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“...E OO MAGAZINE [Est. 1908] Published twice a year by the CHEFOO SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION Edited By Dorothy Cox 34 Pirie Road West Bergholt Colchester Essex C06 3TA UK THE CHEFOO GRAPEVIHE (Supplement issued twice-yearly to secondary school Chefusians) Editors: Debbie Peskett A Anna Marie Bennett THE CHEFOO SCHOOLS (Founded in 1880) Chefoo was established by the China Inland Mission at Chefoo (Yantai) in Northern China to provide an education for the children of missionaries and the business and diplomatic communities. In 1951 the school left China to relocate in South East Asia. Two Chefoo Schools are currently operating as junior schools in Japan and Malaysia under the Overseas Missionary Fellowship. CHEFOO SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION (Founded In 1908) To operate as an association for all former scholars and past and present members of the staffs of the Chefoo Schools. - To sustain interest amongst it's members in matters concerning the Schools and in one another. - To afford means whereby it's members...”

“...the end of an era, and when the 21st century dawns there will not be many left. This points to two things. First, we must record for posterity as much of that Chefoo era as we can. We will be glad to have photos and articles about the school life at Chefoo. We will also welcome archival material, which will be kept as a distinct section of the OMF archives - carefully classified and professionally done. Second, to ensure a smooth transition from the leadership of 'Chefoo Chefusians' to the Chefusians of the post war Chefoo Schools we need to bring on to our Branch Committees former scholars of this second category, and gradually give them the leadership of the CSA. In the Great Britain Branch Dorothy Cox and Tim Reynolds are already playing an important role. We are anxious to receive articles and photos on the post war Chefoo Schools, so that material is well balanced between the old and the new. -3-...”

“...Chefoo week-ends and then the post-war years of the 40's with our booming Winter Reunions at the C. I.M. In Newington Green. May God continue to bless and use the Association to His glory. I am now on the 87 mark and have much to thank God for. I am still living on here alone In my bungalow In Falrllght, East Sussex since my wife's Home-call In July 1984. Healthwise, a torn leg muscle somewhat diminishes my mobility but I still get around In my car; also, I have so many helpful friends here. My elder 6on Peter died in May 1988 but I still see my younger 6on Michael, now finance director of Thos Cook’s In Peterborough, and other members of our family Including grandchildren and great-grandchildren, from time to time. Other members of the Joyce manage are to be found in Canada and I enjoyed my visit to them in 1985. Some of them have been to visit me here. Irene (Duguid) Kilpatrick My son George Is a lieutenant in the Royal Marines. Whilst on exercise In Malaysia in April 1989 he called in...”

“...MAR'l'I M MEMOIR FUND Receipts and Payments a/c 01. 02. 89 - 26. 02. 91 RECEIPTS Donations Interest Received Sales of 'Chefoo History' at publication price Royalties 'Chefoo History PAYWTS 'Chefoo History' Publishing costs Purchase at pre-publication price Free copy to all donors 'St Paul's Tabernacle' Publishing Costs Other Payments Committee expenses (Travel, Photocopying) Bank Charges S G Martin Chefoo Schools Association Balance b/d 26. 02. 91 £ £ £ 6068 141 344 667 7220 3780 344 662 4786 1609 85 3 472 236 796 7191 29 -14-...”

“...THE CONSTITUTION of THE CHEFOO SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION REVISED 1991 NAME 1. This Association shall be known as 'The Chefoo Schools Association'. FOUNDATION 2. The Association was founded in London, England on January 29th 1908. CONSTITUTION 3. All previous rules and regulations affecting the Constitution of the Association are hereby withdrawn, and the Constitution as set out herein is to be regarded as the new Constitution of the Association. OBJECTS 4. The objects of the Association are: - (a) To operate as an Association for all old Scholars and past and present members of the Staffs of the various CIM/OMF Schools. Cb) To sustain interest amongst its members in matters concerning the Schools and in one another. (c) To afford means whereby its members are kept in touch with each other and with the Schools. Cd> To promote friendly relationship between all persons in any way connected with the Schools. HEWERS 5. (a) The following persons shall be eligible for ordinary membership: - (i) All...”