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“... Masonic Orders, and Rotary Clubs; and, last but not least, among Chefooites we have the Chefoo Schools Association. We Chefooites are part, then, of one of the greatest movements of this much lauded, much vituperated modern civilization of ours. Does it not behove us, therefore, to enter into the spirit of the age,—to do our best to foster and encourage this small micro of the great cosmos of the world of industry, society, learning, and religion,—to rally round the Standard of Alma Mater,—in short, to co-operate? “ But,” I hear some cynic ask, “ why should I co-operate, with what should I co-operate, and, anyhow, how can I cooperate?” Mr. Cynic you have anticipated me, I was going to answer those very questions after I had expanded my introduction,—but you are getting tired—so, to the fray. Why should you co-operate? For two very good reasons, I opine. First, the immense debt that you owe Chefoo, for physical, mental, and spiritual development still looms large upon the account sheet...”

“...heat as best we could, for it might be mentioned here that the temperature rose to 97° in the shade at Noon. - We assembled again at 3.30 P.M. for Tea “under the Trees” as in proceeding years, after which were the Tennis Tournaments. As usual these were held on the front Tennis Court, and there were a considerable number of spectators; The Games commenced as soon after 4 P.M. as possible, the first being the ‘ Final of the Mixed Doubles Tournament,’ for the Racquets pre-Chefoo Schools Association, and was won by Kathleen Hockman and Stanley Conway, who secured a rather easy victory over their opponents, Ruth Dilley and Dick Sternberg. Stanley Conway played a splendid game throughout, and his low drives between the s’de lines brought him many a point. It might be mentioned that this is the third year following that a Conway has won the Racquet, having been won by Freda Conway and R. Hockman in 1923, by Stanley Conway and E. Bevis in 1924, and this year by Stanley Conway and Kathleen...”