazine was
referred to:the district com-
mittee. The vice-chairman
and secretary were appoint-
ed to visit the Presbyterian
Synod and convey the
hearty greetings and good
wishes of the Methodist
Free Churches. The dis-
trict officers were requested
to prepare a catechism and
order of service for public
worship and reception of
candidates for membership.
The list of stations was then
read, and the session closed
with singing and prayer.
Mrs. R. M. Ormerod has
had a tombstone prepared
to be placed on the sacred
spot where reposes the dust
ot her late lamented hus-
band. She intends asking
the kind services of Rey.
W. G. Howe as to the con-
veying of the stone to East
Africa. Mrs. Howe receives
letters from ladies in con-
nection with the Church
Missionary Society, who tell
her of attentions paid to
the grave. Flowers are con-
stantly placed upon it. One
of the ladies goes twice a
week for the purpose. Mrs.
Ormerod rejoices in Mr.
Yates’ scheme in reference
to our graves at Ribe: She
wishes that a memorial of
some kind could be placed
at Golbanti, where her hus-
band lived and laboured so
ministerial duties.
It was agreed that a letter
should be sent to Rev. James Roberts, conveying
the best wishes of the District: for his future
welfare. Considerable time was spent in hearing
long. My readers will be in-
terested to have this month
a representation of the
handsome tombstone which has to be erected at
Frere Town.
* * *
A brief memoir of the late Mrs. Griffitts, in-
tended for gratuitous distribution, is being pre-
pared by Rev. Robert Brewin at the request of
the Foreign Missionary. Committee.
T have received a letter from Rey. Dr. Swallow’
in which he says: “‘ Your letter reached me just
on the close of my holiday. I have been losing
tone. I came to the conclusion that, working
from one year’s end to the other without a break,
was not a paying business. So I had two weeks’
holiday. I spent most of the time reading; the
weather has been cold and damp.â€
He also forwards some further illustrations of
the value in surgical cases of the X rays. These
I give in a separate form.
* * *
In a letter addressed to the Editor by Mrs.
Heywood, of Ningpo, some particulars are given
which will interest readers of the “Echo.†Mrs.
Heywood writes :—‘“ You will be sorry to hear
-hat my husband has had another severe attack of
ague and fever, the third attack in two months.
He is better again, but not perfectly well by any
means, though to-day he has gone up-country to
. examine the day school at Kyin En—the temple
By kind permission of the L. M. S.
that was given to our mission about two years ago.
If he keeps well, he intends to go on to another
country station for the week-end. About a month
ago we removed to our new compound, and we
like the change very much indeed. Our mission
has now four good substantial dwelling-houses for
the staff. We do not know how much this means
of increased good health amongst us all. Our two
little boys have always been healthy, but they
seem better still since we removed. The new
settlement church is nearing completion, and very
proud we are of the fine-looking, but c haste, ‘“li-
pa-dong (or chapel), where we hope many hundreds
of Chinese: will hear and believe the Gospel
which we have left all to proclaim.
‘ * * *
Rey. W. E. Soothill has been invited to read.a
paper at the World’s Missionary Conference in
New York. Rev. F. Galpin, who will attend as
one of our Annual Assembly delegates, has been
invited to do the same. Both the brethren have
acceded to the request. .
I must direct the special attention of my readers
to the remarkable account by Rey. WE. Soothill
of the first District Meeting at Wenchow. It is
like a modern page of the Acts of the Apostles.
It shows some of the difficulties with which our
dear brethren have to contend, and proves that
consummate tact, as well as fiery zeal, is needed to
guide and control the affairs of a great and suc-
cessful mission. I feel honoured. in being the
medium of conveying the most interesting facts of
this letter to the friends of our Home and Foreign
Missions. “So mightily grew God’s word and
e O our young ministers know that the
Missionary Committee is still in
need of one or two competent
candidates for Foreign Misssion
work? The fields are white to
harvest. - Only the other day a
missionary put this question: “ Have you received
any offers of service for East Africa?†I could
only answer, “No!†Will our young men take
the call and relongae of this field of service for the
Master to heart ?
Mr. Proudfoot reports that they have just held
their bazaar in Freetown, and realised £125.
They have enough goods left to enable them to
Hold a supplementary bazaar in a few months’
New school buildings have been opened at
Murraytown, which have cost £250.
On the day of writing, Mr. Proudfoot and Mr.
Goodman were starting on their journey into the
Mendi country. May God’s good hand guide
them and shield them.
Ningpo.—Dr. Swallow reports that they have
an increase of 252 members on the year, after
deducting deaths, etc. The number of enquirers
on trial, 490.
The Settlement Church was to be opened on
14th March, one of the prettiest and best built
churches in Ningpo. They have also had a
Twentieth Century Fund Meeting, and have
resolved to raise a sum of money for some special
Wenchow.—Our friend, Dr. Hogg, reports in-
terestingly on the work of his department. He
‘says that the dispensary statistics give somewhere
about 11,000 visits of out-patients; 256 in-patients ;
and about 200 visits, foreign and native.
The Doctor also wishes to thank Mrs. Baxter,
of Herne Hill, for the parcel of clothing sent in
care of Mr. Sharman, for the women’s hospital
Headds: ‘We are always glad of such help, for
there are often destitute cases with insufficient
Mr. Chinn reports that the work at Bocas is
going on well; there is a steady and substantial
increase in the membership.
The beautiful bell, which the good friends at
Wigan have had cast and fitted, for our Bocas
Church, in memory of the late Rev. Thomas
Halliwell, has been forwarded. The tone of the
bell is most silvery, and the workmanship of the
fittings of the best order. It is a handsome gift.
In “this gift our Wigan friends have done them-
selves honour, and paid a noble tribute to their
own dear trisha! Mr. Halliwell belonged in the
past to the Wigan Church and Sunday ‘school.
at "
Escahe tg tage
HE Paitafu Mission, on the Bumpeh
River, was one of our earliest cen-
tres of work on the Mendiland
Border. At the time of the recent
rebellion in the Sierra Leone Hinter,
land, it was in charge of a native
lay-agent—Mr. Tom J. Nicols, an _ intelligent
and zealous Sierra Leonean.
The account here given has been written by Mr.
Nicols himself ; I have simply edited, with as little
_alteration as possible, the young man’s own narra-
tive of his experiences.
Personally, I have been deeply interested in
reading it, and I have a strong impression that
the interest will communicate itself to many others
who may peruse it. What is more, the ‘“ pluckâ€
indicated in the account is verified by the young
man’s subsequent action, for he volunteered to
return at once to Mendiland, and has, since
February, 1899, been in charge of Panguma, our
extreme out-station in that country.
That God may give him long life, and crown
his labours with success, will be the earnest
prayer in which I sincerely trust many readers
will join me.
I went to see Captain
side. He enquired concern-
“Ma _ Fura,
+ fOur first cause for alarm, was after early morn-
ing prayer, on Monday, March 14th, 1898.
Prayers commenced at 5.30 a.m., and continued
for an hour, after which I went round to visit
some of our native members, returning to the
mission house by about 7 o'clock.
About a quarter of an
hour later, Captain Warren,
of the Frontier Police,
reached. Paitafu, and en-
quired for Saidu, the chief
of Paitafu, who was absent.
Being unable to obtain any
satisfactory account of the
whereabouts of Chief Saidu,
the captain arrested a Susu
man he found in the house.
Thereupon, a Mr. Kelly, a
Sierra Leone trader who
was present, ventured un-
bidden to intervene, and
was himself placed under
arrest. Two persons, Murre
Musa and Amy : Harrison,
came hastening to me, say-
ing that Kelly had sent
them to call me to go and
plead with the captain for
his release.
I may here mention that
the captain had been kind
to me when I visited Kwalu
in 1897, as I was invited
by the then District Com-
missioners, Dr. Hood and
Captain Warren, to tea. In
response to Kelly’s message,
Warren, and on my way
met him, accompanied by
about thirty Frontier
Police, together with Kelly
and three other prisoners. -
As soon as the captain re-
cognised me, he came down
from his hammock, and we
walked together side by
ing the war-boys, who were,
we had beer informed, as-
sembled at a place ‘called
haying Chief
Caulker at their head. I gave him all the inform-
ation I had been able to gather from some of. the
Mendies, after which I urged him with soft words,
which always turneth away wrath, and he pro-
mised to release Kelly ; but not before we reached
a little town near by called Ma Borbors ji, »-2c0n pet
As we were about 300 yards from Ma Borbor
we heard a gun report, and we hastened to the
place as fast as our feet could carry us. I may.
here mention that we were not sure whether the
war-boys had assembled at Ma Borbor, so we
were perfectly unhinged when we heard the report.
To our utter confusion we heard that a man who
had a sword in his hand had refused to surrender
it when requested to do so, and, therefore, he was
shot. My own feeling was that the man could
not have received time enough to understand the
situation, and being so much affrighted when he
saw so many armed police, he thought it unwise
to surrender and obey implicitly the orders received
from the Frontier Police.
The danger of the situation at once flashed
across the captain’s mind, and he ordered his men
to fix bayonets, at the same time he told myself
and other Sierra Leoneans who had come upon the
scene to lie down. With bated breath we watched
the proceedings. Pa Yakuba, the headman of Ma
Borbor, was in his house, which was immediately
surrounded by the police. Then Pa Yakuba
shouted that there were no war-boys in his town.
He also came out to the captain and made some
explanation, which was apparently accepted.
Kelly was now released; but before we returned
to Paitafu we had the sad task of seeing the body
of the poor unfortunate man who had been shot,
and I picked up the fatal.cartridge and brought
it to Paitafu with me. A few hours after we
saw arising smoke, and heard that Ma Fara and
two other towns had been burnt.
So far as we could gather the natives* had de-
termined to revenge the death of their brother,
and they went so far as to use certain threatening
words: This being the case, I was advised by
some of my faithful native members not to sleep
at Paitafu that night, but to embark in a boat
and go down the river. I could not, of course,
do so without informing my ‘Sierra Leone
members. Having done so, we passed the night
on the river in a boat. To our great relief
nothing was heard in the morning, and we
returned to Paitafu.
From this time, although there was great
uneasiness and many rumours, nothing of im-
portance occurred till toward the end of April.
On Wednesday, the 27th of that month, I left
Paitafu at 3 p.m. to visit our own stations as far
as Bunjema (in the direction of Tikonko). I
reached Tannenehu at a quarter. past four, and
was granted the use of a house by Chief Santiggi
Boka. After the people had returned from their
farms I went round and invited them to attend
service.. They gladly attended, and I preached to
them in the chief's Barray (Court house), the
chief himself being present and a good number of
his people.
On the following morning I left Tannenehu at
6.30 and reached Ma Shongraat 9. Although the
chief was absent, he returned from his farm when
I sent for him, and he gathered his people for the
service in which I preached. Passing on I reached
Lawana, where resides Chief Gboango,.a somewhat
eccentric man whose name signifies ‘crazy !â€
After a short palaver with him I held service for
his people and continued my journey to Nyagorehu,
where Ghanga, one of our native members, enter
* Mr. Nicols uses this term ‘* natives†to indicate the
Mendies, and speaks of himself and other colonial negroes
as ‘* Sierra Leoneans.†; %
tained me. I conducted service and issued the
quarterly tickets to the members.
Here I spent a quiet hour after service to regain
strength, and was very happy to buy some bananas
which refreshed. me very much. Leaving this
place I walked to Perewahu—but the road being
hilly and my journey rather long, I found the
going rather uneasy. Here I had the pleasure of
seeing many Mendies, who listened with earnest
attention to the Word of Life. One of our mem-
bers had heen very kind to us—a Mr. Cole—who,
together with his wife, I am sorry to add, lost
their lives in the recent war. I left here in the
evening and reached the next town called
Commendi, where I spent the night, having
finished my last service for the day about
9 o'clock.
The next morning I made an early start, and
reached’ a little place called Ma Gové Eta at
7 o'clock, where I held service, after which I
passed on t>» Ma Gové Fera. Here I met some
Mendi members, for whom I had some garments
from the Samaria Dorcas Society, through the Rev.
C. H. Goodman. A good number of people
assembled, though many had gone to their farms.
I decided to go forward to Bunjema, and pro-
mised to return during the evening to conduct
service for them.
Crossing the river I met the chief, Kon Joe, to
whom I gave a piece of cloth (the customary present
to introduce one’s self), and he gave me the use of
the house which the former General Superintendent
Rev. W. Vivian used to oceupy : when passing this
way. The chief enquired after him and spoke
kindly of him.
After we were housed, my travelling companion,
a Mendi named Yorgoma, brought up in our
Paitafu school, went to prepare breakfast, and at
5.30 p.m. I informed the chief that I desired to
conduct service in the Frontier Police Barracks
as usual. Some time after Yorgoma came to me
with the alarming news that “there are hundreds
of war-boys at Mo Kasse,†which lies to the south
of Bunjema—within a few miles—and that they
have “promised to take dinner with us at
( To be continued. )
THE steward of Queen Street Church, South
Shields, writes, concerning a visit from Mr.
Campbell, the student from Sierra Leone, now
studying in our College at Manchester: ‘‘We were
all delighted with the way in which he served us,
he preached two soul-stirring sermons, and the
friends at South Shields will long remember him-
They wish him God-speed in his noble work.â€
D:livered by Rey. Francis Bavin at the opening of the
Jamaica District Meeting.
v7 R. BAVIN at the outset gave the members
of the meeting hearty greeting and wel-
come to Kingston after a year of arduous
toil, great anxiety, and in some cases
serious financial strain, yet he rejoiced to
say a year not without its due proportion of
useful and successful work, in fact, of movement
forward in almost every department of work.
To him the year had been one of movement so
rapid that it seemed like a dream when one
awaked. He never lived so fast before.
full year crowded with many engagements,
varied experiences, and hard work, was sure
to be a year of rapid movement, and this year
had been full of interesting episodes, new and
varied experiences, pleasant associations, genial
friendship, and if they would permit him to
say so, of genuine hard work. During the year
he had visited every church, school, and mission
belonging to “the Churches in the Island, so
that although of recent coming, yet his posi-
tion in relation to the Churches in this respect
would probably be unique, and on that account
he might claim a right to speak a few special
words to them, and first of
Life was influenced by its surroundings.
They might not be altogether creatures of cir-
cumstances, yet the conditions in which they
lived had a powerful influence on life and
character. Cities and villages, hills and val-
leys, dwellings, churches, schools, ete., all in-
fluenced their lives much more than they
thought. As a boy, he once had a task set—
to write a composition on the influence of Art
and Architecture on life and character. He
laughed at the subject, and failed in the task.
He believed he could write such a paper to-day,
and point the moral thereof, thus—better
cities, better citizens; better dwellings, better
social life; better ‘schools, better scholars;
better churches, better worshippers. :
In miserably small, dilapidated, unsanitary,
unhealthy dwellings, what could they expect to
find but men and women dwarfed and crippled
both in mind and morals, body and soul? The
same applied, in his opinion, more or less to
schools and churches; not only did the health
and comfort of the people suffer, but in such
broken-down, neglected places, the dignity and
honour of religion suffered too. Many of their
buildings were valuable and substantial stone
structures, properties of value and likely to
Increase in value as time went on. Others
were in great need of improvement. Two new
churches were in course of erection. .Two more
he hoped would be in progress before many
weeks. In these works he rejoiced, and urged.
them still to move forward.
Their pride was that they were a simple
people in forms of worship. To introduce
their people to ornate services, decorated altars,.
and elaborate ritual, would be putting David
in Saul’s armour. In times of spiritual degene-
ration, when life was at a low ebb, and:
form took the place of reality, the thoughtful
became sceptical, and the simple superstitious.
While he desired that they might ever pre-
serve their simple forms of worship, yet there
was a befitting dignity of service and reverence
of worship, the outward and visible sign of a
reverent mind realising the dignity of truth
and honour due to the Lord: of the Temple.
In the matter of membership it had been a
year of pruning and purging, so that in his
opinion the decrease represented by the figures.
that would be reported to them was really,
whilé apparently a decrease in numbers, an
increase in the power and life of the Churches.
. They ought ever to zealously guard the
privileges of Chiirch membership. The admis-
sion to Church fellowship was an important
question. Compared to other Churches, they
were, he thought, lacking in this respect. The
in the
Episcopal Church takes much care
training of their candidates, after which they
are presented to their bishop, and received by
confirmation into the Church. The Baptist
Church have an equally impressive ceremony
in their ordinance of baptism. Now, they, as
Methodists, had a doctrine founded on one of
the noblest of all scriptural truths, viz.: that
of consecration, or entire sanctification, and a.
proposition for the establishment of a consecra-
tion or dedication service in connection with
the reception of members would be laid before
This would, he hoped, both guard and
strengthen the privilege of Church membership:
and impress upon joining members some sense
of their obligation. Things easily obtained are
little prized, whilst things hard to get, and
difficult to keep, are counted of value.
This was, in his opinion, a matter of para
mount importance in Jamaica to-day. They
must not believe the voices they heard cryingâ€
out against the education of the people, nor be:
indifferent to, or disregard the ‘educational
movements going on around them, but must
jealously guard what, they had already got, and
as managers and teachers mend and improve
its errors and faults.
Admit it was not perfect, had not done all
it was intended to do. Admit, in some cases,
it had made small minds conceited, discon-
tented, and even unfit for the humble and
necessary duties of life. But even these things
‘were only the temporary and passing phases of
the early and imperfect stages of educational
work. They would disappear, and the genuine
work of education be seen in the permanent
unlifting of the people and the fitting them
for life and citizenship. In the progress of the
peoples and nations of the earth, in the
rivalries of commerce and strife of life, the
educated nations would win and rise, the igno-
rant would be crushed and vanish. They must
-do their best for their schools, by the improve-
ment of school buildings, by providing neces-
‘sary apparatus, by careful selection of good and
efficient teachers. First-class men, and first-
class schools should be their aim. A second-
class school of forty-five marks was a poor
school; a third-class school was no school at. all.
Their financial position was in many respects
-a distinct improvement on the previous year
still they had not a little financial struggle and
anxiety. But for the generous aid given by the
English Missionary Committee, it would not
be possible to carry on their work. Some
stations would have to be abandoned, and
many others would be seriously crippled.
Financial difficulty and anxiety had a most
depressing influence on a minister's mind, tend-
ing to unfit him for his higher work, or at any
rate, to prevent that entire devotion of mind
and heart so necessary to spiritual success.
The day, he feared, was far distant in
Jamaica when ministers would be able to lay
aside or hand over the entire care of finances
to trusty and efficient men, willing and able
to undertake the responsibility of providing
means for carrying on the work of the
Churches. He wished it could be done. It
would be a great relief to ministers’ minds.
When bread for the week depended upon the
‘proceeds of the Sunday morning service, and
a shower might disperse the people, and melt
away the small income, it was not easy to
abstract the mind from financial affairs so as
to be able by communion with Truth and God
to secure that spiritual tone which was the
essential thing in any religious service. He
appealed to the lay representatives present to
-do their utmost in support of their Churches,
and so far as possible relieve their ministers’
minds from the strain of this financial burden.
Two new questions would be brought before
‘them. :
1st.—The Twentieth Century Fund. Their
Churches in England were raising one hundred
“thousand pounds for this fund, which was to
be spent in aggressive Christian work. The
Missionary Secretary had written him asking
if “Jamaica could not do something â€â€”he
thought they could. If they set themselves
earnestly to work he believed they could raise
at least £500 for consolidation and special ex-
tension in Jamaica, especially in Kingston.
2nd.—A magazine. A very widespread feeling
existed that some paper or magazine, monthly
or quarterly, was needed by the Churches, such
paper to contain records of events, brief his-
tories of their schools, churches, and mission
stations, at least one hymn with a good tune,
which might be learnt and sung in all the
churches during the three months, an occasional
photograph of a church or minister, etc., ete.
There were difficulties he knew in the way
of such an enterprise, but they were’ not in-
surmountable. They could try. In all these
matters they would need wise counsels, earnest
prayers, and persistent efforts. He prayed that
Divine grace and inspiration might rest upon
them, and aid them to-day and. throughout
the year, that in their great work they might
find pleasure and success.—“ Jamaica Gleaner,â€
Jan. 29th, 1900.
E had two cases, to outward appear-
ance much alike. The revealing
eye of the light through the
Crookes’ tube showed how great
was the difference. In one case,
the ball lay in the leg of the man unchanged, and
was taken out of his leg with little pain and incon- ~ |
venience to him. He came once a day to have it
it was strong and sound, but never ceased his every-
dressed, until day work.
The other man was carried in on a bed, and
shouted with pain at every move or turn his
carriers made. There it lay in. his tissue, but how
large it looks, how flat itis! The spicule of bone is
sufficient. We know now the difference between
the two cases. The first one was a spent bullet.
The second one went crooked through the bone.
Miss Hornby assisted me in the second case, and
the man had to complain of pain before we got
the flat lead out of him. Worse than the -hole in
his leg, he had two wives. Each in turn became a
daily annoyance to me. They could not. under-
stand how a shattered bone could not be healed
as soon asa mere flesh wound. After nearly three
months in bed his leg got well, but he still has
his two wives. I had-long talks with this
learned man, and I think he saw some things
which were new to him, and let us hope and pray
may remain in his heart to renew him in righteous-
ness and holiness.
ae<7|HATEVER doubts had been raised in
| Trevelyan’s mind by Nasibu’s denial,
they were all dispelled by his
attempt to escape, and by James
Faraji’s recognition of the private
ery of Mabruki’s son. The prisoner
he held was a prize worth having, and far exceeded
all his most sanguine hopes. The utmost he had
expected was some information which would be
useful to the authorities in crushing the rebellion ;
but he was in the position to dictate terms himself
to Mabruki. Yes, it was rare fortune which had
delivered Nasibu into his hands, and presented
achance too good to be lost ; Trevelyan determined
to use it for all it was worth.
On his return to the station he spent the hour
remaining of the night in writing two letters.
Then, when the first rays crimsoned the eastern
- sky, he sent Ndeto with a message to deliver
to his chief. It was a brief statement to the effect
that he had possession of the other three spies,
even as the bearer could testify, and he should
hold them as hostages for the safety of Behari ;
moreover, seeing that one of the spies was the
favourite son of Mabruki, he called upon the
father to surrender, and to disperse the rebels at
once ; if, in twelve hours after the delivery of this
message, he (Trevelyan) had not ample proof of
the break-up of the rebellion, he would not answer
for the consequences which would happen to his
son, Nasibu.
Directly after morning prayers Faraji appeared
before the missionary in obedience to an intimation
from Trevelyan that his services would be needed.
Giving him a letter, the missionary bade him take
care of it, and hasten with all speed to Msomwe,
gee it would be told him what further he must
As Faraji passed along the village street he
hesitated a moment in front of a hut, and cast
a wistful glance through the door. But by no
other sign did he betray the thoughts of his heart.
‘The Bwana had given him a mission of trust to
accomplish, and if he shirked or lingered over
it he was not worthy. So he moved away to
work out his probation.
But the solitary inmate, who sat in the darkness
of the hut, had seen his half-movement, and then
“his resolute continuation of his journey. She
rejoiced, for were not her words to Bwana proving
themselves to be true words? He had not gone
far before Fanny came to the door, and seizing her
water-pot which was lying near at hand, followed
at some distance behind him. Their way—his to
Msomwe, and hers to the well—was along the
same path for, some distance, and who would blame
if they should chance to be going about their work
at the same time ? :
Now, it must be mentioned that the mission
station and: the heathen village of Behari are con-
tiguous: the only marks of division between ‘the
Christian and the Mohammedan parts being a
stone pillar on either side of the road. But there
was a marvellous contrast : on the mission station,
the houses were built with some regard to regu-
larity, and the streets were kept clean; but in the
heathen village, the huts were erected in every
position, according to the whim of the builders, and
every specimen of filth and garbage infested the
Janes and alleys.
Faraji had passed between the dividing pillars,
and was threading his way along the winding
street, followed at a respectable distance by Fanny.
Suddenly, on turning one of the many angles, the
fundi saw a group of Swahilies jabbering excitedly.
He would rather have avoided meeting them, and-
was blaring himself that he had not altogether
avoided the heathen village. But while he thought
this he saw it was too late to draw back. ‘The
group had broken up into two’s and three’s, and
were coming towards him. There was nothing to
be done but to pursue his way., The first half
dozen passed him with a scowl and a threatening
ook in their eyes. Then, when he was beginning
to lreathe freely, and congratulating himself on
his good fortune in not being molested, he hearda
suspicious movement, and looking over his shoulder
he found his retreat had been cut off, and before
he could turn he was in the grip of powerful
Just at that moment Faraji caught a glimpse of
a woman disappearing between-the sides of two
huts, and something in her movement reminded
him of Fanny. But he soon had other things to
think about than the woman to whom he had been
betrothed before the days of his exceeding great
He recognized several men who lived in heathen
Behari, but the majority were strangers in the
neighbourhood. There was one face which sent a
chill of terror to his heart; it was that of a man
who had been his greatest tormentor while he
was away in the far country. It was this man
who silenced the noise of the crowd, and subjected
Faraji to a torrent of insult and blasphemy.
“So I have caught you at last, you infidel
dog? Allah knows His own, and for ever
delivereth the unbeliever into His hand.â€
Faraji made no reply ; indeed, it was evident
none was expected, for the man continued, “ Re-
member too, Faraji, the all-wise Allah revealeth
all things to the believer, and nothing is darkly
hid but shall be made known. Where are the
scouts of Mabruki, the servant of the prophet ?
Why did not they return after the laughing of
the hyena?â€
But the fund had already made up his mind
that no force nor threat should drag one word
from him which would defeat Bwana Trevelyan’s
“ Let thy tongue be unloosened as well it may
be. Allah hath determined to use thee to make
the Mzuwngu like ripe grass for the burning.â€
“You ate not hurt much
Fava) Qe
Although he waited for an answer a second!
time, Faraji was silent. This maddened his.
* questioner ; and his hand moved in the direction
of his clumsy Arab pistol. But with an effort he
restrained himself, and tried the effect of soft
“ Nay, rajiki, why shouldst thou not enjoy the
raptures of Paradise? Far better the ‘“hourisâ€
than the company of unbelievers in Gehenna.
‘ Tell all thou knowest about
the matter of which I have
asked thee, and though thou
remainest in *the service of
Bwana the Lion, the great
Allah will know thy heart is
right, and He shall give
thee a place in the highest
Paradise.†But no word was
uttered by Faraji in reply.
Subdued murmurs arose from
those who stood around, won-
dering greatly at the defiance
which his silence and his steady
gaze signified. The anger of
the rebel completely mastered
him. It all happened like a
flash of light. One moment
Faraji was standing in the
midst of his tormentors, erect
and calm, and the next in-
#) stant he was lying on the sandy
| ground, knocked there by the:
butt-end of a pistol. His
assailant was pouncing upon
him, exclaiming, “Tl find a
way to make thy tongue wag
thou mute devil!†but before
he could make good his threat,
an old man of heathen Behari
put a restraining hand upon
the infuriated stranger.
“« Polypoly (be careful)! We
are not far away from the
Bwana; he has eyes every-
everything. Polypoly, Fatel-
heri! You have done more
than enough already to him,â€
pointing to the prostrate fundz.
“Tt may be the Bwana will
make me responsible for thy
blow. This is not the place for the vengeance:
upon the unbeliever. Wait, Fatel-heri! â€
And with such words further mischief was.
hindered from happening to Faraji.
“A word for thine ear only,†and the mzee
(elder) drew Fatel-heri aside from the crowd and.
talked to him for some time, sticking obstinately
to his point in spite of the protestation of the
rebel. At length Fatel-heri came to see the
he asked:
where, and ears which hear
wisdom of the advice, and together they returned
to the crowd, who were taunting and jibing
Faraji by vile epithets and curses.
It was the mzee who became the spokesman now.
“ Fundi, Fatel-heri knoweth not the customs of
our village, and his zeal for his master over-
runneth his wits. He is sore to the heart because
of the absence of Nasibu, whom his father looketh
upon as the pearl of his life. Therefore, forget
the blow, and let it be in thy heart to say a word
which Fatel-heri can take to comfort Mabruki.â€
“Nasibu is alive and well, but full of humour
as an egg is full of meat. He chafes because his
eyes may not see his father,†replied Faraji.
The old man and Fatel-heri listened eagerly
while the fundi was speaking, and waited for
something else which was not spoken.
“Ts that all that thou hast to say?†at last was
the inquiry.â€
“Why should I tell all the things I know ?â€
asked Faraji. “If I told you, then there would
be nothing for Allah to reveal to. you.â€
“But why shouldst thou not be the instrument
of revelation ? Do you not know that once the
head has been shaved, the heart is for ever shorn
of its love for the infidels?†The speaker re-
ferred to the custom of shaving the head when a
man is made a Mohammedan; which rite Faraji
had undergone in the days of his folly. “Although
he may serve them afterwards, it is only to hasten
their destruction. We know thy heart is true to
the prophet as ours. And it cannot be expected
thou shouldst not be rewarded here with good
things above all the unbelievers. Tell the where-
abouts of Mabruki’s spies and thou shalt be given
much fatha. This, Fatel-heri promises. Say, do I
not speak thy mind?†And the rascal sulkily
nodded his head.
But Faraji knew the value of his promises, and,
moreover, he knew that this change in the method
of their diplomacy was only occasioned by the
vicinity of the mission station, for he was well
aware if they had found him in some lonely place
his life would not have been worth a moment’s
purchase. He had been hoping that some member
of the mission station would have made his ap-
pearance before now, passing on his way to his
farm, but strange to say no one had approached.
He had noticed the mzee’s alarm when he was
‘struck down, and determined to meet cunning
_ with cunning. But the hypocrisy of Fatel-heri
unloosed his tongue.
‘* Nyamaza (silence)! There is no need for
more words. I ama child of the Book! I know
my head was shaved, but my heart was never
false to Isa. When once the bird has escaped
from the snare, it is for ever afterwards frightened
by a shadow on the ground, Your fetha I do not
“Thou shalt be delivered over to perdition for
that which thou has committed,†was the inter-
ruption caused by Fatel-heri’s adaptation from the
Koran. ‘Thou shalt have boiling water to drink
and shalt suffer a grievous punishment, thou
accursed infidel.â€
A curious smile flitted over Faraji’s face at this
“Many words—far too many—have been said,â€
he continued. “ Bwana Trevelyan will need me!
Let me pass, or I will make such a noise that the
Lion will hear me, and woe to those who try to
stop me then !
“Who is the white man that I should fear
him ?†demanded Fatel-heri, whose rage was con-
suming him. :
“The flea cared not for the hand, but when
between the fingers he wished he had his freedom,â€
was Faraji’s mocking parable.
Aven as he uttered these words he noticed a
change come over the men who faced him; some
began to slink away and others seemed transfixed
with fear. Before he could account for this very
curious change of attitude, he heard Trevelyan’s
voice behind him.
“You villains! Touch the fundi again if you
dare, and I'll promise you all a visit to the
dungeons in the old fort at Mombasa, and a back
sore with many stripes. I have been watching
you; I have heard all you have said, and shall
remember them against you if you touch one of
my children again. I have told you! Take hold
of my words, if you are wise! Now, be off to
your huts, mara moja (at once):â€
Then, released from the spell which held them
there, the crowd melted away, casting glances at
the missionary and his fundi, which said plainly
what they would do if they dared. —
“You are not hurt much, Faraji?†he asked
with all the concern of his big heart.
“Nay, Bwana, it is nothing! I am going now
to Msomwe! Quaheri!†And without another
word Faraji passed on his way, and disappeared
from the sight of Trevelyan and of Fanny, who
had brought the missionary to the rescue.
Turning round to see if the rascals were as-
sembling again, Trevelyan saw a slight movement
among the grass behind the huts of the village.
“What is that, Fanny?†he asked, calling her
attention to the sinuous motion which passed along
and made the heads of grass to nod.
* Only a snake, Bwana!â€
Trevelyan was not satisfied with her explana-
tion, but he would have been alarmed, if he had
known it was Fatel-heri stealing away stealthily
from the village of Behari with a deadly purpose
in his heart.
SS/HIS is one of the oldest of our
| Missionary Societies, and some of
the grandest names are connected
with it. Almost everybody has
heard of Robert Morrison, John
Williams, Robert Moffat, and
David Livingstone. Equal to them in ability
and devotedness were William Ellis, James
Gilmour, Richard Knill—and Griffith John,
who remains to this present. The rest have
fallen asleep. The London Missionary Society
has planted the standard of the Cross in the
South Seas, in India, in South and Central
Africa, in China, and Mongolia. It was speci-
ally owned of God in Madagascar, where we
may say a nation was born in a day, and
where, despite the evil influence of French
dominion, it still holds on its way.
In 1796 the good ship ‘“ Duff†sailed from
Blackwall for the South Sea Islands. It had
no freight of merchandise to offer for sale.
lts passengers, thirty in number, did not leave
their native land in search of silver and gold.
They went to preach the glorious gospel of the
blessed God. Never had such a ship sailed the
seas since the world began. The wharves and
banks of the Thames, we are told, were
thronged with people watching the ship as it
sailed down the river. The captain of the
ship, Mr. James Wilson, was a.man with a
most wonacrful history. He had lived for
years a most 2dventurous. and wicked life.
Being taken prisoner in India by the French,
to escape out of their hands he leaped from the
top of a wall forty feet high, and swam unhurt
through a river full of alligators. He was
taken by Hyder Ali, and cast into a miserable
prison for twenty-two months. He was con-
verted in the Congregational Church at Port-
sea, and became a burning and shining light.
When he heard of the missionary ship he
offered to be its captain, and served without
money and without price.
The faith and patience of the missionaries
and their supporters were sorely tried for the
first years of the missions. They suffered great
privations. They were so long in hearing from
home that their clothes were worn to rags, and
they went about barefoot. War and bloodshed
were everyday events, and they were daily in
danger of destruction. Then the natives would
not receive the Gospel. In the tenth year of
the missions they had to write home, that not
a single conversion had taken ‘place.
At length
a brighter day dawned, and many were con-
verted. In course of time idolatry ceased in
the islands, insomuch that a young chief of
Rarotonga saw, in the museum of the London
Missionary Society, for the first time the idol
that his fathers had worshipped. So mightily
grew God’s word and prevailed.
It is prophesied that the heathen shall cast
their idols to the moles and to the bats. That is
a very good place for them. And the fire is
just as good. That is where a converted priest,
named Patu, threw his. In the island of
Huahine, in the year 1815, a great crowd as-
sembled to witness a wonderful scene. A fire
was kindled, and the idols were brought out
and laid on the ground. Patu took them one
by one, stripped them of their adornments, and
threw them into the fire. As they were burn-
ing, Patu called on the people to see how
helpless they were, and. reproached himself
that he had ever asked anybody to trust in
them. The people looked to see what would
happen to the priest, and when nothing hap-
pened they haply learned that “an idol is
nothing in the world.â€
This was John Williams, who was killed by
the natives of an island of that name in the
South Seas. John Williams was converted
under a sermon on “ What shall it profit a man
if he gain the whole world and lose his own
soul,’ preached by Rev. Timothy East, of Bir-
mingham. In his old age I knew Mr. East,
who then resided in Glasgow, and when he
preached for me one night, he delivered the
sermon under which John Williams was con-
verted. Mr. Williams became a very successful
missionary, whose praise was in all the
Churches. Seyeral missionary ships have been
named after him, the money to build or buy
them having been raised by the Sunday
scholars of England. Mr. Williams became a
missionary in 1817, when he was about twenty-
two years of age, and he did a great work
among the islands of the South Seas. He
never thought it right to confine his labours
to one spot. His fiery zeal made him “a
travelling preacher.’ About the end of 1839
_ he anchored off Erromanga, one of the New
Hebrides group. What was known of it was
not favourable. The great navigator, Captain
Cook, could only get away from it by firing on
the natives, and the event proved that they
had not improved since his day. Mr. Williams
believed in going where he was wanted most,
and with two friends he ventured on shore.
They talked kindly to the islanders, and gave
them presents, and believed they
he: said,
had made a
good impression. But soon the natives made
a rush at him, and he ran to the sea, intending
to swim for the boat. They followed, and beat
him so cruelly that “the waves were crimson
with his blood.†Another missionary was
killed with him, and then their bodies: were
dragged away to be cooked and eaten. “If
we seek his monument,†says Silvester Horne,
“it is arqund his grave, where in many an
island to which he first carried the Gospel of
peace, happy, contented, and prosperous people
live in the fear of God, arid the love of Christ.â€
The above incident shows that some of the
South Sea Islanders were canitibals. It is
known also that before the gospel reached
those islands infanticide was fearfully common.
Mr. Williams had a visit from Messrs. Tyer-
man and Bennett, a deputation sent to visit
the stations of the London Missionary Society.
One day he was asked by the deputation if
he did not think that there had been exag-
geration in the statements made as to child-
slaughter amongst the heathen inhabitants of
the South Sea Islands. Mr. Williams. said,
“No; †and added that he had no doubt the
women at work in the mission house had all
murdered children ere they heard of the Gospel.
The deputation thought it impossible; the
women looked such respectable Christian
matrons. “I will ask them,’ said Mr. Wil-
liams. He asked one, and she said, “ Oh, Mr.
Williams, how can you harrow my: feelings by
bringing these things to my remembrance.â€
Mr. Williams explained why he put the ques-
tion, and the poor woman said, “Oh, Mr.
Williams, I killed seven.’ Every woman pre-
sent had been a child-murderer in her heathen
days. ‘The dark places of the earth are full
of the habitations of cruelty.â€
I heard of this great and good man when I
was a youth, and I never expected that I should
get to know him. I am glad to say that
L did. The first time I saw
Willow Street. Chapel, London. He was an-
nounced to speak at a meeting there, and so
was I. When I got to the chapel I found no
fire had been lit in the vestry. A cold east
wind was blowing, and I suggested to the
minister that as Dr. Moffat was only lately
returned from Africa he would feel the cold.
A fire was lit, and after it was burning clear
and bright, Dr. Moffat arrived. As soon as
he saw the fire he called out, ‘‘ That’s the best
flower in the garden,’ and rushed to it, stretch-
ing out his hands. Then, turning to my wife,
“T have contended in Africa. with
him was in:
savage beasts and savage men, and I had rather
do it again than- contend with such savage
weather.†I felt glad that I had suggested
the lighting of the fire.
Soon after Mr. Moffat arrived in Africa he-
spent a night in the house of a Dutch farmer.
He proposed holding a service, to which ready
assent was given. When. everything was
thought ready, Mr. Moffat did not at once
begin. “We are ready, mynheer,’ said the
farmer; “why do you wait?’ “TI thought,â€
said Mr. Moffat, “you would bring in the
servants.’ “Do you mean the Hottentots?â€â€™
roared the farmer. “Shall I bring in the dogs
and the baboons?†Mr. Moffat said no more,
but commenced to read and expound the story
of the Syro-Phenician woman. As he’ pro-
ceeded, the farmer said, “ Wait, mynheer, we
shall have them in.’ The wondering Hotten-
tots were sent for, and entered, thinking, per-
haps, “ we never saw it in this fashion.†When:
the service was over, and the servants had
retired, the farmer addressed Mr. Moffat:
“Mynheer, you took a hard hammer, but it
was to break a hard head.â€
When we read now about South Africa we
often meet with the word Africander, but the-
one that I mean was an individual in Dr.
Moffat’s day who had been a plunderer, and
worse than that, and who had a price set on
his head. But by the great power of God and
the influence of the Gospel Africaner became
truly converted to God, and was as eminent
for goodness as he had been for wickedness before.
Robert Moffat had the honour and pleasure of
taking him to Capetown, and before the Gover-
nor, not as criminal, but as a brother beloved,,.
and the amount offered as a reward for Afri-
caner’s capture was spent in providing him
with things needful for his use. “ Now, thanks
be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph
in Christ.â€
It was through the influence of Mr. Roby,,.
of Manchester, that Mr. Moffat was sent out as.
a missionary, and: he called an adopted child
by his wife’s name. One Sabbath morning a.
child’s voice was heard crying amongst some
stones; and it was found that a hard-hearted!
mother had buried it alive. The natives won-
dered that Mr. and Mrs. Moffat should think
any thing about it, or care for the child. But
they adopted it, and offered it to the Lord in
baptism, calling the little infant Sarah Roby.
“T feel habitually,’ wrote Mrs. Moffat, “as ifâ€
I had a command from God Himself to nurse:
the child for Him.â€
SSE HE Christian Endeavour World’s Con-
: : vention is getting nearer, so near
that those who purpose being present
2 will be anticipating “‘ the feast of
3 = reason and the flow of soul, which
may surely be looked for. The general topic for
the convention is, “The Old Power for the New
Age.†At the various meetings such important
subjects as the following will be dealt with :—The
Dawning Age and its Problems, social, intellectual,
and commercial. The Missionary Outlook will
take in missions at home and abroad. Tuesday's
subject—Pentecostal Power-—will include three ad-
dresses: its provision ; its possession ; its applica-
tion. Wednesday’s subject will be Thy Kingdom
Come, and amongst other addresses Rev. Je Ges
Greenough and Rev. Hugh P. Hughes will in-
terpret the Messages of the Churches. Denomina-
tional rallies, praise services, school of methods,
are also included in the programme. The closing
item, as usual, being the roll-call service and
-consecration meeting. In most. cases the various
topics will be spoken to by one British and one
American speaker. The work of preparation for
this great assembly is very great, but the arrange-
ments are nearly complete.
* * * *
The younger readers of the ‘“‘Hcho,†like some
‘who have passed into maturity, are troubled with
vague thoughts of doing something for Christ
without any clear idea where duty lies, and are
‘led frequently to look for their opportunity in the
distant, rather than in the near. The following
‘lines may serve both to represent us, and to ad-
‘monish us graciously :—
One sought for rivers thirsting, while a spring
Watered unseen the grass at his feet ;
One roamed the world for wealth, while'glittering ores
Lay hid beneath his native street.
One lived apart with sorrow desolate,
And yearned for love, sweet help, and never smiled,
While day by day before his fast-barred gate
Wandered with wistful eyes a homeless child.
One longed in vain to fight for Christ his Lord,
Out in the fierce free strife with open ill,
While pride and self crept close with unseen cord,
And bound and led Him captive at their will.
* * *
Christian Endeavour is nothing if not missionary.
Its spirit is evangelistic, and that pre-eminently so.
Every society is for its own Church, but especially
for its own Church’s mission efforts. Let the
mission cause have our constant and warm affection
.and help. Nothing should interfere with our very
best efforts in this direction. The Master’s word
meeds constant remembrance. ‘Go ye into all
the world and preach the gospel to
* * *
A recent topic, that of obedience, has perhaps
called for heart-searching in some Endeavourers who
have considered this subject. Cheerful obedience is
the ideal thing, and mechanical obedience the thing
to be avoided. Children obey parental commands
occasionally in a sluggish, half-hearted way, they
go slowly and not willingly, and there are
Christians who need to ponder the words of Miss
Havergall :
Take my feet and let them be,
Swift and beautiful for Thee.
x * x
A story is told of a young girl who, having
heard a sermon on obedience, said to her mother
on the way home, “ Mother, do I always obey
you?†You ‘know best. yourself,†said the
mother. In response the daughter said: ‘Well,
I never disobey. I always do what you bid me,
but sometimes I go slow.â€
* * *
Those who “read the Bible every day†will he
interested in knowing that the British and Foreign
Bible Society has recently distributed to our
soldiers in South Africa 110,000 copies of the
New Testament or of St. John’s Gospel.
* * *
A Christian Endeavour tea and convention was
held at Waltham Grove, Fulham. The tea was
given in aid of the Church funds by three lady
members, and realized two guineas. The - pastor,
Rev. R. W. Gair, presided at a very pleasant
meeting, when addresses: were given on “Our
Relation to the Church,†and “Our Pledge,†by
Mr. Leighton and Miss Barker, members of other
local societies, each speech being followed by a
ree parliament.
* # *
Kingswood Junior Society has had its annual
sale of work for the missionary funds, by which
the handsome sum of £8 was raised, £2 above last
year’s sale. Miss M. Thompson officiated as opener
of the sale.
* * *
Loughborough Young People’s Society. of Chrise
tian Edeavour has celebrated its third anniversary
Rev. E. G. Mills conducted the Sunday- services,
and along with Rev. R. F. Handford and Mr. J,
W. Morton, took part in the public meeting on
Saturday. Since the meeting nine associates have
expressed their desire to become active members.
* * * (
Railton Road Society (London VIII.) has an
excellent record of service to the Church. In
mission contributions and in philanthropic efforts :
it has been conspicuous in the past. It has now
set an example worthy of note and emulation by
promising 100 guineas the Twentieth Century
a ae
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Prize Essay
[ Hl world needed a mighty man to per-
. form, under Divine guidance, three
mighty tasks—to raise Christianity
from its existence mainly among
peasants, and give it its rightful place
as the controlling force of the world ;
to explain to the world, as the Apostles
had neither the intellect nor the education to do,
the full significance, not only of Christ’s life, for
that, to some extent, He had Himself done, but
also of His death, which He had had to leave
unexplained, and which formedaseriousstumbling-
block to many ; and, thirdly, to throw open the
Kingdom of Christ to the Gentiles equally with
the Jews. Moreover, this Divinely-appointed
man was to exhibit to a world which had seen the
Master’s perfect example, the results of His prin-
ciples worked out in imperfect humanity.
He who was chosen for these labours—Saul the
persecutor, Paul the Missionary—played in the
streets of Tarsus while the boy Jesus worked as a
carpenter in Nazareth, and he returned home from
college at Jerusalem just before the world’s Great
Tragedy took place.
_2, The world was ready for his mission. He
might travel along great Roman highways, and
preach and write in the universal language—the
Greek. He could introduce his teaching through
the Jewish monotheism, familiar wherever the
Jews had settled. The Jews also had already
begun to learn, through Peter, that Gentiles had
equal privileges with them in the Church of
But the missionary needed much training. His
ancestors were strict Hebrews, and Saul early
gained that familiarity with Scripture which after-
wards served him well in argument, and in his
letters, which are often literally written in quo-
tations. He lived in a busy town, full of men of
all nations, where he became accustomed to meet
all classes and races, and learned to tolerate all
manners and customs. When at college in Jeru-
salem his memory was trained, his logical powers
and originality were cultivated, and the good
Gamaliel filled him with burning enthusiasm for
the law. In later times his ‘‘ much learningâ€
impressed Festus, his Rabbinical training gave
him an introduction to the synagogues of all
82 ST.
cities, and his trade of tent-making rendered him
independent of others, so that only the Philippians
were ever privileged to help him.
8. The Missionary was definitely called.
Saul made missionaries of those he persecuted
before he became one himself, and he was follow-
ing them to their new home when Christ met him,
saying, “Iam Jesus,†which convinced him of
the resurrection and consequent Messiahship of
Jesus. Going to Damascus, he learned from
Ananias the future appointed him—he had been
‘apprehended by Christ†to be a “ vessel to
bear His name to the Gentiles, and Kings, and to
the children of Israel.â€
He was “an apostle by the will of God ;†no
human agent interfered between his master and
himself, and, conscious of a Divine mission, he did
not visit the Apostles for their sanction.
He knew little of Christ’s life-and teaching save
the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the appear-
ances after the Resurrection. He wrote, “I neither
received nor was taught of man the Gospel which
I preached ;†his Christ was revealed to him of
God, then he knew Christ must be latent in
Scripture, and, searching, found it full of Him.
His response to the call was an act of splendid
self-sacrifice ; he renounced faith, position, friends,
and brought everything into “ captivity to the
obedience of Christ.â€
4. The teaching he thought out in Arabia was
far-reaching and revolutionary. The negative
pole of his doctrine was the failure of man’s
righteousness, the positive the efficacy of Christ’s
righteousness. 1n Adam all fell, Jews even deeper
than Gentiles, since the former sinned against the
light, and since through them the name of God
was blasphemed among the heathen. Salvation
could not come through the Law, and as soon as
this was realized, it was offered asa free gift.
Paul preached that Messiah was to suffer, that
He was to rise from death, that Jesus was the
Messiah, that God overlooked. the ignorance in
times past, and that since the Law was not a way
of salvation neither was circumcision, therefore
the Jews needed redemption equally with the
He taught to all repentance towards God and
faith in Jesus, to be shown in housezold religion.
Christianity, after Paul’s preaching, was no
longer a Jewish sect ; at Antioch “ the disciples
were first called Christians.â€
5, He delivered his message first in the syna-
gogues of the towns he visited, and when the Jews
rejected him, on the mention of his mission to the
Gentiles, the latter were generally ready to hear
this new teaching. He built for after times in
insisting on the equality of Jews and Gentiles, and
his one aim was ‘‘ that we may al/ come to the
fulness of the measure of the stature of Christ.â€
His Rabbinical and Pharisaic learning attracted
the Jews; his tact prompted him to compliment
Agrippa on his learning, to slightly flatter the
reeks in calling them very religious, and to work
on their curiosity, to quote the prophets to the
Jews and keep the mission to the Gentiles in the
background. *‘ He considered tact and concilia-
toriness as weapons Divinely appointed †that he
might become ‘all things to all men †to save some,
He appointed elders that the churches might
be self-governing, visited them occasionally to
advise, wrought miracles “ that the name of the
Lord Jesus might be magnified†(though never
in his own illness or in that of friends), punished
persistent wrong-doing, and kept up communica-
tion with far-away converts by his letters of loving
warning and advice.
6. His work was stupendous. At Jerusalem,
in the temple, when he was called to work ‘far
off among the Gentiles,†preaching to rich and
poor alike.
to work even where he was not sent, and he had
sometimes to be forbidden to preach. His three
missionary journeys took him over Asia Minor
and some part of Hurope. He lived +o constantly
in communion with God that he was ready ata
moment's notice to go to fresh work, and “ God
provided a vesselâ€
His was the care of all the churches; he was
always at work—detained in Galatia by illness,
waiting in Athens for Timothy and Silas, or in
Corinth for Titus, he was ever preaching in weak-
ness and ‘leep anxiety.
His audiences were many and varied Greek
philosophers, cultivated Ephesians, ‘ foolish â€
Galatians, fickle Corinthians, loving Philippian
and T'hessalonian converts, studious Bereans,
profligate rulers, the fanatic Sanhedrin, bad
men, pure women, he mixed with all to do
them good.
Added to all his burdens was the opposition
of the authorities, his weak health, the cruel
Jewish persecutions, the instability of his converts,
and even the disagreemeat of his friends Peter,
Barnabas, and Mark.
7, His friends were many; he had a great
power of attracting young men to him, and he
usually took two companions with him on his
journeys, one of whom was a youth who had
charge of the travelling arrangements. The earliest
of his helpers was Barnabas, who first recognized
the Divine appointment of Paul, and set him to
work at Antioch. Timothy was the best loved
of all Paul’s friends, he was constantly with
him, or carrying messages for him to the
churches, and he was honoured with the martyrs
last messages.
Silas was another sharer of his imprisonments ;
Mark, too, retrieved his honour and is spoken
of as “ profitable,†while Titus was “ a comfort
in depression.â€
His zeal for God made him anxious ©
Sa nas
Seapets say
The most faithful of Paul’s friends was his
historian, “ Luke, the beloved physician,†of whom
we read in the second imprisonment, “ only Luke
is with me.’ Many others there were, among
them the wealthy Philemon and hisslave Onesimus,
both of whom Paul called “ brothers.†Some were
faithful to the end, but not a few, like Demas,
“having loved this present world,†departed in
his hour of greatest need.
8. Paul’s letters were his strongest instru-
ments for keeping his converts in remembrance
of the truths he thought, and they reveal clearly
his yearning love for his spiritual children. They
are the earliest Christian literature, containing few
personal details, but filled with theological truths,
practical illustrations, warnings, thanksgiving,
and advice to individuals. These letters were sent
when neither he nor his helpers were able to
go to the churches, and they were suited to the
recipients. The letter to the educated Ephesians
was couched in the sublimest language, those ,to
the Gentile Thessalonians contained no quotations
from the Law, the letter to the Romans, whom
he had never seen was cordial, and contained a
promise to visit them at a future time, the
courteous letter to Philemon shows “ Paul the
gentleman,†and that to the Hebrews, if written
by him, shows how wonderfully he could adapt
himself alike to Jewish and Gentile correspondents.
But most interesting is the second letter to Timothy,
where the missionary, having faced all dangers,
and having the certain prospect of a speedy mar-
tyrdom, still undaunted, urged his “ beloved sonâ€
to *‘ endure hardness,†and could point to hisown
fast-closing life as an example of steadfastness.
9. His character comes out very clearly in his
letters. In his humility he claimed to be the
“ chief of sinners,†and certainly he was “ a man
of like passions’’ with his audiences, as his disagree-
ment with Barnabas, about Mark, showed ; but his
body was so carefully kept under and brought
into subjection to the will of God that he conld
say “ for me to live is Christ.â€
His earnestness, self-control, patient endurance,
and stern unwavering front to the wrong, show
clearly in his history. The zeal which, before
his conversion, made him push on to Damascus
under a noonday sun, while others rested, later
won for him the name of fanatic, and made him
the greatest missionary the world has known. He
was absolutely indifferent to circumstances, having
learned “ in all things to be content.â€
_ Bat most useful to his work was that wonderful
Influence over men, shown in a marked degree
during the disastrous journey to Rome, which he
acquired by means of his courtesy, ready tact, con-
stant cheerfulness, bravery, and absolute unselfish-
ness. Paul's sterling common sense shows itself
in the practical application of even his sublimest
arguments. Dr. Parker said: —‘ Paul had great
wings, but he had also very firm legs,’ and another
wrote, “ He who was caught up to the seventh
heaven was first let down in a basket.â€
10. As the end approached he received pro-
phetic warnings in several cities, yet he did not
falter. Being attacked at Jerusalem the Gentile
soldiers saved him from the Chosen People. When
brought before Festus he was self-possessed, hired
no orator, but himself pleaded his cause in hig
Master’s strength. “He was engaged in the con-
quest of the world for Christ, and Rome was the
last stronghold to be faced ;†hence when im-
prisoned in Rome he preached to all, even the
soldiers who guarded him, so that ere long there
were “saints in Ozsar’s household.†Being
released, he worked earnestly till he was again
imprisoned, this time treated as a common male-
factor, suffering cold in his wretched dungeon,
and writing to Timothy for his cloak ; cheered
only by the faithful Luke, and at last a white-
haired, feeble, lonely, and despised old man,
ending a life-long martyrdom under the heads-
man’s axe, yet ‘in all things more than conqueror
through Him Չۉ۪ whose scars he always bore about
in his body. He recognized always the strength
of God upholding him. He had feared, when
writing to the Galatians, lest torture might make
him deny his Master ; but he acknowledged grate-
fully at the end that “the Lord stood by †him, and
in His strength, with no thought of egotism, he
pronounced for himself the grandest epitaph ever
man had, “Ihave fought a good fight, I have
finished my course, I have kept the faith ; hence-
forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteous-
JN a communication to the Editor
|| Rev. James Proudfoot speaks
cheerily of the progress of the mis-
sion established in memory of Mr.
Truscott. He says :—
“Truscott Memorial Mission is so
successful as to be almost unwieldy. We have
now over 150 people connected with it, and many
of these are heathens, just the people Mr. Truscott
would have striven to gather in and save. In
addition to our Mendi work in Mendiland, we
might do a worse thing than try to establish a
Mendi mission among the hordes of Mendi people
in Freetown.â€
* * *
I have referred in a previous number of the
Missionary Econo to a scheme for higher educa-
tion which Mr, Proudfoot has projected. It may
not be possible to carry out his ideas into prac-
tice at present, but perhaps we may say of the
scheme, he did well to have it in his heart. He
writes :—
«The best minds in our mission have long been
alive to our need of a high school, and my pre-
decessors would gladly have met their wishes,
but the time was not yet come. Now, I believe,
it has come. We can have our big century scheme,
and thereby can raise £1,500 locally. ‘This will
preak the back of the new building, and the only
trouble looming before us is the probable annual
deficit of £200 to £250 on its working. To add
‘that sum to the present contributions from the
Committee would be wrong and unreasonable, but
the elasticity of our income in 1898 is a prophecy
of good times coming. By getting more system
into our methods of finance, I believe that our or-
dinary class income during the next three years
will show a very large increase, until, with an
improved income from our foreign missionary an-
niversaries, we shall be, to a great extent, no
burden on the home funds at all. I have urged
this doctrine on ministers and leaders, and it has
been warmly received, and is about to be acted
upon. Our members being strictly grouped in
classes, we know to a farthing how much each
pays, and how much each owes. But knowledge
comes, and wisdom lingers. We make too little
use of that knowledge. I insist that our mem-
bers have no more right to evade their class pay-
ments than their payments to butehers, bakers,
tailors, and others from whom they purchase the
commodities of life. Our class books are being
overhauled ; each class is being taxed according to
the paying powers of its members, based on a
weekly payment of three halfpence. After making
due allowance for the sick and the aged, and the
poor; each class will know the amount it must
raise quarterly for presentation at the Circuit
Quarterly Meetings. In three years, this system
will wonderfully increase our income. Last year
we went up 18 per cent.; with this system we
shall go very much higher, and in three years
people will have forgotten there ever was any
other system. Should we, then, in three years’
time, have diminished the home contributions to
a vanishing point—that is, taking our contribu-
tions to the foreign missionary funds into con-
sideration, I hope the committee will not erudge
to help us in the matter of the high school. If
we have a conditional promise of such help—con-
ditional on a very largely increased income here
—it will be a very powerful incentive to our
people to pay more regard to their weekly con-
tributions. It isa cynical pun, but a very true
one, that such contributions are weakly.â€
In a letter to the Editor, Mrs. Soothill gives
expression to her sadness in view of the fact that
the Connexion has not sent her husband the help
which he needs. She says :—
«“ ]tissad in the extreme, but we are no better
off than we were four years ago, and this, too, not
ina field that does not repay the labour, but in
one of the most productive of all mission fields.
Of course, no one could help it about Mr. H. Wil-
son, but what about the Evangelist my husband
prayed for?
“Tt is now the China New Year holidays, and
I am dreading the opening of school, the last .
week was too much for me, and I was ill in bed!
Nor am.I able to do much, or even write much,
now. Yet our school work must go on, and get
more attention than it has had, or how are we ever
to get any intelligent, capable workers from among
the natives? Four of the students have been
baptised this year, and the father of one of them
in addition. Our hope lies in the young of this
great land, and if trained from their youth up
their prejudices and superstitions will melt like
ive before the sun. And it is ice to begin with,â€
In a letter to the Hditor, the Rev. John Chinn
writes :—
« At present I am laid aside by fever. I com-
menced to have attacks six weeks ago, and they
increased in frequency and severity until I had to
give up work. It is now four days since I haye
had an attack, and I am hoping the fever is broken.
« Two days ago the friends from Old Bank came
in a boat (24 miles) to take me for a change. So
Iam now at Old Bank resting. Ihope in a few
weeks to be all right again.â€
JHE missionary meetings in London
this year will long be remembered for
their enthusiasm. The weather was
about as bad as it could be; at night
the rain was almost tropical, but in
the rain the large hall was nearer full
The singing, the
playing, the speaking were of the best. Our
honoured friend, Mr. Goodman, spoke with won-
derful force.
There was just one shadow on the evening
meeting—our noble friend, Mr. Robert Turner,
Rochdale, who was to have taken the chair, was
prevented from being present by illness. The
spite of
than we have ever seen it.
Oe peeee ee
pe re ea RE (aN 2 We
A ere
collection was not allowed to suffer, but to all, and
especially to those who knew him, his absence
was areal loss to the meeting. Mr. Alderman
Duckworth, M.P., a close friend of Mr. Turner’s,
took the chair; that he did the work well goes
without saying. We are much obliged to our
friend for his kindness.
The afternoon was a splendid meeting from
every point of view. My good friend, Mr. Oraske,
- who took the chair, struck a hearty and inspiring
note. The two speakers, each a master in his
own sphere, Rey. F. Galpin, China, and J. N.
Farquhar, M.A., India, gave splendid speeches.
Mr, Farquhar’s was an object lesson to us as a De-
nomination in relation to the value and place of
educational work in the foreign mission enter-
prise. I hope the special number of the Free
Methodist will be purchased by all our members,
and Mr. Farquhar’s speech read and re-read.
The oumerical returns from Ningpo are just to
hand. There are 1,010 church members, 504
on trial; net increase on the year, 150. Dr.
Swallow is delighted, and all the more so because,
as he puts it, ‘‘ I can speak more freely about the
work of the year, as I have been away in England.â€
But does it not tell of work well done in past
years by the doctor ?
Dr. Swallow reports himself, and all the staff,
in good health.
This is one of our most southern out-stations,
and from there Mr. Heywood writes a most cheer-
ing letter. He says: *‘ It is a most cosmopolitan
place; here are men from Ningpo, Wenchow,
Farchow, and Foochow. At -the services yester-
day over 70 Chinamen were present.’’ At another
station, ‘twenty li away, another body of forty
members were observing the Sabbath.â€
Of Lih Pu itself, Mr. Heywood says, the
native preachers in Ningpo have the following
saying : ‘‘ They fear three things ; 1. The distance
to be travelled to reach the station; 2. The hos-
pitality of the members; 3. The way the mem-
bers besiege them with questions as to the mean-
ing of Scriptural passages.†The last is what
they fear most.
Our friend says: “Just three months have
now passed since my arrival in Ningpo' and I
greatly rejoice to be able to say they have been
months of unbroken health and happiness.
Many of their customs are interesting, especially
those in which they seem to perpetuate what we
have pictured to us in our Bible. To give one
Instance: At a Chinese feast the dish is placed in
the middle of the table, and each guest or
member of the family present partakes from it
(using, of course, the famous chopsticks.) It is
customary for the host to take a choice piece from
the dish, of whatever it may contain, and give it
to one of the guests as a special compliment—a
mark of great favour and regard for the recipient.
To witness this, and now and then to be the
favoured one, may not be exactly pleasing to us
with our western tastes and ideas of etiquette, but
to me it lent a new and vivid reality to the inci-
dent in the “ Upper Room,†and gave a touch of
powerful, loving meaning to the act of the Master
in giving the sop to the one who, though “ dip-
ping in the dish with Him, was lifting up his
heel against Him.â€
Mr, Vivian’s sketch of Mr. Goodman’s experi-
ences has been so much appreciated, and the sale
so satisfactory, that a second edition is contem-
plated. Will our friends continue to press its
sale, and send up their orders at once to Rev. A.
Crombie, at the Book Room? It is a thrilling
story !
Mr. and Mrs. Howe are on their way to England,
and will have arrived ere the June issue of the
Eouo is in the hands of its readers, Our good
friends are sure of a warm welcome.
In response to the paragraph we published in
the Free Methodist, from a very recent letter of
Mr. Howe, we have received the following sub-
scriptions :—
Sess. ds
“A Friend†- - -10 0 0
A Friend to Missions, per
the Treasurer - -1l0 0 0
«“ Anonymous†per Rev. A.
Crombie - - se tOReO
Louth Y.P.S.C.H. - SHE iO:
“ Working Man†| - BenQ 26,
To all these good friends we present our hearty
An earnest missionary secretary writes: “ We
find great difficulty in getting speakers for our
Quarterly Sunday School Missionary Meetings.â€
I expect the difficulty arises more from want of
“ subjects†than want of speakers. We are quite
sure if only the friends in our Sunday Schools
would study the Hono month by month, and our
other missionary publications, there would be no
lack of subjects, and the interest in our missions
and missionaries would be deepened and intensified.
Let our friends take-up a particular station one
quarter, and the life of some great missionary
the alternate quarter : if this is done, both speakers
and schools will be helped, and the full coming of
the Master’s kingdom hastened.
= HE young People’s Committee offer an-
| nually prizes for the taree best essays
on a missionary topic. The subject as-
signed this year was St. Paul the mis-
sionary, and the adjudicator was Rev.
William Redfern, of Manchester. He
has awarded the prizes as follows :—
First: Miss De Levante, Brunswick Chapel,
Deptford, S.E.
Second: Miss Gertrude Longbottom, Louth,
Third : Miss Elsie Lowe, Burton-on-Trent.
It must not be supposed that the competition
was confined to young lady writers. It was open
to both sexes, but it is by no means uncommon
for ladies to excel the sterner sex in competitions
of an academic kind.
The first prize essay is given in this month’s
Missionary Kcuo, and I have pleasure also in pre-
senting my readers with a portrait of the essayist.
Some particulars concerning Miss De Levante
have been obligingly furnished by her pastor,
Rev. C. Devereux Holmes.
* #
“Miss De Levante is the only daughter of Mr.
William De Levante, one of our most active
workers at Brunswick, Deptford, and also Circuit
Missionary Treasurer: Mrs. De Levante and the
only son are two devoted workers with us.
Miss De Levante is 22:years of age; the teacher
of our Senior Young Women’s Bible Class, and our
organist since she was 13 years of age.
Miss De Levante was educated at the Roan
School, Greenwich, and afterwards at the Home
and Colonial College, where she spent two years,
and from which she matriculated at the London
University in 1897.
Miss De Levante studied the organ under Dr.
Warwick Jordan; she holds the diplomas of
G.S M. and L.A.M, as medallist.
Nine years ago Miss De Levante competed for
Uncle William’s prize, offered for the best essay
on ‘The Rise, Progress, and History of our Hast
African Missions,’ and was bracketed with
another, as the papers were co-equal in value.
Tt is pleasing to recoguise in Miss De Levante’s
success, that the interest she manifested in mis-
sions when so young is continued, and with a de-
voted heart, and a trained intellect, she serves
most efficiently the church of her choice.â€
FTER our repast we resumed our tramp,
climbing another 700 feet, to a small
village called Kowakidani, where we
stayed overnight. This village used to
be called Kojigoku, meaning “Small
Hell,†having derived its name from
g the sulphur springs which abound in
its neighbourhood ; but after the Mikado visited
it in 1877, its name was changed to Kowakidani.
Many foreigners were staying at this place for
he sake of the curative qualities of the sulphur
Shortly after daylight we were on our way
over the mountains to Hakone. We had to pass
hrough the village of Ashinogu, which is 2,780
feet above the sea. We came across many relics
of older times. In one part of the mountains
were three monuments. ‘wo were in memory of
he Soga brothers who in the year 1198 carried out
a vendetta against a man called Kudo Suketsune,
who had murdered their father. They finally
accomplished their purpose by killing him in the
hunting-camp of the Shogun Yoritomo at the
base of Fujiyama.
One of the monuments, smaller than the other
wo, was dedicated to a beautiful woman named
Tora Gozen, who was betrothed to the elder
brother, but who on his death became a nun.
In another part of the mountains, close by two
meres which are the remains of ancient craters,
was a large image. of Jizo carved. in relief on a
3 q
a A ee ae
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CE rn cee TS a
block of andesite. The Japanese tradition is, that
a certain Buddhist saint, Kobo Daishi, carved this
marvellous work of art in a single night. Every
year, on the 23rd of August, a grand festival is
held in honour of the image.
The mountain scenery upon which our eyes
feasted, is beyond my power of description. The
climax in picturesque beauty was reached when,
from the top of a mountain-pass we had our first
view of Hakone Lake.
Above 2,000 feet above the sea, this lake is
situated in the midst of wild but beautiful
mountain scenery. One attraction to foreigners
and Japanese alike is, that on clear days as the
TO JAPAN. : 87
before dark, and the following morning we were
off on the last stage of our journey, our object
being to visit Ojikogu—“ Great Hell,’—and then
proceed over the Otome-toge or “ Maiden’s Pass,â€
to the base of Fujiyama.
Ojikogu well deserves its English name. It is a
desolate place, reeking with sulphur. We saw it
under the most impressive conditions. The wind
was moaning dismally through the gorge, driving
thick banks of clouds which now and again lifted,
revealing great stretches of seared soil, which in
certain places gave forth sulphuric vapours which
impregnated the atmosphere with a smell almost
unendurable. The road in certain places was
sun issinking in the West, the image of Fujiyama,
towering above all other mountains, is reflected
in its waters. What wonder, then, that there is
an Imperial. residence situated on, its bank, built
in foreign style, where the Mikado can retire from
the cares of state and in this mountain solitude
can commune in spirit with the sacred mount?
Whilst staying at Hakone, we attempted to
reach the “ ‘I'en Province Pass’â€â€™ without a guide,
and suffered the usual penalty of getting lost.
From the top of this pass ten different counties can
be seen. We were forced to forego this pleasure,
and instead had the more thrilling experience of
being lost on the mountains for a short period,
owing to heavy banks of clouds blotting outour road.
We succeeded in getting back to our inn just
guarded by fences, asa false step might lead to
one breaking through the thin earth-crust and
being literally consumed in brimstone!
We were glad to get rid of the uncanny feeling
engendered by our visit to the “Great Hell.â€
Higher regions claimed our attention, and by
3 o clock in the afternoon we were standing on
the highest point of Otome-toge, 3,400 feet above
the sea, where the finest view of the great
mountain of Japan is obtained.
Descending to the plain, we took train from
Gotemba and was back in Yokohama shortly after
night fall, feeling refreshed in body and mind,
and with a better idea of Japan and its people
than many weeks of residence in an out-port
could possibly have imparted.
TRAVELLED to Mombasa from Ribe
on December 1, 1898, to meet my new
colleague Rev. James Ellis, to welcome
him to his adopted country, and escort
him with his baggage to the scene of
his future labcurs. He had not arrived.
Later in the day I learned that the
«< Oxus’†was fast on a reef near Djibonti in the
Gulf of Aden.
Mombasa was gay with bunting,
police, whilst His Highness’ hand played the
Zanzibar and English national anthems. My
readers would scarcely be interested in all the
doings connected with His Highness’s visit. The
programme included a journey by the Sultan and
his suite by train along the whole length of the
Uganda Railway so far as it is now completed, a
journey which took four or five days in going and
On Wednesday, December 7th, I was again in
Mombasa, this time in answer to a summons
calling upon me to appear as a witness in the case
Crown versus Mwabindo, who was to be examined
that day in the Provincial Court of the Protectorate
arches and cocoanut leaf decorations, not in ex-
pectation of the arrival of him whom I had come
to welcome, but of His Highness the Sultan of
Zanzibar, who was paying a visit to his dominion
outside the island of Zanzibar, including
Lamu, Mombasa and the island of Pemba.
Lianu was first visited, then Mombasa. On
Friday, December 2nd, I witnessed his landing
from H. M. 8. “Fox†and his reception by
members of the Protectorate Administration
headed by Sir Arthur Hardinge. A guard of
honour of British blue-jackets was stationed
at the landing stage ; the route of a few hundred
yards to the house wherein His Highness was to
stay was guarded by Sepoys of the Indian Con-
tingent of the Protectorate and tke Protectorate
(See page 87.)
on the charge of murder. I-was a principal
witness, having given the information to the
authorities which led to the arrest of the accused.
Owing to the long continued drought of the past
year the Wagiriama, a principal tribe of Wanika,
who occupy a large tract of country almost in onr
immediate neighbourhood, and extending to the
north, have for many months been in a condition
just bordering on that of actual starvation.
Thousands of them have found their way into
Mombasa and wherever else work was to be found.
Our own station has been crowded out by these
outsiders, many of whom have found casual employ-
ment in connection with our church building, and
other work proceeding on the station, others being
employed by our people on their shambas or
Speier Site:
5 Sins eee
ig aS
cultivated plots, they giving their services in
return for a few coppers or a little food. Many of
them, driven by hunger, have stolen out at night
and robbed the shambas of their standing crops, to
the great annoyance of our people, who themselves
have been very hard pressed. They complain that
even though they sleep on the shambas, in order to
guard their crops, they are afraid of disturbing or
closing with the thieves, even when they discover
them, for in this country every man goes about
armed with a knife or bow and arrows.
On Sunday, October 380th, information was
brought to me by one of our members that a
Giriama woman had died on his shamba from the
effects of a poisoned arrow shot, which she had
received whilst away stealing on a neighbouring
shamba. The woman with her two children had
for some time been sleeping on his shamba outside
the temporary hut which he had erected there.
On the night in question he himself had slept
outside the hut, near the woman and her two
children whilst his wife and two other women
were sleeping within. During the night the
man -was awakened by the | woman’s
cries, she having fled towards her temporary
shelter upon receiving the wound. She just
managed to reach the hut and then expired. She
had apparently crept away from the side of her
two children during the night, gone forth into the
neighbouring shamba, been discovered there by
the owner, who was on the watch, and been
deliberately shot by him. I at once went out
with the mission wazee (elders) to the scene of the
tragedy. We first viewed the body of the dead
woman. There could be no doubt as'to the manner
in which she met with her death. The nature
of the wound and the swollen condition of the
hody were conclusive evidence. We did not
extract the arrow head, which would have been a
dangerous operation. We then endeavoured, and
with success, to retrace the footsteps of the
murdered woman from the spot where she expired
to the place where she received the wound, picking
up on the way a small matting basket (kikapu)
containing mihogo (cassava) which had evidently
been cast away by her in her flight, the kikapu
being afterwards identified as hers by her child.
On the spot to which her footsteps led us we saw
anumber of mihogo plants recently torn up and
their roots broken off, showing how the woman
had been employed at the moment she received
the fatal wound. The shamba belonged to
Mwabindo, and it was on the information I sent
to the Assistant Collector that the prisoner was’
arrested on the charge of murder. At the hearing
on December 17th, he was committed for trial to
the Sessions Court. I appeared as a witness in
that Court on December 19th, but could not stay
to hear how the case concluded. It went against
the accused that the deceased was a woman and
' ete., for the boys.
not a man, presumably armed, and that the night
was a bright moonlight one, the moon being then
Whilst in Mombasa on December 7th and 8th,
I received no news of Mr. Hllis, but on Friday
December 9th, at 6 p.m: I received a telegram
forwarded to me at Ribe from Mombasa,
announcing that he would arrive in Mombasa the
next morning.
To avoid being absent on Sunday I had to
content myself with writing him a letter of
welcome, promising to come down to him as soon
as possible. On Sunday I took the morning
service at Ribe and then started for the coast. I
found Mr. Ellis in the Royal Hotel trying his
very best to possess his soul in patience, spending
a not very cheerful birthday in a strange place
and amidst uncongenial surroundings. My readers
may take for granted the hearty greeting which
passed between us and that we had much to say to
each other, so much indeed that it was early
morning before we got to bed. It was the Lord’s
Day, and our hearts were grateful that we had at
last. been permitted to see each other’s face. It was
fitting therefore that our first common act should be
expressive of our heartfelt thanks to God for His
mercies. We accordingly made our way to the
House of the Lord, the English Church in
Mombasa, and joined with His people in their
evening service.
On Monday, December 12th, I accompanied Mr.
Ellis from Mombasa to Ribe, and our brother’s life
on an Fast African Mission station began.
On Sunday December 25th (Christmas Day),
we had the usual preaching services morning anu
afternoon, the’ latter service followed by the
Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, at which the
attendance was larger and the collection greater
than usual.
On Monday
the children.
we had a Christmas feast for
We cooked one hundred and forty
pounds of rice, and the flesh of two goats
flavoured with cocoanut, curry powder, and
lemons. The youngsters for once had as much
as ever they could eat. At four o’clock the great
event of the day came off, a distribution of toys,
etc., mostly sent by English children as presents to
their dark-skinned friends. There were print
dress pieces and sewing bags for the elder girls,
dolls, balls, skipping ropes, shuttlecocks, etc., etc.,
for the younger ones, and tops, balls, marbles,.
Some of these had been sent
out to me some months ago by Mr. C. Hastwood,
from the boys of his Sunday Schoolclass, many more
were brought out by Mr. Ellis as presents from his
young friends. A few flutes sent out by Mr.
Bastwood I have sold to the bigger boys for their
drum-and-fife band, and have placed the proceeds
to the account of the furnishing fund. We have
had a comparatively quiet but happy Christmas.
‘*A simple maiden in her flower
Is worth a hundred coats-of-arms.â€â€™
WERT Alice Maynard was a_ typical
English village maiden, not keen, and
smart, and “knowing ’’ like so many
of her sisters in town, but sound,
pure in heart, and good, for all her life
had been lived amongst the green
fields, and the sacred surroundings of
a simple Christian home. She was not well
educated according to the severe standards of the
New Woman, but what was infinitely better, she
had a refined mind well stored from the well-
thumbed pages of a small selection of the choicest
works of the great masters of Hnglish poetry and
prose, carefully treasured on her modest book
That she was greatly beloved by her father
and mother goes without saying, for she was
their only child. She was, in point of fact, a
favourite with everybody, and went about the
village like an angel of light, to read to poor old
crippled Betty Mawson, or to sit beside young
Janie Allsworth, slowly dying of consumption,
and followed by the “ God bless the sweet lambâ€â€™
of many a grateful recipient of her grace and
goodness. Her very presence in the home of
sorrow was like a glint of sunshine, and her quiet
simple words of comfort ever brought benediction
and peace.
There was a young fellow in the village who
loved her with a love beyond all others, a manly
young fellow named Jim Hartley, the only son
of the village miller. Jim and Alice had known
one another all their lives, had played together
when they were babies, had gone to the village
school together, had sat side by side in the village
Chapel, and he had been her acknowledged
champion for many years. Once, when Johnny
Bunker pushed ber down in the playground, Jim
instantly tackled him, knocking him clean off his
legs, and rolling him over and over in the gutter.
And later still, when butcher Boddington’s pony
took fright and nearly ran her down, Jim who
was walking beside her, sprung at the pony’s
bridle, and by sheer force stopped the frightened
brute in its wild career, and probably saved her
life. And so as the years passed away, Jim
danced attendance upon her, escorted her to school
and chapel, bought her books, went errands for
her to the distant town, and altogether acted the
part of a big, brave, devoted brother, whose
greatest reward was a quiet smile, and a grateful
“O thank you, Jim!â€
And so the years of their youth slipped
swiftly away, and they became man and woman,
with manly and womanly thoughts, and each in
his and her way, timidly peering into the dim
future, and wondering what it might have in store
for them. It had been long settled, both by the
village gossips and their respective parents, that
some fine day they should become man and wife,
but sometimes marriages arn arranged in heaven,
and so
‘* The best laid schemes 0’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley.â€
For one summer’s Sunday morning, a student
appeared in the village pulpit, and prefaced the
service with the announcement that the night
previous, a telegram had come to the Principal,
that their Superintendent Minister had suddenly
been taken ill, and that he must send a student to
supply his place, and that as he happened to be
the only student disengaged that day, and that
through a pure accident, he had been sent. He
was a tall, broad-shouldered, well-built young
fellow, with a somewhat pale face. keen, piercing
eyes, and deep, rich voice. He preached a
splendid sermon, and at the close of the service
John Maynard was so pleased with him that he
invited him to dinner. The result was that James
Bradburn, much to his delight, soon found
himself seated at the same table with the young
lady whose sweet face had so strangely moved
him all through the service, and whose wonderful
eyes had seemed to look right down into the
deepest depth of his soul, and draw out the
noblest thoughts therein.
It was a quiet little dinner party of four, but to
two of the four an ever memorable one, for though
they knew it not at the time,it was nevertheless
God’s secret arrangement, an arrangement upon
whose issues hung the future of both their lives.
They talked about the Chapel, and the circuit
preachers ; then about the college, and the students
who had filled the village pulpit in past years—then
from college their thoughts wandered into the
realms of literature, and the student was charmed
and delighted to find in the young lady who had
dished up the dinner, a fellow-student. And so
they talked on, and on, about books and authors,
until the old folks gradually drepped out of the
arena of discussion, proud to hear how well their
beloved daughtér could hold her own with this
cultured student, who had spent nearly all his
life at school and college.
But in the midst of it all the young lady
suddenly remembered her duty, and so with a
somewhat regretful sigh, said, “Iam so glad to
have had this pleasant talk with you, for there
are very few in the village with whom I can have
a chat about these things, but,’ and here there
was another sigh, “I must really drop out ot
poetry into plain prose, for the dishes must he
washed up, and I have to get ready for school,â€
and so, whilst she was busy helping her mother
in the scullery, the young fellow dropped into
a brown study, and his host settled down to his
usual Sunday nap.
Half an hour later, when Alice made her
appearance again, ready for school, James Brad-
burn insisted upon joining her, and that afternoon
he. delivered a most interesting address to the
scholars, wherewith the superintendent and
teachers were delighted.
It is said “coming events cast their shadows
before them,†and it was so with Jim Hartley
that afternoon, for as he walked down the village
to meet Alice on her way to school, he saw her
tripping along beside the student in deep and
earnest conversation, whilst now and again the
sweet silvery laugh he knew so well, and loved
so much, would reach his ears. And as he looked
and listened, somehow the sky darkened, and the
air grew chill, and a keen pang shot through him
like the stab of a stiletto. But he hurried on
nevertheless, overtook them, was introduced, and
joining in their conversation was charmed with
the student’s manly. openness.
For some days afterwards Jim was away on
business connected with the mill, but do what he
would, he could not shake off the sense of pain
and dread which had taken possession of him. At
first he put it down to mere childish jealousy, and
laughed at the very idea of a stranger stealing the
heart of his idol, but in spite of his laughter, the
pain and the dread remained, and he was as
miserable as miserable can possibly be. Then he
remembered that he had never spoken to Alice
about his love for her ; that she was no longer a
child, nor he a mere boy, but man and woman
grown, and the very thought that they should
ever be separated paled his cheek, almost made
his heart stand still, and he trembled as though he
were suffering from a severe attack of ague.
The consequence was that he there and then
determined that as soon as possible he would
end his agony of suspense by asking her to marry
When his Sabbath duties were completed,
James Bradburn returned to college, and, wearied
with the strain and tension of the day, went right
0 bed, but he couldn’t sleep a wink, for the sweet
face, the thrilling voice, the simple, unaffected,
artless, and womanly ways of Alice Maynard
persistently haunted him, and he rose after a
restless night on that Monday morning, pale,
haggard, heavy, weary, and yet somehow feeling
supremely happy. That was the most supremely
errible day in all his life, for it brought him face
to face with his great crisis. It was his day of
emptation in the wilderness, and feeling that he
must fight his battle all alone, he strolled away
into the country, and there for long and weary
hours, grappled with his destiny in the quiet
green lanes.
A few weeks before he had voluntered to take
the place of one who had just fallen at his post
on a dangerous frontier post on the Mission Field,
and he had been provisionally accepted. Tooffer
himself had been no sacrifice, for it had been his
fixed purpose for some years. But now another
important consideration had entered into the
question, for the moment he caught sight of the
sweet face of Alice Maynard peering at him from
her father’s pew, he had realised that he had
met his fate, and all the events of the previous
day had deepened that feeling. And so, as he had
tossed upon his bed in the quiet hours of the
night, he had realised that once for all his heart
had been won, and that Alice Maynard had won
it. But as he thought of that gentle woman
reared in a quiet village, and amidst the tender
and loving associations of Christian home, and of
the perils, the dangers, the scenes and sights ont
yonder on the Mission, he felt appalled at the idea
of asking her to share such an experience.
“Then why not give up the idea whilst you
have the chance?†said the ready tempter at his
side. ‘Stay athomeand preach to the heathen in
your own land. Let someone elsetake your place.â€
But that thought was instantly repelled, “ No, no,
not that,’ he replied, “I haye given myself
entirely and finally to my Lord and Master, and
I will not turn back, He made an infinite
sacrifice for me, and I will make this sacrifice for
Him if necessary, even though it break my heart.
«Get thee behind me, Satan; thou art an
offence unto me; for thou savourest not the
things that be of God, but those that be of men.â€
“Then you must give up all thought of Alice
Maynard,†retoried the tempter, and for hours
the young fellow in his agony tramped along the
' pye-lanes, and along the quiet field paths, torn
and wrenched by the fierce struggle between love
and duty, his love for his Master, and his love for
the sweet maiden who had. become the mistress
of his heart. But as he. slowly sauntered along
crying aloud to God in his anguish of soul for —
grace and guidance, duty prevailed, and standing
bareheaded in a sheltering clurp of trees, the
great beads of sweat standing upon his brow, he
thrust the heel of his boot deep into the yielding
turf as though he would crush his persistent ad-
versary beneath his feet, and lifting his face to
heaven cried, “ Lord, I love her with all my soul,
and can never love anyone else. But I cannot,
and dare not, and will not allow my love for her
to come between Thy love for me and my love
for Thee. That must and shall have the supreme
place. Lord Jesus, if it be Thy will that I shall
go out yonder to labour alone for Thee, I will go.
I will give up all. I will surrender all. Thy will
be done. Lord, help me to tear even this precious
idol out of my heart, that I may serve and wor-
ship Thee, and Thee alone. Lord Jesus, help me,
for I am very weak.’ And as he stood there a
great peace fell upon him, and somehow he seemed
to hear a voice saying, “If any man will come
after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his
cross and follow Me,†and he tramped back to
college, but so wan and weary that his college
chum was startled and said, “ Jim, old fellow,
what is to do? You look like a washed-out
ghost! Tumble into bed, old chap, and I'll fetch
you acup of tea and some grub.â€â€ He was so utterly
weary and ‘f pumped out,’ as he expressed it, that
after drinking the welcome cap of tea he fell into
a sound sleep, and slept like a top until next
“One step I see before me,
*Tis all 1 need to see.â€
HAT'is the matter, Gladys †said Mrs.
Meredith to her daughter, “you
look quite pale.â€
Letters by the noon post had
just arrived, and as Gladys read one
addressed to her, she gave a little
startled cry.
“Oh, mother, Maggie is engaged to Mr.
Macintyre, why didn’t she wait longer? I always
thought she would be so difficult to win, and now
it is all arranged.â€
“ Well, my dear, they have known him more
than six months, and he certainly is a most
attractive young man.â€
“ He may be,†said Gladys, rather sarcastically.
“ Are you not pleased ?â€â€™ asked Mrs. Meredith.
“ Indeed, I am not,†answered Gladys. ‘They
know hardly anything of him, and have seen none
of his friends. I shouldn’t like to marry anyone
unless I had known him years and years.â€
« But that is rather foolish, Gladys, my dear.
Many people have married on a shorter acquaint-
ance than theirs and been very happy, too. Do
not let it trouble you.â€
Gladys knew that in this matter she would get
no sympathy from her mother. The good and
kindly trait of “thinking no evil,’ so strong in
Mrs. Meredith, unfortunately sometimes led her
judgment astray. She was “ harmless as a dove,â€
but not “ wise as a serpent.â€
On this occasion she went into raptures as to
Maggie’s prospects, and the charms of her future
husband, to which Gladys listened with the best
grace she could.
At length she said, “But mother, Hugh mis
trusted him.â€
“No, my dear,†replied Mrs. Meredith, ‘‘ Hugh
is too kind to bear ill will to anyone.â€
“Of course he bore him no ill will,†said
Gladys, feeling that goodness itself was rather a
trial of patience sometimes; ‘“ but he told me he
was insincere, and not to be trusted. I hope Mr.
Dalrymple has made inquiries about him before
giving his consent. Hugh warned me to have as
little as possible to do with Mr. Macintyre, and
not to encourage Maggie in her friendship for him.
Now it has come to this.â€
“No doubt Mr. Dalrymple knows all about the
young man,’ answered Mrs. Meredith; “at any
rate, we must hope that Hugh was mistaken.â€
‘Oh, mother, you would find an excuse for Satan
himself,’ said Gladys, beginning to cry.
“We should always look on the best side,
Gladys dear—don’t upset yourself. What a lovely
day itis. You had better go for a run on your
bicycle,†replied her mother,
The roads round Mallingford were good and
level, and as Gladys spun along the lanes in the
sunshine, she felt the exhilaration and uplifting
of spirits known only to the cycle lover.
A few miles away, riding towards Mallingford,
another cyclist was also enjoying the keen air
and the springlike beauty of the landscape.
Presently the two espied each other in the dis-
tance, and John, for it was he, waved his hand
«‘T was coming to your house,†he said, when
within speaking distance ; ‘will you turn back,
or shall we go a little further ?â€
«We can go home by Marsden farm,†was the
reply, and on they sped, their enjoyment com-
plete. Everything looked brighter to Gladys—
even Maggie’s engagement did not weigh on her
spirits now; the best tonic in the world is pure
country air with congenial society.
Mrs. Meredith greeted John cordially. He was
a great favourite of hers, asa friend of Hugh’s
could not fail to be.
“ Come, you are just in time for tea; be quick
and wash,†she said, as the gong sounded through
the house; “you know the way upstairs. Mr.
Meredith is already in the dining room.â€
“Well, John,†said his host heartily, as the
young minister took his seat at the table, “ glad
to see you. You've heard from Hugh, they tell
me. We have had a letter, too; he seems to be
all right.â€
“Yes,†said John, ‘“‘and very busy. My letter
contained a good deal about the language.â€
“He is very much interested in it,†remarked
Mr. Meredith.
“Yes, he was always clever at languages. I
- would ‘come
right in the
“A very
confess, people are more interesting to me,†an-
swered John with a smile, and a glance across at
“ Hugh is also a great student of human nature,â€
said Mr. Meredith, “and his impressions were
generally correct.â€
«Then, father, I wonder if. he will prove to
be correct about Mr. Macintyre,†said Gladys.
«Mother will have told you of Maggie’s engage-
“Yes, she’s
a fine girl.
Macintyre is
not the only
young man
who would
like to marry
seen her
recently, have
you, not,
asked John.
«« Not since
I was over at
Irminster — at
their bazaar,
and that just
reminds me of
was the reply.
“They had a
palmist there
who said that
Maggie was
going to have-
a change in
her life, which
would not be
for the better,
but that all
safe pro-
Mr. Conibear.
“Yes,†remarked Mr. Meredith, “if palmists
- would always be as vague in their utterances they
might do less harm. [t is very wrong, in my
opinion, to raise money for church purposes by
such means.â€
“What harm does it do?†asked Mrs. Mere-
dith. ‘It makes a little fun, and if having a
palmist amuses the people and gains a few pounds
for the cause—why should you object ?â€
“Tf everyone regarded what is said as nonsense
repeated for their amusement, it would not matter
much,†said Mr. Meredith; ‘but there are many
whose minds are influenced to their hurt. You
noticed those two sad cases in the paper the other
week, did you not, John?â€
“T saw one account in which the fact of having
an ‘unlucky hand’ preyed upona gitl’s mind, and
ended in her death.â€
“Yes, and the other was a very similar case.
You see the
harm done
now, don't
you, dear?â€
said Mr. Mere-
dith to his
«JT do, in-
Mrs. Meredith.
«You will
have to give up
the idea of
getting a
palmist for
our bazaar,
Gladys; in-
deed, 1 hope
you will never
have anything
to do with
such people
Gladys, “to
hear what they
say about
character. The
lady at Irmin-
ster gauged
Maggie’s and
mine pretty
“Did she
say you were
both ‘every-
thing that was
good and charming?†asked ‘her father, with a
«No, she did not,†answered Gladys brightly.
“There may be something in the character
reading,†said John, “but after all I think we
must place palmistry in the same category as the
belief in witchcraft and other foolish supersti-
“Most people have a superstitious weakness in
some direction,†said Gladys. ‘Even if they do
not believe in unlucky omens they would rather
be without them.â€
« Superstition is the subject of conversation, is
it?†said Everard, who had just entered and
taken his seat after greetings, and apologies for his
late arrival. ‘The Chinese are the most super-
stitious people in the world.â€
< Bverard is always talking about China lately,â€
said Gladys.
‘; Because his brother is there,’ answered her
father. “ ‘Where your treasure is there shall
your heart be also,’ and ‘out of the abundance of
the heart the mouth speaketh.’ Well, what of
the superstitions of the Chinese, my boy?â€
«Their religion appears to be a tissue of super-
stitions. Besides their practice of ancestral wor-
ship, they believe in witchcraft, sorcery, the evil-
eye, and rubbish of that sort.â€
“Tt is difficult,†replied Mr. Meredith, “to say
what their religion is They mix up Confucian-
ism, Buddhism, and Taouism and think it prudent
to keep on good terms with all.â€
“Yes; I read the other day that once during
a drought a provincial governor went to the
Buddhist temples, then to the magicians and sor-
cerers, and finally to the Roman Catholic Cathe-
dral in the neighbourhood, so that, to bring rain,
no stone should be left unturned on his part.
Taouism is really a system of charms and magic,
not a religion at all. On the other hand, Con-
fucius teaches nothing of the future life, but gives
only maxims, morals, and rules of etiquette for
living in the present.â€
«Then to summarise the beliefs of a Chinaman
we night say he is an agnostic, with certain super-
stitions and idolatrous practices, adopted out of a
’ prudential regard for himself,†said John.
“We may well say, then, ‘Speed, oh speed,
thou mighty gospel,†replied Mr. Meredith.
As the party rose from the table and adjourned
to the drawing-room, John said smilingly to
Gladys, “What was the future pictured for
“Ah! that I cannot tell you,†she replied,
with a blush and an answering smile.
Gk. ELLIOT STOCK has brought out
a work by the Rev. James Johnston,
well known as the author of “A
Century of Protestant Missions.†The
new book is entitled ‘China and its Future.â€
The work is comprehensive, stretching over a
field as wide as is occupied by Mr. Williams in his
admirable book, ‘‘ The Middle Kingdom,†though
it is a much less bulky work. Mr. Johnston takes
4 much more favourable view of the prospects of
China and the character of the Chinese than is
common, and has produced a most readable and
instructive work.
Our readers are aware that the Rev. W. Vivian,
F.R.G.S., has written under the title of “ A Cap-
tive Missionary in Mendiland,†the story of the
Rev. C. H. Goodman’s wonderful deliverance from
death and his strange experiences during the
Sierra Leone rebellion. Many of the readers of
the “Econo†have heard the story from Mr.
Goodman’s own lips, but it was very desirable
that it should be committed to “the immortal
custody of the press.†Mr. Vivian has done his
work well, and I advise all my readers to spend
sixpence in procuring a copy of this very interest-
ing booklet.
Mr. Charles Eastwood, of 25, Moss Grove,
Urmston, Manchester, who is Treasurer of the
Missionaries’ Literature Association, makes a very
kind offer to Sunday Schools, Christian Endeavour
Societies and Churches within a radius of fifty
miles from Manchester. He has collected 100
slides representing Mission scenes in Hast Africa,
and he is prepared to lecture on Missions there,
charging nothing whatever but his railway fare.
He is anxious in this way to-help in raising the
much needed £15,000 per annum. I hope he
will meet with every encouragement.
Rey. John Chinn makes an urgent appeal for a
good supply of Tracts. Please respond. Con-
tributors can send to Mr. Charles Hastwood.
1881 AND 1897.
What would Mr. Exley say if he were per-
mitted to return and look at the plant he planted
in Wenchow. He would see it had grown into a
great tree, and exclaim, “ I planted, others
watered, and God has given the increase.†He
left.a little flock of ten members. The numbers
reported to last Assembly were 911 members,
with 600 on trial, 15 native preachers, 52 local
preachers, two chapels,and 63 preaching stations.
Dingley Hospital has been erected with a fully
qualified medical man at its head, and since the
Assembly of 1898 Wenchow City Chapel has been
opened with accommodation for 800 worshippers.
What hath God wrought? To Him be the
HE topic for May 7th, will furnish
| food for reflection to Endeavourers.
| His “ Patient Continuance in Well
| Doing.†‘Be not weary in well
dts £50} doing,†is the Scripture admonition,
but it is founded on the Apostle’s knowledge
of the tendency, which lies that way. Young
Christians are liable to get weary in good work for
many causes. One of the greatest perhaps is this:
Lack of immediate results. Many of us carry the
seed-basket and the sickle into the field together
and expect to reap almost as soon as we have
sown. It is well to remember that God has
promised certain success to faithful service, but
He will reveal the resultsin His time and possibly
not in ours. Hence our need of patient con-
tinuance in well doing. Let me point the moral
by a story. A new comer in a church was
described to the pastor as “an every day sort of
Christian?†said the pastor, “ An every day sort
Christian is he; I am glad of that. My trouble is
with the every other day sort of Christian.â€
I take it for granted that many of my
readers have read “In His Steps, or What Would
Jesus Do.†The aim of this little book is
excellent ; it seeks to Christianize our common life,
our daily habits and efforts. The idea is far too
common with young people that the ideal Christian
life is Ministerial life or Missionary life. Christ
taught otherwise. In His day He made use of
common lives, and His Spirit and authority are in
Paul's words. ‘ Whatsoever ye do, do all to the
glory of God.†Let us strive to be “ content to fill
a little space if Christ be glorified.â€
How they pay? A question asked every year
on the Return of the Annual Convention, is do they
pay? There is much labour and much expense
involved in the preparations. Butdo they pay? A
proper question to which a correspondent replies as
follows. Two delegates, an active and an associate
member went from a Society to the Convention.
The active member received the greatest spiritual
uplift of her life. The associate member was led
to accept Christ as her personal Saviour. They
returned home, the home Society caught through
their report the Convention spirit. A revival in the
church followed, and a new Society was started
in a neglected part of the city.
I have received a most interesting letter from
Rev. J. W. Heywood, Ningpo, which shows
clearly that John Chinaman can appreciate the
good points of Christian Endeavour, and is
prepared to pay for his privileges. When Mr.
Heywood suggested that they should become
affiliated with the home Societies at the cost of
one dollar, 2s., a dozen members wer« ready to
find the money. Eventually it was decided that
the City Church Society and that of the Hast-
suburb Church should jointly subscribe , the
required sum. Please note, that now we have
a Free Methodist Christian Endeavour Society,
which rejoices in the name “‘ Kyiao Ngo Kung We,
Min Li We.†During the year these earnest
Chinese Endeavourers have given over 44 dollars
for the support of a native preacher. Besides this
amount 20 dollars have been subscribed towards
a “Coffin Fund.†Mr. Heywood explains that
this idea, though repellent to the English mind, is
regarded by the Chinese as most important, their
thought being this—that if there is no coffin
prepared before the dissolution of body and soul,
a peaceful end is scarcely possible for the depart-
ing one. The Society’s Motto for the year is
“ Praise, for God hath done great things for us,
whereof we are glad,â€
A Lady Missionary declares that the growth of
Christianity was never so rapid as now, and that
the Christian Church has men enough, means
enough, knowledge enough, and opportunity enough
to give the message of the Gospel to the whole
world, in one generation. As an example of
what may be done, the lady cites the case of a
small society of eighty-five members in a
village, who give an average of over £2 per
member per year for foreign Missions. What we
may do as Christian Hndeavour members of the
Methodist Free Churches the Missionary Secretary
has told us in his circular. He wants £15,000
every year for Missionary purposes, and Mr.
Chapman thinks that the Sunday Schools and
Y.P.S C.E. Societies will have to do a large share
in raising this amount. Let us remember that
one penny per week, per member, per year would
yield £15,416 18s. 4d.
Our Responsr.—In our Y.P.8.C.E, we have
now over 22,000 active and associate members. If
each member gives on the Missionary Secretary’s
plan it will mean an aggregate sum of £4,766
8s. 4d. for the Mission cause. We cannot do better
than think this over and work it out.
Curistian Enpravour Marriace.—At the
United Methodist Free Church, Smallbridge,
Rochdale, Mr. Sugden Hamer to Miss Lawson,
both earnest workers in the Hndeavour cause.
WAS not acquainted with Mr. Exley. I do
not know that I ever saw him. But a brief
Memoir of him appears in the Assembly’s
| Minutes for 1881. Mrs. Soothill refers to him
sm in ‘‘ The Story of the Wenchow Mission,†and
in my “ Historic Sketches of Free Methodism †I
give a short account of his life and labours. What
T now have to say of him must be gathered from
these sources. His course was a short one. He
was only twenty-six years of age when the death
angel took him by the hand, and he had laboured
less than four years in China when “ he was not,
for God took him.â€
The name of Mr. Exley carries with it a recol-
lection of the Crimean War. When a place is
called ‘‘ Sebastopol� we may be sure it was built
or commenced some time about 1855, and when
« Alma †or “ Inkerman †forms part of a man’s
name, we may be sure he was born about
that time. Mr. Exley was born in May, 1855, at
Wortley, which forms part of Leeds. In early
life he became connected with Lady Lane Sunday
School, and at the age of seventeen he became a
member of the church there. He at once tried. to
do what good he could and was soon put on the
plan as a local preacher. He became convinced
that foreign mission work was his sphere, and he
said in effect, Here am I, send me.†All needful
inquiries were made, and all the ordinary exami-
nations took place. His offer of services were
accepted, and he was sent to Wenchow in China.
Mr. Exley calculated that the population of
Wenchow was nearly half amillion. Mrs Soot-
hill says it is about one hundred thousand, of whom
one-third dwell outside the city walls. The Wen-
chow district is very populous, numbering about
two millions, and it is as large as Yorkshire. The
city has seven gates, and is thought one of the
finest cities which China can boast. The scenery
around it is beautiful, and if it were only kept
clean it would be an attractive place. It is said
to be cleaner than most, but “‘ bad is the best.â€
The Chinese are incorrigibly dirty, their clothes,
their houses, and their streets are foul. The sense
of smell may be very useful in China, but not from
its yielding delight. This is sure to be cured by
Christianity ; but “ by little and little,†not all
at once. ‘* Rome was not built in a day.â€
There were Free Methodist Missions in China
when Mr. Exley arrived there, but only in Ningpo.
Mr, Galpin had visited Wenchow occasionally, and
pressed that a mission should be commenced
there. After Mr. Exley had been a short time at
Ningpo he went to “ view the land†at Wenchow.
He was not without adventures. Pirates chased
him at sea, and on shore a_ house where he was
staying was stoned. Believing Wenchow a suit-
able sphere he took a house for ten years. Going
back to Ningpo, he found the canals frozen, 80
walked over the snow. As the Wenchow dialect
is not-spoken at Ningpo, he did not remain long.
A young man of 22, going alone to commence
Christian work amongst a hundred thousand
heathens, is like a worm trying to thrash a moun-
tain. But God has said, “ Fear not, thou worm
Mr. Exley was never strong. I have thought
that possibly his medical examiner made a mistake
in letting him’ go to China. My young readers
should know that every care is taken to secure
that those who are sent into the foreign field are
of sound constitution, but doctors are not infallible.
They sometimes let men go who cannot stand the
wear and tear of mission work, and perhaps keep
some at home who might have stood it well. Mr.
Exley was never robust, but he did much in the
brief span allotted to him. He bought land and
buildings in the heart of the city, disarming the
prejudices of a suspicious people ; built a small
chapel and day-school ; and altered some native
buildings, making them suitable for European
occupation. Best of all, he left a small church,
with ten members,
Second only to the influence of a missionary, is
that of a missionary’s wife. .A missionary may
win the souls of men and women, but he cannot
show women how they should dress becomingly,
arrange their homes, train their children, as @
woman can. Ihere are placesin the world where
it is hardly fit for a lady to live. Yet perhaps
these are the very places where Christian women
ought to go. John Wesley’s rule was go to them
who need you, spevially to those who need you
most! Mr. Exley hoped to marry a godly young
lady. She went to China to be his wife and
helper. She arrived safely, and was gladly wel-
comed. Yet the marriage never took place.
Mr. Exley was so ill on the arrival of his
betrothed that his marriage was postponed. It
was soon found that his sickness was unto death.
He knew he could not recover. “lam hastening
home to Jesus,†he said. His weakness increased
daily, and he rapidly sank until mortality was
swallowed up of life.