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Chefoo Schools Association, Nor th American Branch
Donations $2,384.36*
Songs & Verse 470.25
Tapes 36.85
Dinner 1,811.68
(^includes $200.00 from Australian Branch)
Books Purchased 108.14 Bibles Purchased 14.51 Printing 70.50
Cent.Song Book 304.10 Tapes Purchased 30.29 Postage 184.67
Dinner 1,542.93
2,253.14 Balance 2,450.00
School in Malaysia $1,300.00 School in Japan 300.00 Hostel in Philippines (1st) 250.00 Hostel in Philippines (2nd) 250.00 Hostel in Singapore 150.00 Donation to Faith Academy in Manila 250 .00
Submitted by:- Walter E. Tyler,
Treasurer, North America Branch of the C.S.A.
Quotes from letters of thanks for the above gifts
From Chefoo School, Nanae, Japan - two 'Thank You1s' were received. The first dated March 3rd said 'At the moment we are still buried in snow, but are already beginning to make plans for a special outing in the Spring or early summer'. The second dated June 3rd said...”