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“...THE CHEFOO MAGAZINE Vol. 78, No. 2 — December 1985 Published twice a year by the CHEFOO SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION (founded in 1908) PRESIDENT Mr. Howard F. Joyce (U.K.) VICE-PRESIDENTS Mr. L. Carrington Goodrich (U.S.A.) Mr. S. Gordon Martin (Canada) Mr. John J. Miller (U.K.) And the Principals of the Chefoo Schools: Miss Judith Spear (Japan) Mr. Barry McKessar (Malaysia) ED I TOR Mr. F. Robert Joyce The Chefoo Magazine 1058 Avenue Road Toronto, Ontario Canada M5N 2C6 NEWS EDITORS Australia — Mr. Peter Robinson Europe — Mrs. Annemarle Wesner Great Britain — Mrs. Elva Nicholson New Zealand — Mrs. Mary Howie North America — Miss Isabel Taylor CHE F 0 0 Japan Chefoo School Nanae Malaysia Chefoo School Cameron Highlands Philippines Chefoo Homes Mani la Singapore O.M.F. Hostel Singapore "Floreat Chefoo!"...”

“...the School's Camp Chorus. In those troubled times, the words rang true, for God was their Refuge, their Strength, and their Help. The story of Chefoo in internment lives on as an inspiration to each generation of Chefusians as it is told and re-told to them. This issue of the Magazine serves to share with all once again the account of those years of testing for the School in Temple Hill and Weihsien and to commemorate with those Chefusians who do remember the triumph experienced through it alI. JOHN J. MILLER, VICE-PRESIDENT At the invitation of the President and the Committee of the Great Britain Branch of the Chefoo Schools Association, Mr. John Mi I ler has agreed to become a Vice-President of the Association. Mr. Miller wrote in reply: "I am honoured to be asked to be a Vice-President and I am very happy to respond positively to that. Chefoo and its people have come to mean so much to Sheila and myself, so our continuing link with them through the C.S.A. would indeed be something that...”

“ where Mr. Wong, the vice principal, and an interpreter joined us. As we sipped Chinese tea and ate watermelon, the principal told us something of the history of the school and then when it was our turn, we spoke a little about our experiences during the war and presented on behalf of the Chefoo Schools Association the plaque that we had prepared to commemorate the day of our release from the Japanese armies and also to commemorate the last resting place of our camp hero, Eric Liddell. They sensed the significance of the visit for us with our sons, particularly as we were there exactly on the 40th anniversary of the day the seven GIs parachuted down to free us. We wished Jimmy Moore, an Old Chefoo boy who was one of the parachutists, could have been with us but we realized he had come out a year ago with Norman Cliff and his sister, Estelle Raath, and others. The principal said that they would mount the plaque behind glass in a suitable place in the school for the students and visitors...”

“...Dunlap's "The Di-Fang" is poignantly nostalgic for those of us who knew Chefoo as home as wel I as school, and Suzanne Dunant's took me to the years with the new Chefoo Schools in Japan, Malaysia, and the Phi Iippines. One song that didn't get into the collection of Songs and Verse was the old Girls' School song, "School That We Love," I expect it died a natural death when Co-Ed came in, but there are a good many of us who sang it year by year on Exhibition Day. 1 It is planned for the next issue of the Mag to carry the words and music. -Ed]." — {P.B.I ., Box A, Three Hills, Alberta, Canada TOM 2A0] ELIA PARADISSIS [1929-38] — "My family and I are very well and busy. Our two chi Idren are at McGi!I University and wi I I soon be graduating, we hope. My brother, sister, and mother are in Athens, Greece." — {62 Aberdeen, Westmount, Quebec H3Y 3A7] MARTHA PHILIPS [Staff 1937-43] — "This summer I am in Bible Memory Association Camp again, teaching Missions. I've had two weeks in the Louisiana Camp...”

“...EDWARD KIDDER, whose four sons attended Chefoo School from 1927-40 whl le he and his wife, Florence, were engaged as mi ssi onar ies of the Amerlean Presbyteri an Mission In Temple Hill, Chefoo, died in Philadelphia at the age of nearly 91, after a prolonged illness, on June 22, 1985. Both he and his wife were enthusiastic In their interest in the C.S.A. and were among the most active of our Associate Members, sending us cheerful news items regularly. They rejoiced in their growing family including 11 grandchildren and an equal number of great-grandchi Idren, and in all God's goodness to them through the years. Mrs. Kidder, in informing us of her husband's passing away, wrote: "We have many happy memories of our association with the Schools in Chefoo and appreciate all the School did for our four boys." MARJORIE (LAWSOH) LUG SPIN [Chefoo 1915-231 — Marjorie had unquestionably the most brilliant mind of any of her contemporaries at Chefoo or at McMaster University here in Toronto. But with...”