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“..., or criticism ? 15th June.—Canada. I pass on to this article in the March issue of our Magazine. Perhaps “ Sir Galahad ” will pardon me if I say that I disagree entirely with his last three and a half paragraphs, and I was surprised to read them. Firstly, our Magazine is surely not a place for Old Chefooites to criticize their old or the present masters at Chefoo, or yet to throw blame on them for what they do or do not tell or teach. They have their duty to perform, they know their task, and they know how to handle it with God’s guidance. Our Mag. is an Old Chefooites’ paper and is the organ of our Association (not of the schools). Sir Galahad, as you are a gentleman, I charge you, “ withdraw your accusation of the masters we all love and honour.” They have done their bit and know their duty better than we. G. W. Robertson (1C4). CORRESPONDENCE. Dear Mr. Editor, A horrible suspicion is creeping over my mind ; it is that some confreres in China are of the same race of filibusters as Harry...”

“...professorial pen ? I see you in fancy, Mr. Editor, sorting through that heap of “ Accounts of Accountants,” and picking from those papers headed “ Are Doctors Human ? ” or “ Sure Insurance,” and my heart beats blithely under its dusky integument. Believe me, As faithful as always, Soreb Joliboy. .----SHIRE, England, August 23rd, 1926. To the Editor of the “ Chefoo Magazine.” Dear Sir, I noticed in a recent issue of the Magazine that there were only 100 members of the Chefoo Schools (English Schools) Association in England, whereas the Branches abroad seem to be in a far more flourishing condition. It has long been a grievance with me that so very many English, Scotch, Irish and Welsh Chefooites flock to Canada, Australia, and even the United States of America (with all respect), instead of to the good old land which sufficed for their forefathers. It seems a pity. Why do they do it ? Many of them do it for Educational reasons. They imagine that education is cheaper abroad than at home. Well, it...”