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“...CHEFOO SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION K’58 AVENUE ROAD TORONTO, ONTARIO M5N 2C6 Cbefoo. W. XlIL-IRo. 2. September. 1922. Editorial IRST of all 1 would like to thank those who have responded to our urgent appeals about paying up the subscriptions due for the magazine, and remind-others that there is still time for them to fulfil their obligations. If every one would do their duty in this way we might have more magazines, and then the news contained in them would be more up-to-date. Next year we are beginning our new scheme of having the magazine printed in' two parts, so will the Australian contributors please send all news to Shanghai to Mr. E. F. Hardman, while Canadian and American members will continue to send their contributions to us in England. Will all those sending articles for publication please take note of these dates: For China, all articles should be received before March 15th, July 15th and November 15th, for the current issues, and in England they should be in by January 15th, May 15th...”

“...Chefoo Schoo Is ^Association s- MISS MISS ? (In connection with' the C. I. M. Schools, Chetoo, North China.) W-c? BIOI f^resi^gnii II. G JUDD, &F- APLIN. BtACiCMbRi?-: WILLIAMSON. . y* MR. - F. MR, F. MARCUS WOOD. MR? CECIL' POLHILL. A McCarthy. / ’ I Nlembgri of Committee: W, J>. MUDDITT (C^man). ' BF " TL D; )V„ HUNT. >’ ' X'McCARTHYM^ A-POLHILL, .MRS. MISS-MISS' MISS SCOTT CHALLICE. C„ R. WILSON,' | M. I. WICS4S, ■ DM. ‘stARK-FL • j FL ' '.' Editbr • MISS A, Ct. . WILLETT, 182, Hoppers Road, Winchrriore ■ ;aF?* a ? FF -’WFL? ' London,’N/21.:?■ FL?'F F ■v Hill, .. J *. <, >-/» ’ »"•/ 2 s r 'r-V ■*' ‘ ' ?< <• \ ■■ •’■’ y- * i A ' ? List of Hon. Secs. : AUSTRALIA; RONALD DAVIS, ’■^tn&erJev," GrandviewRoad, ii Malvern, Meft>< f: ■L'.??;?FF'-; CANADA : SUCtLSIiXL .347, ■Dovetcourt/Rdad, Torbp?t. SCOTLAND; . . J.' GfejSjfe. 5, Bnriibank Terrace, Glasgow, W, U.S.A.: ??.j...”